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TVL 297


(Velocity Control Module)
MkIV Pattern Version
Operation Manual

LiftStore Limited Manor Farm Industrial Estate, Flint, Flintshire CH6 5UY Tel: 01352 793222 Fax: 01352 793255

We reserve the right to alter, without giving prior notice, technical data, dimensions and weights described in this manual

1 Introduction ....................................................................................................... 3
2 Limits ................................................................................................................ 3
3 Basic Positioning Functionality.......................................................................... 3
3.1 Velocity Control ........................................................................................ 3
3.2 Position Resets / Indexing .......................................................................... 3
3.3 Door Zones ................................................................................................ 3
3.4 ETSD and Over speed Monitor .................................................................. 4
4 Hardware Description........................................................................................ 5
4.1 Board Overview......................................................................................... 5
4.2 Connectors................................................................................................. 6
4.3 Visual Indicators ........................................................................................ 9
Status LED’s ......................................................................................................... 9
Input LED’s........................................................................................................... 9
Output LED’s .......................................................................................................10
4.4 Configuration Links & Switches ...............................................................11
5 V-COM/ETHOS Menu Interface ......................................................................12
5.1 V-COM Toolbox.......................................................................................12
5.1.1 Monitor Screen List and Menu Structure ...........................................12
5.1.2 Samples of Monitor Screens ..............................................................13
5.2 V-COM Settings .......................................................................................15
5.2.1 Parameter List and Menu Structure....................................................15
5.2.2 Parameter Definitions........................................................................16
6 Shaft Learn Procedure ......................................................................................18
6.1 Preliminaries.............................................................................................18
6.1.1 Physical checks .................................................................................18
6.1.2 Parameter / Configuration Checks .....................................................18
6.2 Starting .....................................................................................................19
6.3 BFR Seek..................................................................................................19
6.4 Learn Phase 1 Up Learn............................................................................19
6.5 Learn Phase 2 Down Learn .......................................................................19
6.6 Shaft Learn Completion ............................................................................20
7 V-COM Pattern Profile Setup. ..........................................................................21
7.1 Preliminaries.............................................................................................21
7.2 Step 1 – Initial Running and Speed Scaling ...............................................21
7.3 Step 2 – Adjustment of Ride Quality.........................................................22
7.4 Step 3 – Adjustment of Stopping Comfort and Accuracy...........................22
7.5 Step 7 – Floor Level Trim Adjustment ......................................................23
7.6 Step 6 – Saving Settings............................................................................23
TVLD 427............................................................................................................24
TVLD 422............................................................................................................25
TVLD 428............................................................................................................26
8 Emergency Terminal Slowdown .......................................................................27
8.1 Operation..................................................................................................27
8.1.1 V-COM Master Only.........................................................................28
8.1.2 V-COM Master and V-COM Slave ...................................................28
8.2 Testing......................................................................................................28
9 Troubleshooting................................................................................................31

1 TVL 297
9.1 V-COM Related ETHOS Event Descriptions ............................................31
9.2 Shaft Learn Error Text Description ...........................................................32
9.3 TFR/BFR Positioning ...............................................................................36
10 Glossary ...........................................................................................................37
11 Floor Trim Adjustment .....................................................................................38
12 Revision History...............................................................................................41

2 TVL 297
1 Introduction
The “V-COM” (Velocity Control Module) is a flexible positioning system that can
utilise various position feed back sources to allow the Ethos Controller to be able to
accurately control high speed lifts using all modern drive technologies.

This manual covers the “Velocity Pattern Interface” variant.

Functionality is as below:-

Lift speeds up-to 6m/s.

Re-levelling functionality.
Emergency terminal slow down (ETSD) functionality built in (option).
Incremental pulses can be taken from the governor or motor encoders.
Outputs for dual DZ ethos re-levelling and advance door opening system.
User interface contained within Ethos MMI.
Absolute positioning for ETSD.
Battery back up included.
Hand-winding feature.
Software written to MISRA C Guidelines.

2 Limits
Speed:- The product will control a lift of maximum speed 6 m/s.
In this configuration.
Position Accuracy:- To +/- 1mm depending on drive / brake accuracy.
Floors served:- 64 floors and 200m travel.
Direct Approach:- This configuration offers a direct-to-floor approach. Where
system dynamics do not allow a consistent direct-to-floor
approach, the V-COM can allow for a short corrective period at
low speed prior to stopping.

3 Basic Positioning Functionality.

3.1 Velocity Control

The system uses scaled quadrature pulses for velocity control and position derivation
when running. Quadrature pulses can be supplied from the motor encoder or
governor-mounted encoder. These can be 5V differential signals, or 12V push-pull

3.2 Position Resets / Indexing

The unit uses terminal resets (BFR and TFR) and DZ signals to validate the
incremental encoder derived position in relation to the lift position in the shaft. The
unit also uses an absolute encoder position input when in enhanced mode e.g. speeds
above 1.6m/s where ETSD functionality is required.

3.3 Door Zones

Door zone signals can be supplied from either a magnetic proximity sensor or retro
reflective laser sensor. A 24V d.c. supply is provided to power these sensors.

3 TVL 297
3.4 ETSD and Over speed Monitor
Lift speed and position is constantly monitored by the V-COM Master (A) processor,
based on feedback derived from an incremental encoder mounted on either the lift
motor or the overpeed governor. The Master (A) processor will determine when to
bring the lift to a controlled safe stop by requesting an emergency slow down or worst
case crash stopping the lift, if speed is excessive towards the terminal floors.

As an option, a second built-in speed monitoring Slave (B) processor can be used,
taking an absolute position derived from either an absolute multi-turn encoder
mounted on a belt driven system or the over-speed governor. The Slave (B) processor
will determine independently when to bring the lift to a controlled safe stop by
requesting an emergency slow down or worst case crash stopping the lift, if speed is
excessive towards the terminal floors.

4 TVL 297
4 Hardware Description

4.1 Board Overview








PL10 PL11 PL12

5 TVL 297
4.2 Connectors
Base Board Connections

Connector Type Pin Name Description Limits

PL1 Drive Pattern 1 ET Earth

PL1 Drive Pattern 2 VAGND Analogue Ground
PL1 Drive Pattern 3 PAT Pattern Output 0 to 10V d.c.
PL1 Drive Pattern 4 ANIN Pattern Input 0 to 10V d.c.

PL2 Supply 1 ET Earth

PL2 Supply 2 0VR 0V Common
PL2 Supply 3 24VMON Supply Monitor 0 to 24V d.c.
PL2 Supply 4 24V 24V Supply In 24V d.c.
PL2 Supply 5 12V 12V Output 12V d.c.

PL4 Incremental Out 1 ET Earth

PL4 Incremental Out 2 0VR 0V Common
PL4 Incremental Out 3 A- DIFOUT Incremental Diff Out A- 0 to 5V d.c.
PL4 Incremental Out 4 A+ DIFOUT Incremental Diff Out A+ 0 to 5V d.c.
PL4 Incremental Out 5 B- DIFOUT Incremental Diff Out B- 0 to 5V d.c.
PL4 Incremental Out 6 B+ DIFOUT Incremental Diff Out B+ 0 to 5V d.c.

PL5 Slave 485/232 1 24V 24V Output 24V d.c.

