Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed To Be University), Pune (India) : Faculty of Management Studies

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Bharati Vidyapeeth

(Deemed To Be University), Pune (India)

* Accredited ‘A+’ Grade (2017) By NAAC *
* 'Category -I' University Status by UGC *
* 'A’ Grade University Status by MHRD Govt. of India *
* Ranked '63rd' by NIRF-2020 under University Category *

Faculty of Management Studies

Board of Studies in Computer Applications

School of Distance Education

Recognized by University Grants Commission- Distance Education Bureau (UGC-DEB), New Delhi

Master of Computer Applications Programme (MCA)

(2020 Course)
(Under Choice Based Credit System)

To be implemented from
Master of Computer Applications Programme (MCA) (2020 Course)
(Under Choice Based Credit System)
To be effective from 2020-21 at Part I


The MCA Program under School of Distance Education is 72 credits programme offered by
Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University), Pune and is conducted at its Learner Support
Centres in Pune, Delhi, Mumbai, Karad, Kolhapur, Sangli, and Solapur. All the Learner
Support Centers have excellent teaching staff, laboratories, library, and other facilities to
provide proper learning environment. The University is reaccredited by NAAC with an 'A+'
grade (3rd cycle). The expectations and requirements of the software industry, immediately
and in the near future, are visualized while designing the MCA programme. This effort is
reflected in the Vision and Mission statements of the MCA programme. Of course, the
statements also embody the spirit of the vision of Late Dr. Patangraoji Kadam, the Founder
of Bharati Vidyapeeth and Chancellor, Bharati Vidyapeeth Deemed to be University which is
to usher in ―Social Transformation Through Dynamic Education.‖


Achieve excellence in Computer Applications with respect to teaching, learning and
researching to meet the growing needs of the Industry and Society.


 Promote outcome-based learning strategies in-order to meet Global Industry Standards.
 Encourage innovations and problem-solving capabilities in Students and theFaculty.
 Cultivate collaborative research in both students and faculty members through Industry
Interactions and Collaborations.
 Enhance Entrepreneurship Skills among students.

PEO1: To build a strong foundation for students to become proficient in all academic concepts
and technical skills necessary to become an IT Professional.

PEO2: To provide a conducive environment for designing, implementing and testing various
software applications through Software Development Cell.

PEO3: To keep the students and faculty abreast with the emerging technologies in the field of
computer applications.

PEO4: To bring professionalism amongst the students and promote holistic development.

PEO5: To involve students in sustainable IT practices and community services.


PO1: Computational Knowledge:  Apply knowledge of computing fundamentals, mathematics

and given domain to design appropriate models for a given problem and/or requirements.

PO2: Problem Analysis:  Apply fundamental knowledge of software engineering and various
systems domain in order to analyze, identify, formulate and provide the solution to given

PO3: Design/Development of Solutions:  Design and evaluate solutions, systems, modules and
processes for specified set of needs with appropriate consideration of societal values and industry

PO4: Conduct researching in Information Systems:  Use research-based knowledge and

research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.

PO5: Modern Tool Usage:  Use of modern tools for delivering milestones like problem
analysis, design, development, testing and deployment.
PO6: Professional Ethics:  Learn and inculcate professional ethics, cyber regulations,
professional responsibilities and norms of professional computing world.

PO7: Lifelong Learning:  Acknowledge the need for continuous professional development and
practice it through self-motivated, independent learning.

PO8: Management Domain:  Involving in projects development as individual or group to solve

problems in various domains and environments using computational and management skills.

PO9: Communication Efficacy:  Demonstrate efficacy in verbal and non-verbal means of

communication like reports, design documentation and presentations to elaborate about complex

PO10: Innovation and Entrepreneurship:  Provide conducive environment for innovation and
entrepreneurship leading to solutions for betterment of society.


Admission to the programme is open to Any Candidate (Graduate) of any recognized University
satisfying the following conditions.

1. Passed BCA/ Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or Engineering or equivalent Degree.

OR Passed B.Sc. / B.Com. / B.A. with Mathematics at 10+2 Level or at Graduation Level
(with additional bridge Courses as per the norms of the concerned University).
2. Obtained at least 50% marks (45% marks in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST
category) in the qualifying Examination.


The duration of this programme is two years divided in to four semesters. The medium of
instruction and examination will be only in English.

8. Credits – 72

The definition of credits is based on the following parameters;

i) Learning hours put in by the learner
ii) Learning outcomes
iii) Contents of the syllabus prescribed for the course etc.

In this system each credit can be described as:

For 2 Credits Students Should Complete Following

Assignments 2
Lab Practical Sessions through Virtual Lab 2 Hrs per course as per syllabus
Synchronous Chat 3 Hrs
Asynchronous Discussion Forum 2- 10 Topics per course as per subject
Synchronous (Face-to-Face) 6 Hrs
Counselling Sessions (Theory)
e-content (in terms of units) 6-8 units
Study Inputs 60 Hrs


For some courses, there is Internal Assessment (IA) conducted by the respective Learner Support
Centres as well as a University Examination (UE) at the End-of-the Term. UE will be conducted
out of 70 marksand IA will be conducted for 30 marks. Then these are converted to grade points
and grades as per the Table I. For courses having only Continuous Assessment(CA), the
respective Learner Support Centers will evaluate the students in varieties of ways during the term
for a total of 100 marks. Then the marks will be converted to grade points and grades using the
Table I.


For all courses, both UE and IA constitute separate Heads of Passing (HoP). In order to pass in
such courses and to earn the assigned credits, the learner must obtain a minimum grade point of
5.0 (40% marks) at UE and also a minimum grade point of 5.0 (40% marks) at IA.
A student who fails at UE in a course has to reappear only at UE as backlog candidate and clear
the Head of Passing. Similarly, a student who fails in a course at IA has to reappear only at IA as
backlog candidate and clear the Headsof Passing to secure the GPA required for passing.
The 10 point Grades and Grade Points are according to the following table:

Range of Marks (%) Grade Grade Point

80≤Marks≤100 O 10
70≤Marks<80 A+ 9

60≤Marks<70 A 8

55≤Marks<60 B+ 7

50≤Marks<55 B 6

40≤Marks<50 C 5

Marks < 40 D 0
Table I
The performance at UE and IA will be combined to obtain GPA (Grade Point Average) for the
course. The weights for performance at UE and IA shall be 70% and 30% respectively.
GPA is calculated by adding the UE marks out of 70 and IA marks out of 30.The total marks out
of 100 are converted to grade point, which will be the GPA.


A student who has completed the minimum credits specified for the programme shall be
declared to have passed in the programme. The final result will be in terms of letter grade
only and is based on the CGPA of all courses studied and passed. The criteria for the award
of honours are given below.

Performance Equivalent Range of Marks

Range of CGPA Final Grade Descriptor (%)
9.5≤CGPA ≤10 O Outstanding 80≤Marks≤100
9.0≤CGPA ≤9.49 A+ Excellent 70≤Marks<80
8.0≤CGPA ≤8.99 A Very Good 60≤Marks<70

7.0≤CGPA ≤7.99 B+ Good 55≤Marks<60

6.0≤CGPA ≤6.99 B Average 50≤Marks<55
5.0≤CGPA ≤5.99 C Satisfactory 40≤Marks<50
CGPA below 5.0 F Fail Marks below 40

Semester I Credits IA Marks EoTE Marks

101 Applied Database 3 30 70
Management Systems
102 Computer Networks 3 30 70
103 Java Programming 3 30 70
104 Computational Statistics 3 30 70

105 Management Concepts and 3 30 70


106 Lab on Applied Database 2 30 70

Management Systems
107 Lab on Java Programming 2 30 70
108 MOOCS Based General 1 50 00
Course 1 (Soft Sills) (GE-1)
20 260 490

Semester II Credits IA Marks EoTE Marks

201 Object Oriented Software 3 30 70
202 Cloud Computing Concepts 3 30 70
203 Data structures using python 3 30 70
204 Data Warehousing and Data 3 30 70
205 Web Supporting 3 30 70
Lab on Data Structures using 2 30 70
207 Minor Project – 1 2 00 100
208 MOOCS Based General 1 50 00
Course 2 (GE-2)
20 230 520
Semester III Credits IA Marks EoTE Marks
301 Software Design Patterns 3 30 70
302 Artificial Intelligence 3 30 70
303 Information Security 3 30 70
304 EL-GRP-1 (A)# 2 100 -
305 EL-GRP-2 (A) # 2 100 -
306 Lab on Software Testing 2 30 70
307 Minor Project – 2 2 00 100
308 MOOCS Based General 1 50 00
Course 3 (GE-3)
18 370 380
# Departmental Papers: 304 EL-GRP-1 (A) and 305 EL-GRP-2 (A)
304 EL-GRP-1 (A) and 305 EL-GRP-2 (A) are departmental papers, the Internal Assessment
(IA) of these papers will be done at learner Support Centres.

Semester IV Credits IA Marks EoTE Marks

401 Seminar on Recent Trends in 3 - 100
402 El-GRP - 1 (B) # 2 100 -
403 El-GRP –2 (B) # 2 100 -
404 Major Internship Project 7 - 100
14 200 200

*Seminar on Recent Trends in IT: (401)

Student will select any topic of interest and study it thoroughly throughout the semester. At the
end of the semester, student will give aOnline presentation on the topic before the panel
appointed by the University and submit the seminar report to Learner Support Centre

# Departmental Papers: 402 EL-GRP-1 (B) and 403 EL-GRP-2 (B)

402 EL-GRP-1 (B) and 403 EL-GRP-2 (B) are departmental papers, the Internal Assessment
(IA) of these papers will be done at learner Support Centres.

List of Elective Groups:

Elective Elective Group Subject Subjects
Code Code
01 Cloud Computing A Virtualization
02 Data Science A Statistical Programming in R
B Introduction to Data Science
03 Linux A Linux Desktop Environment, Shell Programming
and System Administration
B Linux Internals and Network Administration
04 Open Source A Perl Scripting
B Ruby
05 Mobile Computing A Java Script
B Android
06 Dot Net Technologies A C# Programming and Applications
B ASP Dot Net with MVC
07 Net Centric A HTML 5
B AJAX Programming
08 Information Systems A Recommender System
B Knowledge Management
09 IOT A IoT Architecture Sensors and Fundamentals with
Hands-on lab
B Internet Of Things: Sensing And Actuator Devices
and Smart city use case
10 Big Data A Introduction to Big Data
B Business Intelligence Tools With Hadoop
11 Cyber Security A Introduction to Information Security
B Information Security Threats and Mitigation

Practical Examinations:
For courses 106, 107, 205, 206 and 306, University Practical Examination will be held and
marks will be reported to the University.

MOOC’S based General Course (108, 208, 308):

Students will complete MOOCS course prescribed by Learner Support Centre from NPTEL /
Swayam in respective semesters and will be evaluated at Learner Support Centre level based on
the assignments submitted by the students and the Learner Support Centre level exam on that
subjects. The respective Learner Support Centre will report the marks obtained by students in
these courses at the end of the semester.

Project Guidelines:
Minor Project I (207) and Minor Project II (307)

Students are expected to choose a problem which will provide software solutions. The project
should be based on the courses learntby the student in previous semester. The projects can be
completed as individual project or if the scope of the project is comprehensive then project can
be divided into modules by the Project Guideand Student can work on it. Every student must
have meeting about progress of project with their project guide weekly as specified in time table
or if required at a communicated by guide / Learner Support Centre Coordinator.
The project dissertation/document is expected to be created and it should have the following
a. SRS – Problem Statement, BRD- Business Requirement Document
b. General Requirement
c. Requirement as per user Role
d. System design (RED/Class Diagrams, DFD/Activity diagrams)
e. User screen design and client side validation
f. Database Design
g. User interface design /user manual
h. Test cases
i. Scope and limitation
j. Conclusion
k. Bibliography

Major Internship Project (404)

The student is expected to get exposure of industry through ‗Major Internship Project‘.
Guidelines about project are as bellow.
1. Every project will be evaluated by University appointed panel of examinersat the end of
the semester.
2. Student must report about the progress of project to the internal project guide &Learner
Support Centre Coordinator weekly as specified in time table or if required at a time
given by guide / Learner Support Centre Coordinator.
Bridge Course:
This course of 30 hours duration is designed and compulsory for the students from Non-IT
background. The course can be conducted concurrently with semester I courses. The Online
evaluation of this course will be at Learner Support Centre level for 100 marks. The student must
score minimum 40 marks to pass in this course. There will be no credits assigned to this Bridge
Course. Learner Support Centre Coordinator will submit the evaluation report to the Bharati
Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University) School of Distance Education (SDE). Bharati Vidyapeeth
(Deemed to be University) School of Distance Education (SDE) office will issue a separate
course work completion certificate to students.

Subject Name Course Work

No. of Credits 00
Pre Requisite Basic Mathematics and MSCIT course
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Basic formula for finding areas, volumes, graphical representation of
data is to be remembered.
Understanding The calculations by using formulas, algorithm ,C program structure are
to be understood
Applying Application of basic knowledge of mathematics and computers is to be
applied for calculations and for writing programming codes.
Analyzing Programs which are to be written are analysed and put in a particular
format such as graphs, trees for effective working
Evaluating New programs or problems are to be evaluated through algorithms,logic
Creating Creating proper program logic so as to reduce lines of codes is expected
Unit 1: (4 Hours)
Algorithm ,flow charts, integers, division, relations, relations and their
types, representation of relation in computer memory, number
conversion systems.
Unit 2: (4 Hours)
Set theory, predicate logic, Graph terminologies, types of graphs ,
representation of graph in computers, Paths, Eular and Hamilton graphs,
graph colorings.
Unit 3 : (3 Hours)
Trees ,applications of trees, tree traversal algorithms, minimum
spanning trees
Unit 4 : (5 Hours)
Fundamentals of C programming, Keywords and Identifiers, Constants,
Variables, Data types, Declaration of variables, Declaration of variables
as constant, Operators, Types of operators, Input and Output functions -
printf(), scanf(), getchar(), putchar(), Formatted input and formatted
Unit 5: (7 Hours)
Control Statements- Sequential, Selection, Iteration Statements,
Branching structure- if statement, if-else statement, Nested if-else
statement, else if Ladder, Conditional operator, switch statement, Loop
control structures- while loop, do-while loop, for loop, Nested for loop,
Jump statements-break, continue, goto statements.
Unit 6: (5 Hours)
Function call, return statement, Function parameters, Types of functions,
Arrays and functions
Unit 7: (2 Hours)
Introduction to OOP concepts.
Text Books 1.Discrete Structures by Kenneth Rosen
2.C programming by Yashwant Kanetkar
3.Object Oriented Programming by Balguruswamy
Reference Books C Programming language by Brain W. Kernighan
Subject Name 101 Applied Database Management Systems
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite Basics of Computing and Data Storage
Course Objectives  To teach the fundamentals of the database systems at a master level. A
variety of topics will be covered that are important for modern
databases in order to prepare the students for real life applications of
 To impart knowledge of the concepts related to database and
operations on databases. It also gives the idea how database is
managed in various environments with emphasis on security measures
as implemented in database management systems.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering  Remember the definitions of concepts
Understanding  Understand the concept of database and techniques for its
 Understand data security standards and methods.
 Understand the fundamentals of Distributed Database Systems
Applying  Design different data models at conceptual and logical level and
translate ER Diagrams to Relational Data Model.
 Normalize the database.
Analyzing  Identify and study thefile organization schemes for DBMS.
 State and Describe features for Concurrency and Recovery.
Evaluating  Convert the relational algebra statements to the SQL statements.
Creating  Write queries using Relational Algebra
Syllabus Unit 1. Introduction to DBMS
Difference between Data, Information, Data Processing & Data
Management. File Oriented Approach, Database oriented approach to
Data Management, Need for DBMS, Characteristic of Database,
Database Architecture: Levels of Abstraction, Database schema and
instances, 3 tier architecture of DBMS, Data Independence. Database
users, Types of Database System. Database Languages, DBMS
Unit 2. Data Modeling in Database
Data Models, Logical Data Modeling : Hierarchical Data Model,
Network Data Model, Relational Data Model.
Conceptual Data Modeling: Entity Relationship Model, Entities,
Attributes, Types of Attributes, Relationships, Relationship set, Degree
of relationship Set, Mapping Cardinalities, Keys, ER Diagram
Notations, Roles Participation: Total and Partial, Strong and Weak
Entity Set.The extended entity relationship (EER) model, Subclass,
Superclass, generalization, specialization, Attribute Inheritance.
Relational Data Model :Codd's Rules for RDBMS, Translating ER
Diagram to Relational Database.
Unit 3.Normalization and Relational Algebra: (7 Hours)

Normalization Vs De-Normalization, Decomposition, Lossy and
Lossless Decomposition,FunctionalDependencies,Normal forms 1NF,
2NF, 3NF, BCNF, Case Studies on Normalization.
Relational Algebra:
Keys: Composite, Candidate, Primary, Secondary, Foreign,Relational
Algebra Operators: Select, Project, Divide, Rename. Set Operations:
Union, Intersect, Difference, And Product,Joins: Outer Joins, Inner Joins
with example.
Unit 4.File Structures and Data Administration:
File Organization, Overview of Physical Storage Media, Magnetic Disk,
RAID, Tertiary Storage, Storage Access, Data Dictionary Storage,
Organization of File (Sequential, Clustering), Indexing and Hashing,
Basic Concepts, indices, B+ Tree index file, B- tree index file, Static
hashing, Dynamic Hashing.
Unit 5.Concurrency Control And Recovery Techniques:
Concurrency Control:
Single User and Multiuser systems, Multiprogramming and
Multiprocessing, Basic Database access operations, Concept of
transaction, transaction state, ACID properties, Schedules, Serializability
of schedules., Concurrency Control, Need for Concurrency control, lock
based protocols, timestamp based protocols, Multiple granularity,
Multiple Version Techniques, Deadlock and its handling, Wait-Die and
Wound-Wait, Deadlock prevention without using timestamps, Deadlock
detection and time outs, Starvation
Recovery Techniques:
Database Recovery, Types of Failures, Storage Structure: Volatile, Non
Volatile and stable storage, Data access. Recovery and atomicity,
Recovery Techniques / Algorithms: Log Based Recovery, Check points,
Shadow Paging.
Unit 6.Data Administration And Security:
Data administration, Role and Responsibility of DBA,
Creating/Deleting/Updating table space, Database Monitoring, User
Management. Basic data security principles – user privileges, data
masking, encryption and decryption. Data Security Implementation,
revalidation of user, role, privileges. Data Quality Management, Basic
quality principles, data quality audit, data quality improvement

Unit 7.Introduction to Distributed Database, NOSQL and

Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Databases, Distributed database
features and needs, Advantages and Disadvantages, Distributed
DatabaseArchitecture. Levels of distribution, transparency, replication.
 Introduction to NoSQL – Architecture, Sharding , Replica sets
 NoSQL Assumptions and the CAP Theorem
 Strengths and weaknesses of NoSQL
 MongoDB Functionality Examples
Text Books 1. ―Database System and Concepts‖ASilberschatz, H Korth, S
Sudarshan, published by McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books 2. "Fundamentals of Database Systems" Global Edition By
RamezElmasri, Shamkant B. Navathe
3. ―Practical MongoDB‖ by Shakuntala Gupta Edward, Navin
Sabharwal published by APress.
Suggested MOOC Please refer these websites for MOOCS:
NPTEL / Swayam www.,
Subject Name 102. Computer Networks

No. of Credits 3 Credits

Pre Requisite Knowledge about hardware , network devices and data communication
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some basic concepts of Computer Hardware and Network
terminology for development of basic networks in the organization.
Understanding By remembering students the basic concepts students will understand
the concepts of Network topology, network operating systems and how
the networks are developed ad per the need of the organization
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about Computer Network and
its use for the Information Sharing, device sharing and use of various
new network technologies.
Analyzing Students will acquire a good knowledge of the computer network, its
architecture and operation.
Student will be able to pursue his study in advanced networking courses
(This knowledge will help them to create base for the Network Electives
to be studied in the next semesters).
Students will be able to follow trends of computer networks. So,
students will get exposure to advanced network technologies like
MANET, WSN, and 4G.
Evaluating Ability to select proper method to design the network systems, selecting
the proper tool to design the network protects the network from misuse.
Creating Design and create their own procedure to protect the computer network
and use the sharing proper resources.
Syllabus Unit 1: Introduction to Computer Networks
Basic concepts of computer hardware and network terminology, What
is Computer Network? Network Goals and Motivations, Application of
Networks, Network Topologies, Classification of Networks, Network
software in brief: Network Protocols, Protocol Hierarchies, Design
issues for the Layers, Connection Oriented and Connectionless Services,
Service Primitives, Relation of services to Protocols, Network Models:
The OSI Reference Model, The TCP/IP Reference Model, Comparison
of OSI and TCP/IP Reference Model, A critique of OSI Model, A
critique of TCP/IP Model, Examples of some networks: Internet, X.25,
ISDN, Frame relay, ATM, Ethernet, Wireless LANs- (wi-fi)

Unit 2: Data Transmission and Physical Layer:

Signals: Analog and Digital Signals, Data Rate, Transmission
Impairment, Signal Measurement: Throughput, Propagation Speed and
Time, Wavelength, Frequency, Bandwidth, Spectrum Transmission
Media& its Characteristics: Guided and Unguided Media,
Synchronous and Asynchronous Transmission, Multiplexing: FDM,
WDM, TDM, Switching: Circuit, Message and Packet Switching.

Unit 3: Network Layer:

Network Layer Design Issues; Routing Algorithms: Static/ Dynamic ,
Direct/ Indirect, Shortest Path Routing, Flooding, Distance Vector
Routing , Link State Routing, Hierarchical Routing, Broadcast Routing,
Multicast Routing, Congestion Control Algorithms: General Principal
of Congestion Control, congestion prevention polices, Load shedding,
Jitter Control, IP Addressing: IP-Protocol, IP-Address Classes (A, B,
C, D, E), Broadcast address, Multicast address, Network Mask.
Unit 4: Transport and Application Support Protocols:
Transport service, Service Primitives, Internet, and Transport Protocols:
TCP/UDP, Remote Procedure Calls, RTP, Session Layer: Token
Concept Presentation Layer: Data Encryption and Data Security,
Message Authentication,
Unit 5 : Advance Networks:
Concept of 4G Networks, Introduction of 802.16, 802.20, Bluetooth,
Infrared, MANET, Sensor Networks. Technical Issues of Advanced
Networks, Mobile Ad-hoc Networks: Introductory concepts,
Destination-Sequenced Distance Vector protocol, Ad Hoc On-Demand
Distance Vector protocol, Wireless Sensor Networks: Sensor networks
overview: Introduction, applications, design issues, requirements.
Unit 6: Internet Basics:
Concept and Characteristics of Internet , Intranet, Extranet . Structure of
Internet through Client Sever . Domain name , Website Development
formats for Business Applications. Practical Application on: Domain
Name Service, Telnet, FTP, SMTP, SNMP, MIME, POP, IMAP,
WWW,HTTP, TCP/IP, LAN, WAN Some basic Operations and
Unit 7 : Mobile Network:
Mobile Telephone Systems: various generations mobile technology ,
Smart Mobile facilities and Apps on Mobile . Sub netting, Internet
control Protocol-ICMP, IGMP, Mobile-IP, IPv6
Text Books 1.A.S. Tanenbaum, Computer Networks (4th ed.), Prentice-Hall of
India, Latest Edition
2.W.Behrouz Forouzan and S.C. Fegan, Data Communication and
Networking, McGraw Hill, Latest Edition
3. William Stalling ―Data and Computer Communication‖
Reference Books 1. Network Essential Notes GSW MCSE Study Notes
2. Internetworking Technology Handbook CISCO System
3. Introduction to Networking and Data Communications Eugene
4. Computer Networks and Internets with Internet Applications
Douglas E. Comer.
5. Computer Network in Brief : -
6. Jyoti Biradar (Patil),Anil Gaikwad ―Software Project
Management -Made Easy‖ Lambert Academic Publishing House
Dec.2019 .


network ,In house on , Computer Network
in Brief : -
Subject Name 103. Java Programming
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite Any programming Language and Concepts of OOP
Cognitive Abilities At the end of this course, student should be able to
 Design interfaces, abstract and concrete classes needed, given a
problem specification
 Implement classes designed using object oriented programming
 Make them comfort to muse Java API for Input/output and Java
Collections and utility classes
 Able to achieve object persistence using object serialization and
write modules to take advantages of concurrent programming
Remembering  Java language Data Types, control structures, OOP concepts,
 Java API to handle numbers, strings
 Get knowledge about core Java API ( Wrapper classes; String
classes, Math class)
 Java API hierarchy for Input/output, collections and concurrent
Understanding  Understanding how to write, compile and run a Java program.
 Structure of class and using Inheritance among them.
 How to create Arrays.
 Come to know need of inheritance, abstract class and interface and
how to use them
 Get knowledge about core Java API, API hierarchy for Input/output,
collections and concurrent programming
Applying  Designclasses and interfaces for given problem statement by making
use of OOP concepts.
 Using proper I/O classes and Collections classes for given problem
Analyzing  Analyze a given problem statement to identify classes and
relationships among them and making use of Java API efficiently.
Evaluating  Given a problem statement; students should able to decide/ best
mechanism of class design using is_a or has_a relationships.
 Read/listen a problem statement and able to decide which I/O classes
to be used.
 Able to debate about when make to use of threads and which
collection implementation should be used.
Creating Writing Java Applications with use of classes, interfaces and taking
advantages of polymorphism.
Unit 1:Introduction to Java:
Java Basics: Features of Java, History of Java, Installations of JDK and
eclipse as IDE
Writing and executing first Java program. Understanding role Java
compiler, JVM, Understanding how Java is platform independent and
Java data types, variables, operators, expressions, type conversion and
casting in Java.
Control structures in java: if, if-else and switch statements, using
iterative/looping statements in Java: while, do-while and for.
Writing functions: Need of functions/methods, Writing and using static
method; concepts of passing values and returning
Unit 2: Class and Object Concepts:
Introduction to Object Oriented concepts, Defining a class, creating
objects from class, adding attributes and methods to the class, using
constructors, Java naming conventions for class, properties and
Passing values to the functions – pass by value, pass by reference,
Function overloading.
Modifiers – public, private, protected, default, static, final
Understanding use of Wrapper classes and Garbage collection in Java
Unit 3: Arrays and Strings:
One dimensional arrays, Multidimensional arrays, exploring String class
and methods, String Buffer class. Packages - creating and accessing a
package, importing, packages, creating user defined packages, Concept
of package.
Introduction to Exception Handling and user defined exceptions.
Unit 4: Inheritance and Polymorphism:
Concept and importance of inheritance, is-a relationship, types of
inheritance, Polymorphism – function overriding, dynamic method
dispatch. Overriding methods with throws clause.
Using abstract and final keywords with class declaration, Concept of
interface, Comparison of Interface and class.
Access modifiers and data accessibility in derived classes, method
access modifier and method overriding.
Unit 5 :Concurrent Programming:
Concept of threads, lifecycle of threads, creating threads, Thread class,
Runnable interface, Thread synchronization, inter thread communication
– wait(), notify(), notifyAll() methods .
Unit 6: Java Input/Output:
Concept of streams, types of streams – byte streams, character streams,
The Console: System.out,, and System.err
Understanding File class, InputStream class, OutputStream class,
FileInputStreams, FileOutputStream,
Using character oriented Reader and Writer class, FileReader,
Introduction to Buffered streams – DataInput and DataOutput Streams
using BufferedReader, BufferedWriter.
Making use of Object Streams for Serialization and deserialization
Unit 7:Java Collections and Utility Classes:
Introductions to generics: generic types and methods
Collection Basics- A Collection Hierarchy, Using ArrayList and Vector,
LinkedList, making use of Iterator to access collection elements.
Set: HashSet, LinkedHashSet, TreeSet , Role of Comparable and
Comparator interfaces,
Introduction Map: Hashmap, HashTable, TreeMap, LinkedHashMap
Understanding bounded types, erasures.
Text Books Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, McGraw-Hill Osborne
Reference Books 1. Herbert Schildt, Java: The Complete Reference, McGraw-Hill
Osborne Media; Seventh Edition, 2007
2. Cay S. Horstmann and Gary Cornell ,Core Java-Volume-I, Sun Core
Series, Eighth Edition, 2008
3. Bruce Eckel , Thinking In Java – Printice Hall, Fourth Edition
Subject Name 104 Computational Statistics
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite
Course  To build a strong foundation for students to become a proficient in all
Objectives Statistics concepts and their Application. It is necessary to become a
Data science Professional.
 To provide a conducive environment for understanding, implementing
and Prediction on various Historical data.
 To keep the students and faculty abreast with
the emerging technologies in the field of computer applications.
 To bring professionalism amongst the students and promote holistic
Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering  Remember the definitions of concepts
Understanding  Understand the concept of Statistics and their methods for its Data
 Understand data engineering and standards and methods.
 Understand the fundamentals of statistics and their Application
Applying  Data engineering and their concept
Analyzing  Identify and study thedata foranalytics purpose.
 State and Describe features for Analytics
Evaluating  Future Prediction for historical data
Creating  Write programming of R for Data Analysis
Unit 1. Introduction to Statistics:
Meaning of Statistics as a Science, Importance of Statistics Scope of
Statistics, Types of data: Primary data, Secondary data , Cross-sectional
data, time series data, directional data, classification data and its
classification, ungrouped frequency distribution,, grouped frequency
distribution, cumulative frequency distribution, and relative frequency
Unit 2. Measures of Central Tendency:
Concept of central tendency of statistical data, Statistical averages,
characteristics of a good statistical average. Arithmetic Mean (A.M.):
Definition, effect of change of origin and scale, combined mean of a
number of groups, merits and demerits, trimmed arithmetic mean. Mode
and Median: Definition, formulae (for ungrouped and grouped data), merits
and demerits, Quartiles, Deciles and Percentiles (for ungrouped and
grouped data),
Geometric Mean (G.M.): Definition, formula, merits and demerits.
Harmonic Mean (H.M.): Definition. Formula, merits and demerits. mean
Weighted Mean: weighted A.M., G.M. and H.M. Measures of Dispersion
:Concept of dispersion, characteristics of good measure of dispersion.
Range, Quartile deviation
Mean deviation: Definition, merits and demerits, Variance and standard
Unit 3. Moments, Skewness and Kurtosis :
Concept of Raw and central moments, Formulae for ungrouped and
grouped data (only first four moments), relation between central and raw
moments upto fourth order. (without proof) , Measures of Skewness, Types
of skewness, Pearson‘s and Bowley‘s coefficient of skewness, Measure of
skewness based on moments, Measure of Kurtosis: Types of kurtosis,
Measure of kurtosis based on moments
Unit 4.Correlation:
Bivariate data, Scatter diagram and interpretation, Concept of correlation
between two variables, positive correlation, negative correlation, no
correlation. variance between two variables , Karl Pearson‘s coefficient of
correlation (r) , Spearman‘s rank correlation coefficient, compute Karl
Pearson‘s correlation coefficient between ranks
Unit 5. Regression:
Meaning of regression, difference between correlation and regression,
Concept of error in regression, error modeled as a continuous random
variable. Simple linear regression model Estimation of a, b by the method
of least squares. Interpretation of parameters.
Unit 6. Time Series:
Meaning and utility , Components of time series , Additive and
multiplicative models , Methods of estimating trend : moving average
method, least squares method and exponential smoothing method(with
graph and interpretation)
Unit 7. Introduction to R Programming:
Concept of R, Installation of R, Data Types , Vector, List, Frame, Array,
Matrix, Statistics Commands, Base graphics, Data manipulation with data
table ,concept of cluster, Concept of Prediction Model ,Analysis of Real
world Problem
Text Books
Reference Books 1. Fundamental of Statistics by S.C.Gupta
2. Freedman, David, Robert Pisani, & Roger Pervis(2007).Statistics.New
York: W. W. Norton.
3. James, Gareth, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, & Robert
Tibshirani(2013).An Introduction to Statistical Learning: With Applications
in R. New York: Springer.
Suggested MOOC : Please refer these websites for MOOCS:
NPTEL / Swayam www.,
Subject Name 105. Management Concepts and Applications

No. of Credits 3Credits

Pre Requisite General awareness about the organization and atomization used
Remembering Students are expected to recalling day to day management concepts that
are unknowingly applied in real life situations
Understanding Gathering information about management,its origin and the
contributions of some of the management gurus is achieved.
Applying Students will learn implementation of management functions in real life
cases so as to justify decision being taken and through ERPs availability
Analyzing Students will learn fact finding in a situation using the objectives of
each functions‘ achievement and its effective utilization in e commerce
Evaluating Generating or creating the ability amongst the students in fact finding
techniques and evaluating the actual performance with the planned.
Creating Students are expected to capture the new cases in real life situation and
create a solution in the form of model so as to resolve the problem such
as ERPs
Syllabus Unit 1: Management:
Definition and Meaning ,Nature and purpose ,Evolution of Management
thoughts, Contributions of F.W Taylor ,Contributions of Henry Fayol,
Human relations approach, System approach to management, Skills and
Functions of a manager
Unit 2: Planning:
Definition and Importance ,Types of Plans, Types of Planning , Steps in
Planning ,Limitations of Planning ,Planning Premises, Management by
Objectives (MBO):Concept, Objective setting Process, Benefits and
Weaknesses, concept of software project planning
Unit 3 : Organization:
Definition ,nature of organizing, importance , process of organizing
,organization chart ,structure of IT organization , New Organisational
Designs – Project, Matrix, Organic Structure & Mechanistic Structure
Challenge of Modern Organisation, Virtual Organisation,Case study
Unit 4 : Staffing:
Nature & Significance, A brief knowledge of Recruitment, Selection,
Training & Development, Performance Appraisal in IT organisation.
Case study (8)
Unit 5: Directing and Controlling:
Nature, Concept of Leadership, Leadership Styles, Theories of
Leadership, Charismatic Leadership Theory, Role of Software Team
Leader, case study , Concept and Importance of Control, Control
Process, Types of Control Mechanism, Responsibility and authority ,
Management by Exceptions, case study.
Unit 6:Decision making:
Decision making and its process, Decision making conditions , need of
computer based decision making , decision support system, expert
Unit 7 :Introduction to E-commerce:
E commerce types,E commerce spread in recent years ,E commerce
importance ,Security measures under E commerce, introduction to
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ,ERP advantages, Introduction to
Text Books 1.Principles of Management by L M Prasad, Sultan Chand Publications
2.E – Commerce: Strategy, Technologies and Applications‖ by David
Reference Books 1. Principles of management by T Ramaswamy , Himalaya
2. Principals of Management by Tripathi and Ready,
3. New Era of Management by Richard Daft ,South Western Sangage
4. Management Principles and Practices by Lallan Prasad and SS
Publications :Excel Books India.
5. Decision Support System , Janaki Raman ,PHI publications
Subject Name 106 Lab on Applied Database Management Systems
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Concept of Database Management Systems,
Familiarity with data processing concepts and applications.
Course Objective  To practice the application of the concepts related to database its
techniques and Operations.
 SQL (Structured Query Language) is introducedin this
subject.Thishelpsto create strong foundation for application of database
Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering  Make use of different operators as per the questions
Understanding  Understand the theoretical and physical aspect of a relational database.
Applying  Implementation of RDBMS concepts through Oracle.
Analyzing  Observe the performance of the query with different data sets.
Evaluating  Test the results obtained from the different queries, PL/SQL blocks,
Creating  Construct Simple and complex queries on sample datasets
 Writing PL/SQL blocks
Syllabus Unit 1 Introduction to Oracle and SQL:
History, Features, Versions of Oracle, Database Structure: Logical
Structure and Physical Structure, Oracle Architecture: System Global Area
Processes: Server Processes, Background Processes, Tools of Oracle: SQL
* Plus, PL/SQL, Forms, Reports, Pre Compilers:SQL Loader, Import,
Introduction to SQL :
Keywords, Delimiters, Literals, Data Types, Components of SQL:
DDL Commands– Defining a database in SQL, Creating table, changing
table definition, removing table, Creating Tables with constraints on row
level and column level, primary key, foreign key, check. Altering
DML Commands- Inserting, updating, deleting data,
DQL Commands: Select Statement with all options.
Renaming table, Describe Command, Distinct Clause, Sorting Data in a
Table, Creating table from a table, Inserting data from other table, Table
alias, and Column alias.
DCL commands- Granting and Revoking Permissions
Unit 2Operators and Functions:
Operators:Arithmetic, Logical, Relational, Range Searching, Pattern
Matching, IN & NOT IN Predicate, all, % any, exists, not exists clauses,
Set Operations: Union, Union All, Minus, Intersect, Grouping data.
Functions : Aggregate Functions, Numeric Functions, String Functions,
Date Functions, Conversion Functions, MiscellaneousSub queries
Joins:Relating data through join concept. Simple join, equi join, non equi
join, Self join, Outer join
Unit 3 Database Objects:
Views:Introduction, Creating a View, Selecting data from a view,
Updateable views, Views on multiple tables, Destroying a View.
Sequences:Introduction, Creating a Sequence, Altering a Sequence,
Referencing a Sequence, Dropping a Sequence.
Index:Introduction, Creating Index, Simple Index, Unique Index, Reverse
Key Index, Dropping Index.
Unit 4Introduction To PL/SQL:
Introduction, Advantages, PL/SQL Block, PL/SQL Execution
Environment, PL/SQL Character set, Literals, Data types, PL/SQL Block:
Attributes %type, %rowtype,Variables, Constants, Displaying User
Message on screen, Conditional Control in PL/SQL, Iterative Control
Structure: While Loop, For Loop, Goto Statement, Commit, Rollback,
Unit 5 : Cursor Management and Triggers:
Cursor:Explicit& Implicit Cursor, Declaring Cursor Variables,
Constrained & Unconstrained Cursor Variables, Opening Cursor, Fetching
Cursor into Variables, Closing Cursor, Cursor For Loops, Parametric
Triggers:Definition, Syntax,Parts of triggers:statement, body, restricted,
Types of triggers: Enabling& disabling triggers.
Unit 6 : Stored Procedures / Functions and Exception Handling:
Introduction, How oracle executes procedures/ functions, Advantages, How
to createProcedures& Functions, Examples.
Error Handling in PL/SQL:
Exception Handling & Oracle Engine, Oracles Named Exception
Handlers, User NamedException Handlers.
Unit 7: MongoDB:
Installation of MongoDB, Checking Shell, Creating Users and Enabling
Authorization, Basic Querying Using Shell, sorting, indexing – single
indexing and compound indexing, Using Conditional Operators in queries

Text Books References (Books, Websites etc.):

1. Ivan Bayross SQL,PL/SQLThe Programming Language of Oracle 3rd
Revised Edition BPB Publications
2. ―Practical MongoDB‖ by Shakuntala Gupta Edward, NavinSabharwal by
Reference Books Suggested MOOC :
Please refer these websites for MOOCS:
NPTEL / Swayamwww. ;

Subject Name 107. Java Programming

No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Any programming Language and Concepts of OOP
Cognitive Abilities At the end of this course, student should be able to
 Design interfaces, abstract and concrete classes needed, given a
problem specification
 Implement classes designed using object oriented programming
 Make them comfort to muse Java API for Input/output and Java
Collections and utility classes
 Able to achieve object persistence using object serialization and
write modules to take advantages of concurrent programming
Remembering  Java language Data Types, control structures, OOP concepts,
 Java API to handle numbers, strings
 Get knowledge about core Java API ( Wrapper classes; String
classes, Math class)
 Java API hierarchy for Input/output, collections and concurrent
Understanding  Understanding how to write, compile and run a Java program.
 Structure of class and using Inheritance among them.
 How to create Arrays.
 Come to know need of inheritance, abstract class and interface and
how to use them
 Get knowledge about core Java API, API hierarchy for Input/output,
collections and concurrent programming
Applying  Designclasses and interfaces for given problem statement by making
use of OOP concepts.
 Using proper I/O classes and Collections classes for given problem
Analyzing  Analyze a given problem statement to identify classes and
relationships among them and making use of Java API efficiently.
Evaluating  Given a problem statement; students should able to decide/ best
mechanism of class design using is_a or has_a relationships.
 Read/listen a problem statement and able to decide which I/O classes
to be used.
 Able to debate about when make to use of threads and which
collection implementation should be used.
Creating Writing Java Applications with use of classes, interfaces and taking
advantages of polymorphism.
Programming Exercises
1 Introduction to Java
Writing, compiling and Executing Java programs using basic language constructs as bellow
- Using Operators : arithmetic, relational, logical and bitwise
- Control structures (if, if-else, switch)
- Iterative statements (while, do-while, for)

2 Class and Object Concepts

- Wring a class, creating objects and using it
- Using constructors to initialize object
- Programs to demonstrate parameter passing
- Making use of access modifiers
3 Arrays and Strings
- Programs to work with single dimensional and multidimensional arrays
- Searching and sorting
- Programming with string and operations on it
- Programs to understand and study string literal pool
4 Inheritance and Polymorphism
- Defining classes as generic types ; using it to write new class/classes
- Need and example of method overriding
- Writing abstract class and interface
- Using abstract classes to write concrete classes
- Using interface as base type to write new interface and implementing it to write
new concrete class/classes
- Anonymous and inner classes
5 Concurrent Programming
- Designing and using Thread class and Runnable interface
- Thread synchronization
- Program to demonstrate Thread priorities, thread join and making use of yield
- Programs with classes making use of thread and inter communication between them.
6 Java Input/Output
- Programs to make using InputStream and OutStream classes.
- Reading and Writing data into files
- Making use to console to read data.
- Using readers and writers to write data into Files
- Making use of Buffered Streams and reader and writer
- Programs to take advantages of serialization
7 Java Collections and Utility Classes
- Programs to make use collections (ArrayList, Vector, Set and Maps)
- Writing user defined generic data types types
- Programs to illustrate bounded types and erasures
Subject Name 201. Object Oriented Software Engineering
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite Programming skills, Database Concepts.
Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Should be able to remember various steps carried out in development of
Understanding Should be able to understand requirements of the user.
Applying Should be able to apply object oriented concepts and UML diagrams to
the defined problem.
Analyzing Should be able to analyze requirements of the user and convert to
functionalities of the software.
Evaluating Should be able to Evaluate design of the existing software.
Creating Should be able to de Design their own software.
Syllabus Unit 1 .Software and Software Engineering:
The nature of software, Software Engineering Concept, SDLC, Process
Models: Waterfall Model, V Model, Prototyping Model, Spiral Model,
RAD (Rapid Action Development) Model
Unit 2 .Object Oriented Concepts, Modeling and UML:
2.1 What is Object Orientation? (Introduction to class, object,
inheritance, polymorphism)
2.2 Modeling
2.2.1 Introduction of Modeling
2.2.2 Object Oriented Modeling
2.3 UML (Unified Modelling Language)
2.3.1 History of UML
2.3.2 UML Diagrams
2.4 Iterative Development with RUP and Phases of RUP
Unit 3 : Requirement Understanding and Requirement Modelling
with Use Case Diagram:
3.1 Requirement Engineering
3.2 Requirement Elicitation
3.3 Developing Use Cases
3.4 Use Case Diagram
3.4.1 Realization of Use Cases
3.4.2 Finding Actors
3.4.3 Defining Relations among Use case
3.4.4 Writing Use Cases
3.5 Activity Diagram
Unit 4 : Basic and Advanced Structural Modeling:
4.1 Class Diagram
4.1.1 Identifying the elements of an object model
4.1.1 Identifying classes and objects
4.1.2 Specifying the attributes
4.1.3 Defining operations
4.1.4 Finalizing the object definition
4.1.5 Advanced class Modelling
4.1.6 Interface, Types and Roles
4.2 State Chart Diagram
4.3 Package Diagram
4.4 Object Diagram
Unit 5 : Interaction Modelling:
5.1 Introduction to Interaction Diagrams
5.2 Need of Interaction Diagrams
5.3 Interaction Diagrams
5.3.1 Collaboration Diagram
5.3.2 Sequence Diagram
Unit 6 : Architectural Modeling:
6.1 Component Diagram
6.1.1 Need of Component Diagram
6.1.2 Realization of Components
6.1.3 Relating Components
6.2 Deployment Diagram
6.2.1 Software Architecture
6.2.2 Architectural Styles
6.2.3 Representing Architecture using Deployment Diagram
Unit 7 : Case Studies:
7.4 Discussion on following case Studies-
a. Library Management System
b. Hospital Management System
c. Online Shopping
d. website
e. Matrimonial website
Text Books 1. Software Engineering by Pressman Publisher BPB
Reference Books 1. The Unified Modeling Language User Guide by Grady Booch, James
Raumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson. Publisher Addison-Wesley Professional
2. Object Oriented Software Engineering Use case driven approach by
Ivar Jacobson Publisher Pearson
3. UML Distilled by Martin Fowler Publisher Addison-Wesley
4. UML Toolkit 2 by Hans-Erik Eriksson Publisher Wiley.
Subject Name 202. Cloud Computing Concepts
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite 1. Knowledge of Web technologies
2. Knowledge of Web services andmultimedia
3. Knowledge of DBMS
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering How to provide Flexible and scalable infrastructures
Understanding Increased availability of high-performance applications to
small/ medium-sized businesses
Applying Reduces implementation and maintenance costs
Analyzing The case studies will help us to understandmore of practice of cloud
computing in the market.
Evaluating Comparison of cost-wise solution to the problem and selecting the best
solution for the problem suggested to the organization
Creating Creating flexible and scalable infrastructure suitable to the organizational
Syllabus Unit 1: Cloud Computing Fundamentals:
Definition of Cloud Computing, private, public and hybrid cloud. Cloud
types; IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Benefits and challenges of cloud computing, public
Vs private clouds
Unit 2: Virtualization And Cloud Computing:
Role of virtualization in enabling the cloud; Business Agility: Benefits and
challenges to Cloud architecture. Application availability, performance,
security and disaster recovery; next generation Cloud Applications,
Visualizing Virtualization, Managing Virtualization, Taking Virtualization
into the Cloud
Unit 3: Service Oriented Architecture And The Cloud :
Defining Service Oriented Architecture, Understanding the Coupling,
Implementation of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), Understanding
Services in the Cloud, Serving the Business with SOA and Cloud
Unit 4: Cloud Applications :
Technologies and the processes required when deploying web services;
Deploying a web service from inside and outside a cloud architecture,
advantages and disadvantages.
Unit 5: Management Of Cloud Services:
Reliability, availability and security of services deployed from the cloud.
Performance and scalability of services, tools and technologies used to
manage cloud services deployment; Cloud Economics: Cloud Computing
infrastructures available for implementing cloud based services. Economics
of choosing a Cloud platform for an organization, based on application
requirements, economic constraints and business needs (e.g Amazon,
Microsoft and Google,, Ubuntu and Redhat)
Unit 6: Application Development:
Service creation environments to develop cloud based applications.
Development environments for service development; Amazon, Azure,
Google App.
Unit 7: Cloud It Model:
Analysis of Case Studies when deciding to adopt cloud computing
architecture. How to decide if the cloud is right for your requirements.
Cloud based service, applications and development platform deployment so
as to improve the total cost of ownership (TCO)
Text Books 1. Cloud Computing: Principles and Pardigms by RajkumarBuyya,
jamesBroberg and Andrzej M.Goscinski, Wiley, 2011.
2. Distributed & Cloud computing, Kai Hwang, GeofferyC.Fox,jack
3. Cloud Computing implementation,management and security by John
W.Rittinghouse,James E Ransome,CRCPress,Taylor& Francis
4. Cloud Computing a practical approach by Anthony T.Velte,TobyJ.Velte
Robert Elsenpeter,Tata Mc Graaw Hill edition,2010

Reference Books 1. Cloud Application Architecture by George Reese,Oreillypublishers

2. Cloud computing and SOA convergence in your enterprise,by
DavidS.Linthicum,Addison- Wesley
Subject Name 203. Data Structures and Algorithms using Python
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite School Level Mathematics. It does not assume any prior knowledge of
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some motivating examples to remember and quickly builds up
basic concepts such as conditionals, loops, functions, lists, strings and
Understanding Students will get acquainted built in data structures in python,
understand features and programming constructs of python language.
During this course, they will understand main control structures of
procedural programming languages. understand the complexity of
various algorithms
Applying They will make of function to reduce problem into small modules, To
familiarize with exceptions and mechanism to handle it , make use of
python to read and write data into files, implement ADT for various user
defined data structures, implement data structures like: Stack, Queue,
Link List, Tree.
Analyzing Compare efficiency of various data structures for solving a particular
problem. Analyzing performance of a algorithm.
Evaluating Ability to choose appropriate data structures for problem solving
Ability to use combination of these data structures for problem solving.
Evaluating the performance of various Algorithms and Data Structures.
Creating Design and create their own data structure for solving a real life problem

Syllabus Unit 1:
Basics of Python:
Python Installation, writing and executing first python script, using
python editors to write and execute python scripts
Identifiers and Operators:
Writing get familiar with python variables and data types, variables and
assignments, Operator understanding and its usage,
Python Control structures in Python:
Conditionals and Loops: if statement, else Statement, el-if Statement,
while Statement, for Statement, break Statement, continue Statement,
pass Statement,
Working strings in python: String type, strings concatenations and
comparing strings, using string functions
Unit 2:
Working with functions and Built in data structures Functions:
Writing a simple function and using it, functions and parameters,
functions retuning values, functions and variable scope,
Variable number of arguments, passing objects and collections in
function, understanding recursive functions, writing and using recursive
Variable number of arguments to functions
Python data Structures:
List: Crating and using list and tuples. Operations on list and tuples,
Special Features of Lists and tuples, introduction to List comprehensions
Dictionaries: Introduction to Dictionaries, Operators, Built-in Functions,
Built-in Methods, Dictionary Keys, Using Set data structure, Arrays
Unit 3:
Handling Exceptions and File Input/Output :
Need of exception Handling, Simple mechanism to handle exception,
Using if exceptions to handle the code cracks, Using else clause while
handling exceptions, Handling generic and specific exceptions, handling
multiple exceptions, Raising exception,
File Objects, creating a file object, reading File contents, Writing data
into file, reading and writing CSV files, using with clause, Using
Exception handling with file operations,
Unit 4:
Introduction ADT :
Writing a simple Class in Python, creating object of class, Instance
Methods, Class Variables and special methods.
Understanding ADT, Defining ADT using pseudo-code, Defining ADT
for Date, Stack and Queue, Implementation of Date, Stack and Queue
ADT. Concepts of circular and double ended queue. Applications of
Stack and Queue.
Unit 5:
Linked Lists:
Defining List as ADT, Implementation of Singly Linked Lists,
Circularly Linked Lists, Doubly Linked Lists, The Positional List ADT,
Sorting a Positional List, Link-Based vs Array-Based Sequences.
Implementation of Stack and Queue using Link List. Applications of
Linked List (polynomial Equations)
Unit 6:
Concepts of tress and Binary Trees, Defining binary tree as ADT,
Implementing Binary Trees, Tree Traversal Algorithms
Search Trees: Binary Search Trees ,Balanced Search Trees ,Python
Framework for Balancing Search Trees ,AVL Trees ,Splay Trees, Red-
Black Trees
Heaps, Maps, Hash Tables, and Skip Lists
Unit 7:
Searching , Sorting and Analysis of Algorithms
Need of searching, linear search, using binary search for efficient
Need of sorting and various sorting algorithms: insertion sort, bubble
sort, selection sort; Merge sort and quick sort algorithms.
Python‘s Built-In Sorting Functions, Selection Algorithms.

Analysis of Algorithms: Measuring Algorithm Efficiency, Asymptotic

Analysis, The Big-O Notation, Find the complexity of Algorithms:
Linear Search, Binary Search, Sorting Algorithms. Compare complexity
of various searching and sorting Algorithms.

Text Books Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Paperback – 2016

by Michael T. Goodrich (Author), Roberto Tamassia (Author), Michael
H. Goldwasser (Author) WILEY PUBLICATION

Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python Paperback – 2015

by NarasimhaKarumanchi (Author)
Reference Books Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using Python:
Programming Interview Guideby Hemant Jain
Subject Name 204. Data Warehousing and Data Mining
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite Thorough understanding of Relational database normalization techniques
, Physical design of a database, Concepts of algorithm design and
analysis, Basic understanding of: Software engineering principles and
techniques, Probability and statistics
Course Objectives This course will enable to expose the students to Study various design and
implementation issues and techniques in data warehousing and data mining.
Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Remembering the fundamentals of Database technology and its
application in data warehousing and data mining.
Creating Creating multi dimensional data models using star, snowflake and fact
constellation schemas.
Understanding Understand the components, architecture and other important tools of
data warehousing and data mining.
Applying Apply the techniques of clustering, classification, association and other
data mining algorithms to real world data.
Analyzing Gather and analyze large sets of data to gain useful information using data
mining techniques.
Evaluating Producing and interpreting quantitative analysis using various data mining
Syllabus Unit 1. Business Intelligence:
Business Environment and Computerized Decision Support, Managerial
Decision Making, Computerized support for Decision Making, Decision
Support System, Early Framework for Computerized Decision Support,
Business Intelligence, Importance of BI, BI for Decision makers, The BI
process, A framework for Business Intelligence.

Unit 2: Data warehousing:

OLTP and OLAP Systems, Introduction to Data Warehouse, Differences
between OLTP Systems and Data Warehouse, Characteristics of Data
Warehouse; Advantages of Data Warehouse; Data Warehouse Users,
Metadata, Classification of Metadata, and Importance of Metadata.
Data Marts, Reasons for creating Data Marts, Building Data Marts: Top
down Approach & Bottom up Approach,
Data Warehouse Architecture, Two tier Architecture, Three Tier
Data Warehouse Schema, Star, Snow Flake & Fact Constellation Schema.
OLAP Operations, OLAP Models.
Unit 3. Data Preprocessing:
Need, Objectives and Techniques of data preprocessing.
Descriptive Data Summarization: Measuring the Central Tendency,
Measuring the Dispersion of Data, Graphic Displays of Basic Descriptive
Data Summaries
Data Cleaning: Handling of Missing values and Noisy Data, Data
cleaning as a process
Data Integration and Transformation:
Data Integration: Schema integration, Controlling redundancies using
Data Transformation: Smoothing, Aggregation, Generalization, Attribute
construction, Normalization
Data Reduction: Data Cube Aggregation; Attribute Subset Selection,
Dimensionality Reduction, Numerosity Reduction, Discretization &
Concept Hierarchy Generation for Numerical Data and for Categorical

Unit 4. Introduction Data Mining :

Evolution of database system technology, introduction to data mining,
architecture of a typical data mining system, Types of data that can be
mined, Data Mining Functionalities, Classification of Data Mining
systems, Data Mining Task Primitives, Integration of a Data Mining
System with a Database or a Data Warehouse System, Major issues in
Data Mining.
Unit 5: Mining Association Rules :
Introduction, Market Basket Analysis, Multi-Level and single level
Mining, Mining Association Rules on Transactional database, Multi-
Dimensional Association Rules From Relational Databases & Data
Warehouses, From Association Mining To Correlation Analysis,
Constraint Based Association Mining,
Association Rule mining using Apriori Algorithm, and FP Growth
algorithm. Generalized association rule.
Unit 6: Classification & Prediction:
Introduction to Classification and Prediction; Basics of Supervised &
Unsupervised Learning; Preparing the Data for Classification and
Prediction; Comparing Classification and Prediction Methods,
Classification by Decision Tree Induction, Tree Pruning, Rule-based
Classification Using IF-THEN Rules for Classification; Rule Extraction
from a Decision Trees; Bayesian Classification: Bayes‘ Theorem, Naïve
Bayesian Classification. Prediction using Regression analysis.
Unit 7. Cluster Analysis:
Introduction to Cluster Analysis; Types of Data in Cluster Analysis;
Classification of clustering methods-Partitioning Method, Hierarchical
Method, Density-based Method, Grid-Based Method, Model-Based
Method, Constraint-based Method
Partitioning Methods: K-Means and K-Medoids
Text Books References (Books, Websites etc.):
 Jiawei Han, MichelineKamber, Data Mining: Concepts and
Techniques, Harcourt India Pvt., 2011.
Reference Books  Alex Berson, Stephen J. Smith, Data Warehousing, Data Mining
and OLAP,McGrawHill, 2004
 D. Hand, H. Mannila, and P. Smyth, Principles of Data Mining,
MIT Press, 2011
Subject Name 205. Web Supporting Technologies
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite Any pre-requisite knowledge is not required.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering The students will get information of the basics of internet with the help
of examples. It will help them to identify and remember Web
supporting concepts.
Understanding Remembering the definitions will help the students to understand basic
concepts of HAML, JavaScript, CSS and PHP etc. In this subject,
students will understand various tags, programming constructs of
JavaScript, technical issues, cascading Style Sheets, forms and PHP
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge of HTML and JavaScript.
They will be able to design various forms as per requirements. They
will be able to apply CSS concepts in scripting. The students will also
apply their creativity to display the output.
Analyzing The students will relate real life problem with the JavaScript solution.
They will analyze the problem and solve it.
Evaluating Ability to use JavaScript construct for problem solving, handling
technical issues etc.
Creating Design and create their own forms for solving a real-life requirement.
Syllabus Unit 1: Basics of Internet:
Understanding internet and intranet, difference between internet and
intranet, Introduction to WWW, Concept of client and server,
Introduction to web server and web browser, using Apache as web
server, Internet Service Providers (ISP)
Unit 2: Introduction to HTML:
Overview of HTML, concept of Tag, types of HTML tags, structure of
HTML program, Text Formatting Through HTML: Emphasizing
Material in a Web Page, Using Image tag, attributes of Image tag,
Lists: Using unordered, ordered, definition lists,
Handling Tables: To define header rows & data rows, use of caption
tag, changing height & width of table, BGcolor, Handling Tables: cell
padding, cell spacing, colspan, row span, handling table data, images
in table, Frames: Introduction To frames, using frames & framesets,
named frames, Concept of hyperlink, types of hyperlinks, linking to
the beginning of document, linking to a particular location in a
document, image as hyperlinks
Unit 3: Cascading Style Sheets:
Introducing CSS, Types of style sheets: inline, embedded and external
style sheets, working with CSS properties: text properties, color and
background properties, border and shading, box and block properties,
positioning with CSS, various types of CSS selectors, Using class and
span tag, External style sheets,
Unit 4: Introduction to JavaScript (Client-Side Scripting):
Introduction to scripting, overview of Java Script, advantages, client-
side java Script, capturing user input, writing JavaScript into
HTML,Advantages and limitations of JavaScript,
JavaScript Basics: Data types, literals, variables and operators, Java
Script arrays, dense array, operators, expressions,
JavaScript Programming Constructs: Assignment, data declaration,
if, switch, while, for, do while, label, break, continue, function call,
return, with, delete, method of invocation
Dialog boxes -Alert dialog box, prompt dialog box, confirm dialog
box, window objects
JavaScript Functions- Types of functions in Java Script- Built in
functions, User defined functions, function declaration, passing
parameters, variable scope, return values, recursive functions
Arrays- Introduction to arrays, arrays with methods

Unit 5: Forms:
Interactive web pages concepts, difference between static & dynamic
web pages, Concept of form, how form works, Different elements -
text, password, button, submit, reset, checkbox, Radio, Text Area,
select & option, properties of form elements, form object‘s Method,
Other built-in Object: String object, math object, date object, Regular
Expressions, Form validation

Unit 6: JavaScript Events:

What is an Event? Onclick Event Type, onsubmit Event Type,
onmouseover and onmouseout, onchange, onload, onkeydown,
working with DOM, Concept of Cookies and sessions, when and how
to use cookies and sessions,
Unit 7: Introduction to PHP:
Server-side web scripting, Adding PHP to HTML, Syntax and
Variables, PHP control structures, Establishing connectivity with
MySQL database
Text Books 1. Ivan Bayross (2006) Web Enabled Commercial Application
Development Using HTML, DHTML, JavaScript, Perl CGI,
BPB Publications
Reference Books 1. Thomas Powell, Web Design The complete Reference, Tata
2. Thomas Powell and Fritz Schneider JavaScript 2.0 : The
Complete Reference, Second Edition
3. PHP: The Complete Reference By Steven Holzner, Tata
4. Luke Welling, PHP and MySQL Web Development, Pearson
Education; Fifth edition
Subject Name 206. Lab on Data Structures using Python
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite School Level Mathematics. It does not assume any prior knowledge of
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some motivating examples to remember and quickly builds up
basic concepts such as conditionals, loops, functions, lists, strings and
Understanding By remembering students the basing concepts students will understand
the concepts of searching and sorting algorithms, dynamic
programming and backtracking, as well as topics such as exception
handling and using files. As far as data structures are concerned, the
course covers Python dictionaries as well as classes and objects for
defining user defined data types such as linked lists and binary search

Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about data structures and will
be able to design & develop program using linear data structures&non
linear data structures for solving problems
Analyzing Compare efficiency of various data structures for solving a particular

Evaluating Ability to choose appropriate data structures for problem solving

Ability to use combination of these data structures for problem solving.

Creating Design and create their own data structure for solving a real life

Syllabus Unit 1
Informal introduction to programming, algorithms and data structures
via gcd, Downloading and installing Python,gcd in Python: variables,
operations, control _flow - assignments, conditionals, loops, functions.

Suggested Installation of Python IDE, understand various platforms for Python

Programs (google collaborator, Jupitar notebook)
 Basic program to understand Data Types
 creating variables, accepting input variable from user and
printing their datatype
 Mathematical functions (apply various operations on data +, -,
/, *)
 Conditional Statements (if, else, ,
 Create functions to
o Find average of marks of five subjects
o Find sum of first n prime numbers
Unit 2
Python: types, expressions, strings, lists, tuples, arrays | Python
memory model: names, mutable and
immutable values | List operations: slices etc - Binary search |
Inductive function denitions: numerical
and structural induction | Elementary inductive sorting: selection and
insertion sort | In-place sorting.
Suggested  Operations on Strings, Lists , tuples and arrays
Programs o Creating lists/tuple/array and accessing list elements
using index
o Access the list/tuple element using –ve index
o Extract specific element from list/tuple/array
o Use len(), del(), remove() and range functions on
 Applying different searching and sorting algorithm on data
Unit 3
Basic algorithmic analysis:inputsize,asymptotic,omplexity,O() notation
| Arrays vs lists | Merge sort |
Quicksort | Stable sorting. Dictionaries | More on Python functions:
optional arguments, default values | Passing functions as
arguments | Higher order functions on lists: map, lter, list
Suggested  Write a program for sorting given list using Quick Sort
Programs  Fuction calling ( passing the variables)
o Find factorial of a number
o Find fibbonacci series for a given number
 Create Dictionaries with key,value pair, and access various
elements of Dictioneries, Various operation using Dictionaries.
 Usage of map, lter functions on list
Unit 4
Exception handling | Basic input/output | Handling files | String

Suggested  Read, write, search operations on File data structure

Programs  Write Programs based on exception handling
 Write program for various operations on string variables
Unit 5
Backtracking: N Queens, recording all solutions | Scope in Python:
local, global, nonlocal names |
Nested functions | Data structures: stack, queue | Heaps.

Suggested  Creation and various operations on Stack

Programs  Creation and various operations on queue
 Creation and various operations on heap
 Defining scope variables in Python
Unit 6
Abstract datatypes | Classes and objects in Python | "Linked" lists: find,
insert, delete | Binary search
trees: find, insert, delete | Height-balanced binary search trees.
Suggested  Creation of class data structure ,Abstract classes
Programs  Creation of Link List and various operations on Link List
 Implementation of tree data structure using class concept

Unit 7
Efficient evaluation of recursive denitions: memoization | Dynamic
programming: examples | Other programming languages: C and
manual memory management | Other programming paradigms:
functional programming.
Suggested Comparison of all discussed algorithm with their implementation in C
Programs and compare memory usage.
Text Books Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Paperback – 2016
by Michael T. Goodrich (Author), Roberto Tamassia (Author),
Michael H. Goldwasser (Author) WILEY PUBLICATION

Data Structure and Algorithmic Thinking with Python Paperback –

by NarasimhaKarumanchi (Author)
Reference Books Problem Solving in Data Structures & Algorithms Using Python:
Programming Interview Guide by Hemant Jain
Subject Name 301. Software Design Patterns
No. of Credits 3Credits
Pre-Requisite This course assumes students should have following knowledge:
 OOAD and UML.
 Software Engineering
 Java Programming
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Ability to identify the structure, framework of Design Patterns for a given
Understanding Ability to understand the meanings, concepts and types of Design Patterns
Applying Ability to decide and suggest a design pattern for the given problem
Analyzing Exploit the possibilities and limitations of basic design patterns for a given
problem and ability to analyze a software development problem
Evaluating Ability to evaluate, assess the design pattern that are appropriate for a given
Creating Create software design that are scalable, robust and easily maintainable and
consisting multiple modules
Unit 1: Introduction to Design Patterns:
Reusable design Patterns: Meaning & Use of Design Patterns, Organizing the
Patterns, describing pattern, how to use the patterns while solving the
problem, Applications of different design patterns in various cases. Selection
of a Design Pattern
Unit 2: Creational Patterns:
Intent, Motivation, Applicability, Structure, Participants, Collaborations,
Consequences and Implementation of following Creational Patterns: -
Factory Method, Abstract Factory, Builder, Prototype, Singleton.
Tutorial: Tutorials should be conducted in LAB using JAVA for
implementing Creational design pattern.
Unit – 3: Structural Patterns:
Intent, Motivation, Applicability, Structure, Participants, Collaborations,
Consequences, Implementation of Following Structural Patterns
Adapter (class), Adapter (object), Bridge, Composite, Decorator. Façade,
Flyweight, Proxy.
Tutorial: Tutorials should be conducted in LAB using JAVA for
implementing Structural design patterns.
Unit 4: Behavioral Patterns – I :
Intent, Motivation, Applicability, Structure, Participants, Collaborations,
Consequences, Implementation of following Behavioral Pattern
Interpreter, Template Method, Chain of Responsibility, Command, Iterator
Tutorial: Tutorials should be conducted in LAB using JAVA for
implementing Behavioral Design Patterns – I
Unit 5: Behavioral Patterns – II:
Intent, Motivation, Applicability, Structure, Participants, Collaborations,
Consequences, Implementation of following Behavioral Pattern
Mediator, Memento, Observer, State, Strategy, Visitor
Tutorial: Tutorials should be conducted in LAB using JAVA for
implementing Behavioral Design Patterns – II
Unit 6: JEE Patterns:
Presentation Layer Design Pattern, Business Layer Design Pattern,
Integration Layer Design Pattern
Tutorial: Tutorials should be conducted in LAB using JAVA for
implementing above Patterns
Unit 7: Case Study:
 Designing a parking lot
 Designing Movie Ticket Booking System
 Design Logistic System
 Online Hotel Booking System OYO
Text Books Head First Design Patterns, Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Freeman, Kathy Sierra,
Bert Bates,
Reference Books  Design Patterns Elements of Reusable Object-oriented Software-
Erich Gama, Richard Helm, Ralph Jonson
 Ben Schneiderman, Designing the User Interface, Pearson Education,
Web Resources
Subject Name 302. Artificial Intelligence
No. of Credits 3 Credits
Pre Requisite The Student should be well aware with: Strong hold on Mathematics,
Strong experience of programming languages, Writing algorithm for
finding patterns and learning, Strong data analytics skills, Good
knowledge of Discrete mathematics, Strong will to learn machine
learning languages.
Expected Outcome At the end of the course a student should be able:
 Understand various search methods.
 Use various knowledge representation methods.
 Understand various Natural Language Processing techniques.
 Use Python Programming language using Numpy and Pandas.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some motivating examples to remember and quickly builds up
basic concepts such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-
making, and translation between languages
Understanding By remembering the basic concepts students will understand the
concepts of Natural-language understanding (NLU) or natural-language
interpretation (NLI), as well as topics such as simulation process of
human intelligence by machines and special computer systems. As far as
artificial intelligence is concerned the course covers natural language
processing, Knowledge Representation Issues, Symbolic Reasoning
under Uncertainty as well as Machine Learning (ML) using Python.
Applying Students will have thorough knowledge about various level of
mathematics, including probability, statistics, algebra, calculus, logic
and algorithms. Bayesian networking or graphical modeling, including
neural nets. Physics, engineering and robotics, Computer science,
programming languages and coding. Knowledge of Python is essential.
Analyzing Compare efficiency of various Theories of Intelligence and learning
from experience for solving a particular problem.
Evaluating Ability to choose appropriate Knowledge based approach for problem
Ability to use combination of these artificial intelligence theories for
problem solving.
Creating Design and create their own artificial intelligence applications for
solving a real life problem
What is AI? ,The AI Problems, Background/history, What Is An AI
Techniques, The Level Of The Model, Criteria For Success, Some
General References, High-level overview of field, State of the art.
Unit 2 : Introduction and historical perspective, Hard and Soft AI:
Disciplines and applications, Theories of Intelligence, Detecting and
Measuring Intelligence, Knowledge based approach, Problems, State
Space Search & Heuristic Search Techniques: Defining The Problems as
A State Space Search, Production Systems, Production Characteristics,
Production System Characteristics, And Issues In The Design Of Search
Programs, Additional Problems. Generate – And-Test, Hill Climbing,
Best-First Search, Problem Reduction, Constraint Satisfaction, Means-
Ends Analysis.
Unit 3: Knowledge Representation Issues:
Representations And Mappings, Approaches To Knowledge
Representation. Using Predicate Logic: Representation Simple Facts In
Logic, Representing Instance And Isa Relationships, Computable
Functions And Predicates, Resolution. Representing knowledge Using
Rules: Procedural Versus Declarative Knowledge, Logic Programming,
Forward Versus Backward Reasoning
Unit 4 : Symbolic Reasoning under Uncertainty:
Introduction To Non-monotonic Reasoning, Logics For Non monotonic
Reasoning. Statistical Reasoning: Probability And Bays‘ Theorem,
Certainty Factors And Rule-Base Systems, Bayesian Networks,
Dumpster-Shafer Theory, Fuzzy Logic.
Unit 5:Natural Language Processing:
Introduction, Syntactic Processing, Semantic Analysis, Semantic
Analysis, Discourse And Pragmatic Processing, Spell Checking.
Connectionist Models: Introduction: Hopfield Network, Learning In
Neural Network, Application Of Neural Networks, Recurrent Networks,
Distributed Representations, Connectionist AI And Symbolic AI.
Unit 6: Introduction to machine learning:
IntroductionMachine Learning Concepts, methods and models,
Supervised Learning, unsupervised and semi-supervised, Learning
Decision Trees, Evaluating and Choosing the Best Hypothesis, ,
Introduction to Numpybasics, creatingnumpy arrays ,structure and
content of arrays, subset, slice, index and iterate through arrays,
multidimensional arrays, python lists vs numpy arrays, introduction to
numpy operations on numpy arrays , operations on arrays basic linear
algebra operations.
Unit 7 : Introduction to pandas:
Introduction, pandas basics, indexing and selecting data, merge and
append, grouping and summarizing data frames, lambda function &
pivot tables, reading delimited and relational databases, reading data
from websites, getting data from apis, reading data from pdf files,
cleaning datasets.
Case study: For example, to explore a dataset stored in a CSV on your
computer. Pandas will extract the data from that CSV into a Data Frame
— a table, basically — then let you do things like:
Calculate statistics and answer questions about the data, like
1) What‘s the average, median, max, or min of each column?
2) Does column A correlate with column B?
3) What does the distribution of data in column C look like?
4)Clean the data by doing things like removing missing values and
filtering rows or columns by some criteria
5) Visualize the data with help from Matplotlib. Plot bars, lines,
histograms, bubbles, and more.
6)Store the cleaned, transformed data back into a CSV, other file or
Text Books 1) Artificial Intelligence : A Modern Approch, Stuart Russel, Peter
2) Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning by Chandra S.S.V, PHI

Reference Books  ―Artificial Intelligence‖ -By Elaine Rich And Kevin Knight (2nd
Edition) Tata McGraw-Hill
 Artificial Intelligence A New Synthesis :Nilson, Elesevir
 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert System-
Patterson, Prentice Hall India.
 Shai shalev-shwartz, Shai Ben-David: Understanding Machine
Learning from Theory to algorithms, Cambridge University
Refer these websites NPTEL / Swayam
for MOOC‘s
Subject Name 303. Information Security

No. of Credits 3 Credits

Pre Requisite Basic Knowledge about Software Development Life Cycle, System
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some basic concepts of software development and software
engineering Information can be understood and remembered .
Understanding By remembering students the basing concepts students will understand
the concepts of Information , Characteristics , Levels of Information,
Information Security Measures and various stages in Information
testing Life Cycle .
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about Measures of Information
Security and Cyber security at higher level , network security measures
and various scanner and cleaners
Analyzing To Measure the risk of Information loss or theft and over come the
Information Security by scientific and proper methods .

Evaluating Ability to select proper method to protect the information from misuse
and make the organization full proof from various Information threats.
Creating Design and create their own procedure to protect the important data and
information at all the levels.

Syllabus Unit 1: Introduction and Background:

Basic concepts of Information, Information Characteristics, sources of
Information, Types of Information, Generating Information in
Organizations. Business Application of Information and Information
System, What is Information security? Need for Information Security ,
Types of Organization , Functions of Business organization , Levels of
Organization , How Organizations manage the information , flow of
Unit 2: Basics of Networking for Security Purpose:
Network Installations, Types of Networks and their security issues,
Types of Network of OS. Functions of Information security officer.
Different measures to safe guard the important information in the
organization. Network policy for protecting important resources of the
Network. Basic concept of MIS and Organization flow of Information.
Unit 3:Importance of Information Security:
Improvement in corporate reputation based on the height of the level of
information security, threat to business continuity due to accidents
related to information systems, cyber space, information assets, threats,
and vulnerabilities. Information Security Measures.
Threats :- Ty p e s of threats physical threats (accident, disaster, fault,
destruction, theft, unauthorized intrusion, etc.), technical threats
(unauthorized access, eave
S dropping , spoofing, alteration, error, cracking, etc.), man-made
threats (operational error, loss, damage, peep, unauthorized use, social
engineering, etc.), cyber-attack, information leakage, intent, negligence,
mistake, fraudulent behavior, sabotage, DoS attack, rumor, flaming,
SPAM e-mail, file sharing software [Malware / malicious programs]
computer virus, macro virus, worm, bot (botnet, remote operated virus),
Trojan horse, spyware, ransom ware, key logger, root kit, backdoor, fake
anti-virus software
Unit 4: Information security technology (cryptography):
CRYPTREC ciphers list, cryptography (encryption key), decryption
(decryption key), decoding, symmetric cryptography (common key),
public key cryptography (public key, private key)), AES (Advanced
Encryption Standard), S/MIME (Secure MIME), PGP (Pretty Good
Privacy), hybrid encryption, hash function (SHA-256, etc.), key
management, disk encryption, file encryption, compromise. digital
signature (signature key, verification key), timestamp (time
authentication), message authentication, MAC (Message Authentication
Code), challenge-response authentication.
Human assets (people, and their qualifications, skills, and experience),
intangible assets, service, risk management (JIS Q 31000), monitoring,
information security events, information security incidents.
Unit 5: Information security Management:
Management of information based on the information security policy,
information, information assets, physical assets, software assets
Risk analysis and evaluation (Information asset review /
Classification) information assets review, classification and
management by importance of information assets, information assets
ledger Risk analysis and evaluation (Risk type)loss of property, loss of
responsibility, loss of net earnings, human cost, operational risk, supply
chain risk,
Unit 6: Information security regulations:
(Company regulations including information)
security policy) organizational operation according to the information
security policy, information security policy, information security
purpose, information security measures criteria, information
management regulations, security control regulations, documentation
control regulations, regulations on measures to be taken against
computer virus infection, regulations on measures against accidents,
information security education regulations, privacy policy (personal
information protection policy), employment agreement, office
regulations, penal provisions, outward explanation regulations,
regulations for exceptions, regulations for updating rules, procedure for
approving regulations
Unit 7: Management of Information Asset:
Security Incidents management, reducing risk in Information loss and
keeping the information safe from unauthorized users and threats .
Information Technology Act, Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws. -What
are cyber-crimes? Types of cyber-crimes. Categories of Cyber Crime,
Online business threats , Online business frauds Safety tips for online
business. , IT Policy for Information protecting. risk involved in usage
of external service, risk involved in distribution of information by SNS,
moral hazard, estimated annual loss, scoring method, cost factor .
Text Books 1. Information Security Management Handbook, Sixth Edition,
Volume 5-2012 Amazon BooksEdited by - Micki Krause
Nozaki, Harold F. Tipton.
2. Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer
Forensics and Legal Perspectives Nina Godbole and
SunitBelpure, Publication Wiley.
3. Information Security: Principles and Practice 1st , Kindle Edition
-2005 Amazon BooksAuthor - Mark Stamp
4. ―Cryptography and information Security‖ V.K. Pachghare, PHI
Learning Private Limited, Delhi India.
5. Analyzing Computer Security by Charles P. Pfleeger, Shari
LawerancePfleeger, Pearson Education India
6. Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) ―Basic Concepts of System
Analysis‖ Lambert Academic Publication Dec. 2019 .
Reference Books 1. Practical Information Security Management: A Complete Guide
to Planning and Implementation-Dec-2016 Amazon Books .
Tony Campbell
2. Managing Risk and Information Security :- Protect to Enable
3. Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) Software Project
Management Made Easy Lambert Academic Publication Dec
Subject Name 306. Lab on Software Testing
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite  Fundamental knowledge of computer.
 Fundamental knowledge of Software Engineering, System
Analysis and Design.

Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy

Remembering The purpose of this course is to build the skills necessary to perform
software testing at the function, class and application level.
Understanding Concepts of developing test plan, test cases, execution of test cases etc.
Applying Work on automated software testing tools like bugzilla, winrunner,
selenium, test link etc.
Analyzing Analyse the requirements for the given problem statement
Find defects which may get created by the programmer while
developing the software.
Evaluating Gain confidence to write and execute test cases.
To get the knowledge about automated testing and automated testing

Creating Design and implement the solution for given problem in any
programming language.
Derive test cases and execute test cases for any given problem.

Syllabus Unit 1: Introduction Software Testing

Basic testing vocabulary, Quality assurance versus Quality control, Cost
of quality,
Software quality factors, How quality is defined? Why do we test
software? What is a defect?, defect life cycle. The Multiple roles of the
software tester, Scope of testing, When should testing occur?, Testing
constraints, Life cycle testing, Independent testing, Levels of testing,
The ―V‖ Concept of testing
Unit 2: Testing Techniques
Structural versus Functional Technique Categories, Verification versus
Validation, static versus Dynamic Testing, Examples of Specific Testing
Techniques like white box testing and black box testing, Test Planning,
Customization of the Test Process, Budgeting, Scheduling, Different test
phases, difference between retesting and regression testing.
Unit 3: Test Plan and test management tool: Test Director
Prerequisites to test planning, Understand the Characteristics of the
Software Being Developed, Build the Test Plan, Write the Test Plan.
Necessity of test management toot, understand test life cycle, defect life
cycle. Demonstrate different test & defect life cycles through testing
tool , Overview of Test management and bug tracking tools
Unit 4: Test cases
Test Cases, Test case Design, Building test cases, Test data mining, Test
execution, Test Reporting, Defect Management, Test Coverage:
Traceability matrix
Test Metrics: Guidelines and usage, Test reporting: Guidelines for
writing test report, Test Tools used to Build Test Reports

Manual testing Case Study  Requirements / User Story Study Hands on

 Test planning Hands on  Test design Hands on  Test execution
Hands on
Unit 5 : Performance Testing
What is performance testing , why do we do performance testing, Types
of performance testing , common performance problems, performance
test metrics, performance testing tools.
Unit 6:Automation Testing
Basics of automation testing – why, when, how to perform automation
testing, , Progression vs Regression test automation, Factors for
choosing a particular tool, An overview for the major functional testing
tools. Overview of Test management and bug tracking tools.

Unit 7: Automation testing tools

Study of bug tracking tool: Bugzilla. Study of winrunner, study of web
testing tool selenium.
Study of open source testing tool: test link, Case study for automation
Text Books Hetzel, The Complete Guide to Software Testing, John Wiley & Sons.
Software Testing by RenuRajani and Pradeep Oak
Reference Books 1. Testing in 30+ Open Source Tools, Rahul Shende, Shroff Publishers
& Distributor Pvt. Ltd, ISBN 13: 9789350231005 ( page numbers from
15 to 117 )
Subject Name 01(A ) Virtualization
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Knowledge of Cloud Computing Concepts
Knowledge of Virtualization
Knowledge of Cloud security
Knowledge of Web technologies
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering How to provide Flexible and scalable infrastructures as per user
Understanding Understanding the components of Virtualization
Applying Carrying out practical‘s through Virtualization

Analyzing The case studies will help us to understand

more of practice of cloud computing in the market.
Evaluating Comparison of cost-wise solution to the problem and selecting the best
solution for the problem suggested to the organization
Creating Creating flexible and scalable infrastructure suitable to the organizational
Syllabus Unit 1: Overview Of Virtualization :
Introduction to Virtualization, Virtualization Approaches, Virtualization for
Server Consolidation and Containment, Hardware Support for
Virtualization, Para-Virtualization, vmWare‘s Virtualization Solutions
Unit 2: Understanding Virtualization:
The Roots of Virtualization, Making Better Use of Your Systems with
Virtualization, Approaches to Virtualization, Understanding the
Virtualization Ecosystem, Reasons to Invest in Virtualization Hardware.
vmWare :
what is VmWare, Virtulization with Vmware, VmWareProducts,Data
Center and Cloud Infrastructure, Networking and Security, SDDC Platform,
Storage and Availability, The vmWare Approach to the Cloud, vmWare
vSphere 4, Server Consolidation and Containment
Unit 3: Hypervisor:
What is Hypervisor, Type 1 Hypervisor, Type 2 Hypervisor,
Types of Hardware Virtualization : Full Virtualization, Emulation
Virtualization, Para virtualization., Installing Hyper-V In Windows Server
Unit 4: Types Of Virtualization:
Server Virtualization, Client & Desktop Virtualization
Services and Applications Virtualization, Network Virtualization,
Unit 5: Tools For Virtualization:
Virtualization with Xen, Virtualization with Bochs and QEMU,
Virtualization with Lguest, Virtualization with KVM

Unit 6: Virtualization For Businesses:

Need for Virtualization in a Business, Implementation of Virtualization in a
Business, Cost-Benefit Analysis of Virtualization
Unit 7: Openstack And Its Role In Virtualization:
Understanding Openstack, nine Core key components of openstack. CASE
STUDIES OF VIRTULIZATION : Xen Hypervisor, OpenVZ Hypervisor,
MS Virtual Server 2005 R2, Oracle VM
Text Books References:
1. ―Virtulization‖ – A Manager‘s Guide, By Dan Kusnetzky, O‘reilley
2. ―Virtulization for Dummies‖, 1st Edition, Kindle Edition, by Bernard
Reference Please refer these websites for MOOC‘s:
NPTEL / Swayam
Subject Name (01) B Cloud Computing Services (Amazon Web Services)
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Knowledge of Cloud Computing Concepts
Knowledge of Virtualization
Knowledge of Cloud secuity
Knowledge of Web technologies
Knowledge of Iaas, PaSS,SaSS&DaSS
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering How to provide Flexible and scalable infrastructures as per user
Understanding Understanding the components of AWS
Applying Carrying out practical‘s through AWS
Analyzing The case studies will help us to understandmore of practice of cloud
computing in the market.
Evaluating Comparison of cost-wise solution to the problem and selecting the best
solution for the problem suggested to the organization
Creating Creating flexible and scalable infrastructure suitable to the organizational
Syllabus Unit 1: Cloud Computing Fundamentals:
Definition of Cloud Computing , private, public and hybrid cloud. Cloud
types; IaaS, PaaS, SaaS. Benefits and challenges of cloud computing, public
Vs private clouds
Unit 2: Infrastructure &Networking:
Introduction to Amazon Web Services
AWS Global Infrastructure
Introduction to Network Switches & Virtual Private Cloud
VPC & Subnets
Internet Gateways, VPC Peering & NAT Gateways
IP Addressing in AWS
Understanding AWS Security Groups
Launching our first EC2 instance
EC2 instance types & Pricing Models
Unit 3: Storage:
Introduction to Block & Object storage mechanism
Introduction to Elastic Block Store - EBS
EBS Snapshots
EBS Volume Types
Instance Store Volumes
Introduction to Simple Storage Service (S3)
Features of S3
Unit 4: Elastic Load Balancers :
Understanding High Availability Configuration
ELB Configuration
Auto Scaling
Identity & Access Management
Understanding the IAM Policies
IAM User, IAM Policy and IAM Role
Unit 5: Relational Databases:
Introduction to Relational Databases
Creating our first database structure in MySQL
Getting started with DynamoDB
Unit 6: Domain Name System:
Introduction to DNS
Understanding DNS Records
Introduction to Route53
Unit 7: AWS Lambda and API:
Getting started with AWS Lambda
Introduction to API
Understanding working of API
Building our API with API Gateway
Text Books 1. Cloud Computing: Principles and Pardigms by RajkumarBuyya,
jamesBroberg and Andrzej M.Goscinski, Wiley, 2011.
2. Amazon Web Services for Dummies – Wiley Brand.
3.Learning AWS – Design, Build and Deploy responsive applications
using AWS cloud components by Aurobindo Sarkar, Amit Shah
Reference Books 1. Learn AWS – David Clinton
2. AWS Lab by Zoom Technologies
Subject Name (02) A - Statistical Programming in R
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Statistical Knowledge required
Course Objectives  To teach the Beginners of R Programming of the a master level. A
variety of topics will be covered that are important for Data science in
order to prepare the students for real life prediction of data engineering.
 To impart knowledge of the concepts related to Probability and
Application on data sets. It also gives the idea how data is managed in
various environments with emphasis on Predictions measures as
implemented in data sets.
Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering  Remember the definitions of concepts and their Implementation in R.
Understanding  Understand the concept of data and techniques for its
 Understand data data standards and methods.
 Understand the fundamentals of Data science
Applying  Design different data behaviors and their Predictions.
 Predictions Model Develop.
Analyzing  Analyzing Data set
 Studying Historical Data.
Evaluating  Convert the historical Data into Prediction Model.
Creating  Write R coding for Prediction Model.
Syllabus Unit 1. Introduction of Probability:
Concept, Types of Probability, Permutation and Combination concept
,Addition and Multiplication Theorem, Condition Probability, Bayes‘s
Unit 2. Random Variable:
Concept, Discrete and Continuous Random Variable, Probability density
function, Mathematical Expectation and their Theorem
Unit 3. Data Distribution:
Distribution, Types of Data distribution, Exponential distribution,
Binomial distribution, Normal distribution, Poisson distribution, Random
number generation, Monte Carlo Simulation.
Unit 4. Testing of Hypothesis:
Procedure of Testing Hypothesis, Standard Error and Sampling
distribution, Estimation, Student‘s t-distribution, Chi-Square test and
goodness of fit, F-test and analysis of variance. Factor analysis.
Unit 5. Introduction to R programming language:
Getting R, Managing R, Arithmetic and Matrix Operations, Introduction
to Functions, Control Structures. Working with Objects and Data:
Introduction to Objects, Manipulating Objects, Constructing Data
Objects, types of Data items, Structure of Data items, Reading and
Getting Data, Manipulating Data, Storing Data.
Unit 6. Graphical Analysis using R:
Basic Plotting, Manipulating the plotting window, BoxWhisker Plots,
Scatter Plots, Pair Plots, Pie Charts, Bar Charts.
Unit 7. Advanced R:
Statistical models in R, Correlation and regression analysis, Analysis of
Variance (ANOVA), creating data for complex analysis, Summarizing
data, and case studies.
Text Books "Fundamentals of Statistics" Seven Edition By S.C.Gupta

Reference Books 1. "Fundamentals of Statistics" Seven Edition By S.C.Gupta

2. ―R Programming Fundamentals by KaelenMedeiras
3. ― Reinforcement Learning e-book.
4. Learning R Programming Guide on line
Suggested MOOC : Please refer these websites for MOOCS:
NPTEL / Swayam www.,

Subject Name (02) B - Introduction to Data Science

No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Statistical and Programming Knowledge required
Course Objectives  To teach the Beginners of Data analysis through R /Python
Programming of the a master level. A variety of topics will be covered
that are important for Data science in order to prepare the students for
real live Project Analysis
 To impart knowledge of the concepts related to Machine Learning and
implement and variety Application on data sets. It also gives the idea
how data is managed in various environments with emphasis on
Analysis measures as implemented .
Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering  Remember the definitions of concepts and their Programming skills.
Understanding  Understand the concept of coding and techniques for its
 Understand data different Methods .
 Understand the fundamentals of Data science
Applying  Design different Model and their validity check.
 Concept applying in other domain area.
Analyzing  Analyzing Data set.
 Comparing different Model .
Evaluating  Convert the analysis in Modern approaches.
Creating  Write R/Python coding for Analysis
Syllabus Unit 1. Association Rule (5 Hours):
Mining Frequent Patterns, Associations, and Correlations: Basic Concepts
and a Road Map, Association Rules, the Apriori Algorithm Classification
and Prediction
Unit 2.Classification:
Classification, Issues Regarding Classification, Classification by Decision
Tree Induction, Bayesian Classification, Rule-Based Classification,
Metrics for Evaluating Classifier Performance, Holdout Method and
Random Sub sampling
Unit 3. Prediction:
Prediction, Issues Regarding Prediction, Accuracy and Error Measures,
Evaluating the Accuracy of a Classifier or Predictor. Clustering : Cluster
Analysis, Agglomerative versus Divisive Hierarchical Clustering,
Distance Measures in Algorithmic, Evaluation of Clustering.

Unit 4. Linear Regression:

Prediction using Linear Regression, Gradient Descent, Linear Regression
with one variable, Linear Regression with multiple variables, Polynomial
Regression, Feature Scaling/Selection.
Unit 5. Logistic Regression:
Classification using Logistic Regression, Logistic Regression vs. Linear
Regression, Logistic Regression with one variable and with multiple
Unit 6. Deep Learning:
History, Scope and specification, why deep learning now, building block
of neural network, neural networks, Deep learning hardware. Backward
and forward neural networks, XOR model, cost function estimation
(maximum likelihood), units, activation functions, layers, , normalization,
hyper-parameter tuning, Convolution neural networks, architecture

Unit 7. Case study:

Iris Data set ,Loan Data set, Titanic survival Data set ,Share Market Data
set, Covide -19 Data set etc.

Text Books An Introduction to Machine Learning Springer by GopinathRebala

Reference Books 1. "Fundamentals of Statistics" Seven Edition By S.C.Gupta

2. An Introduction to Machine Learning Springer byGopinathRebala
3.Deep Learning MIT Press by John D.Kelleher.
Suggested MOOC : Please refer these websites for MOOCS:
NPTEL / Swayam www.,

Subject Name (03) A- Linux Desktop Environment, Shell Programming and System
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Knowledge of any operating system
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Linux Architecture and Shell Commands
Understanding Understanding of Linux operating system and environment
Applying Use Linux operating system for configuring the environment.
Evaluating Writing shell scripts and evaluating them

Creating Creating small applications for smart home/city using Arduino

Syllabus UNIT 1:
Linux Installation
Using Shell Interface:
12. Introduction to Linux
13. Internal and external commands
14. General purpose utilities
15. Navigating the file system
16. Handling ordinary files
Using GUI Environments:
17. GNOME desktop environment
KDE desktop environment
Using open source office suite
18. Word processor application
19. Spreadsheet application
20. Presentation application
21. Desktop database application
Using the Internet
22. World wide web
23. FTP
24. Telnet
Using Multimedia
25. Graphics
Audio Video
Introduction to shell
26. Introduction to ‗bash‘ shell
27. Redirection
28. Pipes
29. Tees
30. Command substitution
31. Introduction to other shells: Korn shell, C Shell etc.
Shell environment
32. Shell variables
33. Handling the command line arguments
34. Login scripts
35. Terminal characteristics
36. Aliases
Text editors
‗vi‘ editor , ‗emacs‘ editor
Shell commands
37. General purpose utilities
38. File management
39. Process management
40. Communication management
Regular expressions
41. Pattern matching
42. Wild cards
43. Regular expressions
44. Utilities: grep, egrep, fgrep etc.
45. Introduction to filters
Utilities: pr, head, tail, cut, paste, sort, uniq, nl, tr etc.
Shell scripting
46. Introduction to shell scripting
47. Programming constructs
48. Mathematical operators
49. Logical operators
50. String manipulation
51. Interactive scripts
Handling command line arguments
Understanding system administration:
52. Introduction to the routine activities in system administration
53. Shell commands for system administration
54. Administrative tools
Managing file systems and disk space
Setting up and supporting users:
55. Managing user accounts
56. Providing support to the users
Automating system tasks:
57. Aut System initialization
58. System startup and shutdown
59. Scheduling system tasks omating system tasks:
Backing up and restoring files:
60. Backup and restore strategy
61. Backup and restore tools
Computer security issues:
62. Password protection
FirewallsImplement one small project
Text Books Textbook:
 Red Hat Linux Bible: Fedora and Enterprise Edition - by Christopher
Reference Books UNIX Concepts and Applications - by Sumitabha Das



Subject Name (03)B -Linux
Linux Internals and Network Administration
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Basics of Operating System
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Remembering Linux Internal and Network Management commands
Understanding Understanding of Linux operating system and Network administration.
Applying Creating Proxy, server, File server, web server
Analyzing Analyzing inter process communication
Evaluating Performance of different servers

Creating Use of Linux administration for creation of server and management

Syllabus UNIT 1:
Setup And Manage a Local Area Network:
Basic Networking, Introduction to networking, OSI Model,IP addressing
(IPV4, IPV6) & LAN establishment with Linux , Configuring internet in
Linux through broadband, dial-up, data card & through mobile (gprs).
Setup And Manage Proxy Server :
Basics of proxy services, Configuring proxy services, Creating ACL‘s
for controlling access to internet, SQUID: Proxy server setup, Blocking
Websites, content filtering, Bandwidth Management
UNIT 2 :
Setup And Manage FILE Server:
NFS: network file sharing & resource sharing across Linux environment.
YUM server: Setting up local YUM, FTP YUM, HTTP YUM, EPEL,
REMI &RPMForge like YUM configuration, DHCP:Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol setting up, Allocating IP, Subnet mask, default
gateway and hostname, communication with DNS and other protocols.
Setup And Manage FTP Server
Setup And Manage Web Server :
Basics of Web Services, Introduction to Apache, Configuring Apache for
main site, Configuring Apache for multiple sites using IP-based, port
based and name-based, Web Server: Apache installation, configuring
dedicated server, shared server, user based authentication, load balancing
and apache tuning. NIS, LDAP: (user's liberty to sit into remote machine)
MAIL Server: knowing MUA,MTA& MDA, setting up and configuring
POSTFIX,PO3s v/sIMAPs, Squirrel mail, accessing via Outlook,
Thunderbird and evolution. Multi/virtual domain management, email
security. Postfix Administration.
UNIT 4 :
Setup And Manage boot Server :
What is booting and boot process of Linux?, Init Process or Run levels
Setup And Manage DNS Server :
Basics of Internet, Basics of DNS and BIND 9, Configuring DNS
primary server, DNS:master DNS, slave DNS with forward & reverse
zone, one DNS resolving multiple domain, dynamic DNS etc
Architecture of Linux, User and Kernel Space, Introduction to System
Calls, System Calls in Detail, trace – Tracing system calls.
Process management
Introduction to Process and process attributes, process vs. Program,
Process States, Creating Process, Process termination, process commands
Special case of processes.
Inter Process Communication
Introduction to IPC, Pipe, FIFO, Shared Memory, Advantages and
Disadvantages of various IPC mechanisms, Application of IPC
UNIT 6 :
Working with Signals and Threads
Thread and Process Synchronization
Threads and resources management, Race condition in multi-threaded
applications,writing thread safe code,Mutex, POSIX Semaphores, Usage
of Binary semaphores and Mutex
Race condition in multi-process applications, Limitations of shared
memory, Semaphore Implementation.
Linux Networking
OSI and TCP/IP models, Addressing in TCP/IP, IPv4 and IPv6
differences, TCP three-way handshake, Network packet analysis in
Linux, Networking commands in Linux, Using socket API to implement
client server communication, Working with TCP and UDP sockets,
Synchronous I/O
Text Books
1. Linux Administration : A Beginner‘s Guide, Shah, TMH
2.LINUX: The Complete Reference, Petersen, TMH
3.LINUX Network Administrator‘s Guide, Kirch,SPD/O‘REILLY


Subject Name (04) A. Perl Scripting
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite
Course Objectives Course Objective :
To introduce basic concepts of Perl Programming and write, modify, and run
simple Perl scripts and study working with files and using perl as an object
oriented language
Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some basic concepts of Perl scripting terminology for development
of applications for organization.
Understanding By remembering students will understand concepts of perl language and
how to develop and implement various types of programs as per need of
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about programming of Perl.

Analyzing Students will acquire a good knowledge of programming with perl.

Student will be able to pursue his study in object oriented concepts also
using perl.
Evaluating Ability to select proper programming concept to design applications to
solve real world problem.
Creating Design and create ir own applications using procedures, functions, file
handling & OOP objects.
Course Plan
Unit Contents
Unit 1: Perl ─ Introduction :
What is Perl? Perl features , Perl ─ Syntax Overview, Perl ─ Data Types ,
Numeric Literals String Literals , Perl ─ Variables , Creating Variables, Perl─
Scalars, Scalar Operations ,Perl ─ Arrays Perl ─ Hashes
Unit 2: Control Flow and Looping Statement:
if statement , if else statement, if elsif else statement, unless statement, switch
statement, ? : Operator
Perl ─ Loops : while loop , until loop, for loop, For each loop do while loop
nested loops, next statement, last statement, continue statement, redo statement, go
to statement, Infinite Loop
Unit 3: Perl ─ Operators :
What is an Operator? Perl Arithmetic Operators, Perl Equality Operators, Perl
Assignment Operators, Perl Bitwise Operators, Perl Logical Operators, Quote-like
Operators, Perl ─ Date and Time, GMT Time Format, Date & Time, Epoch time,
POSIX Function strftime()
Unit 4: Perl ─ Subroutines :
Define and Call a Subroutine, Passing Arguments to a Subroutine, Passing Lists to
Subroutines, Passing Hashes to Subroutines, Returning Value from a Subroutine,
Private Variables in a Subroutine, Temporary Values via local(), State Variables
via state() Subroutine, Call Context
Perl ─ References : Create References Dereferencing Circular References,
References to Functions
Perl ─ Formats Define a Format Using Format, Define a Report Header Number
of Lines on a Page, Define a Report Footer , String and Mamatical Functions
Unit 5: Perl ─ File I/O :
Opening and Closing Files, Open Function, Sysopen Function, Close Function,
Operator getc Function, read Function, print Function, Copying Files Renaming a
file, Deleting an Existing File Positioning inside a File
Perl ─ Directories :Display all Files, Create new Directory, Remove a directory,
Change a Directory
Unit 6: Perl ─ Regular Expressions :
Pattern Matching, Match Operator Match Operator Modifiers Matching Only Once
Regular Expression Variables. Substitution Operator Substitution Operator
Modifiers. Translation Operator Translation Operator Modifiers More Complex
Regular Expressions Matching Boundaries Selecting Alternatives Grouping
Matching. \G Assertion Regular-expression Examples
Unit 7: Introduction to Object Oriented Programming in Perl :
Object Basics, Defining a Class Creating and Using Objects, Defining Methods,
Inheritance Method Overriding , Default Auto loading, Destructors and Garbage
Collection, Object Oriented Perl Example
References (Books, Websites etc) :
 Mastering Perl : Brian, O'Reilly

Suggested MOOC :


Subject Name (04 )B- Ruby
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite
Course Objectives Course Objective :
Main objective of this paper is to learn, object-oriented programming with Ruby, Rails
fundamentals and how to create basic online applications. How to work with HTML
controls, use models in Rails applications, and work with sessions. Details on working
with databases and creating, editing and deleting database records, Methods for
handling cookies and filters and for caching pages.
Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some basic concepts of Ruby scripting for development of applications
for organization .
Understanding By remembering students will understand concepts of ruby rails and how to
develop and implement various types of programs as per need of organization
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about object-oriented programming
with Ruby.
Analyzing Students will acquire a good knowledge of programming with HTML controls,
use models in Rails applications, and work with sessions.
Student will be able to pursue his study in object oriented concepts for online
application development..
Evaluating Ability to select proper programming concept to design applications to solve
real world problem.
Creating Design and create ir own applications using OOP objects & rails application
Unit 1:Introduction to Ruby :
Creating a first web application, getting started with Ruby, Checking ruby
documentation, working with numbers in ruby, working with strings in ruby.
Unit 2:Variables and Constants in Ruby :
Storing data in variables, creating constants, interpolating variables in Double-Quoted
strings, reading text on command line, creating symbols in ruby, working with operators,
Handling operator precedence, working with Arrays, using Two Array Indices, working
with Hashes, working with ranges.
Unit 3:Conditional Loops, Methods and Blocks:
If Statement, Using case statement, using loops, creating and calling a method, making
use of Scope, working with Blocks
Unit 4: Classes:
creating a class, creating an object Data Encapsulation, Data Abstraction, Polymorphism,

Unit 5: Objects:
Understanding Ruby‘s object Access, overriding method, creating class variables, creating
class methods, creating Modules, creating Mixins
Unit 6: Rails:
Putting Ruby to Rails, introducing Model View Controller Architecture, giving view
something to do, mixing ruby code and HTML inside view, passing data from an action
to a view, escaping sensitive text, adding a second action.

Unit 7:Building Simple Rails Applications :

Accessing data user provides, using rails shortcuts for HTML controls, working with
models, tying controls to models, initializing data in controls, storing data in sessions

References (Books, Websites etc.):

 Programming Ruby: Pragmatic Programmers' Guide, Second Edition
 Agile Web Development with Rails, Third Edition
Suggested MOOC :

Subject Name (05) A- JavaScript Programming

No. of Credits 2 Credits

Pre Requisite Basic Knowledge about website development.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some basic concepts of programming be understood and
remembered .
Understanding By remembering students the basing concepts students will understand
the concepts of programming structure
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about website working
Analyzing To study the form elements and its working

Evaluating Ability to select proper functionality of a page and form.

Creating Design and create their own websites with proper validation

Syllabus Unit 1 Introduction to Javascript:

JavaScript Overview , JavaScript Programming Basics, Variables
and Operators : Variables and Data Types , Operators , Array
Unit 2 Control Statements:
Controlling the Flow: JavaScript Control Statements, Functions :
Parameters and working, The Window Object : The Window Object,
Dialog Boxes ,Window function
Unit 3: The Document Object:
The Document Object, Writing to Documents, Document related
functionsForms and Forms-based Data : The Form Object ,
Working with Form Elements and Their Properties ,Event related with
Unit 4: Form Validation:
A Process, Testing Data , Preparing Data for Validation and Reporting
Results, Validating Non-text Form.
Unit 5 : Frames:
HTML Frames Review, Scripting for Frames
The String and RegExp Objects : The String Object, Properties and
methods of String Object, Using String Object Methods to Correct
Data Entry Errors, The RegExp Object
Dates and Math: The Date Object, Properties and methods of Date
Object, The Math Object , Properties and methods of Math Object
Unit 6: AJAX:
Animation: Frequently used Animation function, Manual and
Automated animation. AJAX: Introduction to AJAX, Interacting with
the Web Server using XMLHttpRequest Object, Need of Web server
Unit 7: JS Frameworks & Libraries:
Need of JSON , RESTful API with JSON, jQuery, Intro ,Effects and
animations DOM/HTML Updates, jQuery and Ajax
Reference Books 1. JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development, by
Jon Duckett
2. JavaScript: The Definitive Guide, by David Flanagan
3.Learn JavaScript VISUALLY, by IvelinDemirov

Subject Name (05)B - Android

No. of Credits 2 Credits

Pre Requisite Basic Knowledge about Java language
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some basic concepts of programming with GUI .
Understanding By remembering students the basing concepts students will understand
the concepts of program structure with layout
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge how programming affects on
layout, output design.
Analyzing To see various parts of design and its elements

Evaluating Ability to create effective layout.

Creating Design and create their own screen with proper view.

Syllabus Unit 1 : Introduction to Android:

Evolution of Android ,Advantages of Android, SDK Tools for
Overview of Android Platform :
Android Development IDE Understand the Working of Android, The
Android Application Framework, Screen Layout Design, User
Interface Design, Introduction to Graphics and Animation Design,
Interactivity, Introduction to Content Providers, Intent and Intent
Unit 2: Android Development Environment:
Setting up the Android Development Environment : Installing
Android Development Environment, Updating the Android SDK
Setting up AVDs and Smartphone Connections
Introduction to the Android Software Development Platform :
Understanding Java SE and Dalvik Machine, The Directory Structure
of an Android Project, Android XML, Android Application Resources
,Launching an Android Application, Creating first Hello Application

Unit 3: Overview of Android Framework:

Overview of Object Oriented Programming, Overview of XML
The Anatomy of an Android Application, Components of an Android
Application, Android Intent Objects, Android Manifest XML
Unit 4: Screen Layout Design:
Android View Hierarchies, Activity Lifecycle, Defining Screen
Layouts (Screen size, pixel density)
User Interface Design:
Using Common UI Elements, Using Menus in Android ,
Adding Dialogs(Date picker, Time picker, Custom Dialog, Alert
Unit 5: Introduction to Graphics Resources:
Introduction to Drawables, Using Bitmap Images, Using Transitions,
Creating 9-Patch Custom Scalable Images, Playing Video in Android
Handling User Interface Events: An Overview of UI Events,
Handling onClick Events for all Views, Android Touch-screen
Events: onTouch
Touch-screen‘s Right-Click Equivalent: onLongClick, Keyboard
Event Listeners: onKeyUp, onKeyDown, Context Menus:
onCreateContextMenu, Controlling the Focus
Unit 6:
Understanding Content Providers: An Overview of Android
Content Providers, defining a Content Provider, Working with a
Intents and Intent Filters : Understanding the Intents, Android Intent
Messaging via Intent Objects, Intent Resolution, Using Intents with
Activities, Android Services, Using Intents with Broadcast Receivers

Unit 7 : Bars and Views :

Action Bar, Toolbar, Navigation Drawer, TextView, EditView,
Button, WebView, ImageView ,ListViewetc
Reference Books 1.Android Application Development All-in-One For Dummies- Barry
A. Burd
2. Android Programming: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide
Programming Android:
3. Java Programming for the New Generation of Mobile Devices-
Authors: Zigurd R. Mednieks, Laird Dornin, G. Blake Meike, Masumi

Subject Name: (06) A- C# Programming and Applications

No. of Credits: 2 Credits

Pre Requisite: Basic Knowledge of Object-Oriented Programming, Event Driven

Programming and Database Applications.

Cognitive Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy


Remembering: Using basic concepts of object-oriented programming, event driven

programming and database application programming in C# can be understood
and remembered.

Understanding: By remembering basic concepts students can understand how to work with
programming in C#. Students need to understand programming structures of
OOP in C#. Needs to understand methods and properties of various controls
of windows forms application along with database objects and their methods.

Applying: Students will have detailed knowledge of Abstraction, Inheritance,

Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Exception Handling, Windows forms
applications and database applications

Evaluating: Students will have ability to use proper methods of C# to solve object
oriented problems.

Creating: Students can apply the concepts of C# programming to create console based
and windows based applications.

Syllabus: Unit 1: Introduction to C#:

Programming Features of C#, Keywords in C#, Namespaces, Data Types,
Variables, Operators, Type Conversions, The ‗?:‘ Operator, Control
Methods, Passing Method Parameters, Method Overloading, Array, ArrayList
class, String Methods, foreach loop.

Unit 2: Classes and Objects:

Basic Principles of OOP, Define a Class, Member Access Modifiers,
Constructors, Types of Constructors (Default Constructor, Overloaded
Constructor, Static Constructor, Private Constructor and Copy Constructor),
Destructors, ‗this‘ Reference, Constant Members, Properties, Auto
Implemented Properties, Object Initializer, Collection Initializer, Anonymous
Types, Extension Methods, Partial Class, Partial Methods, Indexers.
Unit 3: Inheritance and Polymorphism:
Define Inheritance, Types of Inheritance, Method Overriding, Abstract Class,
Abstract Methods, Sealed Class and Methods,
Define Polymorphism, Static Polymorphism: Function Overloading Operator
Overloading, Overloadable and Nonoverloadable Operators, Dynamic
Polymorphism, Defining Interface, Extending interface, Interface and
Inheritance, Explicit Interface.
Unit 4: Errors and Exception Handling:
Types of Errors, Exceptions, Syntax for Exceptions Handling Code, Multiple
catch Statements, finally Statement, Nested try Block, Throwing Our Own
Unit 5: Working with Windows Form Controls:
Properties, Events and Examples of:
Button, Label, LinkLabel, TextBox, RichTextBox, ListBox, ListView,
ComboBox, RadioButton, CheckBox, CheckedListBox, DateTimePicker,
PictureBox, Timer, ProgressBar, TrackBar, HScrollBar, VScrollBar.
Unit 6: Menus, MDI and Containers:
ContextMenuStrip, MenuStrip, StatusStrip, ToolStrip, SDI and MDI, Visual
Inheritance, GroupBox, Panel, TreeView, SplitContainer, TabControl

Unit 7: Data Access and Data Bindings:

ADO.NET Overview, .NET Data Providers, ADO.Net Objects,
Connections, Commands, Data Adapters, Data Readers , Data Sets , Data
Tables , Data Views , Data Bindings, Reports.
References  C#: The Complete Reference, McGraw-Hill Osborne Media- Herbert
(Books, Schildt.
Websites etc)  C # Programming- Wrox publication.
 Programming in C# -A Primer. E. Balaguru
Suggested 1) Coursera (
MOOC: 2) mymooc (
3) Class Central (
4) edX (
5) Mooc List (

Subject Name: (06)B-ASP.Net with MVC

No. of Credits: 2 Credits

Pre Requisite: Basic Knowledge of Website Development, JavaScript, Validations, State

Management etc.

Cognitive Abilities: Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy

Remembering: Using basic concepts of website development, methods and properties

ASP. Net in C# can be understood and remembered.

Understanding: By remembering basic concepts students can understand how to work

with web designing in C#. Students need to understand methods and
properties of various client and server side controls. Working of state
management is also needs to understand.

Applying: Students will have detailed knowledge of Website design and

development, validation, state management, use of web parts and Ajax

Evaluating: Students will have ability to use proper client side and server side
controls of C# to design modern web design.

Creating: Students can apply the concepts of C# programming for designing a

programs for desktop or mobile, as well as web application.

Syllabus: Unit 1: Introduction to ASP.Net:

Introduction to ASP.Net, ASP.Net Architecture, ASP.Net Page Life
Cycle, Page Life Cycle Events, ASP.Net Directives., FileUpload Control,
Calendar Control, AdRotator Control, MultiView Control, and Wizard
Control Examples, Validation Controls, Menu, SiteMapPath, TreeView
Unit 2: Master Pages, CSS, and JavaScript:
Working With Master Pages, Nested Master Pages, CSS Overview,
Adding Style Sheets into, Web Pages, Editing Styles, Applying Styles to
Master Pages, Applying Styles to Web Page, JavaScript Overview,
Adding JavaScript files into ASP.Net, Editing JavaScript Files, Applying
JavaScripts to Master Pages, Applying JavaScripts to WebPage.
Unit 3: State Management:
View State, Hidden Field, Session State, Application State, QueryString,
HttpContext, Cookies, Caching, Types of Caching.

Unit 4: Data Access in ASP.Net:

Data Source Controls, DataList, DataPager, GridView, DetailsView,
FormView, Object Data Sources, ListView, DataPager, Repeater.

Unit 5: ASP. Net Web Parts:

Introduction, Advantages of Web Parts, WebPartsManager, CatalogPart,
PageCatalogPart, EditorPart, WebPartZone,,EditorZone, CatalogZone

Unit 6 : Ajax Controls:

AJAX control toolkit, Building a ASP.NET Page with
AjaxScriptManager Control, UpdatePanel Control, UpdateProgress
Control, Timer Control

Unit 7: Working with MVC:

Introduction to .Net MVC Framework, MVC Framework Features, MVC
Architecture, MVC Components, MVC Application Folders,
Configuration files- global.asax, packages.config, web.config, Working
with Views, Woking with Controls.
Reference Books:  ASP.Net: The Complete Reference, Matthew MacDonald
 Professional ASP.Net (4/4.5) in C #- Wrox publication
Suggested MOOC: 1) Coursera (
2) mymooc (
3) Class Central (
4) edX (
5) Mooc List (

Subject Name (07)-A HTML 5.0

No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Basic concepts of Languages and HTML tags with functions.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Understand the Concepts of HTML 5 & the Applications of HTML 5 to

Understanding By remembering students the basic concepts of HTML and the

applications of advanced features of HTML 5. 0 for web development. .
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about practical approach in
designing website for various business applications..
Analyzing To Measure the knowledge about website development and practical
applications of advanced features to the web applications
Evaluating Ability to select proper method to use better tools for website
development using HTML 5.0 features and apply security measures to
the websites also use useful functions of HTML 5.0
Creating Design and Develop Websites for various BusinessApplications. Check
information inputted into a Database and validateit.
Syllabus Unit-1 Introduction to HTML: (7 Hours)
MIME Types, Standards for the Internet, Evolution of HTML,
Introduction to XHTML, Introduction
to Working Group, W3C
Unit-2 Features of HTML5: (6 Hours)
Detection of HTML5 Support, Modernizr: An HTML5 Detection
Library, Canvas, Canvas , Text, Video, Video Formats, Local Storage,
Web Workers, Offline Web Applications, Geolocation, Input Types,
Placeholder Text, Form Autofocus, Microdata
Unit-3 Elements of HTML5:
The Doctype, The Root Element, The <head> Element, New Semantic
Elements in HTML5, Handling
of Unknown Elements by the Browsers, Headers, Articles, Dates and
Times, Navigation, Footers
Unit-4 :Drawing Surface:
Introduction to Canvas, Simple Shapes, Canvas Coordinates, Paths,
Text, Gradients, Images
Unit-5 :Video on the web:
Video Containers, Video Codecs, Audio Codecs
Unit-6 :Geolocation and Local Storage for Web Applications:
Geolocation API, Handling Errors, geo.js Library, Evolution of Local
Storage, Introduction to HTML5 Storage
Unit-7 :Web Forms and Offline Web Application:
Introduction to Web Forms, Placeholder Text, Autofocus Field, e-
Mail, Addresses, Web Addresses, Numbers as Spinboxes, Numbers as
Sliders, Date Pickers, Search Boxes, Color Pickers, Introduction to
Offline Web application, The CacheManifest

Text Books 1. .Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) Basic Concepts of System
Analysis Lambert Academic Publication Dec. 2019 .
2. Brian Albers, Frank Salim, and Peter Lubbers ―Pro HTML
Reference Books 1. Bruce Lawson, Remy Sharp –Introducing HTML 5.0 –Google Books
2. Jeffrey Zeldman and Jeremy Keith ―HTML 5 for Web designers –
3. Christopher Murphy, DivyaManian, and Richard Clark :Beginning
HTML5 andCSS3.2012.
4. Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) Software Project Management
Made Easy Lambert Academic Publication 2019 Dec .
MOOC on NPTEL Please refer these websites for MOOC‟s:

Subject Name (07) B - AJAX PROGRAMMING

No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Basic concepts of Languages and HTML tags with functions.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Understand the Concepts of Basic Programming skills and how to use
AJAX Programming for software development .

Understanding Understand the Concepts of AJAX Programming & the Applications of

AJAX to WebsiteDevelopment. Design and Develop Websites for
various Business Applications using AJAXProgramming. Check
information and handle database inwebsites..
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about practical approach in
AJAX programming language for Software development .
Analyzing Computer programming detail knowledge , An intermediate knowledge
on Programming Languages and its structure for developing
professional web applications for business organizations.
Evaluating Ability to select proper method to use better tools for website
development using AJAX programming language . Use maximum
features of AJAX language and know the details about security features
of the language .
Creating Design and Develop Web applications or web sites for various
Syllabus – Unit-1 Introduction to AJAX:
Introduction to Web Architecture, Traditional Web Communication
Processes and Technologies , Introduction to AJAX
Unit-2 Interacting with the Web Server using XMLHttpRequest
Introduction to Interaction with Web Server, Create an
XMLHttpRequest Object, Interact with the Web Server
Unit-3 : Working with PHP and AJAX:
Introduction to PHP , Process Client Requests , Accessing Files Using
Unit-4 Manipulating XML Data:
Basics of XML , Create an XML Document Using DOM , Retrieve
Data from XML
Unit-5 : Working with XSLT and AJAX:
Basics of XSLT , Transform Responses Using XSLT
Unit-6 : Working with JSON:
Introduction to JSON Format, Create Data in JSON Format ,
Implement JSON on the Server Side scripting.
Unit-7: Using Frameworks in AJAX:
Understand AJAX Frameworks , Use Prototype and ,
Use jQuery
Applying Basic AJAX Techniques
Download Images Using AJAX, Auto-Populate Select Boxes
Implementing Security and Accessibility in AJAX Applications
Create Secure AJAX Applications , Create Accessible Rich Internet
Text Books 1. Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Birada (Patil) Basic Concepts of System
Analysis Lambert Academic Publication Dec. 2019 .
2. Brian Albers, Frank Salim, and Peter Lubbers ―Pro HTML

Reference Books 1. Ajax: The Definitive Guide: Interactive Applications by Anthony

2 Kris Hadlock ―Ajax for Web Developers Amazon Books2012.
3 Ajax: The Complete Reference by Thomas A. Powell-Amazon
4. Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) Software Project Management
Made Easy Lambert Academic Publication Dec. 2019
MOOC on NPTEL Please refer these websites for MOOC‟s:
Website :-
Subject Name (08) A -Recommender System
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Basic Knowledge about Relational Database Management system and
Software Development , Knowledge about Business Organizations and
its functions , Theory of Recommender Systems and Decision Making
process .
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some basic concepts of software databases ,development stages
and software development also software engineering Information can be
understood and remembered .
Understanding By remembering students the basing concepts students will understand
the concepts of Recommender system , Internet and database concepts .
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about practical approach in
database design and design the recommender systems for business
Analyzing To Measure the Information systems applications with respect to
business benefits . reduce the risk of decision making
Evaluating Ability to select proper method to use proper recommender system for
business applications and make it useful for business functions.
Creating Design and create own recommender system as per the requirements of
the business and functions of the business After going through this
course a student should be able to understand :
 Will be able to understand the concepts of Decision
 Can be able to design and develop Recommender for
Implementation of Recommender System for various areas of Interest in
Business Organizations.
Syllabus – Unit-1 : Introduction to Basic Concepts:
Collaborative Recommendation: User Based Nearest Neighbor
recommendation, Item Based Nearest Neighbor recommendation,
model based and pre-processing based approaches. Recent practical
approaches and systems.
Content based Recommendation: content representation and content
similarity, similarity based retrieval, other text classification methods,
Knowledge Based Recommendation: Knowledge representation and
reasoning, interacting with constraint based recommenders, interacting
with case based recommenders,
Unit-2 :Hybrid recommendation approaches:
Opportunities for hybridization, Monolithic hybridization design,
parallelized hybridization design, pipelined hybridization design,
Unit 3:Evaluating recommender systems :
General properties of Evaluation research, popular evaluation designs,
evaluation on historical datasets, alternate evaluation design
Unit 4: Recent developments:
Attacks on collaborative recommender systems, Online consumer
decision making
Unit 5: Recommender systems and the next-generation web:
Recommendations in ubiquitous environments.
Unit 6: Explanations in recommender systems:
Explanations in constraint-based recommenders, explanation in case
based recommenders, explanation in collaborative filtering
Unit-7 :Case studies on Recommender System for various Business
Text Books 1. ―Innovation Management A Business Development Approach
- Anil Gaikwad , Rajesh Kanthe –Lambert Academic
Publication Dec 2019.
2. ―Recommender systems An Introduction‖ by DietmarJannach,
Markus Zanker, AlexzanderFelfering, Gerhard friedrich by
Cambridge university press2011
3. Recommender systems handbook [book] by francescoricci,
liorRokach, Paul b. Kantorin books
Reference Books 1. Amazon books Recommender System Practical Approach Dec-
2019 Amazon Books .
2. Tony Campbell Managing Risk and Information Security :- Protect
to Enable.
A-Press Open Access Book (Free).
3. Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) Software Project Management
made Easy Lambert Academic Publication 2019

Subject Name (08) B -Knowledge Management

No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Knowledge about Information System and MIS with Implementation of
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Using some basic concepts of software development , information
system and applications of databases o business problems The objective
of the course is to provide the basic skills of managing knowledge in
organizations. Knowledge is an asset for retaining the competitive
advantage of the organization. This course develops the capabilities of
towards managing students to manage knowledge in organizations.
Understanding By remembering students the basic concepts of Knowledge management
students will understand the concepts of applications of knowledge
management to the business problems .
Applying Students will Have thorough knowledge about practical approach in
designing knowledge management systems for business functions and
apply the various advanced tools of software development .
Analyzing To Measure the knowledge management applications with respect to
business benefits . reduce the risk of decision making
Evaluating Ability to select proper method to use proper knowledge management
system for business applications and make it useful for business
Creating Design and create own knowledge management After going through
this course a student should be able to understand :
Will be able to understand the concepts of Knowledge and knowledge
management. Can be able to design and develop Knowledge
management systems for Business applications. Implementation of KM
to various areas of Interest in Business Organizations.

Syllabus Unit 1: Introduction:

Definition, Scope and Significance of Knowledge Management ,
Difficulties of Knowledge Management, Techniques of KM –
Implementation of KM, Organizational knowledge, Characteristics and
Components of Organizational Knowledge
Unit 2: Drivers of knowledge Management:
Pillars of knowledge Management, KM framework , Supply Chain of
KM , Formulation of KMstrategy.
Unit 3: Technology and KM:
Technology components of KM – IT & KM , Ecommerce and KM

Unit 4: Total Quality Management and KM:

TQM and KM , Bench marking and KM.
Unit 5: Implementation of KM:
Discussion on Roadblocks to success, Implementing a KM programme ,
Critical Success Factors in KM , Implementation of KM
Unit 6: KM and Organizational Restructuring:
The Mystique of Learning, Organization:- Outcomes of learning,
Learning and Change – Innovation, continuous Improvements,
Corporate Transformation.
Unit 7: Case studies in Knowledge Management:
Knowledge management in Health Care, Knowledge Management in
Human Resource Management and other areas of Business
Text Books 1. ―Innovation Management A Business Development Approach
- Anil Gaikwad , Rajesh Kanthe –Lambert Academic
Publication Dec 2019.
2. Honey Cutt : ―Knowledge Management Strategies‖, PHI, NewDelhi.

Reference Books References (Books, Websites etc.):

1Madhukar Shukla:Competing Through Knowledge-Building a
Organization (Response Books, NewDelhi.
2.Awad, KM, Pearson Edn,2007.
3. Barnes, Knowledge Management Systems, 1/e, Thomson2006.
IkudiroNonka&Hirotaka Takeuchi, ― The Knowledge – Creating
Company‖, Oxford University Press, London.
4. Anil Gaikwad , Jyoti Biradar (Patil) Software Project Management
made Easy Lambert Academic Publication 2019
MOOC on NPTEL Please refer these websites for MOOC‟s:

Subject Name (09) A - IoT Architecture Sensors and Fundamentals with Hands-
on lab
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite School Level Mathematics. Basics of Programming and Networking
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Learning the concepts of IOT, Networking for IOT, Type of Sensor
Network, Arduino Programming
Understanding IOT Standards, connecting Technologies, Machine to Machine
Applying Implementing IOT with Arduino
Analyzing Find the usability of IOT in various applications
Evaluating Evaluate the performance of IOT solution and upgradation
Creating Creating small applications for smart home/city using Arduino
Syllabus UNIT 1:
IOT concepts:

 Technologies that led to evolution of IOT

 IOT and M2M
 IOT and Big Data

Relevance of IOT for the future

 IOT in everyday life
 Internet of Everything
 IOT and Individual Privacy.

Sensing, Actuation, Basics of Networking: layered architecture, important

protocols (MQTT, CoAP, REST, XMPP, AMQP)

IOT Standards :
Requirement of international standard ( case study)
IOT standards in practice.
Operating platforms /systems
connectivity Technologies: 802.15.4, Zigbee, 6LoWPANs, RFID, HART,
Bluetooth, ZWAVE, ISA 100.11-A
Sensor Networks: components of sensor networks, deriving data from
sensor nodes, different types of sensor networks and behavior of node in a
sensor network, target tracking, wireless multimedia sensor
network,nanonetworks, relationship between coverage and connectivity,
stationary wireless sensor networks, mobile wireless sensor networks, UAV
UNIT 4 :
Machine-to-Machine Communications: exchanging data between
machines without human intervention, Low-end sensor nodes, mid-end
sensor nodes, M2M ecosystem
Interoperability in IoT, syntactic and semantic interoperability
Introduction to Arduino Programming:
Features of Arduino
Arduino IDE
Sketch Structure
Arduino Function Libraries: Example : blink LED
Operators, control statements, arrays, string, random number,
UNIT 6 :
Integration of Sensors and Actuators with Arduino:
Sensor interface with Arduino, DTH Sensor Library,
Type of Motor Actuators, integration of Actuator with Arduino
IOT Applications:
Lighting as a service ( case study)
Intelligent Traffic systems ( case study)
Smart Parking ( case study)
Smart water management ( case study)
Implement one small project
Text Books
 Daniel Minoli, ―Building the Internet of Things with IPv6 and MIPv6:
The Evolving World of M2M Communications‖, ISBN: 978-1-118-
47347-4, Willy Publications
 Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, ―Internet of Things (A Hands-
onApproach)‖, 1 st Edition, VPT, 2014.

Reference Books
1. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand,
StamatisKarnouskos, David Boyle, ―From Machine-to-Machine to the
Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence‖, 1 st Edition,
Academic Press, 2014.
2. Peter Waher, ―Learning Internet of Things‖, PACKT publishing,
3. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Florian Michahelles, ―Architecting the Internet of
Things‖, ISBN 978-3-642-19156-5 e-ISBN 978-3-642-19157-2, Springer 46.



Subject Name (09) B - Internet Of Things: implementation with Python and Raspberry
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite School Level Mathematics. Basics of Programming and Networking
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering Understand IoT sensors and technological challenges faced by IoT devices
Understanding Understanding of IoT value chain structure (device, data cloud), application
areas and technologies involved
Applying Implementing IOT with Python and Raspberry Pi
Analyzing Explore and learn about Internet of Things with the help of preparing
projects designed for Raspberry Pi
Evaluating Evaluate the performance of IOT solution and upgradation

Creating Creating small applications for smart home/city using Python and
Raspberry Pi
Syllabus UNIT 1: Introduction to Python Programming:
Pyton IDE (Spider, Anaconda), Data Types in Python, control statements,
functions, file read/write operations, image read/write operations,
Networking in Pyton,
UNIT 2 : Introduction to Rasberry Pi:
Basic architecture, installation, Rasberry Pi GPIO, OS setup, using GPIO
pins, Taking Pictures using PiCam using Python on Rasberry Pi
UNIT 3:Implementation of IOT with Rasberry Pi, integration of sensors
for data collection, dissemination of data for processing, visualization of data
UNIT 4 :Software Defined Networking:
Origin of SDN
SDN Architecture
Rule Placement
OpenFlow Protocol
Controller Placement
Integration of SDN with IoT
UNIT 5 :Cloud Computing:
Service Model
Service Management
Fog Computing
Smart Cites, Smart Homes, connected vehicles, Industrial IOT
Data Handling and Analytics
Implement one small project
Text Books  Daniel Minoli, ―Building the Internet of Things with IPv6 and MIPv6:
The Evolving World of M2M Communications‖, ISBN: 978-1-118-
47347-4, Willy Publications
 Vijay Madisetti and ArshdeepBahga, ―Internet of Things (A Hands-
onApproach)‖, 1 st Edition, VPT, 2014.

Reference Books
1. Jan Holler, VlasiosTsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand,
StamatisKarnouskos, David Boyle, ―From Machine-to-Machine to the
Internet of Things: Introduction to a New Age of Intelligence‖, 1 st Edition,
Academic Press, 2014.
2. Peter Waher, ―Learning Internet of Things‖, PACKT publishing,
3. Bernd Scholz-Reiter, Florian Michahelles, ―Architecting the Internet of
Things‖, ISBN 978-3-642-19156-5 e-ISBN 978-3-642-19157-2, Springer 46.


Subject Name (10) A - Introduction to Big Data
No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Preliminary knowledge of computer, Data Mining, Data Warehousing
Course Objectives To introduce learner with Big Data Concept, decision making by doing
analysis on the data and managing the data using Big Data Concept like
Business Intelligence Concept, decision making by Business Intelligence
Tools on Applications such as Finance, Marketing, Education etc.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering  Remember the definitions of concepts of Big Data and Business
Intelligence Tools.
Understanding  Understand the concept of Big Data and Business Intelligence Tools.
 Understand decision making Theory and Strategies for Big Data.
 Understand different Business Intelligence Applications.
 Understanding the use of Business Intelligence for AI and Security.
Applying  Knowledge of Decision making using analysis on the Big Data
 Applying on different Big Data Applications in Industries
Analyzing  Identify and study the Big Data Analysis by Decision Theory and Strategy.
 User experience on Big Data and Business Intelligence Tools.
Evaluating  Applying Decision Making Theory on Big Data.
Creating  Case Studies: Knowledge about different applications used in industries.
 Using Business Intelligence in AI.
 Using Business Intelligence for Security
Syllabus Unit 1. Introduction:
Big Data History, The Big Data Business Opportunity- Business
Transformation Imperative, Big Data Business Model, Business Impact of
Big Data,
Big Data In Organization: Data Analytics Lifecycle, Data Scientist
Roles and Responsibilities – Discovery, Data Preparation, Model
Planning, Model Building, Communicate Results, Operationalize, New
Organizational Roles, Liberating Organizational Creativity.
Unit 2. Decision Theory And Strategy:
Business Intelligence Challenge, Big Data User Interface Ramifications,
Human Challenge of Decision Making, Strategy for Decision Making-
Big Data Strategy Document, Case Study. Value Creation Process:
Understanding Big Data Value Creation, Michael Porter’s Value
Creation Models: Michael Porter‘s Value Chain Analysis, Case Study.
Unit 3. Big Data User Experience:
The Unintelligent User Experience, Understanding the Key Decisions to
Build a Relevant User Experience, Using Big Data Analytics to Improve
Customer Engagement, Uncovering and Leveraging Customer Insights,
Big Data can Power a New Customer Experience, Big Data Use Cases:
1. Research Business Intiatives, 2. Acquire and Analyze your Data, 3.
Brainstorm New Ideas, 4. Prioritize Big Data Use Cases, 5. Document
Next Steps, The Prioritization Process.
Unit 4. Introduction To Business Intelligence Applications:
Introduction to Big Data, Business Intelligence Data Mining, and Data
Warehousing, What are Business Intelligence Applications (BIA).
Features of BIA. Sales, Finance And Marketing: Introduction to Sales,
Finance and Marketing Concept, Education And Learning: Introduction
to Education System, Learning Concept.
Unit 5. Vertical AI Applications:
Overview of AI, What is Vertical AI, Features of Vertical AI, Use of
Business Intelligence in Vertical AI, Case Study.
Unit 6. Security:
Define Security, Security in Big Data, Problems with Security, Business
Intelligence for Security, Case Study.
Unit 7. Lifescience:
Introduction to Life Science, Life Science Intelligence, Features of Life
Science Intelligence, Use of Life Science Intelligence in Decision
Making, Case Study.
Text Books
Reference Books 1. Big Data- Understanding How Big Data Power Big Business –By Bill
2. Edureka lectures
3. Business Intelligence Strategy -By John Boyer, Bill Frank, Brain
Green, Tracy Harris

Suggested MOOC : Please refer these websites for MOOCS:

NPTEL / Swayam www.,

Subject Name (10) B -Business Intelligence Tools with HADOOP

No. of Credits 2 Credits
Pre Requisite Preliminary knowledge of computer, Big Data Analysis and Business
Course Objectives To introduce learner with Big Data Concept and HADOOP tool for
Business Intelligence. Using different Advance Excel Functions (like
Optimization) and implementing it on Big Data for decision making. By
solving Case Studies the students will get real example of using BI Tools
in industry. It will also introduce learner with decision making by doing
analysis on the data using HADOOP Tool and also managing the Big
Data using HADOOP.
Cognitive Abilities Course Outcome as per Blooms Taxonomy
Remembering  Remember the concepts of Business Intelligence Tools and HADOOP.
Understanding  Understand the Excel Tools for Business Intelligence.
 Understand working with Macros.
 Understand HDSF, Mapping and Reducing in HADOOP Environment.
 Understanding the Clusters and Nodes in HADOOP Environment.
Applying  Knowledge of Decision making using analysis on the Big Data using Excel
 Knowledge of Decision making using HADOOP analysis on the Big Data
Analyzing  Applying the Excel Tools or Mapping and Reducing on Big Data.
 Implementing Environment Setup of HADOOP.
Evaluating  Applying HADOOP Environment for Analysis on Big Data.
Creating  Case Studies: for Big Data Analysis using Excel tools or HADOOP
 Using features of Macros.
Syllabus Unit 1. Introduction To Big Data and Business Intelligence:
Overview of - Data Mining, Data Warehousing, Big Data, How Business
Intelligence is useful for Big Data, Big Data Problems.
Introduction to BI, Data Cleaning-Editing a Workbook, Data Cleaning
Using Text Functions, Using Validation To Keep Data Clean, Working
with Multidimensional Data- Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts.
Unit 2. Applications Of Business Intelligence and Excel Tools:
CRM Domain, Banking Domain, Health Care Domain, Mobile Industry
Domain, Creation of a New Product, Providing Personalized Services,
Optimization Modeling With Solver: Introduction to MS-Excel and
MS-Excel Formulas,Understanding Optimization Modeling, Setting Up a
Solver Worksheet, Solving an Optimization Modeling Problem,
Reviewing the Solver Reports, Working With Solver: Working With the
Solver Options, Setting a Limit on Solver, Understanding the Solver Error
Messages, Case Studies (Solver Problems).
Unit 3. Advance Excel Tools:
Using Shared Work Books- Sharing a workbook, Opening and editing a
shared workbook, Tracking changes, Resolving conflict in a shared
workbook, Multiple workbooks- Linking workbooks, Editing the Link,
Consolidating the workbook.
Unit 4. Working With Macros:
Introduction to Macros? Where are Macros, Features of Macros,
Working with Macros- Display the developer Tab, Changing Macro
security Settings, Recording and running a Macro.
Unit 5. Introduction To HADOOP:
Hadoop Architecture, MapReduce, Hadoop Distributed File System, How
Does Hadoop Work?,Advantages of Hadoop. HDFS Overview: Features
of HDFS, HDFS Architecture, Starting HDFS, Listing Files in HDFS,
Inserting Data into HDFS, Retrieving Data from HDFS, Shutting Down
the HDFS.
What is MapReduce?, The Algorithm for MapReduce, Inputs and Outputs
(Java a Perspective), Analyze different use-cases where MapReduce is
used, Differentiate between traditional way and MapReduce way.
Introduction To Hadoop Features: New Big Data Architecture,
Introducing HADOOP Features – Apache Hive, Apache HBase, Pig.
Unit 7. Multi Node Cluster:
Multi Node Cluster, Install Java, Creating User Account, Mapping the
Nodes, Installing Hadoop, Configuring Hadoop, Start Hadoop Services,
Adding New Data Node in the Hadoop Cluster, Removing New Data
Node from the Hadoop Cluster.
Environment Setup: Pre-installation Setup, Installing Java Downloading
Hadoop Hadoop Operation Modes Installing Hadoop in Standalone Mode
Installing Hadoop in Pseudo Distributed Mode Verifying Hadoop
Installation, Implement basic Hadoop commands on terminal.
Text Books
Reference Books  Tutorials Point for advance Excel Tools.
 Excel 2010 Bible by John Walkenbach, John Wiley & Sons, 2010

Suggested MOOC : Please refer these websites for MOOCS:

NPTEL / Swayam www.,
Title of the Course (11) A -Introduction to Information Security
Number of Credits 2 Credits
Pre-Requisites Information about computer hardware, system and application
software, and networking
Course Outcomes as
per Bloom’s
Remember Concepts involved in information systems

Understand Security concerns involving information systems

Apply Understanding of concerns to improve information security

Analyze Real-life scenarios with respect to information systems

Evaluate Scenarios involving information systems and security concerns

Create Information security awareness to address real-world scenarios

Syllabus Unit-1: Information Security Concepts:
(45 Hours) 63. Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability of Information
64. Identification, Authentication and Authorization
65. Security Principles and Models

Unit-2: Physical Security:

66. Facility Requirement
67. Perimeter Security
68. Fire Protection
69. Fire Suppression
70. Power Protection
71. General Environmental Protection
72. Equipment Failure Protection
Unit-3: Network Security:
73. Secure Network design
74. Firewalls
75. WLAN Security
76. VPNs
77. Types and Sources of Network Threats
Unit-4: Operating System Security:
78. Windows
79. Linux/UNIX
Unit-5: Database Security:
80. MS SQL
Unit-6: Web Application Security:
81. Web Application Vulnerabilities
82. Secure Coding Techniques
83. Continuous Security Testing and Assessments
Unit-7: Compliance Standards:
84. IT Act
85. ISO 27001
86. ITIL Framework
Text Book Shimonski R., Certified Ethical Hacker - Study Guide, Sybex
Reference Book Lammle T., CCNA - Routing and Switching - Complete Study Guide,
Supplementary Cyber Security
SWAYAM Course (
Title of the Course (11) B - Information Security Threats and Mitigation
Number of Credits 2 Credits
Pre-Requisites Information about computer hardware, system and application
software, and networking
Remember Concepts involved information security domain
Understand Security vulnerabilities and threats

Apply Understanding of security threats to mitigate them

Analyze Real-life scenarios with respect to information security

Evaluate Scenarios involving information security threats

Create Awareness about mitigation of information security threats in

real-world scenarios
Course Outcomes as per
Bloom’s Taxonomy

Syllabus Unit-1: Introduction to Information Security Threats:

(45 Hours) 87. TCP/IP Fundamentals
88. Operating System Fundamentals
89. Web Application and Database Fundamentals
90. Introduction to Ethical Hacking
91. Advanced Persistent Threats
Unit-2: Information Gathering:
92. Footprinting
93. Advanced Google Hacking
94. Nmapping the network
95. Fingerprinting
Unit-3: Exploitation:
96. Hacking Networks
97. Hacking Servers
98. Hacking Databases
99. Password Cracking
Unit-4: Advanced Exploitation:
100. Hacking WLANs
101. Evading IDS, Firewalls
102. Web Application Hacking
103. Advanced Web Hacking
104. Hacking Web Browsers
Unit-5: Social Engineering:
105. Introduction to Social Engineering
106. Common Types of Attacks
107. Online Social Engineering
Unit-6: Cryptography:
108. Introduction to Cryptography
109. Encryption and Decryption
110. Cryptographic Algorithms
111. Digital Signature
112. Cryptography Tools
113. Cryptography Attacks
Unit-7: Malware Attacks:
114. Viruses
115. Worms
116. Trojans
Text Book Shimonski R., Certified Ethical Hacker - Study Guide, Sybex
Reference Book Howard M., Writing Secure Code, Microsoft Press
Supplementary Introduction to Cyber Security
SWAYAM Course (

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