Portarlington Parish Newsletter

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Very Rev. Thomas Dooley P.P. Tel: (057) 8643004  Rev. Joe O’Neill C.C., Tel: (057) 8646517
Very Rev. Michael Noonan P.E. Tel: (057) 8623431 (Please note the temporary number has been cancelled).
Tel: 057 8643004 - Email: portarlingtonparishoffice@eircom.net / Parish Office Hours: 9.30am – 1.30pm Mon. – Fri.
Anniversary Masses, Baptisms and Weddings can be booked by contacting the Parish Office during opening hours.
DIOCESE www.kandle.ie SAMARITANS 24-hour helpline: 116 123 Email: jo@samaritans.org
ST. VINCENT DE PAUL 087 7640557 AWARE Lo-call Helpline 1890 303 302 G.R.O.W. www.grow.ie Info:1890 474 474
PARISH SAFEGUARDING REPRESENTATIVES: Jackie McNulty; Frances O’Dwyer; Mary Joyce; Clare Nerney
Diocesan Designated Liaison Person (DLP) Tel: 085-8021633 dlp@kandle.ie


STREAMING Mon. 7th December – St. Ambrose
Tuesday 8th December – Feast of the Immaculate
St. Michael’s Church,
Conception of Our lady
Portarlington Saturday 12th December – St. Finnian (Meath)
Saturday 6.15pm
Sunday 9am and 12.15pm
Monday to Friday 10am