PL5 Slave 485/232 2 ET Earth
PL5 Slave 485/232 3 0VR 0V Common
PL5 Slave 485/232 4 485TX+ 485+ RS485 / 422 / 232
PL5 Slave 485/232 5 485TX- / 232TX 485+ or 232TX RS485 / 422 / 232
PL5 Slave 485/232 6 422RX+ / 232RX 422RX+ or 232RX RS485 / 422 / 232
PL5 Slave 485/232 7 422RX- 422RX- RS485 / 422 / 232

PL6 CAN Open Supply 1 24V 24V Output 24V d.c.

PL6 CAN Open Supply 2 ET Earth
PL6 CAN Open Supply 3 0VR 0V Common

PL7 Slave Incremental In 1 24V 24V Output 24V d.c.

PL7 Slave Incremental In 2 ET Earth
PL7 Slave Incremental In 3 0VR 0V Common
PL7 Slave Incremental In 4 A- DIFINS Incremental Diff In A- 0 to 12V d.c.
PL7 Slave Incremental In 5 A+ DIFINS Incremental Diff In A+ 0 to 12V d.c.
PL7 Slave Incremental In 6 B- DIFINS Incremental Diff In B- 0 to 12V d.c.
PL7 Slave Incremental In 7 B+ DIFINS Incremental Diff In B+ 0 to 12V d.c.

PL8 Master Incremental In 1 12V 12V Output 12V d.c.

PL8 Master Incremental In 2 24V 24V Output 24V d.c.
PL8 Master Incremental In 3 ET Earth
PL8 Master Incremental In 4 0VR 0V Common
PL8 Master Incremental In 5 A- DIFIN Incremental Diff In A- 0 to 12V d.c.
PL8 Master Incremental In 6 A+ DIFIN Incremental Diff In A+ 0 to 12V d.c.
PL8 Master Incremental In 7 B- DIFIN Incremental Diff In B- 0 to 12V d.c.
PL8 Master Incremental In 8 B+ DIFIN Incremental Diff In B+ 0 to 12V d.c.

PL9 Drive 485/232 1 ET Earth

PL9 Drive 485/232 2 0VR 0V Common
PL9 Drive 485/232 3 485TX+ 485+ RS485 / 422 / 232
PL9 Drive 485/232 4 485TX- / 232TX 485+ or 232TX RS485 / 422 / 232
PL9 Drive 485/232 5 422RX+ / 232RX 422RX+ or 232RX RS485 / 422 / 232
PL9 Drive 485/232 6 422RX- 422RX- RS485 / 422 / 232

6 TVL 297
Processor Board Connections

Connector Type Pin Name Description Limits

SK2 CAN Open Controller 1 1 CAN1VSS CAN 0V

SK2 CAN Open Controller 1 2 CAN1VCC CAN 5V 5V d.c.
SK2 CAN Open Controller 1 3 CAN1H CAN HIGH CAN
SK2 CAN Open Controller 1 4 CAN1L CAN LOW CAN
SK2 CAN Open Controller 1 5 ET Earth
SK2 CAN Open Controller 1 6 ET Earth

SK3 CAN Open Controller 2 1 CAN1VSS CAN 0V

SK3 CAN Open Controller 2 2 CAN1VCC CAN 5V 5V d.c.
SK3 CAN Open Controller 2 3 CAN1H CAN HIGH CAN
SK3 CAN Open Controller 2 4 CAN1L CAN LOW CAN
SK3 CAN Open Controller 2 5 ET Earth
SK3 CAN Open Controller 2 6 ET Earth

SK5 Master 232 Prog 1 N/C

SK5 Master 232 Prog 2 232TX 232 Transmit RS232
SK5 Master 232 Prog 3 232RX 232 Receive RS232
SK5 Master 232 Prog 4 DSR / DTR Internal Loop RS232
SK5 Master 232 Prog 5 0V 0V Common
SK5 Master 232 Prog 6 DSR / DTR Internal Loop RS232
SK5 Master 232 Prog 7 CTS / RTS Internal Loop RS232
SK5 Master 232 Prog 8 CTS / RTS Internal Loop RS232
SK5 Master 232 Prog 9 N/C

SK6 Slave 232 Prog 1 N/C

SK6 Slave 232 Prog 2 232TX 232 Transmit RS232
SK6 Slave 232 Prog 3 232RX 232 Receive RS232
SK6 Slave 232 Prog 4 DSR / DTR Internal Loop RS232
SK6 Slave 232 Prog 5 0V 0V Common
SK6 Slave 232 Prog 6 DSR / DTR Internal Loop RS232
SK6 Slave 232 Prog 7 CTS / RTS Internal Loop RS232
SK6 Slave 232 Prog 8 CTS / RTS Internal Loop RS232
SK6 Slave 232 Prog 9 N/C

PL3 CAN Open Encoder 1 1 CAN2VSS CAN 0V

PL3 CAN Open Encoder 1 2 CAN1H CAN HIGH CAN
PL3 CAN Open Encoder 1 3 CAN1L CAN LOW CAN
PL3 CAN Open Encoder 1 4 ET Earth

7 TVL 297
Control / External Connections

Connector Type Pin Name Description Limits

PL10 1 HWBB Handwind Contact 8A 250v AC
PL10 2 HWBA Handwind Contact 8A 32V DC
PL10 3 DZRB Rear Door Zone 8A 250v AC
PL10 4 DZRA Rear Door Zone 8A 32V DC
PL10 5 DZFB Front Door Zone 8A 250v AC
PL10 6 DZFA Front Door Zone 8A 32V DC
PL10 7 DZCB Calc Door Zone 8A 250v AC
PL10 8 DZCA Calc Door Zone 8A 32V DC
PL10 Output 9 OKM Master Ok 8A 250VAC/32VDC
PL10 10 OKC Ok Common
PL10 Output 11 OKS Slave Ok 8A 250VAC/32VDC

PL11 Input 1 TTR Test Control 110V AC/DC

PL11 Input 2 TFR Top Floor Reset 110V AC/DC
PL11 Input 3 TFR Top Floor Reset 110V AC/DC
PL11 Input 4 PS Mains Supply Monitor 110V AC/DC
PL11 Input 5 BFR Bottom Floor Reset 110V AC/DC
PL11 Input 6 BFR Bottom Floor Reset 110V AC/DC
PL11 Supply 7 CN Neutral
PL11 Supply 8 ET Earth

PL12 Supply 1 OVR Door Zone Supply 0V

PL12 Supply 2 +24V Door Zone Supply +24V 24V DC
PL12 Input 3 DZF Front Door Zone Input 24V DC
PL12 Input 4 DZR Rear Door Zone Input 24V DC

8 TVL 297
4.3 Visual Indicators

Status LED’s

LED LED Active Description

Name Colour State
Power Green ON Indicates that the VCOM power supply is OK.
Loop Green FLASH Indicates that the microprocessor is running through
the main program.
Comms Green FLASH Indicates communications with the ETHOS (RX).
NOTE: The state of CAN communications may be viewed via
the V-COM Status Screen in the V-COM Toolbox menu, or via
OKM/OKS LEDs (see table below).
Encoder Green FLASH Indicates the receipt of pulses from an incremental
encoder (may latch ON or OFF when lift is
Master Orange ON Indicates that the Master (A) microprocessor is in
control of the analogue pattern reference.
Slave Orange ON Indicates that the Slave (B) microprocessor is in
control of the analogue pattern reference.
TX Green FLASH Indicates communications with the ETHOS (TX).
NOTE: The state of CAN communications may be viewed via
the V-COM Status Screen in the V-COM Toolbox menu, or via
OKM/OKS LEDs (see table below).
Fault Red ON Indicates that the V-COM is lost and requires to see

