انجليزي سمستر 2 جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا
انجليزي سمستر 2 جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا
انجليزي سمستر 2 جامعة السودان للعلوم والتكنولوجيا
College of Languages
General English
Subject Page
Introduction 3
General Objectives 4
Unit Sixteen: Food 160
References 201
Appendices 203-247
Unit Eleven
* Football (1)
- Pre- reading:
Student 2: …………………………………….
Student 1: Why?
Student 2:……………………………………..
What‘s your less favourite national team? Why?
Who's regional footballer?
least favourite
* Vocabulary
1. Fifa congress
This word is used to talk about a period of time in the past when
something or someone is important.
3. hosting
If a country hosts the World Cup, then the competition is being played in
that country.
4. inaugural
This adjective means the very first. It is mainly used when talking about
special events and competitions.
5. dominated
If a team dominated it means that they were much stronger and they did
much better than the others.
7. packed into
This expression shows that the stadium was completely full, there was no
extra space.
8. brains behind
When someone is described as the brains behind something, then it is that
person‘s idea or plan.
9. row
This expression means that what is being told is not a fact, but is what
people believe to be true.
* Reading
Read the passage carefully then answer the questions that follow.
Some 100,000 fans packed into the Centenar to Stadium for the
final on 30 July to see Argentina throw away a 2-1 half-time lead as
Uruguay ran out 4-2 winners.
Jules Rimet, the Fifa president and brains behind the World Cup,
presented the trophy to the winning team, captain Jose Nazassi. That
event marked the birth of the greatest football‘s tournament in the world.
After a pre-match broke over which ball to use for the final, it is
believed the Argentine ball was used in one half and the Uruguayan ball
in the other. Rumour has it that this is how the phrase ‗a game of two
halves‘ evolved.
Exercise [1]:
A ○ 1928 B ○ 1929
C ○1930 D ○ 1931
A ○ Holland B ○ Spain
C ○ Brazil D ○ Uruguay
4. What was the score after the first 45 minutes of the final?
A ○ Argentina 2 - 1 Uruguay
B ○ Argentina 1 - 2 Uruguay
C ○ Argentina 4 - 2 Uruguay
D ○ Argentina 2 - 4 Uruguay
D ○ Each team should use its own ball for part of the match.
* Football (2)
Have your say!
* Should Video Replay Be Scrapped?
Exercise [2]:
Below are comments sent in response to the question above.
Go through each comment, then do the questions on the
right hand column.
I can not believe this decision; there is 1. Is he in favour or against the use of
far too much shirt pulling and more video replay?
serious incidents such as elbowing 2. What‘s the strongest point in his
going on in football. Referees are argument?
doing their best to maintain order on 3. Does he think referees are doing their
the pitch but it is a very difficult job job properly?
and they must be helped in every way 4. How does he support his argument?
possible and this decision seems to Is it by giving examples or comparisons
completely contradict this. etc.
Martin, UK
consult his fourth official on vital etc.
decisions such as penalties with the
aid of technology, arguments would
be avoided.
Craig, England
I hate the idea of using video evidence 1. Is he in favour or against the use of
in football. Half the joy of watching video replay?
soccer comes from complaining about 2. What‘s the strongest point in his
controversial decisions. Football argument?
doesn't need modernizing in any way, 3. Does he think referees are doing their
shape or form. After all, look what it job properly?
did for the now laughable sport of 4. How does he support his argument?
rugby league! Is it by giving examples or comparisons
Darren Robinson, UK etc.
* Discussion:
Unit Twelve
* Pre- reading:
4. Awad: I'm going to al-suq –al- Markazi to buy fish, then I'll take
a mini-bus from there to my home-village in al-Gazira.
5. Khalid: But is the fish ……………………. in this hot weather?
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
Exercise also helps the blood to move around inside the body. This
is very important. Our blood takes food to all parts of our body. The brain
in our head also needs blood. We think with our brain. Exercise helps
us to think better!
* Comprehension questions:
Exercise [2]:
2. You need
a. wealthy b. strong
c. faster d. clever
5. Exercise also
* Vocabulary
* Reading
Our bodies also need air to breathe. We must have plenty of clean
air to stay healthy.
There is something that our bodies must not have. We do not want
illness or diseases. When we are ill, we have to stay in bed. When we
feel unwell, we may have a headache or different kinds of pain, and
perhaps a high temperature. We cannot work and we cannot play. We feel
One cause of illness and disease is dirt. Dirt is full of germs, but
they are too small to see without a microscope. They are too small but
they are alive. They can get inside our bodies and make us ill. They can
get in through our noses or mouths. They can get in through our mouths
more easily than through our noses. We should keep our mouths closed
and breathe through our noses. They can get into our bodies through our
skin. We must keep our bodies clean. We must wash our hands before
meals. We must keep our fingernails clean.
We must also keep our teeth clean. Germs can make teeth bad.
Then they become black or hurt. Toothache is very terrible. We must
clean our teeth every morning and every night.
We must also keep our homes and our streets clean. Drains carry
away dirty water. We must not throw rubbish in the drains. Where should
we throw rubbish? Sick people spit in the streets. This is very dirty.
People who spit give diseases to other people.
* Exercise [3]: Comprehension questions:
a. blood b. air
c. food d. exercise
a. disease b. temperature
c. germs d. health
a. disease b. dirt
c. pains d. headaches
a. hair b. fingernails
c. blood d. mouths
6. We must remember to
a. wash b. sweep
c. clean d. exercise
7. Our teeth twice a day and........................... spit in the streets.
a. always b. sometimes
c. often d. never
Exercise [4]:
Exercise [5]:
* Finish the sentence. Use these words:
5. John seems very _____. He always has a big smile on his face.
6. The children seemed very _____. They were all working hard.
* Vocabulary
Exercise [6]:
Insert the right word in the gaps. Choose from the list
We should have eight hours ______ every night. This will help us to be
_______. Exercise also helps us to be healthy. It helps the blood to move
around inside the ______. It also takes the ______ to the brain. Then we
can think better. Our bodies also need clean __________to breathe.
One cause of illness is dirt. Dirt is full of…………… These are too small
to see but they are alive. Germs can get …………..our bodies and make
us ill. We must keep our bodies …………..
