Surveyor Oral Questions

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I. Multiple choice question

1. How many conventions under imo?
Ans b) 20-30 there are 28 conventions

2. On a bulkcarier ac squirrel cage motor is used for what functions?

Ans b) heaving or hoisting because the AC squirrel cage induction
motor having high starting torque and low current.

3. L/d ratio on a vlcc tanker?

Ans a)more than 4 because VLCC approx. dimensions L=330 to 350m, B= 50
to 60m, D= 22 to 27m. If you calculate l/d > 4.

4. Under solas convention ships are divided into passenger ships and ?
Ans Cargo ships

5. In case of piracy attack whom should you first approach for claims?
Ans a)H&M, also report to P&I As per Badwal.

II. Recent questions

1. What are class certificates and what are statutory certificate?

Ans: Statutory certificates are compulsory to be carried onboard for
vessel to sail and class certificates are not compulsory, but required
for insurance.

2. What is Stp ship & Definition of stp?

Ans: “Special trade passenger ship” means a mechanically propelled
ship carrying more than thirty special trade passengers.
“Special trade passenger” means a passenger carried in special
trade passenger ship in spaces on the weather deck or upper deck or
between decks which accommodate more than eight passengers and
includes a pilgrim or a person accompanying a pilgrim.

3. Passenger ship definition? Who is passenger?

Ans:"Passenger ship" means a ship carrying more than twelve
Paseenger means any person onboard except a) employed or engaged in
business on ship
b) Any person onboard due to distress or circumstances unforeseen by
master or charterer.
c) Child under the age of One year.

4. Which solas convention is in use and since when?

Ans: SOLAS 74 since 25 may 1980.

5. What is marpol convention and when it came into force?

Ans: International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from
Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto and
by the Protocol of 1997. In force since 02nd October 1983.


6. When voyage is called international voyage?
Ans: Means a voyage from or to a port or place in india to or from a
port or place outside india.

7. Short international voyage

Ans: “short international voyage” means an international voyage — (a)
in the course of which a ship is not more than 200 nautical miles from
a port or place in which the passengers and crew could be placed in
safety; and
(b) Which does not exceed 600 nautical miles in length between the
last port of call in the country where the voyage begins and the final
destination, no account being taken of any deviation by the ship from
her intended voyage due solely to stress of weather or any other
circumstance that neither the master nor the owner, nor the chartere

=r (if any), of the ship could reasonably prevent or forestall.

8. IOPP certificate issued to your vessel on 27.01.2013 and valid till

29.12.2017 give me the annual and intermediate survey dates?
Ans: Annual survey on 29.12.2013 ±3 months, 29.12.2014 ±3 months,
29.12.2015 ±3 months, 29.12.2016 ±3 months (expiry date important)
Intermediate survey on 29.06.2015 ± 6 months

9. Safe con issue date 06.01.2013 and valid till 05.01.2018 give me the
annual and intermediate survey dates?
Ans: Annual survey on 05.01.2014 ±3 months, 05.01.2015 ±3 months,
05.01.2016 ±3 months, 05.01.2017 ±3 months (expiry date important)
Intermediate survey on 05.07.2015 ± 6 months

10. Survey date 09.01.13, Expiry date:12.12.17 tell me annual and

intermediate survey dates?
Ans: Annual survey on 12.12.2013 ±3 months, 12.12.2014 ±3 months,
12.12.2015 ±3 months, 12.12.2016 ±3 months (expiry date important)
Intermediate survey on 12.06.2015 ± 6 months

11. Draw fire line diagram and show the isolation valve?


12. For 10 days voyage how much extra bunker? Bunker requirements for
Ans: Thats depends on company company had requirement if 3
days extra fuel including Mgo for international voyage n 1 day for

13. What are statutory surveys and cerificates.

IEEC surveys. Certification see the notes.

14. What is the capacity of emergency fire pump? How will determine
capacity? Dia of nozzle?
Ans: Emergency fire pump requirement: - SOLAS ch II-2 reg 10, pg no
1. Independent driven power operated pump
2. Not less than 40% of the total capacity of main fire pump
3. Not less than 25 cu. m/hr (in any case)
4. Pressure: from merchant shipping rule 1990
Cargo ships: 6000 GRT & above = 2.7 bar 1000 – 6000 GRT = 2.5 bar Passenger
ships: 4000 GRT & above = 3.1 bar 1000 – 4000 GRT = 2.7 bar
5. Jet/ Capability: At least 2 jets not emanating from the same
hydrant, using one hose length should be able to give a throw of 12 m.
6. Space containing should not be contiguous to the boundaries of
machinery spaces or those spaces containing main fire pumps. Where
this is not practicable, common bulkhead between the two spaces shall
be insulated to a standard of structural fire protection equivalent to
that required for control station.
7. No direct access from engine room. If impracticable then the access
should be by air lock with door of machinery space being of A60 class
standard and the other door being at least steel, both reasonably gas
tight, self-closing and without any hold back arrangement.
8. Sea suction valve: Should be able to be operated from near the
emergency fire pump.


9. Suction head: Total suction head not to exceed 4.5 m under all
conditions of list and trim
10. Drive type: Generally diesel engine driven should be able to
started by hand cranking to 0*C ambient temperature. If the prime
mover is electric motor then should have connection with emg.
11. Self priming: Attached with a self priming mechanism >Suction pipe
should not have any flanges

Quantity of water is cubic metres per hour = Cd2 where :

(a)C=5 for ships required to be provided with more than one fire pump
(excluding any emergency fire pump) and C=2.5 for ships required to be
provided with only one fire pump, and

(b) d=1+0.066 √ L(B+D) to the nearest 0.25 where

L=length of the ship in metres on the summer load water line from the
foresaid of the stem to the aferside of the rudder post. Where there
is no rudder post, the length is measured from the foreside of the
stem to the axis of the rudder stock if that be the greater :
B=greatest moulded breadth of the ship in metres; and
D=moulded depth of the ship in metres measured to the bulkhead deck
Provided that in any such ship the total capacity of the
fire pumps for firefighting shall not be required to exceed 180 cubic
meters per hour.

Nozzle size for fire hydrant:As per MS rules 1990

Fire pumps operated by power shall be provided with nozzle of 12
millimetre, 16 millimetres, 19 millimetres in diameter or as near
thereto in diameter as possible. For machinery spaces diameter of the
nozzles shall not be greater than 19 millimetres. For accommodation
and service space the diameter of the nozzles shall not be required to
be greater than 12 millimetres.

