Tesco - Little Helps Plan Report Final 26520
Tesco - Little Helps Plan Report Final 26520
Tesco - Little Helps Plan Report Final 26520
shoppers a
little better
every day.
Contents. At the time of publishing this report, we are dealing with the global
pandemic of COVID-19. The outbreak presents an unprecedented
Group Chief Executive statement............................. 2 challenge to everyone. Our business response has focused on
Our approach.......................................................... 4 providing food for all, safety for everyone, supporting colleagues and
People.................................................................... 8 helping communities.
Product.................................................................18 This report covers our 2019/20 financial year, before the impact of
COVID-19 was felt in the markets we operate in. It provides a summary
Planet................................................................... 28
of our activity and updates on the progress we are making with our
Places................................................................... 34 Little Helps Plan up to 29 February 2020.
Performance......................................................... 40 To find out more about our response to COVID-19 please visit
Indices, benchmarks and scorecards...................... 42 www.tescoplc.com/covid-19.
1 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 1
Group Chief Executive statement
Dave Lewis
Group Chief Executive
Five years ago we set out a new purpose for Tesco: to serve Our partnerships are also making a difference. Together with the Our priorities are giving customers access to the food they need; The Little Helps Plan provides a crucial focus for our work. We
shoppers a little better every day. In setting out our purpose we WWF we launched the Sustainable Basket Metric, a key step which working with government to serve the most vulnerable in society; believe that following the Little Helps Plan will not only mean that
had in mind a very broad definition of the word ‘serve’. To us, will allow us to measure progress towards our goal to halve the ensuring the safety of everyone who works or shops with us; we can serve shoppers better and more sustainably into the future,
serving obviously means the service we give in stores to customers environmental impact of the average UK shopping basket. We also supporting our colleagues; and helping local communities. but it will also lead to sustainable long-term returns for investors
but it also means acting as a responsible business for all worked with the WWF on the Cerrado Manifesto to support soy and a better outcome for the planet. In this context every little help
In early April 2020 we announced a £30m package of support for
stakeholders - customers, colleagues, suppliers and shareholders. sourcing without deforestation in Brazil. We continue to work really can make a big difference.
communities dealing with COVID-19. This builds on the programmes
closely with Champions 12.3 to help halve global food waste from
The Little Helps Plan captures our approach to ensuring we are a and partnerships we already had in place including making
farm to fork and we are working with suppliers to remove, reduce,
responsible and therefore sustainable business. It links directly to additional investments in our food donations programme,
reuse and recycle plastic from packaging. We even picked up a
our purpose and our values. Every part of Tesco is involved. supporting the British Red Cross and helping charities working with
Guinness World Record® with our biggest ever fundraising event –
some of the most vulnerable in society through our Bags of Help
In 2019 we made significant progress towards some of our Tesco Dance Beats – which saw us raise £2m for our health charity
scheme. We are also a partner of SalutetheNHS.org, donating all Dave Lewis
long-term goals in the Little Helps Plan. Over the course of the partners, Cancer Research UK, the British Heart Foundation and
the food for one million food parcels for frontline NHS workers. Group Chief Executive
year, we have reached 77% of our target that no food safe for Diabetes UK in our centenary year.
More information on our response to COVID-19 is available at
human consumption will go to waste in the UK. We have removed
This report reflects our progress in the year ending 29 February www.tescoplc.com/covid-19.
over 10,000 tonnes of hard-to-recycle materials from Tesco Own
2020, before the impact of COVID-19 was felt. Since then, we have
Brand products in the UK. We achieved a 37% reduction in Group None of this would have been possible without the hard work and
mobilised all parts of our business to help us respond to the crisis.
greenhouse emissions against a 2015 baseline as well as sourcing dedication of our colleagues and partners. It's a privilege to work
68% of electricity from renewable sources, achieving both our with such passionate and dedicated people who, every day live the
absolute emissions reduction and renewable energy 2020 values of our business.
targets early.
2 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 3
Our approach
Our approach
4 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 5
Our approach
The future of our business depends not only on the decisions and transition to a low-carbon world aligned with the Paris Agreement.
actions we take, but also on the world around us and our ability to These transition risks are a result of market and societal shifts
adapt. We understand that our activity reverberates throughout related to agriculture, diets and energy use. Further information
society and by the same token, we know that decisions and actions about our TCFD work can be found within the Tesco PLC Annual
taken by society have a huge impact on us. Report and Financial Statements 2020.
We are operating in a constantly changing world with social, ethical, Alongside the threat of climate change, society is facing further
political, ecological, and technological developments that produce change with rising global populations, increasing life expectancy
both opportunities and threats. As a business we monitor these and rapid advancements in technological innovation. This has the
external factors and their potential to affect our performance, potential to impact both our customers, through their diets and
future prospects, reputation or our ability to deliver against our how they shop, and our colleagues and their skills and expectations
priorities and build appropriate controls. This forms part of our on us as an employer.
established risk management process.
Our well-established product development and customer insight
We recognise climate change as the biggest environmental threat analysis ensures we understand and leverage trends around
the world faces, and one which poses particular challenges to our customer behaviour, expectations and experience. We use this to
business, including our supply chain and operations. Conversely, improve our propositions and keep the needs of our customer
responding to climate change effectively can enhance our business central to our decision-making.
resilience and enable us to respond to any opportunities it may
Our talent planning and people development processes are
offer, making us a better business in the long-term.
established across the Group and help equip our colleagues with
We have completed Taskforce on Climate-related Financial the skills they need to succeed in the future, building on existing
Disclosures (TCFD) scenario analyses and assessed our exposure skills and creating opportunities for colleagues to reskill in areas
to physical climate risks such as rising temperatures, changes in where demand is expected to increase in the future.
rainfall patterns and extreme weather events. Beyond physical
risks, we also assessed risks and opportunities arising from a
Our Group Communications Director, Christine Heffernan, is the Non-executive Director and Chair
Little Helps Plan Executive sponsor. To ensure the business of the Corporate Responsibility Committee 1. Based on YouGovBrand Index which 2. Reflects percentage of colleagues 3. Donations made through our charity
is a score based upon six component recommending Tesco as a great place partnerships, community grant
questions covering quality, value, to work as part of our Every Voice programmes and colleague and
reputation and satisfaction; 12 week Matters survey. customer fundraising.
rolling data.
6 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 7
One of our values is to treat people how they want to be treated.
We want to ensure all colleagues can be themselves and have an
opportunity to get on at Tesco. With more than 400,000 colleagues
around the world and millions of people who work within our supply
chain, we are committed to promoting human rights and seek to
ensure that there is decent, fair, safe work for all.
Recognising individual contribution Tesco average pay versus market median UK: 1.08
and collective diversity
Supporting colleagues to be at their Percentage of colleagues that believe Tesco Group: 76%
physical and mental best supports their health and wellbeing within the Every
Voice Matters survey
Respecting human rights across Percentage of high-risk tier 1 supplier sites UK: 97%
the supply chain with audits in the last year
KPIs have been updated to reflect our priority areas for the years ahead. We have provided 2019/20 performance against these new KPIs
where we have the data available. A summary of our previously published 2019/20 KPIs and performance can be found on page 40. Further
data disclosures can be found at www.tescoplc.com/LHPperformance.
