SAMPLE Cambridge PDQ Programme Plan For Certificate in Teaching and Learning
SAMPLE Cambridge PDQ Programme Plan For Certificate in Teaching and Learning
SAMPLE Cambridge PDQ Programme Plan For Certificate in Teaching and Learning
2 INTRODUCTORY -Share the Programme Plan with all the candidates. Treasure box PUZZLE QUIZ
hours Session To
-Explain the facebook page we will use for an easy and
Professional In a box Each one
smooth communication.
Development Programme Plan there are will receive
Qualification -Explain the structure of the sessions. different a learning
-Talk about the different Learning Outcomes of the 3 Giving them the list of Key questions outcome
Content: Units. resources related to the and they
-Give them the list of the resources where they can start introductory will have to
• General reading and investigating, researching Learning outcomes using session, order
Theories projector directly themselves
• Objectives -Go through the assessment criteria of unit 1 so connected according
• Time candidates know what to do. Reflective Journal to the to what
• Expectation -Give them their Reflective Journal and explain its use. learning was
• Key 15 questions quiz outcomes of previously
Resources the session. explained
-Use a Cambridge Video to o introduce PDQ, Mentors roll
• Books at the end
• Information we will stick
links it to a mural
• Mentors - Introduce them to their mentors where
• Glossary (Before we chose them and have them read information everyone
• Reflective and are aware of their main duties and responsibilities). can see.
-Run them through the observation protocol.
• Assessment
• Academic
Writing By pairs they will write expectations and how will they
• Portfolio commit to finish the PDQ
Session/ Date/ Topic and content Teaching and learning activities Learning materials and resources Formative Evaluation
Module time Assessment
Programme plan: Module 1
Session 3 Unit 1: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Up load in the web a link with all Colour bars Word
1 hours 1. To learn and understand the general the General Learning Theories. search with
Module UNDERSTANDING Learning Theories Orange: Bloom´s
1 PRINCIPLES OF 2. To understand the importance of the understand taxonomy
Unit 1 LEARNING AND teachers role in a classroom nts/no17_james.pdf. everything chart.
TEACHING 3. To use different theories to enrich their own
teaching. James, McCormick Blue: Not -By
Learning Outcome: Improving Learning how to learn really clear reflecting
Explain their a) Previous to this session we have provided our Sunrise RC School Programme with the
understanding of learners with a list of resources that they need to White: help of Key
learning and how read, ( uploading it to the facebook page) Completely questions
people learn. about the general learning theories, such as e/Monterey14/learning_performa unaware the
social constructivism, multiple intelligences, nce_120814.pdf teachers
Content: “Sunrise methodology”, Excellent teaching will self
principles, Blooms Taxonomy. assess their
General Learning ?v=NsBna5IVBYg Seinfeld own
Theories: b) Use Icebreaker (chair game using movement) explaining Blooms Taxonomy practice.
constructivism, the one who can´t sit down will answer questions
multiple on what they believe is the best practice for What do
intelligences, teaching. acdev/guidebk/teachtip/teachti we mean
experimental p.htm?_sm_au_=isVrqVRkVQnk4l by
learning, c) Stations Make groups of 4 and have them work Mr#top Teaching Tips learning?
neuroscience etc. in a station for 15 minutes each discussing a
‘Sunrise’ different theory while filling up an answer sheet Icebreaker games (chair game.)
programme to clear any misconceptions they might have
Excellent teaching and having them do the learning.
principles. Learning 15 questions quiz
process. d) Talking about the teachers Role. Having them
Role of a teacher. watch a video of a lesson. Individual work
where they´ll be analysing many aspects of a 4 different tables, “stations”
lesson e.g. Classroom layout, methodology
concepts etc. They will present their A video about a specific lesson
“observation” and tell everyone what they with positive elements and with
would improve if they were the ones in the elements where room for
video. Their peers will assess them with a rubric improvement would be
with key questions. necessary
e) EVIDENCE OF LEARNING: What do we mean by Rubric with Key questions that will
Learning- basic concepts and models? -How do we make them reflect.