15. Annex IV application and xq. show in m.s.act

Ans: Annex IV contains a set of regulations regarding the discharge of
sewage into the sea from ships, including regulations regarding the
ships' equipment and systems for the control of sewage discharge, the
provision of port reception facilities for sewage, and requirements
for survey and certification.
The Annex entered into force on 27 September 2003. A revised Annex
IV was adopted on 1 April 2004 and entered into force on 1 August
The revised Annex applies to new ships engaged in international
voyages of 400 gross tonnage and above or which are certified to carry
more than 15 persons. Existing ships are required to comply with the
provisions of the revised Annex IV five years after the date of entry
into force of Annex IV, namely since 27 September 2008. The Annex
requires ships to be equipped with either an approved sewage treatment
plant or an approved sewage comminuting and disinfecting system or a
sewage holding tank.


The MS ACT it is on the PART XIA Prevenvention and containment of
pollution of the sea by oil. Section 356C

16. Bulk carrier definition as per ism and as per chapter 12 of solas. Why
two different definitions?
• Bulk carrier means a ship which is constructed generally with single
deck, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces, and is
intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, and includes such types
as ore carriers and combination carriers. (SOLAS IX/1.6)(ISM

• Bulk carrier means a ship, which is intended primarily to carry dry

cargo in bulk, including such types as ore carriers and combination
carriers. (SOLAS XII/1.1)

Why two definition because:-

• ISM applied to Oil/Chemical/ Gas and bulk carriers of 500GT and
above not later than 1 july 1998.
• Solas Ch XII applicable to bulk carriers 150m and above built after
1 July 1999 carry cargo with density of 1 T/m3.
• ISM code definition only for Bulk carrier, ore carrier, combination/
bulk oil carrier, Bulk/container, Bulk/Vehicle carriers.
• Solas Ch XII definition above plus box hold, lumber, general cargo,
So difference in definition define what type of bulk carrier.

17. Objective of ms act or m s preamble

Ans: The intent and purpose of the Act is explained in the preamble to
the Act, which is as follows:-
"An Act to foster the development and ensure the efficient maintenance
of an Indian mercantile marine in a manner best suited to serve the
national interest and for that purpose to establish a National
Shipping Board and to provide for the registration of Indian Ships and
generally to amend and consolidate the Law relating to Merchant

18. Stcw code or convention? Diff b/n two?

Ans:- Codes :- A code is a model, a set of rules that knowledgeable
organization recommend for others to follow. It is not a law, but can
be adopted into law. It is a supplementary book defining and
containing a no. of provisions technical and non technical etc to
support the regulations.

Convention: Coming together for a cause, it’s a agreement between

states but less formal than treaty. Set of agreed upon norms, social
norms that takes the form of a custom. There are technical provisions
called code. Conventions usually open for participation for any
international community.


STCW: International Convention on Standards of Training,
Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW)
IMO made major amendments to STCW Convention in 1995 at the behest
of US Coast Guard. These amendments didn’t require ratification by
signatory nations like the original convention. However, STCW
95 amendments completely re-wrote enforcement procedures related to
the Convention. They led to the division of technical annex into
regulations and creation of an STCW Code, which sets stringent
standards for mariners to meet. Part A of the STCW Code is made
mandatory while Part B is recommended.

19. why only stcw code was made mandatory?

Ans:-It was made mandatory because previously every state was
following standards as per their own convince so that’s why code came
to give there particulars regarding standard’s so that every state
will follow a proper standards and that will be constant to all
states. Its compulsory because fore ward of stcw convention makes it

20. Sue n labor clause

Ans:-An ocean and inland marine insurance provision that requires the
insured to protect damaged property from further loss once a loss has
occurred. It also establishes that the expenses of doing so will be
borne by the insurer and the insured "in proportion to their
respective interests" in the property. Thus, the insurer will pay the
full "sue and labor" costs if the amount of insurance is equal to or
greater than the value of the property. Current property and marine
forms usually contain a similar provision, but it is seldom labeled a
sue and labor clause. Instead, it is typically included as one of the
insured's "Duties in the Event of Loss."

21. How much is current cess?

Ans:-50 paisa per ton
(a) In respect of each tonne of oil imported by a ship into India in
bulk as a cargo;
(b) In respect of each tonne of oil shipped from any place in India in
bulk as a cargo of a ship.
As the Central Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, fix.

22. Ism definition and explain ism code?

Ans: See the addition

23. What incident led to ISM code?

Ans: Ro-Ro ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsizes.

24. Solas ch part 11 part 2? Or ISPS code?

Ans: The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
Having entered into force under SOLAS chapter XI-2, on 1 July 2004,
the International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code)
has since formed the basis for a comprehensive mandatory security
regime for international shipping.
The Code is divided into two sections, Part A and Part B.
Mandatory Part A outlines detailed maritime and port security-related
requirements which SOLAS contracting governments, port authorities
and shipping companies must adhere to, in order to be in compliance
with the Code. Part B of the Code provides a series of recommendatory
guidelines on how to meet the requirements and obligations set out
within the provisions of Part A.

The main objectives of the ISPS Code include:

• Establishment of an international framework that fosters
cooperation between Contracting Governments, Government agencies,
local administrations and the shipping and port industries, in
assessing and detecting potential security threats to ships or port
facilities used for international trade, so as to implement
preventive security measures against such threats;
• Determining the respective roles and responsibilities of all
parties concerned with safeguarding maritime security in ports and on
board ships, at the national, regional and international levels;
• To ensure that there is early and efficient collation and exchange
of maritime security-related information, at national, regional and
international levels;
• To provide a methodology for ship and port security assessments,
which facilitates the development of ship, company and port facility
security plans and procedures, which must be utilized to respond to
ships' or ports' varying security levels; and
• To ensure that adequate and proportionate maritime security
measures are in place on board ships and in ports.
In order to achieve the above objectives, SOLAS contracting
governments, port authorities and shipping companies are required,
under the ISPS Code, to designate appropriate security officers and
personnel, on each ship, port facility and shipping company. These
security officers, designated Port Facility Security Officers
(PFSOs), Ship Security Officers (SSOs) and Company Security Officers
(CSOs), are charged with the duties of assessing, as well as
preparing and implementing effective security plans that are able to
manage any potential security threat. IMO is able to provide support
to Member states in need of assistance in implementing the Code, by
way of national and regional workshops, seminars, needs assessment
missions, etc.

25. 3 security Levels?

Ans: Three security levels are defined in ISPS Code, part A, section
2.1, as follows:
Security level 1 means the level for which minimum appropriate
protective security measures must be maintained at all times.

Security level 2 means the level for which appropriate, additional

protective security measures must be maintained for a period of time;
as a result of heightened risk of a security incident.

