SPE112413 Guidon in Canterral Field PDF
SPE112413 Guidon in Canterral Field PDF
SPE112413 Guidon in Canterral Field PDF
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2008 SPE International Symposium and Exhibition on Formation Damage Control held in Lafayette, Louisiana, U.S.A., 13–15 February 2008.
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Cantarell, which is an offshore complex of fields in the Bay of Campeche, is the most important complex in Mexico and is the
second-largest producing field in the world. It is comprised of five fields, with the main pay zones consisting of highly fractured,
vuggy carbonate formations from Jurassic, Cretaceous and Lower Paleocene geological ages. Matrix acidizing has always been the
main stimulation process used to improve production from these carbonate reservoirs and this is especially the case now that this
mature complex has reached its production peak.
As with all acidizing programs, a critical factor for success of the treatments is distribution of the acid between all productive
zones. Since most producing wells are not homogeneous and contain layers of varying permeability, even distribution of the acid is
a difficult task. In addition, the water saturation of the various zones has a major effect on the acid distribution. Since acid is an
aqueous fluid, it will tend to predominantly enter the zones with the highest water saturation, in many cases resulting in increased
water production. This brings with it the multitude of problems associated with high water production.
This paper will present the results of approximately 55 high permeability wells ranging from 1,000 to 6,000 md, which have
been acidized using a novel acid diverter based on associative polymer technology (APT). This polymer inherently reduces the
formation permeability to water with little or no effect on the permeability to hydrocarbon. Data from production logs from several
of the treated wells will be presented, which show excellent oil production distribution along the perforated intervals. In addition,
production logs will also be shown for wells acidized with other diverters, such as foams and in-situ crosslinked acid, which
showed poorer results.
Cantarell Field
The Cantarell field is the second-largest oilfield in the world behind the Ghawar field in Saudi Arabia. It is located offshore in the
Gulf of Mexico, 47 miles northeast of Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche. The main hydrocarbon zones in Cantarell are highly
fractured carbonate formations from the Jurassic, Cretaceous and Lower Paleocene geological ages (Fig. 1). The field is made up
of a number of subfields or fault blocks, with the main fields being Akal, Chac, Kutz, and Nohoch.
Production started in 1979 and reached a peak of 1.1 million B/D in 1981 from 40 oil wells. By 1994 the production was down
to 890,000 B/D. One year later it was producing 1 million B/D due to the addition of new platforms and wells and a nitrogen
injection program. This program was capable of injecting a billion ft3/day of nitrogen to maintain reservoir pressure. By 1996 the
field was producing 2.1 million B/D.
Acid Diversion
Successful matrix acidizing depends on acid placement to remove near-wellbore formation damage efficiently. Matrix acidizing in
carbonate formations allows not only for the removal of damage in the vicinity of the wellbore, but can also increase the near-
wellbore permeability by creating large flow channels (wormholes) with the acid dissolution. Most intervals are nonhomogeneous,
containing sections of varying permeability. Acid treatments tend to predominantly enter the highest permeability zone, thus
bypassing the lower permeability, or most damaged layers. In some cases, these high-permeability layers are also predominantly
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water-bearing, thus the acid also mainly enters those zones because of the relative permeability effect. In other cases, the acid may
break into a nearby water-bearing zone. In all of these cases, an acid treatment may result in significant increases in water
production after the treatment.
In attempts to achieve uniform placement of acid across all layers, various placement techniques have been used. The most
reliable method is the use of mechanical isolation devices such as straddle packers that allow injection into individual zones, one
by one, until an entire interval has been treated. However, this technique is often not practical, cost-effective, or feasible. Without a
packer, some type of diverting agent must be used.
Typical diverting agents that have been used include ball sealers, degradable particulates, viscous fluids, and foams. Each of
these has been used successfully, but each also has potential drawbacks. In addition, none of these techniques addresses the
problem of increased water production that often follows an acid treatment. For this reason, a material that could inherently
decrease the formation permeability to water and also provide diversion is desirable.
