DESI2020Thematicchapters FullEuropeanAnalysis
DESI2020Thematicchapters FullEuropeanAnalysis
DESI2020Thematicchapters FullEuropeanAnalysis
Thematic chapters
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 10
2 Key indicators of DESI for the economic recovery ........................................................................ 15
2.1 Very high capacity networks (VHCNs) and 5G ...................................................................... 15
2.2 Digital skills............................................................................................................................ 15
2.3 Advanced digital technologies for businesses ...................................................................... 16
2.4 Digital public services ............................................................................................................ 17
3 Connectivity .................................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 Broadband coverage ............................................................................................................. 19
3.2 Fixed broadband take-up ...................................................................................................... 26
3.3 Mobile broadband take-up ................................................................................................... 32
3.4 Broadband prices .................................................................................................................. 37
3.5 Progress towards a Gigabit society ....................................................................................... 39
3.6 EU support for National Broadband Plan (NBP) implementation ........................................ 40
3.7 Municipalities need more connectivity – WiFi4EU ............................................................... 41
3.8 EU harmonised radio spectrum underpins future wireless digital services within the EU .. 43
3.9 Convergent radio spectrum management approaches are essential to support 5G
investment ........................................................................................................................................ 44
3.10 Ex ante market regulation: state of play............................................................................... 45
3.11 Open internet rules ............................................................................................................... 46
3.12 Widespread use of roam-like-at-Home (RLAH) & multiplication of roaming traffic under
3.13 Emergency Communications and the single European emergency number 112() ............... 49
4 Human Capital............................................................................................................................... 51
4.1 Human capital in 2019 .......................................................................................................... 51
4.2 Access barriers ...................................................................................................................... 52
4.3 Digital skills............................................................................................................................ 52
4.4 Software skills ....................................................................................................................... 53
4.5 ICT specialists ........................................................................................................................ 54
4.6 EU Code Week....................................................................................................................... 55
5 Use of internet services ................................................................................................................ 57
5.1 Use of internet services in 2019 ........................................................................................... 57
5.2 Regular internet users........................................................................................................... 58
5.3 People who have never used the internet............................................................................ 59
5.4 Online services ...................................................................................................................... 59
5.5 e-Commerce.......................................................................................................................... 60
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Table of Tables
Table 1 The structure of DESI ................................................................................................................ 11
Table 2 Connectivity indicators in DESI................................................................................................. 18
Table 3 Human capital indicators in DESI ............................................................................................. 51
Table 4 Use of internet services indicators in DESI ............................................................................... 57
Table 5 Integration of digital technologies indicators in DESI .............................................................. 63
Table 6 Digital public services indicators in DESI .................................................................................. 74
Table of Figures
Figure 1 Digital Economy and Society Index – Member States’ progress, 2015-2020 ......................... 13
Figure 2 Digital Economy and Society Index, 2020 ............................................................................... 14
Figure 3 Fixed very high capacity network (VHCN) coverage (% of households) in the EU, 2011-2019
.............................................................................................................................................................. 15
Figure 4 Digital skills (% of individuals), 2015 – 2019().......................................................................... 16
Figure 5 Use of advanced cloud services and big data in the EU by company size (% of enterprises),
2018 ...................................................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 6 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020, Digital public services ................................. 17
Figure 7 Digital Economy and Society Index 2020, Connectivity .......................................................... 19
Figure 8 Total coverage by technology at EU level (% of households), 2018-2019 .............................. 19
Figure 9 Rural coverage by technology at EU level (% of households), 2018 – 2019 ........................... 20
Figure 10 Fixed broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), 2011 - 2019 ................................. 20
Figure 11 Fixed broadband coverage (% of households), mid-2019 .................................................... 21
Figure 12 Next generation access (NGA) broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), 2011-2019
.............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Figure 13 Next generation access (NGA) broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), mid-2019
.............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Figure 14 Overall Next generation access (NGA) broadband coverage in the EU (% of households),
mid-2019 ............................................................................................................................................... 23
Figure 15 Rural Next generation access (NGA) broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), mid-
2019 ...................................................................................................................................................... 24
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Figure 16 Fixed very high capacity network (VHCN) coverage (% of households) in the EU, 2011-2019
.............................................................................................................................................................. 25
Figure 17 Fixed very high capacity network (VHCN) coverage (% of households), mid-2019 .............. 25
Figure 18 4G mobile coverage in the EU (% of households), 2011-2019 ............................................. 26
Figure 19 4G mobile coverage (% of households), mid-2019 ............................................................... 26
Figure 20 Households with a fixed broadband subscription in the EU (% of households), 2012-2019 27
Figure 21 Households with a fixed broadband subscription (% of households), 2019 ........................ 27
Figure 22 Households with a fixed broadband subscription of at least 100 Mbps (% of households)
2012 – 2019 .......................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 23 Households with a fixed broadband subscription of at least 100 Mbps (% of households),
2019 ...................................................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 24 Fixed broadband subscriptions – technology market shares in the EU (% of subscriptions),
July 2006-July 2019 ............................................................................................................................... 29
Figure 25 Fixed broadband subscriptions – technology market shares in the EU (% of subscriptions),
July 2019 ............................................................................................................................................... 30
Figure 26 NGA subscriptions (millions) by technology in the EU, July 2012-July 2019 ........................ 31
Figure 27 Fixed broadband subscriptions – operator market shares in the EU (% of subscriptions),
January 2006-July 2019 ......................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 28 Incumbent operator market share by technology in the EU (% of subscriptions), July 2019
.............................................................................................................................................................. 32
Figure 29 Fixed broadband subscriptions – operator market shares in the EU (% of subscriptions),
July 2019 ............................................................................................................................................... 32
Figure 30 Mobile broadband penetration in the EU (subscriptions per 100 people), July 2009-July
2019 ...................................................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 31 Mobile broadband penetration (subscriptions per 100 people), July 2019 ......................... 33
Figure 32 Households using only mobile broadband at home (% of households), 2019 ..................... 34
Figure 33 5G readiness (assigned spectrum as a % of total harmonised 5G spectrum), 2020............. 35
Figure 34 Numbers of 5G cities and reported 5G trials in EU Member States, January 2020.............. 36
Figure 35 A map of 5G digital cross-border corridors in the EU Member States, January 2020 .......... 37
Figure 36 Broadband price index – all baskets (score 0-100, 100 being the best) 2020 ...................... 38
Figure 37 Broadband price index – baskets with fixed offers only (score 0-100, 100 being the best)
2020 ...................................................................................................................................................... 38
Figure 38 Broadband price index – baskets with mobile offers only (score 0-100, 100 being the best),
2020 ...................................................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 39 Broadband price index – baskets with converged fixed & mobile offers only (score 0-100,
100 being the best), 2020 ..................................................................................................................... 39
Figure 40 WiFi4EU - Country allocation ................................................................................................ 42
Figure 41 Assigned radio spectrum for wireless broadband in harmonised EU bands (April 2020) .... 44
Figure 42 Article 7 cases as at 19/05/2020 ........................................................................................... 46
Figure 43 EEA retail roaming data traffic (millions GB) ........................................................................ 48
Figure 44 Deployment of advanced mobile location ............................................................................ 50
Figure 45 Human capital dimension (Score 0-100), 2019 ..................................................................... 52
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Figure 80 Enterprises exploiting B2B and B2G opportunities (% of enterprises), 2013-2019 .............. 73
Figure 81 Enterprises exploiting B2C opportunities of online sales (% of enterprises with B2C online
sales more than 10% of the web sales), between 2013 and 2019 ....................................................... 73
Figure 82 Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2020, digital public services ............................... 74
Figure 83 e-Government users submitting filled-in forms to public authorities in the last 12 months
(% of all internet users needing to submit filled forms to public authorities), 2013-2019 .................. 75
Figure 84 e-Government users submitting filled forms to public authorities over the Internet in the
last 12 months (% of all internet users needing to submit forms to public authorities), 2019 ............ 75
Figure 85 Pre-filled forms (Score 0 to 100), 2019 ................................................................................. 76
Figure 86 Online service completion (score 0 to 100), 2019 ................................................................ 77
Figure 87 e-Government services for businesses (Score 0 to 100), 2013-2019 ................................... 78
Figure 88 e-Government services for businesses (Score 0 to 100), 2019............................................. 78
Figure 89 Open data (% of the maximum open data score), 2019 ....................................................... 79
Figure 90 User centricity breakdown (Score 0 to 100), 2017-2019 ...................................................... 80
Figure 91 User centricity (Score 0 to 100), 2019 .................................................................................. 80
Figure 92 Key enablers progress (Score 0 to 100), 2017-2019 ............................................................. 81
Figure 93 Key enablers (Score 0 to 100), 2019 ..................................................................................... 81
Figure 94 Key enablers progress in Member States (Score 0 to 100), 2019 ......................................... 81
Figure 95 Cross-border mobility (Score 0-100), 2017-2019.................................................................. 82
Figure 96 Cross-border mobility (Score 0-100), 2019 ........................................................................... 82
