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The workshop was co-chaired by Drs. Sutat Sriwatanapongse and Banpot Napompeth on behalf of the Royal Thai
Government, Dr. Jeff Waage on behalf of the Global Invasive Species Programme, Mr. Ted Osius on behalf of the
U.S. government, and Dr. Jamie K. Reaser on behalf of the U.S. government and GISP. The members of the
Steering Committee included : Ms. Kanchana Aksorn-Aree (U.S. Embassy – Bangkok), Mr. Michal De Tar (U.S.
Embassy, Kathmandu), Ms. Alexis Gutierrez (U.S. National Invasive Species Council), Dr. Banpot Napompeth
(Thailand Biodiversity Centre), Mr. Ted Osius (U.S. Embassy – Bangkok), Dr. Nirmalie Pallewatta (University of
Colombo/GISP), Dr. Jamie K. Reaser (U.S. National Invasive Species Council/GISP), Dr. Dana Roth (U.S.
Department of State), Mr. Jay Pal Shretha (U.S. Embassy, Kathmandu), and Dr. Jeff Waage (Imperial College,
The editors are grateful to Professor Benito C. Tan of the Department of Biological Sciences, National
University of Singapore and Dr. Banpot Napompeth, Advisor, National Biological Control Research Center,
Kasetsart University, Thailand, for the assistance they offered in report preparation. Professor R.L.C.
Wijesundara, Ms. Wathsala Munasinghe, and Ms. Sajeewani Handapangoda of the University of Colombo, Sri
Lanka helped to check the accuracy of the scientific names listed in country papers. Their hard work helped to
increase the reliability of the information in this document and is much appreciated.
The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the positions of any
government or other body represented in the meeting, nor its sponsors.
The workshop report is published by GISP as: Pallewatta, N., J.K. Reaser & A.T. Gutierrez (eds.). 2003.
Prevention and Management of Invasive Alien Species: Proceedings of a Workshop on Forging Cooper-ation
throughout South-Southeast Asia. Global Invasive Species Programme, Cape Town, South Africa.
Citation: Pallewatta, N., J.K. Reaser, and A.T. Gutierrez. (eds.). 2003. Invasive Alien Species in South-
Southeast Asia: National Reports & Directory of Resources. Global Invasive Species
Programme, Cape Town, South Africa.
This report is one of three products of a workshop entitled, Prevention and Management of Invasive
Alien Species: Forging Cooperation throughout South and Southeast Asia. The meeting was held by the
Global Invasive Species Programme (GISP) in Bangkok, Thailand on 14-16 August 2002. The other
products include a workshop report, including a regional statement on IAS, available at
This document is the first country-driven effort to assess the status of invasive alien species (IAS) and
share information on IAS national programmes in the South-Southeast Asian region.
Each country that participated in the regional workshop was invited to submit a chapter that included
information on known IAS, existing strategies for preventing and managing IAS, objectives and contact
information for departments/ministeries concerned with IAS, priorities for future work on IAS, list of
in-country IAS experts, and a list of relevant references and websites. Participants were asked to
provide information relevant to both agriculture and environmental sectors and to work across multiple
ministeries when possible. The ability of each country to provide this information varied considerably,
and depended upon the amount of information already available on IAS problems in their country,
existence of in-country technical expertise, and the priority attached to IAS issues by the current
government. A few delegations were unable to contribute to this document and are in the process of
assessing IAS status in their countries.
The data provided within this document reflects the most up-to-date information available to the authors
of each country report at the time of writing. These authors and the GISP make no claims that this
information is complete or scientifically accurate (e.g., scientific names may not always have been
correctly assigned to non-native species), although the authors and GISP have attempted to ensure as
useful and reliable a document as possible.
GISP hopes that this document will be seen as a foundation for future work on IAS within the South-
Southeast Asia region. Readers who wish to provide additional information or updates to specific
chapters are encouraged to contact the authors, as well as GISP. A web-based version of this report is
downloadable from and, if new information warrants, will be updated as appropriate.
Reports arising from GISP’s workshops in other regions of the world will also be made available at
The South-Southeast Asia Region
National Reports & Directory of Resources on IAS
Preface 3
Contents 5
Bangladesh 7
Bhutan 21
Brunei Darussalam 25
Indonesia 30
Laos 33
Malaysia 43
Maldives 57
Nepal 66
Pakistan 70
Philippines 80
Singapore 85
Sri Lanka 91
Thailand 104
Vietnam 107
Bangladesh is located between 20°34' and 26°38' North and 88°01' and 92°42' East, with an area of
147,570 km2. Geographically, the country is located at the transition of Indo-Gangetic and Indo-Malaya
subregions between the Himalayas and the Bay of Bengal. Bangladesh is characterized by a sub-tropical
monsoonal climate with fairly marked seasonal variations of precipitation and a mild winter from
December to February. The country has 2.53 m hectares of forest land, covering 17.49% of its total
landmass. Aside from ranges of hills along the Burmese and Indian borders (to the southeast and
northeast), the entire country is an enormous deltaic plain flanked by the river Ganges (Padma),
Brahmaputra (Jamuna), and Meghna rivers. These rivers are among the largest in the world, and along
with their floodplains and tributaries that crisscross the country forming a myriad of meandering
channels, lakes, ox-bows and water meadows, they form an intricate network of waterways flowing
into the Bay of Bengal. Additional temporary bodies of water are formed when a large part of the
country becomes submerged for 3-4 months during the monsoon season.
Bangladesh is exceptionally rich in biodiversity. The country has approximately 113 species of
mammals, more than 628 species of birds, 126 species of reptiles, and 22 species of amphibians. In
marine and aquatic systems, there are approximately 442 species of marine fish, 266 species of
freshwater fish, 15 species of crabs, 56 species of shrimp/prawns, 362 species of mollusks, and 66
species of corals. Approximately 5000 species of angiosperms have been identified, of which 300
species are cultivated. Published records document approximately 2493 species of insects, 19 species of
mites, 164 species of algae/seaweed, and 4 species of echinoderms (Alam 1967, Khan 1991, Ahmed
and Ali 1996, Anonymous 2000a, 2000b). Resource managers have identified 224 species of timber-
yielding plants (Mia and Haque 1986), while Khan and Mia (1984) report 130 species of indigenous
fibre plants.
Numerous species are known to be threatened by various land uses and other environmental changes.
These include 54 species of inland fish, 8 amphibians, 58 reptiles, 41 resident birds, and 40 mammals.
Among the marine and migratory species of animals in particular, 4 fish, 5 reptiles, 6 birds, 3 mammals,
and 96 seed-bearing plant species are threatened (Anonymous 2000a, 2000b).
As in many other countries of South Asia, hundreds of alien species have entered Bangladesh,
intentionally and unintentionally. The remainder of this paper addresses the status of invasive alien
species (IAS) in Bangladesh and what is being done to address the problem.
Bangladesh has a long history of introduction of alien species of plants and animals, especially those
which were found to be productive elsewhere and offered potential economic benefits to Bangladesh.
Early introductions were associated with importation of exotic goods from almost every nation of Asia.
Some alien species have entered the country unintentionally. For example, it is believed that many IAS
were indiscriminately introduced from India with floodwaters and rapidly spread to the wetlands in
Bangladesh as a sort of ‘biological explosive’. Unfortunately, no consideration was made of the likely
adverse effects of introduction of any alien species to Bangladesh. Quarantine measures adopted during
import of alien species were weak, and as a result they were introduced into the country without proper
documentation. Information such as published lists of harmful, invasive or pest alien species, and
published scientific data on the ecological and economic impacts of such species, are not available.
Despite the absence of studies, it is believed that a growing number of IAS are causing significant
economic and environmental impacts in Bangladesh. These species include fish, insects, weeds,
nematodes, crustaceans, microbial pathogens, and vascular plants. Of the hundreds of alien species
introduced to Bangladesh, some have naturalized to such an extent that it is very difficult to recognize
them as aliens. Some of the alien species have become invasive.
It is very difficult to give a complete list of alien species of plants introduced into Bangladesh, as
published literature is not available on this aspect. However, a list of IAS of plants introduced into
Bangladesh is given in Table 2 in Appendix 1.
Introduction of alien species of weeds has a long history in Bangladesh. A condensed list of alien weeds
with available information on country of origin, area of spread, and the damage caused by these species
is presented in Table 3. Bangladesh forestry mostly uses the clear felling system which creates wide
gaps that support the growth of disturbance-tolerant species, including weeds. Certain kinds of
agricultural practices, including some that have been used from a long time ago, also support the growth
of IAS. It has been observed that most invasive weeds grow luxuriantly at the advent of rain and
continue growing until the onset of winter. Weeds prefer to grow in areas with sunlight, while the
growth of most is retarded under conditions of shade leading to their eventual death. They all bear the
unique character of suppressing regeneration of cultivated plants unless there is some kind of human
Perhaps the first widely introduced IAS in Bangladesh is the water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes,
which was brought from Brazil during the British colonial period. British ladies were fond of its
attractive flowers and used them for hair-styling and decorative purposes. Now almost all the wetlands
of Bangladesh are covered by this water hyacinth (Ameen, 1990), and it is a very serious invasive,
replacing indigenous aquatic species such as Enhydra flactuans, Ipomoea aquatica and Dodonaea
Other most invasive alien weeds are: Alternanthera philoxeroides, Argemone mexicana, Chylocalyx sp.,
Enhydra fluctuans, Mikania cordata, and Parthenium hysterophorus. Though not measured
scientifically, visually significant economic damage is caused by these introduced weeds. The impacts
of alien species of weeds and resultant changes to local ecosystems have not yet been studied in
Bangladesh. Following are brief accounts of some species of major alien weeds with their recorded
Mikania scandens, a luxuriantly growing climber which grows on wet soil with sufficient sunlight, has
perennial rootstocks and rootlet climbers that grow very rapidly on the ground and also on other plants.
The perennial rootstock makes it very hard to eradicate except by completely pulling it out of the
ground. It is found covering entire crowns of the trees in plantations, and arrests the growth of these
trees if sufficient care is not taken during establishment of the plantations. It is also a menace in the
high forests. This creeper has proven itself very difficult to eradicate, and is spreading gradually into the
adjacent areas of forests as well. This species most likely invaded the country after the major cyclone of
the 1960s.
Sometime in the mid 1960s, Ipomea fistula was introduced to the coastal areas of Bangladesh. This
plant accumulates salt in its tissues which does it no harm, but when it dies, the salt is released into the
soil, rendering the area unfit for much of the native vegetation.
Mimosa pudica, a perennial, prickly, bristly, and creeping weed of roadsides and fallow lands, is also
commonly found on the hills. It grows all over the country and is considered to have been introduced to
Bangladesh more than 200 years ago. The thick layers of this species prevent growth and development
of many native species including the natural germination of many valuable forest species, such as
Dipterocarpus spp. and Syzygium spp., which it does by largely by preventing the seeds from reaching
the soil. Mimosa intsia, another IAS, is found spreading in the northeastern part of the country, usually
following tea cultivation.
The invasive grass lmperata cylindrica has overrun woodland margins in the country. This grass is
highly flammable, and regenerates quickly after burning. Its most damaging impacts are hindering tree
growth in plantations and virgin forests, and destruction of soil fertility by its greater adaptability to dry
open areas. It is very difficult to eradicate this from plantations, since it is gregarious in nature, with a
strongly spreading root system.
Cleome hassleriana is growing dominantly in marshy areas of the northeastern part of the country,
where it was introduced as long ago as 200 years or so, following tea cultivation.
Croton bonplandianus is a common branched perennial herb with watery juices. Known as a common
weed of road sides and waste lands of the eastern part of the country, this plant was introduced from
Brazil during the 1890s.
Croton lobata, a perennial under-shrub, is a weed of wastelands and roadsides mostly found in the
eastern part of Bangladesh. The plant has been growing in this region since 1940s.
Panicum repens, another aggressive grass, is found invariably in the coastal region of Bangladesh, and
was introduced over a hundred years ago.
Lantana camara var. aculata, which is prickly and difficult to pull out, grows mostly in the hilly
regions. This species was introduced to Bangladesh around 200 years ago. A scrambler, it is a menace
to the seedlings used for artificial regeneration in forest areas.
Chromolaena (Eupatorium) odorata, introduced in the mid 1940s, is a coarse straggling under-shrub
species, growing as a bush. It has displaced virtually all other vegetation from some places in the hill
regions. This species is more destructive whenever vegetation clearing is done. Unless quick remedial
measures are taken, the area becomes covered with this invasive within a period of about three years,
forming an impenetrable thicket.
Ageratum conyzoides (introduced to Bangladesh during the 1940s) does great damage by precluding
natural regeneration, covering crowns of trees, and killing the foliage of existing crops.
Opuntia dillenii, a well-known cactus invasive and a native of South America, was introduced to coastal
Bangladesh some time in the past.
Parthenium sp. (hysterophorus?) is present in Bangladesh for the past 15 years, and is known to cause
serious allergic reactions to its pollen.
Valuable timber species such as teak (Tectona grandis), mahogony (Swietenia mahogonii or S.
macrophylla), and fast growing alien tree species such as Eucalyptus camaldulensis, Acacia mangium,
Acacia auriculiformis and Leucaena leucocephala, have been introduced for development of forestry.
Some of them are now well acclimatized to the country. Several species from the two genera, Acacia
and Eucalyptus from Australia and eastern Malaysia, have been introduced into Bangladesh, mostly
during the 1980s. Plantations of fast growing eucalypts, A. auriculiformis and A. mangium from
Australia, are a common choice for pulp and fuelwood in Bangladesh. All these species have proven to
be rivals to endemic flora, eventually replacing indigenous forest species as well as other native wild
flora. For example, A. auriculiformis germinates naturally in plantation forests and forms congested
seedling areas which in turn prevent natural germination of some native forest species.
Acacia and Eucalyptus trees produce leaves that are not easily degradable, and thus the soil becomes
less fertile, threatening the existence of thousands of humus-dependent species including herbs and
earthworms. These trees are said to absorb large amount of water and nutrients from the soil rather
rapidly, and hence even the indigenous trees cannot properly grow around it. Some species of
eucalyptus are therefore used for draining swamps. Furthermore, birds are observed to avoid eucalyptus
plants. These trees do not support wildlife because they do not produce edible fruit or nectar for them.
The monocultures of these species are lifeless, and the tall and slender stems of these species are not
storm tolerant and cannot shelter any fauna during storms. Moreover, the spores produced by the
flowers of these trees create allergic diseases in the respiratory tracts of human beings (Ameen, 1999).
There are many other alien species growing in Bangladesh, such as oil palm (Elaeis guinensis), rubber
(Hevea braziliensis) (introduced in 1964 and 1910 respectively), and Pinus caribeae and Pinus
oocarpa, introduced in 1940 and 1970 respectively. However, we still do not have any assessment of
the impact of these species on native biodiversity and gene pools. So far, only growth and spacing trials
of alien forest species have been carried out. During introduction of alien species, only quarantine
regulations for exclusion of insect pests intimately associated with timber, along with fungi and
bacterial pathogens, are followed.
Alien ornamental plants
Ornamental plants such as Krishnachura (Poinciana pulcherrima), Radhachura (Delonix regia), and
Peltophorum ferrugineum, and various types of cacti and orchids, have entered the country. Yet again,
we have no comprehensive assessment of the impacts and status of spread of these species.
Among the animal species, the recent introductions are mostly fish. Due to increased demand for fish
resources (fish being one of the major sources of protein), caused by the human population explosion,
fish species capable of producing a higher biomass in a shorter period than native species were
introduced. About 15 alien species of fish, mostly carps, were introduced to Bangladesh. A list of
different alien species of fish introduced into Bangladesh is given in Table 1. The main objectives of
these introductions were: augmenting fish production, use of some as predators of pest insects and
weeds, and some for use in aquaria and decoration. Hardly any studies on the influence of the imported
species and their interactions with local species and the natural environment preceded these
Some of the introduced species have been found to be competing with local species for food, to the
detriment of the latter. The most disastrous invasive alien fish species are Clarias gariepinus (native of
Africa), Pangasius sutchi, P. giganticus (naturally occurring in Southeast Asia), Tilapia mossambica
and Tilapia nilotica. These fish species were brought from Thailand between 1953 and 1990 (Rahman,
1997). The predatory habits of the first three species are well known and legendary. Clarias gariepinus
and Pangasius spp. eat almost everything they encounter. They not only feed on indigenous fish species
and domestic ducklings, but also on snails and birds that are killed and supplied by cultivators. As a
result, the vulture population of the country is also threatened, because carcasses that would have been
available to them are collected and supplied to these fish species (Rahman, 1997). The last two species
are not predatory species, but their fecundity and growth rate are very high, and they can breed
naturally. T. mossambica and T. nilotica are competing with small native fish species, and gradually
occupying their niches. In case of carps, some interesting research data have been collected. The local
major carps contributed 67% of the total stock in 1967 in Sylhet-Mymensingh haor (large marshland)
basin, but rapidly declined to 50% in 1973 and only managed a 4% contribution in 1984 (Tsai and Ali,
! Grass Carp (Ctenopharyngodon idella) introduced to Bangladesh from Hong Kong in 1966;
! Silver Carp (Hypopthalmichthys molitrix) naturally occurring in China was introduced to
Bangladesh from Hong Kong in 1969;
! The Goldfish (Carassius auratus) was brought from Pakistan in 1952 and is used as decorative
species in aquaria and cement tanks.
Many IAS were indiscriminately introduced, and rapidly spread to wetlands as a kind of ‘biological
explosion’ along with floodwaters from India. Some of the introduced fish species were recommended
only for restricted cultivation in closed ponds, but these plans were unsuccessful as closed ponds could
not be maintained due to floods. The result is that 54 indigenous fish species have become threatened
within a very short time, and many of them will become extinct from Bangladesh if this process
continues (Islam et al., 2000).
Fish diseases
Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome has been causing large-scale fish mortality in the floodplains. The
occurrence of Epizootic Ulcerative Syndrome disease was first reported in February 1988 from
Chandpur. Ali (1991) reported that the disease broke out almost all over Bangladesh causing heavy
mortalities of native fish such as Snakeheads (‘taki,’‘shol’), eel (‘baim’), perches (‘Koi,’
‘Kholisha,’‘meni’), barbs (‘punti’), and gobies (‘bele’). Major species of local carps and their
fingerlings in floodplains and ponds were also affected. Minkin (1988) suspected that this disease
possibly entered Bangladesh through the introduction of alien fish, Puntius gonionotus, a carrier of the
infective agent to Bangladesh. This disease has been reported from Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar, Sri
Lanka, Malaysia and Laos (Minkin, 1988). The Fisheries Specialist Study in Bangladesh's 6th Flood
Action Plan (FAP6, 1993) reiterates the suspicion that the disease was introduced into the country
through imported alien species, and indicates that this fish disease has played an important role in
reducing fish production in Bangladesh.
The Spiralling Whitefly (Aleurodicus dispersus) is a serious pest of guava, Capsicum spp., and a
number of ornamental plants. This insect pest may also infest mango leaves. This insect has not been
reported in published literature even up to the 1980s as a pest of guava or any other economic plant,
from India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, but serious infestations of this insect pest have been found in
guava and some ornamental plants (including ‘Madhabi Lata’) in Dhaka city since the early part of
1993. The Spiralling Whitefly is now a major pest of guava in most parts of the country. It is suspected
that this pest species was introduced in Bangladesh through hand-carried and unchecked plant materials
from other countries (Karim, 1995). The introduced multipurpose tree Leucaena leucocephala in
Bangladesh is not free from its major pest, the psyllid bug Heteropsylla cubana (?) (personal
communication from Karim, M.A., 2002). There is no published literature on other invasive alien insect
species in Bangladesh. Absence of insect taxonomic identification services in Bangladesh is a major
limiting factor in reporting any new invasive alien insects. Much more work has to be carried out on the
status, and impacts of invasive alien insect species on ecosystems of Bangladesh.
Management of IAS
The following sections will provide a brief outline of the issues and options for management of
biodiversity that have relevance to the topic of IAS.
Legal instruments
Following are the legal instruments of Bangladesh for management of its biodiversity, which also relate
to prevention of introduction of alien organisms:
! Ramsar Convention (in 1992);
! Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna
(CITES) (in 1981);
! Global Tiger Forum (in 1999).
Bangladesh, as a signatory to the CBD, has already initiated plans and programmes to fulfill its
obligations to the convention. Biodiversity resources are under the management of several government
agencies. They are all agencies that have the potential to manage IAS, and are listed later in this paper.
The Forest Department manages 1.53 m ha forestland, approximately 10.54% of the total land area of
the country. Of Bangladesh's total forested area, 0.24 million ha constitutes protected areas.
Government policy is to manage its forests under two categories: productive forests and protective
forests, to meet the demand for forest produce and to conserve the threatened biodiversity of the country
respectively. The government of Bangladesh imposed a restriction on all tree felling in the Natural
Reserve Forests until the year 2005.
Since wetlands abound with biological diversity, and since Bangladesh is a Contracting Party to the
Ramsar Convention, necessary steps are being taken to conserve aquatic ecosystems as Bird, Fish and
Wildlife Reserves. It is obvious that besides this measure, that some sort of monitoring programme
should be undertaken in wetlands to prevent and control the introduction of alien fish species.
The existing plant quarantine legislation, known as Destructive Insects and Pest Rules, 1966 (Plant
Quarantine), were framed as per provisions of sub-section (1) of Section 3, Section 4A and 4D of the
Destructive Insect and Pest Act, of 1914. The director, Plant Protection Wing of the Department of
Agricultural Extension under the Ministry of Agriculture, is responsible for execution and
implementation of the plant quarantine legislation. Fifteen plant quarantine stations are functional at
various entry points to Bangladesh. The country became a member of the Asia and Pacific Plant
Protection Commission in 1978.
Bangladesh and India signed a bilateral Memorandum of Understanding on quarantine issues in 1978.
The Department of Livestock under the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock executes the animal
quarantine legislation.
On average, 1.5 million tons of plants and plant products are imported in Bangladesh every year from
different countries, under plant quarantine inspection. On the other hand, about 0.4 million tons of
agricultural commodities, mainly raw jute and jute products, handicrafts, vegetables, and fruits are
inspected for issuing phytosanitary certificates, for the purpose of export.
A total of 2,006 fruit and flower saplings were destroyed at entry points from 1999 to 30 June, 2002 due
to detection of harmful nematodes. Most of these saplings were brought from Mozambique, Ghana,
Papua New Guinea, Afghanistan, UAE, Russia, Kenya, Uganda, Portugal and Poland. The detected
nematode species were Ditylenchus dipssci, Radopholus similis, Creconema sp. and Xiphenema sp. One
consignment of 50 metric tons of imported seed potato (Solanum tuberosum), from the Netherlands
was intercepted and destroyed due to presence of Erwinia atroseptica and Ralstonia solanacearum
infection in 1999, although the consignment of seed potatoes was accompanied by a valid phytosanitary
certificate issued by the NPPO of the Netherlands. Another consignment of 1000 metric tons of tuber
potatoes for consumption, imported from India in 1999, was refused entry to Bangladesh for reason of
contamination with cysts of Globodera rostochiensis (Bulbul, 2000).
Pest management policy
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) activities, started in 1981, have already passed through several
phases of research and extension. It has made an immense contribution to the reduction of pesticides in
crop production. Results show that it has the potential to increase crop production directly, with little or
no adverse effects on agro-ecosystems. Considering these benefits of IPM, the government has initiated
the National Integrated Pest Management Policy in 2002.
In Bangladesh, the general public is not aware of the harm caused by IAS, their potential future risks to
local ecosystems and its exceptionally rich biological heritage. There are very few publications or
guidelines on IAS available in Bangladesh. The need for education extends over many sectors such as
policy makers, researchers, extension personnel, administrators, politicians, farmers and the general
public. Messages on IAS should be spread, using various media such as booklets, newspapers, radio,
and television. People should be motivated to cultivate indigenous species. Both positive and negative
impacts of IAS on native ecosystem need to be introduced at school, college and university level
curricula, which will help create awareness among the future generation of decision makers, about the
impacts of IAS, their prevention and establishment.
1. Forest Department
2. Department of Environment
3. Department of Agricultural Extension
4. Department of Fisheries
5. Department of Livestock
6. Bangladesh Forest Research Institute (BFRI)
7. Fisheries Research Institute (FRI)
8. Bangladesh Rice Research Institute (BRRI)
9. Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute (BARI)
10. Bangladesh Jute Research Institute (BJRI)
11. Bangladesh Tea Research Institute
12. Bangladesh Cotton Development Board
13. Sugarcane Research Institute
14. Sericulture Research Institute
15. Livestock Research Institute
16. Wheat Research Institute
17. National Herbarium
18. Botanical Garden
19. Zoological Gardens
20. Mango Research Institute
21. Tourism Department
22. Customs Department
23. Seed Certification Agency
24. Bangladesh Water Development Board
25. Barind Multipurpose Development Authority
Experts associated with direct management of IAS
Future steps
The study of IAS is a completely new issue in Bangladesh. Information on IAS is therefore very scanty
and not gathered systematically. A thorough study of IAS must be carried out and should consist of:
! Description of the natural habitat and geographic origin of each alien species, its habitat, and
role in the environment;
! Prior clearance for species of economic and/or aesthetic importance before introduction to a
country, with documentation of country of origin, concerned organizations, and probable
ecological impact on the native species;
The IAS issue needs to be put on the national agenda in Bangladesh, and action should be taken now.
Not taking action will result in substantial economic loss and damage to ecosystems and the rich
biological heritage of Bangladesh. The status and impacts of existing IAS (especially intentionally
introduced species) in different regions of Bangladesh must be studied. These studies will improve
public awareness of the impact of alien species to the national economy and ecosystems.
For economic reasons, and the need for development of resources, it is essential sometimes to introduce
alien species in forestry, agriculture and fisheries, but care should be taken about their nature and
potential impacts. A species should only be introduced after risk assessment and environmental impact
assessments. Adequate quarantine regulations should be promulgated to include the control of IAS
introductions and establishment, in particular the inspection of vessels and other containers that may
carry propagules. No predatory species should be introduced.
