Interloop Sustainability Report 2019 PDF
Interloop Sustainability Report 2019 PDF
Interloop Sustainability Report 2019 PDF
03 04 09
35 43 47
61 85 89
Chairman’s Message 6
Our Footprint 14
Corporate Profile 16
Business Categories 17
Our Customers 24
Supply Chain 25
Stakeholders’ Engagement 30
Materiality Analysis 32
1992 2000 2003 2005 2006 2007 2009 2010 2011 2012
2nd Unit with addition of 400 Established Spinning Unit - I at Established Interloop North Established IL Bangla Limited, Set up Interloop China Office to source
Knitting Machines Interloop Industrial Park (IIP), America; an affiliate and exclusive Bangladesh, a vertically integrated top quality yarns, dyes, chemicals &
Faisalabad comprising 20,400 spindles North American representative Hosiery Plant with current monthly other raw materials cost effectively and
of Interloop Limited to provide production of 2.5 million pairs of socks to ensure better lead time
trend analysis, design & product
development, sales, marketing,
warehousing & logistic services
Set-up a dedicated Vertical Sampling Constructed the New Distribution Center Commissioned Region’s First LEED Held the largest private sector IPO in Installed 2.0 MW Grid Tied Solar
Facility at IIP, Faisalabad at IIP, Faisalabad with storage capacity of Gold Certified Socks manufacturing Pakistan’s history and listed at Pakistan Power Generation System at
around 26.4 million pairs of socks facility (Plant 4) at IIP, Faisalabad Stock Exchange (PSX) as the Largest Hosiery Plant 4 & Spinning, IIP; a
with installed capacity of 720 Textile Company by Market Capitalization renewable energy venture focused
Specialized Knitting Machines and at reducing around 1500 tons of
monthly production capacity of 5 Carbon Emissions annually
million pairs of socks
Associated Companies
• Interloop Holdings (Private) Limited
• Interloop Dairies Limited
• Interloop Welfare Trust
• Momentum Logistics (Pvt.) Limited
• IL Bangla Limited - Bangladesh
• Texlan Center (Pvt.) Limited – Sri Lanka Sri Lanka
• Euro Sox Plus B.V. - Netherlands
• Global Veneer Trading Limited – Switzerland
Million Garments planned capacity annually by 2021
6.5 Garments planned capacity annually by 2021
Headquartered in Pakistan, Hosiery Brands and Retailers A dedicated Vertical Sampling Facility
manufacturing & exports is the Flagship (VSF) at Interloop Industrial Park,
Our Product Range includes:
business category of Interloop Limited. Faisalabad comprising a Yarn Library,
• Socks (Performance, Athletic, dedicated Yarn Dyeing Machines,
Spread across South Asia, it comprises
Casual, Formal, Specialty) 100 Knitting Machines and Linking to
of 5 vertically integrated manufacturing
• Tights & Leggings Finishing capabilities develops premium
facilities in Pakistan, over 250 Acres
across 3 industrial zones, and 1 each We are focused on delivering: quality products for customers. The
in Bangladesh and in Sri Lanka through Product Development Lab houses
• Design & Fashion Trends
associated companies. This report a complete range of latest colour
• Premium Quality
only takes into account the impact development machines.
• Inventory Planning & Management
of local operations and does not • Lean Manufacturing Techniques
include overseas facilities as those are • Timely Delivery
separate entities. • Speed to Market
The vertically integrated production Currently housing 5,000+ knitting Quality Assurance
is equipped with the latest Italian machines, Interloop has the capacity
Knitting Machines, Spanish Processing to produce over 700 million pairs of The Quality Department looks after
Machines and Italian Dyeing Machines, socks and tights annually. We will Quality Assurance, Quality Control,
having quick changeover capability be expanding the hosiery business Quality Testing Labs & QMS. The
and highly skilled staff to produce by adding another 1,280 knitting Quality Policy refers the way our
high volumes of standard mix and machines in Plant 5, expanding our teams follow the working processes
low volumes of customized products. capacity to c.6,500 knitting machines to produce quality products and
Interloop Plant 4, located at Interloop with a production capacity of 900 deliver excellent services to our valued
Industrial Park, is Pakistan’s & million pairs annually. customers. With ISO / IEC 17025:2005
Region’s First LEED Gold Certified & ISO / IEC - 17043 accreditations,
Socks Production Facility, ensuring Interloop is the First Textile Company
26% Energy Savings, 51% Reduction in Pakistan to provide Local Proficiency
in Portable Water Usage & 25% Testing (PT).