Security level 3 means the level for which further specific

protective security measures must be maintained for a limited period


of time when a security incident is probable or imminent, although it
may not be possible to identify the specific target Every chemical
tanker and every gas carrier, of any tonnage, must carry
an appropriate Certificate of Fitness for the carriage of the
particular cargo on board. These certificates are required by the
provisions of the various IMO Codes for gas carriers (see D03d.1) and
for chemical tankers (see D03e.1).

26. How to carry out ISPS audit?

Ans: ISPS Ship Security controls are to be established and implemented
at all times.
1. Access control procedures are clearly implemented and the
personnel in charge of access control are familiar with their duties
2. The Ship Security Plan (SSP) and related records are protected
from unauthorized access or disclosure
3. The relevant officers are aware to which parts of the SSP limited
access may be allowed (see ISPS Code)
4. The Security Level is set correctly as required by the Flag State
and Port Authorities and all personnel are aware of the current level
5. Ship’s stores are checked on receipt and stowed promptly, in
accordance with levels set by SSP
6. All security equipment is maintained, calibrated and tested as
required by their manuals and the SSP Gangway watch
7. Drills are carried out regularly as per ISPS Code and SSP
8. Restricted areas are clearly identified and marked as required by
the SSP. Access to and activity within Restricted Areas is controlled
as required by the SSP
9. Searches are carried out in accordance with the level set by the
10. Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) is operational and records for
tests and maintenance available
11. Company Security Officer (CSO) or designated representative is
available at all times. The CSO can be readily identified by SSO and
applicable officers and crew. Contact details are available
12. Security arrangements do not compromise safety.
13. Records are maintained and retained as required by the SSP and
ISPS Code A 10.1

27. Chief engineer duties as per ISPS?

• Assessment of SSP
• Declaration of security being SSO
• Strict access control
• Regular security inspection
• Maintain and supervision the implementation of SSP
• Proposing modification to SSP
• Reporting to company any NC during internal audit.
• Reporting all security incidence to CSO
• Maintaining, testing and calibrating security equipments
• Review and comply to DOS


28. ISPS certificates?
Ans: International ship security certificate
Pre arrival notification form
Declaration of security
Shipboard security plan
AIS,LRIT – long range identification system

29. Chapter xi what does it speak out

Ans:XI-1 Special measures to enhance maritime safety
1 Authorization of recognized organizations
2 Enhanced surveys
3 Ship identification number
3-1 Company and registered owner identification number
4 Port State control on operational requirements
5 Continuous Synopsis Record
6 Additional requirements for the investigation of marine casualties
and incidents

Chapter XI-2
Special measures to enhance maritime security
1 Definitions
2 Application
3 Obligations of Contracting Governments with respect to security
4 Requirements for Companies and ships
5 Specific responsibility of Companies
6 Ship security alert system
7 Threats to ships
8 Master’s discretion for ship safety and security
9 Control and compliance measures
10 Requirements for port facilities
11 Alternative security agreements
12 Equivalent security arrangements
13 Communication of information

30. Clc?
Ans: International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution
Damage (CLC)Adoption: 29 November 1969; Entry into force: 19 June
1975; Being replaced by 1992 Protocol: Adoption: 27 November 1992;
Entry into force: 30 May 1996
The Civil Liability Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate
compensation is available to persons who suffer oil pollution damage
resulting from maritime casualties involving oil-carrying ships.

The Convention places the liability for such damage on the owner of
the ship from which the polluting oil escaped or was discharged.

Subject to a number of specific exceptions, this liability is strict;

it is the duty of the owner to prove in each case that any of the
exceptions should in fact operate. However, except where the owner
has been guilty of actual fault, they may limit liability in respect
of any one incident.


The Convention requires ships covered by it to maintain insurance or
other financial security in sums equivalent to the owner's total
liability for one incident.

The Convention applies to all seagoing vessels actually carrying oil

in bulk as cargo, but only ships carrying more than 2,000 tons of oil
are required to maintain insurance in respect of oil pollution damage.
This does not apply to warships or other vessels owned or operated by
a State and used for the time being for Government non-commercial
service. The Convention, however, applies in respect of the liability
and jurisdiction provisions, to ships owned by a State and used for
commercial purposes. The only exception as regards such ships is that
they are not required to carry insurance. Instead they must carry a
certificate issued by the appropriate authority of the State of their
registry stating that the ship's liability under the Convention is

The Convention covers pollution damage resulting from spills of

persistent oils suffered in the territory (including the territorial
sea) of a State Party to the Convention. It is applicable to ships,
which actually carry oil in bulk as cargo, i.e. generally laden
tankers. Spills from tankers in ballast or bunker spills from ships
other than other than tankers are not covered, nor is it possible to
recover costs when preventive measures are so successful that no
actual spill occurs. The ship owner cannot limit liability if the
incident occurred as a result of the owner's personal fault.

The Protocol of 1976, which entered into force in 1981, provided for
the applicable unit of account used under the convention to be based
on the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) as used by the International
Monetary Fund (IMF), replacing the "Poincare franc", based on the
"official" value of gold, as the applicable unit of account.

The Protocol of 1984 set increased limits of liability but was

superseded by the 1992 Protocol.

The Protocol of 1992 changed the entry into force requirements by

reducing from six to four the number of large tanker-owning countries
that were needed for entry into force.

The compensation limits were set as follows:

• For a ship not exceeding 5,000 gross tonnage, liability is limited
to 3 million SDR
• For a ship 5,000 to 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited
to 3 million SDR plus 420 SDR for each additional unit of tonnage
• For a ship over 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited
to 59.7 million SDR.

The 1992 protocol also widened the scope of the Convention to cover
pollution damage caused in the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) or
equivalent area of a State Party. The Protocol covers pollution damage
as before but environmental damage compensation is limited to costs


incurred for reasonable measures to reinstate the contaminated
environment. It also allows expenses incurred for preventive measures
to be recovered even when no spill of oil occurs, provided there was
grave and imminent threat of pollution damage.

The Protocol 1992 also extended the Convention to cover spills from
sea-going vessels constructed or adapted to carry oil in bulk as cargo
so that it applies apply to both laden and unladen tankers, including
spills of bunker oil from such ships.

Under the 1992 Protocol, a shipowner cannot limit liability if it is

proved that the pollution damage resulted from the shipowner's
personal act or omission, committed with the intent to cause such
damage, or recklessly and with knowledge that such damage would
probably result.

From 16 May 1998, Parties to the 1992 Protocol ceased to be Parties to

the 1969 CLC due to a mechanism for compulsory denunciation of the
"old" regime established in the 1992 Protocol. However, there are a
number of States which are Party to the 1969 CLC and have not yet
ratified the 1992 regime - which is intended to eventually replace the
1969 CLC.

