Elementary Unit

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The key takeaways are that this unit plan teaches 5th grade students about the 6/8 time signature through preparing, presenting, and practicing various lessons and activities. The unit utilizes prior knowledge and incorporates movement, math skills, analysis, and composition.

The overall structure includes an introduction, outline, and multiple prepare, present and practice lessons. The content covers exploring 6/8 time through chants, notation, macro/micro beats, and applying the concept through composition.

The objectives of the 'Present' section are to review concepts from the 'Prepare' lessons like humpty dumpty, identify macro/micro beats, assign note lengths, learn details of 6/8, and apply understanding through a group activity involving reading, writing and counting rhythms in 6/8.

10/15/2020 Elementary Unit


Morgan Egidy
Table of Contents

Unit Introduction Pg. 2

Unit Outline Pg. 3

Prepare Pg. 3

Present Pg. 3

Practice Pg. 3

Pre-assessment Pg. 4

Post Assessment Pg. 5

Lesson Plans Pg. 8

Prepare lesson 1 Pg. 9

Prepare Lesson 2 Pg.12

Prepare Lesson 3 Pg. 15

Present Lesson 1 Pg. 18

Practice Lesson 1 Pg. 25

Practice Lesson 2 Pg. 30

Practice Lesson 3 Pg.33

Practice Lesson 4 Pg. 37

Practice Lesson 5 Pg. 41

Practice Lesson 6 Pg. 46

Unit Introduction

This lesson plan is set to teach 5th grade students how to read, identify, and perform in a 6/8 time
signature. Students will already have learned how to count and keep both the macro and micro
beats is simple time such as 4/4 2/4, and 3/4. The students should also know harmonic
progression using the I, IV,V chords and how to identify them in melodies.

This concept will teach the students many ways to approach and explore 6/8 time signature. They
will feel the macro and micro beats before seeing it in written standard notation. They will work
up to learning how to read and count in 6/8 and the specific differences between this time
signature and the signature the students are familiar with. They will learn to aurally identify the
time signature as well as visually identify it. In this unit, the students will get to apply prior
knowledge to the new concept to help them obtain a further understanding by composition.

This unit will provie the students with cross-curricular activies. They will learn about folk songs
from different countries, the history within, and about the cultures. Most of the lessons will
provide movement based activities. The students will always be utilizing their math skills to
problem solve and understand how to read the music.


There are three prepare lessons. In this lesson the students will be preparing to learn how to read,
count, and identify 6/8. They will learn the chants bubble gum chew and blow and humpty
dumty and explore different ostinato patterns for the chants that are written in 6/8. There will be
an option to compose a melody for humpty dumpty to get them hearing and thinking about the
new rhythms. The last lesson will be over the bear went over the mountain. The students will
learn the song, create a harmony and have a chance to improvise using the concept they will be
learning more about in the present lesson.


In the present lesson, the students will be reviewing the chant humpty dumpty along with the
melody they cerated for it. They will begin to identify macro and micro beats and start assigning
note lengths to imgaes to help them visualize the concept. The students will continue to build on
this and learn the details surrounding the 6/8 concept. The students will also learn how to read
and count 6/8 rythms written in standard notation. Finally, the students will have the chance to
apply their understanding of the new concept in a group activity involving reading, writing, and
counting of 6/8 rhtyms.


Students will review the chant bubble gum chew and blow that they previously learned aurally
and analyze it using the new concept. The students will experience songs from other cultures and
compare them to the previously learned song, the bear went over the mountain to hear the knew
concept and compare it to old concepts. The next three lessons will envolve teaching the students
knew songs that contain the concept and practice analyzing, reading, and writing the concept in
those songs. The last lesson the students will take everything they have learned about the concept
and combine it with prior knowledge of other concepts to create an original composition to
demonstrate their understanding of 6/8.

Grade 5: Pre-Assessment qualifier into 6/8
My Pre-Assessment will consist of reviewing the dotted quarter note followed by an eighth note
rhythm in ¾. I will choose a song they have already learned to be the song to review. The song
they have learned that I will choose to review is Blow the Man Down.

To check and make sure my students have met all of the pre-requisites leading up to the
introduction of 6/8, I will have a check list. Once I have assessed that all of my students have
mastered a concept, I will put a check mark or an “X” under the mastered concept. If I noticed
just a few of them are struggling, I will make a private note on the checklist by marking with an
“O.”. If a lot or the majority of the class is still struggling, I will have a specific column on the
checklist and will not need to check off individuals unless there are a few excelling. If there are
some students still struggling, I will implement a review lesson. Based on my assessment, I will
circle at the bottom of my checklist if a review lesson is needed or not
Student Name Steady Pulse Special Different
Rhythm meters (4/4,
(Dotted 2/4, 3/4.)
Ensemble X X
John Doe O

Review Lesson needed: Yes No

Post Assessment
By the end of the unit, students should be able to count rhythms in 6/8. At the end of the
unit, I will first administer a written test to assess the student’s knowledge of rhythms and how to
count and write them. It will contain only rhythms that have been addressed in the unit. The
written test will require the student to count and apply their knowledge and understanding of 6/8
time. Following the written test, I will administer an ungraded survey for the students to express
what they liked, didn’t like, what they learned, still don’t understand, how they feel about the

Written Test:


1. Count the number of eight notes in each measure

2. You have been given the counts for each measure. Write in the correct rhythms based on
the counts given.

3. What does the 6 in 6/8 mean?

4. What does the 8 in 6/8 mean?

5. How many Macro beats per measure?

Ungraded Survey


1. What did you like about learning 6/8?

2. What did you not like about 6/8?

3. What was your favorite part of 6/8?

What did you What do you still What did you notice
learn about 6/8? have questions about 6/8?

How do you feel about 6/8? Circle one.

The song I will teach as the review lesson will be Sally Brown. It has all of the pre-requisite
skills required to move onto 6/8. It is also alternating between solo and chorus. My activity will
be to practice and learn the song together as a class. Then, have each student take a turn playing
the solo section. I will allow my students to perform the solo section by singing, instrument, or
by clapping or other body percussion. This will help me to assess each student individually to
make sure they fully understand the concept but, will give them choices of how they wish to
perform so that they don’t have to feel as pressured about performing in front of their peers. If
there is not enough time for everyone to have a chance at the solo, I will make sure that the
struggling students on my list, get a chance at the solo section first.

Lesson Plans

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name_________Morgan Egidy _________________

Standards Being Addressed: Cr.1.5.b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and
accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.
Materials of Instruction: Voice, body wipe off board and markers

Lesson Sequence: Concept of 6/8

Phase 1. Phase 2.

“Bubble Gum Bubble Gum Chew and Blow” “Bubble Gum Bubble Gum Scrape your toe”

Phase 3. Phase 4.

“Bubble gum Bubble gum tastes so sweet” “Get that bubble gum off your feet!”

Entry Activity/Transition: Have the class walk in and form a circle around the teacher while
greeting them as they come in. To get the students attention, clap a rhythm in 6/8. Once the
students hear the teacher clap, the will clap back what they here.once the students are paying
attention, have them sing a scale in 6/8 each syllable will get one macro beat (three micro beats)
of eighth notes. At conclusion of the scale, provide an initial hearing.

Activity #1 Objective: The students will learn the chant “Bubble gum Chew and Blow”
with a focus on 6/8.
1. T: “Bubble gum Bubble gum” point to the students to have them repeat what the teacher
has chanted. Then repeat.
2. T: “Chew and blow” have the students repeat the chanted segment. Then repeat.
3. Put phase one together. T: “Bubble gum bubble gum chew and blow” have the students

repeat the line.
4. T: “Bubble gum Bubble gum” point to the students to have them repeat what the teacher

has chanted. Then repeat.

5. T: “Scrape your toe.” Have the students chant the line back to you. Then repeat the step.
6. Put the second phase together T: “Bubble gum bubble gum scrape your toe.
7. Put phase one and two together. T: “Bubble gum bubble gum chew and blow.” Have the
students chant the line back
8. T: “ Bubble gum bubble gum scrape your toe” Have the students chant back the line.
9. Move on to the second half of the song. T: “Bubble gum bubble gum” then, the students
10. T: “Tastes so sweet.” Have the students chant back. Then repeat the step.
11. T: “ Get that bubble gum off your feet.” Students will chant the line back. This step may
need repeated 2-3 times
12. Put the second half together. T: “Bubble gum bubble gum tastes so sweet” Students chant
back the line.
13. T: “Get that bubble gum off your feet.” Students will chant the line back
14. Next, chant the whole chant together.
15. Then, have the students audiate.
16. Then, have the students chant the chant without the teacher.
17. If the students still struggle, have them fill in the blanks on the words; blow, toe, sweet,
and feet.

