Chapter Iii-The Code of Ethics For Professional Teachers:: Learning Outcomes

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The document discusses the definition and responsibilities of professional teachers according to the Code of Ethics and various laws. Professional teachers need to relate to different stakeholders like the state, community and parents and uphold high standards of conduct.

Professional teachers need to be licensed and are required to follow the Code of Ethics. They should teach all types of students from preschool to secondary level and relate to stakeholders like learners, teaching community and higher authorities.

Professional teachers should work with and respect the state, community and parents/guardians in educating students. They represent national ideals and interests to some extent.


1. Discuss the Preamble and Article I of the Code of Ethics for Teachers in the
2.Explain how professional teachers should relate to the state , community and
parents all education stakeholders.
3.Explain how professional Teachers should realate to the Learners, the teaching
community and higher authorities.
4. Explain how a professional teacher should conduct himself/herself as a
person, in the teaching profession and in business.


Chapter 3 is a thorough and detailed study of the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers
promulgated in 1996 by the Board for Professional Teachers of the Professional Regulation

It consists of four lessons that discuss the Preamble ad Articles (I to XI) all aimed at helping
would be professional teachers internalize the Code of Ethics.
The education of a child is not the sole responsibility of school heads and teachers. In
fact, school heads and teachers cannot do it by themselves. As the African proverb says, “It takes a
whole village to raise a child ‘’ The Code of Ethics cites different groups of external stakeholders with
whom school and teachers have to relate and work for the education of the child. These are the
state (Article II), the community (Article III) and parents (Article IX). Secondary stakeholders
indirectly receive the service. These are the learners’ parents. Tertiary stakeholders are indirect but
crucial participants in the process of children’s education. These are the future employers, the
government or the state and society in general.
All teachers both public and private in all levels from preschool to secondary whether they
are academic , vocational , special , technical or non-formal are included in the definition of
professional teachers and are therefore required of a professional license and are subject to the
code of ethics for professional teachers.

(Source: DepEd Continuous Improvement- project learning Guide p.26)


Answer the following questions.

1. Are teachers who have no license considered professional
2. Are private school teachers required of a license ? What about pre-school teachers , vocational
teachers , ALS teachers , school heads , Education Supervisor and Schools Division Superintendents?
3.In what ways can the professional teacher help elevate national morality, promote national pride
and cultivate love of country?
4. Cite actions of a professional teacher that violate Section 5, Article II.
5. In the “Wishes for My Teacher” that were read, which were most common?
6.Based on Article VIII, The Teacher and Learners of the Code of Ethics, find out if your wishes are
those or not those that you need in Article VIII.

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All teachers both public and private in all levels from preschool to secondary whether they are
academic , vocational , special , technical or non-formal are included in the definition of professional
teachers and are therefore required of a professional license and are subject to the code of ethics
for professional teachers.

Activity 1-6: Answer only 5 out of 6 numbers.

1. By means of a graphic organizer present the various groups that are included in the word
“Teachers”in the Code of Ethics
2. Make a Power point presentation at least 2-3 slides on how how a professional teacher should
relate to the state.
3. Illustrate how a professional teacher should relate with the community by making a skit, you may
want to present the contrast of teachers’ expected professional behavior.
4.View How to: A Teacher’s Guide to Parent Teacher Conference at you Tube, 5. Take down notes:
Be ready to share them with your group.
Do you agree with everything that was shared in the video? If yes, give at least2. If not state
that or those that you do not agree with and explain why you do not agree( Only for online Class)
5. How do you want your Teacher to be? What are your WISHES for your Teacher? Write them down
then share with your classmates.( Answer Sheet provided)
6. Compose a wrap or a song on how professional Teachers should relate to one another to form a
genuine teaching community. Make sure the song is based on Article V.
(Make a separate answer sheet on this, a short coupon bond will do)




Let us study the Code of Ethics in detail. Let us begin with the Preamble and Article I.

Teachers are duly licensed professionals who possess dignity are reputation with high moral
values as well as technical and professional competence. In the practice of their noble profession,
they strictly adhere to, observe, and practice this set of ethical and moral principles, standard and

Section 1. The Philippine Constitution provides that all educational institutions shall offer
quality education for all Filipino citizens, a vision that requires professionally competent teachers
committed t is full realization. The provision of this Code shall apply, therefore, to all teachers in all
school in the Philippines.