Figure 97 Size of the blockchain market worldwide, 2018-2023, in $ billion ....................................... 84
Figure 98 Blockchain market value worldwide in 2018, by sector ....................................................... 84
Figure 99 Share of blockchain funding in the EU, 2009-2018............................................................... 86
Figure 100 Total number of blockchain scientific publications vs. patent applications worldwide,
2009-2018 ............................................................................................................................................. 87
Figure 101 HPC server market vs. HPC broader market revenue worldwide, 2015-2022, in $ billion . 87
Figure 102 World Top 500 supercomputers, regional share 2019 ....................................................... 88
Figure 103 Total number of HPC scientific publications vs. patent applications worldwide, 2009-2018
.............................................................................................................................................................. 89
Figure 104 Size of the enterprise quantum computing market worldwide 2017-2030, in $ billion .... 90
Figure 105 Government funding/investment in quantum technology ................................................ 91
Figure 106 Total number of Quantum scientific publications vs. patent applications worldwide, 2009-
2017 ...................................................................................................................................................... 92
Figure 107 Size of data economy in EU27, 2018 vs. 2025, in € billion .................................................. 93
Figure 108 Total number of Edge Computing scientific publications, 2009-2019 ................................ 94
Figure 109: Individuals who experienced a security-related problem (% of internet users) 2019 ...... 95
Figure 110: Type of security-related problems experienced (% of internet users) 2019 ..................... 96
Figure 111: Individuals who were limited or prevented from performing selected online activities
because of security concerns (% of internet users) 2015 and 2019 ..................................................... 96
Figure 112: Security incidents and security concerns (% of internet users) 2019 ................................ 97
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Figure 113: Online activities limited or prevented because of security concerns (% of internet users)
2015 and 2019 ...................................................................................................................................... 97
Figure 114: Enterprises that experienced at least once problems due to an ICT related security
incident (unavailability of ICT services, destruction or corruption of data, disclosure of confidential
data) (% of enterprises) 2019 ............................................................................................................... 98
Figure 115: Problems experienced due to ICT security incidents (% of enterprises) 2019 .................. 98
Figure 116: Type of ICT security measures adopted by EU enterprises (% of enterprises) 2019 ......... 99
Figure 117: Enterprises that make persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security issues
(% of enterprises) 2019 ....................................................................................................................... 100
Figure 118: Enterprises make persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security issues by
compulsory training courses or compulsory material (% of enterprises) 2019.................................. 100
Figure 119: Enterprises that make persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security issues
(% of enterprises) 2019 ....................................................................................................................... 101
Figure 120: Enterprises make persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security issues by
compulsory training courses or compulsory material (% of enterprises) 2019.................................. 101
Figure 121 ICT sector Value Added, € billion, 2006-2019 ................................................................... 102
Figure 122 ICT sector Value Added, nominal and deflated, € billion, 2006-2019 .............................. 102
Figure 123 ICT sector share of GDP 2006-2017 .................................................................................. 103
Figure 124 ICT sector Value Added, EU28, € billion, 2017 .................................................................. 103
Figure 125 ICT sector share of GDP, EU28, percentage, 2017 ............................................................ 104
Figure 126 Price index, ICT sector and overall economy, index base 2015=100, 2006-2019............. 104
Figure 127 Price index, ICT by sub-sector, index base 2015=100, 2006-2019.................................... 105
Figure 128 Employment in the ICT sector, million individuals, 2006-2019 ........................................ 105
Figure 129 ICT sector share of total employment, percentage, 2006-2017 ...................................... 106
Figure 130 Employment in the ICT sector, EU28, million individuals, 2017 ....................................... 106
Figure 131 ICT sector share of total employment, EU28, percentage, 2017 ...................................... 107
Figure 132 Productivity in the ICT sub-sector, thousand € per individual employed, 2006-2019 ..... 107
Figure 133 Productivity, nominal and deflated, thousand € per individual employed, 2006-2019 ... 108
Figure 134 ICT sector productivity, thousand € PPS per individual employed, index US=100, 2006-
2017 .................................................................................................................................................... 108
Figure 135 Productivity in the ICT sector, EU28, thousand € PPS per individual employed, 2017 .... 109
Figure 136 Productivity, ICT sector and total, EU28, thousand € PPS per individual employed, 2017
............................................................................................................................................................ 109
Figure 137 R&D expenditure by business enterprises (BERD) in the ICT sector, € billion, 2006-2019
............................................................................................................................................................ 110
Figure 138 R&D expenditure by business enterprises (BERD) in the ICT sector, nominal and deflated,
€ billion, 2006-2019 ............................................................................................................................ 110
Figure 139 ICT sector R&D Intensity (BERD/VA), percentage, 2006-2017.......................................... 110
Figure 140 R&D expenditure by business enterprises (BERD) in the ICT sector, EU28, € billion, 2017
............................................................................................................................................................ 111
Figure 141 ICT sector R&D Intensity (BERD/VA), EU28, percentage, 2017 ........................................ 111
Figure 142 R&D Personnel (PERD) in the ICT sector, thousand FTEs, 2006-2019 .............................. 112
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Figure 143 ICT sector share of total R&D personnel, percentage, 2006-2017 ................................... 112
Figure 144 R&D personnel (PERD) in the ICT sector, EU28, thousand FTEs, 2017 ............................. 113
Figure 145 ICT sector share of total R&D personnel (PERD), EU28, percentage, 2017 ...................... 113
Figure 146 Public funding of ICT R&D (ICT GBARD), € billion, 2006-2018 .......................................... 114
Figure 147 ICT GBARD share of total GBARD, percentage, 2006-2018 .............................................. 114
Figure 148 Public funding of ICT R&D (ICT GBARD), EU28, € billion, 2018 ......................................... 115
Figure 149 ICT GBARD as share of total GBARD, EU28, percentage, 2018 ......................................... 115
Figure 150 EU funding and projects by year, 2014-2019.................................................................... 117
Figure 151 EU Funding and projects by pillar, cumulated values 2014-2019..................................... 118
Figure 152 EU funding and projects by type of action, cumulated values 2014-2019 ....................... 119
Figure 153 EU funding, Industrial Leadership pillar, by area, cumulated values 2014-2019 ............. 120
Figure 154 Number of participations by category, cumulated values 2014-2019 ............................. 121
Figure 155 EU funding per capita, cumulated values 2014-2019 ....................................................... 121
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
1 Introduction
The Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) monitors Europe’s overall digital performance and
tracks the progress of EU countries in digital competitiveness. By providing data on the state of
digitisation of each Member State, it helps them identify areas requiring priority investment and
In February 2020, the Commission set out its vision for the digital transformation in the
communication “Shaping Europe’s digital future(1)” to deliver an inclusive use of technology that
works for people and respects EU fundamental values. The White Paper on Artificial Intelligence(2)
and the European data strategy(3) are the first two pillars of the new digital strategy of the
Commission. On 10 March, the Commission published its new SME strategy(4) for a sustainable and
digital Europe. DESI will be used to monitor progress on the digitisation of SMEs on an annual basis.
Shortly thereafter, COVID-19 hit, showing how essential digital assets have become to our
economies and how networks and connectivity, data, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and supercomputing
as well as basic and advanced digital skills sustain our economies and societies by allowing work to
continue, tracking the spread of the virus and accelerating the search for medications and vaccines.
The Commission responded swiftly to the new challenge by launching several measures in the area
of digital. To name the most significant, on 19 March, the Commission and the Body of European
Regulators of Electronic Communications (BEREC) set up a special reporting mechanism to monitor
the internet traffic situation in each Member State to be able to respond to capacity issues. On 25
March, an initiative was launched to collect ideas about deployable AI and robotics solutions as well
as information on other initiatives that could help respond to the pandemic. On 8 April, a
recommendation was published to develop a common EU approach for the use of mobile
applications and mobile data in response to the coronavirus pandemic. The Digital Skills and Jobs
Coalition started to organise thematic webinars with the National Coalitions and their members to
share their challenges, solutions and experiences in response to the sudden need for digital skills
among Europeans.
At their meeting on 20 March, the European Council called for preparations to get Europe’s
societies and economies back on the track of sustainable growth integrating the green transition
and the digital transformation. On 27 May, the Commission adopted the Next Generation EU
recovery plan to provide Member States with the funds to make their economies more resilient.
Crucially, it will ensure that these investments and reforms focus on the challenges related to the
green and digital transitions. Member States will design their own tailored national recovery plans,
based on the investment and reform priorities identified as part of the European Semester to be
supported by the new €560 billion strong Recovery(5) and Resilience Facility. DESI provides the
country specific analysis that supports the digital recommendations of the European Semester and
Shaping Europe’s digital future, COM(2020) 67 final:
White Paper on Artificial Intelligence - A European approach to excellence and trust, COM(2020) 65 final:
A European strategy for data, COM(2020) 66 final:
An SME Strategy for a sustainable and digital Europe, COM(2020) 103 final:
Europe's moment: Repair and Prepare for the Next Generation, COM(2020) 456 final: https://eur-
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
its data allows Member States to target and prioritise their reform and investment needs thus
facilitating the access to the Recovery and Resilience Facility.
The DESI 2020 reports are based on 2019 data and assesses the status of the digital economy and
society prior to the pandemic. The current crisis is having an important impact on key societal
indicators, relating to the use of internet services by citizens. This does not show in the latest 2019
official statistics as reported in DESI. Consequently, the DESI 2020 findings need to be read in
conjunction with the large number of measures in digital taken by the Commission and the Member
States to manage the pandemic and to support the economic recovery.
Member States took immediate actions to minimise contagion and to support the health system,
such as developing applications and platforms to facilitate telemedicine and to coordinate health
resources. Measures to reinforce the digital infrastructure due to the strained demand were put in
place. In many cases, the provision of online education resources and digital public services were
developed or improved to promote digital inclusion. Likewise, the support to digitisation of
businesses, particularly of SMEs, was accelerated in areas such as e-commerce, teleworking or
online training. Cybersecurity and the fight against fake news or online shopping scams was also a
priority. Efforts also concentrated on the promotion and funding of research activities using
advanced digital technologies and infrastructure. In each country report, the measures taken by
each Member State are detailed.
DESI is made up of 5 dimensions, presented in Table 1.
Table 1 The structure of DESI
1 Connectivity Fixed broadband take-up, fixed broadband coverage, mobile
broadband and broadband prices
2 Human capital Internet user skills and advanced skills
3 Use of internet Citizens' use of internet services and online transactions
4 Integration of digital technology Business digitisation and e-commerce
5 Digital public services e-Government
Broadband connectivity
Access to a fast and reliable broadband connection (including fixed and mobile connections) is
crucial in the current context, in which key societal and economic services are delivered online. A
modern and robust digital infrastructure provides the necessary coverage for these services. During
the crisis, networks have faced a significantly increased demand, whilst at the same time having to
provide broadband-enabled services.
