Unit 2 Storage Organisation: 2.0 Introduction
Unit 2 Storage Organisation: 2.0 Introduction
Unit 2 Storage Organisation: 2.0 Introduction
Structure Page Nos.
2.0 Introduction 32
2.1 Objectives 32
2.2 Memory and Storage Devices 33
2.2.1 Semiconductor (Main) Memory
2.2.2 Magnetic Memory
2.2.3 Optical Memory
2.3 Memory Hierarchy 50
2.4 Summary 53
2.5 Solutions/Answers 53
2.6 Further Readings and References 55
In the previous unit we have discussed the basics of computers such as Central
Processing Unit (CPU), Memory, Input/Output and peripheral devices. In this unit, we
will discuss one of the most important component of a computer system known as
memory unit.
Memory unit is an important component of a computer where all the data and
information is stored in the form of binary digits (combination of 0’s and 1’s) and
retrieved whenever it is necessary. Computer system uses a variety of devices for storing
the instructions and data. These memory devices can be in different categories according
to access time, storage capacity & costperbit of storage. In this unit detailed discussion
will be on storage devices and their organization.
In this unit, we will concentrate on storage organization of the different types of
memory devices such as RAM, ROM, Harddisk, Floppy disk, Magnetic disk, Magnetic
Taps, CDROM, and DVD etc. RAM, ROM comes under semiconductor memory,
Harddisk, Floppy disk, and Magnetic tapes come under magnetic memory and
CDROM, DVD etc comes under Optical memory.
After going through this unit, you should be able to:
Hardware and Software: An
Based on these criteria, as we have also discussed in the previous unit of this block,
memory is broadly categorized into two types:
• Primary or main memory (also called semiconductor memory)
• Secondary or auxiliary memory (magnetic memory/Optical memory).
Semiconductor memory (i.e. RAM, ROM etc.) have faster access time, smaller storage
capacity, and higher cost per bit of storage, as compared to the secondary memory.
CPU is dependent on the main memory for storage of data and instruction required for
processing. For every data/instruction, CPU sends the address to the Memory Address
Register (MAR) through address lines and a control signal to the main memory. The
main memory supplies the required information (data/instruction) to the CPU through
the Memory Data Register (MDR). The main memory answers the request of the CPU at
the speed which is slower than the CPU. During this process the CPU remains idle and
the overall system speed and performance is reduced because of speed mismatch
between CPU and memory.
To reduce the idle time of CPU or increase the speed of processing, a fast memory can
be used. This can be done by using a large size of main memory. But the cost of main
memories of large size is very expensive. To reduce the cost of large sized memory,
special type of high speed memory, known as cache memory can be used in between the
CPU and the main memory (as shown in Figure1). Thus, the cost versus access time
leads to a hierarchy of computer memory. A typical computer system supports a
hierarchy of memory system because no technology may be able to satisfy all the
requirements (speed storage capacity etc.) of a system. Memory hierarchy includes CPU
(registers), Cache memory, main memory and various secondary storage devices.
Although memory hierarchy organized in such a way to minimize the cost, but it does
not compromise the overall speed of access.
CPU Cache
Figure 1: Memory Organization
In this unit we will mainly focus on storage organization and storage devices such as
disk/tape, CD/DVD and ROM/PROM etc. We also discuss the memory hierarchy which
includes main memory and high speed memory such as cache memory.
Memory is an important component of a computer where all the data and information
are stored in the form of binary digits (combination of 0’s and 1’s) and retrieved
whenever it is necessary. A computer system uses a variety of devices for storing these
instructions and data. When you want to execute a computer program, the program has
to be in the main memory. Any input data needed for processing by that program should
also be in memory. All the intermediate results and outputs from the program are stored
in the memory until the machine is turned off.
The main functions of the memory are:
Storage Organization
To store programs, data and information into the computer.
To store the results of computation.
A computer system uses a variety of devices for storing these instructions and data.
These storage units of a computer system are ranked according to the following criteria:
1) Access time: This is the time required to locate and retrieve stored data from the
storage unit in response to program instruction. A fast access time is always
2) Storage capacity: It is the amount of data that can be stored in the storage unit. A
large capacity memory is preferred, because it provide more space for storage.
) Cost per bit of storage: The final goal is to minimize this cost.
Based on above mentioned criteria, at present the following three kinds of memory
system are commonly used in any modern computers:
a) Processor’s internal memories: These are the small set of high speed registers
which are internal to a processor and are used as temporary locations where actual
processing is done. These are also called CPU memory.
b) Primary (main) memory: It is fast and large memory but slower than processor
memory. Primary memory has faster access time, smaller storage capacity and
higher cost per bit storage. This memory is accessed directly by the processor. It
stores programs and data which are currently needed by the CPU. The CPU
communicates directly with the main memory. The size of the main memory is kept
small because of its high cost.
c) Secondary (or auxiliary) memory: The secondary memory is mainly used for bulk
storage (mass storage) of programs, data and other information. It has much larger
capacity than main memory but slower than main memory. It basically stores system
software, compiler, assembler and useful packages, large data files etc.
A secondary storage system must offer large storage capacities, low cost per bit and
medium access times. Magnetic media have been used for such purposes for a long time.
Current magnetic data storage devices take the form of floppy disks and hard disks and
are used as secondary storage devices. But audio and video media, either in compressed
form or uncompressed form, require higher storage capacity than the other media forms
and the storage cost for such media is significantly higher.