8 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 9
People continued
Developing the skills and opportunities to get on As well as focusing on young people we have been looking at
The world of work is moving at pace and we know that we must opportunities to extend our talent pools to ensure we have the
equip our colleagues with the skills they need to succeed in the skills we need for the future. In Asia, in the last year we have
future. As well as building on existing skills, we are creating launched retiree contracts for the first time. This creates the
opportunities for colleagues to reskill in areas where demand is opportunity for retirees to work in our stores providing them
expected to increase and looking to expand our talent pools, so we with the opportunity to have active and engaging lifestyles while
can continue to resource the skills we need for the future. To focus earning additional income post retirement. To date we have
on this, a new strategic workforce planning team has been set up hired over 930 retirees.
to help build a picture of our future workforce supply and demand:
the critical skills, roles and job families Tesco will need to deliver its
strategy, and how we fulfil these.
We continued to invest in the future of our workforce with a focus
on digital skills across the Group. In the UK, 165 Digital Champions young people have been helped to develop their
across our stores and distribution centres have now had 32,000
conversations to improve colleagues’ digital confidence. In India, 83
employability and life skills through our work with
colleagues have been upskilled to lead work on automation whilst the Prince’s Trust and the Institute of Grocery
200 colleagues are now accredited in Continuous Improvement. Distribution charity
Colleagues in Central Europe have completed almost 60,000 digital
training modules and in Asia we now offer specific courses on
digital transformation and data to our colleagues.
development through qualifications, membership and access to
learning resources. In the past 12 months 95 colleagues have
had the opportunity to work towards a CIPD qualification either
through our master’s programme, People apprenticeship or of colleagues told us that they think Tesco
experience assessment. is a great place to work
10 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 11
People continued
12 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 13
People continued
Human rights.
Respecting human rights One issue we monitor closely across our supply chain is that salaries In Latin America, we have worked with all suppliers to ensure
We are committed to continually raising supply chain standards and are paid on time and in full. We know how important this is for trade union affiliation is respected and no member of a trade
ensuring that those working within our supply chain are protected. workers and, by helping workers to avoid debt, we are also helping union is discriminated against. All our suppliers have been guided to
Our human rights strategy reflects the most important issues to make them less vulnerable to any risk of exploitation. In 2019/20 ensure each farm or packhouse, in the absence of trade unions,
affecting workers within our supply chains and we are proud of the we identified 52 cases, affecting 7,060 workers, where payments have at the minimum a democratically elected worker committee
steps we’ve taken to date, both through our core programme to had fallen short of what should have been paid, including premiums with no management interference. Women must be included
ensure decent conditions at production sites, and through our for overtime, that were subsequently addressed as a result of as part of the leadership of these organisations and regular
continued participation in collaborative initiatives to help drive Tesco’s intervention. meetings with management must be held to voice workers
sector-wide progress. concerns or complaints.
As part of the final year of the Malawi Tea 2020 coalition programme
we have partnered with a forward-thinking tea estate in the Shire
Highlands of Malawi where we plan to source all of our 2020 Our Modern Slavery Statement is available at
Malawian raw material. We are paying a higher-than-market value www.tescoplc.com/modernslavery
purchase price for our tea which is verified by Oxfam and the
Sustainable Trade Initiative, IDH, to generate additional value for the
of high-risk tier 1 supplier sites have had estate workers. Forced labour
audits in the last year Beyond our existing commitment to only source from Rainforest We are fully committed to eradicating modern slavery in our
Alliance Certified™ farms in our Own Brand chocolate operations and supply chains.
confectionery and through responsible cocoa programmes for our Tesco works in partnership with Unseen, who run the UK’s
Sustainable livelihoods other Own Brand products, in 2019 we led the creation of the Retail independent and confidential modern slavery helpline. Trained
Cocoa Collaboration with other retailers. The aim of this group is to helpline advisors are able to support potential victims of modern
We believe that everyone deserves a fair wage for the work they do
engage with cocoa traders, recognising the important role they slavery as well as offer a way for businesses and the general
and this year we have continued to work alongside like-minded
play, and assess their progress against sustainable cocoa policies public to raise suspicions or concerns. Real-time translation is
organisations to improve wages in sectors where they are low,
and commitments. available in over 180 languages. We encourage our primary
including the Malawi tea industry and the cocoa industry.
Worker representation supplier sites in the UK, as well as our distribution fulfilment
In consultation with internal and external stakeholders, including centres, to promote the helpline, enabling us to continue to
NGOs, we have launched a new sustainable livelihoods strategy Free and fair worker representation continues to be a significant
raise awareness of modern slavery.
which sets a framework for our work in this area over the next challenge in global supply chains and we continue to work in
three years and is available on our website. conjunction with NGOs, trade unions, the Ethical Trade Initiative Through the Unseen business portal, we also gain visibility of
and certification bodies/audit companies to strengthen workers' potential cases relating to Tesco and our supply chains raised by Photo credit: Ethical Tea Partnership/UNICEF/Avani Rai
ability to associate and respectfully demand continuous both internal and external parties. These are investigated by
improvements in labour conditions. experienced responsible sourcing and Group security colleagues.
Our partnership with the Ethical Tea Partnership and UNICEF is
This year, as members of the Leadership Group for Responsible focused on addressing gender inequality in the Assam region of
Recruitment within the Institute for Human Rights and Business, we India, where girls and young women can be at risk of violence,
have supported the development of metrics to ensure ongoing abuse and exploitation.
progress toward embedding responsible recruitment practices in
Photo credit: World Cocoa Foundation
our supply chains and own operations. We have also launched
responsible recruitment requirements for suppliers in Thailand and
Malaysia, a region where recruitment fees are known to be
excessive. We continue to sponsor and promote the Responsible
Gender equality
Recruitment Toolkit, a capacity-building tool led by the Association Further to becoming a signatory to the UN Women’s
of Labour Providers and allianceHR, supporting businesses to Empowerment Principles, this year we have finalised our gender
embed responsible recruitment practices in their supply chains. equality strategy with four key focus areas; women in leadership
positions, tackling gender discrimination and sexual harassment,
In December 2019, a UK customer found a handwritten message promoting women’s participation in worker representation, and
within a Christmas card we sold reading “please help us and challenging gender stereotypes. Work is underway to engage our
notify human rights organisation”. We immediately launched an suppliers on our strategy and establish action plans.
investigation and removed the cards from sale. While we did
not find evidence of prison labour, we found other issues of We are building on the success of the Assam Improving Lives
concern that had regrettably not been identified by the Programme in partnership with Unicef, the Ethical Tea Partnership
independent auditor who had visited the site the previous month. and other key stakeholders. Historically young people in this area
We ceased working with the factory and supplier and have since have been vulnerable to a range of child protection issues
reviewed our whole supply base for cards and ensured greater including, child trafficking into forced labour. To date the
training with our audit partners. programme is directly and indirectly improving the lives of an
estimated 250,000 women, girls and boys. Women and young
girls have especially been equipped with the skills and knowledge
to protect themselves from various forms of harm, including
child marriage.
14 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 15
Sustainable, affordable,
quality clothes.