Section 2. This code covers all public and private school teachers in all educational
institutions at the preschool, primary, elementary and secondary levels whether academic,
vocational, special, technical or non-formal. The term “teacher” shall include industrial art or
vocational teachers and all other persons performing supervisory and/or administrative functions in
all schools at the aforesaid levels, whether on full-time or part-time basis.

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Section 1. The schools are the nurseries of the citizen of the state. Each teacher is a trustee
of the cultural and educational heritage of the nation and is under obligation to transmit to learners
such heritage as well as to elevate national morality, promote national pride, cultivate love of
country, instill allegiance to the Constitution and respect for all duly constituted authorities, and
promote obedience to the laws of the state.
Section 2. Every teacher or school official shall actively help carry out the declared policies of
the state, and shall take an oath to this effect.
Section 3.In the interest of the state of the Filipino people as much as of his own, every
teacher shall be physically, mentally and morally fit.
Section 4. Every teacher shall possess and actualize full commitment and devotion to duty.
Section 5. A teacher shall not engage in the promotion of any political, religious, or other
partisan interest, and shall not, directly or indirectly, solicit, require, collect, or receive any money,
service, other valuable material from any person or entity for such purpose.
Section 6. Every teacher shall vote and shall exercise all other constitutional rights and
Section 7. A teacher shall not use his position or official authority of influence to coerce any
other person to follow any political course of action.
Section 8. Every teacher shall enjoy academic freedom and shall have the privilege of sharing
the product of his researches and investigations, provided that, if the results are inimical to the
declared policies of the state, they shall be drawn to the proper authorities for appropriate remedial

B. The Teacher and the Community


Section 1. A teacher is a facilitator of learning and of the development of the youth ; he shall ,
therefore , render the best services by providing an environment conducive to such learning and
growth .
Section 2. Every teacher shall provide leadership and initiative to actively participate in
community movements for moral, social, educational , economic and civic betterment .
Section 3. Every teacher shall merit reasonable social recognition for which purpose he shall
behave with honor and dignity at all times and refrain from such activities as gambling
,smoking ,drunkenness and other excesses , much less illicit relations .
Section 4. Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community , and shall
,therefore , study and understand local customs and traditions in order to have a sympathetic
attitude ,therefore ,refrain from disparaging the community.
Section 5.Every teacher shall help the school keep the people in the community informed about the
school’s work and accomplishment as well as its need and problems.
Section 6. Every teacher is an intellectual leader in the community, especially in the barangay, and
shall welcome the opportunity to provide such leadership when needed, to extend counseling
services, as appropriate , and to actively be involved in matters affecting the welfare of the people.
Section 7. Every teacher maintain harmonious and pleasant personal and official relation with other
professionals, with government officials, and with the people, individually or collectivity.
Section 8. A teacher possesses freedom to attend church and worship, as appropriate, but shall not
use his position influence to proselyte others.

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Below are key words which you have to locate in Article III of the Code of Ethics. Find them and
read that section that contains the word/words again. Be ready to answer the questions in the
Analysis phase of the Lesson.

Facilitator of learning Leadership


Harmonious official
Disparaging the community
Not use position toproselyte relations

Community informed
Social recognition

C. Teacher and the Parents

Section 1. A teacher shall establish and maintain cordial relations with parents, and shall conduct
himself to merit their confidence and respect.
Section 2. A teacher shall inform parents, through proper authorities, of the progress or deficiencies
of learners under him, exercising utmost candor and tact in pointing out learners’ deficiencies and in
seeking parent’s cooperation for the proper guidance and improvement of learners.
Section 3. A teacher shall hear parent’s complaints with sympathy and understanding, and shall
discourage unfair criticism.

Activity 5.

1. How do you want your teacher to be? What are your WISHES for your Teacher? Write them down
then share with your classmates.


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2. Read Article VIII, The Teacher and The Learners of the Code of Ethics. Find out if your wishes for
your teacher are also those mentioned in Article VIII.


Section 1. A Teacher has the right and duty to determine the academic marks and the promotion
of learners in the subjects they handle. Such determination shall be in accordance with generally
accepted producers of evaluation and measurement. In case of any complaint, teachers concerned
shall immediately take appropriate action, observing the process.
Section 2. A teacher shall recognize that the interest and welfare of learners are his first and
foremost concern, and shall handle each learner justly and impartially.
Section 3. Under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminatory against any
Section 4. A teacher shall not accept favors or gifts from learners, their parents or others in their
behalf in exchange for requested concessions, especially if under served.
Section 5. A teacher shall not accept, directly or indirectly, any remuneration from tutorials other
than what is authorized for such service.
Section 6. A Teacher shall base the evaluation of the learner’s work on merit and quality of academic
Section 7. In a situation where mutual attraction and subsequent love develop between teacher
and learner, the teacher shall exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid scandal, gossip, and
preferential treatment of the learner.