Input LED’s

LED LED Input / Active Description

Name Colour Output State
TTR Green Input ON Indicates that the system is on TEST
TFR Green Input OFF Indicates detection of a Top Floor
Reset Switch.
PS Green Input ON Indicates that the controller’s main
control circuit supply is OK.
BFR Green Input OFF Indicates detection of a Bottom Floor
Reset Switch.
DZF Green Input ON Indicates detection of a Front Door
DZR Green Input ON Indicates detection of a Rear Door

9 TVL 297
Output LED’s

LED LED Input / Active Description

Name Colour Output State
HWB Red Output ON UP direction indicator for use with
external handwind device (e.g.
DZC Red Output ON Indicates that the Calculated Door
Zone relay is operated.
OKM(aster) Red Output OFF Indicates one of the following:
OKS(lave) Red Output OFF - a corrupt shaft map,
- a crash stop,
- lost communications with the
ETHOS, a CAN absolute
encoder or the other

10 TVL 297
4.4 Configuration Links & Switches

Shunt ON or OFF ON OFF

LK1 Slave Enable Disable Enable

LK1 GND-0V Link Linked Open
LK2 120Ohm Term in MA Terminated Not Terminated
LK3 120Ohm Term out MA Terminated Not Terminated
LK4 120Ohm Term in MB Terminated Not Terminated
LK5 120Ohm Term out MB Terminated Not Terminated
LK6 120Ohm Term in SA Terminated Not Terminated
LK7 120Ohm Term in SB Terminated Not Terminated
LK8 Hardware Test Active Normal Program
LK9 Slave Pattern Disable Disabled Enabled
LK10 Mst RS422 Slew Limit Enable Disable
LK11 Mst RS422 / RS232 RS232 RS422
LK12 Mst RS422 120Ohm Term RX Terminated Not Terminated
LK13 Mst RS422 Full Duplex Enable Disable
LK14 Slv RS422 Slew Limit Enable Disable
LK15 Slv RS422 / RS232 RS232 RS422
LK16 Slv RS422 120Ohm Term RX Terminated Not Terminated
LK17 Slv RS422 Full Duplex Enable Disable

Shunt Position A B

SW1 Slave Incremental Source A Master Slave

SW2 Slave Incremental Source B Master Slave


NOTE: Links shown are preset at the factory and do not normally require

11 TVL 297
5 V-COM/ETHOS Menu Interface

Access to parameter and monitoring facilities on the V-COM is available via the
ETHOS keypad and display. Reference should be made to the ‘ETHOS Operation
Manual’ for information of the use of the keypad, display and menu system. Using
this facility, parameters may be viewed and modified, and various status screens may
be viewed
Time & Date Lift Intended Direction
Wed 12/11/03 14:55:35
Lift Position Movement Direction
pos : 64
Lift Speed speed : high Front Door Status
mode : NORMAL
Current Operating Mode state : safety cct

Current State & Event MENU LOGGER

Soft1 key is MAIN MENU

Left Key Active=Darken LCD Soft2 key=Launch Event LOGGER
Up Key Active=Launch MAIN MENU Right Key Active=Lighten LCD
Logged Into System Symbol Down Key Active=MAIN MENU

5.1 V-COM Toolbox

This allows the viewing of a number of status screens, which for quick reference, are
itemised below:-

5.1.1 Monitor Screen List and Menu Structure

From the STATUS SCREEN Press the MENU key,
V-COM Menu
V-COM Toolbox
Learn Shaft
Speed Monitor
ETSD Test Shift Up
ETSD Tst Shift Down
Abs / Inc Counts Screen
TFR/BFR Position
Trimmed Floor Levs
Count Correction
Distance / Vel Screen
V-COM Status Screen
V-COM Version Screen
Clear Shaft Map
Floor Trims/Overlap
Pattern Speed Setts.
Pattern Misc. Setts.
Discrete Interface
Encoder Data

12 TVL 297
5.1.2 Samples of Monitor Screens

Screen Explanation

VCOM Status Indicates that the monitored signal is active.

DZC DZF DZR SPX Indicates that the monitored signal is inactive.
Sync Synchronous floor (actual lift position)
LU LD Sync=+9 Av9
Av Advanced position (used in call allocation)
Mx00000000 Sx00000000 Mx/Sx Internal diagnostic flags (for LiftStore factory use
IVel = 2439.00mm/s only)
IDist= 28496.46mm Ivel Incremental encoder derived lift velocity
CAN2: Bus OK Idist Incremental encoder derived lift position
CAN Status of V-COM – ETHOS CAN link

VCOM Counts Iraw Incremental encoder derived raw count

Ioffset IRaw with added application specific offset
ARaw Absolute encoder derived raw count
IRaw = 2F2Ccnts
Aoffset ARaw with added application specific offset
Ioffset= 14BBFcnts
ARaw = 14BB6cnts
Aoffset= 14BB7cnts

VCOM Dist/Vel Ivel Incremental encoder derived lift velocity

Idist Incremental encoder derived lift position
Mdist Absolute encoder derived lift position
IVel = 1600.00mm/s
(used by Master (A) microprocessor for relevelling)
IDist= 10007.79mm AVel Absolute encoder derived lift velocity
MDist= 10007.79mm Adist Absolute encoder derived lift position
AVel = 1600.00mm/s
ADist= 10007.79mm

VCOM Correction Mst Cnt Corr. Incremental encoder derived count

correction applied by Master (A)
Mst Cnt Corr.= 0mm
Slv Cnt Corr. Incremental encoder derived count
Slv Cnt Corr.= 0mm correction applied by Slave (B)
Cnt Tol= 1.00mm microprocessor
IDist= 12345.00mm Cnt Tol Speed dependent count tolerance in
Adist= 12345.00mm detection of door zone edge before
correction occurs (Default = 0 (none))
Idist Incremental encoder derived lift position
(including count correction)
Adist Absolute encoder derived lift position
(including count correction)

VCOM Floor Levels The screen shows the trimmed position of each floor level.
Level 1 = 9925mm
Level 2 = 13439mm
Level 3 = 16435mm
Level 4 = 19415mm
Level 5 = 22420mm
Level 6 = 25420mm

13 TVL 297
VCOM Reset Pos. Top Floor Trimmed position of Top Floor level
TFR Pos Learnt position of Top Floor Reset following
shaft learn
Top Floor = 59491mm
BFR Pos Learnt position of Bottom Floor Reset
TFR Pos = 58490mm following shaft learn
BFR Pos = 10935mm Bot Floor Trimmed position of Bottom Floor level
Bot Floor= 9935mm

Pat Speed Monitor Error Speed error derived from Demand - Actual
Actual Incremental encoder derived lift speed
Demand Current speed requested by the V-COM.
Error: -45
Actual: +3455
Demand: +3500

VCOM Build Info Firmware version numbers which might be requested by

MASTER CSV-VC2.0 LiftStore factory in the event of a technical enquiry.
M.DATA Ver 7
S.DATA Ver 7
E.DATA Ver 7

14 TVL 297
5.2 V-COM Settings

For quick reference, parameters are itemised below.

To make changes to these parameters, follow the simple procedure below:-
Log-IN using your correct access level and password
Find the required parameter from the list below, then make your adjustment.

NOTE: Parameters shown in italics are preset in the factory, based on application
data, and are not available for further customer modification.