learn-Constructive meaning 800 words
Programme plan: Module 1
Session/ Date/ Topic and content Teaching and learning activities Learning materials and resources Formative Evaluation
Module time Assessment
Session 4 Unit 1: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Invite an experienced colleague Evaluation Key
2 hours 1. To understand the importance of from another school to share her thumbs questions
Module UNDERSTANDING engaging students best practices. (Sarah Johnston) up/thumbs that help
1 PRINCIPLES OF 2. To know relevant theories and concepts Cambridge Language Assessment down reflection.
Unit 1 LEARNING AND of a variety of methods and activities
TEACHING 3. To identify 4 teaching methods that Thumb up if Answer quiz
engage students. Cards for “Fame Academy” with they are
words such as Problem solving, confident,
Learning Outcome: a) Experienced colleague will come to share best cooperative work, working on sideways if
Review teaching practices. Organizing a session where they will stations, experiments, engaging they feel
methods and experiment first hand working in the Active / learners etc. partial
learning activities teaching learning methodology. (Sarah Johnston) success in
that engage and Videos of teachers teaching in an meeting the
motivate learners b) Tip of my tongue Write up on the board the first instructional way and teachers objectives
part of a sentence. Ask candidates to write teaching in an active way. Thumb down
down how they would finish the sentence. Ask if they
for suggestions and write them on the board. d/teachingstrategies/a/How-To- consider that
From theory to Discuss any problem areas. Facilitate-Learning.htm they have
practice: made little or
c) Fame academy Choose a partner each one will Shaped cardboard cut outs no progress
Review of active speak of Problem solving, working stations, where teachers will write best and towards the
teaching/learning experiments etc. for about 2 minutes to impress worst practices and they will build meeting
methodology. the rest of the candidates with their knowledge. a mind map where everyone can objective.
Problem solving, The rest of the class takes notes and at the end visualise the shared ideas.
cooperative work, they are asked to vote for the best show of
working on stations, knowledge. You could ask the contestants to White board/ markers for Tip of my
experiments, cast their vote too. Round up by mentioning tongue activity
creating, anything important that the contestants omitted.
motivating, and
engaging learners. d) Video about engaging students. Round session
where we talk about positive and room for
improvement in our own teaching methods
Session/ Date/ Topic and content Teaching and learning activities Learning materials and resources Formative Evaluation
Module time Assessment
Session 3 Unit 1: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Academic Assessment articles Mind Opinion
3 hours mapping Finders
Module UNDERSTANDING 1. To know the differences between Socrative quiz with 3 main questions.
1 PRINCIPLES OF assessment for learning, assessment of Remind Teachers
Unit 1 LEARNING AND learning, formative assessment and pupils of receive a
TEACHING summative assessment True/false cards what they’ve piece of
2. To know basic principles of assessment http://cambridge- done before. paper with
3. To discuss the purpose of assessment They need to a particular
Learning Outcome: development/gswafl/index.html draw arrows statement
Explain their a) Giving them academic articles by different Visible Learning for Teachers , John to connect at the top.
understanding of authors speaking of assessment: Differences Hattie the ideas. A different
the purposes of between formative and summative assessment, They should colour of
assessment. Different ways of assessing, using technologies to http://cambridge- write on the paper is
assess, Types of assessment etc. arrows to used for
Assessment: development/gswafl/index.html show how each
b) True/false quiz with candidates showing cards: the two statement.
Key concepts, Use mini whiteboards, or make a set of cards for formative-assessment-tools-vicki-davis boxes are They move
theories and each teacher: True, False and Unsure. Read out 5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative connected. around
principles of the statements on formative and Summative Assessment Tools giving and
assessment, assessment on a separate teacher sheet of collecting
Programme plan: Module 1
different forms and paper. Pupils hold up the card for their answer opinions in
methods of simultaneously. Have one of them explain the structional_Tools/60FormativeAssessm a
assessing learning, answers the answers. If many pupils get an ent.pdf?_sm_au_=isVJ7m2tHfWfn3Pj simultaneo
formative answer wrong, repeat the statement later Formative assessment techniques us way. At
assessment the end we
strategies, role of Visible Learning and the Science of share and
feedback and How We Learn By John Hattie, reflect.
