Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be University), Pune (India) : Faculty of Management Studies
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be University), Pune (India) : Faculty of Management Studies
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be University), Pune (India) : Faculty of Management Studies
To be implemented from
Master of Computer Applications Programme (MCA) (2020 Course)
(Under Choice Based Credit System)
To be effective from 2020-21 at Part I
The MCA Program under School of Distance Education is 72 credits programme offered by
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune and is conducted at its Learner Support
Centres in Pune, Delhi, Mumbai, Karad, Kolhapur, Sangli, and Solapur. All the Learner
Support Centers have excellent teaching staff, laboratories, library, and other facilities to
provide proper learning environment. The University is reaccredited by NAAC with an 'A+'
grade (3rd cycle). The expectations and requirements of the software industry, immediately
and in the near future, are visualized while designing the MCA programme. This effort is
reflected in the Vision and Mission statements of the MCA programme. Of course, the
statements also embody the spirit of the vision of Late Dr. Patangraoji Kadam, the Founder
of Bharati Vidyapeeth and Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University which is
to usher in ―Social Transformation Through Dynamic Education.‖
PEO1: To build a strong foundation for students to become proficient in all academic concepts
and technical skills necessary to become an IT Professional.
PEO2: To provide a conducive environment for designing, implementing and testing various
software applications through Software Development Cell.
PEO3: To keep the students and faculty abreast with the emerging technologies in the field of
computer applications.
PEO4: To bring professionalism amongst the students and promote holistic development.
PO2: Problem Analysis: Apply fundamental knowledge of software engineering and various
systems domain in order to analyze, identify, formulate and provide the solution to given
PO3: Design/Development of Solutions: Design and evaluate solutions, systems, modules and
processes for specified set of needs with appropriate consideration of societal values and industry
PO5: Modern Tool Usage: Use of modern tools for delivering milestones like problem
analysis, design, development, testing and deployment.
PO6: Professional Ethics: Learn and inculcate professional ethics, cyber regulations,
professional responsibilities and norms of professional computing world.
PO7: Lifelong Learning: Acknowledge the need for continuous professional development and
practice it through self-motivated, independent learning.
PO10: Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Provide conducive environment for innovation and
entrepreneurship leading to solutions for betterment of society.
Admission to the programme is open to Any Candidate (Graduate) of any recognized University
satisfying the following conditions.
The duration of this programme is two years divided in to four semesters. The medium of
instruction and examination will be only in English.
8. Credits – 72
For some courses, there is Internal Assessment (IA) conducted by the respective Learner Support
Centres as well as a University Examination (UE) at the End-of-the Term. UE will be conducted
out of 70 marksand IA will be conducted for 30 marks. Then these are converted to grade points
and grades as per the Table I. For courses having only Continuous Assessment(CA), the
respective Learner Support Centers will evaluate the students in varieties of ways during the term
for a total of 100 marks. Then the marks will be converted to grade points and grades using the
Table I.
For all courses, both UE and IA constitute separate Heads of Passing (HoP). In order to pass in
such courses and to earn the assigned credits, the learner must obtain a minimum grade point of
5.0 (40% marks) at UE and also a minimum grade point of 5.0 (40% marks) at IA.
A student who fails at UE in a course has to reappear only at UE as backlog candidate and clear
the Head of Passing. Similarly, a student who fails in a course at IA has to reappear only at IA as
backlog candidate and clear the Headsof Passing to secure the GPA required for passing.
The 10 point Grades and Grade Points are according to the following table:
80≤Marks≤100 O 10
70≤Marks<80 A+ 9
60≤Marks<70 A 8
55≤Marks<60 B+ 7
50≤Marks<55 B 6
40≤Marks<50 C 5
Marks < 40 D 0
Table I
The performance at UE and IA will be combined to obtain GPA (Grade Point Average) for the
course. The weights for performance at UE and IA shall be 70% and 30% respectively.
GPA is calculated by adding the UE marks out of 70 and IA marks out of 30.The total marks out
of 100 are converted to grade point, which will be the GPA.
Practical Examinations:
For courses 106, 107, 205, 206 and 306, University Practical Examination will be held and
marks will be reported to the University.
Project Guidelines:
Minor Project I (207) and Minor Project II (307)
Students are expected to choose a problem which will provide software solutions. The project
should be based on the courses learntby the student in previous semester. The projects can be
completed as individual project or if the scope of the project is comprehensive then project can
be divided into modules by the Project Guideand Student can work on it. Every student must
have meeting about progress of project with their project guide weekly as specified in time table
or if required at a communicated by guide / Learner Support Centre Coordinator.
