Know Your World Tg-4 SNC

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Contents Pages Pages

Introduction....................................................... iv

Unit 1: Citizenship Unit 5: Geography

1. The rights and responsibilities of citizens... 5 10. Globes and maps..................................... 34
Lesson plans............................................... 5 Lesson plans............................................. 34
2. Human rights.............................................. 8 11. Our country and the world.................. 35
Lesson plans............................................... 8 Lesson plans............................................. 35
3. Getting along with others.......................... 10 12. Major landforms of Pakistan..................... 37
Lesson plans............................................. 10 Lesson plans............................................. 37

Unit 2: Culture 13. People and environment........................... 37

Lesson plans............................................. 37
4. What is culture?........................................ 15
14. Population................................................. 39
Lesson plans............................................. 15
Lesson plans............................................. 39
5. Communication......................................... 18
15. Weather and climate................................. 41
Lesson plans............................................. 18
Lesson plans............................................. 41
Unit 3: State and government 16. Natural disasters....................................... 42
6. Structure of government........................... 21 Lesson plans............................................. 42
Lesson plans............................................. 21
Unit 6: Economics
Unit 4: History 17. Choices and decisions.............................. 44
7. Long, long ago.......................................... 25 Lesson plans............................................. 44
Lesson plans............................................. 25 18. Goods and services.................................. 45
8. Early history of Islam................................ 28 Lesson plans............................................. 45
Lesson plans............................................. 28
9. Making of Pakistan................................... 31 Answers to Questions..................................... 48
Lesson plans............................................. 31

Know Your World is a comprehensive set of • Children learn holistically— every
textbooks for Social Studies for Classes 4 to lesson should be engaged with real life
5. This course, based on the Single National and their environment.
Curriculum 2020, consists of:
• two Textbooks, THE CONTENT
• two Teaching Guides. The textbooks are divided into theme, based
The general approach is interactive and aims citizenship, state and government, geography
to create in students an awareness of their and history.
surroundings and, above all, creativity. By the
time the students complete this course, they THE TEACHING GUIDE—PAGE BY PAGE
should be observant and responsive in a LESSON NOTES:
reasonable and responsible way and be These include:
prepared for the challenges of the future. • Previous knowledge (concepts with
which children are already familiar)
TEACHING METHODOLOGY • New vocabulary which should be
The learning method of children is different explained at the start of the lesson; the
from that of adults. This course is designed to textbooks also have a glossary at the
satisfy their needs. end.
• Children focus on themselves and their • Learning objectives
immediate surroundings—they should • Method (a) Introduction (b) Development
be provided the opportunity to exchange (c) Closure
information about themselves, their • Assessment (a) Content Review (b)
families, homes, and friends. Learning Check (application)
• Children learn by doing—activity-based • Answer keys to the textbook tasks
learning encourages students to be • Suggestions to make a les son
responsive and creative. interactive
• Children learn and forget quickly— The time required for explanation and teaching
reinforcement of the learning is very will vary according to the needs of your
important from time to time. students. Lesson planning should be done
• Children learn and work at different according to the timetable period allocation.
paces—students should be given due Some suggestions for making lessons
attention and a variety of activities. interactive:
• Children should be encouraged to
cooperate with their peers—information
sharing should be encouraged.

• Using questions: ask questions at the Assessment is the process of recording,
end of each sub-topic or theme. usually in measurable terms, the learning,
Following the questions, give students knowledge, and skills of the students.
time to reply, sum up the topic, and There are different types of assessment. The
move on. assessment applicable at primary level is
• Inviting students’ questions: encourage mainly:
students to ask questions throughout
the lesson. 1. Formative and summative
• Assessing students’ learning from a 2. Objective and subjective
lesson: students can be assessed by 3. Informal and formal
asking them to write 2–3 important or Formative assessment is generally carried
interesting things they have learnt in out throughout a course and helps the
the lesson. teaching-learning process. This informal
assessment can be based on feedback by
II Discussion: peers and observation by teachers.
Discussion is a valuable form of interaction Summative assessment is carried out at the
between students’ groups. They should be end of a course, for example, term tests and
left to discuss, comment, or decide. examinations. These are formal assessments.
Questions are the best way to start a There are various types of objective and
discussion. Give students time to think. subjective questions.
Write down some points to guide the
Subjective assessment is a form of
discussion. Conclude the discussion by
questioning which may have more than one
summing up the answers of all the
correct answer. Subjective questions include
extended answer tasks and essays.
Objective assessment is a form of questioning
III Role play:
which has a single, correct answer. Objective
Role play is characterization of the topic. question types include true/false answers,
Students can learn the content by observing multiple choice, and multi-response and
and acting. matching questions.
• Write a role play. These definitions are given to help teachers
• Select players. with student assessment throughout the
• Allow students time to read and academic year.
understand their roles.
• Discuss and summarize the contents of CONCLUSION
the role play.
Students will enjoy learning if they feel secure
• Ask students to talk or write about the
about succeeding. Know Your World will give
feelings, attitudes, and perspective of
them a solid foundation for learning social
each character.
studies, but please adapt its content to your
own situation as required—no book can
IV Cooperative learning:
replace a good mentor.

Cooperative learning takes place when
students work in groups to enhance their
own and each other’s learning. Thinking,
writing, pairing, and sharing are the four
steps for group study.

Cooperative Learning:
Cooperative Learning is a teaching arrangement that refers to small, heterogeneous groups of
students working together to achieve a common goal (Kagan, 1994). It aims to enhance the
students’ learning experience and understanding of the given topic. All students have equal
opportunity, as they work together in small groups. Each one is responsible for his or her own
learning as well as the other group members.
Five key elements
The key elements that should be kept in mind while planning a cooperative learning lesson are:
1. Positive Interdependence:
This is an essential part of Cooperative Learning Structures. Students realize that they have
a common goal and in order to achieve it successfully, they have to work together and have
to believe that they ‘sink or swim together’ and that each ones’ endeavors not only help him
or her to succeed but all the team members as well. Positive interdependence can be
achieved by setting mutual goals, assigning roles, dividing work and material and by making
each student’s grade partly dependent on the performance of the team as a whole.
2. Individual Accountability:
Although students work together, they perform alone. Each student has his or her own part
of work to do, which ensures that all group members are putting in their bit to reach their
objective. The goals and objectives of each lesson must be well-defined and the students
should be able to measure, firstly if their group has been successful in achieving them, and
secondly if each one has also been able to accomplish the required goals.
3. Face-to-Face (Promotive) Interaction:
It is important to seat the students facing each other, so that they can easily communicate
and share their past and present knowledge about the given topic and comfortably explain
and discuss the given concepts. Face to face interaction make students feel connected
motivated and committed to their common goal and to each other.
4. Interpersonal and Small Group Social Skills:
In cooperative learning lessons, students are not only learning the given subject matter, but
are also developing their social skills. They learn how to communicate effectively, build trust
among the group members, arrive at decisions that all agree upon, and most of all students
learn to manage conflicts that may arise while they are working together. All these skills are
surely very complex and not easy to develop. However, with the teachers’ encouragement
and practice, students will develop these skills gradually and the group projects will run
smoothly and efficiently.
5. Group Processing:
This is an important aspect of Cooperative Learning. “Groups need specific time to discuss
how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationships among
members. Instructors structure group processing by assigning tasks as (a) list at least three
member actions that helped the group be successful and (b) list one action that could be
added to make the group even more successful tomorrow.” Johnson et al. (2006, 1:30)
The benefits of Cooperative learning are innumerable. It helps to increase students’ involvement
in the task at hand, gives them the opportunity to improve their learning and social skills. The

students definitely retain more of the lesson. They become self-learners and have higher
Positive feedback is essential. Students should be taught to reflect on the feedback given by the
teacher, their own work and behaviour in order to improve.
With practice, patience and perseverance the benefits of Cooperative Learning can certainly be
Now let us look at some cooperative learning structures:
1. Numbered Heads Together
‘A heads together’ is when everyone in the group is talking and discussing. This structure
can be used when the teacher wants the students to discuss a problem or discuss something
related to the topic. Each student in the group is numbered—from 1 to 4 (sometimes 5).
The students are given a set amount of time. It can be increased if the students are having
a productive conversation. When time is up, use a quiet signal to get their attention back.
Next, call a number (1–4). (A spinner can be used to pick the number). Ask all number 2’s,
for example, to stand up. Then ask them to individually share with the whole class what they
had discussed in their group.
2. Round Robin
This is a great structure to use if each student has answered a question independently either
on a worksheet or paper. Taking turns, all students get an opportunity to express their views
or information on the given topic, within their group. Time can be allocated for each group
member, after which the next student can express his or her views. Developing listening
skills and taking turns are the two important aspects of this structure.
3. Think, Pair, Share (Partners)
This is again a great structure if you want students to share or discuss with a partner. Ask a
question and tell each student to think about it, giving them appropriate think time, so they
can prepare to share. Next, tell them to turn to their shoulder partner, sitting beside, or face
partner, who is in front and share their thoughts.
4. Corners
This structure works well when the teacher wants to review or ask students about their opinion
about a question. You can use the four corners of your classroom or even 2 or 3. You will give
an option for each corner of your room. Then you will have students move to that corner for
their answer. For example, you could do an A, B, C, D type question and each corner is one of
the answers.
5. Jigsaw
This structure works well when the students have to do class research or a project. Students
are numbered and then each student in a group is given a different material to read up or do
research on. All numbers 1’s will have the same topic. They will get together and discuss the
topic assigned to them, so that they are able to understand and learn from each other. After
the allocated time they will return to their original group to share and discuss what they had
learned. In this manner the group as a whole will learn and understand the various aspects
of the lesson. Time limit should be given, so that each student gets an equal amount of time
to share his or her knowledge about the given topic. Timed Round Robin should be used, so
that each student gets an equal amount of time to share his or her views.

6. Round Table
This structure can be used for group writing or brainstorming. Basically, students pass
around a paper and everyone writes on it. This activity should be timed, so that each student
has the same amount of writing time. For example student number 1 will write and pass to
number 2, and so on.
7. Cooperative Graffiti
This cooperative learning structure can also be used for brainstorming or review at the end
of a lesson. A chart paper is placed in the middle of the table and every student gets an
opportunity to write on it what they know or have learned about the topic. Once the writing
time is over, the students are given time to read what everyone had written, and organize
ideas. After organizing ideas, a number is called out and that student shares his or her
knowledge of the given topic with the whole class.
*If you want to learn more about Cooperative Learning, please read “Kagan Cooperative
Learning” by Spencer Kagan. This is a great book that easily explains everything you need to
know, and includes step-by-step directions for every Kagan Cooperative Learning Structure!
KWL strategy
Another strategy that will be used frequently in the lesson plans is the KWL Strategy.
K-W-L stands for “What I Know”, What I Want to Know” and “What I Learned”.
The best time to use KWL teaching strategy is at the start of the lesson, before any reading of
the text is done. It helps students to use their prior knowledge about the given topic and raises
their curiosity to find out more.
However, it is essential to model the thinking process while filling the KWL chart for the students.
The teacher should make the chart on the board or use a blank pre-prepared one as shown
below. Write the topic on top of the chart. Fill in the first two columns thinking out loud, describing
the thought process. After filling in the ‘What I Know’ and ‘What I Want to Know’ column, read
aloud a brief piece of text and then complete the ‘What I Learned’ column, again thinking out
loud and describing the thought process behind it.
A blank sample KWL chart
Topic: _____________

What I What I Want What I
Know to Know Learned

Link to the KWL chart:

Unit Citizenship
Chapter 1: The rights and responsibilities of citizens
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the students will be able to:
• define and differentiate between the terms citizen, global citizen, and digital or cyber citizenship
• identify common etiquettes, such as good manners, politeness, respect for elders, helping
others, dignity of labour and discipline.
• explain what civic sense is by giving examples of following traffic rules, keeping the
environment clean etc.
citizenship, etiquettes, communication, transmission, identity, cyberspace