Optical storage devices offer a higher storage density at a lower cost. CDROM can be
used as an optical storage device. Many software companies offer both operating system
and application software on CDROM today. This technology has been the main catalyst
for the development of multimedia in computing because it is used in the multimedia
external devices such as video recorders and digital recorders (Digital Audio Tape)
which can be used for the multimedia systems.
Removable disk, tape cartridges are other forms of secondary storage devices are used
for backup purposes having higher storage density and higher transfer rate.
Secondary memory cannot be accessed directly by the CPU. First the information of
these memories (which is needed by the CPU for current processing) is transferred to the
main memory and then the information can be accessed as the information of main
memory. Harddisk and floppy disks are the most common secondary memories used in
Hardware and Software: An
Introduction There is another type of high speed memory, known as cache memory which is
sometimes used to increase the speed of processing by making current programs and
data available to the CPU at a rapid rate. The cache memory is placed in between CPU
and main memory. Its access time is about 10 ns which is much less than that of the
main memory. The access time of main memory is about 50 ns. Because of its very high
cost, the capacity of the cache memory is 2 to 3 percent of that of the main memory.
The most common memory hierarchy is shown in Figure 2:
Figure 2: Memory Hierarchy
Now let us start with the memory organization of primary storage. A primary or internal
storage section is basic to all computers.
Storage locations and addresses
A memory is made up of a large number of cells, with each cell capable of storing one
bit. The cells may be organized as a set of addressable words (or locations). Each of
these words (or locations) can store a fixed number of bits called word length of that
particular primary storage. For example a given memory is divided into N words, where
N is some power of 2. Thus each word or location has a unique number, called the
address of that location. This unique number is used to identify that particular location.
Each location can store either a data item or an instruction and its address remains the
same regardless of its contents. The address range is generally denoted as 0….(N1),
where 0 is the start address and (N1) is the highest address. For example if a memory
has 512 locations, then the address ranges between 0 to 511. Thus, at address 0 we find a
first word, at address 1 a second word, at address 2 a third word, and so on up to the
final words at the highest address. This type of memory organization is known as a
Random Access Memory (RAM).
All the memory devices can be categorized into three main categories:
• Semiconductor (or Main) memory
• Magnetic memory
• Optical memory
The following figure illustrates the storage cost, speed and capacity of these memories.
Note that cost increases with faster access speeds but decreases with access capacity.
Access speed increases Primary storage
Main Primary
Storage Capacity decreases Memory
Magnetic Disks
Cost per bit increases Secondary
Magnetic Tapes storage
Storage Organization
Optical Disks
Figure 3: Storage Media Cost, Speed and Capacity Tradeoffs
You can note down the following points from the Figure3:
• Primary memories are used mainly for primary storage. It stores programs and
data which are currently needed by the CPU.
• The primary memory is a static device. There is no rotating part in it. The
examples of semiconductor memory are RAM, ROM etc.
• The primary memory is faster, compact and lighter. It consumes less power.
• The examples of magnetic memory are harddisk, floppy disk, pen drive,
magnetic disk and tapes.
Optical recording techniques have been recently used to store data on the surface of a
coated disk. Information is written to or read from an optical disk using laser beam. The
example of this serial access memory is CDROM (Compact Disk ReadOnly Memory).
Only one surface of an optical disk is used to stored data. An optical disk has very high
storage capacity, up to 20 GB. It is relatively inexpensive and has a long life of at least
1520 years. Better optical recording method which records data on multiple layers on a
disk surface has been recently introduced. This storage device is known as DVDROM
(Digital Versatile Disk ReadOnly Memory). The main drawback of the optical disk
system is its slow average access time. The Table 1 shows the some characteristics of
above various memory technologies.
Table 1: Some Memory Technologies
There are two basic methods of accessing information from various memory devices:
Sequential or serial access or
Direct or Random access
Hardware and Software: An
A sequentialaccess memory such as magnetic tape is organized by arranging memory
cells in a linear sequence. They do not have unique storage address that can be directly
addressed. Instead, data is presented serially for writing and is retrieved serially during
read. In other words, information on a serial device can only be retrieved in the same
sequence in which it is stored. Data are recorded one after another in a predetermined
sequence (such as in numeric order) on a storage medium. Sequential processing is quite
suitable for such applications like preparation of monthly pay slips, or monthly
electronic bills etc., where each address needs to be accessed in turn. If you are working
with sequential access device and information is stored at the last address, then data
stored at the last address cannot be accessed until all preceding locations in the sequence
have been traversed. That is locating an individual item of data requires searching of the
recoded data on the tape until the desired item is located.
In case of random access device the information is available at random, i.e., any
location in the device may be selected at random. So any location in the device can be
accessed in approximately equal time. In other words we can say that each storage
position (1) has a unique address, and (2) can be individually accessed in approximately
in equal time without searching through other storage positions. Magnetic disk and CD
ROM are the typical random access storage devices. Any data record stored on a
magnetic or optical disk can be accessed directly in approximately the same time period.
The following figure shows sequential vs. direct access storage.
Direct Access
Read/write head
Figure 5: Sequential Vs. Direct Access Storage Device.