Combating IAS in Bangladesh will be very difficult because of the absence of lists of identified IAS,
properly carried out case studies on economic and ecological impacts, programmes on management
efforts, awareness campaigns, coordination among different ministries and agencies and priorities for
future work. As IAS require an integrated approach, all relevant departments should be integrated in
their approaches to address IAS by the establishment of a national focal point, and by monitoring and
implementation of legal instruments. In this context, Bangladesh needs international cooperation in
developing, sharing, linking and integrating IAS databases and information systems, and research
support for effective prevention and management of IAS.
The authors gratefully acknowledge help from all experts who supplied information for the preparation
of this paper. Help received from Dr. M.A. Karim, Retired Head, Entomology Division, Bangladesh
Agricultural Research Institute, in the form of information on invasive alien insects and in editing this
report is also acknowledge with gratitude. Special thanks are due to Dr. A.K.M. Nurul Islam, Professor,
and Dr. M. Abul Hassan, Professor, Department of Botany, Dhaka University for providing information
on alien species of weeds, to Dr. Mahmud-ul-Ameen, Professor, Department of Zoology, Dhaka
University for providing information on alien fish species, and to Abul Hasanat Khan for help with use
of the computer.
Ahmed, A.T.A. & M.L. Ali. 1996. Fisheries resources potential in Bangladesh and manpower
development for fisheries activities. In Population Dimension of Fisheries Development and
Management Policies of Bangladesh. Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Alam, M.Z. 1967. A report on the survey of insect and mite fauna of Bangladesh. Agricultural Research
Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Ali, M. Y. 1991. Towards sustainable development: fisheries resource of Bangladesh. IUCN-The World
Conservation Union, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 96 pp.
Ameen, M. 1999. Development of guiding principles for the prevention of impact of alien species.
Paper presented at a preparatory workshop for the 4th Meeting of SBSTTA to the CBD,
organized by IUCN Bangladesh, Dhaka, 25 May, 1999.
Asian Development Bank. 1993. Forestry master plan. Forest Department. Government of the People's
Republic of Bangladesh, 66 pp.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. 1988. Report on survey of farm forestry. Bangladesh Bureau of
Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh, 76 pp.
Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics. 1994. Statistical Yearbook of Bangladesh 1994 (15th edn.). Bangladesh
Bureau of Statistics, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh,
628 pp.
Bulbul, A.M. 2000. Interception and detection of quarantine pests and diseases, Plant Protection Wing.
Department of Agricultural Extension, Khamarbari, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Choudhury, J. H. 1996. Alien IAS: a threat to the indigenous biodiversity. A country paper presented in
the Norway/UN Conference on Alien Species. Trondheim, Norway, 1-5 July, 1996.
Chowdhury, M.U. 1969. Working plan of Cox's Bazar Forest Division for the period from 1968-69 to
1977-78. Forest Department, Government of Bangladesh, 239 pp.
Das, D.K. 1990. Forest types of Bangladesh, Bull. 6. Plant Taxonomy Series, Bangladesh Forest Res.
Inst., Chittagong, Bangladesh, 9 pp.
Das, S. 1982. Introduction of exotics in the plantation forestry of Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of the
Second Bangladesh National Conference on Forestry, Forest Department, Government of the
People's Republic of Bangladesh, Dhaka, January 21-26, 1982. pp. 85-93.
FAP6 (Sixth Flood Action Plan). 1993. Fisheries Specialist Study. Northeast Regional Water
Management Project. Canadian International Development Agency and Government of
Bangladesh, Dhaka. See
Islam, A.K.M.N. 1985. Gachgachali (Flora of Bangladesh), Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Islam, M.A., Ameen, M. & Nishat, A. (eds.). 2000. Red List of Threatened Animals of Bangladesh.
IUCN–The World Conservation Union, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Karim, M.A. 1995. Insect pests of fruits and their control in Bangladesh. In: F.M. Scanlan (ed.). Fruit
production manual. Horticulture Research and Development Project FAO/UNDP/ADB Project:
BGD/87/025, Department of Agricultural Extension and Bangladesh Agricultural Development
Corporation, Dhaka, Bangladesh, pp. 106-135.
Karim, R.S.M. & H.M. Kabir. 1995. Bangladesher Agacha Parichiti (Introduction to Weeds of
Bangladesh) Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Khan, M.S. 1991. Towards sustainable development: conservation of genetic resources of Bangladesh.
Ministry of Environment and Forests and National Conservation Strategy of Bangladesh,
Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 35 pp.
Khan, M.S. & M.M.K. Mia. 1984. Fiber plants of Bangladesh (wild and cultivated). Bangladesh
National Herbarium, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 35 pp.
Mia, M.M.K. & A.M. Haque. 1986. Timber plants of Bangladesh (wild and cultivated). Bangladesh
National Herbarium, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Council, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 71 pp.
Minkin, S.F. 1988. Approaches to understanding and controlling ulcerative fish disease syndrome in
Bangladesh and other recently affected countries (draft for discussion). Technical Report,
Agriculture Sector Review. UNDP, Dhaka, Bangladesh. 16 pp.
Rahman, A.K.A. 1997. Fish marketing in Bangladesh. In: Tsai, C.F. & M.Y. Ali (eds.) Open Water
Fisheries of Bangladesh, BCAS/University Press Limited.
Sarker, N.M. 1989. Protected areas of Bangladesh - an overview of present management status. In:
Conservation of Wildlife in Bangladesh. Proceedings of the First International Seminar cum
Workshop for Conservation of Wildlife in Bangladesh, 1-4 December, 1986. The German
Cultural Institute, Dhaka, Bangladesh. pp. 23-47.
Tsai, C.F. & L. Ali. 1987. The changes in fish community and major carp population in Beels in the
Sylhet-Mymensingh Basin, Bangladesh. Indian Journal of Fisheries 34 (1): 78-88.
Wilson, E.O., 1992. The diversity of Life. W.W. Norton & Company, New York. 424 pp.
Zabala N.Q. 1990. Silviculture of species, development of professional education in the forestry sector,
Bangladesh. pp. 96-150. Institute of Forestry, Chittagong University, Bangladesh.
Mylopharyngodon piceus Black Carp/ Snail China China 1983
Carp ****
Clarias gariepinus African Magur Africa Thailand 1989
Pangasius sutchi Pangas Thailand, Thailand 1990
Indochina ****
Pangasius giganticus Giant Pangas unknown unknown unknown
Source: Department of Fisheries 2001, Matshya Bhaban, 13 Shaid Munsur Ali Sharani, Ramna, Dhaka-1000.
* Insect control and experimental cultural purposes, ** Weed control & experimental cultural purposes, ***
Aquarium & decoration purpose & **** Experimental or cultural purposes.
Name of species Common name Country of origin Harmful effect
(Bengali name), family and natural habitat
Cyperus alternifolius Mistletoe Tropical Africa and Grows in paddy fields.
Cyperaceae Arabia
Cyperus exaltatus . (Muthagrass) Tropical Africa Grows in paddy fields.
Dendropthe falcata ? Not known India to Tropical Parasitic plant can kill the host
(untraceable species- ed.) (Furulla/Bantha) Australia plants.
Eichhornia crassipes water hyacinth Brazil Blocks waterways, damages
(Kachuripana) paddy fields, creates mosquito
Pontederiaceae habitat.
Eleocharis dulcis Not known Tropics Grows profusely in stagnant and
Cyperaceae slow moving water.
Enhydra fluctuans Harkuch Malaysia Problem in Aus, Aman, Boro rice,
(Hinchashak) Jute and Rabi fields. Profuse
Compositae growth prohibits light penetration,
depleting oxygen from wetlands.
Hibiscus tiliaceus Not known Tropics of both Grows vigorously, smothers other
(Bhula) Hemispheres species, makes forests and other
Malvaceae places inaccessible to humans.
Hydrolea zeylanica Not known Tropical America Grows in marshy places. It is also
(Bishlanguli) and Africa grown in irrigated rice fields.
Ipomoea aquatica Morning glory Tropical Africa Dense growth covers water body
(Kalmi) and may cause oxygen depletion.
Convolvulaceae Grows in Aus rice and Jute fields.
Macrosolen Not known China Parasitic plant may kill the host.
cochinchinensis Loranthaceae
Mikania cordata Mikanialata Tropical America Serious weed of tea, rubber and
(Assamlata) forest crops.
Parthenium hysterophorus Not known Tropical America, Poisonous, causing skin eruptions
Compositae West Indies in animals. Very harmful for
(Jamaica) cattle in the dry season. Grows
widely and competes with crops.
Poisonous to fish.
Sagittaria sagittifolia Common arrowhead North America and It grows in shallow water, ditches
(Sota Kut) Europe and lowlands. It is a problem in
Alismataceae deep water Aman rice fields.
Pistia stratiotes Water lettuce Tropical It grown in irrigated rice fields
(Tupapana) and in fishponds. Covers water
Araceae surface and causes depletion of
oxygen in water.
Source: Islam, 1985 and Karim and Kabir, 1995, personal communication.
Bhutan forms part of the Eastern Himalayan biological hotspot and has 72% of its land still under
forest, containing exceptionally high levels of biodiversity. In recognition of the need to preserve its
natural heritage, the Royal Government of Bhutan has declared 26% of the country as protected areas.
In its efforts to maintain the pristine state of its ecosystems, management of IAS becomes highly
relevant and urgent for Bhutan.
In addition to the increasing threat posed by IAS, the country at present has only limited professional
management capability in this field. Available evidence indicates that Bhutan's environment so far has
not seen many IAS, either introduced deliberately, or unintentionally outside their natural habitats.
However, environmental and socio-economic impacts of harmful IAS are already being felt, especially
by Bhutanese farmers.
The Ministry of Agriculture oversees the management of all IAS in the country and has established a
Quality Control and Regulatory Services (QCRS) department which addresses IAS, among other issues.
There have been several research and extension programmes, but Bhutan yet has no systematic plan and
strategy on IAS. Some of the priorities for Bhutan on this subject would include: formulation of
guidelines for the prevention of biodiversity loss caused by IAS, design of legal and institutional
frameworks on IAS introductions and their control, training, and development of collaborative
programmes with countries in the region on control and management of IAS.
Hidden deep in the folds of the great Himalaya Mountains for years, Bhutan developed its own unique
civilization. In this country, the population consisting of about 600,000 people lives in close harmony
with nature and have evolved a unique identity derived largely from a rich religious and cultural
heritage. Today, the world sees many exotic aspects of this kingdom. While the world mourns the loss
of its natural wealth, this small Himalayan Kingdom is emerging as an example to the international
community, with more than 72 percent of its land still under forest and containing a great variety of rare
plant and wildlife species.
Bhutan has high biodiversity and forms part of the Eastern Himalayan biological hotspot. Preliminary
surveys have shown that Bhutan has more than 7000 species of vascular plants, 700 birds, 165
mammals, 200 fungi, while many more species are being discovered at every new field survey. One of
reasons attributed for this high level of biodiversity is the location of the country- a place where two
biological realms meet, i.e. the Palearctic from the north and Indo-Malayan from the south. Moreover,
the country's elevation ranges from 150 meters above mean sea level in the south, to over 7000 meters
in the north, which accordingly has ecosystems ranging from sub-tropical to alpine in nature.
To ensure that biodiversity continues to receive adequate attention of the Royal Government of Bhutan,
26% of the country has been declared as protected areas representing all the ecosystems. Biological
invasions operate now on a global scale, and will undergo rapid increase in this century due to
interaction with other global changes, such as increasing globalization of markets, explosive rises in
global trade, travel, tourism and exchange of goods. Therefore, management of IAS becomes even more
relevant and urgent for Bhutan in its efforts to maintain the pristine state of its ecosystems. In addition,
at present the country has only limited professional management capability in this field.
Alien species identified as harmful, invasive or pests, and their ecological and economic impact
Available evidence indicates that Bhutan's environment so far has not seen many IAS, either introduced
deliberately, or unintentionally outside their natural habitats, where they have the ability to establish
themselves, invade, out-compete native species and takeover the new environments. However,
environmental and socio-economic impacts of harmful IAS are already being felt to some degree in
Bhutan as well. For example, Bhutanese rice farmers are losing crops to the invasive alien waterweeds
such as Potamogeton distinctus. Terrestrial weeds like Lantana camera, Parthenium spp., and Mikania
micrantha are invading the Bhutanese forests, just as they have proven themselves to be problems the
world over. Alien invasive plant diseases like chilli blight caused by Phytophthora capsici, rice blast
caused by Pyricularia oryzae, and potato late blight caused by Phytophthora infestans are nuisances to
Bhutanese farmers and cause heavy crop losses.
The QCRS Department has been established under the Ministry of Agriculture (MoA), Royal
Government of Bhutan. The Department is entrusted to inspect all plant species that are intended to be
imported to the country. Its mandate is as follows:
! Improve the quality of goods and products related to the Ministry of Agriculture and its clients;
! Regulate the quality of products both locally produced and imported for the domestic market in
accordance with set standards;
! Regulate the quality of products both locally produced or imported for further processing for
export, in accordance with set standards;
! Ensure available food in the market is of good quality and safe for human consumption by
checking for adulteration, contamination, pesticide residue levels, heavy metal contamination
and general hygiene in collaboration with other relevant organizations;
! Check the flow of diseases and pests pertaining to food and agricultural crops and livestock to
prevent introduction of pests and diseases that are not in the country or widespread in the
! Extend cooperation in controlling/ preventing the movement of pests and diseases in
international trade and traffic;
! Implement acts and by-laws of the Royal Government of Bhutan related to the renewable
natural resources sector, such as the Livestock Act, Seeds Act, Pesticide Act and Quarantine
Act, and initiate amendments wherever necessary;
! Coordinate quality control and regulatory activities together with domestic and international
! Ensure that the quality of agricultural and livestock products meets minimum standards as
given by the relevant organizations; and
! Act as a National Food Inspectorate.
⇒ Protected area management
The management plans of protected areas prohibit the introduction of any IAS into the protected areas,
and heavy penalties are imposed for defaulters. Before introducing any new species in to protected
areas, the species has to be thoroughly screened and tested for its potential negative impacts on the
ecology or on economic local plants.
⇒ Afforestation Programme
Introduction of exotics is highly regulated in this programme, particularly those that may be associated
with alien IAS. For instance, no earth attached to the plant can be imported.
! Parthenium weed control campaign and literature reviews for Parthenium weed.
! Participatory trials on chili blight (Phytophthora capsici) control by fungicides are carried out
in various districts. One replication of the chili blight trial is maintained in a research farm to
check for the effects of altitude, if any.
! Control campaign for Potamegeton distinctus, a noxious, perennial, aquatic weed infesting
wetlands. Activities were training of farmers, study tours and awareness creation.
! The MoA is gearing up for an awareness campaign on Lantana camara management and
! Forecasting and management of late blight in potato.
! Forecasting and management of rice blast in paddy
The Ministry of Agriculture, Royal Government of Bhutan oversees the management of all IAS in the
country. It deals with all policy matters and communicates with agencies within and outside the
country. At the operational level, the following agencies are entrusted with the responsibility of
ensuring that IAS are not introduced into the country and propagated. Personnel from all the three
departments are posted at all entry points of the country, both land and air.
For management of introduced species, the MoA entrusts this responsibility to its three main
Priorities for future work and strategies for management of IAS
There is an urgent need to address the impact of IAS in the world. Eradication, control, mitigation of
their impacts, and legislation and guidelines at national and regional levels would be some of the ways
forward. In Bhutan yet there is no systematic plan, nor detailed strategies for addressing this issue.
! Training adequate numbers of professionals who are capable of identifying, and managing IAS.
The country currently has only a limited number of trained people in the management of IAS;
! Establishment of separate units within the various government agencies to operate management
plans for IAS. This would require both hard and soft infrastructure such as office buildings,
database facilities, field equipment, communication systems, etc.
Experts and scientists from various departments within the Ministry of Agriculture are working to
prevent/delay the introduction of IAS and on their management. They are in the following divisions:
Anonymous. 1995. Jigme Dorji National Park Management Plan. Thimphu, Bhutan.
Noltie, H.J. 2000. The grasses of Bhutan. Flora of Bhutan, including a record of plants from Sikkim.
Vol. 3, Part 1. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden.
Noltie, H.J. 2000. The grasses of Bhutan. Flora of Bhutan, including a record of plants from Sikkim and
Darjeeling. Vol. 3, Part 2. Edinburgh: Royal Botanic Garden.
Parker, C. 1992. Weeds of Bhutan. National Plant Protection Centre. Simthoka, Royal Government of
Bhutan, Department of Agriculture, Thimphu, Essen and Exeter.
Brunei Darussalam
List of alien species that been identified as harmful, invasive or pests and their impacts
Brunei Darussalam, through its Department of Agriculture (DoA), conducted a survey of plant diseases
from January 1996 to December 1998. During the survey, a total of 101 new diseases were recorded
(new to Brunei Darussalam). This list of diseases and pathogens is attached in Table 1 of this paper. Of
the total of 101 disease records, there were 36 new diseases of fruit crops, 10 of vegetables, 45 of
ornamental plants and 10 of miscellaneous crops and medicinal plants. No cases of pests and disease
are yet reported of significant ecological or economic impacts in Brunei Darussalam.
26. kepayang kepayang leaf spot Pseudocercospora pangiicola
27. longan longan fruit rot Botryodiplodia
28. longan longan fruit rot Geotrichum candidum
29. longan longan sooty mold Polychaeton sp.
30. longan longan fruit rot Colletotrichum gloeosporiodies
31. sekoi water melon wilt Fusarium oxysporum
32. rambutan rambutan fruit rot Colletotrichum gloeosporiodies
33. kelapa coconut leaf spot Fusarium oxysporum
34. kelapa coconut leaf spot Periconiella cocos
35. buah delima pomegrante leaf spot Phyllosticta sp.
36. jambu air bell fruit fruit anthracnose Colletotrichum gloeosporiodies
B. Vegetable crops
Local name Common name Disease Pathogen
37. kacang panjang longbean stem blight Diplodia sp.
38. kacang bindir okra leaf spot Cercospora malayensis
39. kacang bindir okra anthracnose Colletotrichum capsici
40. lobak putih radish leaf spot Alternaria brassicicola
41. labu kuning pumpkin leaf spot Corynespora cassiicola
42. petola bottle gourd fruit rot Botryodiplodia theobromae
43. petola bollte gourd fruit rot Monilinia fruticola
44. peria bitter gourd leaf spot Cercospora cocciniae
45. pengaga pengaga leaf spot Cercospora apii
46. lobak merah carrot tuber rot Chalaropsis thielavioides ?
C. Ornamental crops
Local name Common name Disease Pathogen
47. anggerek orchid collar rot Sclerotium rolfsii
48. anggerek orchid leaf spot Stenella orchidacearum
49. anggerek orchid leaf spot Leptosphaerulina trifolii ?
50. anggerek orchid leaf spot Phomopsis sp.
51. anggerek orchid leaf spot Mycoleptodiscus indicus
52. anggerek orchid leaf spot Diplodia sp.
53. bunga kertas bougainvillea fungal leaf spot Passalora bougainvilleae
54. bunga kertas bougainvillea bacterial leaf spot Pseudomonas andropogonis
55. bunga kertas bougainvillea leaf spot Phomopsis sp.
56. bunga matahari sunflower powdery mildew Oidium sp.
57. anthurium anthurium bacterial leaf spot Xanthomonas campestris pv. dieffenbachiae
58. caladium caladium leaf spot Passalora caladii
59. alocasia alocasia leaf spot Stenella sp.
60. dieffenbachia dieffenbachia anthracnose Colletotrichum gloeosporioides
61. dracaena dracaena leaf spot Stenella sp.
62. syngonium syngonium anthracnose Colletotrichum sp.
63. aglaonema aglaonema leaf spot Pseudocercospora bruneiensis
64. mawar rose crown gall Agrobacterium tumefaciens
65. hibiscus hibiscus flower blight Choanephora cucurbitarum
66. helicornia crab claw leaf spot Curvularia sp.
67. arachis ornamental arachis anthracnose Colletotrichum truncatum
68. bunga bayam gomphrena leaf spot Pseudocercospora globosa
69. crown of thorn prickly cactus flower blight Botrytis ricini
70. siantan ixora leaf spot Pseudocercospora ixoricola
71. bunga melor jasmine leaf spot Pseudocercospora jasminicola var. effusa
72. polyscias polyscias leaf spot Cercospora polysciatis
73. polyscias polyscias leaf spot Colletotrichum sp.
74. polyscias polyscias algal leaf spot Cephaleuros virescens ?
75. puding croton root rot Fusarium oxysporum
76. salix salix leaf spot Pseudocerospora salicina
77. pakis fern leaf spot Pseudocerospora thelypteridis
78. cordyline cordyline leaf spot Phyllosticia sp.
79. coprosoma coprosoma rust Puccinta sp.
80. pedilanthus pedilanthus powdery mildew Oidium sp.
81. Manila palm Manila palm leaf spot Pseudocercospora rhapisicola
82. royal palm royal palm sooty mold Trichopetotheca sp. ? (Capnodium ?-ed.)
83. royal palm royal palm sooty mold Brooksia tropicalis ?
84. royal palm royal palm leaf spot Annellophora sp. ?
85. malawaring sealing wax palm leaf spot Sicrosporium sp.? (Collectotrichum sp.? –ed.)
86. pokok kurma date palm false smut Graphiola phoenicis
87. hydrangea hydrangea leaf spot Corynespora cassiicola
88. bunga jepun nerium stem rot Botryodiplodia theobromae
89. ophiophagon ophiophagon leaf blight Phoma sp.
90. acacia acacia powdery mildew Oidium sp.
91. plane tree plane tree powdery mildew Microsphaera platani ?
Existing programmes (management efforts & awareness campaigns) on IAS at the national level.
One of the lead agencies responsible for addressing alien species in the country is the Plant Protection
Unit of the Department of Agriculture. The unit is responsible for the prevention of the introduction of
dangerous pests and diseases which are harmful, and takes action under the “Agricultural Pest and
Noxious Plants Act” of Brunei Darrusalam. Under that act, all plants or plants materials, animals and
animal products imported into Brunei Darussalam must be free from pests and diseases. The DoA also
carried out an awareness programme among farmers and importers in the country.
Priorities identified for future work and strategies within the country to identify priorities for
management and policy recommendations
List of experts working in the field of biological invasions and their contact information
Mr Jomari Hj Ahmad
Agriculture Officer, Head of Plant Pest Unit
Crop Development Division, Department of Agriculture
Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources
Brunei Darussalam
Tel : 6732661352
Fax: 6732661354
Not available.
Invasive Alien Species in Indonesian national parks:
Acacia nilotica in Baluran National Park and Cervus timorensis in Wasur National Park
Faustina Hardjanti
CITES Section-CITES MA Indonesia
Directorate of Biodiversity Conservation
Director General of Forest Conservation and Nature Protection,
Manggala Wanabhakti Block 7, Lantai 7
Jl. Gatot Subroto- Jakarta Pusat,
Indonesia 10270
Ikin Zainal
no contacts available
Indonesia is an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, extending 5,000 km along the equator and
spanning two major biogeographical realms, Indo-Malaya and Australia. The national parks are
designed to protect ecosystems and conserve most of the native flora and fauna. Unfortunately, some
parks are facing serious threats due to the threats posed by invasive alien species. This paper provides a
brief overview of the threat of invasive alien species of Acacia nilotica in Baluran National Park and
Timor deer Cervus timorensis in Wasur National Park. Chemical and mechanical control programmes
have been attempted against A. nilotica, but without much success. Wasur National Park had Timor
deer introduced to it in 1928. The deer population has increased significantly since then, and is now
impacting native herbivores as well vegetation important for maintenance of water flows through
wetlands of the park. A programme of control based on harvesting was started in 1999, but its impacts
on the deer populations are not yet known.
Indonesia is an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands, extending 5,000 km along the equator and
spanning two major biogeographical realms, Indo-Malaya and Australia. Indonesia has a system plan
for parks and protected areas, to conserve ecosystems. The Indonesian government has already
designated 52,415,500 ha as conservation areas, including more than 11,000,000 ha within 40 national
parks. The national parks are designed to protect ecosystems and conserve most of the native flora and
fauna. Unfortunately, some parks are facing serious threats due to the threats posed by invasive alien
This paper provides a brief overview of the threat of invasive alien species of Acacia nilotica in Baluran
National Park and Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) in Wasur National Park.
Baluran National Park
Baluran National Park is located in the eastern part of Java island, and consists of a total area 27,868 ha.
Habitat types are diverse, ranging from savanna grasslands and monsoon forests to mangrove forests.
The savanna grasslands are dominant, occupying 10,000 ha. There are over 400 species of plants, 147
species of birds, and 29 species of mammals, including protected species such as Bos sondaicus, Cervus
timorensis, Bubalus bubalis, Muntiacus muntjak, Cuon alpinus, and Panthera pardus.
The Baluran National Park has been particularly vulnerable to invasions by alien species, due to human
activities. There is a large human population living near this park and consequently the ecology,
inclusive of the habitats of the park have been severely disturbed. For example, people around the park
tether their domesticated buffalo and cattle inside it. At least three IAS are established in the Baluran
National Park: namely Acacia nilotica, domesticated cattle and domesticated buffalo.
The populations of both domesticated cattle and buffalo were estimated at 100-150. These species were
shepherded in the park and became competitors of endemic mammal species for food in the savanna
grasslands. As a result of awareness campaigns by the national park officers, people around the park are
already aware of the harmful effects caused by their herds on native species. Now all domesticated
animals have been moved out of the Baluran National Park.
⇒ Acacia nilotica
The earliest known introduction of IAS into Baluran National Park is the invasion of Acacia nilotica in
1969. At that time, this species was introduced in order to prevent forest fires by acting as firebreaks.
The rate of invasion increased dramatically, and the tree has had significant impacts by spreading into
savanna. The savanna grassland is a food source for Bos sondaicus and other mammals in the Park.
