1990 - Method For Accelerated Leaching of Solidified Waste
1990 - Method For Accelerated Leaching of Solidified Waste
1990 - Method For Accelerated Leaching of Solidified Waste
IDE91 005928
November 1990
This report was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United
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An accelerated leach test method has been developed to determine the maximum teachability of
solidified v/aste. The approach we have taken is to use a semi-dynamic leach test; that is, the leachant is sampled
and replaced periodically. Parameters such as temperature, leachant volume, and specimen size are used to
obtain releases that are accelerated relative to other standard leach tests and to the leaching of full-scale waste
forms. The data obtained with this test can be used to model releases from waste forms, or to extrapolate from
laboratory-scale to full-scale waste forms if diffusion is the dominant leaching mechanism. Diffusion can be
confirmed as the leaching mechanism by using a computerized mathematical model for diffusion from a finite
cylinder. We have written a computer program containing several models including diffusion to accompany this
test. The program and a Users' Guide that gives screen-by-screen instructions on the use of the program are
available from the authors.
Table of Contents
1.1 Need 2
1.2 Scope 2
1.3 Approach 2
4.1 Incremental Fraction Leached 9
4.2 Cumulative Fraction Leached 9
4.3 Diffusion Coefficient 10
4.4 Relationship of Temperature to Leaching 11
4.5 Other Models 12
4.6 Empirical Correlation 13
List of Figures
Figure 1. A schematic of the concepts used to combine experimental and modeling approaches 3
Figure 2. The Cumulative Fraction Leached plotted versus Time. The top of the plot (CFL=1)
represents 100% release 10
Figure 3. An example of an Arrhenius plot showing the y-axis as the logarithm of the effective
diffusion coefficient, De, and tbe x-axis as the reciprocal of absolute temperature. This
figure is for Sr-85 leaching from a cement waste form and indicates that there is a linear
relationship between the data and temperature to 65°C (X=2.95) 12
Figure 4. Plotting cumulative fraction leached (CFL) from the accelerated test as a function of the
CFL from the reference test (20° C) will produce a straight line if the leaching mechanism
has not changed 13
List of Tables
Leachability is an important factor in evaluating the safety, acceptability, and environmental impacts of
radionuclides from solidified waste. Leachability is assessed by carrying out a leach test to directly measure the
release of radionuclides (or an inactive analog), into an aqueous medium as a function of time.
The choice of test methods is generally governed by the use to which the results are to be put. The
major applications for test results are:
Thus, a wide variety of test methods have been developed and adopted in response to local requirements. Static
tests, such as the MCC-1 [1], do not require replacement of the leachant and are used to determine solubility
limits. Flow-through tests, such as the MCC-4 [2] provide continuous change of leachant to maximize releases
by maintaining minimal radionuclide concentrations in the leachant. The ANS 16.1 [3] and the IAEA [4] tests
are semidynamic tests, and achieve similar objectives by prescribing changes in the leachant at regular intervals.
Both the flow-through and the semidynamic tests attempt to provide a measure of the intrinsic property of the
material, namely the net forward leach rate. Generally, this rate is expressed as a diffusion coefficient. However,
no leach test has any means of determining if leaching actually takes place through diffusion or other
mechanisms. Without such knowledge for specific waste form materials, no extrapolations can be made using
models of leaching mechanisms. The accelerated leach test described here combines experimental and modeling
approaches to analyzing leaching processes. It provides the experimental conditions needed to determine if
diffusion is the leaching mechanism, as well as a computer program with models to analyze the data.
Many of the concepts used in the development of this test method are similar to those outlined
independently in ASTM Standard Practice E632-82 entitled "Developing Accelerated Tests to Aid Prediction of
the Service Life of Building Components and Materials" [5]. Publications describing the studies to determine
the effectiveness of factors that accelerate leaching and their influence on leaching mechanisms can be found in
references 6-12.
1.1 Need
These are insufficient data to provide a basis for adequately assessing the long-term leaching behavior
of solidified waste forms in aqueous environments. With recent emphasis on source term analysis and
assessment of disposal site performance, there is an urgent need for a reliable, short-term test to predict long-
term teachability.
12 Scope
This test gives an accelerated determination of the maximum teachability of solidified waste. The
method is applicable to any material that does not degrade, deform, or in which there is no change in the
mechanism of leaching during the test.
The data obtained with this test can be used to model long-term releases from waste forms, or to
extrapolate from laboratory-scale to full-scale waste forms if diffusion is the dominant leaching mechanism.