The project dissertation/document is expected to be created and it should have the following
a. SRS – Problem Statement, BRD- Business Requirement Document
b. General Requirement
c. Requirement as per user Role
d. System design (RED/Class Diagrams, DFD/Activity diagrams)
e. User screen design and client side validation
f. Database Design
g. User interface design /user manual
h. Test cases
i. Scope and limitation
j. Conclusion
k. Bibliography
No. of Credits 00
Pre Requisite Basic Mathematics and MSCIT course
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Basic formula for finding areas, volumes, graphical representation of
data is to be remembered.
Understanding The calculations by using formulas, algorithm ,C program structure are
to be understood
Applying Application of basic knowledge of mathematics and computers is to be
applied for calculations and for writing programming codes.
Analyzing Programs which are to be written are analysed and put in a particular
format such as graphs, trees for effective working
Evaluating New programs or problems are to be evaluated through algorithms,logic
Creating Creating proper program logic so as to reduce lines of codes is expected
Unit 1: (4 Hours)
Algorithm ,flow charts, integers, division, relations, relations and their
types, representation of relation in computer memory, number
conversion systems.
Unit 2: (4 Hours)
Set theory, predicate logic, Graph terminologies, types of graphs ,
representation of graph in computers, Paths, Eular and Hamilton graphs,
graph colorings.
Unit 3 : (3 Hours)
Trees ,applications of trees, tree traversal algorithms, minimum
spanning trees
Unit 4 : (5 Hours)
Fundamentals of C programming, Keywords and Identifiers, Constants,
Variables, Data types, Declaration of variables, Declaration of variables
as constant, Operators, Types of operators, Input and Output functions -
printf(), scanf(), getchar(), putchar(), Formatted input and formatted
Unit 5: (7 Hours)
Control Statements- Sequential, Selection, Iteration Statements,
Branching structure- if statement, if-else statement, Nested if-else
statement, else if Ladder, Conditional operator, switch statement, Loop
control structures- while loop, do-while loop, for loop, Nested for loop,
Jump statements-break, continue, goto statements.
Unit 6: (5 Hours)
Function call, return statement, Function parameters, Types of functions,
Arrays and functions
Unit 7: (2 Hours)
Introduction to OOP concepts.
Text Books 1.Discrete Structures by Kenneth Rosen
2.C programming by Yashwant Kanetkar
3.Object Oriented Programming by Balguruswamy
Reference Books C Programming language by Brain W. Kernighan
Subject Name 101 Applied Database Management Systems
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite Basics of Computing and Data Storage
Course Objectives To teach the fundamentals of the database systems at a master level. A
variety of topics will be covered that are important for modern
databases in order to prepare the students for real life applications of
To impart knowledge of the concepts related to database and
operations on databases. It also gives the idea how database is
managed in various environments with emphasis on security measures
as implemented in database management systems.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Remember the definitions of concepts
Understanding Understand the concept of database and techniques for its
Understand data security standards and methods.
Understand the fundamentals of Distributed Database Systems
Applying Design different data models at conceptual and logical level and
translate ER Diagrams to Relational Data Model.
Normalize the database.
Analyzing Identify and study thefile organization schemes for DBMS.
State and Describe features for Concurrency and Recovery.
Evaluating Convert the relational algebra statements to the SQL statements.
Creating Write queries using Relational Algebra
Syllabus Unit 1. Introduction to DBMS
Difference between Data, Information, Data Processing & Data
Management. File Oriented Approach, Database oriented approach to
Data Management, Need for DBMS, Characteristic of Database,
Database Architecture: Levels of Abstraction, Database schema and
instances, 3 tier architecture of DBMS, Data Independence. Database
users, Types of Database System. Database Languages, DBMS
Unit 2. Data Modeling in Database
Data Models, Logical Data Modeling : Hierarchical Data Model,
Network Data Model, Relational Data Model.
Conceptual Data Modeling: Entity Relationship Model, Entities,
Attributes, Types of Attributes, Relationships, Relationship set, Degree
of relationship Set, Mapping Cardinalities, Keys, ER Diagram
Notations, Roles Participation: Total and Partial, Strong and Weak
Entity Set.The extended entity relationship (EER) model, Subclass,
Superclass, generalization, specialization, Attribute Inheritance.
Relational Data Model :Codd's Rules for RDBMS, Translating ER
Diagram to Relational Database.