50,000 tonnes
Responsible sourcing Sustainable fabrics Re-wear, Reuse, Recycle
At F&F we are committed to improving the lives of everyone More than 50% of the clothes we sell are made from cotton or In 2019 we launched our pilot F&F clothing take-back scheme at
involved in creating our clothes. We are a founding member cotton blends. Understanding the impact these products have on 86 Tesco stores across the UK, making it easier for customers to
of the Ethical Trading Initiative and we monitor our supply base the environment and on the communities where we source is of more sustainable cotton sourced recycle their unwanted clothing, shoes and textiles.
to ensure that human rights standards are upheld. We publish helping us make better sourcing decisions. by F&F since we became a member of the We continue to work in partnership with SOEX UK, who collect the
the full list of F&F tier 1 suppliers together with the full list of mills donations and sort them into re-wear, reuse and recycle
that we work with on our website. In December 2019 we conducted
In 2017, we signed the International Sustainability Unit pledge on Better Cotton Initiative
Sustainable Cotton. All F&F suppliers have started the categories meaning nothing goes to waste or landfill.
two day-long workshops in north and south India aimed at garment
transformation from using standard cotton to more sustainably Every year we collect 11,000 tonnes of clothing, footwear and home
vendor, spinning and fabric mills. We shared our Forced Labour
sourced cotton. Our 100% cotton clothes, including kids T-shirts Alongside work to reduce the impact of our cotton on the textiles through our instore customer take-back scheme and our
Principles and best practices to fight modern day slavery
and girls dresses, use more sustainably sourced cotton and we are environment we are introducing more recycled polyester fabrics. carpark textile banks.
and outlined our approach to unannounced audits by our
aiming to have all of the cotton we use in all F&F products sourced We are part of the Sustainable Clothing Action Plan (SCAP), a
responsible sourcing team.
sustainably (Better Cotton Initiative (BCI), organic and/or recycled) collaborative initiative led by WRAP which aims to revolutionise the
by 2025. In the last 12 months, more than 80% of our cotton has clothing industry. SCAP has identified that recycled fibre is the least More information on our F&F
been more sustainably sourced, making good progress towards impactful and as a result we’re prioritising its use. Products sustainability activity can be found at
We have been working in partnership with achieving our 2025 target. including school uniforms and swimwear now include recycled www.tescoplc.com/sustainability/ff-sustainability
the Better Cotton Initiative to train cotton fibres. In 2019 we used the recycled fibres from over 30 million
plastic bottles.
farmers in more sustainable farming
techniques and we encourage farmers to
use fewer pesticides and chemicals.
16 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 17
Customers want great products at great value and we believe that
healthy, sustainable products should be affordable to all, no matter
what their budget. We are committed to providing our customers
with quality products that meet the highest safety requirements.
Halve food waste in our own operations by 2030 Percentage change in tonnes of food wasted as UK: 9% reduction
percentage of tonnes sold compared to baseline year ROI: 1% increase
CE: 58% reduction
Malaysia: 27% reduction
Thailand: 11% reduction
Work in partnership with our suppliers to halve Percentage change in tonnes of food wasted as a 15 suppliers reported a reduction
food waste in our supply chains by 2030 percentage of tonnes produced by our largest in their food waste intensity -
branded and Own Brand suppliers ranging from 1% to a 64%
reduction compared to 20181
Remove plastic packaging where we can Cumulative number of pieces of plastic removed Data will be reported in 2020/21
Reduce all unnecessary packaging Percentage of products where packaging has been Data will be reported in 2020/21
reduced (vs. 2018 baseline)
Introduce a scalable reusable packaging offer KPI and baseline will be established in 2020/21
for customers
Our packaging will be fully recyclable by 2025 Percentage weight of all Own Brand packaging UK: 83%2
that is recyclable
All paper and board used will be 100% sustainable Percentage of paper and board packaging that is Data will be reported in 2020/21
by 2025 certified FSC or PEFC or from a recycled source
Calorie reduction in eight food categories contributing UK: 24.46bn calories removed
most calories in Tesco family baskets3
To raise awareness of healthier choices Percentage of UK customers who agree UK: 57%
‘Tesco helps customers live healthier lives’
Animal welfare
Treat all animals in our supply chain humanely Percentage of audited sites that meet our UK: 85%
at all life stages animal welfare standards ROI: 88%
KPIs have been updated to reflect our priority areas for the years ahead. We have provided 2019/20 performance against these new
KPIs where we have the data available. A summary of our previously published 2019/20 KPIs and performance can be found on page 40.
Further data disclosures can be found at www.tescoplc.com/LHPperformance.
1 27 Own Brand suppliers representing over 50% of fresh food sales in the UK have reported food waste data for their own operation in 2019. We are able to compare year-on-year data
for 21 of the 27 suppliers
2 2018 calendar performance
3 Identified by Clubcard data
18 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 19
Product continued
Food waste.
Reducing food waste We run surplus food donation programmes in all the markets in Tackling food waste from farm to fork
It’s a shocking fact that an estimated one-third of all food which we operate. In 2019/20 Tesco Ireland donated over 2.25 We have a shared responsibility to tackle food waste from farm to
produced in the world is lost or wasted. This huge level of million meals from stores and distribution centres, supporting 375 fork – working in partnership with our suppliers and helping
inefficiency contributes to food insecurity while also having charitable food organisations. All Tesco stores in the Czech customers reduce food waste in their homes.
significant environmental impact. Food loss and waste is Republic and Slovakia and over 95% in Hungary now donate to food
banks and local charities and we are working to introduce the We think its important for every food company, including our
responsible for 8% of global greenhouse gas emissions.
FoodCloud app to help maximise donations across Central Europe. suppliers, to publicly report on the levels of waste within their own
Seven years ago, we made a commitment to help reduce food operations. In line with Champions 12.3 best practice, 27 of our
waste on farms, in-store and at home. Our first step was to publish largest suppliers, responsible for over half of our fresh food sales in
our UK food waste data. Since then we have set a target to halve Food surplus safe for human consumption sent for the UK, have now published their food waste data for the second
food waste from farm to fork in each of our markets and published energy recovery (tonnes) in the UK year, with many showing significant reductions in their levels of
our food waste data for all parts of our food business. waste. In addition, 11 of the world’s largest food brands published
Beyond our business, we are working across industry and with
other organisations to mobilise global action by sharing our
61% their data following a commitment to Target, Measure and Act the
previous year.
expertise and lessons from our food waste programme. Our CEO,
Dave Lewis, chairs Champions 12.3, a global coalition of leaders 27 of our largest suppliers, representing 50% of
from government, businesses, international organisations, research –– 36,843 tonnes of surplus food was fresh food sales in the UK, have published their
institutions and civil society focused on accelerating progress redistributed through donations to food waste data
toward UN Sustainable Development Goal Target 12.3. charity, colleagues or animal feed,
an increase of 12% compared with We are now rolling out this approach to the Group with 12 of our
last year and 82% since 2017/18 largest Irish Own Brand suppliers, responsible for a third of Tesco
–– This has resulted in a 21% decrease Ireland’s fresh food sales, and 14 global growers across three Using our experience with Community Food Connection, we
in the amount of food safe for continents signing up to Target, Measure and Act and committing to are working in partnership with our global produce supplier
human consumption going to publish data for their own operations in 2020. Flamingo to turn surplus food from packhouses into soup
energy recovery compared to last which is distributed free of charge to schools in Kenya.