Overall connectivity has improved, both as far as demand and supply are concerned. In 2019, NGA
coverage increased to 86% of households compared to 83% a year ago, while fixed very high
capacity networks (VHCNs) are available to 44% of households. VHCNs are provided either on FTTP
(Fibre to the Premises) or DOCSIS 3.1 (Data Over Cable Service Interface Specification) cable
networks. Malta, Denmark and Luxembourg lead on VHCNs with coverage of at least 90%. Across
Europe 78% of households had a fixed broadband subscription in 2019, up from 70% 5 years ago.
Over a period of 5 years we note that more and more people are taking up broadband services of at
least 100 Mbps: penetration reached 26% of households, five times higher than 5 years ago. 4G
networks cover almost the entire European population, but little progress has been registered on
5G spectrum assignments. Only 17 Member States have already assigned spectrum in the 5G
pioneer bands. Finland, Germany, Hungary and Italy are the most advanced on 5G readiness. In the
Connectivity dimension overall, Denmark, Sweden and Luxembourg have the highest scores.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
of companies using big data and Finland with 50% relying on cloud services. As for e-commerce, only
17.5% of SMEs sold online in 2019, following a very slight increase of 1.4 percentage points
compared to 2016. In contrast, 39% of large enterprises made use of online sales in 2019. The top
EU performers in the digitisation of businesses are Ireland, Finland, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Digital public services
The COVID-19 crisis shows how important it is to ensure the continuation of governmental activities
when social distancing measures are in place. A successful exit strategy to the current pandemic will
require robust digital public services throughout the Member States, including e-health (such as
telemedicine, electronic prescriptions and medical data exchange) and the use of advanced
technologies to enhance public services, for example by using big data or AI.
Prior to the pandemic there was an upward trend in digital public services. In 2019, both the quality
and usage of digital public services increased. 67% of internet users who submitted forms to their
public administration now use online channels (up from 57% in 2014), showing the convenience of
online procedures over paper-based ones. The top performers in this area are Estonia, Spain,
Denmark, Finland and Latvia.
How do Member States perform on this year’s DESI(6)?
Figure 1 Digital Economy and Society Index – Member States’ progress, 2015-2020
DESI 2020 includes the 27 Member States of the EU and also the UK, since the latest data used in the report
refer mainly to 2019, when the UK was still a member of the EU. EU averages include also the UK.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Denmark, Estonia and Luxembourg show a relatively low progression in digitisation over the last five
years, even though they remain amongst the well performing Member States in the overall DESI
ranking. In Denmark, the largest challenge is to further improve on advanced digital skills whilst in
Luxembourg the digitisation of businesses is relatively low. In Estonia, there is a relative weakness as
regards connectivity and the digitisation of businesses.
Significantly, the majority of the countries, which are below the EU average in the level of
digitisation have not progressed much in the last five years. This is the case notably for Bulgaria,
Greece and Romania. All these Member States, however, have recently launched several initiatives
in the various areas monitored by the DESI and results may be visible in the coming years.
Figure 2 Digital Economy and Society Index, 2020
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia, Point Topic and VVA, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
The 5G Action Plan for Europe, adopted by the Commission in 2016 sets the objective to start
launching 5G services in all EU Member States by the end of 2020. 5G will provide ubiquitous, ultra-
high bandwidth and low latency connectivity to both individual users and connected objects. 5G will
serve a wide range of applications and sectors including professional uses (e.g. Connected
Automated Mobility, e-health, energy management and safety applications). A precondition for the
commercial launch of 5G is the assignment of 5G spectrum in every country. So far, only 17 Member
States have assigned any spectrum in the 5G ‘pioneer bands’, and only 21% of the total amount of
5G spectrum has been assigned at EU level. The best performing countries are Finland, Germany,
Hungary and Italy.
positive impact of increasing the number of internet users, the development of digital skills does not
come automatically with increased usage. The percentage of people having at least basic digital skills
went up slightly from 55% in 2015 to 58% in 2019. The Netherlands and Finland are the frontrunners
in the EU, while Bulgaria and Romania are lagging behind.
Figure 4 Digital skills (% of individuals), 2015 – 2019(7)
From 2017 the digital skills indicators are collected biennially.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Figure 5 Use of advanced cloud services and big data in the EU by company size (% of enterprises), 2018
3 Connectivity
The connectivity dimension of the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) looks at both the
demand and the supply side of fixed and mobile broadband. Under fixed broadband, it assesses the
take-up of overall and ultrafast broadband (at least 100 Mbps), the availability of fast broadband
(next generation access (NGA) providing at least 30 Mbps) and of fixed very high capacity networks
(VHCNs)(8), and also considers the prices of retail offers. Mobile broadband includes 4G coverage, the
take-up of mobile broadband (3G and 4G) and the indicator on 5G readiness(9). Digital connectivity is
considered a social right in the EU(10).
In connectivity, Denmark had the highest score, followed by Sweden, Luxembourg, Latvia and Spain.
Greece, Cyprus and Bulgaria had the weakest performance for this dimension of the DESI.
As for the mobile broadband sub-dimension (including indicators 1c1, 1c2 and 1c3), Finland,
Germany, Italy, Hungary and Denmark lead Europe, while Bulgaria and Slovenia registered the
lowest scores.
Table 2 Connectivity indicators in DESI
DESI 2018 DESI 2020
1a1 Overall fixed broadband take-up 75% 78%
% households 2017 2019
1a2 At least 100 Mbps fixed broadband take-up 15% 26%
% households 2017 2019
1b1 Fast broadband (NGA) coverage 79% 86%
% households 2017 2019
1b2 Fixed Very High Capacity Network (VHCN) coverage 26% 44%
% households 2017 2019
1c1 4G coverage 91% 96%
% households (average of operators) 2017 2019
1c2 Mobile broadband take-up 90 100
Subscriptions per 100 people 2017 2019
1c3 5G readiness NA 21%
Assigned spectrum as a % of total harmonised 5G spectrum 2020
1d1 Broadband price index NA 64
Score (0 to 100) 2019
Source: DESI 2020, European Commission.
Fixed VHCN coverage includes FTTP and DOCSIS 3.1 coverage.
The 5G readiness indicator was introduced in the DESI in 2019.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Broadband coverage of rural areas(11) remains challenging as 10% of households are not covered by
any fixed network and 41% are not covered by any NGA technology. Rural fixed coverage increased
marginally from 88% to 90%. Rural coverage improved in VDSL (from 36% to 42%), DOCSIS 3.0 (from
10% to 11%) FTTP (from 14% to 18%) and VHCN (from 14% to 20%). Mobile broadband availability
went up by 2 percentage points last year, although mobile is still mainly used as a complementary
technology rather than a substitute for fixed technologies.
Figure 9 Rural coverage by technology at EU level (% of households), 2018 – 2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
Overall coverage of fixed broadband has only marginally increased since 2011 from 95% to 97%.
Rural coverage improved from 80% in 2011 to 90% in 2019.
Figure 10 Fixed broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), 2011 - 2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia, Point Topic and VVA, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
For the definition of rural areas see sub-chapter “3.2 Defining households and rural areas” in the
methodology of the study “Broadband Coverage in Europe 2018”, page 16, by IHS Markit and Point Topic
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Fixed coverage is highest in the Member States with well-developed DSL infrastructures. In 12
Member States, more than 99% of households are covered. Poland, Lithuania, Romania and Slovakia
are lagging behind with less than 90% of households covered.
Figure 11 Fixed broadband coverage (% of households), mid-2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
Coverage of next generation access (NGA) technologies continued to increase, reaching 86% in 2019
up from 48% in 2011. By mid-2019, VDSL had the largest coverage among NGA technologies at 59%,
followed by cable (46%) and FTTP (34%). NGA coverage improved significantly in rural areas, with an
increase of 50 percentage points in 8 years: in 2011, it stood at 9% of households, while in 2019 at
Figure 12 Next generation access (NGA) broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), 2011-2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia, Point Topic and VVA, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
Cyprus, Malta and Belgium are the leaders in NGA. In 13 Member States, fast broadband is available
to at least 90% of households, whereas in France and Lithuania less than 70% of households have
access to such networks.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Figure 13 Next generation access (NGA) broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), mid-2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
The discrepancy in overall and rural NGA broadband coverage is well illustrated by the two maps
Figure 14 Overall Next generation access (NGA) broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), mid-2019
Source: Broadband Coverage in Europe 2019, a study by IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Figure 15 Rural Next generation access (NGA) broadband coverage in the EU (% of households), mid-2019
Source: Broadband Coverage in Europe 2019, a study by IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic
Overall very high capacity network (VHCN) coverage shows a spectacular increase between 2011 and
2019 from 10% to 44%, an increase of 34 percentage points in 8 years. In rural areas, growth was
lower, but still significant, from 2% to 20% within the same time period. The significant gap between
total and rural VHCN coverage shows the regional disparities in digital opportunities and confirms
that more investment is needed in rural areas in order to catch up.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
Thematic chapters
Figure 16 Fixed very high capacity network (VHCN) coverage (% of households) in the EU, 2011-2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
On VHCN coverage, Malta is leading with 100% coverage, followed by Denmark and Luxembourg
with above 90% coverage. The poorest performers in this respect are Greece (7%), the UK and
Cyprus (both at 10%). Austria, Ireland and Czechia are below 30%, while Italy is at 30%. VHCN
coverage in Germany stands at a mere 33%.
Figure 17 Fixed very high capacity network (VHCN) coverage (% of households), mid-2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
4G (LTE) is almost ubiquitous with 99.4% of households covered by at least one operator in Europe
(overall 4G coverage), and it is now even more widely available than fixed broadband (97.1%). 4G
coverage increased mainly in Ireland, Romania, Cyprus and Croatia from 2018 to 2019.
Looking at the 5 year trend, overall 4G coverage increased from 81% in 2014 by 18 percentage
points to 99.4% in 2019. Rural 4G coverage went up from 38% in 2014 to 98% in 2019, an increase of
60 percentage points in 5 years.
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Average 4G availability(12) is 96%, up from 85% in 2016. In comparison, overall 4G coverage increased
only 3 percentage points since 2016.
Figure 18 4G mobile coverage in the EU (% of households), 2011-2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia, Point Topic and VVA, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
Figure 19 4G mobile coverage (% of households), mid-2019
Source: IHS Markit, Omdia and Point Topic, Broadband coverage in Europe studies.