Unit 3.Normalization and Relational Algebra: (7 Hours)
Normalization Vs De-Normalization, Decomposition, Lossy and
Lossless Decomposition,FunctionalDependencies,Normal forms 1NF,
2NF, 3NF, BCNF, Case Studies on Normalization.
Relational Algebra:
Keys: Composite, Candidate, Primary, Secondary, Foreign,Relational
Algebra Operators: Select, Project, Divide, Rename. Set Operations:
Union, Intersect, Difference, And Product,Joins: Outer Joins, Inner Joins
with example.
Unit 4.File Structures and Data Administration:
File Organization, Overview of Physical Storage Media, Magnetic Disk,
RAID, Tertiary Storage, Storage Access, Data Dictionary Storage,
Organization of File (Sequential, Clustering), Indexing and Hashing,
Basic Concepts, indices, B+ Tree index file, B- tree index file, Static
hashing, Dynamic Hashing.
Unit 5.Concurrency Control And Recovery Techniques:
Concurrency Control:
Single User and Multiuser systems, Multiprogramming and
Multiprocessing, Basic Database access operations, Concept of
transaction, transaction state, ACID properties, Schedules, Serializability
of schedules., Concurrency Control, Need for Concurrency control, lock
based protocols, timestamp based protocols, Multiple granularity,
Multiple Version Techniques, Deadlock and its handling, Wait-Die and
Wound-Wait, Deadlock prevention without using timestamps, Deadlock
detection and time outs, Starvation
Recovery Techniques:
Database Recovery, Types of Failures, Storage Structure: Volatile, Non
Volatile and stable storage, Data access. Recovery and atomicity,
Recovery Techniques / Algorithms: Log Based Recovery, Check points,
Shadow Paging.
Unit 6.Data Administration And Security:
Data administration, Role and Responsibility of DBA,
Creating/Deleting/Updating table space, Database Monitoring, User
Management. Basic data security principles – user privileges, data
masking, encryption and decryption. Data Security Implementation,
revalidation of user, role, privileges. Data Quality Management, Basic
quality principles, data quality audit, data quality improvement
Syllabus Unit 1:
Basics of Python:
Python Installation, writing and executing first python script, using
python editors to write and execute python scripts
Identifiers and Operators:
Writing get familiar with python variables and data types, variables and
assignments, Operator understanding and its usage,
Python Control structures in Python:
Conditionals and Loops: if statement, else Statement, el-if Statement,
while Statement, for Statement, break Statement, continue Statement,
pass Statement,
Working strings in python: String type, strings concatenations and
comparing strings, using string functions
Unit 2:
Working with functions and Built in data structures Functions:
Writing a simple function and using it, functions and parameters,
functions retuning values, functions and variable scope,
Variable number of arguments, passing objects and collections in
function, understanding recursive functions, writing and using recursive
Variable number of arguments to functions
Python data Structures:
List: Crating and using list and tuples. Operations on list and tuples,
Special Features of Lists and tuples, introduction to List comprehensions
Dictionaries: Introduction to Dictionaries, Operators, Built-in Functions,
Built-in Methods, Dictionary Keys, Using Set data structure, Arrays
Unit 3:
Handling Exceptions and File Input/Output :
Need of exception Handling, Simple mechanism to handle exception,
Using if exceptions to handle the code cracks, Using else clause while
handling exceptions, Handling generic and specific exceptions, handling
multiple exceptions, Raising exception,
File Objects, creating a file object, reading File contents, Writing data
into file, reading and writing CSV files, using with clause, Using
Exception handling with file operations,
Unit 4:
Introduction ADT :
Writing a simple Class in Python, creating object of class, Instance
Methods, Class Variables and special methods.
Understanding ADT, Defining ADT using pseudo-code, Defining ADT
for Date, Stack and Queue, Implementation of Date, Stack and Queue
ADT. Concepts of circular and double ended queue. Applications of
Stack and Queue.
Unit 5:
Linked Lists:
Defining List as ADT, Implementation of Singly Linked Lists,
Circularly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, The Positional List ADT,
Sorting a Positional List, Link-Based vs Array-Based Sequences.
Implementation of Stack and Queue using Link List. Applications of
Linked List (polynomial Equations)
Unit 6:
Concepts of tress and Binary Trees, Defining binary tree as ADT,
Implementing Binary Trees, Tree Traversal Algorithms
Search Trees: Binary Search Trees ,Balanced Search Trees ,Python
Framework for Balancing Search Trees ,AVL Trees ,Splay Trees, Red-
Black Trees
Heaps, Maps, Hash Tables, and Skip Lists
Unit 7:
Searching , Sorting and Analysis of Algorithms
Need of searching, linear search, using binary search for efficient
Need of sorting and various sorting algorithms: insertion sort, bubble
sort, selection sort; Merge sort and quick sort algorithms.
