2 A Brief Introduction To Octave

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2 A Brief Introduction to Octave

This manual documents how to run, install and port Octave’s C++ classes, and how to
report bugs.

3 Arrays

3.1 Constructors and Assignment

Array<T> (void) [Constructor]
Create an array with no elements.

Array<T> (int n [, const T &val]) [Constructor]

Create an array with n elements. If the optional argument val is supplied, the elements
are initialized to val; otherwise, they are left uninitialized. If n is less than zero, the
current error handler is invoked (see Chapter 13 [Error Handling], page 47).

Array<T> (const Array<T> &a) [Constructor]

Create a copy of the Array<T> object a. Memory for the Array<T> class is managed
using a reference counting scheme, so the cost of this operation is independent of the
size of the array.

Array<T>& operator = (const Array<T> &a) [Assignment on Array<T>]

Assignment operator. Memory for the Array<T> class is managed using a reference
counting scheme, so the cost of this operation is independent of the size of the array.

int capacity (void) const [Method on Array<T>]

int length (void) const [Method on Array<T>]
Return the length of the array.

T& elem (int n) [Method on Array<T>]

T& checkelem (int n) [Method on Array<T>]
If n is within the bounds of the array, return a reference to the element indexed by
n; otherwise, the current error handler is invoked (see Chapter 13 [Error Handling],
page 47).

T& operator () (int n) [Indexing on Array<T>]

T elem (int n) const [Method on Array<T>]
T checkelem (int n) const [Method on Array<T>]
If n is within the bounds of the array, return the value indexed by n; otherwise, call
the current error handler. See Chapter 13 [Error Handling], page 47.

T operator () (int n) const [Indexing on Array<T>]

T& xelem (int n) [Method on Array<T>]
T xelem (int n) const [Method on Array<T>]
Return a reference to, or the value of, the element indexed by n. These methods
never perform bounds checking.

void resize (int n [, const T &val]) [Method on Array<T>]

Change the size of the array to be n elements. All elements are unchanged, except
that if n is greater than the current size and the optional argument val is provided,
Chapter 3: Arrays 15

the additional elements are initialized to val; otherwise, any additional elements are
left uninitialized. In the current implementation, if n is less than the current size, the
length is updated but no memory is released.

const T* data (void) const [Method on Array<T>]

Array2<T> Array2<T> Array2 (void) [Constructor]
Array2<T> (int n, int m) [Constructor]
Array2<T> (int n, int m, const T &val) [Constructor]
Array2<T> (const Array2<T> &a) [Constructor]
Array2<T> (const DiagArray<T> &a) [Constructor]
Array2<T>& operator = (const Array2<T> &a) [Assignment on Array2<T>]
int dim1 (void) const [Method on Array2<T>]
int rows (void) const [Method on Array2<T>]
int dim2 (void) const [Method on Array2<T>]
int cols (void) const [Method on Array2<T>]
int columns (void) const [Method on Array2<T>]
T& elem (int i, int j) [Method on Array2<T>]
T& checkelem (int i, int j) [Method on Array2<T>]
T& operator () (int i, int j) [Indexing on Array2<T>]
void resize (int n, int m) [Method on Array2<T>]
void resize (int n, int m, const T &val) [Method on Array2<T>]
Array3<T> (void) [Constructor]
Array3<T> (int n, int m, int k) [Constructor]
Array3<T> (int n, int m, int k, const T &val) [Constructor]
Array3<T> (const Array3<T> &a) [Constructor]
Array3<T>& operator = (const Array3<T> &a) [Assignment on Array3<T>]
int dim1 (void) const [Method on Array3<T>]
int dim2 (void) const [Method on Array3<T>]
int dim3 (void) const [Method on Array3<T>]
T& elem (int i, int j, int k) [Method on Array3<T>]
T& checkelem (int i, int j, int k) [Method on Array3<T>]
T& operator () (int i, int j, int k) [Indexing on Array3<T>]
void resize (int n, int m, int k) [Method on Array3<T>]
void resize (int n, int m, int k, const T &val) [Method on Array3<T>]
DiagArray<T> (void) [Constructor]
DiagArray<T> (int n) [Constructor]
DiagArray<T> (int n, const T &val) [Constructor]
DiagArray<T> (int r, int c) [Constructor]
DiagArray<T> (int r, int c, const T &val) [Constructor]
DiagArray<T> (const Array<T> &a) [Constructor]
DiagArray<T> (const DiagArray<T> &a) [Constructor]
operator = (const DiagArray<T> &a) [Assignment on DiagArray<T>&]
Chapter 3: Arrays 16

int dim1 (void) const [Method on DiagArray<T>]

int rows (void) const [Method on DiagArray<T>]
int dim2 (void) const [Method on DiagArray<T>]
int cols (void) const [Method on DiagArray<T>]
int columns (void) const [Method on DiagArray<T>]
T& elem (int r, int c) [Method on DiagArray<T>]
T& checkelem (int r, int c) [Method on DiagArray<T>]
T& operator () (int r, int c) [Indexing on DiagArray<T>]
void resize (int n, int m) [Method on DiagArray<T>]
void resize (int n, int m, const T &val) [Method on DiagArray<T>]
The real and complex ColumnVector and RowVector classes all have the following func-
tions. These will eventually be part of an MArray<T> class, derived from the Array<T> class.
Then the ColumnVector and RowVector classes will be derived from the MArray<T> class.
Element by element vector by scalar ops.