The 1992 Protocol allows for States Party to the 1992 Protocol to
issue certificates to ships registered in States which are not Party
to the 1992 Protocol, so that a shipowner can obtain certificates to
both the 1969 and 1992 CLC, even when the ship is registered in a
country which has not yet ratified the 1992 Protocol. This is
important because a ship which has only a 1969 CLC may find it
difficult to trade to a country which has ratified the 1992 Protocol,
since it establishes higher limits of liability.

The 2000 Amendments

Adoption: 18 October 2000
Entry into force: 1 November 2003
The amendments raised the compensation limits by 50 percent compared
to the limits set in the 1992 Protocol, as follows:
• For a ship not exceeding 5,000 gross tonnage, liability is limited
to 4.51 million SDR (US$5.78 million)
• For a ship 5,000 to 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited to
4.51 million SDR plus 631 SDR for each additional gross tonne over
• For a ship over 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited to 89.77
million SDR

Special Drawing Rights

The daily conversion rates for Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) can be
found on the International Monetary Fund.
SDR is basket will consist of the following five currencies: U.S.
dollar 41.73%, Euro 30.93%, Chinese yuan 10.92%(added in
2016), Japanese yen 8.33%, British pound 8.09%


ISO 4217 currency code for Special Drawing Rights is XDR

31. CLC applies what all ships? Can clc apply to ship carrying 500 t of
Ans: The Convention applies to all seagoing vessels actually carrying
oil in bulk as cargo, but only ships carrying more than 2,000 tons of
oil are required to maintain insurance in respect of oil pollution
Yes it applies to ship carrying 500GT of Oil, but no insurance

32. What is the compensation limit for clc 69?

Ans:- I.e before 92 protocol = 14 million sdr

33. LLMC?
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC)
Adoption: 19 November 1976; Entry into force: 1 December 1986;
Protocol of 1996: Adoption: 2 May 1996; Entry into force: 13 May 2004

Specifies limits for two types of claims: Claims for loss of life or
personal injury and property claims.

New limits:
Under the amendments to the 1996 Protocol, the limits are raised as
The limit of liability for claims for loss of life or personal
injury on ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnage is 3.02 million SDR
(up from 2 million SDR).
For larger ships, the following additional amounts are used in
calculating the limitation amount:
• For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 1,208 SDR (up from 800 SDR)
• For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 906 SDR (up from 600 SDR)
• For each ton in excess of 70,000, 604 SDR (up from 400 SDR).

The limit of liability for property claims for ships not exceeding
2,000 gross tonnage is 1.51 million SDR (up from 1 million SDR).
For larger ships, the following additional amounts are used in
calculating the limitation amount:
• For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 604 SDR (up from 400 SDR)
• For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 453 SDR (up from 300 SDR)
• For each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 302 SDR (up from 200 SDR).

34. Who pays in oil pollution on high sea?

Ans: The MS Act does not apply to pollution on the high seas. The
International Convention relating to Intervention on the High Seas in
case of Pollution Casualties, 1969, extends the jurisdiction of a
coastal state to the high seas, but only when it poses a grave and
imminent danger to fishing, tourism and wildlife. India has not yet
ratified this convention. So ship owner has to pay.

For Barik P&I for Badwal Fund


35. What is Fund and for Fund who pays?
Ans: International convention on establishment of an International
fund for compensation for oil pollution damage. Purpose of this is to
give additional compensation to victims of pollution damage where
compensation through CLC 69 is not adequate.
The Fund is financed by contributions from member states that receive
in one Calendar year more than 150000 Tonnes of Crude Oil & Heavy Fuel
Oil under Sea transport.

36. Fund convention? IOPC?

International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund
for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (FUND)
Adoption: 18 December 1971; Entry into force: 16 October 1978;
superseded by 1992 Protocol: Adoption: 27 November 1992; Entry into
force: 30 May 1996
Although the 1969 Civil Liability Convention provided a useful
mechanism for ensuring the payment of compensation for oil pollution
damage, it did not deal satisfactorily with all the legal, financial
and other questions raised during the Conference adopting the CLC
Convention. The 1969 Brussels Conference considered a compromise
proposal to establish an international fund, to be subscribed to by
the cargo interests.
The Conference recommended that IMO should prepare such a
scheme and the International Convention on the Establishment of an
International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage was
adopted at a Conference held in Brussels in 1971. It is supplementary
to the Civil Liability Convention.

The purposes of the Fund Convention are:

To provide compensation for pollution damage to the extent that the
protection afforded by the 1969 Civil Liability Convention is
To give relief to ship owners in respect of the additional financial
burden imposed on them by the 1969 Civil Liability Convention, such
relief being subject to conditions designed to ensure compliance with
safety at sea and other conventions.
To give effect to the related purposes set out in the Convention.

Under the first of its purposes, the Fund is under an obligation to

pay compensation to States and persons who suffer pollution damage, if
such persons are unable to obtain compensation from the owner of the
ship from which the oil escaped or if the compensation due from such
owner is not sufficient to cover the damage suffered.

The Fund's obligation to pay compensation is confined to pollution

damage suffered in the territories including the territorial sea of
Contracting States. The Fund is also obliged to pay compensation in
respect of measures taken by a Contracting State outside its

The Fund is not obliged to indemnify the owner if damage is caused by

his willful misconduct or if the accident was caused, even partially,


because the ship did not comply with certain international

All persons who receive oil by sea in Contracting States should make
contributions to the Fund.

The 1992 Protocol established a separate, 1992 International Oil

Pollution Compensation (IOPC) Fund, known as the 1992 Fund, which is
managed in London by a Secretariat.

Under the 1992 Protocol, the maximum amount of compensation payable

from the Fund for a single incident, including the limit established
under the 1992 CLC Protocol, is 135 million SDR.

However, if three States contributing to the Fund receive more than

600 million tonnes of oil per annum, the maximum amount is raised to
200 million SDR.

The 2003 Protocol (supplementary fund)

Adoption: 16 May 2003
Entry into force: 3 March 2005

The 2003 Protocol establishing an International Oil Pollution

Compensation Supplementary Fund was adopted by a diplomatic conference
held at IMO Headquarters in London.

The aim of the established Fund is to supplement the compensation

available under the 1992 Civil Liability and Fund Conventions with an
additional, third tier of compensation. The Protocol is optional and
participation is open to all States Parties to the 1992 Fund

The total amount of compensation payable for any one incident will be
limited to a combined total of 750 million Special Drawing Rights
(SDR) including the amount of compensation paid under the existing
CLC/Fund Convention.

