Abortion: A Valley Bible Church Position Paper
Abortion: A Valley Bible Church Position Paper
Abortion: A Valley Bible Church Position Paper
2. Psalm 51:5
“Surely I have been a sinner from birth, sinful from the time my mother conceived me.”
Psalm 51 was written by David to record his repentance after his sin of adultery
with Bathsheba. David confesses that his sinful act demonstrated the original sin
that was within him, concluding that from the moment of conception, he had a sin
nature. This implies that we have the image of God at the point of our conception
though scarred by sin. Only actual people have a sin nature. Only actual people can
be called sinful, with a soul in need of redemption.
3. Exodus 21:22-25.
“If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth prematurely but
there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever the woman’s husband
demands and the court allows. But if there is serious injury, you are to take life for
life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for
wound, bruise for bruise.”
These verses teach that if a woman gives birth prematurely, but the baby is not
injured, then only a fine is appropriate. However, if the child dies, then the law of
retaliation should be applied. In other words, killing an unborn baby would carry
the same penalty as killing a born baby. A baby inside the womb should have the
same legal status as a baby outside the womb.
Some have argued that the first verses only refer to a case of accidental miscarriage.
Since only a fine is levied, they say that an unborn baby is merely potential life and
does not carry the same legal status as a baby that has been born. However, the
normal Hebrew word for miscarry is not used in this passage (cf. Genesis 31:38;
Exodus 23:26; Job 2:10; Hosea 9:14). Most commentators now believe that the
action described in verse 22 is indeed a premature birth not an accidental
miscarriage. Also, even if the verses do describe a miscarriage, they cannot be used
to support abortion since injury was accidental, not intentional (as abortion would
be). Nevertheless, the action was still a crime.
4. Luke 1:41, 44
“And it came about that when Elizabeth heard Mary’s greeting, the baby leaped in
her womb....’For behold, when the sound of your greeting reached my ears, the baby
leaped in my womb for joy.’ “
These verses show that John the Baptist was a person while he was still in the
womb. Luke 1:41-44 describes John as a baby in the womb who leaped with the
human emotion of joy. He is clearly described as being a person in the womb.
John was not the only one described in terms that depict humanity in the womb.
Jesus Himself was conceived of the Holy Spirit in the womb (Matthew 1:20), which
connotes that His incarnation began at conception. Jeremiah was also called by God
while in the womb (Jeremiah 1:5), which indicates Jeremiah actually existed as a
person in the womb. The Bible indicates that God makes man in His image and
likeness (Genesis 1:27) in the womb, not during the birth process.
Philosophical reasons why abortion is morally wrong
While there is no agreement in our nation regarding the validity of the Bible, we do
share an innate sense of logical reasoning. Therefore, the philosophical reasons
against abortion are very important for bringing change in our society.
The most basic question for those unconvinced that abortion is the taking of an
innocent life is “when does a person begin to exist?” Many people will seek to avoid
this question and when faced with it often claim that this is simply unknowable.
However, there are many things that are in fact known from the field of medicine,
much of which has been discovered in recent decades. Also, there is basic agreement
on many ethical questions concerning life, such as opposition to infanticide. These
form a basis for having a dialogue that should result in a conclusion that abortion is
the taking of an innocent life.
1. We know that the embryo (a term referring to the baby during its first three
months in the womb) is genetically unique from the point of conception.
From the very beginning of the joining of a sperm and egg into an embryo there
exists a distinct DNA. To say that the embryo, and later the fetus, is part of the
mother’s body is medically inaccurate. Every physical part of the mother has the
same DNA, including her egg, but the embryo is genetically different.
Also, there is no genetic difference between the developing embryo and the fully
developed adult. From the point of the fertilization of the ovum, the resulting
human has its own life-long characteristic code and specific identity. From this
point forward the change is only a matter of its growth, not a change in kind.
Everyone reading this paper did not come from an embryo, we were an embryo. We
did not come from a fetus, we were a fetus. We did not come from a baby, we were a
baby. Therefore, we must conclude that our life, our humanness, our personhood,
began at conception.
It must be noted that while genetical uniqueness is unquestionable proof that a
distinct, individual person exists, it does not follow that you have to be genetically
unique to be a person. Identical twins are not genetically unique, yet there is no
question that they are both individuals with their own souls which must stand
before God. Therefore, the genetic argument only works the one direction. However
even if you are not genetically unique, you are still a person.
This distinction is become of increasing importance as the possibility of cloning
humans nears. The abortion argument of “it is my body and I have the right to
choose” may be replaced with “it is my genetic material and I have the right to
choose.” We may find ourselves in a society that not only kills unwanted babies, but
one that purposefully creates babies for their body parts. We will be told that you
can grow your own replacement heart from your own genetic material, we will not
be told about the child that dies in the process.