5.2.1 Parameter List and Menu Structure

From the STATUS SCREEN Press the MENU key,

V-COM Menu
V-COM Toolbox
Floor Trims/Overlap
Floor Trims
Leveller Overlap
Pattern Speed Setts
Speed Limit
Contract Accel.
Accel. Jerk Rate
Door Zone Speed
Re-Level Speed
Re-Level Accel.
Dive Speed
Dive/Learn Accel.
Dive/Learn Decel
Test Speed
Test Accel.
Learn Speed
Emer. Decel.
Contract Speed
Pattern Misc. Setts
Pattern Delay Time
Dwell Distance
Recom. LU/LD Overlap
System Lag Time
ETSD Threshold
Crash Stop Threshold
Discrete Interface
Encoder Data
Motor Speed
INC Encoder Position
INC Encoder PPR
INC Encoder Gearing
INC Encoder Pos. Dir.

15 TVL 297
INC Pulley/OSG Diam
ABS Encoder Type
ABS Encoder PPR
ABS Encoder NOR
ABS Encoder Gearing
ABS Encoder Pos. Dir.
ABS Pulley/OSG Diam

5.2.2 Parameter Definitions

Parameter Description
Floor Trims Allows the offsetting of each floor level with respect to the
centre of its learnt Door Zone tape. (E.g. If the lift stops
consistently 3mm high at a particular floor, then setting
the floor trim for this floor to –3mm will stop the lift at
floor level.
Leveller Overlap Sets the distance around the centre of a learnt door zone
tape, which is considered floor level. This may be
increased to accommodate a less-responsive drive system.
During an approach into a floor, the VCOM will
decelerate from Door Zone Speed to zero speed, when this
overlap area is entered. (See also Section 7.5)
Speed Limit Allows the limiting of the maximum V-COM pattern
output below Contract Speed, if required.
Contract Accel Sets the acceleration (and deceleration) rate, during normal
running. The higher the acceleration rate, the shorter the
inter-floor travel time at the expense of ride quality. (See
TVLD 427)
Accel Jerk Rate Sets the rate at which acceleration/deceleration changes
between stationary and moving or accel/decel and constant
velocity conditions. (See TVLD 427) Higher values
result in harsher transitions between these conditions.
Door Zone Speed Sets the target speed at which the lift will run during final
approach to the target floor. (See TVLD 427)
Relevel Speed Sets the target speed at which relevelling will take place,
when the lift is stopped and is detected as being outside of
the leveller overlap area.
Relevel Accel Sets the acceleration (and deceleration) rate used when the
lift is relevelling and also the deceleration rate from Door
Zone Speed to zero speed during stopping.
Dive Speed * Sets the target speed at which the lift will run when
seeking BFR or TFR in order to reset position.
Dive / Learn Accel. Sets the acceleration rate used during a dive (car seeking
BFR or TFR in order to reset position) or shaft learn.
Dive / Learn Decel. * Sets the deceleration rate used during a dive (car seeking
BFR or TFR in order to reset position) or shaft learn.

* Care should be taken when adjusting this parameter, as consideration may

need to be given to the positioning of BFR and TFR in order to maintain
correct operation.

16 TVL 297
Parameter Description
Test Speed Sets the target speed at which the lift will run under Test
Test Accel Sets the acceleration rate used when running under Test
Learn Speed Sets the target speed at which shaft learning will take
A lower Learn Speed will result in a longer time to carry
out a shaft learn, but may result in increased accuracy in
detecting the door zone vanes.
Emer Decel Sets the deceleration rate active during emergency
deceleration. (See Section 8)
Contract Speed Sets the application contract speed.
Pattern Delay Time Sets a delay before the pattern rises, and can be used to
allow for differences in the time taken for the brake to lift.
Dwell Distance Sets the distance during which the lift will run at ‘Door
Zone Speed’. (See TVLD 427)
Recom. LU/LD Overlap Gives a suggested value for ‘Leveller Overlap’ taking into
account the current values for ‘Door Zone Speed’ and
‘Relevel Accel’.
System Lag Time Sets a time delay used to compensate for the response of
the drive/motor system to the output pattern reference.
If too low a value is set, then the lift will tend to rush into
floor with little or no travel at Door Zone speed. If to high
a value is set, then the lift will tend to take longer to get
into floor with increased travel at Door Zone speed.
ETSD Threshold Sets the rate of an imaginary deceleration curve extending
from the trailing edge of the top and bottom terminal door
zones for use by the Emergency Terminal Slowdown
function. If the detected speed profile of the lift was seen
to cross this curve, then a terminal slowdown at an
increased deceleration rate would be invoked. (See
Section 8, Fig. 1.)
Crash Stop Threshold Sets the rate of a second imaginary deceleration curve
extending from the trailing edge of the top and bottom
terminal door zones for use by the Emergency Terminal
Slowdown function. If the detected speed profile of the
lift was seen to cross this curve, then the V-COM OK
relay would be dropped causing a crash stop. (See Section
8, Fig. 2.)
Motor Speed Sets the motor speed in RPM at the required contract
INC Encoder Pos. Dir. Sets the direction of travel, in which the encoder feedback
value for the incremental encoder is seen to increase, when
viewed in the Abs/Inc Counts Screen (see next section)
ABS Encoder Pos. Dir. Sets the direction of travel, in which the encoder feedback
value for the absolute encoder (if used) is seen to increase,
when viewed in the Abs/Inc Counts Screen (see next

17 TVL 297
6 Shaft Learn Procedure

A “shaft learn” procedure must be carried out before the lift can run at high speed and
be entered into service. During the learn, positions of all door zones and TFR / BFR
resets are noted and stored in non-volatile memory on the V-COM unit.

This section should be read in its entirety, prior to carrying out a shaft learn.
The commissioning engineer has the sole responsibility for taking adequate
safety precautions during the carrying out of this procedure.

6.1 Preliminaries

6.1.1 Physical checks

Check the following before taking the unit off TEST control:-

Check all safety circuits and ensure all safety switches are in order.
Ensure that the panel is on TEST control.
The lift must be capable of travelling at approximately 0.25m/s, in automatic.
The lift should be empty or balanced.
There should be no rope slip.
Have the TFR and BFR reset switches been installed and set to the correct distance
from the terminal floors? Before a shaft learn is started ensure that TFR and BFR
signals work correctly, as these are vital for stopping the lift at the terminal
Have the reflective strips or magnets for the door zone sensors been installed at every
floor? (With the lift at each floor level, the laser dot (or magnetic sensor) must be in
the centre of the door zone reflective strip (or magnet).
Are all door zone sensors working? (LED DZF/DZR, as appropriate (see Section 4)
should illuminate over the entire length of the door zone reflective strip (or magnet).
Are all incremental encoder signals wired in?
Has the Absolute Encoder been fitted if needed?
The lift must be able to stop on the top and bottom terminal door zones i.e. no
bouncing off DZ – (check setting of brake).

6.1.2 Parameter / Configuration Checks

Does the incremental encoder count in the correct direction? (This can be checked, by
looking at the “V-COM Toolbox – Abs/Inc Counts” screen – Section 5), whilst
moving the lift on TEST control. Correct, if necessary, by changing the direction in
the “Encoder Data – INC Encoder Pos. Dir.” menu.

Does the absolute encoder, if fitted, count in the correct direction? (This can be
checked, by looking at the “V-COM Toolbox – Abs/Inc Counts” screen – Section
5), whilst moving the lift on TEST control. Correct, if necessary, by changing the
direction in the “Encoder Data – ABS Encoder Pos. Dir.” menu.