Activity 2: learn ostinato patterns with unpitched percussion instruments to bubble gum in
1. Review the chant
2. Have the students pat the micro beats. Then chant while patting.
3. Next have the students sway the macro beats.
4. T: “Repeat after me.” Model the first ostinato pattern. Students will repeat.

5. Repeat the echo process one more time.

6. Then have the class chant the first ostinato pattern together 4 more times while
continuing to sway to the macro beats.
7. Then, Model the second ostinato pattern and have the students echo it back to the

8. Then have them perform it together with the teacher four times
9. Next introduce the third ostinato pattern using the echo technique as well.

10. Then split the class into three sections. One per ostinato pattern.
11. Have each section chant their ostinato pattern together as a class.
12. Then have the teacher chant the chant while the class is playing their ostinato pattern.
13. Switch at least two times so that each section gets a chance to play each ostinato.
14. Next, distribute unpitched percussion instruments.to the students.
15. Split the class into four sections by asking the students witch part they would like
to play: chant, ostinato 1, ostinato 2, ostinato 3.
16. Start by having the section that is chanting the melody, sway to the macro beats,
and chant through the chant one full time without the ostinato.
17. Have the first ostinato pattern come in the second time through the chant
18. On the third time through, have the second ostinato pattern come in.

19. Have the third ostinato pattern come in on the fourth time through
20. Have the class play through one final time to conclude the activity.

Assessment: Can the students perform each ostinato pattern individually? Can the
students play the ostinato patterns together as a class?

Transition/Closure: Great job friends! Tomorrow, we will learn a new and familiar
chant, and compose a tune for it!

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name_________Morgan Egidy _________________

Standards Being Addressed: MU:Cr1.1.5a Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas,
and explain connection to specific purpose and context(such as social, cultural, and historical)
Cr.1.5.b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and accompaniment patterns) within
specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.
Materials of Instruction: Voice, body, wipe off board, piano

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Phase 1. Phase 2.
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty dumpty had a great fall

Phase 3. Phase 4.
All the king’s horses and all the king’s men Couldn’t put humpty together again.

Entry Activity/Transition: Teacher: “Good morning friends! Everybody stand up, stretch, and tell
your neighbor good morning!” to regain their attention, the teacher will begin patting the micro
beats and performing the full chant that will be learned.

Activity #1 Objective: The students will learn the nursery rhyme Humpty dumpty, in a
chant style.

1. Teacher will ask the students if they have heard the chant before as it should be a
familiar nursery rhyme.
2. Then have the students begin patting the micro beats.
3. T: “Humpty dumpty sat on a wall.”

4. S: *repeat after the teacher while continuing to pat.*
5. T: “Humpty dumpty had a great fall”
6. S: * repeat after the teacher, still patting.*
7. T: “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men.”
8. S: *repeat after the teacher while continuing to pat.*
9. T: “Couldn’t put humpty together again.”
10. S: * repeat after the teacher, still patting.*
11. Have the students audiate.
12. Then have the students recite the whole chant from the beginning.
13. If extra help is needed, go through the chant having the students fill in the blank of
the words wall, fall, horses, men, again. Then repeat step 11.
Assessment: can the students recite the whole chant?
Transition: T: “Great job class! Next time we are going to compose our own melody for
this chant!”

Activity 2: The students will apply what they know so far about chord progression, to
create a melody to Humpty Dumpty.

1. Review the chant

2. Pick an appropriate key and play the I-IV-V chords in a scale and play the scale itself so
the students can get the sound in their ear.
3. Write the I-IV-V chords and the note names in each chord in solfege, on the board as the
students should be familiar with the chord progression from previous lessons.
4. T: “we are going to take the chant we just learned and put it to a melody!”
5. Including the students, help them identify where each chord change should be in the
6. Once that has been completed, play the chord progression in block chords for them to
7. Then, with the students, go through each measure, assigning a note to each note
8. Once finished, play the melody the students have created along with block chords for the
students to hear.

9. The teacher will play just the melody measure by measure and have the students sing
using solfege with the piano to work on pitch and intonation.
10. Once the students have learned the chant with the melody, ask them to stand and follow
what you do.
11. Begin swaying back and forth to the macro beats and have the students join in.
12. Then have them sing the song with the teacher while swaying to the macro beats.
13. Still swaying, ask them to begin patting the micro beats.
14. Next have them sing the song again while swaying and patting.
Assessment: were the students able to place chords in an appropriate chord progression? Could
the students identify notes within the chord? Did the students complete a melody for the chant?
Transition: T: “How cool was that?! We just created our own melody to go with words to our
chant! I think, next time we should make this a song a band could play! Get ready to rock next

Activity3: The students will learn different ostinato patterns on instruments, that they can
play along with the melody.

1. Pick up to three different ostinato patterns to have ready to teach the students.

2. Have the students stand in a circle and begin swaying to a macro beat.
3. Then have them review the chant by singing the words to the melody they created while
swaying to the macro beat.
4. Teach them the first ostinato pattern by first modeling it for them. This will be done using
claps and pats. Then model it again for them and have them repeat it back to you
5. Next, teach them the second ostinato pattern using the same process used in point 4.
6. Then split the class in half. Have half of the class play the first pattern and the second
half play the second for 8 measures.
7. Have the students switch parts and play for another 8 measures.
8. Once they have mastered the first two patterns, model the third ostinato pattern for them.
Have them join with you as they feel ready.
9. Then, split the class in three sections. One section will play the first ostinato pattern, one
will play the second, and one will play the third. Have the three sections perform their
ostinato pattern one by themselves for four measures.
10. Then have them put the three parts together and play for 12 measures.
11. Have the students switch parts and repeat steps 9 and 10.
12. Have the students switch parts one more time so that each section gets a chance to play
each pattern once. Repeat steps 9 and 10.
13. Then distribute unpitched percussion instruments to the students.
14. Have the students pick one of the three ostinato patterns to play on their instrument.
15. The students will play all three parts together. to work up to this, there will be staggered
entrances. To begin, have the students who chose the first ostinato pattern play as a
16. Then cue the students who chose the second ostinato pattern to come in.
17. Next have the group that chose the third pattern come in and play as a class for 12
18. Finally, the students will put the ostinato patterns with the melody. Split the class into
four groups, one group to sing the melody, and one group to play each of the ostinato
19. Rotate the groups so that each group gets a chance to play each part.

Assessment: were the students able to play the different ostinato patterns on the
instruments with rhythmic accuracy? Were they able to perform the ostinato patterns with
the melody?

Transition/Closure: Great job friends! Tomorrow, we will learn a new song!

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class (Peer #4)

Teacher Name__Morgan Egidy___________Target Grade Level_____5th grade______

Standards Being Addressed: Cr.1.5.a Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and
explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social, cultural, and historical).
Cr.1.5.b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and accompaniment patterns) within
specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes. Cr.2.5.a Demonstrate selected and
developed musical ideas for improvisations, arrangements, or compositions to express intent, and
explain connection to purpose and context.

Materials of Instruction: ukulele/ guitar and unpitched percussion/body percussion

Guitar chords: A D A E A D E A D A E A D A E A D E A

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry Activity/Transition:

T: Good morning class! Can you all form a circle and march with me?
Activity #1 Objective: The students will learn the song The Bear went over the

1. the students and teacher are marching together right now. They are marching to the
macro beats.
2. Teacher sings the whole song. “The Bear Climbed Over the Mountain.”
3. the teacher will sing the first phrase. The bear climbed over the mountain.
4. The students will echo.
5. The teacher will repeat the second and third step
6. The teacher will sing the second phrase. “The bear climbed over the mountain, to see
what he could see.”
7. the students will repeat after the teacher.
8. the students will then audiate the whole song up to that part.
9.next the class will sing it together.
10.Then the teacher will begin teaching the second verse of the song.
11. The teacher will sing “but all that he could see.”
12. The teacher will repeat step 10 and the students will echo
13.the teacher will sing the next phrase., “was the other side of the mountain.”
14. The teacher will repeat step 12 and have the students echo.
15.The teacher will sing the second verse entirely.
16. the students will then be asked to audiate the second verse.
17. the second verse will be sung as a class.
18. the whole song will be performed by the class.
The student makes it from top to bottom, singing the song and attempting the

Transition: T: “Good job today class! Next time we are going to learn about harmony
using something very special!