Basic Storage fundamental:
Data are processed and stored in a computer system through the presence or absence of
electronic or magnetic signals. This is called a “twostate” or Binary representation of
data, this is because of transistor and other semiconductor circuits are either in
conducting and nonconducting states which is represented by 1 or 0. For Magnetic
media, such as magnetic disk or tapes, these two states are represented by having
magnetized spots whose magnetic fields have one of two different directions or
For any electronic circuits (RAM), the conducting (ON) state represents the number 1,
while the nonconducting (OFF) state represents the number 0. For magnetic media, the
magnetic field of a magnetized spot in one direction represents a 1 while magnetism in
the other direction represents a 0.
Storage Organization
The smallest element of data is called a bit, which can have a value of either 0 or 1. The
capacity of memory chip is usually expressed in terms of bits. A group of 8bits is
known as bytes, which represents one character of data in most computer coding
chemes. Thus, the capacity of a computer’s memory and secondary storage devices is
usually expressed in term of bytes. Computer codes such as ASCII (American Standard
Code for Information Interchange) use various arrangements of bits to form byte that
represents numbers 0 to 9, the letters of the alphabets, and many other characters.
☞ Check Your Progress 1
1) State True or False for the followings:
a) Semiconductor memory is random access memory
b) Secondary memory is slower than main memory but
that has a larger capacity.
c) Primary memory is mainly used for bulk storage.
d) Optical memory is slower than semiconductor memory.
d) In sequential access memory any memory location can
be accessed directly.
2) Differentiate between the following:
a) Sequential Vs. Random access memory.
b) Primary Vs. secondary storage
c) Semiconductor, magnetic and optical memory (in terms of access speed, storage
capacity and cost per bit storage).
2.2.1 Semiconductor (Main) Memory
All computers except very small computers contain both semiconductor as well as
magnetic memory. All modern computers use semiconductor memory as its main
Hardware and Software: An
Introduction memory (primary memory). Semiconductor memory is known as random access
memory (RAM) because any part of the memory can be accessed for reading and
writing. It stores programs and data which is currently (currently under execution)
needed by the CPU. RAM is used as a temporary storage only because it is volatile.
Data in RAM is lost in case of power interruption. Another part of main memory is
Read Only Memory (ROM). ROMs are those memories on which it is not possible to
write the data. They can only be read.
Main memory holds the programs and data required by the CPU for carrying out its
operations. The primary (main) storage is a semiconductor device that is built using
integrated circuits. The data is stored in binary form by main memory. Numeric as well
as nonnumeric data can be represented in binary form. With two binary digits, we can
represent four different characters. With three binary digits, we can represent eight
different characters. Computes internally use eight binary digits to represent characters
and digits (A binary digit is referred to as bit and eight bits are called a byte). 256
different characters can be represented by eight bits (one byte).
The capacity of a computer’s memory is usually expressed in term of bytes. Coding
system such as ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) use
various arrangements of bits to form byte that represents numbers 0 to 9, the letters of
the alphabets, and many other characters (symbols) used in computer system.
Storage capacities are frequently measured in Kilobytes (KB), Megabytes (MB),
Gigabytes (GB), or Terabytes (TB). Table2 summarizes the commonly used names
with Abbreviations and number of bytes for these storage capacities.
Table 2: Commonly used names, Abbreviations and storage capacity in bytes
Name (Abbreviations) Number of Bytes
Byte (B) 1
Kilobytes (KB) 1024
Megabytes (MB) 1024*1024 (about one million)
Gigabytes (GB) 1024*1024*1024
Terabytes (TB) 1024*1024*1024*1024
Types of Main Memory
Memory can be of various types like Random Access Memory (RAM) and ReadOnly
Memory (ROM). The following chart summarizes the different types of main memory.
Main Memory
Storage Organization
Figure 6: Types of Memory
RAM (Random Access Memory)
• The Read and write memory (R/W memory) of a computer is called a RAM.
The user can write information into RAM and read information from it. It is
known as random access since any memory location can be accessed in a
random manner for reading and writing. The access time is same for each
memory locations.
• Random Access Memory (RAM) is really the main store and is the place where
the program and software we load gets stored. When CPU runs a program, it
fetches the program instructions from the RAM and carries them out. Similarly,
if the CPU needs to store the final results of calculations, it stores them in RAM.
Thus, you (CPU) can both READ data from RAM and WRITE data into the
• RAM is a volatile memory, that is, the stored data are lost, if the power goes
• There are two important types of RAMs
Static RAM (or SRAM)
Dynamic RAM (or DRAM)
Dynamic RAM stores binary information in the form of electric charge on
capacitor. Binary 1 is represented as the presence of change whereas binary
0 is represented as absence of electric charge. Stored charge has a natural
tendency to discharge, therefore it requires frequent refreshing to maintain
data. In static RAM binary values (1 , 0 ) are stored using traditional flip fly
logic gates.
• Static RAMs retain stored information only as long as the power supply is on
whereas a Dynamic RAM loses its stored information in a very short time (a
few milliseconds) even though the power supply is on.
• Dynamic RAMs are cheaper and consume less power whereas Static RAMs are
costlier and consume more power. Static RAMs have higher speed than
dynamic RAMs.
• Dynamic RAM is cheaper so used for main memory. Static Ram is faster so
used in cache memory.
