Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Applied Sciences
Shear Rate-Dependent Rheological Properties of
Mine Tailings: Determination of Dynamic and
Static Yield Stresses
Sueng-Won Jeong
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon 34132, Korea;
Received: 9 August 2019; Accepted: 5 November 2019; Published: 7 November 2019
Abstract: In this paper, shear rate-dependent rheological properties of mine tailings taken from
abandoned mine deposits prone to mass movements are examined using a commercial ball-measuring
rheological system. The yield stresses (i.e., dynamic and static yield stresses) and viscosity of sand-rich
materials are examined by the shear rate-controlled flow curve and time-dependent stress growth
methods. Before yielding, the shear stress reaches a peak value (i.e., yield stress) observed for all flow
curves. In the steady-state condition, the materials have a minimum shear stress (i.e., dynamic yield
stress). The static yield stress can be determined under a constant applied shear rate with different
initial values ranging from 10−4 to 10−1 s−1 . As a result, the Bingham yield stress and viscosity can
be used as a first approximation for estimating the debris flow mobility of post-failure materials.
However, the Bingham yield stress is competitive with the static yield stress measured from stress
growth methods. Upon comparison of the dynamic and static yield stresses, the static yield stress
is approximately 35–45 times greater than the dynamic yield stress, and may be strongly related
to microstructural changes (i.e., thixotropy). In this context, special attention must be paid to the
determination of yield stresses in debris flow mitigation programs.
Keywords: dynamic yield stress; static yield stress; initial shear rate; mine tailings; debris flow
1. Introduction
The yield stress is a special property associated with non-Newtonian fluids, such as clay
suspensions, concrete cements, crude oil, foams, food, paints, pastes, and polymers [1–6]. In general,
the yield stress is defined as the shear stress at the point where the applied stress exceeds the critical
shear rate; in this case, the material starts to flow. Materials may deform elastically due to structural
changes below the yield stress, but they may deform greatly and flow like liquids above the yield stress.
There are numerous methods that can be employed to determine the yield stress of non-Newtonian
fluids: model fitting, a slump test, an inclined plane test, a stress ramp test, a stress growth test,
oscillation amplitude sweep, and creep tests. However, the yield stress is strongly dependent on
the test conditions and techniques employed [7,8]. In addition, many non-Newtonian fluids are
thixotropic [9,10]. Structural changes with time are unavoidable during shear. Time-dependent
rheological characteristics make it difficult to find a robust method for determining the true yield
stress [11]. This subject is still under debate in cement and concrete research (such as building materials)
and disaster-prevention measures (such as debris flow analysis for estimating future catastrophic
The dynamic and static yield stresses can be determined by equilibrium flow curves and stress
growth methods. The dynamic yield stress is the minimum shear stress in the flow curve with a
steady-state flow condition, while the static yield stress is the peak shear stress measured with a
constant shearing time [12]. It is also well-known that the dynamic yield stress is associated with
flow stopping, but the static yield stress is associated with flow starting [13]. According to previous
studies [6], the dynamic and static yield stresses are related to the state before and after microstructural
changes in materials. In addition, the conception of the time depending on the value of the yield stress
has been pointed out by numerous studies [14–16]. As a result, it is expected that the value of dynamic
yield stress is much lower than that of static yield stress with respect to the structural states. It is
well-known that the yield stress is related to the structural change, that is, thixotropy.
Rheological properties are essential in the fluid industry and natural disaster-related sciences.
The rheological properties are examined for various materials, such as clay suspensions, muds,
sand-rich materials, and reconstituted pyroclastic debris flows [13,17–20]. Water is typically a viscous
liquid, while particle-bearing liquids typically behave as non-Newtonian fluids, indicating more
complex rheological characteristics. Few studies have focused on the geotechnical and rheological
properties of post-failure materials in mass movements, which can result in rapid complex fluid-like
behavior as a kind of soil liquefaction. In the field of debris flows, a multiphase process in large
particle-bearing debris flows is of paramount importance [21] because they are very dense and exhibit
strong interactions between particles in the interstitial fluid. Rheological tests are often considered
large particle-laden flows, e.g., the mean grain size of materials tested in rheometers has often been a
typical sand with particle sizes from 0.075 to 2 mm in diameter. However, the change in rheological
properties is significant when the solid fraction is slightly changed [13]. The disposal of mine tailings
and waste rock materials involving sand- and gravel-size particles in open pits is a problem that
needs to be managed. Severe erosion and mass movements in abandoned mine deposits can result in
physicochemical contamination at and near the mine deposits [22]. In this case, the determination
of flow properties is crucial for debris flow rheology [19] because the runout distances and speeds
of debris flows are mainly estimated by yield stress and viscosity [23]. When estimating the runout
distance of debris flows in coarse-grained sediments, the rheological characteristics are the decisive
criteria for mitigating and managing future debris flow events in mountainous areas. However, the
determination of dynamic and static yield stresses in debris flows is still poorly studied.
