Ujian Mid-Semester (Mid-Term) Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan
Ujian Mid-Semester (Mid-Term) Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan
Ujian Mid-Semester (Mid-Term) Program Studi Sastra Indonesia Fakultas Bahasa Dan Seni Universitas Negeri Medan
I. The following questions are incomplete sentences. Beneath each sentence, there are four
words or phrases. Choose the one word or phrase that best completes the sentence from
four possible answers (a,b, c, d) by crossing or ticking the answer!
II. The following questions have four underlined words or phrases. Choose the one
underlined word or phrase (x or √) from four possible answers (a, b, c, d) that
must be changed for sentence to be correct.
If biennials were planted this year, they will be likely to bloom next year.
(A)√ (B) (C) (D)
Answer: (A), Corrected: should be would
16. No other quality is more important for a scientist to acquire as to observe carefully
(A) (B) (C)√ (D)
17. One of the first and ultimately (A) the most important purposeful (B)√ of a
reservoir was to control (C) flooding.(D)
18. One of the world’s (A) best-selling authors, L’Amour said (B)√ to have written
(C) 101 books, mostly (D) westerns.
19. A turtle differs from (A) all other (B) reptiles in that its body is encased in protective
shell of their (C)√ own (D).
20. In the relatively (A) short history of industrial developing (B)√ in the United
States (C), New York City has played (D) a vital role.
21. Excavations (A) in a mount or village often reveal(B) an ancient community that had
been laying (C) √ under later(D) constructions of the city.
22. Although the Red Cross accepts (A) blood from donors, the nurses will not leave (B) √
you to give (C) blood if you have just had (D) a cold.
23. If Grandma Moses having (A)√(had been) been able to continue farming (B), she
may never have begun (C) to paint (D).
24. The native people of the Americans are called(A) Indians because(B) when Colombus
landed in the Bahamas in 1492 (C), he thought that he has reached(D)√ the East
25. Gunpowder, in some ways(A) the most effective (B) of all (C) the explosive materials,
were (D)√ mixture of pottasium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur.
26. As the demand increases, manufacturers who previously(A) produced only a large,
luxury car is(B)√ compelled to make(C) a smaller model in order(D) to compete
the market.
27. There are(A) twenty species of wild roses in North America, all of which have (B)
prickly stems, pinnate leaves, and large flowers, which (C) usually smell sweetly (D)√
28. Factoring (A) is the process of finding (B) two or more expressions whose (C) product is
equal as (D)√ (as equal as) the given expression.
29. Schizophrenia, a behavioural disorder typified(A) by a fundamental(B) break with reality,
may be triggered(C) by genetic predisposition, stressful(D)√ (Stress) , drugs, or
30. Colombus day is celebrated (A)√ on (B) the twelve (C) of October because (D) on that
day in 1492, Christoper Colombus first landed in the America.
III Writing
Write your opinions, comments, or critics about teaching and learning process during covid-19
(minimum 3 paragraphs)
In my opinion, learning in the Covid-19 era has a lot of less than optimal activities, such as having to
study online and that makes internet quota run out quickly.
My hope is that in the future, the government will pay more attention to students in this country.
especially to underprivileged students. because it has been seen that the economic figure has
decreased due to this pandemic
and for teachers or lecturers, hopefully their participation will also support students, such as giving
assignments that are easy to understand
Validator Soal
Prof. Amrin Saragih, MA., Ph.D