Enhanced Fresh Air Intake.
Business Development
• Business opportunities leading to increased
Supplier Surveys,
• Environmental friendly opportunities, exploring
Suppliers Code of
Suppliers Ongoing material and guidance environmental friendly
Conduct, Request for
on new material materials and training/
requirements guidance to suppliers on new
Core Values 37
Our Governance 38
Sustainability at Interloop 40
To be an agent of positive change for the stakeholders and
community by pursuing an ethical and sustainable business Act with Integrity
We act with integrity and are ethical
in our functions and dealings
Accept Responsibility,
Be Accountable
We take decisions through collective
wisdom, accept responsibilities and
avoid undue financial risks
Respect for Environment,
Respect for the People
We make efforts to preserve the
environment we live in and ensure
that self-respect of our workforce is
maintained. We are good team players
VP Sales &
Spinning Finance HR
19,513 19,513
Healthy and sustainable returns are targets may be annual, or, in the case We have zero tolerance for corruption
vital for pursuing sustainability and of expansions, acquisitions and new in our operations as well as in
creating shared value. Our economic business ventures, may be spread our relationship with our business 105 105
426 426
performance is guided by our mission, over a longer term. Currently, our partners. Our Code of Conduct clearly
350 350 1,428 1,428
vision and values, along with targets economic performance is guided by restrains our employees to engage 544 544
set by the management for delivering our vision: “To double our turnover by in any such practice. Additionally, 3,591 3,591
7,898 7,898
6,853 6,853
exceptional results with high quality 2020 through value addition, process our internal audit department carries Operating cost Operating cost Payment to governmentPayment to government Operating cost Operating cost Payment to governmentPayment to government
products, exceeding customer improvement and nourishing talent.” out audit of all activities and reports Employee wages and benefilts
Employee wages Community
and benefiltsInvestmentsCommunity Investments Employee wages Community
Employee wages and benefilts and benefiltsInvestmentsCommunity Investments
Payment to providers ofPayment
capital to providers of capital Payment to providers ofPayment
capital to providers of capital
expectations. Our operations have The Chief Executive Officer along with to the Board Audit Committee. The
both direct and indirect economic the management team is responsible Board Audit Committee reviews the
impacts in the form of return to for underlying activities to meet the report and corrective action is taken The economic performance is performance is available in financial of actuarial valuation. Interloop also
investors; payments to suppliers, targets. At Interloop, while pursuing the as per requirement. During the year, periodically reviewed against the set statement section of the Annual Report offers contributory benefit in form of
employees and the government; and targets, we have the policy to procure all operations were assessed for financial targets at Board meetings and 2019. provident fund to its employees. A
creation of livelihood opportunities maximum raw materials, process risks related to corruption and no corrective measures are taken through separate fund is maintained where
process improvement and cost savings Interloop offers market competitive Interloop contributes 7.5% while
in the supply chain, along with materials and other available products incidence of corruption was recorded
to meet the defined targets. salaries and benefits to its workforce employees contribute 7.5% to 12.5% of
socioeconomic development of the and services locally, to strengthen at Interloop.
and regularly monitors the remuneration basic salaries. The participation in the
surrounding communities. The Board local suppliers and create employment
The Company has shown marvelous for relevance and compliance. Apart contributory benefit plan is voluntary.
defines the targets for economic opportunities.
results in the current financial year by from salaries, Interloop offers defined The liability for defined benefit plan was
performance for the year. Goals and
reporting the revenue of PKR 37,524 benefit in the form of gratuity to its PKR 2,842.62 million in 2019 compared
million against revenue of PKR 31,169 employees where no contribution is to PKR 1,925.61 million in 2018.