* Language Focus
You mustn't use your mobile phone in the class.
You should switch off your mobile phone before you go in.
3. Practice:
: drink alcohol
: smoke in public
: ride bicycle
* Punctuation
* Drill
John and Mary met in the street. Write out their conversation.
Begin like this: Hello, Mary, said John. „How …
Unit Thirteen
* Pre-reading:
1. Should we use the Internet as a learning tool?
Vint Cerf
Exercise [1]:
1. Ask and answer these questions with your partner.
a. How often do you use the Internet?
b. positive forbid
c. rare modern
d. allow trivial
e. traditional negative
f. advantages solution
g. problem disadvantages
h. find common
* Read this text.
Teens online
For many young people, communicating on the Internet has
become an essential part of life. E-mail and instant messages,
because of their ease and speed, have partly replaced face-to-face
meetings and telephone conversations. Teens say that online
communication can create distance between people. However, they
add that this distance can be very helpful, especially for people
who are shy or want to finish a difficult relationship.
Exercise [3]:
b. difficulty _________________________
c. completely _________________________
d. closeness _________________________
e. unhelpful _________________________
f. outgoing _________________________
* Discussing:
The pros and cons of Internet life.
With your partner, think of three advantages and three
disadvantages of the Internet. Then make a group and compare
your ideas.
* Read the text. Are any of your ideas mentioned?
The pros and cons of Internet life
Many people now believe that the Internet is the most important
invention in history. Some say it has a greater impact on our lives
than the car, plane, or television. The World Wide Web is changing
how we shop, how we work, how we contact each other, how we
spend our leisure time, and how we learn. However, the role of the
Internet in our society can be both positive and negative.
I have two young children, and I have to stay at home to look after them.
It‘s too expensive to put them in nursery school. The Internet, though,
allows me to work from home. I have started my own mail-order
business. Now my husband and I have more money to spend on the
I‘m worried about the effect the Internet is having on our society. When
our young people use the Internet, they read information and see images
of the outside world and they believe everything. They don‘t get a
balanced view, and I‘m worried they may reject our traditional culture.
I suffer from a rare disease, and it‘s great to communicate with people all
over the world who also have the same problem. It‘s a wonderful
community. Without the Internet, I‘d feel so alone.
People say the Internet is great because you can see places all over the
world and meet people, too. But I think that‘s garbage—it‘s just not true.
The Internet encourages people to stay at home rather than go out into the
real world and see real places and meet real people. Get a life, surfers!
The Internet can make dreams come true. I‘ve always wanted to write
children‘s stories, but no publisher would print them. Now I have my own
website and I like to think that children everywhere are enjoying them.
I‘m really worried about the content of some of these Internet sites. There
is far too much bad material, and I don‘t want my children finding it. It‘s
a real danger.
Exercise [4]:
Read these questions and write your answers.
a. What can Terri do thanks to the Internet?
Exercise [5]:
Exercise [6]:
____________ _____________________________
____________ _____________________________
____________ _____________________________
____________ _____________________________
Against Reason
____________ ______________________________
____________ ______________________________
____________ ______________________________
Exercise [8]:
Write two sentences, one giving your opinion of the
Internet and the other giving a fact about it.
My opinion of the Internet:
on their traditional culture. Today, it is still mostly people in wealthy and
developed countries who use the Internet.
wouldn‘t do
b. Play games
d. Send e-mail
j. Buy things
Make a group and compare your answers.
* Focus on Grammar
* Modals: Should and Shouldn‘t
Always use the base form of the verb with should and shouldn‘t
Exercise [10]:
Complete the sentences with should and shouldn‟t and the
base form of the correct verb.
eat look sleep take exercise see stay out talk
3. Jane has all of the symptoms of depression. She ______ her doctor.
4. Bob is always tired because he goes out to clubs almost every
night. He _________ more and he ________ late every night.
* Writing
* Assignment
Unit Fourteen
* Pre-reading:
Read these opinions. Check (√) the one you most agree
a. The Internet doesn‘t bring people together. It separates them. People
spend too much time alone rather than going out into the real world
and having real contact with people.
* Read this information
a. The Internet is great __my mother is online, so I keep in touch with
her regularly. It‘s so much easier to send an e-mail than to write a
b. Surfing the web, I found people from my high school class. We had
a reunion last week. It was fantastic to see so many old friends.
- Think about it.
1. Write your answers. Then interview your partner and
write their answers.
Me My
a. Would you use the internet to research your family. …….…. ………
…….…. …………
Noun Verb Adjective
Exercise [2]:
Read this text. Then look up the words in italics in your
dictionary. For each word, note the part of speech, its
pronunciation, and meaning.
Looking for my mother:
When I was ten years old, my parents told me that I was a. adopted. I
didn‘t b.believe it at first, but after my parents told me the whole
story, I understood. They said they had found me through an adoption c.
agency when I was six months old. My natural mother had. d.
abandoned me outside a hospital soon after I was born. When I heard
the news, I was shocked. I knew I had to find my e. real mother.
* Predicting
Look at the title of the poem you are going to read. It is
by a mother whose daughter was adopted at birth by
another woman.
Search for a stranger
Exercise [3]:
Discuss these questions with your partner.
a. Who do you think the stranger is?
Or friends …. abandoned.
It did not.
I dream of you.
b. Who was with her after she gave birth?
......…………………… …………………………………................
Exercise [5]:
For each statement write Yes or Maybe.
a. The baby was a boy.
* Discussion
e. Why do you think she wanted to change her mind at the last
4. Now read the mother‘s story.
Finding my baby
When I was nineteen, I really needed some money. I agreed to be paid
to have a child, and then give the baby to a childless couple. It was the
worst decision of my life. My family and friends thought I was selfish
and crazy. I was, but I was also young and didn‘t listen to their good
advice. After the birth, I wanted to change my mind and keep the
baby, but I had agreed to give my child away. I knew that the couple
really wanted the baby, so I gave her to them. Years later, I tried to
find my daughter, but without success. Then, last year, I got a
computer and tried the Internet. I searched and posted messages on
every website I could find for locating missing people. Amazingly,
two months later, my daughter replied. We spoke on the phone and
then exchanged photographs. Two days after that, I couldn‘t believe
my eyes when I met her for the first time. We ran to each other‘s arms
and hugged and cried. I felt like I was whole again. I have given her
all the toys I bought through the years, and we see each other often.