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Section 8. A teacher shall not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners nor make
deductions from their scholastic ratings as a punishment for acts which are clearly not
manifestations of poor scholarship.
Section 9. A teacher shall insure that conditions contributive to the maximum development of
learners are adequate, and shall extend needed assistance in preventing or solving learner’s
problems and difficulties.

Additional Readings:
Perhaps the teacher’s traits that are wished by most can be summed in the words “Caring”,
“Compassionate” and “Fair”. Article VIII, The Teacher and Learner” of the Code of Ethics describes
the professional teacher to be such. Fair because he/she “bases the evaluation of the learners work
on merit and quality of academic performance;” shall not “make deductions from learners such
scholastic ratings, as primary scholastic” and “determine academic marks… in accordance with
generally accepted procedures of evaluation and measurements” and shall handle each learner
justly and impartially.
Should love develop between teacher and student, the professional teacher is expected to be fair
because he/she shall “exercise utmost professional discretion to avoid… preferential treatment of
the learner.” Teacher fairness is assured when a teacher does not accept favor or gifts from learner
or their parents in exchange for requested concessions.
The professional teacher is likewise described as “caring and compassionate.” Article VIII, points
out that the professional teacher has the “interest and welfare of learners” as his/her “first and
foremost concern” and “under no circumstance shall a teacher be prejudiced nor discriminatory
against any learner.” The professional teacher is also seen to be caring and compassionate when
he/she does not inflict corporal punishment on offending learners.”

B. The Teacher and the Teaching Community


Section 1. Teachers shall, at all times, be imbued with the spirit of professional loyalty, mutual
confidence, and faith in one another, self-sacrifice for the common good, and full cooperation with
colleagues. When the best interest of the learners, the school, or the profession is at stake in any
controversy, teachers shall support one another.
Section 2. A teacher is not entitled to claim for work not of his own, and shall give due credit for the
work of others which he may use.
Section 3. Before leaving his position, a teacher shall organize and leave to his successor such
records and other data as are necessary to carry on the work.
Section 4. A teacher shall hold inviolate all confidential information concerning associates and the
school, and shall not divulge to anyone documents which have not yet been officially released, or
remove records from the files without official permission.
Section 5. It shall be the responsibility of every teacher to seek correctives for what may appear to be
an unprofessional and unethical conduct of any associate. This may be done only if there is
incontrovertible evidence for such conduct.

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Section 6. A teacher may submit to the proper authorities any justifiable criticism against an
associate, preferably in writing without violating any rights of the individual concerned.
Section 7. A teacher may apply for a vacant position for which he is qualified, provided that he
respects the system of selection on the basis of merit and competence , provided, further, that all
qualified candidates are given the opportunity to be considered.

Study the figure below and state what each figure is saying about how a teacher should relate to
his/her follow teachers.

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NAME:____________________________________________YR. & SECTION:________________

Answer the following Question:
1. Discuss what each figure in saying regarding how a teacher should relate to the teaching
community based on Article V.

2. While filing ajustified complaint against a fellow teacher do well for a community of professional
teachers? If you where the one intending to file a complaint, would you do so?

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3. Which Filipino trait makes it difficult sometimes for professional teachers to function as a collegial



Section 1. A teacher shall make it his duty to make an honest effort to understand and support the
legitimate policies of the school and the administration regardless of professional feeling or private
opinion and shall faithfully carry them out.
Section 2. A teacher shall not make any false accusation or charges against superiors, especially
under anonymity. However if there are valid charges, he should present such under oath to
competent authority.
Section 3. A teacher shall transact all official business through channels except when special
conditions warrant a different procedure, such as when reforms are advocated but are opposed by
the immediate superior, in which case the teachers shall appeal directly to the appropriate higher
Section 4. A teacher, individually or as part of group has a right to seek redress against injustice and
discrimination and, to the extent possible, shall raise his grievances within democratic processes. In
doing so, he shall avoid jeopardizing the interestand welfare of learners whose right to learn must be
Section 5. A teacher has a right to invoke the principle that appointment, promotions, and transfers
of teachers are made only on the basis of merit and need in the interest of the service.
Section 6. A teacher who accepts a position assumes a contractual obligation to live up to his
contract, assuming full knowledge of the employment terms and condition.



