Law and Economics
Law and Economics
Law and Economics
legal analysis in two main ways. First, the theoretical analysis focuses on EFFICIENCY. In simple
terms, a legal situation is said to be efficient if a right is given to the party who would be willing
to pay the most for it. There are two distinct theories of legal efficiency, and law and economics
scholars support arguments based on both. The positive theory of legal efficiency states that the
common law (judge-made law, the main body of law in England and its former colonies,
including the United States) is efficient, while the normative theory is that the law should be
efficient. It is important that the two theories remain separate. Most economists accept both.
Law and economics stresses that markets are more efficient than courts. When possible, the legal
system, according to the positive theory, will force a transaction into the market. When this is
impossible, the legal system attempts to “mimic a market” and guess at what the parties would
have desired if markets had been feasible.
The second characteristic of law and economics is its emphasis on incentives and people’s
responses to these incentives. For example, the purpose of damage payments in accident (tort)
law is not to compensate injured parties, but rather to provide an incentive for potential injurers
to take efficient (cost-justified) precautions to avoid causing the accident. Law and economics
shares with other branches of economics the assumption that individuals are rational and respond
to incentives. When penalties for an action increase, people will undertake less of that action.
Law and economics is more likely than other branches of legal analysis to use empirical or
statistical methods to measure these responses to incentives.
The private legal system must perform three functions, all related to property and PROPERTY
RIGHTS. First, the system must define property rights; this is the task of property law itself.
Second, the system must allow for transfer of property; this is the role of contract law. Finally,
the system must protect property rights; this is the function of tort law and criminal law. These
are the major issues studied in law and economics. Law and economics scholars also apply the
tools of economics, such as GAME THEORY, to purely legal questions, such as various parties’
litigation strategies. While these are aspects of law and economics, they are of more interest to
legal scholars than to students of the economy.
A legal system should provide clear definitions of property rights. That is, for any asset, it is
important that parties be able to determine unambiguously who owns the asset and exactly what
set of rights this ownership entails. Ideally, efficiency implies that, in a dispute regarding the
ownership of a right, the right should go to the party who values it the most. But if exchanges of
rights are allowed, the efficiency of the initial allocation is of secondary importance. The Coase
theorem—the most fundamental result in the economic study of law—states that if rights are
transferable and if transactions costs are not too large, then the exact definition of property rights
is not important because parties can trade rights, and rights will move to their highest-valued
In many circumstances, however, who owns the right will matter. Transactions costs are never
zero, and so if rights are incorrectly allocated, a costly transaction will be needed to correct this
misallocation. If transactions costs are greater than the increase in value from moving the
resource to the efficient owner, there may be no corrective mechanism. This can happen in any
sort of economy. An extreme example is Russia, where the courts have not been able to provide
clear definitions of property rights, and those persons with control of firms are not necessarily
the owners. That is, those with control over a firm cannot sell it and keep the proceeds. This
creates incentives for inefficient use of the assets, such as sale of valuable raw materials for
below-market prices, with the proceeds deposited outside the country. In such circumstances, the
Coase theorem will not operate, and correctly defining property rights becomes important. More
generally, experience in Russia and its former satellites has emphasized the importance of the
legal system for development of a market economy and, thus, has shown the importance of law
and economics in influencing policy.
One important finding of law and economics is that, in market economies, property rights are
defined efficiently in many circumstances. The characteristics of efficient property rights are
universality (everything is owned), exclusivity (everything is owned by one agent), and
transferability. Law and economics can also explain the results of inefficient property definitions.
For example, because no one owns wild fish, the only way to own a fish is to catch it. The result
is overfishing (see TRAGEDY OF THE COMMONS). INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY is an important area
of current research because new copying and duplicating technologies are having profound
effects on the definition of this form of property rights and on incentives for creating such
Contract Law
The law governing exchange is crucial for a market economy. Most of the doctrines of contract
law seem consistent with economic efficiency. Law and economics study of contract law has
shown that, in general, it is efficient for parties to be allowed to write their own contracts, and
under normal circumstances, for courts to enforce the agreed-on terms, including the agreed-on
price. The courts will generally not enforce contracts if performance would be inefficient, but,
rather, will allow payment of damages. If, for example, I agree to build something for you in
return for $50,000, but meanwhile costs increase so that the thing would cost me $150,000 to
build, it is inefficient for me to build it. Courts, recognizing this, allow me to compensate you
with a monetary payment instead. This is efficient.
Contracts and contract law are also designed to minimize problems of opportunism. The danger
of opportunism arises when two parties agree to something, and one makes irreversible
investments to carry out his side of the bargain. So, for example, a company invests in a railroad
spur to a coal mine, making a contract in advance to ship the coal at a specific price. Once the
railroad is built, the mine owner can refuse to honor his contract and can hold out for a lower
shipping rate. As long as this rate exceeds the railroad’s incremental costs, the railroad owner
will be tempted to accept. If he does so, he will not receive the full return on the spur line that he
needed to make the INVESTMENT worthwhile. Doctrines such as a duty to mitigate (to reduce the
harmful effects of breach of contract) are easily explained as being efficient.
However, not all doctrines are efficient. Contracting parties will sometimes specify damages
(called “liquidated damages”) to be paid if there is a breach. If the courts decide that these
liquidated damages are too high—that they are a penalty rather than true damages—they will not
enforce the amount of contractual liquidated damages. This failure to enforce agreed-on terms is
a major puzzle to law and economics scholars; it appears that the courts would do better to
enforce the parties’ agreement, just as they do with respect to price and other terms of a contract.
Here, the positive theory of the efficiency of law seems to be violated, but scholars argue that the
courts should enforce these agreements.
Tort Law
Tort law and criminal law protect property rights from intentional or unintentional harm. The
primary purpose of these laws is to induce potential tortfeasors (those who cause torts, or
accidents) or criminals to internalize—that is, take account of—the external costs of their
actions, although criminal law has other functions as well.
Tort law is part of the system of private law and is enforced through private actions. The
economic analysis of tort law has stressed issues such as the distinction between negligence (a
party must pay for harms only when the party failed to take adequate or efficient precautions)
and strict LIABILITY (a party must pay for any injury caused by its actions). Because most
accidents are caused by a joint action of injurer and victim (a driver goes too fast, and the
pedestrian he hits does not look carefully), efficient rules create incentives for both parties to
take care; most negligence rules (negligence, negligence with a DEFENSE of contributory
negligence, comparative negligence) create exactly these incentives. Strict liability is important
when the issue is not only the care used in undertaking the activity, but also whether the activity
is done at all and the extent to which it is done (the level of the activity); highly dangerous
activities (e.g., blasting with explosives or keeping wild animals as pets) are generally governed
by strict liability.
Tort law used to be uninteresting and unimportant, dealing largely with automobile accidents.
But it has become quite important in the United States in the last fifty years, because many
events traditionally treated under contract law are now subject to tort law. For example, in
products liability and medical malpractice cases, the parties have a preaccident relationship and
so could have specified and traditionally did specify in their contracts what damages would be
paid in the event of a mishap. But since about 1950, the courts have refused to honor these
contracts, treating these instead as tort cases. Many observers believe that this was a fundamental
error of the courts and look on it as the primary example of an inefficient doctrine in modern
American law. Scholars have found that this error was caused by actions on the part of the
plaintiff’s bar, who were seeking to benefit themselves at the expense of the public in general.
Problems are exacerbated when claims are aggregated through the mechanism of class actions.
Two factors have caused the major expansion of product liability law. One was finding relatively
strict liability for “design defects” in addition to “manufacturing defects.” The other was
expansion of liability for “failure to warn.” One result of treating these events as part of tort law
is that injured parties can collect classes of damage payments (such as damages for pain and
suffering and sometimes excessive punitive damages) that would be excluded by contract if
contracts could be enforced. As a result, prices of many goods and services (including medical
services) are driven above the value that consumers would place on them. That is why, for
example, private airplanes are so expensive, and obstetricians and gynecologists are unavailable
in some markets.
Criminal Law
Criminal law is enforced by the state rather than by victims. This is because efficient
enforcement requires that only a fraction of criminals be caught (in order to conserve on
enforcement resources) and the punishment of this fraction be multiplied to reflect the low
probability of detection and conviction. If, for example, only one out of four criminals is caught
and punished, then the punishment must be four times the cost of the crime in order to provide
adequate deterrence.
However, most criminals do not have sufficient wealth to pay such multiplied fines, and so
incarceration or other forms of nonpecuniary punishment must be used. One implication of law
and economics is that a fine should be used as punishment whenever the miscreant can pay. The
reason is that fines are transfers and do not create deadweight losses (i.e., losses to some that are
not gains to others); imprisonment, on the other hand, transfers virtually no wealth from the
criminal but causes two forms of deadweight loss: the loss of the criminal’s earning power in a
legitimate job in the outside world and the cost to taxpayers of providing a prison and guards.
But because so few criminals have enough wealth to pay multiplied fines, private enforcement
would not be profitable for private enforcers, and so the state provides enforcement. In some
circumstances, incarceration serves the additional function of incapacitation of potential
Criminal law has been the subject of the most extensive empirical work in law and economics,
probably because of the availability of data (see CRIME). Economic theory predicts that criminals,
like others, respond to incentives, and there is unambiguous evidence that increases in the
probability and severity of punishment in a jurisdiction lead to reduced levels of crime in that
jurisdiction. The issue of the deterrent effect of capital punishment has been more controversial,
but several recent papers using advanced econometric techniques and comprehensive data have
found a significant deterrent effect; each execution deters between eight and twenty-eight
murders, with eighteen being the best single estimate. No refereed empirical criticism of these
papers has been published. Research on procedural rules has shown that increased rights for
accused persons can lead to increases in crime. One controversial paper by John Donohue and
Steven Levitt argues empirically that the easing of abortion restrictions led to a reduction in
crime because unwanted children would have been more likely to become criminals. There are
also major debates in the literature on the effect on crime of laws allowing easier carrying of
concealed weapons. Some, such as John Lott, find significant decreases in crime from these
laws, while others find much smaller effects, although there is little evidence of any increase in