Noise in High-Speed Digital-to-Analog Converters: P.-Y. Bourgeois, T. Imaike, G. Goavec-Merou and E. Rubiola
Noise in High-Speed Digital-to-Analog Converters: P.-Y. Bourgeois, T. Imaike, G. Goavec-Merou and E. Rubiola
Noise in High-Speed Digital-to-Analog Converters: P.-Y. Bourgeois, T. Imaike, G. Goavec-Merou and E. Rubiola
Abstract—We report on the measurement of phase noise where fs represents the sampling rate.
of high speed analog to digital converters in a full digital
measurement setup and for various development boards. The III. D IGITAL A RCHITECTURES
tested configurations ensures a Nyquist rate higher than 100 MHz
suitable for conventional ultralow noise devices. Several analog In this project, we have operated a selection of various
to digital converters featuring a SNR higher than 140 dB enable platforms with integration of FPGA and CPU cores. All
the measurement of AM and PM noise with a background noise algorithms have been developped from scratch in C as a library
of -185 dBc (floor) and -160 dBc (flicker, 10 Hz off the carrier)
featuring basic blocks functions, double and single precision in
using cross-correlation technique.
order to predict correct behaviour of their hardware description
counterparts. To our point of view, this is the correct way to
fully master the full system flow and measurement chain at
Digital tools are a mature technology to perform dynamic every stage. In this manner it will be possible in the future
signal analysis on ultrastable clocks and devices presenting to develop accurate models including quantization noises pro-
unpreceedent levels of stability[1-3]. Jointly with the help of cesses. Indeed this excludes the use of any proprietary black-
Soc FPGAs used as realtime coprocessors and CPUs running boxes.
multitasks operating systems with double precision, cross-
We present here 3 digital architectures that are, amongst
correlation techniques on full samples phase times series
others, under test at FEMTO-ST.
benefit from high bandwidths up to 100 MHz off the carrier.
The IF conversion is done after sampling, analysis resolution We have selected a high-speed digitizing system, from
is limited in the measurement time by the resolution of the Alazartech company, consisting of 2 synchronized boards em-
analog to digital converters. We present in this paper various bedding each 2 AD9467 (16 bits, 250 Msps), 2 Altera Stratix
tests performed on several kind of platforms based on FPGAs III FPGAs (main/coprocessor) and PCIe extension connected
with deported CPUs or the latest SoCs embedding hard cores to multicore PC station running debian-based GNU-Linux
CPUs. kernel 3.16. The versatility of such a system enable ease of
retrieving continuous samples at full speed, fast developpment
II. N UMBERS and algorithms testing as the interfaces and communication
parts are already provided.
Assuming a uniform quantizer, the quantum resolution step
is defined as the ratio of the voltage full scale range and the Second, the recent multicore SoC FPGAs as Zynq/Cyclone
number of bits M : vf sr V systems offer potential high-end features and are of growing
q= M (1) interrest. For we have conducted tests on Zynq-based platforms
2 1 (ZC706 coupled to 2 dual-channel LTC2158 (14 bits, 310
The associated noise is a statistical process representing the Msps), and also tested the dual-channel LTC2145 (14 bits, 125
density of probability of states within a measurement lenght ⌧ Msps) of the Redpitaya system, although this last platform is
: more dedicated to low-quality general purposes (small FPGA,
Z only 2 channels, not Open Source/Hardware. . . ).
2 1 ⌧ /2 2 q
= eq (t)dt = (2)
⌧ ⌧ /2 12
Finally the total noise represents the integrated noise over
the measurement bandwidth, directly related to the Nyquist
frequency :
FFT −> Norm −> PS −> PSD
S' (f ) , L' (f )
N = (3) 'k = atan(Q/I) D FFT −> Norm −> PS −> PSD
p D x 10
Ak = Q2 + I 2
This last equation remains only when proper filtering and DUT
small fraction of aliasing occurs, thanks to Parseval theorem.
π /2
4 · q2 4
SN R = ⇠ (4)
2 2
3 · vf sr · a · fs M
3 · 2 · fs Fig. 1. Principle of a digital phase noise measurement system
0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 1000001e+06 1e+07 1e+08
For the LTC2158, the input carrier was 6.6 dBm, with a
voltage fullscale range of vf sr = 1.35 V. Slices of 217 points
were taken at every output stage of the filters
p to reconstruct
the spectrum.
p White noise is about 10 nV/ Hz and flicker
of 5.6 µV/ Hz. SNR=154 dB for white noise.