One method of controlling water production has been the use of dilute polymer solutions to decrease the effective permeability
to water more than to oil. These types of treatments have been referred to as relative permeability modifiers (RPM),
disproportionate permeability modifiers, or simply bullhead treatments. That is, these treatments can be simply bullheaded into the
formation without zonal isolation. These systems are thought to perform by adsorption onto the pore walls of the formation flow
paths. A large number of such polymer systems have been promoted through the years, and a large volume of literature has been
devoted to this topic (Zaitoun and Kohler 1989; Ranjbar et al. 1995; Kohler and Zaitoun 1991).
A previous paper from this laboratory described an RPM based on a hydrophobically modified water-soluble polymer (Eoff et
al. 2003) (here referred to as APT). Because this polymer reduces water permeability with little damage to oil permeability, it was
recognized as a potential acid diverter. Another paper from this laboratory has described the laboratory study of this polymer for
use as an acid divertor (Eoff et al. 2005).
Fig. 1—Core sample showing natural net of fractures and vugs, typical from this formation.
Associative Polymers
The solution properties (such as rheology and viscosity) of both ionic and nonionic, water-soluble polymers are uniquely modified
when hydrophobic groups are introduced into the polymer chains (McCormick et al. 1989; Glass 1996). The primary factor
responsible for the property modification is the associative tendency between the hydrophobic groups when placed in aqueous
The adsorption behavior of hydrophilic water-soluble polymers can also be modified in a unique manner by the introduction of
hydrophobic groups. Rather than reaching a plateau adsorption, as is common for hydrophilic polymers, hydrophobic modification
appears to produce a continued growth in adsorption with increased polymer concentration. This behavior is attributed to
associative adsorption of polymer chains on previously adsorbed layers of polymers (Volpert et al. 1998). In general, hydrophobic
modification of water-soluble polymers adds new properties while retaining features typical for hydrophilic polymers.
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Previous testing has shown a unique shear thickening phenomena for the AP utilized in the current work. However, the
solutions used in diversion operations show very low viscosity (<2 cp) at surface conditions (Eoff et al. 2005). Viscosified or
foamed fluids commonly used for acid diversion can result in high friction pressure and require special manifolding and/or
pumping equipment. The low viscosity of the AP diverting system results in ease of mixing, low friction pressures, no special
manifolding or pump requirements, etc. The diversion of aqueous fluids occurs only after the material enters the porous media,
whether it is naturally fractured carbonate/dolomitic rock or sandstone matrix. It is theorized that the increased shear encountered
upon entering the rock matrix, coupled with polymer adsorption, results in an apparent “viscosity” increase that may be
responsible for the pressure increases usually seen during the treatment.
Experimental Procedures
Single Core Flow and Acid Diversion Tests
The experimental procedures for single core flow tests have been published previously (Eoff et al. 2003). Acid diversion tests were
run using standard Hassler sleeves. For each test, one core each was taken to residual oil saturation (water core) or residual water
saturation (oil core) and initial permeabilities were measured as described in previous papers (Eoff et al. 2003). The cores were
then connected so that the treatment sequence could be bullheaded, allowing the treatment to flow through either core. An
ammonium chloride spacer was pumped between the APT treatment and the acid. For the APT treatment and ammonium chloride
spacer, a limit of 500 mL or 500-psi differential pressure was used, and in all tests, the 500-psi limit was reached before pumping
500 mL. For the acid stage (5% HCl), the limit was 200 mL or 500 psi, and in each case, 200 mL was pumped without reaching
the 500-psi limit. In the final stage, the cores were disconnected and final permeabilities were measured.
Fig. 2—Single core flow tests on water and oil saturated sandstone cores at 175°F.
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Diversion Tests
Several diversion tests have been carried out with the APT, two test sets using carbonate cores will be discussed here. Fig. 4 shows
results from the first test. This test utilized two carbonate cores cut from the same block, so it is assumed that the permeabilities of
the two cores were very close. One core was taken to residual oil saturation and one core was taken to residual water saturation. A
control test was run in which acid was bullheaded into the two cores. As shown in the figure, out of 200 mL of acid, 142 mL
entered the water-saturated core and 58 mL entered the oil-saturated core. In the second test, using two new cores, APT was
bullheaded into the cores, followed by the acid. In this case, out of 200 mL of acid, 25 mL entered the water-saturated core and
175 mL entered the oil-saturated core.