The problem of this IAS is immense, as this species grows very fast. At present, this plant occupies
almost 50% of 10,000 ha of savanna grassland, with a density reaching 1,245 stems per ha. This species
is mainly distributed through animal dung.
Control programmes
Several IAS control programmes were implemented in Baluran National Park using chemical and
mechanical control methods.
A chemical control programme was initiated in 1985 by the Forest Research Center (Ministry of
Forestry) using the systemic herbisol indamin 720HC and 2-4 D Dinitropenol, which was injected into
the trees. In 1996, a private company carried out research using the chemical Xarborisida garlon 480 Ec
by peeling the branches. This chemical control was neither economically nor technically effective,
because individual trees had to be treated, and this species is present in very high density and over a
very wide area.
⇒ Mechanical control programme
Mechanical control involved the physical removal of A. nilotica using mechanical harvesting
equipment such as a bulldozer and pulleys. The control programme was carried out from 1989 to 2000
• Cutting trees;
• Eradication using pulleys;
• Pulling down trees by using bulldozers;
• Cutting down trees and burning the tree stumps.
Control using the first three methods above has not been effective so far, as the trees are still growing.
However, cutting the trees and burning the tree stumps, which was initiated in 2000, was found to be
effective in killing the species.
Based on evaluations, control programme for Acacia nilotica in Baluran National Park was not
successful due to several factors:
This species can grow in extreme conditions, both in the dry areas and in flooding prone areas. It is also
a “fire proof” plant.
Regarding the biotic environment, Acacia nilotica seed in Baluran National Park is mainly spread by
the activities of some herbivorous animals. The seeds attach themselves to the bodies of mammals or
get carried with animal dung. In terms of the abiotic environment, open savanna grasslands receive
intense sunlight and high winds, which is conducive for the spread and growth of Acacia.
The negative impact of mechanical control using bulldozers is high, as this disturbs the topsoil and
leads to further spread of Acacia nilotica seeds during the flooding season. On the other hand,
application of chemicals in conservation areas should be limited and strictly monitored to prevent
ecological impacts.
Due to insufficient funds, the targets for control were not reached because the degree of control
achieved was less than expected, while in areas which were not under control, the species spread and
grew fast.
Wasur National Park is located in the southern part of Irian Jaya Island, with a total area of 413,810 ha.
Habitat types are diverse, ranging from monsoon forests, savanna grasslands, freshwater habitats and
mangrove forests. There are over 142 endemic plants, 72 fish, 21 reptiles, and 80 mammal species in
the park, the latter including Macropus agilis (kangaroo), Darcopsis veterum, and Thylogale brunii. Out
of 403 species of fauna, 74 are endemics.
Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) as an invasive alien species
Timor deer (Cervus timorensis) is listed as a protected species and was introduced to Irian Jaya in 1928
during the Dutch colonial period. The population of this species has increased significantly since then.
For example, a 1990 survey estimated the population at 5,985, whereas in 1999, a survey estimated it at
9,173 animals. This species is known to have had significant impacts as a competitor with kangaroos,
for sources of food. Moreover, Cervus timorensis also feeds on a grass species, Stachytarpheta
urticifolia that grows along river banks. This grass plays an important role in protection of wetlands by
prolonging the duration of water flow, reducing water currents flowing to the sea. Consumption of this
grass by Cervus timorensis will shorten time for flow of water and possibly lead to erosion.
Timor deer, which is harmful to native biodiversity, also provides an important source of food for
people around Wasur National Park. Its antlers are used for handicrafts. Based on this consideration,
the Ministry of Forestry released Decree no.682/Kpts-VI/1998, establishing the species as a game
animal in Irian Jaya Province with effect from 1999, to enable use of its antlers.
Ideally, harvesting of this invasive alien species should reduce and hold the population below its
carrying capacity. This can result in benefits to native species which are able to coexist better with
moderate densities of the introduced species. However, results of the harvesting programme on Cervus
timorensis as a game animal are not yet known, since no survey has been conducted since the decree.
Monemany Nhoybouakong
Acting Director General, Environmental Research Institute,
Science, Technology and Environment Agency,
Prime Minister’s Office
PO Box 2279, Vientiane, Laos
Khamouane Khamphoukeo
Officer of the National Agricultural Research Centre
National Agricultural and Forestry Research Institute,
Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
PO Box 4195, Vientiane, Laos
Lao People's Democratic Republic, or Laos, is situated in the center of the Southeast Asian peninsula,
sharing borders with China, Thailand, Myanmar, Vietnam and Cambodia. This geographic situation
renders Laos landlocked, which gives it a favorable situation as an economic, cultural and
environmental crossroads, if appropriately managed. Lao PDR ranks as one of the biologically richest
countries in the region, not only because of its high degree of taxonomic diversity or endemism, but
because a significant proportion of the country is covered by primary forest. Even though there have
been introductions of alien species into Laos for many centuries, especially in the agricultural sector,
there is no detailed research undertaken on the positive and negative impacts of alien species
introductions in the country. However, destructive impacts of serious IAS on rural household incomes
are evident, and farmers have begun to use pesticides much more than in the past to combat invasive
plants and animals that threaten their crops. Prevention and management of IAS in Laos is still in its
infancy, due to many constraints, including the low level of awareness of the negative impacts of IAS
within Laotian society. There is a crucial need for the Lao Government to take the destructive impacts
of IAS seriously, before it finds the country in a critical state.
Geographic background
Lao PDR, or Laos, formerly known as the “Country of a Million Elephants,” is a country of rolling
mountains and plateaus (about 85% of its territory), where two thirds of the country ranges in altitude
from 200 to 2820 m. This feature is a barrier to the development of economic infrastructure for
transportation, communications and production, but it creates wide variations in climate, soils, and
ecological niches leading to locally adapted and diverse biota, which supports a variety of agricultural
practices and lifestyles. Two weather seasons predominate, a monsoon season (from May to September)
and a dry season. Annual rainfall varies from 1,300 to 3,000 mm, but often falls short of the level
needed for paddy rice farming. Localized drought and flooding create periodic crop failures, resulting
in food shortages severely affecting the very poor. The Mekong River, originating in the Himalayan
range, traverses the entire length of the country with most of the country’s rivers flowing into it. It
provides fertile floodplains for agriculture, and also serves as a main artery of transport and water. The
tributaries of the Mekong River within the country hold a tremendous potential for national hydropower
The country is endowed with rich natural resources, such as forests, water, high levels of biodiversity
and good deposits of minerals. Development of these riches is critical for laying a solid economic
foundation for the country. However, this depends heavily on the rational extraction and sustainable use
of natural resources, and maximizing human resource potentials within Laos.
Socio-economic background
The Lao PDR remains predominantly a rural society, with only 25% of the population classified as
urban in 2000. Its population is composed of three main ethnic groups, which brings together 48 ethno-
linguistic groups, engendering a rich diversity of cultures and customs.
Although much has been invested since 1975 to upgrade education levels, particularly since 1986 by the
adoption of the New Economic Mechanism, there are still inadequate education facilities. Poorly
developed communication and transportation infrastructure also seriously affects the rural areas of the
country. This is the result of many factors, but is largely related to the lack of capital for public
spending. The agriculture and forestry sectors still remain the basis of national socio-economic
development. The Government of Laos therefore strives to protect this resource base from wasteful use
and degradation.
The socio-economic development plan 2001-2005 has two main goals: to strengthen the economic base
of the country and to eradicate poverty in order to improve the living conditions of the people.
Furthermore, there are eight national priority programmes: Food self-sufficiency; Stopping slash and
burn shifting cultivation; Market production; Basic infrastructure development; Improved economic
cooperation with other countries; Rural development; Human resources development; and Development
of the service sector. It is a declared goal of the Government to lift the country out of poverty by the
year 2020, so that it would be among the developing countries and no longer among the least developed
Natural environment
Lao PDR ranks as one of the biologically richest countries in the region, not only because of its high
rate of taxonomic diversity or endemism, but because a significant proportion of the country is covered
by primary forest. It provides habitats to more than 250 endemic species of wildlife, out of which some
are considered as threatened or endangered internationally: 67% of large mammals, 53% of bats, 6% of
insectivores, 14% of murid rodents, 22% of birds, 25% of reptiles, and 2% of the amphibians.
The Kouprey and the Javan Rhinoceros, both among the most seriously threatened large mammals in
the world, are thought to survive in the southern part of the country. Wetland surveys reveal that some
of the country’s more than 25 wetland areas support populations of endangered species, such as the
Siamese crocodile Crocodylus siamensis and the eastern form of the Sarus Crane Grus antigone.
Several new species of mammals, such as the Saola and large-antlered Muntjac, were discovered during
the 1990s.
Floral lists are based largely on the work of Vidal (1960), who recorded 1446 species in 754 genera,
nearly all of which are trees and shrubs. Consideration of known species of orchids would add another
300 species according to estimates made by the IUCN, but these figures represent only a fraction of the
true magnitude of the flora. Laos’s rich biological and cultural diversity has also given rise to a
diversity of agro-ecosystems. For example, 13,600 genetic varieties of rice have been identified from
this country. This is second only to India, a country with 14 times the area as Laos and with 200 times
as many people (IRRI, cited by the State Planning Committee 2000).
The main environmental issue is deforestation, mainly due to mismanaged logging, conversion of forest
land to other uses under rapid population growth, and activities of local resource users in maintaining a
subsistence base in the face of external competition for the use of forest resources. The key elements of
this issue are: (i) lack of a system for forest management, and lack of incentives for concessionary
operators to carry out conservation management practices, (ii) encroachment of upland areas by
lowland farmers, (iii) declining productivity of shifting cultivation practices, (iv) impacts of forest fires.
As a consequence of rapid disappearance of forests, there is severe soil erosion, particularly along
important bank rivers, loss of biological resources and degradation of watersheds.
Other environmental issues include urban environment problems, mismanaged mineral exploitation,
and the need to ensure proper development of the industrial and transportation sectors, which unless
planned thoroughly at the outset, can lead to severe environment damage.
Legislation, policy and institutions
The aim of the Lao PDR Government is to undertake national socio-economic development with
minimal impact on the environment, along with sustainable use of natural resources, while preserving
its fine customs and traditions. This will has been reflected in all National Socio-Economic Plans, the
country’s Constitution, legislation, the National Environment Action Plan, and in national priority
The Government recognizes the need to strengthen established institutions in charge of overall
environment management, and to define legal and regulatory frameworks and procedures across
sectors, to ensure that environment concerns become an integral part of development planning.
Protection of the environment in the Lao PDR is anchored in its Constitution: “All organizations and
citizens must protect the environment and natural resources; land, underground, forest, fauna, water
resources and atmosphere.”
Since then, many pieces of legislation have been promulgated, such as the Decree on Prohibition of
Wildlife Trade (1986), Decree on the Management and Protection of Wild Animals, and on Hunting and
Fishing (1989), Decree on the establishment of National Protected Areas (1993), Quarantine
legislation (1994), Forest Law (1996), Water Resources Management Law (1996), Plant Application
legislation (1996), Land Law (1997), Mining and Mineral Resources Law (1997), Transportation Law
(1997), Electricity Law (1997), Environment Protection Law (1999) including biological resources
conservation, and Pesticide Law (2000). The bio-access draft legislation, which contains measures
related to legal and illegal exportation of indigenous species, and introduction (legal and illegal) of alien
species, is still being discussed at the central level of the government and will be promulgated in the
near future.
Implementation of the above legislation has faced some constraints, such as the lack of qualified people,
limited budgets, and a population not yet used to legislative procedures. Effective implementation
requires institutional strengthening, adequate budgetary allocations, greater awareness in the population
of the importance of the law (on why, when and how to use their rights) and the value of the nation's
biological resources, and a proper understanding of positive and negative impacts of alien species.
The Lao PDR became a Party to the CBD in 1996, and is in the process of ratifying the Ramsar and
CITES conventions, among others. The Science, Technology and the Environment Agency, together
with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, is formulating the National Strategy and Action Plan on
Biological Resources, which is expected to be promulgated by the end of the year 2003. The country
became a member of the ASEAN in 1997. The principal legal instrument of ASEAN with nature
conservation obligations for Laos is its Agreement on the Conservation of Nature and Natural
The Lao Government focuses on in-situ conservation, economic measures, and co-operation with
relevant institutions at the regional and international level based on mutual interests, in order to ensure
steady sustainable use and conservation of biological resources.
Prime Ministerial Decree 164 established the National Biodiversity Conservation Areas system in
1993. It named and mapped (at 1:500 000 scale) 18 “Pa Sa Nguan Heng Sat, or “National Preserved
Forests,” and the term “National Biodiversity Conservation Area” was adopted for English usage
(Berkmüller et al. 1995a). At present, there are 20 national biodiversity conservation areas (or national
protected areas), which represents 14% of the total area of the country. It is generally accepted that
between 5% and 20% of a country’s ecosystems, depending on their fragility and diversity, should be
represented in a protected area system. The World Bank Congress in 1982 adopted the standard of 10%
of total land area, as an appropriate target for conservation in forested countries such as Lao PDR.
The use of economic incentives for sustainable use and conservation of biological resources has been
reflected in the Rural Development Programme (a National Priority Programme)1 and the Land and
Forest Allocation Programme, which gives property rights to villagers in order to encourage them to
participate to forest and biodiversity conservation, using concession fees from development projects,
such as from hydro-power development projects.
The Science, Technology and Environment Agency (STEA), created in 1993 under the Prime
Minister’s Office, is in charge of overall management and control of environment activities at the
national level. It is therefore the main manager and coordinator of activities related to the conservation
and sustainable use of national biological resources.
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry is in charge of solving environment issues resulting from
agricultural and forestry development, notably on the conservation and sustainable use of agricultural
and forest biological resources. The Ministry of Public Health is mainly involved in the use of
biological resources in health, particularly in the traditional medicines sector. There are also quarantine
inspectors present throughout the country at central, provincial and district levels, where their duties
include inspections at checkpoints, and control of import permits such as issuance of phytosanitary
There have been introductions of alien species into Laos for many centuries, especially in the
agricultural sector for economic advancement. A good example is coffee, introduced in the 18th century
and now one of the main export crops of Laos. There is no in-depth research undertaken on the
impacts of these introductions in the country. However, destructive economic impacts of IAS on rural
households can be observed, including the golden apple snail (Pomacea sp.), the disease bakanea
(Fusarium fujikoroi), and the weeds Echinochloa colonum, E. crusgalli, Mimosa invisa, and Mimosa
The perception among farmers is that weed problems have increased severely over the last twenty years
due to the spread of many new species introduced from abroad. In the upland agricultural systems in the
northern provinces of Laos, Mimosa invisa and M. pigra have become increasingly problematic,
whereas in the lowland rice production systems, the grasses Echinochloa colonum and E. crusgalli are
nuisances. Farmers usually weed their fields by hand, but this has become very inefficient and as labor
is limited, farmers have started gradually using commercial herbicides, which over the long term could
The Rural Development Program in Phongsaly District is among the best in the country. It has had close consultation with the
local community in formulation and implementation. It aims to build capacity of local staff and the population while gradually
increasing family incomes in targeted groups and contributing to conservation of biological resources of the district, which are
of provincial and regional importance. The Phou Dandin National Protected Area (NBCA), in Phongsaly District, has
significant regional biodiversity value, according to the IUCN.
lead to serious environmental problems. Studies to find appropriate solutions to these issues have been
undertaken, but due to budgetary and staff constraints, have not been sustained sufficiently to arrive at
suitable conclusions.
The golden apple snail (GAS) (Pomacea sp., from Thailand) was first introduced to Sikhotabong
District in Vientiane Municipality in 1991, and spread into three villages, Viengsavanh, Nahai and
Phosi. First signs of damage to lowland rice fields were reported in 1992. In 1994, these snails were
brought from Vietnam to northern provinces of the country, mainly as a food source.
Since then, GAS has spread to 10 of Lao PDR's 17 provinces, mainly through interconnected waterways
and by human transport. The snail attacks young rice seedlings up to 20 days after transplanting, and
consequently fields infested with GAS have to be re-planted several times. Snail shells can cause severe
injuries to people working in the field. Collecting GAS in the field has become inefficient in severely
infested areas, and due to the low availability of farm labour, farmers have turned to application of non-
selective chemicals. But these chemicals pollute water, and are a serious threat to other aquatic
organisms as well as the health of people working in the paddy fields.
Many different control techniques have been developed by the Laos Agricultural Extension Center and
transferred to farmers. The core methods focus on integrated snail management by a combination of
different techniques applied simultaneously, such as: closing the entrance points of snails to rice fields,
hand picking, transplanting with old seedlings, reducing water levels in the rice field, using a variety of
local cultural control methods, and emphasizing that control should be done seasonally. Still, many
people in Lao PDR are unaware of the threat posed by these snails, and are attracted by the snails’
colourful egg masses, collecting them as a delicacy.
Farmers of Laos have begun to use pesticides much more than in the past, to combat invasive plants and
animals that threaten their crops. To protect the environment and consumers from harmful effects
caused by misuse of mostly unregistered pesticides, the Lao government strongly discourages their use.
Several research programmes have been set up to find suitable, more environmentally friendly
a. The National Agricultural Research Center, in cooperation with the Lao-International Rice
Research Institute (IRRI) project, has initiated research experiments testing the efficiency
of several biological controls against GAS.
b. The Northern Agricultural and Forestry Research Center in Luang Prabang, together with
the Lao-IRRI project, has started several control methods against weeds.
Prevention and management of IAS in Laos is still in its infancy, due to constraints on qualified staff,
finances, appropriate information, legal framework, implementation of enacted legislation, and the low
level of awareness in Laotian society on the many negative impacts of IAS. There is a crucial need for
the Lao Government to take the destructive impacts of IAS seriously, before they become a major
development issue across the entire country.
Therefore, in order to effectively prevent and manage IAS in Lao PDR, the following are suggested:
c. Strengthening capacity of Laotian staff, notably in taxonomy, tropical botany and zoology;
e. Promotion of research on impacts of alien species, notably the destructive effects of IAS;
Anon. 1993. The Constitution of the Lao PDR. The National Assembly of Lao PDR, Vientiane, Laos.
Anon. 1993. Regulation on Quarantine, No 0639/MAF. Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Lao PDR,
Vientiane, Laos.
Anon. 1994. Environment Action Plan. Science, Technology and Environment Office, Lao PDR,
Vientiane, Laos.
Anon. 1999. The Environment Protection Law. Ministry of Justice, Lao PDR, Vientiane, Laos.
Anon. 2001. National Statistic Data. Lao PDR Committee of Planning and Cooperation, National
Statistics Center, Vientiane, Laos.
Anon. 2001. State of Environment Report of the Lao PDR. Science, Technology and Environment
Agency, Lao PDR, Vientiane, Laos.
Anon. 2001. Assessment of the Forestry Resources of the Lao PDR. Ministry of Agriculture and
Forestry, Lao PDR, Vientiane, Laos.
Anon. Undated. Draft of the National Environment Strategy up to the years 2020, 2010, and the Five
Year Plan 2001-2005. Science, Technology and Environment Agency, Lao PDR, Vientiane,
Anon. Undated. National Socio-Economic Development Strategy up to the years 2020, 2010, and the
Five Year Plan 2001-2005. Committee of Planning and Cooperation, Lao PDR, Vientiane,
Azimi, A., I. Ruzicka & A. Zola. 2000. Environments in transition: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Thailand,
Vietnam. Asian Development Bank. Manila, Philippines.
The World Bank. 1993. Environment overview of Lao PDR. Vientiane, Laos.
Annex 1. List of quarantine pests and diseases in Lao PDR
Commodity/host plant Common name Scientific name/causal organism
fresh plant products California scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus
(fruits, vegetables, cut flowers, Japanese rod scale Lopholeucaspis japonica
ornamental branches) Japanese beetle Popillia japonica
fruits and vegetables Mediterranean fruit fly Ceratitis capitata
(excluding root crops) Mexican fruit fly Anastrepha ludens
Queensland fruit fly Dacus tryoni
great tangerine fly Tetradacus citri
other fruit flies Ceratitis sp., Anastrepha spp.
stored products (grains, leguminous Khapra beetle Trogoderma granarium
seeds, meal, etc.) broad-nosed grain weevil Caulophilus latinasus
dried bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus
vegetative plant parts Texas root rot Phymatotrichum omnivorum
California scale Quadraspidiotus perniciosus
Japanese rot scale Lopholeucaspis japonica
Japanese beetle Popillia japonica
fig wax scale Ceroplastes rusci
rice white tip nematode Aphelenchoides oryzae
rice stem nematode Ditylenchus angustus
white leaf (hoja blanca) virus
black streaked dwarf virus
stripe virus
maize white-fringed beetle Graphognathus leucoloma
broad-nosed grain weevil Caulophilus latinasus
bacterial leaf blight Erwinia stewartii
dry rot Diplodia zeae
soybean soybean cyst nematode Globodera glycine
groundnut white-fringed beetle Graphognathus leucoloma
dried bean weevil Acanthoscelides obtectus
groundnut rosette virus
groundnut rust Puccinia arachidis
tobacco Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata
tobacco blue mold Peronospora tabacina
coffee coffee berry borer Hypothenemus hampei
American leaf spot Omphalia flavida
coffee berry disease Colletotrichum coffenum CBO-strain
tracheomycisis Gibberella xylarioides
sugarcane white-fringed beetle Graphognathus leucoloma
white cane grub Phytalus smithi
leaf scald Xanthomonus albilineans
nematode Tylenchorhynchus martini
potato Colorado potato beetle Leptinotarsa decemlineata
white-fringed beetle Graphognathus leucoloma
potato tuber worm Pththorimaea opercullella
potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida
potato cyst nematode Synchytrium endobioticum
black wart Corynebacterium sepedonicum
ring rot Spongospora subterranea
powdery scab
cassava Bacterial blight Xanthomonus manihotis
sweet potato Foot rot Plenodomus destruens
Stem rot Fusarium oxysporum f.sp.batatas
White rust disease Coleosporum ipomoeae
Virus diseases viruses
cotton cotton boll weevil Anthonomus grandis
pink boll worm Pectinophora gossypiella
white-fringed beetle Graphognathus leucoloma
bacterial leaf blight Xanthomonas malvacearum
cotton wilt Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum
Texas rot Phymatotrichum omnivorum
tomato tomato bacterial canker Corynebacaterium michiganense
potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis
potato cyst nematode Globodera pallida
onion and other Allium spp. smut Urrocystis cepulae
citrus mal secco Deuterophoma tracheiphila
tristeza, quick decline virus
tea phloem necrosis virus
Exobasidium reticularum
blister blight Exobasidium vexans
root lesion nematode Pratylenchus loosi
root knot nematode Meloidogyne brevicauda
coconut and other palms palm weevils Rhynchophorus spp.
lethal yellowing mycoplasma-like organism
heart rot Phytomonas sp.
red ring disease Rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus
cadang cadang virus-like agent
banana and other Musacease moko disease Pseudomonas solancearum
bunchy top virus
black sigatoka Mycosphaerella fijiensis var. difformis
pineapple mealy bug Dysmicoccus brevipes, new var.
Source: Quarantine regulations, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry of Lao PDR No.0639/MAF, d. 2 July 1993
The issue of alien species invasions is new to Malaysia, although it has been present in many parts of
the country for very long time. In particular, the agricultural sector has been badly affected by invasive
alien species. In addition, some IAS negatively affecting wildlife are now slowly spreading within the
country. To date in Malaysia, there is no comprehensive, coordinated, monitoring and cataloguing
programme for invasive alien species. Therefore, there are no official statistics on the total number and
types of such species. More effective implementation of the Plant Quarantine Act and plant quarantine
regulations by the Department of Agriculture could potentially prevent introduction and establishment
of more IAS in the future. At present, there is not much research carried out on IAS, nor is there
cooperation between government and non-governmental organisations and universities to mitigate the
problems caused by IAS. What Malaysia needs now is an agency that can concentrate on the issue of
invasive alien species.
Throughout the history of the planet biological invasions have been an important result of evolutionary
forces. Most invasions come from human actions, often deliberate or accidental (Williamson, 1996),
apart from floods, droughts or strong winds. The introduction of alien species may be deliberate, such
as through farm animals, pets, ornamental plants and crop plants, or accidental through contaminated
trade commodities and travel. The deliberate introductions were meant to fulfill physical and social
needs of humans. In the early days, introductions were few in number, but with modernization of
transportation and with increasing trade, passage of these species all over the world has increased
The presence of spatial and temporal disturbances may increase the degree of invasion by alien species
over native species (Maron and Connors, 1996; Symstad et al., 1998). Degradation of natural habitats,
ecosystems and agricultural lands (e.g. loss of cover and soil, pollution of land and waterways), global
climate change, among several other causes have been proposed as factors facilitating invasions.
Invasive alien species are often aggressive, harmful or destructive in their new habitats, and pose
problems to native species by competing for food, territory and other resources, resulting in population
decline or extinction. In the case of alien plant invasions, for example, the damaging effects on local
and regional diversity of native plants are increasingly becoming a serious conservation problem
(Levine and D’Antonio, 1999). This paper presents an overview of IAS known to cause problems to the
natural environment and economy, as well as their present state of management in Malaysia.
Invasive alien species in Malaysia and their ecological and economic impacts
In Malaysia, CPB was first detected in Sabah in August 1980. Its spread is suspected to be through
cocoa planting material. Initially, the infestation was confined to 4,000 ha of cocoa plantings in Tawau,
Sabah. By mid-1983, 2.5 years later, all major cocoa growing areas in Sabah were infested. Within the
same period the pest had established itself in Sarawak, the neighboring state. In Peninsular Malaysia,
cocoa was free of the pest until 1986, when it was detected in about 700 ha of cocoa in Melaka.
Subsequently, the pest was detected in other major cocoa growing areas of the country. When it was
first detected, an attempt was made by the federal government to contain and eradicate this pest, but this
failed. Today the CPB is the most important insect pest of cocoa in Malaysia.
