Effect of Heat Treatment On Strength and Ductility

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IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering


Effect of heat treatment on strength and ductility of 52CrMoV4 spring

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Conference of the South African Advanced Materials Initiative (CoSAAMI-2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 430 (2018) 012044 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/430/1/012044

Effect of heat treatment on strength and ductility of

52CrMoV4 spring steel.
VJ Matjeke1,2,3, G Mukwevho1, AM Maleka1 , JW van der Merwe2,3

1. Transnet Engineering, Research & Development, Private Bag X 528, Kilnerpark,

South Africa, 0127
2. School of Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Private Bag X3, Wits, South Africa, 2050
3. DST-NRF Centre of Excellence in Strong Materials, University of the
Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Private Bag X3, Wits, South Africa, 2050


Abstract. In this study we examined the behaviour of the 52CrMoV4 spring steel at various
tempering temperatures and soaking times. The hardening and quenching process was set up
to achieve a minimum hardness of 800 HV by selecting an appropriate quenching medium.
The microstructure was evaluated optically and with scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and
the mechanical properties were characterised by hardness and tensile tests. An excellent
combination of strength and ductility was achieved on conventional alloyed steel by adjusting
heat treatment process parameters. The strength and ductility of the material was found to be
comparable to that of advanced high strength steel (AHSS).

1 Introduction

The manufacturing of heavy duty springs from steel requires an exact understanding of the heat
treatment process and material behaviour. Although the presence of alloying elements can improve
the mechanical properties, they also escalate the cost of the steel [1]. Therefore, the selection of the
steel and manufacturing process must be robust in such a way that the spring will exhibit excellent
strength and ductility with minimal alloying elements. Furthermore, it is important to select a
quenching media that will harden the steel without forming quench cracks or distortion. This is a
function of the selected heat treatment process, the quenching media and the alloying elements in
order to provide acceptable mechanical properties. The heat treatment process alters the
microstructure and strength of material, which will directly influence fatigue life [2].
Spring manufacturing requires materials with good formidability as well as strength in order to
improve performance [3]. The majority of automotive springs are made from medium carbon high
strength steels [4]. To increase the strength of the steel is simple, however, it is difficult to get a
combination of high strength and ductility. Generally, an increase in strength results in a loss of
ductility [5]. This study will focus on the heat treatment process, microstructure and mechanical
properties of spring steel. The manufacturing process of the springs entails high temperature coiling,
hardening and tempering [6].
This study will investigate whether a heat treatment process can make a conventional 52CrMoV4steel
compete with advanced high strength steel (AHSS). The strength and hardenability of the 52CrMoV4
steel is improved by additions of elements such as chromium, molybdenum and vanadium.
Molybdenum provides solution strengthening in steel during heat treatment, while chromium and
vanadium forms carbides that improve the hardness of the material during tempering [7].
Molybdenum also forms fine carbides precipitates that increases the strain hardening effect [8]. On
the other hand vanadium has been used as a micro -alloying element for high strength low alloy steels
since the 1950s [9]. It improves the strength and hardness by formation of vanadium carbides and
grain refinement [10]. With the effort to increase the strength, precaution is required to avoid temper
embrittlement [11]. The strength is a critical factor in determining the fatigue life of a material.

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Conference of the South African Advanced Materials Initiative (CoSAAMI-2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 430 (2018) 012044 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/430/1/012044

2 Experimentation and material

A 52CrMoV4 steel rods were cut into 25 X 320 mm sections. The samples were placed in the furnace
when it stabilised at 860 °C, thereafter the samples were soaked and austenitised at 860 °C
temperature for an hour. The samples were quenched in oil with the quenching properties as shown in
Table 1. Three tempering temperatures were used: 410, 450 and 470 °C; and two tempering times for
each temperature, namely: 2 and 3 hours. The continuous cooling curve (CCT) of the steel were
simulated using JmatPro software by inserting the chemical composition of the spring steel. The
chemical composition was determined with a Bruker optical emission spectrometer. The oil
quenching ability was analysed with a portable quenchant test system (IVF smart quench). The
transverse section of the rod was cut, ground and polished to a 1 µm surface finish for metallographic
examination. The polished surface was etched with a 3% Nital reagent. The microstructure was
characterised with the optical microscope and SEM, while the penetrant test (PT) was used to
determine the presence of quench related flaws. Micro hardness profile measurements were conducted
across the transverse section of the steel rod from one edge to the other edge at a 1 mm interval using
a 5 gf load for the micro Vickers hardness test. Rietveld analysis was used to quantify X-ray
diffraction (XRD) results to characterise phases.
Table 1. Quenching oil properties
Properties Oil
Appearance Liquid
Fire point (°C) 220
Flash point (°C) 204
Density (g/cm3) 0.854
Pour point (°C) -15
Viscosity (mm2/s @ 40 °C) 20

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Chemical Analysis
The chemical composition of the spring steel is presented in Table 1. The chemical analysis
confirmed that the steel is a micro-alloyed 52CrMoV4 steel containing 0.19 wt% Mo and 0.11 wt % V.
The addition of Mo and V alloying element improves the hardenability of the steel.
Table 2. Chemical composition of the steel in weight percentage

Element %C % Si % Mn %P %S % Cr % Ni % Cu % Mo %V
Mass % 0.55 0.28 0.92 0.012 0.007 1.05 0.01 0.01 0.19 0.11

3.2 Quench Test Analysis

The oil quench test results are shown in Figure 1. The oil showed complex cooling behaviour at
various temperature stages. The harmonisation of the continuous cooling temperature (CCT) curve
and the oil cooling rates observed in Figures 1 and 2, predicts full martensite transformation. The
CCT curve revealed martensite start to be 265 °C, whilst the cooling rate of the quenching medium
was approximately 6.7 °C/s.

3.3 Microstructural Examination

The microstructure of the as-quenched steel rods is presented in Figures 3 and 4. The general
microstructure of the as quenched spring steel was martensitic. There was no evidence of cracks or
quenching related flaws. The XRD analysis of the as quenched steel revealed the structure to be a
mixture of martensite (79%), iron carbide (19.8) and ferrite (2%). The XRD spectrum is shown in
Figure 5. The as tempered microstructures are presented in Figures 6 to 11. The general
microstructure was tempered microstructure. Figures 6 to 11 revealed the decomposed unstable
martensite to tempered martensite. The SEM analysis images are shown in Figures 12 to 17. Figure 12

Conference of the South African Advanced Materials Initiative (CoSAAMI-2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 430 (2018) 012044 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/430/1/012044

showed rod shaped iron carbide (Fe3C) layered around ferrite that retained the high-density
dislocation of martensite. Figures 13 and 14 showed ferrites with low density of dislocation and the
mixture of rod-shaped and spherical iron carbides (Fe3C). Figures 15 to 17 presented a structure of
tempered martensite which is predominately made up of spherical and rod-shaped carbides. There is a
presence of needle like carbides as well. The observation on the samples tempered 2 hours was a
microstructure with rod shaped carbides whilst the samples tested for 3 hours showed pronounced
spherical carbides.

Figure 1. Quenching media cooling rate plot Figure 2. Extrapolated CCT curve for 52CrMoV4

Figure 3. The as-quenched martensite Figure 4. SEM image of the as-quenched


Figure 5. XRD spectrum, showing -Martensite, -Iron

Carbide, -Ferrite

Conference of the South African Advanced Materials Initiative (CoSAAMI-2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 430 (2018) 012044 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/430/1/012044

Figure 6. Microstructure tempered at 410°C for 2 Figure 7. Microstructure tempered at 410°C for
hours 3 hours

Figure 8. Microstructure tempered at 450°C for 2 Figure 9. Microstructure tempered at 450°C for
hours 3 hours

Figure 10. Microstructure tempered at 470°C for Figure 11. Microstructure tempered at 470°C for
2 hours 3 hours

Figure 12. Microstructure tempered at 410°C Figure 13. Microstructure tempered at 410°C
for 2 hours for 3 hours

Conference of the South African Advanced Materials Initiative (CoSAAMI-2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 430 (2018) 012044 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/430/1/012044

Figure 14. Microstructure tempered at 450°C Figure 15. Microstructure tempered at 450°C
for 2 hours for 3 hours

Figure 16. Microstructure tempered at 470°C Figure 17. Microstructure tempered at 470°C
for 2 hours for 3 hours
3.4 Mechanical properties
The as-quenched and tempered microhardness results are illustrated in Tables 3 and 4 The hardness
generally decreased with the increase in tempering temperature, however the sample that were
tempered for 3 hour showed evidence of secondary precipitation hardening when compared to the
material tempered for 2 hours (see Figure 13). The secondary hardening was as a result of coalesce of
Mo3C and V4C3. On the other hand, the strength decreased, and ductility increased with the increase
of tempering temperature. The tensile results are shown in Figure 14 and Table 6. The elastic region
of the tensile test sample showed elastic behaviour or spring effect until yielding point.
Table 3. The as quenched hardness measurements

Average Standard Deviation Standard Error

804 15 3.03

Table 4. The tempered hardness profile average

Measurements Average Standard Deviation Standard Error

410°C 2hrs 521 12.4 2.6
410°C 3hrs 524 17.3 3.6
450°C 2hrs 475 12.8 2.7
450°C 3hrs 491 15.5 3.2
470°C 2hrs 482 14.6 2.9
470°C 3hrs 486 12.7 2.6

Conference of the South African Advanced Materials Initiative (CoSAAMI-2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 430 (2018) 012044 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/430/1/012044

Figure 18. Hardness measurements for various tempering temperatures

and times

Figure 19. Tensile curves of quenched and tempered steel.

Table 5. Tensile strength and total strain of quenched and tempered steel.

Tempering Parameters Ultimate Tensile Yield Strength Strain (%)

Strength (MPa) (MPa)
410°C 2h 1674 1633 9
410°C 3h 1655 1608 10
450°C 2h 1462 1424 11
450°C 3h 1558 1516 12
470°C 2h 1412 1343 12
470°C 3h 1495 1420 13

4 Conclusions
The presence of molybdenum and vanadium influenced the mechanical properties by forming fine
carbides precipitates that introduced secondary precipitation hardening. The optimum strength and
ductility of the spring steel was improved by subjecting the material to various tempering

Conference of the South African Advanced Materials Initiative (CoSAAMI-2018) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 430 (2018) 012044 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/430/1/012044

temperatures and soaking time. The study also showed that tempering time is an important variable in
influencing precipitation hardening. The amount of Mo-rich and C-rich fine precipitates (carbides)
varied at different tempering temperatures and soaking times. However, the amount carbides
increased with increase in temperature. Tempering of 52CrMoV4 material at 470°C for 3 hour has
provided high strength and excellent ductility. The findings of this scientific study will assist spring
manufacturers optimise the mechanical properties of the spring steel.

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