Diffusion can be confirmed as the leaching mechanism by using a computerized mathematical model for diffusion
from a finite cylinder. We have written a computer program containing several models including diffusion to
accompany this test. The program, and a User's Guide [13] that gives screen-by-screen instructions on the use
of the program, are available. The models used in the program are described in Appendix A of the User's
The results do not apply to releases in specific disposal environments unless tests are conducted to
determine the leaching mechanism under those conditions. Projections of releases require the long-term stability
of the waste form, which may not be revealed adequately by short-term tests.
13 Approach
The approach we have taken is to use a semi-dynamic leach test; that is, the leachant is sampled and
replaced periodically. Parameters such as temperature, leachant volume, and specimen size are used to obtain
releases that are accelerated relative to other standard leach tests and to the leaching of full-scale waste forms.
The results of this accelerated test can be extrapolated to long times if the data from tests run at high
temperatures (50CC) and those run at the reference temperature (20 °C) can be modeled by diffusion. A
computer program plots the experimental data and a curve calculated from an effective diffusion coefficient for
diffusion from a finite cylinder (Figure 1). If the data from the accelerated tests, the reference test, and the
modeled curve fit within defined criteria, diffusion is taken to be the leaching mechanism. In this case, the model
can be used to project releases from full-scale waste forms for long times. The accelerated test provides a
measure of the maximum fractional release to which the modeled data can be extrapolated. By generating data
over a specified temperature range, an Arrhenius plot can be produced, allowing projections at temperatures
ether than those tested. If the diffusion model cannot fit the data, other models (diffusion plus partitioning and
solubility limited) can be used to suggest the leaching mechanism that controls releases; no extrapolations are
allowed with these models. If no model fits the data, then an alternative graphical comparison of the data is
recommended. A linear plot of modeled CFL plotted against experimental CFL verifies that the accelerated data
is comparable to the reference data, showing that the accelerated test is appropriate; with this technique, no
extrapolation of data can be made.
accelerated reference
test data test data
calculate De calculate De
fit to model fit to model
plot accelerated
releases to <h data versus
full-scale reference data
| releases to
long times
use model
releases to for use test do not use
temperature <h equation <h projections data test data
Figure 1. A schematic of the concepts used to combine experimental and modeling approaches.
Any container is suitable in which to conduct the leach test provided it does not react with the
leachant/leachate and does not adsorb significant quantities of the species of interest. We found high density
polyethylene to be a suitable material. The top of the container should fit tightly to ensure that evaporative
losses are less than 1% over 24 hours.
22 Environmental Chamber
The temperature of the leachant should be controlled to ±1°C of the designated test temperature. A
forced air environmental chamber or a circulating water bath is recommended.
23 Leachant Specification
The leachant should be distilled or deionized water that meets or exceeds standards for types II or III
reagent water, as specified in ASTM D1193 [14J.
2.4 Specimen
Specimens should be right circular cylinders with a diameter-to-height ratio between 1:1 and 1:2. (A
convenient size is 2.5 cm diameter by 25 cm height.) Smaller sizes result in problems of mixing and produce
inhomogeneous samples.
Specimens should be representative of the full-scale solidified waste form and prepared using the same
techniques. Particular attention should be paid to ensuring that the laboratory specimen is homogeneous.
Curing conditions, especially the temperatures experienced by the large waste forms, should be duplicated. Care
should be taken to assure that surfaces of the laboratory specimens reflect the structure of surfaces of large waste
forms, that is, surfaces that are cast against container walls as opposed to free or cut surfaces.
After removing the specimen from the container or mold in which it was made, any excess material
should be removed before weighing the specimen. The mold should be rinsed in a volume of water equal to the
volume of the specimen. If the activity in the rinse water represents more than 0.5% of the total activity
contained in the specimens, the activity of the rinse water should be subtracted from the source term (AQ).
32 Leachant Volume
The leachant volume used for each interval should be 100 times the surface area of the specimen as
calculated below:
This ratio requires a large volume of water, for example, a specimen that is 2.5 cm in diameter x 2.5 cm in height
has a surface area of approximately 30 cm2, giving a leachant volume of 3000 ml.
33 Specimen Support
The specimen shall be positioned in the leachant container so that it is in the upper portion of the
leachant. The support should be made of non-reactive material, and should not impede leaching by obstructing
the surface area of the specimen by more than 1%. Moreover, it should not interfere with replacement of the
One method is to suspend the specimen from the top of the container. A string is tied around the
specimen and the free end passed through a small hole in the container cover and secured; the hole is sealed
to prevent evaporation.