Sunday 6th December 2020 – 2nd Sunday of ADVENT – Year B - Week 2

WEEKEND OF Prayers are requested for the following who The Parish Office is open Monday to Friday
died recently: - 9.30am to 1.30pm. When calling, please
Margaret (Mag) Weldon, Lea wear a face mask & adhere to social
Saturday 5th December 6.15pm Teresa McMahon (nee Troy), distancing. Thank You.
James & Mary Flanagan; Michael & Elizabeth Bracklone Street
Woulfe; Denis Delaney, Spa St; Marie Crofton, Noel Davis, Emo Park ADORATION OF THE BLESSED
Patrick St; John & Margaret Bolton, St.
Michael’s Park; Mary Greene (42nd Anniv.);
 St. Michael's Parish Church on Sunday
John Greene (18th Anniv.); Marian Byrne (nee FEAST OF THE IMMACULATE
6th December from 4pm to 6pm.
Greene); Michael Greene, Assumpta Terrace; CONCEPTION
Kathleen & James McEvoy, St. Patrick’s Tce; Tuesday 8th December we celebrate this feast ROSARY
Ann Keane, Woodbrook; Ann Burbage, Spa St; day of Mary, remembering that from the first Rosary each day at: -
Ned & Mindy Kelly, St. Michael’s Park & movement of her existence in the womb of her St. Paul’s Church, Emo – 3pm
daughter, Frances Kelly; Maura Crossan, (2nd mother Anne, Mary was preserved free from St. John’s Church, Killenard 4pm
Anniv.) & dec. members of the Crossan Family original sin, she was full of grace.
View the following for a short video on CHRISTMAS STATIONS
Sunday 6th December 12.15pm the meaning of this feast. Sincere thanks to everyone who contributed
Peg O’Connor, Bracklone St (8th Anniv.); Joe https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bqeUpvMXL
O’Connor (63rd Anniv.); Deceased members of to the Christmas Stations for the support of
k8&feature=emb.logo the Priests of the Parish, which took place
the Bourke, Walsh, Douglas & O’Meara Masses will be celebrated as follows:- last weekend. If you wish, you can still
Families; Christy & Della Dunne, St. Brigid’s Sq; PORTARLINGTON: 10am & 7.30pm
Maureen Glynn; Aíne Ledwidth (nee Dunne); contribute to this collection - There are
KILLENARD: 10.30am envelopes in the envelope boxes & also at
Adam Finlay, Crowe Lane; Danny & Mary EMO: 7.30pm RATH: 9am the Church Porch. Alternatively, you can
Hynes, St. Joseph’s Tce; Eileen Clarke &
John Clarke, Marian Hill CHRISTMAS CAROL SERVICE drop your donation into the Parish Office or
you can donate on-line or through your
Coláiste Íosagáin, Portarlington
WEEKDAY ANNIVERSARIES bank. This is one of the five times during the
year you give to the direct support of the
Monday 7th December 10am priests of the parish. Your support is greatly
--- appreciated. Please note there are
Tuesday 8th December 10am collection buckets in the Churches at Mass
Students from Coláiste Íosagáin will host a
10am --- times for all 2020 Collections.
Christmas Carol Service on Tues.15th
7.30pm Kevin Slattery, Spa St. (3rd Anniv.);
December. People are invited to join us on the AN ADVENT TRADITION
Richard Mangan, Spa Street
Parish Webcam from 2pm.
Wednesday 9th December 10am The Christmas Tree
Patricia Cunningham, Station Rd. (3rd Anniv.) COMMUNION CALLS–DECEMBER While the Christmas tree is very much part
Thursday 10th December 10am of the Christmas season, over the course of
Rose Fogarty, Avondale (M.M.) Advent the tree will begin to appear in more
Friday 11th December 10am and more homes, signalling that we are
Joseph & Margaret Murphy, Ballycullane The sick and housebound will be attended getting closer to the feast of Christmas. In
the midst of winter, the evergreen tree,
ANNIVERSARIES KILLENARD during the week. In light of Covid 19, if you
dressed with lights, reminds us of the life
would prefer not to have a visit, please phone
Sunday 6th December and light that comes to us through Christ.
the Parish office 057 8643004, to let them know.
--- The colourful decorations of the tree are a
Tues. 8th December, 2020
ANNIVERSARIES EMO Crowe Lane; Orchard Drive; Station Court;
reminder of the paradise tree of the garden
of Eden, hung with the bright colour of fruit.
Saturday 5th December 7.30pm Newmill Court, Station Road;
Mary & Brian Fenlon, Emo & formerly St. Michael’s Park; Corrig; Lough A Blessing Prayer
Bracknagh; Philomena Scully, Coolaghy; Wednesday 9th December, 2020 Lord God, let your blessing come upon us
Thomas, Norah & Bernard Scully, Coolaghy; Ballybrittas; Bellgrove; Courtwood; as we gather around this tree.
Mary Commins, New Inn; James, Helena, Fisherstown; Jamestown; Coolaghy; Killimy; May its light and the cheer it
Marie, Brendan, Michael & Eileen Connolly Morette; Coolbanagher; Knightstown; Killeen; gives us be a sign of the joy
Sunday 6th December 11am Tinnakill; New Inn; Portlaoise Road that fills our hearts.
Patrick Mangan, Carn (8th Anniv.) Thursday 10th December, 2020 As we dleight in this tree
Assumpta Tce; St. Patrick’s Tce; may we come to the
ANNIVERSARIES RATH St. Joseph’s Tce; Gracefield; Avondale; knowledge and joy of the
Sunday 6th December 9am Annamoe; Garryhinch; Bog Road; Christmas gift of salvation
Peter O’Connell, Kilaglush, Ballybrittas Patrick Street; Rosecourt; Marian Hill; and peace. We ask this through
 Bishopswood; Clondoolusk; Cushina Christ our Lord. Amen – Come, Lord Jesus.
Live streaming from St. Michael’s The envelope boxes are available at the Church In the winter darkness,
Church, Portarlington as follows:- porches this weekend. The boxes contain our Advent candle lights the way.
Saturday 6.15pm / Sunday 9am & weekly collection envelopes & special collection The people who walked in darkness
12.15pm / Monday – Friday 10am envelopes. To register write your name & have seen a great light.
Link to live streaming: address on 1st envelope. This contribution goes God bless with your great light
https://www.mcnmedia.tv/camera/st- towards the upkeep of schools, churches & all those who walk in darkness tonight.
michaels-church-portarlington parish buildings. Thank all who contributed Glory be to the Father,
during the past year. and to the Son,
EMIGRANT NEWSLETTER 2020 and to the Holy Spirit,
This year’s Emigrant Newsletter is now on sale CHRISTMAS MASS BOUQUETS
as it was in the beginning,
with over 100 pages of news, views, history and Portarlington & Emo Parishes
is now, and ever shall be,
folklore. Great value and still only €4. The Christmas Mass Bouquets available at the world without end. Amen.
following local shops will stock copies of the Parish Office.
Emigrant Newsletter:- Donation €3. Intentions will be remembered at CHANGE OF PHONE NUMBER