Lesson Plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Who is a citizen?
Write down the words ‘Citizen, Global citizen and ‘Digital or Cyber citizen’ on the chalk board.
Using the KWL strategy (please refer to the introduction of ‘Teaching Strategies’, Page 4 of the
Teacher’s guide) ask students to draw three columns in their exercise books or on a sheet of
paper, as shown below.
Demonstrate the thinking process the students should go through to fill in the columns. Thinking
out loud, fill in the first ‘What I Know’ column for the first topic. For example; I know that citizens
are people of a country. I am a citizen of Pakistan, etc.
In the next ‘What I want to know’ column, again thinking out loud, write down
What about foreigners or visitors in a country?
How does one become a citizen of another country?
Can you be a citizen of two countries at the same time?
Tell the students that the third column ‘What I have learned’, will be filled after the lesson is

KWL Chart Topic: Citizenship

What I Know What I Want to Know What I have Learned
Global Citizen:
Digital or Cyber Citizen:

Now ask your students to fill in the first and the second column for the other two headings, and
jot down all they know about each topic and the questions that are coming in their mind in the
appropriate space provided.
KWL strategy allows students to think and increase their inquisitiveness about the topic.
It is important to give students enough time to work at their own pace. If some students complete
their work earlier, ask them to read the chapter quietly on their own.
After the students have filled in the two columns, ask them to share what they have written and
prepare a KWL chart for the classroom with the students’ help, so that all are motivated and eager
to know more.
(Students who have similar information can do ‘thumbs up’, so that the whole class is involved.
Many will probably have the same points).
Students should be asked to read pages 1 and 2 for homework and try and get some more
information about the three different kinds of citizens from their parents, internet, etc.
CW: Do questions 1–2 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Students read the following topics taking turns. Explain and ask questions wherever necessary.
Topics: Who is a citizen?
How does one become a citizen of a country?
Global Citizen
Digital or Cyber citizen
Before and while reading each topic ask relevant questions to check on students’ prior
knowledge and understanding
• Is any student a citizen of another country?
• Can a person be a citizen of more than one country?
• What do you understand by naturalization?
• What do you understand by global citizen?
• How can you be a global citizen?
• What do you understand by digital or cyber citizen?
• How many of you use the internet?
• Are your parents there and do they know what you are doing while you are on the computer?
• Are you familiar with some of the rules a cyber citizen must follow?
A global citizen is a person who is aware of what is happening, not only in his or her community
and country, but also has knowledge and interest in the events taking place in the world. Global
citizens understand their place in the world and know that they can make a difference while
working with citizens of other countries to make their planet a better place for all.
Young people should be encouraged to develop the understanding and the skills required to engage
and participate in global activities, such as improving the environment, standing up for justice and
peace, etc. and gain the realization that people belonging to different countries, cultures, race, or

religion are equal and that by working together they can bring about a positive change.
Show the following slide share about global citizenship to give a wider perspective of what global
citizenship stands for. Explain each slide and ask questions to check for students’ understanding.
For a more visual impact share the following poster with the students.
Link for the poster:
Global citizenship is the key to protecting our world for the future generations.
A global citizen is:
• is aware of the wider world
• respects and values diversity
• lives in a way that is sustainable
• is open and curious
• wants to tackle social justice
• takes action towards equity
• believes all children and young people have a right to education
Extension activity:
Students can be asked to design a poster individually as homework or in groups of 3 or 4 in class
to show how they can be a good global citizen.
Cyber or Digital citizenship:
Since 1990’s, the use of internet has increased considerably, so much so, that it has now become an
essential part of our daily lives. Students need to be familiar with the rules and regulations that go
along with the use of internet. Whether it is surfing the web or playing digital games, certain important
aspects have to be kept in mind, so that students are safe and cyber bullying is avoided.
Review the topic of ‘Digital or cyber citizen’
Ask your students how many of them have access to a computer, a tablet or a smart phone, and
how many of them use the internet. Check on their prior knowledge about the etiquettes, or (the
term now used is netiquettes), they need to have while using the Internet. First ask them to share
their views about how they can use the internet safely with their shoulder partner (student sitting
next to them), and then have a whole class discussion on ‘cyber safety’.
Lastly ask students to fill in the third column of their KWL chart writing down all that they have
learnt in the previous lessons about ‘Citizens’ , ‘Global citizen’ and Digital or Cyber citizen’
Students do the relative exercises (page 3) for homework.
CW: Do question 3 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 2 from Going Further.
Lesson plan 3
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Some common etiquette
Rights and responsibilities of a citizen
Draw two columns on the board. Label them ‘Rights of a citizen’ and ‘Responsibilities of a citizen’

Ask students what some of the rights of a citizen are, and also some of their responsibilities as a
citizen. Fill in the two columns with the responses given by them.
Read ‘Some common etiquettes’, with the class. Explain where necessary. Get students’
attention back to the chart on the board and fill in more points by asking students to share what
they have learnt after reading the topic.
Put students in groups of four and give them the following scenarios. Ask them to discuss and
write down on a sheet of paper (one sheet for each group can be given) what they would do as
good citizens in the given situations. Use the structure ‘Round Robin’ so that everyone gets a
chance to express their views. Display the completed sheets in the classroom.
1. You come out of your house in the morning and see a lot of garbage on the street outside
your house.
2. An old man is trying hard to pick up the groceries that have fallen and have spread all over
the street. You notice that the bag he was carrying his groceries in has also torn.
3. It is general election day in your country, but your elders are not interested in casting their
4. A labourer who is working at your house has not been able to complete the work assigned to
him for the day, as he is not feeling well.
5. You see an injured kitten just outside your gate.
Move around to see how the students are working and assist where necessary.
Extension work should also be done to give students the opportunity to realize the importance of
being a good citizen and how satisfying it is if you put in your share to help others or make things
CW: Do question 4 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 3–4 from Going Further.

Chapter 2: Huma n rights

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
1. define ‘Human Rights’
2. explain fundamental human rights
3. differentiate between rights and responsibilities
Fundamental, entitled, constitution, accountable, responsibilities, consequences

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Fundamental human rights
Write the words ‘Human Rights’ on the chalk board. Ask students what they understand by the
term ‘Human Rights’. Take their answers and then explain that all human beings on the earth are
born equal. They may be Africans, Americans, Chinese, Pakistanis, Indians, British or belonging
to any other nationality, but they all have the same kind of freedom and are entitled to the same

privileges on the earth. Having a different skin colour, beliefs, different financial status or whether
a person is educated or illiterate does not affect or change the rights an individual has. It is very
important that all human beings have these rights, so that the stronger or the more influential
people in the society do not oppress the weaker and less fortunate ones.
The fundamental rights or the basic rights any human being has are based on the common
values all human beings share, such as dignity, respect, equality, independence, etc.
As citizens everyone has the right to practice their religion freely, have freedom of speech, get
education, etc. (page 4)
Rights come with responsibilities
Ask the students; how they think that these rights could be protected, and how one makes sure that
the poor and the weak will enjoy the same privileges as the rich and the influential individuals.
Allow students to discuss with their shoulder partners and then take their responses. Explain that
the government of a country makes laws to ensure that everyone gets equal rights and if
someone breaks these laws, then, there are consequences. For example if someone breaks a
traffic law, and does not stop at the red light, he or she is violating the other person’s right to be
safe. Therefore, there is a fine for this violation. If the driver continues to break traffic laws, his or
her license may be cancelled.
Give similar examples from everyday life to enhance students’ understanding of the topic.
Some well-known human right activists are:
Nelson Mandela (1918–2013)
Martin Luther King Jr. (1929–1968)
Share with the students the emancipation movement led by Martin Luther King Jr. He worked
hard to end racism and the discrimination of the African Americans. The African American
children could not go the same schools. The restaurants were separate and the African
Americans could not even travel in the same buses as the white people.
In 1963, there was a civil rights march on Washington D.C. Martin Luther King Jr. gave his
famous speech, “I have a dream”. More than 250,000 people marched toward Washington to
listen to King’s memorable speech.
Some extracts from the speech are given below:
“I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons
of former slave owners will be able to sit together at a table of brotherhood”.
“I have a dream that my four children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged
by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.”
“...where little black boys and black girls will be able to join hands with the little white boys and
white girls and walk together as sisters and brothers”
Read pages 4 and 5 with the students explaining the six points of fundamental ‘Human Rights’.
Now draw on the board the ‘fish bone organizer’ as shown below. With the students’ help, write
down on each bone, the human rights, as shown in the diagram on page 4.
Put students in groups of four, use the cooperative learning structure ‘Numbered heads together’
and ask them to discuss and write down the responsibilities that go with these rights and
complete the fish bone.



To conclude, show the short video on ‘Human rights’

Link to the video:
CW: Do question 1 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 1 and 3 from Going Further.

Chapter 3: Getting along with others

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define the term diversity
• identify the key characteristics of diverse groups within a society
• relate how diversity aids society to prosper
• define the term tolerance
• describe the importance of living in harmony with each other by accepting differences (social
and cultural)
• define the term ‘peace’ and ‘conflict’
• explain that attitudes affect and create conflict and peace
• resolve conflicts through discussion
• recognize the causes of disagreements at the personal and peer level, household and
neighbourhood level
characteristics, bias, tolerance, conflict, compromise, prosper, attitude, unfortunately, resolve,
disagreement, positively

Lesson Plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.

What is Diversity
To introduce the lesson, call out two students in front of the class (carefully choose the two
students who look quite different, consider their height, colour of skin, hair, eyes and preferably
belonging to different provinces).
Make a column for each student and write their names on top. Now ask the other students to
point out the differences between the two and list them in the appropriate column.
Ask them a few questions to find their point of view about the school environment, the subject
they like, etc. to highlight that people can have different opinions, choices, likes and dislikes.
Explain to the class that the two students are different in many ways. This is diversity and it is
essential for a happy and healthy environment; whether it is in the classroom, the school, their
homes, the society or even the whole world that one has to accept and respect other people’s
point of view. This will help people to get along better, be fair in their dealings with each other
and do not have any prejudice or bias against people who are different from them.
Now ask the students what different kinds of human beings do we have in our society and what
are the differences between them. For example, we have people belonging to different provinces
of Pakistan. They speak different languages, dress up differently, they may even look somewhat
different. Show pictures of people belonging to different provinces wearing their cultural dresses
and ask students to point out the difference.
In our society, we also have people with various professions such as carpenters, plumbers,
engineers, doctors, etc. People may be poor or rich. They may belong to a different religion or
even another country.
Ask the students, what kind a society it would be, where for example, everyone was a carpenter….
Use ‘think, pair and share’ strategy and allow students to discuss with their shoulder partners
and then take their answers.
To further their understanding ask them if it is a diverse society, where there are people of
different professions and cultures, how would it be different?
Allow students to discuss with their partner, using ‘think, pair and share’ strategy. (It can now be
the face partner or the student sitting in front.)
Take students’ responses and explain that with diversity there will be new ideas, more jobs,
business will prosper and the general condition of people in the society will improve. On the
other hand if there were only one kind of people everything will halt.
CW: Do question 1 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Ask the students what might happen if people do not accept others point of view. To help
everyone think, again use ‘think, pair and share’ strategy.
Take students’ answers. Of course there would be chaos and confusion, people would be
arguing and fighting all the time. Ask students what is the best way to deal with it. Write the
words they give on the chalk board; have patience, stay calm, stay quiet, do not argue, try and
understand the other’s point of view. In other words, be tolerant and show tolerance as that
would solve many problems.
Put students in groups of three. Ask them to read the topic, (page 7) taking turns and then share
an incident of their own within the group, where they and the other person concerned, showed
tolerance, cooperated with each other and reached a compromise accepting each other’s point of
view. The problem was thus resolved and both concerned were satisfied.
Enough time should be given, so that all the students in the group get a chance to relate their
Conflict versus peace
Show the following video
The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Friends
Show the following video, preferably twice.
The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Friends
Lead the class into a whole class discussion and ask students what the conflict was between the
two girl bears and how it was resolved.
Ways to maintain the peace and avoid conflicts
Elicit from students if it was possible to avoid conflicts and what was the attitude required, so that
even if two people did not agree with one another, there would still be goodwill, respect and
concern for one another.
Read the content of the topic, explain where necessary. Then ask students to turn to their
shoulder partner and share with them if they too practice any of the six points, when they are in a
conflict with their friends or their siblings.
CW: Do questions 2–3 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 2 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 3
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Can conflict be totally avoided?
Elicit from students if it is possible that there is no conflict at all among human beings, even though
they may have different view-points. Take their answers and explain that it is not possible that
everyone agrees on the same things, as human beings are quite different from each other. Even
the siblings, who are brought up in the same environment have their own choices, their likes and
dislikes. Conflicts are unavoidable but civilized and sensible people do not let things get out of
hand. They know how to deal with the situation. They show empathy, respect, kindness, fairness
and understanding and are thus able to manage the situation well, so that all are happy in the end.
Now ask students to look at the illustration on page 8 carefully. Try to find as many pairs of
people as they can and think why they seem happy. They can share their findings with their face
partner. Also ask some students to stand up and share with the whole class.
Here are some ways to resolve conflicts,
Students, taking turns, read out loud the four points under the heading. Explain and ask relevant
questions to check for understanding.
Ask students to recall the video. Preferably show them the video again.
The Berenstain Bears and the Trouble with Friends
Now put students in small mixed ability groups (3 or 4 students) and use the Cooperative
Learning structure ‘Numbered Heads together’. Give each group a sheet of paper and ask them
to write down, in points, which of the four ways mentioned on page 8 under the topic, ‘Here are
some ways to resolve conflicts’ were helpful in the case of the two girl bears to resolve the
conflict between them. Call out a number (1, 2, 3 or 4). The student having that number from
each group will stand to represent his or her group and share their answer with the class.
CW: Do question 4 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 3 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 4
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Prepare a simple poster as above or make one with the 5 points given on page 9 of the students’
book. Put it up on the board. Go over the points explaining each one carefully with examples.
Questions you can ask while teaching the topic
What might happen if there is a conflict and;
Step 1. You cannot control your anger
Step 2. You don’t listen to what the other person has to say
Step 3. You don’t tell what is disturbing you and just keep on arguing
Step 4. You do not want to discuss how to resolve the conflict but just want to win
Step 5. You are too rigid and only want things to happen your way