This indicator measures the average of mobile telecom operators' coverage within each country.
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See in sub-chapter “3.3. Mobile broadband take-up” below “Figure Error! Main Document Only.
Households using only mobile broadband at home (% of households), 2019” and related description.
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In the Netherlands, the UK, Luxembourg, Germany, Denmark, Sweden and Belgium, urban and rural
penetration rates are identical or almost identical.
However, in a large group of Member States (Bulgaria, Finland, Latvia, Romania, Italy, Poland,
Lithuania, Malta, Portugal, Greece, France and Spain), fixed rural take-up is relatively low (below
63%) and there are significant gaps of 12-30 percentage points between urban and rural take-up.
Figure 22 Households with a fixed broadband subscription of at least 100 Mbps (% of households) 2012 –
Source: Estimated based on Eurostat’s “Community survey on ICT usage in Households and by Individuals” and data from
the Communications Committee (COCOM).
The Digital Agenda for Europe set the objective of at least 50% of households subscribing to ultrafast
broadband by the end of 2020. In June 2019, 66.5% of households were covered by networks
capable of providing at least 100 Mbps. As new service offers emerge, take-up is growing sharply.
26% of European households currently subscribe to ultrafast broadband (at least 100 Mbps), a
marked improvement from 2% 7 years ago. Penetration is highest in Sweden, Portugal, Spain and
Hungary with over 50% of households subscribing to at least 100 Mbps. In Greece, Cyprus and
Croatia, by contrast, take-up is very low (less than 10%).
Figure 23 Households with a fixed broadband subscription of at least 100 Mbps (% of households), 2019
Source: Estimated based on Eurostat’s “Community survey on ICT usage in Households and by Individuals” and data from
the Communications Committee (COCOM).
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Although DSL is still the most widely used fixed broadband technology, its market share declined
from 79% in 2009 to 58% in 2019 – more than 20 percentage points in 10 years. Its main challenger -
cable - increased its share slightly (15% versus 19%) during the same period.
However, the most spectacular growth was achieved by FTTH/B, which has acquired 19% of the
market in just 8 years. Nevertheless, DSL is still dominant, and its market share could be maintained
for some years thanks to increasing VDSL coverage.
Figure 24 Fixed broadband subscriptions – technology market shares in the EU (% of subscriptions), July
2006-July 2019
Figure 25 Fixed broadband subscriptions – technology market shares in the EU (% of subscriptions), July
Figure 26 NGA subscriptions (millions) by technology in the EU, July 2012-July 2019
Figure 27 Fixed broadband subscriptions – operator Figure 28 Incumbent operator market share by
market shares in the EU (% of subscriptions), January technology in the EU (% of subscriptions), July 2019
2006-July 2019
Figure 30 Mobile broadband penetration in the EU (subscriptions per 100 people), July 2009-July 2019
Figure 34 Numbers of 5G cities and reported 5G trials in EU Member States, January 2020
Source: iDATE.
The ‘5G digital cross-border corridors’ shown in Figure 35 are large-scale segments of highways
running across two or more national borders where 5G connectivity systems applied to connected
and automated mobility solutions and use cases are tested. Such corridors are either based on
bilateral agreements for enhanced cross-border cooperation that Member States have signed
and/or included in Horizon 2020 research and innovation projects.
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Figure 35 A map of 5G digital cross-border corridors in the EU Member States, January 2020
Source: iDATE.
At the end of March 2020, 5G commercial services had been deployed in 9 Member States (AT, FI,
DE, HU, IE, IT, LV, RO, ES) and in the UK.
0 to 100, 100 being the best.
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Figure 36 Broadband price index – all baskets (score 0-100, 100 being the best) 2020
Figure 38 Broadband price index – baskets with mobile offers only (score 0-100, 100 being the best), 2020
Almost all Member States have launched their 5G strategies focusing on spectrum availability, 5G
testing and designating 5G cities. The first deployments of 5G networks have started in few Member
States and operators have started marketing 5G offers. A number of regional agreements for 5G
corridors have been signed for automated driving. The COVID-19 crisis forced a number of Member
States to postpone a number of 5G assignment procedures scheduled in Q2 2020.
3.8 EU harmonised radio spectrum underpins future wireless digital services within
the EU
The EU harmonised radio spectrum for wireless broadband use amounts to 4340 MHz, including the
26 GHz frequency band (24.25-27.5 GHz), while 2090 MHz thereof are subject to authorisation in
accordance with the provisions of Directive (EU) 2018/1972 (European Electronic Communications
Code, EECC). The 700 MHz frequency band (703-733 MHz and 758-788 MHz) shall be awarded and
available for use by 30 June 2020 under Decision (EU) 2017/899(15). In addition, the 3.6 GHz
frequency band (3400-3800 MHz) and at least 1 GHz of the 26 GHz frequency band (subject to
market demand) shall be allowed for use by 31 December 2020 pursuant to Article 54 of the EECC.
In April 2020, 39% of the EU harmonised radio spectrum for wireless broadband was awarded across
Member States. Less than 2 months before the expiration of the deadline, and while some Member
States have announced the postponement of spectrum awards due to the COVID-19 crisis or are in
the process of resolving other issues (e.g. pending cross-border coordination), only seven Member
States have assigned the 700 MHz band (and two not in full). Bands above 1 GHz provide additional
capacity. These remain partly unassigned in many Member States, but will play a significant role in
the deployment of 5G services, in particular the 3.6 GHz band, which has been identified as the
primary 5G band in Europe.
Taking into account the above timeframes as well as the information gathered by the Commission,
with relation to the administrative measures taken so far by Member States towards the fulfilment
of the above timeframe obligations, there is some concern about the timely implementation of EU
law regarding the authorisation of radio spectrum for 5G.
Lack of radio spectrum assignment may be due to different reasons depending on the circumstances
in each Member State, such as cross-border coordination issues or use of radio spectrum for defence
purposes. In this context, and given the different regulatory conditions applicable to each band, lack
of assignment does not necessarily mean non-compliance with EU law.
Exceptional circumstances resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic have forced some Member States
to postpone 5G auctions initially scheduled for the first months of 2020. So far, seven Member
States (AT, CY, EE, FR, PL, PT and ES) have postponed spectrum auctions for 5G due to reasons
related to the pandemic.
Hungary was the latest country to assign radio spectrum for 5G, in the context of a multiband
auction that was carried out on 26 March 2020 (700 MHz, 2.1 GHz, 3.6 GHz), just one day before the
national restriction measures, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, were put in place.
Decision (EU) 2017/899 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 May 2017 on the use of the
470-790 MHz frequency band in the Union (OJ L.138 of 25.05.2017, p.131.
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Figure 41 Assigned radio spectrum for wireless broadband in harmonised EU bands (April 2020)
The 700 MHz frequency band will be available for use in Italy from July 2022 as the authorities have
obtained an exception as provided for in Decision of the European Parliament and the Council on the use of
the 470-790 MHz band in the Union
A limited list of justified reasons is contained in the annex to the Decision of the European Parliament and
the Council on the use of the 470-790 MHz band in the Union.
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The 800 MHz band (the ‘digital dividend I’) is currently assigned in all Member States (in two cases
only partially) except for Bulgaria, which has been exempted due to incumbent military use under
Article 1(3) of the Radio Spectrum Policy Programme.
Implementing Decisions
Since 2018 the Commission has adopted the following Decisions, pertinent to wireless broadband:
• Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2018/661 (amending Decision (EU) 2015/750) as
regards the extension of the 1.5 GHz band to provide 50 MHz of additional download
capacity for 5G services.
• Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/235 (amending Decision 2008/411/EC) to
update the relevant technical conditions applicable to the 3.6 GHz band to make the band
5G-ready as it has been identified as the primary pioneer band for 5G in the EU.
• Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2019/784 to harmonise the technical conditions
applicable to the 26 GHz band. This band will be essential for some of the envisaged 5G use
cases such as enhanced mobile broadband, specific vertical services that require short
response times and extremely high data rates and fixed wireless access for the provision of
high-speed internet to households and businesses in areas with limited availability of fixed
broadband technology.
Moreover, the Commission further delivered on its 5G spectrum roadmap by recently adopting three
Decisions regarding the 26 GHz, the paired terrestrial 2 GHz and the 2.6 GHz frequency bands:
• Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/590 of 24 April 2020 amending the
harmonised technical conditions of Decision (EU) 2019/784 for use of the 26 GHz band,
taking due account of the international agreement reached at the last World
Radiocommunication Conference in 2019. It adapts the technical conditions for the
protection of the passive satellite services below 24 GHz, which are used for earth
monitoring and climate observation (e.g. for the European Copernicus programme). This
amendment strikes a sensitive balance in promoting Union policies on 5G deployment and
climate change.
• Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/667 of 6 May 2020 amending the harmonised
technical conditions of Decision 2012/688/EC, in order to make the paired terrestrial 2 GHz
band fit for 5G use, under the principle of technology neutrality.
• Commission Implementing Decision (EU) 2020/636 of 8 May 2020 amending the harmonised
technical conditions of Decision 2008/477/EC, in order to make the 2.6 GHz band fit for 5G
use, under the principle of technology neutrality.
It is an established EU policy, enshrined also in the European Electronic Communications Code, that
authorisation conditions conducive to investment in 5G deployment should avoid extracting
excessive capital from the market and should promote ambitious infrastructure roll-out targets
(including along rail and roads). The conditions should also enable innovative services, create
opportunities for vertical services to access radio spectrum and not artificially limit or apportion
radio spectrum supply, in particular in the 3.6 GHz band where large blocks of contiguous spectrum
should be made available to operators to unleash the full 5G potential.