DIRECT ECONOMIC VALUE GENERATED AND DISTRIBUTED million in 2018 and securing net profit
of PKR 5,195 million against net
required from the employees. Interloop
does not maintain a separate fund
profit of PKR 3,886 million in 2018. for gratuity and the liability for defined
FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 FY 2016 FY 2015
The detailed information on financial benefit plan is calculated on the basis
Rupees in million
Economic Value Generated 37,524 31,169 26,550 26,426 24,213
Economic Value Distributed
Operating Cost 22,755 19,513 16,851 16,585 16,218
Employee Wages and Benefits 7,898 6,853 5,778 5,016 4,225
Payment to Providers of Capital 3,591 1,428 1,377 1,045 1,703
Payment to Government 544 426 381 582 347
Community Investments 350 105 200 160 87
Economic Value Retained 2,386 2,844 1,963 3,038 1,633
Revenues as per the requirement of GRI Economic Performance 201:2016 disclosure 201-1 which requires inclusion of revenue from financial investments and
sales of assets.
Water withdrawal by source Unit FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017 Unit FY 2019 FY 2018 FY 2017
Ground water m 3
2,667,672 2,971,045 3,283,288 Reduction in GHG Emissions
Mt 9,090 16,181 8,687
through multiple initiatives
The water withdrawal is measured through flow meters.
Only scope - I emissions resulting from CO2, CH4, N2O gases are included in the calculation.
Initiatives for Efficient
Water Management GHG Emissions Reduction in GHG Emissions
(Mt) (Mt)
Nano-Bubble Technology Water Withdrawal 16,181
3 123,196
(m )
Initiatives Interloop has in place a well-defined at all manufacturing plants where all
Nourishing Workforce 63
Interloop Way 74
Community Development 77
HR Department’s 30-50 706 21% Female 447 14% Lahore 1,095 33%
>50 7 1% Total 3,303 100% Total 3,303 100%
Hierarchy Total 3,303 100%
HR Managers at each plant are
responsible for the implementation of
Attrition by Age-Group Attrition by Gender Attrition by Location
HR policies. The most senior officer <30 1,216 65% Male 1,672 90% Faisalabad 1,298 70%
responsible for human resource related
30-50 624 34% Femlae 184 10% Lahore 558 30%
practices is the General Manager
>50 16 1% Total 1,856 100% Total 1,856 100%
Human Resource & Administration.
All human resource related aspects
reviews the human resource practices major variation in the workforce during
i.e. employment practices, diversity,
and recommends the suitable course the financial year 2019. At the end
Interloop’s Human Resource
Management approach ensures
Employee Engagement Compensation &
training, etc. are monitored at the plant
level and reported at the corporate
of action to the Board. A substantial of the year, Interloop enrolled 16,775 retaining top talent which leads to Survey Benefits
portion of the work is performed by employees. sustainable performance and cost
level. The Human Resource & For better understanding of employee Interloop offers market based
full-time employees. There was no effectiveness. The hiring and attrition
Remuneration Committee of the Board perspectives regarding various aspects remuneration to all employees based
rates during FY 2019 were 20%
of their employment with the company, on their skills and according to their
and 11%. The senior management
HR department conducts Employee performance. Workers at all locations
Details of Workforce i.e. Deputy General Manager and
Engagement Survey of executive are paid more than the minimum
16,775 above are hired based on relevant
2019 employees through the internationally wages prescribed by the government.
experience, skills, education and
15,353 acclaimed Mercer’s Employee We ensure that the contractors’
2018 suitability for the position. Although,
Engagement Model. The results are employees working within factory
15,331 there is no restriction for geographical
2017 shared with all functional and business premises are paid the minimum wages
background, a significant proportion
Heads and plans are put in action to and all employees are paid salaries
of senior management has been hired
improve Employee Engagement Index. directly through their bank accounts.
or belongs to the local community.
Workforce by Employment Type Workforce by Employment Contract Workforce by Employment Contract The last survey was conducted in All male and female employees hired
Moreover, while hiring workers,
broken by Gender broken by Gender broken by Region 2018. for similar positions receive similar
preference is given to people from
remuneration and benefits basis.