18 TVL 297
6.2 Starting

Move the lift on TEST control and position the lift ideally at the bottom floor (on
BFR) and on the bottom terminal door zone. If the lift is off BFR, then the lift will
“seek BFR” at learn speed, during the first phase of the shaft learn.
NOTE: If the lift is on BFR but not on the Bottom Terminal DZ, then the lift will
travel to the top terminal floor before travelling back down to seek BFR. To
avoid this situation, ensure that the lift is either off BFR, or on BFR and the
Bottom Terminal DZ.

With reference to the ETHOS manual, disable the doors (by setting “Door Disable” in
the ETHOS Toolbox. Place the Ethos in service at this point by switching on to
NORMAL control (off TEST control).

In the V-COM toolbox menu select “Learn Shaft” and confirm.

The learn screen shows the following information:-

LZ: The number of learnt door zones.

St: The current learn phase.
MEr: Current learn errors from the Master processor.
SEr: Current learn errors from the Slave processor.
IVel: Velocity taken from the incremental encoder (mm/s).
IDist: Position in the shaft. (floor one will be set to 10000mm at start of learn)
Sp: Current speed selected.
Dir: Current direction selected.

By pressing the back button other areas of the MMI can be viewed. The Abort button
will stop the current learn.

6.3 BFR Seek

Once the ETHOS switches to shaft learn service, this overrides all but TEST control,
and non-op service, fire service etc. will be ignored in learn mode.

The lift will move lift down to BFR and DZ at learn speed (usually 0.25m/s) if not
already on BFR and bottom terminal door zone. (See NOTE above.)

Following detection of BFR and the leading edge of the Bottom Terminal DZ, the
ETHOS will stop the lift and after a short delay commence the “Up Learn”.

6.4 Learn Phase 1 Up Learn

The lift will travel to the top floor, at learn speed, recording door zone edges and BFR
/ TFR positions. Following detection of TFR and the leading edge of the Top
Terminal DZ, the ETHOS will stop the lift and after a short delay commence the
“Down Learn”.

6.5 Learn Phase 2 Down Learn

The lift will travel back down t the bottom floor, at learn speed, to confirm door zone
and BFR / TFR positions. This second pass also eliminates hysteresis problems
created by magnetic DZ sensors.

19 TVL 297
The lift will stop on the bottom terminal DZ and then store its DZ position list in non-
volatile memory. “Await Burn” is displayed during this process.

Once this is complete the ‘Learn Successful’ screen will be displayed. The user must
accept the learn before the lift can be put into service.

If any errors are seen on the learn, refer to Section 9.

6.6 Shaft Learn Completion

On successful completion of a shaft learn, proceed to Section 7 – V-COM Pattern
Profile Setup.

20 TVL 297
7 V-COM Pattern Profile Setup.

7.1 Preliminaries

Make sure the panel is in service and “Door Disable” and “Prepare to Test” are active.
Complete a “Shaft Learn” procedure (see Section 6 – Shaft Learn Procedure) before

7.2 Step 1 – Initial Running and Speed Scaling

NOTE: Avoid running the lift to terminal floors at this stage.

When commissioning a new installation, it is important to ensure that the speed is

scaled correctly and that the System Lag Time parameter is initially set. Until this has
been carried out with reasonable accuracy, changes to other running parameters may
not have the correct effect on the running of the lift.

Perform short runs to ensure that the lift accelerates and decelerates smoothly and
attempts to slow into and stop at the target floor. Longer runs may then be carried
out, limiting the speed achieved, if required, using “Pattern Speed Setts – Speed

Perform a long run, during which the lift could be expected to achieve contract speed.
NOTE: “Pattern Speed Setts – Speed Limit” should now be set to the required
contract speed. If the actual lift speed can be measured with a tacho., this can be
compared with the value displayed on the “V-COM Status” screen. If any difference
between the two speeds is appreciable, then check data set in the V-COM relating to
the encoder.

If the lift does not achieve the expected contract speed, then with reference to the
appropriate LiftStore drive manual, adjust the pattern scaling parameter to achieve
contract speed.

Once the contract speed is correctly scaled, run the lift again and observe the amount
of travel at door zone speed as the lift car stops at a floor. This should be compared
with the distance set in parameter “Pattern Misc. Setts – Dwell Distance”

If the distance travelled at door zone speed is significantly less, with the lift car
rushing into floor, then increase “Pattern Misc. Setts – System Lag Time”.

If the distance travelled at door zone speed is significantly more, then reduce
“Pattern Misc. Setts – System Lag Time”.

21 TVL 297
7.3 Step 2 – Adjustment of Ride Quality

Ride quality may be adjusted for comfort or performance using the “Pattern Speed
Setts – Contract Accel” and “Pattern Speed Setts – Accel. Jerk Rate” parameters.

Typical values are given in the table below:-

Rated Speed Acceleration Jerk

(m/s) (m/s2) (m/s3)
<1.00 0.4 0.6
1.00 0.7 – 0.7 0.75
1.60 0.7 – 0.8 0.9
2.50 0.8 – 0.9 1.0
3.00 1.0 1.25
5.00 1.2 1.5
6.00 1.2 1.8
Typical Ride Quality Settings
Taken from: CIBSE Guide D: Transportation systems in
buildings - Section 3. Traffic planning and selection of lift
equipment and performance - Table 2.5 Typical lift dynamics

7.4 Step 3 – Adjustment of Stopping Comfort and Accuracy

[NOTE: Throughout this procedure, reference should be made to drawings
TVLD427 and TVLD422]

The length of the up and down levelling vane overlap is adjustable to give a variable
length floor level zone. When in the area of overlap the V-COM will ramp its output
pattern to electrical zero under the influence of “Pattern Speed Setts – Re-Level
Accel” and the lift controller will apply the brake and drop the running contactors.
A recommended initial setting for Leveller Overlap is calculated by the V-COM,
taking into account the current setting of Door Zone Speed and Relevel Accel
parameters. This value may be may be viewed in “Pattern Misc. Setts – Recom.
LU/LD Overlap” and should initially be set in “Pattern Speed Setts – Leveller
Prior to any attempt being made to adjust Floor Level Trims it is essential that the lift
stops consistently in both directions. A floor should be selected mid-shaft. With
reference to drawing TVLD428, the lift should be run into the chosen floor from both
directions and the stopping position relative to the floor level noted. The difference
between the stopping positions (the “Stop Gap”) may then be used, as shown to set a
value of Leveller Ovelap to compensate for the inconsistency in stopping. (NOTE:
The car' s position with respect to floor level isn'
t that important other than as a datum
to measure the stop gap.)

As an example, consider a stop gap of 10mm with the car stopping high in the up
direction. For consistent stopping the Leveller Overlap should be increased by 10mm.
This effectively brings the upward stopping point down 5mm and the downward
stopping point up 5mm, which should result inconsistent stopping.

22 TVL 297
7.5 Step 7 – Floor Level Trim Adjustment

Floor levels may now be checked. The lift should be ridden to every floor in both
directions of travel, recording errors in floor level using the table in Section 11. Using
the formula given, floor level trim values can be calculated (see also TVLD422) and
should be entered for each floor via the “V-COM Toolbox – Floor Trims” menu.

Down Average Floor
Up Error Trim
Error Level Error
(+/- mm) (+/- mm)
(+/- mm) (mm)
10 + 10 = 10
+10 +10 -10
(-10) + (-10) = -10
-10 -10 +10

If a floor level is wildly out, check position of the DZ reflector / magnet at that floor.
NOTE: If a reflector / magnet is moved, both the shaft learn and speed
setting processes will need to be repeated.

7.6 Step 6 – Saving Settings

Once adjustment are complete, all settings can be backed up in the ETHOS “Memory
Management” menu.

