Circular Base Plateswitha Gapunder Large Eccentric Load

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Circular Base Plates with a Gap under Large Eccentric Load

Article  in  Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures · January 2012

DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2012.677107

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3 authors, including:

Ali A Gholampour Morteza Naghipour

Flinders University Babol Noshirvani University of Technology


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Circular Base Plates with a Gap under Large Eccentric

a b b
A. A. Gholampour , M. Naghipour & A. Sobati
School of Civil Engineering , University of Tehran , Tehran , Iran
Department of Civil Engineering , Babol University of Technology , Babol , Iran
Accepted author version posted online: 05 Jul 2012.Published online: 04 Dec 2013.

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To cite this article: A. A. Gholampour , M. Naghipour & A. Sobati (2014) Circular Base Plates with a Gap under Large
Eccentric Load, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures, 21:2, 88-97, DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2012.677107

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Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures (2014) 21, 88–97
C Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

ISSN: 1537-6494 print / 1537-6532 online

DOI: 10.1080/15376494.2012.677107

Circular Base Plates with a Gap under Large Eccentric Load

School of Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran
Department of Civil Engineering, Babol University of Technology, Babol, Iran

Received 6 March 2011; accepted 1 June 2011.

Circular base plates are commonly used for cylindrical columns, such as pylons in cabled-stayed bridges, lighting poles, electric power
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line posts, and even buildings. In some structures and conditions, a little gap is considered between the base plate and foundation. In
this case, the whole forces are transmitted to the foundation via bolts. There are several explicit methods for design of rectangular
base plates, which can be found in the AISC steel design guide series and in many other books, but an explicit method has not yet been
presented for design of circular base plates. Therefore, in this study, we propose a procedure for designing circular base plates with
large eccentric loads in which there is a little gap between base plate and foundation through analytical and numerical methods. It is
assumed that the utmost compressive anchor bolt reaches to the allowable compressive stress and also critical section for calculation
of base plate thickness to be the edge of the column. Comparison of theoretical and finite element analysis confirms the assumptions.
Considered parameters in this study are the axial load and its eccentricity, thickness of base plate, and diameter of anchor bolts. It is
concluded that the mentioned status is very useful for columns with large eccentric axial forces, because it causes the thickness of the
base plate to be less in comparison with the other cases in which a gap is not considered.
Keywords: circular base plate, compressive anchor bolt, large eccentric load, finite element analysis, gap

Nomenclature B = distance of last tensile anchor bolt to column middle

P = applied column axial force
Ti = tensile force of i-th tensile anchor bolt
T = tensile force resultant
Fj = compressive force of j-th compressive anchor bolt
F = compressive force resultant
␴i = stress in i-th tensile anchor bolt
M = applied bending moment
␴j = stress in j-th compressive anchor bolt
e = eccentric value
εT = strain of utmost tensile anchor bolt
R = radius of circular base plate
εF = strain of utmost compressive anchor bolt
x = distance between neutral axis and last tensile anchor
Fb = allowable bending stress of base plate
FT = allowable tensile stress of the anchor bolts
A = distance between compressive force resultant and col-
Fy = yielding stress of the anchor bolt
umn middle axis
t = thickness of base plate
A = distance between tensile force resultant and column
r = vertical distance from center of compressive anchor
middle axis
bolts to the edge of column
a = radius of column
l = length of the compressive part of strip
nT = half of the total number of tensile anchor bolts
W = section modulus of base plate
nF = half of the total number of compressive anchor bolts
Mbc = bending moment of base plate at critical condition
i = counter for tensile anchor bolts which varies from 2
fc = 28 days compressive strength of cylindrical concrete
to n T
j = counter for compressive anchor bolts that varies from
fb = available bending stress
2 to n F
Es = elasticity modulus of steel
yi = distance of i-th tensile anchor bolt to column middle
Ab = section area of each anchor bolt
Ac = compressive area of the base plate
yj = distance of j-th compressive anchor bolt to column
middle axis
1. Introduction

