Jeeg25 1 III
Jeeg25 1 III
Jeeg25 1 III
Volume 25
Issue 1
Engineering Geophysics pp. iii
DOI: #10.2113/JEEG25.1.iii
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Editor’s Foreword
Dale Rucker, Editor
Happy 25th Anniversary to the Journal of Environ- this reason, the annual meeting SAGEEP was post-
mental and Engineering Geophysics. What began as a poned. I typically announce the winner of the Alan
fledgling publication for disseminating applied re- Witten Best Paper Award during conference, but I am
search in the area of near surface geophysics has happy to do it here as well. The winner is Gungor
grown to a significant scientific contribution with Bidem Beskardes with her paper titled ‘‘Power
articles from all over the world. To celebrate the Density Distribution in Subsurface Fractures Due to
achievement, we embarked on a journey to redesign an Energized Steel Well-casing Source’’ (Beskardes et
the face of the journal including an upgrade to the al., 2019). The paper explores a novel method of
article layout and a modern looking cover. The design remotely powering underground sensors with electro-
process was crowd sourced through the EEGS board
magnetics. The competition was stiff and I encourage
and fellow geophysicists. I would like to particularly
you to read the four papers that made the final round,
thank Shawn Calendine and Mark Dunscomb for their
design ideas for the cover. including the works by Huntley et al. (2019), Rahimi et
As we head into the next 25 years, it is interesting al. (2019), and Wu et al. (2019).
to imagine where the science will take us. New
acquisition hardware and software will allow us to
acquire and process data faster, upscaling the surveys
Beskardes, G.D., McAliley, W.A., Ahmadian, M., Chapman, D.T., Weiss, C.J. and Heath,
significantly. New parameterizations will help us
J.E., 2019, Power density distribution in subsurface fractures due to an energized
bridge into complementary sciences of hydrology, steel well-casing source: Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics,
mining, and engineering. Applications will be geared 24, 285–297.
towards the tracking of long term effects of climate Huntley, D., Bobrowsky, P., Hendry, M., Macciotta, R. and Best, M., 2019, Multi-
change. I look forward to reading of their investiga- technique geophysical investigation of a very slow-moving landslide near Ashcroft,
tions between the covers of JEEG. British Columbia, Canada: Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics,
I am writing this editorial from the confines of my 24, 87–110.
house, sitting at a makeshift desk made from a plastic Rahimi, S., Moody, T., Wood, C., Kouchaki, B.M., Barry, M., Tran, K. and King, C., 2019,
Mapping subsurface conditions and detecting seepage channels for an
card table in the guest bedroom. The coronavirus has
embankment dam using geophysical methods: A case study of the Kinion Lake
forced us all in doors for the past month and it is Dam: Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 24, 373–386.
unknown when we will be able to emerge and return Wu, X., Fang, G., Xue, G., Liu, L., Liu, L. and Li, J., 2019, The development and
to life as we knew it. Millions of people are already applications of the helicopter-borne transient electromagnetic system CAS-HTEM:
infected and it is expected that many will perish. For Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics, 24, 653–663.