23 TVL 297



24 TVL 297

Reflective or
Magnetic Door
Zone Strip
DZ Door Zone


Floor Level
Trim Floor Level


25 TVL 297



26 TVL 297
8 Emergency Terminal Slowdown

The ETHOS/V-COM system provides a two-stage means of effecting a slowdown at

terminal floors, should normal slowing not occur. This is enhanced where a
secondary absolute positional feedback is provided for monitoring by the V-COM
Slave (B) processor.

8.1 Operation

Figure 1 below shows the principle of operation.

Slave ETSD Pattern

Emergency Crash
Speed Decel. Area Stop Area

Normal Pattern

Safe Area

ETSD Threshold Rate

Crash Stop Threshold Rate

Terminal DZ

Fig. 1: Illustration of V-COM Emergency Deceleration and crash Stop Scenarios

The system defines three areas at each terminal floor: a Safe Area (in which the lift
normally operates), an Emergency Decel. Area and a Crash Stop Area. The boundary
between the ‘Safe Area’ and the ‘Emergency Decel Area’ is defined by an imaginary
deceleration curve. This deceleration rate (set by ‘ETSD Threshold’ in the ‘Pattern
Misc. Setts’ menu) would normally be set equal to the application deceleration rate
(set by ‘Contract Accel.’ in the ‘Pattern Speed Setts.’ Menu), but extends from the
trailing edge of the terminal floor door-zone. The boundary between the ‘Emergency
Decel Area’ and the ‘Crash Stop Area’ is defined by a second imaginary deceleration
curve. This deceleration rate (set by ‘Crash Stop Threshold’ in the ‘Pattern Misc.
Setts’ menu) would normally be set to twice the application deceleration rate (set by
‘Contract Accel.’ in the ‘Pattern Speed Setts.’ Menu) and again extends from the
trailing edge of the terminal floor door-zone.

27 TVL 297
8.1.1 V-COM Master Only
The speed and position of the lift are constantly monitored by the V-COM Master (A)
processor. Under normal operation the lift will slow at the terminal floor well within
the ‘Safe Area’. If the lift has not slowed normally, the detected combination of speed
and position will place the lift into the ‘Emergency Decel Area’. At this point, the V-
COM signals the ETHOS to instigate slowing at a steeper than normal deceleration
rate (shown by the thick dotted line in Fig. 1 and set by ‘Contract Accel.’ in the
‘Pattern Speed Setts.’ Menu). If the detected combination of speed then places the lift
in the ‘Crash Stop Area’ (suggesting a failure of the system to respond to the request
to slow), the V-COM will drop its ‘OK’ relay, thus forcing a crash stop.

8.1.2 V-COM Master and V-COM Slave

Where a secondary absolute positional feedback is available, the speed and position of
the lift are additionally constantly monitored by the V-COM Slave (B) processor. Fig.
2 shows how the V-COM Slave (B) processor develops a pattern reference, which
does not interfere with the pattern reference generated by the V-COM Master (A)
processor, under normal conditions, but includes a limiting deceleration rate (set by
‘ETSD Threshold’ in the ‘Pattern Misc. Setts’ menu). If the detected combination of
speed and position has placed the lift into the ‘Emergency Decel Area’ (as in 8.1.1),
but the V-COM Slave (B) processor detects that emergency slowing via the V-COM
Master (A) processor has not taken place, then the pattern reference will automatically
be switched to that generated by the V-COM Slave (B) processor.

104% of Contract Speed

Threshold Slave ETSD Pattern Threshold
Rate Rate
105% Master Normal Pattern ESD
Dive Terminal
Speed Speed

1 2 Floors 3 4

Bottom Top
Floor Floor

Fig. 2: Illustration of V-COM Slave Pattern (Up Direction on 4 Floor Application)

8.2 Testing

Operation of the Emergency Terminal Slowdown facility may be tested by putting the
lift out of step and then running the lift into a terminal floor, thus mimicking a failure
to slow, as follows:

Position the lift mid-shaft, at floor level, ensuring that the ‘DZ’ LED is illuminated.
Switch the controller to TEST control. NOTE: Any attempt to carry out the
following steps whilst on NORMAL control will result in the message “Unsafe To
Accept Command”.

28 TVL 297
Enter the V-COM Toolbox menu and select one of the following options:

ETSD Test Shift Up – this will shift the V-COM incremental lift position
up one floor from the current actual lift position to
allow testing of the Emergency Terminal Slowdown
facility into the bottom terminal floor.
ETSD Tst Shift Down – this will shift the V-COM incremental lift position
down one floor from the current actual lift position
to allow testing of the Emergency Terminal
Slowdown facility into the top terminal floor.

The following screen will be displayed (example follows selection of “ETSD Test
Shift Up”):-


* You Are About To *
* Force Position *
* One Floor Up *
* Are You Sure? Y/N *

Selecting “YES” will result in the modification of the V-COM incremental floor
position, which can be confirmed on the main ETHOS status screen. Selecting “NO”
will return to the V-COM Toolbox menu.

On software versions Ver2.32 and above, remove the DZ input plug so the V-COM
does not see a DZ during the test. If this is left in the V-COM may produce a "Lost -
Position Err" event and decelerate normally before reaching the ETSD Zone.
If you see a "Lost - Position Err" event remove the DZ and try again.

Switch the controller back to NORMAL control and enter a call to the required
terminal floor.

NOTE: Where a satisfactory Emergency Terminal Slowdown cannot be

achieved, the procedure above may be repeated, to place the lift
further out of step.

29 TVL 297
Example – Testing The ETSD Function Into The Top Terminal Floor

With the lift positioned at floor 4 and ‘DZ’ LED illuminated, switch the controller to
TEST control. Enter the V-COM Toolbox menu, select “ETSD Tst Shift Down” and
confirm the selection on the confirmation screen. (Whilst the actual lift position is
floor 4, the ETHOS and the V-COM Master (A) processor believe that the lift is at
floor 3. The V-COM Slave (B) processor (if used), is, however, not affected by the
position shift and, via feedback from the absolute encoder, and believes correctly that
the lift is at floor 4.)

Enter a call for the top terminal floor. As the lift approaches the terminal floor, the V-
COM Slave (B) processor (if used) recognises that the speed of the lift is too high and
will initiate emergency slowdown. If the V-COM Slave (B) processor is not used, the
ETHOS will recognise, upon detection of TFR, that it has not initiated normal
slowdown and will invoke a crash stop.

30 TVL 297
9 Troubleshooting

9.1 V-COM Related ETHOS Event Descriptions

The events listed in the table below are recorded in the ETHOS Event Log.