Exercise [7]:
* Word review:
Exercise [8]:
Match each word or phrase in italics with a word or phrase
that has a similar meaning.
Online communication
As well as helping you find 1. strangers, the Internet is useful for keeping
in touch with family and friends, too. You can send e-cards for every 2.
anniversary from weddings to birthdays. You can order flowers and 3.
presents, too. But be careful. It‘s easy to make a 4. mistake when you
type in your credit card details. Also, try not to write an e-mail when you
are angry. Because it arrives 5. right away, you can‘t 6. change your
mind later, and so it‘s possible to 7. hurt someone. Have you ever sent an
e-mail when you were angry and then had a feeling of 8. guilt
* Focus on Grammar
Always use the base form of the verb with can, can‘t, could, and couldn‘t.
+ Base Form of Verb
Can 1 ask you some questions?
I couldn‘t change my ticket after buying it.
Exercise [9]:
Complete the paragraph with can, can‟t, could, or couldn‟t
and the base form of the verb. Pay attention to present and
past time.
Last year, Hung went on vacation to Hong Kong. He flew as an air
courier. He was very happy with the price of the ticket. But this ticket
only one small carry-on bag. But when he flies as a regular passenger,
Exercise [10]:
Write sentences about which kind of travel is/was
possible/not possible for the following travelers. Use can,
can‟t, or could and the words and phrases that follow. Most
items have more than one possible answer. The first one has
been done for you.
go as an air courier
by Concorde jet
e.g. 1. Alice isn‘t sure when she will return from Casablanca.
2. When is a basketball player. He is seven feet tall and he has very long
legs. _________________________________________________
7. Nicole is afraid of being on an airplane for more than four hours. She
needs to fly from New York to London.
First-Class Travel
Air-Courier Travel
First class has lots of space, and it has very good food.
Air-courier travel is cheap, but air courier can‘t bring much
When you connect two sentences with and or but, use a comma (,)
between the ideas.
When the subject of both sentences is the same, use a pronoun as the
subject in the second sentence.
First class has lots of space, and first class has very good food.
Exercise [11]:
3. A Concorde jet will get you to London very quickly __________ there
is only one Concorde flight each day.
4. Airline seats often seem uncomfortable _____ airline food often seems
5. If you want to save money, you should call Dirt Cheap Travel
________ if you have plenty of money, you can call any travel agent.
6. Brain couldn‘t check bags to Paris ______________ he can check
bags back to San Francisco.
* Writing
* Assignment
Think about a recent trip you took somewhere or an
imaginary one.
My flight to Singapore was very long, but the people were very nice.
3. _______________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________
6. ______________________________________________________
Unit Fifteen
* Pre-reading:
c. kitten
d. rabbit
e. dog
f. gold fish
1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
* Read the passage, then answer the questions that follow.
Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Smith are sisters. Mrs. Wilson lives in a
house in Duncan and Mrs. Smith lives in a condominium in Victoria. One
day Mrs. Wilson visited her sister. When her sister answered the door
Mrs. Wilson saw tears in her eyes. ―What's the matter?‖ She asked. Mrs.
Smith said ―My cat Sammy died last night and I have no place to bury
She began to cry again. Mrs. Wilson was very sad because she
knew her sister loved the cat very much. Suddenly Mrs. Wilson said ―I
can bury your cat in my garden in Duncan and you can come and visit
sometimes. Mrs. Smith stopped crying and the two sisters had tea
together and a nice visit.
It was now five o'clock and Mrs. Wilson said it was time for her to
go home. She put on her hat, coat and gloves and Mrs. Smith put the dead
Sammy into a shopping bag. Mrs. Wilson took the shopping bag and
walked to the bus stop. She waited a long time for the bus, so she bought
a newspaper. When the bus arrived she got on the bus, sat down and put
the shopping bag on the floor beside her feet. She then began to read the
newspaper. When the bus arrived at her bus stop she got off the bus and
walked for about two minutes. Suddenly she remembered she left the
shopping bag on the bus.
Exercise [1]:
* Choose the best answer:
1. Where does Mrs. Smith live?
a. in a condominium in Duncan.
b. in a condominium in Victoria.
c. in a house in Duncan.
7. What did Mrs. Wilson forget?
a. the newspaper.
b. her handbag.
c. in Victoria.
1 . him _________________________________________
2. she _________________________________________
3. she _________________________________________
Exercise [2]:
(1) Add a word from the passage to complete each
1. Mrs. Smith said that …………………cat Sammy died last night.
4. Mrs. Wilson waited for a long time, so she began to…. to kill time.
(2) Which words in the passage mean the opposite to the
1. live ______________________________________________
2. hate ______________________________________________
3. sell _________________________________________________
4. forget _______________________________________________
5. house _____________________________________________
* Language focus
1. Possessive pronouns and adjectives:
my-mine, your - yours, his – his, her – hers, it – its, our– ours,
their – theirs
- Example:
We've got two cars. Mine is older than my husband's, but his is
worth more.
2. Reflexive pronouns:
- Example:
* Pronouns:
I Me Mine Myself
It It Its Itself
We Us Ours Ourselves
* Personal pronouns:
Exercise [3]:
1 Fill in the correct personal pronoun into the gaps. The
words in brackets tell you which you should use.
Example: often reads books. (Peter)
6. are in the garden. (The flowers)
* Personal pronouns
Exercise [4]:
2 Choose the correct personal pronoun.
1. am sitting on the sofa.
8. Is Kevin‘s sister?
10 is in the cinema.
* Pronouns
Exercise [5]:
3 Which pronoun can substitute the underlined phrase in
the sentence?