The larvae of the insect bore into the cocoa pod and feed on the pulp and funicles, which causes cocoa
beans to clump and stop development. This may make them difficult to remove from the pods, and
leads to malformed small and low quality beans. Although overall economic loss is difficult to
ascertain, crop loss in badly infested holders can be very severe, and losses up to 30% are not
It is believed that this insect became established in Malaysia for three reasons: most of its preferred
hosts were imported plants; it has few endemic natural enemies in Malaysia; there is only one
congeneric species in Malaysia. Plutella xylostella was first recorded in Malaysia in Fraser Hill in 1925.
By 1934, the insect was found in Cameron Highland, which was newly opened for cultivation of
temperate vegetables. By 1941, it was reported that the DBM was a major pest of cabbage in the
Cameron Highland.
Today, DBM is the major pest of brassicas in both the highland and lowland areas of Malaysia where
cabbage and other crucifers are grown. Outbreaks and high incidence of infestations are reported yearly.
Because there are no effective natural enemies, growers depend solely on insecticides to control it. As
insecticides have been used intensively and indiscriminately for control, DBM has developed resistance
to all major groups of insecticides, requiring use of newer and more effective insecticides. Increase of
insecticide resistance leads growers to use higher doses with increased frequencies of application, thus
increasing production costs. The extensive use of insecticides has created more problems than solutions.
Among the most common effects of heavy use of insecticides are higher levels of insect resistance,
insecticide residues on crops, hazards to non-target organisms and environmental contamination.
The beet armyworm is an important crop pest, widespread in sub-tropical, tropical and temperate
regions. Prior to the 1990s it was not reported from Malaysia. This pest was first detected in 1996
attacking a hot pepper crop in Ayer Hitam Johor. Subsequently, sporadic, small outbreaks were reported
from other parts of Johor and Melaka. It is now an important pest of vegetable crops, such as onions,
brinjal, legumes, chilli and crucifers. It is very difficult to control as it has developed resistance to most
⇒ Golden apple snail, Pomacea canaliculata, and black apple snail, Pomacea insularis
Pomacea spp., which are indigenous to South America, were first introduced to Taiwan in 1980, Japan
in 1981, the Philippines in 1982 and Thailand in 1986 for commercial purposes. They were illegally
brought to Malaysia for the same purpose and first detected in fish ponds in Puchong and Subang, both
in Selangor, in 1991. The species in Puchong was identified as P. insularus, while the species in Subang
was P. canaliculata. Following the discovery, a nationwide survey was conducted to detect the presence
of these snails. It showed that the snail was found only in a few specific, isolated areas such as fish
ponds, unused tin mines, aquaria and in a small rice field at Kg. Pengkalan Semeling, Kedah.
Containment and eradication measures were then implemented, and succeeded in slowing, but not
stopping the spread. In some areas, the snails made their way to nearby rivers, water drains, irrigation
canals and rice fields. Currently, snails have been detected in about 5,000 ha of rice fields in Perak, but
there are no reports of damage to rice plants.
The snail can easily spread through the extensive networks of irrigation canals, and this is potentially a
threat to large rice-growing areas in the near future. Where the crop is raised through wet direct
seedlings, potential damage could be devastating, as this provides an environment conducive to snail
infestations. The snail feeds voraciously on young rice seedlings under wet conditions, causing great
losses to farmers.
Papaya ring spot virus originates from South America. In Asia, it was first detected in Kaoshung,
Taiwan in 1975, and in Luzon, Philippines in 1982. In Malaysia, it was first detected from the southern
part of Johore in 1991. Following this discovery, a nationwide survey was carried out to detect the
disease, followed by twice-yearly surveys. The results show that the PRSV occurs only in southern
Johore while the rest of Malaysia, including Perak, which is the second biggest papaya producing state
after Johore, is still free from PRSV.
Since the PRSV was first detected, the areas planted with papaya decreased drastically as all plants in
infested areas were removed to eliminate the source of the virus. Furthermore, there are no new
plantings, as the growers move out of infested areas to safe locations. Very soon papaya cultivation in
Johore will be wiped out.
Citrus greening is a highly destructive disease of citrus. The bacterium probably originated in China,
and seriously affects production in Asia, including Malaysia. There is uncertainty on how and when the
disease was introduced into Malaysia. In the late 1960s, the government through various agricultural
agencies and growers' associations made large scale citrus plantations, but after some years these and
many other areas in the country were abandoned due to a disease causing a slow decline of the trees.
Most probably this was due to greening disease, which was confirmed in Malaysia only in 1989.
The disease is the major stumbling block to the healthy growth of the citrus industry. Citrus growers
resort to insecticides to protect their crops from vectors that spread this greening disease. In the long
term, this will contaminate the environment, trigger insect resistance and resurgence of pest
populations, and increase the costs of production.
⇒ Sacbrood virus disease of honey bees
Sacbrood is a viral infectious disease which affects the broods of honey bees. It is a widely distributed
disease, but usually does not cause serious losses. Prior to 1994, the indigenous bee, Apis cerana indica
was reared in modern boxes to produce honey, and there was no incidence of sacbrood disease. In early
1994, Apis cerana cerana, which is more productive than the native bee, was imported from Southern
China as a way to improve local honey production. The imported colonies were kept in Sungai Burung
Selangor and Merlimau Melaka for quarantine observations. Six months after introduction, sacbrood,
previously unknown in Malaysia, was found infecting nearby colonies of the native bee, A. e. indica.
The disease spread and within six months, almost 100 percent of native bee colonies nearby were wiped
out. Since then, containment measures has been implemented to prevent further spread. The measures
have successfully confined the disease to Selangor, Melaka, Johor and Terengganu. The rest of the
country including Perak, which keeps most of the native colonies, is still free from the disease.
Sacbrood is a deadly disease, causing economic hardship to beekeepers and eradication of wild
colonies. This could lead to the loss of income for farmers, and pollination failure for local plants.
Itch grass is a native of India, and possibly Indochina. It is believed to have been introduced to
Malaysia from Thailand, as it was first detected in Perlis, a border state of Thailand in 1980. Following
this, a preliminary survey was conducted and it was found growing in isolated patches in Perlis
Plantation Bhd, a sugarcane plantation. The weed was observed to be abundant along small streams
around swampy areas and ponds in the plantation. By 1992, it had spread throughout the plantation.
The occurrence of this weed poses a potential threat to agriculture in general. Though at present
confined to sugarcane areas and along roadsides, this noxious weed could establish itself in crops such
as groundnuts, cassava, citrus, rice, papaya and pineapples. Once established, its rapid growth and
spread makes it a very aggressive competitor.
This plant is a native of Amazonia, Brazil. Beguiled by its beautiful blue flowers, man has brought this
plant from continent to continent. It was first brought to Singapore from Hong Kong in 1963. Chinese
villagers found it suitable for pig feed, and cultivated it in tanks and ponds for this purpose. It spread
into sluggish waterways and became a pest. In Malaysia, this weed thrives in still or slowly moving
waters, propagates very rapidly by seeds and offsets, and now is a serious threat to irrigation and
drainage canals and all kinds of aquatic environments. It is one of the world's most serious water weeds,
and its domination can threaten or eradicate other species.
Salvinia molesta is native to Southeastern Brazil. It was introduced into Malaysia as an ornamental
plant but later escaped into the wild. At the moment, only east coast states are free of this weed. It
rapidly reproduces and can completely occupy rice fields and drainages. A full cover of Salvinia in a
rice field may depress yield. It has also been observed to completely block drainage and irrigation
⇒ Timor deer, Cervus timorensis
The indigenous deer species in Peninsular Malaysia is the Sambar deer (Cervus unicolor). In the 1980s,
the Department of Veterinary Services (DVS) introduced an alien deer, the Timor deer in Peninsular
Malaysia. Some of the animals were placed in the Department of Wildlife & National Parks (DWNP)
captive breeding centers. The DWNP has recently ceased its captive breeding programmes. Breeding of
the Timor deer is now undertaken at more than ten captive breeding centers in the country, which are
managed either by the Department of Veterinary Services or private companies.
The Timor deer was introduced for breeding research purposes, to alleviate poaching pressure on the
indigenous deer, and for commercial purposes. DWNP’s research involved investigating methods for
captive breeding at a high productivity level. The Timor deer was found to breed very well. After the
Department’s success in the captive breeding programme of this species, the expertise and knowledge
was transferred to other agencies, companies or other individuals to explore the potential of exploiting
the species for commercial purposes, as the price for deer meat is quite high and was felt to have
considerable commericial potential. It was also felt that as the hunting season for the Sambar deer is
only open for one month per year, and there is a heavy illegal hunting pressure out of season, the Timor
deer could be raised to sell meat to the public from captive breeding centres.
Apart from its prolific breeding, the Timor deer can also hybridize with the indigenous deer species. If
it escapes into the forest, it would also likely compete with the Sambar deer in the wild. There has to
date been no research on these aspects.
This species originates from America and was introduced to Peninsular Malaysia about twenty years
ago. It is popular as a pet and is not often consumed as food. According to the Protection of Wildlife
Act of 1972 and the CITES convention, to which Malaysia is a party to, any activity involving trade of
the species including placing it in pet shops requires an import permit. The trading of this species,
however, generates good monetary returns.
It is a common practice among those who keep this species as a pet to release it into the wild when it
becomes an adult. There are several reasons for this behaviour. Firstly, the tortoise is no longer regarded
as an attractive pet, compared to when it is small. Secondly, it requires large amounts of food and may
not be an affordable pet for some. Because of its food requirements, there is a probability that this
species will compete with local tortoise species in the wild. There has been no research undertaken on
this to date.
This species, also known as the Indian house crow, is indigenous to the Indian sub-continent. Although
it is territorial during the day, it congregates at roosting sites at night. Rubbish dumps, dry weather
watering points, abattoirs etc. appear to be non-territorial communal-use areas for these birds. The crow
was originally introduced as a biological control agent to eat rhino beetles in oil palm estates.
Since the house crow breeds rapidly, its population has increased rapidly within a short period of time
and the species has moved into urban and settlement areas. This may cause the displacement of other
bird species whereever it occurs. The species is a scavenger, and its droppings pose a risk to human
health. Archer (1988) showed that the species carries eight enteric pathogens likely to cause human
diarrhoeal diseases. The nuisance factor of the species lies in their food-seeking behaviour, where they
often take scraps from unattended plates or cooking pots even within a few metres of humans, and in
their propensity to take shiny things such as jewellery.
This introduced species also has similar habits to the house crow. It is known to prey on the eggs of
several local bird species, potentially threatening their populations. It also perches on oil palm factories,
and deposits droppings in the general area. This is an unpleasant sight as well as being unhygienic.
Some alien species can potentially pose significant threats to agriculture (crops, animals, livestock),
non-cultivated ecosystems and humans if they establish themselves in Malaysia. In this country, such
species are officially listed by regulatory agencies as dangerous alien species that need to be controlled.
In general, management strategies and control measures for such species are aimed to prevent,
eradicate, contain, or effectively control, should its entry and establishment take place. Legislation,
regulations and procedures are also provided to smoothly implement these measures. For example, The
Plant Quarantine Act of 1976 and the Plant Quarantine Regulations of 1981 provide the legal
framework for dealing with dangerous alien pests of plants. Effective implementation of this act could
potentially prevent more introductions and establishment.
Plant quarantine is the first line of defense in managing invasive pests of plants. At an international
level, inspection is recognized as the primary phytosanitary measure of quarantine that checks and
certifies the presence of alien pests, in any consignment at point of origin or upon entering a country.
Under this measure, prior shipment treatments may be imposed on high risk consignments from high
risk origins. This activity is crucial to minimizing the risk of IAS introductions. At the national level,
the Department of Agriculture is responsible for enforcing quarantine laws and has stationed 250
enforcement officers at all 49 entry points to the country. All agricultural goods are subjected to
inspection at points of entry. Agricultural produce or consignments found to be infested with live pests
will be held in a secure area at a port of entry until the pests have been identified. If the pest is
positively identified as a quarantine pest, the consignments are either seized and destroyed or sent back
to the exporting country. For the year 2000, a total of 580 consignments with 82 species of arthropods
were intercepted. Of this total, only three species were found to be dangerous pests gazetted under the
present act and regulations.
Besides immediate quarantine action at entry points, containment and eradication has to be carried out
immediately upon detection or interception of pests at premises or any other places. Under Sections 6,
10, 11 and 12 of the Plant Quarantine Act of 1976, plant quarantine inspectors are given the authority to
isolate premises or any area, and to direct eradication treatment as deemed necessary. Several
contingency plans have been developed to contain, eradicate and control dangerous alien pests. The first
effort to contain and eradicate a plant pest in Peninsular Malaysia was on cocoa pod borer (C.
cramerella) in 1986, but it was not successful, likely due to the pest having spread to a bigger area by
the time it was first detected, which made containment difficult and ineffective. Later, two eradication
programmes were implemented after the detection of two dangerous alien pests, cocoa pod borer and
golden apple snail.
When it was first detected, the Khapra beetle (Trogoderma granarium) was found only in one isolated
rice store and was successfully eradicated. However, subsequent attempts to contain and eradicate the
golden apple snail (Pomacea spp.) were not successful, as it was already widely distributed in irrigation
canals when first detected, and effective viable control methods were not available. Apart from these,
there have not been other attempts to eradicate any pest even though numerous introductions of alien
pests (Table 1) have taken place. It is believed that these pests were detected only when they had
already spread widely, making containment and eradication no longer viable. In short, early detection is
crucial to ensure that a pest can be contained and effectively eradicated.
giant sensitive Mimosa pigra Australia 1980 Peninsular weed of waste
plant / Malaysia land
mile-a-minute Mikania South unknown throughout major weed of
weed / micrantha America Malaysia plantation
Ulam tikus
goose grass / Eleusine indica Africa unknown throughout common weed
rumput Malaysia in plantation
creeping sensi- Mimosa invisa tropical unknown throughout weed
tive plant (Duri America Malaysia
Pest management strategies have to be changed when alien pests become invasive, especially when they
appear to be established and widespread. In general, they are no longer treated as quarantine pests, but
as common pests. As such, management is no longer focused on eradication, but on reducing population
size and reducing damage. The Cocoa pod borer is a classic example of a quarantine pest that lost its
status as it became the most serious cocoa pest in Malaysia. Control measures are ongoing to contain
population size and infestation rates below the threshold levels, so that serious economic losses can be
avoided. In general, control measures are not dependent on a single method, but use a combination of
chemical and cultural methods. The same overall management strategies were adopted for all IAS in
Table 1.
Research bodies, either in government or the private sector, have played important roles in helping
regulatory and extension bodies to manage invasive alien species. They have developed better
technologies that are more effective and environmentally friendly. For example, at the beginning of
cocoa pod borer invasion, control depended much on heavy spraying of pesticides. Later, better control
methods were developed which achieved the same objectives, but did not depend on pesticides. Proper
fruit harvesting and introduction of biological control agents has significantly controlled cocoa pod
borer infestations.
Integrated pest management has been developed for another invasive species, Plutella xylostella, a
serious pest of crucifers. Several biological control agents were imported and released against this pest,
of which a few successfully established and have played a major role in regulating this pest. Other
major management strategies include crop scheduling and use of environment-friendly pesticides such
as insect growth regulators and bio-pesticides.
Management of IAS is the responsibility of government agencies. Most of the alien species brought in
the country will be quarantined and checked by agencies such as the Departments of Agriculture and
Veterinary Services. Other relevant agencies for management of IAS are included in Table 2. Once an
alien species becomes invasive, all possible means of control have to be instituted. Related government
agencies will continue to monitor the invasive species situation and develop control strategies and
technologies, while the implementation of control measures is expected to be carried out by individual
growers. Growers usually implement control measures for prevention as well as curative action.
Extension agencies such as Department of Agriculture, plays an important role in advising the
regulatory agencies, individual growers as well as the general public on the effective measures to
control a particular pest.
Table 2. List of major ministries, government agencies and non-governmental organisations
involved in IAS management
Ministry Agency or department Areas of responsibility
Internat'l Trade Tel: +60.3.62033022
& Industry Fax: +60.3.62010827
Ministry of Putra University of Malaysia teaching and research
Education Tel: +60.3.89486101
Fax: +60.3.89483244
University of Malaya teaching and research
Tel: +60.3.76977022
Fax: +60.3.7552975
National University of Malaysia teaching & research
Tel: +60.9.89250001
Fax: +60.389256484
Science University of Malaysia teaching and research
Tel: +60.4.6577888
Fax: +60.4.65755113
Malaysia University of Sarawak teaching and research
Tel: +60.8.2671000
Fax: +60.8.2671123
Malaysia University of Sabah teaching and research
Tel: +60.8.8320000
Fax: +60.8.8260730
Non-govt. Malaysian Plant Protection Society dissemination of information
organisations (MAPPS)
Management strategies of invasive species cover three aspects: prevention; containment and
eradication; and control. The prevention of alien species introduction is the first priority in managing
them because containment, eradication and control are difficult, expensive and likely to be ineffective.
When prevention fails, management options depend on how widely the species has spread. If the
species is confined to a small area, it should be contained and eradicated. In order to minimize
introduction and improve prevention of alien species, the following future works are recommended:
Prevention of introduction
! Review and update existing lists of prohibited species by carrying out good risk analysis.
This exercise will properly identify potential IAS, potential biological and economical impacts,
pathways of introduction, likelihood of entry, establishment and methods of prevention,
introduction, establishment and spread.
! Review and update existing sanitary and phytosanitary measures or other relevant legislation,
regulations and procedures to make them more effective in dealing with IAS.
For example, Malaysia's present plant quarantine regulations do not require any permit for the
importation of plants or plant parts for consumption, medicinal purposes, processing or
manufacturing, nor for processed agricultural products, which are only subjected to inspection
upon arrival. There is a very high risk of introducing IAS if loose regulations continue.
! Increase public awareness.
The public by and large does not know or care about the dangers of introducing alien plant or
animal species. Quarantine authorities are unable to check all cargo, passengers, or travelers at
all entry points. Harmful organisms also may hitchhike on a variety of goods. The presence of
such organisms is usually difficult to detect. To counter these problems, cooperation of the
public is required. The public must be informed about the dangers of IAS introductions, to be
able to recognize major IAS, and to report them accordingly.
! Build capacity.
The Department of Agriculture realizes the need for human resource development in specific
fields such as inspection, detection, identification, sampling techniques, and treatment. Highly
trained and efficient quarantine personnel, particularly those working at entry points will be
able to contribute towards preventing entry of IAS into the country.
! Cooperate with international partners.
Exporting and importing countries must comply with each other’s sanitary and phytosanitary
regulations when issuing phytosanitary certificates.
Containment and eradication aim to prevent further spread, and to remove the IAS from an infested
area. It is relatively easy and effective when alien species are not yet established. Early detection and
rapid response are imperative to contain and eradicate IAS. To achieve this objective, the following
future steps are suggested:
Inspection and surveillance should be concentrated on high risk pests and proven pathways. It
should also include highly susceptible areas with greater vulnerability.
! Develop contingency plans with a view to sharpening emergency action, and identify research,
development and operational needs.
Control measures are carried out when an IAS is permanently established and occurs widely. The sole
objective of control is to reduce ecological damage and economic loss. The latter is more important as it
affects the socio-economic well-being of the people most directly. To reduce the impacts caused by
IAS, the following future steps are recommended:
! Increase research activities in all aspects of IAS management so that new control technologies
can be developed;
! Intensify extension activities so that new control technologies can be effectively disseminated
and adopted;
Experts working on biological invasions
There are many agencies working on invasive alien organisms, namely the Department of Agriculture
(DOA), Malaysian Agriculture Research and Development Institute (MARDI), Department of
Veterinary Services, Department of Fishery and the Department of Forestry. They are responsible for
research, overseeing technology transfer and extension. Other related agricultural agencies and
universities (Table 2) assist in evaluation and technology development for IAS management. Plantation
agencies also carry out research and development on specific crops and crop protection problems.
However, up to now there are no agencies in the country working specifically on biological invasions.
In the future it is hoped that IAS and their impacts will be taken more seriously either by government
agencies or non-governmental organizations.
We would like to thank the government of Thailand, Global Invasive Species Programme and the
United States Government for supporting our travel costs to attend this workshop. We would also like
to thank the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, Malaysia for nominating us to
represent the country.
Anonymous. 1986. Contingency plan for eradication and control of a dangerous pest – cocoa pod borer.
Department of Agriculture, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 28 pp. (Mimeograph)
Archer, A.L. 1998. Indian house crow (Corvus splendens): a control programme and recommendations
for Republic de Djibouti. A consultant report to National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan
Project (NBSAP), Ministre de I’Environment du Tourisme et de I’Artisanat (META) and
World Conservation Union (IUCN) Regional Office for Eastern Africa.
Anwar, A.I., S.S. Soetikno, A. Sivapragasam, B.L. Tay, B. Razali & A. Zubir. 1994. Introduction and
impact of Neochetina bruchi as a biocontrol agent of water hyacinth in Malaysia. 4th
International Conference on Plant Protection in the Tropics, Kuala Lumpur (Oral presentation).
Asna, B.O., K. Balasubramanian & R. Thiagarajan. 2000. Status of beet armyworm (Spodoptera
exigua) in Peninsular Malaysia. In: S. Zakaria (eds.). Proceedings of Plant Health Seminar
2000. Malaysian Plant Protection Society. pp. 123-126.
Asna, B.O., M. Nordin & B. Zubir. 1999. Control of golden apple snail, Pomacea sp. using ducks, Anas
platyrhynchus platyrhynchus. Symposium on Biological Control in Tropics, MARDI Training
Centre, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia.
Azmi, M. and M. Supaad. 1986. Rumput Sambau (Eichinochloa crusgalli) – rumpai utama tanaman
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Baki, B.B. 1981. Aquatic weeds in major drainage and irrigation canals with special reference to water
hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) in Pennisular Malaysia. Paper presented at the 4th Rice
Advisory Committee Meeting, 9 April 1981, MARDI, Serdang, Selangor, 23 pp.
Barnes, D.E. & L.G. Chan. 1990. Common Weeds of Malaysia and Their Control. Ancom Berhad,
Persiaran Selaangor, Malaysia. 349 pp.
Burke, M.J. & J.P. Grime. 1996. An experimental study of plant community invasibility. Ecology 77
(3): 776 – 790.
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Chin, F., H.H. Chan, B.K. Lim, P.H. Ng, W.H. Loke & A.H. Nik. 1987. Containment and management
of Conopomorpha cramerella (Snellen) infestation in Pennisular Malaysia. In: Proceedings of
11th International Congress of Plant Protection, 5-9 October 1987, Manila, Philippines.
Ismail, A.A. 1978. Some recent studies on Salvinia- an aquatic weed in rice. MARDI Information Paper
No. 6.
Ismail, M.Z. & N.K. Ho. 1989. Status of weed control under direct seeded condition in Muda area.
Division of Agriculture, MADA, Alor Setar, Kedah, Malaysia (unpublished).
Jamaludin, S., M.N. Roff & K.Y. Ng. 1999. Beet armyworm, Spodoptera exigua Hubner (Lepidoptera:
Noctuidae) and its control in Malaysia. In: Mohamad et al. (compiled) Proc. National
Horticulture Conference 99:607-611.
Jambari, H.A. & S. Edi. 1999. Fish as biological agent of golden apple snails – prospects and
challenges. Symposium on Biological Control in Tropics, MARDI Training Centre, Serdang,
Selangor, Malaysia.
Levine, J.M. & C.M. D’Antonio. 1999. Elton revisited: a review of evidence linking diversity and
invasibility. Oikos 87: 15 – 26.
Liau, S.S., P.A.C. Ooi, M.R. Ismail, B.L. Tay, S.A. Lee, G.F. Chung & C.T. Ho. 1991. Biological
control of Mikania – early experiences in Malaysia. Proceedings, International Conference on
Biological Control in Tropical Agriculture, 27-30 August, 1991, Malaysia. 10 pp.
Maron, J.L. & P.G. Connors. 1996. A native nitrogen–fixing shrub facilitates weed invasion. Oecologia
(105): 302 – 312.
Mislamah, A.B. & P.A.C. Ooi. 1994. Status of Rottboellia cochinchinensis and its possible biological
control. 4th International Conference on Plant Protection in the Tropics, Kuala Lumpur (Oral
Mislamah, A.B., R. Norlia & C. Hamzah. 1991. Mimosa pigra: Its occurrence and threat to Malaysia
Agricultural. Plant Quarantine in the 90s and beyond. PLANTI Proceeding no. 6, Malaysia
Mynt, T. 1997. Ecology and control of leaf miners (Diptera: Agromyzidae) on sugar peas in Chameron
Highlands. PhD thesis. Universiti Kabangsaan Malaysia, Bangi, Selangor, Malaysia.
Nordin, M. & B. Zubir. 1999. Control of golden apple snail. Crop Protection and Plant Quarantine
Division report. (unpublished)
Ooi, P.A.C. 1981. The giant sensitive plant in Malaysia. MAPPS Newsletter 5(1):2.
Ooi, P.A.C. & G.S. Lim. 1989. Introduction of exotic parasitoids to control the diamondback moth in
Malaysia. Journ.Pl.Prot.Tropics 6(2): 103-111
Sidhu, M.S. 1984. Preliminary investigations into the chemical controlof the cocoa moth podborer,
Acrocercops cramarella Snellen, in Sabah. Planter 60:224-242.
Ooi, P.A.C. 1979. An ecological study of the diamondback moth in Cameron Highlands and its possible
biological control with introduced parasites. MSc. Thesis. University of Malaya.
Rajaratnam, J.A., K.W. Chan & H.T. Ong. 1977. Asystasia in oil palm plantations. In: International
developments in oil palm. Proc. Mal. Inst. Agri. Oil Palm Conf., Incorp. Soc. Of Planters.
Kuala Lumpur.
Syed, R.A. 1973. Attempt on biological control of Eupatorium odoratum L. in Sabah, Malaysia. 2:459-
466. In: Soerjani (ed.). Proceedings of the Sixth Asian-Pacific Weed Science Society, 1977,
Jakarta, Indonesia.