Event Error Description Corrective Action

No. Message
092 SE Hard The V-COM system has requested a Check TFR or BFR placement /
Dive Fail dive 3 times, but has failed to reset operation / wiring / polarity /
the unit’s position. excessive switch bounce /
misaligned switch / ramp etc. *
161 CAN2 Bus The V-COM – ETHOS CAN link has Check CAN link cable and
Off been detected off-line ten times and connections.
has been terminated.
162 CAN2 A duplicate ID has been received Refer to LiftStore factory.
Duplicate ID from the V-COM – ETHOS CAN
link and the link is now off-line.
163 VCOM V-COM Master (A) processor has Refer to LiftStore factory.
Master reset.
164 VCOM V-COM Slave (B) processor has Refer to LiftStore factory.
Slave Reset reset.
166 Unusable V-COM Master (A) parameters have Check job parameters or reset to set
VCOM produced invalid kinematics. to defaults.
167 VCOM No ETHOS is attempting to move the lift Check connection and cable to
* SA/SB but the V-COM has not registered a incremental encoder. Check V-
change in counts from the COM power / fuses.
incremental encoder.
168 VCOM V-COM counts are changing in the Refer to para. 5.1.2.
* Wrong wrong direction.
169 VCOM M V-COM Master (A) processor has a Repeat shaft learn and if problem
Shaft Map corrupt shaft map. persists contact LiftStore.
170 VCOM Mst V-COM has lost communications Check connections and cable.
Comms Fail with the V-COM Master (A) Check V-COM power / fuses.
171 VCOM Slv V-COM has lost communications Check connections and cable.
Comms Fail with the V-COM Slave (B) Check V-COM power / fuses.
172 VCOM NO ETHOS is attempting to move the lift Check connection and cable to
* ABS but the V-COM has not registered a absolute encoder. Check V-COM
Change change in counts from the absolute power / fuses.
173 VCOM V-COM has invoked a crash stop Check connections and cables to
Crash Stop (see Section 8). incremental and absolute encoders.
174 VCOM S V-COM Slave (B) processor has Repeat shaft learn and if problem
Shaft Map reset. persists contact LiftStore.
176 VCOM Lost V-COM is lost and has requested a Check connections and cables to
Reset Dive dive in order to reset its position. incremental and absolute encoders.
177 VCOM Soft V-COM has a large count error and Check connections and cables to
Reset Dive will try to call to the bottom terminal incremental and absolute encoders.
floor in order to reset its position.

31 TVL 297
Event Error Description Corrective Action
No. Message
178 VCOM ABS V-COM has lost communications Check connection and cable to
Enc Lost with the absolute encoder. absolute encoder.
179 VCOM Eth / One of the V-COM processors has Check connections and cable.
2uP Lost lost communications with the other Check V-COM power / fuses.
V-COM processor. Check fault user data to identify
processor (1=Master, 2=Slave)
180 VCOM V-COM cannot allocate a speed for Check V-COM slowing distances.
Target the current run due to it being too
Problem short for the lowest high speed.
184 Miss. 2nd Lift has stopped and is missing LU & Check DZF/DZR wiring.
Door Sig. LD or missing Door Zone M input.
Doors cannot open without two
proximity signals.
187 VCOM Slv. VCOM Slave (B) processor has Check connections and cables to
* Pat. ETSD pattern control. This could be an incremental and absolute encoders.
ETSD, overspeed or pattern fault.
188 VCOM Mst. VCOM Master (A) processor has Refer to LiftStore factory.
* Pat. Err. experienced an error on the pattern
189 VCOM VCOM has experienced an Check speed / encoder settings and
* Overspeed overspeed condition. encoder connections.
190 VCOM VCOM has experienced an Check encoder connections / settings
Underspeed underspeed condition. / mechanics.
191 VCOM VCOM has had same fault on 3 Check logger for relevant fault.
Repeat consecutive journeys. (Faults marked
Faults with *.)
NOTE: Each fault free journey
reduces active fault counts by one.

9.2 Shaft Learn Error Text Description

The messages listed in the table below may be displayed during the shaft learning
process, but are not recorded in the ETHOS Event Log.

Error Description Corrective Action

1 Internal SW An unknown message has been received Repeat shaft learn and if problem
msg Err by the shaft learn process. This error is persists contact LiftStore.
indicative of a software fault.
2 No initial BFR and at least one of the door zone Check BFR/DZF/DZR wiring.
BFR signals (DZF/DZR) where not active
together at the bottom terminal floor at
the start of the shaft learn.
3 Incorrect The top floor reset (TFR) input became Check TFR placement / operation /
TFR on active whilst the lift was travelling wiring / polarity/ excessive switch
downwards. The TFR input should only bounce / misaligned switch / ramp
become active when the car travels etc*
upwards onto the TFR limit switch at the
top floor.

32 TVL 297
Error Description Corrective Action
4 Incorrect The top floor reset (TFR) input changed Check TFR placement / operation /
TFR off state from active to inactive whilst the lift wiring / polarity / excessive switch
was travelling upwards. bounce / misaligned switch / ramp
The TFR input should only become etc*
inactive when the car travels downwards
away from the TFR limit switch/ top
terminal floor.
5 Incorrect The bottom floor reset (BFR) input Check BFR placement / operation /
BFR on became active whilst the lift was wiring / polarity / excessive switch
travelling upwards. The BFR input bounce / misaligned switch / ramp
should only become active when the car etc*
travels downwards onto the BFR limit
switch at the bottom terminal floor.
6 Incorrect The Bottom floor reset (BFR) input Check BFR placement / operation /
BFR off changed state from active to inactive wiring / polarity / excessive switch
whilst the lift was travelling downwards. bounce / misaligned switch / ramp
The BFR input should only become etc*
inactive when the car travels upwards
away from the BFR limit switch/ bottom
terminal floor.
7 Missing Bot No Bottom Terminal Door Zone found Ensure all DZ sensors / magnets /
Term DZ the fault is caused by any of the reflective strips have been fitted.
following: - Check BFR/DZF/DZR signal
1. On activation of the BFR signal sequencing. Check separation
(travelling downwards) or on distance between BFR and BTDZ
deactivation of the BFR signal (typical separation is 1 metre).
(travelling upwards) the DZ Ensure that the BTDZ is the only DZ
signal for the BTDZ side was to be seen on the BTDZ side after
active. the BFR input becomes active i.e.
2. On stopping at the bottom BFR must go active before the car
terminal floor the DZ signal for reaches the BTDZ (travelling
the BTDZ side was found downwards).
3. More than one DZ was passed
on the BTDZ side whilst the
BFR signal was active.
8 Missing Top No Top Terminal Door Zone found the Ensure all DZ sensors / magnets /
Term DZ fault is caused by any of the following:- reflective strips have been fitted.
1. On activation of the TFR signal Check TFR/DZF/DZR signal
(travelling upwards) or on sequencing. Check separation
deactivation of the TFR signal distance between TFR and TTDZ
(travelling downwards) the DZ (typical separation is 1 metre).
signal for the TTDZ side was Ensure that the TTDZ is the only DZ
active. to be seen on the TTDZ side after
2. On stopping at the top terminal the TFR input becomes active i.e.
floor the DZ signal for the TFR must go active before the car
TTDZ side was inactive. reaches the TTDZ (travelling
3. More than one DZ was passed upwards).
on the TTDZ side whilst the
TFR signal was active.
9 TFR & BFR The TFR and BFR signals are both active. Check wiring/operation/polarity of
both on! top and bottom floor reset switches.