1. The teacher always gives the pupils homework.
a. me b. them c. you
2. I read the book to my little sister.
a. her b. us c. him
3. The boys are riding their bikes.
a. it b. them c. her
4. My father is writing a letter to John.
a. him b. her c. me
5. I don‘t know the answer.
a. she b. her c. it
6. Open the window, please.
a. it b. them c. us
7. Sally is going to Ann.
a. her b. him c. me
8. Can you tell the people the way to the cinema, please?
a. you b. us c. them
9. The books are for Peter.
a. her b. him c. you
10. Can you help my sister and me?
a. her b. me c. us
Exercise [6]:
Fill in the correct pronoun:
1. You‘re too young to go out by ___________.
Exercise [7]:
Unit Sixteen
* Pre-reading:
Before you read this passage, think about your Science
lessons and discuss these questions.
1. What do all humans and animals need to live?
First, he dried some soil on fire, put it in a pot and weighed it. He
moistened the soil with rain water and planted a small tree in it. For the
next five years he did little more than water the soil regularly with rain
After five years, he removed the tree from the pot and weighed it.
He found that the tree had gained an enormous amount of weight. Next,
he weighted the soil in the pot because he wanted to find out how much it
has supplied the tree‘s food. To his amazement, he discovered that the
soil weighed almost exactly the same as when he had started his
experiment five years earlier.
Van Helmot thought that this was very strange. Where had the
weight of the tree come from if not from the rich black soil? After a lot
of thought, he decided that it must have come from the water he had
added. This appeared to be the only logical answer as there seemed to be
no other source from which the weight could have come. Van Helmot
was partly right, but he didn‘t realize that there was another source of
nourishment apart from water and the soil. True, it was invisible, but he
was surrounded by it and so was his tree.
We now know that all plants make their own food. The leaves of
plants and trees are like factories, producing everything they need by a
process called ‗photosynthesis‘. During photosynthesis, the leaves of a
plant change the energy from the sun into chemical energy. This happens
because of the bright green substance in the leaves of plants called
chlorophyll. The chemical energy produced by the leaves and the air
combines carbon dioxide, one of the gases in the air, with water from the
soil. During the process, oxygen and sugar are produced. The oxygen is
released back into the air and the sugar, which is called a carbohydrate, is
sent to other parts of the plant and used as its food.
* Comprehension
Exercise [1]:
Read the passage again and answer the following questions.
1. What question did Van Helmot ask himself?
4. Which very important gas is produced during photosynthesis?
Exercise [2]:
Choose the correct answer to questions 1 – 4.
1. Scientists conduct experiments
c. none d. all
a. may b. should
c. could d. is able to
Exercise [3]:
Read the note and underline all the food words in the second
paragraph. The first one has been done for you. Then
answer the questions that follow.
Hi Matt,
I won‟t be home until 7:30. Can you go to the store? I want to make
spaghetti and a salad for dinner, but we don‟t have everything we need.
And we also need some food for the weekend.
For tonight, can you get some spaghetti, some onions, some lettuce,
and tomatoes? And how about a watermelon for dessert?
We‟ll need bread and eggs for breakfast tomorrow. I noticed that
we‟re almost out of rice and milk. I also thought it would be nice to have
some more fruit in the house. Could you buy bananas and grapes? Oh,
and how about a cake for dessert ,too?
If you go to Rainbow Grocery, then buy all organic produce. See you
2. Which food words in the second paragraph are plural? What is the
last letter in the plural food words?
* Grammar Focus: Count and Non-Count Nouns
Some nouns can be counted. I need an onion. I need onions.
Use any with plural count nouns I don‘t have any onions. [count]
and non-count nouns in negative
I don‘t have any milk. [non-count]
Exercise [4]:
Find all the food items in the note in exercise [3] and do the
1. Circle all the singular count nouns.
* Discussion
In some parts of the world, people are cutting down
ancient forests. Why is this bad for both animals and
Unit Seventeen
* Pre-reading:
This is an article about learning in the future. Before you read it,
discuss these questions with a partner.
Now read the article, underline any new vocabulary.
Twenty years ago, many university students believed that once they
had graduated, their education was complete. They would get a job
and all they had to do was to work hard with the same employer until
it was time to retire. Today, work isn‘t like that. In the modern
world, most young people must expect to change employers several
times in their working lives. Many of them will possibly become
self-employed, running their own businesses. This means that
throughout people‘s lives they‘ll need to acquire new knowledge and
skills. They will need to understand that learning must be lifelong.
Lifelong learning means learning that goes on for life, from the time
you leave full-time education until after you retire. This is necessary
because the world of work is changing a lot faster than it used to. For
example, nowadays employers often only employ staff on short-term
contracts to complete a certain job. This keeps their costs down.
Once the job is over, the employees have to look for another
organization to employ them on other jobs.
To remain employable, individuals must be good at the jobs they are
doing today, and must also look ahead to learn the skills they need
for jobs they may do in the future.
The British Open University (the OU‘) was the first university to
provide distance learning and degrees. It admitted its first students in
1971 and is now Britain‘s largest university with 200,000 students.
Undergraduate courses are open to everyone and do not require any
previous educational qualifications. As well as providing courses, for
British students, courses are available throughout Europe and other
parts of the world. The average age of OU graduates is 35, but in
2000 the youngest students was 20 and the oldest was 94. The 94
Year-old student graduated with an Arts degree. He really did
believe in lifelong learning!
* Comprehension
Exercise [1]:
Read the passage again and answer the following
1. Why is the idea of lifelong learning important today?
Exercise [2]:
* Discussion
* Language Focus
* Idioms and fixed expressions
1. What is an idiom?
It‘s not far. We can take a short cut. [=a quick way] through the
I‘m not very good at small talk. [=social talk; not about serious
I‘m sorry I can‘t make it [= come] on Friday.
2. Fixed expressions
B: Well, for a start it was next to a motorway and very noisy. And to
make matters worse, there were factories on the other side of the road,
which stayed open 24 hours a day.
It‘s not a problem in the short term [=at the moment] but in the long
term [=for the longer future] we will need to think about it and probably
spend some money on it.
3. Using idioms
- With many idioms, if you make just a small mistake, it can sound
strange, funny, or badly wrong. For example: get a move; a small
talk; put an eye on, off-hands, etc.
Some idiomatic expressions are used on their own, or with just one
or two other words. These are often the easiest to use.
B: Nothing.
A: I‘m really sorry but I‘ve forgotten to bring the book you lent me.