SECTION 1. Every teacher shall actively help insure that teaching is the noblest profession, and shall
manifest genuine enthusiasm and pride in teaching as a noble calling.

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SECTION 2. Every teacher shall uphold the highest possible standards of quality education, shall
make the best preparation for the career of teaching, and shall be at his best at all times in the
practice of his profession.
SECTION 3. Every teacher shall participate in the continuing professional education (CPE) program of
the professional Regulation Commission, and shall pursue such other studies as will improve his
efficiency, enhance the prestige of the professional, and strengthen his competence, virtues, and
productivity in order to be nationally and internationally competitive .
SECTION 4. Every teacher shall help, if duly authorized, to seek support for the school, but shall not ,
make improper misinterpretations through personal advertisement and other questionable means.
SECTION 5. Every teacher shall use the teaching profession in a manner that make it a dignified
means for earning a decent living.


NAME:___________________________________YR. & SECTION:______________________

1. Here are quotes on the teaching profession. To which section of Article IV does each
quotation refer ?

1. I wish I could persuade every teachers, to be proud of his occupation- not conceited or
pompous, but proud. People who introduce themselves with the shame remark that they are”
just teachers” gives despair in my heart. Did you ever hear a lawyer say depreciatingly that
he was only a patent attorney? Didi you ever hear a physician say “I am just a brain
surgeon?” I beg you to stop apologizing for being a member of the most important profession
in the world. Draw your self up to your full height; look at anybody squarely in the eye and
say,” I am a teacher.” - Will

2. What does each quatationquatation mean? To which section of Article IV of the Code of Ethics
does each quote relate?Share your answer with group by chatting with them or sending message
with them.

1. “ Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good better and your
better is best.” – Tim Duncan.
2. “There are no secre to success. It is the result of preparation, hard
work and learning from failure.” – Colin Powell

3. “Success is where preparation and opportunity meet” – Bobby Unser

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4. “Self-respect is the fruit of discipline; the sense of dignity goes with the
ability to say no to oneself.”

-Abraham Joshua Heschel

5. There are two kinds of pride both good and bad. Good pride represents our
dignity and self-respect. Bad pride is the deadly sin of superiority that reeks of
conceit and arrogance.” – John C. Maxwell



Section 1. A teacher shall live with dignityin all place at all times
Section 2. A teacher shall place premium upon self-respect and discipline as the principle of
the personal behavior in all relashionships with other and ina all situiations.
Section 3. A tyeacher shall maintain at all times a dignified personality which could
serve as a model worthy of emulation by learners, peers, and others.
Section 4. A teacher shall always recognize the almighty God for being a guide of his own
destiny and of the destinies of men and nation.


NAME:_____________________________________________YR. & SECTION_______________

1. Describe the teacher as a person based on Article XI of the Code of Ethics by wayof a cinquain. A
cinquain is a five-line poem composed of :

Line 1 – one word______________________

Line 2- 2 adjective that describe line 1__________________________________
Line 3- 3 action words that relate to line 1_______________________________
Line 4- 4 words (feeling ) that relate to line 1 or a complete sentence
Line 5- 1 word, a synonym of line 1 or a word that sum it up_________________

Here is an example:

Caring, compassionate questioning, listening, responding .ilove
C. Article X- The Teacher and Business her dearly.

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Section 1. A teacher has a right to engage directly or indirectly, in legitimate income generation,
provide that it does not relate to or adversely affect his work.
Section 2. A teacher shall maintain a good reputation with respect to financial matter suh as a
settlement of his just depts., loans and other financial affairs.
Section 3. No teacher shall act directly or indirectly, as agent of , or be financially interested in,
any commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other school commodities in the
purchase and disposal, provided that such shall be in accordance with existing

Consider the findings of the study on teacher’s borrowing as shared by DepEd Secretary Leonor

1. The propensity of public school teacher to borrow is 50% higher to other employees of the
government such as police and nurses.
2. Aside from the possibility of not receiving any pay once they retire, public school teachers may
also suffer sanctions- from mere reprimand to revocation of licenses to teach due to their unpaid
loans. There are more than 500 pending cases versus teachers filed by various lending institution in
the past 3 years.
3. teachers owe Php 70 billion from legitimate leanding institutions. (DepED Sec. Leonor Briones,

“Man does not leave by bread alone,” says the Bible. Understandably, the professional
teacher needs money to satisfy his/her bodily need. Artice X, Sec.1 of the Code of ethics allows the
teachjer to “ engage in legitimate income generation provided that it does not relate to or adversely
affect his work or a teacher.” Section 3 also state:

No teacher shall act directly or indirectly, as agent of , or be financially interested in, any
commercial venture which furnish textbooks and other school commodities in the purchase and
disposal, provided that such shall be in accordance with existing regulation.