Syed, A.R. & A. Sivapragasam. 1999. The problem and management of Agromyzid leafminers on
vegetables in Malaysia. CABI-FAO Workshop on leafminers of vegetables in Southeast Asia.
2-5 Feb. 1999, Cameron Highlands, Malaysia.
Syed, A.R., A. Sivapragasam, W.H. Loke & M.N. Mohd Roff. 2000. Whiteflies infesting vegetables in
Malaysia. Proc. Resource Management Conference. 23-24 Nov. 2000. Kuching, Sarawak.
MAPPS, SIAS and DOA Sarawak. pp. 38-43.
Symstad, A.J, D. Tilman, J. Wilson & J.M.H. Knops. 1998. Species loss and ecosystem functioning:
effects of species identity and community composition. Oikos 81: 389 – 397.
Tay, E.B. 1983. Cocoa pod borer (Acrocercops cramerella) and its control. Pp. 81-98. Proceeding of
the 1983 Departmental Conference, Department of Agriculture, Sabah, Malaysia.
Teoh, C.H., G.F. Chung, S.S. Liau & I. Ghani. 1985. Prospects for biological control of Mikania
micrantha HBK in Malaysia. Planter 61: 515-530
Ung, S.H., A. Yunus & W.H. Chin. 1979. Biological control of Cordia curassavica (Jacq.) in Malaysia
by Cshematiza cordiae Barb. Malays. Agric. J. 52:154-165.
Yunus, A. & T.H. Ho. 1980. List of economic pest host plants, parasites and predators in West
Malaysia (1920 – 1978). Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia.
The Republic of Maldives, consisting of a large number of coral islands, has been a trading crossroads
of several maritime nations from as early as 2000 BC. The lack of local resources makes it necessary
for this country to import virtually everything from furniture to fresh vegetables. With the expansion of
tourism, fisheries, and agriculture, the demand for such products has increased, and inevitably so does
the number of potential pathways and entry points for IAS. Already many alien invasive, insect, plant
and disease species of agricultural importance have been identified from the country. Apart from the
serious losses caused by these species, the Maldives is also concerned about potential impacts to its
most important marine environment and to its biodiversity in general. As a country without proper
management regimes for IAS, as well as a scattered territory that makes enforcement of quarantine
regulations difficult, the Maldives is always at risk of IAS entering the country. Therefore, new IAS
remain a pressing concern for the authorities responsible for environment conservation and other sectors
of economic activity.
The Republic of Maldives consists of 1,190 coral islands in a chain 820 km in length and 130 km at its
widest point, set in an area of 90,000 sq. km. of the Indian Ocean, from the equator to 8˚ North. Only
197 of these islands are inhabited. India and Sri Lanka are its nearest neighbors, 600 km and 750 km
north and northeast of the Maldives, respectively. The islands form 26 natural atolls, which for purposes
of administration are grouped into 20 units, also called atolls. Most of the islands are small, few with a
land area in excess of one sq. km. They are low-lying, with a mean elevation of 1.6 m above mean sea
It has a tropical climate, warm and humid, with two pronounced monsoon seasons. Daily temperatures
vary little throughout the year. The annual mean temperature is 28ºC, with a maximum average of 32ºC
and a minimum of 25ºC. Relative humidity ranges from 73% to 85%. Annual average rainfall in the
period 1995-2000 was 1,870 mm. Monthly variations in rainfall are significant, ranging from 12 mm in
February to 250 mm in May. While there are occasional gales (on average 12 d/yr) and tropical
thunderstorms (23 d/yr), Maldives falls outside the main areas of tropical cyclones.
The population of Maldives was estimated at 270,000 in 2000 and is scattered over the 197 inhabited
islands. The remainder of the islands is uninhabited, although more than 70 of these islands have been
developed as tourist resorts. Ninety percent of the inhabited islands have a population less than 1,000
and only four islands have more than 4,000 people. About 26% of the nation’s population lives in Malé,
the capital island. The population of Malé has almost doubled in the past decade, and is currently
growing at around 5% per annum. The Maldivian population is young, with 45% under 15 years of age.
Population growth rate of the country is high, averaging 3.2% in the period 1977-85, 3.4% in the period
1985-90, and about 2% in the period 1995-2000.
Tourism and fisheries are the main sectors of the Maldivian economy. The Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) of Maldives should support a relatively robust per capita income and development (per capita
GDP in 1999 was US$ 1910), but it is neither broad-based nor growing consistently, with the overall
rate of growth in decline. Agriculture has the scope to pick up as an economic sector and its potential is
currently being explored. The GDP contribution from tourism is consistent at more than 30%, while the
fisheries sector has been declining from 7.8% of GDP in 1995 to 6.5% in 1999.
Introduction of plant pathogenic microorganisms and insect pests is a concern to the Maldives, as a
number of pests and diseases affect agricultural productivity. Influxes of planting materials, fruits and
vegetables from neighboring countries without proper quarantine procedures can lead to rapid build-up
of pests and diseases. Moreover, exporting countries are fully aware that the country lacks its own
quarantine facilities, and dump products of low quality, infected with pests and diseases and treated
with chemicals into the country. Unfortunately the isolated and scattered nature of the Maldives is no
longer an effective barrier against the import of alien species into it. In the face of this build-up, more
and more people have to rely on the use of hazardous pesticides for their control, which can
contaminate the soil, harvested products, and the environment in general with pesticide residues. This is
not a long-term solution and is likely to make the problem worse in the tiny island environment.
The following pests and diseases have been identified as harmful and have caused ecological and
economic impacts in the country.
Invasion of an extremely aggressive strain of the bacterium during the 1980s killed majority of the local
lime variety Citrus aurantifolia, which plays a major role in atoll agriculture. The aggressiveness of this
strain resulted in cankerous devastation of the main branches of lime trees, subsequent defoliation and
death. No feasible and ecologically acceptable chemical control method was identified. The
consequence has been a six- to ten-fold increase in the price of lime fruit in local markets and an
increasing dependence on imported fruit. Maldives was self sufficient in lime in the 1970s, but lime
import has increased tremendously since 1988. Apart from these direct economic consequences, the
reduction of locally produced limes is important because lime is one of the few sources of vitamin C in
local diets. Lime also plays a central role in local cuisine. To date, rehabilitation programmes have not
been successful and this variety of lime is threatened with extinction.
⇒ Stem borer, Batocera rufomaculata (De Geer)
Stem borer was introduced to the country in the early 1990s and was first observed attacking breadfruit
trees. It is now to be found in every island of the Maldives. Larvae of this beetle bore into the stems
and branches of the trees and kill it. Breadfruit was a common tree in every household in the Maldives
in the 1990s, but is considered rare today. Due to the pest, an estimated 60% of breadfruit trees, an
important seasonal staple food, have died. Symptoms of pest attack have also been observed from
mango trees.
In 1989, a heavy infestation of spiraling whitefly developed on various ornamental and fruit trees. The
insect caused extensive damage to at least 24 host plant species, including economically important
mango, papaya, guava, breadfruit, and banana trees. Two natural parasitoid enemies, Encarsia
haitensis and Encarsia sp. were introduced from Fiji in 1990 and good control has been achieved. At
present the pest is widespread in the Maldives but does not cause serious damage.
The giant African snail was first observed in the early 1980s and became a serious pest of many crop
species. Control was achieved using the flatworm Platydemus manokwari imported from Guam.
Although the beetle is believed to have originated from South-Southeast Asia, it is not native to the
Maldives. It appears to have arrived sometime in the 1970s and severely affected coconut production.
Until early 1980s, the rhinoceros beetle population in the Maldives was controlled by collection of adult
beetles and by filling gaps in palm crowns with pebbles to prevent beetles attacking the growing points.
In view of the local importance of coconut as a cash crop, FAO launched a biological control campaign,
which resulted in introduction of the baculovirus as a control agent in 1984. This resulted in a 25%
decline of coconut infestation, and a correspondent 10% yield increase within a year (Watson et al.
1995). Currently beetle infestation is on the rise again, causing poor yields.
This pest, introduced in late 1990s, damaged coconut palms within a very short period of time. Early
control and management measures, assisted by the FAO, minimized the spread of the pest in the
bread fruit mealy bug Icerya aegyptica
brown soft scale Coccus hesperidum
cabbage web worm or centre grub Hellula undalis
citrus black fly Aleurocanthus woglumi
citrus leaf minor Phyllocnistis citrella
citrus mealy bug Planococcus citri
coconut hispid beetle Brontispa longissima
coffee mealy bug Planococcus lilacinus
cottony cushion scale Icerya purchasi
diamond back moth Plutella xylostella
fringed nettle grub Darna nararia
glass house or black tea thrips Heliothrips haemorrhoidalis
green peach aphids Myzus persicae
green citrus aphid Aphis spiraecola
green scale Coccus virdis
gypsy moth Lymantria dispar
lac insect Tachardina aurantiaca
leucaena psyllid Heteropsylla cubana
mango leaf hopper Idioscopus nitidulus
mango stem borer Batocera rufomaculata
mango thrips Thrips palmi
melon and cotton aphid Aphis gossypii
melon worm Diaphania hialinata
nigra scale Parasaissetia nigra
oriental citrus psyllid Diaphorina citri
oriental scale Aonidiella orientalis
phenacoccus scale Phenacoccus parvus
pulvinaria scale Pulvinaria plygonato
pumpkin beetle Aulacophora calva
purple scale Lepidosaphes beckii
pseudococcus scale Pseudococcus cruptys
pseudococcus scale Pseudococcus elisiae
red cotton bug Dysdercus koenigii
red wax scale Ceroplastes rubens
rhinoceros beetle Oryctes rhinoceros
spiralling white fly Aleurodicus dispersus
stellate scale Vinsonia stellifera
sweet potato weevils Cylas formicarius
sweet potato whitefly Bemisia tabaci
tobacco thrips Frankliniella fusca
tropical army worm or cluster caterpillar Spodoptera litura
two-spotted spider mites Tetranychus urticae
urbicola soft scale Pulvinaria urbicola
white peach scale Pseudaulacaspis pentagona
Introductions of banana streak virus, bract mosaic virus and bacterial pathogens Erwinia spp. are
threatening banana production in the island ecosystem. Due to the malady of diseases attacking banana,
farmers have abandoned banana cultivation. Banana was one of the most marketable crops in the
country and accounted for the highest proportion of the farmers’ income.
stone apple leaf spot Pseudocercospora jujubae
stone apple anthracnose Colletotrichum
sweet potato anthracnose Colletotrichum
taro dasheen mosaic Dasheen mosaic virus
taro phyllosticta spot Phyllosticta colocassicola
taro cladosporium spot Cladosporium colocasiae
taro leaf blight Phomopsis
taro leaf spot Phoma
tomato black leaf mould Pseudocercospora fuligena
wax apple leaf spot Asteromella sp.
Numerous species of unknown origin are being introduced to the country as ornamental plants. The
risk of such species becoming a pest is a real threat, but no such evidence has yet been recorded. There
may be many species of invasive alien plants unidentified in the Maldives.
Marine species
Coral reef deterioration has been recorded in the Maldives on a few occasions. Some incidents are due
to pests, and others to adverse environmental conditions. Widespread deterioration of reefs by increase
of the crown-of-thorns starfish populations was observed during the 1970s and mid-1980s, and
extensive coral bleaching events due to high temperature were recorded during the 1990s. However,
there have not been any confirmed incidents of reef degradation by IAS.
The presence of large numbers of insects can be extremely annoying and unhealthy to humans. The
most irritating insect in this regard is gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar. Outbreaks of this insect occur
almost twice a year throughout the country and have a number of social impacts. Gypsy moth larvae are
a major nuisance when they defoliate shade and ornamental trees, crawl on around houses, leave debris
from their feeding, and are therefore not tolerated in many island communities. The larvae have
urticating hairs that cause skin irritations, which become seriously infected when infants and children
are attacked.
Management programmes
It is important that alien pests and diseases are correctly identified and appropriate control measures
used, while causing as little damage as possible to the host, environment, humans, and beneficial
organisms. Integrated pest and disease management is implemented to reduce occupational health risks
with exposure of humans to toxic chemicals, and to safeguard the environment from further harmful
The government of Maldives has taken measures to reduce the potential for entry and establishment of
IAS. One such is the ban on importation of coconuts and vegetative parts of coconut palms to avoid
importation of alien species which may threaten coconut production. Banana tissue culture production
has been initiated to provide farmers with clean planting materials of banana. This will reduce the
importation of banana planting material from elsewhere. Awareness campaigns on citrus canker control
and rehabilitation of the local lime variety Citrus aurantifolia are currently underway. The government
is also continuously lobbying for external assistance to strengthen the plant quarantine services of the
Maldives. Establishment of such a system is vital to protect the Maldives' fragile, terrestrial and marine
Marine environment
In view of the importance of the marine environment to the very existence of the coral reefs and
therefore the country’s economy, the government of Maldives follows a cautious policy with regard to
the introduction of alien species. All development projects, including those of marine aquaculture, are
required by law to have environmental impact assessments, and projects are approved based on the
outcomes of these assessments. The protection and management of the marine environment reflects
collaborative efforts of many local, regional, and international agencies. There are existing environment
and fisheries laws, and several research, management and awareness programmes being undertaken to
protect the marine environment in the short and long term. Such programmes include reef monitoring,
protected areas management, protected species management and reef resources management.
Loss of biodiversity due to aggressive IAS has been recognized as a threat to the fragile ecosystems of
Maldives. Maldives became a Party to the Convention on Biological Diversity on 28th October 1992,
being among the first Asian countries to ratify this convention. The first National Biodiversity Strategy
and Action Plan (NBSAP) of the Maldives was formulated in 2001. It has highlighted a number of
management actions in relation to IAS. The NBSAP will serve as a guide for protection, management
and sustainable use of biological resources, and has recognized the importance of controlling and
managing IAS for conserving the country’s marine and terrestrial biodiversity. Hence, the NBSAP
recommended establishing proper sanitary and phytosanitary measures. The NBSAP specifically
recommended the following actions to be taken at the national level to manage IAS:
! Formulate quarantine and other regulations to control IAS import including pests and diseases;
! Establish appropriate measures for conservation of local biological diversity when transferring
species from one locality to another within the country.
List of government organisations that can be potentially involved in management of IAS
As a nation at the trading crossroads of several maritime nations, with a lack of local resources and
regulatory capacity, the Maldives is extremely vulnerable to IAS. New IAS remain a pressing concern
for authorities responsible for environmental conservation and other economic sectors.
Ministry of Home Affairs, Housing and Environment. 2001. National Biodiversity Strategy and Action
Plan of the Maldives. Malé, Maldives.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 2000. Mission report on Banana Production Project. 82 pp.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 1998. Mission report on Coconut pest in Maandhoo Island,
Maldives. 112 pp.
Ministry of Fisheries and Agriculture. 1990. Report on the status of stem borer in Fuah Mulaku Island,
Maldives 18 pp.
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). 1989. Project terminal report, Citrus Disease Control and
Rehabilitation. 15 pp.
Hunter D.G. 1996. Plant diseases of the Maldives and their management. 56 pp. (untraceable –ed.)
Watson, G.W., Ooi, P.A.C. & D.J. Girling. 1995. Insects on plants in the Maldives and their
management. CAB International Institute of Biological Control, Ascot, UK. 124 pp.
Sharing experiences from agricultural and forestry sectors
The kingdom of Nepal lies in a transition zone between the eastern and western Himalayas, enjoying
tropical to arctic climates within a small area with a sharp altitudinal variation (60 m – 8848 m). Such a
diverse climatic and physiographic setting offers opportunities for great variability in floristic
composition. Nepal has not been an exception to the world-wide free exchange of seeds of agricultural
and forestry crops and the import and export of various plant species. Some of these alien species have
contributed positively to food and timber production, while others have become invasive. Very limited
research has been carried out on IAS and their impacts in the country. Currently, management of alien
IAS is done mainly through on-farm management by farmers and through advice and training from
agricultural extension programmes. IAS work is a new field in Nepal, and has yet to be planned and
started in a systematic manner. In this regard, issues that need to be considered urgently are: exploration
and management of uses of already existing IAS; no introductions to be done in the future without prior
information and evaluation so that further deterioration of agricultural, forest and other ecosystems is
prevented. Nepal should commence more work on IAS urgently.
The kingdom of Nepal is a country of great ecological, biological and cultural diversity. Lying in a
transition zone between the eastern and western Himalayas, it has climates ranging from tropical to
arctic within a small area over a sharp altitudinal gradient. This diverse climatic and physiographic
setting has generated great floristic diversity, as illustrated by Nepal's 118 different ecosystems, 75
vegetation types and 35 forest types (NBS, 2002). Of its total area, 39.6% is under forest and about 21%
under agriculture. Around 80% of the Nepalese people are employed in the agriculture sector, using
both indigenous and alien crop varieties. Nepal has less than 0.1% of the earth's land area but about 6%
of the earth's bryophytes, 3% of its pteridophytes, and over 7000 species of flowering plants (NBS,
2002). Over 200 species of commercially important medicinal and aromatic plants, 400 species of agro-
horticultural crops, over 60 species of wild edible fruit crops, and over 300 species of orchids are also
found in Nepal.
Throughout its history, the country has freely exchanged seeds of agricultural and forestry crops, and
imported and exported various plant species. Some of Nepal's alien species have contributed positively
to food and timber production, as in several part of the world, whereas a few of them have invaded
ecosystems, especially when not managed properly. A species considered invasive in one agro-
ecological system might be considered useful in another area, if used for an economic purpose with
proper management. It is therefore often difficult to generalise and categorise alien IAS, especially in a
country like Nepal where very limited research has been done in this regard. Therefore, it is important
to identify both IAS and their habitat simultaneously.
A consultative country workshop was organised recently in Kathmandu by IUCN-Nepal to discuss and
inventory IAS (IUCN, 2001). This meeting developed a common definition of IAS as "organisms that
have been moved from their native habitat to a new location where they cause significant harm to the
environment, economic systems and or human health" (Tiwari & Siwakoti, 2001). Some progress has
been made since then to develop inventory methods and gather information on IAS from different
representative ecological sites in the country. Based on available information, this paper shares some of
the experiences on identification, management efforts and future possibilities for better management of
IAS in Nepal.
Based on discussions and field experience, following species have been identified as IAS from different
areas of Nepal.
Existing programmes on IAS
Management of IAS is done mainly through farm management, and through advice and training from
agricultural extension programmes. Farmers are trained to manage invasive weeds and shrubs, of which
most are removed from the farm, but many are used for several purposes such as livestock
fodder/forage, fuelwood, and as hedges. Orobanche spp. in mustard fields and Phalaris minor in
wheatfields are some common examples of farmer management of IAS in Nepal. No chemicals are used
against such weeds in Nepal. Likewise, forest-based IAS such as Eupatorium spp. are removed from
forest plantations, shrublands and enrichment plantation sites, and are used as goat fodder, animal
bedding, green manure or green fuel. Occasionally, IAS such as Eichhornia are removed from lakes by
local communities to preserve the aesthetic value of these water bodies. Up to now, there are no specific
programmes launched by the government, on a priority basis, for management of IAS in this country.
The following organisations are relevant for future programmes in management of IAS.
Future priorities
Since there has not been adequate attention given to management of IAS in the country, the first and
foremost task on this subject is identification and assessment of IAS, their habitats, nature of invasion,
and indigenous management practices, if any. Secondly, there should be work on participatory
management and use of IAS to encourage control of invasions. Strengthening plant quarantine facilities
would focus adequate attention to IAS, from the beginning before invasions take place on a large scale.
More research is required to understand the impact of such species, and awareness should be created
among all stakeholders. A sensitisation workshop on IAS issues is urgently needed at the national level.
This workshop should then create a forum for further discussion and planning of better management of
IAS in the country.
List of currently engaged/ potential experts
There is no one individual or a single organisation fully engaged on prevention of entry, establishment
and management of IAS in Nepal. However, the following scientists/experts have been involved in
some respects, and therefore are suggested for further interaction on this subject. This list does not
however undervalue the available expertise and experience of others from various governmental and
non-governmental organisations and universities in Nepal, not included here.
Being a new field of research and development in Nepal, work on IAS is yet to be planned and started
in a systematic manner. In this regard, activities that need to be done urgently are:
Tiwari, S. & M. Siwakoti. 2001. Invasive alien species Nepal. (untraceable reference - ed.)
Hara, H., W.T. Stearn & M. Williams. 1978, 1979, 1982. An enumeration of flowering plants of Nepal.
Vol. I, II, III. Natural History Museum, London (EFPN).
HMG/N, Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation. 2002. Nepal Biodiversity Strategy (NBS).
His Majesty's Government of Nepal, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Shrestha, K. 1998. Dictionary of Nepalese Plant Names. Mandala Book Point, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Siwakoti, M. & S.K Verma. 1999. Plant diversity of Eastern Nepal. M/S Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal
Singh, 23-A, New Connaught Place, Dehradun, India.
Sharing experiences from the forestry sector
Pakistan is a country with contrasting features. A large part of the country is in an arid and semi-arid
zone, which falls into a hydrological unit drained by the Indus river system. Agriculture accounts for
the largest sector of the national economy. Like many countries, Pakistan has had many introductions of
IAS, but not much research on those species or their impacts. Vascular plants are the best known group
of species, and are thus known to include several high-impact IAS. A comprehensive catalogue of other
organisms including animals, algae, fungi, and bacteria is not available. Thus, nothing can be said with
certainty about the number of IAS in these groups. Some of the well known harmful animal
introductions include fish and shellfish for aquaculture and aquaria, and insect pests of agriculture and
horticulture. Fortunately, the magnitude of IAS in Pakistan is not as great as in some other countries,
but unfortunately, there is virtually no awareness of this important issue among the general public,
policy-makers, and even most natural resource managers. There is no legislation that deals specifically
with IAS. Pakistan has taken the important step of establishing the IAS Specialist Group-Pakistan
(ISSGP) at the national level, with support from IUCN and CABI-BioScience. This group will work to
increase awareness of problems created by IAS, among the public at large, policy makers, and other
stakeholders, and identify increasing problems of IAS. Prevention is recommended as the prime method
for management of IAS, as control and eradication are technically difficult and expensive. This paper
lists many specific recommendations for addressing IAS issues in Pakistan.
Pakistan is a sub-tropical country lying between 24° and 37°N latitudes and 61° and 75°E longitudes.
Stretching over 2500 km from the Arabian Sea to the Himalayas, Pakistan’s landscape presents
contrasting features: the bulk of the country is in an arid and semi-arid zone, which falls into a
hydrological unit drained by the Indus river system. Agriculture is the largest sector of the national
economy (see Table 1 in Annex I for land use data), contributing about 25% of the GDP and providing
employment to more than half of the labour force.
Forests and forestry in Pakistan have a rather chequered history, as the country is situated on the route
of many human migrations and invasions that took place over thousands of years. The destruction of
forests was inevitable, due to increasing pressure of settlers and their livestock. Scientific management
of forests was started just over a century ago, laying emphasis on conservation, and at the time of
independence in 1947, forests in Pakistan had already been exploited to a considerable extent. Pakistan
is the seventh most populous country in the world, with a density of 163 persons per square kilometre
and an estimated population (including Azad and Kashmir) of 143.6 million, 67.5% being rural and
32.5% urban.
Forest resources
Out of a total land area of 88 million ha, 4.2 million ha (4.8%) are covered with forests. These forests
are mainly state owned and managed. It is estimated that about one-third of the forest area consists of
production (commercial) forests, and the rest of protection forests.
Forest types
The main forest types are coniferous forests, riverine forests, irrigated plantations, mangrove forests,
farmlands, linear plantings, and miscellaneous plantings. These are described in greater detail below.
⇒ Coniferous forests
These forests occur at an elevation of 1500 to 3500 m and are found in moist temperate, dry temperate
and sub-tropical zones. They are located in the upland watersheds. They protect fragile mountain
ecosystems and provide water for irrigated agriculture and power generation. Main species of conifers
growing naturally include Cedrus deodara, Abies pindrow, Pinus wallichiana, Picea smithiana, Pinus
gerardiana, Juniperus excelsa and Pinus roxburghii with broad-leaved associates such as Quercus
iticana and Acer indica. These forests are the main source of construction timber, large quantities of
fuelwood, resin, and grazing for millions of goats, sheep and cattle.
⇒ Riverine forests
These forests are situated on the land lying between the banks of river Indus and its tributaries and the
protective embankments. The main species include Acacia nilotica, Populus eupharatica, Tamarix
dioica and Prosopis specigera. These forests are of high economic value as they provide timber for coal
mining and the furniture industry, and large quantities of fuelwood.
⇒ Irrigated plantations
These are man-made forests, planted after clearing the indigenous thorn forests in areas where canal
water was available for irrigation. The main purpose is fuelwood production, but small quantities of
timber are also produced for sports goods and furniture. The main species are Dalbergia sissoo, Morus
alba, Acacia nilotica, Eucalyptus sp., Bombax ceiba and Melia azadarach. Recently, fast-growing
species like hybrid poplar and Eucalyptus have also been planted in these plantations.
⇒ Scrub forests
These forests grow in the foothills and vary in density from a perfect canopy in well protected areas to
scattered single trees or groups on dry sites. Main species include Acacia modesta and Olea cuspidata.
⇒ Mangrove forests
The Indus delta on the Arabian seacoast near Karachi supports valuable mangrove forests. The main
species found here include Avicennia officinalis, Ceripos tagal and Bruguiera conjugata. These are
mainly protective forests, but provide some grazing and fuelwood to coastal people.
⇒ Farmlands
Farmers in Pakistan have grown trees on their lands for a long time to meet their needs for fuelwood
and small timber. Recently they have started growing trees commercially. They are the main source of
fuelwood and hardwood timber supplies in the country. The species composition of growing stock of
farmlands is: Dalbergia sissoo (22%), Acacia nilotica (14%), mango (4%), mulberry (3%), poplar
(3%), Eucalyptus (1%) and other species.
⇒ Linear plantings
These consist of trees raised along railroads, roads and canals. The main species are Dalbergia sissoo
and Acacia nilotica, which have a mainly protective and aesthetic value.