Take the students’ answers.
Of course the problem will become worse. The people concerned will argue and shout at each
other, may be even start hitting each other and will not be able to reach any solution.
Read out the situation as given in ‘Going Further’ number 2 (page 9). Initiate a whole class
discussion on how the given problem can be resolved.
Now tell the students that they were going to have a role play of the same. Call out three
students in front of the class. Put a computer on the table to make it more real. Ask them to act
out the given scenario. First create the problem, where all three want to use the computer at the
same time and then, following the 5 problem-solving steps, one by one, resolve the issue where
everyone is happy in the end.
(The students will need some help from the teacher to prepare and act out the given situation).
Three more students can act out another scene in which conflict arises on the play field. Two
students are blaming another student for being the cause of their losing the cricket match, as he
had dropped an important catch.
Again by using the problem solving steps, students resolve the issue and all are happy in the end.
A flow chart can be created to show the steps taken to resolve the issue.
CW: Do questions 5 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 4 from Going Further.

Unit Culture
Chapter 4: What is culture?
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define the term ‘culture’
• recognize diverse cultures of Pakistan
• describe the term ‘interfaith harmony’ and how different minorities celebrate their festivals
• demonstrate respect for diversity in cultures of Pakistan in different regions
• define the term nation and nationality
• explain reasons for taking pride in being a Pakistani and the concept of patriotism
traditions, lungi, turban, generation, subcultures, uniqueness, multicultural, multilingual, diverse,
coexist, characteristics, cuisine, traditional, handicrafts, folk tales, customs, minorities, festivals,
ceremonies, prosperous, interfaith, resilient

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes
Pakistani culture:
Pakistan is a remarkable nation with immense cultural and ethnic diversity. There are more than
15 ethnic groups in Pakistan. They speak different languages; have different customs, dress,
music and food. Some of these groups include Sindhi, Punjabi, Balochi, Pashtuns, Hazaras,
Kashmiris, Makrani, and Baltis, etc. Islam came to this region in 700 CE. It is the religion of a
great majority in Pakistan and has a strong influence on the culture of this region.
Clothing and culture:
What do clothes tell us about a culture?
The way people of a certain culture dress up disclose a lot about their beliefs, customs, traditions
and values. Clothing styles of different cultures have not suddenly come up, but have changed
and evolved through the years. These can tell us about the technology that was available, the
way of living and even climate.
People usually wear traditional clothes during their festivals. It shows their respect and love for
their country and their culture and also their family values. Elders always feel proud and happy
when they see youngsters, and children wearing their traditional clothes on eids, weddings and
other family functions.

Language and culture:
How are culture and language related?
Language is an extremely important part of culture, as it is the vital means for interaction and
communication among people. It is the medium through which facts are expressed and recorded.
Literature, poetry, art and television programmes all express the culture of a certain place.
Language has different dialects. People may pronounce the same words in different manner, with a
different tone of voice and accent. For example, English is spoken in many different countries but
an Australians, an American or a British all speak with a different accent. Sometimes the same
words may even have a different meaning in another country. For example in America ‘boot’
means a shoe, whereas the same word in England means the trunk of a car.
CW: Do questions 1–2 from Learning Check.
HW: Do question 3 from Learning Check.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Pakistani culture:
How is Pakistan a land of diversity?
There are about 18–20 different ethnic groups in Pakistan and no province is totally homogenous.
We will find people from different ethnic and cultural background living in each province. In Punjab,
for example there are Baloch, Pashtuns, Sindhis, Gujrati, Kashmiris, Chitralis and many others
cultural groups, and so is the case with other provinces. Pakistan is a country which is not only
multicultural but also multilingual. Most of the population here speak more than one language.
Urdu, the national language, is almost spoken and understood by everyone.
Culture and religion:
Pakistan is a country not only with diverse culture and language, but there is ethnic and religious
diversity as well. It is a Muslim majority country having 96.28 percent Muslims and the remaining
3.72 percent constitutes the minorities, which include; Hindus, Christians, Parsis, Sikhs and
some others.
The minorities have the freedom to practice their religion, build their worship places and
celebrate their festivals freely. They are given their fundamental rights according to Islam. The
minorities should be treated with respect, as according to Islam their welfare is the responsibility
of the Muslim state.
All the Pakistanis are citizens of Pakistan and they should have equal right to receive education,
to acquire jobs, get medical assistance, etc. Interfaith harmony is extremely important for smooth
running of the system and for the progress of the country. There are human-right activists and
welfare organizations that play an important role in promoting interfaith harmony, where people
of all faiths can live peacefully and happily.
(Minorities in Pakistan are not very well-treated at times. Young students should be encouraged
to be tolerant and helpful to all the religious groups. These people are also patriotic citizens of
Pakistan and they consider it their homeland).


What does the flag of Pakistan represent?

When the flag of Pakistan was designed, it was originally green with a white crescent and a star.
Shortly before it was hoisted at the time of independence in 1947, an amendment was made and
a white stripe was added on the left to represent the minorities. The white crescent is a symbol of
progress and the five point star stands for light and knowledge.
CW: Do questions 4–5 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 3
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Nation, nationality, and patriotism:
What does patriotism mean?
If people of a country take pride in being its citizens, and have the feeling of attachment and
devotion towards their homeland and their fellow citizens, they are patriotic in the true sense.
They will voluntarily obey laws, respect the rights of others, contribute positively to their society
and never get involved in any anti-state activity.
At the beginning of the lesson inform students that they will be working in groups on the project,
‘Our Culture’. Divide the class into five groups and allocate a province to them. The groups can
be named; Sindh, Balochistan, Punjab, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
Show them the fun video below to give them an idea of their location.
Tell students that they should start collecting information and pictures for their project. Also give
them the format they would be working on; maybe a chart paper should be given to each group
with sub headings as shown in the students’ book.
Go through the lesson, questioning and eliciting students’ prior knowledge for each topic.
Show the power point presentations and the videos (links given below) in order to prepare the
students for their project. Lead the students into a whole class discussion where required.

Once the spadework is done and the students are ready with the information and pictures of the
province assigned to them, give them time to work together on their project. The work should be
distributed in such a manner that there is equal participation.
Display the completed charts around the class and invite students for a ‘gallery walk’ (students
walk around the class in their groups). Moving around, observing and analyzing, they study the
work of other students and as a group write down two positive things and one suggestion for
improvement for each poster, including their own. The comments of the students for their peers’
work should also be put up alongside the posters, so that each group is able to look at the plus
points and recommendations for their work.
The topics on pages 10, 11 and 12 should be read in class and explanation given where
CW: Do questions 6–7 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 2–3 from Going Further.

Chapter 5: Communication
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define the term ‘communication’
• identify the forms of communication and their importance (art, language, letters, email,
postcards, TV, radio, internet, computers, cell phone)
communication, mouthpiece, earpiece, operator, dialing system, features, distracted, radiation,
destination, surface mail, software, digitally, social media
Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
History of communication
Communication is the capability to pass on or transfer knowledge and information to others.
Throughout history, many different communication methods have been used by human beings.
Cave paintings, smoke signals, use of drums and many other methods were used by early man.
Means of communication changed and developed with the growing needs of human beings.
As human societies progressed the need for quicker means of communication grew and thus better
and faster communication devices were invented. Postal service was started by the European
monarchs to send their messages, as early as 1477. However, sending letters became a popular
means of communication in the 19th century, when postal service became much cheaper and was
open to general public. In 1830’s – 1840’s telegraph invented by Samuel Morse revolutionized long
distance communication. To transmit messages electrical signals were sent through wires that
connected the two stations. In 1876, Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone. It was a
remarkable invention, as a lot of time was saved to convey messages. The telephone was remodeled
a number of times before it took the present touch button form that we use today for our landline. The
biggest and most incredible progress in the history of communication was the invention of internet in
1960’s. Prior to the internet, computers were huge and in order to access the data stored one had to
go to the site or send magnetic computer tapes by post.

The mobile phone, which has taken over the whole world and has become the main source of
communication now, was invented by Martin Cooper, a Motorola employee. He made the first
call on April 3, 1973, forty-eight years ago.
Now, when someone says ‘phone’, it refers to a mobile phone and this mobile device is not just a
phone but has many more applications, which are increasing every day.
Elicit from students their prior knowledge about communication and how different communication
devises were developed. Ask students to turn to their shoulder partner and go over pages 13 and
14. Look at the pictures and share with each other what they know about them.
Show the above short video and explain each mean of communication (refer to the notes given
Make a timeline on the chalk board similar to the one below. Put the date in each box as given
below and ask students to help you fill in giving the sequence of the development of
communication and the various devices that were invented to make communication easier and

1. Ancient times: cave paintings, smoke signals, beating of drums

2. 15th century: Postal service, printing press
3. 1837 CE: Telegraph
4. 1843 CE: Fax machine
5. 1876 CE: Telephone
6. 1901 CE: Radio
7. 1925 CE: Television
8. 1936 CE – 1938 CE: First programmable computer
9. 1960 CE: Internet
10. 1973 CE: Mobile phone
11. 1981 CE: Laptop
Allow students to make a similar timeline in their notebooks
CW: Do questions 1 and 3 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 and 3 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Students read pages 15 and 16 taking turns. Initiate a class discussion on the uses of mobile
phone and internet, and also the advantages and disadvantages of using a mobile.
The internet has had a great impact on communication and has made the whole world a global
village. Email is now the most popular means of sending typed information and letters as it just
takes a few seconds to reach its destination. Earlier letters sent by air or other means of transport
would take days and then the sender would have to wait again for days to receive the reply.
CW: Do questions 2 and 4 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 2 and 4 from Going Further.