Python‘s Built-In Sorting Functions, Selection Algorithms.
Unit 5: Forms:
Interactive web pages concepts, difference between static & dynamic
web pages, Concept of form, how form works, Different elements -
text, password, button, submit, reset, checkbox, Radio, Text Area,
select & option, properties of form elements, form object‘s Method,
Other built-in Object: String object, math object, date object, Regular
Expressions, Form validation
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about data structures and will
be able to design & develop program using linear data structures&non
linear data structures for solving problems
Analyzing Compare efficiency of various data structures for solving a particular
Creating Design and create their own data structure for solving a real life
Syllabus Unit 1
Informal introduction to programming, algorithms and data structures
via gcd, Downloading and installing Python,gcd in Python: variables,
operations, control _flow - assignments, conditionals, loops, functions.
Unit 7
Efficient evaluation of recursive denitions: memoization | Dynamic
programming: examples | Other programming languages: C and
manual memory management | Other programming paradigms:
functional programming.
Suggested Comparison of all discussed algorithm with their implementation in C
Programs and compare memory usage.
Text Books Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Paperback – 2016
by Michael T. Goodrich (Author), Roberto Tamassia (Author),
Michael H. Goldwasser (Author) WILEY PUBLICATION
Reference Books ―Artificial Intelligence‖ -By Elaine Rich And Kevin Knight (2nd
Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill
Artificial Intelligence A New Synthesis :Nilson, Elesevir
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System-
Patterson, Prentice Hall India.
Shai shalev-shwartz, Shai Ben-David: Understanding Machine
Learning from Theory to algorithms, Cambridge University
Refer these websites NPTEL / Swayam
for MOOC‘s
Subject Name 303. Information Security
Evaluating Ability to select proper method to protect the information from misuse
and make the organization full proof from various Information threats.
Creating Design and create their own procedure to protect the important data and
information at all the levels.
Creating Design and implement the solution for given problem in any
programming language.
Derive test cases and execute test cases for any given problem.
Subject Name (03) A- Linux Desktop Environment, Shell Programming and System
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Knowledge of any operating system
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Linux Architecture and Shell Commands
Understanding Understanding of Linux operating system and environment
Applying Use Linux operating system for configuring the environment.
Evaluating Writing shell scripts and evaluating them
Suggested MOOC :
Unit 5: Objects:
Understanding Ruby‘s object Access, overriding method, creating class variables, creating
class methods, creating Modules, creating Mixins
Unit 6: Rails:
Putting Ruby to Rails, introducing Model View Controller Architecture, giving view
something to do, mixing ruby code and HTML inside view, passing data from an action
to a view, escaping sensitive text, adding a second action.
Understanding: By remembering basic concepts students can understand how to work with
programming in C#. Students need to understand programming structures of
OOP in C#. Needs to understand methods and properties of various controls
of windows forms application along with database objects and their methods.
Evaluating: Students will have ability to use proper methods of C# to solve object
oriented problems.
Creating: Students can apply the concepts of C# programming to create console based
and windows based applications.
Evaluating: Students will have ability to use proper client side and server side
controls of C# to design modern web design.
Text Books 1. .Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) Basic Concepts of System
Analysis Lambert Academic Publication Dec. 2019 .
2. Brian Albers, Frank Salim, and Peter Lubbers ―Pro HTML
Reference Books 1. Bruce Lawson, Remy Sharp –Introducing HTML 5.0 –Google Books
2. Jeffrey Zeldman and Jeremy Keith ―HTML 5 for Web designers –
3. Christopher Murphy, DivyaManian, and Richard Clark :Beginning
HTML5 andCSS3.2012.
4. Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) Software Project Management
Made Easy Lambert Academic Publication 2019 Dec .
MOOC on NPTEL Please refer these websites for MOOC‟s:
Subject Name (09) A - IoT Architecture Sensors and Fundamentals with Hands-
on lab
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite School Level Mathematics. Basics of Programming and Networking
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Learning the concepts of IOT, Networking for IOT, Type of Sensor
Network, Arduino Programming
Understanding IOT Standards, connecting Technologies, Machine to Machine
Applying Implementing IOT with Arduino
Analyzing Find the usability of IOT in various applications
Evaluating Evaluate the performance of IOT solution and upgradation
Creating Creating small applications for smart home/city using Arduino
Syllabus UNIT 1:
IOT concepts:
IOT Standards :
Requirement of international standard ( case study)
IOT standards in practice.
