SLA - Math 10 Week 1
SLA - Math 10 Week 1
SLA - Math 10 Week 1
In this Self – Learning Activity you will be
doing tasks which help you generate a sequence Actvity 2:Term after Term
,illustrate the arithmetic sequence , determine the Answer number 2 and 4 on page 11.( in your
nth term and the sum of the given arithmetic notebook/paper)
sequence Examples will be given to you.
1.Find the first 4terms of the sequence given the
II. OBJECTIVES nth term.
At the end of this week, you will be able to: An = n + 3
a. Generate and illustrate the arithmetic Solution: If n =1, A1 = 1+3 = 4
sequence If n =2 A2 = 2 +3=5
b. determine the nth term and sum of the If n= 3 ,A3 =3+3 =6
terms of a given arithmetic sequence. If n= 4 A4 = 3+4 =7
So the first 4 terms 4,5,6,7
Day 1: Good day grade 10 students.. hope you are Day 2 -3: In your activity yesterday you were asked
safe and comfortable in your learning space at to find the sequences/patterns and you knew what
home! Today, we are going to learn how to use our is a nth term of a sequence ?
Self-Learning Activity (SLA). This Math SLA is your Today you are going to reverse the given Activity
weekly study guide. It contains the lesson overview 2,This time given sets of sequences and you will
for the week, the objectives and what I expect you give the general term or the nth term or last term.
will be able to accomplish. It also specifies the daily
tasks or activities that you are going to do. Some of So,answer the given activity 3 Getting you Know
these tasks/Activities are in your Learner’s Module You
and some are in the SLA itself. Your parent will get On page 11.number 2 and 4..Write your solution in
your SLA from your adviser every Monday of the your notebook or paper.
week and at the same time pass your Example:
accomplished tasks/activities from the previous What is the nth term for each sequence below?
week. Accomplish the daily task on schedule to 1. 4,5,6,7 Answer: An = n+3
avoid cramming. If you need help in answering the Solution:
activities ask somebody reliable at home or you An= n+3, A1 = 1+3 =4
may text/call me at this number 09352399678/ my A2 = 2+3 =5
fb messenger pages from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM. A3=3+3=6
Tuesday to Thursday. A4= 3+4 =7
You are now ready to start the first lesson The above activity illustrates a sequence
in Mathematics 10. Today you are going to answer where the difference between any consecutive
an activity to lead you better understanding the key number terms is constant.This constant term is
concepts of sequences, particularly an arithmetic called the common difference and the said
sequence.. sequence is called an arithmetic sequence.
Get your Learner’s Manual and let us Example:
start!!! The sequences 13,5,7…Common difference is 2
Answer Activity 1: What’s next ? on page 10. d – common difference
(Answer odd numbers only( 1, 3, 5, ). Write From 3 -1 =2, 5-3 =2 7-5 =2
answer/solution in your paper.
An arithmetic sequence is a sequence where
To answer Activity 1, please study the following every term after the first term is obtained by
examples: adding a constant called a common difference.
What’s next?
1.) What is the next number 2,3, ___ An = A1 + ( n-1 ) d
Answer: 4 where A1 – first term
2.) What is the 3rd number?15,20, ____ An- last term
Answer: 25 n- number of terms
3.) What is the next number and 5th number ? d- common difference
-3 -2,4,-8,____ Answer : 16 & -32 Example: What is the 8th term of the arithmetic
sequence 3,5,7,9,….?
Were you able to find the patterns and get the next So A1=3, n=8,d=5-3=2
number n the sequence? .
Let us now give the formal definition of a sequence. Solution: A8 = 3 + (8-1)2
= 3 +(7)2
=3 +14 =17 8th term
So answer activity 6: What is missing ? on page
14 number 1,3,5,& 7..Write your answer in your
Sn =n/2 ( A1 + An ) or
Sn = n/2 (2 A1 + (n-1)d
Day 5: QUIZ
Mathematics 10Learner’s Material - pages 3 -