Address correspondence to Ali Akbar Gholampour, School of In general, steel columns are placed on the foundation with
Civil Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. E-mail: steel plates; these plates are involved, on the one hand, with a column sat on it and, on the other hand, with a concrete
Circular Base Plates 89

foundation below it and they are connected by anchor bolts until full contact is established between the base plate and
[1]. Since steel columns undergo the large stresses due to high foundation; in practice, making these conditions is almost
resistance, and concrete has no ability to endure these stresses, difficult and impossible.
a base plate is therefore used for increasing the force transmis- In some specific places, it is required that the column be
sion level to the foundation and reducing it to the allowable installed as an oriented form. Therefore, by considering the
limit of foundation materials’ strength [2]. column position, the large bending moment is transmitted to
Depending on the cross section of the column, there are the foundation, which it needs for a big, strong foundation
several types of base plates (for example rectangular and cir- and thick base plate. Consequently, by paying attention to
cular base plates) usually used. Circular base plates are com- the mentioned conditions, if a small gap is used between the
monly used for cylindrical columns, such as pylons in cabled- base plate and foundation, it would cause the anchor bolts to
stayed bridges, lighting poles, electric power line posts, and transfer compressive forces to the foundation, and, therefore,
even buildings, and rectangular base plates are usually used the following results would occur:
for steel columns with I or W sections [3, 4].
There are several types of loading states in columns, such • Limitation of compressive stress reaches from 0.7 fc to the
as pure axial force, axial force with small eccentric, and axial anchor bolt’s allowable compressive stress, which equals
force with large eccentric. In the case of a pure compressive to 0.6Fy (Fy is the yielding stress of the anchor bolt) [5].
axial load, compressive stress distribution is transferred uni- Therefore, more compressive force can be transferred to the
Downloaded by [Dokuz Eylul University ] at 03:36 05 July 2015

formly to the foundation. In the case of small eccentricity, the

total zone of the base plate is still compressive but the stress • There is not any need for preparation and scouring of the
distribution is linear, and finally, in the case of large eccentric- surface for full and pure contact.
ity, compressive stress is linearly distributed and a part of the • By adjustment of the nuts used below the plate, it can
base plate would be tensile. It means that the tensile forces are reached the desired height and angle.
transmitted via tensile bolts to the foundation [2–4]. In this study, a little gap between the base plate and founda-
Usually there is no gap between plate and foundation in the tion is considered and a new procedure for design of columns
design of base plates. By considering the stress distribution in with a large eccentric axial load (axial load with large bending
this status, tensile forces are transferred by anchor bolts and moment) is presented, and the results are compared with finite
compressive forces are transferred by base plate to foundation. element analysis accomplished by the ANSYS program. To do
As a result, by considering the maximum tolerable contact these, it is supposed that the utmost compressive anchor bolt
stress of concrete foundations according to AISC code, which reaches the maximum value of the compressive force and the
is equal to 0.7 fc (where fc is 28 days compressive strength compressive zone of the base plate reaches the critical status,
of cylindrical concrete specimen), the maximum quantity of simultaneously.
transferable compressive force to the foundation will be limited
to 0.7 fc Ac (where Ac is compressive area of the base plate).
Therefore, the size and thickness of the base plate can be 2. Proposed Method
determined by this allowable compressive stress [5–7].
In the past, Liu presented an approximate method for The following assumptions are used in the proposed method:
design of circular base plates with large eccentric load; in • Elastic behavior.
his study, two equilibrium equations have been driven and • The whole stresses (compressive and tensile stresses) are
an iteration approach was used to solve these equations [3]. transmitted to the foundation via anchor bolts.
Thambiratnam and Paramasivam presented an experimental • The utmost compressive bolt reaches to the allowable com-
investigation on behavior of base plates under the action of pressive stress.
axial loads and moments by eccentric loading on the column • The critical section for calculation of the base plate thick-
[2]. After them, Penserini and Colson presented an analytical ness to be considered is the edge of the column.
model based on their results, which had a good agreement [7].
Kontoleon et al. evaluated the structural response of a col- Consider the column and circular base plate with two an-
umn base plate’s connections by means of a two-dimensional chor bolts in which the eccentric of axial load is large, as in Fig-
model within a nonsmooth mechanics theoretical frame- ure 1. Being enlarged, the eccentricity means that e > R2 /4 y ,
work [8]. Thambiratnam and Krishnamurthy investigated where e is eccentric value (bending moment divided to axial
three-dimensional finite element analysis by using a special load), R is radius of circular base plate, and y is distance of
purpose program (FEABOC) on column base plates under tensile anchor bolt to the middle axis of the column. Accord-
axial loads and moments [9]. And finally, Ermopoulos and ing to Figure 1, when the axial load and large bending moment
Stamatopoulos studied the effect of increased axial load on are applied to the column, a number of the anchor bolts are
the column base connections [10] and proposed an analytical exposed to tension and others to compression. In Figure 2,
modeling based on the mathematical model for column base the strain distribution is shown for a column and base plate
plates under cyclic loading [11]. in which the eccentric is larger than R2 /4 y1 , where y1 is the
With regard to the design of circular base plates without distance of the last tensile anchor bolt to the middle axis of
a gap, it is assumed that the whole compressive force from the column.
the base plate is transmitted to the foundation by contact. By considering Figure 2, existing equilibrium equations are
Therefore, its surface should be exactly smooth, flat, and clean as follows:
90 A. A. Gholampour et al.

