Assignment W15a2 Final Project Report V 2
Assignment W15a2 Final Project Report V 2
Assignment W15a2 Final Project Report V 2
Appendix A ................................................................................................... 28
1 The assignments are primarily intended to drive learning through generative strategies
including mapping, summarizing and explaining, but the goal of teaching others is included
both as a motivator and to drive student thinking about the assignments.
3 In 2016, A Johns Hopkins School of Education policy brief highlighted the fact that, on the
National Assessment of Education Progress, the highest performing 25% of fourth graders
consistently perform higher than the lowest performing 25% of eight grade students. This
finding was consistent in 25 of the 25 years from 1990 to 2016.
Learner Audience
The Learner Audience for this learning experience are students in grades 3-7,
primarily in international private schools that follow Common Core, many of
4 National Association for Gifted Children. (2015) 2014-2015. State of the States in Gifted
Policy And Practice Data Summary. (p. 4-10)
5 The majority of my work is in school reform in Africa and the MENA region.
Subject-Matter Focus/Content
The subject-matter focus of my learning experience is sixth-grade literature.
This learning experience is one of several – not yet created - that covers all
learning objectives in a sixth-grade language arts or literature course. The
specific learning objectives covered are listed below. The content used for this
learning experience will be the novel the Hobbit, which is generally ranked
around the middle of sixth grade in terms of difficulty and at 1000L on the
Lexile scale. The book was selected for:
• Textual complexity
• The suitability of its story to character development learning objectives
• The suitability of the story and alternate versions available to suit
Common Core Literacy standard 6.7, which calls on students to
compare the same story in different media
• The lack of adult themes.
The learning activities in this course are all regularly repeated versions of the
same activities with some variations. Students engage with the activities
assigned to each chapter as they move through the book. The assignments are
linked directly to the chapters in Hypothesis and are located in the chapter’s
timespan within Tiki Toki. Students engage with each learning activity 5-15
times throughout their journey through the novel.
Learners will read the book the This series of assignments involves
Hobbit and listen to chapters via several generative learning strategies:
audiobook. After reading 10 of the
Chapters, students will use their Tiki • Learning by mapping as the
Toki timeline and a Google form with repeated use of the same series
a series of short answer and essay of questions generates ever
questions to track the character different answers, students will
development of Bilbo Baggins follow Bilbo’s progress.
throughout the story.
• Learning by summarizing
Students will document changes in:
6The specific learning objectives derived from this Standard are included in Appendix
Learners will engage with the story This pattern takes advantage of
through alternatively reading several Universal Design for Learning
chapters and listening to chapters. strategies:
GUIDELINE 3 - Comprehension
Construct meaning and generate new
understandings. – The video posts
add to the overall robust nature of
the timeline, which students use
as a reference to interpret future
chapters and assignments.
By the end of the year, read and comprehend literature, including stories,
dramas, and poems, in the grades 6-8 text complexity band proficiently, with
scaffolding as needed at the high end of the range.
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as
Name of
Technology & Tiki Toki Hypothesis VSDC Screen
Link (if available) Recorder
Like all good formative evaluation, mine will be used to identify strengths
and weaknesses - of my instructional strategies, technology choices, and
student entry characteristics - to then revise one or more of them to “for
purposes of revising the instruction to improve its effectiveness and appeal”
(Tessmer, 1993, p. 11).
Some of this evaluation and revision will take place during the planning
stages with some revision and improvement also taking place as the first
student cohort is going through the material. After each assessment tool is
used, and whenever instructors identify a problem even if it does not occur
during formal formative evaluation, the design of the element in question
will be revisited and alterations made. Alterations/issues that cannot be
I have broken down my evaluation plan into two stages, the first occurs
during design, the second during implementation.
My expert reviews were both completed. I used a Google Form, linked here,
and I also talked through the entire course and assignments with both experts.
The suggestions made and acted on were:
• To require students to make explicit textual references at several points.
• To simplify the video recording and uploading process, which I did by
eliminating Camtasia and its training from the course and recording a
new Youtube to Tiki Toki training.
• Simplifying the course sylllabus
7 For example if a problem emerged with Hypothesis during the 10 th week of the project.
8 Expert names are not included here, but there will be two expert reviewers employed, one a
former head of the English department at multiple middle and high schools in Maryland, the
other an international expert in competence-based education.