Unit State and
3 government
Chapter 6: Structure of governance
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• describe the concept of democracy as the most popular system of government and describe
why it is the preferred form
• define the term ‘leader’ and their qualities
• define the term ‘General Elections’
• describe the formation and function of political parties: how do the contest elections according
to their manifesto
• define and differentiate between the term ‘State’ and ‘Government’
• describe a constitution
• describe basic characteristic of the Constitution of Pakistan
• describe the organs of a government: Legislature, Executive and Judiciary
• distinguish between rules and laws and how they help create a just and healthy political
environment in a country
• recognize the rights and responsibilities of citizen as defined by the constitution
territory, elected, salient, constitution, supreme, composed, administrative, fundamental,
guaranteed, representative, decent, littering, legislature, executive, judiciary, parliament,
departments, session court, boundaries, environment, candidates, authority, resources, address,
issues, authority, progressive, integrity, passion, commitment, empathy, organization,
disheartened, disheartened

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Democracy is a popular form of government in the present day world. In democracy people have
a say in the government, either directly or indirectly. The other forms of government are
monarchy, dictatorship and oligarchy, in which the country is ruled by one person or by a small
group of people.
The ancient Greeks were the first ones to develop democracy and the very first democracy was
established in Athens in the 5th century BC. The word democracy is a combination of two Greek
words; demo, that means people and kratos, meaning rule. In ancient Athens, the capital of
Greece, there was ‘direct democracy’ as all the citizens of Athens were involved in law making
and were eligible to cast their vote when any law had to be passed. All the citizens gathered in
the assembly hall and voted in favour or against the proposed bill. If the majority voted in its
support, the bill would become law.

In Athens, everyone was not given the status of a citizen. Only the rich men were considered to
be citizens, so women, children and slaves did not have the right to vote.
Write down the word ‘Democracy’ on the board. Elicit from the students what they understand
by the word democracy. Ask them what type of a government we have in Pakistan and if they
were aware how it works . Take their responses and explain using the notes given above. Show
students the video explaining the Australian direct and representative democracy.
Some qualities of a great leader;
1. Awareness (they should knowledgeable and know what is happening in their own country
and in the whole world)
2. Decisiveness (they should have the capability to make quick and tough decisions)
3. Empathy (they should be caring and understand how others feel)
4. Accountability (if things go wrong, they should not blame others and should be answerable
for their decisions and actions)
5. Confidence (they should have the ability to face challenges and confidently move forward)
6. Optimism (they should look at the brighter side of life and remain optimistic even when
things don’t seem so good)
7. Honesty (honesty and truthfulness are important trait, otherwise people will not believe their
8. Focus (to get work done in a proper manner, they should remain focused on the job at hand)
9. Inspiration (their personality, actions and words should be a source of inspiration to others
and they should be able to motivate people to do constructive and beneficial work for their
After giving the students time to complete their mind map, call out a student from each group to
share the qualities they had jotted down. List them up on the board and keep on adding if
someone gives a different quality. Use the above notes to further explain the qualities of a good
CW: Do questions 1, and 8–9 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 4 and 6 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Write the word ‘General Elections’ on the board. Ask students what they understand by it. Take
their answers and explain that general elections are the elections that take place in the whole
country at the same time. There are by-elections also which take place when elections are held on
a selected seat only. This may happen if someone elected vacates a seat due to some reason.
Before the next lesson, inform students that they too will have elections in class to select their
class representative. Explain the voting process and select about 3 or 4 students from the ones
who volunteer to be the candidates. Ask them to prepare a convincing speech telling their peers
how they would work for their betterment. Students can also prepare posters showing their
manifesto in order to convince their voters. (Manifesto is the plans or programme of a political
party, which it wants to implement if it comes into power after elections).

Share the poster below with the students and guide them as to how they should prepare their

Before the students cast their votes, show the following video which explains the voting process.
Political Parties
Elicit from students the names and symbols of the prominent political parties of Pakistan. List
them on the board. Inform the students that ECP or Election Commission of Pakistan organizes
and supervises elections in Pakistan. Read the relevant text on page 21.
A constitution is basically a set of rules and laws that specify how a country should be governed,
and what power should be allocated to the different branches of the government. The constitution
of a country also outlines the rights that the citizens of that country have. It is usually a written
down as a single document.
The constitution of Pakistan has been re-written a number of times. The present constitution,
called the ‘Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan’ was passed by the National
Assembly and the Senate in December 2003. If an amendment is required in the constitution,
two-third majority of the Parliament and also Senate has to vote in favour of it.
Students read the relevant text on pages 17 and 18 in class taking turns. Explain as required.
HW: Do questions 2–4 from Learning Check.
CW: Do activities 1–3 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 3
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Rights and responsibilities
Elicit from students the rights of citizens in Pakistan and list them on the board. List also the
responsibilities of citizens. Students copy the list in their exercise books. Now ask students to
read the relevant topics on pages 17 and 18 and fill in the remaining rights and responsibilities
of citizens (Students are familiar with the rights and duties of citizens mentioned in chapter 1).

To wind up the lesson, show the following videos on ‘Being good citizens’.
CW: Do questions 5–7 from Learning Check.
HW: Do question 10 from Learning Check and activities 5 and 7 from Going Further.

Unit History
Chapter 7: Long, long ago
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define the term ‘History’.
• trace early settlements and their areas.
• identify ancient Civilisations along major rivers and coastal areas of the world (Mesopotamia,
Nile Valley (Egyptian), and Indus Valley along with their timeline).
• describe the advent, lifestyle and decline of various Civilisations (Mesopotamia, Egyptian and
Indus Valley).
Prehistoric, archaeologists, hunter-gatherers, settlements, cultivate, professions, plentiful, combining,
Civilisation, access, plough, sickle, hieroglyphs, papyrus, mummification, pyramids, cuneiform,
sundial, declined, geographical, excavated, drainage, subcontinent, carved seals, figurines
Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Write the words History and prehistoric on the board and elicit from students what they
understand by the word History and prehistoric. Use ‘think, pair and share’ method and ask
students to pair up with their shoulder partner and discuss what they know about the above two
words. After taking their responses, write down the definition of the words on the board.
Carrying forward the discussion, ask students how it is possible to know about something
millions of years ago when there is no written record of it. Again let them discuss with their
shoulder partner before taking their answers.
Explain that Archeology is the study of the human past by using material remains.
Archaeologists use the objects that people of the past created or used to analyze how they
lived in a certain time and place.
Elicit from students what AH, CE and BCE stand for when recording dates. Explain that the Hijri
calendar, which starts from the emigration of Prophet Muhammad
from Makkah to Madina, is a lunar calendar and the first of each month starts with the sighting of
the new moon. It has 354 or 355 days. The months are either 29 or 30 days. The current year is
1443 AH. Gregorian calendar is a solar calendar and is more widely used. A solar year is the
time the earth takes to orbit the sun and that is 365 days. CE (Common Era) in the dates
according to this calendar refer to the number of years from the birth of Jesus Christ, Prophet
Esa and BCE (Before Common Era) refers to the years before the birth of Prophet Esa

Show the following video to students. Pause in between and explain where necessary.
(It is suggested that the video should be paused at 0:33 and then restarted at 0:43 as it
shows evolution of man)
Read ‘Stone Age’ and ‘Metal Ages’ (page 25) with the students. Explain where necessary.
Show the following videos to reinforce the topics.
Stone Age
River Valley Civilisations
CW: Do questions 1–2 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 from Going Further

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Elicit from students the necessary things that are required by human beings to live and survive in
a place. Again use ‘Think, pair and share’ strategy and allow students to discuss with their face
partner (the student sitting in front) and make a list of the things necessary for human survival.
Take the answers and these write on the board. For example; water, food, some shelter from
harsh weather, clothes, etc.
Explain that the most important and absolutely necessary requirement is water, without which
surviving even a day is impossible. So where would the early inhabitants of the world live?
Point out the rivers mentioned in the students’ textbook. The students can also use the atlas to
locate the rivers mentioned in their text book (page 26)
Egyptian, Mesopotamian, and Chinese Civilisations
Focus briefly only on the points given in the text book at grade 4 level.
Students can work in groups of three to make a poster or work individually and make a booklet
showing different aspects of the above Civilisations. The following sub-headings should be given
to the students to find information and pictures they could use for this project.

Ancient Civilisations

Elements Egyptian Mesopotamian Chinese

Time period
Way of life
CW: Do questions 3–4 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 2–3 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 3
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Indus Valley Civilisation
Among the three earliest civilisations, Egyptian, Mesopotamian and the Indus Valley Civilisation,
the Indus Valley was the most extensive. It consisted of two large cities, Harappa and Mohenjo-
Daro, and more than one hundred small towns and villages. The population of Harappa was
estimated to be between 23,500–35,000 and the population of Mohenjo-Daro between
The ruins of Mohenjo-Daro were selected as UNESCO World Heritage site in 1980.
Refer to the map of archaeological sites on page 28. Ask students to study the map carefully and
write down the names of the archaeological sites presented on the map. Ask them what is
common about their location. (They are all situated next to River Indus and that is the reason it is
call the Indus Valley Civilisation)
Read the relevant text (pages 27–29). Explain where necessary.
For reinforcement show the following videos
Indus valley
(Indus Valley Civilisation video well explained in Urdu)
Students work individually and make a booklet showing the various features of Indus Valley
Civilisation. They can research the following aspects and write briefly about each and also
illustrate where possible.

Indus Valley Civilisation

Elements Mohenjo-daro Harappa

Time period
Way of life
Also read Soan Valley and Mehrgar. Explain where required.
CW: Do questions 5–7 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 4–6 from Going Further.

Chapter 8: Early History of Islam

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• describe the key events (social and political) during the life of Hazrat Muhammad
and Khalifa-e-Rashida
Ignorance, polytheists, Orthodox, superstitious, contrasted, execution, judicious, violated, idols,
assassinate, appreciated, tolerance, communities, renounced, accomplished
Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Arabia before the advent of Islam
Before the emergence of Islam, the condition of Arabia was miserable. The Arabs were
polytheists and worshiped idols. Slavery was common and inter-tribal fights would continue for
years. Women had no respect and newborn baby girls were buried alive.
Political condition
The Arabian society consisted of many different tribes. Tribal chiefs were considered the head of
the tribe and they ruled the tribe, but there was no proper government in Arabia.
Social condition
Poverty in the Arabian Society was common. Robbing of caravans was frequent. Stealing,
gambling and drinking were common practices. Slaves were bought and sold and were treated
like animals. Women were mistreated and had no respect in the society. Newborn baby girls
were buried alive.

Cultural conditions
Most of the people were illiterate and did not know how to read or write. Storytelling was an art
and was very common. The Arabs were good at Poetry and were very proud of their language
and culture.
Economic conditions
Economic conditions of the Arabs were not good. Because of the continuous tribal fights there
was not much economic activity. However, Makkah, because of the Ka’aba, a holy place for all,
was the main trade center and trade caravans from all over Arabia would come there. Trade and
agriculture were the two main occupations of the people.
The last Rasool of Allah Hazrat Muhammad was born in 570 CE. In
other words he was born five hundred and seventy years after Prophet Esa . This year was
also called the ‘Year of the elephant’.
In this year Abraha, the governor of Yemen who was very envious of the Ka’aba because of its
reverence among the Arabs, threatened to destroy the Holy Place with an army of elephants.
Abdul Muttalib, the grandfather of our beloved Hazrat Muhammad ,
was the custodian of the Ka’aba at that time. He replied to Abraha’s ultimatum, in these words:
“By Allah, we do not want to fight him. So far as this House (the Ka’aba) is concerned, it is the
House of Allah; if Allah wants to save His House, He will save it, and if He leaves it unprotected,
no one can save it.”
Mention of this incident is also made in the Holy Quran in Surah ul Fil.
“Have you not seen how your Lord dealt with the companions of the elephant? Did He not make
their treacherous plan go astray? And He sent against them birds in flocks, striking them with
stones of baked clay, so He rendered them like straw eaten up”. (Qu’ran, 105)
CW: Do questions 1–2 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Elicit from students their prior knowledge about the condition of Arabia before the advent of
Islam. Explain the social, political, cultural and economic conditions of the Arabs before Islam.
Highlight the importance of the city of Makkah and the Holy Ka’aba. (Ka’aba was a place of
worship even for the idol worshippers and there were about 360 idols kept there).
Through questioning elicit students’ awareness of the time of birth of Hazrat Muhammad
and their knowledge about his immediate family. Explain the ‘Year
of the elephant’ using the above notes.
Read through the pages 33 and 34, highlighting and explaining;
• Hazrat Muhammad’s visits to cave Hira
• Appearance of Hazrat Jibrael and the first revelation
• Message of Islam and prosecution of the Muslims by the non-believers
• Immigration to Madina and the Islamic calendar
Students should list and memorize the names of Islamic months in sequence.