3.4 Temperature
Elevated temperatures can be used with the accelerated leach test to increase leaching. For materials
and formulations that have not been previously tested, tests should be conducted at a minimum of three
temperatures (one of which should be 20 °C) to establish that leaching increases systematically with higher
temperatures. The recommended maximum temperature is 50 °C, which is below the threshold of anomalous
releases observed so far [6]. Temperatures above the maximum recommended can be used if it is demonstrated
that releases follow the trend observed at lower temperatures.
The time when the specimen is first placed in the leachant should be noted, and the leachant replaced
at the intervals shown in Table 1. The leachant should be brought to the test temperature before the specimen
is placed in it.
1 2 hours ± 5% 2 hours
2 5 hours ± 5% 7 hours
3 17 hours ± 2% lday
4 1 day ± 2% 2 days
5 lday±2% 3 days
6 1 day ± 2% 4 days
7 1 day ± 2% 5 days
8 1 day ± 2% 6 days
9 1 day ± 2% 7 days
10 1 day ± 2% 8 days
11 1 day ± 2% 9 days
12 1 day ± 2% 10 days
13 1 day ± 2% 11 days
If the specimen is suspended from the container top as described, the most convenient method of
changing the leachant is to lift off the cover (with the specimen attached) and place it on a new container full
of fresh leachant. The new container (with the specimen) then can be replaced in the temperature-controlled
environment, and the leachate in the old container sampled. During changes, the specimen should be exposed
to air for as short a time as possible to minimize reactions with air (e.g., carbonation of cement specimens).
3-6 Leachate Sampling
Immediately after the specimen has been moved to fresh water, the old leachate should be stirred
thoroughly and sampled to minimize any artifacts caused by cooling (e.g. precipitation). These samples will be
used to determine the quantities of the species of interest that have leached from the specimens during each
interval and should be appropriately preserved for the analyses. This may require that several aliquots be taken
at each sampling. If significant amounts of particulates are present in the leachate, it is necessary to account for
the activity associated with the particulates.
Analysis of species in the leachate will be conducted by standard methods. Appropriate standards should
be used for analysis. If necessary, standards should be prepared to match the matrix elements in the samples.
For radioactive specimens, the preferred method of analysis includes the use of a standard prepared from
dilutions of an aliquot of the original solution (or waste) used to make the specimens. With this method,
leachate samples can be counted relative to standards and without the need for absolute standards and
knowledge of detector efficiencies.
Several parameters can be calculated from the data obtained. The incremental fraction leached (IFL)
is calculated by the following equation:
a,, is the quantity of a species observed in the leachate at any given interval. This value is
corrected for radioactive decay to the time of the beginning of the test.
AQ is the source term, the total original quantity contained in the leaching specimen at the
beginning of the test.
The rate of release for any interval can be calculated by dividing IFL by the elapsed time. The rate can
then be divided by the surface area of the specimen to obtain the fraction released per square centimeter per
which is the sum of the fractions of all activity leached during the test. This value for each interval, plotted as
a function of cumulative time, provides a useful means of graphically comparing data to other test results and
to modeling results. An example of this type of plot is shown in Figure 2.
1 ft
Cumulative Fraction Leached
A A A *
0.6 - A
0.4 A
n n i i i i i
6 10 12
Time (days)
Figure 2. The Cumulative Fraction Leached plotted versus Time. The top of the plot
(CFL=1) represents 100% release.
43 Diffusion Coefficient
This test has an associated computer program that calculates an optimized effective diffusion coefficient
based on the solution to diffusion from the finite cylinder (see Appendix A in reference 13). The computer
program optimizes the calculation of D e from the test data so that the curve 5\/AQ calculated from D e can be
plotted against time and readily compared to the data itself. This should be done for data from the accelerated
test and from the reference test. If the curves of the data and the model all fall within a designated value
describing "goodness of fit," then it can be concluded that diffusion is the dominant leaching mechanism. In this
case, the model can be used to project releases to long times. This projection assumes that the waste form
remains intact and the leaching mechanism does not change with time.
The "goodness of fit" of the model to the data is determined by calculating the sum of the residuals
between the optimized model curve and the experimental data. The sum of the residuals is expressed as E R ,
which is a percentage of the final CFL value of the experimental data. With a perfect fit of the model to the
data, E R will be zero. A value of E R equal to or less than 0.5% is taken, to mean that the diffusion model
accurately represents the data.
Elevated temperatures can be used with the accelerated leach test to accelerate releases from specimens;
consequently, the leach rate must show a positive and predictable relation; hip to increasing temperature. Leach
tests run at elevated temperatures provide a maximum value of CFL to which the projections made with the
models are limited. This approach is acceptable only when the dati taken at 20° C and at the higher
temperatures can be described by the diffusion model.