questioning in the Gregory C. R. Yates They self
assessment process. assess with
c) Doing a “Socrative quiz” where they will have 5 Purpose a hidden
minutes to answer questions and with a digital of assessment answer key
board we will read each teacher´s answer. 3 chart.
questions: what they already know what they
want to know and at the end what they have XjagY2PILmo Assessment of purpose
learned. Build a mind map Eric Bright
o Assessment purpose 1
Session 3 and Unit 1: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Articles about reflection Dart board Make 9
4 half 1. To reflect upon the recent observation of sentences:
Module hours UNDERSTANDING the experienced colleague Reflection papers with key questions A target
1 PRINCIPLES OF 2. To identify their impact as teachers consisting of Create
Unit 1 LEARNING AND 3. To understand that to have a reflective Classroom layout for speedy dating 3 concentric sentences
TEACHING practice using the reflective journal is circles is by
important Answer worksheet about reflection. drawn on a choosing a
Learning Outcome: board the word or
Identify and explain a) Prior reading: -Theoretical approaches to Becoming an effective teacher, Paul evaluation phrase from
key features of what reflection, Articles about reflection, -Using Stephens and Tim Crawly question to each
Programme plan: Module 1
they think makes an reflective frameworks, Reflection writing the target is column.
effective lesson, http://www.teach- placed at After they
and evaluate the the top of finish we
impact any new b) Invite Mark Campbell to talk about academic udentcentered.html How to create the sheet hand out
learning will have and reflective writing student centred lessons Teachers will the answer
on their future place the key sheet,
practice. dot the more where they
c) Speedy date activity: Answering a work sheet Gaw2UfNJ6aI Video making your in the centre can see if
Reflection: about reflection. lesson Alive the more they need
they agree to clarify
Key questions, d) Hot seat activity, sharing their own ideas on why something.
sharing and and how reflection will help them in their daily Readings for Reflective Teaching by
discussing with practice. Andrew Pollard
peers and with
programme leader, Using these Key questions: Video teacher reflective practice
learning and Where are you now in terms of your learning and 0gIFJMYv1JY
feedback teaching practice?
practices, applying What is your motivation behind integrating
new ideas. active learning and teaching methods into your
existing classroom practice?
How can you build on your existing practice?
What do you hope to achieve?
Session/ Date/ Topic and content Teaching and learning activities Learning materials and Formative Evaluation
Module time resources Assessment
Session 3 and Unit 2: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Traffic Lights Walking
Kyriacou Essential teaching
1 half 1. To know the difference between learning debates
Module hours TEACHING AN aims and learning objectives skills Red, yellow
1 EFFECTIVE LESSON 2. To plan a lesson that is learner centred and green. Everyone
Unit 2 3. To know how you are going to assess that tch?v=sng4p3Vsu7Y will move to
Learning Outcome: lesson different
Plan a lesson that corners and
has clear aims and 7XWMAteuaks John Hattie teachers see if they
objectives and a as change agents agree or
coherent structure. a) Reading article about cross-curricular or trans- disagree
disciplinary approach: Flipping the Class for Active Learning - then share
Identify and Teaching Excellence & Educational why they
investigate: 1121&context=essai Innovation - Carnegie Mellon feel like
University and reflect
Curriculum and http://cambridge- upon it.
Content, development/gswafl/index.html http://cambridge-
knowledge, skills
and competences. http://www.cambridge- development/gswafl/index.html
Cross-curricular or
trans-disciplinary development/gswal/index.html
Also bottom-up
approach. development/gswal/index.html
b) Write 2 things you can apply to your own
teaching 1 thing that you already do and share
When planning your lesson have this in mind
Key Questions Is the activity age-appropriate?
Are pupils completely aware of the aims and
Are there opportunities for pupils themselves to
facilitate the activity?
Will everybody have an equal chance to
participate in the activity?
Is there enough variety of activities?