Explain the importance of the treaty of Hudaibiya and Conquest of Makkah
After settling in Madina, Hazrat Muhammad wanted to go to Makkah
to perform Umrah along with his companions. They were not allowed to enter Makkah, so they
camped at Hudaibiyah, a place nearby Makkah. The treaty of Hudaibiyah was signed here.
Apparently it seemed unfavourable for the Muslims, but it proved to be the turning point in the
history of Islam and led to the conquest of Makkah.
When the Hazrat returned to Madina from Hudaibiyah, he received
the revelation through Hazrat Jibrael that this treaty was ‘Fateh Mubeen’, a complete victory
for the Muslims. After the treaty there was peace for almost 8 years, Islam spread rapidly and
power of the Muslims grew considerably in the region.
When the treaty was violated by the Quraish, Hazrat Muhammad
was not bound to continue it. Along with one thousand followers he marched towards Makkah
and took control of the city without any bloodshed.
Hazrat Muhammad cleared the Ka’aba of all the idols placed there
and asked Hazrat Bilal to climb up the Ka’aba and call out the Azan. General forgiveness
was given to all, even his deadliest enemies who had persecuted and killed so many Muslims.
People accepted Islam in huge numbers.
Hazrat Muhammad proved to the world that with humility,
forgiveness, equality, steadfastness, truthfulness, trustworthiness, self-confidence, total
submission and having strong faith in the Almighty Allah one can be successful in one’s mission
and conquer the impossible.
Conquest of Makkah
Discuss the significance of the last Hajj and passing away of Hazrat Muhammad
and highlight the last sermon of the Hazrat Muhammad
Hazrat Muhammad is a role model for us. Students can make a web
diagram, such as the one below, showing traits of our Hazrat Muhammad
character and his personality.


CW: Do questions 3–5 from Learning Check.

HW: Do questions 6–8 from Learning Check.

Lesson plan 3
Time duration: 40 minutes
The Rightly Guided Caliphs
Read through pages 34 and 35 with the students. Explain where necessary.
Share the interesting facts below with the students about the Four Caliphs of the Islamic Empire.
1. Hazrat Abu Bakr was known as ‘Siddiq’ which means ‘testifier of truth’. He was Hazrat
Muhammad’s close friend and the father of the Hazrat
Muhammad’s wife Bibi Ayesha . He was the Hazrat
Muhammad’s companion during the emigration from Makkah to
2. The ‘ibn’ in the names mean ‘son of’ in Arabic. So Hazrat Usman Ibn Affan means
‘Usman son of Affan’
3.  H
 azrat Umar Ibn-Al-Khattab was known as Al-Farooq which means ‘the one who
distinguishes between right and wrong’. He was physically very strong and powerful, well
known as a great athlete and a wrestler.
4. Hazrat Usman was Hazrat Muhammad son-in-law. He
was married to two of our Hazrat Muhammad daughters. He got
married to the second daughter after the first passed away.
5. Hazrat Ali was Hazrat Muhammad cousin. He was
married to Bibi Fatima , the Hazrat Muhammad youngest
CW: Do question 9 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 2 from Going Further.

Chapter 9: Making of Pakistan

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• explain the regions or provinces contribution in the creation of Pakistan
• describe the role of minorities in the creation of Pakistan
• describe the major historical events of the provinces
• describe the role of Quaid-e-Azam , Allama Iqbal , and Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah in the
creation of Pakistan
Subcontinent, local, revolt, ruthlessly, attitude, declined, encouraged, entirely, proposed,
majority, organizations, convinced, struggle, particularly, discipline, arduous, philosopher, jurist,
revolutionary, potential, patriotic, minorities
Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.

Use the KWL strategy to elicit from students what they know about ‘how Pakistan gained
independence’. Students can work independently in their exercise books or as a group of four on
a chart paper.

What I Know What I Want To Know What I Learned

Show the video below, pausing and explaining where necessary. Highlight Sir Syed Ahmed
Khan’s efforts to educate the Muslim. Play the video a second time without pausing. Ask
questions to check for students’ understanding. Note taking skills may be introduced here.
Students can make short notes using bullet points (with the teacher’s assistance) when the video
is paused.
Read page 37 with the students.
Regional contribution in the making of Pakistan
Sir Abdullah Haroon (1872–1942)
Just a month before Sir Abdullah Haroon passed away he remarked, ‘Pakistan is now inevitable.
It is bound to come [into being] sooner or later. My purpose in life is at last achieved. Life has no
more interest or excitement for me. I have had more than [what] I deserved. Now our children will
be free citizens of a free country.’
Sir Abdullah Haroon was born in Karachi and was a prominent businessman. He lost his father at
an early age. His mother, who was a pious lady, brought him up as a hardworking and committed
person. Abdullah Haroon made his place in the business community which was largely
dominated by Hindus.
He joined the National Congress party and was an active member of the Khilafat Movement.
Later he became a member of Muslim League and played an important role in separation of
Sindh from Bombay.
Ghulam Hussain Hidayat (1879–1947)
Sir Ghulam Hussain Hidayatullah was born at Shikarpur (Sindh) in 1879. He was a lawyer by
profession. He too joined Muslim League and worked and played an important role in gaining
independence. He was very close to Quaid-e-Azam . After the creation of Pakistan on 14th
August, 1947, he was appointed as the first Governor of Sindh by Quaid-i-Azam. He died shortly
after Quaid-e-Azam passed away in 1948.
Ask students to choose any two names from the list given on page 38, do some research and
write a short paragraph on how each one contributed towards making of Pakistan. (Students’
work can be displayed in the classroom)
CW: Do questions 1–4 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Quaid-e-Azam , Allama Iqbal , Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah
Read Pages 38 and 39 along with the students.
Show students the following videos of Quaid-e-Azam in his voice. Discuss the content of
each and then replay again.
Ask them to do some research as well and write down 10 interesting facts about each of the
three great personalities; Quaid-e-Azam , Mohtarma Fatimah Jinnah and Alama Iqbal .
Students’ work can be presented on a chart paper or in the form of a booklet.
At the end of the lesson, ask students to go back to their KWL chart and fill in the third column,
‘What I Learned’
CW: Do questions 5–8 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 2–3 from Going Further.

Unit Geography
Chapter 10: Globes and Maps
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define the terms ‘map’ and ‘globe’.
• name the key elements of a map.
• recognize the concept of direction by using the term ‘cardinal points’ and compass directions
with the help of a diagram.
• explain the concept of BOLTS with the help of a map.
Distinguish, spherical, continents, oceans, varies, information, peeled, border, orientation,
legend, symbols, boundary, impossible, accurately, calculate, scale, coastline

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Write the word ‘map’ on the board. Elicit from students their prior knowledge about what it is,
what different kinds of maps they have seen or they know about and what the different elements
of a map are. Ask students if they have ever used a map to find a place.
Put students in groups of 4 and provide each group with a coloured world map. If they have an
atlas, they can use that. Ask students to locate the continents and the oceans on the map.
Next ask them to locate Pakistan and elicit how it is possible to distinguish one country from the
other. Then tell them to find the neighbouring countries of Pakistan. Take the answers from the
students and explain where necessary.
Show the globe to the students. (If possible, provide one to each group). Allow students to
brainstorm and write down the differences they notice between a map and a globe. The teacher
facilitates by moving from one group to the other and ensures that all are participating. The
students then share their findings with the class. Read the relevant pages and show the following
videos explain where necessary.
Maps and globe
Ask students to carefully study the map of Pakistan on page 44. Note the different things shown
in the map and discuss their findings with their shoulder partners.
CW: Do questions 1–4 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 1–2 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Point out the various key elements of a map and explain what BOLTS stands for. Once the
students have worked with the material and gotten familiar with a map and a globe.
Draw a compass showing a cross on the board. Call out a volunteer to label the North, East,
South and West. Now draw lines in between and elicit from students what direction that would
be. Ask students to study the figure in their book on page 45 and discuss with their facing partner
(the student sitting in front).
Show the following videos to consolidate the concept.
Compass Rose
Allow students to sit in groups of 3 or 4 and study and explain, taking turns, how the real pictures
are different from their representation on a map. (pages 47 and 48).
CW: Do questions 5–8 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 3–5 from Going Further.

Chapter 11: Our Country and the World

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define and locate the major land masses such as continents, oceans, and seas.
Separate, northern, southern, neighbouring, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa previously, capital, Gilgit-
Baltistan, semi-autonomous, Skardu, Azad Jammu & Kashmir, administrative, geographical,
nearness, Silk Route, highway, landlocked, imports, exports, relationship, transport, seaport,
junction, access, undermined

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
For this lesson use the KWL strategy.
Material required:
1. Chart paper
2. Sticky notepad
The teacher prepares an empty KWL chart and pins it up in the classroom. Two ‘sticky notes’
papers are given to each student. On one they write what they know about the topic and on the
other they will brainstorm and write down all that they want to know. Once the students have
completed, allow them to get up and stick the little paper on the empty KWL chart in the ‘What I
Know’ and ‘What I Want to Know’ columns appropriately.

Topic: Our country and the world

What I What I Want What I
Know to Know Learned

CW: Do questions 1–5 from Learning Check.

HW: Do activities 1–2 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Ask students to study the map on page 52 along with their shoulder partner and look carefully at
the various continents and the oceans shown. Read pages 52 and 53 with the class, giving
students a chance to read out loud. Explain where necessary.
Show the following videos, pause and explain where necessary.
Oceans and continents
Pakistan, provinces, and capitals
Mention should be made of the Karakoram Highway as the eighth wonder of the world—the
highest paved road on the planet. Show the video below.
Karakoram Highway
Ask questions to check for students’ understanding.
Students will now write down what they learnt on ‘sticky notes’ and put them up in the last
column of the KWL chart.
CW: Do questions 6–9 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 3–5 from Going Further.

Chapter 12: Major landforms of Pakistan
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• identify major landforms and types of land in Pakistan.
landforms, similar, glaciers, similar, scenic, mountainous, construction, furniture, plateaus,
barren, fertile, tributary, agriculture, livelihood, delta, deposits, coastline, dense, mangroves,
swamps, cliffs

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Elicit from students what they understand by landforms. Take their responses and ask them to
describe the kind of landforms they know about.
Pakistan is a wonderland full of Allah’s bounties and scenic beauty with all kinds of landforms.
As you move up north from south the scenery changes from the sandy beaches, mangroves
swamps and wetland to vast deserts and plateaus. Further up are the fertile plains that produce
most of the countries food and then the mountainous region starts with mighty snow-covered
peaks and beautiful valleys and waterfalls. The glaciers in the north are among the world’s
Our country Pakistan can actually be divided into six regions on the basis of its landforms: the
northern high mountains, the low mountains in the west, the Balochistan plateau, the Potohar
upland, and the plains of Punjab and Sindh.
Show the video below to familiarize students with the different kinds of landforms that are found
in the world. Next show the second video to reinforce the different landforms and familiarize them
with the physical features of Pakistan
Landforms of the world
Landforms of Pakistan
Read the relevant pages with the students and explain where needed.
CW: Do questions 1–4 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 1–2 from Going Further.