Activity #2 Objective: The students will play the chords while singing the song to create a

1. invite all students to sit on the floor in a circle.

2. Call on a quite student who is sitting nicely to walk over to the cabinet and receive a
3. Have the rest of the students line up quietly to receive their ukuleles
4. Instruct the students to put their instruments in front of them and not touch it yet. If a
student is having trouble with this, their ukulele will have to take a break and be
placed in the middle of the circle.
5. Once each student is seated, demonstrate the whole song on ukulele for them.
6. Have them strum open strings.
7. Next have them finger the first chord of the song and strum quarter notes for 8 beats
8. Repeat step 8 with each chord for the song.
9. Sing the first verse. Give the students the first chord and what the second chord will

be and have them switch chords where they think they hear where the chord change is
supposed to happen.
10. Stop them after the first chord change and ask them what chord we changed to.
Repeat this throughout the first verse.
11. Go back to the beginning and play the whole song for them again. Then have them
play it with you while you sing. Clarify any confusion.
12. Use steps 10-12 to teach the second verse.
13. Perform the whole song
Can the class play each of the chords taught? Can they switch chords at the correct
Transition: Great job class! We have learned a wonderful harmony to our song! Now
we can share it with others!

Activity #3 Objective: The students will improvise a segment to the bear went over the

1. have a mix of ukuleles and in the middle of the room.

2. Have the class sit in a circle.
3. Review the song from last time on the ukuleles.
4. Play the song for the students. Improvise melodically during “was the other side of
the mountain” By changing the words. Ex: but all that he could see, but all that he
could see, was a cat stuck in the oak tree, a cat stuck in the oak tree, the cat stuck in
the oak tree, was all that he could see.”
5. Ask the students what they noticed about my improvisation.
6. Give them each a chance to improvise what the bear saw using words.
Assessment: Did each student make an attempt to improvise?

Great Job Class! We improvised something new into a song we already knew!

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name_________Morgan Egidy _________________

Standards Being Addressed: MU:Cr2.1.5b Use standard and/or iconic notation and/or
recording technology to document personal rhythmic, melodic, and two-chord harmonic
musical ideas.
Materials of Instruction: Voice, body, wipe off board, magnetic pictures.
Musical Concepts: 6/8 time
Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry Activity/Transition: Teacher: “Good morning friends! Everybody creates a circle

around me! We are going to review a familiar song!

Activity #1
14. Teacher will have the students sway to the macro beats of ‘sally brown in 4/4.
15. Then they will sing the song one time through.
16. The rhythms, time signature and lyrics will be written on the wipe off board with no
bar lines to separate the measures.
17. T: “I have written the rhythms on the board but, somethings missing! Who can tell me
what’s missing?” *give students a chance to figure it out on their own. The teacher
may ask “Is this whole song one measure long?” to help the students if they are

struggling to find what’s missing. The answer is Bar lines are missing.
18. T: “We are going to count the rhythms on the board to find where our missing bar
lines are supposed to go! We are in 4/4. Who can tell me what the 4 on top means?
who can tell me what the 4 on bottom means? Ok, Lets place a dot over each micro
beat we find.” * have the students find the micro beats.
19. T: “Great Job! Now let’s go back through and find the Macro beats!” * have the
students identify the macro beats.*
20. T: “ Great! We have now counted every beat in the song! Now remember, we decided
that the 4 means there are 4 beats in a measure. Let’s count four full beats to help us
find where our bar lines are going to go.” *work with the students to place the bar
lines in the correct spot. Have a volunteer take turns to draw in the bar lines.
21. Have the students clap the song one time through while the teacher keeps the steady
22. Have the students review the song one last time singing.

Activity 2: Students will aurally identify the differences they hear

between Sally Brown and Humpty Dumpty and become aware of
the new concept.

1. Sway to the macro beats and have the students chant the words to humpty dumpty.
2. Then, have the students sing the melody they created to humpty dumpty while
3. Next sing the song used for the review, Sally Brown.
4. T: “ What did you hear that was different between the to songs?” Write down the
differences the students identify.
5. Play through both songs having the students only listen. Then ask them if they
noticed any more differences
6. Next, have the pat the macro beats while the teacher sings the second measure of
Sally brown, and the second measure of humpty dumpty. T: “What did you notice
when patting the macro beats? How many micro beats did you hear in “ my love
sally?” “How about “Sat on a wall?” Let’s count! “ my lo-ve sa-lly” now let’s count
humpty dumpty. “Sat-on-a wall”
7. What did you all find?

Transition: T: “So today we listened for differences between two songs. We discovered that
on has two micro beats and one has three. Next time we will use pictures to help us learn more

about the differences we heard today.
Assessment: Were the students able to aurally pick out the differences between a song in duple
meter and a song in triple meter?

Activity 3: The students will assign note lengths to each notes using
visual images to help them count.
1. Have cut outs made of chickens, eggs, and a half of an egg (hatched egg) and use
either tapes or small adhesive magnets to the back
2. Have each rhythmic pattern seen written as a blank measure with the lyrics
3. First explain to the students that we are going to find the long medium and short
notes using pictures.
4. Have them chant humpty dumpty while swaying to the macro beats one time for

5. Start with the beginning of the second line- All the king’s horses, and all the king’s
men. Ask the students if they hear long, medium, or short notes. Once they have
identified the notes as short notes, ask them how many they hear. They will identify
twelve short beats and one long beat at the end.
6. Have one student come up and place six half eggs above “All the king’s horses and”
7. Have another student place three egg above “All the kings.”
8. When they reach the long note as them how many notes they heard during that big
beat. When they answer one, ask them “Does this mean it is long, medium, or short?
When they answer long, have on student come up and place a whole egg above
9. T: “Now, lets sway to the big beats again and chant these measures. Listen for how
many big beats there are per measure.” *complete the task.*
10. Once the students have identified that there are two big beats per measure, ask them
if they can identify where the big beats go. If they can, have one student place a nest
on every big beat. If they have trouble doing this continue have them sway to the
macro beats and go one measure at a time. If more assistance is needed, have them
pat the micro beats while swaying. Then ask them how many micro beats they heard
per big beat/sway, then have them count the small eggs and place a nest after each
group of three.

11. Then have students sway the macro beats and pat the micro beats and chant the two
measures. Ask them how many small eggs where in each big beat. If they struggle,
go measure by measure taking things a little slower.
12. Have them clap the rhythm depicted by the symbols while saying the words.
13. Review what they have identified: There are two big beats, and six short beats. Three
short beats for each big beat or three half eggs, to make one nest.
14. Next, ask them if they hear any part in the song that’s similar to the part the just

looked at. * have them chant the chant from the beginning to get it fresh in their ear.
15. They should identify the end “Couldn’t put humpty together again”
16. Next have them identify the short notes, and long notes.
17. Have volunteers place the correct picture above the corresponding word/syllable.
18. If they haven’t already identified the measures “Sat on a wall” and “Had a great fall,”
have them pat the micro beats and listen for long medium and short sounds for the
measure “ Sat on a wall.”
19. Ask them what sounds they heard. Have a student place three half eggs over “Sat on
a” and one chicken over “Wall.”
20. Have them speak the chant and clap the rhythm.
21. Next ask them if they hear anywhere else that sounds the same. They should identify,
“Had a great fall.” Chant through the measure one time while swaying and patting.
Ask them to compare it to the second measure. They should identify them as the
same. Then have a student place the correct picture above the corresponding
22. Next have them pat the micro beats with a metronome keeping the macro beats.
23. Once they have that going, have them speak the first measure four times
24. Ask them if they heard long, medium, or short sounds?
25. Repeat step 23 slower. Then ask them what sounds the heard. If the some or the
majority think they heard and long sound and short sound, model the measure both
ways. First model it using a long sound, a dotted quarter instead of a quarter note.
Then model it the correct way, with a medium sound. Ask the students which one
sounds right. If they are still struggling, have them identify where the macro beats
are, and place a nest.
26. Then, ask them if there are any short sounds and ask them to identify where they are
at and place a half egg.