16000 15,602 16000 15,555 16000 the local community. During the year,
92.76% of workers were covered under Female workers are eligible for
12800 12800 12800 collective bargaining agreements. maternity leaves. During FY 2019,
1288 female workers were eligible for
9600 9600 9600
HR Dimensions maternity leaves, however, only 14
Leadership & Direction workers took maternity leave and all
6400 6400 6400
75% returned to work during the year. Only
Worklife Balance
4 remained employed for more than 12
3,698 80%
Teamwork & Cooperation months. 7 out of 8 female workers who
3200 3200 3200
81% took maternity leaves in FY 2018
1,173 1,158 Ethics & Integrity
0 0 47 15 43 19
returned to work and remained
0 0 0 83%
Full Time Part Time Permanent Temporary Permanent Temporary Overall Satisfaction employed for more than 12 months.
(Contractual) (Contractual)
Male Female Male Female Faisalabad Lahore Favorable Response Percentage The return to work and retention rate
is 86%.
Uniform Behaviors
In 2019, under the guardianship of
Interloop-Way, we launched Uniform
Behaviors; a complete Manual about
how to conduct business across
the organization. It defines the set of
particular behaviors that need to be
demonstrated by every employee,
unanimously throughout the company
and will act as a sustainable roadmap
for closing development gaps and
providing our employees with a clear
direction for how to work for success in
their personal and professional lives.
TCF Rahbar Program Scholarship Program for Endowment Fund at Lahore Scholarship & Internship
Cadet College, Hasan Abdal University of Management Program for Government
From 2012 onwards, executives from Sciences (LUMS) College Women University,
Interloop Limited regularly volunteer Cadet College Hasan Abdal (CCH) has Faisalabad
for the TCF Rahbar Program, twice a been a trendsetter for quality education Since May 2013, Interloop Limited,
year, to mentor class 8 and 9 students boarding schools for boys in Pakistan. through its Endowment Fund at the As part of its on-going endeavors
about developing a positive mind set in Interloop established a Scholarship Lahore University of Management for women empowerment, Interloop
life and making better career choices. Fund in April 2016 and is supporting Sciences, is providing 8 perpetual Limited, since May 2015, has instituted
Till now, 130 Interloop Executives have 5 financially challenged cadets, for scholarships to financially challenged 120 Scholarships for deserving
voluntarily mentored 580 students at complete 5 academic years. Bachelor Degree students, under the female Bachelor Degree students,
TCF-Interloop Schools to help them National Outreach Program. at the Government College Women
Higher Education
make confident decisions in life.
Interloop is pursuing its target of
providing 500 young men & women
access to technical and higher
education, by granting annual
higher secondary; separate campuses scholarships at various institutions,
for boys and girls) and is constructing including Government College
3 more, totaling to 27, in the rural University, Ripha International
areas around Faisalabad city. These University, National Textile University,
schools are managed by female staff University of Central Punjab, NUST
and provide quality formal education Pakistan, NFC University and University
to 3,400 less privileged children, of Sargodha, in Pakistan, and
50% girls, in an environment that University of Vaasa, Finland.
encourages intellectual, moral and
spiritual growth. Interloop has created
an endowment for supporting lifetime
operating cost of 16 schools and
also provides funds for managing
annual operational cost of remaining 8
SDG Index 96
Feedback Form 99
GRI 102: GENERAL ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILE 102-45 Entities included in the consolidated financial statements 5
102-1 Name of the organization 16 102-46 Defining report content and topic boundaries 5, 32
102-2 Activities, brands, products, and services 18-23 102-47 List of material topics 33
102-8 Information on employees and other workers 64 102-53 Contact point for questions regarding the report 5
102-9 Supply chain 25 102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance with the GRI Standards 5
102-10 Significant changes to the organization and its supply chain 16 102-55 GRI content index 90
GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 49
GRI 301: MATERIALS 2016 301-1 Materials used by weight or volume 51
103-2 The management approach and its components 63, 65
301-2 Recycled input materials used 51
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 63, 65
GRI 202: MARKET 202-1 Ratios of standard entry level wage by gender compared to ENERGY
PRESENCE 2016 local minimum wage GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33
202-2 Proportion of senior management hired from the local APPROACH 2016