Theoretically, the temperature dependence of a chemical process, in this case leaching, as expressed by
the diffusion coefficient D e , depends on the Arrhenius equation:
D e = A exp -E a /RT
D e = effective diffusion coefficient at T
A = constant
E a = activation energy in kcal/mole
R = gas constant
T = temperature in degrees kelvin
From this equation, diffusion coefficients determined from experiments conducted at varying temperatures are
plotted on a log scale against 1/T (Kelvin), as shown in Figure 3. A linear plot shows that the increase in
leaching is proportional to the increase in temperature. This linear relationship means that:
1) the leaching mechanism, as well as the structural controls on leaching (e.g. tortuosity and porosity)
are unchanged by increasing temperature, and
2) diffusion coefficients can be calculated for temperatures other than those tested.
If elevated temperatures are to be used, it must be demonstrated that a linear relationship exists on the
Arrhenius plot for each material tested. In some cases, the plot may not be linear at elevated temperatures.
This effect can limit the maximum test temperature. For all materials, the relationship of leaching to elevated
temperature must be determined for at least three points to ascertain that the maximum temperature used is
mechanistically acceptable. A convenient maximum temperature is 50 °C, although in some cases a lower
temperature is required to conserve the leaching mechanism [6].
De (om /seo)
1.0E-09 -
2.8 2.9 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5
Temperature. 1/T(K) x 1000
Figure 3. An example of an Arrhenius plot showing the y-axis as the logarithm of the effective
diffusion coefficient, De, and the x-axis as the reciprocal of absolute temperature. This
figure is for Sr-85 leaching from a cement waste form and indicates that there is a linear
relationship between the data and temperature to 65 °C (X=2.95).
The computer program that accompanies this test method contains two modek in addition to the two
diffusion models. One model partitions the source term into a leachable component and an unleachable
component, and then uses the diffusion models to determine releases from the leachable portion. The other
model determines if solubility constraints are limiting leaching. This model produces a graph of incremental
fraction leached plotted as a function of time. Both models are described in Appendix A of the User's Guide
[13]. Although the partition model allows extrapolation of releases based on the leachable fraction of the source
term, neither the partitioning model nor the solubility model should be used to make projections. Rather, these
models are intended to suggest if mechanisms other than simple diffusion are controlling releases.
If the data and the model do not provide a good fit, indicating that diffusion is not the leaching
mechanism, an empirical approach can be taken to compare releases from tests at elevated temperature with
releases from reference tests at 20 °C. This comparison is done by plotting CFL from the accelerated test on
the y-axis of a graph and CFL from the reference test on the x-axis. The points are matched according to
interval. If this scatter plot results in a linear graph, the data from the two tests can be compared and the results
of the accelerated test can be said to accurately reflect the data from the reference test. An example is shown
in Figure 4. However, this method of correlation cannot be used to extrapolate the data to long times.
Figure 4. Plotting cumulative fraction leached (CFL) from the accelerated test as a function of the
CFL from the reference test (20° C) will produce a straight line if the leaching mechanism
has not changed.
1. Materials Characterization Center, MCC-ls Static Leach Test, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, Richland,
WA, August 1980.
2. Materials Characterization Center, MCC-4s Low-Flow-Rate Leach Test Method, Pacific Northwest
Laboratory, Richland, WA, September 1981.
4. Hespe, E.D., "Leach Testing of Immobilized Radioactive Waste Solids, A Proposal for a Standard
Method." Atomic Energy Review. Vol. 9, No. 1, pp. 195-207, April 1971.
5. American Society for Testing and Materials, "Standard Practice for Developing Accelerated Tests to Aid
Prediction of the Service Life of Building Components and Materials," E632-82. Annual Book of ASTM
Standards. Vol. 04.07, pp. 630-637, ASTM, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103,1983.
6. Fuhrmann, M., Pietrzak, R.F., Franz, E.M., Heiser, J.H. and Colombo, P., "Optimization of the Factors
that Accelerated Leaching," Topical Report, BNL-52204, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New
York 11973, March 1989.
7. Pietrzak, R.F., Fuhrmann, M., Franz, E.M., Heiser, J.H. and Colombo, P., "Accelerated Leach Testing
of Radionuclides from Solidified Low-Level Waste," BNL-42121, Presented at the American Chemical
Society Meeting, Dallas, Texas, April 9-14,1989.
8. Fuhrmann, M., Pietrzak, R.F., Heiser, J.H., Franz, E.M. and Colombo, P., "Development of an
Accelerated Leach Test," BNL-41893, In: Waste Management '89, Volume 2. R. Post and M. Wacks
(editors) pages 305-309, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 1989.