Market 1 Market 2 Market 3a Market 3b Market 4 ex-Mkt 1 ex-Mkt 2 ex-Mkt 3 ex-Mkt 4 ex-Mkt 5 ex-Mkt 6 ex-Mkt 7 ex-Mkt 10 ex-Mkt 14 ex-Mkt 15 ex-Mkt 18
3 4 5 5 5 4 4 3 2 4 3 4 1 2 1 4
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3 4 4 4 3 3 2 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 1 1
4 5 4 4 4 6 4 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2
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4 5 3 3 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2
2 5 4 4 2 3 3 2 1 1 1 2 3 1 3 3
4 4 3 3 3 4 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 4 2 4
5 5 3 4 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 5
3 5 3 5 5 5 4 2 2 2 2 4 2 4 1 2
BEREC Guidelines on the Implementation by National Regulators of European Net Neutrality Rules BoR (16)
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started the review of the guidelines in 2019, and adoption is envisaged in the second quarter of
In 2019, three Member States (BG, SI and EL) adopted separate acts specifying the application of a
provision in the TSM Regulation, mainly giving guidance on transparency provisions, quality of
service and traffic management. Finally, in 2019 Ireland’s national regulatory authority was
empowered to enforce the open internet rules.
Following the introduction of social distancing measures to fight the Coronavirus pandemic, the
demand for internet capacity has increased, be it for teleworking, e-learning or entertainment
purposes. To respond to this intensified flow of internet traffic, the Commission called upon the
cooperation of major platforms, BEREC, telecom operators and the public to ensure connectivity and
an open internet across Europe. Streaming platforms are advised to offer standard rather than high
definition and to cooperate with telecom operators. Telecom operators should take preventive and
mitigating measures. Users can apply settings that reduce data consumption, including the use of
Wi-Fi or lower resolution content. As a precautionary measure, the Commission and BEREC set up a
special reporting mechanism to monitor the internet traffic situation in each Member State to be
able to respond to capacity issues.
Open internet annual reports
The TSM-Regulation obliges national regulatory authorities to publish annual reports on their
monitoring and findings and to share these reports with the Commission and BEREC. The latest
annual country reports (covering 1 May 2018 to 30 April 2019) are available here.
In addition, BEREC publishes an annual report on the implementation of the TSM-Regulation and the
net neutrality guidelines.
Open internet issues
In 2019, national regulatory authorities continued their analysis of individual commercial offers
emerging on the market on a case-by-case basis. Some Member States (including BE, ES, CY and AT)
carried out formal investigations of commercial practices, e.g. zero-rated offers, while several
Member States (including BG, DE, EL, CY, LU, HU, NL, AT, and PT ) carried out procedures on traffic
management practices. Some Member States (including LT, PT and RO) carried out formal
investigations on transparency.
In addition, two Member States (DE and HU) reported issues with restrictions for end users
preventing them from using the terminal equipment of their choice.
As regards legal proceedings, two national court cases (in DE and IT) were concluded in 2019. In the
German case, the court rejected a request for an interim decision, thus enforcing the decision of the
Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA), the national regulatory authority, prohibiting unequal treatment of
traffic through video throttling. In the Italian case, the court upheld the decision of AGCOM, the
national regulator, from 2017, prohibiting a zero-rated offer which enabled continued use of the
zero-rated music app even after the data bundle was consumed, while all other traffic was blocked.
In addition to these cases, a Hungarian case was referred to the Court of Justice of the European
Union (joint cases C-39/19 and C-807/18). This is the first preliminary ruling request in this field, and
will be a landmark ruling on zero-rating(19). The dispute concerns additional services offered by
The opinion of the Advocate General was published on the 4 March 2020. The opinion states that the
prohibition in Article 3(3) is general, unconditional and objective in that it prohibits any traffic management
measure which would not be reasonable (within the meaning of paragraph 3) and would not contribute to
equal treatment and not discriminatory of this traffic. The Advocate General agrees with the Commission that
when an infringement of Article 3(3) of the TSM-Regulation EU (2015/2120) is found, it is not essential to
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Telenor Magyarország Zrt. relating to social media (chat) applications and music streaming and
online radio applications. The issues at stake are: (i) the enabling of continued usage of the zero-
rated services even after exhaustion of the data volume, while all other traffic is blocked; and (ii) the
relationship between Article 3(2) (commercial agreements) and (3) (traffic management).
Source: Based on the 24th BEREC Benchmark Data Report, April 2019-October 2019(21).
Overall, mobile operators are complying with the roaming rules and despite initial concerns,
waterbed effects(22) have not been observed following the introduction of RLAH. The general trend
further assess whether paragraph 2 of Article 3 has been infringed (which would entail a detailed analysis of
the market and the impact of the measure in question). This was also the view of the majority of national
regulatory authorities in the BEREC Open Internet Working Group.
Report on the review of the roaming market, COM(2019)616 final and accompanying Commission staff
working document SWD(2019)416 final, both available here.
International Roaming BEREC benchmark data report April 2019 - September 2019, available here.
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in domestic prices and in retail roaming prices to the rest of the world is decreasing. Domestic-only
tariffs remain limited and around 96% of consumers are roaming enabled.
Fair use policies and sustainability derogations served their purpose in ensuring the sustainability of
the RLAH regime, although their use remains marginal. In summer 2019, voice or data roaming
traffic subject to a surcharge due to a fair use policy or a sustainability derogation did not exceed 6%
of total roaming traffic in the EU. Apart from mobile virtual network operators, derogations are
mainly used in some countries where data prices are very low, revenues per user are low and/or
roaming imbalances are high (e.g. Estonia, Finland, Lithuania and Poland).
For the roaming consumer, quality of service is an essential element of the roaming service
provided. The BEREC Opinion on the roaming market(23) observes a lack of transparency regarding
data speeds provided while roaming. Furthermore, 14 out of 30 NRAs have reported consumer
complaints on quality of service while roaming.
The Roaming Regulation expires on 30 June 2022. The Commission roaming review report of
November 2019 concluded that despite signs of some competition dynamics on both the retail and
wholesale roaming markets, the underlying basic competition conditions have not changed and are
not likely to change in the foreseeable future to such an extent that retail or wholesale regulation of
the roaming market could be lifted after the expiry of the Regulation. In this light, the Commission
has included in its work programme for 2020 a legislative proposal for extending the Roaming
Regulation to ensure continuation of ‘roam like at home’ and maintain its benefits for consumers
beyond 2022.
3.13 Emergency Communications and the single European emergency number 112(24)
The share of emergency calls to the 112 single European emergency number is rising, showing
Europeans’ increasing preference for using this number in cases of emergency. Calls to 112
increased 12% year on year, while the total number of emergency calls rose 6%. Calls to 112
represented 51% of calls placed in case of an emergency. By extrapolating data reported by 8
countries, 2,300,000 emergency calls were placed by roaming end users in the reporting period.
Accuracy of caller location continued to improve in the reporting period. Advanced mobile location
(AML), a handset-based caller location solution that relies on GNSS and Wi-Fi signals, took off in the
Netherlands. Currently AML is fully deployed in Belgium, Estonia, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, Malta,
Slovenia, the Netherlands and the UK. The Commission is contributing to this development by
financing AML deployment in Germany, Denmark, France, Croatia, Hungary, Portugal and Sweden,
raising the number of AML countries to 16 in the near future.
The share of emergency calls placed from mobile phones is more than double that of the calls placed
from fixed networks. In the reporting period, 72% of emergency calls were placed from a mobile
phone. This confirms that a growing number of European citizens could benefit from handset-
derived caller location, as mandated by the European Electronic Communications Code in Article
Waterbed effect: When pressing down prices in one part of firms’ operations causes another set of prices
to rise.
BEREC Opinion on the functioning of the roaming market as input to EC evaluation, BoR(19)101, 19 June
2019, available here.
The main findings based on the Communications Committee’s (COCOM) 112 implementation report,
available here.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
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4 Human Capital
The current COVID-19 pandemic has shown how important digital assets have become to our
economies and how basic and advanced digital skills sustain our economies and societies. Although
already 85% of citizens used the internet in 2019, prior to the COVID-19 crisis, only 58% possesses at
least basic digital skills. Therefore, having an internet connection is not sufficient; it must be paired
with the appropriate skills to take advantage of the digital society. Digital skills range from basic
usage skills that enable individuals to take part in the digital society and consume digital goods and
services, to advanced skills that empower the workforce to develop new digital goods and services.
Table 3 Human capital indicators in DESI
DESI 2018 DESI 2020
2a1 At least basic digital skills 57% 58%
% individuals 2017 2019
2a2 Above basic digital skills 31% 33%
% individuals 2017 2019
2a3 At least basic software skills 60% 61%
% individuals 2017 2019
2b1 ICT specialists 3.7% 3.9%
% total employment 2016 2018
2b2 Female ICT specialists 1.3% 1.4%
% female employment 2016 2018
2b3 ICT graduates 3.5% 3.6%
% graduates 2015 2017
Source: DESI 2020, European Commission.
From 2017 the digital skills indicators are collected biennially.
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47% of participants in the EU in the 2019 edition of EU Code Week were female. Luxembourg was
the European champion in women’s participation at 56%. In countries like Poland, Denmark and
Hungary, men constituted more than 60% of all participants in EU Code Week activities in 2019.
Figure 52 Female participation in EU Code Week (% of participants), 2019
5.5 e-Commerce
The upward trend in e-commerce continued in 2019, with around 71% of EU internet users ordering
goods and services online. e-Commerce varies considerably across EU Member States. In 2019, 91%
of internet users in the UK and 86% in Denmark shopped online, compared to only 29% in Romania.
The largest annual increases were in Croatia (10 percentage points) and in Hungary (8 percentage
e-Commerce is influenced by age, level of education and employment situation. Young people make
up the most active age group of online shoppers (78% of 16-24-year olds), while the proportion of
internet users with a higher level of education shopping online (85%) is 35 percentage points higher
than those with a lower level of formal education. There is no significant difference by gender as,
72% of male and 71% of female internet users shop online.
Figure 57 Online shopping (% of internet users) by Figure 58 Online shopping (% of internet users) by
age groups, 2019 education level, 2019
Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage in Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage in
Households and by Individuals. Households and by Individuals.
Cross-border online shopping is advancing more slowly. Among online shoppers, 35% made online
purchases from sellers in other EU countries, while 87% made online purchases in their home
countries. An increase could be observed for purchases from sellers in other EU countries (from 29%
in 2014 to 35% in 2019) and from sellers outside the EU (from 17% in 2014 to 27% in 2019).