A second set of carbonate diversion tests is shown in Fig. 5. In this case, cores with a wider permeability contrast were used. In
a control test, cores with an initial brine permeability contrast of 5/1 were used. The cores were then taken to residual water and
residual oil saturation, with the higher permeability core taken to residual water saturation. In this test, 92% of the acid entered the
water-saturated core. For the diversion test, similar carbonate cores were used, but the same permeability contrast could not be
attained. In this test, the initial brine permeability contrast was 17/1. Again, the cores were taken to residual water and residual oil
saturation, with the higher permeability core taken to residual water saturation. Following the APT treatment, 69% of the acid
entered the water-saturated core. It would be expected that if the control test had been run on cores with a 17/1 permeability
contrast, at least 92% of the acid would have entered the water core (based on the 5/1 test results). Thus, it is assumed that the APT
did result in diversion of acid into the oil-saturated core. Other laboratories have run similar diversion tests with APT and have
seen similar results (Al-Taq et al. 2007).
Foam Examples
One of the first diversion techniques used in the acid stimulation jobs of this field was the continuous foam technique. Using
nitrogen as the gaseous phase, with initial qualities of 50% increasing progressively up to 70%, this continuous foam technique
was the recommended one for long intervals with high permeabilities, which is very typical in this field.
However, results obtained from buildup tests and PLTs run after the stimulation treatments often showed skin factor remaining
in the formation and heterogeneous production profiles along the perforated interval. Fig. 6 is an example of a production profile
after an acid treatment where foam was used as the diverter. In this example, the bulk of the oil production is coming from the
upper 20 m. The buildup test run after the stimulation showed a skin factor of 14.
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Another example is shown in Fig. 7 where the production profile from the PLT run after a stimulation job shows that almost
90% of the oil production is coming from the upper half of the perforated interval. Reservoir data from these wells and some
additional ones where PLT logs were not run are shown in Table 1.
Fig. 6—Composite log from Well 34 acid stimulated using a foam diverter.
Fig. 7—Composite log from Well 30 acid stimulated using a foam diverter.
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20 2,865–2,875 and
1,030 206 2,880–2,900 1549.64 1462.44 87.20
21 N/A 219 2,875–2,900 1338.3 1274.83 63.47
22 N/A 219 2,670–2,720 1719 1704.00 15.00
23 167 222 3,277–3,355 1673.55 1579.86 93.69
24 8,070 211 2,795–2,855 1782.97 1762.28 20.69
25 22 3,105–3,120 and
208 3,145–3,180 1608 1251.00 357.00
Fig. 8—Composite log with PLT from Well 15 acid stimulated using ICA diverter.
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Fig. 9—Composite log with PLT from Well 16 acid stimulated using ICA diverter.
Fig. 10—Composite log with PLT from Well 17 acid stimulated using ICA diverter.
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Fig. 11—Composite log with PLT from Well 18 acid stimulated using ICA diverter.
Fig. 12—Composite log with PLT from Well 19 acid stimulated using ICA diverter.
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APT Examples
APT had previously been introduced as a diverting agent in other fields of the offshore area of Mexico, where good results were
reported even in the presence of water (Reza et al. 2006) and low permeability formations (Soriano et al. 2007). These results led
PEMEX to consider and evaluate the application of this system in the acid stimulations run in Cantarell field. Note that in these
cases, diversion away from predominantly water-bearing zones was not the main focus. This new stimulation campaign using the
APT diverter started at the end of 2005 and continued throughout 2006. Some wells were selected to carry out PLTs subsequent to
these stimulations to evaluate the acid distribution in the stimulated intervals. The results observed in the profiles of the PLTs for
some of these wells showed very good contribution of the producing interval, which demonstrated good performance by the APT.
On the basis of these results, during 2006 almost 50 wells were acid stimulated using APT. While results for all jobs cannot be
shown here, the overall conclusion is that APT has provided more consistent diversion than either foam or ICA.
The production profile presented in the last track of Fig. 13 shows a production contribution of the entire interval slightly
loaded to the first one-half of the perforated interval. The production profile begins at 3,398 meters because there was an
obstruction in the well below this point.