33 TVL 297
Error Description Corrective Action
10 Controller The controller has instructed V-COM to Ensure all DZ sensors / magnets /
Stop Cmd halt having stopped on the bottom or top reflective strips have been fitted.
terminal door zone. Ordinarily V-COM Check TFR/DZF/DZR signal
proceeds with the next phase of the learn sequencing.
process however if V-COM is out of step Repeat shaft learn and if problem
with the controller the controller stop persists contact LiftStore.
command is treated as an error condition.
11 Invld up The upward movement phase of the shaft Check wiring/functionality and
Term state learn has finished but the car has not polarity of TFR and TTDZ signals
stopped in DZ on TFR.
12 Max Levels More than 64 discrete floor levels were Check for spurious or noisy DZ
Exceeded recorded during the shaft learn. signals. Ensure reflective DZ strips
are clean and mounted at right
angles to the sensor head with a
uniform separation distance at all
13 Flr Levels More floor levels were seen during the Treat as per “Max Levels
Underrun downward phase of the shaft learn than Exceeded”. Where a front or a rear
were recorded during the upward phase of DZ strip are used at the same floor
the shaft learn. Note that front and rear level i.e. At selective or open-
door zone strips that are unequal in length through floor levels ensure that the
or front and rear doors strips with more front and rear door zone strips are of
than 20mm vertical separation between identical length and located at
them will be learnt as two separate floor exactly the same position in the
levels. shaft.
14 SW TFR An error occurred during calculation of Repeat shaft learn and if problem
math Error the TFR count. This is may indicate a persists contact LiftStore.
software fault or interrupted shaft learn.
15 SW BFR An error occurred during calculation of Repeat shaft learn and if problem
math Error the BFR count. This is may indicate a persists contact LiftStore.
software fault or interrupted shaft learn.
16 Missing BFR The BFR input did not change state in Check operation/polarity of BFR
Count both up and down phases of the shaft switch.
learn consequently V-COM was unable to
calculate an average BFR count.
17 Missing TFR The TFR input did not change state in Check operation/polarity of TFR
Count both up and down phases of the shaft switch.
learn consequently V-COM was unable to
calculate an average TFR count.
18 Invalid count An invalid count value was recorded Repeat shaft learn and if problem
during the shaft learn. This fault is persists contact LiftStore.
indicative of an internal problem.
19 DZ Too A DZ was measured at less than the Check for spurious or noisy DZ
Short minimum permitted door zone length (75 signals. Ensure reflective DZ strips
mm typical). are clean and mounted at right
angles to the sensor head with a
uniform separation distance at all
floors. Check DZ strip length,
replace damaged strips as necessary.
Check incremental encoder data.
20 DZ Too A DZ was measured at more than the Check operation of DZ sensor for
Long maximum permitted door zone length switching latency or hysteresis.
(200 mm typical). Check DZ strip length, ensure
minimum same side DZ separation
distance is not breached (2000 mm
Check incremental encoder data.

34 TVL 297
Error Description Corrective Action
21 SW Flr Lvl Software floor level math error. V-COM Ensure all DZ sensors / magnets /
Math Err was unable to average the top and bottom reflective strips have been fitted.
DZ counts to form an estimated floor Check TFR / DZF / DZR signal
level count due to an internal calculation sequencing.
error. Repeat shaft learn and if problem
persists contact LiftStore.
22 Same Side The distance between any two floor levels Eensure minimum same side DZ
Short Flr on the same side is shorter than the separation distance is not breached
minimum same side short floor length (2000 mm typical).
(2000 mm typical) Check DZ’s as per DZ Too Short /
Too Long faults.
Repeat shaft learn and if problem
persists contact LiftStore.
Check incremental encoder data.
23 Extra DZ A DZ vane that wasn’t seen on the Check for rope slip. Check DZ
Vane Seen upward phase of the shaft learn has been sensor operation correcting
seen on the downward phase of the shaft target/sensor head orientation and
learn. A disparity in counts due to rope separation as necessary.
slip or an extreme imbalance (hysteresis)
in door zone sensor operation may lead to
a single vane being wrongly interpreted
as two discrete vanes during a shaft learn.
24 Missing DZ A DZ vane recorded during the upward Treat as per “Extra DZ Vane Seen”
Vane phase of the shaft learn hasn’t been seen error.
on the downward phase of the shaft learn.
Causation as per “Extra DZ Vane Seen”
25 Final Flr Lev A software error occurred during the Ensure all DZ sensors / magnets /
Err calculation of the final (average) floor reflective strips have been fitted.
level count. Repeat shaft learn and if problem
persists contact LiftStore.
26 Final Top A software error occurred during the Ensure all DZ sensors / magnets /
DZ Err calculation of the final (average) DZ top reflective strips have been fitted.
edge count. Repeat shaft learn and if problem
persists contact LiftStore.
27 Final Bottom A software error occurred during the Ensure all DZ sensors / magnets /
DZ Err calculation of the final (average) DZ reflective strips have been fitted.
bottom edge count. Repeat shaft learn and if problem
persists contact LiftStore.
28 Max Travel The maximum distance of travel was Check for excessive rope slip / tight
Exceeded exceeded during the shaft learn (200 m spots in guides. Check incremental
typical). encoder data.
29 Wrong No. The number of floors learnt in the up Ensure all DZ sensors / magnets /
Of Floors phase does not match the number of reflective strips have been fitted.
floors set in the controller. Perform checks as per DZ Too Long
and DZ Too Short. Check number
of floors set correctly in controller.
30 Map Burn to An error occurred during burning of the Re-learn and if error persists contact
E2 Fail shaft map into EEPROM. LiftStore

*Note on signal polarity.

Some switches are normally closed that is to say the corresponding V-COM
input signal is normally on e.g. TFR/BFR switches. The text above refers to
the active and inactive input SIGNAL state. The active input state for a
normally closed switch is OFF e.g. the TFR switch input LED is off when the
lift is at the top terminal floor (TFR active).

35 TVL 297
9.3 TFR/BFR Positioning

The Top Floor Reset and Bottom Floor reset position switches are the primary
position datum points. The switches should be rigidly mounted and operate cleanly.
Excessive play or bounce on the switch or ramp could adversely affect V-COM
operation. If either reset is moved a shaft learn should be performed (see Section 6 -
Shaft Learn Procedure) in order to maintain optimum floor level accuracy and ride

If V-COM detects a large floor position error or following interruption of the power
supply a dive sequence will be invoked and the lift will travel at dive speed to one or
both terminal floors. During a dive or learn sequence operation of BFR or TFR will
initiate deceleration the rate being determined by the parameter “Dive / Learn Decel”.

36 TVL 297
10 Glossary

BFR Bottom Floor Reset

BTDZ Bottom Terminal Door Zone
CAN Controller Area Network
DZ Door Zone
DZC Door Zone (Calculated)
LD Leveller Down
LU Leveller Up
LTLR Low Speed Timer
PS Control Circuit Power Supply Monitor
TFR Top Floor Reset
TTDZ Top Terminal Door Zone

37 TVL 297
11 Floor Trim Adjustment

Record floor level error in both directions of travel before setting Trim.

Up Error = Floor level error in the up direction of travel

Dn Error = Floor level error in the down direction of travel
Average Floor = (Up Error + Down Error)
Level Error 2
Trim = 0 – Average Floor Level Error [Change sign +/-]

Car High =+ve error Car Low = -ve error

+ve error
(mm) -ve error

NOTE: The Down Error for the Top Terminal Floor should be recorded as zero

Contract Number:

Up Down Average Floor Level

Floor Trim
Error Error Error [0 – Ave. Floor Level Error]
Level [(Up Error + Down Error)/2]
(+/- mm)
(+/- mm) (+/- mm) (mm)
1 0

38 TVL 297
Up Down Average Floor Level
Floor Trim
Error Error Error [0 – Ave. Floor Level Error]
Level [(Up Error + Down Error)/2]
(+/- mm)
(+/- mm) (+/- mm) (mm)






















39 TVL 297
Up Down Average Floor Level
Floor Trim
Error Error Error [0 – Ave. Floor Level Error]
Level [(Up Error + Down Error)/2]
(+/- mm)
(+/- mm) (+/- mm) (mm)



















40 TVL 297
12 Revision History

Manual Issue Issue Date V-COM Firmware Build

1 (10/07) 2.08
2 (11/07) 2.10
3 (05/11) 2.31

41 TVL 297

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