P Now, we show that these unknowns are the function of

distance x in Figure 2 (distance between neutral axis and last
Mlarge tensile anchor bolt).
By using geometric relations, A and A are determined as
follows [12]:

 T1 y1 + 2 in=2 Ti yi
A = n T , (3)
y R T1 + 2 i =2 Ti
F1 y1 + 2 nj =2 F j yj
A= n F , (4)
T F F1 + 2 j =2 F j

Fig. 1. Free body diagram of available forces in effect of the axial where n T is half number of the total tensile anchor bolts; n F
force with large eccentric. is half number of the total compressive anchor bolts; i is a
counter for tensile anchor bolts, which varies from 2 to n T ; j
I. Force equilibrium equation in direction of vertical on sheet is a counter for compressive anchor bolts, which varies from 2
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plane: to n F ; T1 is tensile force in the utmost tensile anchor bolt; F1 is

compressive force in the utmost compressive anchor bolt; yi is
 the distance of ith tensile anchor bolt to column middle axis;
Fn = 0 → P + T = F, (1)
y j is the distance of jth compressive anchor bolt to column
middle axis; Ti is the tensile force of ith tensile anchor bolt;
where P is column axial force, T is tensile force resultant for and F j is the compressive force of jth compressive anchor
tensile anchor bolts, and F is compressive force resultant for bolt.
compressive anchor bolts. According to Figure 2, strain relations for every tensile and
II. Moment equilibrium equation: compressive anchor bolt can be written using the geometric
 similarity relation as follows [12]:
M= p.e
Mo = 0 → M = T.A + F.A −−−→ P.e = T.A + F.A,
(2) yi − B + x
εi = ε T . , (5)
where A is the distance of the tensile force resultant to column yj + B − x
ε j = εF . , (6)
middle axis, A is the distance of the compressive force resultant 2B − x
to column middle axis, and M is applied bending moment.
where εT is the strain of utmost tensile anchor bolt, ε F is the
R strain of utmost compressive anchor bolt, and B is equal to
a y1 .
On the other hand, by considering Young’s equation be-
j tween stress and strain, tensile and compressive forces are
1 1
written as follows [13]:

nT j
yi − B + x yi − B + x
Ti = Es .εT . .Ab = T1 . , (7)
x x
P yj + B − x yj + B − x
F j = Es .ε F . .Ab = F1 . . (8)
M 2B − x 2B − x

