Embracing Change Workbook Inner 230813 PDF
Embracing Change Workbook Inner 230813 PDF
Embracing Change Workbook Inner 230813 PDF
To cope with these and other elements of change, organisations need to reduce costs,
improve the quality of services and products, and increase productivity. This means
that organisations have to transform to keep pace – typically through developments
such as restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, re-engineering, implementing quality
programs, and cultural changes.
These changes affect the people who work in organisations. People react to
change in different ways, not only in relation to personality type, but physically and
emotionally too.
By understanding our own responses and needs we are better able to support and
work with others during the change process. The MBTI instrument provides great
insight and perspective to help you make sense of your own and others’ reactions in a
non-judgemental way.
Activity 1
Here are some of the many words we use to describe change, covering a wide
variety of activities ranging from minor tweaks to full-scale revolution.
Tweak Reform
Alter Convert
Revolutionise Rearrange
Adapt Improve
Adjust Amend
Reorganise Modify
Were there any surprises about the changes made by others?
Transform Metamorphose
Mutate Translate
Vary Evolve
Grow Develop
2 3
Activity 2
My response to change
My type
What was your reaction? How do you feel about the change now?
How did you deal with the process of change? On reflection, is there anything you would change in relation to your
4 5
Stages of Change
Measuring impact
6 7
Notes Activity 3
Personality type and change
Think about the situation described below. On the
following pages note how people with each of the
eight preferences are likely to react.
8 9
People with an Extraverted preference typically want: People with an Introverted preference typically want:
to process what’s happening and ideas out loud to process ideas internally, to have something to read
to be actively involved and participate to participate in a forum after consideration, preferably in 1:1 or small groups
opportunities to discuss in meetings, and afterwards space to contribute in meetings and be consulted
10 11
People with a Sensing preference typically want: People with an iNtuitive preference typically want:
to know what is going to be kept the overall goal, and what it hopes to achieve
the practical reasons for the change the proposed changes to make sense
to understand what from the past isn’t working future possibilities and options
connections between proposed changes with the past overall links to other initiatives
the details of real data: what, where, when, who a chance to contribute their ideas for the future
12 13
People with a Thinking preference typically want: People with a Feeling preference typically want:
the analysis behind the reasons for change the impact on people to be taken into account
the logical reasons for the change changes to be in accordance with values
clear criteria, equally applied to all leaders who are concerned about people
a structure and goals for the changes support to be available and point of contact identified to discuss concerns
14 15
People with a Judging preference typically want: People with a Perceiving preference typically want:
a clear plan, with contingencies a loose plan with room for spontaneity
time scales, key dates and milestones a general idea of where they are heading
no surprises
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Activity 4
Personality type and change
The first two letters of your type will show your typical responses to change and How do you like information about change to be communicated to you?
identify what people typically want during change. These relate to the ‘quadrants’ of
What communication style is least helpful to you?
the type table, dividing the table into the four corners, and correspond to preferences
for E and I and S and N. How do others who are different to you typically respond?
how and when people want to be involved in discussions (E-I)
the type of information that will help people deal with change positively (S-N)
Please use the following grids to note how you and others respond to the
ES EN 19
Inclusion Information
How do you respond if you are not included? How do others who are different to you typically respond?
Iw co
th an is nse
va t to goo rve
Il lu d w
ik of e un ha
Questions e an de t
to ch d rs
an ke an pu tan
d ep ge rp d I like t
he i
co th os chang
nc in e e as lo dea of
What questions do you need to have answered?
re gs with m ng a
te re y own s it fits
What questions that others’ ask irritate you? al vision
I appre
havin iate
How do others who are different to you typically respond?
