Joint Venture (JV) Agreement: For Providing Consultancy Services For "Project Name"
Joint Venture (JV) Agreement: For Providing Consultancy Services For "Project Name"
Joint Venture (JV) Agreement: For Providing Consultancy Services For "Project Name"
I. The following 03 (three) Firms have decided to form a Joint Venture (JV) Association for
Providing Consultancy Services for the “Project Name".
II. The Consultancy services shall be rendered by the above-mentioned firms in the form of a
JV, hereinafter be treated as a “JV of Short Name Company 1-Short Name company 2-
Short Name company 3” for the purpose of the above assignment and shall be valid for the
above-mentioned project only.
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III. The “JV of COMPANY 1- COMPANY 2- COMPANY 3” shall jointly and equally responsible
for providing services and support in preparing proposals, and implementing consultancy
services, if offered by the client. The JV has been agreed that ABL will be the leading firm,
and act as a representative of the JV.
IV. The “JV of COMPANY 1- COMPANY 2- COMPANY 3” shall form a Project Management
Committee (PMC) consisting of one representative from each of the 03 (three) firms to
manage the project assignment.
The Parties shall have the right to change their representative upon due notice to the other
party of the Association.
V. A Current Account shall be opened with any local schedule bank by the PMC for the receipt
and payment of all costs including salaries and allowances of the project staff, out-of-pocket
expenses, etc. for implementation of the proposed consultancy services under the “JV of
COMPANY 1- COMPANY 2- COMPANY 3”. The JV Account shall be jointly operated by two
of the nominated representatives of the PMC.
VI. A fund as decided by the PMC shall be mobilized from the equal contribution of each firm of
the “JV of COMPANY 1- COMPANY 2- COMPANY 3” to meet initial-expenses before
receiving the 1st payment from the client, and also the amount; if required during the
assignment period.
VII. All expenses including salaries & other benefit of the project staff and other project related
expenses including services charge shall be met from the JV Account. After meeting
expenses, a portion of accumulated fund in the JV Account as decided by PMC periodically,
shall be withdrawn as overhead, and finally the profit & loss of this JV be shared equally.
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VIII. Any controversy or misunderstanding arises to the Understanding or breach of the clause(s)
of the agreement that could be resolved mutually by the Project Management Committee, if
failed that shall be referred to the three arbitrators consisting of one nomination from each
party, and the unanimous decision of arbitrators shall be binding on all parties of the Joint
Venture (JV).
Any other details will be settled by mutual discussion by the Project Management Committee (PMC)
later on.
Dhaka, dated
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