Both static and dynamic RAMs use CMOS technology. CMOS devices consume less
power. Static RAMs hold information in a flipflop circuit consisting of two cross
coupled inverters. In a RAM, the memory cell must be associated with read and write
facility. The following are commonly used RAM chips:
• EDO (Extended Data Output RAM): In an EDO RAM, any memory access
stores 256 bytes of data into latches. The latches hold next 256 bytes of
information, so that in most programs which are sequentially executed, the data
are available without wait states.
• SDRAM (Synchronous DRAM) and SGRAM (Synchronous Graphics
RAM): These RAM chips use the same clock rate as the CPU uses. As a result,
the memory chips remain ready to transfer data when the CPU expects them to
be ready. SDRAM is often used as a mass storage whereas SGRAM used as a
high end graphics memory.
Hardware and Software: An
• DualPorted DRAM: These types of RAM allow to access two memory
locations simultaneously. Sometimes it is also called video RAM (or VRAM).
WRAM (Window RAM) is a special version of VRAM, which is commonly
used in PCs running WINDOWS Operating System and WINDOWS
• SIMM and DIMM: They stand for singleInline and Double Inline Memory
Modules. These are small printed circuit cards, on which several DRAM
memory chips are placed. Such cards are plugged into the system board of the
ROM (Read Only Memory)
• A ReadOnly memory (ROM) is a nonvolatile memory, i.e., the information
stored in it is not lost even if the power supply goes off. Thus, a Read Only
Memory (ROM) is one in which information is permanently stored.
• Unlike RAM, the information from ROM can only be READ and it is not
possible to WRITE fresh information to it. That is the CPU can only fetch or
READ instructions from ROM. This is the reason why it is called ROM.
Computer almost always contains a small amount of ReadOnly memory
(ROM). It is much cheaper compared to RAMs when produced in large
• ROM is used for storing special set of instruction, which the computer needs
when it start up (boot up).
• Unlike RAM, the information from ROM can only be READ and it is not
possible to WRITE fresh information to it by the users/programmers. That is the
CPU can only fetch or READ instructions from ROM. This is the reason why it
is called ROM. The contents of ROMs are decided by the manufacturers. The
contents are permanently stored in a RAM at the time of manufacture.
• From programming mode point of view, we have
• Maskedprogrammed
• Userprogrammed
• ROMs in which contents are written at the time of IC manufacture
are called maskprogrammed ROMs. PROM, EPROM and EEPROM or any
other kind of PROM are user programmable ROMs. If we simply write (or say)
ROM it means masked programmed ROMs are called PROM, EROM and
EEROM etc.
• An example of ROM is Toshiba mask ROM, TCS 534000.
PROM (Programmable ROM)
• A variation of ROM chip is programmable read only memory (PROM). A
PROM is a memory chip on which data can be written only once.
• ROM chips are supplied by computer manufacturer and it is not possible for a
Storage Organization
user to modify the programs stored inside the ROM chip. However, in case of
PROM, it is possible for a user to customize a system by storing own program
in a PROM chip.
• Once a program has been written on to a PROM chip, the recorded information
cannot be changed i.e., the PROM becomes a ROM and it is only possible to
read the stored information.
• PROM is also a nonvolatile memory i.e., the stored information remains even
if power is switched off.
• The basic difference between PROM and a ROM is that a PROM is
manufactured as blank memory, whereas a ROM is programmed during the
manufacturing process. To write data on a PROM chip, you need a special
device called a PROM programmer or a PROM burner. The process of
programming a PROM is sometimes called burning the PROM. Earlier most of
the electronic typewriter had a PROM chip.
Table 3: Different category of Memory
Memory Category Volatility Writing Mechanism Erasure
RAM Readwrite memory Volatile Electrically Electrically
ROM Readonly memory Nonvolatile Mask Notpossible
PROM Readonly memory Nonvolatile Electrically Notpossible
EPROM Readonly memory Nonvolatile Electrically Using UV light
EEPROM Readonly memory Nonvolatile Electrically Electrically
2.2.2 Magnetic Memory
In the previous subsection, we have seen various types of semiconductor RAMs. These
high speed semiconductor storage devices (i.e., RAMs) are expensive. So we need some
inexpensive media for storage. Magnetic memory is a good alternative for this purpose.
Also the semiconductor memory has the following limitations:
1) Limited capacity: Semiconductor (primary) memory of today’s computer is not
sufficient, since most of the data processing organization requires large volume of
2) Volatile memory: Semiconductor memory is volatile in nature. But now a days,
the computer system need to store data on a permanent basis.
Thus, there is a need of an additional memory, which should be inexpensive, non
volatile in nature and having large capacity. Magnetic material is inexpensive and quite
long lasting material, so it is an ideal choice for us. Magnetic memory is a permanent
nonvolatile memory.
Any modern computer uses the following two types of magnetic memory:
Magnetic Disks: Hard disks & Floppy disks.
ii) Magnetic tapes Magnetic disks are the most common form of secondary storage
because they provide fast access and high storage capacities at a reasonable cost.
Storage Mechanisms
Magnetic disk drives contain metal disks that are coated on both sides with an iron oxide
recording material. Several disks are mounted together on a vertical shaft which
typically rotates the disks at speeds of 3600 to 7600 revolutions per minutes (rpm).