7,738 year and a 61% decrease In September 2019, Champions 12.3 launched the 10x20x30
compared to 2017/18. initiative where 10 of the world’s largest food retailers and food
providers each committed to Target, Measure and Act and publish
their food waste data for their global operations. Each of these We want to make it easier for our customers to reduce food waste
companies will engage and support 20 of their own priority branded in their homes and save money. We have introduced a range of
2017/18 2018/19 2019/20 and own label suppliers to also Target, Measure, Act and publish, product and packaging innovations to help customers keep food
with all these companies committing to halve food waste by 2030. fresher for longer at home. Many customers have told us that they
We work with our suppliers to make as much use of their crops as assess their fruit and vegetables by the look of the product rather
Full disclosure of our food waste data can be found at possible. Our Farm Brands and Perfectly Imperfect ranges make than the ‘Best Before’ date code on the packaging. In response we
www.tescoplc.com/LHPperformance good use of the part of the crop that previously fell outside our removed ‘Best Before’ dates from over 180 fruit and vegetable lines
specifications. In December 2019 we widened our specifications on to help customers reduce food waste in the home. Over the past
potatoes and added customer messaging on pack to take as much year we have worked with WRAP to help incorporate this change
crop as possible from our flood hit growers in eastern England. into industry guidance on fresh produce labelling.
We have no time for waste and have expanded our food
waste reporting to cover all markets across the Group.
Publishing a detailed breakdown of our waste has enabled us
to identify hotspots and act on these, in partnership with
other organisations.
20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 21
Product continued
10,000 tonnes from single-use packaging and toward refills and reusable
packaging. In 2018 we introduced the ‘bring your own container to
store’ offering at our fresh meat, fish and cheese counters and
of hard-to-recycle materials eliminated reusable cups in our cafes and will launch a ground-breaking
partnership with Loop, specialists in refillable and reusable
In September 2019 we announced the removal of plastic bags from packaging in 2020.
our home deliveries as part of our work to use less plastic. We also
The reuse trial with Loop will invite customers to order products
announced our pledge to remove one billion pieces of plastic from
online in packaging that can be reused. The initiative will deliver
products for sale in UK stores by the end of 2020. Everything from
products in durable reusable packaging that is returned, washed,
secondary lids on products like cream, yoghurt and cereals to
refilled and used again. This trial has the potential to fundamentally
sporks from snack pots are set to go.
change the shopping basket and how customers shop, and we look
Beyond our Own Brand products, we are also working with leading forward to seeing the results of the trial.
branded suppliers to deliver our packaging ambitions. In January In January 2020, we announced the removal of shrink- This year we have collected 50 tonnes of soft plastic through
We’ve identified further opportunities, outside of food, where
2020 we became the first retailer in the UK and Ireland to remove wrapped multipacks in the UK and Ireland our in-store recycling trials
reuse could eliminate packaging waste. Our clothing brand, F&F,
shrink-wrapped multipacks across our Own Brand and branded
uses 193 million hangers annually and they are extremely difficult to
tinned food, working in conjunction with canned food firms.
recycle. By retaining all hangers from purchased items to be reused
Replacing 67 million plastic-wrapped multipacks with multibuy
we will prevent 1,000 tonnes of plastic going to landfill annually
deals, will remove 350 tonnes of plastic waste every year.
from UK and Central Europe.
22 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 23
Product continued
We want to make it easier and more enjoyable for customers and Encouraging families to eat more fruit and vegetables The health and welfare of animals within our supply chain is very
colleagues to make healthier choices. Our health programme We continued to support The Food Foundation’s Peas Please important and we are committed to working responsibly in this
addresses many of the barriers customers tell us they face, such as initiative focused on making it easier for more people to eat more area; working with farmers to drive progress and influence best
lack of information, time to find better choices or perceptions that vegetables. We have increased the proportion of our ready meals practice. Our team of in-house experts oversee animal welfare
healthy food is expensive and less tasty. Through regular health management through farm visits, the Tesco Sustainable Farming of farms supplying us in the UK are certified
range that contains 1 of 5 a day from 26% in 2018 to 42% in 2019
events, product reformulation and clearer labelling we are making it and ensured that all our Finest meal deal promotions included two Groups, Tesco Supplier Network and benchmarking and auditing to an approved independent assurance
easier for customers to enjoy their favourite products, knowing vegetable side dishes. This equated to 2,677,584 servings of compliance with our livestock requirements. In addition to our standard
they are now better for them or to try healthier alternatives. vegetables from the Finest meal deal alone. Tesco Welfare Approved Standard, as a pre-requisite 100% of
farms supplying us in the UK must be certified to an approved
Making our products healthier
independent assurance scheme, which is compliant with ISO 17020
Year after year we continually adjust the recipes of our Tesco Own inspection requirements. All of our British farms are assured by
Brand products, removing fat, sugar and salt, or adding more either Red Tractor or RSPCA. In 2019 we retained Tier 2 status in
vegetables or fibre where we can without compromising on taste. the Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare.
We have developed a reformulation strategy, which complements
Public Health England’s (PHE) programmes within the Childhood Tesco Sustainable Farming Groups
Obesity Plan. As part of our commitment to a competitive and productive
agriculture sector, in 2007 we established our Tesco Sustainable
We are committed to increasing positive nutrients e.g. fibre, fruit
Farming Groups. Our first group was the Tesco Sustainable Dairy
and vegetables, along with reducing nutrients of concern wherever
Group and we have now expanded the programme to cover ten
possible. To ensure the holistic reformulation of our products, we
product areas. These groups are led by our suppliers, farmers and
measure nutrient volume changes compared to total food volume
Tesco colleagues and provide a forum to discuss sustainable
growth for Own Brand products. For example, in the UK we have
production and customer needs. They also play an important role
reformulated our garlic baguettes, slices, flatbreads, ciabatta and
in driving improvements in quality and consistency, as well as supply
dough balls to reduce fat and saturated fat. This adjustment has
chain efficiency and farm animal health and welfare.
delivered a 2.4 billion calorie reduction annually and moved five
products from a red to amber in the traffic light labelling for fat and The Tesco Sustainable Dairy Group (TSDG) has 600 dairy farmer
saturated fat and enabled a fibre claim to be made. members, supplying all our Own Brand liquid milk and cream.