Now, by substituting Eq. (7) into Eq. (3) and Eq. (8) into
A A Eq. (4), the following equations are obtained:
n T
T1 . yi −B+x
T1 y1 + 2 .yi

 i =2
F A = n T
, (9)
T1 + 2 i =2 T1 . yi −B+x
n F y j +B−x
2B F1 y1 + 2 j =2 F1 . 2B−x
.y j
A= n F y j +B−x
. (10)
F1 + 2 j =2 F1 . 2B−x
Fig. 2. Strain distribution in the base plate section.
Circular Base Plates 91

By simplification, Eqs. (9) and (10) are transformed as neutral axis

follows: compressive
T zone
 xB + 2 in=2 (yi − B + x)yi
A = n T , (11) nT nF
x + 2 i =2 (yi − B + x)
 F i
B(2B − x) + 2 nj =2  (y j + B − x)y j 2
A= n F . (12)
(2B − x) + 2 j =2 (y j + B − x) 1 1

Therefore, according to Eqs. (11) and (12), A and A are the

functions of x. i 2
nT nF j
By calculating tensile and compressive forces resultant by
using Eqs. (7) and (8), we will have the following equations:

nT nT
yi − B + x
T = T1 + 2 Ti = T1 1 + 2 , (13)
x t
i =2 i =2
⎛ ⎞
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nF nF
y + B − x Fig. 3. Compressive zone in the base plate section.
F j = F1 ⎝1 + 2 ⎠ , (14)
F = F1 + 2
2B − x
j =2 j =2
where r is the vertical distance from center of compressive an-
Therefore, according to Eqs. (13) and (14), T and F are chor bolts to the edge of the column.
the function of x, but still T1 and F1 are unknowns in these In Eq. (16), the section modulus W would be calculated
equations. We suppose that the anchor bolt of 1 reaches to based on the relevant strip of the compressive part of the
allowable compressive stress, which is equal to 0.6Fy .Ab [5]. column’s edge. If it is considered that the length of the com-
Consequently, the whole Eq. (2) will be the function of x, pressive part of strip is equal to l, the parameters a and l can
in which solving this equation is accomplished by using trial be calculated according to Figure 5 as:
and error iteration for different values of x.
Finally, the allowable tensile stress of the utmost anchor

bolt can be controlled by the following equation [5]: ␣ = cos , ␪ = 2␲ − 2␣, (18)

T −1 B−x
T1 = Tmax = n T ≤ FT .Ab , (15) l = a.␪ = 2a. ␲ − cos , (19)
yi −B+x a
1+2 i =2 x

where FT is allowable tensile stress of the anchor bolts. where a is the column radius.
One of the important purposes in the design of base plates is By considering the section modulus and Eqs. (18) and (19),
calculation of the base plate’s thickness; it can be calculated in after simplification, the following relation is obtained for cal-
the proposed method by determination of x. The relation for culation of the base plate thickness t:
calculating base plate’s thickness is derived from the following
equation [5]:
t≥  , (20)
Mbc a.Fb . ␲ − cos−1 B−x
fb = ≤ Fb , (16)
in which this equation is only the function of x.
where Mbc is bending moment of the base plate at the critical
condition, W is the section modulus of base plate, fb is avail-
able bending stress, and Fb is allowable bending stress of the
base plate (see Figure 3).
In Eq. (16), calculating the Mbc is important. In this study,
r r
it is considered that the critical section in bending is the edge of
the column, where in this section moment and curvature have r
maximum values. Consequently, bending moment of the base r
plate at a critical condition can be expressed as: Mbc = sum
of the compressive anchor bolts moment around the column r
(see Figure 4). r r
Therefore, according to Figure 4, this bending moment can
be calculated as:

Mbc = F1 .r + 2F2 .r + ... = F.r, (17) Fig. 4. Moment arm (r ) for calculation of Mbc .
92 A. A. Gholampour et al.

