Head To Toe Assessment
Head To Toe Assessment
Head To Toe Assessment
Head (Skull, Scalp, Hair)
Eyebrows, Eyes and Eyelashes
Eye lids and Lacrimal Apparatus
Anterior Chamber and Iris
Cranial Nerve II (optic nerve)
Cranial Nerve III, IV & VI (Oculomotor, Trochlear, Abducens)
Nose and Paranasal Sinuses
Cranial Nerve I (olfactory Nerve)
Thorax ( Cardiovascular System)
Skull, Scalp & Hair
Observe the size, shape and contour of the skull.
Observe scalp in several areas by separating the hair at various locations;
inquire about any injuries. Note presence of lice, nits, dandruff or lesions.
Palpate the head by running the pads of the fingers over the entire surface of
skull; inquire about tenderness upon doing so. (wear gloves if necessary)
Observe and feel the hair condition.
Normal Findings:
Generally round, with prominences in the frontal and occipital area.
No tenderness noted upon palpation.
Lighter in color than the complexion.
Can be moist or oily.
No scars noted.
Free from lice, nits and dandruff.
No lesions should be noted.
No tenderness or masses on palpation.
Can be black, brown or burgundy depending on the race.
Evenly distributed covers the whole scalp (No evidences of Alopecia)
Maybe thick or thin, coarse or smooth.
Neither brittle nor dry.
1. Observe the face for shape.
2. Inspect for Symmetry.
Inspect for the palpebral fissure (distance between the eye lids); should
be equal in both eyes.
Ask the patient to smile, There should be bilateral Nasolabial fold
(creases extending from the angle of the corner of the mouth). Slight asymmetry in
the fold is normal.
If both are met, then the Face is symmetrical
3. Test the functioning of Cranial Nerves that innervates the facial structures
CN V (Trigeminal)
1. Sensory Function
Ask the client to close the eyes.
Run cotton wisp over the fore head, check and jaw on both sides of the face.
Ask the client if he/she feel it, and where she feels it.
Check for corneal reflex using cotton wisp.
The normal response in blinking.
2. Motor function
Ask the client to chew or clench the jaw.
The client should be able to clench or chew with strength and force.
CN VII (Facial)
1. Sensory function (This nerve innervate the anterior 2/3 of the tongue).
Place a sweet, sour, salty, or bitter substance near the tip of the tongue.
Normally, the client can identify the taste.
2. Motor function
Ask the client to smile, frown, raise eye brow, close eye lids, whistle, or puff
the cheeks.
Normal Findings
Shape maybe oval or rounded.
Face is symmetrical.
No involuntary muscle movements.
Can move facial muscles at will.
Intact cranial nerve V and VII.
Eyebrows, Eyes and Eyelashes
All three structures are assessed using the modality of inspection.
Normal findings
Symmetrical and in line with each other.
Maybe black, brown or blond depending on race.
Evenly distributed.
Evenly placed and inline with each other.
None protruding.
Equal palpebral fissure.
Color dependent on race.
Evenly distributed.
Turned outward.
Eyelids and Lacrimal Apparatus
1. Inspect the eyelids for position and symmetry.
Normal Findings:
1. The trachea is palpable.
2. It is positioned in the line and straight.
Lymph nodes are palpated using palmar tips of the fingers via systemic circular
movements. Describe lymph nodes in terms of size, regularity, consistency,
tenderness and fixation to surrounding tissues.
Normal Findings:
May not be palpable. Maybe normally palpable in thin clients.
Non tender if palpable.
Firm with smooth rounded surface.
Slightly movable.
About less than 1 cm in size.
The thyroid is initially observed by standing in front of the client and asking the
client to swallow. Palpation of the thyroid can be done either by posterior or anterior
Posterior Approach:
1. Let the client sit on a chair while the examiner stands behind him.
2. In examining the isthmus of the thyroid, locate the cricoid cartilage and directly
below that is the isthmus.
3. Ask the client to swallow while feeling for any enlargement of the thyroid
4. To facilitate examination of each lobe, the client is asked to turn his head
slightly toward the side to be examined to displace the sternocleidomastoid, while the
other hand of the examiner pushes the thyroid cartilage towards the side of the thyroid
lobe to be examined.