⇒ Miscellaneous plantings
These are plantations established on private lands in upland watersheds under World Food Programme
activities in the 1970s and 1980s.
This was formulated in order to protect and conserve the environment on a long-term basis. Its main
objectives are to conserve natural resources, foster sustainable development and improve efficiency in
the use and management of resources. Its three operating principles are: enlisting public participation in
development and management; merging environment and economics in decision making; and focusing
on durable improvement in the quality of life. Its main long-term goals include the following:
National Forest Policy 2001
This policy covers renewable natural resources of Pakistan such as forests, watersheds, rangelands,
wildlife, biodiversity and their habitats, and seeks to foster their sustainable development. Elements of
the policy relevant to IAS and biodiversity management include: improvement of institutions; policies
for critical ecosystems; scientific management of irrigated plantations; preservation of relict and unique
forests; supporting the implementation of treaties such as CBD, CITES, Ramsar, and CMS;
conservation of threatened species of wildlife and their habitats; management of rangelands and desert
ecosystems, and encouraging a participatory approach to growing trees and fodders on farms.
To realize the policy objectives of meeting national needs for forest products while ensuring
environmental protection and improvement, a 25-year forestry development plan was put in place. Its
main components are:
Successful implementation of the Forestry Sector Master Plan is expected to increase forest area from
the current 4.2 million ha to 8.6 million ha (9.1% of total land area), raise the sustainable supplies of
wood, reduce soil erosion from watersheds, and create new job opportunities in planting of trees,
harvesting, processing and distribution of wood.
The problem
Not much research on alien species or on the impacts of IAS has been done up to now. The meager
studies undertaken so far list 700 alien species of vascular plants, and 4500 indigenous species
(Khatoon & Ali, 1999). Of these, six can be regarded as high-impact invasives (Broussonetia
papyrifera, Prosopis juliflora, Eichhornia crassipes, Salvinia molesta, Parthenium hysterophorus, and
Lantana camara). Eucalyptus camaldulensis is another example of an IAS in farm forestry in the
mountainous area of Malakand-Dir, known for its aggressiveness and release of allelo-chemicals into
the environment (Hussain et al., 2000 and Saleh, 2002). A comprehensive catalogue of other organisms
(even of indigenous species), including animals, algae, fungi, bacteria, etc. is not available. Therefore,
nothing can be said with certainty about the number of IAS in these groups. The known intentional
introductions of animal species include sheep and cows from Australia and New Zealand, finfish (e.g.
silver carp, China grass carp, tilapia, rainbow trout) and shellfish for aquaculture and aquaria, and
Australian bees for apiculture. Of these introductions, tilapia has escaped from aquaculture and has
established on its own in many wetlands in Sindh (Q.M. Ali, pers. comm.), while China grass carp,
introduced in the 1970s into Haleji Lake for controlling weeds, has reportedly deprived the native
herbivorous fish of their food. Accidental introductions include insect pests of agriculture (e.g.
American bollworm, Heliothis armigera), and pests of horticulture.
Fortunately, the magnitude of IAS in Pakistan is not as great as in some other countries, but
unfortunately, there is virtually no awareness of this important issue among the general public, policy-
makers, and even among most of the forest department personnel. While most of the introduced plant
species date back to the colonial era, new intentional introductions (both authorized and unauthorized)
go on, unabated. Nursery owners frequently import seeds and propagules of ornamental plants, while
most officially sanctioned tree-plantation drives involve alien species. The following brief account
illustrates the magnitude of this absence of awareness. Most irrigated plantations in Pakistan have
cultivated a sizeable area with Eucalyptus camaldulensis, and planting campaigns are in progress to
plant eucalypts under farm forestry projects, and annual planting programmes. In 1999, the monsoon
tree-plantation drive in Sindh was launched by planting Lignum vitae (Guaicum officinale - a native of
South America), while the spring tree plantation of 2000 was launched by planting Eucalyptus. In 1998,
a former Chief Minister had pledged to plant 8 million Eucalyptus trees in Sindh. In August 1999, an
anti-pollution rally organized by various government departments and NGOs planted 1000 saplings of
Eucalyptus, neem, and Conocarpus around Keenjhar Lake to "save the lake" (The DAWN newspaper,
29 August 1999). What they did not know was that they had actually damaged the lake surroundings by
planting these alien species. Like Melaleuca, Eucalyptus spp. are also capable of lowering the water-
table due to fast growth and excessive transpiration, having allelopathic effects on indigenous
vegetation, and containing highly inflammable volatile oil contents in leaves, which can trigger forest
fires in hot and dry season. The large-scale introduction of Eucalyptus has not only changed the
characteristic landscape of Sindh, Punjab, the North Western Frontier Province (NWFP) and
Balochistan, but in the long run will have detrimental effects on water resources as well. Both
Eucalyptus and neem harbour fruit-eating bats, which are a potential serious threat to orchards, and also
may serve as seed-dispersal agents for the alien trees. Although these species have not so far become,
strictly speaking, invasive, they may become so in the future, given their large scale plantings, and
repeated introductions coupled with targeted destruction of native vegetation, in the name of "cleaning"
the environment. Awareness campaigns on the importance of indigenous flora and the dangers of IAS
are needed in Pakistan, more than anywhere else in the world.
There is no legislation that deals specifically with IAS. The Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) of Pakistan
deals with this problem very superficially. Action 6.6 of the BAP reads: "Take measures to control IAS
of fauna and flora, and to prevent further introductions." The Quarantine Department checks plant and
animal species being imported only for any pests or pathogens accompanying them. There is no
provision to check the possible ecological impact of imported species.
National efforts
The first-ever workshop on IAS in Pakistan was held on 17 September 1999 at Islamabad, jointly
organized by IUCN-Pakistan and CABI-Bioscience. While discussing the issue, participants agreed on
the following definition: "IAS are those species which are alien, and which because of their aggressive
and/or gregarious nature, become an agent of change, reducing the number, relative abundance and
Importance Value Index (IVI) of the native species, and thereby threatening the overall biodiversity in a
given region." The participants also wished to prepare a list of well-known IAS. Since comprehensive
knowledge is hitherto available only for vascular plants (in the Flora of Pakistan), the workshop
deliberations were concerned with plants only; but it was decided that other groups (animal, algae,
fungi, bacteria) should be dealt with later.
The workshop recommended that an institution should be identified to give certificates of clearance
before the introduction of species. This institution should be advised by a panel of experts belonging to
various fields of biology, especially plant and animal taxonomists, agriculturists and foresters. The
workshop also resolved to open a Pakistani Chapter of ISSG (IUCN/SSC IAS Specialist Group), named
the IAS Specialists Group- Pakistan (ISSGP). It was formed at the national level with support from
IUCN and CABI, and will highlight in a brochure to be produced by them, the problems created by
IAS. For increasing awareness of the public at large, stakeholders and policy makers, ISSGP will issue
newsletters, bulletins and identify the increasing problems of IAS in the country.
Preventive methods for managing IAS should be the priority in Pakistan, because control and
eradication are technically difficult and expensive. Specific recommendations are as follows:
Andrascik, R. 1997. (Untraceable title – ed.) Leafy Spurge Newsletter 1(3): 2-3.
Anonymous. 2000. Pakistan national report on the implementation of the Convention on Biological
Diversity. Leads-Pakistan, Islamabad. 156 pp.
Center, T.D., R.F. Doren, R.L. Hofstetter, R.L. Myers, L.D. Whiteaker (eds.). 1988. Proceedings of the
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Bush, M.B. 1968. Further investigations on control of aquatic vegetation in fisheries. Agriculture
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Clout, M. & S. Lowe. 1996. Draft IUCN guidelines for the prevention of biodiversity loss due to
biological invasions. IUCN Species Survival Commission / Invasive Species Specialist Group.
Diamond, C., D. Davis & D.C. Schmitz. 1991. Impact statement: the addition of Melaleuca
quinquenervia to the Florida Prohibited Aquatic Plant List. In: Center, T.D., R.F. Doren, R.L.
Hofstetter, R.L. Myers, and L.D. Whiteaker (eds.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Exotic
Pest Plants, 2-4 November 1988, Miami, Florida, USA. Technical Report
NPS/NREVER/NRTR-91/06. U.S. Department of the Interior, National Parks Service,
Washington, DC. pp. 87-110.
Harrington, R.A. & J.J. Ewel. 1997. Invasibility of tree plantations by native and non-indigenous plant
species in Hawaii. Forest Ecology and Management 99:153-162.
Hashim, S. & B.M. Khan. 2002. Invasive weed species of Abbottabad district: threat to our
environment, solution through use of indigenous knowledge of local communities. Dept. of
Weed Sciences, Faculty of Crop Protection Sciences, NWFP Agricultural University,
Peshawar. 38 pp.
Holm, L.G., D.L. Plucknett, J.V. Pancho & J.P. Herberger. 1977. The worlds worst weeds: Distribution
and Biology. University Press of Hawaii, Honolulu, USA. 609 pp.
Hussain, S.S., S. Khatoon & Riaz Mahmood. 2000. Report on alien IAS of Pakistan. Collaborative
study of IUCN Pakistan, CABI-Rawalpindi, and Botany Department, Karachi University,
Julien, M.H. 1992. Biological Control of Weeds, A World Catalogue of Agents and their Target Weeds
(3rd Edition). CAB International, UK, 186 pp.
Khalid, S. 2000. Parthenium hysterophorus L.: A new introduction to Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of
Biological Sciences 3(5): 846-47.
Le Maitre, D.C., B.W. van Wilgen, R.A. Chapman & D.H. McKelly. 1996. Invasive plants and water
resources in the Western Cape Province, South Africa: modelling the consequences of a lack of
management. Journal of Applied Ecology 33: 161-172.
Marwat, K.B. & H. Saima. 2002. Invasive weeds a threat to biodiversity: A case study from Abbottabad
district, N-W. Pakistan. Pakistan Journal of Weed Sciences Research 8(1-2): 1-12.
McNeely, J.A. 2000. The future of alien invasive species: changing social views. In: Mooney, H.A. &
R.J. Hobbs (eds.). Invasive Species in a Changing World. Island Press, Washington, DC, USA,
457 pp.
O’Kennon, R.J., T.M. Barkley, G.M. Diggs Jr. & B. Lipscomb. 1999. Lapsana communis (Asteraceae):
new for Texas and notes on invasive exotics. Sida 18(4): 1277-1283.
Parker, R.N. 1924. A Forest Flora for the Punjab with Hazara and Delhi. Lahore, Pakistan. 591 pp.
Randall, J.M. & J. Marinelli (eds.). 1996. Invasive Plants. Brooklyn Botanic Garden Inc., New York,
Saleh, R.A. 2002. The impact of Eucalyptus plantations on the environment under the Social Forestry
Project Malakand. Dir. Environmental Audit report, Auditor General of Pakistan, Islamabad. 66
Shabana, Y.M., R. Charudattan & M.A. Elwakil. 1994. Evaluation of Alternaria eichhorniae as a bio-
herbicide for water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in greenhouse trials. Biological Control
Sheikh, M.I. 1993. Trees of Pakistan. Pictorial Printers (Pvt) Ltd., Islamabad, Pakistan. 142 pp
Simon, N. 1993. The Guinness Guide to Nature in Danger. Guinness Publishing Ltd., Middlesex, UK.
Suleman, K.M. & K. Nadeem. 1995. Suitability of home grown paper mulberry Broussonetia
papyrifera for pulp and paper manufacture. Pakistan Journal of Forestry 45(4): 158-162.
Van Wilgen, B.W., R.M. Cowling & C.J. Burgers. 1996. Valuation of ecosystem services. BioScience
46(3): 184-189.
Annex 1. Annotated list of preliminarily recognized invasive alien plants in Pakistan.
Scientific name English & History of introduction* Comments
Origin Worst-affected areas
and family (local) names
1880 at Saharanpur, by serious human
Broussonetia 1924 to Lahore via irrig. allergen; spread Islamabad-Rawalpindi,
paper mulberry
papyrifera SE Asia channels; now most by invasive alien from Lahore to Peshawar
(gul toot)
Moraceae problematic IAP in N house crows and N Pakistan.
Prosopis 1878 by British for serious and well
mesquite W Indies, SW riparian forest of Acacia
juliflora afforesting deserts of established,
(kikari) USA, Mexico nilotica in Sindh
Fabaceae Sindh, southern Punjab toxic metabolites
Eichhornia unknown serious and well Sindh and Punjab and in
water hyacinth
crassipes Amazon basin established, the water bodies of
Pontederiaceae diverse impacts Pakistan
Kariba weed recently introduced, source aggressive and
Salvinia molesta water fern, unknown. First noted on well established, in wetlands and irrigation
S America
Salviniaceae salvinia Keenjhar Lake, Thatta in diverse impacts channels of Thatta
(unavailable) late 1990s
unknown, thought to be an aggressive and
Lantana camara lantana (panch
Americas old introduction well established, in and around Islamabad
Verbenaceae phuli)
diverse impacts
white top, unknown. First noted in aggressive
congress grass, Meso- 1956 from Poona, India competitor with Islamabad and environs,
carrot grass America and in 1980s from biodiversity and where it is highly invasive
(unavailable) Pakistan health impacts
unknown, thought to be an moderate invades waste areas,
Cannabis sativa Central, W
hemp (bhang) ancient introduction invasive, human northern Punjab and
Cannabaceae Asia
allergen NWFP
Pistia stratiotes water cabbage Old, new unknown, thought to be an well established, water reservoirs, the edges
Araceae (jal kumbi) world tropics old introduction diverse impacts of large lakes
Ipomoea carnea railway creeper tropical unknown, thought to be an fast growing southern Sindh & Indus
Convolvulaceae (railway creeper) America old introduction (colonial) competitor delta
Emex spinosa unknown, recently spreading fast,
prickly dock Mediterranean
Polygonaceae / accidentally introduced nuisance weed cooler parts of the country
(kafir kanda) region
Plantaginaceae from Afghanistan and Iran
catchweed unknown, thought to be an agricultural
Galium aparine distributed in Pakistan
bedstraw Europe old introduction weed with
Rubiaceae form plains to 12000 feet
(galium) diverse impacts
Xanthium unknown, thought to be an
cocklebur (puth most parts of Pakistan and
strumarium New world old introduction, now
kando) rangelands to 8000 feet
Compositae widely distributed
Leucaena leucaena, ipil ipil introduced in late 1800s by aggressive weed
Meso- parts of Pakistan, e.g.
leucocephala (as adopted British with livestock
America Punjab
Fabaceae locally) health impacts
Lolium unknown, thought to be an moderate
temulentum darnel, rye grass Mediterranean old introduction invasive at throughout Pakistan from
Gramineae/ (Dhanak) region present plains to 2000 feet.
Robinia USA, SE & Unknown; planted by Well established,
black locust
pseudoacacia Central Forestry Dept for fodder, may threaten plains & hills of Pakistan
Papilionaceae America fuelwood, soil stability biodiversity
Ailanthus Unknown; naturalized in Aggressive
tree of heaven Malakand, Huzara, Chitral,
altissima China, Japan Pakistan over large areas invader, may
(asmani) Gilgit & Baluchistan
Simarubaceae threaten biodiv.
1860 in undivided India by Well established
Eucalyptus British; 1911 Botanical and used in
red river gum
camaldulensis Australia Gardens of Lahore; 1962 plantations – throughout Pakistan
(sufeda, lachi)
Myrtaceae used in reclamation of diverse impacts
damp areas
Annex 2. List of experts on biological invasions in Pakistan
! Dr. S. Sajidin Hussain, Programme Coordinator, 1 Bath Island Road, IUCN, Karachi,
7530, Tel. +92-21-5861540-2, Fax, +92-21-5870287
! Dr. Rasool Bakhsh Tareen, Associate Professor, Department of Botany, University of
Balochistan, Quetta, Tel. +92-81-92-11264
! Dr. Saeed Ahmed, Retired Professor of Agronomy, UAF, 5/16, Street 6, Green View
Colony, Faisalabad, Tel. (Res.) +92-41-627272
! Dr. M. A. Poswal, Director, CABI Bioscience, P.O. Box 8, Rawalpindi, Tel. +92-51-
! Dr. Khan Bahadar Marwat, Chairman, Department of PBG Weed Science, Agriculture
University, Peshawar, Tel. +92-91-9216572-578 x 348, Res.-840384, Fax. +92-91-
! Dr. Rashid A. Shad, Director, NARC, Training Institute, Weed Science Programme,
Islamabad, Tel. +92-51-240299
! Dr. Rubina A. Rafique, Incharge Herbarium, NARC Islamabad, Tel. +92-51-240151
! Mr. Shabbir Mughal, Forest Botanist, Biological Sciences Research Division, Pakistan
Forest Institute, Peshawar. Tel. +92-91-9216187, Tel. (Res.) +92-91-850835
! Miss Saima Hashim, Department of Weed Sciences, NWFP Agricultural University,
! Dr. Surayya Khatoon, Associate Professor, Department of Botany (Plant Taxonomy),
University of Karachi, Karachi-75270, Tel. +92-21-472828, -479001-7/2352, 2288.
! Dr. Altaf Hussain, Assistant Forest Geneticist/Extension Specialist, Forestry Research
Division, Pakistan Forest Institute, Peshawar. Tel: +92-91-9216125, Res. +92-91-
! Mr. Riaz Mahmood, Senior Scientific Officer, CABI Bioscience, Regional Centre
Pakistan Data Ganj Bakhsh Road, P.O.Box: 8, Rawalpindi. Tel: +92-51-298770
! Mr. Rasheed Ahmad Sahleh, Director General, Audit, Accountant General Sub-Office,
Peshawar. Tel: +92-91-9211309
! Syed Mahmood Nasir, Deputy Inspector General of Forest, Ministry of Environment,
Local Government and Rural Development, Government of Pakistan, Islamabad. Tel:
+92-51-9201141, Res: +92-51-2252292
Veronica O. Sinohin
Senior Science Research Specialist,
Ecosystems Research and Development Bureau (ERDB),
Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR),
College, Laguna, Philippines, 4031, E-mail:
Wilma R. Cuaterno
Chief, Crop Protection Division, Bureau of Plant Industry,
Department of Agriculture, 692 San Andres, Malate,
Manila, Philippines, E-mail:
In the Philippines more than 475 plant species, mainly from the Malayan region, have been introduced
during historical times. A high percentage of alien species has also been introduced within the past 400
years, including many of American origin (Merrill, 1912). Intentional and accidental introductions of
alien species have been done for economic reasons, until they are observed to be invasive and causing
economic and environmental damage. This situation has arisen as bio-safety measures and
environmental impacts of alien species were not considered prior to introduction. There is a lack of data
on IAS in the Philippines, as there have been only a few research studies conducted on impacts and
management of IAS. The list of known alien IAS at present includes terrestrial and aquatic weeds, trees,
insects, fish, and amphibians. The Philippines has commenced work to address IAS at a national level,
but much more remains to be done on this theme. Inventorying all alien species and establishing
country and regional hubs for coordination of work are some of the strategies recommended.
The Philippines is a contracting party to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). In fulfillment
of its obligations, the country undertook an assessment of its biodiversity through a grant from United
Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) to the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Based on this comprehensive assessment of the current status of the country's biodiversity, problems,
threats, issues and gaps were identified (DENR-UNEP, 1997). One of the threats to indigenous species
is IAS, recognized in Article 8h of the CBD: "Prevent the introduction of, control, or eradicate those
alien IAS which threaten ecosystem, habitat and species".
Alien species as defined in the CBD include any species which are introduced into new habitats, and
usually these are invasive or aggressive species. Human actions are the primary means of IAS
introductions, usually for economic reasons, and without a careful consideration of the full costs
involved. Therefore, the global economy fosters the spread of alien IAS.
In the Philippines, more than 475 plant species have been introduced in ancient times, mainly from the
Malayan region. A high percentage of alien species has been introduced within the past 400 years,
including many of American origin (Merrill, 1912). About 225 species are found only under cultivation
for food, and are not reported to cause economic or environmental harm. Intentional and accidental
introductions of alien species happen for economic reasons and are often only later observed to be
invasive and cause economic and environmental damage. This arises when biosafety measures and
environmental impacts of foreign species are not considered before their introduction.
This report presents the available meagre information stemming from a few research studies that were
conducted on the impacts and management of introduced IAS in the Philippines.
Table 1. List of IAS and their effects
I. Terrestrial plants
Species Common name Comments
Chromolaena odorata haganoy weed considered a harmful weed in grassland ecosystem, outgrows
or prevents establishment of other species, e.g. Imperata,
reduces feed available for livestock and other species
Lantana camara large leaf lantana widely grown as an ornamental shrub; established weed in
pasture lands
Mikania micrantha Chinese creeper/ vigorous and rampant growth; damages or kills other plants
mile-a-minute by cutting out light and smothering them
Gmelina arborea host of the insect pests, Ozola minor and Attacus sp.
Acacia mangium host of insect pest, Anoplophora luciphor
Eucalyptus camaldulensis host of an unidentified termite species
Swietenia macrophylla host of the insect pest, Zeuzera coffeae
Dipterocarpus grandiflorus host of the insect pest, Dryocoetiops laevis
Leucaena leucocephala host of the insect pest, Heteropsylla cubana
Toona ciliata host of an unidentified weevil
II. Terrestrial invertebrates
Pheidole megacephala big-headed ant highly invasive, serious threat to biodiversity, displaces native
invertebrate fauna, harbours phytophagous insects that reduce
crop productivity, domestic pest
Solenopsis geminata fire ant grave threat to conservation, invading native communities and
impacting on many or all species
Heteropsylla cubana jumping plant introduced by typhoons in late 1980s, affects almost 100% of
lice standing Leucaena leucocephala crop country-wide
Aleurodicus dispersus spiralling accidentally introduced by importation of ornamental
whitefly kalanchoe in 1970s, now affects vegetable/ornamental crops
Liriomyza spp. leafminers accidentally introduced through importation of ornamental
chrysanthemums; major pest of potato and ornamentals
Pseudococcus sp. mealybug accidentally introduced in hybrid coconut planting materials
in late 1990s; affects coconut in Northern Palawan
Scotinophora coarctata rice black bug introduced by vessels entering Palawan, Mindanao; major
pest of rice in Mindanao and Leyte Provinces
Oncydium sp. orchid virus brought in through orchid importation in the late1970s
Globodera rostochiensis potato cyst accidentally introduced in potato planting materials; now
nematode infesting potato in the area of Baguio
III. Aquatic plants
Salvinia molesta water fern former problem weed in Iloilo, especially in irrigated rice
where it competes for nutrients and water; clogs waterways
Eichhornia crassipes water hyacinth rapidly invading Laguna Lake, reduces phytoplankton growth
and food to fish; clogs waterways
IV. Aquatic animals
Clarias batrachus Thai catfish introduced to Luzon from Thailand to boost aquaculture,
displaced native Clarias macrocephalus; not commercialized
due to tough flesh; now widespread
Clarias gariepinus African catfish not yet considered invasive, but on "watch list"
Hypostomus plecostomus South American not yet considered invasive, but on "watch list"; introduced in
catfish 1990s by ornamental fish industry; escaped from breeding
ponds into Laguna de Bay/nearby rivers; competes for food
Pomacea canaliculata golden apple displaced native kuhol, Pila luzonica; considered major pest
snail of rice seedlings; deliberately imported as protein source
Glossogobius giurus and white goby and caused extinction of most of the 15 cyprinids of Lanao Lake,
Hypseleotries agilis eleotrid Mindinao
Micropterus salmoides black bass caused disappearance of original fish of Caliraya L., Laguna
Bufo marinus marine toad reduced populations of several native frogs from Dumaguete
City, Negros; prolific; nuisance in large numbers
Rana catesbiana American has potential to displace native frogs
Rana tigrina leopard frog has potential to displace native frogs
List of existing national IAS programmes (management efforts and awareness campaigns)
Existing programmes
! Implementation of quarantine regulations;
! Implementation of the Philippine Policy on Biodiversity;
! Implementation of the Guidelines on Planned Release to the Environment of Genetically
Modified Organisms and Potentially Harmful Exotic Species;
! Biological control of Chromolaena odorata by gall fly;
! Management of rice black bug through monitoring, mass production and field application of
Metarhizium, an ongoing programme of the Department of Agriculture, Philippines;
! Implementation of the Wildlife Act.
List of organizations potentially involved with the management of IAS in the Philippines
Government agencies
Non-government organizations
Priorities for future work and strategies for management and policy recommendations
Aguilar, N.O., J.D.C. Siopongco & F.C. Pitargue, Jr. 1990. Species composition and seasonal variation
in frequency, density, biomass and rate of production of some aquatic macrophytes at the
southern portion of Laguna de Bay. UP Los Banos Journal: 88-104.
Alcala, A.C. 1976. Philippine Land Vertebrates: Field Biology. New Day Publishers, Quezon City,
Borja, A.S. 2001. Rules and regulations on the introduction of species in inland waters. Paper presented
in the Seminar-Workshop on Biodiversity and Management of IAS in the Philippines. Century
Imperial Palace Suites, Quezon City, Philippines.
Dancel, K.T. & R.C. Joshi. 2000. “Golden” menace in Ifugao rice terraces. SEAFDEC Asian
Aquaculture XXII (1):11-12.
Florece, L.M. 2001. Status and effects of various IAS in grasslands. Paper presented in the Seminar-
Workshop on Biodiversity and Management of IAS in the Philippines. Century Imperial Palace
Suites, Quezon City, Philippines.
Guerrero, R.D. 2001. Status of the effects of various alien invasive species in freshwater/wetland
ecosystems. Paper presented in the Seminar-Workshop on Biodiversity and Management of
IAS in the Philippines. Century Imperial Palace Suites, Quezon City, Philippines.
Juliano, R.O., R.D. Guerrero III & I. Ronquillo. 1989. The introduction of exotic aquatic species in the
Philippines. In: de Silva, S.S. (ed.). Exotic aquatic organisms in Asia. Asian Fisheries Society
Publication 3:83-90.