27. T: “we know where the big beats are, and we found one half egg, who can tell me
how many half eggs make up a nest?” three is the answer. “how many chickens are
in one nest?” The answer is one. “So how many half eggs make a chicken?” the
answer is three. “ We found one half egg, so the first sound is to short to be a
chicken, and its too long to be a half egg, so it must be a medium sound. So, we will
put one full egg over it.
28. Then have the students pat the micro beats and speak the chant slowly.
29. Slowly pick up the tempo as they become more comfortable with the duration on the
medium sound.
30. Then have them clap the rhythm on repeat. Start slow and work towards faster tempo
if needed.
31. Then ask them where that happens again in the song.
32. Once they’ve identified it, place the appropriate images.
33. Next clap through the whole chant. Repeat if necessary. The students should be able
to do this one time through with accuracy.

34. Then have them clap and speak the chant for a review/ wrap up.

Transition: Great job guys! We learned so much today. Now you all can identify long,
medium, and short sounds by just using your ears! Next time we are going to use magic to turn
our pictures into musical notes!
Assessment: I will know my students have mastered the concept when the can identify each of
the different note lengths, and assign a picture to them to create a visual .

Activity 4: The students will learn how to read and count music in
6/8 using standard music notation.
1. Review the symbols from the last activity. They should still be on the board with
space to write standard notation in between the images and words.
2. To finish reviewing, have the students clap the sounds through the chant one time.
3. Then turn their attention to what was done in the last activity with the symbols.
4. T: “What is the name of the note that makes a short sound? I’ll give you a hint, we’ve
learned about it before.” The answer is eighth note.
5. T: “What if we place an eighth note under all of the Half eggs?” *draw in the eighth
notes* T: “Now we are going to fill in the blanks!”
6. Next, draw on what the students have already learned.
7. T: “Who can tell me, how many eighth notes are in a quarter note?” S: “Two” T: “
Great! We are going to look at the first measure. It takes three half eggs to make a
nest. The half eggs are eighth notes. How many half eggs/eighth notes have we found
in each nest so far?”
8. Students: “One.”
9. T: “So how many are we missing to make a nest?”
10. S: “two”
11. T: “what note do we know, that needs two eighth notes?”
12. S: “ quarter note”
13. T: “Great! So, we need two more half eggs/ eight notes. What should we put in
measure one to complete the nest?
14. S: “Quarter note
15. Great! Let’s review what we have learned so far. The Short sounds are half eggs.
What note is the Half egg?” The medium sound is the full egg. What are we calling
the full egg? How many eighth notes do we need to make a quarter note? Great!
16. T: “Now we have one more sound to fill in. is the last sound long, Medium, or short?”
17. S: “Long”
18. T: “How many Chickens does it take to fill a nest?”
19. S: “One”
20. T: “ It takes one chicken to fill the nest. It takes three half eggs/eighth notes to fill a
nest. So how many half eggs does it take to make a chicken?” If Students struggle to
figure this out, draw a nest with three half eggs under it. Next to it, draw a nest with
one chicken. Explain to the students that they each make up one nest. Ask the
students which is a longer sound. Then ask, if the chicken is a longer sound, does it
take more or less to fill a nest?”
21. S: “Less”

22. T: “Half egg is shorter. Will it take more or less to fill a nest?”
23. S: “More”
24. T: “It takes 3 half eggs/eighth notes to make one nest. A nest and a Chicken are the
same length.so how many Half eggs does it take to make a chicken?”
25. S: “Three”
26. T: “What note do we know, that is made up of three eighth notes?”
27. S: “Dotted quarter .”
28. T: “ You guys are doing great! So, we need three eggs or one chicken to fill the nest.
The dotted quarter note needs three eggs/eighth notes so will the dotted quarter note
fill in our missing sound? Let’s try and see
29. Next, write in the time signature 6/8.
30. T: “You guys have learned a new time signature! *draw a 4/4-time signature on the
board* Remember when we learned about 4/4? Who can tell me what the top 4
meant? Who can tell me what the bottom 4 means?
31. T: “IF the top 4 tells you how many beats are in a measure does anyone have a guess
what the 6 would mean in 6/8?
32. T: “The 6 means there are six beats in a measure! Now, the 8 is a little different. The
8 tells us that the eighth note gets the beat. So, in each measure, there is six beats. If
the eighth note gets the beat, then there will be 8 eighth notes per measure.
33. T: “Lets look at our song humpty dumpty.” Start with the measure “All the king’s
horses and”.
34. T: “lets count all of the eighth notes.” There were six! Six eighth notes per measure!
Each eighth note gets one beat” This is different that 4/4 who can tell me why?”
“That’s right! In 4/4, we count quarter notes! In 6/8 we are counting eighth note.
35. Let’s review. What does the 6 mean? What does the 8 mean? How many eighth notes
are in each measure?
36. *write the syllables under each note. Ex: 1,2-3-4,5-6. 1-2-3-4,5,6
37. Model the counts by speaking the counts and clapping the rhythms
38. Have the students speak the counts and clap the rhythms with the teacher.
Transition: Wow! Great job everyone! Today was a lot and you did amazing! Next time we
are going to have some fun and play a game using what we learned today!
Assessment: Can my students explain what the 6 and 8 mean in 6/8? Can my students count
the number of eighth notes in each measure/per each note?

Activity 5
1. *Teacher in advance, will create their own worksheet compiled of rhythms in 6/8 that
relate to the song they taught. The teacher should also add some different rhythms in 6/8
to challenge their students to make sure they understand how count eighth notes. These
work sheets should be ready before class.
2. During class separate the students into two groups.
3. Explain the rules to the game that they will be playing
4. A rhythm or the counts of a rhythm will be written on the board. Teacher will set a timer.
One student from each team will come up and count the rhythm on the board or draw the
rhythm to the counts. When the timer goes off the teacher will check their answers. If
both get it right, then each team gets a point. If both get it wrong, then neither team gets a

point. If they don’t finish before the timer, they don’t get a point. Winners get a prize.
What the students won’t know is that everyone will get a prize. The winners will get to
choose a piece of candy first and will get to line up to leave first. The other team will also
get a piece of candy.
5. This will be fun and engaging for the student and will give the teacher a chance to
thoroughly assess individual students.
Closure: You all are pros!! We had a lot of fun today! Everyone has worked so hard! You
all deserve a prize! See you next class!

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name_________Morgan Egidy _________________

Standards Being Addressed: Cr.1.5.b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and
accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.
Pr.2.5.b When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation.
Materials of Instruction: Voice, body wipe off boards and markers

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Phase 1. Phase 2.

“Bubble Gum Bubble Gum Chew and Blow” “Bubble Gum Bubble Gum Scrape your toe”

Phase 3. Phase 4.

“Bubble gum Bubble gum tastes so sweet” “Get that bubble gum off your feet!”

Entry Activity/Transition: Good Morning everyone! I am so happy to see you all this morning!
We are going to start with a little warm up. Repeat after me. *Clap a rhythm in 6/8. Have the
rhythms written on the board. After each rhythm, have the students match what they clapped
with the correct rhythm on the board. There will be a total of four rhythmic examples. Three of
them will be the ostinato patterns learned for this song prior *

Activity #1 Objective: Students will be able to read and count the song in its standard

1. T: “We are going to review a chant we learned a while ago. Do you all remember
“Bubble Gum Chew and Blow?” I want to see how much you remember. I will start and I
want you to fill in the blank.
2. T: “Bubble gum bubble gum…” S: “Chew and blow.”
3. T: “Bubble gum bubble gum…” S: “Scrape your toe.”
4. T: “Bubble gum bubble gum…” S: “Tastes so sweet
5. T: “Get that bubble gum…” S: “Off your feet”
6. T: “Great! We remember how it goes! Sway with me. *Sway to the macro beats*
7. T: “We are going to speak the whole chant. One, two, ready, go”
8. T: “Great job everyone! We are going to listen and put a rhythm to the chant.”
*Distribute wipe off boards and a marker.*
9. *Students learned note lengths/value in a previous lesson. Write on the board, the eighth
note to represent short notes, a quarter note to represent medium length notes, and a
dotted quarter note to represent the long notes.*
10. *Review what the 6 and 8 represent in 6/8.*
11. T: “We are going to go one measure at a time. Listen and write down what note you think
you hear.”
12. The teacher will chant the first measure. Bubble gum bubble gum. Give the students a
moment to write what they heard on their wipe off boards. While they are writing their
answers down, write on the board the words to the chant with blank measures above
13. Next, have the students share their answer and how they came up with it with their
14. Ask for a volunteer to share their answer. Then write in the rhythm for the first measure.
15. Ask the students if they notice any other measures that may be the same. Then fill in
those measures.
16. Next have the students pat the micro beats.
17. Have them listen as the teacher chants the second measure. Then ask if someone wants to
share what ideas the have for that measure.
18. Next have the students chant the measure with you slowly while continuing to pat the
micro beats.
19. First ask them to write on their wipe off boards what they heard.
20. Give them a chance to share with their neighbor and discuss.
21. Then have them turn their wipe off boards around to show what they came up with.
22. If the students are still struggling, break it down note by note. How many beats does the
word chew get? Clap the micro beats while speaking the chant slowly. The answer is two.
Have them write that on their board.
23. Have the students listen again and count the beats in the word ‘and.’ The answer is one.
Have them write that on their board.
24. Finally have the students count the beats in the word blow. The answer is three. Have
them write that on their board.
25. have them look at their answers 2, 1 and 3. Ask them if any of the notes have the same
number of beats. The answer is no. so then ask them which note is the shortest or has the
least number of beats. Then have them locate the longest note.
26. T: “The short note has one beat, the longest note has three beats. What note do we give to
short beats?” Answer is eight note. “What note do we give to long beats?” Answer is