5. Ask the patient to swallow as the procedure is being done.
6. The examiner may also palate for thyroid enlargement by placing the thumb
deep to and behind the sternocleidomastoid muscle, while the index and middle
fingers are placed deep to and in front of the muscle.
7. Then the procedure is repeated on the other side.
Anterior approach:
1. The examiner stands in front of the client and with the palmar surface of the
middle and index fingers palpates below the cricoid cartilage.
2. Ask the client to swallow while palpation is being done.
3. In palpating the lobes of the thyroid, similar procedure is done as in posterior
approach. The client is asked to turn his head slightly to one side and then the other of
the lobe to be examined.
4. Again the examiner displaces the thyroid cartilage towards the side of the lobe
to be examined.
5. Again, the examiner palpates the area and hooks thumb and fingers around the
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
Normal Findings:
1. Normally the thyroid is non palpable.
2. Isthmus maybe visible in a thin neck.
3. No nodules are palpable.
Auscultation of the Thyroid is necessary when there is thyroid enlargement.
The examiner may hear bruits, as a result of increased and turbulence in
blood flow in an enlarged thyroid.
Check the Range of Movement of the neck.
Thorax (Cardiovascular System)
Inspection of the Heart
The chest wall and epigastrum is inspected while the client is in supine
position. Observe for pulsation and heaves or lifts
Normal Findings:
1. Pulsation of the apical impulse maybe visible. (this can give us some indication
of the cardiac size).
2. There should be no lift or heaves.
Palpation of the Heart
The entire precordium is palpated methodically using the palms and the fingers,
beginning at the apex, moving to the left sternal border, and then to the base of the
Normal Findings:
1. No, palpable pulsation over the aortic, pulmonic, and mitral valves.
2. Apical pulsation can be felt on palpation.
3. There should be no noted abnormal heaves, and thrills felt over the apex.
Percussion of the Heart
The technique of percussion is of limited value in cardiac assessment. It can be
used to determine borders of cardiac dullness.
Auscultation of the Heart
Anatomic areas for auscultation of the heart:
Aortic valve – Right 2nd ICS sternal border.
Pulmonic Valve – Left 2nd ICS sternal border.
Tricuspid Valve – – Left 5th ICS sternal border.
Mitral Valve – Left 5th ICS midclavicular line
Positioning the client for auscultation:
If the heart sounds are faint or undetectable, try listening to them with the
patient seated and learning forward, or lying on his left side, which brings the heart
closer to the surface of the chest.
Having the client seated and learning forward s best suited for hearing high-
pitched sounds related to semilunar valves problem.
The left lateral recumbent position is best suited low-pitched sounds, such as
mitral valve problems and extra heart sounds.
Auscultating the heart:
1. Auscultate the heart in all anatomic areas aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid and mitral
2. Listen for the S1 and S2 sounds (S1 closure of AV valves; S2 closure of
semilunar valve). S1 sound is best heard over the mitral valve; S2 is best heard over
the aortric valve.
3. Listen for abnormal heart sounds e.g. S3, S4, and Murmurs.
4. Count heart rate at the apical pulse for one full minute.
Normal Findings:
1. S1 & S2 can be heard at all anatomic site.
2. No abnormal heart sounds is heard (e.g. Murmurs, S3 & S4).
3. Cardiac rate ranges from 60 – 100 bpm.
Inspection of the Breast
There are 4 major sitting position of the client used for clinical breast
examination. Every client should be examined in each position.
1. The client is seated with her arms on her side.
2. The client is seated with her arms abducted over the head.
3. The client is seated and is pushing her hands into her hips, simultaneously
eliciting contraction of the pectoral muscles.
4. The client is seated and is learning over while the examiner assists in
supporting and balancing her.
While the client is performing these maneuvers, the breasts are carefully
observed for symmetry, bulging, retraction, and fixation.
An abnormality may not be apparent in the breasts at rest a mass may cause the
breasts, through invasion of the suspensory ligaments, to fix, preventing them from
upward movement in position 2 and 4.
Position 3 specifically assists in eliciting dimpling if a mass has infiltrated and
shortened suspensory ligaments.