In this study, the dynamic and static yield stresses of sand-rich materials taken from abandoned
mine deposits are studied. First, the flow behaviors of the sand-rich materials are examined as a
function of the shear rate (i.e., the flow curve) at the same solid volume concentration. Second, the
rheological properties, i.e., yield stresses and viscosity, are determined using model fitting, including
Bingham, Herschel–Bulkley, bilinear, modified Bingham, and power law models. The initial shear
rate-dependent shear stress is examined. Third, under a constant applied shear rate, the stress build-up
with time is monitored. The differences in dynamic and static yield stresses as a function of shear
rate are highlighted. Finally, the shear strengths, including the undrained shear strength measured
from fall cone tests, the Bingham yield stress, and the static yield stress in modeling the debris flow,
are compared. Creep and recovery tests are not taken into account. It should also be noted that
pre-shearing has an impact on the determination of yield stress with respect to the flocculation state in
the materials. Therefore, only a limited situation can be discussed.
2.1. Materials
The materials tested were mine tailings taken from an abandoned mine deposit site located in
Busan Metropolitan City, Republic of Korea. The grain sizes were fine to coarse, and the shapes were
subangular. The main mineralogical composition was quartz, pyrophyllite, pyrite, sericite, and kaolin
clay [22,24]. The on-site materials are very coarse: 30% gravel, 60–70% sand, and 5% finer sizes (clay
and silt particles). The natural water content is less than 10%, and the permeability (k) is very high (e.g.,
k ≥ 2 × 10 cm/s−1 ). In the waste rock dump with a low level of vegetation, abandoned mine deposits
experience severe erosion. In addition, after torrential rainfall events in the summer monsoon season,
several traces of mass movements (e.g., rotational slumps, slides, and debris flows) can be found on
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4744 3 of 11
natural slopes. Failed materials often flow and are deposited in a mountain stream at and near the
waste rock dump. In brief, the materials can be gravelly sands; however, they are very difficult to
test in conventional rheological tests because most rheometers are suitable for fine-grained sediments.
To measure these materials, a series of rheometric tests was performed on the material passing through
a No. 4 sieve (i.e., sand-rich materials) using a ball-penetrating torque-measured system called the
“ball-measuring system (BMS)” in this study.
2.2. Methods
Numerous testing methods and apparatuses have been designed for determining the soil resistance
of debris flow materials in the range from microscale to macroscale measuring systems (e.g., plate-plate,
cone-plate, cylinder, vane, stirrer, slump, and large-scale devices). Figure 1 shows the rheometer
used in this study. The commercial ball-measuring rheological system (BMS, RheolabQC, Anton
Paar) consists of three balls and a container. The balls have three diameters, i.e., 10, 12, and 15 mm,
whilst the container (cup) has a diameter of 115 mm with a sample volume of 500 cm3 . In this system,
a homogenous soil sample, the mixture of soil and water, is placed into the container and the ball is
immersed into the soil sample. The depth of ball penetration is the same for all tests. The distance
between the ball and the bottom of the container is 20 mm. Torques are automatically recorded when
rotating the ball. The shear rate control or shear stress control mode can be applied. The measurement
of shear stress and the shear rate in a ball-measuring system can be performed for 1–5 mm diameter
soil samples. Similar tests for large-particle fluids using a ball-measuring system have been performed
by [19,25,26]. The edge and slip effects are assumed to be negligible. Potential slipping and gliding
problems are negligible because of the ideal spherical shape used to minimize the edge effect during
shearing. The system displays a wide gap between the sensor and soil sample container. In this
context, it is applicable for both fine-grained and coarse-grained sediments in debris flow materials.