Through the Group, we are working to achieve disease free status
In July 2019 we held our fourth UK customer health event, this time
and this year we saw a 3% reduction in BVD disease compared to
24.46 billion calories removed through themed around ‘easy ways to eat more veg’. To help customers
last year, with 225 of our TSDG farms BVD free. We are actively
our reformulation strategy create healthy recipes, we promoted recipes created by our health
working to reduce antibiotic use in our supply chain without
ambassador Jamie Oliver, which featured the vegetables in our
compromising animal welfare and the TSDG farmers have responded
Fresh 5 promotion.
to our antibiotic strategy, reporting a 41% reduction in the number of
PHE has tasked the food industry to reduce the sugar in the foods We continued our successful ‘Helpful Little Swaps’ initiative where cows receiving antibiotics compared to when we started recording in
consumed most by children by 20% from a 2015 baseline. In 2019, we encourage customers to discover and try healthier alternatives 2016, which is a further 4% reduction on 2018/19.
we achieved the second lowest sales weighted average for sugar of their favourite products at the same price or less. Over the
versus other retailers* at 19.8g sugar/100g of product across the The Tesco Sustainable Lamb Group was established in 2014 to
three weeklong events, customers added an extra half a million
products in scope. This represents a 9.3% sugar reduction, and strengthen our relationship with British lamb farmers and
units of vegetables to their shopping baskets.
builds on our reformulation journey. processors. In 2016 we launched a cost of production initiative to
** Based on Kantar data December 2019, vs: Asda, Morrisons, JS, Lidl, Aldi and M&S.
Delivering innovation in plant-based food help address some of the volatility in the lamb market, helping
In 2019/20 we increased our choice of plant-based food with the them to budget, plan and innovate and the number of farmers
launch of Plant Chef, an affordable new range of easy to prepare joining the scheme in 2019 rose to 350, up from 160 in 2018.
plant-based swaps of traditional family favourite dishes. These Eggs
complement our existing exclusive Wicked Kitchen range, which
In July 2016 we made the commitment to stop selling caged eggs by
was the first Own Brand plant-based food range to be launched by
2025 to meet our, and our customers’, expectations for higher
a UK supermarket. We now have over 300 lines of plant-based
welfare standards. In 2019, 82% of the 1.4 billion eggs we sold came
products, of which over 100 are Own Brand.
from non-cage production. To achieve the 100% cage-free goal we
We are keen to help customers identify plant-based products and must address our entry tier eggs which are currently laid by hens in
in October 2019 we released a major advertising campaign, our British Lion welfare standards-approved enriched colony systems.
Food Love Story, about our growing plant-based offer.
We have been evaluating options in the UK, Europe and the USA
and, working with supplier partners to utilise existing infrastructure
and investments, we will transition to alternative production
methods, focusing predominantly on barn egg production for our
lower cost ‘value egg’.
We have been working closely with the British Egg Industry Council
(BEIC) and with Compassion in World Farming (CIWF) to develop a
standard for UK barn egg production capable of delivering higher
Using PHE guidance methodology, we have used customer levels of animal welfare, while providing a sound commercial
data to identify the product categories that put the most opportunity for producers.
calories into shopping baskets and set out a 50 billion calorie The new barn standard, under the British Lion Quality Code of
reduction target. So far, we have removed 24.46 billion Practice, was agreed by BEIC subscribers in autumn 2019, well
calories through our reformulation strategy. We have ahead of our cage-free commitment deadline.
removed over 8.5 billion calories per year from our front of
store sandwich range by reducing the fat content and
More information on our approach to animal
removing added sugar from the mayonnaise.
welfare and the Tesco Sustainable Farming Groups
can be found at www.tescoplc.com/animalwelfare
24 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 25
WWF Partnership
and Sustainable
Shopping Basket.
We are now into the second year of our WWF partnership and 2. Restoring nature in food production 3. Eliminating waste from the retail industry are closely aligned to our Little Helps Plan and have been weighted
together we are working across the entire ‘food value chain’, Restoring nature in food production means taking action to protect The third area of focus within the partnership is eliminating waste. based on a range of criteria including scope, irreversibility and
from food production and delivery, right through to food and sustain important natural environments such as farmlands, At Tesco we have no time for waste which is why, seven years ago, urgency, direct impact and governance. To help us track progress
consumption, to address the sustainability challenges and forests, marine, freshwater and climate over the long-term. we made a global commitment to help reduce food waste on on particular issues, we have chosen 20 popular food products,
environmental impacts in our supply chains and to help protect farms, in-store and at home. Over the course of the last year we from fresh produce to ready meals – our ‘average shopping
the planet's natural resources. We’re working closely with WWF to meet some of the basket’. Work is now underway to establish the first score against
reached 77% towards our target that no food safe for human
commitments we’ve made, including our journey to eliminating the Metric, based on 2018 industry data, that will act as the baseline
Many of these issues require transformative change, not just consumption will go to waste across our UK operations.
deforestation in the sourcing of palm oil, soy and wood/paper for for measuring our future progress.
across Tesco and our supply chain but through industry-wide Tesco Own Brand products and sourcing 100% certified We recognise the important role packaging plays in protecting
action and we are working closely with experts at WWF to do just responsible seafood products. products and reducing food waste, but it shouldn’t come at a cost
this. There are three main areas to our work: to the planet. Our approach to addressing plastic pollution is
1. Helping shoppers eat more sustainably
Our shared focus on deforestation reflects the vital role
summed up in our 4Rs strategy: Remove, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. “The launch of the Sustainable Basket
supermarkets play in the sourcing of soy, as a key ingredient of
Joint research with WWF tells us that nearly 80% of customers animal feed. Throughout 2019 we worked closely with WWF to
Together with WWF, we are advocating for robust national policies Metric will enable Tesco to fully
on recycling infrastructure and waste management.
want supermarkets to do more to offer food sourced in a identify how to help end deforestation in the Cerrado region of understand the end-to-end sustainability
responsible, sustainable way, and 75% think cost is a barrier. Brazil, the primary source of our soy. In December we announced Sustainable Basket Metric
our support to the Funding for Soy Farmers in the Cerrado initiative
impact of some of the most popular foods,
We are committed to doing what we can to ensure it is easy and To enable us to measure progress towards our aim of halving the
cost-effective to eat more sustainably. In part this means ensuring whereby we have committed £10m in funding over five years. environmental impact of the average basket we have created a and we are proud to have worked with
we can offer our customers a wide choice of affordable plant- pioneering industry measurement called the Sustainable Basket Metric. them to create it.”
based products, in addition to sustainably sourced animal proteins.
80% of customers want supermarkets The Sustainable Basket Metric consists of a range of sub-metrics
covering seven key environmental issues – climate change, WWF-UK CEO Tanya Steele
to do more to offer food sourced in a deforestation, sustainable diets, sustainable agriculture, marine
responsible, sustainable way sustainability, food waste and packaging waste. These sub-metrics
More information about our WWF partnership
can be found at www.tescoplc.com/WWF
26 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 27
Our success depends on the health and stability of our natural
environment. We are committed to leading the industry in
addressing sustainability challenges in our key supply chains,
advocating for sustainable agricultural practices that protect
important ecosystems, soil health and biodiversity.
• Climate change
• Agriculture
• Marine
• Forests
Sustainably source our agricultural products Percentage of key suppliers with robust on-farm Baseline will be established in
biodiversity improvement plans 2020/21
Percentage of key suppliers with robust on-farm Baseline will be established in
water management plans 2020/21
Percentage of key suppliers with robust on-farm Baseline will be established in
soil health improvement plans 2020/21
Sustainably source all our wild fish Percentage of wild-caught seafood (tonnes) UK: 79%
certified by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC)
Achieve zero net deforestation in our sourcing of raw Percentage volume (tonnes) of palm oil Group: 100%
materials by 2020 certified to Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
(RSPO) standard
Percentage of paper/wood products certified by UK: 93%
Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Programme for
the Endorsement of Forest Certification (PEFC) or
from a recycled source
Percentage of soy (tonnes) for whole animal UK: 100%
protein products meeting our Zero Deforestation
Soy Transition Plan
We are working in partnership with KPIs have been updated to reflect our priority areas for the years ahead. We have provided 2019/20 performance against these new KPIs
Scottish Power to create renewable where we have the data available. A summary of our performance against our previously published 2019/20 KPIs can be found on page 40.
energy, from sources such as wind, via Further data disclosures can be found at www.tescoplc.com/LHPperformance.
our Power Purchase Agreement
28 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 29
Planet continued
Climate change.