Chapter 13: People and environment

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• explain how human activities have changed the natural environment (e.g. deforestation,
building dams, industry etc).

• identify different occupations of people (agriculture, mining and industry).
• explain the effect of the physical environment on the lifestyle of the people in Pakistan.
• describe the concept and need for food security in Pakistan.
significantly, influence, culture, architecture, transporting, services, terrace farming, tourist,
attraction, similarities, cultivation, nomadic, grassland, landmass, irrigated, large-scale,
manufacturing, handicraft, handloom, densely, populated, fertile, residential, blasting, plantation
Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Divide the class into groups of four. Allocate one of the following landforms to each group i.e.
mountainous regions, plateaus, plains, deserts
Coastal areas and Deltas
Ask students to do research and consult their text book and make a poster highlighting the
following aspects in the landform they have been allocated.
• Terrain (what the area looks like and where it is located in Pakistan)
• Climate (temperatures, rainfall)
• Population density (reason)
• Main occupation of people in the area
• Dress (clothes people wear according to the climatic condition of the region)
• Homes (anything special about the kind of houses people live in)
• Agriculture (kinds of food grown)
• Natural resources
Students can write a short paragraph about each point and paste relevant pictures.
The teacher should facilitate students in allocating work within their group, to ensure equal
Display students’ posters around the class and allow them to get up in their own groups and
move around in an orderly manner to study the posters made by other students. On a piece of
paper they should write down two positive things and one suggestion on how each poster can be
improved and then pin the paper under the relevant poster.
Elicit from students how human beings are responsible for changing the physical environment.
CW: Do questions 1–3 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 1–2 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Read through ‘How can people change the land’ with the students. Explain where necessary.
Show the following video to make students aware of how human activities are spoiling the earth
and what would the future be like if nothing is done about preserving the environment.

Human activities spoiling the Earth
Also show the two videos below to make students understand the importance of mangroves
After watching the above video, initiate a class discussion on how the environment is being
harmed, and what are some of the things each one of us can do to preserve our environment.
Food security is an important aspect.
Elicit what students understand by ‘food security’
Food security is there when all the people of a country have access to safe and nutritious food in
ample quantity. The food that is there should be available to all sections of the society
irrespective of their economic condition and it should meet their dietary need for an active and
healthy lifestyle.
Pakistan being an agricultural country is capable of producing ample amount of food provided
the resources are used carefully and intelligently.
Read through rest of the lesson with the students. Have a whole class discussion and explain
where necessary.
CW: Do questions 4–7 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 3–5 from Going Further.

Chapter 14: Population

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define the terms ‘population’ and ‘census’
• explain the importance of census
• describe the distribution of population in the region and give a map of the region and province
• enlist the major problems caused by overpopulation
• identify the importance and interconnections of Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH)
census, recorded, effectively, healthcare, opportunities, explosive growth, internal, migration,
overpopulation, necessities, sanitation, hygienic, employment, diarrhea, percentage, distribution

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Write the words ‘population’ and ‘census’ on the board. Use the strategy ‘Think, pair and share’
and ask students to discuss with their shoulder partner what these terms mean.
Take their answers and elicit by asking relevant question such as
• How do we know how many people there are in our country…?
• Why do we need to know…?

Take students’ responses and show the relevant part of the following video (From 0:00 to 1:08)
Read page 69 with the students. Focus on the graphs and explain what they stand for.
To continue the lesson ask the following questions to elicit students prior knowledge about the
population of Pakistan.
• Are there more people living in one area or province of Pakistan than in another one?
• Why do you think there is more population in one area than in the other? (list the reasons on
the board)
• Which city do you think is the most populated and why? (list the reasons)
• What are the advantages or disadvantages of overpopulation? (list the reasons)
Explain at each point. Draw the following chart on the board and put students in groups of 4. Ask
students to individually read ‘Why is the population growth rate so high in Pakistan’ and
‘Overpopulation creates many problems’ and then collectively fill in the given chart of ‘Causes
and effects’.

Causes Effects

Allow one student from each group to share their work with the class. The other groups can fill in
the missing points if there are any.
Give ample time to students to make the list after each group has shared and move around to
assess and assist the learners.
For teachers’ reference
Causes and effects for overpopulation in Pakistan:

Causes Effects
Decline in the death rate Due to this reason the natural resources start to deplete. When the
and increasing birth rate birth rate is more than the death rate, the population increases.
According to an estimation, there are approximately:
• 18,210 live births average per day (758.75 in an hour)
• 4,601 deaths average per day (191.73 in an hour)
This is an increase of 13,609 people in our population every day.

Availability of better Advancement of technology and better health facilities have lessen
medical facilities the death rate. Different vaccines have also saved billions of
people, but unfortunately the resources to sustain a healthy life
style are not available to many.
More hands to work and With the growing population, the poverty level is also increasing.
overcome poverty Many rural families think the more people there will be in their
family; they could earn more money to fulfil their needs.
A small portion of the
population lives
comfortably, but the rest
face poverty and health
and hygiene issues.
Many problems arise when Lack of basic necessities—food, clean water, shelter, sanitation and
there is overpopulation hygienic living conditions. Less chances of employment and
education, etc.

CW: Do questions 1–3 from Learning Check.

HW: Do activities 1–2 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Highlight WASH the Pakistan and UNICEF collaborative programme for supplying clean water,
better sanitation and hygiene to all.
Explain ‘Population density’ with the help of the illustration, the pie chart and the maps.
In groups of three students can read, taking turns ‘People can choose which province to live in’
and then they can share their preferences about where they would like to live and why.
CW: Do questions 4–5 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 3–4 from Going Further.

Chapter 15: Weather and climate

Teaching objectives:
Bu the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define weather and climate
• identify the elements of climate (temperature, rainfall, wind)
• identify the factors affecting climate
forecast, temperature, surrounded, atmosphere, determine, equator, poles, processes,
beforehand, meteorologists, instruments, barometer, wind vane, rain gauge, constant, elements,
Celsius, Fahrenheit, rotation, axis, vapour, droplets, pressure, uproot, current, vegetation, humid

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Read the chapter with students. Discuss questions and activities and take questions from
students. Watch the following links and discuss the content:
Weather and climate
Weather forecast
Elements of weather
Read the topic ‘Factors affecting climate’ with the class and with the help of the following poster
explain the various elements that affect the climate of a certain region.

CW: Do questions 1–5 from Learning Check.

HW: Do activities 1–3 from Going Further.

Chapter 16: Natural disasters

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• explain how common natural disasters occur (floods, earthquakes, cyclones, avalanches)
• identify safety measures that can be taken in case of natural disasters, specifically in the
case of earthquakes (before, during and after)

destruction, disaster, tsunamis, landslides, sweep, overflow, submerge, lightening, surroundings,
carelessness, rescue, international, organization, identify, assemble, sturdy, evacuation, emergency,
cyclones, pandemic, disease, affected, Spanish Flu, influenza, cholera, plague, diarrhea

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
What are natural disasters?
Natural disasters are actually huge weather occurrences that happen naturally and human
beings have no control over them. They may be floods, earthquakes, cyclones, tsunamis,
tornadoes, forest fires, volcanic eruptions, etc.
What causes a natural disaster?
Natural disasters are caused because of many natural changes taking place on the surface or
below the surface of the earth. These can be erosion of the soil, ocean currents, movement of
tectonic plates or seismic activity below the earth’s surface, low or high pressure of the air.
Elicit what ‘natural disasters’ mean and what the different kinds of natural disasters are, to check
on students’ prior knowledge of the topic. Read through the first paragraph on page 78 and
highlight how Pakistan gets affected by these natural disasters.
Show the 4 videos below. Pause after each and discuss how the disaster occurs. Repeat the
video for better understanding of the phenomenon.
Why do natural disasters occur (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, cyclones)
Write ‘earthquake’, ‘flood’, ‘tsunami’ and ‘forest fire’ on the board. Put students in groups of four
and allocate one of the above to each group. Ask them to brainstorm and write down, on a sheet
of paper, what one should do in case of the natural disaster allocated to them.
Ask one student in each group to stand up and share the points his or her group had written to be
safe during the disaster.
CW: Do questions 1–2 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 2
Time duration:
Read through pages 79 and 80. Initiate a class discussion about the safety measures and their
importance. Explain where necessary. Take questions from students and allow them some time
to brainstorm for questions and activities.
CW: Do questions 3–4 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 2 from Going Further.

Unit Economics
Chapter 17: Choices and decisions
Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• make economic choices according to one’s personal needs and resources.
• apply economics and money management in personal life (pocket money, savings).
products, requirements, survive, selecting, comparison, unnecessary, destination, advice,
economic, packaged, contents, enclosed, maximum, consumed, expenditure, commercial,
vaccination, infectious, infected, relatively
Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Write the words ‘Needs’ and ‘Wants’ on the board. Put students in groups of four and ask them to
list down 8 things that are needs and 8 things that are wants. Use the strategy ‘Round Robin’ to
allow students to participate taking turns. Once all the groups are done ask a representative of
each group to stand up and share their needs and wants with the class. Allow the other students
to comment if they think a ‘want’ or a ‘need’ is not rightly placed.
Show the video below and then initiate a whole class discussion allowing students to express
their views about it.
(Needs and wants)
Students can be taken for a field trip to a supermarket with a certain amount of money and asked
to purchase things that are ‘needs’ within that money. With this activity, students can deal with
actual money, learn to make the right choices, compare the product and its price with a similar
product, learn to economize and more.

Maximize Utility =
Choices Get the most utility
of benefit for the
(benefits derived
from purchase of

(Explain the above chart to students before they decide what to purchase)
Once the above activity is finished, students can share their reasons for buying a certain product
and not another similar one in their groups. Read through the chapter; explaining where
CW: Do questions 1–5 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activities 1–5 from Going Further.

Chapter 18: Goods and services

Teaching objectives:
By the end of the chapter, students will be able to:
• define the terms ‘goods’ and ‘services’ and list some examples.
• define the term ‘economic’ and ‘economy’ of a country.
• differentiate producers and consumers; and explain their interdependence.
• define the term ‘inflation’ and how it effects the purchasing power of people.
• define the terms ‘trade’ and ‘business’.
• identify the major import and exports of Pakistan.
• define and differentiate between types of entrepreneurs.
• define the term ‘banking’.
• identify services provided by banks.
non-physical, economics, production, consumption, relationship, organisations, dependent,
inflation, purchasing, businesses, entrepreneurs, export, import, knowledge, manufacture, textile,
electronics, registered, marketing, exchanging, profession, security, paycheck, cheques,
expanding, financial, valuable, digital, facilitate

Lesson plan 1
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Write the two words ‘Goods’ and ‘Services’ on the chalk board and elicit from students what they
understand by these words and give examples for each. Let them first discuss with their shoulder
partners and then take a few answers from the students. Allow students to agree or disagree with
the others and ask them the reason why they think so.
Show the following videos to the students:
Goods and Services
Read each topic with the students. Elicit beforehand what they understand and check on their
prior knowledge about the various topics in this chapter. The appropriate videos from the links
given below should be shown after students have discussed the topic in a class discussion or in
a smaller group. After each video, students should be allowed to voice their opinions and queries
about it. The videos can be replayed if the teacher feels the need to do so.

Saving and Spending
CW: Do questions 1–3 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 1 from Going Further.
Lesson plan 2
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Watch the following video on ‘Producers and Consumers’ and discuss the contents with student.
Take questions and ensure the concept are clear before students move on to attempt questions
and activities.
Producers and Consumers
CW: Do questions 4–5 from Learning Check.
HW: Do activity 2 from Going Further.

Lesson plan 3
Time duration: 40 minutes.
Story of money
Explain ‘inflation’ with the help of the chart given below. $ sign can be replaced with Rs.

Exports and Imports:
Students can make a web diagram for each. They can do some research and add one or two
more items to the Export and the Import web.


CW: Do questions 6–8 from Learning Check.