The power spectral density is evaluated from the collected
samples at full speed with double precision (’calculated pn "temp_redp_50_0diff/dif_ab.dat"
from samples’ in the figure). The counterpart digital down -60
conversion in single precision version embedded into the -80
points per period for a 10 MHz carrier at 250 MHz sampling -120
results. The first stage output effectively ensures that no extra -180
quantization noise is induced by the chain, particularly the -200
full bit width remains unchanged. This process is no longer -220
true when multiple stages must be embedded while performing -240
slice rescaling, and additive noise may be taken into account. 0.01 0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08
For the Redpitaya system, the input stage was bypassed and
loaded to 50 ⌦. Only the LVDS amplifier was kept to prepare
the ADC to be feeded with differential signal. The gain is
VI. ADC NOISE MEASUREMENTS about 2, for a 0 dBm signal and a vf sr = 1.25 V at the input
of the analog to digital converter (the measure was done in
A. ADC noise measurement principle a differential mode). The onboard clock system was used to
clock the ADC at 125 Msps, slices of 214 data were taken, and
The setup of ADC phase noise measurement is depicted in because of spare space, only two filtering/decimation stages
the following figure. were performed within the FPGA. The obtained white noise
p p
is 29nV/ Hz, and 4.5µV/ Hz for flicker. SNR=143.5 dB -100
"250M_floor.dat" u 1:($2-3)
(white) in a 1Hz bandwidth. "100M_floor.dat" u 1:($2-3)
"50M_floor.dat" u 1:($2-3)
-120 -159.05
-100 "dif_chc_chd_avg100.dat" -160
-120 -180
-140 -200
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06
The measured noise floors for various sampling rates are in
perfect agreement with their theroretical expectations.
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07 1e+08
The digital single channel noise floor measurement obeys
the setup described on the following figure. When the two
Results from the AD9467 of the Alazartech boards pre- converters are feeded with a full scale range 10 MHz low
sented, for a 12 dBm carrier (vf sr = 2.5
p V), a white noise noise wave, we may have access to the single channel noise
floor of about -157 dBVp2
/Hz (14 nV/ Hz) and a flicker of by differentiating the 2 arms after digital down conversion,
110dBV2 /Hz (3 µV/ Hz). Referred to the carrier, this is phase extraction and spectrum calculation.
equivalent to a SNR of 156 dB (white) and 109 (1 Hz) in a 1 nA + nclk + nADC1
Hz bandwidth. A (DUT)
nA nB + nADC1 + nADC2
Taking into account the 1 dBc of carrier power, the pre- B (REF)
sented results are compatible with phase noise measurements. DDC
B. Effective number of bits evaluation For the noise budget, the uncorrelated arms noises are
suppressed and just remains the contribution of the converters
This technique is perfectly suitable to a fast evaluation of
the effective number of bits (ENOB) of the analog to digital "fast-alazar-floor--10M-floor.dat"
converters. One may just analyze the white noise floor for -60
"fast-alazar-floor--10M-floor.dat" u 1:3
! -160
vf sr
EN OB = log2 1+ p (5) -180
12 · fN · Sf loorL 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06
Applied to the AD9467 system, the measurement of VIII. A PPLICATION TO THE MEASUREMENT OF CSO
Sf loor ⇠= 158 dBV2 /Hz lead to an effective number of It is possible to apply the 2 channels technique to
bits of about 12 in agreement with the technical datasheet. the measurement of a pair of cryogenic sapphire oscilla-
tors (CSO) exhibiting a frequency instability in the 10 15
7.029 MHz L'(f )
White phase noise floor directly depends on the sampling
rate as shown on the following figure. range. The
beatnote of about 7.029 MHz of a pair of CSO feeds a two- As an application, we have performed the measure-
channel digital phase noise measurement system. The beatnote ment of the low noise synthesizer used in our experiments,
is downconverted and successive filtering/decimation stages the R&S SMA 100A with low noise option. The result-
are applied. ing plot is compared to the expensive Agilent PN5052B.
-20 "sma-agilent-meas.dat"
"Uliss-vs-Marmotte-7MHz--250Msps.dat" "sma-alazar.dat" u 1:($2-10*log10(2))
"Uliss-vs-Marmotte-7MHz--100Msps.dat" -40
-40 "sma-datasheet.dat"
"Uliss-vs-Marmotte-7MHz--25Msps.dat" -60
-60 "Uliss-vs-Marmotte-TSC5125.dat"
-80 "noise-floor-TSC5125-10MHz.dat" -80
-100 -100
-120 -120
0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 -200
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06 1e+07
nB + nclk + nADC3
This work is a part of the Programme d’Investissement
d’Avenir at TF Dept of FEMTO-ST Institute (Oscillator IMP,
1 10 100 1000 10000 100000 1e+06