If the there is lack of power, excessive oil consump-
tion or poor fuel economy, measure the compression
1. Warm up and stop engine.
Allow the engine to warm up to normal operating tem-
2. Disconnect the ignition coil connectors and the spark
plug cables. (Refer to EE group - ignition system)
3. Remove the spark plugs.
Using a 16mm plug wrench, remove the 4 spark plugs.
4, Check tha cylinder compression pressure,
1) Insert a compression gauge into the spark plug
2) Fully open the throttle
3) While cranking the engine, measure the com-
Pression pressure,
Always use a fully charged battery to obtain engine
‘speed of 260rpm or mara.
4) Repeat step 1) through 3) for each cylinder.
This measurement must be done in as short atime as
Compression pressure (1.6 CVVT)
Standard : 1,422kPa (14.Skg/om4, 206psi)
(280-400 rpm)
Minimum : 1,275kPa (13.0kg/er*, 185psi)
Difference between each cylinder :
9BKPa (1.0kg/er, 14psi) or less
'5)_ Ifthe cylinder compression in 1 or more cylinders
is low, pour a small amount of engine oil into the
cylinder through the spark plug hole and repeat
slap 1) through 3) for cylinders with low compres-
‘+ Ifadding oll helps the comprassion, itis likely
that the piston rings andlor cylinder bore are
worn or damaged,
‘+ If pressure stays low, a valve may be stick-
ing or seating is improper, or there may be
leakage past the gesket.
Reinstall the spark plugs.
‘Connect the ignition coll connectors and the spark
plug cables. (Refer to EE group - ignition system)EM -10 ENGINE (G4ED-GSL 1.6)
TIMING BELT TENSION ADJUSTMENT 5. Remove the alternator drive bel). (Refer to EE
‘group - alternator)
1. Remove the engine cover.
2. Remove the RH front wheal.
3. Remove the bolts(B) and RH side cover(A).
6 Remove the air conditioner compressor drive bell(B).
(Refer to HA group - air conditioner compressor)
rouse 7, Remove the power steering pump driva belt(C).
(Refer to ST group - power steering pump)
8. Remove the water pump pulley.
4. Loosen the water pump pulley bolts,
8. Remove the 4 bolts(B) and timing belt upper cover (A).GENERAL Er
10, Turn the crankshaft pulley, and align ils groove with 11. Remove the crankshaft pulley(A).
timing mark"T" of the timing belt cover. Chack that the
timing mark of camshaft sprockal(A) is aligned with
the timing mark of cylinder head cover. (No.1 cylinder
‘compression TDC position)
13, Move the tensioner pulley(C) in the direction of the
‘arrow shown after loosen the mounting bolt (A,B).
‘And temporarily tighten mouting bolt (A, B).EM -12 ENGINE (G4ED-GSL 1.6)
14, Adjust the timing belt tension.
1). After inspecting the timing belt, replace it if nec
2) Loosen the tensioner pulley mounting bolt and
‘apply tension to the timing belt.
3) ‘Aller checking the alignment between each
‘sprocket and each timing belt tooth, tighten the
‘mounting bolt (A) and (B) one by one.
5) Timing belt tension measuring procedure (by a
sonic tension guage)
Rolate crankshaf in clockwise direction to set
‘1st piston on top dead center (TDC) and rotate
‘crankshaft in counterclockwise to 90 " then mea-
‘sure the belt tension in the middle of tension side
span (in arrow direction of above ilustration) by
free vibration method,
\ cauTion
‘Avoid rotating the crankshaft in a counter clock
wise direction.
Engine damage could occur.
Conversion equation of frequency into tension :
T= (4/98) x S?xMxW xf / 100000000
‘S: Measured belt span (mm)
M: Unit weight of belt (gtiom?)
W: Belt width (mm)
ransverse natural frequency of belt (H2)
Tightening torque :
19.6 ~ 26.5N.m (20
Trgt.m, 14.5 ~ 19.51b-ft)
4) Then recheck the belt tension.
Verify that when the tensioner and the tension
side of the timing belt are pushed in horizon-
tally with @ moderate force [approx. 49N (11Ib)],
the timing belt cog end is aprox. 1/2 of the ten-
sioner mounting bot head radius (across flats)
‘away from the bolt head center,
tem ‘Specifications
'S (mm) 249.6
M (gffom") 0.4543
Ww (mm) 2
f (Hz) 70.4 ~ 87.9
T kof) 18+ 3.5
15, Turn the crankshaft two turns In tha operating direc
tion (clockwise) and realign the crankshaft sprocket
‘and camshaft sprocket timing mark.
16. Install the timing belt lower cover(A) with botis(B).
Tightening torque
7.8 ~ 9.8N.m (0.8 ~ 1.0kgf.m, 6.8 ~ 7.2bb-)GENERAL 13
17 Install the crankshaft pulley(A). 20. Install the power steering pump drive belt(C). (Refer
to ST group - power steering pump)
Tightening torque
137,3~ 147.1N.m (14.0~ 15.0kgf.m, 101.3~ 108. Sib-A)
21. Install the air conditionar compressor drive bel(B).
(Refer to HA group - air conditioner compressor)
22. Install the alternator drive bel(A). (Refer to EE group
23. Install he RH side cover(A) with bolts(B)
18, Install the wator pump pulley.EM -14 ENGINE (G4ED-GSL 1.6)
24, Install the RH front wheel.
Tightening torque
88.3 ~ 107.9N.m (9 ~ 1 1kgim, 65.1 ~ 79.6b-)
25, Install the engine cover with bolts,
Tightening torque
= 11.8N.m (