Programme plan: Module 1
Session/ Date/ Topic and content Teaching and learning activities Learning materials and resources Formative Evaluation
Module time Assessment
Session 3 and Unit 2: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Role playing props Smiling Quick
2 half faces/ sad millionaire
Module hours TEACHING AN 1. What is scaffold learning Fish bowl cards faces /
1 EFFECTIVE LESSON 2. To connect constructivism with scaffold Improve your Teaching and that of confused Give out
Unit 2 learning your team faces sheet with
Learning Outcome: 3. To understand teachers are facilitators of questions
Teach a lesson that learning They know it / (for each
builds on the they don´t / money
learners´ existing q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&ved= they are level) of
learning to develop a) Prior reading: The importance of Lesson Planning 0CFEQFjAF&url=http%3A%2F%2Fgeoff confused. increasing
new learning, with difficulty on
suitable teaching X4PUtdpRGJXal_jemRhf2PIqpVK2U9TdcU/edit?pli=1 content%2Fuploads%2F2012%2F12%2F a particular
methods, learning 25waysforTWT2.doc&ei=8JaaVcSlJcK2 topic.
activities and b) Acting out Teachers will interpret different sQG-ia-
resources. situations where they will realise that planning will ACA&usg=AFQjCNFGfa3rZTKKBDQPD
help them with the unexpected. At the end of NBMfeUogeDtgg&bvm=bv.96952980,
Planning and each performance the teachers will answer d.bGQ&_sm_au_=isVS0jrRj1nfTTRs
Developing the these key questions. Key Questions 25 ideas for teaching without talking
lesson: How well does the class know one another or is it
a new class coming together?
-Having aims, goals, Have you ever taught this class before? yCUdQmzA3EI teaching
objectives and Are there any specific needs/circumstances of differentiation/ answering correctly
outcomes with individual pupils that you need to take into does not mean you know. Geoff
clarity and which consideration? petty
demonstrate a firm What is the profile of the class e.g. size, single sex,
understanding of mixed ability etc.?
the content, skills Are there any specific needs to be taken into
and knowledge account in order to aid inclusivity?
that need to be
c) The Fish Bowl
Programme plan: Module 1
covered as well as Teachers are given index cards, and are asked
the learners which to write down one question concerning the
you are focusing course material. They should be directed to ask
your lesson. a question of clarification regarding some
aspect of the material which they do not fully
understand e.g. Why Make Goals and
Objectives? Helps you plan what to cover in your
session. Guides you in evaluating the
effectiveness of the session. Helps you assess
student learning.
Session 3 and Unit 2: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Post its Voting in a Key
3 half Video projector chart questions
Module hours TEACHING AN 1. To master a variety of formative assessment
1 EFFECTIVE LESSON methods Key questions sheet on assessment Was the Questions
Unit 2 2. To reflect how candidates formatively techniques lesson useful/ that help
Teaching/learning assess their learners more less/ on their
strategy put the 3. To show on their planings the evidence Embedded Formative Assessment by not reflection
lesson into practice where they include formative assessment Dylan Wiliam
and see the Answer quiz
expected outcome: Articles
a) Hand them out these readings.
Learning Outcome: Teaching strategies sts teaching styles
Assess, in a lesson,
the learners´ Teaching styles
learning at aching-strategies teaching strategies
appropriate stages strategies
using suitable Diversity
methods. os/differentiating-instruction Diversity
knowledge. b) Post it activity, candidates will discuss them in
Taking into account groups of 3 participants; each one will write
student diversity. down in a post it an individual idea, about B3HRvFsZHoo (Dylan Assessment)
Linking the goals teaching. Taking into account diversity.
and the Randomly they will come up front and share their
methodology. ideas. The catch is that they are not allowed to XjagY2PILmo Assessment of purpose
repeat an idea, so they should anticipate having Eric Bright
an ace under the sleeve if they have to switch
c) Answer the Key question quiz 5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative
Assessment Tools
d) Video Key questions?
oo (Dylan Assessment)
• Have the class engaged in this type of learning before?
o Assessment of purpose Eric Bright • Have you employed active
learning strategies before in
your teaching? – If so how
e) EVIDENCE OF LEARNING: What methods will be confident do you feel?
used to formatively assess the learners’ learning? • How do you see your role
Programme plan: Module 1
-Why have these formative assessment methods changing?
