Basic Molecular Biology

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Basic molecular biology

Albert P. Senft and Ann Marie LeVine*

Divisions of Neonatology and Pulmonary Biology, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center,
3333 Burnet Ave.,Cincinnati, OH 45229, USA

KEYWORDS Summary Rapid advances in molecular biology over the past 20 years have and will
Nucleic acids; continue to impact on the practice of medicine. Advances in molecular biology are having
Proteins; an immense impact in determining the underlying aetiology of lung disease and its
PCR; treatment. In this review, basic molecular biology techniques will be discussed with
Immunohistochemistry examples of how these techniques are used in clinical practice.
ß 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

INTRODUCTION the centre. The two strands are held together by hydrogen
bonding, a non-covalent interaction, between the purine
Molecular biology is a broad area of study aimed at the and pyrimidine bases. The interaction between the bases
common goal of understanding the mechanisms of basic occurs with high fidelity (adenine always pairs with thymine
cellular function. This review has been written as an and guanine with cytosine). Importantly, the two strands of
introduction to the basic molecular biology techniques the DNA molecule can be disassociated and then re-
used to study DNA, RNA and proteins. The techniques associated with the addition or removal of energy to break
utilised in basic and clinical research as well as the strengths the forces of hydrogen bonding. Together these two
and weaknesses of each technique are described. In addi- physical features make DNA a dynamic molecule that
tion, a bibliographical list of reference materials for an in- allows for its replication and for transcription of encoded
depth description of molecular biology techniques has been genes.
included. The gene is the smallest functional unit of DNA and
encodes for proteins. In general, genes are made up of a
NUCLEIC ACIDS promoter region and a coding region (Fig. 1). The promoter
region of the gene contains short, conserved, defined
DNA encodes the molecular template for all molecules nucleotide sequences that positively or negatively regulate
necessary for cell function and viability. The nucleotide is gene transcription. Gene transcription is a tightly regulated
the most basic structural unit of DNA and is comprised of process that is cell-type specific and greatly influenced by
deoxyribose sugar, a phosphate group and a purine (ade- the physiological stress placed upon the cell. Gene tran-
nine and guanine) or pyrimidine (thymine and cytosine) scription produces a ribonucleic acid (RNA) template from
nitrogenous base. DNA is a double helical molecule with which a protein is produced.
two sugar–phosphate strands serving as the backbone of RNA, like DNA, contains a sugar–phosphate backbone
the molecule with the nitrogenous bases projecting toward and nitrogenous bases. The major differences are that the
sugar is ribose, the base uracil is incorporated in place of
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 513 636 2995;
thymine and the molecule is single-stranded. Total cellular
Fax: +1 513 636 7868. RNA is a mixture of three types: transfer (tRNA), ribo-
E-mail address: (A.M. LeVine). somal (rRNA) and messenger (mRNA), which is the
1526-0542/$ – see front matter ß 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Figure 1 A hypothetical gene, primary transcript and final mRNA.

template for protein production. Since mRNA encodes for stranded DNA molecules annealing occurs with high fide-
proteins, this will be the focus of the remaining discussion lity (i.e. A always pairs with T and C with G). The poly-
of RNA. Initial transcription results in the formation of a merase chain reaction is illustrated in Fig. 2. Sequentially, the
primary transcript that includes introns, exons and the 30 template DNA is denatured by heating. Specific primers
untranslated region (30 UTR) (Fig. 1). Exons are segments designed for the sequence of interest anneal on the
that encode the amino acid sequence of the protein. corresponding DNA sequence of the template DNA when
Introns are intervening sequences that do not encode a the reaction is cooled. DNA polymerase extends the DNA
protein but guide splicing of the mature mRNA and allow from 50 to 30 building a mirror image of the template strand.
alternative combinations of exons to produce variations At the end of one cycle, two exact copies of template DNA
of similar proteins. Excision of introns and splicing of have been formed. Using this technique, DNA can be
exons must occur before mRNA protein translation can amplified exponentially. This allows minute amounts of
occur. DNA from biological samples to be assayed, making the
technique extremely powerful for basic science and clinical
Methods for the Analysis of Nucleic Acids PCR is a common approach used for the diagnosis of
clinical diseases. For example, PCR can be used for the
Polymerase Chain Reaction
detection of herpes simplex virus in cerebral spinal fluid1
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used to amplify specific and enterovirus in myocardial biopsy samples.2
DNA sequences from limited biological samples and has
revolutionised biomedical research. The technique is based
on the following: DNA can be denatured from a double-
Northern blot analysis
stranded molecule to a single-stranded molecule by heat. Northern blot analysis is a sensitive technique for detecting
When the single-stranded DNA molecules are cooled they mRNA expression levels. RNA is separated by agarose gel
anneal to a double-strand, the process of two single- electrophoresis. Since, RNA has a negative charge it

