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Processing Technologies
Nanofluids could be used to provide cooling and lubrication action and to control thermo-physical and tribo-
chemical properties of material processing. It is foreseen that properly designed nanofluids could surpass
conventional cutting fluids with respect to thermal conductivity, convective heat transfer coefficient, critical heat
flux, viscosity, and wettability. These properties have a promising potential to lead to the development of new
coolants and lubricants with applications in a wide variety of materials processing technologies. This paper
analyses the developments in research on the properties of nanofluids and evaluates their potential for
applications in machining, focusing on their thermal and tribological aspects. The increasing use of nanofluids
leads to a need for information on their sustainability in order to recognize and avoid risks. Sustainability is
discussed in view of occupational health and safety and toxicity of nanoparticles.
Machining; Cooling; Lubrication; Fluid; Nanotechnology
1 INTRODUCTION spent for useful work (material removal). The rest of the
Technological developments in material processing energy is wasted at the tool-chip and tool-workpiece
technologies are driven by demands of sustainable interfaces [1]. High cutting temperatures, resulting from
manufacturing and higher performances. Changing factors in plastic deformation, chip formation and friction, have
the manufacturing environment and recent developments in detrimental effects on tool wear, surface integrity and
nanotechnology opened a new area for activating machining accuracy [2]. Therefore, the use of cutting fluids is
technological potential of nanofluids. Tool life, surface typically required to remove heat from the cutting zone
integrity, heat evolution (generation and removal), energy (cooling) and to reduce heat generation by reducing friction
consumption etc. are critical concerns in all metal cutting and (lubrication). Conventional flood cooling lubrication uses large
forming operations. The thermo-physical and tribo-chemical amounts of cutting fluids (usually mineral oil based). These
properties of nanofluids can be exploited for effective and fluids are very often enhanced with anti-wear, anti-corrosion
efficient control of the above mentioned concerns and or emulsifying agents [3]. With transitioning to sustainable
improve the sustainability of these operations. manufacturing, metalworking industries are systematically
looking to reduce costs of procurement, maintaining, and
This paper is meant to address some uncertainties in so far disposing of coolants. These costs, combined with
the integration of nanofluids into materials processing operational health and safety (OHS), and environmental
technologies is concerned and to provide guidelines for future
concerns, created a heightened interest in limiting the amount
development in this area. More specifically, we are advancing of cooling lubricants applied and in finding alternative
a new idea how to integrate nanofluids into cutting processes solutions (e.g. minimum quantity lubrication).
that could modify and tailor contact interfaces (i.e. tool-chip
and tool workpiece), which can ultimately lead to an The conventional way to enhance cooling (heat transfer) is to
enhancement in the: quality of machined surface (e.g. surface increase the heat transfer surface area (high volume) and the
integrity, microstructure); reliability of machined components cutting fluid velocity (high pressure). However, this approach
(e.g. durability); tool life; sustainability of machining (e.g. is unsustainable due to high power consumption of the
higher fraction of energy spend on useful work, substitution of pumps and large volume of coolant required. Considering that
conventional flood cooling lubrication). We are expecting that the velocity of the cutting fluid affects its cooling ability almost
these enhancements will be achieved sequentially by: as much as its thermal conductivity [1], it is likely that
nanofluids with enhanced heat transfer could meet the
x Customizing the design of nanofluids to exploit their cooling challenge at lower cutting fluid velocities. A number of
superior thermo-physical and tribo-chemical properties
reported experiments show that the dispersal of nanoparticles
and scaling-up their fabrication. into a base fluid provides extremely desirable thermal
x Integration of the nanofluids and machining processes via properties, such as higher thermal conductivity and
adapted fluid supply systems.
convection heat transfer coefficient. Average heat transfer
x Demonstrating the impact of these developments in the enhancement for nanofluids is shown to be in the range of
machining operations. 15-40% [4].
In machining processes nearly all the energy spent in the
Available tribological studies further suggest that the use of
material processing is converted into heat, resulting in high nanoparticles in base fluids can enhance properties, such as
cutting temperatures. Moreover, only 30-50% of the energy is
G. Seliger et al. (eds.), Advances in Sustainable Manufacturing: Proceedings of the 8th Global Conference 107
on Sustainable Manufacturing, DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-20183-7_16, © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2011
108 P. Krajnik, F. Pusavec and A. Rashid
load-carrying capacity, antiwear and reduced friction between addition of suitable surface active agents (surfactants). A
moving surfaces [5]. For example, IrO2 and ZrO2 variety of surfactants (several types and at a wide range of
nanoparticles remarkably decrease friction on the surface of concentration) can be used to meet the requirements of
100C6 steel [6]. Taking these findings into consideration, one nanofluid’s design objectives. Generally, the properties of
can expect that the application of nanofluids could result in nanofluids are determined as a result of the selection of the
the reduction of friction related tool wear and reduction of nanoparticle-surfactant-base fluid system.
cutting forces (e.g. lower friction at the tool-chip interface).
Cooling and lubrication actions are complex and interrelated
to a different extent, depending on the machining operation;
therefore it is hard to evaluate their effects separately. In this Additives
paper the two mechanisms are not discusses in detail, simply
because the quantitative data correlating the properties of
nanofluids with machining outputs in different operations are
Base fluids Nanoparticles
not yet available.
The rapid growth of nanotechnology is exceeding our
knowledge of the OHS in terms of risks associated with using Scale
nanomaterials. Minimal information is available on exposure
routes, potential exposure levels and toxicity. In order to
responsibly apply nanofluids to machining operations it is Figure 1: Design of a nanofluid system.
necessary to integrate OHS aspects in the technological
development and to take into account risks so that negative
impact on sustainability is minimized. It should be noted that The nanoparticles (1-100 nm in size) can be made of different
there is insufficient data available at present to allow for the materials with varying degree of sophistications.
identification of any systematic rules that govern the Nanoparticles can be of single composition with different
toxicological characteristics of all nanoparticles that have morphology (spherical, rod, disks, whiskers, etc). They can
potential applicability in nanofluids. It follows therefore, that also be synthesized as more complex structures with
risk assessment will be needed on a case by case basis. hierarchical architectures such as core-shell structure with
Engineered nanomaterials comprising both metallic and single or multi-layers. A typical nanoparticle is composed of
nonmetallic nanoparticles are quite new and their synthesis the core (ceramic or metallic) and a thin shell, which is often
and usage occurs mainly on laboratory scale. Consequently, molecular. The core and the shell have various structures and
information on risk of exposure to these nanoparticles is may be composed of more than one entity [10]. Molecular
limited [7,8]. From the environmental perspective, risk shell has three distinct regions, as schematically shown in
concerns imply the necessity for life cycle evaluation. The Figure 2. Most nanofluids contain less than 1% by volume of
discussion on sustainability in this paper does not include the nanoparticles.
assessment of environmental risk related to disposal of
2.1 Design and synthesis
Nanofluids are defined as suspensions of nanoparticles in
base fluids [9]. In the context of this work, however,
nanofluids refer to a cooling-lubrication system, regarded as a
new class of nano-engineered product, consisting of:
x Nanoparticles: metallic (e.g. Cu, Fe, Au, Ag or Al);
nonmetallic (e.g. Al2O3, CuO, ZnO, TiO2, Fe2O3, WS2 or
MoS2); carbon in various forms (e.g. nanotubes, fullerene,
x Base fluids: water-based (e.g. synthetic cutting fluids);
vegetable oils (e.g. coconut, rapeseed or canola); organic
liquids (e.g. butanol, ethylene glycol); polymeric solutions.
x Additives: surfactants (e.g. cetrimonium bromide, Figure 2: Schematic of a nanoparticle [10].
lecithin); antiwear additives (e.g. phosphorus
compounds); corrosion inhibitors (e.g. borate esters, Nanofluids are fabricated by one- or two-step process. The
amine carboxylate derivatives); disinfectants; fungicides. two-step process first synthesizes nanoparticles and then
x Scale (volume size-effects). disperses them into base fluids, using for example ultrasonic
These four design parameters, shown in Figure 1, are devices. This process inherently suffers from particle-
selected by the nanofluids’ manufacturers to achieve the agglomeration (sticking together). One way to overcome this
desired thermo-physical and tribo-chemical properties. is by conditioning nanoparticles through the modification of
Several base fluids can be used as dispersing media for the their surfaces either by electrostatic interaction or the addition
fabrication of nanofluids. Although the nanoparticles with their of suitable surfactants to create a nanofluid where the
characteristic Brownian motion tend to be suspended in the particles do not agglomerate. In comparison with the two-step
solution, the stability of the suspension is enhanced by the process, the one-step process directly synthesizes and
disperses nanoparticles into base fluids, which is cheaper
Nanofluids: Properties, Applications and Sustainability Aspects in Materials Processing Technologies 109
and faster. The one-step process uses several approaches in nanoparticles are used, volume concentrations are normally
order to produce uniform particles with a narrow particle size below 5% in order to maintain moderate viscosity [10].
distribution with minimum agglomeration in a base fluid [10].
So far, nanofluids are produced successfully in laboratories 1.50
only. The challenge is to develop processes for industrial-
Aluminium oxide 40 The two most important functions of a cutting fluid are to cool
and to lubricate. For cutting fluids, emulsions (solution of oils
Water 0.60 in water) or straight oils (base oils without active additives)
Vegetable oils 0.18 are generally used, depending if a machining operation
requires more cooling or more lubrication. Emulsions are
characterized by a higher heat transfer characteristics
The effect of particle volume concentration on nanofluid because of their high water content. Straight oils possess a
thermal conductivity enhancement is straightforward. Thermal higher degree of lubricity. Transition of the metalworking
conductivity enhancement increases linearly with increased industry towards sustainable manufacturing is reflected in
particle volume concentration [13], as shown in Figure 3. limiting the use of cutting fluids in machining. This limitation is
Nanofluids containing carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in oil show beneficial for different reasons. First, it reduces OHS risks
the largest enhancement in thermal conductivity. and environmental impact associated with cutting fluids.
Other distinctive features, such as strong size-dependent Second, it reduces machining costs. It is known that the costs
[14], temperature-dependent [15], and particle shape- related to the use of cutting fluids range from 7-17% of the
dependent [16] thermal conductivity were discovered during total costs of the manufactured workpiece [18]. Most common
the thermal conductivity measurement of nanofluids. Since method of limiting cutting fluid consumption is to use
direct cooling action of the fluid is due to forced convection, it minimum quantity lubrication (MQL) systems.
is essential to outline the importance of increased heat Cooling or lubrication can be tailored through well designed
transfer coefficient of nanofluids. The reported experimental nanofluids to different extents. In case more cooling (heat
convective studies of nanofluids indicate a drastic increase in removal) is required, nano-coolants can be delivered into the
the convection heat transfer coefficient [11]. cutting zone through nozzles as flood. When more lubrication
Next to thermal conductivity enhancement, any simultaneous (reduction of heat generation) is needed, nano-lubricants can
rise in viscosity has to be considered. Nanofluid viscosity be delivered through MQL system as droplets. In this early
increases (fluidity is reduced) with nanoparticle volume development stage, however, the nano-lubricants technology
concentrations, which affects fluid dynamics and causes integration based on the principles of MQL seems to have a
pressure drop, which is important from the fluid application higher potential of applicability in comparison with the
point of view. In laminar flow of nanofluids the rate of heat implementation of nano-coolants. The major reasons are high
removal is a direct function of viscosity [17]. In case oxide costs of nanofluid fabrication and bigger losses of nanofluids
when cooling action is required.
110 P. Krajnik, F. Pusavec and A. Rashid
3.1 Tribological aspects milling and drilling than in turning. In machining of aluminum
Integration of nano-lubricants in machining operations has a and its alloys more effective lubrication in comparison with
great potential in terms of reduction of heat generation, steels is required, since these materials have highly adhesive
increased tool life, and reduction of conventional cutting fluid characteristics even though they are not so hard [24].
consumption. Turning is the most critical machining operation The lubrication function in grinding has a large influence on
as far as tribological aspects are concerned. Compared to wheel wear and heat generation. More specifically, lubricants
milling, in turning the large contact stresses are combined are effective in reducing wheel dulling, in lowering the energy
with continuous chip that can wipe any lubricant films from input and in reducing grinding forces. The application of MQL
the chip-tool contact. Three different types of lubrication in industrial application of grinding is challenging due to
circumstances have been observed in continuous chip problems related to wheel loading, evacuation of chips and
formation during turning. Cutting fluids can affect friction at clogging of the machine-tool guideways due to grinding
low speeds. Thermal softening can ease flow at the chip-tool residuals. One possible application could be finish grinding
contact area at high cutting speeds. At intermediate cutting with CBN wheels, characterized by high thermal conductivity
speeds, solid lubricant inclusions can build-up in the chip-tool of the grits. Nanofluids have been recently used in two
contact area. At low to intermediate cutting speeds lubricants reported MQL settings. In the first application, MQL grinding
can penetrate the lower stressed contact regions where the of cast iron employed dispersed MoS2 nanoparticles in
chip leaves the contact [19]. Capillary action, however, is mineral, vegetable, and alcohol based oils that significantly
doubted by Astakhov due to high pressure at the tool-chip reduced the tangential grinding force and friction between the
interface and due to high temperature at the interface causing wear flats and the workpiece, increased G-ratio and improved
evaporation of a lubricant [1]. An alternative mechanism of the overall grinding performance [25]. The results of the
lubrication action has not been suggested though. second application indicated that graphite nanoplatelets
Increased wettability (reduction in surface tension of base dispersed in isopropyl alcohol significantly reduced the
fluid) is important because nanofluids would be capable of grinding forces as well as specific energy, and improved
better penetration into the contact interfaces and in the surface finish during surface grinding of hardened D-2 tool
cracks. Friction reducing properties would probably result steel [26].
from flattening of the nanoparticles (non-layered) or an
exfoliation of their external layers. In case of layered 3.2 Thermal aspects
configuration only a few sheets may be enough to reduce
Because the temperature generated in machining with
friction. Nevertheless, we are expecting that exfoliated
layered nanoparticles such as MoS2, WS2 and Graphene geometrically defined cutting edges (turning, milling, drilling,
dispersed in base fluids would make the most efficient etc.) affects tool life and limits the productivity, the cooling
action is of major interest. Nevertheless, in comparison with
nanolubricants. Each individual layer between the tribo-pairs
could enhance the sliding friction resulting in a reduction of these operations, grinding requires much higher energy per
cutting forces and improvement in tool life, particularly at low unit volume of material removed. Virtually all of this energy is
dissipated as heat at the grinding zone, which can cause
to intermediate cutting speeds.
different types of thermal damage to the workpiece. Thermal
The potential applications are numerous. Turning of turbine damage is one of the main factors which affects workpiece
discs, for example, is one of them. Improved lubrication in quality and limits the production rates, so it is especially
machining of disc materials (e.g. titanium alloys and nickel- important to understand the role of cooling in grinding.
based alloys) is important because these materials are
characterized by low thermal conductivity that cause cutting In order for cooling to lower the grinding zone temperature to
any significant degree, it is necessary for heat to be removed
temperature and tool wear to increase even at low cutting
speeds and low feed rates [20]. MQL was found to from within the grinding zone area. A critical factor in thermal
successfully limit friction and reduce tool wear in turning of analysis of grinding is the energy partition, which is the
fraction of the grinding energy transported as heat to the
nickel-based alloys [21]. In this study vegetable oil was used
as a lubricant, which is common in MQL applications because workpiece. In creep feed grinding (slow workspeeds/large
of high biodegradability characteristics of vegetable oils. depths of cut) cooling at the grinding zone is effective and is a
crucial process requirement. Typically, the energy partition for
However, it is possible that in some machining cases the
boundary film developed with vegetable oils on a tool surface the creep feed grinding is only about 5% [27]. Such low
is not strong enough to sustain low friction and to avoid energy partitions are attributed to cooling by the fluid at the
grinding zone. On the other hand, the cooling in most shallow
adhesion of work material [22]. In turning with high machining
load the friction stress reaches the shear flow stress of the cut grinding operations (fast workspeeds/small depths of cut),
chip material; therefore the existence of boundary film is by fluids is typically ineffective due to small arc length of the
wheel-workpiece contact. For the shallow cut grinding with
uncertain. It was shown that the WS2 nanoparticles appear to
form a protective film allowing increased load capacity of the conventional abrasive wheels, the energy partition is typically
rubbed pairs under severe contact conditions [23]. The 60% to 85% [27]. In this scenario the lubrication effect is
more desirable than the cooling and thus creates a more
roughness of the surface interfaces in machining is typically
larger than the size of nanoparticles. Thus we expect that that favorable situation for the application of MQL.
the added WS2 (or MoS2, graphene, IrO2, ZrO2) nanoparticles The cooling efficiency can be quantified by the convection
to vegetable oil would yield superior lubricating properties that heat transfer coefficient of the fluid, which is an important
could remarkably improve the conventional MQL systems and variable in determining the energy partition [28]. Here the
hence tribological properties of machining. cooling depends upon whether convective heat transfer
occurs by nucleate boiling, in which bubbles nucleated at the
The applications could be extended to milling and drilling,
because lubricant can reach the tool face more easily in heated surface agitate the fluid and promote cooling, or by
Nanofluids: Properties, Applications and Sustainability Aspects in Materials Processing Technologies 111
film boiling, in which a vapor layer that builds up between containing nanoparticles and with the lack of knowledge on
workpiece and cutting fluid insulates the heated surface and toxicity of naoparticles leading to inappropriate protective
hinders cooling [29]. The transition from nucleate to film measures, to poor risk assessment and to unfavorable
boiling is associated with a fluid burnout temperature being workplace environment. Health effects of nanoparticles in
reached at a CHF, which is an important thermo-physical general have been underestimated so far.
property of the fluid. Below the CHF, nucleate boiling prevails It is difficult to assess the exposure to nanoparticles. No
and the maximum grinding temperature is low. Above the sampler exists to specifically measure the concentration of
CHF, film boiling prevails and the temperature rises particles below 100 nm in diameter. The development of
catastrophically [27]. monitoring methodologies and equipment that enables
The application of nano-coolants in grinding is promising, measurements for representative exposure to airborne
because CHF with nanofluids is much higher than with nanoparticles is therefore important. In any case, smaller
conventional water-based cutting fluids and straight oils. Up particles follow airstreams more easily than larger particles,
to threefold increase in CHF was reported [30]. Consistently so nanoparticles can be easily evacuated in ventilated
with this study, it was found that a significant enhancement in enclosures. In addition, they are readily collected by high
CHF can be achieved at modest (<0.1% by volume) Al2O3, efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters. Respirators with
ZrO2, and SiO2 nanoparticles concentrations [31]. A porous HEPA filters should be adequate protection against the
layer of nanoparticles on the surface interface is likely to inhalation of nanoparticles.
buildup during nucleate boiling. This layer can significantly 4.2 Toxicity of nanofluids
improve the surface wettability and hence cooling
Much of the toxicology of nanomaterials is uncertain or
effectiveness. The increase in CHF should provide heat
dissipation at higher grinding temperatures and thus help to unknown. Generally, nanosized particles are more toxic than
avoid thermal damage where high energy is generated. From their respective micron sized material due to increased
reactivity of their surface area. Therefore, as particles
the practical point of view, care should be taken while
selecting the type of nanofluid, cutting speed, wheel porosity, become smaller, their likelihood of causing harm increases.
grain size, and flow rate, so that grinding heat fluxes do not Nanoparticles are considerably smaller than many cells in the
body, which means that cells will pick up most of them. There
cause film boiling which will leave the workpiece surface
temperature much above that expected for the fluid. is currently no consensus about the ability of nanoparticles to
penetrate through the skin. Currently the most discussed and
investigated exposure route is via inhalation. From the MQL
4 SUSTAINABILITY application point of view, the lubricant may vaporize
The sustainability concern resides at the centre of nanofluid completely in machining (due to high temperature) without
development and integration efforts. A great deal of critical generating mist. However a small amount of solid
sustainability issues is focused on process-level nanoparticles may be airborne. Broadly, risks are increased
improvements. Some of these improvements, including in flood coolant applications, which generate more mist in the
minimizing the use of conventional cutting fluids and form of fine liquid droplets.
reduction of the energy spent in machining do have important As noted previously, micrometer sized metallic dust may be
environmental ramifications. For the future development, produced by MQL machining. The available studies on
however, the analysis of sustainability of nanofluids has to toxicity of solid airborne particles point out that exposure to
assess their environmental impact from a system-level even small concentrations may inflict acute pulmonary effects
perspective, using Life Cycle Assessment. The quantitative of the workers. For example, occupational exposure to
comparison between different nanofluids in terms of their copper, vanadium, chromium, and zinc has been reported to
potential contribution to e.g. global warming potential, produce adverse health effects ranging in severity from mild
resource depletion, toxicological risk, suspended particulate respiratory distress to severe lung dysfunction, and even
matter is not yet available. cancer. Exposure to iron oxide has been found to cause
The integration efforts hence require management of overall detrimental changes in the human lungs due to deposition of
risks. In this section, however, only a brief review of potential inhaled particles [33]. Knowledge about the toxicity of
OHS and toxic effects is given. micrometre particles may be useful in relation to making
predictions about the potential toxicity of nanoparticles of the
4.1 Operational health and safety same material. There is an extensive body of evidence, which
Occupational exposure to conventional cutting fluids has a indicates that for the same material, nanometre particles are
number of well documented adverse health effects including more hazardous than micrometer particles in inducing
dermatitis, respiratory disorders (aerosols), microbial pulmonary toxicity [34]. This has been observed with different
infections (bacteria, yeast, fungus), and cancer [2]. In types of nanomaterials, including TiO2, Al2O3, and nickel.
machining, aerosols (solid or liquid particles suspended in the
Any toxic effects of nanomaterials will be very specific to the
air) are typically comprised of metallic dust and cutting fluid type of base material, size and coatings. The risk is that some
mist. Especially, aerosols represent a health concern types of inhaled airborne nanoparticles deposit in the human
because they often remain suspended in the working
respiratory tract and may have the ability to translocate and
environment for an extended period of time, where they can be distributed to other organs, including the central nervous
be inhaled by workers. system. Conflicting evidence is present however on the
Nanoparticles have been identified as one of the main OHS extent of translocation. A significant knowledge gap exists on
risks and priorities in a review of various national, EU and a complete toxicological profile of metal oxide nanoparticles
international regulations and guidelines [32]. The perceived proposed for future use in machining operations. However,
high risk is associated with new industrial applications the available studies suggest that ZnO is highly toxic,
112 P. Krajnik, F. Pusavec and A. Rashid
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