A Study On The Master Planning in Airports: April 2018
A Study On The Master Planning in Airports: April 2018
A Study On The Master Planning in Airports: April 2018
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3 authors, including:
sumathi Nagarajan
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham
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All content following this page was uploaded by sumathi Nagarajan on 18 May 2018.
Abstract—Airport provides a medium that helps people travel prioritized for containing deliverable media for integrating
across countries and continents overcoming the geographical information and media. This specification must be considered
barriers and by providing a platform for economic opportunities in all scopes of work at the completion of individual projects,
and business enhancements. Over the past few decades, the the updates to ALP drawing can be finished without making
airports have been drastically transformed to multi-platform
changes to the Airport Master Plan
zone that promotes to the economy of the country through
tourism and by supporting the local citizens’ business ventures.
Airport Engineering deals with creative development of airport II. PURPOSE OF AIRPORT MASTER PLAN
designs, planning and building and refurbishing of terminals,
The purpose of Airport Master Plan is to deliver the
runways and navigational aids to provide the passengers a
platform to explore. This literature is a comprehensive view of Government and supervising bodies an overview of how the
airport market planning and a sample standard designed airport Airport would look like after refurbishing and to show what it
master plan is laid out. Along with the technological has to offer for the next 20 years and beyond and all the
advancements the proposed ideas are made assessing its changes that could be accommodated within the locality and
environmental impacts. Airports connects people to countless most importantly how all these changes could be beneficial
parts of the word therefore it is necessary that the airports are for them since it is finance is the main constraint.
designed to be convenient, environment friendly and adaptable
to the evolving demands. One of the key purpose of the Airport Master Plan is to update
the previous existing Master Plan according to the latest
I. INTRODUCTION advances in technology in the field of aviation and
construction. Then after deciding on the Master Plan, based on
This will contain all the complete list of work that took place The Airport Facility Requirements are determined based on
and the items that were included such as raw material, stocks, two different categories, namely: landside and airside.
part of the contents of building for construction, etc. The Facilities under landsides are Fixed Base Operator facilities,
airport inventory and data collection task is a critical element Aircraft Fueling, Aircraft Parking Apron, Surface access,
of theAirport System Plan (ASP) since the data collected will Hangars, and automobile parking, and other services. While
not only be used to support this airport system plan, but will airside facilities include lighting systems, navigational aids,
also help Aeronautics Division to easily identify, document, runways and taxiways.
and understand its current and planned airport system assets.
The Facility Requirements assessment is used to classify the
Specifically, the inventory survey effort conducted as part the
competence and insufficiency of present airport amenities and
ASP will entail the collection of all relevant airport data
recognize what new services may be desirable during the
through research of existing databases, personal interviews,
preparation period based on forecast request. Probable
and visits to each of Massachusetts public use airports. Data to
opinions and initial costs for providing these facilities will be
be collected generally encompasses the following:
estimated in the Airport Development Replacements, to
General airport information regulate the most cost effective and efficient means for
Airside facilities meeting predictable facility needs.
Landside facilities
By the end of development plan, the Airport authorities must
Environmental considerations
ensure that full improvements to the Airport must be done as
Airport operational and service levels
per mentioned in the Airport Layout Plan as well as there is
Airport outreach and education
phased development as per ALP and even relocate the airport
Local airport related business activities
if necessary.
Airport pavement conditions
Airport alternatives and development plan
Aviation Activity Forecasts
The purpose to develop alternatives and development plan is
Aviation Activity Forecasts analyzes the present and
to advance a match of airport amenities which can
impending airport motion of the Airport. Estimating offers an
convincingly incorporate the requirements levied on it. The
airport with an over-all idea of the magnitude of development,
master planning development is one of critical and necessary
as well as variations in activity expected over the estimate
facility of the airport to carry out the forecast requirements.
period. They support the Airport in shaping current and
After capability necessities have been decided, a sequences of
strategic imminent facility requirements based on airport
substitute resolutions to content them needs to be recognized
activity level approximations and forecasts. Forecasts try to
and verified. Substitutes to be well-thought-out will involve
improve a realistic approximation of coming variations.
replacements for giving supplementary runway length for the
Forecast schemes are grounded on a “snapshot” of a main runway; choices for the landside expansion chances;
prevailing aviation trends and socio economic climate. As crosswind runway; and air cargo, general aviation, and airline
such, forecasting inclines to be a vibrant constituent of airport terminal area expansion plans.There is no requirement for
master planning. When conditions change intensely, forecasts inspection or licensing (14-60.007, F.A.C.), the airport just
should be revised and modernized accordingly to mirror the needs to be revised for site sanction and register with FDOT.
improved environment.