This item was done slightly out of order and with one student and one adult,
due to availability. What was learned during this interview is that the activities
were accessible and understood but that the training materials, which were
primarily written, were difficult to understand – primarily Camtasia, but also
the first version of Hypothesis – and would be better as videos and if they
simply focused directly on the limited affordances students actually needed.
(They were subsequently changed to videos).
These evaluations were conducted as soon as possible after the activities were
designed to allow for maximum revision time. Based on those evaluations, the
content expert and myself then revisited the instructions and supporting
materials and make alterations to solve any identified problems.
2. During implementation
9 These would be altered to remove any references to specific content (for example if that
teacher used a different book as a reference in the assessment) and then given to my learners
at various points in their learning.
The Evaluation Criteria and the Evaluation Aims will be largely identical with
the various processes used to assess whether the Evaluation Aims have been
met. The main means of evaluation will be anecdotal, with feedback given
Likert scales will be used to quantify expert and learner opinions vis a vis the
Evaluation Aims, but the anecdotal testimony will form the bulk of the
feedback. In general, where there were concerns from either experts or
students about accessibility or suitability, changes were made prophylactically.
Student Learning
Describe how a particular story's or drama's plot unfolds in a series of episodes as well as
how the characters respond or change as the plot moves toward a resolution.
Understand: Essential Questions:
That characters change during a story as a How do stories help us learn about
result of their own actions and the actions of ourselves?
Know: Do:
Some characters change over the course of a Students, supported by the text, will be able
story, whereas others do not. to describe a character at the beginning and
end of his/her/its story arc, and identify the
That the goals and desires of characters differences.
often change over time as the characters
themselves change. Students will be able to identify the events in
the story that caused the character changes.
That authors often make minor characters
very limited in complexity Students will be able to identify, and cite
examples of ways the author demonstrates a
character’s awareness of his/her/its own
internal changes.
Objective 1:
• We are going to learn to explain how characters change over the course of a novel.
• We are going to learn to recognize the key things that made a specific character
Can explain the evolution of Can explain the evolution of Not ready yet
a character from the a character from the
beginning of a story to the beginning of a story to the
end. end.
Can explain how key events Can explain how key events
changed the character. changed the character.
Can explain main ways that Can explain how an author Not ready yet
an author shows a shows a character’s
character’s personality and personality.
subtler examples.
Can use specific examples
Can use specific examples from the story to explain a
from the story to explain a character’s personality.
character’s personality.
Compare and contrast the experience of reading a story, drama, or poem to listening to or
viewing an audio, video, or live version of the text, including contrasting what they "see" and
"hear" when reading the text to what they perceive when they listen or watch.
That different media affect how we How does the way we tell a story change the
understand a story and the characters in it. nature of the story?
Know: Do:
That some media are better suited for Explain how the different media in which a
showing/conveying certain types of story is presented affects the presentation.
information, feelings, or concepts than
Objective 2:
• Explain how different ways of telling a story can affect how the story makes us feel.
• Recommend and explain the best way of telling a story for certain purposes based on
previous examples we have seen.
Can read a story and make Can read a story and make a Not ready yet.
and explain a good good suggestion with reasons
suggestion for whether to use for whether to use writing,
writing, audio, or video to tell audio, or video to tell the
the story. story.
Can explain the differences Can explain the differences Not ready yet.
in a story told in two media in a story told in two media
of writing, audio, and video. of writing, audio, and video.
Can explain how the media Can explain how the media
affected the storytelling. affected the storytelling.
Cite textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences
drawn from the text.
Understand: Essential Questions:
That authors use a diverse range of tools to What do stories tell us by giving us the
convey and explain feeling, character and information we need to infer meaning?
Know: Do:
Authors often rely on subtle insinuations Use context clues and knowledge of the
and characterizations as stories get more characters and settings in a story to infer the
sophisticated meaning of unfamiliar material
Objective 3:
We are going to be able to read and understand books at a 6 th to 8th grade level by:
• Recognizing and understanding what the author does not say directly, but what they
want us to figure out.
Understands all major and Understands all major parts Not ready yet
almost all minor parts of the of the plot and how they
plot and how they affect each affect each other.
Can explain all key plot Can explain most key plot Not ready yet
points and important things points and important things
about characters that are not about characters that are not
explicitly stated explicitly stated