g time
to thin
throug t
I like c
congru nge to be
funda ent wi
menta th
l prin
I am action
I like to make un
change happen g
h in
I tend to focus on t
e ve s
om eati ge a g
practical results s s
r n n
t a d c cha olvi sn’t
i n e y
ee a of t ev do d tr
n k ou it n ’
thi g ab ‘if op a ent
I n k st er
i in
th can diff
en we ing
I rk , eth
wo som
Typical type
responses to change
Want to keep what is good from the past ‘if it isn’t broke, Changes need to have practical results
‘let ’s just do it ’
Prefer continuous improvement to complete change don’t fix it ’ Believe that theorising wastes time and want to just
get on with it
When stressed:
When stressed:
Can become bogged down in the detail
May place an excessive focus on the here and now
May get stuck on one unimportant detail and ignore others
May focus on one aspect of immediate change
If they feel the change is too dramatic they may withdraw
May lose perspective and sight of the long-term goals
May reject any change before even hearing about it
24 25
Typical dominant function
reactions to change
Extraverted Sensing Introverted Sensing
When someone tells me about a change The thing I find hardest is fluffy change When someone tells me about a change I can play that will have a positive impact,
that will impact me I usually react by that isn’t visible, or change that is talked that will impact me I usually react by and to get feedback when things are not
working out if it is going to be positive or about and promised but never done. I wondering what it’s going to entail. I may working.
negative. If I think it’s a good change then also find change that is going to have a possibly be surprised, although I will likely
The thing I find hardest is not knowing
I’ll do all I can to help; if it’s a bad change detrimental impact on the enjoyment of try and hide this and my usual response to
what’s happening or what’s going to
I will probably procrastinate or talk to my work difficult to accept. the person is ‘oh, that’s interesting! Why
happen, and what helps me to deal with
other people about what they think of are we thinking of doing this?’ Although
What helps me to deal with that is to that is:
the change. in my head I am concerned that things
moan to other people about it, try to get
will be too different. time for initial reflection without
I am likely to respond to the person telling something done or try and make a joke
expectation of a full blown discussion
me about the change by being positive of the impact and try to make the most of I need to know that the change is going
and trying to do something to assist or new options. to have a positive impact and that it will open channels of communication to
contribute, although in my head I am be worthwhile. In order to contribute discuss the change
analysing what the impact is going to be positively I need to understand what role feeling listened to and heard
on myself and those around me.
feedback from others on how change
I need to know what is actually going is progressing and who’s done what.
to happen, what that will look like,
when, how, etc, so that I can contribute
positively to changes in my organisation
by taking action!
26 27
Extraverted iNtuition Introverted iNtuition
When someone tells me about a change The thing I find hardest is concern about When someone tells me about a change In my head I am thinking through the
that will impact me I usually react by loss for self or others, and what helps that will impact me I usually react by possibilities of what the change will mean,
asking a lot of questions and thinking me to deal with that is thinking about being receptive but pausing for thought, what the implications are, what action
about how I can make the most of the opportunities the change will present and and I am likely to respond to that person needs to be taken to be able to make a
opportunities presented by the change. enjoying the fact that something different by asking a lot of questions whilst being plan for the change as far as possible, so
I am likely to respond to that person by is happening, especially if the change receptive. They’re likely to pick up on the that I feel have a sense of understanding
asking questions, either with scepticism seems worthwhile and makes sense to me. fact that I’m being slightly cautious. I’m and some control.
or enthusiasm, depending on the nature likely to follow up after some reflection
I need to know that I understand my part
of the proposed change, although in my time with any questions or concerns. If
in the change and the rationale behind
head I am checking whether the change it’s something that’s in conflict with my
why the change is happening, so that I
seems fair and makes strategic sense. values or is conflicting with a detailed
can contribute positively by exploring
plan then it’s possible I’ll react by digging
I need to know that I can have a say in the options for how things could work and
my heels in initially, but will usually flex
change and that there is flexibility and getting stuck in and trying out the new
after some reflection. This tends to be
sound reasoning involved so that I can situation.
more of an away-from-work reaction.
contribute positively by articulating the
The thing I find hardest is being out of
case for change and providing enthusiasm
my comfort zone with new tasks, being
and energy, enabling the change
concerned about feeling incompetent and
programme to be initiated.
having sight of how things might impact
me negatively.