The supplementary fund will apply to damage in the territory,

including the territorial sea, of a Contracting State and in the
exclusive economic zone of a Contracting State.

Annual contributions to the Fund will be made in respect of each

Contracting State by any person who, in any calendar year, has
received total quantities of oil exceeding 150,000 tons. However, for
the purposes of the Protocol, there is a minimum aggregate receipt of
1,000,000 tons of contributing oil in each Contracting State.

Amendments to the compensation limits established under the Protocol

can be adopted by a tacit acceptance procedure, so that an amendment
adopted in the Legal Committee of IMO by a two-thirds majority of
Contracting States present and voting, can enter into force 24 months
after its adoption.


The IOPC Funds and IMO
Although the Funds were established under Conventions adopted
under the auspices of IMO, they are completely independent legal
Unlike IMO, the IOPC Funds are not United Nations (UN) agencies
and are not part of the UN system. They are intergovernmental
organization’s outside the UN, but follow procedures, which are
similar to those of the UN.
Only States can become Members of the IOPC Funds. To become a
member of the Fund, a State must accede to the 1992 Civil Liability
Convention and to the 1992 Fund Convention by depositing a formal
instrument of accession with the Secretary-General of IMO. These
Conventions should be incorporated into the national law of the State

37. Oprc?
Ans: International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response
and Co-operation (OPRC)
Adoption: 30 November 1990; Entry into force: 13 May 1995
In July 1989, a conference of leading industrial nations in Paris
called upon IMO to develop further measures to prevent pollution from
ships. This call endorsed by the IMO Assembly in November of the same
year and work began on a draft convention aimed at providing a global
framework for international co-operation in combating major incidents
or threats of marine pollution.
Parties to the International Convention on Oil Pollution
Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) are required to
establish measures for dealing with pollution incidents, either
nationally or in co-operation with other countries.
Ships are required to carry a shipboard oil pollution emergency
plan (SOPEP). Operators of offshore units under the jurisdiction of
Parties are also required to have oil pollution emergency plans or
similar arrangements which must be coordinated with national systems
for responding promptly and effectively to oil pollution incidents.
Ships are required to report incidents of pollution to coastal
authorities and the convention details the actions that are then to be
taken. The Convention calls for the establishment of stockpiles of oil
spill combating equipment, the holding of oil spill combating
exercises and the development of detailed plans for dealing with
pollution incidents.
Parties to the convention are required to provide assistance to
others in the event of a pollution emergency and provision is made for
the reimbursement of any assistance provided.
The Convention provides for IMO to play an important co-ordinating
role. A Protocol to the OPRC relating to hazardous and noxious
substances (OPRC-HNS Protocol) was adopted in 2000.

38. Who pays when vessel hull rupture due to collision????

Ans:- H&m Will pay 4/4 If collision with other ship
Otherwise 3/4 if with ffo And p&I pays of course ¼.


39. Oil cess, how much is current cess?
Ans: 50 paisa per ton
(a) in respect of each tonne of oil imported by a ship into India in
bulk as a cargo;
(b) in respect of each tonne of oil shipped from any place in India in
bulk as a cargo of a ship.
as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official
Gazette, fix.

40. Bunker Convention?

Ans: International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil
Pollution Damage (BUNKER)
Adoption: 23 March 2001; Entry into force: 21 November 2008
The Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate, prompt, and
effective compensation is available to persons who suffer damage
caused by spills of oil, when carried as fuel in ships' bunkers.
The Convention applies to damage caused on the territory,
including the territorial sea, and in exclusive economic zones of
States Parties.
The bunkers convention provides a freestanding instrument
covering pollution damage only.
"Pollution damage" means:
(a) loss or damage caused outside the ship by contamination resulting
from the escape or discharge of bunker oil from the ship, wherever
such escape or discharge may occur, provided that compensation for
impairment of the environment other than loss of profit from such
impairment shall be limited to costs of reasonable measures of
reinstatement actually undertaken or to be undertaken; and
(b) The costs of preventive measures and further loss or damage caused
by preventive measures.
The convention is modeled on the International Convention on
Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969.
Another key provision is the requirement for direct action -
this would allow a claim for compensation for pollution damage to be
brought directly against an insurer.
The Convention requires ships over 1,000 gross tonnage to
maintain insurance or other financial security, such as the guarantee
of a bank or similar financial institution.
Insurance to cover the liability of the registered owner for
pollution damage in an amount equal to the limits of liability under
the applicable national or international limitation regime, but in all
cases, not exceeding an amount calculated in accordance with the
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976, as

The convention does not apply for act of war, civil war, natural
phenomenon of exceptional character, negligence of govt responsible
for maintenance of navigational aids. Claims made within 3 years from
the date of damage.

41. Has india ratified bunker convention?

Ans:- Yes bunker convention ratified by india on dated 10 june 2015


42. Who covers bunker spills of oil tankers?
Ans: Case 1
Bunker spill persistant or non persistant from a ship other than
tanker in laden or ballast voyage - covered by Bunker convention
92 /COFR if they are not party to BC, Limits of LLMC Will apply when
covering these spills.

Case 2
Tanker spills cargo Laden voyage .. Traces of persistant oil on board
Clc 92 will cover, Limits as per nov 2003 ammendments

Case 3
Spill from tanker in ballast voyage with persistant oil residue on

Case 4
Tanker in ballast voyage with no persistant oil residue Spills bunker
Bunker conv, Limits of llmc will apply, to avoid bureaucracy.

Case 5
Tanker in laden voyage spills bunker
Clc will pay as limits are higher than bunker convention

Case 6
What if lube oil spill: Then clc will pay if tanker is loaded /
ballast with residue of persistant oil on board, As lube oil comes
under definition of persistant oil and limits of clc are higher than

Countries which are not party to bunker need to have blue card
certificate or COFR and have to submit to the port if call before they
arrive in that country for any purpose.

43. What is the difference between bunker and clc convention?


CLC 92 Bunker Convention

1) Ships carrying a minimum of 1) 1,000 gt regardless of the type
2,000 tonnes of oil cargo to of ship to have insurance or
have insurance or financial financial security.

2) Max. liability 89.77 million 2) limits set out by the LLMC

3) Covers pollution due to oil 3) Covers pollution due to bunker
contamination where “Oil” means oil where “Bunker Oil” is
any persistent oil such as defined as “any hydrocarbon
crude oil, fuel oil, heavy mineral oil, including
diesel oil, lubricating oil and lubricating oil, used or
whale oil, whether carried on intended to be used for the
board a tanker as cargo or operation or propulsion of the
fuel. ship, and any residues of such
This does not apply to pollution
damage defined in CLC.

