Application Center Telehandlers
Application Center Telehandlers
Application Center Telehandlers
1. Introduction
The term „telehandler“ suggests that
we speak of a versatile and universal
handling device with a variable reach.
The first telehandlers were developed
simultaneously in England and France
25 years ago. The basic idea behind
this development was to provide fork-
lift trucks additionally with a horizon-
tal reach in order to position loads at
places that cannot be approached di-
It turned out soon that the concept
with the telescopic arm is suitable for Fig. 1.1: Application examples of telehandlers
a multitude of tasks, which go far be-
yond simple material handling. Efficient drive and control systems by
Telehandlers are used in the agricul- Rexroth which are characterized by
tural sector, the construction industry their reliability, efficiency and ease of
and in the warehouse management operation form an integral part of
where they act as forklift trucks, wheel these machines and create the precon-
loaders, mobile cranes or working dition for an optimal market success
platforms. Some of the telehandlers of this equipment.
are fitted with articulated steering sys- In the field of telehandlers, the cur-
tems, but most of them with axle piv- rent technological trends are the fol-
ot steering systems. lowing:
Today, about 30 companies worldwide • Single-circuit system for the com-
offer telehandlers for payloads rang- plete working hydraulics (steering
ing between 1 and 16 t and telescop- Fig. 1.2: 14-t telehandler system, brake, trailer brake, fan in-
ing heights of 3 to 21 m. cluded)
In 2001 about 30,000 telehandlers With its Telehandlers Application • LUDV system
were manufactured worldwide, about Center which consists of a team of • Higher handling capacity
two thirds in Europe alone. The specialists from the product units,
• Higher working pressure
strongest countries of production, Rexroth offers its customers compre-
France, Great Britain and Italy are at hensive help, from the selection of the • Higher velocity of the working
the same time the largest sales mar- optimum components through to en- cylinders
kets for this equipment. gineering of complete package solu- • Increased operational safety
tions. • Standardized components
• Reduced fuel consumption
• Reduction in exhaust gases and
Authors: noise emission
Werner Ooster BRM-MC/VTB3
Manfred Glöckler BRM-AK/VME3
Michael Schuler BRM-AK/VMH3
176 Mobile 2003 Telehandlers Bosch Rexroth AG
2. Travel drive
Efficiency, handling capacity and ease
of operation are the decisive factors I II A6VM
for the selection of a drive system for
travel drives. In the power class below
60 kW the hydrostatic travel drive has
been widely accepted due to its
known advantages. An axial piston
variable displacement motor drives
the front and rear axle of the vehicle
via a splitter gearbox (Fig. 2.1).
The use of hydrostatic gears offers the
following advantages:
• Automotive driving with stepless
transmission of forces Fig. 2.1: Hydrostatic travel drive with variable displacement motor and splitter gearbox
• Sensitive positioning of the goods
• High acceleration and deceleration
• Fast change of direction through re- A20VM
versing of the pump
• Wear-free braking
• Maximum traction even at low rev-
ving speed
• Simple load-limiting control via DA
• Free arrangement of drive compo- A4VG
nents in the equipment
Fig. 2.2: Travel drive with double motor
To make these benefits available even
in higher power classes, drives with can be realized without mechanical 2.3). It is derived from the tried-and-
hydrostat and downstream mechani- gear stages, purely by hydraulic con- tested A4VG technology with signifi-
cal gear stages are used. The hydraulic version. Two swashplate-type rotary cant further developments in the de-
conversion is stepless; with mechani- groups arranged in series directly sign. The new sophisticated heavy-
cal shifting, the tractive force is inter- drive the front and rear axles via two duty rotary group allows high work-
rupted. output shafts (Fig. 2.2). ing pressures and speeds, which re-
markably increases the hydraulic con-
Latest developments aim at avoiding On the basis of decades of experience version range. The new modular sys-
these gear-change gearboxes through in the development and production of tem offers many advantages with re-
the use of large-capacity axial piston swashplate units, Rexroth has devel- gard to installation and service-
double motors. Maximum tractive oped the A20VM double motor spe- friendliness. The double motor is ei-
forces and high speeds up to 40 km/h cifically for this drive concept (Fig. ther directly fitted to the vehicle axle
Bosch Rexroth AG Telehandlers Mobile 2003 177
Variable displacement Variable double
pump motor
Fig. 2.4: Travel drive with double motor and electronic control
178 Mobile 2003 Telehandlers Bosch Rexroth AG
Parameterization, monitoring and 3. Steering unit With type LAGZ, two rotor sets of the
diagnosis steering system are active in standard
The driver can operate the steering
It is possible to communicate with the operation. In case the oil supply fails,
wheel of the telehandler with his left
integrated driving software via the in- a rotor set is switched off in analogy
hand. Depending on the axle load, the
terface of the electronic control device to the LAGU.