In the following example (Fig. 14), the production profile for Well 2 shows a contribution of the entire perforated interval, with
major contributions from the bottom. The same situation is observed in Well 3 (Fig. 15), where the entire interval has contributed
to the total production. The last example is Well 4 (Fig. 16), where 100% contribution of the entire perforated interval is seen in
the production profile shown in the last track.
Fig. 13—Composite log with PLT from Well 1 acid stimulated with APT diverter.
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Fig. 14—Composite log with PLT from Well 2 acid stimulated with APT diverter.
Fig. 15—Composite log with PLT from Well 3 acid stimulated with APT diverter.
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Fig. 16—Composite log with PLT from Well 4 acid stimulated with APT diverter.
Pumping Charts
An additional observation based on surface pumping pressures during the acid treatments is that APT provides a larger and more
consistent pressure increase than foam or ICA. A particular well was acid stimulated using ICA as the diverter, and a remaining
skin factor was left in the formation. Four months later a second acid treatment was carried out to overcome the damage left from
the first treatment as well as to improve productivity, which had decreased in the four months following the first treatment. For this
second acid job, APT was used as the diverter. In both cases 15% HCl was used as the main acid treatment. Fig. 17 shows the
pressure increase achieved when the APT stage arrives at the perforations. This pressure increase was not observed on the first
treatment using ICA. While surface pressure is not a definite indication of acid diversion from a higher to lower permeability zone,
it is often the only indicator available.
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Fig. 17—Job chart from a well acid stimulated with APT diverter.
Productivity Index
Productivity index data for wells acid stimulated using foam, ICA, and APT as the diverter are presented in Fig 18. This data
comes from wells where buildup tests were available. From this information, we can clearly state that the average productivity
index from those wells acid stimulated with APT is higher from those where foam or ICA was used. The average PI for the wells
using APT was 349; for ICA it was 151; for foam it was 182.
• Laboratory tests have shown that the AP diverter can divert acid from predominantly water-saturated zones to
predominantly oil-saturated zones in both sandstone and carbonate lithology.
• PLT data from field cases in the Cantarell field show better response from those wells stimulated using APT as the diverter
as compared to those using foam or ICA.
• Surface pressure response during acid jobs using APT has shown more consistent indication of diversion as compared to
• Productivity Index data shows superior results for wells stimulated using APT as the diverter as compared to foam or ICA.
• Results from this field study show that diversion with APT is not limited to wells with high water saturation zones.
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The authors would like to thank Petroleos Mexicanos and Halliburton management for their support and permission to publish this
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Eoff, L. et al. 2003. Development of a Hydrophobically Modified Water-Soluble Polymer as a Selective Bullhead System for Water Production
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Kohler, N. and Zaitoun, A. 1991. Polymer Treatment for Water Control in High-Temperature Production Wells. Paper SPE 21000 presented at
the International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Anaheim, California, 20–22 February.
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Ranjbar, M., Czolbe, P., and Kohler, N. 1995. Comparative Laboratory Selection and Field Testing of Polymers for Selective Control of Water
Production in Gas Wells. Paper SPE 28984 presented at the International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, San Antonio, Texas, 14–17
Reza, G. et al. 2006. A New Method for Acid Stimulation Without Increasing Water Production: Case Studies from Offshore Mexico. Paper SPE
103711 presented at the International Oil Conference and Exhibition, Cancun, Mexico, 31 August–2 September.
Soriano, E. et al. 2007. Relative Permeability Modifiers and Their Use in Acid Stimulation in HPHT Low-Permeability Carbonate Formations:
Offshore Mexico Cases. Paper SPE 107584 presented at the Latin American and Caribbean Petroleum Conference, Buenos Aires,
Argentina, 15–18 April.
Volpert, E. et al. 1998. Adsorption of Hydrophobically Associating Polyacrylamides on Clay. Langmuir: 14, 1870.
Zaitoun, A., Kohler, N. 1989. Improved Polyacrylamide Treatments for Water Control in Producing Wells. Paper SPE 18501 presented at the
International Symposium on Oilfield Chemistry, Houston, Texas, 8–10 February.