44. Intervention convention

Ans: International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High
Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties, 1969
Adoption: 29 November 1969; Entry into force: 6 May 1975
The Convention affirms the right of a coastal State to take such
measures on the high seas as may be necessary to prevent, mitigate or
eliminate danger to its coastline or related interests from pollution
by oil or the threat thereof, following upon a maritime casualty.
The coastal State is, however, empowered to take only such action
as is necessary, and after due consultations with appropriate
interests including, in particular, the flag State or States of the
ship or ships involved, the owners of the ships or cargoes in question
and, where circumstances permit, independent experts appointed for
this purpose.
A coastal State which takes measures beyond those permitted under
the Convention is liable to pay compensation for any damage caused by
such measures. Provision is made for the settlement of disputes
arising in connection with the application of the Convention.
The Convention applies to all seagoing vessels except warships or
other vessels owned or operated by a State and used on Government non-
commercial service.
The 1969 Intervention Convention applied to casualties involving
pollution by oil. In view of the increasing quantity of other
substances, mainly chemical, carried by ships, some of which would, if
released, cause serious hazard to the marine environment, the 1969
Brussels Conference recognized the need to extend the Convention to
cover substances other than oil.
The 1973 London Conference on Marine Pollution therefore adopted
the Protocol relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of
Marine Pollution by Substances other than Oil. This extended the
regime of the 1969 Intervention Convention to substances which are
either listed in the Annex to the Protocol or which have
characteristics substantially similar to those substances.
The 1973 Protocol entered into force in 1983 and has been amended
subsequently to update the list of substances attached to it.

XQ When did it come into force after what incident?

Ans: Entry into force: 6 May 1975 after Torey canyon incident.

45. Oil pollution penalties under which part of ms act?

Ans: MS ACT PART XVI section 436

46. Basel Convention?

Ans: The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
Hazardous Wastes and Their Disposal, usually known as the Basel
Convention, is an international treaty that was designed to reduce the
movements of hazardous waste between nations, and specifically to
prevent transfer of hazardous waste from developed to less developed
countries (LDCs). It does not, however, address the movement of
radioactive waste. The Convention is also intended to minimize the
amount and toxicity of wastes generated, to ensure their
environmentally sound management as closely as possible to the source
of generation, and to assist LDCs in environmentally sound management
of the hazardous and other wastes they generate.
The Convention was opened for signature on 22 March 1989, and entered
into force on 5 May 1992. As of January 2015, 182 states and the
European Union are parties to the Convention. Haiti and the United
States have signed the Convention but not ratified it.

47. Annex vi chapter 4 to explain?

Ans: A new chapter for MARPOL Annex VI – requirements for technical
and operational measures to improve the energy efficiency of
international shipping.
New regulations aimed at improving the energy efficiency of
international shipping entered into force on 1 January 2013.
The amendments to the International Convention for the
Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) were adopted in July 2011.
They add a new chapter 4 Regulations on energy efficiency for ships to
MARPOL Annex VI, to make mandatory the Energy Efficiency Design Index
(EEDI), for new ships, and the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan
(SEEMP) for all ships. Other amendments to Annex VI add new
definitions and the requirements for survey and certification,
including the format for the International Energy Efficiency
The regulations apply to all ships of 400 gross tonnage and
above. However, under regulation 19, the Administration may waive the
requirements for new ships up to a maximum of 4 years.
The EEDI is a non-prescriptive, performance-based mechanism
that leaves the choice of technologies to use in a specific ship
design to the industry. As long as the required energy efficiency
level is attained (regulations 20 and 21), ship designers and builders
would be free to use the most cost-efficient solutions for the ship to
comply with the regulations.
The SEEMP establishes a mechanism for operators to improve
the energy efficiency of ships. Regulation 22 requires ships to keep
on board a ship specific Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan

Enhancing energy efficiency

The EEDI addresses the former type of measure by requiring a
minimum energy efficiency level for new ships; by stimulating
continued technical development of all the components influencing the
fuel efficiency of a ship; and by separating the technical and design-
based measures from the operational and commercial ones. The SEEMP
provides a management framework, which may form part of the ship’s
safety management system, for improving the energy efficiency of a
ship whilst operating at sea and in port.


The EEDI formula – as presently drafted – is not supposed to be
applicable to all new ships of 400 gross tonnes and above engaged in
international trade. Indeed, it is explicitly recognized that it is
not suitable for all ship types (particularly those not designed to
transport cargo) or for all types of propulsion systems (e.g., ships
with diesel-electric, turbine or hybrid propulsion systems will need
additional correction factors).
Indeed, the first iteration of the EEDI has been purposefully
developed for the largest and most energy-intensive segments of the
world merchant fleet, thus embracing approximately 70 per cent of
emissions from new ships and covering the following ship types:
tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers, general cargo ships,
refrigerated cargo carriers and container ships.
For ship types not covered by the current formula, suitable
formulae will be developed in due course to address the largest
emitters first. IMO’s Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)
is poised to consider the matter in detail at future sessions, with a
view to adopting further iterations of the EEDI. All existing ships of
400 gross tonnes and above engaged in international trade are required
to implement and maintain a SEEMP which establishes a mechanism for
operators to improve the energy efficiency of ships. This should be
achieved by monitoring the energy efficiency performance of a ship’s
transportation work and at regular intervals considering new
technologies and practices to improve energy efficiency.
The SEEMP will offer operators of existing ships the chance
to reduce costs immediately by saving fuel. As the regulation does not
set any energy efficiency requirements it will be up to the industry
to proactively utilize SEEMP to ensure they optimize the fuel saving
benefits. In the end it is in the industry’s best interests to utilize
the SEEMP as with fuel accounting for over 50% of operational costs,
keeping fuel costs in check is a major factor in the industry’s
economic health. Such an approach will be important to achieving both
sustainable development and economic goals for the industry going
A set of such guidelines was adopted by MEPC 63 (March 2012) intended
to assist in the implementation of the mandatory regulations on Energy
Efficiency for Ships in MARPOL Annex VI:
• resolution MEPC.212(93) – 2012 Guidelines on the method of
calculation of the attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) for
new ships;
• resolution MEPC.213(93) – 2012 Guidelines for the development of a
Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP);
• resolution MEPC.214(93) – 2012 Guidelines on survey and
certification of the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI); and
• resolution MEPC.215(93) – Guidelines for calculation of reference
lines for use with the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI).