However, there are some limitations in performing such experiments. The normal pressure effect is
not taken into account. The temperature is fixed at 20 ◦ C during shearing. However, it is expected
that the variation in temperature is one of minor effects in the rheological behavior of sediments with
large particle sizes. Two simple test methods were applied to satisfy the purpose of the study. Two
types of rheological tests were performed: a flow curve test and a stress growth test. The first test was
conducted to determine the dynamic yield stress (e.g., the Bingham yield stress and viscosity), and
the second test was conducted to determine the static yield stress (e.g., the peak and residual shear
stresses). As a result, the flow curves and stress growth methods could produce shear stress vs. shear
rate and shear stress vs. shearing time relationships, respectively.
To determine the yield strength of waste rock materials, the rheological models considered are
as follows:
Bingham : τ = τc + µh ·γ (1)
. !
.n τc ·γ
Bilinear : τ = τ y + µh ·γ + . . (2)
γ + γo
1 − exp −m γ .
Modified Bingham : τ = µ + τc γ (3)
Herschel-Bulkley : τ = τc + K·γ (4)
Power law : τ = µ·γ , (5)
where τ is the shear stress (Pa), µ is the viscosity (Pa·s), and γ is the shear rate (s−1 ). In Equation (1),
τc is the yield stress (Pa), which is called the Bingham yield stress, and µh is the plastic viscosity (Pa·s).
In Equation (2), τy is the yield stress (Pa) obtained from the bilinear model, which is similar to the yield
stress obtained from the Bingham fluid; the exponent n is the flow behavior index (dimensionless);
and γo is the shear rate related to the rheological transition from a Newtonian viscosity to an ideal
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4744 4 of 11
plastic viscosity. The exponent n is also used in the Herschel–Bulkley and power law models to describe
the flow behavior, e.g., if n < 1, pseudoplastic (shear thinning) behavior occurs, and if n > 1, dilatant
(shear thickening) behavior occurs. Equation (3) is the modified Bingham model. It is a well-known
model used to describe the transition from the pseudo-viscosity regime (elastic-dominant slope before
yielding) to2019,
Appl. Sci. yielding
9, x FORinPEER flowing region. The value of m is a parameter related to surface yielding
the REVIEW 4 of 11 in
shear stress at relatively low shear rates (unit of time, s). In Equation (4), if n = 1, it is the same as the
if n = 1, it is the same as the Bingham fluid, and if τc = 0, it reduces to the power law model. K is the
Bingham fluid, and if τc = 0, it reduces to the power law model. K is the consistency coefficient (Pa·s).
consistency coefficient (Pa∙s). The exponent n is 0.3 for clays, 0.8 for silt-rich materials, and 0.8 for
The exponent n is 0.3 for clays, 0.8 for silt-rich materials, and 0.8 for bentonite [27]. In Equation (5),
bentonite [27]. In Equation (5), if n = 1, it is a Newtonian viscosity model.
if n = 1, it is a Newtonian viscosity model.
The shear strengths measured from the BMS were compared with those obtained from fall cone
tests sheardifferent
strengths measured
solid from the BMS were
volume concentrations. compared
Swedish fall coneswith those
were usedobtained from with
at 60 degrees fall cone
with different solid such
cone weights, volume concentrations.
as 10, 60, 100, and 400Swedish
g. The testfall cones were
procedures used
were at 60todegrees
identical those ofwith
[28]. cone weights, such as 10, 60, 100, and 400 g. The test procedures were identical to those of [28].
Figure 1. Ball-measuringrheometric
1. Ball-measuring rheometric system:
system: (a)(a)Test
procedure, (b)(b)
schematic view of ball
view rotation,
of ball rotation,
(c) shear layer formation (sliding plane in a steady-state condition) during shearing,
(c) shear layer formation (sliding plane in a steady-state condition) during shearing, (d) flow curve(d) flow curve
withwith Bingham
Bingham fluid
fluid and
and ballrotation,
ball rotation,(e)
(e) shear
shear stress–shear
rateplot, and
plot, (f) (f)
and viscosity–shear rate rate
viscosity–shear plot. plot.
Tested from O
Tested from ⓐ
a to O.
g to ⓖ.
3. Results
3. Results
3.1. 3.1.