Hardware and Software: An
Introduction Electromagnetic read/write heads are positioned by access arms between the slightly
separated disks to read and write data on concentric, circular tracks. Data are recorded
on tracks in the form of tiny magnetized spots to form the binary digits of common
computer codes. Thousands of bytes can be recorded on each track, and there are several
hundred data tracks on each disk surface, which provides billions of storage positions
for your software and data.
There are basically two types of magnetic disk arrangements, one having a removable
disk cartridges and other having a fixed disk units. Removable disk devices are popular
because they are transportable and can be used as backup copies of your data.
Data Organizations
A magnetic disk is a surface device, which stores data on its surface. Its surface is
divided into circular concentric tracks. The number of tracks on a disk range up to 800.
Each track is divided into sectors (normally 10100). These sectors should be either
fixed or variable length sectors. The division of track into equal sized blocks or pages is
set by the operating system during disk formatting. The number of bytes stored in each
sector is kept same. Therefore, all tracks store in the same amount of data, typically
range from 450kbytes.
Track 000
A sector
Figure 7(a): tracks on disks. The no. of tracks Figure 7 (b): Sectors of a disk.
The number varies but there (Often 200 or more) range up to 800 is often 8 or more
sectors per track.
Magnetic disks are semirandom devices. A track on a disk is selected in a random
fashion, but data is written to or read from a sector in a serial fashion. Harddisk drives (HDD)
• Hard disks are online storage device. The term online means that the device
(harddisk) is permanently connected to the computer system and when the
computer is on, the device (harddisk) is available to store information or to give
• HDD stores programs, data, operating system, compiler, Assemblers,
application programs etc.
Storage Organization
Storage organization in HDD:
• HDD contains magnetic disks, access arms and read/write heads into a
sealed, air filtered enclosure. This technique is known as Winchester
• Winchester disk is another name for “hard disk drive”. There are two stories
behind the name Winchester disks; one is that the disk was developed at IBM’s
facility at Winchester, New York State; that had 30MB of fixed storage and
30MB of removable storage; the other is that the first model number was given
as 3030, which is also the model number of the wellknown Winchester Rifle
popular in the Wild West. Although modern disk drives are faster and hold more
data, the basic technology is the same, so Winchester has become synonymous
with hard.
Figure 8: Winchester disk a portion of disk track
• The read/write head reads data from the disk and writes data to the disk. A
disk is mounted (or stacked) on the disk drive, which has the motor that rotates
it. Harddisks together with read/write heads, access mechanism and driving
motor constitute a unit called harddiskdrive (HDD) unit. The whole unit of
HDD is fixed.
• Hard disk is also known as platter. It can not be removed or inserted into a
HDD unit. Some disks have single platter e.g., floppy disk.
• To increase the storage capacity several harddisks (platters) are mounted
(stacked) vertically, normally at a distance of an inch. This is known as disk
pack or multiplatter configuration.
Hardware and Software: An
Introduction • A set of corresponding tracks in all surfaces of a disk pack (i.e., the tracks
with the same diameter on the various surfaces) is called a cylinder (see Figure
9). Here, the concept of cylinder is very important because data stored on the
same cylinder can be retrieved much faster than the data were distributed among
different cylinders.
Surface 0
Read/write head
(One per surface)
Surface (2n1)
Figure 9: A disk having n platters (0 to n1 plates). A set of corresponding tracks on all the (n1)
Surfaces, at a given radial distance, is called a cylinder
Capacity, density and speed
Suppose a HDD (or disk pack) having n plates, has:
then total number of recording surfaces m=2*n and
t= tracks per surface
p= sector per tracks
s=bytes per sectors,
π =3.14 then
Storage capacity of disk=(m*t*p*s) bytes
If d is the diameter of the disk, Then the density of the recording is:
Density=(s*p)/(π*d) byte/inch.
For example a 2.5 inch diameter disk pack has 6 plates (12 recording surfaces), 256
sectors per track, 5250 tracks per surface, 512 byes per sector. Then the disk capacity =
12x5250x256x512=7.69 GB Recoding Density=(512x256)/(3.14x2.5)=16688
There are several disk drives (C,D,F etc.) in a computer, which are connected to a disk
controller. The controller converts instructions received from the computer (software)
to electrical signals to operate disks. The Disk controller accepts commands from the
computer and positions the read/write head of the specified disk for reading or writing.
For reading or writing operation on a disk pack, the computer must specify the drive
number, cylinder number, surface number, and sector number. Drive number must be
specified, because a controller normally controls more than one drive.
Storage Organization
Following is a disk address format for disk controller of 8 drives, each disk pack having
250 cylinders, 12 surface and 256 sectors.
Access time on magnetic disk
Magnetic disks are semirandom devices. A track on a disk is selected in random
fashion, but data is written to or read from a sector in serial fashion. In order to access
information from a disk, the disk address of the desired data has to be specified. The
disk address is specified in terms of track number, surface number and the sector
number. Information is always written from the beginning of a sector and can be read
only from the tracks beginning of track.
As soon as the read/write command is received by the disk controller, the read/write
heads are first positioned onto the specified track number (or cylinder) by moving the
arm assembly in the proper direction. The time required to position the read/write head
over proper track is called the seek time.
Seek time (Ts): The time required to move the read/write head on a specific (address) track.
• Seek time varies depending on the position of the arm assembly when a read/write
command is received.
• Seek time will be maximum, if the arm assembly is positioned on the outer most track
and the track to be reached is the inner most track and it will be zero if the arm
assembly is already on the desired track.