Minimum propulsion power

The need for a minimum propulsion power to be incorporated into the
EEDI formula has been duly acknowledged and, to that end, regulation
21.5 of MARPOL Annex VI states that “For each ship to which this
regulation applies, the installed propulsion power shall not be less
than the propulsion power needed to maintain the maneuverability of
the ship under adverse conditions as defined in the guidelines to be
developed by the Organization.”
It should, therefore, be clear that IMO fully supports the view that a
minimum installed power to maintain safe navigation in adverse
(weather) conditions is of critical importance to ensure both the
safety and efficiency of international shipping. While the EEDI
instrument therefore contains the standard to be achieved on this
matter, implementation of that standard will be enabled through
guidelines that are also to be adopted. IMO circular MSCMEPC.2/Circ.11
provides “Interim Guidelines for determining minimum propulsion power
to maintain the maneuverability of ships in adverse conditions”.

Fuel efficiency and engine power

Although the easiest way to improve a vessel’s fuel efficiency is,
indeed, to reduce speed – hence the move to slow steaming by a
significant number of ships – there is a practical minimum at which
fuel efficiency will decrease as a vessel is slowed down further.
There are other technical ways to improve fuel efficiency, such as
waste heat generators, which do not impact on speed (they impact on
auxiliary engines).
It has been (wrongly) argued that the EEDI limits installed power and
so induces owners to use small-bore high-rpm engines, thereby
increasing fuel consumption. However, a reduction of installed power
does not require a reduction in engine bore and increasing rpm. The
easiest way to reduce power would be to “de-rate” the exact same
engine by limiting the “maximum” rpm (remember, horsepower = torque
multiplied by rpm). This would have the impact of increasing propeller
efficiency (if the exact same propeller is installed), as propeller
efficiency will generally improve as rpm decreases. Another practical
way to reduce installed horsepower is to install an engine with one
cylinder fewer. This would have no impact on specific fuel consumption
or rpm. Such engines can be identified by reference to the catalogues
of major engine manufacturers.
Of course, there are “economies of scale” in ships’ fuel efficiency.
The larger the ship (at a given speed), the lower the fuel consumption
per unit of cargo. However, such economies of scale are limited by
trade considerations, physical port limitations (generally, draft) or
cargo logistics issues. Therefore, ships tend to be designed to be as
large as practical for a given trade.

Effectiveness of EEDI and SEEMP in reducing emissions from ships

The EEDI, in establishing a minimum energy efficiency requirement for
new ships depending on ship type and size, provides a robust mechanism
that may be used to increase the energy efficiency of ships, stepwise,
to keep pace with technical developments for many decades to come. It
is a non-prescriptive mechanism that leaves the choice of which
technologies to use in a ship design to the stakeholders, as long as
the required energy-efficiency level is attained, enabling the most
cost-efficient solutions to be used. Such technologies have been


comprehensively considered in the 2009 IMO GHG Study and are now
frequently highlighted by the shipping media. A consequence of the new
regulations, and the growing interest and demand for innovative energy
efficiency improving technologies, is leading to significant
investment in research and development.

Fuel oil consumption represents a significant element of the cost of

operating a ship today. The effective implementation of SEEMP onboard
a ship could lead to a reduction in fuel used, and so could be
considered a commercial imperative, as much as a regulatory one, for
those seeking to manage a ship in today’s market. To enable the ship’s
energy efficiency performance is be optimized the operational energy
efficiency measures employed either at sea or in port need to be
robustly monitored and appropriate benchmarking tools used. Comparing
the energy efficiency performance of one ship with that of a similar
ship on the same trading route is also possible but this is more
complicated as energy efficiency of different ships can be affected by
many variables, not least, the weather and sea conditions they each
experience. A proactive approach to energy management of a ship should
deliver cost improvements for the business and a reduction of
emissions from ships for wider society.

48. Bill of lading and types of charter explain time charter?

Ans: 1. The bill lading is the declaration of the master of the vessel
by which he acknowledges that he received the goods on board of his
ship and assures that he will carry the goods to the place of
destination for delivery, in the same condition as he received them
against handing of the original bill of lading.

2. The definition of a bill of lading given in the ―HAMBURG RULES is

the following.
“BILL OF LADING means a document which evidence a contract of carriage
by sea and the taking over of loading of the goods by the carrier, and
by which the carrier undertakes to deliver the goods against surrender
of the document”.

3. A provision in the document that the goods are to be delivered to

the order of a named person, or to order or a bearer, constitutes such
an undertaking.

4. The bill of lading serves as a

a) A receipt of the goods by the ship-owner acknowledging that the
goods of the stated species, quantity and conditions are shipped to a
stated destination in a certain ship or at least received in custody
of the ship owner for the purpose of shipment.
b) A memorandum of the CONTRACT OF CARRIAGE by which the master agrees
to transport the goods to their destinations all terms of the contract
which was in fact concluded prior to signing of the bill of loading
are repeated on the back of this document
c) A document of little to the goods enabling the consigner to dispose
of the goods by endorsement and delivery of the bill of lading.
Types of Bill of Lading


1. Long Term B/L
2. Short Term B/L
3. Direct B/L
4. Combined transport B/L
5. Through B/L
6. Received for Shipment B/L
7. Straight B/L

Hague Visby rule apply to every type of bill of lading.

The precautions to be observed by the master or his deputy when
signing the bill of lading are as follows
1. The goods have actually been shipped (compared with mate’s
2. The date of shipment is correct.
3. That the bill of lading is not marked “freight paid” or “freight
not paid” if not true.
4. Check that any “clause” of mates receipt is also contained in B/L
5. Check that reference is made to the charter party where one exists
6. Check that any charter party terms not conflict with B/L terms
7. Check that the number of original bills in the set is stated.
8. In any case, master is in doubt he should contact his P&I club
9. If in case damaged or otherwise defective cargo is presented for
loading – reject goods, accept goods as on condition that he will
issue a clause bill of lading call P&I.
10. if ship and shore figures differ
• If less cargo is loaded, demurrage, contact owner in voyage
• Letter of protest
11. If number of original B/L shown on the face of the bill not the
same as the number of negotiable B/L
1. call P &I
2. refuse to sign the bills until correct number is assigned
12. If B/L is in foreign language – translator, call P&I master should
issue B/L in English.
13. If master is asked to sign blank or partially completed B/L
1. call P&I
2. if early departure procedure (EDP) is used on tanker routes, agent
signs behalf of master
14. if B/L have to be re-issued or amended
1. call P&I
2. if B/L have to be reissued, ensure that first set is cancelled
/returned / destroyed if master is asked to sign predate of post date
B/L -- refuse to sign.