B: That‘s OK. Never mind. [=it‘s OK, don‘t worry; it‘s not
Exercise [3]:
Here is a fuller context for each of the above idioms. Can
you guess the meaning now?
1. A: Are you hungry?
B: Yes, I think she was pulling my leg when she said that.
B: Well, it‘s nice to have a big place, but I can probably make
do with a smaller flat.
Exercise [4]:
Replace the underlined words in each dialogue with a
suitable idiomatic expression from the previous pages. Can
you think of similar expressions in your own language?
1. A: Is Rebecca here?
4. A: Sorry I can‘t come on Thursday.
B: Nothing. Why?
B: Yeah, sure.
7. A: Do we have to go now?
Exercise [5]:
Complete the expressions in these sentences.
1. It wasn‘t a very successful holiday. For a ...............................the
beach was a long way from our hotel; then to make
........................worse, the car broke down on the third day and we
had to walk to the beach, the rest of the time.
2. We take it in ...........................to look after the dog.
3. She asked me about the times of the trains but I couldn‘t tell her
off. .............
4. I don‘t enjoy parties where you just stand around and
make........................ talk with lots of people you don‘t know.
5. We can probably make .................................with a three-roomed
flat for the moment, but in the long ............................we will have
to think about moving into a bigger place.
Exercise [6]:
Can you find at least three idiomatic expressions in this text.
What do they mean?
I went to stay with my cousin last week. We are the same age but
have very little in common: he loves sport and I hate it; I‟m mad
about music and he‟s not interested in it. As you can imagine, we
didn‟t have a very good time together, and by about Thursday we
were really getting on each other‟s nerves, so I decided to come
Unit Eighteen
3. Understanding a paragraph
Exercise [1]:
Read this paragraph. It is the beginning of an article about
Switzerland in a student newspaper. Then answer the
Switzerland — Something Interesting at Every Turn
By Ken Jones
If you dream of travelling to a country with beautiful mountains, delicious food, wonderful
places to go sightseeing and polite people, you should visit Switzerland. If you look at the map, the
first thing you notice is that Switzerland has many mountains, including some of the highest in
Europe. Climbing or skiing down the mountains is great fun. Another thing you will notice is that
Switzerland shares its borders with five different countries: France, Germany, Italy, Austria and
Liechtenstein. In fact, there are four official languages in Switzerland: German, French, Italian
and Romansch. All these groups of people make Swiss culture very interesting. Finally, Switzerland
has many cities and interesting places to visit. Cities such as Bern have modern buildings like the
Paul Klee Zentrum, yet the traditional alpine refuges in the mountains show that the country‟s old
traditions are still alive. All the people, places and things to see definitely make Switzerland a great
place for a holiday.
b. What is the main idea about the topic?
Paragraph organization
Exercise [2]:
Exercise [3]:
Put a tick () next to the group of sentences that makes a
good paragraph.
Why are the other groups of sentences not good paragraphs?
My best friend has many different hobbies, such as skiing, cooking, and playing
the piano, and she is very good at all of these activities. For example, she has played
the piano for ten years and has won three piano competitions. She also likes to spend
time traveling, and she has been to many different countries in the world. She grew up
speaking Spanish and English, but now she can also speak French and Italian. I like my
best friend very much.
Classes in literature are useful no matter what job you intend to have when you
finish university. Books are about life. People who study literature learn the skill of
reading carefully and understanding characters, situations, and relationships. This kind of
understanding can be useful to teachers and business people alike. Literature classes also
require a lot of writing, so they help students develop the skill of clear communication. Of
course, a professional writer needs to have this skill, but it is an equally important skill for
an engineer. Finally, reading literature helps develop an understanding of many different
points of view. Reading a novel by a Russian author, for example, will help a reader learn
more about Russian culture. For anyone whose job may bring them into contact with
Russian colleagues, this insight can help encourage better cross-cultural understanding.
Studying literature is studying life, so it is relevant to almost any job you can think of.
One good way to learn another language is to live in a country where that language is
used. When you live in another country, the language is around you all the time, so you can
learn to listen to and speak it more easily.
• gives the writer‘s main idea or opinion about the topic and helps the
reader understand what the paragraph is going to talk about.
Exercise [4]:
Highlight the topic of the sentence. Underline the main idea
about the topic.
The first one has been done for you as an example.
……………………………………………………………..Many children begin learning to play football
when they are very young. You can often see them playing at school or in the streets
around their houses. At secondary school, students may play football in a team and
compete in championships. If a player is very good, he might go on to play for a
professional team. People in my country love watching football on television and also
go to matches whenever they can. Many people have a favorite team or player, and
everyone loves to talk about matches and competitions. Football is really like a
national sport in my country.
1. I love playing football, and I hope I can become a professional player
one day.
2. There are many popular sports in my country, but the most popular
sport is football.
Exercise [6]:
Write a topic sentence for three of these topics.
a. a favourite place to relax
b. a grandparent
topic: ________________________
topic: ________________________
____ _________________________________________________
topic: ________________________
Exercise [7]:
These sentences are mixed up parts of one paragraph.
Number the parts in order:
1. topic sentence, 2. supporting sentences, and 3. concluding sentence.
a. ……………. It wasn't an easy decision, but for the reasons listed above, I have decided to
study journalism.
b. ……………. It can be difficult to choose a subject to study at university because there are
so many choices, but by considering my skills and interests, I have decided to study
c. …………. I have always enjoyed writing, so it is sensible to choose a subject that involves
writing. When I begin working, I would like to have the opportunity to travel, and travel is
often an important part of a journalist's job. Finally, I am also interested in photography,
and pictures are very important in journalism.
Exercise [8]:
Use words or phrases in the box to complete the sentences.
Unit Nineteen
In this unit, you will learn …
methods of paragraph support and development.
how to write concluding sentences.
how to do peer editing.
Paragraph development
After you have chosen a topic and written a topic sentence, you
develop your main idea by adding more information to explain what you
mean. This unit will explain three common ways to develop a paragraph:
giving details, giving an explanation, and giving an example.
Details are specific points that tell more about a general statement.
