Portarlington Parish Newsletter
Portarlington Parish Newsletter
Portarlington Parish Newsletter
Lady looking to rent an apartment / granny flat The first online Advent Programme of Tarsus COMMITTEE
for a couple of months whilst her house is being Scripture School “Resilient faith: Advent
Portarlington Town Christmas Lights will be
renovated. Phone 087-7696318. spirituality for a time of pandemic” has been
switched on Friday next, 27th Nov. This year
launched. 6 presentations & a joint webinar on
EMIGRANT NEWSLETTER 2020 the lights are extended to include the Barrow
10th Dec. The presentations will be available on
Bridge. We would be extremely grateful for
This year’s Emigrant Newsletter will be on sale Vimeo from 23rd Nov. Cost is €20 per
any donations, which can be made as
from this weekend (Sat. 21st November). household. Registration now open on:
Over 100 pages of news, views, history and www.tarsus.ie/TarsusScriptureSchool
Online GoFundMe - https://gf.me/u/y79455
folklore. Great value and still only €4. The
following local shops SANTA'S HELPERS
will stock copies of Last Christmas 160 families in Laois were
the Emigrant helped by Santa's Helpers with a percentage Donation points at Eamonn Bracken
Newsletter:- going to Portarlington. This year is a particularly Menswear, Centra, Main Street. Centra,
Centra, Kilmalogue; difficult year for families - Any donation would be Gracefield & O'Dea's Bar & Bistro
Spar Express, Station greatly appreciated. If you don't wish to donate
Road; Burbages, online you can contact (Ann Bourke Dunne,
Main Street; The Post Pinevilla (087 4116101) and Ann will pass your Light A Light for a Loved One Campaign -
Office; Fletcher’s donations on. You could also contact the sponsor a Christmas Bulb in memory of a
Newsagents, Main original organiser of Santa's Helpers - Darren loved one (details in-store at Centra, Main
Street; Slevins, Conroy, Kilminchy Portlaoise. Street & Gracefield). All dedicated names
Bracklone Street, Check out how you can donate online. will be warmly remembered on screen on
Central Stores, Main https://www.ifundraise.ie/santshelpers/5637/donate the Centra Cafe window (Main Street) for
Street; Earley’s, Kilmalogue & Murphy’s Christmas duration.
Eurostretcher, French Church Street. Copies TOWARDS HEALING Many thanks for all your support over the
are also available from the Parish Office. As the Towards Healing provides professional support years. Wishing you a peaceful &
Parish office is closed until the level 5 for people who have experienced institutional, Happy Christmas
restrictions are lifted, you can obtain a copy by clerical or religious abuse in Ireland. Helpline
phoning the office (between 9.30am and 1.30pm open: Mon. – Thurs. 11am – 8pm and Friday LAOIS ALZHEIMER SOCIETY
Monday to Friday) 057 8643004. 11am – 6pm. Freephone 1800 303416 (Rep. of Vacancies – Dementia Home Care
Ireland) 0800 0963315 (N. Ireland & UK).
COVID-19 SUPPORT LINE FOR Hearing impaired text line number 085-8022859.
Child protection – Direct line 085-8801643 The Alzheimer Society of Ireland National
OLDER PEOPLE Helpline 1800 341 341 – Further info. on
ALONE manage a national support line and
DONATION dementia contact Ann Munnelly on
additional supports for older people who have 057 866 3398/086 8372168
concerns or are facing difficulties relating to the If you wish to make a donation, the Parish Email amunnelly@alzheimer.ie
outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Account details are as follows and you can do so
Professional staff are available to answer on-line or through your Bank: Thank you. PORTARLINGTON G.A.A.
queries and give advice and reassurance where Portarlington G.A.A. is on Clubforce. You
necessary. The support line is open seven days can download the Clubforce App to stay up
a week, 8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Bank Name & Address - Bank of Ireland, to date with club news and also to make
Portarlington sure payments online.