As said in the previous lessons, the teacher should live with dignity at all the times and at all
places and be a model for all. So a teacher must… “ maintain a good reputation with respects to
financial matter such as in the settlement of his debts and loans in arranging satisfactorily his private
financial affair.”

If teacher live by the principles of self-respects and self-descipline as cited in the Code of Ethics,
there will be no problem on a teacher indebtedness and teachers’ unfavorable reputation of not
paying their debts. If a teacher lives simply, he/she will not be that indebted. To live simply, the
professional teacher must distinguish between his needs and wants.


Name:_______________________________________Yr. & Section:_____________________

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I. Let’s have a test on how the teacher relates to higher authorities in the Philippines. Do this
individually. Answer with a YES or NO.
Name:_______________________________________Yr. & Section:_____________________
Is it professional for a teacher :
________1. To campaign against legitimate policies of the school and administration with which
he/she disagrees?
________2. To file charges against superiors under anonymity to protect himself/herself?
________3. To transact official business through proper channels, no exception.
________4. To be promoted based only on a year of service?
________5. To complain against transfer of teachers with whom the school head has prejudice?
II. Answer with a check / or an x
Is it professional for a teacher:
_______1. To complain against transfer of teachers with whom the school head has prejudice?
_______2. To be promoted based only on years of service?
_______3. To transact official business through proper channels, no exception?
_______4. To go on strike with his group to seek redress against injustice?
_______5. To file charges against superiors under anonymity to protect himself/herself?
II. Select the correct answer.
1. Who is excluded in the definition of Professional teacher in the code of Ethic?
a. The Librarian 3. The Master Teacher
b. The Principal 4. The Schools Division Superintendent
2. Private school teachers are also required of aprofessional license. Is this statement TRUE?
a. Yes, it is true c. It depends on the kid of private school
b. No, it is false d. It depends on the teachers’ expected to
3. Which statement on academic freedom is CORRECT?
a. In search for truth , a professional teacher has the priviledge to share the product of
his research whether or not in support of the declared state policies.
b. Academic freedom belongs only to teachers in the tertiary level.
c. A teacher academic freedom is absolute
d. A teacher academic freedom is limited.
4. How can a teacher show respect for community customs and tradition?
a. Disparage the community
b. Divide the community by pointing out the negative elements og given local customs
and traditions.
c.Reject local customs and traditions which are which are different from his.
d.Study and strive to understand local customs and traditions.
5. The school was preparing for a national choral competition. What should be the responseof
the teaching community? –
a. Let the Music teacher do the work since it is music-related.
b. All teachers should cooperate with and support the music teachers in whatever way.
c. Teachers complained against by students should not be involved in the preparation
activities .
d. Give passing grades to all students involved in the oral competition.

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6. Does the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers allow teacher to accept remuneration for
students which tutor teachers rightly deserve?
a. Yes, they deserve the remuneration for the tutorial services.
b. No, except for what is authorized for such service.
c. Yes, provided pay is not excessive.
d. No, they are professional teachers and so are expected to give tutorial service.D.
Advise the students to file a written complaint against the teacher.
7. The school was preparing for a national choral competition. What should be the response of
the teaching community?
a. Let the Music teacher do the work since it is music-related.
b. All teachers should cooperate with and support the music teachers in whatever way.
c.Teachers complained against by students should not be involved in the preparation
activities .
d. Give passing grades to all students involved in the oral competition.
8. What is the professional obligation of one leaving a position?- Understanding
a. Pass on organized records to successor to carry on the work
b. Tender a despedidaparty
c. Leave your clerk/ secretary for your successor guidance
d. Erase all records; successor does not need them anyway.
9. According to article XI of the Code of Ethics, who should serve as a guide of the professional
teacher’s destiny and those of men on nations? – understanding
A. learners
b. Almighty, God
c. School heads
d. Teaching philosophy
10. Why is a teacher prohibited froem direct business transactions involving teaxtbooks and
school supplies?- Analysis
a. Possibility of exerting influence for his/her own business interest
b. Her/His main task is to teach not to engage in business
c. To avoid competition
d. The Code of Ethics says so



After having learned the demands that learners, parents, community and the state put on teachers,
let us discuss their rights and priviledges.