28 29
Extraverted Thinking Introverted Thinking
When someone tells me about a change The thing I find hardest is having to When someone tells me about a change The thing I find hardest is illogical and
that will impact me I usually react by implement things that don’t make that will impact me I usually react by hasty decisions, and what helps me to
either getting enthusiastic, if I can see sense or cut across my values, ethics or being interested and am likely to respond deal with that is the opportunity to
the benefits and some kind of vision, principles. I find it particularly hard when to that person by asking questions, but I change people’s minds.
or by asking questions or disagreeing people have been treated badly. I also might need to go away and think about it
if I can see flaws in the change. If it is a find it hard to work with people who first. In my head I am working out how it
last-minute change to a plan, then I will moan about the change, but don’t raise all fits together.
improvise and can have either a sense concerns to those who are responsible, or
I need to know that some proper
of irritation (especially if the first plan if people try underhand means to derail
thought has gone into it to enable me to
was more interesting) or excitement at change.
contribute positively by working out the
the spontaneity (if the original plan was
What helps me to deal with that is big picture.
rather mundane).
remembering that people have different
I am likely to respond to that person by ways of dealing with change and that it
either showing support and enthusiasm is best to focus on those who are positive,
and building on the ideas, or by asking or at least neutral, rather than seeing it as
questions to get more information, then essential that everyone is on board.
buying in, or challenging, although
in my head I am considering all sorts
of possibilities and implications and
sometimes worrying about how it will
fit in with all the other things on the
agenda. I need to know that things have
been thought through logically and I
can influence the outcome and process
and that the change somehow fits with
the overall strategy and direction for the
future so that I can contribute positively
by making changes happen, translating
them to things that will work and getting
people on board.
30 31
Extraverted Feeling Introverted Feeling
When someone tells me about a change The thing I find hardest is to respond When someone tells me about a change in my organisation I need to believe
that will impact me I usually react by positively if I don’t agree with the change that will impact me I usually react by in the changes so that I can behave
thinking about how it’s going to affect myself, and what helps me to deal with being enthusiastic and wanting to be authentically.
everybody and am likely to respond to that is having a good whinge to someone involved. I am likely to respond to that
The thing I find hardest is to be
that person by asking them if they’ve (anyone who will listen!) When I’ve got it person by finding out more although in
enthusiastic if the changes don’t fit with
thought through the people issues. It’s off my chest I don’t mind so much as long my head I am asking lots of questions
my values. What helps me to deal with
my experience that most change is for as someone has sympathised with me and and trying to puzzle out what the
that is time to reflect and then to talk it
practical or logical reasons and is very validated my feelings. implications are.
through with a trusted person.
rarely considerate of the people involved.
I need to know that the change fits with
That’s why most change doesn’t go too
my values and that people are being fairly
treated, and with respect. In order for
In my head I am wondering if it’s me to contribute positively to changes
conceptually sound and well thought
through. Has anyone been ignored or left
out in the communication or consultation
32 33
Activity 5
Your personality type and change
Reflecting on what has been discussed and using your booklet, find the
specific page for your type (from page 28 in Introduction to Type and
Change) and answer the following questions:
What do you need in times of change (which point listed under your preference in the How can you overcome your blockers?
Introduction to Type and Change do you relate to most)?
34 35
Activity 6
Change can be like a rollercoaster!
Is that yet another
A lot of work completed;
starting to implement change
The world’s
gone crazy!
looks different!
through the Things are
start of the starting to
changes move quickly
– momentum
around change
Change is
about to start…
can’t see the
future, just a
LOT of work! Things are going
back to normal,
although looks like
another change is
Looks like another
change is about
36 to happen 37
How do you react to change
38 39
Activity 7 Notes
Action planning
Approaching change in a positive way
40 41
Where next?
If you have found working with your personality type preferences helpful,
you may be interested to know about more ways of applying what you
have learnt. Your practitioner should be able to facilitate this continued
development for you, or discuss with you what you can do next with type.
Ask your practitioner how you can use your type to:
Look at which jobs might suit you best and how to move your
career forward
Find out how you typically deal with conflict, and discover
strategies for working through it
Discover what things typically trigger stress for you, and what
steps you can take to manage it better
Visit www.opp.com to find out what resources are available for you to
take your self-discovery to the next level.