Rheological Properties
Rheological ofofMine
Properties MineTailings:
Tailings: Yield
Yield Stress andViscosity
Stress and Viscosity
Figure 2 presents
Figure the
2 presents flow
the flowcharacteristics of waste
characteristics of wastematerials
with initial
initial shear
shear rates
rates for afor a water
content of of
34%34% (equivalentto
(equivalent to aa solid
solid volume
concentration of 52%). At the
of 52%). Atsame
the water
same content (or
water content
solid volume concentration), the flow behavior is very similar (Figure 2a). To examine
(or solid volume concentration), the flow behavior is very similar (Figure 2a). To examine the the rheological
rheological the controlled
characteristics, shear rate
the controlled mode
shear ratewas employed
mode with a range
was employed with aof 10−4 of
range to 10
1 s−1. In1 −1
to 10 s .
particular, five shear rates were applied as initial values from 0.0001 to 0.1 s −1. The measured
In particular, five shear rates were applied as initial values from 0.0001 to 0.1 s . The measured −1
rheological properties, that is, the yield stress and plastic viscosity, range from 17 to 21 Pa and 1.0 to
1.2 Pa∙s, respectively. The variations in yield stress and viscosity are relatively small. They can be
divided into two regimes based on a shear rate of 1 s−1: (a) the generation of a slip surface in response
to a complete rotation of a penetrated ball (after one full revolution, i.e., onset of failure stage) and
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4744 5 of 11
rheological properties, that is, the yield stress and plastic viscosity, range from 17 to 21 Pa and 1.0 to
1.2 Pa·s, respectively. The variations in yield stress and viscosity are relatively small. They can be
divided into 9,
Appl. Sci. 2019, two regimes
x FOR based on a shear rate of 1 s−1 : (a) the generation of a slip surface in response
to a complete rotation of a penetrated ball (after one full revolution, i.e., onset of failure stage) and
continuous viscous
viscous shearing (post-failure
(post-failure stage).
stage).An Anexample
Figure2b. 2b. Compared
Compared to to
sediments,aalarge largedifference
yielding(i.e.,(i.e.,γ = 𝛾 1= s1−1 ).
There is a distinct
s−1). There peak peak
is a distinct valuevalue
of shear stressstress
of shear at a relatively
at a relativelylow shear
low shearrate regime (i.e., (i.e.,
rate regime −1
0.4 s 0.4). sAfter
considered before 1 s−1 can beviscosity
viscositypseudo-Newtonian considered[27],pseudo-Newtonian
which is defined asviscosity the slope[27],
of the which is between
line fit defined as thethe
slope of the line fit between the origin (0 value in flow curves) and the
origin (0 value in flow curves) and the maximum value reached before the critical shear rates (in this maximum value reached before
the critical
case, 1 s−1).shear rates (in
As a result, thethis
lowercase, s−1 ). As
the1initial a result,
shear rates are,the the
lower the initial
higher shear
the slopes rates1).
(Table are,Thistheresult
may slopes
because 1). the
result may occur because viscositythe pseudo-Newtonian
(i.e., the slope determined viscosity
before (i.e., the slope
determined before yielding)
gradually approaches the y-axisgradually approaches
as the initial the y-axis
shear rates as the initial shear rates decrease.
Figure 2.
Figure 2. Flow
Flow curves and model
model fitting:
raterelationships with
relationships thethe
with mean
value flow equation;
equation; (b) (b) model
model fitting
fitting with with Bingham,
Bingham, Bilinear,
Bilinear, Herschel–Bulkley,
Herschel–Bulkley, Modified
Modified Bingham,
and Powerand law.Power law.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4744 6 of 11
Figure 3. Shear
Figure 3. Shearrate
dependency of
of rheological behavioratatrelatively
rheological behavior relatively
lowlow shear
shear rates:
rates: (a) Shear
(a) Shear
stress-shear ratestress-shear
(b) viscosity-shear rate relationship
and (b) viscosity-shear rate relationship
Figure 4. Stress growth
4. Stress growth test:
test: (a)
(a) Shear
Shear stress–shearing
stress–shearing time;
time; (b)
(b) viscosity–shearing
viscosity–shearing time.
