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Journal of Environmental and March 2020

Volume 25
Issue 1
Engineering Geophysics pp. 55–63
DOI: #10.2113/JEEG18-096
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Electrical Resistivity Dynamics Beneath the Weathered Mine

Tailings in Response to Ambient Temperature
Vladimir V. Olenchenko1*, Polina S. Osipova1, Nataliya V. Yurkevich1 and Svetlana B. Bortnikova1
Trofimuk Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Koptug Ave. 3,
630090 Novosibirsk, Russia

*Corresponding author email:

Ore mining and processing dumps are open and technogenic systems, which change intensively with
time under the influence of environmental factors. Active transformations of such ‘‘technogenic
deposits’’ are in close relationship with environmental factors. The purpose of this paper is to
determine the nature and causes of the electrical resistivity (ER) changes in the mine tailings dump
over time. The investigations were carried out by the method of electrotomography by determining the
ER of the section to a depth of 1.5 m with an interval of one hour during the day with simultaneous
recording of the substance temperature at a depth of 0.1 m. The maximum daily ER dynamics is
ABSTRACT observed over intensely transformed technogenic ores. ER is in a numerical relationship with the
temperature of the solid matter by an exponential law with a certainty of 96%. A direct dependence of
the ER daily changes amplitude on the cementation index m was revealed with the help of the Archie
law. The primary material of the heap has a monodisperse composition and small values of m, so the
amplitude of the ER dynamics is minimal. As a result of oxidative transformations, the solid matter of

the dump becomes polydisperse, which is reflected in the cementation index and the amplitude of the
ER daily oscillations increase.

INTRODUCTION Au make such processing economically profitable and

allow us to recover tailings (Ptitsyn, 2006; Yurkevich
Mineral raw materials are subjected to crushing et al., 2017).
and no-equilibrium intensive dispersion in the process One of the main factors of oxidative transforma-
of extraction and processing. As a result, finely ground tion in mine tailings are temperature fluctuations,
sulfide-containing wastes are formed. These mine under the influence of which the electrochemical
tailings have a large specific surface area and a high reactions at the boundary of ore minerals and pore
reactivity (Blowes et al., 2003). Oxidation of sulfide water become activated or disappear (Sveshnikov,
minerals by air and oxygen leads to the formation of 1967; Ptitsyn, 2006), chemical and physical destruc-
acid drainage with high concentrations of sulfate tion of matter occurs (Shesternev, 2001; Tataurov,
anions, ore metals (Fe, Ci, Zn, Cd, Pb) and impurities 2008). For ex
(As, Sb, Be, Se) (Dold, 2014; Nordstrom et al., 2015; ample, mineralization zones have rapidly changing
Parbhakar-Fox and Lottermoser, 2017). Oxidative physical properties that lead to the dynamics of local
transformations of mine tailings are characterized by geophysical fields (Balasanyan, 1990). The effect of the
higher rates of weathering (Ptitsyn, 2006; Lindsay et
geoelectric field daily dynamics was discovered in the
al., 2015; Abrosimova et al., 2015) and increased
middle of the last century. It consists in the daily
migration of chemical elements (Vernadsky, 2002;
electrical resistivity (ER), the natural field potential
Fersman, 1955; Lukashev, 1986). The numerous
negative consequences of sulfide-containing tailings and the induced polarization variations, when the
oxidizing due to the acid, metals and metalloids external and, consequently, internal properties of the
removal with drainage waters (Kossof et al., 2014; medium change (Semenov, 1957; Balasanyan, 1990).
Nordstrom et al., 2015; Cidu et al., 2017; Korneeva et Time-varying behavior of geoelectric fields is most
al., 2017), soil, snow cover and the atmosphere often observed in ore deposits and fault zones
pollution (Banic et al., 2006; Yurkevich et al., 2015; (Avgulevich, 2003). In addition, there are many studies
Noble et al., 2017; Benyassine et al., 2017, Bortnikova on the dynamics of resistance during the penetration
et al., 2017, 2018) are described. In addition, the of a substance into the medium (tracer tests) or
perspectives for valuable components extracting from during seasonal changes on different sites (Hauck,
wastes exist. Often high concentrations of Cu, Zn, Ag, 2002; Hayley et al., 2007; Oldenborger et al., 2007;

Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 56

Chambers et al., 2014; Lin et al., 2018; Chen et al.,

First investigations of mining dumps using geo-
physical methods were conducted about 20 years ago
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(Yuval and Oldenburg, 1996). The use of electrical

prospecting methods allow to reduce significantly the
number of sampling points for geochemical research,
to estimate the volume and resources of ‘‘man-made
deposits’’ and to outline the pore fluid distribution
zones (Campbell, 1999; Buselli and Lu, 2001; Horton,
2003; Rucker, 2009, Burton and Ball, 2010; Placencia-
Gómez, 2010; Parasnis, 2013; Khalatov et al., 2013;
Yurkevich et al., 2017). A common practice is the
construction of geoelectrical sections and their
interpretation at a qualitative level with the prediction
of the conducting zones confined to horizons of
highly mineralized pore solutions (Bortnikova et al.,
2013; Acosta et al., 2014; Olenchenko et al., 2016;
Martı́nez-Pagán et al., 2009, Martı́n-Crespo et al., Figure 1 The location of the Beloklyuchevsky tailing, the profile of
2018). electrotomography and thermometric measurements (1), and soil
However, the studies known to date do not touch pit (2).
upon the temporal changes in the physical properties
of the tailings, which occur during oxidative transfor- their relationship with the waste’s composition and
mation. However, the resistivity is a complex electri- structure forms the basis for the geophysical moni-

cal characteristic of the soil, influenced by various toring of waste processing and territory remediation.
parameters: particle size, permeability, temperature,
porosity, tortuosity, pressure, and clay content (Fried- STUDY AREA
man, 2005) all of which may vary with time. The
temperature and the structure of the substance play a The Beloklyuchevsky mine tailings are located in
central role among these factors. Ursk village, Kemerovo region, at a distance of 300 m
The aim of this study is to determine the from the living area: 54.463326 0N, 85.386502 0E (Fig.
relationship between the resistivity, the temperature 1). The tailings were accumulated after the processing
and the structure of mine tailings in the oxidative of ores from the Beloklyuch deposit, which is the part
zones. The main objective of our investigations is to of the Ursk’s ore field. The tailing dump was created in
reveal the nature and causes of the daily changes in the 1930s and was used until the 1970s. The structure,
the electrophysical parameters of the mine tailings. morphology, mineral composition of ore bodies, the
Our investigations aim to determine the water and sequence of mineral formation, the mine development
air dispersion ways of elements out from sulfide- have been studied and described by many researchers
bearing mine tailings, depending on the composition (Bolgov, 1937; Zerkalov, 1959; Distanov, 1977). Ore
of the tailings, as well as changes in external bodies of the deposit are represented by massive
environmental parameters: temperature, humidity, sulfur-pyrite and pyrite-polymetallic ores, vein-dissem-
pressure, the Earth’s electric field. The practical inated and disseminated by pyrite-copper-zinc ores,
application of this work is a prediction the periods hemmed-in by a halo of disseminated mineralization.
of the greatest toxicity of a mine waste (during the The shape of the ore bodies is lenticular; the main vein
day and the year). This is especially actual in a region minerals are quartz, sericite, barite, calcite, gypsum.
with a sharply continental climate, like Siberia, when The main sulfide components of the ores are pyrite,
seasonal variations in environmental conditions lead to arsenopyrite, sphalerite, chalcopyrite, fahlite, and
significant changes in the ground. Moreover, as we galena. Rare minerals: pyrrhotite , argentite, gold,
have already indicated, changes in mine tailings are altaite, hessite, calaverite, stibnite, clausthalite (Zerka-
even more pronounced than for natural soils: the lov, 1959). The upper parts of the ore bodies (quartz-
finely crushed tailings with a large area of reactively barite and quartz-pyrite fain-grained sand) from which
active surface transform (including oxidize) intensive- gold was extracted by cyanidation.
ly due to seasonal freezing and thawing of water in The tailing in the section is an alternation of color
cracks. contrasting layers: from bright red to greenish and
In addition, the observation of the diurnal and bluish gray, depending on the degree of matter
seasonal dynamics of electrophysical parameters and oxidation. Modern geochemical composition of the
Olenchenko et al.: Resistivity beneath Weathered Mine Tailings 57
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Figure 2 Geoelectrical section at 16:00: 1 – primary tails, 2 – oxidized tails, 3 – temperature sensor, 4 – electrodes, 5 – pit.

tailing is determined by two main factors: primary granulometric composition of the solid matter was
heterogeneity of the stored material and secondary determined from the first set using sieve on a fraction
processes of its redistribution. .704 lm and the particle size analyzer Microtrac
X100 for the particles in the range from 0.04 to 704