Exercise [1]:
In the paragraph above, underline the topic sentence. Below,
list the details used to support the topic sentence. Compare
your answers with a partner.
a. ………………………………………………………………………
b. ……………………………...………………………………………
c. ……………………………………………………………………….
d. ………......…………………………………………………………..
e. …….…………………………………………………………………
f. ………………………………………………………………………….
* Explanation
An explanation tells the reader what something means
or how something works.
Exercise [2]:
In this paragraph, underline the topic sentence. Then
answer the questions.
A stitch in time saves nine. ‘My mother, who likes sewing, used this simple
saying to teach me the value of working on problems when they are still small.
Originally, the saying referred to sewing—if you have a small hole in a shirt, you can
repair it with one stitch. But if you wait, the hole will get larger, and it will take you
nine stitches. This simple sentence reminds me to take care of small problems before
they become big problems.
Exercise [3]:
This paragraph includes an example from the writer‘s own
experience. Underline the topic sentence.
Even when a first date is a disaster, a couple can still become good friends. For example,
my first date with Greg was terrible. I thought he was coming to pick me up at 6.30, but instead he
came at 6.00. I didn’t have time to do my hair, and my make-up looked messy. When I got into his
car, I scraped my leg against the car door and tore my tights. Next, he took me to an Italian
restaurant for dinner, and I accidentally dropped some spaghetti on my shirt. Then we went to a
film. Greg asked me which film I wanted to see, and I chose a romantic comedy. He fell asleep
during the film, and I got angry. Now that Greg and I are good friends, we can look back and laugh
at how terrible that first date was!
Exercise [4]:
Would you develop each of these topics with details, an
explanation, or an example? Explain your choices. (More
than one answer is possible.)
a. what freedom means to me
b. an unusual holiday
c. weddings in my country
d. why I don‘t like swimming
Step two: Brainstorm some ideas using any method you like.
Step four: Exchange paragraphs with a partner. Say what kind of support
your partner used… Could your partner tell what kind of support you
* Concluding sentence
Exercise [5]:
Read these paragraphs. Is the main idea developed by
details, an explanation, or an example? Is there a concluding
sentence? Circle yes or no. If there is no concluding
sentence, write one.
Even simple study habits can improve your marks. At university I learned how
important it is to get enough sleep. When you are well-rested, it is easier to learn. Research
shows that when people don’t get enough sleep, their memories aren’t as effective. If
students are tired, they might even fall sleep in class! It's easy to see how getting enough
sleep can improve your performance at university.
I am too nervous to sing karaoke songs with my friends. The last time I
tried was on my birthday, when my friends took me to a karaoke club. I told my
friends I didn’t want to sing, but they encouraged me until I said yes. When I stood
up in front of the microphone, I was so scared, I felt dizzy. It was hard to hear the
music, and my mouth was too dry to make a sound. I just stood there until a friend
jumped up next to me and finished the song.
c. means of support:…………………………………………….
I will never eat dinner at The Little French Bistro again. The restaurant is not
very clean. You can see dust in the corners and on the shelves. The food is expensive,
but the portions are small. I never feel full after I've finished eating. In addition, the
waiters are not very friendly. For these reasons, I will not visit that restaurant again.
d. means of support: …………………………………………….
For me, a friend is someone who accepts you the way you are. A friend doesn’t
want you to change your personality or your style. I like people who don't care if the
people they are with are wearing popular clothes or listening to trendy music.
e. means of support:…………………………………………….
* Peer editing
Topic sentence Even when a first date is a disaster, a couple can still become
Here is the first draft of the paragraph about the writer‘s first date
with Greg. The writer has shown the paragraph to another student, who
wrote some comments.
• you have some information that is not relevant.
The second reason to share writing with others is for you to read
more examples of writing. Other people will have had experiences that
you haven‘t. They may show you fresh ways of writing about
Reading their paragraphs and essays can give you good ideas to use
yourself in the future.
• Read your partner‘s work several times. The first time, just react from
the beginning to the end. Ask yourself, ‗What is it about? What is the
writer‘s purpose?‘
b. Why do you think the peer editor sometimes wrote questions instead of
statements? For example, why did she write ‗Can you make this
stronger?‘ instead of ‗Please make this stronger‘?
c. Why do you think the peer editor marked the topic sentence and the
concluding sentence?
f. Read the paragraph about the date again. Did the writer use the reader‘s
• Let the writer know which parts of the text are especially strong or
• Ask questions. This is a good way to let the writer know where he or
she could add more information.
For each pair of sentences, check () the one that you feel
would be most helpful to the writer. Share your answers
with a partner, and explain your choices.
a. This is a weak topic sentence.
Please explain more about your holiday. Where did you stay? What
did you do during the day?
f. Why do you keep saying the same thing over and over again?
I think these two sentences are really saying the same thing.
Your paragraph is about your brother, but this sentence is about your
sister. Are you sure it‘s relevant?
I like your topic sentence because it has a strong main idea. Your
example is funny. I wish I could meet your brother!
Exercise [6]:
* Writing
* Assignment
Write a second draft of the paragraph in the previous
exercise. Use the comments you and your partner made.
Then exchange paragraphs with your partner. Discuss how
your versions are different from the original. Do you think
the second drafts are better? Why or why not?
Exercise [7]:
Read these statements. Write T (true) or F (false). If the
statement is false, change it to make it true.
Unit Twenty
* Pre-reading:
b. go to the theater?
d. visit museums?
e. go to amusement parks?
* Vocabulary skills:
* Prefixes
Exercise [1]:
Match each prefix with a word in the box. Then use the new
words to complete the text.
a. dis ..................... c. in.......................
d. il........................
b. ir.......................... d. im..................
* Predicting
1. Look at the headline of the newspaper article you are going to
3. Read the text and check your predictions.
So, in the words of Mark Twain, reports of the death of reading
have been greatly exaggerated: it seems that the book as a traditional
form of entertainment will be around for some while yet.
Exercise [2]:
1. ..................................................................................................
2. ..................................................................................................
3. ..................................................................................................
Exercise [3]:
For each statement, write T [true] or F [false].
a. ................ The increasing availability of music over the Internet
is bad for book sales.
Exercise [4]:
What five forms of entertainment are mentioned in the
* Discussion:
Do you think that electronic books will ever be as popular as
traditional books?