• The average seek time is thus specified for most systems which is generally between
few milliseconds to fractions of a second.
Note that seek time is associated only with movablehead system. For a fixedhead
system, it is always 0 because there is head for each track and no movement of head is
required for accessing a particular track.
Once the heads are positioned on the desired track, the head on the specified surface is
activated. Since the disk is continuously rotating, this head should wait for the desired
data (specified sector) to come under this head. This rotational waiting time i.e., time
required to bring the needed data (i.e., starting position of the addressed sector) under
the read/write head is called the latency time.
Latency Time (tL) or Search time: Time required to bring the needed data under
R/W head. Latency time is also a variable and depends on the following two
• Distance of the desired data from the initial position of the head on the
specified track
• Rotational speed of the disk.
The average seek time is thus normally specified for most systems which is
generally of the order of 10 to 15 milliseconds.
Hardware and Software: An
The total access time for a disk is equal to the seek time plus the latency time.
Access time= Seek time + Latency time
The average access time for most disk systems is usually between 10 to 100
milliseconds. Floppy Disks
Floppy disks or magnetic diskettes consist of polyester film disks covered with an iron
oxide compound. The disk is not a hard plate, rather it is a very thin piece of flexible
polyester (plastic material) film, and hence it is called floppy disk. A single disk is
mounted and rotates freely inside a protective flexible cover or hard plastic jacket.
We have two different sizes of floppy disks:
• 3.5 inches, and
• 5.25 inches.
The 3.5 inch floppy disk, having capacity of 1.44 MB, is the most widely used version.
A floppy disk rotates at 360 rmp. Its average access time is 150250 ms.
The storing capacity of a 5.25 inch floppy disk is 1.2 MB. It uses 80 tracks per surface,
96 TPI (tracks per inch), 15 sectors per track, rotating speed 300 rpm, and store 512
bytes per sector. Both sides of the disk store information.
Floppy disks are now outdated, inpalce of it, now Universal Serial Bus (USB) drive
which are also known as pen drive are used. Pen drives are having larger capacity,
which vary from 1 GB to 10 GB. Magnetic Tapes
Magnetic tape is sequential access type secondary storage device. It is used for backup
in server, workstations, and large computers. The main advantages of magnetic disks,
these are cheaper and since these are removable from the drive, they provide unlimited
storage capacity (20 GB to 150 GB).
The read/write heads of magnetic tape drives record data in the form of magnetized
spots on the iron oxide coating of the plastic tape. Magnetic tape devices include tape
reels and cartridges in mainframes and midrange systems, and small cassettes or
cartridges for PCs.
The main drawback of magnetic tapes is that it store information sequentially. A file or a
particular information stored on a magnetic tape cannot be accessed directly on random
basis as it is done in the case of harddisks or floppy disks. These devices are slower, but
due to low cost, they are still widely used for massive data warehouse and other business
storage requirements.
☞ Check Your Progress 2
1) State True or False for the following statements:
Storage Organization
a) One Gigabytes (GB) equal to 220 KB.
b) Magnetic disk having higher storage capacity
than Magnetic tapes.
c) Tracks with the same diameter on the various
surfaces are known as a cylinder.
d) Time required to bring the needed data under
R/W head is known as seek time.
2) Explain the volatile and nonvolatile type memory. Differentiate the volatile and
nonvolatile type memory for the following memory: RAM, ROM, PROM,
3) A 2.5 inch diameter disk pack has 6 plates (12 recording surfaces), 256 sectors per
track, 5268 tracks per surface, 512 byes per sector. Find the capacity and recording
density of the disk pack.
4) Match the following:
2.2.3 Optical Memories
Optical memories or Optical disks are alternate mass storage devices with huge capacity
(up to 20 GB). Higher density is achieved through tightly focused lasers which can
access a very small storage area. Information is written to or read from an optical disk
using laser beam. Only one surface of an optical disk is used to stored data. An optical
disk is relatively inexpensive, and has a long life of at least 15 years. Since the
read/write head does not touch the disk surface, there is no problem of disk wear and
head crash. The main draw back of the optical disk system is its slow average access
time. Basic types of optical disks are:
1) CDROM (CompactDisk Read Only Memory)
2) WORM (Write Once Read many) or CDR (CDRecordable).
3) Erasable Optical Disk
Hardware and Software: An
Introduction 4) DVDROM, DVDR and DVDRAM
Optical memory devices provide a huge storage capacity (up to 20 GB), at a lower cost.
Information is written to or read from an optical disk using laser beam. An optical disk
is relatively inexpensive, and has a long life of at least 15 years. Since the read/write
head does not touch the disk surface, there is no problem of head crash. The main draw
back of the optical disk system is its slow average access time.
Many software companies offer both operating system and application software on CD
ROM today. This technology has been the main catalyst for the development of
multimedia in computing because it is used in the multimedia external devices such as
video recorders and digital recorders (Digital Audio Tape) which can be used for the
multimedia systems.
CDROM technology uses 12centimeter (4.7inch) compact disk (CDs) similar to those
used in stereo music systems. Each disk can store more than 600 MB. That is
approximately equivalent to 400 1.44 MB floppy disks or 300,000 doublespaced pages
of text.
First of all, a master disk is prepared. On a master disk, a laser records data by burning
permanent microscopic pits in a spiral track to represent 1. From master disk, CD
ROMs are produced on mass scale. Then CDROM disk drives use a laser device to read
the binary codes formed by those pits. For reading the data laser beam of less intensity is
employed. A laser system needs 25mW for writing whereas 5mW for reading.
CDROMs use long spiral tracks to store data serially, as shown in Figure10. The track
is divided into the blocks of same size as shown in the figure. A CDROM disk rotates
at a variable speed so that pits are read by the laser at a constant linear speed. The speed
of the disk is adjusted in such a way that the track possess under the read/write head at a
constant linear velocity.
Sector of equal length
Figure 10: A CDROM disk layout
• High storing capacity.
• Mass copy of information stored, which is very cheaper.
Storage Organization
• Removable disk from the computer, so suitable for archival storage. 5.25 inch
disks store 650 MB data.
• Longer access time as compared to that of a magnetic hard disk (because
locating a desired address involve first moving the head to the specific area then
adjusting the rotating speed and then reading the address, and then to find and
access the specific sector).
• Information can not be updated because it is a readonly (permanent) memory.
WORM or CDR (CDRecordable)
CDR (compactdisk recordable) is another optical disk technology. The user can
record (write) their own data once on a CD with CDR disk drive unit. After this
recording user can read these data as many times as desired.
CDR is suitable for data and files which are not to be changed. The user can store
permanent data, information, and files for maintaining records. CDR should be
used because of:
• High storing capacity.
• Better reliability and long life.
• Greater access time as compared to harddisk.
Erasable Optical disk or CDRW (CDrewritable)
The major limitation of CDROM and CDR disks is that recorded data can not be
erased. However, CDRW (CDrewritable) optical disk systems have now become
available which record and erase data by using a laser to heat a microscopic point on the
disk’s surface. CDRW are of:
• Very high storing capacity. A 5.25 inch optical disk can store about 650.
• It is more reliable and having long life.
• Longer access time as compared to that of a harddisk.
DVD stands for Digital Video Disks or Digital Versatile Disks. DVD stores much
more data than CDROM. Its capacities are 4.7GB, 8.5GB, and 20GB and more. The
capacity depends on whether it is a single layer, double layer; single sided or double
sided disks. DVD uses laser beam of shorter wavelength than CDROM uses and
therefore more tracks are used. Working principles of DVD disks are same as CDROM,
The Speed of CDROM or DVDROM is given in terms of nX, where n is an integer.
For example 32X, in case of CD, X=150 KB/s, so 32X=32x150=4.8 MB/s. In case of
DVD, X=1.38 MB/s.
DVDR: It is a recordable DVD, same as CDR disk. The user can write data once on a
DVDR, then read the data as many times as required.
Hardware and Software: An
DVDRAM: It is a rewritable DVD, same as CDRW disk. DVDRAM uses a phase
change technology to write, read and erase data.
The Table 4 on next page summarizes the different types of secondary (auxiliary)
memory devices:
Table 4: Types of Memory
Storage Organization
high access time, that is the
time taken by CPU to access the memory location is high, which result in a slower
operation and less utilization of CPU. Thus the cost versus access time leads to a
memory hierarchy.
The overall goal of Memory Hierarchy is to obtain the highest possible access speed
while minimizing the total cost of the memory system. Figure12 illustrates the
components of a typical memory system.
Main I/O
Processor Magnetic Tape
Magnetic disk
Cache CPU
Hardware and Software: An
Figure 12: Components of memory system
A computer system uses a variety of devices for storing the instructions and data. A
storage device (or units) may vary according to the access time, storage capacity, and
costperbit of storage, as discussed in the previous section. Based on these criteria, a
memory system can be considered to consist of three groups of memories.
2) Primary (main) memory: It is fast and large memory but slower than
processor memory. Primary memory has faster access time, smaller storage
capacity and higher cost per bit storage. This memory is accessed directly by the
processor. It stores programs and data which are currently needed by the CPU.
The size of the main memory is kept small because of its high cost.
3) Secondary (or auxiliary) memory: The secondary memory is mainly used for
bulk storage (mass storage) of programs, data and other information. It has
much larger capacity than main memory but slower than main memory. It
basically stores system software, compiler, assembler and useful packages, large
data files etc.
A typical storage hierarchy is shown in Figure13.
Cache memory
time Larger capacity &
Main memory
Lower cost per bit
Magnetic disk
Magnetic Tape
Figure 13: The Memory hierarchy
A block diagram of storage hierarchy, as shown in Figure13 includes:
• CPU (register)
• Cache memory
Storage Organization
Main memory
Secondary storage &
Mass storage
As we move up the storage hierarchy, we encounter memory elements having faster
access time, less capacity and higher cost per bit stored. When we move down, we have
a larger storage capacity, slower access time and lower cost per bit stored. Thus, CPU
storage components generally have the fastest access time, the smallest storage capacity
and the highest cost per bit stored. The cache memory which is placed in between the
CPU and the main memory is a very high speed semiconductor memory used to enhance
the speed of main memory. The main (primary) memory falls next in the memory
hierarchy list. Secondary storage media such as harddisk/magnetic disk memories make
up the level of hierarchy just below the main memory. Secondary storage devices are at
the bottom of the memory hierarchy. Secondary storage devices such as magnetic tapes
are used for backup/archival storage. These are very cost effective so used for mass
storage of data, when fast access time is not required.
☞ Check Your Progress 3
1) State True or False for the following statements:
a) The main draw back of the optical disk system 0
is its slow average access time.
b) CDROM has longer access time as compared
to that of a magnetic hard disk.
c) In CDR data can be written once and read indefinitely.
3) Explain the need of memory hierarchy.
4) Match the following:
2) CDR b) Read and write indefinitely
Hardware and Software: An
This unit basically explains the storage organization, storage devices for different types
of memory systems and the importance of memory hierarchy.
The memory system is categories according to access time, storage capacity & costper
bit of storage.
Based on these criteria, memory is broadly categories into two types: Primary memory
& secondary memory. All modern computers use semiconductor memory as its main
memory (or primary memory). Semiconductor memory is known as random access
memory (RAM). Although these are very fast memory but are very expensive. Thus
semiconductor (primary) memory of today’s computer is not sufficient, since these have
very limited capacity. Thus there is a need of an additional memory, which should be
inexpensive, nonvolatile in nature and having large capacity. Magnetic (secondary)
memory is a permanent nonvolatile, type memory. In this unit we have discussed the
two types of magnetic memory namely magnetic disks (i.e., harddisk and floppy disk)
and magnetic tapes. Magnetic disks are the most common form of secondary storage
because they provide fast access and high storage capacities at a reasonable cost.
In this unit we have discussed the various types of storage devices used by the computer
system. A cost effective technique for the design of large computer systems is the use of
a hierarchy of memory technologies. The overall goal of Memory Hierarchy is to obtain
the highest possible access speed while minimizing the total cost of the memory system.
Check Your Progress 1
1) (a) True (b) False (c) False (d) True (e) False
2) (a) A sequentialaccess memory is organized by arranging memory cells in a linear
sequence. They do not have unique storage address that can be directly addressed.
In other words, information on a serial device can only be retrieved in the same
sequence in which it is stored. Data are recorded one after another in a
predetermined sequence (such as in numeric order) on a storage medium. If you
are working with sequential access device and information is stored at the last
address, then data stored at the last address cannot be accessed until all
preceding locations in the sequence have been traversed. That is locating an
individual item of data requires searching much of the recoded data on the tape
until the desired item is located.
Sequential processing is quite suitable for such applications like preparation of
monthly pay slips, or monthly electronic bills etc., where each address needs to
be accessed in turn.
In case of random access device the information is available at random, i.e. any
location in the device may be selected at random. So any location in the device
can be accessed in approximately equal time. In other words we can say that
each storage position (1) has a unique address and (2) can be individually
Storage Organization
accessed in approximately in equal time without searching through other storage
positions. Magnetic disk and CDROM are the typical random access storage
devices. Any data record stored on a magnetic or optical disk can be accessed
directly in approximately the same time period.
(b) Table 5: Differences between Primary Memory and Secondary Memory
Primary (semiconductor) memory Secondary memory
It is fast and large memory but The secondary memory is mainly
slower than processor memory. used for bulk storage (mass
Primary memory has faster access storage) of programs, data and
time, smaller storage capacity and other information. It has much
higher cost per bit storage. larger capacity than main memory
but slower than main memory.
This memory is accessed directly by It basically stores system
the processor. It stores programs and software, compiler, assembler and
data which are currently needed by useful packages, large data files
the CPU. The CPU communicates etc.
directly with the CPU. The size of
the main memory is kept small
because of its high cost.
(c) The following Figure14 illustrates the storage cost, speed and capacity of
Semiconductor, magnetic and optical memory. Note that cost increases with faster
access speeds but decreases with access capacity.
Access speed increases Primary storage
Storage Capacity decreases Memory
Magnetic Disks
Cost per bit increases Secondary
Magnetic Tapes
Optical Disks
Figure 13: Storage media cost, Speed and capacity tradeoffs
Check Your Progress 2
1) (a) True (b) False (c) True (d) False
2) (a) Volatile memory means the stored data are lost, if the power goes off.. For
example RAM is a volatile memory. A nonvolatile memory means the information
stored in it is not lost even if the power supply goes off. A ReadOnly memory (ROM)
Hardware and Software: An
Introduction is a nonvolatile memory.
Table 6: Types of Memory
3) disk capacity= 12x5268x256x512=7.716 GB and
Recoding density=(512x256)/(3.14x2.5)=16688 bytes/inch.
4) 1(d), 2(a), 3(b), 4(c)
Check Your Progress 3
1) True (b) True (c) True
2) A computer system uses a variety of storage devices to store instructions and data. A
cost effective technique for the design of large computer systems is the use of a
hierarchy of memory technologies. The overall goal of Memory Hierarchy is to
obtain the highest possible access speed while minimizing the total cost of the
memory system.
3) 1(c), 2(a), 3(b), 4(d)
1. P. K. Sinha, Computer Fundamentals, BPB publication, New Delhi, 2007.
2. P. Sudharsan & J. Jeyabalan, Computerssystems and applications, JAICO
Publishing House, Mumbai, 2005.
3. V.Rajaraman, Fundamentals of Computers, PHI Publication, New Delhi 2008.
4. T.N. Srivastava, An introduction to computers& their application to banking,
Macmillan, Macmillan India limited, New Delhi, 2000.
Reference Websites:
• www.en.wikipedia.org
Storage Organization