Operating platforms /systems
connectivity Technologies: 802.15.4, Zigbee, 6LoWPANs, RFID, HART,
Bluetooth, ZWAVE, ISA 100.11-A
Sensor Networks: components of sensor networks, deriving data from
sensor nodes, different types of sensor networks and behavior of node in a
sensor network, target tracking, wireless multimedia sensor
network,nanonetworks, relationship between coverage and connectivity,
stationary wireless sensor networks, mobile wireless sensor networks, UAV
UNIT 4 :
Machine-to-Machine Communications: exchanging data between
machines without human intervention, Low-end sensor nodes, mid-end
sensor nodes, M2M ecosystem
Interoperability in IoT, syntactic and semantic interoperability
Introduction to Arduino Programming:
Features of Arduino
Arduino IDE
Sketch Structure
Arduino Function Libraries: Example : blink LED
Operators, control statements, arrays, string, random number,
UNIT 6 :
Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino:
Sensor interface with Arduino, DTH Sensor Library,
Type of Motor Actuators, integration of Actuator with Arduino
IOT Applications:
Lighting as a service ( case study)
Intelligent Traffic systems ( case study)
Smart Parking ( case study)
Smart water management ( case study)
Implement one small project
Text Books
Daniel Minoli, ―Building the Internet of Things with IPv6 and MIPv6:
The Evolving World of M2M Communications‖, ISBN: 978-1-118-
47347-4, Willy Publications
Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, ―Internet of Things (A Hands-
onApproach)‖, 1 st Edition, VPT, 2014.
Reference Books
1. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand,
StamatisKarnouskos, David Boyle, ―From Machine-to-Machine to the
Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence‖, 1 st Edition,
Academic Press, 2014.
2. Peter Waher, ―Learning Internet of Things‖, PACKT publishing,
3. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Florian Michahelles, ―Architecting the Internet of
Things‖, ISBN 978-3-642-19156-5 e-ISBN 978-3-642-19157-2, Springer 46.
Subject Name (09) B - Internet Of Things: implementation with Python and Raspberry
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite School Level Mathematics. Basics of Programming and Networking
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Understand IoT sensors and technological challenges faced by IoT devices
Understanding Understanding of IoT value chain structure (device, data cloud), application
areas and technologies involved
Applying Implementing IOT with Python and Raspberry Pi
Analyzing Explore and learn about Internet of Things with the help of preparing
projects designed for Raspberry Pi
Evaluating Evaluate the performance of IOT solution and upgradation
Creating Creating small applications for smart home/city using Python and
Raspberry Pi
Syllabus UNIT 1: Introduction to Python Programming:
Pyton IDE (Spider, Anaconda), Data Types in Python, control statements,
functions, file read/write operations, image read/write operations,
Networking in Pyton,
UNIT 2 : Introduction to Rasberry Pi:
Basic architecture, installation, Rasberry Pi GPIO, OS setup, using GPIO
pins, Taking Pictures using PiCam using Python on Rasberry Pi
UNIT 3:Implementation of IOT with Rasberry Pi, integration of sensors
for data collection, dissemination of data for processing, visualization of data
UNIT 4 :Software Defined Networking:
Origin of SDN
SDN Architecture
Rule Placement
OpenFlow Protocol
Controller Placement
Integration of SDN with IoT
UNIT 5 :Cloud Computing:
Service Model
Service Management
Fog Computing
Smart Cites, Smart Homes, connected vehicles, Industrial IOT
Data Handling and Analytics
Implement one small project
Text Books Daniel Minoli, ―Building the Internet of Things with IPv6 and MIPv6:
The Evolving World of M2M Communications‖, ISBN: 978-1-118-
47347-4, Willy Publications
Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, ―Internet of Things (A Hands-
onApproach)‖, 1 st Edition, VPT, 2014.
Reference Books
1. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand,
StamatisKarnouskos, David Boyle, ―From Machine-to-Machine to the
Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence‖, 1 st Edition,
Academic Press, 2014.
2. Peter Waher, ―Learning Internet of Things‖, PACKT publishing,
3. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Florian Michahelles, ―Architecting the Internet of
Things‖, ISBN 978-3-642-19156-5 e-ISBN 978-3-642-19157-2, Springer 46.