Mole Fraction of Ethanol VS Refractive Index: 3.0 Results and Discussion
Mole Fraction of Ethanol VS Refractive Index: 3.0 Results and Discussion
Mole Fraction of Ethanol VS Refractive Index: 3.0 Results and Discussion
Refractive Index
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2
Mole Fraction of Ethanol
Figure 3.1: Graph of refractive index vs. composition of ethanol and water mixture
Based on the calibration curve above, the refractive index of solution increases
gradually when the mole fraction of ethanol increases. From figure 3.1, a linear equation
which represents the gradient of the curve is obtained which is y = 0.0261x + 1.3452 and R 2
is 0.627. This equation that obtained from the graph will be used in calculating the mole
fraction of ethanol, where x represents the mole fraction of ethanol, and y represents the
refractive index of sample mixture obtained from the distillation column.
To Determine the Number of Theoretical Plates
Figure 3.3: X-Y equilibrium diagram for Ethanol-water system with trays
Based on Figure 3.2, the number of theoretical trays is observed to be 2 trays with
one reboiler. Thus, this result has indicated that 2 trays are required in order to achieve the
desired degree of separation in the total reflux distillation process. In fact, total reflux is the
operating condition where vapor and liquid are passing each other in the column but no
product is being removed (i.e. D = 0 and R = L/D = ∞). The top product in the column
consists of mainly ethanol and only small amount of water is recycled and enters again at
feed. In the graph, the entire area between the equilibrium curve and diagonal line is used for
separation, with the largest possible driving force. This condition of infinite reflux ratio is
known as the Total Reflux, and for a specified separation (i.e. fixed xD and xB), the number of
theoretical stages required is a minimum, which means minimum trays are required under
total reflux conditions since there is no withdrawal of distillate. In experiment, the total reflux
can be achieved by reducing the feed to zero, returning all the overhead product back to the
column as reflux and reboiling all the bottoms product.
Figure 3.1d: Zoomed X-Y equilibrium diagram with trays and label of data
y n− y n +1
tray using the formula, ¿ . According to result mentioned before, 2 theoretical trays is
y n − y n+1
obtained from the experiment and the efficiency of these trays should be calculated.
However, the Murphree tray efficiency is hard to calculate in this experiment because there is
only very little of difference between two values. The values of mole fraction between each
tray are very near until no obvious deviations are shown in the values.