steering wheel diameter and the di-
using the BB-3 service module or the Depending on the application, tele-
mensions of the steering cylinder,
BODEM software and a laptop. Apart handlers usually operate with up to
steering units of type LAGC (stand-
from driving software parameteriza- three types of steering „front axle
ard), LAGU or LAGZ (with reduced
tion, errors and their history can be steering“, „all-wheel steering“ or „crab
emergency steering forces) are used.
read out. The BODEM software al- steering“.
With type LAGU, chambers are
lows measured data to be recorded for To realize one of these types of steer-
switched off in the case of an oil sup-
parameters that can be processed by ing principles, so-called „steering type
ply failure. In this way, the torque re-
the electronic control device. During valves“ are used. These must be as
quired at the steering wheel is reduced
driving, these data can be viewed on a leak-free as possible in order that
so that the manual force is sufficient
display. For this purpose, Rexroth of- front and rear wheels are still in align-
to steer the telehandler and comply
fers the „DI“ display. The control de- ment after driving over a longer peri-
with the regulations for emergency
vice can be integrated into the com- od of time. Some telehandlers are fit-
steering, usually without the use of
plete electronic vehicle management ted with steering type valves with de-
additional components.
via the CAN bus interface. tent in order that the relevant type of
steering is maintained even in the
event of a potential failure of the
Fig. 3.1: Steering unit type LAGC Fig. 3.2: Steering unit type LAGU
8. Brake LT31
The trend towards higher driving
speeds and the more exacting regula-
tions to be fulfilled call for a higher
braking performance. This can be PBRAKE
• Direction-of-travel preselection • Diesel engine data exchange • Automatic parallel guidance of the
• Set speed • Communication with extern control units fork lift / shovel
• Set acceleration / deceleration • Load moment limitation, i.e. protec-
• Driving characteristic tion against overloading (LMB)
• Working mode: flat characteristic • Safety logick
• travel mode: steep characteristic • Weigher for shovel content / fork
• Load limiting control load
• Inching / brake functiuon • Speed sensing control for diesel
• Overspeed safety for diesel engine engine
• Hydraulic motor control • Joystick control of steering with
• electronic DA control safety switch
• Vg max- switching • Ramps for the limit stop
• Limitation of tractive effort • Limitation of the working area
• Speed limitation (telescopic arm)
• crawl gear • electronic pressure and volumetric
• Constant speed drive (CSD) flow control (LUDV)
• Fuel-efficient driving • Preselection of different modes
PC and BB3 (hard to soft drive)
• Diagnostic function
• Parameter setting
• Process motoring
• Output display
9. Electronics
Electronics are increasingly finding Another possibility of improving Tilt cylinder
their way into telehandlers. Be it for functions with the help of electronics
the realization of a relatively simple or making other components super- cylinder
auxilary function or for the engineer- fluous is the parallel guidance of the
ing of complete equipment with fork. For telehandlers, a so-called Lift cylinder
matching of travel and working hy- master cylinder (compensation cylin-
draulics - thanks to electronics, a der) is usually installed to hold the
whole series of useful functions can fork in parallel. This cylinder ensures
be realized. Rexroth has created the via its area ratio that, e.g. during rais- Fig. 9.2: Parallel guidance with compensati-
preconditions for this with the new ing of the boom, exactly the amount on cylinder
RC controller family. The smallest mi- of oil is displaced from the rod side as
crocontroller of this family, the RC2- is required by the tilting cylinder on
2, can be used to prevent the diesel the cap side to keep the fork in paral-
engine of a telehandler from stalling lel. This function can also be assumed
while idling and with high power re- by the RC2/2 with the help of two ro-
quirements for travel and working hy- tary angle encoders and proportional
draulics as described at the beginning valves (e.g. of type DRE).
of this article.
Fig. 9.3: MHVES75 angle sensor with plug
Bosch Rexroth AG Telehandlers Mobile 2003 185
double motor RC
S ft
f a
Control unit
BB 3