Airport layout plan
Demand or Capacity assessment
Airport Layout Plan depicts the existing and anticipated
Demand or Capacity assessment compares the projected improvement for the 20 year expansion of the airport diagram
demand and the existing capacity for the major elements of based on the airport facilities in the form of a diagram.
the Airport and establishes the facility requirements needed to Although a descriptive portrayal of the airport location is an
bridge the gap between the existing capacity and future essential portion of an airport master plan catalogue, a
demand over the planning period. graphical depiction is also obligatory.
The demand/capacity analysis helps determine the timing and The airport layout plan is an explicit demonstration to
degree to which additional or extended services will be measure of prevailing and planned airport services and their
required throughout the preparation period. It is substantial to sites, land uses, and the appropriate approval and parametric
note that when and how the Airport’s facility needs are data necessary to display conformation with pertinent criteria.
addressed is a matter of Airport policy, and is contingent upon It displays the airport locality, approach areas, clear zones,
environmental and financial justification. and other ecological structures that influences impact airport
procedure and extension competences.
Facility Requirements Airport alternatives and
development plan The airport layout plan likewise recognizes services that are
no more required and defines a proposal for their elimination.
Some areas can be hired, traded or else castoff for profitable how much it has to spend during renovation. Basically
and manufacturing resolutions. The proposal is constantly revenues are generated to clear airport’s expenses.
efficient with all variations in land possessions lines; airfield
In airport, there are two types of expenses which are:
arrangement including taxiways, aircraft parking apron size,
runways and location; constructions; cargo areas; navigational 1. Capital improvement expenditures
utilities; auto parking; blockades; and departure ways. The
• Investment enhancement expenditures contain costs
airport layout plan sketch contains the subsequent articles:
basic data table, the airport layout, location map, vicinity map, of main building schemes such as airfield & terminal
and wind information. development.
2. Operation and Maintenance (O&M) costs
The airport layout is the major share of the sketch. It shows
the prevailing and eventual airport expansion and land usages • These costs contain expenses for unvarying basis &
illustrated to measure and contains as a least of the following are essential to uphold the present maneuvers at the
information: airport.
Major airport services like taxiways, blast pads, • For example: income of airport personnel, costs of
runways, extended runway safety areas, aprons, services such as power (electricity), water &
constructions, parking expanses, roads, NAVAIDs, broadcastings.
lighting, pipelines, fences, main drainage facilities,
Airport income is income that an airport obtains from its
runway marking, wind pointers, segmented circle,
business accomplishments. Airports revenue maintenances
and beacons.
airports expenditures & delivers for the actions, conservation,
Major natural and manufactured features such as
and investment enhancements. Airports produce income from
streams, plants, a ponds, rock outcrops, ditches,
its commercial happenings that have been classified into two
railroads, power lines, and towers.
Summary of revenue-producing non-aviation-related
assets, extra or else, with present status and use • Aeronautical revenue is that from aviation events which
stated. trade with aircraft operations is. For example, fees
Regions set aside for prevailing and forthcoming aerobridge charges (paid by airlines) and lighting aircraft
aviation expansion and amenities like for overall parking fees, and landing
aviation fixed-base operations, airport maintenance, • Non-aeronautical revenue is created from non-aircraft
heliports, and cargo facilities, etc. linked commercial happenings in the terminal building.
Regions preserved for non-aviation expansion, like For example, concessions, parking, rental car facilities,
motels, manufacturing regions, and likewise and advertising.
