Rebecca Hawkins - Research Paper Template
Rebecca Hawkins - Research Paper Template
Rebecca Hawkins - Research Paper Template
Rebecca Hawkins
Introduction/Problem Statement
“The unborn child is more than a rock, tree, or animal… he is human'' (John M. Frame.)
The discussion of abotion is a very touchy subject for many, it's neither perfectly easy nor
impossibly complex. As many know, abortion is a procedure to end a pregnancy in both early or
late term. I chose this topic as my research question because it is a very important event
happening in the world. On one end, people believe it is the woman's choice, and they should be
able to make the decision for their body, but on the other end, there are people who believe it
should not be the woman choice for it's the baby's life. For me personaly, I stand aginst abortion,
and I fully belive it is wrong. A few of my questions are: does everyone have the right to life,
Literature Review
Subsection Title for This Part: Does everyone have the right to life?
Does everyone have the right to life? In Article 2 of the Human Rights Acts it confirms
protection to the rights of life. “This means that nobody, including the Government, can try to
end your life” (Equality and Human Rights Commission). Each and every person has the
inherent right to life and human dignity…. even babies. Life begins at conception. Human
development begins when the union of male and female gametes undergo fertilization, which
then the heartbeat will be heard from around 5-6 weeks of pregnancy. ‘For children, the right to
life is the chance to be able to live and have the possibility to grow, to develop and become
adults” (Humanium). Even from birth human rights are granted. Humans are all individually and
uniquely made. The baby's life is not the mothers. They are just using it to grow and develop.
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The Bible states, “before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you
apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (NIV, Jeremiah 1:5). So then one can ask,
does everyone have the right to life, does “equal before the law” from the Declaration of Human
It is not just the babies lives who are affected, what about the mothers who have gone
through an abortion? In 2004, a survey of 957 women having an abotion said the most important
reasons of having the procedure are because the timing is wrong, not ready, too young, can't
afford, already have other children, does not want to be a single mother, physical problems with
health, or possible problems affecting the health of the baby. All these reasons are
understandable however, there are many options other than going forth with an abortion.
Unplanned pregnancy can be scary and hard to face. It was for Michelle. She recounts her story
by saying, “It was November. I’d just graduated high school and was working, going to college
at night, living with my mother in Queens. I didn’t believe I could tell my mother without her
killing me… I was four months pregnant. The doctor inserted a metal tube and said I’d be
uncomfortable. The attending nurse said, “you’ll never have children after this”… It’s such a
horrific thought that anyone should feel that alone again” (New York). Many mothers feel regret
and have emotional hurt when going through an abortion. That's why it's important to take into
consideration abortion is not the only answer for mothers. Adoption is an option. There are
“somewhere between one and two million couples [who] want to adopt” (US Adoption
Statistics). No matter what. Everyone is made for a purpose and will be loved.
Murder is the unlawful premeditated killing of one human being by another. In 1973,
abortions became legal in all the U.S. with the passing of the Supreme Court Dessision of Row v.
Wade, but before this getting an abortion was illegal and a crime in many states. Under legal
definitions abortions are not unlawful and would not be defined as murder, but if done without
legal authority death of an unborn child can be legally counted as murder. From the beginning of
creation God’s perspective of murder is moral wrong for every age. The Bible states,“You shall
not murder” (NIV, Exodus 20:13). When a mother has a miscarriage, she has no control over
that, but it’s much different when a medical prodedure takes place on purpose to end the child
life. The children have no way of standing up for themselves to protect their lives. A statistic
from “American Center for Law and Justice” was 42% of all deaths worldwide last year were
from abortions. It's saddening to hear that so many children are missing the opportunity of
Learning Explanation
Abotion is one of the most controversial topics in today's society. Each person has
their opinions and beliefs, and it's important to speak up for what is right. While researching this
topic it makes me more passionate about wanting a change. Aborions are wrong. Everyone
deserves the right to life. Mothers are extremely affected and have options, and most important
abotion is murder. It has become so “normal” and “acceptable” that ending a child's life is okay,
people don't think about the fact that it is a human life just like you and me. The Bible states,
“For you created my inner being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb” (NIV, Psalm
139:13). God created us and has a plan for our life before we are even conceived, we are to be
What About The Babies? 5
shown as examples of God's love and mercy. I pray things begin to change and the people in
control will face consequences for the evil act going on in the world.
What About The Babies? 6
“Equality and Human Rights Commission.” Home Page | Equality and Human Rights
Winter, Meaghan. “26 Women Share Their Abortion Stories -- New York Magazine -