Questions 2
Questions 2
Questions 2
Ivan Pavlov is a Russian physiologist known chiefly for his development of the
concept of the conditioned reflex. In 19th century, he discovered classical
conditioning while studying digestion.
He trained a hungry dog to salivate at the sound of a bell, which was previously
associated with the sight of food.
He found that dogs automatically salivate at the sight of food—an unconditioned
response to an unconditioned stimulus. If Pavlov always rang a bell when he offered
food, the dogs began slowly to associate this irrelevant (conditioned) stimulus with
the food. Eventually the sound of the bell alone could elicit salivation. Hence, the
dogs had learned to associate a certain cue with food. Behaviorists see salivation as a
simple reflex behavior. His work provided a basis for later behaviorists like John
Watson and B. F. Skinner
Ivan Pavlov was the first to introduce the concept of conditioning through his
experiments with animals. He discovered classical conditioning while studying
digestion. His work provided a basis for later behaviorists like John Watson and B. F.
Whereas the behaviourist theory of learning portrayed the learner as a passive receiver
of information, the cognitive view takes the learner to be an active processor of
information (see e.g. Ausubel et al., 1978)
Behaviorism Mentalism
Language acquisition is a stimulus- Language is an innate, in-born process.
response process.
Language is a conditioned behavior. Language is not a behavior like other
behaviors, but a specific mental process.
Children learn language by imitation and Children learn language by application.
Language learning is based on practice. Language learning is analytical,
generative and creation.
The role of imitation, repetition, The role of exposure to language is quite
reinforcement and motivation is very vital.
significant in language learning.
Language acquisition is the result of Language acquisition is the result of
nature nurture.
Mentalist approach means something which involves the mind and the thought
processes.. Behaviourism may not tell us much about the way in which we learn our
mother tongue, but it can point to successful strategies in the learning of a foreign
language when we are older. .
Mentalism: Teacher shows the underlying structure. Students create sentences of their
own, internalise the rules
--> Special ability to discover the underlying rules of the languege system.
Learning, then, is a process in which the learner actively tries to make sense of data,
and learning can be said to have taken place when the learner has managed to impose
some sort of meaningful interpretation or pattern on the data.