Impact of Pouring Temperature On TH
Impact of Pouring Temperature On TH
Impact of Pouring Temperature On TH
DOI: 10.5604/01.3001.0015.7016
Purpose: This experiment aims to determine the influence of pouring temperature on the
hardness, impact energy, tensile strength, and changes in the microstructure of the Al-5.9Cu-
1.9Mg alloy.
Design/methodology/approach: A total of three samples of aluminium alloy were heated
to 688, 738, and 788°C, and poured into permanent moulds in form of plates at a constant
temperature of 220°C. The cast products are machined according to testing standards for
hardness, impact tests, and tensile strength.
Findings: The results showed that the metal hardness and impact energy increased to 103
BHN and 7.48 J at 788°C, respectively, while the tensile strength rises as the temperatures
decreases. Furthermore, the changes in the microstructure were affected, which indicated that
all the properties of the aluminium alloy were influenced by the variations in temperature.
Research limitations/implications: During the metal casting process, only three different
pouring temperatures affected the properties of the metal alloy, therefore, there is a need for
more variations.
Practical implications: The proposed pouring temperature parameter is an important
condition for industrial foundry applications to obtain the right product for use in a machining
Originality/value: This research shows the influence of the difference in pouring temperatures
on the properties of metal alloys due to casting, where they will be adapted for a particular use.
Keywords: Mechanical properties, Al-Cu-Mg alloy, Casting metal, Pouring temperature
Reference to this paper should be given in the following way:
Akhyar, P.T. Iswanto, V. Malau, Impact of pouring temperature on the mechanical properties of
Al5.9Cu1.9Mg alloy, Archives of Materials Science and Engineering 113/2 (2022) 49-55. DOI:
© Copyright by International OCSCO World Press. All rights reserved. 2022 RESEARCH PAPER 49
Akhyar, P.T. Iswanto, V. Malau
1. Introduction
1. Introduction on the castability of aluminium alloys [8]. The changes in
the microstructure can be achieved through two techniques,
Aluminium alloys of various series have been namely chemical and physical. An investigation of aluminium
extensively applied to aircraft, automotive, and military alloys' solidification and microstructure was carried out
parts. Moreover, several methods are used to improve the using the variations of 620, 625, 630, and 635°C [9]. The
properties of metal alloys such as controlling the casting temperatures 973, 1,003, 1,033, and 1,063 K were also
process parameters and molten treatment during discovered to cause hot tears [10], which affected the cooling
solidification. Previous research also showed that some rate and the mechanical properties of the alloy [11-15].
product conditions can reduce the properties of metal alloys Meanwhile, the mechanical properties of AlSi12 alloys
such as defects in cast products, which include hot tearing modified with Sr or Al-Sr were improved by a rapid cooling
[1]. Metal casting processes including high-pressure die and process [16]. The evaluation of changes in the shape and
centrifugal are some of the methods commonly used to morphology of the primary crystals were analysed using
reduce defects [2]. In previous decades, the effect of pouring precipitation hardening treatment and the solidification rate
temperature on the mechanical properties of materials of the AlMg10 alloy. The highest mechanical properties are
during casting was reported. These include Mg-10Gd-3Y- obtained in the cast products produced by the sand casting
0.4Zr alloy, which was investigated by a sand casting method and pressing in the liquid state. The mechanical
process at 680, 720, 750, and 780°C. The results show that properties of AlMg10 alloy can also be significantly
higher temperature can increase the yield stress, Ultimate improved by heat treatment conditions [17]. Research has
Tensile Strength (UTS), and solute concentration [3]. also been carried out on the evaluation of morphology and
The effect of pouring temperature and the cooling rate grain size in the aluminium sand casting process with the
has also been evaluated on Al-Si-Cu aluminium alloy. It was addition of nickel (Ni) (1, 2, 3 wt.%). The results showed
discovered that at 750°C, the best combination of ductility that the morphology of the granular form after the addition
and alloy strength was obtained, which affected the of Ni was 1-2 % (weight percent), while that of the elongated
characteristics of the microstructure and the mechanical shape was discovered in 3 wt. % Nickel [18]. The shot
properties of the Al-Si-Cu. The difference in the temperature peening process can also be used to enhance the mechanical
during metal casting has also been observed in changes in properties of metal alloys. Its duration and distance have
the distance of the dendritic arms. The results showed that been investigated to increase hardness and corrosion
the variations influenced the nucleation of the molten, where resistance [19]. Therefore, this research aims to determine
higher temperature increased microhardness and UTS [4]. the effect of three variations of pouring temperatures, such
The influence of temperature and melt treatment on the as 688, 738, and 788oC, on Al5.9Cu1.9Mg alloy on hardness,
microstructure of the Al-Si alloy was investigated by the lost impact energy, tensile strength, and percentage elongation.