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Figure 64 Digital Intensity Index indicators tracking digitisation processes (% enterprises), 2019
Large SMEs
Figure 66 Enterprises employing ICT specialists (% of Figure 67 Enterprises employing ICT specialists (% of
enterprises), 2014-2019 enterprises), 2019
Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage and e- Source: Eurostat, Community survey on ICT usage and e-
commerce in enterprises. commerce in enterprises.
Figure 71 EU public cloud service revenues per category (forecast revenues for 2020 and 2021) (€ million),
2018 – 2021
6.6 e-Commerce
Already before the COVID-19 outbreak, one in five EU enterprises made online sales. For 2019,
online sales amounts to 18% of total turnover of companies that employ 10 or more people.
Between 2013 and 2019, the percentage of companies selling online increased by 3.5 percentage
points and the turnover of these companies realised from online sales increased by 4.5 percentage
Figure 75 Trends in e-commerce (% of enterprises, % of turnover), 2013-2019
Figure 78 Difficulties when selling to other EU countries (% of enterprises with web sales to other EU
countries), 2019
since 2013, the number of e-government users has increased by 26 percentage points, from 41% to
Figure 83 e-Government users submitting filled-in forms to public authorities in the last 12 months (% of all
internet users needing to submit filled forms to public authorities), 2013-2019
7.4 Digital public services for businesses (including the cross-border dimension)
The indicator measures the degree to which public services for businesses are interoperable and
work cross-border. It is calculated as the average of the national and cross-border online availability
for basic services(26).
The indicator assesses to what extent basic public services for businesses, when starting a business
and conducting regular business operations, are available online and across borders in other EU
Member States. Services provided through a portal receive a higher score, while services that only
provide information online but which require operations to be carried out offline receive a lower
The score for e-government services for businesses is growing steadily. Compared to 2018, there
was an increase of 3.3 points in 2019. Since 2014, the increase is more than 16.5 points.
Basic services: services and procedures needed to fulfil the essential requirements of a Life Event, i.e. core
Open Data in Europe 2019:
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
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directly; information on the service is available either through a portal or online; the service
or any information about the service is not online available).
2. Usability: this measures the availability of support channels and feedback mechanisms, such
as online chats.
3. Mobile friendliness: this captures the extent to which government services are available
through mobile devices, providing a seamless and convenient mobile experience to the
public and businesses.
Figure 90 User centricity breakdown (Score 0 to Over the last three years, online availability
100), 2017-2019 has improved by 4.2 points to 88.5,
broadening the online scope of public
services. Moreover, usability has increased by
3 points to 91.4. Encouragingly, public sector
services are becoming more mobile-friendly,
allowing users to find information and obtain
services anytime and anywhere. Since 2017,
there has been a significant progress in
mobile friendliness, with an improvement of
more than 15.5 points.
Source: eGovernment Benchmark, Capgemini.
Malta, Denmark, Austria, Estonia, Finland, Portugal and Latvia are in the lead, all scoring more than
95 points. Romania, Croatia and Cyprus are lagging behind, all scoring less than 75 points.
Figure 91 User centricity (Score 0 to 100), 2019
2. eDocuments: a document that has been authenticated by its issuer using any means
recognised under applicable national law, specifically through the use of electronic
signatures, i.e. not a regular PDF or Word document.
3. Authentic sources (named as pre-filled forms in DESI): base registries used by governments
to automatically validate or retrieve data related to individuals or businesses.
4. Digital post: assesses whether public authorities allow people to receive communications
digitally only, hence reducing paper mailings. Digital post refers to the possibility for
governments to communicate with people or entrepreneurs by electronic means only, such
as through personal electronic mailboxes.
Member States have ample room to improve the implementation of key enablers in their service
provision. For 2019, the eID indicator stands at 61 (out of 100); eDocuments at 71; authentic sources
at 59.4; and digital post at 72.6. However, there has been notable progress, especially in the take-up
of digital post. Since 2017, the use of key enablers has increased by 10.4 points in total. In that time,
eID recorded an increase of 8.5 points, eDocuments increased by 7.9 points, and authentic sources
by 5.9 points. Digital post recorded the greatest increase (19.3 points) since 2017.
Figure 92 Key enablers progress (Score 0 to 100), Figure 93 Key enablers (Score 0 to 100), 2019
Figure 95 Cross-border mobility (Score 0-100), The cross-border availability and usability of
2017-2019 services for businesses is much more
advanced when compared to cross-border
services directed at the public. However,
there has also been significant progress in
services offered to the public. Over the last 3
years, business mobility has risen by 9.5
points to 73 and citizens’ mobility by 6.8
points to 60.8.
8 Emerging technologies
This chapter presents the current state of play of four emerging technologies: blockchain, High
Performance Computing (HPC), quantum technology, and data and edge computing. On artificial
intelligence, the Commission will soon publish an analytical report based on a large scale survey of
enterprises. Consequently no assessment is included in this report.
The objective of this chapter is to provide an overview of: (i) the current and future size of the global
market; (ii) public and private investment; (iii) jobs and education; and (iv) research and innovation
activity. All the dimensions are only available for some technologies. In addition, given the lack of
data, the trend analysis at Member State level is not available for most of the indicators.
8.1 Blockchain
Blockchain is a decentralised technology (a type of Distributed Ledger Technology) employing
cryptographic techniques to record and synchronise data in ‘chains of blocks’. It allows people and
organisations to reach agreement and permanently record transactions and information in a
transparent way without a central authority. Therefore, it facilitates the creation of decentralised,
trusted, transparent and user-centric digital services. The combination of blockchain with other
cutting-edge technologies, like the Internet of Things (IoT) or artificial intelligence can improve the
security, performance, and management of the new systems(28). Blockchain technologies will play an
important role as a trust protocol and its development alongside quantum computing is
fundamental to define quantum-resistant solutions for blockchain(29).
Blockchain is one of the major technological breakthroughs of the past decade. It has evolved from
the technology enabling Bitcoin to include a myriad of possible applications in other areas such as
industry, trade and the public sector. Although blockchain is expected to transform the way the
world uses the internet and digital services over the next 10-to-15 years, it is still in its infancy.
Blockchain systems still face many challenges, including performance; scalability; energy
consumption; integration with legacy infrastructures; interoperability; potential collusion between
participants; management of public-private keys; and the protection of personal, sensitive or
confidential data(30).
The market revenues for blockchain-based technologies are expected to grow significantly in the
coming years from around $2.2 billion in 2019 to over $23.3 billion by 2030.
Weingärtner, Tim, Tokenization of Physical Assets and the Impact of IoT and AI, EU Blockchain Observatory
and Forum, Brussels, 2019.
The European Union Blockchain Observatory & Forum, Blockchain innovation in Europe, 2018.
European Commission, JRC, Blockchain Now and Tomorrow, June 2019.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
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Source: Statista.
The financial sector was one of the first sectors to invest in blockchain technologies. In 2018, the
financial sector accounted for around 60% of the market value, followed by the manufacturing and
resources sector (17.6%) and the distribution and services sector (14.6%). The public sector and the
infrastructure sector accounted for lower shares of 4.2% and 3.1% respectively(31).
Figure 98 Blockchain market value worldwide in 2018, by sector
Source: Statista.
Blockchain start-ups began to emerge in 2009. In 2018, the largest number of blockchain start-ups
were established in the USA and China, and only 15% in the EU. The UK hosts almost half of the EU’s
blockchain start-ups, followed by Germany, France and Estonia, with shares of 8%, 7% and 6%,
Statista, IDC (based on survey H1 2017)
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Bjorn-Soren Gigler, Financing the Deep Tech Revolution. How investors assess risks in Key Enabling
Technologies (KETs), European Investment Bank, 2018.
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Source: European Commission, JRC, Blockchain Now and Tomorrow, June 2019.
In Europe, the European Blockchain Partnership (EBP) was created in 2018 through a ministerial
declaration signed by Member States. The EBP established a European Blockchain Services
Infrastructure (EBSI) to support the delivery of cross-border digital public services with the highest
standards of security and privacy. In 2020, EBSI will deploy a network of distributed blockchain
nodes across Europe, supporting applications focused on selected use cases(34). In parallel, the
European strategy on blockchain is currently being drawn up and is expected to be adopted by mid-
Research programmes are supporting the development and market update of blockchain and
distributed ledger technologies. In 2020, the European Commission launched a new artificial
intelligence and blockchain investment fund of €100 million. This equity investment instrument will
support innovative companies and start-ups through the Horizon 2020 programme. Thanks to the
leveraging of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and the European Investment Fund
(EIF), the AI and blockchain investment fund will ‘crowd-in’ private investment. It is estimated that
the total investment volume in the first phase 2020-2021 will be around €300-400 million. The plan
is to scale up the AI and blockchain investment fund under the InvestEU programme starting in 2021,
to eventually reach an investment volume of approximately €1-2 billion(32).
On research and innovation, the number of scientific publications about blockchain technologies has
increased significantly since 2014, and particularly since 2018. More than half of the publications are
conference papers, and around 30% are scientific articles(36). A similar trend can be seen in the
number of blockchain patent applications worldwide, which rose from 72 in 2013 to more than
4,600 in 2018(37). China and the US are global leaders in scientific publications and patent
European Commission, Shaping Europe’s digital future, COM(2020)67 final, 19.2.2020.
Scopus analyzer, keyword (blockchain).
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applications. The EU is third in blockchain patent applications. In Europe, the UK and Germany are
among the top 10 countries in both areas(36) , (37).
Figure 100 Total number of blockchain scientific publications vs. patent applications worldwide, 2009-2018
of the world’s top-10 supercomputers was installed in the EU, ranking number 9. This is a decline
since 2012, when the EU had 4 such systems. The current supercomputing power available in the EU
is less than half of that available in the US or China, according to the list of the world’s top-500
supercomputers (see Figure 102). Of the top-500 systems, 76 are installed in EU Member States,
compared with 117 in the US and 228 in China.