9. Dougherty, D., Pietrzak, R.F., Fuhrmann, M., and Colombo, P., "An Experimental Survey of the Factors
that Affect Leaching from Low-Level Radioactive Waste Forms," Topical Report, BNL 52125,
Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, September 1988.
10. Dougherty, D., Pietrzak, R.F., Fuhrmann, M. and Colombo, P., "Accelerated Leach Test(s) Program,"
Annual Report, BNL-52042, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, September
11. Dougherty, D.R. and Colombo, P., "Leaching Mechanisms of Solidified Low-Level Waste, The Literature
Survey," BNL-51899, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 19973, June 1985.
12. Dougherty, D.R., Fuhrmann, M. and Colombo, P., "Accelerated Leach Test(s) Program," Annual
Report, BNL-51955, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, New York 11973, September 1985.
13. Fuhrmann, M., Heiser, J.H., Pietrzak, R.F., Franz, E.M., and Colombo, P., User's Guide for the
Accelerated Leach Test Computer Program, BNL - 52267, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY
11973, August 1990.
14. American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Specification for Reagent Water, ASTM D1193-
77, In: Part 31 "Water." 1982 Annual Book of ASTM Standards, pages 29-31, ASTM, 1916 Race Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19103,1982.
Acceleration Factor. Ratio calculated as the time required to reach a certain Cumulative Fraction Leached
for an accelerated leach test divided by the time required by a reference leach test to reach that same
Accelerated Leach TesL A leach test that provides greater release rates than those obtained through
standard leach tests. Conditions such as elevated temperature and increased volume of leachant can be used
Cumulative Fraction Leached (CFL). The sum of the fractions leached during all sampling intervals
calculated as:
Diffusion Coefficient (Diffusivity) Based on Fick's Laws for diffusion, the diffusion coefficient is the ratio of
the rate of transfer of a diffusing substance through the unit area of a section to the concentration gradient
Diffusion Model. Computer algorithm using diffusion theory to describe leaching. Two diffusion models are
used in the ALT program: diffusion from a semi-infinite medium, and diffusion from a cylinder.
Dissolution Model. Computer algorithm that statistically analyses IFL values throughout an experiment by
calculating a mean and the distribution about the mean. A consistent value of IFL indicates solubility
Effective Diffusion Coefficient. (Effective Diffusivity) The diffusion coefficient that results from diffusion as
it is modified by other processes (e.g. adsorption) or physical constraints (tortuosity and constrictivity). The
Finite Cylinder. (Finite Medium) A bounded body for which the diffusion equation can be solved.
Goodness-of-Fit. An expression indicating how closely a curve generated by a model represents a data curve.
In the ALT program, goodness-of-fit is represented quantitatively (for the diffusion model and the partition
model) by the value E R . This is the sum-of-the-residuals expressed as a percentage of the final CFL of the
experimental data. For the dissolution model, goodness-of-fit is indicated by the size of the distribution
about a mean value of CFL. That distribution is described by the standard deviation, expressed as the
coefficient of variation.
Incremental Fraction Leached (IFL). The fraction leached of a species of interest during a single sampling
Leachant The liquid in contact with the specimen during a leach test or in contact with a waste form in the
disposal environment.
Leachate. The leachant after contacting the specimen or the waste form.
Leaching. The process (or processes) by which mass transport from a solid to a liquid takes place.
Leaching Interval. The time during which a given volume of leachant is in contact with a specimen.
Leaching Mechanism. The process which controls the rate of mass t.. nsport out of a specimen.
Partition Model. Computer algorithm, based on the diffusion models, that reduces the source term of the
model. If the data fits this model, it implies that the species-of-interest is contained in two fractions: one
Reference Leach Test The results of a leach test conducted under defined conditions which are used as a
standard for comparison with the results of other leach tests (e.g. accelerated).
Semi-dynamic Leach Test A leach test that exposes the specimen to fresh leachant on a periodic schedule.
Semi-infinite Medium. A body, used in diffusion theory, the outer boundary of which is effectively at an
Solidification Agent A material used to process waste into a solid, stable waste form.
Source Term. The original concentration of a species of interest in a specimen or a waste form, before
Sum-of-ths-Residuals. The difference, taken at each data point, between the CFL of the model and the CFL
Surface Area. For purposes of this test method, surface area is defined as the geometric surface area of a
Volume. For purposes of this test method, volume is defined as the volume of a specimen calculated from
Waste Form. A stable, solid body formed by the waste and solidification agent and meeting specifications
for disposal.