Tackling climate change In order to meet these stretching targets, we prioritised the biggest We achieved our 2020 target early, with 68% of our electricity from
Climate change is the biggest environmental challenge the world emissions hotspots in our operations. In 2015, grid electricity renewable sources across the Group. In the UK, Republic of
faces, impacting our own operations as well as our supply chains. accounted for 65% of our global carbon emissions footprint, Ireland, Slovakia and Hungary we have reached 100% renewable
followed by refrigerant gases at 18% and heating at 10%. electricity through renewable certificates. In these markets, our
In response to this challenge, in 2009 Tesco became the first next step is to ensure that our demand helps increase renewable
business globally to set the ambition to become a zero-carbon Tesco operations 2015 emissions baseline generation. At Group level, our demand is already creating this
business by 2050. In 2017, we committed our business to science- additional renewable energy generation, through power purchase
based climate targets on a 1.50C trajectory, in line with the more Distribution agreements and on-site generation. In the UK, we have installed
stretching aspiration of the Paris Agreement. We also published four wind turbines and equipped 47 stores with solar panels, with
7% Refrigeration
clear milestones in carbon emissions reduction in our own plans to add more in the coming year. In Thailand we have fitted 36
operations towards our commitment: -35% by 2020, -60% by sites with solar panels.
2025, -85% by 2030 and -100% by 2050. Our commitments and Grid electricity
milestones are against a 2015 baseline. In our UK operations, we Through our switch to renewable energy, we have been able to
expect to reach net zero by 2035. decarbonise much of our gas heating, which is one of our four
emission hotspots. In all Express stores our heating is now
powered by 100% renewable electricity.
Group emissions in tonnes CO2e
renewable electricity use in the UK, Republic of
the Group, including 1,000 in the UK. In the UK, we are on track to
In 2017, we announced our commitment to sourcing 100% of our More information on our climate change
Group electricity from renewable sources by 2030. We also set out commitments and activity can be found at
a clear roadmap, with milestones and principles, toward this goal. www.tescoplc.com/climate
Transport is another important emissions hotspot for Tesco.
30 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 31
Planet continued
Our sustainable agriculture agenda aims to promote food As a global retailer Tesco has a crucial role in promoting healthy Forests play a critical role in our global ecosystem. Today, forests of the palm oil used in our
production that is compatible with protecting water resources, oceans and fish stocks and preserving its resources for future cover 30% of the Earth’s land surface, are a vital source of oxygen products in the UK, Republic
biodiversity, climate and soil health. generations. We work collaboratively across the industry to and home to 80% of earth’s biodiversity, including many
responsibly source our seafood. endangered species. They also provide livelihoods for 1.6 billion of Ireland and Central
Our focus on soil health recognises that healthy soil is essential for Europe is RSPO certified
people. The world has already lost approximately half of its forests
farming and food production. Loss of top soil (soil erosion) reduces
over the past century and what remains is increasingly under
the fertility of agricultural land, thereby adversely impacting crop
threat. Preventing further deforestation and degradation is critical We are now rolling out our responsible sourcing programme of
production. While some soil erosion occurs naturally, it can be rapidly
to a sustainable future. wood/paper products to our other International markets.
accelerated by unsustainable farming practices. Addressing soil
health is therefore crucial to food security and sustainable farming. We are committed to achieving zero net deforestation in our Soy
sourcing of raw materials in our Own Brand products, including Soy is a high-quality vegetable protein and a key ingredient in animal
One way to protect soil structure and reduce soil erosion is
palm oil, wood/paper products and soy. feed. With demand for soy increasing, the pressure on valuable
through cover cropping, which can form part of crop rotation,
especially in the production of root vegetables. Palm oil forest ecosystems is growing and it is vital the food industry works
together to ensure that increased demand is met through
In 2018, through the Tesco Sustainable Farming Group, we started Palm oil is a common ingredient used in many food and non-food
increasing yields, and using only existing agricultural land, not by
work with Branston, our biggest potato supplier, on a scheme to products. When sourced responsibly, it is one of the most efficient
clearing more forests.
expand the use of cover crops by potato growers incentivised vegetable oils with the least environmental impact. However, as
through subsidised cover crop seed mixes. In 2019, uptake of the global diets change, demand for palm oil is increasing and putting In 2018, we published our UK Zero Deforestation Soy Transition
scheme more than doubled from 417 hectares in 2018 to 907 more pressure on forests and biodiversity. Plan, outlining our phased approach to achieving zero
hectares. That’s a potential addition of around 27,000 tonnes of deforestation soy in our supply chain, while also promoting wider
In 2019, we continued to ensure that 100% of the palm oil used in
biomass incorporated back into our farmers’ fields, helping to industry transformation. Our 2019 target was to ensure all South
our Own Brand products in the UK, Republic of Ireland and Central
protect the soil. American soy used as animal feed for our Tesco UK Own Brand
Europe was certified by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil
79% of our UK seafood volume is certified (RSPO). We have now also achieved 100% RSPO certification for all
whole animal protein products, such as chicken, pork and eggs, is
certified zero deforestation. We achieved 100% of this target.
as sustainable by the MSC the palm oil used in our Tesco Own Brand products in Asia,
Beyond certification, our 2025 ambition is for our supply chain to
including our palm cooking oil.
source soy used as animal feed from ‘verified zero deforestation
Our goal is to achieve 100% sustainable wild seafood to the Marine Beyond ensuring the palm oil used in our products is certified, we areas’ – where all soy produced in an entire region is produced
Stewardship Council (MSC) standard across our entire range. Their also expect our suppliers to source from palm importers who only without deforestation.
logo reassures customers that our fish is caught in a sustainable trade in palm oil free from deforestation and exploitation. To
The Cerrado is one of Brazil’s most biodiverse regions as well as its
way that prevents over-fishing and protects the marine enable us to do this, we continue to be leading members of the
main soy-producing region. In December 2019, as a signatory of the
environment. In 2019, 79% of our UK seafood volumes were Palm Oil Transparency Coalition (POTC). The POTC’s annual ranking
Statement of Support for the Cerrado Manifesto, we signalled our
certified as sustainable by the MSC. This coincided with us being of importers enables us to see relative company-wide performance
intention to incentivise soy farmers in the Cerrado to limit
named MSC UK Supermarket of the Year 2019. of the importers in our supply chain. As a member of POTC, we
production to existing agricultural land. This would protect native
have committed to take action based on these annual rankings to
Certification is only part of our wider marine agenda. We have a key vegetation and help the Cerrado to become a verified zero
help promote faster industry progress to protect forests, workers
role to play in supporting proactive fisheries in their sustainability deforestation area for soy. To help achieve this, we became one of
and communities.
journey. We are working in partnership with the charity Sustainable the first companies to join a new industry initiative, Funding for Soy
Fisheries Partnership (SFP) to collect data on our source fisheries, Wood/paper products Farmers in the Cerrado, designed to tackle soy-associated
risk assess them, and work with our suppliers on any improvements Timber can be a sustainable material when harvested responsibly. deforestation in the Cerrado. We have committed £10m in funding
that are needed, often through Fishery Improvement Projects We aim to source all of our Own Brand wood and paper products through the initiative over five years and expect more businesses,
(FIPs). All our wild seafood sources are publicly disclosed and can sustainably by ensuring they are either certified to the Forest foundations and governments to join us. The vital next phase is to
be found online at www.oceandisclosureproject.org. Stewardship Council (FSC) or Programme for the Endorsement of work with the Brazilian soy industry and local experts to develop
Forest Certification (PEFC) standards or from a recycled source. the details of how the incentives mechanism should best work to
As part of our cross-industry collaboration, we helped create the achieve the goal of a zero deforestation Cerrado.