Europe consumes one third of supercomputer resources worldwide, but provides only around 5% of
those(38). In addition, HPC use in Europe is currently concentrated in the public sector. Most HPC
capacity and usage (over 90% of operating time) is installed at universities or research centres, and
the remaining 10% serves commercial purposes and/or HPC end users. The main commercial users
are large corporations in industrial sectors (e.g. automotive, aerospace, defence or energy) who use
HPC systems, in particular to reduce research and development costs or to reduce time-to-market
for their products. Although SMEs have recently started to use HPC, they still face many barriers
limiting their use.
Figure 102 World Top 500 supercomputers, regional share 2019
European Commission, HPC factsheet
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different R&I investments supported the development of HPC technology in Europe to a total of
€700 million(40). In September 2018, the Euro HPC JU was established. Its main objective is to
coordinate the efforts in Europe to: (i) deploy a world-class supercomputing infrastructure; (ii) build
a competitive innovation ecosystem for HPC; (iii) promote HPC applications; and (iv) develop skills in
HPC. The JU currently has 32 participating states: all EU Member States (with the exception of
Malta), Montenegro, North Macedonia, Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Turkey(41). The initial co-
investment with Member States is of €1 billion. An additional around €400 million will be
contributed by private or industrial players in the form of in-kind contributions to the JU’s activities.
This initiative is expected to generate around €10 billion in investments in HPC applications(40). By
the end of 2020, the EuroHPC JU will acquire and install 8 supercomputers: 3 high-range (pre-
exascale) supercomputers in Finland, Spain, and Italy that will place Europe back in the world’s top-
10; and 5 mid-to-high range (petascale) supercomputers in Luxembourg, Portugal, Czechia, Slovenia,
and Bulgaria.
For 2021-2027, under the new Multiannual Financial Framework, the EU plans to invest more than
€1 billion for R&I to create a leading European innovation ecosystem. It also plans to invest more
than €5 billion for large-scale deployments and capability building, including: (i) the acquisition of
exascale supercomputers and quantum computers; and (ii) the coordination of national HPC
competence centres, large-scale training and skills upgrades.
As regards global activity on HPC research and innovation, the number of scientific publications has
increased steadily since 2009, and particularly since 2014. Almost 70% of the publications are
conference papers, and around 25% are scientific articles. Between 2009 and 2018, the number of
patent applications worldwide grew at an annual average of about 20%(42), but it remains low
compared to other emerging technologies.
Figure 103 Total number of HPC scientific publications vs. patent applications worldwide, 2009-2018
European Commission, HPC brochure.
Scopus analyzer, keyword (hpc AND high performance computing).
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European R&D project European Processor Initiative(43) is, among other activities, conducting
research to design and implement a roadmap for a new family of low-power European processors
for extreme scale computing and high performance big data.
In Europe, there is an acute skills mismatch in emerging technologies between academic offer and
the demand for skills profiles by industry. This problem is growing as the offer lags significantly
behind market needs. Most Member States are facing shortages of ICT professionals and
technicians, while the current educational offering of specialised, higher education programmes is
limited. The academic offer of HPC courses/curricula in Europe is generally taught at masters level
(two thirds of the total academic offer are at masters level). There are fewer specialised
programmes in HPC than other technologies such as artificial intelligence: specialised programmes
represent 20% of all HPC masters and 15% of all HPC bachelor programmes(44).
European Commission, JRC, Academic offer and demand for advanced profiles in the EU, 2019.
Quantum Computing, a dossier-plus on the state and outlook of the 5th generation of computing, Statista,
October 2019.
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Europe are investing strongly in quantum technologies. However, they still rely largely on public
funds, and most of fundamental research is done in universities and research facilities. In 2017,
China launched a $10 billion programme to build a national laboratory for quantum information
sciences by 2020 (see Figure 105). Given its current technology readiness level, equity funding is still
low for quantum computing compared to other emerging technologies.
In 2018, the EU launched the first phase of a ten-year, strategic Quantum Flagship research initiative
with a budget of €1 billion. It covers five fields: quantum communication; quantum computing;
quantum simulation; quantum metrology and sensing; and the basic science behind quantum
technologies. In the period 2021-2027, quantum technologies will be supported by the Digital
Europe programme (strategic digital capacities in Europe), the Horizon Europe programme (research
and space applications) and the InvestEU programme (mobilising public and private investment
using an EU budget guarantee).
Figure 105 Government funding/investment in quantum technology
Scopus analyzer, keyword (quantum tecnolog*).
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
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Figure 106 Total number of Quantum scientific publications vs. patent applications worldwide, 2009-2017
Martino Travagnin, Patent analysis of selected quantum technologies, 2019.
European Patent Office, Landscape study on patent filling, quantum metrology and sensing, 2019.
European Commission, The European Data Market Monitoring Tool, Data as the engine of Europe’s digital
future, IDC report, 2019.
European Commission, A European strategy for data, COM(2020)66 final, 19.2.2020.
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accounting for 5.8% of EU GDP(52). There were 5.7 million data professionals in the EU27 in 2018, and
this figure is soon expected to double, reaching 10.9 million people by 2025(51).
Figure 107 Size of data economy in EU27, 2018 vs. 2025, in € billion
Source: The European data strategy, Shaping Europe's Digital Future, factsheet, February 2020.
This trend is also confirmed by the data market, which has increased significantly from €47 billion in
2014 to €72 billion in 2018 (EU28). This increase was registered in all EU Member States. The UK,
France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the Netherlands accounted for approximately three quarters of
the EU28 data market in 2018(50).
Open data (making data accessible for use and re-use by researchers and the general public) has a
tremendous potential to create new products and services in many areas such as healthcare,
transport, or energy. Open data is considered an enabler for the economy and is therefore similar to
infrastructure. The size of the open data market in the EU27+(53) is expected to increase from about
€184 billion in 2019 to about €199 billion in 2025 under a baseline scenario, or to about €334 billion
in 2025 under an optimistic scenario(54). The baseline scenario assumes that the impact of open data
only grows at the same pace as EU GDP, while the optimistic scenario assumes higher growth rates
based on several studies and forecasts by experts. The potential for job creation through publishing
and re-using open data in both the public and private sector is significant. The number of employees
working on open data in the EU27+(53) might increase from 1.09 million in 2019 to 1.12 million in
2025 under a baseline scenario, or to about 1.97 million in 2025 under an optimistic scenario(54).
In the next 5 years, the computing technologies enabling data storage and analytics will adapt by
shifting from data centres and centralised cloud computing facilities (currently accounting for 80% of
data storage) to decentralised systems (currently accounting for 20% of data storage) also known as
‘edge computing’ (e.g. smart connected objects)(51). Edge computing is one of the emerging solutions
to cope with the expected increase in data traffic due to the adoption of Internet of Things
technologies. These technologies could lead to the existence of up to 80 billion connected devices
worldwide by 2025. Edge computing will perform data processing close to the source where data is
generated. It will also allow for smart workload balancing and energy efficient optimisation of data
European Commission, The European data strategy, Shaping Europe’s Digital Future, factsheet, February
EU27 and EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland).
European Commission, European Data Portal, The economic impact of open data, Opportunities for value
creation in Europe, 2020.
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flows between central servers and edge clouds. This approach can also make good use of resources
that are not continuously connected to a network, such as smart phones or sensors(55).
Edge computing is expected to benefit market segments such as video surveillance, mobile video
distribution, smart cities, transport, artificial intelligence in manufacturing, augmented reality, etc.
The market value worldwide of the addressable markets for edge computing is expected to be €108
billion by 2024. This would represent a compound annual growth rate of about 30% for the period
2019-2024. In addition, about half of the market for edge computing is expected to be captured by
cloud providers by 2024, while the other half will be shared between industrial, software and
telecommunication companies(56).
Scientific activity around edge computing has also increased significantly in recent years, up from
260 scientific publications in 2016 to more than 2,700 in 2019. About 60% of the publications are
conference papers, and about 35% are scientific articles(57). China leads in the number of scientific
publications, with almost 50% of total publications in 2019, followed by the US with about 25%.
Figure 108 Total number of Edge Computing scientific publications, 2009-2019
European Commission, JRC, Artificial Intelligence: A European Perspective, 2018.
(56), Edge computing, key figures, Emerging Tech, 2019.
Scopus analyzer, keyword (edge computing).
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9 Cybersecurity
Hereafter referred as ‘internet users’.
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Figure 112: Security incidents and security concerns (% of internet users) 2019
Individuals limited or prevented from doing online activities because of security concerns
Individuals who experienced a security incident
Internet banking
2015 2019
Country-level analysis shows a mixed picture, with no clear link between the level of business
digitisation in the country and the incidence of ICT security issues among enterprises. For example,
although Sweden and the UK have similar levels of business digitisation, 35% of Swedish enterprises
reported ICT security incidents, against only 5.7% of British enterprises.
Figure 114: Enterprises that experienced at least once problems due to an ICT related security incident
(unavailability of ICT services, destruction or corruption of data, disclosure of confidential data) (% of
enterprises) 2019
Large enterprises SMEs All enterprises
backing up data in a separate location including backing data up to the cloud (76%). A smaller
percentage of enterprises use more sophisticated measures such as ICT risk assessments (34%) or
ICT security tests (36%), and only a few enterprises use biometric methods for user identification
and authentication (9.5%).
Figure 116: Type of ICT security measures adopted by EU enterprises (% of enterprises) 2019
Figure 117: Enterprises that make persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security issues (% of
enterprises) 2019
Large enterprises SMEs All enterprises
Voluntary training or internally Contract (e.g. contract of Compulsory training courses or
available information (e.g. employment) viewing compulsory material
information on the intranet)
Figure 119: Enterprises that make persons employed aware of their obligations in ICT security issues (% of
enterprises) 2019
Large enterprises SMEs All enterprises
Voluntary training or internally Contract (e.g. contract of Compulsory training courses or
available information (e.g. employment) viewing compulsory material
information on the intranet)
10.2 Prices
ICT prices continued to fall in 2016-2017 after a spike in 2015. However, the decline in prices is
forecast to have slowed down in 2018.
