2 A Brief Introduction To Octave
2 A Brief Introduction To Octave
2 A Brief Introduction To Octave
3 Arrays
the additional elements are initialized to val; otherwise, any additional elements are
left uninitialized. In the current implementation, if n is less than the current size, the
length is updated but no memory is released.
Matrix (void)
Matrix (int r, int c)
Matrix (int r, int c, double val)
Matrix (const Array2<double> &a)
Matrix (const Matrix &a)
Matrix (const DiagArray<double> &a)
Matrix (const DiagMatrix &a)
Matrix& operator = (const Matrix &a)
int operator == (const Matrix &a) const
int operator != (const Matrix &a) const
Matrix& insert (const Matrix &a, int r, int c)
Matrix& insert (const RowVector &a, int r, int c)
Matrix& insert (const ColumnVector &a, int r, int c)
Matrix& insert (const DiagMatrix &a, int r, int c)
Matrix& fill (double val)
Matrix& fill (double val, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2)
Matrix append (const Matrix &a) const
Matrix append (const RowVector &a) const
Matrix append (const ColumnVector &a) const
Matrix append (const DiagMatrix &a) const
Matrix stack (const Matrix &a) const
Matrix stack (const RowVector &a) const
Matrix stack (const ColumnVector &a) const
Matrix stack (const DiagMatrix &a) const
Matrix transpose (void) const
Matrix extract (int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) const
RowVector row (int i) const
RowVector row (char *s) const
ColumnVector column (int i) const
ColumnVector column (char *s) const
Matrix inverse (void) const
Matrix inverse (int &info) const
Matrix inverse (int &info, double &rcond) const
ComplexMatrix fourier (void) const
ComplexMatrix ifourier (void) const
DET determinant (void) const
DET determinant (int &info) const
DET determinant (int &info, double &rcond) const
Matrix solve (const Matrix &b) const
Chapter 4: Matrix and Vector Operations 19