RowVector operator +(const RowVector &a, const double &s)

RowVector operator -(const RowVector &a, const double &s)
RowVector operator *(const RowVector &a, const double &s)
RowVector operator /(const RowVector &a, const double &s)
Element by element scalar by vector ops.

RowVector operator +(const double &s, const RowVector &a)

RowVector operator -(const double &s, const RowVector &a)
RowVector operator *(const double &s, const RowVector &a)
RowVector operator /(const double &s, const RowVector &a)
Element by element vector by vector ops.

RowVector operator + (const RowVector &a, const RowVector &b)

RowVector operator - (const RowVector &a, const RowVector &b)
RowVector product (const RowVector &a, const RowVector &b)
RowVector quotient (const RowVector &a, const RowVector &b)
Unary MArray ops.

RowVector operator - (const RowVector &a)

The Matrix classes share the following functions. These will eventually be part of an
MArray2<T> class, derived from the Array2<T> class. Then the Matrix class will be derived
from the MArray<T> class.
Element by element matrix by scalar ops.

Matrix operator +(const Matrix &a, const double &s)

Matrix operator -(const Matrix &a, const double &s)
Matrix operator *(const Matrix &a, const double &s)
Matrix operator /(const Matrix &a, const double &s)
Element by element scalar by matrix ops.

Matrix operator + (const double &s, const Matrix &a)

Matrix operator - (const double &s, const Matrix &a)
Matrix operator * (const double &s, const Matrix &a)
Matrix operator / (const double &s, const Matrix &a)
Element by element matrix by matrix ops.

Matrix operator + (const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b)

Matrix operator - (const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b)
Matrix product (const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b)
Matrix quotient (const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b)
Unary matrix ops.

Matrix operator - (const Matrix &a)

The DiagMatrix classes share the following functions. These will eventually be part of
an MDiagArray<T> class, derived from the DiagArray<T> class. Then the DiagMatrix class
will be derived from the MDiagArray<T> class.
Element by element MDiagArray by scalar ops.

DiagMatrix operator * (const DiagMatrix &a, const double &s)

DiagMatrix operator / (const DiagMatrix &a, const double &s)
Element by element scalar by MDiagArray ops.

DiagMatrix operator * (const double &s, const DiagMatrix &a)

Element by element MDiagArray by MDiagArray ops.

DiagMatrix operator + (const DiagMatrix &a, const DiagMatrix &b)

DiagMatrix operator - (const DiagMatrix &a, const DiagMatrix &b)
DiagMatrix product (const DiagMatrix &a, const DiagMatrix &b)
Unary MDiagArray ops.

DiagMatrix operator - (const DiagMatrix &a)


4 Matrix and Vector Operations

Matrix (void)
Matrix (int r, int c)
Matrix (int r, int c, double val)
Matrix (const Array2<double> &a)
Matrix (const Matrix &a)
Matrix (const DiagArray<double> &a)
Matrix (const DiagMatrix &a)
Matrix& operator = (const Matrix &a)
int operator == (const Matrix &a) const
int operator != (const Matrix &a) const
Matrix& insert (const Matrix &a, int r, int c)
Matrix& insert (const RowVector &a, int r, int c)
Matrix& insert (const ColumnVector &a, int r, int c)
Matrix& insert (const DiagMatrix &a, int r, int c)
Matrix& fill (double val)
Matrix& fill (double val, int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2)
Matrix append (const Matrix &a) const
Matrix append (const RowVector &a) const
Matrix append (const ColumnVector &a) const
Matrix append (const DiagMatrix &a) const
Matrix stack (const Matrix &a) const
Matrix stack (const RowVector &a) const
Matrix stack (const ColumnVector &a) const
Matrix stack (const DiagMatrix &a) const
Matrix transpose (void) const
Matrix extract (int r1, int c1, int r2, int c2) const
RowVector row (int i) const
RowVector row (char *s) const
ColumnVector column (int i) const
ColumnVector column (char *s) const
Matrix inverse (void) const
Matrix inverse (int &info) const
Matrix inverse (int &info, double &rcond) const
ComplexMatrix fourier (void) const
ComplexMatrix ifourier (void) const
DET determinant (void) const
DET determinant (int &info) const
DET determinant (int &info, double &rcond) const
Matrix solve (const Matrix &b) const
Chapter 4: Matrix and Vector Operations 19