Prices in the ICT sector fell by 15% between 2006 and 2017, while prices in general grew by 12% over
the same period. This highlights the particular nature of product prices in the ICT sector, which also
incorporates improvements in the quality of products. This different price dynamic in the ICT sector
compared with the overall economy explains why the share of the ICT sector in total EU GDP
remained stable (at around 4%) between 2006 and 2017.
Figure 126 Price index, ICT sector and overall economy, index base 2015=100, 2006-2019
Figure 127 Price index, ICT by sub-sector, index base 2015=100, 2006-2019
10.3 Employment
The ICT sector employed 6.9 million people in 2017, continuing on an upward trend since 2010. The
ICT services sub-sector (excluding telecommunications) was the main employer with 5.3 million
people in 2017, accounting for 76% of total ICT employment. This is the only sub-sector that
recorded growth (of 43%) between 2006 and 2017. The telecommunications sub-sector employed 1
million people in 2017, down by 14% since 2006. The ICT manufacturing sub-sector employed
623,000 people in 2017, a drop of 30% since 2006. Employment in the ICT sector accounted for 2.9%
of total EU employment in 2017 (for a comprehensive definition – see Methodological note), a
marginal increase compared to 2006.
Figure 128 Employment in the ICT sector, million individuals, 2006-2019
Figure 131 ICT sector share of total employment, EU28, percentage, 2017
10.4 Productivity
Labour productivity in the ICT sector (for a comprehensive definition - see Methodological note) was
€99,000 per person employed in 2017, a 6% increase compared to 2006. Labour productivity in the
ICT manufacturing sub-sector (€87,000 per person employed in 2017) was below the average for the
broader ICT sector. Labour productivity in ICT services (i.e. services and trade), which was €100,000
per person employed in 2017, is less sensitive to business cycles and was closer to the total ICT
sector average than that of ICT manufacturing. Labour productivity in the telecommunications sub-
sector was by far the highest (at €171,000 per person employed in 2017), but it is on a downward
trend that is expected to continue in the coming years.
Figure 132 Productivity in the ICT sub-sector, thousand € per individual employed, 2006-2019
Figure 133 Productivity, nominal and deflated, thousand € per individual employed, 2006-2019
Figure 135 Productivity in the ICT sector, EU28, thousand € PPS per individual employed, 2017
Figure 137 R&D expenditure by business enterprises (BERD) in the ICT sector, € billion, 2006-2019
it was €6.5 billion or 20% of the EU total; in the UK it was €3.7 billion or 11% of the EU total; and in
Italy it was €2.4 billion or 7% of the EU total. In Sweden, R&D expenditure in the ICT sector was €2.4
billion or 7% of the total, and in Finland it was €1.6 billion or 5% of the total. Together, these six
countries accounted for 73% of total R&D expenditure by business enterprises in the ICT sector in
the EU.
Figure 140 R&D expenditure by business enterprises (BERD) in the ICT sector, EU28, € billion, 2017
Figure 142 R&D Personnel (PERD) in the ICT sector, thousand FTEs, 2006-2019
Figure 144 R&D personnel (PERD) in the ICT sector, EU28, thousand FTEs, 2017
Figure 146 Public funding of ICT R&D (ICT GBARD), € billion, 2006-2018
Figure 148 Public funding of ICT R&D (ICT GBARD), EU28, € billion, 2018
N. of Projects
Mi l lion EUR
317 400
1,000 300
999 1,822 1,910 1,842 2,682 2,167
0 -
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Source: European Commission.
Most of the support has been assigned through the Industrial Leadership pillar, which covers R&I
activities on generic ICT technologies driven by either industrial roadmaps or bottom-up processes.
This pillar accounts for about €5.8 billion, or more than half of all EU funding for ICT-related projects.
Approximately €5 billion (86% of the total under the Industrial Leadership pillar) is allocated under
the component for Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies (LEIT). The Industrial
Leadership pillar accounts for about 2,400 projects (or 69% of all ICT-related projects). More than
half of the Industrial Leadership projects (54%) are LEIT ICT projects.
The Societal Challenges pillar addresses application-driven R&I from a multi-disciplinary perspective.
Projects involving ICT to some extent are financed in all of the seven societal challenges, in particular
health and wellbeing; clean and efficient energy; smart transport; inclusive and innovative societies;
and security and freedom. The Societal Challenges pillar accounts for about 29% of EU funding (€3.2
billion) and 17% of projects (608 projects).
The Excellent Science pillar (e-infrastructures and Future & Emerging Technologies or FET) supports
research to uncover radically new technological possibilities and ICT contributions. Areas covered
include HPC, quantum technologies and brain science. This pillar accounts for 20% of EU funding
(€2.3 billion) and 14% of projects (505 projects).
The data on overall Horizon 2020 implementation follows a partly different trend. Considering all Horizon
2020 projects, the EU funding slightly increased between 2018 and 2019. On the other hand, the increase in
EU funding for ICT-related projects between 2017 and 2018 is significantly higher compared to the increase
recorded for all Horizon 2020 projects.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
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7,000 3,000
EU funding Projects
N. of Projects
Mi l lion EUR
608 1,500
1,000 500
2,335 5,828 3,258
0 -
Excellent Science Industrial Leadership Societal Challenges
Source: European Commission.
On the distribution of projects and funding by type of actions, Research and Innovation Actions
(RIAs) account for the largest share of EU funding in ICT-related projects under Horizon 2020. RIAs
aim to uncover new knowledge and/or explore the feasibility of new or improved technology,
products, processes, services or solutions. Between 2014 and 2019, 50.5% of total EU funding for
ICT-related projects was channelled through RIAs, corresponding to approximately €5.8 billion.
Innovation Actions (IAs) are the second most important instrument for funding ICT-related projects
(accounting for €3.5 billion or 30.8% of total EU funding between 2014 and 2019). They aim to
produce plans and arrangements or designs, and may include prototyping, testing, demonstrating,
piloting, large-scale product validation and market replication.
The other action types are detailed briefly below:
• Actions channelled through the ECSEL Joint Undertaking (i.e. the Public-Private Partnership
for Electronic Components and Systems) accounted for about €622 million of the total
funding between 2014 and 2019.
• SME instrument projects accounted for a large share of projects between 2014 and 2019
(37%), but given their relatively small size they represented a smaller share of funding (€512
• Coordination and Support Actions (CSAs) involve accompanying measures such as
standardisation, dissemination, awareness-raising and communication. They received €371
million between 2014 and 2019.
• The remaining action types, such as Pre-Commercial Procurement (PCP), Public Procurement
for Innovation (PPI), and European Research Area (ERA-NET) actions, have a more limited
scope of application and accounted for a limited share of both projects and funding.
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Figure 152 EU funding and projects by type of action, cumulated values 2014-2019
7,000 1,400
EU funding Projects
6,000 1,200
5,000 1,000
N. of projects
Mi l lion EUR
4,000 800
3,000 600
2,000 400
1,000 200
- -
Source: European Commission.
Looking at the distribution by areas of the work programmes, within the Industrial Leadership pillar,
the most funding so far (about €2 billion in total) has gone to projects in the areas of micro- and
nano-electronic technologies, future/next generation internet, and content technologies and
information management.
Under the Excellent Science pillar, e-Infrastructures were a major area of work between 2014 and
2019 (receiving about €662 million), as were the different components of FET. FET Open received
approximately €720 million; FET Flagships about €530 million; and FET Proactive slightly more than
€400 million.
Many ICT-relevant projects were also financed under the Societal Challenges pillar, with most of the
EU funding allocated in the areas of ‘secure, clean and efficient energy’ (over €1 billion between
2014 and 2019), and ‘health, demographic change and wellbeing’ (over €790 million).
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Figure 153 EU funding, Industrial Leadership pillar, by area, cumulated values 2014-2019
Corresponding to around 12,300 organisations (i.e. due to the participation of organisations in more than
one project).
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8,134 1,300 1,150 1,078 948
Source: European Commission and Eurostat.
Outside the EU, associated countries(61) (primarily Switzerland and Norway) are those, which
received most of the funding (7% of total funding, and 95% of funding that went to non-EU
Associated countries (Art. 7 of the Horizon 2020 Regulation): Iceland, Norway, Albania, Bosnia and
Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Israel, Moldova,
Switzerland (partial association: Excellent Science Pillar only), Faroe Islands.
Digital Economy and Society Index 2020
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ANNEX I Abbreviations
Abbreviation Explanation
4G / 5G Fourth/Fifth generation technology standard for cellular networks
AI Artificial Intelligence
BCO Broadband competence office
BERD Business expenditure on R&D
CAGR Compound annual growth rate
CEF Connecting Europe Facility
CRM Customer Relationship Management
CSA Coordination and Support Actions
DIH Digital Innovation Hubs
DII Digital Intensity Index
DOCSIS Data over cable service interface specification
DSL Digital subscriber line
DTT Digital terrestrial television
EBP European Blockchain Partnership
EBSI European Blockchain Services Infrastructure
eForm Electronic Form
EFSI European Fund for Strategic Investments
eID Electronic Identification
eider’s Electronic Identification, Authentication and Trust Services
EIF European Investment Fund
ERA-NET European Research Area
ERM Enterprise Risk Management
ERP Enterprise Resource Planning
Euro HPC JU Euro High Performance Computing Joint Undertaking
FET Future & Emerging Technologies
FTTB Fibre-to-the-building
FTTH Fibre-to-the-home
FTTP Fibre-to-the-premises
FWA Fixed wireless access
GBARD Government Budget Allocations for R&D
GDP Gross Domestic Product
GHz Gigahertz
HES Secondary and Higher Education Establishments
HPC High Performance Computing
IA Innovation Action
IaaS Infrastructure as a service
ICOs Initial Coin Offerings
ICT Information and communication technology
IMSI International mobile subscriber identity
IoT Internet of Things
JRC Joint Research Centre
LEIT Leadership in Enabling and Industrial Technologies
LTE Long-term evolution
Mbps Megabits per second
MHz Megahertz
MNO Mobile network operator
MVNO Mobile virtual network operator
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