been chosen? • How comfortable do you
feel/think you will feel in this
type of classroom
environment? (Teaching
Session/ Date/ Topic and content Teaching and learning activities Learning materials and Formative Evaluation
Module time resources Assessment
Session 3 and Unit 2: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Pictures of students performing Traffic signs Challenge
4 half 1. Reflecting upon our mentors´ feedback activities and what type of to a duel
Module hours TEACHING AN post-observation meeting. Analysing how assessment would be. Look for
1 EFFECTIVE LESSON effective was our lesson. traffic signs 2 of the
Unit 2 2. Knowing how to give effective feedback symbols (stop participants
Learning Outcome: 3. Know 3 tools to help our students: Where key_stages_1_and_2/altm-ks12.pdf signs speed will stand
Evaluate a lesson, am I going, where am I going, How can you signs increase up and
Using feedback close that gap. Strategies for effective lesson Planning your speed take one
from an observer Teaching Today: A Practical Guide etc.) to card and
and their own by Geoffrey Petty identify your explain in
reflection to a) Prior reading Cambridge syllabus, etc. knowledge. one minute
develop future Teachers will be working in groups creating Video: Monitoring learners progress explain an
practice. interviews and quizzes for their own subject. through formative and summative assessment
assessments method.
b) Photo Talk: Activity where there are several
Assessing: photographs of children doing different types of MbXbK_SXJ0
-The importance of activities. Participants must decide which type of
having a variety of assessment it is. Effective feedback and formative
assessing tools: Teachers must match with cards (with the assessment
interviews, student description of the pictures). At the end they will
work, classroom paste it in a board. ihrg7nBos
observation and
standard tests. c) Video: Monitoring learners progress through
formative and summative assessments
Effective feedback and formative assessment
Session/ Date/ Topic and content Teaching and learning activities Learning materials and Formative Evaluation
Module time resources Assessment
Session 3 and Unit 3: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Observation classroom template Sit down - Cloze test
1 half 1. To understand that learning aim is a MUST Stand up about
Module hours FACILITATING 2. To know how to plan coherently and with Cards with observer´ stereotypes planning.
1 ACTIVE LEARNING structure Sit down if
Unit 3 THROUGH EFFECTIVE 3. Plan lessons using links to previous learning you didn’t
TEACHING p/becoming-the-edunator/step-5- understand
a) Activity where we will speak about the importance reflecting-for-learning/the- something
on their planning. Make them plan one lesson of importance-of-reflection-in-education / stand up in
Learning Outcome: their own subject. Importance of reflection in Education your place if
Plan lessons that are there are any
coherent and have b) Make them decide a protocol where we will be Reflections on Teaching Today and doubts/
clear links to using for the peer-to-peer classroom observation. ( Tomorrow by Paul Beedle Stand up in
previous learning. if they want to add or edit the one that we already front of the
use in school) Readings for Reflective Teaching by classroom if
Andrew Pollard you feel
Preparing the lesson c) Role play activity: where we will improvise a confident
to match the goals theatrical play representing different models of with what
and expected observation (negative, the one where the teacher you have
outcome: compares themselves, the supportive, the learned.
judgemental one etc.) The
-Understanding Facilitators´ roles: candidates
facilitators’ role. that stand on
-Preparing the Neutral facilitator the front ask
resources in line Declared interests the ones that
with the Ally still have
teaching/learning Official view doubts and
strategy, see if they Challenger work in pairs
are applicable Provocateur to solve any
In-role Reflection Key Questions mis-
How will I feel about taking on these roles? conception
Can I think of areas in my existing practice to
which some of these roles may be applied?