METHODS lm. The second set of the solid samples was dried at
room temperature for 48 hours, homogenized by
Geophysical Investigations folding, and powdered to ,74 lm by abrasion in an
agate mortar for laboratory experiments.
Electrical resistivity tomography was used to
investigate the mine tailings. The measurements were Laboratory Experiments on the Relationships
performed using a multielectrode instrument SKALA- between Resistivity and Temperature of the Pore
48. A dipole-dipole array was use as the sequence of Fluid
connecting the electrodes. The number of electrodes
was 48. The interelectrode distance was 0.2 m. The Three laboratory experiments were performed to
length of the profile was 9.4 m. The depth of the reveal the relationship between resistivity and ambient
investigation was up to 1.5 m. Thus, factor values a ¼ temperature for the: 1) NaCl solution (the model of the
0.2, n ¼ 1. The maximum signal error was 0.9%. The mineralized pore solution); 2) pore fluids; and 3) pastes
resistivity values were measured every hour during (model of the wet solid skeleton). The first experiment
the day from 16:00 on July 1, 2017 until 15:00 on July was carried out with a NaCl solution (5 g/L). It was
2, 2017. The measurement array was 526 points for cooled to þ58C, and then heated using digital magnetic
each hour of measurement. Data processing was stirrer WiseStir MSH-20D-Set (DAIHAN Scientific) to
performed using the program of two-dimensional þ1008C. The conductivity value was measured at each
inversion Res2Dinv (Loke, 2010). The robust smooth- 58C step using portative device Cond-315i (WTW,
ness constrain method was used. Germany) and the resistivity value was calculated.
For the second experiment, the sample of the
Study of the Temperature and Composition of the waste was cone quartered and dried at room
Solid Matter temperature to constant weight. The sample was used
to extract aqueous leaching solutions by the scheme:
The temperature of the tailings was determined at 20 g of the sample was left in 400 ml of double-
a depth of 0.1 m at the point of 8.3 m of the profile by distilled water for 24 h on a magnetic stirrer. Aliquot
a laboratory electronic thermometer LT-300 (50 ... of the obtained solution was separated from solid by
þ3008C) with a stainless steel sensor. Samples of solid filtering of the aqueous extract through a 0.45 lm
matter were taken from one test-pit of 1 m deep in membrane filter. Measurements of the resistivity were
visually different horizons at the point of 8–8.5 m of carried out in the same way as for the first experiment.
the profile (Fig. 2) which correspond to the zone with For the third experiment, the sample of the waste
maximum of electrical resistivity (red-orange tails). was cone quartered and dried at room temperature to
Solid samples were divided into two sets. The constant weight. 100 ml of double-distilled water was
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 58

wide range of resistivity is associated with different

material composition and acidity of the pore fluid. To
a depth of 0.5 m the rocks have an increased resistivity
of 10–50 ohmm with inclusions of local sections with
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anomalously high to 100–300 ohmm and low to 1

ohmm resistivity. This is the most heterogeneous part
of the geoelectrical section. The resistivity of the
substance varies little—within 3–5 ohm below the
depth of 0.5 m that indicates a homogeneous material
composition of the tailings. Substance with a resistiv-
ity of 10–20 ohmm correlated with not modify gray-
blue tailings. Near-surface zones of high resistivity
these are intensely oxidized tailings of red-orange
color. The anomaly with a resistivity of less than 2
ohmm is associated with rocks with a high acidity of
Figure 3 Graphs of the resistivity: a) pseudodepth 0.08 m (1 - 7:00, the pore fluid.
2 - 02:00 , 3 - 12:00, 4 - 15:00); and b) pseudodepth 0.14 m (1 -
8:00; 2 - 23:00, 3 - 12:00, 4 - 16:00). Variability of Resistivities Along the Prole

added to 50 g of the sample to prepare paste, which Areas with maximum changes in resistivity at the
simulate the moistened tailings, the paste was left for site can be detected by using function of the time-
24 h on a magnetic stirrer. The cooling to þ58C and lapse inversion in a two-dimensional inversion pro-
heating to þ1008C with measuring of the resistivity gram. However, such an approach can lead to artifacts
were carried out in the same way as described for the in sections showing relative changes in resistivity. In