2. Since we know when a person is no longer living, this should guide us in
deciding when life begins.
Years ago life was considered to end when the heart stopped beating. Medical
evidence shows that the heart is formed and begins to beat as early as the 18th day
in the womb. If life was considered to start with the heartbeat there would be
hardly any legal abortions.
With advances in medicine came the ability to detect brain waves. This is now
perhaps the most important element in deciding if life has ended. Brain waves may
be detected in a fetus at around the 42nd day in the womb. If life was considered to
start with the presence of brain waves there would be a great reduction in legal
3. We do not consider that location in the womb negates personhood.
While the test of viability of a fetus outside the womb is sometimes ignored and
abortions are performed in spite of the viability of the fetus, there is a general
ethical sense that if a baby can exist outside the womb it should be allowed to live.
A great majority of people would find that intentionally killing a fetus that if
delivered would be a healthy baby needing no great medical attention to be
abhorrent. Location inside the womb does not determine that a fetus is not a
4. We do not consider that dependency upon another person negates personhood.
Due to medical advances, babies are now surviving even when born during sixth
month of the pregnancy. While the ability of babies to live outside of the womb will
probably be possible at even earlier stages of development in the future, viability
alone does not determine personhood.
Many people in our society are totally dependent upon the function of another for
their survival. In particular, babies, if left uncared for, will die. If a mother
abandons her baby without proper care, they are arrested. There is no debate about
the moral responsibility of the mother, it is assumed. Likewise, there are many
adults that are fully dependent upon another for their care. You cannot morally
abdicate your responsibility for caring without making arrangements for the care to
be taken by another. This holds true with the pregnant mother, who temporarily is
morally responsible for the baby until she makes other arrangements for the child,
such as adoption.
5. We do not consider that a poor quality of life negates personhood.
Abortions are normally justified due to assumed negative circumstances for the
child. If a doctor projects a child will be born with a significant birth defect, some
women will consider an abortion. Of course, if a baby is actually born with the birth
defect it cannot be killed. Thus the potentiality of malformation is seen as grounds
for terminating life, while the actuality is not.
Some mothers choose to abort their fetus because they do not believe they can care
for the child, love the child, provide for the child, etc. The desire of the mother and
the difficult circumstances for her is seen by many as a sufficient reason to
terminate the pregnancy. However, once the child is born, no set of poor
circumstance or lack of motherly love is sufficient for the child’s life to be
Therefore the quality of life, either economically, emotionally, or physically, is never
grounds for the termination of it. After all, a poor pregnant teenager, engaged to a
man who was not the father, chose to bear the Savior of the world.
framework for these compelling reasons why abortion should not be performed or
supported. Since the truth concerning the morality of abortion is with those
opposing abortion there is certainly no reason to violate any laws in our attempt to
persuade. There is no need to be argumentative or belligerent, which undermines
any attempts to instruct (cf. Proverbs 15:2).
Much of the effort to change the abortion laws has been in the political arena. To
attempt to bring political change without persuading the people of the need is a
recipe for failure. This explains why in spite of great attempts, there has been no
change in our abortion laws. We simply have failed to persuade our society about
the morality of abortion and too much of our opposition to abortion has been
counterproductive to our case.
2. We should follow the example of Jesus and His disciples.
Abortion is not new. It was actively practiced in the days of Christ and the early
church. It was also legal in the Roman Empire. Christ and His disciples did not
make it their ministry to change the government laws. They did not make it their
ministry to create moral practices among the non-Christians. They did not revolt,
they did not picket, they did not lobby.
The apostles dealt with professing Christians differently than with the world. They
understood that their role among unbelievers was redemptive, not political. They
were not seeking to moralize the unconverted, but to convert the immoral.
Therefore, the means that we should use to bring change in abortion is by seeking
to bring change in the hearts of individuals, seeking for them to turn from their sin
to faith in Christ.
We should actively oppose abortion among Christians and actively proclaim the
gospel of Christ among non-Christians. With regard to the church, our
responsibility is clearly different. We are to reprove, rebuke and exhort, with great
patience and instruction (2 Timothy 4:2). This does not mean we are
uncompassionate or unloving. In fact, we are following God’s plan for how to express
love to His people, maturing them toward Christ’s righteousness.
With regard to those who do not profess to be followers of Christ, our task must be
evangelistic. We cannot allow the abortion issue to interfere with our mandate from
God to be his ambassadors for reconciliation (2 Corinthians 5:18-20). As individuals
and together as the church we must function as followers of Christ to make the
message of the forgiveness of sins known and received among the world. We cannot
allow our desire to see every child protected from the moment it is created in the
image of God to distract us from this mission.