community 103-2 The management approach and its components 49
GRI 204: PROCUREMENT GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33
204-1 Proportion of spending on local suppliers 25 APPROACH 2016
103-2 The management approach and its components 49
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 49
GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33,50
APPROACH 2016 GRI 303: WATER 2016 303-1 Water withdrawal by source 54
103-2 The management approach and its components 44,50
303-2 Water sources significantly affected by withdrawal of water 54
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 44
APPAREL, ACCESSORIES & CG-AA-440a.1. Description of environmental and social risks
FOOTWEAR: 2018 (SASB) associated with sourcing priority raw materials GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33
CG-AA-440a.2. Percentage of raw materials third-party certified to APPROACH 2016
50 103-2 The management approach and its components 49
an environmental and/or social sustainability standard, by standard
ANTI-CORRUPTION 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 49
GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33 GRI 305: EMISSIONS 2016 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions 55
103-2 The management approach and its components 44 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions 55
GRI 205: ANTI- 205-1 Operations assessed for risks related to corruption 44 GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33
205-2 Communication and training about anti-corruption policies 103-2 The management approach and its components 49
and procedures
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 49
EMPLOYMENT AND LABOR PRACTICES GRI 408: CHILD LABOR 408-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of
2016 child labor
GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33
APPROACH 2016 409-1 Operations and suppliers at significant risk for incidents of
103-2 The management approach and its components 63, 64 COMPULSORY LABOR 73
forced or compulsory labor
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 63, 64
GRI 401: EMPLOYMENT 401-1 New employee hires and employee turnover 65 GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33
401-2 Benefits provided to full-time employees that are not APPROACH 2016
66 103-2 The management approach and its components 77
provided to temporary or part-time employees
GRI 406: NON- 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 77
406-1 Incidents of discrimination and corrective actions taken 68
GRI 413: LOCAL 413-1 Operations with local community engagement, impact
GRI 407: FREEDOM 78-83
COMMUNITIES 2016 assessments and development programs
OF ASSOCIATION AND 407-1 Operations and suppliers in which the right to freedom of
COLLECTIVE BARGAINING association and collective bargaining may be at risk COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS
2016 GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33
103-2 The management approach and its components 38
GRI 103: MANAGEMENT 103-1 Explanation of the material topic and its boundaries 33
APPROACH 2016 103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 38
103-2 The management approach and its components 75
307-1 Non-compliance with environmental laws and regulations 49
103-3 Evaluation of the management approach 75 COMPLIANCE 2016
GRI 419: SOCIOECONOMIC 419-1 Non-compliance with laws and regulations in the social and
GRI 403: OCCUPATIONAL 403-1 Workers representation in formal joint management–worker 68, 73
75 COMPLIANCE 2016 economic area
HEALTH AND SAFETY 2016 health and safety committees
403-2 Types of injury and rates of injury, occupational diseases,
lost days, and absenteeism and number of work-related fatalities
Ensure access to water and sanitation for all 54, 58 303-1, 303-2, 306-2
25, 44,
51, 52,
102-8, 102-41, 201-1, 202-1, 301-1, 301-2,
Promote inclusive and sustainable economic 64, 65,
302-1, 302-4, 401-1, 401-2, 403-1, 403-2, 404-
growth, employment and decent work for all 66, 68,
1, 404-3, 407-1, 408-1, 409-1, 414-1
71, 73,
75, 76
GJ Giga Joule
Excellent Good Average
GOTS Global Organic Textile Standard Your comments for adding value to the report.
HFCs Hydrofluorocarbons
Name :
HSE Health, Safety and Environment
Designation :
Contact Details :
ISO International Standards Organization
Tel :
MW Mega Watt
Please mail your feedback to:
Muhammad Fauz Ul Azeem
NGO Non-Governmental Organization
Sr. Manager Sustainability & Business Strategy
Interloop Limited
PBC Pakistan Business Council
1 – KM, Khurrianwala – Jaranwala Road,
Khurrianwala, Faisalabad, Pakistan.
SA 8000 Social Accountability 8000 Phone: +92-41 – 4360400
SASB Sustainability Accounting Standard Board
Corporate Office:
1 - Km Khurrianwala - Jaranwala Road,
Khurrianwala, Faisalabad - Pakistan
T: +92-41-4360400
F: +92-41-2428704