Question to Answer:
1. What if a teacher who is transferred to another school believes there is no
justification for the tranfer. What must he/she do?
2. Research on the budget allocated to education by the State for the past five years.

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Based on the figures, has the government been true to the constitution?
3. Study Leave Priveledges in Section I and Welfare Benefits, Sec. 2 of Chapter 3 of DECS
Service Manual 2000.Make a power point presentation about this.

1. Refer to the 1987 Philippine Constitution, Commonwealth Act No. 578 and RA 4670, the
Magna Carta for Public School Teachers found in Appendices C.D, and E, respectively. Read
part of these legal documents as you check your answers.
2. Pretend that you belong to a team that campaign for Senior High School graduates to enrol
in teacher education. Prepare a Powerpoint presentation and deliver the same before the
classwhom you consider to be grade 12 students graduating at the end of the year. Your
PP should be very convincing because you give a highly favorable picture of the teaching
profession as learned in this lesson. Cite all teacherspriviledged and benefits.


The 1987 Philippine Constitution states: … The state shall enhance the right of teachers to
professioanal advancement ( paragraph 4). It shall “assign the highest budgetary priority to
education to “ ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available
talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.”
Commonwealth Act 578 amended the revised Penal Code to include teachers, professors, and
persons charged with the supervision of public or duly recognized private schools, colleges, and
universities, whitin the term “persons in authority”.
RA 4670 , otherwise known as The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, details the right,
privileges and benefits of teacher such as : 1) consent for transfer; 2) safeguards is disciplinary
procedure; 3) no discrimination; 4) married couples to be employed in the same locality; 5) academic
freedom; 6) not more than 6 hours of actual classroom teaching; 7) additional compensation for
activities outside normal duties; 8) salaries comparable to other occupation to insure teachers a
reasonable standard of life for themselves and their families; 9) salaries appropriated by local
government not to be less than those paid to teacher of the national government; 10) cost of living
allowance; 11) special hardship allowances; 12) medical examination free of charge once a year
during the teachers professional life; 13) prohibition of unauthorized deduction from teachers
salaries; 14) study leave; 15) indefinite leave; 16) salary increase upon retirement and 17) freedom
to establish or join organization of their choice.
These show that the walfare of professional teachers has been given much attention. After all,
there is no truth to what is ofter said about teachers” overworked and underpaid”.

Filipino teacher ought to be aware and knowledgable of these well-deserve benefits.

There is no other Constitution in the history of the country that has given importance to teacher
more than the 1987 Phil. Constitution.
The 1987 Philippine Constitution states: … The state shall enhance the right of teachers to
professioanal advancement ( paragraph 4). It shall “assign the highest budgetary priority to
education to “ ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available
talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.”

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Commonwealth Act 578 amended the revised Penal Code to include teachers, professors, and
persons charged with the supervision of public or duly recognized private schools, colleges, and
universities, whitin the term “persons in authority”.
RA 4670 , otherwise known as The Magna Carta for Public School Teachers, details the right,
privileges and benefits of teacher such as : 1) consent for transfer; 2) safeguards is disciplinary
procedure; 3) no discrimination; 4) married couples to be employed in the same locality; 5) academic
freedom; 6) not more than 6 hours of actual classroom teaching; 7) additional compensation for
activities outside normal duties; 8) salaries comparable to other occupation to insure teachers a
reasonable standard of life for themselves and their families; 9) salaries appropriated by local
government not to be less than those paid to teacher of the national government; 10) cost of living
allowance; 11) special hardship allowances; 12) medical examination free of charge once a year
during the teachers professional life; 13) prohibition of unauthorized deduction from teachers
salaries; 14) study leave; 15) indefinite leave; 16) salary increase upon retirement and 17) freedom
to establish or join organization of their choice.
These show that the walfare of professional teachers has been given much attention. After all,
there is no truth to what is ofter said about teachers” overworked and underpaid”.