ADVENT LITURGY OF HOPE Name of Account Portarlington Parish www.facebook.com/pages/Portarlington-
People across the diocese are invited to join No. 1 A/c GAA
with Bishop Denis for a service of prayer to
begin the Advent journey together in a spirit of COMMUNITY CALL
hope. It will be streamed live from Carlow IBAN - IE28 BOFI 9018 6154 5717 14
Laois Community Call Helpline is available 7
Cathedral, via iCatholic.ie at 7.30pm on the First (Please put your name/address in ref. box)
days a week for those who are vulnerable
Sunday of Advent (Nov. 29th). In these
darkening days of winter may this time of music, EMO and need assistance in accessing essential
services. Phone 057 8664000 (Mon. to Fri.
scripture, inspiration & prayer help people to Bank Name & Address - Bank of Ireland, 9am – 5pm for the Laois County Council
draw once more on the hope that comes to us Mountmellick Community Response Support Helpline and
through our faith in Jesus, a hope that brings the Name of Account - Emo Church No. 1 A/c deal with normal Council queries. On
light of Christ into our lives. BIC - BOFIIE2D Saturdays, Sundays & Bank Holidays the
FAMILY CARERS IRELAND IBAN - IE16 BOFI 9018 1051 4302 54 (Please Helpline is1800 832 010 10am-1pm/2-4pm.
Still available to offer support & advice over the put your name/address in ref. box) FREE POSTAGE
phone on 056-7721424 or 24-hour careline An Post will ensure free delivery of all card
and letter mail posted to and from residents
DIOCESAN WEBSITE in Nursing Homes & Residential Care
LOUGH DERG MEMORIAL SERVICE There is a donation facility now on the Kandle Facilities in the Republic of Ireland until 31st
For deceased Pilgrims & Benefactors website & people can donate both to parishes January 2021. By writing “Freepost” where
Live via webcam from St. Mary’s Church, (option for parish & clergy collection) & the you would normally affix the stamp you
Pettigo, Sun. 22nd November (today) at 7pm. diocese as they wish. On the diocesan button letter, card or packet (up to 2kg) will be
www.churchservices.tv/pettigo there is an option to donate to Trocaire, Retired delivered. Customers must include a return
To enroll a departed loved one please contact Priests or other areas. The Diocese will forward address on all items. This is a great
us by email: info@loughderg.org or Tel: 0(0353) any donations received for parishes. opportunity to drop a note to someone you
719861518. Write to Fr. La Flynn, Prior, Lough www.kandle.ie know in a Nursing or Residential Care Home
Derg, Pettigo, Co. Donegal F94 YC60. to let them know they are not forgotten
PORTARLINGTON MEALS ON WHEELS during the pandemic restrictions.
Available at the Church Porch. Thanks to all for
Meals on Wheels Assistant (x3 positions) your donations – It is greatly appreciated. HOOVES 4 HOSPICE FUNDRAISING
If you are interested in one of the above There are 365 animals being reared to aid
positions (19 ½ hours per week) you can apply SLI NA SLAINTE
funding for a much needed Midlands
by checking you eligibility through the local Countrywide walking routes developed by the
Hospice, which would be located in
INTREO OFFICER. Quote Ref. No. 2163805. Irish Heart Foundation and local Authorities.
Tullamore. A Limousine maiden heifer
Send CV for attention of Martina Smith, CE Check out the following link:
became the first animal to be sold in aid of
Supervisor, Community Centre, Portarlington. www.irishheart.ie/publications/portarlington-laois/
this fundraiser. The animal was reared and
Interviews will follow in due course. to locate your nearest Slí route. Be aware of
donated by JJ Colgan, Annamoe and was
your 5K limitation from home. This initiative will
USED POSTAGE STAMPS encourage people to exercise in a safe manner
sold at the Golden Vale Mart, Tullamore,
If you have any used posted stamps for the making €1,270 for the Midlands Hospice
by providing marked walking routes. Stay safe –
missions please leave into Angela in Building Fund. Information on the Hooves-
Wear face coverings – Keep your social
Portarlington Pharmacy. 4-Hospice fundraising project can be found
on www.h4h.midlandhospice.ie