Public Involvement
Public Involvement of the airport is mainly to help improve
the connection between the Airport and the public. There is a
Public Involvement Program (PIP) functions to define the
public process in Master Plan update. The PIP was established
with input from investors and the public proceeding to being
concluded. We interconnected to the community how input
from all investors shaped the conclusion of the resulting plan.
Public Involvement of Airports are considered based on the
ongoing meeting between the county staff and airport staffs.
Other meetings include meetings with:
Stakeholder meetings
Advisory committee meeting
Public meeting
Advisory committee meeting
Fig. Airport Layout Plan of Helena Regional Airport. Board workshop
Board action
Financial plan
The final board action are usually implemented by the end of
Airport Finance Plan is basically the revenue of the airport that year, which is, around December or beginning of the next
and how much the expense for the airport is every day and year in January.
D. Inner Portion of the Approach Surface Drawings demarcated as a least 500 itinerant tasks per year. Further
features deliberated contain major airplane approach velocity,
The inside portions of Approach Surface Drawing majorly
its extreme certificated takeoff weight, length of drag, and
consists of the following for every initiated runaway:
useful load, the airfield raise above sea level, the average day-
-scaled down depictions of runway safety area to-day extreme temperature at the airport field, and
characteristic runway surface conditions, such as slippery and
-Obstacle free zone
wet. The runway length examination for UUU was attained
-Obstacle free area using FAA Airport Design Computer Program 4.2D and
procedures outlined in FAA AC 150/5300-13. The platform
-Runway protection zone contains an aircraft fleet profile intended to be illustrative of
The complete design plan and the planned profile view of all the small and large aircraft that encompass the over-all
the prominent runaway protection zone are shown to aviation aircraft fleet.
distinguish any hindrances and impediments that might be
The CIA has two 4 km runways. Runway 02R/20L is 3,200 m
reflected on safety .since it is absolutely essential to discover
long and 61 m wide, while runway 02L/20R is of the same
and remove these obstacles in order to ensure the safety, a
meticulous and coherent facility data information is also length but 45 m wide.
depicted along with it. Category 1 comes under the primary runway, assessment for
On-Airport Land Use Drawing – It primarily illustrates the accuracy approach and is armed with navigational aids and
land use commendations explicitly. When the times comes for lighting amenities. The secondary runway was
the land use of the required design it must be carried out decommissioned because it was not fully armed and not
according to the prerequisite land use area that has been given acquiescent with Visual Flight Regulations
in detail in this plan
Property Map - It consists mainly of accurate parameter and
specifications of the land that is owned and is an interface to
mapping all the land regions that is under the league of the
airport. It also contains the already existing land that in under
the control of the airport as well as the future properties.
• Runway Transitional Surface: The runway
transitional surfaces are the ones that extend outward
and skyward at perpendicular to the center line of all
runways. The transitional surfaces have a slope in the
ratio of 7:1. The Runway transitional surface has an Table: Runway and Taxiway Specification.
elevation of 46 m above airport’s field elevation and F. Taxiways described in the Layout
joins to the runway horizontal surface. This surface is
necessary for precision instrument approach surfaces. The Airport was labelled a B-II in previous development so
• Horizontal Surface: An oval is formed by connecting much of the infrastructure has been developed and built to
the two ends of the primary surface from which a encounter B-II standards. The current runway and taxiway
radii of 3048 m is drawn, that is the level surface. building and departure necessities happen or surpass the
This horizontal surface is constructed as a smooth mandatory standards. Forthcoming pavement reintegration
plane on top of the airfield with a slope of 46 m .The schemes and/or new construction will be built to the
major hindrances spotted are trees and present off the mandatory standards.
property of the airport.
E. Runways described in the Layout
The runway length obligatory is centered on criteria existing
in FAA AC 150/5300-13, Airport Design, Chapter 3 and FAA
AC 150/5325-4A, Runway Length Necessities for Airport
Project. The suggested length for a main runway at an airport
is decided by bearing in mind either the clan of aircrafts
having comparable presentation features, or a precise airplane
necessitating the lengthiest runway. This requirement is based
on the airplane or clan of airplanes that use the airfield on an
unvarying basis, where consistent basis is classically Table: Runway and Taxiway Condition.