dotted quarter note. What is left that we haven’t used yet? Do you think the quarter note
will fit? Let’s try it.”
27. Write in the rhythm on the board. T: “We know there are how many eighth notes in a
measure?” S: 6. “ T: “So let’s count them.” Count the eighth notes.
28. T: “Does this rhythm have all 6 eighth notes?” S: “Yes.”
29. T: “Ok lets clap this rhythm” Clap the rhythm with the students.
30. T: “Does that sound like the chant? Lets chant the first two measures and see?”
31. Chant the first two measures with the students.
32. T: “Is that the same as what we came up with?” If the students agree, then the teacher can
move on. If they don’t, take their suggestions and try them so they can hear what their
suggestions sound like. This will help them draw the conclusion that the first rhythm was
the correct rhythm on their own by experimenting with different rhythms.
33. After the students have identified the correct rhythm, speak the chant for the class. Have
them raise their hands if they think they here the same rhythm somewhere else in the
34. Go back to the measures where the students raised their hands. Speak that measure and
compare it to the second measure that they just counted by speaking that measure as
well. Then ask the students if they are the same. If yes, then write in the rhythm.
35. There is only one measure left that is different than the others. Have them pat the micro
beat while chanting it slowly. Give them a moment to write down their thoughts on their
board. Have them discuss their answer with their neighbor.
36. Have the students reveal their board.
37. Find one student who has the write answer and ask them how they got their answer.
38. Write the rhythm in the last blank measure.
39. Finally have the students put everything they have learned together by clapping the whole
chant while speaking the words.

Assessment: I will know my students understand how to read standard notation, when they can
count the number of micro beats in a measure, identify note lengths, and clap the correct counts
to the chant from top to bottom.

Transition: Wow! You all worked so hard today! Next time we are going to use this chant to
create a song!

Activity 2 Objective: The students will create a melody for the chant Bubble Gum Chew and
15. Review the chant
16. Pick an appropriate key and play the I-IV-V chords in a scale and play the scale itself so
the students can get the sound in their ear.
17. Create a chord progression but don’t reveal it the students just yet. In each measure,
instead of writing what chord goes in the measure, just write the note names that make up
the chord for the students to chose from. Ex: | C E G| F A C| G B D||
18. The teacher will write in Do for the last beat of the song and will write in the essential
leading tones.
19. T: “We are going to create a melody for Bubble Gum Chew and Blow!”

20. The students will get to chose from the note names listed under each measure.
21. Assist the student with filling in the rest of the melody.
22. Once that has been completed, play the melody for them from beginning to end.
23. Ask the students what they like and don’t like about their new melody.
24. If there is something they want to change, help them change it so that their melody is just
the way they want it.

25. Then the teacher will play just the melody measure by measure and have the students
sing using solfege syllables and hand signs with the piano to work on pitch and

26. Finally, have the students sing their new melody with the words to the chant from
beginning to end.

Assessment: Did the students create a complete melody for the chant? Was the melody singable?

Transition: What a beautiful melody! You all really Made this chant come alive! Next time we
are going to add one more thing to it!

Activity 3: The students will create their own harmony to accompany the melody the created as
a class using pitched percussion.
1. Have pitched instruments set out around the room.
2. Write the different chords on the board, I-IV-V, and write only the note names in each
chord above the roman numeral.
3. Write the melody on the board in standard notation, broken into four separate phrases.
4. When the students enter, have the students chose an instrument and sit six feet away from
5. Warm up by singing a C major scale with solfège and hand signs.
6. Next review the melody they created for the song by having them sing through it from
beginning to end.
7. The students have prior knowledge in identifying a I-IV-V-1 chord progressions from a
previous unit. T: “We are going to use 3 different chords to create a harmony for our
new melody!”
8. T: “Lets look at the first phrase on the board. What notes do you see?”
9. T: “Which chord do you think would fit the first measure?” The students will provide
their answer.
10. Play the melody with the chord the students suggested. Ask them if they think it fits or if
they feel like they need to try again.
11. Repeat steps 8-10 for the remaining measures. If there is a measure the students struggle
with, play it while playing each chord and have the students use their ear to determine
which chord fits best.
12. Play through the melody with block chords one time correctly.
13. Play through it again, and purposely through in the wrong chords in a couple different
places. Ask the students to raise their hand if they hear a mistake. When they hear a
mistake. Play the mistake again then play a different chord until the students identify the

correct chord. This activity will get their ears listening.
14. Next, review the ostinato patterns learned previously for this song.
15. Then have the students step up to their instrument. Have them chose a pattern and play
only the root note of each chord.
16. Next give them a moment to explore on their own, using different notes in each chord
while playing their ostinato pattern.
17. Walk around and observe and assist if needed.
18. Then bring the class back together play the melody on the piano and have the students
play through the new harmony they created

Assessment. I will know my students have mastered the concept when they can aurally
identify chord changes. I will know the students have mastered the concept when they can
create and perform their own harmony using the correct notes in each chord.

Closure: I am so proud of you all! You made this chant your own and that’s so special. As a
treat, you all may have one piece of bubble gum as you leave the room.”

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name__Morgan Egidy___________Target Grade Level_____5th grade______

Standards Being Addressed: Cr.1.5.a Improvise rhythmic, melodic, and harmonic ideas, and
explain connection to specific purpose and context (such as social, cultural, and historical)
Re.4.5 Evaluate musical works and performances, applying established criteria, and explain
appropriateness to the context, citing evidence from the elements of music

Materials of Instruction: Voice, wipe off board, markers, worksheet, piano and/or CD player.

Guitar chords: A D A E A D E A D A E A D A E A D E A

Entry Activity: Good morning everyone! Lets start by stretching our arms all the way I they air!
Reach really high! Now all the way to our toes. Great now shake it out. Deep breath in! now out.
Great job now here’s your starting pitch. Let’s sing a major scale on this starting pitch using
solfège and hand signs.

Activity 1 objective: The students will identify the time signature 6/8 by listening to other
listening examples they are familiar with.

1. T: “We are going to review the song. “The Bear Went Over The Mountain.””

2. The teacher will play through the song with out singing one time. During this time, the
students will audiate the words in their heads.
3. Next the students will sing through the whole song while the teacher plays the piano and
sings along.
4. Review any words or phrases the students forgot or had trouble with.
5. Pass out a worksheet to the students to use to answer the following question: What do we
know already about this song? The students will keep this sheet and fill it out as we learn
more about the song.
6. Provide the students with facts about the history of this song, where it comes from and at
least three fun facts about the culture the song is from.

The Bear Went over the mountain

Micro beats. Groups of 2 or What is the time signature?


Important Things you Where is the song from?


Your favorite fun fact about

the culture the song is from

7. Ask the students to share some of the things they wrote down.
8. Ask the students if they have any predications about what they think will fill in the rest of
the sheet and ask them why. Write their predictions on the board.
9. Draw a big Venn diagram on the board. Explain that to learn more about the song, they
are going to compare it to other songs from different cultures. The first two listening
examples will be over songs they have learned from previous lessons, Kookabura and
Don Gato. These two listening examles will be over simple meters such as 2/4 and 4/4.
The next two listening examples will be over new songs in 6/8 that they haven’t heard or
learned yet. Those songs are, The Mexican Hat Dance, Red is the Rose.
10. First pick a song in 2/4 or 4/4. Don Gato. Play an initial hearing for the students.
11. Ask the students where they think this song comes from? Then ask them why.
12. Explain to them the history of the song, where it comes from, and a fun fact about the
culture that could be related to the song.