From the stress growth tests, the measurements of shear stress and viscosity are very sensitive
to variations in the initial condition driven by shear. There are two shear stresses: a peak value and a
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4744 8 of 11
From the stress growth tests, the measurements of shear stress and viscosity are very sensitive
variations inxthe
Sci. 2019, 9, FORinitial condition driven by shear. There are two shear stresses: a peak value
a steady-state (i.e., residual) value. The latter can be obtained at the end of the tests. As shown in
Figure 5a, the(i.e.,
peakresidual) value.
value of The
shear latterobtained
stress can be obtained at the end of the tests.
from strain-hardening flowAs shown in
behavior Figure
5a, the peak
increases withvalue of shear stress
an increasing shearobtained
rate. Thefrom strain-hardening
residual shear stress flow behavior
obtained fromgradually increases
the strain-softening
with an increasing shear rate. The residual shear stress obtained from
flow behavior gradually decreases with increasing shear rates, except for the lowest shear rate the strain-softening flowof
behavior−1 gradually decreases with increasing shear rates, except for the lowest
0.001 s . It may have a very high value when a long shearing time can be applied. Interestingly, shear rate of 0.001 s−1.
It may have a very high value when a long shearing time can be applied. Interestingly, three strain-
three strain-softening fluids display a similar range of residual shear stress (i.e., mean value of 283 Pa).
softening fluids display a similar range of residual shear stress (i.e., mean value of 283 Pa). Similar
Similar results can be observed for clayey soils [32]. Viscosity is also dependent on the shear rate
results can be observed for clayey soils [32]. Viscosity is also dependent on the shear rate and time.
and time. At low shear rates, the final viscosity rapidly decreases with an increasing shear rate;
At low shear rates, the final viscosity rapidly decreases with an increasing shear rate; however, there
however, there is no significant variation after an initial shear rate of 0.1 s−1 . In particular, there is a
is no significant variation after an initial shear rate of 0.1 s−1. In particular, there is a pseudo-
pseudo-Newtonian viscosity (not shown, but slopes may be found) in the elastic domain before the
Newtonian viscosity (not shown, but slopes may be found) in the elastic domain before the static
static yield stress for three higher shear rates. Interestingly, the pseudo-Newtonian viscosity increases
yield stress for three higher shear rates. Interestingly, the pseudo-Newtonian viscosity increases with
with an increasing shear rate (Figure 4a). Compared to the Bingham yield stress and viscosity of
an increasing shear rate (Figure 4a). Compared to the Bingham yield stress and viscosity of the sand-
the sand-rich materials tested, the yield stress and viscosity obtained from stress growth tests are
rich materials tested, the yield stress and viscosity obtained from stress growth tests are
approximately35–45 35–45times
times and
and 100–35,000 times higher,
100–35,000 times higher, respectively,
obtainedfrom fromflow
curve tests (Figure 4). Similar results have been observed for other thixotropic materials. Accordingto
tests (Figure 4). Similar results have been observed for other thixotropic materials. According
to previousstudies [6,11,13],
studies the the
[6,11,13], difference between
difference betweenstatic andand
static dynamic
dynamicyield stresses
yield stresses ranges
between 1.5
1.5 2-fold. It is, ofItcourse,
and 2-fold. is, of believed that the difference
course, believed is larger when
that the difference the solid
is larger when volume concentration
the solid volume
greater. is greater.
Figure Staticand
dynamic rheological
rheological properties of sand-rich
sand-rich mine
stress, and the Bingham yield stresses; (b) final viscosity
stress, and the Bingham yield stresses; (b) final viscosity and the Bingham viscosity.
Bingham viscosity.
and Possible
Possible Implications Debris Flow
Implications for Debris Flow Modeling
parameters are are essential
essential for examining debrisflow
examining debris flowpropagation
propagationand anddesigning
measuresfor forfuture
catastrophic events. many cases
events. For many cases in
in debris
simulation,the thevalue
yield stress is fixed during the
yield stress is fixed during the flow flow as a first approximation to understand post-failure
first approximation to understand post-failure characteristics. characteristics.
case, thethe determination
determination of of yield
yield stress
stress is crucial.
is crucial. Engineers
Engineers could
could obtain
obtain the the shear
shear strength
strength from
field fieldtests
vane vaneunder
tests under
in situ in situ conditions
conditions and falland falltests
cone coneintests
the in the laboratory
laboratory as a priority,
as a priority, whichwhich
more be more reliable
reliable forflow
for debris debris flow initiation.
initiation. For fine-grained
For fine-grained sediments,
sediments, the yield
the yield stress
stress obtained
obtained from
the the material,
material, which which is assumed
is assumed to behave
to behave as a Bingham
as a Bingham fluid,fluid,
is very is close
very close
to thetoundrained
the undrainedshear
shear strength
strength determined determined
by fallby falltests.
cone cone tests.