Normal Findings:
1. The overlying the breast should be even.
2. May or may not be completely symmetrical at rest.
3. The areola is rounded or oval, with same color, (Color va,ies form light pink to
dark brown depending on race).
4. Nipples are rounded, everted, same size and equal in color.
5. No “orange peel” skin is noted which is present in edema.
6. The veins maybe visible but not engorge and prominent.
7. No obvious mass noted.
8. Not fixated and moves bilaterally when hands are abducted over the head, or is
learning forward.
9. No retractions or dimpling.
Palpation of the Breast
Palpate the breast along imaginary concentric circles, following a clockwise
rotary motion, from the periphery to the center going to the nipples. Be sure that the
breast is adequately surveyed. Breast examination is best done 1 week post menses.
Each areolar areas are carefully palpated to determine the presence of
underlying masses.
Each nipple is gently compressed to assess for the presence of masses or
Normal Findings:
No lumps or masses are palpable.
No tenderness upon palpation.
No discharges from the nipples.
NOTE: The male breasts are observed by adapting the techniques used for
female clients. However, the various sitting position used for woman is
In abdominal assessment, be sure that the client has emptied the bladder for
comfort. Place the client in a supine position with the knees slightly flexed to relax
abdominal muscles.
Inspection of the abdomen
Inspect for skin integrity (Pigmentation, lesions, striae, scars, veins, and
Contour (flat, rounded, scapold)
Respiratory movement.
Visible peristalsis.
Normal Findings:
Skin color is uniform, no lesions.
Some clients may have striae or scar.
No venous engorgement.
Contour may be flat, rounded or scapoid
Thin clients may have visible peristalsis.
Aortic pulsation maybe visible on thin clients.
Auscultation of the Abdomen
This method precedes percussion because bowel motility, and thus bowel
sounds, may be increased by palpation or percussion.
The stethoscope and the hands should be warmed; if they are cold, they may
initiate contraction of the abdominal muscles.
Light pressure on the stethoscope is sufficient to detect bowel sounds and
bruits. Intestinal sounds are relatively high-pitched, the bell may be used in exploring
arterial murmurs and venous hum.
Peristaltic sounds
These sounds are produced by the movements of air and fluids through the
gastrointestinal tract. Peristalsis can provide diagnostic clues relevant to the motility
of bowel.
Listening to the bowel sounds (borborygmi) can be facilitated by following these
1. Divide the abdomen in four quadrants.
2. Listen over all auscultation sites, starting at the right lower quadrants,
following the cross pattern of the imaginary lines in creating the abdominal quadrants.
This direction ensures that we follow the direction of bowel movement.
3. Peristaltic sounds are quite irregular. Thus it is recommended that the examiner
listen for at least 5 minutes, especially at the periumbilical area, before concluding
that no bowel sounds are present.
4. The normal bowel sounds are high-pitched, gurgling noises that occur
approximately every 5 – 15 seconds. It is suggested that the number of bowel sound
may be as low as 3 to as high as 20 per minute, or roughly, one bowel sound for each
breath sound.
Some factors that affect bowel sound:
1. Presence of food in the GI tract.
2. State of digestion.
3. Pathologic conditions of the bowel (inflammation, Gangrene, paralytic ileus,
4. Bowel surgery
5. Constipation or Diarrhea.
6. Electrolyte imbalances.
7. Bowel obstruction.
Percussion of the abdomen
Abdominal percussion is aimed at detecting fluid in the peritoneum (ascites),
gaseous distension, and masses, and in assessing solid structures within the abdomen.
The direction of abdominal percussion follows the auscultation site at each
abdominal guardant.
The entire abdomen should be percussed lightly or a general picture of the
areas of tympany and dullness.
Tympany will predominate because of the presence of gas in the small and
large bowel. Solid masses will percuss as dull, such as liver in the RUQ, spleen at the
6th or 9th rib just posterior to or at the mid axillary line on the left side.
Percussion in the abdomen can also be used in assessing the liver span and size
of the spleen.
Percussion of the liver
The palms of the left hand are placed over the region of liver dullness.