G. Terminal Area For commercial purpose -Boutiques and Gaming centers can be opened to spend
some leisure time
At the Conventional hangar the GA terminal is built towards
the north side. The terminal area includes roughly 3,500 sq. ft.
This region holds the office space of all other businesses and
Landmark Aviation sited by DMIA. An innovative method V. CONCLUSION
will be required at one point after the development period. Airports are now the primary component for urbanization as it
The Region for possible expansion/improvement will be has become an integral part of economic well-being. Airports
recognized in the replacements analysis. The FAA has come provide an enormous range of useful networks to
up with new methods of approximating general aviation accommodate the wide range of aeronautical as well as non-
terminal necessities. The method found in Airport Design aeronautical progresses across the functional requirements and
gives the crowning period action to the scope of practical economic opportunities. Airports have structural growth
regions contained by the building. projects and surveys planned to align funds with requirements
H. Hangars described in the layout. and the measurements taken to provide the service for
customer satisfaction. This industry has a direct and indirect
Hangar space necessities are mainly based on the decision influence on the nation’s economy and development in terms
made by the aircraft proprietor’s inclination to contain their of job opportunities and business ventures.
airplane. Further necessities are grounded on the category of
airplanes and number of based aircraft. Typically bigger and The future expansion, set-up and upkeep of utilities missions
relatively costlier airplanes are stored in the Hangar. shall be sustained by the unceasing enhancement route in
Currently, has only two conventional type hangars. Presently quality management design,concentrated on unified and
there are two t-hangars are in airport. The following are the collective agenda for organizing, improvement and
two types of hangars: conservation of structural properties is done in accordance
with the strategic track of the organization.
Traditional hangar (approximately 8,500 sq.ft.)
which is located at the western side of the airport; In this study methods have been suggested for phase 3
and improvement of DMIA airport which is due after phase 2
renovation, i.e., by 2025. These suggested methods could help
Hangar mainly meant for short-term purposes in delivering passengers keeping their security, safety as the
(approximately 1,400 sq.ft.) located to the south of prior concern and airport experiences met. Apart from that
the traditional hangar. while these suggestions were made their impact on the nature
was calculated and the best possible methods were proposed
I. Changes after Renovation that promotes the environmental sustainability and safety.
In the final phases, new Terminal building will be added EXTERNAL LINKS USED
which could handle up to 8 million passengers a year. The
services will then be capable to take an annual total of 110 [1]. Seth B. Young, Ph.D., Alexander T. Wells, E.D. Airport Planning,
and Management. 2011 McGraw-Hill Education
million travelers. These ideas will possibly lead to the airport [2]. Jonathan T. Ricketts, M. Kent Loftin, Frederick S. Merritt.
becoming a chief hub in Asia. The plans will also include Standard Handbook for Civil Engineers 2004, 1996, 1983, 1976,
recreational facilities keeping the passengers’ satisfaction in 1968 the McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
mind. Business lounges will have spa facilities, restaurants for
dining and relaxation. REFERENCES
[1] http://www.massdot.state.ma.us/aeronautics/StatewideAirportSyst
J. Suggestions for development emPlan/AirportInventoryandDataSurvey.aspx
[2] https://www.faa.gov/airports/environmental/
-Solar panels can be installed to reduce power [3] https://www.airport-technology.com/projects/diosdadomacapagal/
consumption [4] https://newairportinsider.com/introduction-to-airport-planning-the-
-Automated Check-in master-plan/
[5] https://www.wikipedia.com
-Automated customs clearance [6] https://sonomacountyairport.org/about-sts/master-plan/what-is-
-Increase the runway area to accommodate bigger the-master-plan/
aircrafts [7] http://www.erieairport.org/assets/Uploads/08-chapter6.pdf
-Installation of Electronic gates to avoid the hassle [8] http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20100513124856/http://
-Install noise abatement zones hepreparationofai5682
-Afforestation around the airport premises
-Business lounges and spa facilities can be inbuilt in the