For a For
given a given sand-rich
sand-rich material,
material, the Bingham
the Bingham yield
yield stress
stress and
and undrained shear strength were compared for a given solid volume
undrained shear strength were compared for a given solid volume concentration ranging from 50% to concentration ranging from
65%. to 65%.6 Figure
presents6 presents a comparison
a comparison of the
of the shear shear strength
strength measured measured
from the from the Bingham
Bingham yieldin
yield stress
flow in flow
curve tests,curve tests,yield
the static the stress
static in
yield stress in time-dependent
time-dependent tests, and thetests, and the
undrained undrained
shear strengthshear
in fall
strength in fall cone tests. A simple relationship can be expressed as C vs = 74∙Su0.1 (kPa). For Cvs = 50%,
cone tests. A simple relationship can be expressed as Cvs = 74·Su (kPa). For Cvs = 50%, the Bingham
the Bingham
yield stress and yield stress and
undrained undrained
shear strength shear strength
range betweenrange between
0.02 and 0.06 0.02kPaand(mean
0.06 kPa (mean
value of value
40 Pa);
of 40 Pa); however, the static yield stress is approximately 0.6–0.9 kPa (mean value of 700 Pa). The
difference is more than 10-fold. More interestingly, as described above, the sediments are much more
resistant to flow when the shear rate is increased. These results suggest that more research is needed
to understand the mechanism related to the high mobilization of debris flows, e.g., entrainment,
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4744 9 of 11
however, the static yield stress is approximately 0.6–0.9 kPa (mean value of 700 Pa). The difference is
more than 10-fold. More interestingly, as described above, the sediments are much more resistant to
flow when the shear rate is increased. These results suggest that more research is needed to understand
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 11
the mechanism related to the high mobilization of debris flows, e.g., entrainment, hydroplaning, yield
stress reduction, and wetting processes in debris flow motion. It is necessary to revisit the research
hydroplaning, yield stress reduction, and wetting processes in debris flow motion. It is necessary to
work ([24] see Figure 8 in the paper) on failure and post-failure characteristics of mine deposit areas
revisit the research work ([24] see Figure 8 in the paper) on failure and post-failure characteristics of
and to estimate the debris flow mobility for such areas. Using the same geometry for the initial slope
mine deposit areas and to estimate the debris flow mobility for such areas. Using the same geometry
and volume with different yield stresses, the debris flow propagation can be simply compared. For a
for the initial slope and volume with different yield stresses, the debris flow propagation can be
given yield stress of 50 Pa, the runout distance is approximately 700 m, but for a stress of 700 Pa, the
simply compared. For a given yield stress of 50 Pa, the runout distance is approximately 700 m, but
distance is approximately 100 m. The difference is more than 7-fold. The debris flow velocity is more
for a stress of 700 Pa, the distance is approximately 100 m. The difference is more than 7-fold. The
sensitive to the variation in yield stress. The difference is more than 10-fold. This result means that the
debris flow velocity is more sensitive to the variation in yield stress. The difference is more than 10-
debris flow impact can be determined by determining the yield stress. In this context, more precise
fold. This result means that the debris flow impact can be determined by determining the yield stress.
computational techniques based on rheological studies are required to avoid overdesigning for future
In this context, more precise computational techniques based on rheological studies are required to
disasters and to establish reasonable measures.
avoid overdesigning for future disasters and to establish reasonable measures.