1. The area is strucked lightly with a fisted right hand.
2. Normally tenderness should not be elicited by this method.
3. Tenderness elicited by this method is usually a result of hepatitis or
Renal Percussion
1. Can be done by either indirect or direct method.
2. Percussion is done over the costovertebral junction.
3. Tenderness elicited by such method suggests renal inflammation.
Palpation of the Abdomen
Light palpation
It is a gentle exploration performed while the client is in supine position. With
the examiner’s hands parallel to the floor.
The fingers depress the abdominal wall, at each quadrant, by approximately 1
cm without digging, but gently palpating with slow circular motion.
This method is used for eliciting slight tenderness, large masses, and muscles,
and muscle guarding.
Tensing of abdominal musculature may occur because of:
1. The examiner’s hands are too cold or are pressed to vigorously or deep into the
2. The client is ticklish or guards involuntarily.
3. Presence of subjacent pathologic condition.
Normal Findings:
1. No tenderness noted.
2. With smooth and consistent tension.
3. No muscles guarding.
Deep Palpation
It is the indentation of the abdomen performed by pressing the distal half of the
palmar surfaces of the fingers into the abdominal wall.
The abdominal wall may slide back and forth while the fingers move back and
forth over the organ being examined.
Deeper structures, like the liver, and retro peritoneal organs, like the kidneys, or
masses may be felt with this method.
In the absence of disease, pressure produced by deep palpation may produce
tenderness over the cecum, the sigmoid colon, and the aorta.
Liver palpation
There are two types of bi manual palpation recommended for palpation of the
liver. The first one is the superimposition of the right hand over the left hand.
1. Ask the patient to take 3 normal breaths.
2. Then ask the client to breath deeply and hold. This would push the liver down
to facilitate palpation.
3. Press hand deeply over the RUQ
The second methods:
1. The examiner’s left hand is placed beneath the client at the level of the right
11th and 12th ribs.
2. Place the examiner’s right hands parallel to the costal margin or the RUQ.
3. An upward pressure is placed beneath the client to push the liver towards the
examining right hand, while the right hand is pressing into the abdominal wall.
4. Ask the client to breath deeply.
5. As the client inspires, the liver maybe felt to slip beneath the examining
Normal Findings:
The liver usually can not be palpated in a normal adult. However, in extremely
thin but otherwise well individuals, it may be felt the costal margins.
When the normal liver margin is palpated, it must be smooth, regular in
contour, firm and non-tender.
1. Observe for size, contour, bilateral symmetry, and involuntary movement.
2. Look for gross deformities, edema, presence of trauma such as ecchymosis or
other discoloration.
3. Always compare both extremities.
1. Feel for evenness of temperature. Normally it should be even for all the
2. Tonicity of muscle. (Can be measured by asking client to squeeze examiner’s
fingers and noting for equality of contraction).
3. Perform range of motion.
4. Test for muscle strength. (performed against gravity and against resistance)
Table showing the Lovett scale for grading for muscle strength and functional
Cranial Nerve Normal Response Client’s Response
Client is able to
identify different
Ask the client to smell
smell with each
and identify the smell Client was able to
nostril separately
I. Olfactory of cologne with each describe the odor of
and with eyes
nostril separately and the materials used.
closed unless such
with the eyes closed.
condition like colds
is present.
Provide adequate
lighting and ask client The client should be
Client was able to
to read from a reading able to read with
II. Optic read with each eye
material held at a each eye and both
and both eyes.
distance of 36 cm. (14 eyes.
To test light
sensation, have client
close eyes, wipe a Client should have a
Client was able to
wisp of cotton over (+) corneal reflex,
elicit corneal reflex,
client’s forehead. able to respond to
V. Trigeminal light and deep
To test deep to pain stimuli and
sensation and able
sensation, use distinguish hot from
to differentiate hot
alternating blunt and cold.
from cold.
sharp ends of an
object. Determine
sensation to warm
and cold object by
asking client to
identify warmth and
Client should be
Ask client to smile,
able to smile, raise
raise the eyebrows, Client performed
eyebrows, and puff
frown, and puff out various facial
out cheeks and
cheeks, close eyes expressions without
VII. Facial close eyes without
tightly. Ask client to any difficulty and
any difficulty. The
identify various tastes able to distinguish
client should also be
placed on tip and varied tastes.
able to distinguish
sides of tongue.
different tastes.
Note ability to