NAME:_______________________________________YR. & SECTION:____________________

Write YES if you agree and NO if you disagree. Refer to the 1987 Philippine Constitution,
Commonwealth Act No. 578 and RA 4670, the Magna Carta for Public teachers found in Appendices,
C, D and E, respectively.
The 1987 Phil. Constitution states that the State shall:
____________1. Enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.
____________2. Assign the second highest budgetary priority to education, next to medicine.
____________3. Ensuer that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best
available talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job
satisfaction and fulfillment.
Commonwealth Act No. 578 protects teacher by providing a provision on :
____________4. Punishment against any person guilty of assault against teaching personnel.
____________5. According due respect and protection for teachers who are considered persons
in authority.
Republic Act No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for public School Teacher states the following rights and
priviledgees of teacher:

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___________6. Academic freedom particularly with regard to teacher methods
___________7. The right to be free from compulsory assignment not related to their duties
defined in their appointment or employment contracts unless given addition
___________8. Freedom from involuntary contributions.
___________9. Compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws.
___________10. Establishing, joining , maintaining labor organization of their choice to
promote their welfare and defend their interest.
___________11. Transfer even without their consent from one station to another where there
is urgent need.
___________12. Employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever
___________13. A maximum of 4 hours actual teaching hours per day
___________14. More than 6 hours for teaching but not exceeding 9 hours
___________15. An additional compensation of at least twenty per cent of his regular
remuneration after the teacher has completely at least six hours of actual
classroom teaching day.
___________16. Additional compensation from DepED when they serve during election
___________17. Equal remuneraytion, regardless of qualifications. ____________18. Salary
scales of teachers that provide for a gradual progression from a minimum to a
maximum salary by means of regular increments, granted authomatically after
three years, even if the efficiency rating of the teacher concerned is below
___________19. The salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal, municipal district, or
provincial government that are not lower than those provided for teachers of
the national government.
___________20. Without exception special hardship allowances
___________21. Special hardship allowances equivalent to at least twenty-five per cent of
their monthly salary for those who qualify.
___________22. Free medical examination even after retirement.
___________23. A study leave for not more than two school years after ten years of teaching.
___________24. Enjoy a compensation allowed for one year study leave without any condition.
___________25. A study leave for more than one year provided permitted by the secretary of
education but without compensation.
___________26. An indefinite sick leave of absence when the nature of the illness demands a
long treatment that will exceed one year at the least.
___________27. One range salary raise uponretirement for those who have fulfilled the age and
service requirements of the applicable retirement laws which shall be the basis
of the computation of the lump sum of the retirement pay and the monthy
benefits thereafter.
__________28. Hardship allowance for those who teach in multi-grade classes, mobile teachers
and Non-Formal Education or Alternative Learning System (ALS) Coordinators
are entitled to hardship allowance.
__________29. Stability of employment and security of tenure under existing laws.

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__________30. Safeguards in disciplinary procedure.

Additional Readings:

Those who educate children well are more to be honored than parents, for these only gave
life; those the art of living well. - Aristotle

Teachers have long been touted as our “modern day heroes” (way before overseas workers
became honored as such). Teachers’ indispensable role in education, the competence and
integrity that they uphold, as well as their active community involvement draw worthy
admiration from the entire society that benefits from their work.

As we celebrate National Human Rights Consciousness Week this December, it’s time for us

to review the privileges that are concomitant with Filipino teachers’ role. Below, we’ve
rounded up our modern heroes’ most important rights along with their legal bases.

Rights and privileges of all teachers in the Philippines:

 Authority, respect, and protection1 -- “Teachers and school administrators are

persons in authority when in lawful discharge of duties and responsibilities… [and] shall
therefore be accorded due respect and protection.”2
 Fair wages -- “The State shall assign the highest budgetary priority to education and
ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available talents
through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and fulfillment.”3
 Punishment against attackers -- “This [imposes]... a penalty of imprisonment ranging
from six months and one day to six years and a fine ranging from 500 to 1, 000 pesos upon
any person found guilty of assault upon those teaching personnel.”1
 Professional development -- “The State shall enhance the right of teachers to
professional advancement.”3
 Freedom of expression -- “Free expression of opinions and suggestions...”2
 Labor group participation2 -- “Establish, join, maintain labor organization of their
choice to promote their welfare and defend their interest.”4
 Free legal services -- “To be provided with free legal service by the appropriate
government office in case of public school personnel and the school authorities concerned in
case of private school personnel, when charged in administrative, civil and/or criminal
proceedings, by parties other than the school authorities concerned, for actions committed
directly in the lawful discharge of professional duties and/or in defense of school policies.”2
 Freedom from non-compensated mandatory assignment -- “Right to be free from
compulsory assignment not related to their duties defined in their appointment or
employment contracts unless compensated thereof.”2
 Freedom from extraneous contributions -- “To be free from involuntary
contributions except those imposed by their own organizations.”2
 Right to intellectual property2
 Career alternatives -- “Teachers shall be given opportunity to choose career
alternatives for advancements.”2