x - e , P = 15 ton


x (cm)
30 R=40
B x
20 R=50

Fig. 5. Compressive part of the critical strip. R=60


100 150 200 250 300
3. Presenting Theoretical Results
e (cm)
After analytical computations and considering functions
F, T, x, and t, a computer program was written in MATLAB, Fig. 7. Variation of x about e both in (centimeter) for P = 15 ton.
and nine numerical examples were solved to observe how these
Downloaded by [Dokuz Eylul University ] at 03:36 05 July 2015

parameters could change when loading or radius of the base

plate is changed. To do so, a plate was supposed with 12 bolts t - e , P = 15 ton
of 10 cm2 in area, which were placed at 5 cm of the edge of the
plate. 8.0
Three cases are assumed in which the ratio of R/a is 2: 7.8
• The results by varying F, x, and t for P = 15 ton are as 7.4
shown in Figures 6–8. 7.2
t (cm)

• The results by varying F, x, and t for P = 30 ton are as 7.0 R=40

shown in Figures 9–11. 6.8
• The results by varying F, x, and t for P = 45 ton are as 6.6
shown in Figures 12–14. 6.4

According to these figures, by increasing the eccentricity
(bending moment) with a constant value of radius R, the fol-
130 180 230 280
lowing obvious results could be obtained:
e (cm)
• Resultant of the compressive forces (F) is decreased.
• Distance between neutral axis and last tensile anchor bolt Fig. 8. Variation of t about e both in (centimeter) for P = 15 ton.
(x) is increased.
• Thickness of the base plate (t) is increased.
F - e , P = 30 ton
F - e , P = 15 ton

85 75

80 70
F (ton)

75 R=40
F (ton)

70 R=40 R=50
65 60
R=50 R=60
60 R=60 55
40 60 80 100 120 140
110 160 210 260

e (cm)
e (cm)

Fig. 6. Variation of F in (ton) about e in (centimeter) for P = Fig. 9. Variation of F in (ton) about e in (centimeter) for P =
15 ton. 30 ton.
Circular Base Plates 93

x - e , P = 30 ton x - e , P = 45 ton
60 60

50 50

40 40
x (cm)

x (cm)
30 R=40 30 R=40

R=50 R=50
R=60 R=60
10 10

0 0
55 75 95 115 135 30 40 50 60 70 80 90

e (cm) e (cm)

Fig. 10. Variation of x about e both in (centimeter) for P = 30 ton. Fig. 13. Variation of x about e both in (centimeter) for P = 45 ton.
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It can also be seen that, if the radius of the base plate (R)
t - e , P = 30 ton becomes large, mentioned results are created for the larger
8.0 eccentricity.
7.6 4. Finite Element Analysis
7.2 In this section, the mentioned problem in Section 3 is solved by
t (cm)

7.0 R=40 using the finite element method. To find the realistic behavior
6.8 of a circular base plate with a little gap to the foundation, AN-
6.6 SYS program was used. Because of the popularity of ANSYS,
R=60 description of this program is skipped and only the process of
the modeling and results are mentioned in this study.
In order to model a three-dimensional system (including
circular column, circular base plate, and bolts), Tet. 10 node
55 75 95 115 135 92 (node name) is selected as the element type, because this
e (cm) material type in ANSYS has all degrees of freedom and can
be subjected to both forces and moments. To define material
Fig. 11. Variation of t about e both in (centimeter) for P = 30 ton. behavior, linear elastic properties of steel are inserted, in which

F - e , P = 45 ton t - e , P = 45 ton
90 8.0

85 7.8
F (ton)

t (cm)

70 R=40 7.0 R=40

65 R=50 6.8
60 R=60 6.6
55 6.4

50 6.2
30 40 50 60 70 80 90 6.0
40 50 60 70 80 90
e (cm)
e (cm)
Fig. 12. Variation of F in (ton) about e in (centimeter) for P =
45 ton. Fig. 14. Variation of t about e both in (centimeter) for P = 45 ton.
94 A. A. Gholampour et al.
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Fig. 15. Meshed model (color figure available online).