HW: Do activity 3 from Going Further.

Answers to Questions
Unit 1 Citizenship
Chapter 1: The rights and responsibilities of citizens
Learning Check
1. Students will write the answer to this question as per their individual understanding.
2. Civic sense is about behaving properly in public in order to avoid disturbing other people and
causing damage to public goods and services.
3. Students will answer this question based on their own understanding.
4. a. True
b. False
c. True
d. True
e. False
Going Further
1. Guide students on basic steps to conduct this exercise.
2. Assign this activity to students as a task at the end of the lesson. Students could do this
individually as a creative project.
3. Divide students into groups so each group could prepare an individual speech and bring it to
the class. Each group’s representative could narrate the speech in the class.
4. Students could do this activity with the help of their parents and other family members.

Chapter 2: Human rights

Learning Check
1. Every human is entitled to certain rights upon birth regardless of colour, caste, creed,
orientation, ethnicity, age, etc.
2. Students will answer this question individually.
3. Rights and responsibilities are interlinked because just as we are entitled to certain rights
upon birth, we also have certain responsibilities to fulfill. All humans, for example, have the
right to quality education, healthcare, and nutrition upon birth. However, at the same time, we
also have the responsibility to be civic in public with people and public goods and services.
Going Further
1. Encourage students to take up this activity individually.
2. Students could do this individually or in groups. Encourage this as an individual research and
writing activity.
3. Students could do this individually if all have the skill to use the software. Otherwise, divide
students into groups in which at least one or more students should be proficient in using the
software. Other students can contribute by pitching ideas for content and design, whereas
anyone else who would like to present should be encouraged.
4. Conduct this activity in the classroom using the Internet and library books, if required. Use
authentic and verified literature for clarity.

Chapter 3: Getting along with others
Learning Check
1. Conflict is a situation where two or more people disagree on a situation. Peace, on the other
hand, is a situation in which the people in conflict have reached a peaceful conclusion.
2. Students will answer this question based on their own experiences.
3. The major disadvantage of a conflict is that it makes people angry which is not a good start to
make peace and act and talk wisely.
4. Diversity means the existence of a diverse range of people regardless of their ability, religion,
gender, caste, colour, and creed, etc. in a society of organization. It becomes apparent in a
society when people from diverse backgrounds co-exist and flourish.
5. Tolerance is important in a peaceful society because it helps people grow individually and
Going Further
1. This activity can be done with students in the classroom.
2. Help students to complete this task in classroom. You could complete the flowchart as per
instructions from the students. Also, encourage all students to participate equally.
3. Students could do this individually, however, it is suggested that all students contribute
individually by bringing in pictures and then setting up a big collage. Paste or hang it in the
school hallway or softboard where many students can see and learn.
4. Students could do this activity individually in their notebooks. They could draw three columns
in their notebooks, one each for home, school, and neighbourhood.

Unit 2 Culture
Chapter 4: What is culture?
Learning Check
1. When different groups of people with a diverse range of languages, clothes, food, religion,
habits, custom, art, music, etc. live together, it is called the culture of that place.
2. Language is important to a culture because it gives rise to literature, poetry, and art.
3. Students will answer this question based on their own research and observations.
4. Interfaith harmony refers to a people of different faiths living together in harmony. It promotes
peace in a society because people live, grow, and work without any fears and compromises.
Encourage students to think and write their own answers.
5. Nation: A large of groups of people living together with a common aim to benefit the country
is called a nation.
Nationality: The citizens living in a country hold the nationality of that country. For example,
the nationality of the citizens of Pakistan is Pakistani.
Patriotism: It is the affection, spirit, and love for one’s country.
6. Encourage students to write their own answers.
7. A. False
B. False
C. True
D. True

Going Further
1. Encourage students to conduct research via Internet and discuss among peers.
2. Help students to complete this activity with necessary directives only. Students, by now,
should be able to work independently on the topic.
3. This could be a joint effort by the class. Each student could contribute in a different way, for
example, content research, image search, creative input, execution, etc.

Chapter 5: Communication
Learning Check
1. Communication is the exchange of information between individuals or groups of people. It
could be one-to-one, via email, phone call, or even through a computer.
2. Students will write answer to the question based on their own understanding.
3. To answer this question, students could also research through books and Internet other than
the information shared in the lesson.
4. Students will write answers in their own words.
Going Further
1. Each student should collect information at home and bring all data to classroom to complete
the exercise with peers. This should be done on chart paper or separate worksheets other
than classwork and homework copies. This should be done to ensure the phone numbers of
family members are handled with care and confidentiality. By the end of the term, you can do
so by disposing off the material carefully.
2. Students should be able to do this activity on their own, whereas the postcards could be
posted via the school collectively than individually. Advantages and disadvantages are a
good way to evoke engagement on the topic and learn from each other. Divide students in
two groups – one each for advantage and disadvantage.
3. This is a thorough activity that needs research by the teachers as well. Help students prepare
a questionnaire and then have a discussion in the classroom when all responses have been

Unit 3 State and government

Chapter 6: Structure of government
Learning Check
1. The major difference between a state and the government is that a state is a country
inhabited by a group of people run under a government. The government, on the other hand,
refers to a group of people elected by the people living in that country.
2. The Constitution is the supreme law of the country. It outlines the rules that instruct the
government on how to run the country. The salient features of the Constitution of 1973
Pakistan are as follows:
• Pakistan is an Islamic Republic.
• The government will be chosen by its citizens after every 5 years.
• Pakistan is composed of 4 provinces, Punjab, Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Balochistan,
and two administrative areas of Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir.
• Fundamental human rights are guaranteed to all citizens of Pakistan

3. These are discussed as follows:
• Legislature: The function of the Legislature is to make new laws and to change old ones
where necessary.
• Executive: The function of the Executive is to ensure that the laws made by the
Legislature are acted upon.
• Judiciary: The function of Judiciary is to provide justice.
4. Rules an unofficial guideline that help people create boundaries. This helps people know
what they should do what they should not do in a place , society, or a country. Laws, on the
other hand, are officially made by the government of a country which means that all people
living in a country must abide by them. People who do not abide by the law, are punished as
per the directions in the law. The best benefit of rules and laws is justice and peace.
5. In a democracy, the people of the country can choose a leader of a party through an
6. Students will write answer to this question based on their understanding of the process.
7. Students will write answer to this question based on their understanding the electoral
process and the role of the speech. They should be able to know the reasons why
candidates prepared speeches.
8. Students should write answers to this question on their own.
9. Students should write answers to this question on their own.
10. A. ‘the government of the people’.
B. integrity, passion, courage, commitment, and empathy
C. five
D. Legislature, Executive, and Judiciary
Going Further
1. Students could write answers to this question in the classwork copies.
2. This activity could be done at the end of the lesson. Students should follow the way
described in the lesson.
3. This activity can be done along with activity number 2.
4. Each group should be assigned a theme such as cleanliness, beautification, bullying, school
property, and extra-curricular activities. These rules should be written on a chart paper
beautifully. Encourage all students to contribute at least one rule. At the end of the activity,
paste the rules on the hallway softboard.
5. Arrange a trip and help students take points. Brief them beforehand on the nature of the work
undertaken by the organization.
6. Students could do this in groups and then present as well.
7. Students could do this in school IT labs or at home. Encourage them to outline the nature
and scope of the work, significant achievements of the organization, and some key statistics,

Unit 4 History
Chapter 7: Long, long ago
Learning Check
1. The use of letters, AH, CE, and BCE is stated below:
AH (Anno Hegirae) represents the number of years after the Hijra of Hazrat Muhammad
from Makkah to Madinah.

CE (Common Era) refer to the number of years since the birth of Jesus Christ (Hazrat Isa ).
BCE (Before the Common Era) refers to the time before the birth of Jesus Christ (Hazrat Isa ).
2. Archaeologists study the past artifacts and records. They work together with historians, for
example, archaeologists study the physical remains while historians write about them.
3. The humans of prehistoric tribes developed the basic form of tools. Since they were hunter-
gatherers, they hunted other animals and gathered plants and fruits to survive. They moved
from place to place in search of food and water
4. Indus Valley Civilisation:
– Mohenjo-Daro: pottery, cooking pots, jewellery, tools, and cotton fabric
– Harappa: Copper and bronze pots, jewellery, carved seals, figurines, and statues
Egyptian Civilisation: invented tools, e.g. ox-drawn plough, sickle for harvest, and mills for
grinding grain, hieroglyphs, papyrus for writing, calendar, and clock
Mesopotamian Civilisation: first to invent writing on clay tablets called cuneiform, sundial
clock, and sailboats
5. Harappa was located in Punjab, and Mohenjo-Daro was located in Sindh.
6. People living near Larkana found some old coins and bricks and that led to the discovery of
Mohenjo-Daro in 1922.
7. Complete the sentences
a. Indus Valley Civilisation
b. 1976
c. Stone Age
d. Mesopotamians
e. Students will write their own opinion
f. 2500 BCE
g. Indus Valley, Mesopotamians
Going Further
1. Let students complete this activity on their own. Help them if required. This is a great
opportunity for them to work as independently and creatively as they can.
2. Students should be able to do this activity on their own. You could guide to the pages of the
book where the information is available.
3. Students could complete this activity along with the questions in Learning Check.
4. Help students with the relevant information using the Internet and literature from the library or
other books.
5. Students should be able to this activity independently and prepare their answers on their
6. Take students to the school computer lab to conduct research or assign for homework if
they all have access to Internet at homes. This is a creative activity so let students be as
creative as they want, for example, they could draw or paste pictures, design their booklets in
whatever way they like, use colour pens and other writing instruments.

Chapter 8: Early history of Islam

Learning Check
1. The pre-Islamic time in Arabia is called the Age of Ignorance because the Arabs were
polytheists, superstitious, buried their daughters and fought over trivial matters.
2. The early Muslims of Makkah migrated to Madinah because the people of Quraish mistreated
Hazrat Muhammad and other Muslims.

3. Hazrat Muhammad took over the city of Makkah in 630 CE
because the Quraish violated the truce of Hudaibiya.
4. The appeal of the message of Islam includes qualities such as equality, justice, and
tolerance for all human beings.
5. The first four caliphs are called the Rightly Guided because they were guided by the
example of Hazrat Muhammad .
6. During Hazrat Abu Bakar’s rule, people reverted to their own beliefs, while some
declared themselves as prophets. People also refused to pay taxes.
7. Hazrat Umar’s rule is noted for the spread of Islam and his able administration. He
set up the foundation of an able government. During his caliphate, Islam spread further
into Syria. Battles were fought against the Persians, Romans, and the followers of Islam
took control of Jerusalem, Palestine, Persia, and Khorasan. Egypt was the next country to
embrace Islam.
8. In Madinah Munawara, Hazrat Ali faced a lot of trouble from different groups of
people. He tried to stop his followers from fighting with each other. However, in order to deal
with these problems, he decided to move the capital to Kufa.
9. During Hazrat Usman bin Affan’s time Muslims went as far as Cyprus and Islam
spread very quickly throughout the region.
Going Further
1. Encourage students to conduct research using library resources as a lot of false information
is available on the Internet. Students can ask questions from parents, grandparents, and
teachers as well.
2. Supervise students while they research in the computer lab. Guide them through different
religious sites across the world. You could tell them to first look at the map of the Muslim
World and pick one region or country and then move to next.

Chapter 9: Making of Pakistan

Learning Check
1. Quaid-e-Azam is called the Father of the Nation because he struggled to demand a
separate nation for the Muslims of subcontinent.
2. Muslims of India needed a separate homeland because the British were handing over the
power to Hindus upon leaving India and Quaid-e-Azam saw that the Hindus would not be
fair to Muslims who would also not be allowed to practice their religion freely.
3. To the young Pakistanis, the Quaid-e-Azam said, “Pakistan is proud of her youth,
particularly the students, who are nation builders of tomorrow. They must fully equip
themselves with discipline, education, and training for the arduous task lying ahead of them”.
4. We can thank the Quaid by following his advice thoroughly and work for the prosperity of our
5. Mohtarma Fatima Jinnah helped her brother by supporting him during the Pakistan
Movement. She was a member of the working committee of the Bombay Provincial Muslim
League until Pakistan’s creation. Besides, she also organized the women’s wing of All India
Muslim League and founded the All India Muslim Students’ Federation in 1941 in Delhi.
6. Students will answer this question in their own words based on their understanding.
7. Students will answer this question in their own words based on their understanding.
8. Students will answer this question in their own words based on their understanding.