Centra, Kilmalogue; Earley’s, Kilmalogue; Christmas Masses celebrated in Portarlington / Please note Fr. Noonan’s temporary phone
Spar Express, Station Road; Burbages, Main Emo Parishes over Christmas. Phone the number (8684995) has been cancelled and
Street; The Post Office; Fletcher’s Newsagents, Parish Office on 057 8643004 (Monday – Friday is now back to the original permanent
Main Street; Murphy’s Phone Zone, French between 9.30am & 1.30pm) to the office will be number 057-8623431.
Church Street; Slevins, Bracklone Street, Sheila opened from next week.
Dunne, Rathmiles; Central Stores, Main Street; AN ACT OF SPIRITUAL
The Village Coffee Shop, Ballybrittas & COMMUNION
Supervalu. Copies are also available from the Towards Healing provides professional support
Parish Office. for people who have experienced institutional, My Jesus, I believe that You
clerical or religious abuse in Ireland. Helpline are present in the Most Holy Sacrament.
ALONE - COVID-19 SUPPORT LINE FOR open: Mon. – Thurs. 11am – 8pm and Friday I love You above all things,
OLDER PEOPLE 11am – 6pm. Freephone 1800 303416 (Rep. of and I desire to receive You into my soul.
The support line is open seven days a week, Ireland) 0800 0963315 (N. Ireland & UK). Since I cannot at this moment
8am - 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024. Hearing impaired text line number 085-8022859. receive You sacramentally,
Child protection – Direct line 085-8801643 come at least spiritually into my heart.
IRISH GUIDE DOGS FOR THE BLIND I embrace You as if You were already there
Calendars 2021 (€5) / Christmas DONATION and unite myself wholly to You.
Cards (2 packs €6) & Dual Trolley If you wish to make a donation, the Parish Never permit me to be separated from You.
Token (€2) each now on sale in Account details are as follows and you can do so Amen.
the Parish Office.. All proceeds go on-line or through your Bank: Thank you.
to the Irish Guide Dogs for the Blind DIOOCESAN ADVENT PAGE
Organisation. PORTARLINGTON The diocesan website, www.kandle.ie, has a
Bank Name & Address - Bank of Ireland, dedicated Advent page that will be added to
 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL  Portarlington
throughout the season of Advent.
Parishioners are invited to access this page
CHRISTMAS APPEAL Name of Account Portarlington Parish for a weekly Advent bulletin, Scripture
St Vincent de Paul has had a presence in No. 1 A/c Sharing reflections from Fr. Liam Lawton,
Portarlington since 1921 & next year we will be BIC - BOFIIE2D videos on making and blessing an Advent
100 years in existence here as a Registered
IBAN - IE28 BOFI 9018 6154 5717 14 wreath and on creating an Advent prayer
Charity, subject to strict Regulation from the
(Please put your name/address in ref. box) space in the home and more!
Charities Regulator. Last year our Conference
spent over €60,000 helping people in need in EMO FREE POSTAGE
this community. The help we provide to the less An Post will ensure free delivery of all card
well off in our society covers a broad range of Bank Name & Address - Bank of Ireland,
and letter mail posted to and from residents
assistance each year as follows: Mountmellick in Nursing Homes & Residential Care
Food Vouchers - €27,000 Name of Account - Emo Church No. 1 A/c Facilities in the Republic of Ireland until 31st
Financial Assistance(Rent, etc. - €14,000 BIC - BOFIIE2D January 2021. By writing “Freepost” where
Fuel (Electricity, Gas, Oil, Solid Fuel) - €8,000 IBAN - IE16 BOFI 9018 1051 4302 54 (Please you would normally affix the stamp you
Education (Fees/Accommodation) etc. - €8,000 letter, card or packet (up to 2kg) will be
put your name/address in ref. box)
Clothing and Furniture - €6,000 delivered. Customers must include a return
We expect to spend this amount again by the ONLINE DONATIONS THROUGH OUR address on all items.
end of 2020. By supporting our Annual Appeal,
you can help a family through this winter. Your
help can get them get back on their feet. Your There is a donation facility now on the Kandle PRAYER AT BEDTIME
help can give them a brighter future and save website & people can donate both to parishes Loving God, on this Advent
them from a life of poverty and also help to (option for parish & clergy collection) & the night we turn to you in prayer.
make Christmas as normal as possible for them. diocese as they wish. On the diocesan button As we wait for the coming of
Many of you regularly support our work and we there is an option to donate to Trocaire, Retired your Son, we ask you to bless
thank you most sincerely for that support. Priests or other areas. The Diocese will forward our family. Comfort us with your healing and
Without this help, we simply would not be able to any donations received for parishes. help us to welcome your light into our lives,
help our fellow Parishioners on your behalf. www.kandle.ie a light that gives us the gift of peace. May
Unfortunately, due to Covid-19 restrictions we PARISH DONATION ENVELOPE your peace guard our hearts, our minds and
currently can’t collect at the Church door and our Available at the Church Porch. Thanks to all for our home. We ask this through Christ our
shop is closed, which has had a detrimental your donations – It is greatly appreciated. Lord. Amen
effect on our fundraising ability. But you can Together we pray: Come, Lord Jesus.
still donate directly to our work in many of WANTED
the local shops and business who have 3 bedroom house for rent in Portarlington / LIONS CLUB CHRISTMAS VOUCHER
kindly facilitated the Society by allowing us Mountmellick area. Phone: 086 1017596. APPEAL
to place donation buckets on their premises. Christmas Voucher Appeal
You can also drop a donation into the USED POSTAGE STAMPS
Due to the current restrictions we are unable
letterbox at our shop beside the Garda If you have any used posted stamps for the to undertake our usual collection this year.
Barracks. Volunteers are in the shop at missions please leave into Angela in If you wish to make a donation to our Annual
present although we are not yet open for Portarlington Pharmacy. Christmas Appeal you can do so to
business. FAMILY CARERS IRELAND Portarlington Credit Union Account
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Available to offer support & advice over the Number 10191
you for your very generous support throughout phone 056-7721424 / 24-hour 1800-240-724 All donations greatly appreciated
the years. Have a peaceful Christmas and a Thank you.
happy New Year. 

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