Matrix solve (const Matrix &b, int &info) const

Matrix solve (const Matrix &b, int &info, double &rcond) const
ComplexMatrix solve (const ComplexMatrix &b) const
ComplexMatrix solve (const ComplexMatrix &b, int &info) const
ComplexMatrix solve (const ComplexMatrix &b, int &info, double &rcond)
ColumnVector solve (const ColumnVector &b) const
ColumnVector solve (const ColumnVector &b, int &info) const
ColumnVector solve (const ColumnVector &b, int &info, double &rcond)
ComplexColumnVector solve (const ComplexColumnVector &b) const
ComplexColumnVector solve (const ComplexColumnVector &b, int &info)
ComplexColumnVector solve (const ComplexColumnVector &b, int &info,
double &rcond) const
Matrix lssolve (const Matrix &b) const
Matrix lssolve (const Matrix &b, int &info) const
Matrix lssolve (const Matrix &b, int &info, int &rank) const
ComplexMatrix lssolve (const ComplexMatrix &b) const
ComplexMatrix lssolve (const ComplexMatrix &b, int &info) const
ComplexMatrix lssolve (const ComplexMatrix &b, int &info, int &rank)
ColumnVector lssolve (const ColumnVector &b) const
ColumnVector lssolve (const ColumnVector &b, int &info) const
ColumnVector lssolve (const ColumnVector &b, int &info, int &rank) const
ComplexColumnVector lssolve (const ComplexColumnVector &b) const
ComplexColumnVector lssolve (const ComplexColumnVector &b, int
&info) const
ComplexColumnVector lssolve (const ComplexColumnVector &b, int &info,
int &rank) const
Matrix& operator += (const Matrix &a)
Matrix& operator -= (const Matrix &a)
Matrix& operator += (const DiagMatrix &a)
Matrix& operator -= (const DiagMatrix &a)
Matrix operator ! (void) const
ComplexMatrix operator + (const Matrix &a, const Complex &s)
ComplexMatrix operator - (const Matrix &a, const Complex &s)
ComplexMatrix operator * (const Matrix &a, const Complex &s)
ComplexMatrix operator / (const Matrix &a, const Complex &s)
ComplexMatrix operator + (const Complex &s, const Matrix &a)
ComplexMatrix operator - (const Complex &s, const Matrix &a)
ComplexMatrix operator * (const Complex &s, const Matrix &a)
Chapter 4: Matrix and Vector Operations 20

ComplexMatrix operator / (const Complex &s, const Matrix &a)

ColumnVector operator * (const Matrix &a, const ColumnVector &b)
ComplexColumnVector operator * (const Matrix &a, const
ComplexColumnVector &b)
Matrix operator + (const Matrix &a, const DiagMatrix &b)
Matrix operator - (const Matrix &a, const DiagMatrix &b)
Matrix operator * (const Matrix &a, const DiagMatrix &b)
ComplexMatrix operator + (const Matrix &a, const ComplexDiagMatrix &b)
ComplexMatrix operator - (const Matrix &a, const ComplexDiagMatrix &b)
ComplexMatrix operator * (const Matrix &a, const ComplexDiagMatrix &b)
Matrix operator * (const Matrix &a, const Matrix &b)
ComplexMatrix operator * (const Matrix &a, const ComplexMatrix &b)
ComplexMatrix operator + (const Matrix &a, const ComplexMatrix &b)
ComplexMatrix operator - (const Matrix &a, const ComplexMatrix &b)
ComplexMatrix product (const Matrix &a, const ComplexMatrix &b)
ComplexMatrix quotient (const Matrix &a, const ComplexMatrix &b)
Matrix map (d d Mapper f, const Matrix &a)
void map (d d Mapper f)
Matrix all (void) const
Matrix any (void) const
Matrix cumprod (void) const
Matrix cumsum (void) const
Matrix prod (void) const
Matrix sum (void) const
Matrix sumsq (void) const
ColumnVector diag (void) const
ColumnVector diag (int k) const
ColumnVector row_min (void) const
ColumnVector row_min_loc (void) const
ColumnVector row_max (void) const
ColumnVector row_max_loc (void) const
RowVector column_min (void) const
RowVector column_min_loc (void) const
RowVector column_max (void) const
RowVector column_max_loc (void) const
ostream& operator << (ostream &os, const Matrix &a)
istream& operator >> (istream &is, Matrix &a)
ColumnVector (void)
ColumnVector (int n)
ColumnVector (int n, double val)

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