Reading skills:
* Understanding the main idea
Exercise [5]:
1. The topic of the article ‗Do books have a future?‖ is about the
future of books. Which one of the following best gives the main
idea? Check [√ ] your answer.
c. [ ] There will always be a healthy market for electronic
Exercise [6]:
Read this text. Check [√] the most appropriate main idea.
A fundamental change is happening in entertainment around the
world. People are relying more and more on their televisions and CD
players for their entertainment. The problem is that people want to
choose what they do and when and where they do it. This makes home-
based entertainment more attractive than live performances. The biggest
and best-known theaters, located in large cities, find they have to focus on
glamorous productions with top stars to attract the crowds. Meanwhile,
many small and medium-sized arts organizations face growing financial
famous stars.
survive in
the future.
Exercise [7]:
Complete the paragraph using the present progressive tense
of the verbs provided. Use contractions. The first two have
been done for you.
I‘ m watching [watch] a football game. My team is playing
[play] for the championship. For once I ..............................[not/watch]
the game on TV. I was finally able to get a ticket, and I‘m actually at the
stadium! My team‘s quarterback.....................[throw] the ball to one of
his receivers. The receiver .......................[run] down the field. The
players on the other team.........................[try] to stop the receiver from
catching the ball. But I think they .....................................[not/run] fast
enough. I think he might be able to catch the ball! But the man in front
of me .........................[jump] up and down. He
.....................................[make] it impossible for me to see what
..................[happen] ................................Too bad I
...........................[not/sit] at home in front of my TV!
* Writing
* Assignment
Write a well-developed paragraph, as you have learned about the
development of a paragraph in unit [19], arguing for or against the idea
of that books give more reliable information than the Internet.
1. Alptekin, C. 2002. Towards intercultural communicative
competence in ELT. ELT Journal 56[1]: 57-64.
15. Natsha Haugnes & Beth Maher, 1998, North Star [Focus on
Reading and writing] Carol Publishing Group. Press Book.
20. Swain, M. 1994. The output hypothesis: Just speaking and writing
aren't enough. Canadian Modern Language Review 50 [1]: 158-64.
Appendix [1]
Irregular Verbs
Simple Form Simple Past Past Participle
be was , were been
do did done
go went gone
hang hung hung
slide slid slid
wear wore worn
Appendix [2]
Spelling of –ing and –ed forms
End of verb Double the Simple - -
consonant? form ing ed
Yes f. prefer preferring preferred If the second
syllable of a two-
admit admitting admitted
syllable verb is
stressed, double the
Exercise [1]:
Write the –ing and –ed forms of the following verbs. [The
simple past / past participle of irregular verbs is given in
-ing -ed
4. write ......................... [wrote/written]
Exercise [2]:
Write the –ing and –ed forms of the following verbs.
-ing -ed
1. open ......................... .........................
Exercise [3]:
Write the –ing and –ed forms of the following verbs.
-ing -ed
19. appear ......................... .........................
Appendix [3]
Capitalize the following:
mountain The Sahara Desert is in I go to the University
Africa. of Texas.
We visited the Rocky Compare:
We went to a park.
street, etc.
I go to the University of
We went to Central
building Florida.
park, zoo I work for the General
Electric Company.
He lives on Grand
7. The names of languages g. She speaks Spanish. Words that refer to the
and nationalities names of nations,
We discussed Japanese
nationalities, and
languages are always
Exercise [1]:
Add capital letter where necessary.
1. we‘re going to have a test next tuesday.
Exercise [2]:
Add capital letters where necessary.
1. We don‘t have class on saturday.
11. My uncle lives in st. Louis. I‘m going to visit uncle bill next
Appendix [4]
Preposition Combinations
A. be absent from
be accustomed to
be acquainted with
be afraid of
be angry at/with
approve of
B be bad for
believe in
belong to
be bored with/by
C be clear to
consist of
be crowded with
be different from
be disappointed in
be divorced from
be done with
be drunk on
E be engaged to
be equal to
be excited about
be exhausted from
F be familiar with
be famous for
be finished with
be friendly to / with
be frightened of/by
be full of
G get rid of
be gone from
be good for
graduate from
H happen to
hear about / of
hear from
hope for
be hungry for
I insist on
be interested in
be involved in
K be kind to
know about
L laugh at
listen to
look at
look for
look forward to
M be mad at
be married to
matter to
N be nice to
O be opposed to
P pay for
be polite to
be prepared for
be proud of
Q be qualified for
R be ready for
be related to
rely on/upon
be responsible for
S be satisfied with
be scared of/by
search for
be similar to
stare at
be thirsty for
be tired from
be tired of
travel to
W wait for
wait on
be worried about
F figure out ............................find the solution to a problem
hand out ................................give something to this person, then
that person, then another person, etc.
K * keep on .............................continue
M make up ................................invent
pick up ..................................lift
put off...............................postpone
tear off.......................detach, tear along a dotted or perforated line
Appendix [5]
Guide to Correcting Compositions
To the student: Each underlined word or phrase represents an area of
usage. Refer to this list to find out what kind of error you have made and
then make the necessary correction.
An accident occurred.
What did he say?
I am studying English.
I had an accident.
Appendix [6]:
Model Examinations with Answer Key
Read this article carefully, then answer the questions that follow.
Lifetimes Magazine-issue 24
Rowling says she wrote ―Harry Potter and the Philosopher‘s Stone‖
because she wanted a challenge. She wanted to achieve something
special. She likes writing. In fact, she wrote her first book (called
―Rabbit‖) when she was six years old. Perhaps this is the first reason for
her success – she chose to do something that she enjoyed.
STEP 2: Follow your dream.
But how did she become such a great success? Well, in 1992, Rowling
left her job in England and went to Portugal. She moved to Portugal to
have more time to do what she loved most – write. She worked as an
English teacher. She used her free time in the mornings to write ―Harry
Potter and the Philosopher‘s Stone.‖
She married, but later divorced. She returned home to the U.K. with her
baby daughter Jessica. She lived in Edinburgh in Scotland. She lived in
a very small, cold apartment. Life as a single mother was hard, but she
was determined to finish writing ―Harry Potter and the Philosopher‘s
Stone.‖ She wrote mostly in cafes and while her daughter was asleep. She
had no money for a computer or typewriter – she used a pen and paper.