foam casting process at 700, 720, 740, 760, and 780°C. The
morphology of the microstructure of the alloy was signifi-
cantly affected and a finer grain size structure was discovered
2. Materials
Materials and
2. andmethods
at lower temperatures [5]. Furthermore, its influence on the
The cylindrical rods of commercial aluminium alloy AA-
evolution of microstructure and mechanical properties has
2024 of 1,500 mm length and 50.8 mm in diameter were cut
also been determined in alloy AA-6063 using a variation of
into small pieces to fit into crucibles for re-melting. The
temperatures, such as 700, 720, 740, 760, and 780°C. The
chemical composition of the aluminium alloys after re-
results show that UTS increases as the temperature rises,
melting is shown in Table 1. It was analysed using
while the elongation and hardness are also affected [6].
spectroscopy's metal standard (Spectrolab Jr CCD Spark
The solidification process was also affected leading to
the evolution of microstructure, variation in material density,
The alloy AA-2024 was re-melted in an electric
and hardness of Al-Si alloys (hyper-eutectic). Meanwhile,
the two parameters observed include the pouring
resistance furnace, cut into small pieces, cleaned of slag
temperature (663-121.5, 380-116.5, 711-122.5, 723-126.5, impurities, and continued with manual stirring. Subse-
738-130.5, 755-125, 775-124) and the mould temperature quently, it was moulded in a steel mould with square
(810-128°C) respectively, where higher values cause an dimensions (Fig. 1). The melting temperature of the 2024
increase in hardness and density. Based on observation of the alloy is approximately 638°C, therefore in this experiment,
microstructure, the primary silicon was not properly three variations of pouring temperatures including 688,
distributed at low temperatures [7]. Previous research also 738, and 788°C were used. The steel mould was preheated
stated that process parameters have a significant influence and the temperature was kept constant at 220°C (+ 3°C).
a) b)
a) b)
55 10
Detail A 100
30 32 30
2±0.025 6 10
45° 25 6
Detail A 6
Fig. 2. a) Schematic of the impact test sample and b) the tensile test sample
Metal hardness was measured using the Frank-PTI [23]. Some of these studies differ from the current research
gmbh Brinell hardness test and its index was determined reported in this paper. This experiment treats molten metal
with a spherical indent of 2.5 mm diameter and a load of during casting, which evaluates the variation of pouring
613 N (ASTM E 10). The hardness value is calculated temperature on the response of the impact energy of the
using Equation (1). aluminium alloy. The variations in pouring temperatures
have a significant effect on the Brinell hardness. The results
ܰܪܤൌ భ
(1) showed that the hardness increases with higher
ቀ ቁቈିሺమ ିௗ మ ሻమ ൩
మ temperatures. However, the impact energy decreased due to
the re-melting of alloy 2024 and porosity as shown in its
where P is the load in kg, D is the diameter of the ball in mm, microstructure.
and d is the indentation diameter in mm.
The microscopy of the cast alloy was observed through a)
an optical microscope. Samples for microstructure
observation were prepared based on the standard
metallographic procedures such as grinding, polishing, and
etching using Keller's reagent.
3. Results
3. anddiscussions
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