Global Tuna Alliance (GTA) in 2019. The GTA is an independent group In 2019, 93% of all our UK Own Brand wood/paper products and
of retailers and tuna supply chain companies, working to ensure 94% of Central Europe Own Brand wood/paper products were
that tuna ultimately meets the highest standards of environmental FSC/ PEFC certified or from a recycled source. Tesco UK’s progress
We have committed £10m in funding
performance and social responsibility. was recognised in the 2019 WWF Timber Scorecard where we to the Funding for Soy Farmers in the
Alongside our ambitions for wild-caught seafood, we are also topped the rankings, achieving full points. Cerrado Initiative
committed to reducing the environmental footprint of aquaculture.
We continue to explore alternative sustainable feed ingredients
such as algal oil and how it can be incorporated into the diet of fish
that we sell. We have been working collaboratively with our key
salmon suppliers, as our most popular and biggest species by “The Funding for Soy Farmers in the Cerrado
volume of farmed fish, to support them in scaling up the use of initiative is the first step in safeguarding a
algal oil. These farmed microalgae can be grown sustainably at an
industrial scale on land and provide the omega-3 oils needed in the
huge, biodiverse and carbon-rich area of
salmon diet which currently come from other fish, therefore Brazil, while also allowing farmers to continue
offering a solution to reducing the pressure on marine ecosystems. to farm soy sustainably. This is an important
Our suppliers are also experimenting with insect-based feed – a
A suitable cover crop grown just prior to potatoes supports natural dietary component for many fish – to further offset the next step in the Cerrado’s sustainability
biodiversity above and below the ground, helps prevent
nutrient leaching during winter rainfall and makes it easier to
pressure on the seas. journey, but it will only be truly transformative
prepare the soil prior to planting in spring. Farmers from the
All our wild seafood sources are publicly disclosed and
if more organisations come forward and
Tesco Sustainable Farming Group have reported a reduction
in the amount of fuel required for spring cultivations and can be found online at www.oceandisclosureproject.org support it.”
lower fertiliser use by at least 10%.
Dave Lewis, Group Chief Executive
32 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 33
We are proud to be a part of thousands of communities around the
world and are committed to helping each one thrive, socially and
economically. From providing employment to local people and
working with local businesses to helping community groups and
charitable causes, we want to make a big difference. Our priority is
to continue to support the local causes that our colleagues and
customers care about and our national programmes allow us to
respond to these issues at a local level.
KPIs have been updated to reflect our priority areas for the years ahead. We have provided 2019/20 performance against these new KPIs
where we have the data available. A summary of our performance against our previously published 2019/20 KPIs can be found on page 40.
Further data disclosures can be found at www.tescoplc.com/LHPperformance.
34 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 35
Places continued
Race for Life event.
Giving back to our communities Working together we can make a big difference in the
We are committed to tackling food waste and this year we fight against cancer.
continued to support charities by redistributing surplus food.
worth of grants awarded since we launched
In 2015 we launched our Community Food Connection scheme
Bags of Help in the UK in 2016
which is now the biggest supermarket food redistribution scheme
in the UK. Using the FoodCloud app, community groups can link
with our stores across the UK and find out if any surplus food will To celebrate our Centenary year, we launched two additional
projects: our Bags of Help Centenary grants in England, Scotland
be available at the end of each day. They are then invited to collect
and Wales and our Tesco Centenary Fund in Northern Ireland.
donated to fund CRUK’s
the food, free of charge.
These Centenary funds provided bigger grants for larger projects life-saving research
Through Community Food Connection we with £50,000 being shared between community groups in England,
Scotland and Wales and £100,000 being awarded to community
have donated 48 million meals to more projects in Northern Ireland.
than 7,000 charities and organisations.
36 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 37
charity partnership based on the three days of activity. This was
part of a total donation of £10.8m Tesco has contributed to these Michelle Mitchell, Cancer Research UK CEO
charities since the partnership began in 2018. Simon Gillespie, British Heart Foundation CEO
Chris Askew, Diabetes UK CEO
donated to the health
charity partnership from
the Dance Beats event
38 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 39
2019/20 KPIs.
We’re committed to reporting our performance, data and methodology every year in a transparent way. The below table summarises our
year-on-year performance against previously published KPIs. As outlined on page 5, this year we have completed a review and our updated
KPIs for future reporting are presented at the beginning of each pillar section. Further information and commentary on our KPIs and
methodology can be found at www.tescoplc.com/LHPperformance.
Performance Performance
Action KPI 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020 Action KPI 2017/2018 2018/2019 2019/2020
Community. –– Sustainably source all our wild fish Percentage of wild-caught seafood certified by UK: 70% UK: 72% UK: 79%
MSC (tonnes)
–– To facilitate food surplus donation Percentage of stores that are part of our food Group: 29% Group: 64% Group: 67%
programmes in all our stores in order surplus donation programme –– Improve water and biodiversity impacts in key Number of key suppliers with sustainable UK: 11 UK: 25 UK: 25
to provide meals to those in need agricultural regions agriculture projects underway
Equivalent number of meals donated through Group: Group Group:
food surplus redistribution 48 million 62.7 million 59.4 million –– Treat all animals in our supply chain humanely Percentage of audited sites that meet our animal UK: 85% UK: 86% UK: 85%
at all life stages welfare standards
–– Support the projects and causes that matter Number of local projects or causes supported Group: 17,849 Group 29,819 Group: 22,978
to the local communities in every community
Corporate giving (£) Group: £57.6m Group £88.6m Group: £79.2m
Food waste.
where we operate
–– No food that is safe for human consumption Percentage of food surplus safe for human N/A UK: 81%* UK: 77%*
Colleague and customer fundraising (£) Group: £19.6m Group: £19.9m Group: £19.7m will be wasted inside our UK retail operation consumption redistributed to humans or animal
Health. –– Halve food waste in our own Percentage change in tonnes of food wasted as UK: +15% UK: -3% UK: -9%
operations by 2030 percentage of tonnes sold compared to baseline ROI: +12%** ROI: -1% ROI: +1%
–– To partner with leading health charities Together with our health charity partners we conducted colleague insight to help us shape a new colleague
year (UK:2013/14, ROI & CE: 2016/17, Malaysia & CE: -28% CE: -43% CE: -58%
to help colleagues and customers make health programme. Further insight and a trial will follow later in 2020. We have provided health information
Thailand: 2018/19) Malaysia: -27%
healthier choices through our colleague wellbeing weeks and various trial interventions have taken place during 2019 with both
Thailand: -11%
colleagues and customers. Alongside this partnership we continue to work with other health experts to
promote health to colleagues –– Work in partnership with our 27 Own Brand suppliers representing over 50% of our fresh food sales in the UK have reported food waste data
suppliers to halve food waste in our for their own operation in 2019. We are able to compare year-on-year data for 21 of the 27 suppliers. Of these, 15
–– To help improve diets through encouraging As part of our Peas Please commitment, 42% of our ready meal range now contains 1 of 5 a day.
