(Advanced Calc One Variable) Syllabus
(Advanced Calc One Variable) Syllabus
(Advanced Calc One Variable) Syllabus
Advanced Calculus of Function of one variable
Instructor’s Information
Name: Miliyon T.
Email: miliyon@ymail.com
Office No: 201 (Block 202)
Office Hours: TBD
Course Description: This course deals with the Well Ordering Principle, principle of mathe-
matical induction, least upper bound property of the real number system, sequence of real num-
bers, the topology of the real numbers, limits, continuity, differentiation, and the Riemann integral
and its properties.
Prerequisite(s): Math1022.
Credit Hours: 4 hrs
Course Objectives:
At the completion of this course, students will be able to:
Chapter Content
Topology of the
real number
Chapter 1
þ Differentiable functions
þ Properties of differentiable function
þ Higher derivatives
þ Extended mean value theorem and Taylor’s formula
The Riemann
Chapter 4
1. R. R. Goldberg, Methods of real analysis, 1970.
2. S. C. Malik, Mathematical Analysis, 2nd ed., 1992.
3. Douglas S. Bridges, Foundations of real and abstract analysis, Springer, 1998.
4. Robert G. Bartle, The elements of real analysis, John Wiley & Sons INC., 1964.
5. Walter Rudin, Principles of mathematical analysis, 3rd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1976.
6. Hans Sagan, Advanced Calculus, Houghton Mifflin company.
Assignments 20%
Quizzes 10%
Tests 20%
Final Exam 50%