experiment 1. order to reduce such artifacts, the Res2Dinv program

uses a simple damped or Marquardt constraint, L2
Calculation of Relationship between Resistivity and least squares smoothness and L1 norm constraint or
Cementation Index robust (Loke, 2001). At the same time, the paper of
(Modin et al., 2014) showed that even in the presence
The relationship between the resistivity of the of relatively small interference (within 3%), a formal
pore solution and the resistivity of the whole two-dimensional inversion will produce different
substance is described by Archie’s law (Archie, 1942): results depending on the structure of the interference
field with an increase in this negative trend as the
¼ /m ; ð1Þ separation increases. Therefore, in order to avoid the
qw ambiguity of the interpretation associated with the
where q is the resistivity of the rock, ohmm, qw is the inversion instability, we will consider the change in
specific resistivity of the pore solution, ohmm, u is apparent resistivity in time.
the porosity coefficient, m is the cementation index The graphs of the resistivity were constructed to
responsible for the pore size distribution with respect analyze the changes in the electrical properties of
matter during the day along the profile (Fig. 3). We
to the average pore size, or for the dispersion
have taken the data obtained at 0.2 m and 0.3 m offsets
(Friedman, 2005; Murcovkin, 2014). Then, according
assuming that the maximum changes will occur at
to the Eq. (1), the resistivity of the substance (q) was
shallow depths. They correspond to pseudo depths of
calculated using the resistivity of the pore solution
0.08 m (Fig. 3(a)) and 0.14 m (Fig. 3(b)). In some parts
obtained in the laboratory (qw from second experi- of the profile (0–3 m and 8–9 m), the apparent
ment) and the parameter u ¼ 0.4. Using different resistivity values varied significantly during the day. In
values of the cementation index m from 1.4 to 2.6 other intervals (3–6 m), the value of resistivity during
with increment 0.4, we calculated the models of the the day almost did not change.
time scales of the resistivity (Friedman, 2005; Zhang et For determining the points with the most inten-
al., 2012). sive resistivity’s change, the graphs of the maximum
daily dynamics were plotted (Fig. 4), which is
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION calculated by the formula dqk ¼ qmax-qmin. The
background value (median of the series) dqk is equal
Geoelectrical Sections to 1.92 ohmm. At a distance of 2 m and 8–9 m from
the beginning of the profile, the values of the
The resistivity values of the materials vary from 0.3 resistivity’s dynamics are increased (more than 2
to 300 ohmm (Fig. 2) at the starting time (16:00). A ohmm). The maximum value of dqk, reaching 15
Olenchenko et al.: Resistivity beneath Weathered Mine Tailings 59
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Figure 4 The graph of the maximum daily resistivity’s dynamics

along the observation profile, with curve 1 representing
pseudodepth 0.08 m and curve 2 representing pseudodepth 0.14 m.

ohmm, is observed at a distance of 8.7 m from the

beginning of the profile at a depth of 0.14 m. An
analysis of the data showed that the intense dynamics
of qk is manifested in the zones of anomalies of high
resistivity (Fig. 2), which are associated with a strongly
modified solid matter.

Variability of Resistivities During the Time of


The resistivity values should be brought to the


same scale for determining the resistivity variations

with time at each electrode position. For this purpose,
the measured value at each time was reduce by the
mean value at the electrode position during the
observation period according to the formula Dqk (t)
¼ qk (t) – qkmean. The change of this quantity in time is
called the time series.
Further analysis examines in detail the data that
correspond to the positions of the electrodes at
intervals with a maximum daily dynamics (2–2.5 m, 8–
9 m). Figure 5(a) shows the time series for each
electrode position at pseudodepth of 0.08 m. Time
series for the positions 2.1 m, 7.9 m, 8.1 m, 8.3 m, 8.7
m and 8.9 m (intervals of maximum dynamics) at
pseudo-depths are signed. Also shown in Fig. 5(b) are
time series for a pseudo-depth of 0.14 m. We note that
time series that have a high amplitude are those that
are located in intervals with maximum dynamics.
Figure 5 Comparison of changes in resistivity and temperature over:
Specific resistivity time series have common-mode a) Time series for each electrode position at pseudodepth of 0.08
changes with a maximum of 7:00–8:00 hours and a m; b) time series for each electrode position at pseudodepth of 0.14
minimum of 15:00 for different positions of the profile m; and c) daily variation of temperature.
electrode at the same depth. This suggests that the
change in resistivity across the profile is caused by an observed. Thus, the external physical factor, affecting
external influence of the same nature. The maximum the resistivity of the tailings during the day, is the air
resistivity time is shifted by one hour to 8:00–9:00 at a temperature, which determines the temperature of
depth of 0.14 m, but their changes are also in phase. tailings. The relationship of the apparent resistivity at a
When comparing time series of apparent electrical pseudo depth of 0.08 m and the temperature of the
resistivity with a graph of temperature change (T) at a substance at a depth of 0.1 m is described by an
depth of 0.1 (Fig. 5(c)), the interrelation between exponential law (Fig. 6). The correlation coefficient is
these variables is obvious. The amplitude Dqk increas- 0.94. The exponential relationship between the soil’s
es with temperature decreasing, an inverse relation- resistivity and its temperature is described in (Besson,
ship of the resistivity with the temperature is 2008; Ma, 2011).
Journal of Environmental and Engineering Geophysics 60
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Figure 8 Temporal development of the normalized values of the