Figure 2 The steps involved in a polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

migrates to the cathode when a current is applied to the gel. autoradiography and reveal the number, size and abun-
Similar to other forms of electrophoresis, mobility of the dance of transcripts (Fig. 3).
molecule in the gel is directly proportional to its size. After While this technique is time consuming and requires a
separation by electrophoresis the RNA is transferred to a significant amount of RNA for analysis, it is still commonly
nitrocellulose membrane and cross-linked to the mem- used because it is extremely quantitative and therefore
brane by ultra-violet (UV)-irradiation. To determine mRNA provides an accurate assessment of mRNA levels.
levels for a specific gene, a short DNA probe is designed for
the specific mRNA of interest. The probe is radiolabelled
for detection and hybridised with a nitrocellulose mem-
Reverse Transcriptase–Polymerase Chain Reaction
brane binding the mRNA molecules with a similar Reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR)
sequence. The results of hybridisation are detected by is used to assess the level of mRNA expression. As its

visualised using UV light (Fig. 5A). An important advantage

of RT-PCR is that only a small amount of biological
sample is necessary to determine the mRNA level.
The limitation of this method for determining gene
expression is that RT-PCR combined with visualisation
using ethidium bromide is only semi-quantitative due to
the fact that the PCR reaction is linear only within a range
of cycles.
While RT-PCR is not well suited for the quantitative
comparison of mRNA expression, the technique is useful in
screening tissues for the expression of a gene. For example,
RT-PCR based assays are used in the clinical setting for the
detection of RNA viruses, including respiratory syncytial
virus and influenza A virus.3

Real-Time PCR
The technology of real-time PCR developed out of the
necessity for a quantitative technique to determine gene
expression levels in small samples. Measurement of
mRNA for a particular gene by real-time PCR is not
fundamentally different from reverse-transcriptase PCR.
Both techniques require mRNA initially to be reverse
transcribed to a cDNA molecule. The cDNA is then
subjected to PCR. The difference lies in the fact that the
instrument where the PCR reaction is carried out is both
a thermocycler and a detection device. The reaction mix
contains a fluorescent probe that intercalates into the
DNA during synthesis. At the end of each PCR cycle, the
amount of fluorescence is assessed. Based on an algo-
rithm, a threshold level of fluorescence must be reached
for an mRNA to be considered expressed and this is
expressed as a cycle number (Fig. 5B). mRNA expression
is therefore directly related to cycle number; the higher
the relative expression the lower the cycle number
Figure 3 The steps involved in a Northern blot analysis. where the curve crossed the threshold. For example,
in Fig. 5B, gene A has a higher expression than gene B
because the cycle number, where it crossed the thresh-
name indicates, a portion of the assay relies on the old, is lower.
amplification of a DNA template by PCR. Before PCR
amplification, the mRNA is converted into a complimen-
tary DNA (cDNA) molecule. As illustrated in Fig. 4, the
enzyme reverse transcriptase is used to make a DNA Proteins are the molecules that perform all cellular func-
copy of the mRNA. mRNA is selectively copied by using a tions. They are translated from the mRNA by ribosomes.
primer that binds to the poly A tail of mRNA (not present Each amino acid is encoded by at least one triplet nucleo-
in the more abundant rRNA and tRNA). Once the cDNA tide sequence. Protein translation begins with the codon
is made, the RNA is degraded by RNAse H. DNA AUG, which encodes for methionine and is terminated with
polymerase and T4 DNA polymerase are then used to the stop codons UAA, UGA or UAG. Following translation,
build the complementary strand. The result is a collection proteins are modified (e.g. by glycosylation) and sorted to
of DNA molecules that represents all the specific mRNA their appropriate location (e.g. soluble or membranous) by
contained in the cell. Similar to the PCR of DNA, primers a highly ordered process.
are designed for a specific gene and, using these primers, With the advent of high-throughput techniques (e.g.
the product is exponentially amplified by PCR. The microarrays that will be discussed in a future review),
resulting PCR product is subjected to agarose gel examining changes in gene expression under various
electrophoresis to separate the PCR products by size. experimental and pathophysiological conditions has pro-
Ethidium bromide intercalates into the DNA and can be vided a wealth of information and a basis for exploring the

Figure 4 The generation of cDNA from mRNA by the reverse transcriptase reaction.

underlying mechanisms of disease processes. However, proteins based on their molecular weight. The detergent
changes in gene expression only represent potential SDS has a negative charge and when added to the sample it
changes in protein levels and/or cellular function. Basic binds hydrophobic amino acid residues. Proteins bind
approaches to protein analysis are therefore important proportionally to the same amount of SDS. Therefore,
to understand whether changes in gene expression corre- the charge to mass of all proteins is equivalent and all SDS–
late to changes in protein expression and altered cellular protein complexes are negative. Protein samples are pre-
function. pared either under reducing conditions where b-mercap-
toethanol is added and the sample is boiled, or under non-
reducing conditions where b-mercaptoethanol and heat
Methods for the Analysis of Proteins are omitted. The specific sample preparation conditions are
Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel determined by experimental necessity. Once the samples
have been prepared for electrophoresis, the sample is
loaded on the gel and an electric field is applied. The rate
Sodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophor- of migration of the protein is inversely proportional to the
esis (SDS-PAGE) is a technique that is used to separate logarithm of its molecular weight, meaning larger proteins

the primary antibody, the membrane is incubated with an

antibody that is conjugated to horseradish peroxidase and
is capable of recognising the primary antibody. For exam-
ple if the antibody against protein X was raised in a rabbit,
the second antibody used would be an anti-rabbit horse-
radish peroxidase conjugated antibody. The highly specific
antibody to protein binding is detected using a perox-
idase-dependent luminescence generating system fol-
lowed by exposure to X-ray film. The bands that
appear reflect the size and relative amount of the studied
protein (Fig. 6).
Western blotting is an extremely powerful tool for
examining the presence or absence of proteins in a sample
and for comparing samples ascertained under different
conditions. The major limitation of Western immunoblot-
ting is that it is semi-quantitative.

Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay

This technology for analysing proteins also exploits the
specificity of antibodies to single proteins. Enzyme Linked
Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) systems use two antibodies,
the first captures the protein and the second is used for
Figure 5 Results from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and detection. The first antibody is bound to the bottom of a
real-time PCR analysis. A, this is representative of an ethidium
well (Fig. 7). The protein sample (serum, bronchoalveolar
bromide stained agarose gel of PCR products. In the example
more product is detected in lane A than lane B. B, this
lavage fluid, etc) is added to the well and incubated to allow
represents a threshold curve of PCR product formation from the specific protein to bind to the antibody. The well is
real-time PCR analysis. In this example the PCR product washed extensively so that only the protein that specifically
of sample A is more abundant since it reaches the critical interacts with the antibody is retained. A second antibody
threshold level of fluorescence at an earlier cycle number than that recognises the specific protein and is conjugated with
sample B. alkaline phosphatase is added to the well. This is also
washed extensively and what is retained in the well is
an antibody–protein–antibody sandwich. Protein quanti-
move more slowly through the gel because they encounter fication is determined by the relative amount of colour
more resistance. Protein bands that result from differential liberated by alkaline phosphatase acting on the substrate.
migration are commonly stained for visualisation with The sample with an unknown concentration of protein is
Comassie blue or silver and are compared against refer- then compared to a standard curve generated from
ence proteins with known molecular weights run on the serial dilutions of a known concentration of the protein.
same gel. ELISA is a quantitative technique commonly employed
to analyse cytokine levels in various biological samples
including serum, bronchoalveolar lavage and cerebrospinal
Western immunoblot fluid.
SDS-PAGE analysis is a powerful technique that allows
the examination of global changes in protein levels from
biological samples. However, it lacks specificity. Western
Methods for Analysing Whole Lung
immunoblot analysis utilises the power of antibody spe- The focus of this review has been to discuss molecular
cificity to ascertain information about the levels of a biology techniques that are applicable to a whole tissue, a
particular protein in biological samples. In this technique, cell or a subcellular compartment but require a homo-
proteins are first separated by SDS-PAGE analysis. Pro- genate of the sample for analysis. The lung is a complex
teins are then transferred to a membrane (nitrocellulose organ with a host of cell types and an elaborate, physiolo-
or polyvinylidenefluoride (PVDF)) by applying a current gically significant architecture. Examining a lung homogenate
across the gel and membrane in such a way that the may not be informative with regard to a disease process that
proteins migrate from the gel to the membrane (Fig. 6). is limited to a small portion of the lung. Therefore, the
After the proteins have been transferred, the membrane following molecular biology techniques are useful for exam-
is incubated with an antibody (primary antibody) raised ining mRNA and protein expression in the whole lung on
against the protein of interest. Following incubation with histological sections.