2e11 kg/m2 as module of elasticity and 0.3 as Poisson’s ratio in each group three different eccentricities are assumed. One
are considered. The default SI unit is also selected. of the main points for solving this problem in this article is
The modeling is started by drawing a cylinder as the base where the location of the neutral axis or critical section is. As
plate, and then bolts are modeled. To model the bolts, at first, mentioned in Section 2, it is obvious in Figure 17 that the edge
cylinders of the same cross section area are drawn at the same of the column is the critical section and bolts in the top part
distance from the center of the plate and with the same radial of the plate are compressive and the others transmit tensile
distance from each other. Then, they are subtracted from the force to the foundation. Consequently, by observing ANSYS
base plate to place holes as bolts in it. The column is also analysis results, it is seen that the assumption of taking the
modeled as the cylinder with the same center of plate. To edge of the column as a critical section is correct and it is
simulate loading and its eccentricity, a block is placed at the compatible with real behavior.
head of the column and pressure is assigned on its top surface Now we evaluate the variation of the bolt’s forces when the
as axial load of column and the other pressure is located at one loading and thickness changes are as follows.
of its cross sections to simulate the eccentricity. The quantity
of this pressure is based on the length of column, axial load,
and its eccentricity. Effect of Loading
Because in this study the base plate is not assumed to be Three different loadings are applied to three different plates.
in contact with thefoundation, only the bolts must work as By increasing pressure quantity or its distance from the center
supports. To show that bolts (holes) are fixed and are not able of the column, as it is shown in Figure 18, the critical zone is
to have any movement, after meshing the inside areas of all
holes are selected and zero displacement is applied to them.
One mesh, which is called coarse with a tetrahedral shape, is Table 1. Properties of models
shown in Figure 15. Characteristics of steel are assigned to
all shapes before meshing. Final model of the entire system is e (cm)
shown in Figure 16.
t = 0.5 cm t = 1.0 cm t = 2.0 cm R (m) a (m) Ab (m2)
5. Presenting Finite Element Analysis Results 20 50 100 0.2 0.1 7.85e-5
40 70 200
Table 1 shows the details of all nine distinct models that were 60 90 300
solved. Models are in three groups of base plate thickness and
Circular Base Plates 95
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Fig. 16. Finite element model (color figure available online).

Fig. 17. Critical section in finite element model (color figure available online).
96 A. A. Gholampour et al.
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Fig. 18. Changes in critical section length by increasing eccentricity (color figure available online).

F - e , t = 1 cm increased and, therefore, more bolts work in tensile. Figure 19

shows the changes in tension value of the most far compressive
bolts when the axial load is increased. It is seen that when the
0.12 axial load or its eccentricity is increased, the value of tension
in the compressive bolts is decreased.

F (ton)

P=50 ton Effect of Thickness

P=60 ton Variations of the critical zone in the three plates with differ-
P=70 ton ent thicknesses for the same loading system (pressure and its
eccentricity) are shown in Figure 20. Furthermore, Figure 21
shows that by increasing thickness of the plate, the load ca-
0 pacity of bolts will increase.
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

e (m)
6. Eurocode-3 Points
Fig. 19. Variation of tension of compressive bolts versus eccen-
tricity when axial load is changing According to Eurocode-3, three collapse mechanisms can be
used when the base pate is in contact with a concrete foun-
dation. These collapses would be from bolt fracture, plastic
mechanism of plate, and mixed failure of bolts and plate. On

Fig. 20. Increase in length of critical section by increasing the load (color figure available online).
Circular Base Plates 97

F - e , P = 50 ton failure. Using the MATLAB programming, it is easy to insert

axial force, eccentricity, and other dimensions of plate, col-
umn, and bolts, and determine the quantity of the base plate’s
0.1 thickness. Also, a three-dimensional finite element analysis of
a circular base plate with a little gap to the foundation under
0.08 axial load with large eccentricity has been carried out using
ANSYS program for analyzing nine different models. It was
F (ton)

0.06 t=0.5 cm concluded that the critical section is just near the edge of the
column. For constant loading applied at particular eccentric-
0.04 t=1 cm ity, the critical zone is increased by decreasing the thickness of
0.02 t=2 cm
the plate. Finally, finite element results had trends similar to
the proposed method in this study.
0.1 0.6 1.1 1.6 2.1 2.6 3.1

e (m)
Fig. 21. Variation of tension of compressive bolts versus eccen-
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