13. Next play the song again. Have them try to identify the micro beats.
14. Ask them what they hear and write in in the Venn diagram under the Don Gato circle.
15. Next play the bear went over the mountain again. Ask the students what was the same
and what was different.
16. Repeat this process with each listening example in 4/4 and in 6/8. After each initial
hearing the students should be asked where they think the song comes from and why.
Provide for the students the following information before moving on.
a. Where the song comes from
b. What the song is about
c. The history
d. One fun fact about the culture that can be related to the listening example.
17. Make sure the students are filling out their worksheet as they learn more about the song,
the bear went over the mountain.
18. After they students have compared each listening example aurally, ask them to share
what they have written on their worksheet and what they still have blank.
19. Write the rhythms on the board without the time signature.
20. Ask the students what they notice about the rhythms
21. Ask the students to count how many eighth notes were in each measure. Halfway
through, ask the students if they have an idea of what the time signature is.
22. Complete the process of counting the eighth notes and identifying the macro beats.
23. Assist the students in identifying 6/8 time if they haven’t already.
24. Have the students discuss with their neighbor what they have written on their worksheet
and fill in any squares they have left blank.
25. The students will turn in their worksheets.

Assessment: Where my students able to hear a difference between the 4/4 and 6/8 listening
examples. Where the students able make inferences between the songs and the listening
examples to draw conclusions about the song in question? Did the students complete the

Closure: We learned so much about this song we already knew by listening to other songs! You
guys did a lot of thinking today! Good job! Next time we are going to learn something new

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name_________Morgan Egidy _________________

Standards Being Addressed: Pr.1.5 Demonstrate and explain how the selection of music to
perform is influenced by personal interest, knowledge, and context, as well as their personal and
others’ technical skill. Pr.2.5.a Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the elements of
music (such as rhythm, pitch, form, and harmony) in music selected for performance. Pr.2.5.b
When analyzing selected music, read and perform using standard notation. Pr.5.5.a Perform
music, alone or with others, with expression, technical accuracy, and appropriate interpretation.

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Phase 1 Phase 2

There was an old woman all skin and bones Oo Oo O Ooo

Phase 3 Phase 4

One night she thought she’d take a walk she walked down by the old graveyard

Phase 5 Phase 6

She saw them bones a lyin around she went to the closet to get a broom

Phase 7 Phase 8

She opened the door and… BOO!

Activity 1 Objective: The students will count different rhythms in 6/8 while reading and writing

1. Have two or three practice examples written on the board. One blank measure with
written counts matching a full measure of eighth notes, and one full measure of dotted
quarter notes without the counts written below.
2. Split the class into two teams. Explain the activity.
3. Students will be given a rhythm written in standard notation and will be asked to count
the micro beats or, they will be given the counts for the micro beats and asked to write
the rhythm in standard notation.
4. The student to get the correct answer first will receive a point for their team.
5. Once the student has their answer, the teacher will ask them to explain how they got their
6. When both students get a problem wrong, the teacher will walk them through it to help
the class understand.
7. After each student has had a chance to attempt at least 2-3 problems, the teacher can
move on.
8. Write some of the rhythms on the board that were used during the team activity.
9. Distribute Rhythm sticks and shakers.
10. Have the students play the rhythms on either the sticks or shakers.

Assessment: Can my students read and count rhythms in 6/8 with 90% accuracy? Can my
students write in 6/8 rhythms, when given the counts with 90% accuracy? Can my students
perform 6/8 rhythms by reading the rhythms in standard notation?

Transition: You al are doing so well with these rhythms! Next time we are going to get a chance
to improvise!

Activity 2 Objective: Students will improvise using rhythms found in 6/8.

1. T: “We’ve spent a lot of time looking at different rhythms in 6/8. Does anyone have any
favorites or rhythms the remember that they would like to write on the board? I need at
least 4 volunteers.”
2. Have students one at a time come write rhythms on the board.
3. Distribute rhythms sticks, shakers, and other unpitched percussive instruments.
4. Have the students review the rhythms by performing them on their instrument.
5. Next, have the class play the micro beats,
6. T: “Listen for what I do.” *improvise over their micro beat ostinato.
7. T: “What did I do? I improvised! I took all of the different rhythms and made something
8. Inform the students they will be improvising 4 measures of 6/8 using the rhythms on the

board in any order they want.
9. Walk around listening and observing the students’ progress as they explore this concept.
10. Ask for volunteers who would like to share what they come up with. Every student
should get a chance to share.
Assessment: I will know my students have met the objective when they can perform 4 measures
of 6/8 independently.

Transition: Wow! That was fun! Next time we are going to learn our Halloween song!

Entry Activity: Welcome everyone! Hop on your broomsticks its spooky season! We are going
to learn a new song in the spirit of Halloween! This song is in a minor key. Remember me minor,
mi major. Let’s start by sing a minor chord. Use your hand signs to help you. *sing a minor
chord.* Then warm up with a full minor scale.

Activity 3 Objective: Students will learn the words to Skin and Bones.
1. T: “ Repeat after me. There was an old woman all skin and bones.”
2. Students repeat.
3. T: Oo Oo O Ooo
4. Students repeat
5. Repeat step 1-4
6. T: “One night she thought She’d take a walk.”
7. Students repeat
8. T: Oo Oo O Ooo
9. Students repeat
10. T: “She walked down by the old graveyard.”
11. Students repeat
12. T: Oo Oo O Ooo
13. Students repeat
14. T: “ Lets put what we have so far together
15. Sing from beginning to the end of phase 4 to assess how the students are doing.
16. If the students are struggling use the fill-in-the-blank technique. They will fill in the
words Bones, Walk, and Graveyard. Then repeat step 15. If they’ve got it, continue to
step 17.
17. T: “Ok we’re halfway there. Repeat after me.”
18. T: “She saw them bones a lyin around.”
19. Students repeat
20. T: Oo Oo O Ooo
21. Students repeat
22. T: “She went to the closet to get a broom.”
23. Students repeat
24. T: Oo Oo O Ooo
25. Students repeat
26. T: “She opened the door and…. BOO!
27. Students repeat
28. T: “Lets sing this second half of what we’ve learned”
29. Sing from phase 5 to the end. Assess the students.

30. If the students are struggling use the fill-in-the-blank technique. They will fill in the
words, lyin around, broom, door.
31. T: “we are going to put the whole thing together now. First let’s review the story.”
32. T: “We have a woman. We know she’s skin and what?”
33. S; “Bones.”
34. T : “What did she decide to do one night?”
35. S: “Take a walk.
36. T: “Where did she walk?”
37. S: “Graveyard
38. T: “What did she see in the graveyard?”
39. S: “Bones.”
40. T: “Where did she go to get a broom?”
41. S: “The closet.
42. T: “She opened the door and..”
43. S: “BOO!”
44. T: “Great! Now let’s Audiate first. Ready, here we go.”
45. Audiate
46. T: “How are we feeling about that. Thumbs up, Thumbs down, or Thumbs in the
47. Review what the students need help with. If they feel good about it, go ahead, and
sing from top to bottom.
48. Finish the activity by completing another full run through.

Assessment: I will know my students have met the objective when they can sing the whole song
from beginning to end with 95% accuracy.

Closure: We’ve really gotten good at our rhythms! We will get to use that in fun things coming

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name__Morgan Egidy___________Target Grade Level_____5th grade______

Standards Being Addressed: Pr.2.4.a Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the
elements of music (such as rhythm, pitch, and form) in music selected for performance.

Materials Required: Body Voice, and piano.