When things became difficult, she didn‘t forget her goal, and she didn‘t
stop working.
The road to success was hard for Rowling, but eventually she succeeded.
Her advice to people who want success is simple: Try your best. If you
really want to succeed, then you will. Be prepared to make mistakes –
learn from them. You have to be strong, and never give up. Sounds
simple, doesn‘t it?
Question [1]
3. How many languages are the Harry Potter books available in?
Question [2]
Read the article again. Write true [T] or false [F] for each of these
1. ................... Rowling is very rich now.
2. ................... Both children and adults like her books.
3. ................... She has a daughter.
4. ................... She wrote many books before ―Harry Potter and the
philosopher‘s Stone.‖
5. ................... She doesn‘t enjoy writing very much.
[5 marks]
Question [3]
4. ................... She worked in Portugal.
5. ................... She left her job in England.
[10 marks]
Question [4]
Question [5]
1. cite / / 2. talk / /
3. shoe / / 4. crime / /
5. cycle / / 6. fixed / /
7. orphan / / 8. advice / /
9. health / / 10. wrestling / /
[5 marks]
Question [6]
Read the sentences carefully. Choose the best word [a, b or c] for
each space.
4. A new restaurant has just ..............................near our house.
a. come b. opened c. begun
5. A. Did you watch television yesterday?
B. Yes, I ...............................................
a. watched b. did c. have
6. Who does ..................................as a receptionist?
a. works b. work c. to work
7. A. England ............................win the next World Cup.
B. Do you think Brazil will win?
a. would b. won‘t c. will
8. That‘s your towel not ....................................
a. my b. yours c. mine
9. English ................................in over 45 countries.
a. has spoken b. spoke c. is spoken
10. Look at the pronouns [it, she, they] which is incorrect?
a. Mrs. Adam works for a furniture company. She is a sales
b. I want to sell some books. It‘s in very good condition.
c. I hope you like the new chairs. They are very cheap!
[10 marks]
Question [8]
[15 marks]
Good Luck
* Answer Key
Questions [1]:
Question [2]:
1. T 2. T 3. T 4. F 5. F
Question [3]:
5 4 2 3 1
Question [4]:
Question [5]:
Question [7]:
1. a 2. a 3. a 4. b 5. b 6. b
7. b 8. c 9. c 10. b
Question [8]:
Subject: English Name: …………………..........
College: ……………………. Index No. : …………...............
Time allotted: 3 hrs. Total mark: ………….............
Read the passage carefully, then answer the questions that follow.
Pele [born 1940, Brazil] is often called the greatest soccer player in
the world. His real name is Edson Arantes do Nascimento. He started
playing soccer when he was a teenager. His family was very poor. He
cleaned shoes for money. In 1956, he played his first professional game,
for Santos Soccer Club. The club won many national and international
competitions. Pele also led the Brazilian team to three World Cup wins
in 1958, 1962, and 1970. He played a total of 1.363 matches and scored
1.282 goals. He left soccer in 1974 but the next year decided to play for
an American team called the New York Cosmos. His salary was seven
million dollars. He was the highest-paid sports star in the world. His last
game was against his old Santos club, in 1977.
After he became famous, Pele wrote several autobiographies. He
also starred in many movies. He even wrote all the music for the movie
"Pele" [1977]. The next year, he received the International Peace Award.
Brazil‘s representative in the United Nations said he believed that Pele
helped international goodwill and friendship more than any politician.
Question [1]
[13 marks]
Question [2]
This text contains five mistakes. Circle them. Then re-write the text
The Argentinean soccer player Pele came from a wealthy family. He
started playing professional soccer in 1956, at the age of eighteen. He
won the World Cup twice, and later went to England to play soccer there.
He retired from soccer in 1977.
[5 marks]
Question [3]
Which of these statements are facts and which are opinions? Write F
[fact] or O [opinion] next to each statement.
3. A sports .........................helps athletes to develop a positive way of
[5 marks]
Question [5]
a. .................healthy b. .................circle
c. .................rational d. ...............like
e. ...............national
B. Add one of the following suffixes to each word.
a. different............ b. fashion................
c. visit................... d. excite..................
e. tired..................
[5 marks]
Question [6]
1. lamb / / 2. sweep / /
3. pick / / 4. excite / /
5. quit / / 6. lose / /
7. rice / / 8. height / /
9. sweat / / 10. sign / /
[8 marks]
Question [7]
3. They have been married .........................thirty years.
a. since b. for c. from
4. Ali ......................work harder this year or he will fail his exams.
a. must b. should c. can
5. 90% of the world‘s rice ............................in Asia.
a. is grown b. will grow c. grew
6. Americans are not very different ..........................other people.
a. from b. to c. with
7. Omer loves photography .............................science.
a. to b. with c. and
8. Each new patient ....................to complete a medical questionnaire.
a. asks b. asked c. is asked
9. ................you give us some advice about where to eat this evening?
a. Will b. Should c. Can
10. Some countries in the Arab world ....................a difficult time in
a. went through b. came across c. went with
[5 marks]
Question [8]
3. I went to a local restaurant ....................my friend works there.
5. I had to wait for about half an hour, but when the meal
.................arrived, I was happy.
[5 marks]
Question [9]
Change the words in bold. Use mine , yours , his, hers, its, ours,
or theirs.
e.g. That‘s your towel not my towel.
1. I didn‘t like the hotel. The hotels‘ rooms are really small.
2. A. Is that Sarah‘s sun cream?
B. Yes, it‘s Sarah‘s.
3. That suitcase looks like your suitcase.
4. Our house is bigger than their house.
5. I haven‘t got a razor, but I will use Ahmed‘s.
[5 marks]
Section [C] Writing
Question [10]
[14 marks]
c. He wrote music.
B. 1. He was a teenager.
Questions [2]:
Question [3]:
1. O 2. F 3. O 4. F 5. F
Question [4]:
Question [5]:
d. excitement e. tiredness
Question [6]:
6. correct
Question [7]:
1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. a 6. a
7. c 8. c 9. c 10. a
Question [8]:
Question [9]:
Question [10]: