CBC Notes
CBC Notes
CBC Notes
Dr. Frank Tracz
6 February 2019
CBC Notes
Gilbert, AFC, 8:00-8:40, Friday
-conducting high and into the ensemble -lots of loops -lots of left hand -gentle cutoffs
-play lovingly -no harsh attacks
-entrances are important -must be ready
-asking ensemble to mark a lot
-very frustrated by wrong notes -stopping frequently to fix mistakes
-percussion seems very confused
-how to mark music to not get lost
-music may be too hard for the ensemble?
-breaking down rhythms
-enrich your students lives by informing them about other things than band
-cross-content connections
-music is worthy
-don’t apologize for music, advocate for it
-music is not under any other subject
-music is crucial, life-saving, and soul-saving
-what can other content areas do for music?
-who’s making what we do in the music classroom better?
-how can you make the musical lives of your students better?
-incorporate singing
-extreme expression
-tear apart the text that comes with the music you are playing
-points of significance between words and music
-words can help you understand the music
-where to put the peak of music
-Music vs music
-Music has real expression
-identify the characters in a piece
-mark what’s a big deal
-how parts of the music help understand other parts of the music
-analyze the rhythm of the poetry/text
-where do they need help?
-music and poems both have form
-public speaking and performing
-audience awareness
-confident content/testing/rehearsing
-do you value the music you’re creating?