Lesson Sequence:

Entry activity: Good Morning Everyone! We are going to start with some breathing. Stand up! I
want you to fill up with air and let it all out slowly. First breathe in while I count to eight. Then
let it out slowly while I count eight. The air should be gone when I get to eight. Ready? *breath
in for eight and out for eight. Do this two times, then in for four and out for 4 two times, then in
for two and out for two. Finally have them take a big deep breath in and sigh it out.* Then have
the students sing a Bb scale on solfège followed by an arpeggio. This may need to be done more
than once. Target intervals the students struggle with by practicing by switching between two

Activity 1 Objective- The students will learn the melody to Skating away through the use of
1. Have the melody written on the board in standard notation.
2. Ask the students to clap the rhythm with the teacher to practice sight reading.
3. Go back through and break down the measures the students had trouble with. Work on

them individually with the students by having them count the micro beats of the
;measures they struggled with and identify the macro beats.
4. Next, write in the solfege syllables. Play the F scale and chords once more having the
students sing the solfege.
5. Next give them the anacrusis starting pitch and the do pitch in measure one. Have them
sing and hold each of the two pitches.
6. Sing the first two measures on solfege.
7. Target difficult intervals that could be found in the second measure.
8. Then sing the first two measures again to solidify the corrections made.
9. Move on to the next two measures. Measure four may be difficult due to the arpeggiated
V chord. Address this by isolating individual intervals out of time and slowly work to
being able to sing them in time
10. Put measure 3 and 4 together.
11. Then sing from the beginning to the end of measure 4.
12. Once the students can sing that much on solfege with 90% accuracy, they will be able to
move on.
13. Have them sing measures 5 and six. Ask them what is familiar about those two measures.
They should be able to identify that they are the same as the first two measures.
14. Next isolate measure 7. Re to Sol may be difficult.
15. Then have them sing from 7 to the end.
16. Finally put the whole song together.

Assessment: I will know my students met the objective when the can sing the melody using
solfège with correct rhythms at 90% accuracy.

Transition: We have learned the melody to the song, next we are going to learn the words!

Activity 2 Objective: The students will learn the words to skating away while maintaining 95%
rhythmic accuracy.
1. Warm up by singing a scale and arpeggio followed by the melody using solfege.
2. T: “There were two couples a skating away.” *Cue the students so they know to repeat
the phrase.*
3. Students repeat
4. T: “A skating away”
5. Students Repeat
6. T: “A Skating Away.
7. Students repeat.
8. T: “Put just that much together.”
9. Students will sing from the beginning to that point.
10. T: “Great! Let’s keep going!
11. T: “There were two couples a skating away”
12. Students repeat
13. T: “So early in the morning.”
14. Students repeat
15. Have the students put those two phrases together
16. Next have the students audiate the whole thing.

17. Then have them sing the whole first verse from top to bottom
18. Correct any problem spots before moving on to the next verse.
19. Sing the entire first verse to solidify the first verse with the students.
20. Start the second verse
21. T: The ice was thin, and they all fell in
22. Students repeat
23. T: “They all fell in, they all fell in”
24. Students repeat
25. T: “The ice was thin, and they all fell in.”
26. Students repeat
27. T: “So early in the morning.”
28. Students repeat
29. Have the students audiate the second verse
30. Then have the students sing the entire second verse
31. Address any trouble spots.
32. Next have the students sing the whole first verse with the whole second verse.
33. Once the students can sing both verses, move on to the last verse
34. First ask the students what they think of the song so far. Ask them to point out things they
notice about the song.
35. Next tell the students there’s one more verse to learn
36. T: “The old swing out and the new swing in.”
37. Students repeat
38. The new swing in, the new swing in,
39. Students repeat
40. T: “The old swing out and the new swing in”
41. Students repeat
42. T: “So early in the morning.”
43. Students repeat
44. T: “Lets audiate the third verse”
45. Sing the whole verse.
46. Finally, to complete the activity, have the students put all three verses together.

Assessment: I will know the students have met the objective when they can sing all three verses
with 95% accuracy in words and pitch.

Transition: Now that we’ve learned the while song, we can use it to play a game!

Activity 3 Objective: The students will explore feeling the macro beats through dance
1. First have the students circle up.
2. Have them move in clockwise motion while reviewing the song skating away.
3. Then ask for 4 volunteers to go first.
4. Use them to demonstrate to the class how the partners will lock hands.
5. Then explain the rules to the class for the first verse. Then go through the game up
through the first verse.
6. Once you reach the second verse, stop, and explain the next step to the game. Then
complete that part of the game.

7. Then stop and explain the third step to the game and execute it.
8. Then review. Ask the students what comes first, what they do second and what comes
last. Then begin playing the game. Try to give each student a chance to be in the middle.

Assessment: I know the students will have met the objective when they can make it through
three rounds of the game without stopping.

Closure: Good Job everyone! We learned a knew song and had fun doing it. We even got to
play a game with it! Ill see you next time!

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name_________Morgan Egidy _________________

Standards Being Addressed: Pr.2.5.a Demonstrate understanding of the structure and the
elements of music (such as rhythm, pitch, form, and harmony) in music selected for
Materials of Instruction: Voice, body, piano

Lesson sequence:

Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3

Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a do I love you

Phase 4 Phase 5 Phase 6

Skidamarink a dink a dink skidamarink a do yes, I do

Phase 7
I love you in the morning and in the afternoon

Phase 8 Phase 9
I love you in the evening beneath the silvry moon Skidamarink a dink a dink

Phase 10 Phase 11
Skidamarink a do I love you

Entry activity: Good morning class! Let’s start with a scale today. Here is your starting note,
sing the scale on solfege. Next we are going to do a different warm up using this scale.” Have the

students sing do, then go up to re and back to do, the do to mi and back etc. next have them take
a deep breath.

Activity 1 Objective: The students will learn the works to skidamarink.

1. Just speaking the words not singing, the teacher will teach the song one phase at a time.
2. T: “Skidamarink a dink a dink.”
3. Students repeat
4. T: “Skidamarink a do
5. Students repeat
6. T: “I Love you”
7. Students repeat
8. T: “Skidamarink a dink a dink
9. Students repeat
10. T: “skidamarink a do.”
11. Students repeat
12. T: “Yes I do.”
13. Have the student put just that much together. have them speak the words from the
beginning to that part.
14. Next play them an initial hearing of the song on piano while singing, only from the
beginning and stopping at “yes I do.”
15. Play the first phase and have them hum it back to you.
16. Play the second and third phase on piano and have the students hum it back.
17. Then have them hum the three phases together.
18. Then repeat the process for the next three phases that was executed oversteps 15-17
19. Then have then audiate from the beginning to where they stopped.
20. Next have them hum it out loud.
21. Then have them try adding the words to the melody.
22. Have them listen while the teacher sings through it, then have them try.
23. Once they have learned the song to that point, move on to the B section.
24. Have them learn the words by just speaking them and repeating after the teacher.
25. T: “I love you in the morning and in the afternoon.”
26. Students repeat
27. T: “I love you in the evening beneath the silvery moon.”
28. Students repeat
29. T: “We are going to do just that much again.”
30. Repeat steps 25-28
31. Next have them put those parts together.
32. Then play that section on piano while singing.
33. Play the first part on piano once more while singing and have the students hum it back to
34. Play the second part on piano while singing and have the students hum the melody back
to you
35. Repeat steps 33-34 to get them feeling more comfortable with the two parts.
36. Then have the students hum the wo parts together.
37. Next have them try singing the words to the first part.
38. T: “I love you when? And?

39. Students should answer with morning and afternoon
40. T: Then I love you when? Beneath what?
41. T: “Good, now we are going to sing both parts together.
42. Once the students can sing the B section, have them sing the first A section and the B
section together.
43. Correct any mistakes.
44. Then move on to the last two phases.
45. Play and sing the last two phases and ask the students what they notice about it? They
should notice its similarity to the beginning.
46. Give them another hearing of the two phases once more and have them try to sing it.
47. If they have issues with it, isolate the measures and go through them one at a time by
singing the measure and having the students sing it back.
48. Once the students have learned all three parts, have them sing the whole song from
beginning to end.

Assessment: I will know my students have met the objective when they can sing Skidamarink
from beginning to end with 90% accuracy.

Transition: Great job everyone! We can now sing the whole song, Skidamarink! Next time we
are going to learn something to help us feel the beat while singing this song!

Activity 2 Objective: The students will learn movements to the song Skidamarink that will help
them feel and keep the beat.

1. Have students review the song Skidamarink by singing it through top to bottom.

2. Next show the students what all the movements will look like with the song by
performing it for them.
3. Use the gesture guide and teach two phases at a time
4. Model the movements for the first two phases while singing and have the student’s model
and sing it back to the teacher.
5. The teacher will model it once more and the students will face a partner/neighbor and
model it for them to see if their partner/neighbor is executing it correctly.
6. Next, the teacher will model phase 3-4.
7. The students will model it back to the teacher
8. Then the students will model it to their neighbor/partner and give each other feedback.
9. Next the students will put together phase 1-6.
10. The same process will be used to teach the movements for the B section, phase 7-8.
11. Once the students have put phase 7 and 8 together and executed it at 90% accuracy, put
all they have learned so far together.
12. Next teach phases 9-11 using the same process used in steps 4-9.
13. Finally have the students perform the whole song, singing and executing the movements.