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Educators in the Philippines deserve to (and ought to) be aware of these benefits that are
part and parcel of their role. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that the best privilege of
teachers is having the influence to mold young minds and the power to change the world
for the better through the noble act of teaching.
( By :Rex Bookstore,3 minutes read, shared on public-) 2015

NAME:______________________________________YEAR & SECTION:___________________
Answer TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is wrong.
______1. Special hardship allowances of professional teachers is equivalent to at least ten
percent of their monthly salary for those who qualify.
______2. Teacher enjoy free medical examination even after retirement.
______3. Teacher are entitled to a study leave for one year after minimum ten years of
______4. Teacher may enjoy full compensation allowed for one year study leave on condition
that the teacher takes the regular study leave on condition that the teacher takes the
regular study load and passes at least seventy-five per cent of his courses without any
______5. Teacher may be entitled to a study leave for more than two years provided permitted
by the Secretary of education but without compensation.
______6. Teacher may enjoy and indefinite sick leave of absence treatment that will exceed one
year at the least.
______7. A professional teacher is entitled to a one range salary raise upon
retirement for those
who have fulfilled the laws which shall be the basis of the computation of the lump sum
of the retirement pay and the monthly benefits thereafter.
______8. Those who teach in multi-grade classes, mobile teachers and Non-Formal Education or
Alternative Learning System (ALS) Coordinators are entitled to hardship allowance.
______9. Teacher enjoy stability of employment and security tenure under existing laws.
______10. Teacher have safeguards in disciplinary procedure
______11. Teachers enjoy the right to established, join, maintain labor organization of their
choice to promote their welfare and defend their interest.
______12. Teacher may be transferred even without their consent from one station to another
where there is urgent need.
______13. Employment in the same locality for those who are married whenever possible.
______14. Teachers may have more than 6 hours of teaching but not exceeding 9 hours.
______15. Teachers are intitled to an additional compensation of at least twenty five per cent of

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his regular remuneration after the teacher has completed at least six hours of actual
classroom teaching a day.
______16. Teacher are entitled to additional compensation when they serve during elections
paid by DepEd.
______17. Teachers enjoy equal remuneration, regardless of qualifications.
______18. Teacher enjoy salary scales that provide for gradual progression from a minimum to
maximum salary by means of regular increments, granted automatically. After three
years, if the efficiency rating of the teacher concerned is satisfactory.
______19. Teacher enjoy the salary scales appropriated by a city, municipal district, or provincial
government that are not lower than those provided for teachers of the national
______20. Teacher without exception are entitled to special hardship allowances.
The Philippine Constitution states that the state shall:
______21. Enhance the right of teachers to professional advancement.
______22. Assign to second highest budgetary priority to education, nest to medicine.
______23. Ensure that teaching will attract and retain its rightful share of the best available
talents through adequate remuneration and other means of job satisfaction and
Commonwealth Act No. 578 protects teacher by providing a provision on :
_____24. Punishment against any person guilty of assault against teaching personnel.
_____25. According due respect and protection for teachers who are considered person in
Republic Act No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teacher states that a teacher/
teachers enjoy/exercise:
_____26. Academic freedom particularly with regard to teaching methods
_____27. The right to be free from compulsory assignment not realted to their duties defined in
their appointment or employment contracts unless given additional compensation.
_____28. Freedom from involuntary contributions
_____29. Compensation for employment injuries in accordance with existing laws
_____30. Establishing, joining, maintaining labor organization of their choice to promote their
welfare and defend their interest.
1. What is the maximum number of teaching hours for teachers?- remembering
A. 4
B. 5
C. 6
D. 7
2. Can a teacher go on a study leave for two years?- analysis
A. yes, provided given permit by the secretary of education
B. no, for one year only
C, yes, with salary
D. it depends on the ranking of the teacher.

Page 19 of ADSST’s Module in The Teaching Profession – CAPSU Main

 Bilbao, P.P., Corpuz, B.B., Llagas, A.T.,Salandanan, G.G (2018). The Teaching Profession,
Quezon City: Lorimar Publishing
 Pawilen, G.T., (2015)Teaching Profession: Passion and Mission:Quezon CityRex Book
Store, Inc.  
Source laws:1Commonwealth Act No. 578,2Batas PambansaBlg. 232 or The Education
Act of 1982,3The 1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines
4Republic Act No. 4670 or the Magna Carta for Public School Teachers.

Page 19 of ADSST’s Module in The Teaching Profession – CAPSU Main

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