Prosper® Tutorial 05: Modelling A Multilateral Dry Gas Producer
Prosper® Tutorial 05: Modelling A Multilateral Dry Gas Producer
Prosper® Tutorial 05: Modelling A Multilateral Dry Gas Producer
Modelling a multilateral
Dry Gas Producer
Modelling a multilateral Dry Gas Producer
A multilateral well is a well that has more than one lateral going out of the bore hole and
connecting the well with the one or multiple reservoirs.
Objectives of multilaterals are either to produce a larger drainage area than a single mono-
bore or to access multiple reservoirs from a single mother bore.
How to use the model to predict the gas production rate from the well against a well head
pressure of 200 psig.
Note that PROSPER can also model a configuration where each lateral penetrates different
multiple reservoirs.
PVT Input Data
The information in the next table describes the PVT properties of the fluid.
In PROSPER, the deviation survey can have its origin anywhere: well head, sea-bed, platform, mean sea
level, RKB and so on.
The key thing is to describe all the equipment in the well in a manner consistent with the origin selected.
The well head depth does not have to coincide with the origin of the deviation survey.
Surface Equipment:
All equipment located downstream of the well head are part of the surface
equipment. The surface equipment can include well head chokes, risers, flow
lines, fittings, and so on.
The down hole equipment include the tubings, casings, nipples, Sub-
surface Safety valves, and so on.
Consistent with the deviation survey, this section will describe all equipment
between the well head and the tie-point.
The geothermal gradient expresses the rate of increase in temperature per unit depth.
The geothermal gradient is independent of the well flow rate.
When using the rough approximation temperature prediction method, the geothermal
gradient is entered versus measured depth. PROSPER internally converts the
measured depth into true vertical depth and it is the temperature gradient based upon
the true vertical depth that is used during the calculation.
Note: The overall heat transfer (also called U value) is a composite number that captures the
different heat transfer mechanisms taking place: conduction, convection and radiation. It can
be thought of as the inverse of the thermal resistance in the surroundings of the wellbore.
System Equipment Input Data
Average Heat Capacities.
For the equipment T1, i.e. the pipe between Tie Point Data to Joint 1:
System Equipment Input Data
Deviation survey:
Equipment data:
Lateral 1 data:
Perforation Perforation Perforation
Interval Local (Mechanical) Non-Darcy Flow
Interval (MD) Interval (TVD) Interval (TVD)
(MD) End in Skin Value Factor
Start in ft Start in ft End in ft
1650 1900 1424.3 1450.3 0 2.80E-10
System Equipment Input Data
Lateral 2 data:
Tubing Tubing
Equipment Measured Inside Inside
Type Depth Diameter Roughness
(feet) (inches) (inches)
Tubing 2483 4 0.0006
PVT data:
Reservoir Pressure 557 (psig)
Reservoir Temperature 65 (deg F)
Condensate Gravity 45 (API)
Reservoir Gas Gravity 0.63 (sp. gravity)
Reservoir Water Salinity 10000 (ppm)
Water Gas Ratio 2 (STB/MMscf)
Condensate Gas Ratio 0 (STB/MMscf)
Petrophysical parameters:
- Use the model to predict the gas production rate from the well against a well head pressure
of 200 psig.
System Options:
Here, one simply select | File | New if a PROSPER file is already open. Afterwards, select |
Options | Options and make the following choices.
The information in this table describes the PVT properties of the fluid.
Reservoir Fluid : Dry and Wet Gas
Gas Gravity (air=1) : 0.63
Separator Pressure in psig: 200
Condensate To Gas Ratio in 0
Condensate Gravity in API: 50
Water To Gas Ratio in stb/MMscf: 2
Water Salinity in ppm: 100000
Mole Percent H2S in mole percent: 0
Mole Percent C02 in mole percent: 0.15
Mole Percent N2 in mole percent: 3.6
Gas Viscosity Correlation : Lee et al
Step by Step
The following lab measurements are also available for PVT calibration at a reference
temperature of 65 degF:
For all PVT data, the parameter 1 is close to unity and the parameter 2 practically zero.
This indicates that the PVT data are of good quality and will be used for for this model.
The Lee et al Viscosity model requires the least correction and will therefore be
Note that a green message is being flashed to remind the use that the PVT data has been
In order to describe system equipment (ie. the the hardware in and around the well
bore), simply select | System | Equipment (Tubing etc) | All
Now by selecting | Edit, the software will take the user through all the screens necessary
to input the equipment data starting with the deviation survey
Step by Step
Deviation Survey.
With | Edit, one shall populate the deviation survey screen as follow:
Step by Step
Selecting the "Cancel" button located on the top left corner of the screen will take the
user to the next screen: the down hole equipment description screen.
The down hole equipment includes the tubings, casings, nipples, Sub-surface Safety
valves, and so on.
0 40
1578 62
The default average heat capacity values will be used for this example
With | Done the entry screen of the Equipment data section will be accessed.
Equipment Summary.
From the Equipment Data screen, one can generate a sketch of the well bore with |
Summary | Draw Down Hole and this is the sketch of the well bore that would appear:
Step by Step
Like working with any other computer program, it is good practice to save the file
frequently in order to avoid possible data loss.
To save a file, simply select | File | Save and then simply answer YES to the question
"Do you want to overwrite this file?“
To access the interface where to describe the multilateral IPR, select | System I Inflow
Step by Step
The IPR interface consist in a Network section where we can draw the situation of the
example using the short cut icons.
Select the first short cut icon starting from left, or click on the drop down menu and
select "Add Tie-point" as shown in the next screen shot.
Step by Step
Click anywhere in the blank screen to add a Tie point and give it the label "Tie point".
Step by Step
The next short cut icon (Going from left to right) is the Add Junction.
Select Add Junction and click somewhere else in the screen to add the junction, label it
Then select the Add Completion next to the "Add Junction" and click in the screen to add a
completion, label it "Lateral 1".
Click somewhere else in the screen to add a second completion, named it "Lateral 2".
Then select Add Reservoir from the drop down menu and click on the screen to add a
Reservoir icon.Label it "Reservoir"
From the drop down menu, the user may select the command "Move" and then select
any object to move it around.
Step by Step
The next step is to connect the different objects together, so we can select the
command "Add Link" from the drop down menu.
Then click on the Tie point and drag it to the Joint, this will create a connection between them.
Joint to Lateral 1.
Lateral 1 to Reservoir.
Joint to Lateral 2.
Lateral 2 to Reservoir.
Step by Step
Tie point: Measured Depth = 1577 ft and True vertical Depth = 1398.4 ft
Step by Step
At this stage we need to start entering the data for the different sections. Double click on the
Tie point added icon to access the input panel.
Enter the depths of the Tie point as shown in the next snap shot.
Double click on the next element called "T1" which is a piece of casing going from the Tie
point to the joint where the laterals are separated.
Step by Step
Select the Input Data tab to access the deviation survey input screen and the
equipment tabs:
Click Done.
Step by Step
Lateral 1:
Double click on lateral 1 to access the input panel of the completion element. Enter the well-
bore radius and Dietz shape factor as shown below.
Double click on the lateral 2 to start entering the information for this icon.
Enter the well-bore radius and Dietz shape factor, then click Input data to move to the next
Step by Step
In the Input Data section there are 3 tabs to enter the data:
Lateral 2 Deviation:
Step by Step
Lateral 2 Equipment:
Step by Step
Lateral 2 Perforations:
Double click on the blue reservoir icon to enter the data for the reservoir.
Select the Petroleum Experts Reservoir model on the left hand side, enter the PVT data for
the reservoir and click on Input Data.
Step by Step
In the Input Data section enter the reservoir parameters as shown in this snapshot.
| Analyse | Calculate to generate a composite IPR for both laterals: Select Curve as
calculation option.
Step by Step
Note: The IPR plot obtained is referenced at the Tie point and it considers the pressure drop
across the down hole network of casings, tubings and chokes if the finite conductivity switch
is activated. In other words, the IPR curve represents the relationship between the gas
flow rate and the Tie Point Pressure.
Step by Step
The IPR plot curve is calculated for 20 values of pressure with the corresponding 20
values of rate.
In this IPR plot we can see that at very high flow rates (close to the AOF) the IPR curve
goes backwards.
The reason for this behavior can be explained by the fact that at low Tie Point
Pressures, the expansion of the gas in the wellbore causes high gas velocities that, on
their turn, produce high pressure drops along the well. The higher pressure drops cause a
reduction in the production itself, therefore the "knee" in the curve.
Usually this behaviour will not affect the performance of the well as the intersection of the
VLP/IPR is rarely close to the AOF.
Estimation of the well flow rate and inspecting the detailled results.
The response of a well bore combines fluid properties (PVT), reservoir data (IPR) and tubing
response (VLP).
The fluid properties are used to compute the reservoir response (IPR) and the tubing
response (VLP).
For a given set of boundary conditions (given reservoir pressure and well head flowing
pressure), the well flow rate is the intersection between the IPR curve and the VLP curve.
In order to compute this intersection point with PROSPER, simply select | Calculation |
System (Ipr +Vlp) | 3 Variables.
After selecting the system calculation, one needs to enter the well head flowing pressure as
per screen-shot next:
Step by Step
Step by Step
The top node pressure is the downstream pressure of the system. Since here there is no
pipeline included in this model, the top node pressure is the well head flow pressure.
Surface Equipment Correlation: This applies to any pipeline in the model. Since this model
does not include any pipeline, the choice of a pipeline correlation is irrelevant.
One can proceed with | Continue | Continue and | Calculate with the following results:
Step by Step
Now select | Solution details | Inflow Layer details. Here the rate and pressure
distribution along each lateral is displayed:
Step by Step
The plot above shows pressure and rate distribution versus depth for both laterals.