Assessment: I will know my students have met the objective when they can sing and execute the
movements learned for Skidamarink at 90% accuracy.

Transition: Wow that was fun! You all just learned some cool ways to move with this song!
Next time we are going to use our detective skills to find what rhythms fit this song!

Activity 3 Objective: The students will aurally determine the rhythms used in the song
Skidamarink by applying the knowledge they have received thus far on the concept.
1. The teacher will have laminated note cards. Each note card will contain a rhythm in 6/8
written in standard notation and will where the students can see each of them.
2. As a class, the students will clap each rhythm on the note card.
3. First the students will be given a sheet of blank measures.
4. The class will go one measure at a time. The teacher will provide two listening’s per
measure. The students may use the notecards as a reference and will write in the rhythms
they think best fits the measure.
5. Once the students are done filling in the blank measures, the teacher will collect the
6. Then as a class, the students will go measure by measure sharing their ideas and
rationales for which rhythm goes to which measure and why. This is the last step in
understanding the concept of 6/8. The identify which rhythm is correct for each measure,
the teacher will guide the students through a process of trail and error with the rhythms. If
the class has more than one answer, the teacher and class will sing the measure using
both rhythms. The teacher will ask which measure sounded right. The teacher may
provide a hearing of the original measure.
7. Once each measure has been completed, the students will clap the rhythms of the whole
8. Finally, they will sing the song top to bottom.

Assessment: I will assess my students by looking at the worksheet they completed at the

beginning of class, what went on during class, and the final product. I will know my students
have met the objective when they can match 75% of the rhythms with their correct measures.

Closure: I am so proud of you for all the work you have done to learn about 6/8. You now know
how to count, keep a beet, and sing and play different rhythms in 6/8. Now, you can identify a
6/8 rhythms just by listening to it! Next time we are going to take what we have learned and
make our own masterpieces!

Lesson Plan for the Elementary Music Class

Teacher Name_________Morgan Egidy _________________

Standards Being Addressed: Cr.1.5.b Generate musical ideas (such as rhythms, melodies, and
accompaniment patterns) within specific related tonalities, meters, and simple chord changes.
Cr.2.5.a Demonstrate selected and developed musical ideas for improvisations, arrangements, or
compositions to express intent, and explain connection to purpose and context. Cr.3.5 Evaluate,
refine, and document revisions to personal music, applying teacher-provided and collaboratively-
developed criteria and feedback, and explain rationale for changes Pr.4.5.a Apply teacher-
provided and established criteria and feedback to evaluate the accuracy and expressiveness of
ensemble and personal performances. Cr.4.5 Present the final version of personal created music
to others that demonstrates craftsmanship, and explains connection to expressive intent Pr.5.5.a
Perform music, alone or with others, with expression, technical accuracy, and appropriate
Materials of Instruction: Voice, body, note cards, piano, pitched and unpitched percussion,
ukuleles, blank measure sheets, nursery rhymes.

Lesson Sequence (lessons may have more or less activities as appropriate):

Entry activity: Review different 6/8 rhythms. The teacher will write them on the board. The
students as a class will clap the rhythms. T: “okay everyone, now that we have reviewed, I will
tell you the big surprise. You all will be creating your own 6/8 composition!”

Activity 1 Objective: The students will create an order of rhythms for their composition
1. The students may reference rhythms on their note cards to help them create a series of
rhythms for their compositions. The students may either create a song of their own origin
or may use a nursery rhyme provided on a list by the teacher to create a composition for.
a. Original Composition requirements: minimum of 8 measures, complete rhythms,
complete melody, percussive or harmonic element (unpitched percussion ostinato
pattern, ukulele, pitched percussion), and written solfege or original words.
b. Nursery rhyme requirements: correct rhythms that accurately fit the words, a
melody, percussive or harmonic element (unpitched percussion ostinato pattern,
ukulele, pitched percussion), and written solfege.
2. Students will spread out in the classroom. They may choose one partner to sit with if they
choose. If it becomes too distracting or copying or having someone else do their work is
taking place, they will be stuck working on it on their own.
3. The teacher will walk around observing and assisting students while they work
independently with little guidance.
4. The students will bring their composition to the teacher for review once they are halfway
done and the teacher will provide feedback.
5. Once the students have gotten feedback, they will implement the suggestions and return
to the teacher before moving on. Once the student has the ok from the teacher, they may

move on to the second half of their composition.
6. Upon completion of their rhythms for their composition, the students will bring their
composition to the teacher for review. The teacher will provide feedback.
7. The students will implement the teacher’s suggestions/recommendations and return to the
teacher for final review.

Assessment: I will know the students have met the objective when they create a series of
rhythms or assign appropriate rhythms to a nursery rhyme.
Transition: You all have a nice start on your compositions. The next step is a melody!

Activity 2 Objective: The students will create a melody and harmonic progression for their
1. The teacher will write the chords on the board with the notes in standard notation above
the numeral notation.
2. Students will first create a chord progression. The only rule, is that their composition
must start and end on I and must contain at least 2 V chords.
3. Students will bring their chord progression ideas to the teacher for review and feedback
on the piano. The teacher will play the chord progression for the student on piano so they
can hear what it sounds like before feedback is given.
4. The students will implement the teacher’s feedback and return for further review. Once
they have the teacher’s approval, they may move on to creating a melody.
5. Using the notes in the chords the students chose, they will create a melody. To do this,
students may use a xylophone or other similar instrument. The rules are: the melody must
start and end on Do and there must be a leading tone the gets resolved on the V chords.
6. Once the student has completed 4 measure or half of their melody, they will take it to the
teacher for review.
7. The teacher will play the melody first without block chords, then will play it once with
block chords. Then will provide feedback.
8. The students will implement the teacher’s feedback and return for review.
9. Once the student has the teacher’s approval, they may continue and finish their melody.
10. Once they have completed their melody the students will submit their composition to the
teacher for review.
11. The teacher will play through the melody once without block chords and once with them
and then provide feedback.
12. The students will implement the teacher’s feedback and return for review.
13. Once they have received the teacher approval, the teacher will collect their composition.
14. The teacher will play through 3 compositions for the class.

Assessment: I will know the students have met the objective when they have created a melody
that follows their chord progression, starts, and ends on DO, and incorporates proper leading
tones and resolutions.

Transition: What beautiful melodies you all have created! Next time we are going to add an
element to spice up your compositions.

Activity 3 Objective: The students will create some kind of accompaniment pattern.

1. Students will be given access to pitched and unpitched percussion instruments and
ukuleles. The students will choose whether they want an ostinato pattern on unpitched
percussion or a harmony on pitched percussion or ukulele.
2. Students will choose from simple 6/8 rhythmic accompaniment patterns written on the
board and create a series of rhythms to go with their melodies.
3. Once they complete the process of organizing a rhythmic pattern, the students will take it
to the teacher for review.
4. The teacher will provide feedback and the student will go back and implement the
suggestions. If the students are creating a harmonic accompaniment, this would be the
time to assign notes to their rhythmic accompaniment.
5. The students will bring their composition back for further review.
6. Once the teacher approval has been given for the final review, the teacher will collect the

Assessment: I will know the students have met the objective when they have created some kind
of accompaniment to go with their composition.

Transition: You all have almost completed an entire composition on your own! That’s
incredible and you all should be proud of yourselves! We have rhythms, a melody, and
accompaniment. Now it’s time for some words and final touches!

Activity 4 Objective: Students will create their own words or identify correct solfege for their
1. Students will spread out around the classroom and work independently to create words
for their song.
2. The teacher will walk around and observe and assist students through the process
3. Once a student gets halfway done, they will raise their hand and the teacher will review
it. The teacher will give feedback
4. The student will implement the teacher’s suggestions. If the student gets the teacher
approval, they may continue with the rest of their song.
5. Once the student is done, they will raise their hand for the teacher to review their
composition. The teacher will provide feedback
6. The student will implement the teacher’s suggestions. If the student gets the teacher
approval, they may continue with the rest of their song.
7. Once the students have completed their composition project, they will turn it in to the
8. Once all of the compositions have been turned it, time in class will be spent to hear
everyone’s compositions.

Assessment: I will know the students have met the objective when they have created words that
make sense to go with their song or have assigned correct solfège notes.

Closure: Lets look at all the amazing things we have done. We created our own rhythms,
melodies, accompaniments, and words for our own composition! We just composed a whole
song! You all are so amazing!


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