Lim, T.M.S. 2001. Invasive alien or alien invasive? a general overview. Paper presented in the Seminar-
Workshop on Biodversity and Management of IAS in the Philippines. Century Imperial Palace
Suites, Quezon City, Philippines.
Merrill, E.D. 1912. Notes on the flora of Manila, with special reference to the introduced elements.
Philippine Journal of Science C (Botany) 7 (3):145-20-8.
San Valentin, H.O. 2001. Insect pests of forest plantations: present and future possible problems. Paper
presented in the Seminar-Workshop on Biodiversity and Management of IAS in the
Philippines. Century Imperial Palace Suites, Quezon City, Philippines.
Benito C. Tan
Department of Biological Sciences (DBS),
National University of Singapore,
Singapore 119260
Tan Koh-Siang
Tropical Marine Science Institute (TMSI),
National University of Singapore,
Singapore 119260
This paper reviews the status of IAS in Singapore based on published data and includes an updated
preliminary list of confirmed IAS. As the country is a major hub of trade, travel and tourism in Asia,
most of the introductions so far have been deliberate it is expected that there will be more such in the
future. At least 17 species of alien plants and 55 species of alien animals, a small fraction of those
currently present, may be considered harmful in Singapore. The destruction of natural habitats in
Singapore due to urbanization has caused greater damage to indigenous biota than the replacement
threat brought by IAS. However, as there is no single agency to co-ordinate issues of IAS, and with
economic activities set to grow in the country, unless high levels of vigilance are maintained, there can
be a serious impacts due to IAS in Singapore.
IAS are defined here as introduced or alien species that create havoc or damage either by partial
displacement or complete replacement of native species in pristine or naturally disturbed habitats. In
our presentation, we distinguish IAS from alien or foreign species that have been introduced but survive
thus far, only in man-made habitats, such as gardens, roadsides, city parks, parking lots, and open
wastelands around human settlements.
Singapore has a long history of introduction of foreign plants and animals. The island’s location at the
centre of major air and shipping routes has inevitably resulted in the accidental or deliberate
introduction of numerous plant and animal species, not to mention micro-organisms and fungi (Ng et al.
1993). As Singapore strives to become a world class cosmopolitan city and centre of tourism in
Southeast Asia, it is expected that the deliberate introduction of organisms will continue if only to
enrich the quality of life and the living environment. This is especially true in the case of species with
decorative or food potential. The water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) and the water spangle (Salvinia
molesta), which were introduced as ornamental plants, escaped from cultivation and caused
environmental problems in several reservoirs and river systems in Singapore in the 1970s and 1980s
(Wee & Corlett 1986). In the same way, the rock or feral pigeon, Columba livia, the Javan myna,
Acridotheres javanicus, and the house crow, Corvus splendens, were all probably introduced as a result
of the pet trade over the last two hundred years. They have become well adapted to the urban
environment and have at one time or another caused health concerns due to their large populations
located in the vicinity of human populations.
Terrestrial flora
The status of alien plant species was discussed by Corlett (1988) and Turner and Tan (1992), while that
of alien animals in Singapore was reviewed by Chou and Lam (1989) and Ng et al. (1993). For plants,
more than half of the introduced species are originally from the tropical New World, followed by Asia,
and lastly, Australia and Africa (Appendix 1). However, among plant groups, the focus has been solely
on seed plants. It is only now that we have information about alien pteridophytes and mosses that have
become established in Singapore (Wee 1997; Tan & Tan 2000; Tan & Buck 2002).
There is good taxonomic knowledge about alien mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, freshwater fish
and decapod crustaceans. Apart from rats, few alien mammals have established themselves in
Singapore, in contrast to 72 alien bird (Lim & Gardner, 1997; Appendix 1). Their effect on what little is
left of the original flora and fauna of Singapore has, however, not been studied. The majority of
naturalized birds in Singapore originate from the Asian subcontinent, with only a few species from
Australia and Africa (Appendix 1). Many are cage escapees that have become adapted to the now
largely urban environment of Singapore. Naturalized reptiles from the pet trade include the red-eared
terrapin Trachemys scripta from North America (Anonymous, 2002), striped keelback Xenochrophis
vittatus from Indonesia, and changeable lizard Calotes versicolor from Indochina (K.K.P. Lim, pers.
comm.). The painted bullfrog Kaloula pulchra from Indochina and American bullfrog Rana
catesbeiana from the USA are now common in residential areas and reservoirs, respectively.
Others have been introduced in connection with religious and cultural practices, such as the Malayan
box turtle Cuora amboinensis and black marsh turtle Siebenrockiella crassicollis. These are the
common kinds of turtles that can be purchased in Singapore and released free by local Buddhist
followers on Vesak Day. The majority of alien freshwater fishes resident in Singapore are a result of the
ornamental fish trade. Of a total of 58 alien teleost fish species recorded from Singapore thus far
(K.K.P. Lim, pers. comm.), about half of these species are from Asia, while species from Central and
South America comprise a further 33% of the total number of exotic species. Most of the remaining
species are African cichlids. Two species of freshwater prawns (Macrobrachium lanchesteri from
Thailand and M. nipponense from East Asia) are now established in freshwater streams in Singapore,
but again, their impact on native inhabitants has not been elucidated. The giant African snail, Achatina
fulica, and the African tilapia, Oreochromis mossambicus, both now with well-established populations
throughout Singapore, were deliberately introduced during the Second World War as a potential source
of protein. Other invertebrate groups such as protozoa, platyhelminthes, nematodes and insects remain
poorly documented and their presence (or absence) is not immediately known.
In the estuarine environment, two exotic bivalve species have established themselves in Singapore in
recent years. The Caribbean bivalve, Mytilopsis sallei (Dreissenidae), is found in large numbers mostly
along the walls and floor of tidal monsoon canals, forming mats of several kilometers long in some
cases (Tan and Morton, submitted). This bivalve is closely related to the notorious Asian zebra mussel,
Dreissena polymorpha, which has invaded and caused havoc in waterways in the North American
continent. Not surprisingly, Mytilopsis has already established itself in various Asian ports including
Japan, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Fiji, Darwin and India. In Singapore, Mytilopsis occurs together
with native byssate bivalves, Isognomon ephippium (Isognomonidae) and Musculista senhausia
(Mytilidae), which are common in mangroves but have found the monsoon canals to be suitable habitats
as well. It is interesting to note, however, that Mytilopsis is rare in the mangroves, and it remains to be
seen if this bivalve can be classified as “invasive” as defined in this review. The other exotic bivalve is
the Indian mussel, Brachidontes striatulus (Mytilidae), which, although not as widespread as
Mytilopsis, is also found in monsoon canals (Morton and Tan, submitted). It is likely that these species
traveled to Singapore as adults attached to ships’ hulls, or as larvae in ballast water.
Thus far, most of the introduced species in Singapore are from freshwater and terrestrial habitats (Ng et
al. 1993; Corlett 1988), and by comparison, little is known about marine IAS. Similarly, the taxonomy
of many groups of indigenous organisms, particularly the marine algae, plankton and invertebrates,
remains problematic and poorly documented. It is obvious that this incomplete knowledge of native
flora and fauna has impeded the positive identification of alien species. This is a major hurdle for
Southeast Asian countries in general where inherent biological diversity is extremely high but
taxonomic expertise is either highly inadequate or lacking. Additionally, the available literatures
pertains only to the history and listing of alien species of plants and animals, but not about the
ecological impacts on indigenous species of these aggressive invaders.
However, not all alien species in Singapore are invasive, threatening the survival of local counterparts.
Cursory observations suggest that a great majority cannot even survive outside of human intervention.
Of the more than 2000 introduced plant species grown in Singapore, about 136 species have become
naturalized on their own capability (Corlett 1988). Only a small fraction of these, such as Adiatum
latifolium, Clidemia hirta, Spathodea campanulata, Dioscorea sansibarensis and Thunbergia
grandiflora, have been reported to actually invade the primary and old secondary forests, and/or inhibit
the regeneration of secondary forest (Turner & Tan 1992). The explanation has been attributed to the
fact that many of the introduced species are sun-loving plants and require a nutrient-rich soil for their
establishment and expansion. Apparently, in Singapore many local forest plant species have evolved
over the millennia to become well adapted to the closed tropical forest condition and, therefore, are
resistant to foreign aggression, as long as the remaining forest or original vegetation is not disturbed
further by human activities (Teo et al., 2003). In other words, it would appear that the continuous
human disturbance facilitates the local spread of invasive alien plant species.
Interestingly, Ng et al. (1993) came to the same conclusion in their assessment of the invasiveness of
freshwater fishes and prawns introduced via the aquarium trade in recent years. According to them,
these alien species have not affected significantly the fauna in pristine forested streams. Of a total of 58
alien fish species known to occur in Singapore, about 22 species have established populations. The
likely reason for the poor penetration of alien species into native habitats is that more than 80% of the
native species are forest species. They are adapted to living in acid water characteristic of the streams
found inside the remaining forests, whereas the introduced ones were found to prefer more neutral or
alkaline waters. In fact, their study showed that more than 50% of the indigenous fauna have become
extinct today due to forest clearance.
The poor performance of invasive plant and animal species at present in Singapore does not mean that
serious invasions will not occur in the future. Perpetual alertness and constant monitoring are needed to
prevent the problem from becoming an environmental crisis. This is particularly relevant in the case of
micro-organisms, which have direct relevance for ballast water management.
Fortunately or unfortunately, because of the lack of serious invasions on the island, the government of
Singapore has taken a light attitude in managing this potential ecological problem. As a signatory of
CITES, the government has concentrated its effort on the implementation of the treaty by controlling
the illegal trading of plant and animal species listed as endangered and prohibited under the CITES
regulatory programme. Likewise, with the decrease of agricultural activities in the country, the
government also has relaxed its monitoring of the introduction of the many officially listed crop plant
diseases and soil nematodes.
Currently there are four government agencies tasked with the function of monitoring the movement of
alien species, namely, the Agri-food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore (AVA), the National Parks
Board (NParks), the Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and the recently formed National
Environment Agency (NEA). As the names of these offices imply, each is given the responsibility to
monitor alien species in a defined and separated area, such as the agriculture and food sector, forest and
park administration, and other types of environment management. There is a lack of comprehensive
legislature governing the introduction of “friendly” alien species and the prevention of “harmful”
species. Likewise, there is no single umbrella office to oversee and coordinate the various offices
should there be a need at the national level to confront a developing environmental crisis due to the
outbreak aggression of an invasive plant or animal species.
We are grateful to many colleagues in the National University of Singapore who have kindly provided
valuable information regarding the situation of IAS in Singapore, in particular Drs P Ng, HTW Tan, N
Sodhi and Mr KKP Lim for providing pertinent information on alien species. We also wish to express
our sincere appreciation to Drs L Chan, IM Turner, Ms PT Chew and R Chou for their valuable input to
this paper. We thank the Office of Environmental Policy and Planning, Ministry of Science,
Technology and Environment of the Government of Thailand, Thailand Biodiversity Center, the Global
IAS Programme and US Government for supporting our attendance of the Bangkok workshop.
Anonymous. 2002. Taken by terrapins? Think twice. Agrovision (a corporate publication of the Agri-
food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore) June 2002:6.
Chou, L.M. & T.J. Lam. 1989. Introduction of exotic aquatic species in Singapore. In: de Silva, S.S.
(ed.). Exotic aquatic organisms in Asia. Proceedings of the workshop on introduction of exotic
aquatic organisms in Asia. Asian Fisheries Society Special Publication 3: 91-97.
Corlett, R.T. 1988. The naturalized flora of Singapore. Journal of Biogeography 15:657-663.
Lim, K.S. & Gardner, D. 1997. Birds. An Illustrated Field Guide to the Birds of Singapore. Sun Tree
Publishing Ltd, Singapore.
Morton, B. & K.S. Tan. Unpublished. Brachidontes striatulus (Bivalvia: Mytilidae) introduced into
Singapore. Submitted to Journal of Molluscan Studies.
Ng, P.K.L., L.M. Chou & T.J. Lam. 1993. The status and impact of introduced freshwater animals in
Singapore. Biological Conservation 64: 19-24.
Sibley, C.G. & B.L. Monroe. 1990. Distribution and Taxonomy of Birds of the World. Yale University
Press, New Haven & London.
Tan, B.C. & W.R. Buck. 2002. Pterigonidium pulchellum, a new Asiatic record of a weedy neotropical
moss from Singapore. Folia Malaysiana 3:166-170.
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introduced to Singapore and Johor Bahru, Malaysia. Submitted to Journal of Molluscan Studies.
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University Press, Singapore.
Pisces: Teleostei
Rasbora borapetensis red-tailed rasbora Cyprinidae Thailand
Esomus metallicus Siamese flying barb Cyprinidae Thailand
Puntius binotatus two-spotted barb Cyprinidae Southeast Asia
Puntius partipentazona Malayan tiger barb Cyprinidae Thailand, West Malaysia
Puntius tetrazona Sumatran tiger barb Cyprinidae Sumatra
Puntius semifasciolatus green barb Cyprinidae China
Liposarcus pardalis armoured sucking catfish Loricariidae South America
Poecilia reticulata guppy Poeciliidae South America
Poecilia sphenops green molly Poeciliidae Central America
Gambusia affinis mosquito fish Poeciliidae Eastern USA
Oxyeleotris marmorata marbled goby, soon hock Eleotridae Southeast Asia
Rhinogobius giurinus pond goby Gobiidae China
Channa micropeltes toman, giant snakehead Channidae Southeast Asia
Parambassis siamensis glass perch Chandidae Thailand and West
Oreochromis mossambicus tilapia Cichlidae East Africa
Tilapia buttikoferi hornet tilapia Cichlidae Africa
Cichla ocellaris peacock bass Cichlidae South America
Cichlasoma urophthalmus cichlid Cichlidae Central America
Nandopsis managuense jaguar cichlid Cichlidae Central America
Nandopsis festae red devil Cichlidae Central America
Veija synspillum cichlid Cichlidae Central America
Etroplus suratensis green chromide Cichlidae India, Sri Lanka
Kaloula pulchra painted bullfrog Microhylidae Indochina,Thailand
Trachemys scripta elegans red-eared slider, terrapin Emydidae USA
Xenochrophis vittatus striped keelback Colubridae Sumatra and Java
Calotes versicolor changeable lizard Agamidae India, Indochina
Dendrocygna arcuata wandering whistling-duck Dendrocygnidae Philippines to east
Eos bornea red lory Psittacidae South Maluku
Cacatua sulphurea yellow-crested cockatoo Psittacidae Eastern Indonesia
Cacatua goffini Tanimbar cockatoo Psittacidae Tanimbar Id, Indonesia
Psittacula krameri rose-ringed parakeet Psittacidae Africa to Myanmar
Psittacula alexandri red-breasted parakeet Psittacidae India, Myanmar, Indochina
Columba livia Gmelin rock pigeon Columbidae Eurasia?
Streptopelia tranquebarica red-collared dove Columbidae South Asia
Threskiornis melanocephalus black-headed ibis Threskiornithidae Pakistan to Thailand
Corvus splendens house crow Corvidae Iran to Thailand
Sturnus melanopterus black-winged starling Sturnidae Java to Lombok
Acridotheres javanicus Javan myna Sturnidae Java to Sulawesi
Acridotheres cristatellus crested myna Sturnidae S China to Myanmar
Pycnonotus jocosus red-whiskered bulbul Pycnonotidae S China, India to SE Asia
Zosterops palpebrosus oriental white-eye Zosteropidae W to SE Asia
Garrulax leucolophus white-crested laughing Sylviidae N India to SW China
Garrulax canorus hwa-mei Sylviidae S China to Indochina
Passer domesticus house sparrow Passeridae Europe to Asia
Lonchura leucogastroides Javan munia Passeridae Sumatra to Lombok
Padda oryzivora Java sparrow Passeridae Java, Bali
*principally compiled from Corlett (1988) (plants), Ng et al. (1993) (freshwater animals), Lever (1996) (fishes) and Lim &
Gardner (1997) (birds). The geographic distribution of bird species follows Sibley & Monroe (1990).
Sri Lanka
Buddhi Marambe
Senior Lecturer (Weed Science),
Department of Crop Science, Faculty of Agriculture,
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka 20400
Tel/Fax: +94-8-388239
Lakshman Amarasinghe
Plant Protection Division, Department of Agriculture,
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Gamini Gamage
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources
Sampathpaya, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Tel: +94-1-887454
Fax: +94-1-877292
Sri Lanka, along with the Western Ghats region of India, has been recognized as one of the twenty-five
biodiversity hotspots of the world. Sri Lanka has recognized the importance of IAS as a major threat to
its native biodiversity and agriculture, especially as it is a small island nation. Alien species have
invaded, and continue to invade, natural and agricultural ecosystems of the country. In the currently
available lists of IAS from Sri Lanka, in comparison with alien invasive plants relatively few alien
invasive fauna are present. This reflects the greater amount of information available on invasive plants.
Exchange of seed material between countries, especially through botanical gardens, has been one of the
major modes of deliberate introduction of alien plants into the country. Several pieces of legislation
have been enacted in Sri Lanka since the early 20th century to safeguard indigenous plants and animals
against these threats. However, a more comprehensive policy and legal framework is required for
effective prevention and management of IAS. In this regard, the Ministry of Environment and Natural
Resources, Government of Sri Lanka has placed great emphasis on awareness programmes for the
general public which highlight adverse impacts of IAS, and also expects to put in place a national action
plan to control IAS. To overcome further detrimental effects on agricultural and natural ecosystems, the
policy makers of Sri Lanka must put management of IAS high on their list of national resource
management priorities.
Sri Lanka is an island 880 km north of the equator off the southern tip of India, and measures 435 km at
its longest and 225 km at its broadest. The total land area is approximately 62,705 sq. km., 20% of
which consists of natural forests, while another 40% is cultivated land. It has a well-defined central
mountainous region with peaks as high as 2,524 meters, surrounded by plains stretching down to the
ocean. Being close to the equator, the island has a tropical climate, with a mean annual temperature of
26-28 ºC in the low country and 14-24 ºC in the central mountainous region. The agricultural sector
contributes about 18% of the GDP of the country (Central Bank Report 2002). The major exports of the
country include finished clothing, gems, tea, rubber, and coconut. About 46% of the labour force is in
agriculture, 29% in industry and 19% in the services.
Despite its relatively small size, Sri Lanka possesses a high level of biodiversity which is supported by
its wide topographic and climatic variation. A noteworthy feature of Sri Lanka's biodiversity is the
remarkably high proportion of endemic species among its flora and fauna: 23% of the flowering plants
and 16% of the mammals in the island are endemic. Sri Lanka along with India's Western Ghats region
has been recognized as one of the twenty-five top biodiversity hotspots of the world.
The global impact of IAS has been recognized by the CBD, which calls for the control and monitoring
of alien species that threaten ecosystems, habitats and species. Sri Lanka is a party to the CBD (signed
on 05th June, 1992 and ratified on 23rd March, 1994), and has recognized the importance of IAS as a
major threat to native biodiversity, especially as it is a small island nation. Alien species are invading
our natural and agricultural ecosystems, causing tremendous damage. These IAS get into our
ecosystems by various means. Fast-growing alien plants encroach from populations established outside
target ecosystems; invasive alien plants escape cultivation and become agricultural pests, infest lawns
as weeds, displace native plant species, reduce wildlife habitat, and most likely alter ecosystem
processes. Across Sri Lanka, as around the world, IAS have become one of the most serious threats to
native species, natural communities, and ecosystem processes.
The importance of understanding the impact of IAS in Sri Lanka has been accepted recently. Several
alien species are reported to be spreading at alarming rates, threatening natural and agricultural
ecosystems of the country. Sri Lanka has considerable experience, where deliberate introduction of
alien plants has finally resulted in them becoming invasive or weedy. It should be noted that plants that
are now invasive or weedy, once appeared to be non-invasive when their populations were small, or
when they occupied only habitats influenced by people.
Human intervention has facilitated the spread of several invasive plant species within Sri Lanka
(Marambe et al., 2001a, 2001b). A recently compiled list of invasive alien flora and fauna, and recently
reported agriculturally important alien pests are given in Tables 1-3. Relatively little information is
available on the spread of invasive alien fauna. Exchange of seed material between countries, especially
through botanical gardens of respective countries, has been one of the major modes of deliberate
introduction of alien plant species into the country or an ecosystem. Over-introduction is one of the
common features of this kind of entry.
Considerable efforts have been made by Sri Lankan scientists in the past to overcome threats from IAS
on the some of the ecosystems of the country. Legislative measures, mechanical and physical control,
and biological control were some of the strategies adopted and are still being used to manage IAS
populations in the country. Development of sound management strategies based on ecological
principles, co-ordination between line agencies, and human resource development should be priority
areas for successful management programmes for IAS in Sri Lanka.
Salvinia, Salvinia molesta, was introduced to Sri Lanka in the late 1930's due to scientific interest, but
appears to have escaped and is currently a major aquatic weed, choking irrigation canals and water
bodies and also invading rice fields in the northwestern province of the island nation. Although there is
no accurate information on the degree of infestation, in 1988 about 8000 ha of rice fields were reported
to be infested with this weed (Amarasinghe & Ekneligoda, 1997). Due to the detrimental effects of this
aquatic plant on agricultural ecosystems, Salvinia molesta came under strict control of the Plant
Protection Ordinance in Sri Lanka. An eradication campaign was initiated in 1957 with community
participation, but was abandoned in 1964 due to financial difficulties. Although biological control with
an insect, Cyrtobagus salviniae, was successful in several areas in the country, it has failed in cooler
climates and in areas with low water levels and high temperatures (Amarasinghe & Ekneligoda, 1997).
Eichhornia crassipes (water hyacinth) was introduced to Sri Lanka due to its horticultural value.
However, two years after its deliberate introduction to the country, a Water Hyacinth Ordinance was
enacted in 1907, which indicated the understanding of the long-term detrimental effects of invasive
alien plants by the policy makers of Sri Lanka, more than 90 years ago. However, despite this effort, E.
crassipes is a major aquatic weed in the country today, choking water bodies and negatively impacting
irrigation schemes. Biological control techniques to manage water hyacinth populations were
introduced to Sri Lanka in the 1980s, but these two agents Neochetina eichhorniae and N. bruchi have
not performed as expected. Thus, mechanical removal is used to clear infested water bodies, which in
turn has resulted in its spread due to contamination of the machinery used for this purpose (Marambe,
Mimosa pigra (giant sensitive plant) was recently identified from Sri Lanka, growing luxuriantly in the
riverbanks of the Mahaweli River, which is a major source of irrigation water that supports agricultural
crops in the country. It is also known from other areas in the central province, spreading at an alarming
rate (Amarasinghe & Marambe, 1997; Marambe et al., 2001a). Although the pathway of entry of this
plant into the country is not well understood, it is widely believed that this invasive alien plant was
intentionally introduced to protect the river banks. The major mechanisms of spread of Mimosa pigra
into other parts of the country have been identified as irrigation water, machinery, river sand used for
construction purposes, and lopping branches with mature pods, as a result of the use of the stems of the
plant as fuelwood by people (Marambe, 2000).
Parthenium hysterophorus (congress weed) is among the latest recorded invasive alien plants. The
weed has occupied about 150 ha of fallow, agricultural land in the hilly region, some parts of the Kandy
district of the central province, and the Vavuniya district of the northern province (Jayasuriya, 2001).
The weed was first believed to have entered the northeast of the country in the late 1980s, through goats
imported from India by the Indian Peace-Keeping Force (IPKF). Information available at present also
indicates that seeds of P. hysterophorus have entered along with seeds of onion and chillies imported
from India. This is a classic example of the result of open trade policies, with poor quarantine measures,
helping the spread of IAS. The weed has now been declared a noxious weed by the Ministry of
Agriculture, and an extraordinary gazette notification issued on 20th December 2000 (No. 1163/23)
indicates regulations for prevention of further entry, spread and its eradication under the Plant
protection Act No. 35 of 1999.
Lantana camara (lantana), a plant introduced to Sri Lanka in 1826 due its horticultural value and
attraction of butterflies, has been purposely established in sugarcane growing areas in the southern
province of Sri Lanka to protect cane plants from elephant damage. The plant is now distributed island-
wide and is commonly found in dense stands along roadsides and in abandoned lands (Marambe, 1999,
2000, Marambe et al., 2001c,d). It can be observed growing in Uda Walawe National Park, one of the
major elephant sanctuaries in southern Sri Lanka, significantly reducing the grazing areas for elephants.
Myroxylon balsamum was introduced to the Central Province as a windbreak species and has now
developed into monospecific stands covering a large extent of Udawattekele Nature Reserve in the
Kandy district (Wedatanthri & Hitinayake, 1999; Hitinayake et al., 2000; Pushpakumara et al., 2000).
Ulex europaeus (gorse weed), presently confined to Horton Plains National Park in the central hill
region of Sri Lanka, is found to affect some habitats of this park. Although efforts have been undertaken
by many organizations, comprising environmentalists and schoolchildren, to eradicate this weed, their
attempts were aborted due to the fact that endemic lizards and amphibians seek protection from their
natural enemies in this thorny plant (Bambaradeniya et al., 2001).
Prosopis juliflora (mesquite) is a species introduced to the Hambantota district in the southern province
of Sri Lanka in the early 1950s to improve its salt-affected soils, and as a form of ground cover
(Algama and Seneviratne, 2000). The species has now become a serious invasive and is a threat in
Bundala National Park, a Ramsar wetland site. The weed, which has caused major habitat changes in
the national park, has deprived large mammals such as elephants of important habitats. The species is
also spreading in the seashore areas of the Bundala area, thereby reducing the area for wading birds
(Bambaradeniya et al., 2001).
Alternanthera philoxeroides (alligator weed) was an accidental introduction to the country and has
spread rapidly due to human interventions. The weed, easily misidentified as a commonly cultivated
leafy vegetable, Alternanthera sessilis, has invaded more than 200 ha of land in the southern province
of Sri Lanka. The Department of Agriculture has now taken measures to eradicate the plant from
cultivated land with the assistance of the farming community (Department of Agriculture, 2000).