It is very difficult to describe debris flow with one fixed rheological model, because it is expected
It is very difficult to describe debris flow with one fixed rheological model, because it is expected
that the flow behaviors of real debris flow are too complex. In particular, the influence of material
that the flow behaviors of real debris flow are too complex. In particular, the influence of material
parameters (such as the particle size distribution, change in water content, porosity, roughness, edge
parameters (such as the particle size distribution, change in water content, porosity, roughness, edge
and wall slip effects) in estimating the flow mobility should be scrutinized in future work. Even with a
and wall slip effects) in estimating the flow mobility should be scrutinized in future work. Even with
very simplified hypothesis in which many parameters, such as the particle size distribution, water
a very simplified hypothesis in which many parameters, such as the particle size distribution, water
content, porosity, roughness, solid concentration, and topographic characteristics are simplified with
content, porosity, roughness, solid concentration, and topographic characteristics are simplified with
ordinary constants, the research findings presented in this study can be simply applied to debris flow
ordinary constants, the research findings presented in this study can be simply applied to debris flow
mitigation in mine tailing. In addition, micro-structural evolution of the particles in terms of landslide
mitigation in mine tailing. In addition, micro-structural evolution of the particles in terms of landslide
mobilization has a substantial contribution in the destructuration–restructuration process [33].
mobilization has a substantial contribution in the destructuration–restructuration process [33].
Figure 6.
6. Relationship
strength and
and the
the solid
solid volume
volume concentration.
4. Conclusions
4. Conclusions
The dynamic
The dynamicandandstatic
tailings, which
which areare exposed
exposed onon natural
natural slopes
slopes in
in abandoned mine deposits and potentially vulnerable to future geochemical
abandoned mine deposits and potentially vulnerable to future geochemical and geophysical and geophysical
modification, have
modification, have been
been identified
identified and
and examined
examined in in this
this study.
study. The
The rheological
rheological properties,
properties, thethe yield
stresses and viscosity, have been determined using the ball-measuring system, which
stresses and viscosity, have been determined using the ball-measuring system, which is a well-knownis a well-known
piece of
piece of apparatus
apparatus suitable
suitable for
for large
large particles.
particles. The
The yield
yield stresses
stresses obtained
obtained from
from the
the flow
flow curve
curve and
stress growthmethods
methodshavehave been
been compared.
compared. In plot
In the the ofplot of shear
shear stress stress
and theand therate
shear shear rate
(flow (flow
there is a peak value related to the generation of the slip surface due to the high percentage of soils;
after the critical shear rate, the materials behave as Bingham fluids. The shear resistance before
yielding is different from the applied initial shear rates. The pseudo-Newtonian viscosity increases
with decreasing initial shear rates. However, the Bingham yield stress and viscosity are obtained
within a similar range, regardless of the initial shear rates applied. Therefore, the Bingham rheology
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 4744 10 of 11
curve), there is a peak value related to the generation of the slip surface due to the high percentage of
soils; after the critical shear rate, the materials behave as Bingham fluids. The shear resistance before
yielding is different from the applied initial shear rates. The pseudo-Newtonian viscosity increases
with decreasing initial shear rates. However, the Bingham yield stress and viscosity are obtained
within a similar range, regardless of the initial shear rates applied. Therefore, the Bingham rheology is
applicable as a first approximation for debris flow motion to examine the post-failure characteristics of
mass movement. These results can be used from a very conservative point of view. The yield stress can
be obtained from the stress growth tests (the measurement of shear stress with a constant shear rate).
In this case, it is called the static yield stress. The static yield stresses are strongly affected by the shear
rate. At relatively low shear rates, the flow curve seems to demonstrate Newtonian behavior for a
given period of time. However, after a certain amount of time, the flow curve displays strain-softening
behavior similar to that in soil mechanics. A large difference is found between the dynamic and static
yield stresses. The largest difference is approximately 45-fold. In general, the static yield stress is
related to the flow starting, but the dynamic yield stress is related to the flow stopping. This effect may
result in an underestimation of the debris flow mobility if only the static yield stress and residual shear
stress from the stress growth test are considered. In landslide dynamics, at the onset of slope failure,
the undrained shear strength and static yield stress may be useful for examining the generation of slip
surfaces; however, at the transition to flow conditions, the transition from the static yield stress to the
Bingham yield stress should be considered. Yield stress reduction must be taken into account in highly
mobile debris flow hazards, which are related to hydroplaning, particle migration, and wetting effects
during flow.
Funding: This research was supported by the KIGAM Research project (19-3413).
Acknowledgments: The author also extends special thanks to the anonymous reviewers and editor for their
valuable comments and recommendations for publishing this paper.
Conflicts of Interest: The author declares no conflicts of interest.
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