Topic: The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic On Global Education (120-180 Words)
Topic: The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic On Global Education (120-180 Words)
Topic: The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic On Global Education (120-180 Words)
These days, COVID-19 pandemic has impacted on the global education severely. Most
governments around the world have temporarily closed educational institutions in an attempt to contain
the spread of the pandemic. These nationwide closures not only interrupts the teaching for students
around the world but also coincides with a key assessment period and many exams have been
postponed or cancelled. This results in the loss of information about the child’s progress for families and
teachers, which delays the recognition of both high potential and learning difficulties and can have
harmful long-term consequences for the child. Moreover, the careers of this year’s university graduates
may be severely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. They have experienced major interruptions in the
final part of their studies and assessments, and they are likely to graduate at the beginning of a
recession. In conclusion, although our global education is influenced by the COVID-19 pandemic, we can
overcome these disadvantages with the help of E-learning, which is now regarded as the most effective
way to cope with the current situation.