supply chains by 2030 have reported a reduction in their food waste intensity – ranging from a 1% to a 64% reduction compared to 2018.
the consumption of fruit and veg In 2019, we gave away our 100 millionth piece of free fruit for kids in store and our fourth annual health event
for customers and colleagues was themed ‘Easy Ways to Eat More Veg’. Our health ambassador Jamie Oliver –– Help halve global household food We continue to progress a range of actions to help customers waste less and save money including ending ‘buy
developed two veg-based recipes and also a meal planner to help customers boost the veg content of waste in the markets where we have one, get one free’ promotions on fresh produce and removing best before dates from over 180 fruit and
traditional recipes retail operations by 2030 vegetable products
–– To help remove cost barriers to During our health event in July we promoted products lower in sugar, fat and salt through our ‘helpful little Packaging.
healthier eating swaps’ basket, which cost 11.6% less than a regular basket. We’ve also introduced Fresh 5 all year round;
fantastic offers on 5 lines of fresh produce which change every 2 weeks –– Our packaging will be fully recyclable Percentage weight of all Own Brand packaging UK: 83% UK: 83%***
by 2025 meeting ‘widely recycled’ criteria
–– To make Own Brand food and drink recipes Percentage change in volume of key nutrients for UK: UK: UK:
healthier, provided there is no impact Tesco Own Brand products below/above Own Sugar: Sugar: Sugar: –– End the use of hard-to-recycle materials from Tonnes of hard-to-recycle materials (materials N/A UK: 2,914 tonnes UK: 5,338 tonnes
on taste or quality Brand volume growth, from 2015 baseline 0.3% below 3.6% below 7.1% below our UK packaging by the end of 2019 on our ‘red list’) removed from our Own Brand
Salt: Salt: Salt: packaging
0.8% below 2.2% below 4.3% below –– All paper and board used will be 100% We have been working with our supply base to understand the simplest way of measuring this. Our new KPI for
Fibre: Fibre: Fibre: sustainable by 2025 2020/21 onwards will be the percentage of paper and board packaging that is certified FSC or PEFC or from a
7.9% above 10.8% above 8.7% above recycled source
–– To raise awareness of healthier choices Percentage of customers who agree ‘Tesco helps UK: 55% UK: 55% UK: 57% –– Halve packaging weight by 2025 Percentage reduction in average Own Brand UK: 31% UK: 29%***
me lead a healthy lifestyle’ pack weight per unit sold, including loose volumes,
from 2007 baseline
–– Lead the industry in addressing the sustainability We aim to lead the industry in addressing the sustainability challenges in our supply chains, starting with Climate change.
challenges in our supply chains starting with our our Top 20 products and ingredients. An update on our progress against our top 20 can be found at –– Reduce absolute carbon emissions from our Percentage reduction of GHG emissions Group: 24% Group: 31% Group: 37%
most important products and ingredients www.tescoplc.com/sustainability operations from 2015 levels (-35% by 2020,
–– Build trusted partnerships with our suppliers Percentage of suppliers satisfied with working Group: 75% Group: 78% Group: 78% -60% by 2025 & -100% by 2050)
with Tesco (Supplier viewpoint) –– Source 65% of our electricity from renewable Percentage electricity from renewable sources Group: 55% Group: 58% Group: 68%
sources by 2020 and 100% by 2030
** 81% relates to performance in Feb 2019 whereas the 77% figure is an annual figure for 2019/20
40 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 ** We have restated the 2016/17 ROI food waste resulting in changes to stated performance compared to last year Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 41
*** We report a year in arrears for packaging KPIs
Indices/benchmark/scorecard Indices/benchmark/scorecard
CDP Over the past 15 years CDP has engaged investor and business audiences on environmental Workforce Disclosure Initiative The Workforce Disclosure Initiative applies focus on company workforce data and
issues, providing analysis and scoring of companies. management policies across business operations, from direct employees to those working
Tesco participates in the annual CDP surveys relating to climate change and forests. This year in the supply chain.
we improved our climate change score to a ‘B’ rating and within the forests survey we We participated for the first time in 2019 achieving an overall disclosure score of 55%,
achieved a ‘B’ rating for timber, palm oil and soy and a ‘C’ rating in cattle products. which is above its average indicators for all participating companies (118) and the sector
and country.
Greenpeace Greenpeace undertakes an annual assessment of the UK’s largest supermarkets and their Oxfam Behind the Barcodes Oxfam undertakes an annual assessment of UK-based supermarkets and their policies and
Checking out on plastics contribution to plastic waste in the ‘Checking out on plastics’ survey. practices with regard to human rights within the supply chain through its Behind the
From the 10 supermarkets analysed, Tesco was ranked in 6th place in 2019 with a Barcodes Supermarket Scorecard.
score of 43%. Tesco scored 38% in the 2019 survey which was the highest score for a UK supermarket.
Business Benchmark on The Business Benchmark on Farm Animal Welfare is the leading global measure of farm MSCI MSCI provides environment, social and governance (ESG) performance ratings of 7,500
Farm Animal Welfare animal welfare management, policy commitment, performance and disclosure in food companies using publicly available information to help investors make broader
companies. Established in 2012, it enables a range of groups including investors to understand responsible investment decisions.
corporate practice and performance on farm and animal welfare.
As of 2019, Tesco PLC received an MSCI ESG Rating of AA.
In 2019 Tesco retained the Tier 2 band, indicating how integral farm animal welfare is to our
business strategy.
Access to Nutrition Initiative Access to Nutrition Initiative (ATNI) focuses on the food and beverage sector and its role in FTSE4Good Applying analysis of a broad range of ESG themes, FTSE4Good provides an indices
making healthy food affordable and accessible to consumers. In a recent report, ATNI performance on the UK’s FTSE 100 companies based on publicly available data points.
assessed 10 of the largest UK supermarkets on diets, health and nutrition using publicly
In 2019 Tesco were included in the FTSE4Good UK50.
available information.
Tesco scored 30%, a joint third position in the survey.
Corporate Human Rights Benchmark Corporate Human Rights Benchmark examines and compares human rights practices and
procedures of 200 of the largest publicly listed companies, globally.
Tesco actively engages with the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark survey and supports
the principles of its ambition. Following completion of the 2019 survey, we achieved a
banding score of 40-50% under the Agricultural Products and Apparel sector
methodologies. This placed us 2nd of the 12 international food retailers benchmarked globally.
Know the Chain Know the Chain assesses 38 companies in the food and beverage sector every two years,
benchmarking them across seven forced labour themes.
The latest analysis in 2018 ranked Tesco 4th out of the 38 companies with a score of 60/100.
The report noted our leading practices on matters such as risk assessment, supplier training
and auditing of lower-tier suppliers.
42 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 Tesco PLC Little Helps Plan 2019/20 43
Tesco PLC
Tesco House
Shire Park
Kestrel Way
Welwyn Garden City