Going Further
1. Take students to the computer lab so they could conduct research. Alternatively, a visit to the
school library should also serve purpose, if the library is well-stocked in the subject.
2. Guide students on executing this activity step by step. Accompany them to the library and if
possible take help from an Urdu teacher who could explain the meaning of the couplets to
the students, so they know the essence of these poems.
3. Take students to the computer lab and help conduct research so they can take notes.

Unit 5 Geography
Chapter 10: Globes and maps
Learning Check
1. Students will write the answer to this question as per their own understanding.
2. The main difference between using a globe and using a map is that you have to turn the
globe in order to see the different parts of the Earth, but on a map of the world you can see
every country at the same time.
3. The concept behind BOLTS is to present key elements that help us to read maps and find
4. Symbols on a map are used to represent the boundary that separates one country or
province from another.
5. On a map, the key or legend shows all the symbols and explains what each means. Without
a key it would be impossible to read the map accurately.
6. Maps are drawn to scale because it is not possible to draw maps of any area as per its actual
7. Students will answer this question based on their own understanding of the topic.
8. Students will answer this question based on their own understanding of the topic.
Going Further
1. Help students locate maps in atlas and let them assess the second part of the question.
2. Students should be by now be able to work on this task independently, however, the teacher
can guide where needed.
3. Students should be able to work independently on this task.
4. Assign this task as a class activity. Guide students, if needed.
5. Assign this task as a class activity. Guide students, if needed.

Chapter 11: Our country and the world

Learning Check
1. Pakistan shares borders with Afghanistan, India, Iran, and China.
2. Students will answer this question based on their own understanding.
3. The Silk route connects China and Europe.
4. Karakoram Highway is located on the Silk Route.
5. A landlocked country is surrounded by land from all sides.
6. Pakistan helps its landlocked neighbouring countries by allowing them access to its three
ports for trade purposes.
7. CPEC means China-Pakistan Economic Corridor. It will benefit Pakistan and neighbouring
countries as it will create a network of modern roads, railways, and air transport which will not
only benefit Pakistan and China, but also Iran, Afghanistan, and the Central Asian countries.

8. Gwadar Port is important because of its deep seaport, whereas the province of Balochistan is
located at the junction of shipping and oil trade routes. (Ask students to locate Gwadar Port
on the map.
9. Fill in the blanks.
a. north, North
b. south, South
c. four; Sindh, Punjab, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
d. Sindh
e. Balochistan
f. Silk Route
g. north-west
h. Gilgit-Baltistan
i. west
j. Sindh
k. Asia
l. Asia
m. 195
n. borders
Going Further
1. Students can do this activity in class. Distribute maps of Pakistan and students can attach
that to classwork copies for record purposes.
2. Assign this task for homework as students should now be able to complete this task
3. Students could complete this activity in classwork or homework copies. This activity should
be done independently.
4. This could be a creative presentation or homework task. Students can also present in groups.
However, there should be equal participation from all students.
5. Distribute maps of the world in class. Students should be able to complete this activity

Chapter 12: Major landforms of Pakistan

Learning Check
1. Students will do this question based on their location.
2. The tributaries of River Indus include Jhelum, Sutlej, Ravi, and Chenab.
3. Let students complete this activity on their own. This activity requires thorough reading
and understanding of lesson contents. Hence, it is of importance that students work
4. Fill in the blanks.
a. They store about 69 percent of fresh water in the form of glaciers which are similar to
frozen rivers.
b. Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Azad Jammu & Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan
c. They make the environment healthy by providing fresh air; the wood is used in
construction, making furniture, etc. Also, forests are home to many types of plants and
animals, besides humans.
d. Balochistan
e. Punjab
f. Fifth

Going Further
1. Distribute maps to students for this task.
2. Divide students into groups and assign one element to each group. Students can collate and
present their work at the end of the class.
Chapter 13: People and their environment
Learning Check
1. A Students will read the lesson and answer this question on their own.
1. B Students will research and compose answer to this question on their own.
2. People change land by cutting trees to use wood as fuel not realizing that they are reducing
the country’s forested area. In order to build towns and cities and to bring more land under
cultivation, they cut down forests. This not only destroys the landscape, but also the habitats
of wild animals.
Land pollution also changes the natural environment as rubbish and filth are very harmful
to health as they give rise to germs. Mining companies change the face of the land through
blasting to extract different minerals. Construction of dams also changes the face of land as
artificial lakes are sometimes created. Sometimes this involves flooding a large area which
may contain a town, village, or farmland.
3. Students will answer this question based on where they are located.
4. Students will answer this question in conjunction to their findings in the question above.
5. The answer to this question will be based on students’ individual opinion.
6. Some of the reasons are listed below:
a. furniture
b. construction of homes and commercial building
c. use of wood for domestic uses
d. greater space for cultivation
e. land mining companies
f. construction of dams
7. Fill in the blanks.
a. terrace
b. 85.3%
c. nomads
d. canals
e. Gujranwala, Sialkot, Faisalabad
f. Makran
g. fishing
h. deforestation
i. infertile
j. other natural causes
Going Further
1. Arrange a class debate around the topic. Encourage participation from all students. Students
could prepare their arguments in advance.
2. Each student should prepare their own poster and bring it to the class on the day of
3. Show the video on the topic to students in the class or inside the computer lab. Students
could take notes and then brainstorm in groups. Each student should present their thoughts
in form of a report in classwork copy.

4. Conduct the research inside the computer lab and guide students step-by-step. Help them
find reliable information on the Internet. Students can document their research or just conduct
the activity to increase their exposure and knowledge on the topic.
5. Assign this activity for homework. This is a simple, creative, and fun activity that students
should be able to work on independently.

Chapter 14: Population

Learning Check
1. Population: Population is the total number of people living in an area, town, city, province,
country, or the world.
Population density: The average number of people living in an area of 1 sq. km is called the
density of population of that area.
Population distribution: The pattern of where people live is called population distribution.
Migration: Migration is the movement of people from one place to another.
2. The population density is not the same in all the provinces of Pakistan because the number
of people i.e. population in each province is different.
3. Students should be able to do this activity independently.
4. Students will answer this question based on their own understanding of the matter.
5. Complete the sentences:
a. A census is a method used by a government for counting the number of people.
b. The government needs information about its population to plan for supply of food,
healthcare, education, housing, job opportunities, and other public services.
c. People in villages prefer having more children for economic reasons, whereas internal
migration is another major cause.
d. Less people live
e. More people live
f. Calculating the average number of people living in an area of 1 sq. km
Going Further
1. Students should ask their parents about a variety of factors such as economic, housing,
education, healthcare, public services, safety, etc.
2. Divide students into groups of five and let them discuss and take notes. Each group could
present at the end of the exercise.
3. Each student should be able to work independently to complete this activity creatively. The
teacher could guide the students with writing advertisement-oriented text. The text does not
have to be professionally themed but a few simple words that deliver the intended message
without creating confusions.
4. Students could conduct this activity as home assignment as they should be now be able to
research independently. The topic is also suitable and easier to research using Internet.

Chapter 15: Weather and climate

Learning Check
1. The layer of gases that surround the Earth is called the atmosphere.
2. The Earth and the atmosphere receive Sun’s heat but because the Earth is round and is
turning on its orbit, different parts of the Earth receive heat at different times and at different
angles. Areas around the Equator get direct sunlight and are warmer, whereas areas around
the Poles receive sunlight at an angle and so are colder.

3. The pattern of weather observed over a period of time is called the climate of that place.
Weather changes on a daily basis, whereas climate remains constant. For example,
Karachi’s climate is hot and humid, although the weather is sometimes windy, sunny, or
cloudy. Also, there is some amount of rain during the year.
4. Below is a list of factors affecting the climate of a place:
a. height of land
b. distance from sea
c. ocean currents
d. physical features
e. vegetation
f. distance from equator
g. direction of winds
5. Complete the sentences.
a. warmer
b. colder
c. its shape is round
d. tools and instruments to forecast the weather
Going Further
1. Students will collect information and write the answers in the classwork copies.
2. Students should be able to complete this activity independently. Show them pictures of
weather in tropical, cold, and hot climate countries.
3. Students will have to access Internet to find out forecast information. This activity could be
completed in the computer lab or at home.

Chapter 16: Natural disasters

Learning Check
1. Natural disasters occur for several reasons. Earthquakes are caused when the tectonic
plates beneath the surface of the Earth move. When an earthquake occurs on the sea floor
of an ocean, a tsunami occurs, and huge waves of water sweep to the land and cause
destruction. Floods occur when the rivers overflow and submerge the surrounding land in
water. Forest fires are caused either naturally due to lightening, or due to carelessness of
2. Natural disasters damage buildings which is why people lose homes and personal belonging,
take lives, leaves people injured, and destroy the networks of communication and power
3. Students will answer this question on their own.
4. Complete the sentences.
a. Earthquakes
b. when the rivers overflow and submerge the surrounding land in water.
c. Japan
d. 1918 – 1920
e. December 2019
Going Further
1. Show pictures of earthquake and flood disasters that took place in Pakistan. However,
ensure the content is not graphic – only choose content that shows infrastructural damage.

You can, however, share information on the number of lives lost, children orphaned, and
people who lost families.
2. Students could complete this activity at home if they have access to Internet or you can
accompany them to the computer lab at school.

Unit 6 Economics
Chapter 17: Choices and decisions
Learning Check
1. Economic choice means that we spend our money on the things that we need according to
our income.
2. Needs are necessities of life, whereas wants are things that we like to have but are not
necessary to survive. Students will add examples from their daily lives.
3. Governments make economic choices because they have limited financial resources that
they have to spend to satisfy the needs and wants of the people.
4. Students will answer this question based on their own experience.
5. a. Students will answer this question based on their own experiences.
b. Students will answer this question based on their own experiences.
Going Further
All activities 1–5 are based on students’ personal experiences, hence students should be able to
work independently and take guidance where needed.

Chapter 18: Goods and services

Learning Check
1. Physical objects which people can touch and buy are called goods such as water bottle,
clothes, tissue box, food, etc. Services include non-physical facilities such as Internet,
electricity connection, medical service, etc.
2. Students will write their own opinion for this question.
3. The buying of goods and services is called trade and the activity of making, buying and
selling of goods and services is called business.
4. Export means selling home-grown goods to other countries that are facing shortage for
those products. Import means buying goods from other countries that have surplus of those
goods. Major exports of Pakistan include textiles, cement, rice, leather goods, and raw sugar,
whereas its major imports include crude and refined petroleum, scrap iron, palm oil, raw
cotton, and vehicles.
5. Entrepreneurs are owners of their business and this means both the profit and loss has
to be born by them. They are their own managers, and run the business based on their
skills and knowledge of the industry. Also, they have to bring their own money to start the
business. There are different types of the entrepreneurs such as business entrepreneurs,
trading entrepreneurs, industrial entrepreneurs, corporate entrepreneurs, and agricultural
6. Students will complete this activity on their own. Help them by showing them how a timeline
is drawn by sketching one sample on the board.
7. Students will write their own opinion for this question.

8. Mark True or False.
a. False
b. False
c. False
d. False
e. True
Going Further
1. Help students draw up lists of necessary goods and services, as well as their prices, for the
journey. Students should be able to continue with the rest of the activity on their own.
2. Assign this activity for homework. Students will need access to the Internet for this activity.
3. Students will complete this activity in classroom. They could draw the cheque in their
classwork copies and then fill it.


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