resistivity for the resistivity of the rock, calculated according to
Archie’s law, for different m: 1 – m ¼ 1.2, 2 – m ¼ 1.5, 3 – m ¼
1.7, 4 – m ¼ 1.8, 5 – m ¼ 2.
Figure 6 The dependence of the tailings resistivity on its temperature
on pseudodepth 0.08 m.
laboratory experiments were performed: with NaCl
solution (model of mineralized pore solution), with
The Dependence of Resistivities of NaCl Solutions
water extract from the substance (pore fluid), with
and Pore Fluids from Temperature
paste (model of a wet solid skeleton).
As a result of the experiment, the exponential
Electrical resistivity is a complex electrical char-
dependences of the resistivity of NaCl solution,

acteristic of the soil, which is affected by various

aqueous extract and paste from the dump material
parameters of the substance. However, for rocks with
a non-conductive skeleton, the conductivity of the and temperature were determined. Figure 7 shows the
pore solution and the water content are the dominant dependences of the resistivity of NaCl solution,
factors affecting the conductivity of the whole aqueous extract and paste from the dump material,
substance. At the Beloklyuchevsky mine tailings the and temperature. Charts vary exponentially. The same
conductivity of waste is not due to humidity, but is dependences for the models of the pore solution and
directly related to its chemical composition. In this the solid moistened substance suggest that the
case, the temperature of the substance plays a central resistivity of a solid in this case depends to the
role among the factors that determine the resistivity of maximum extent on the conductivity of the pore
the substance. A change in ambient temperature leads solution.
to a change in the temperature of the pore fluid. To The Relationship between Resistivity and
identify the relationship between the resistivity of the
Cementation Index
substance of the blade and the temperature, three
Figure 8 shows the models of the resistivity time
scans for different parameters of the cementation
index m. The maximum amplitude of the daily
dynamics of resistivity is observed in the substance
having the largest index m, that is, high dispersity. The
results obtained are consistent with Friedman’s (2005)
and Murtsovkin’s studies (2013), which indicate that
the greater the dispersion of grain sizes relative to the
average size, the higher the resistivity of the medium
for the same porosity.
Consider the particle size distribution in the
material samples from the tailing (Fig. 9). The fractions
of grains of different diameters are determined for
primary and oxidized substances from the surface (a)
and from a depth of 0.15 m (b). Primary (non-
Figure 7 Dependences of resistivity on temperature from the results oxidized) tailings from the surface are mainly particles
of a laboratory experiments with curve 1 representing NaCl, curve 2 of about 0.83 lm in size. Oxidized ores have a
representing extract, and curve 3 representing paste. polydisperse composition and contain particles rang-
Olenchenko et al.: Resistivity beneath Weathered Mine Tailings 61
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Figure 9 Size distribution histograms for the mine tailings particles in: a) On the surface; and b) at a depth of 0.15 m; 1 – unoxidized substance, 2
– oxidized substance.

ing in size from 0.49 to 1.55 lm. An equal number of which in turn is determined by the polydispersity
particles of different diameters are present on a depth of the composition. An increase in the amplitude of
of 0.15 m in the primary and oxidized sites. resistance dynamics with an increase in the
The maximum dynamics of resistivity is manifest- heterogeneity of the composition of the substance
ed in zones of high resistivity corresponding to was found.
oxidized ores. As a result of oxidation, these ores
Due to this study, it was determined that the
acquire a polydisperse composition in the near-
oxidized substance is most susceptible to changes in
surface part of the section. In addition, the greater
resistance due to temperature fluctuations. This
the spread of grains relative to the average size, the
higher the amplitude of the resistivity. substance contains more sulphides. This is also
confirmed in other works, where the dynamics was
detected over ore deposits containing sulphide
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This work was supported by Russian Science Foundation (grant No. 19-17-00134) and project Fundamental Scientific Research (No.

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