Figure 6 The steps involved in a Western immunoblot analysis.

In situ hybridisation Immunohistochemistry

The principles underlying this are the same as those Immunohistochemistry is used to assess the location
described for Northern blotting, above. In the case of in of specific proteins on a histological tissue section.
situ hybridisation, a radiolabelled oligonucleotide probe is The technique is similar to Western immunoblot ana-
generated to the mRNA of interest. The probe is hybri- lysis where detection of the protein is determined by
dised against the histological tissue section. The power of using specific antibodies against that protein. The differ-
this technique is that one can visualise the location of ence is that instead of the protein binding to a mem-
mRNA expression in the context of the whole tissue. In situ brane, the protein is retained in the cellular architecture
hybridisation allows for an estimation of the level and found in the histological tissue section. Similar to in situ
location of expression of mRNA. Since the lung is extre- hybridisation, this technique allows not only the deter-
mely heterogeneous, in situ hybridisation is a powerful mination of relative protein expression levels but also
technique since it allows gene regulation to be evaluated the distribution of the protein expression. A re-
over the entire lung. An example of the technique is shown presentative example of immunohistochemistry is shown
in Fig. 8. in Fig. 9.

Figure 7 The steps involved in an Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) analysis.


Molecular biology techniques have become powerful tools in
the practice of medicine. The most immediate examples are
the use of ELISA and PCR in routine diagnostic tests. A more The following books are excellent, practical, in-depth
interesting and more powerful use of these basic techniques resources for protocols to perform the techniques
is their use in biological samples from patients. Obtaining in- described in this review article.
formation about the underlying mechanisms of human dis- Ausubel F M, Kingston R E, Moore D D, Seidman J G,
eases is vital. Information obtained from patients allows the Smith J A, Struhl K (eds). Current Protocols in Molecular
basic research models to be validated as acceptable models Biology. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 2005.
for studying specific disease processes. Ultimately, results Bonifacino J S, Dasso M, Harford J B, Lippincott-Schwartz
from translational research may enhance disease prevention J, Yamada K M (eds). Current Protocols in Cell Biology. New
and lead to more effective and specific medical treatments. York: John Wiley and Sons, 2005.

Figure 8 In situ hybridisation for surfactant protein-C (SP-C) mRNA in mouse lung. The micrographs depict in situ hybridisation for SP-
C in adult FVB/N mouse lung (magnification 10X). A depicts the dark-field image to visualise the probe and B depicts the bright-field
image of the lung section stained with toludine blue to show the morphological structure. Cellular sites of SP-C expression determined by
hybridisation with the anti-sense probe that is complimentary to SP-C mRNA appear as focal clusters (white) throughout the lung
parenchyma consistent with the location of alveolar Type II cells (A). In contrast, the bronchiolar epithelium (arrows) is negative for SP-C
expression (A and B). The image shown is by courtesy of Dr Stephan Glasser, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center.

Figure 9 Immunohistochemistry for pro surfactant protein-C (SP-C) protein in mouse lung. The micrograph shown has
been immunohistochemically stained for pro SP-C in 6 week old FVB/N mouse lung (magnification 20X). The arrows point to
alveolar Type II cells that stain positive for pro SP-C. The image shown is by courtesy of Dr Susan Wert, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital
Medical Center.

REFERENCES idiopathic left ventricular dysfunction. Circulation 1999; 99: 1348–

1. Rowley AH, Whitley RJ, Lakeman FD et al. Rapid detection of herpes- 3. Erdman DD, Weinberg GA, Edwards KM et al. GeneScan reverse
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simplex encephalitis. Lancet 1990; 335: 440–441. in young children hospitalized with acute respiratory illness. J Clin
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