Do I sometimes take on some of these roles
Session/ Date/ Topic and content Teaching and learning activities Learning materials and Formative Evaluation
Module time resources Assessment
Session 3 and Unit 3: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Invite an expert in academic, Dart board Writing
2 half 1. Identify 3 teaching approaches they used creative and reflective writing Mark Evaluation about a
Module hours FACILITATING to do and justify it why they were used Campbell and an expert from the chosen
1 ACTIVE LEARNING 2. To be familiarized with the terms inclusive (British council) Put a sticker topic. And
Unit 3 THROUGH EFFECTIVE and differentiations in the centre correct
TEACHING 3. To understand importance of effective Effective Teaching in Schools: Theory if you are their peers
feedback and Practice by Chris Kyriacou satisfied with essay (peer
Learning Outcome: reading: Web page talking about the lesson. assessment)
inclusive classrooms
Teach lessons, using
appropriate range a) Prior reading: Web page talking about inclusive ideas/building-inclusive-
of approaches to classrooms classrooms/index.html
teaching and
learning. inclusive-classrooms/index.html Classroom layout
Classroom layout: Classroom layout n/eq/teachers/my-teaching- space/my-classroom/classroom-
Considering the ers/my-teaching-space/my-classroom/classroom- layouts.html
classroom layout in layouts.html
line with the
teaching/learning b) Key features of reflective writing
strategy and Workshop on academic, creative and reflective
making sure it is the writing
right learning
c) KEY questions Are your classroom surroundings
conducive to active learning, for example, how
much space is in your classroom; is there display
space, what are the seating arrangements,
where is your desk positioned etc.?
Session 3 and Unit 3: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Video projector Light bulb Have them
3 half 1. To give effective feedback after having the boxes choose a
Module hours FACILITATING formative assessment information SWOT sheet video
1 ACTIVE LEARNING 2. How to use formative assessment to monitor 1. Red I need about a
Unit 3 THROUGH EFFECTIVE their students’ progress help lesson and
TEACHING 3. To consider formative assessment as part of structional_Tools/60formativeassessme flip up
the learning process nt.pdf Formative Assessment 2. Yellow I am classroom
Learning Outcome: beginning to observation
Assess in lessons to Assessment: What's in it for Schools? understand template
monitor learners’ By Patricia Broadfoot, Paul Weeden, with help and then
learning and a) Previous reading: Talk about the reading Jan Winter talk about
progress. 3. Green I it.
b) Have them make a SWOT list (strengths, can do it by
weaknesses, opportunities threats)of the different myself
Observation: teacher on the videos. Learn to start observing
4. Blue I can
Observing the c) Videos: help
learning process by someone
taking notes and/or Kindergarten lesson observation
being observed by Primary class observation
peers and
programme leader
Secondary class observation
Programme plan: Module 1
Discuss and decide which video makes them feel
more identified with their own teaching practices.
Session 3 and Unit 3: • We start out by writing session´s aims: Trial props, using key questions Rating Scale What stuck
5 half 1. To reflect and write positive things and with you
Module hours FACILITATING room for improvement upon the feedback Written answers for Jeopardy game Rubric where today?
1 ACTIVE LEARNING provided by the mentor, post-observation they can
Unit 3 THROUGH EFFECTIVE meeting and own reflection A Handbook of Reflective and assess their Take a card
TEACHING 2. To name and use active learning Experiential Learning: Theory and own with written
approaches in their own practice Practice by Jennifer A. Moon knowledge phrases
Learning Outcome: 3. To write and reflect on how the PDQs have of the lesson such as:
Evaluate lessons had an impact on their own teaching -Today I
using feedback d/17H0IYY0ICX4PUtdpRGJXal_jemRhf2 have
from a variety of PIqpVK2U9TdcU/edit?pli=1 learned.
sources to identify a) Trial game: We will pretend we are in a trial. By -The
strengths and areas pairs the teachers will be asked to answer the p/becoming-the-edunator/step-5- learning
for further Syllabus Key questions. After they have written and reflecting-for-learning/the- objective I
development in decided they will present their answers in front of importance-of-reflection-in-education liked the
professional everyone. The rest of the teachers will be the jury ”Importance of reflection in most.
practice. and will determine if they are free to go or will have education” - This
to do it again, giving them feedback. Key inspired me
questions: Is the purpose of the lesson apparent, Power of the student driven learning for my own
Reflecting and with clear objectives? lesson
evaluating: Does the lesson have clear structure (beginning, 3fMC-z7K0r4 because.
middle section, conclusion)
Using feedback to Why do you need to use a variety of teaching and
revise learner’s learning approaches in their practice?
needs, refine What resources will support the learners’ learning?
assessment, explore How will you know your lesson has been effective
new teaching and the learners achieved the intended learning
methods and outcomes?
modify the
programme plan if b) Jeopardy game:
needed. Teachers are given the answer of a question
which is relevant to the topic. They have to give
the correct question in order to gain points.