Leucaena leucocephala (leucaena) was a deliberate introduction as a multipurpose tree species in the
early 1980s. Although a psyllid bug infestation destroyed the Leucaena cultivation initially, resistant
cultivars of this species have escaped and are spreading at an alarming rate in the southern province.
Anredera cordifolia (a perennial vine), was recently identified as an invasive weed in tea plantations of
Sri Lanka. It is reported to be a deliberate introduction to tea plantations, as the tubers of this plant are
Cultivation of Tithonia diversifolia in Sri Lanka was encouraged by scientists and academics as a major
green manure crop in the early 1980s. However, the weed has now escaped from cultivated sites and is
colonizing roadsides and abandoned lands in most parts of the country.
Bubalus bubalis (feral buffalo) had been imported to Sri Lanka from South and Southeast Asia since
historical times, for animal husbandry. Buffaloes were once heavily used in rice cultivation for land
preparation. During the fallow period of rice cultivation, rural farmers release domestic buffaloes to the
wild and recapture them during the next cultivating season. This has resulted in the domestic buffalo
interbreeding with native wild buffaloes, leading to large herds of feral buffaloes that have become a
serious threat to native ungulates in forest ecosystems throughout the country (see Marambe et al.,
Hypostomus plecostomus (tank cleaner), a species imported to Sri Lanka by the ornamental fish
industry, has been observed to attach itself by its ventral sucker to the bodies of larger fish. When it
detaches, the slime layer covering the outside of the fish which acts as a protective covering is also
removed, making the host susceptible to diseases (Bambaradeniya et al., 2001).
Chitala chitala (clown knife fish), a well-known large, voracious carnivore, feeds on slow-moving
indigenous fish. The species is spreading rapidly in streams, rivers, ponds and marshes of the wet zone,
thus threatening species of endemic fish in these ecosystems (Bambaradeniya et al., 2001).
Sarotherodon mossambicus (tilapia), introduced to Sri Lankan aquatic ecosystems as source of protein,
shows non-selective feeding habits and prolific breeding, enabling it to colonize reservoirs, small tanks,
and slow-flowing rivers. Thus, this IAS has replaced some of the native inhabitant fish such as Labeo
porcellus and L. dussumieri (Bambaradeniya et al., 2001).
Semperula maculata island-wide natural and managed terrestrial habitats
Semperula sp. island-wide natural and managed terrestrial habitats
Rattus rattus island-wide natural and managed terrestrial habitats
Bubalus bubalis island-wide forests
Pomacea bridgesi low-/mid-country wet zone reservoirs, irrigation canals
Source: Marambe et al. (2001b)
Control and management of IAS need a strategic approach that encompasses prevention, eradication,
control and containment. Prevention is the cheapest and most preferred option. The threat from IAS to
local species, particularly in the sphere of agriculture, has been well understood for a long time. Several
pieces of legislation have been enacted in Sri Lanka since the early 20th century to safeguard plants and
animals in local habitats against these threats. The following is a list of this legislation.
⇒ Water Hyacinth Ordinance – this ordinance, declared in 1909, restricts the introduction and
dissemination of this aquatic weed in Sri Lanka. This act could be expanded further to control
and regulate other noxious species as well.
⇒ Plant Protection Ordinance (1924, amended 1956 and 1981, and wholly revised 1999) - this
ordinance restricts the introduction into Ceylon (now Sri Lanka) and spread therein of weeds,
pests and diseases injurious to and destructive of plants and for the sanitation of plants. It was
totally revised in 1999 (No. 35) to provide adequately for current trends on the movement of
flora and fauna due to increased international trade and traffic.
⇒ Fauna and Flora Protection Act of 1937, and its amendments, provides for the establishment
and maintenance of national reserves, national parks and jungle corridors for the preservation of
biological diversity.
⇒ A revised National Seed Policy on the import of seed and planting materials to Sri Lanka was
prepared by the Department of Agriculture in 1991, and a new Seed Act of 1999 is pending
formal approval.
These documents provide considerable legal support to act against the introduction of IAS. However,
their interests and scopes are limited and they do not have the overall requirement to act against IAS.
The Plant Protection Ordinance of Sri Lanka aims at preventing introduction of alien pests (insects,
diseases and weeds) which are harmful to agricultural, horticultural and forest-based industries.
However, quarantine laws give less emphasis to plant species that can have serious negative effects on
biodiversity of natural habitats of Sri Lanka. Thus, it is clear that development of an appropriate
legislative framework is a pre-requisite for effective prevention and subsequent control of IAS.
Table 3. Recently recorded agriculturally important alien pests
Pest species Crop
Acaphylla theae tea
Aleurodicus dispersus fruit crops & ornamentals
Aceria guerreronis coconut
Globodera rostochiensis potato
Liriomyza sativae vegetables
Liriomyza huidobrensis vegetables
Meloidogyne graminicola rice
Steneotarsonemus spinki rice
The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources of Sri Lanka has considered formulating a
“National Action Plan for the Control of IAS” and a “National Experts’ Committee on IAS” as top
priorities to deal with the threats of the alien invasions. The draft of the IAS Action Plan has already
been submitted for comment to this experts' committee and to a group of parliamentarians of the Sri
Lankan Government for consideration. The Biodiversity Secretariat of the Ministry of Environment and
Natural Resources has also placed great emphasis on awareness programmes to educate the general
public on the adverse impacts of IAS. Research on biology, impact and control of IAS is also receiving
IAS have important influences on numerous economic sectors, beyond the obvious impacts on
agriculture and forestry. Managing invasions successfully requires a coordinated strategy, based on
cooperation among all land managers (Marambe, 2001b). The management strategies will rely upon the
scientific expertise of cooperating research agencies and institutions, to develop sound scientific
information for managing invasive alien plants. To overcome further detrimental impacts on
agricultural and natural ecosystems, the policy makers of Sri Lanka must put management of IAS high
on the list of national resource management priorities.
Algama, A.M.N.S. & G.I. Seneviratne. 2000. Nature of IAS Prosopis juliflora in Sri Lanka. In:
Marambe, B. (ed.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Alien Invasive Species in Sri Lanka:
Impact of Ecosystems and Management. Joint Publication of the Ministry of Forestry and
Environment and National Agricultural Society, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. pp. 41-45.
Amarasinghe, L. 2000. Strategies adopted to overcome threats of alien invasive flora in Sri Lanka. In:
Marambe, B. (ed.). Proceedings of the Symposium on Alien Invasive Species in Sri Lanka:
Impact of Ecosystems and Management. Joint Publication of the Ministry of Forestry and
Environment and the National Agricultural Society, Peradeniya, Sri Lanka. pp. 33-39.
Amarasinghe L. 1999. Influence of invasive flora on agricultural activities. In: Marambe, B. (ed.).
Proceedings of the First National Workshop on Alien Invasive Species. Ministry of Forestry
and Environment, Sri Lanka. pp. 53-56.
Amarasinghe, L. & I.A. Ekneligoda. 1997. Some recent observations on the biological control of
Salvinia. Krushi 16:44-50.
Amarasinghe, L. & B. Marambe. 1997. Mimosa pigra L: a new weed in aquatic habitats of Sri Lanka.
Sri Lankan Journal of Agricultural Sciences 34:124-130.
Bambaradeniya, C.N.B., S.P. Ekanayake & J. Gunawardena. 2001. Preliminary observations on the
status of alien invasive biota in natural ecosystems of Sri Lanka. In: Balakrishna, P. (ed.).
Report of the Workshop on Alien Invasive Species. Global Biodiversity Forum, South and
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Bambaradeniya, C.N.B. 1999. Alien invasive fauna in natural habitats and their impact on indigenous
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Species. Ministry of Forestry and Environment, Sri Lanka. pp. 45-52.
Dela, J., W. Goldstein & C. Wickremasinghe. 2001. Capacity enhancement of stakeholders to prevent
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October 1999, Colombo, Sri Lanka. IUCN Publication. pp. 77-85.
De Silva, R.S.Y. 2001. Categorization, prediction and prevention of alien invasive pests: plant
quarantine issues. Sri Lankan Biodiversity Review 1:1-11.
Ekanayake, H.M.R.K. 1999. Alien invasive fauna of agricultural importance and their control. In:
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Gunatillake, I.A.U.N. 1999. Invasive alien species: their definitions and salient features. In: Marambe,
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Gunawardena, U.A.D.P. 1999. Economic impacts of invasive alien species. In: Marambe, B. (ed.).
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Hitinayake, H.M.G.S.B., W.A.J.M. De Costa, M.I.U.D.S. Dharmawardena & H.P. Wedatanthri. 2000.
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Marambe, B., S. Wijesundera, K. Tennakoon, D. Pindeniya & C. Jayasinghe. 2002. Growth and
development of Cuscuta chinensis Lam. and its impact on selected crops. Weed Biology and
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Marambe, B., C. Bambaradeniya, D.K. Pushpa Kumara & N. Pallewatta. 2001b. Human dimensions of
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of Cuscuta chinensis Lam. in Sri Lanka. Annals of the Sri Lanka Dept. of Agriculture 3:343-
Wijesundera, S. 1999. Alien invasive species in Sri Lanka and their history of introduction. In:
Marambe, B. (ed.). Proceedings of the First National Workshop on Alien Invasive Species.
Ministry of Forestry and Environment, Sri Lanka. pp. 25-27.
Annex 1. Summary list of activities to control AIS in Sri Lanka, with contact details
Salvinia molesta
The State Department of Agriculture is currently conducting a biological control programme for Salvinia molesta
using the weevil Cyrtobagus salviniae. This has been considered as one of the most successful bio-control
programmes in the country, especially in the low-country wet zone. The weed has been declared as a serious pest
by the Plant Protection Ordinance.
The State Department of Agriculture is rearing the bicontrol agent Neochetina eichhorniae, but the bicontrol
seems to be far behind the expected success rate as the agent does not feed effectively on the invasive aquatic
weed. Recently the Department of Agriculture, in collaboration with the Irrigation Department of Sri Lanka, also
launched a chemical control programme for E. crassipes in irrigation canals in the northwestern province.
Parthenium hysterophorus
The State Department of Agriculture, together with Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, universities
and other governmental, non-governmental and private organizations is actively involved in programmes related
to control of Parthenium hysterophorus. An extraordinary gazette notification was released by the government of
Sri Lanka in December 2000, prohibiting the movement of materials contaminated with any part of P.
hysterophorus from the infested areas.
Mimosa pigra
Many non-governmental organizations, in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources,
are actively involved in campaigns to create awareness among people and eradicate small patches of this IAS,
especially from the central province. Recently, the Ministry of Irrigation also established a committee to eradicate
Mimosa pigra and other aquatic weeds from the surrounding areas of the major rivers in Sri Lanka. Technical
assistance is provided by the University of Peradeniya and State Department of Agriculture.
Annex 2. Address list of government and non-government organizations.
Ministry/department/NGO Address
Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Sampthpaya, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Samurdhi Govijana Kendraya, Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Ministry of Water Management Colombo
Ministry of Tertiary Education Ward Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Department of Agriculture Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Biodiversity Secretariat Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Sri Lanka
Central Environmental Authority Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Sri Lanka
Environment Action 1 Project Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, Sri Lanka
Irrigation Department Jawatta Road, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Upper Mahaweli Watershed Development Project Polgolla, Sri Lanka
Mahaweli Authority TB Jaya Mawathe, Colombo 10, Sri Lanka
Faculty of Agriculture University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Faculty of Science University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Faculty of Science University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Faculty of Agriculture University of Ruhuna, Sri Lanka
Biodiversity Division Customs Department, Sri Lanka
World Conservation Union, IUCN Horton Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Socio-Environmental Foundation Kaikawela, Matale, Sri Lanka
Hantana Conservation Society Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Society of Environmental Education Nugegoda, Sri Lanka
Young Zoologists’ Association Colombo, Sri Lanka
Annex 3. List of IAS experts in Sri Lanka.
Name Address Tel/fax/e-mail
Dr. L. Amarasinghe Deputy Director, Plant Protection Service, +94-8-388316
Department of Agriculture, Sri Lanka
Dr. B. Marambe Head, Department of Crop Science, Faculty of +94-8-388239
Agriculture, University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Dr. C. Programme Officer, IUCN-Sri Lanka, Horton
Bambaradeniya Place, Colombo 7, Sri Lanka
Dr. N. Pallewatta Department of Zoology, Faculty of Science, +94-1-503399
University of Colombo, Sri Lanka
Mr. G. Gamage Director, Biodiversity Secretariat, Ministry of +94-1-887454
Environment & Natural Resources,
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Mr. KAID Silva Deputy Director, Biodiversity Secretariat, +94-1-887454
Ministry of Environment & Natural Resources,
Battaramulla, Sri Lanka
Dr. GI. Seneviratne Department of Botany, University of Colombo,
Sri Lanka
Dr. M. Jayasuriya Senior Dep. Director, PGRC, Gannoruwa, +94-8-388494,
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Dr. S. Wijesundera Director, Royal Botanic Garden, Peradeniya, Sri +94-8-388238
Dr. G. Hitinayake Senior Lecturer, Department of Crop Science, +94-8-388239
Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Dr. DKNG Senior Lecturer, Department of Crop Science, +94-8-388239
Pushpakumara Faculty of Agriculture, University of
Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Mr. J. Gunawardena Society of Environmental Education, Nugegoda,
Sri Lanka
Dr. A. Wijesekara HORDI, Department of Agriculture, +94-8-388011
Gannoruwa, Sri Lanka
Mr. S. Gunasekera Biodiversity Division, Customs Department,
Colombo, Sri Lanka
Prof. IAUN Senior Professor, Department of Botany, Faculty +94-8-388693
Gunatillake of Science,
University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka
Prof. S. Kotagama Department of Zoology, University of Colombo,
Sri Lanka
Thailand has no single or centralized national authority responsible for prevention and management of
invasive alien species (IAS). This responsibility is divided among different ministries such as the
Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperatives (MOAC) in the Department of Agriculture (DOA) for plants,
insects, plant pathogens, and biological control agents; Department of Livestock Development (DOLD)
for microorganisms and animals of livestock and veterinary importance; Department of Fisheries (DOF)
for fish and aquatic animals and plants (freshwater and marine); Royal Forest Department (RFD) for
other plants, shrubs, trees, wildlife and endangered animals listed under the Convention on
International Trade in Endangered Species CITES; Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) in the
Department of Medical Science (DOMS) and the Department of Communicable Disease Control
(DOCDC) for microorganisms and causal agents of epidemiological importance; Ministry of Commerce
(MOC) for the import and export of certain kinds of flora and fauna. While plant quarantine is under the
Department of Agriculture, animal quarantine is under the Department of Livestock Development, both
of which are under the Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperatives.
The issues of IAS have become more urgent in Thailand and are one of the major concerns of the
country (although it will only ratify the CBD in 2004). Following the UN/Norway Conference on Alien
Species in Norway (July 1996 ; see Waage this volume), the National Environmental Board Sub-
committee on the Convention on Biological Diversity decided to establish a Working Group (WG) on
Alien Species in January 1997. This was situated in the office of Environmental Policy and Planning
(OEPP) - the official CBD national focal point, under the Ministry of Science, Technology and
Environment (MOSTE), which also functioned as the secretariat of the WG. The OEPP also serves as
the secretariat of the CBD Subcommittee, which is chaired by the permanent secretary of MOAC.
The WG on Alien Species is chaired by the executive director of the National Biological Control
Research Centre (NBCRC) and co-chaired by the deputy secretary-General of OEPP. It is a joint
venture between Kasetsart University and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT).
Members of the WG consist of representatives of the secretaries' various ministries and boards. The
Working Group on Alien Species had the following tasks :
! Prepare guidelines to regulate the introduction of alien species including genetically
modified organisms (GMOs); and
! Undertake any task assigned by the CBD Subcommittee.
Under the WG on Alien Species, Thailand has accomplished a considerable amount of work, such as
preparing inventories of alien species which take into account both invasive and alien species that have
proven to be more beneficial than harmful. Although the number of known alien species of
microorganisms, plants and animals in Thailand is still far from being reasonably estimated, these
inventories reflect, at the very least, the extent to which the alien species exist within the country. Some
of the major inventories that have been undertaken thus far include:
! Endemic and alien microorganisms of livestock and veterinary importance prepared by the
National Institute of Animal Health, DOLD, and MOAC. Based on culture collections
maintained at the institute, researchers estimate that 19 of 168 virus/virus strains are alien,
while 135 of 274 bacterial strains or serotypes, and one out of 31 protozoa are of foreign origin;
! The National Biological Control Research Centre (NBCRC) of Kasetsart University and the
National Research Council of Thailand have identified 24 serious insect pests of agricultural
importance as IAS. In addition, four vertebrate species have been introduced for biological
control of water weeds, 12 insects for the biological control of terrestrial and aquatic weeds,
two predatory snails for the control of the giant African snail Achatina fulica, and a total of 42
beneficial alien species for biological control of insect pests and weeds of agricultural
importance as well as insect vectors of medical and public health importance. Thailand has also
recorded two alien species for biological control of weeds from South America which have
found their way through unknown means to Thailand and neighboring countries;
! The Department of Fisheries (DOF) has estimated that there are at least 32 species of
introduced aquatic animals, including snails, in Thailand;
! Another authority has estimated that Thailand hosts 94 species of mammals, 168-228 species of
birds, 63-93 reptile species, 23 species of amphibians, 218 fish species, four non-insect
invertebrates, and 37 species of insects which were alien.
! The Royal Forestry Department (RFD) has reported 190 alien plant species, while the National
Science and Technology Museum inventory documented 921 alien plant species, and the Office
of Cane and Sugar Board under the Ministry of Industry estimates that there are 59 major alien
weed species present in the sugarcane growing areas of the country. The Institute of
Horticultural Research (DOA) maintains an inventory of horticultural crops imported into the
country annually.
! The RFD documented that 116 bird species and 15 mammal species were brought into the
country in 1995 under the Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Fauna and
Flora (CITES). The Zoological Parks Organization of Thailand has identified 371 alien zoo
animals in governmental as well as privately owned zoos.
Status of invasive alien species problems
Of the species included on the IUCN-Invasive Species Specialist Group’s (ISSG2) list of 100 IAS,
Thailand hosts at least one micro-organism, one aquatic plant, 13 land plants, nine land invertebrates
(three snails, six insects), five fish, one bird and eight mammals. Several of these species were
introduced to Thailand for specific purposes. Examples include: the rosy wolf snail Euglandina rosea,
which is native to Florida (USA) and was introduced for biological control of the giant African snail
Achatina fulica; fish species introduced as sources of protein, such as carp Cyprinus carpio, tilapia
Oreochromis mossambicus and Nile perch Latus niloticus, and walking catfish Clarius batrachus and
mosquito fish Gambusia affinis which were introduced for biological control of mosquito larvae.
List of existing programmes and other government agencies involved in IAS issues
The list of Thailand’s existing programmes for IAS management, awareness raising, and national-level
campaigns is very short. The only bold and clear-cut programme dealing with management of IAS was
that of the National Biological Control Research Centre (NBCRC; established 1978) at Kasetsart
University in collaboration with the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT) and 17
collaborating universities and agencies under the MOAC, MOPH, and some other government
enterprises. However, NBCRC deals only with biological control programmes aimed at IAS and within
integrated pest management (IPM) systems operating through collaborations with other national,
regional and international organization and institutions.
Other programmes relevant to IAS are expected to be identified and prioritised in accordance with
Thailand’s National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plan (NBSAPs; 2002-2006) by the CBD
subcommittee and the OEPP. When priorities for future work are identified, and policy
recommendations, as well as necessary strategies management, are undertaken by the WG on Alien
Species, the roles of other government agencies involved in biological control of IAS as well as in other
IAS issues can be clarified. A bibliographic list of publications, references, journals, and other
resources pertinent to biological invasions in Thailand is being compiled at present. The list of experts
in the field of biological invasions and their corresponding contact information will be gathered in the
near future.
IAS have been present in Vietnam for a long time, and are known to cause harmful effects. The most
well-established IAS are pests of agriculture. Some IAS have a very high invasive potential, and are
listed on quarantine pest lists. The species that have caused the greatest damage in Vietnam are the
golden apple snail (Pomacea sp.) to rice production and the mimosa plant (Mimosa pigra) to
biodiversity conservation in national parks. Vietnam has practised integrated management of these IAS
all over the country, as well as in specific regions to reduce crop losses and to maintain ecological
balance. A case study of the golden apple snail in Vietnam is included. Strategies for future work in
Vietnam are collecting information on IAS present in the country; enacting regulations on bio-safety
including those for genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and their products; and strengthening
measures for import and release of biological agents.
The mimosa plant is not strictly speaking alien to Vietnam, but it has a restricted distribution in
Vietnam and drifts from Cambodia along the flow of the Mekong River.
List of existing national IAS programmes (management efforts & awareness campaigns)
A project using a beetle (Calosobruchus quadritatus) as a biocontrol agent for Mimosa pigra was
carried out at Nam Cat Tien National Park (in Dong Nai province) by the National Plant Protection
Institute (NIPP). For more information on this programme please contact:
Tel: +84-8385578; Fax: +84-4-8363563
E-mail: or
Another study of Mimosa pigra control, at Tram Chim National Park (Dong Thap province), has been
carried out by Thu Duc University of Agriculture and Forestry and the Queensland Department of
Primary Industry, Australia. The difficulty of this project is that seeds of the plant drift from Cambodia
to Vietnam along the Mekong river annually. For more information on this programme please contact:
Evaluating project for culture of "hai ly" (coypu), Myocaster coypus, imported from China has been
carried out by the Mushroom Thien Tan Ltd. Company in Hanoi. (Editors' note: untraceable project.)
For more information on this programme please contact:
Department of Agricultural and Forestry Extension
No. 2 Ngoc Ha, Ba Dinh, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84-4 7332218 or 8234651
Fax: +84-4 8433811 or 8236403
! Ministry of Fisheries
Fishery Resource and Environment Conservation Department
10 Nguyen Cong Hoan, Thanh Xuan, Hanoi
Tel: +84-4 7715082 or 8345953
Fax: +84-4 8353363 or 8351759
! Non-governmental organisations
13 Tran Hung Dao, Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: +84-4 9330012, Fax: +84-4 8258794
! Collecting information on IAS present in Vietnam and from other parts of the world;
! Enacting regulations on biosafety including those for GMOs and their products;
! Strengthening measures for import and release of biological agents.
Please contact the above mentioned organisations for more details of experts, who are working in the
field of biological invasions in Vietnam.
The golden apple snail (GAS), originally from the Amazon region of the South American continent,
has spread to the other parts of the world such as Europe and Asia, and has seriously damaged rice
production in many countries including Taiwan, Japan, The Philippines and Vietnam. This IAS was
introduced to Vietnam in 1988 through many pathways due to absence of quarantine measures, but its
source is unknown. At the beginning, GAS was considered as rich protein food for fish and duck, and
therefore the Vietnamese were encouraged to culture GAS even in their home gardens. This resulted in
GAS being brought from the South to the North, and distributed between various provinces of Vietnam
for culturing.
In 1992, two farms for culture of GAS were established in Kien Giang province and Ho Chi Minh City
by Vietnamese-Taiwanese joint venture companies. The main objective of the project was large-scale
culture of GAS for export to Taiwan. However, the snail escaped from culture ponds and spread to the
outside, infesting other nearby ponds, trenches and rice fields. During seasonal flooding, this species
spreads more rapidly in the Mekong delta region. Within 10 years of its introduction, it was found to
occur in 57 of 61 provinces in the country. The data on GAS infestation in Vietnam collected in 1998
are as follows:
The following types of losses are inflicted by this IAS to crops: reduction of seedling density and need
for replanting seedlings 2-3 times per crop season, increased cost of pest control; reduction of farmer
incomes; negative effects on tourism.
Management strategies
Two decisions of the Prime Minister forbade culture, trade and movement of GAS within the country.
A standing committee for controlling GAS at central and provincial levels was established, with
representatives from agriculture, science-technology, environment and fishery agencies. Two national
programmes for controlling GAS were carried out from September 1994 to June 1995 with the
involvement of pupils, farmers, women, students and soldiers.
The most useful method for controlling GAS in Vietnam is hand picking. The figures for this method
of control from some provinces are as follows.
⇒ Technical advice
Chemical and biological control strategies have been adopted for control of the snail, including
application of botanical insecticides:
Synthetic chemicals used are: CaO (600-750 kg/ha); CuSO4 (6-7.5 kg/ha), Padan (1-2 kg/ha); and
Metaldehyde 6% (7.5-10 kg/ha). Use of fish species such as Mylopharyngodon sp. in ponds or lakes,
and Mylopharyngodon sp., Cyprinus carpio, Clarias fucus and C. gariepinus in rice fields, was also
effective. Ducks can also be good control agents.
⇒ Training farmers on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methods
Two thousand, six hundred eighty-four Farmer Field Schools (FFS) on integrated pest management in
rice were carried out in the country with 182,372 farmers attending them. During these field schools,
farmers were trained on identification of GAS from other snails, their biological and ecological
characteristics and control methods in rice fields, ponds, lake and trenches. Data from FFS training in
some of the provinces are as given below:
This was carried out under a Food and Agriculture Organisation funded project (TCP/6611) from
1997-1998. The main out puts of this project were:
! Training of farmers on IPM of GAS through the national IPM programme, funded by FAO;
! Using GIS methods for collecting information on snail infestations for taking management
! Study and transfer of knowledge and application techniques to farmers on using of fish for
controlling GAS.
The golden apple snail is now a common pest in rice fields in South of Vietnam. Sometimes it can
reach outbreak proportions in rice fields in some of the provinces. Therefore, the content of farmer
training programmes on IPM in rice now includes control of GAS, among other pests. In particular,
this programme has been expanded in the Mekong delta area in southern Vietnam. Provincial leaders
are expected to encourage students and farmers to hand-pick these species as much as possible when
they are first detected. More information on this IAS in Vietnam can be obtained from the Plant
Protection Department of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Vietnam, at the
address given below: