Mca - Cbcs Syllabus W.E.F 2021-22
Mca - Cbcs Syllabus W.E.F 2021-22
Mca - Cbcs Syllabus W.E.F 2021-22
Faculty of Computer Science & Applications
Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Institute of
Computer Applications
MCA Programme
Master of Computer Applications Programme
(Choice Based Credit System)
Year – 2021-2022
Master of Computer Applications (MCA) Programme
1. System of Education
The Semester system of education should be followed across the Charotar University of
Science and Technology (CHARUSAT) at Master’s levels. Each semester will be at least 90
working days duration. Every enrolled student will be required to take a specified load of
course work in the chosen course of specialization and also complete a project/dissertation if
2. Duration of Programme
5. Attendance
5.1 All activities prescribed under these regulations and listed by the course faculty members
in their respective course outlines are compulsory for all students pursuing the courses.
No exemption will be given to any student from attendance except on account of serious
personal illness or accident or family calamity that may genuinely prevent a student from
attending a particular session or a few sessions. However, such unexpected absence from
classes and other activities will be required to be condoned by the Dean/Principal.
6 Course Evaluation
6.1 The performance of every student in each course will be evaluated as follows:
6.1.1 Internal evaluation by the course faculty member(s) based on continuous
assessment, for 30% of the marks for the course; and
6.1.2 Final examination by the University through written paper or practical test or oral
test or presentation by the student or a combination of any two or more of these,
for 70% of the marks for the course.
6.2.1 The final examination by the University for 70% of the evaluation for the course
will be through written paper or practical test or oral test or presentation by the
student or a combination of any two or more of these.
6.2.2 In order to earn the credit in a course a student has to obtain grade other than FF.
6.3 Performance at Internal & University Examination will be done on the relative grading
7 Grading
The student’s performance in any semester will be assessed by the Semester Grade Point
Average (SGPA). Similarly, his performance at the end of two or more consecutive
semesters will be denoted by the Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA). The SGPA
and CGPA are defined as follows:
Grading Scheme
Range of Marks ≥80 ≥75 ≥70 ≥65 ≥60 ≥55 ≥50 <50
(%) <80 <75 <70 <65 <60 <55
Letter Grade AA AB BB BC CC CD DD FF
Grade Point 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 0
8. Detention Rule
8.1 No student will be allowed to move further in next semester if CGPA is less than
3 at the end of an academic year.
8.2 A Student will not be allowed to move to third year if he/she has not cleared all
the courses of first year.
8.3 A student will not be allowed to move to fourth year if he/she has not cleared all
the courses of first and second year.
9. Awards of Degree
9.1 Every student of the programme who fulfils the following criteria will be eligible for the
award of the degree:
9.1.1 He should have earned at least minimum required credits as prescribed in course
structure; and
9.1.2 He should have cleared all evaluation components in every course; and
9.2 The student who fails to satisfy minimum requirement of CGPA will be allowed to
improve the grades so as to secure a minimum CGPA for the award of degree. Only latest
grade will be considered.
10 Award of Class:
The class awarded to a student in the programme is decided by the final CGPA as per the
following scheme:
The transcript issued to the student at the time of leaving the University will contain a
consolidated record of all the courses taken, credits earned, grades obtained, SGPA, CGPA,
class obtained, etc.
The choice based credit system provides flexibility in designing curriculum and assigning credits
based on the course content and hour of teaching. The choice based credit system provides an
opportunity for the students to choose courses from the prescribed courses comprising core,
elective and open elective courses. The CBCS provides a cafeteria type approach in which the
students can take courses of their choice and adopt an interdisciplinary approach to learning. The
courses shall be evaluated on the grading system, which is considered to be better than the
conventional marks system.
Foundation Course
These courses are offered by the institute in order to prepare students for studying courses to be
offered at higher levels.
Core Courses
University core courses are compulsory courses which are offered across university and must be
completed in order to meet the requirements of programme.
Programme core courses are compulsory courses offered by respective programme owners, which
must be completed in order to meet the requirements of programme.
Elective Courses
Generally, a course which can be chosen from a pool of courses and which may be very specific
or specialized or advanced or supportive to the discipline of study or which provides an extended
scope or which enables an exposure to some other discipline / domain or nurtures the candidates
proficiency / skill is called an elective course. Following elective courses are incorporated in CBCS
To become a leading institution in the field of computer applications and contribute in national
efforts of computerizing public systems
To produce competent computer professionals with the ability to face future challenges.
(1ST & 2ND YEAR)
** Student will take any university elective offered by different institutions of university. CMPICA has decided to offer CA730
Internet and Web Designing course for others.
1. CA847 Cloud Computing
2. CA848 Cyber Security and Computer Forensics
3. CA849 Internetworking with TCP/IP Protocol Suite
4. CA850 Advanced Operating Systems
1. CA854 Mobile Application Technology – Android Platform
2. CA855 Mobile Application Development-iOS Platform
1. CA856 HTTP Web Service for Enterprise Application
2. CA857 Framework and Applications
3. CA858 Multi Paradigm Scripting using Python
University Elective-I
No Course Code Course Name Department/Faculty
1 EE782.01 Energy Audit and Management Engineering
2 CE771.01 Project Management Engineering
3 PT796.01 Fitness & Nutrition Physiotherapy
4 MB651 Software based Statistical Analysis Management
5 NR755 First Aid & Life Support Nursing
6 OC733.01 Introduction to Polymer Science Applied Science
7 MA771.01 Reliability and Risk Analysis Mathematics
8 ME781.01 Occupational Health & Safety Engineering
9 MA772.01 Design of Experiments Mathematics
10 RD701.01 Introduction to Analytical Techniques Applied Science
11 RD702.01 Introduction to Nanoscience And Technology Applied Science
12 PH891 Community Pharmacy Ownership Pharmacy
13 PH892 Intellectual Property Rights Pharmacy
14 PSE55 Astrophysics, Space and Cosmos Applied Science
1. CA928 Artificial Intelligence
2. CA929 Digital Image Processing
3. CA930 Compiler Construction
4. CA931 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
** Student will take any university elective offered by different institutions of university. CMPICA has decided to offer CA730
Internet and Web Designing course for others.
1. CA847 Cloud Computing
2. CA848 Cyber Security and Computer Forensics
3. CA849 Internetworking with TCP/IP Protocol Suite
4. CA850 Advanced Operating Systems
(200 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Methodology & Pedagogy: During lectures the more emphasis will be given on the fundamental
knowledge of web application development and backend database management techniques using various
topic given in the syllabus. During Practical sessions, students will be required to develop Applications
using the concepts of JDBC, JSP, JSTL and Servlets. Student will also be explored to MVC architecture.
Theory Practical
1 Database Programming 07
2 Java Web Application Components 06
3 Java Server Pages 06
4 JSP Standard Tag Library 04
5 Working with Servlets 07
6 Advanced Servlet Features & Security 06
Total Hours (Theory): 36
Total Hours (Practical): 36
Total: 72
Detailed Syllabus:
Core Books:
1. Cay S Horstmann, Gary Cornell: Core Java, Volume II – Advanced Features, 8th Edition, Pearson
2. Sue Spielman and Meeraj Kunnumpurath: Pro J2EE 1.4, Wiley Computer Publishing, 2004.
3. Marty Hall, Larry Brown: Core Servlets and JavaServer Pages, Volume 2, Advanced Technologies, 2nd
Edition, Pearson Education, 2008.
Reference Books:
1. Bryan Basham, Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates: Head First Servlet and JSP, O’Reilly Publication, 1 st
Web References:
1. [Servlet Basics]
2. [Servlet Tutorial PDF]
3. [JDBC
4. [JSP Tutorial Slides]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Able to perform various RDBMS connectivity using JDBC
1 Database Programming
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 - - - 3 2
- 3 3 - - - 2 - -
CO2 - - - 2 2
3 3 - - 2 - 1 - -
CO3 - - 1 3 1
- 2 3 3 3 - 2 2 -
CO4 1 - 3 2 1
2 3 3 2 - 2 - 2 -
CO5 - 1 - 2 2
2 - - - 3 - - - 1
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Contact Hours: 06
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory lectures illustrations emphasizing the need for advanced
features of .Net framework and ASP.Net will be given. During Practical sessions, students will be
required to develop Web Applications using concepts discussed during class.
o Service Description
Building Web Service in ASP.NET
o Deploying, Publishing and Consuming Web service.
Introduction to Crystal Report, Crystal Reports Architecture, ReportViewer Control, Object Model,
Understanding Reporting Control
Adjusting the Web Content, Validating Controls, Working with Menu, list and pop-ups. Introduction to
MVC Architecture in ASP.NET,Developing web application in MVC Architecture.
Core Books:
1. Stephon Walther: ASP.Net Unleashed, BPB publication.
2. Kogent Solutions Inc.: ASP.Net 4.5 Black book, Dreamtech press, 2009.
3. Mridila Parihar, Essam Ahmed: ASP .Net Bible, Wiley, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Mesbah Ahmed, Chris Garrett, Jeremy Faircloth, Chris Payne: ASP.Net Programming. st
Developer’s Guide, Dreamtech, 1 Edition 2002.
2. A. Russell Jones, Mike Gunderloy: .Net Programming 10-Minute Solutions, BPB
Publications. th
3. Greg Buczek: ASP.Net Developer’s Guide, Tata McGraw Hill 4 Edition, 2005.
4. Greg Buczek: ASP.Net Tips & Techniques, Tata McGraw Hill Edition, 2002.
5. Bolton, Justin Langford, Glenn Berry, Gavin Payne, Amit Banerjee, Rob Farley: Professional SQL
Server 2012 internals and trouble shooting, Wiley India publication,October,2012.
Web References:
1. [For Unit 1 and to download software]
2. [For Unit1 & 2 and to download software]
3. [Forum for discussion on ASP.NET]
4. [To read latest published articles/news]
5. [Lecture Note for Unit1 and 2]
6. [Lecture Note for Unit 3]
[Lecture Note for Unit 5]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C02 : Students will be able to develop, test and deploy dynamic web applications
Overview of SOA
5 Reporting
6 Advanced ASP.NET
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 P10 P11 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3 2 2 3 - 2 1 - - 1 1 2 2
CO2 2 3 2 2 - 2 1 - - 1 - 3 3
CO3 1 2 2 - - - - - - - - 3 3
CO4 - 3 3 - - - - - - - 1 2 3
CO5 2 1 3 - 2 - 3 - - - 3 2 2
CO6 3 2 2 2 - - - - - - 2 2 2
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
(200 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory sessions detailed understanding of query and
transaction process mechanism, Database backup, recovery and security mechanism will be
given. Students will also be taught how to write stored Procedures and how to trigger these
procedures using specific procedural language.
Detailed Syllabus:
Unit – V: Data Warehousing, Data Mining & databases on the web Hours: 06
Types of Digital Data, Introduction to Big Data, Big Data Analytics, History of Hadoop, Apache
Core Books:
1. Raghu Ramakrishnan,Johannes Gehrke:Database Management Systems,McGraw Hill
2. Ramez Elmasri,Shamkant B.Navathe:Fundamentals of Database Systems, 5th Edition,
Pearson Publication.
3. S.K.Singh: Databse Systems,Concepts,Design and Applications, 1st Edition,Pearson
4. Tom White “Hadoop: The Definitive Guide:” Third Edit on, O’reily Media, 2012.
5. Seema Acharya, Subhasini Chellappan, "Big Data Analytics" Wiley 2015.
Reference Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz,Henry F.Koeth,S.Sudarshan:Database System Concepts, 6 th
edition,McGraw Hill Publication.
Web References:
2. [Introduction to
3. [Advanced Databse System]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Be familiar with PL\SQL programming.
CO1 3 1
- 2 2 2 1 - - - - - - -
CO2 2 2
3 2 2 3 2 2 - 3 - - - -
CO3 2 2
- - 3 3 2 - - - - - - -
CO4 1 3
3 2 2 - 2 2 - 3 - - - -
CO5 1 3
2 - - - 2 - 3 3 - - - -
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
(100 Marks)
Contact Hours: 03
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory lectures the emphasis will be given on the basics of software
engineering concepts and UML. Some of the Agile software development concepts will be introduced
during lectures. As part of modeling with UML students will be given exposure to model real-life software
Total: 36
Detailed Syllabus:
Defining software and software engineering, the software process, generic Process Models: the waterfall
model, Incremental software process models, evolutionary process models
Unified process: The dynamic structure - Inception, Elaboration, Construction, and Transition phases; The
static structure – different workflows, roles and artefacts. Examples
Modeling simple dependencies, modeling single inheritance Modeling structural relationships Structural
Diagrams: Class Diagram, Examples
Behavioral Diagrams: Use Case Diagram, Interactions Diagrams: Sequence and collaboration diagram,
Activity Diagram, Examples
Introduction to Agile Software Development, Characteristics of Agile Process, Agile methods , Principles
of Agile methods, Problems with Agile methods, Extreme Programming, The Four Core Values of XP
Software risks, risk identification, risk projection, risk mitigation, monitoring and management, software
maintenance, software reengineering, reverse engineering
Core Books:
1. Grady Booch, James Rambaugh, Ivar Jacobson: The Unified Modeling Language User
2. Roger S. Pressman: Software engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach, 7th Edition, ISBN:
978-007-126782-3, McGraw-Hill Publication.
Reference Books:
1. Ian Sommerville: Software Engineering, 8th Edition, ISBN: 978-81-317-2461-3, Pearson
2. Guide, Addison Wesley. Jacobson, Booch, Rumbaugh, The
Unified Software Development Process. Pearson Education, 1999.
Web References:
2. [Introduction to Software Engineering/Process/Methodology]
3. [UMLUnits]
4. [Agile Software Development and Extreme
31.pdf [Risk Management]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Understanding Software Engineering Process Models
C02 : Start learning what is UML and how it is useful in system modeling
C05 : Understanding the Risks associated with Software Development Process and managing them
Unified Modelling Process & introduction to UML
Basics of Structural Modeling with UML
Basics of Behavioral Modeling with UML
5 Agile software development & Extreme
Software Maintenance and Risk Management
2 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 3 2 3
3 3 3 2 2 2 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
3 2 2 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 3 3 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Contact Hours: 03
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory lectures the emphasis will be given on the fundamentals of
cloud computing. Students will be introduced basic types, architecture, service providers, mechanism,
security issues and some hidden aspects of cloud computing. Students will give practical exposure in form
of case study and by showing cloud infrastructure of university.
1 Evolution of Cloud Computing 04
2 Understanding Cloud Computing and basic types 07
3 Fundamentals of Cloud Architecture and Service Providers 07
Microsoft Windows Azure and Office 365, Hp Cloud, RackSpace, CSC Corp, Verizon Terrimark, DropBox.
Core Books:
1. S. Srinivasan: Cloud Computing Basics, Springer,2014.
2. Thomas Erl, Zaigham Mahmood and Ricardo Puttini: Cloud Computing Concepts, Technology &
Architecture, PHI, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Derrick Rountree, Ileana Castrillo : The Basics of Cloud Computing, Syngress, 2013.
2. Rajkumar Buyya, James Broberg, Andrzej M. Goscinsk: Cloud Computing- Principles and Paradigms,
John Wiley &Sons, 2011.
Web References:
1. [For basic terminology of Cloud
2. [For cloud computing lecture notes]
computingvirtualization-building-private-iaas-guide.pdf [For cloud computing virtualization]
4. [Security issues PPTs]
C02 : The students will be familiar with various cloud architectures and services.
C04 : Students will get various business aspects of cloud computing with security aspects.
basic types
3 Fundamentals of Cloud Architecture and
Service Providers
4 Cloud Computing Mechanisms
6 Hidden Aspects of Cloud Computing
CO1 2
2 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 - 1 1 2 3
CO2 2
3 2 3 3 2 - 1 2 - 1 1 2 3
CO3 2
2 2 2 3 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 1 3
CO4 2
2 3 3 2 2 - 2 - - 2 1 1 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
(100 Marks)
Contact Hours: 03
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory lectures the emphasis will be given on the basics of cyber
crime, tools and techniques used in cyber crime, devices used to perform cyber crime, detection and
prevention of cyber crimes with wired and wireless devices. The laws prevailing for cyber crimes are also
discussed. Examples and Mini-Cases and online scams will be discussed to enhance understanding. The
teacher will also introduce the students to the cyber forensics concepts and tools.
Detailed Syllabus:
Introduction to cyber crimes , Distinction between cyber crime and conventional crimes, Reasons for
commission of cyber crime, Common Cyber Threats
Classification Of Cyber Crimes: Cyber crime against Individual, Cyber crime Against Property,
Cyber crime Against Organization, Cyber crime Against Society
Classifications of Cybercrimes: E-Mail Spoofing,
Spamming, Cyber defamation, Internet Time Theft, Newsgroup Spam/Crimes from Usenet Newsgroup,
Industrial Spying/Industrial Espionage, Hacking, Online Frauds, Pornographic Offenses , Software Piracy,
Password Sniffing, Credit Card Frauds and Identity Theft.
Cyber offenses: Cyber criminals, organized cyber crimes, Types of attacks, Botnet.
Methods Used for Cybercrime: Proxy Servers and Anonymizers, Password Cracking, Phishing, Key loggers,
Spywares Trojan
Attacks on Wireless Networks: Traditional Techniques of Attacks on Wireless Networks, Theft of Internet
Hours and Wi-Fi-based Frauds and Misuses.
Introduction: Proliferation of Mobile and Wireless Devices, Mobile Phone Theft, Mobile Viruses, Mishing,
Vishing, Smishing, Hacking Bluetooth
Credit Card Frauds in Wireless Device: Types and Techniques of Credit Card Frauds, Security Challenges
Posed by Mobile Devices, Protecting Data on Lost Devices.
Unit – IV: Cyber Security, Corporate Security and Legal Aspects Hours: 07
Cyber Security (IT security), Security principles, Security triad: Confidential, Integrity, Availability, Security
Policy, Security Service Life Cycle
Aspects of Organizational Security- Information Security, Information Security’s Overview and Services,
Physical security, E-commerce Security, Legal security, Email security, Goals of Security.
Provisions in Indian Laws for dealing with Cyber Crimes
The Need for Computer Forensics, Forensics Analysis of E-Mail : RFC282, Network Forensics, Computer
Forensics and Steganography, Forensics and Social Networking Sites.
Challenges in Computer Forensics, Special Tools and Techniques, Forensics Auditing and Antiforensics.
Digital forensics and wireless devices, Toolkits for Hand-Held Device Forensics: EnCase, Device Seizure
and PDA Seizure, Palm DD, Forensics Card Reader, Cell Seizure, MOBILedit!, ForensicSIM, Organizational
Guidelines on Cell Phone Forensics: Hand-Held Forensics as the Specialty Domain in Crime Context.
Core Books:
1. Nina Godbole, Sunit Belapur: “Cyber Security Understanding Cyber Crimes, Computer Forensics and
Legal Perspectives”, Wiley India Publications, April 2011.
2. Robert Jones: “Internet Forensics: Using Digital Evidence to Solve Computer Crime”, O’Reilly Media,
October, 2005.
3. Harish Chander “ Cyber Laws and IT Protection”, PHI Learning, 2012.
Reference Books:
1. Chad Steel: “Windows Forensics: The field guide for conducting corporate computer investigations”,
Wiley India Publications, December, 2006.
2. Eoghan Casey: ”Digital Evidence and Computer Crime”, 3rd Edition, Academic Press, 2011.
Web References:
2. 1484.asp#.VWBGbdKqqko [Classification Of Cyber Crimes]
3. [Details regarding Cyber crime, laws, case studies,
4. [ Legal Aspects and Resources
of Computer Forensics]
5. [ Digital
Forensics Tools]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Distinguish between different types of cyber crimes
C02 : Be familiar with tools and techniques employed for cyber crime
C03 : Be familiar with different cyber security techniques for individual corporates and legal
provision for cyber crime.
C04 : Be familiar with the concepts of computer forensics and various related tools.
Wireless Device and Cyber Crime
4 Cyber Security, Corporate Security and
Legal Aspects
Introduction to Computer Forensics
Forensics of Wireless Devices
CO1 2
2 2 3 3 2 1 1 - - 2 2 2 3
CO2 2
3 2 3 3 2 - 2 1 - 2 2 1 3
CO3 2
1 2 2 3 2 - 1 2 - 1 2 2 3
CO4 2
2 3 3 1 1 1 3 - - 2 1 1 3
CO5 2
3 2 2 3 2 2 1 - - 1 1 2 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Contact Hours: 03
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory sessions the students shall be introduces to various internet
and intranet technologies and network services. As a case study an institute level network design,
devices, components and security mechanism will be demonstrated. During practical sessions students
will be trained to develop network based applications using available technologies.
1 Addressing Techniques 06
3 Routing 07
5 Cellular Systems 05
6 Internet Security 06
Total: 36
Unit 1 Addressing Techniques Hours:06
Classful Internet Addresses, Mapping Internet Addresses (ARP), Determining An Internet Address (RARP)
Internet Protocol: Connectionless Datagram Delivery, Internet Protocol: Routing IP Datagrams, Internet
Congestion, Router Discovery and solicitation, Classless and Subnet Address Extensions, Transparent
routers, Proxy ARP and Subnet addressing, CIDR, Subnet routing. Static and Dynamic routing,
Difference between static and dynamic routing. Introduction to dynamic routing algorithms. Distance
vector and link state routing algoritms.
User Datagram Protocol, Reliable Stream Transport Service, Sliding Window, TCP, Karn’s Algo,
Congestion, RED Silly window syndrome, starting and closing TCP connection, Mobile IP
Cellular system overview - Cellular system organization, Frequency Reuse, Increasing Capacity,
Operation of cellular system, steps in an Mobile switching center(MSC) controlled call between mobile
users, Mobile Radio Propagation effect, Additional Function in MSC Controlled Call, Handoff
Performance metrics, Handoff Strategies Used to Determine Instant of Handoff, Power control, Traffic
Core Book:
Reference Book :
1. Behrouz A. Forouzan: TCP / IP Protocol Suite, Third Edition
2. Natalia Olifer, Victor Olifer: Computer Networks: Principles, Technologies and Protocols for
Network Design, Willy
Web References:
1 Addressing Techniques
2 Internet Protocol ( TCP/IP)
3 Routing
4 UDP and Mobile IP
5 Cellular Systems
6 Internet Security
CO1 - - 1 3 2
3 3 3 2 1 - 3 - -
CO2 - - 1 3 2
3 3 3 2 1 - 3 - -
CO3 - - 1 3 2
3 3 3 2 1 - 3 - -
CO4 - - 1 3 3
3 3 3 2 1 - 3 2 -
CO5 - - 1 3 3
3 3 3 2 1 - 3 2 -
CO6 - - 1 3 3
3 3 3 2 1 - 3 2 -
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Contact Hours: 03
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory lectures the emphasis will be given on the advanced
concepts of Operating Systems. Students will be introduced jargons of distributed and mobile based
operating systems. During theory lectures concepts of shared memory, remote procedure call,
synchronization, process management, resource management and distributed file systems will be
discussed. Students will also give overview of mobile based operating systems.
Detailed Syllabus:
Unit – II: Distributed Shared Memory and Remote Procedure Calls Hours: 08
Introduction to RPC, RPC Model, Implementing RPC Mechanism, Stub Generation, RPC Message,
Introduction to Distributed Shared Memory, General Architecture of DSM Systems, Design and
implementation issues of DSM, Granularity, Structure of Shared memory space.
Unit – IV: Process and Resource Management in Distributed Operating Systems Hours: 08
Introduction to resource management in distributed operating system, Desirable features of good
global scheduling algorithm, Task Assignment approach, Load balancing Approach, Load Sharing
Approach, Process migration – desirable feature of Process migration, process migration mechanisms,
Process migration in heterogeneous systems, Advantages of process migration.
Core Books:
1. Pradip K. Sinha: Distributed Operating Systems Concepts and Design, Eastern Economy Edition,
PHI, 2007.
2. Michael J.Jipping : Smartphone Operating System Concepts with Symbian OS, Wiley, 2007.
Reference Books:
Web References:
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Be familiar with Distributed Operating Systems and their designing issues
C03 : Be Familiar with Mobile and Real Time Operating systems with their functionalities
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 - - 1 3 2
3 3 3 2 2 - 3 2 -
CO2 - - 2 3 2
3 3 3 2 2 - 3 2 -
CO3 - - 2 3 2
3 3 3 2 2 - 3 2 -
CO4 - - 2 3 3
3 3 3 2 2 - 3 2 -
CO5 - - 1 3 3
3 3 3 2 2 - 3 2 -
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Pre-requisite courses:
French Language Studies- Introduction (Coursera)
Outline of the Course:
Sr. Title of the unit Minimum number
No. of hours
1. Introduction to French Language 08
2. Grammar: Articles, Tense, Forms, Numbers, Verbs, Days, 08
Months, Family
3. Grammar : Adjectives, Adverbs, Interrogative Forms, 08
Directions, Countries, Nationalities, Seasons, Weather,
Professions, Verbs
4. Grammar: Prepositions, Conjunctions, Tenses, Colours, 06
Vegetables, Fruits, Shapes, Verbs
Total hours (Theory) : --
Total hours (Practical) : 30
Total hours : 30
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Introduction to French Language 08 Hours 28%
Facts and figures about French Language; Basic French
Linguistics-* Alphabets * Accents * Liaison * Nasalization
French Culture, Differ between French and English;
Grammar-Subject Pronoun, Verbs: (être, avoir, habiter,
regarder, manger … “er” verb), Form of address, Numbers
(1 to 20), Nouns and plurals of nouns, The expression: C’est, Il
y a; Presentation: -1) Self-Introduction-2) Question and
answering; Dialogue
2. Grammar: Articles, Tense, Forms, Numbers, Verbs, Days, 08 Hours 28%
Months, Family
Web material:
Pre-requisite courses:
Beginner/Intermediate level language proficiency
Text book: -
Reference book:
1. Business Communication Today (Thirteenth Edition) by Courtland L. Bovee, John
V. Thill and Roshan Lal Raina
2. Effective Speaking Skills by Terry O' Brien
3. Speak Better Write Better by Norman Lewis
4. Well Spoken: Teaching Speaking to All Students by Erik Palmer
5. Let Us Hear Them Speak : Developing Speaking – Listening Skills in English by
Jayshree Mohanraj (Publisher – Sage Publication)
6. The craft of scientific presentations: Critical steps to succeed and critical errors to
avoid. New York: Springer by Michael Alley
7. Presentation Skills in English by Bob Dignen (Publisher: Orient Black Swan)
Web material:
1. TED Talk : How to speak so that people want to listen
2. TED Talk: The 110 techniques of communication and public speaking
1. CA856 HTTP Web Service for Enterprise Application
2. CA857 Framework and Applications
3. CA858 Multi Paradigm Scripting using Python
University Elective-I
No Course Code Course Name Department/Faculty
1 EE782.01 Energy Audit and Management Engineering
2 CE771.01 Project Management Engineering
3 PT796.01 Fitness & Nutrition Physiotherapy
4 MB651 Software based Statistical Analysis Management
5 NR755 First Aid & Life Support Nursing
6 OC733.01 Introduction to Polymer Science Applied Science
7 MA771.01 Reliability and Risk Analysis Mathematics
8 ME781.01 Occupational Health & Safety Engineering
9 MA772.01 Design of Experiments Mathematics
10 RD701.01 Introduction to Analytical Techniques Applied Science
11 RD702.01 Introduction to Nanoscience And Technology Applied Science
12 PH891 Community Pharmacy Ownership Pharmacy
13 PH892 Intellectual Property Rights Pharmacy
14 PSE55 Astrophysics, Space and Cosmos Applied Science
(200 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Pre-requisite: Basic understanding of HTML and MySQL.
Methodology & Pedagogy: In theory sessions, the emphasis will be given on introduction to open
source technology, the structure and syntax of PHP, database connectivity using SQL and No SQL
databases, working with forms and user data, form and error handling, object oriented programming
with PHP, XML, Parsing an XML Document and responsive we applications. During Practical sessions,
students will implement the concepts, which are taught during theory sessions.
Detailed Syllabus:
Overview of Open Source Software, Installation & Configuration of PHP, Introduction to PHP. PHP
language Basics: Lexical Structure, Data types, Variables, Expressions and Operators, Control and
Looping statements. Functions: Function Definition, Function Parameters, Returning Values. Strings:
Usages and String Functions. Arrays: Types of Arrays and its Usages, Array functions. Objects: Declaring
Class, Properties, Methods, Exception Handling, Examples.
Unit – II: Web Techniques and Form Handling using PHP Hours: 06
HTTP & HTTP2 Basics, Super Global Variables, Processing Forms, Setting Response Headers, State
Management Techniques in PHP, Form validation using Regular Expressions.
Using PHP to access Databases, Relational Databases and SQL, PHP Data Objects (PDO), MySQLi Object
Introduction to No SQL Databases, Using PHP to access No SQL Databases, MongoDB Database and its
configuration, MongoDB Basics, Accessing MongoDB database using PHP and CRUD Operations.
XML: Introduction to XML, Generating XML, Parsing XML, Parsing XML with DOM, parsing with
SimpleXML, Transforming XML with XSLT. Web Services: REST Clients, XML – RPC.
Unit VI: Responsive Web Application Development using AJAX and PHP Hours: 04
Introduction to AJAX, PHP and AJAX Example, AJAX Suggest and Autocomplete, AJAX Data Grid,
Introduction to PHP Web Sockets.
Core Books:
1. Kevin Tatroe, Peter MacIntyre, Rasmus Lerdorf: Programming PHP - Creating Dynamic Web Pages,
3rd Edition, Kindle Edition, O’REILLY Publication.
2. David Sklar and Adam Trachtenberg: PHP CookBook - Solutions and Examples for PHP Programmers,
3rd Edition, O’REILLY Publication.
3. Christian Darie, Brinzarea Bogdan, Filip Chereches-Tosa, Mihai Bucicia: AJAX and PHP: Building
Responsive Web Applications, Kindle Edition, Packt Publishibng.
Reference Books:
1. Matt Doyle: Beginning PHP 5.3, Wrox Publication, 2010.
2. Steve Francia: MongoDB and PHP, O’Reilly Media Publication.
Web References:
[PHP basics and Examples]
2. [For Basics of PHP]
3. [For State Management techniques]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
C02 : Be able to handle HTML Form and process user input using PHP.
C03 : Be able to develop interactive and dynamic web based application using PHP and MySQL,
CO4 : Understand the concept of Interoperability and XML parsing
CO1 3 - - - 2 - - - - - 2 - 3 3
CO2 - 3 2 2 2 - - - - - - - 3 3
CO3 2 - - - 3 2 2 2 2 2 - 2 3 3
CO4 2 - - - 2 - - - - - - - 2 2
CO5 - - - 2 - - 2 3 2 1 3 3 2 2
(200 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Methodology & Pedagogy: The theory sessions will cover the software testing concepts and
practices that support the production of quality software. The practical sessions will cover the
application of testing techniques at various levels of testing using manual and automated
testing tools.
Detailed Syllabus:
Unit – I: Introduction to Software Testing Hours: 05
Importance of testing, Testing roles and responsibilities, software testing principles, concept
of quality. Levels of testing, Software testing methodologies: White Box Testing, Black Box
Testing, Grey Box Testing.
Design test case: Stateless and State oriented test cases.
Introduction to Test case design techniques, Static Techniques: Informal Reviews,
Walkthroughs, Technical Reviews, Inspection. Introduction to Dynamic Techniques.
Unit – II: Test Case Design Structural Techniques Hours: 05
Overview of White Box, Control flow testing: Statement Coverage Testing, Branch Coverage
Testing, Path Coverage Testing, Conditional Coverage Testing
Data flow testing: Data Flow Anomaly, Overview of Dynamic Data Flow Testing, Data Flow
Graph, Data Flow Terms, Data Flow Testing Criteria.
Core Books:
1. Sagar Naik, Piyu Tripathy: Software Testing and Quality Assurance, Theory and Practice,
Wiley, 2008.
2. Paul C. Jorgensen : Software Testing: A Craftsman’s Approach, 4th Edition by , CRC press,
Taylor and Francsis Group,2014
3. Roger S Pressman: Software Engineering – A Practitioner’s Approach, 7th Edition, McGRAW
HILL International Edition, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Mauro Pezze, Michael Young : Software testing and Analysis- Process, Principles and
Techniques, Wiley India, 2012.
2. Boris Beizer: Software Testing Techniques: 2nd Edition, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990.
3. Daniel Galin: Software Quality Assurance, Pearson Education, ,2004.
4. Ron Patton: Software Testing, Pearson Education, 2001.
Web References:
[Introduction to Software Quality Assurance]
2. [basic of Software Testing ]
3. [Functional Testing]
4. [ Software Testing Life
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
C01 : Understand the role of testing in software development.
C02 : Apply the test case design techniques.
C03 : Acquire the various levels of testing.
C04 : Working knowledge of Software Testing Life Cycle.
C05 : Understand the importance and differences between Quality Assurance and Quality
Control .
Course Outcomes Mapping:
1 Introduction to
Software Testing
2 Test Case Design
3 Test Case Design
4 Levels of Testing
5 Software Testing
Life Cycle
6 Quality Assurance
and Quality
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2 3 2 2 3 2 3 2 2 3 2 2 3 2
CO2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 2
CO3 3 2 2 3 2 1 3 2 3 1 1 2 2 2
CO4 2 1 3 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 2
CO5 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 2 2
Contact Hours: 02
Methodology & Pedagogy: During Practical sessions students will be required to design and develop
responsive web sites using HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS and NodeJS.
Core Books:
1. Jeffry Houser : “Learn With: Angular 5, Bootstrap, and NodeJS”, Kindle Edition,
2. Shyam Seshadri Brad Green:“AngularJS – Up and Running, Brad Green”, Second Edition,
Reference Books:
1. Agus Kurniawan: “AngularJS Programming by Example 2017 Edition”, Kindle Edition.
2. Adam Freeman: “ Pro AngularJS 2017 Edition”, Apress.
3. Krasimir Tsonev: “Node.js By Example”, Packt Publishing
Web References:
1. [Tutorial link for AngularJS]
2. [Tutorial link for AngularJS]
3. [E-book for AngularJS]
4. [Tutorial link for NodeJS]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
C01 : Be able to design responsive web page for different devices. (desktops, tablets, and phones)
C02 : Be familiar with JavaScript Framework (AngularJS and NodeJS) and its applications.
C03 : Be able to create a single page application using AngularJS.
C04 : Create web application using the MVVM pattern with JavaScript Framework. Also, able to
maintain the two way data binding between model and view.
C05 : Be able to create responsive web page with database using AngularJS and NodeJS.
1 Introduction to JavaScript
2-3 Basics of AngularJS .
7-8 Working with AngularJS HTML
CO1 2 - - 2 3 3 3 2 2 3 - - 3 2
CO2 2 1 2 - 3 - 3 2 3 1 2 - 3 2
CO3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 2 3 3 3 2 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 3 3 3 3
(200 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Instructional Methods & Pedagogy: During theory lectures illustrations emphasizing the need for basic
features of Mobile Computing and Android‐ the Mobile Application Development platform will be
given. During Practical sessions, students will be required to develop Mobile Application using JAVA
programming language in Android. Student shall also develop applications with elegant user interface
that deal with data storage, documents sharing among applications and application based on Web
Service and Google maps.
Total: 72
Detailed Syllabus:
o Intents: Explicit Intents, Implicit Intents, Switching between activities and passing data
between activities using Intents.
• Logging
HTML & CSS & JavaScript: Introduction to HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, HTML5 tags overview,
HTML5 for mobile development & it’s advantages, JavaScript Overview, JQuery
PhoneGap Events: Basics of events, learn how to work with PhoneGap events
Core Books:
1. Wei-Meng Lee: Beginning Android 4 Application Development, Wiley India Pvt Ltd.
2. Reto Meier: Professional Android 2 Application Development, Wrox publication
3. Mark L. Murphy: The Busy Coder’s Guide to Android Development
Reference Books:
1. Dawn Griffiths, David Griffiths: Head First Android Development, O’REILLY publication
2. Mark L. Murphy: Beginning Android 2, APRESS publication
3. Mark L. Murphy : The Busy Coder's Guide to Advanced Android Development, Commons
Ware, LLC
Web References:
1. [Android Tutorials]
2. [Android Tutorials]
3. [Android Practical Tutorials]
4. [Android Practical Tutorials]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
C01 : Be familiar with Android OS
C02 : Be familiar with Android Development Tools
C03 : Be able to create proper look and feel of mobile application
C04 : Be able to create interactive mobile application that handle data
C05 : Be able to create mobile application that works web service and Google Map.
CO1 - -
3 2 2 1 3 - 2 1 - - 2 -
CO2 1 1
2 - 3 - 2 1 - - 2 2 3 2
CO3 3 2
- 3 - 2 - 1 3 2 - - - 3
CO4 3 2
2 1 2 2 2 1 2 - 2 - 2 2
CO5 2 3
- 2 2 3 1 - 2 2 2 2 - -
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
(100 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory lectures illustrations emphasizing the need for basic features
of Mobile Computing and iOS ‐ the Mobile Application Development platform will be given. During
Practical sessions, students will be required to develop iOS based Mobile Application using SWIFT
programming language. Student shall also develop applications dealing with data storage, XML parsing
and JSON parsing.
Theory Practical
1 Introduction to MAC OS and Hybrid Mobile 04
Application Platform
2 Introduction to Development Environment 07
3 Introduction to Swift Programming Language 07
4 Working with iOS App development paradigms 09
5 Database Management in iOS 05
6 Publishing App and Networking in iOS 04
Total Hours (Theory): 36
Total Hours (Lab): 36
Total: 72
Detailed Syllabus:
Introduction to XCODE, iOS App architecture, iOS developer center, App life cycle, interface builder, iOS
simulator, creating the first project.
Core Books:
1. Paris Buttfield-Addison, Tim Nugent : “Learning Swift: Building Apps for macOS, iOS, and Beyond, 3rd
Edition”, Jonathon Manning, May 2018.
2. Abhishek Mishra : “Swift iOS Programming”, Wiley India Publications, 2016.
3. Matt Neuburg : ”iOS 11 Programming Fundamentals with Swift, 4th Edition”, O’Reilly, October, 2017.
Reference Books:
1. Boisy G. Pitre : “Swift for Beginners: Develop and Design”, Paperback, December, 2014.
2. Wei-Meng Lee : ”Beginning Swift Programming”, Paperback, February, 2015.
Web References:
1. [Introduction to MAC OS].
2. [Introduction to Xcode].
3. [Swift Programming Language] 4. [Example of
Core Data].
5. [Example of SQLite].
[Mobile Application Development Ecosystems].
7. [Apple Guidelines for App Publishing].
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Be familiar with basics of an iPhone App and Hybrid Mobile App.
CO1 - -
3 2 2 1 3 - 2 1 - - 2 -
CO2 1 1
2 - 3 - 2 1 - - 2 2 3 2
CO3 3 2
- 3 - 2 - 1 3 2 - - - 3
CO4 3 2
2 1 2 2 2 1 2 - 2 - 2 2
CO5 2 3
- 2 2 3 1 - 2 2 2 2 - -
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Contact Hours: 06
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of C#,ASP.NET MVC, HTML, CSS, and have some understanding of
JavaScript. Database connectivity knowledge.
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory lectures illustrations emphasizing the need for advanced
features of WEB API with ASP.NET will be given. During Practical sessions, students will be required
to develop Web API using concepts discussed during class.
Detailed Syllabus:
Data Formatter, Media Type Formatter, Web API Filter, Filter of Exception,
HttpResponseException, Exception Filters, Registering Exception Filters, HttpError
Unit - V: Hosting of Web API and Securing Web API Hours:05
IIS Hosting, Self-Hosting, hosting on the Open Web Interface for .NET, Hosting for Azure Mobile
Services, Encrpty-Decrypt Text, Authentication: Filter, Basic, Forms and Integrate Window
Core Books:
1. Fillip Wojcieszyn: “ASP .NET WEB API 2 Recipes”, Apress, April 2011.
2. Uurlu, Ali, Zeitler, Alexander, Kheyrollahi, Ali: “Pro ASP.NET Web API HTTP Web Services in
ASP.NET”, Apress, 2013.
Reference Books:
1. Akhil Mittal: “Diving into ASP.NET Web API”, 2016.
2. Ricardo Peres:” Entity Framework Core Cookbook”, 2nd Edition, Kindle Edition
3. Shankar Kambhampaty, “Service-Oriented Architecture: For Enterprise Applications”, WILEY India
Web References:
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
CO1 - - 1
3 - - - - - 2 - - 3 -
CO2 - 3 3 2 - - - - 2 - - - 1 2
CO3 - - 3 3 - 2 - - - - - - 3 2
CO4 2 3 - - - - - - - - 1 - 3 2
CO5 - - - - 3 1 - - 1 2 - - 2 3
CO6 - 2 3 - 3 - - - - - 3 1 3 2
CO7 1 - 3 - 3 - - - - 1 2 - 2 1
(200 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory sessions the students shall be introduced to various
frameworks. Details of Spring and Hibernate frameworks will be discussed and their integration to
develop real world applications will be demonstrated. During practical sessions students will be trained
to develop various standalone and web applications using the studied frameworks.
Learning Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the syllabus students shall be able to acquire in
depth knowledge of frameworks and develop applications using the same. Students shall be having
understanding of major concepts like DI, AOP, Web MVC, Spring - Hibernate Integration and HQL and
will be able to identify its usage and apply them as per the need while developing applications.
Spring Containers, Spring Configuration File, Spring Beans, Using the Container, The BeanFactory
Interface, Singleton vs. Prototype, Bean Naming, Dependency Injection, Setter Injection, Constructor
Core Books:
1. Craig Walls, Ryan Breidnbach: Spring in Action, 3rd Edition.
2. Rod Johnson, Juergen Hoeller, Alef Arendsen, Thomas Risberg, Colin Sampaleanu: Professional Java
Development with the Spring Framework.
Reference Books:
1. Rod Johnson: J2EE Applications Without EJB, Wiley Publication.
2. API Documentation (
Web References:
reference/html/overview.html[Spring framework docs]
web.pdf[Aspect Oriented Programming]
3.[Spring Web MVC]
4. [Introduction to Spring Boot].
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Be familiar with basics of Frameworks and advantages of frameworks.
C02 : Be able to work with Dependency Injection and IOC .
C03 : Be able to use Application Context to achieve DI.
C04 : Be familiar with AOP fundamental.
C05 : Be able to integrate Spring application with database using JdbcTemplate and Hibernate.
C06 : Be able to develop Spring Web MVC applications and Simple Spring Boot application.
1 Introduction to Spring
2 Beans and Containers
3 The Application Context, Data
Validation and Conversion
4 Aspect-Oriented Programming
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 - - - 3 2
- 3 3 - - - 2 - -
CO2 - - - 2 2
3 3 - - 2 - 1 - -
CO3 - - 1 3 1
- 2 3 3 3 - 2 2 -
CO4 1 - 3 2 1
2 3 3 2 - 2 - 2 -
CO5 - 1 - 2 2
2 - - - 3 - - - 1
CO6 - - - 3 2
- 3 3 - - - 2 - -
(Marks 200)
Contact Hours: 06
Pre-requisite: Programming principals and Logic Development, Fundamentals Concepts of Programming
Language, Object Oriented Programming Using C++
Methodology & Pedagogy: Theory sessions are required to address computational power of python
through its ability to deploy programs using functional, object oriented and web based aspect. Practical
sessions demonstrate the implementation of the concepts which are taught during the theory sessions.
Case study will help the students to come out with one working module in any of the paradigm through
Unit – III: Python Objects, Mapping, Set & Iterative Programming: Hours: 05
Python objects and its variations: List, Tuple & Set
Different looping constructs available in Python: While, for, continue, break and pass statement Special
Python object like Dictionary, nesting of one object into another/same object, and other built in
functions for list, tuple, set and dictionary.
What are functions, calling functions, creating functions, passing functions, formal arguments, variable
length arguments, default arguments, returning values from the functions, returning multiple values
from the functions, functional programming, variable scope and recursion.
Basics of class, object and instance. Class level attribute and instance level attribute. Constructor and
other magic methods. Bound and unbound methods. Built in functions for python class and objects.
Class mappings, inheritance, Introduction to client server programming. Introduction to Python GUI
programming using Tkinter
Core Books:
1. Wesley J. Chun : Core Python Programming, 2nd edition, Pentice Hall,2006.
2. Megnus Lie Hetland : Beginning Python from novice to professional, 2nd edition, Apress,2009.
Reference Books:
1. Mark Lutz : Programming Python, 4th Edition,O’reilly, 2011 .
2. Dusty Philips: Python 3 Object oriented Programming , PACKT publishing, 2010.
3. Steve Holden: Python Web Programming, 1st edition,2002.
Web References:
verview‐section.html [Overview of Programming Paradigms]
2. [ For tutorials of Python]
3. [ Python Documentation]
4.[For beginners of Python]
eintroduction‐to‐programming‐using‐python‐january‐iap‐2008/ [ Python Materials]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Install and run the Python interpreter, Create and execute Python Program
C02 :
Adequately use standard programming constructs: repetition, selection, functions,
composition, modules, aggregated data (arrays, lists, etc.)
C04 : Able to use library software for building a graphical user interface or web application
Paradigm Script
2 Getting Started with Python
4 Python functional Programming
6 Advanced Programming using Python
CO1 - 1 - 1 -
3 - 1 - - - 3 - 2
CO2 2 2 2 3 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 3
CO3 1 2 2 3 2
3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 3
CO4 2 3 3 3 3
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
CO5 2 2 2 3 2
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Detailed Syllabus:
1. Academic Writing and Research Process 5 Hours
Introduction to Academic Writing, Academic Writing as a Part
of Research, Types of Academic Writing, Features of Academic
Writing, Importance of Good Academic Writing in various
Academic Works
2. Anatomy of Academic Writing 5 Hours
Academic Vocabulary, Simple and Complex Sentences,
Organizing Paragraphs, The Writing Process, Adopting
Academic Writing Style
3. Key Academic Skills 5 Hours
Note – taking, Note – making, Paraphrasing, Summarizing
Reference book:
1. Writing Your Thesis (2nd Edition) by Paul Oliver, Sage
2. Development Communication In Practice by Vilanilam V J, Sage
3. Intercultural Communication by Mingsheng Li, Patel Fay, Sage
Web material:
1. CA928 Artificial Intelligence
2. CA929 Digital Image Processing
3. CA930 Compiler Construction
4. CA931 Analysis and Design of Algorithms
(200 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Pre-requisite: CA850: Web Application Development using Open Source Technology
Methodology & Pedagogy: In theory sessions, the emphasis will be given on introduction, installation and
configuration of laravel framework, routing and artisan in laravel, working with blade template and SQL
interaction for database transaction, object relational mapper of eloquent ORM and form validations.
During practical sessions, students shall implement the concepts taught in theory sessions.
Total: 72
Detailed Syllabus:
Introduction: File Structure, Basic HTML Template, Global Styles, Default Grid System, Basic Grid HTML,
Offsetting Columns, Nesting Columns, Fluid Grid System, Container Layouts, Responsive Design,
Introduction to Responsive Design.
Implementation: Typography, Code, Tables, Forms, Buttons, Images, Icons, Glyphicons, ropdown Menus,
Button Groups, Button with Dropdowns, Navigations, Navbar, Breadcrumb, Pagination, label, badges,
Typographic elements, thumbnails, alerts, progress bar, wells.
Unit – II: Introduction to Laravel with Installation & Configuration Hours: 06
What is Laravel, features, MVC architecture, structure of laravel application (laravel directory structure),
Basic requirements for Laravel, Using Laravel Installer, Using Composer, Linux & Windows, Finding and
installing new packages
Basic Routing, Route Parameters, Route Filters, Named Routes, Route Groups, Sub-Domain Routing,
Route Prefixing, Route, Model Binding, Throwing 404 Errors, Routing to Controllers
Artisan Command Line Tool, database creation, artisan migration, migration structure, creation
migration, Database seeding
Template inheritance, Master layout, Extending the master layout, display variables, Blade conditional
statements, Blade Loops, Executing PHP functions in blade
Eloquent ORM Models: Naming conventions, table name & primary keys, timestamps
Basic Operations: Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete Using Models, displaying data from models in views.
Defining The Routes, Creating The Controller, Writing The Validation Logic, Displaying The validation
Errors, Array validations, creating new validators, Error messages & custom errors
Available Validators: Accepted, After (Date), Alpha, Alpha Dash, Alpha Numeric, Array, Before (Date),
Between, Boolean, Date, Date Format, Different, Digits, Digits Between, E-Mail, Exists
(Database), Image (File), In, Integer, Max, Min, Not In, Numeric, Regular Expression, Required, String
Custom validation rules.
Core Books:
Reference Books:
2. Matt Stauffer, Laravel: Up and Running: A Framework for Building Modern PHP Apps, paperback,
Web References:
(200 Marks)
Contact Hours: 06
Pre-requisite: CA845: Advanced Database Technologies
Methodology & Pedagogy: : During theory lectures the emphasis will be given on the basics of data
analytics and related tools and techniques. Students will be introduced to the concepts of data science,
exploratory data analysis, supervised and unsupervised learning methods. Applications as well as research
trends and future direction of data analytics will be discussed with the length. During the practical
sessions, students will be introduced to tools of data analytics such as R and Weka. Students will be given
appropriate case studies of data analytics to get the real time exposure of data analytics.
Total: 72
Detailed Syllabus:
What is Data Science? ,Big Data and Data Science hype ,Why now? , Datafication , Current landscape of
perspectives , Skill sets needed
Unit – II Exploratory Data Analysis and the Data Science Process Hours: 06
Philosophy of EDA - The Data Science Process ,Statistical Inference , Populations and samples , Statistical
modeling, probability distributions, fitting a model
Supervised methods: Linear Regression ,Classification Trees, Random Forest, Neural Networks: Different
Models like single and multi-layer perceptron, back propagation, Application
Clustering, Association Rule Mining, Dimensionality Reduction - Singular Value Decomposition - Principal
Component Analysis
Data Visualization - Basic principles, ideas and tools for data visualization,Data Science and Ethical Issues
- Discussions on privacy, security, ethics , Next-generation data scientists, Basics of Big Data analytics
Core Books:
1. Cathy O’Neil and Rachel Schutt: Doing Data Science, Straight Talk From The Frontline, O’Reilly.
2. Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, and Jeffrey David Ullman,Mining of Massive Datasets
Cambridge University Press,2nd Edition, New York, NY, USA,2014.
3. Howard B. Demuth, Mark H. Beale, Orlando De Jess, and Martin T. Hagan, Neural Network Design ,
paperback USA, 2nd Edition,2014.
Reference Books:
1. Walpole, R. E., Myers, R. H., Myers, S. L., & Ye, K. , Probability & statistics for engineers &
scientists ,9th edition, Prentice Hall,2012.
2. Haykin, S. S., Haykin, S. S., Haykin, S. S., & Haykin, S. S., Neural networks and learning machines
Pearson, Vlolume 3,2009.
3. Mohammed J. Zaki and Wagner Miera Jr, Data Mining and Analysis: Fundamental Concepts and
Algorithms.,Cambridge University Press. 2014.
Web References:
1. [ Online Data Analytics Course ]
2. [ Exploratory Data Analysis
nce%20presented%20by%20O_Reilly/doingdatascience.pdf [ Data Science E-Book]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Describe what Data Science and Data Analytics are and the skill sets needed to be a data
C02 : Understand significance of exploratory data analysis in statistical and visualization aspects.
C03 : Understand and apply data analytics techniques such as supervised,unsupervised and EDA.
C04 : Understand the importance of analytics in applications and able to implement them using data
science techniques.
C05 : Able to understand the recent trends and future directions of data analytics.
3 2 2 1 1 - - 3 1
2 2 1 1 1 - - 2 1
1 3 3 2 1 3 - - 1 1
2 1 2 2 2 1 2 - - 1 2
1 1 2 3 1 2 - - 2 1
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Contact Hours: 03
Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of Searching algorithms.
Methodology & Pedagogy: The theory sessions will be focused on basics of Artificial Intelligence, problem
solving paradigms, and search strategies. Areas of application such as Expert Systems, Software Agents,
knowledge representation, natural language processing, expert systems will be explored.
Core Books:
1. E. Rich and Knight, “Artificial Intelligence”, 2 nd Edition, TMH.
2. S. J. Russel and P. Norvig, “Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approaches”, Prentice Hall, 2010.
Reference Books:
1. Timothy J. Ross, “Fuzzy Logic with Engineering Applications”, Willey Publlication.
2. D.W.Patterson, “Introduction to AI and Expert Systems”, PHI.
3. Elias M. Awad & Hassan Ghaziri, “Knowledge Management”, Pearson Publication.
4. D. W. Rolston, “Principles of AI and Expert Systems Development”, Mc Graw Hill.
5. P. H. Winston, “Artificial Intelligence”, Addison Wesley.
Web References:
1. [Basics of AI]
2. [Expert Systems]
3. [Neural Network]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C01 : Able to understand the concept of Artificial Intelligence.
C02 : Able to understand Knowledge Based Systems.
C03 : Able to learn various Knowledge Representation techniques.
C04 : Able to understand fundamentals of Fuzzy Logic.
C05 : Get familiarize with the concept of Expert System as Application of AI.
C06 : Able to understand advanced concepts in AI.
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 - 3 3 2 1 - - - - - - 3 3 2
CO2 3 2 2 3 2 2 - 3 3 2 2 3 3 -
CO3 3 3 3 2 2 - - - - - - - 2 2
CO4 3 3 - 3 - - 2 - - - - 2 2 -
CO5 - 2 - - 3 3 - 2 - 3 - - 3 -
CO6 - 2 2 2 3 - 3 - - 2 - 3 2 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Contact Hours: 03
Pre-requisite: Knowledge of basic programming.
Methodology & Pedagogy: The fundamental concepts of digital image processing concepts should be
covered in the beginning lectures. Various image enhancement techniques should be explained in details.
The methods of image segmentation, representation and compressions should be taught in-depth.
Core Books:
1. Rafael C. Gonzalez, Richard E. Woods: Digital Image Processing, Fourth edition, Pearson
education, 2017
2. Anil K. Jain: Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, First Edition, Pearson Education,2015
Reference Books:
1. Burger, Wilhelm, Burge, Mark J: Principles of Digital Image Processing, Springer, 2009.
2. Milan Sonka, Vaclav Hlavac, Roger Boyle: Image Processing, Analysis, and Machine Vision, CL
Web References:
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
C01 : Understand the concept of Explain various types of images and analyze various techniques for
intensity transformation and spatial filtering with applications.
C02 : Construct, Differentiate and analyze filtering in frequency domain and spatial domain.
C03 : Understand and able to Examine most frequently used compression techniques and exemplify
different Morphological operations in bio-medical images with application.
2 Image enhancement
4 Image Segmentation
6 Image Compressions
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 2
3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 3
CO2 2
3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 3
CO3 2
3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 3
CO4 2
3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 3
CO5 2
3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 3
CO6 2
3 3 3 2 1 1 1 1 - 1 1 3 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Methodology & Pedagogy: The theory sessions will cover the concept and importance of compiler,
language processors, lexical analyzer, translation, various code optimization techniques to understand the
working of any compiler in detail.
Total: 36
Detailed Syllabus:
Introduction to Compilers: Introduction, Language Processors, The Structure of a Compiler‐ Analysis and
Synthesis Phases, Lexical Analysis – The Role of Lexical Analyzer, Input Buffering, Specification of Tokens
using Regular Expressions, Recognition of Tokens using Finite Automaton, The Lexical‐Analyzer Generator‐
Introduction, Context‐Free Grammars, Top‐Down Parsing: Recursive Descent Parsing, Predictive Parsing,
LL(1) Grammars, Bottom‐Up Parsing: Shift‐Reduce Parsing, Operator Precedence Parsing, Introduction to
LR Parsing‐ SLR,More Powerful LR Parsers‐ CLR and LALR, Using Ambiguous Grammars, The
Parser Generator‐ YACC.
Introduction, Syntax Directed Definitions, Evaluation Orders for SDD’s, Applications of Syntax Directed
Translation. Intermediate Code Generation: Variants of Syntax Trees, Three‐Address Code, Types and
Declarations, Translation of Expressions, Type Checking
Storage Organization, Stack Allocation of Space, Access to Non‐local Data on the Stack, Heap
Management, Introduction to Garbage Collection
Introduction, Basic Blocks and Flow Graphs, Optimization of Basic Blocks, Machine Independent
Optimizations – The Principal Sources of Optimizations, DAG Representation of Basic Blocks
Introduction, Issues in the Design of a Code Generator, The Target Machine, A Simple Code Generator,
Peephole Optimization, Register Allocation and Assignment, DAG for Register Allocation.
Core Books:
1. Alfred V Aho, Monica S Lam, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D Ullman – Compilers:Principles, Techniques &Tools –
Pearson Education, Fourth Edition, 2014
2. Leland L Bech, System Software: An Introduction to Systems Programming, Pearson Education Asia,
3. Kenneth C. Louden, Compiler Construction: Principles and Practice,Thompson Learning, 2003.
4. J.P. Bennet, Introduction to Compiler Techniques, Second Edition, Tata McGraw‐Hill, 2003.
5. Keith D Cooper and Linda Torczon, “Engineering a Compiler”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers Elsevier
Science, 2004.
Reference Books:
1. Mauro Pezze, Michael Young : Software testing and Analysis- Process, Principles and
Techniques, Wiley India, 2012.
2. Dhamdhere D.M : Compiler Construction: Theory and Practice, McMillan India Ltd., 1983
3. Holub Allen : Compiler Design in C , Prentice Hall of India, 1990.
Web References:
1. [Introduction to
Compiler Construction]
2. [Parsing ]
3. [Code design and optimization]
4. [Compiler Construction]
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will:
1 Introduction to Compiler
2 Lexical Analyzer
4 Run‐Time Environments
5 Code Optimization
6 Code Generation
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3
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CO3 3
3 3 3 3 2 - 2 2 - - - 2 2
CO4 3
3 3 3 3 2 - 2 2 - - - 2 2
CO5 3
3 3 3 3 2 - 2 2 - - - 2 2
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
(100 Marks)
Contact Hours: 03
Pre-requisite: Basic knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms
Methodology & Pedagogy: During theory lectures the emphasis will be given on the basics of Data
Structures and Algorithm Analysis. Students will be introduced with commonly used algorithms and
methods like greedy method and dynamic programming. Backtracking and Branch and Bound methods
are included.
Total: 36
Detailed Syllabus:
What is an algorithm?, Algorithm Specification, Basics of Data Structure: Stacks, Queues, Linked Lists,
Trees, Graphs, Heaps and Sets along with important operations on it, Concepts in Algorithm Analysis,
Asymptotic Complexity
The General Method, Binary Search, Finding Maximum And Minimum, Merge Sort, Quick Sort, Strassen's
Matrix Multiplication
The General Method, The Knapsack Problem, Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree (Kruskal’s Algorithm, Prim’s
Algorithm), Optimal Storage On Tape, Knap Sack, Job Sequencing With Deadlines Spanning Trees, Shortest
The General Method, Multistage Graphs, Optimal Binary Search Trees, 0/1 Knapstack, Travelling Salesman
Introduction, The Eight queens problem , Graph Coloring, Knapsack Problem, Hamiltonian Cycle
Core Books:
1. Horowitz Ellis & Sahni Sartaj : Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms, Galgotia Pub. Pvt. Ltd., New
2. Goodman, S. E. & Hedetnieni, : Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Algorithms, McGrawHill
Book Comp.
Reference Books:
1. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein: Introduction to
Algorithms, PHI.
2. Gills Brassard, Paul Bratley: Fundamental of Algorithms, PHI.
3. Anany Levitin: Introduction to Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson
4. Dave and Dave: Design and Analysis of Algorithms, Pearson.
Web References:
Course Outcomes: Upon successful completion of the course, the students will :
C02 : Derive and solve recurrences describing the performance of divide-and-conquer algorithms
C04 : Synthesize dynamic-programming algorithms, and analyze them and find out optimal solution
by applying various methods
C05 : Understand the generic method for computing an optimal solution of a single-
objective optimization problem
Dynamic Programming
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSO1 PSO2
CO1 3
3 3 3 3 2 - 3 2 - - - 3 3
CO2 3
3 3 3 3 2 - 3 2 - - - 3 3
CO3 3
3 3 3 3 2 - 3 2 - - - 3 3
CO4 3
3 3 3 3 2 - 3 2 - - - 3 3
CO5 3
3 3 3 3 2 - 3 2 - - - 3 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
Contact Hours: 15
Guidelines: Minor Project is in house project development. Every student is required to carry
out Mini Project work under the supervision of a guide provided by the MCA Programme
placement Coordinator. The guide shall monitor progress of the student continuously. A
candidate is required to present the progress of the Mini Project work during the semester as per
the schedule provided by the MCA Programme placement Coordinator.
Mini Project proposal should be prepared in consultation with project guide. It should clearly state
the objectives and environment of proposed Mini Project to be undertaken. Project documentation
must be with the respect to the project only. Project report should strictly follow the points
suggested in format of project report. MCA programme placement coordinator will provide the
format of project report. Student has to submit one copy of Mini Project to the institute. Each
Student is required to make a copy of Mini Project in CD and submit along with Project report.
Course Outcomes :
CO1 : Student will understand the implementation of concepts of SDLC and Software
CO2 :The programming concepts they learn during their academics, it will be converted in to
the actual implementations.
CO3: Students will be exposed to understand the requirement of proposed software and
implement these requirements in terms of programming logic and methods.
CO4: Students must understand the difference between a program and professional
CO5: Students will learn different categories of applications like Desktop application, Web
applications, etc.
Evaluation: The project report shall normally be written in English in the specified format and
shall be characterized by significant contribution to knowledge in the field. The Project report
prepared according to approved guidelines and duly signed by the guide and the Head of the
Department shall be submitted to the Head of the Institution. The evaluation scheme of Project is
as under:
The internal evaluation of project is done based on progress reports and internal presentations. The
final evaluation of the project will be based on the project report submitted and a Viva Voce
Examination by a Board of Examiners.
If a candidate fails to submit the project report on or before the specified deadline, he/she is deemed
to have failed in the Project Work and shall re-enroll for the same in a subsequent semester. If a
candidate fails in the viva-voce examinations of Project work he/she shall resubmit the project
report within specified duration decided by university. The resubmitted project will be evaluated
during the subsequent academic session. A copy of the approved project report after the successful
completion of viva examinations shall be kept in the library of the college / institution.
Web References:
1.[For effective SRS]
html [ For best practices of Software Project Development]
df[ Requirement analysis guidelines]
4. [Software Design Principles
and Guidelines]
Software Testing]
emplate.pdf [ For guidelines to prepare software project report]
CO1 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO2 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO3 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO4 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO5 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”
(800 Marks)
Contact Hours: 30
1. Project/dissertation work:
Students of MCA have to do the Project work in an Industrial/ Research Organization of computer
field. Project work shall be carried out under the supervision of a qualified teacher in the
Department as well as an expert from organization. Students have to meet the institute
supervisor periodically and to attend the project/dissertation review meetings for evaluating the
progress. The Project work shall be pursued for a minimum of 16 weeks during the semester.
Final semester project work is important and challenging element of MCA study. Selection of
topic of project work is very crucial and important aspect of that. Following are important
principles that will help students to select the appropriate topic of project work.
Manageable: your project topic must be sufficiently focused so that it is possible for you
to do the topic justice within the available time (one semester). You may have a real
interest in, say, 'the impact of technology computers on Indian Economic Growth since
Independence, but you certainly won't be able to cover this topic in any detail in the space
of one semester
Original: this relates to the above point, since a topic that is focused and manageable is
more likely to be one that has not been written about too extensively, thus leaving room
for your original contribution. Ideally you will find an interesting and well-chosen topic
which will impress those marking your work.
Relevant: your project should clearly be relevant to some aspect of your studies, but it
might also be relevant to your plans for, say, postgraduate study or a career. The
dissertation may also be relevant in the sense that it plays to some of your established
strengths, such as a particular course module or topic that you have enjoyed studying and
in which you have previously done well.
Interesting: you are obviously more likely to enjoy and be successful in your dissertation
if it is of real interest to you and to those marking your work. Ask yourself if you are
sufficiently committed to your idea to be able to give it your best throughout the duration
of your project. You should also ascertain whether your supervisor finds the idea
interesting during your initial discussions with her or him.
The project report shall normally be written in English in the specified format and shall be
characterized by significant contribution to knowledge in the field. Normally two copies of the
report are to be submitted for evaluation. The Project report prepared according to approved
guidelines and duly signed by the supervisor(s) and the Head of the Department shall be
submitted to the Head of the Institution. The evaluation scheme of Project/Dissertation is as
The internal evaluation of project is done based on progress reports and internal presentations.
The final evaluation of the project will be based on the project report submitted and a Viva-Voce
Examination by a Board of Examiners.
If a candidate fails to submit the project report on or before the specified deadline, he/she is
deemed to have failed in the Project Work and shall re-enroll for the same in a subsequent
semester. If a candidate fails in the viva-voce examinations of Project he/she shall resubmit the
project report within specified duration decided by university. The resubmitted project will be
evaluated during the subsequent academic session. A copy of the approved project report after
the successful completion of viva examinations shall be kept in the library of the college /
Course Outcomes :
CO1 : Student will understand the implementation of concepts of SDLC and Software
CO2 :The programming concepts they learn during their academics, it will be converted in to
the actual implementations.
CO3: Students will be exposed to understand the requirement of proposed software and
implement these requirements in terms of programming logic and methods.
CO4: Students must understand the difference between a program and professional
CO5: Students will learn different categories of applications like Desktop application, Web
applications, etc.
Web References:
1.[For Software Requirement Specification
2. [ For goals of SRS]
Software Development Guidelines]
CO1 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO2 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO3 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO4 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
CO5 3 2
3 3 3 2 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) No correlation “-”