Bareboat charter:
1. Is a contract for the hire of a vessel for an agreed period during
which the charterers acquire most of the owner’s rights.
2. In essence the vessel owners put the vessel at the complete
disposal of the charters and pay the capital costs, but no other


3. The charters have commercial and technical responsibility for the
vessel, and pay all costs except capital costs.
4. There will be an agreement, that there will be an on hire survey.
In the case of new shipbuilding the survey procedures can be done in
the yard itself according to the agreement. In other cases there is a
thorough examination considering the following points.
• Bunkers onboard
• Spares and stores onboard
• General condition of the vessel
• Certificates validity
• Tanks condition
• Sea worthiness

5. As a Chief engineer, you are responsible for maintaining the

equipment in good condition. Bunker on board to be properly calculated
and kept ready for the surveyors to check.
6. Cleanliness and proper P.M.S. system has to be maintained in view
of seaworthiness.
7. It is a more stringent survey since the charter takes the
responsibility of the vessel in full respect except capital cost.
8. All crew members to be aware of the safety procedure and safe
working practices according to the company's quality management
system. In this regard proper training and briefing to be given before
9. If a second hand ship is taken over by a chief engineer and is
being put on a bareboat charter he should check following with respect
to ship:-
a. Visual inspection of vessel
b. Seaworthiness
c. Documentation
d. Machinery condition
e. Pipeline condition
f. Underwater part
g. LSA and FFA items
h. Sounding of all tanks and calculate bunker, lub oil
i. Navigation equipment condition
j. Critical machineries inventory
k. Inventory of spares and stores
l. ORB ( last 3 years )
m. Master and Chief engineer log book
n. Ship sea trial if possible
o. Machinery survey records and PMS
p. Cargo hold condition
q. Insulation check of all motors and alternators.

Voyage Charter:
1. Is a contract for the carriage by a named vessel of a specified
quantity of cargo between named ports or places.
2. The ship owner basically agrees that he will present the named
vessel for loading at the agreed place within an agreed period of time
a following loading, will carry the cargo to the agreed place, where
he will deliver the cargo.
3. The charter agrees to provide for loading, within the agreed period
of time, the agreed quantity of the agreed commodity, to pay the
agreed amount of freight, and to take delivery of the cargo at the
destination place.
4. In effect the charterers hire the cargo capacity of the vessel and
not the entire vessel.
5. The owner must provide the master and crew, act as carrier and pay
all running and voyage costs, unless the charter party specifically
provides otherwise.
6. The survey under voyage charter is not very strict as compared to
other charter party.
7. The charter mainly interested in sea worthiness and condition of
the cargo space. The surveyor checks for whether the vessel can carry
the cargo of particular quantity and to be able to discharge within an
agreed period of time.
8. As a Chief Engineer one should take care of cargo hold/ tank, cargo
gear condition. If any repairs are necessary to keep the same in good
condition that has to be carried-out. He has to prove that the ship is
able to carry the cargo safely and vessel able to reach in proper time
which is agreed.

Time charter:
1. Is a contract for the hire of a named vessel for a specified period
of time. (The charters agree to hire from the ship owner a named
vessel, of specific technical characteristics, for an agreed period of
time, for the chatterers purposes subject to agreed restrictions. The
hire period of time, for the charters purposes subject to agreed
restrictions. The hire period may be the duration of one voyage (a
"trip charter") or anything up to several years ("period charters")).
2. The ship owner is responsible for vessels running expenses i.e.,
manning repairs and maintenance, stores, masters and crew‘s wages,
hull and machinery insurance, etc. He operates the vessel technically,
but not commercially.
3. The owner bears no cargo handling expenses and do not normally
appoint stevedores. The charters are responsible for the commercial
employment of the vessel, bunker fuel purchase and insurance, port and
canal dues (including pilot age, towage, linesmen etc.), and all
loading stowing / trimming / discharging arrangements and costs.
4. On-hire survey and delivery certificate:
There will be usually agreements that there will be an on-hire survey
or delivery survey to establish. –
• Bunkers available onboard in order to determine the quantity the
charterer will have to pay the owners for.
• The general condition of the vessel
• Tanks and holds fit for the carriage of the contemplated cargoes.
• Holds of a dry cargo vessel must be dry and swept clean etc and
tanks for oil or chemicals must pass survey and be certified fit.
5. The on-hire survey is usually carried out by jointly approved
surveyors, paid for 50/50 by the owners and the chatterer. Time spent
on the survey is normally at the owner's risk, i.e., the vessel is not
on -hire until passing of the survey.


6. As a Chief Engineer, one should calculate the bunker on board
correctly and to keep all machinery in good condition. He has to prove
that ship is able to satisfy charter party requirement regarding fuel
consumption and speed. Any maintenance required for cargo holds or
tanks to be carried-out prior survey to keep them in good condition.

49. Weir type gauge glass

Ans:- badwal sir shows an old book which has 5 gauge glass diagrams on
a single page......and he asks the difference between the first and
the second gauge glass....the difference is the first gauge has a weir
at the top part and the second one is normal as we find onboard ships
now.........the answer u have to give to badwal sir the
first gauge glass the water level will be more as compared to the
second gauge glass.

XQ why weir is given in gauge glass?

In high press boiler there is always

fluctuation of sudden load, which will
always give u too much erratic readings Weir
act as damper.
It avoids condensation of steam
otherwise level cant be seen because full
glass will be covered by droplets due to
weir there is press drop at weir.
Pressure inside the boiler is more on
steam side above the gauge glass after weir. Due to this press diff
water level will show slightly higher than normal but never lower than
XQ - OK why the gauge glass level will be high.
ANS - since there is a weir on the steam side of the first gauge
glass.....over a period of time water will accumulate and will act as
a head.......
So now the pressure on the top side of the gauge glass will be (steam
pressure + water head ) so now to compensate the water head, the level
in the gauge glass will increase and the pressure will be (steam pressure + water head) = ( water pressure
+ increase in water level)

50. Hollow column type gauge glass?



Hollow type gauge glass having a hollow column connecting boiler and
the gauge glass.

In C&D in case of either of the end not blowing cross test can be done
by closing A&D and opening B,C&E.

51. Shown gauge glass orifice type and told open drain and close back
water level will show same or different?

52. Showed me improved high safety valve and asked me show exactly where
is area of valve taken? Why lift by lifting gear d/4 not d/2 or 3?

Ans: When we lift the valve by lifting

gear, the valve will lift max
irrespective of the spring tension. This
lift is always D/4, it cant be more than
this because
πDh(i.e. surface area of the seat) = πD2
/4 (i.e. pipe cross section)
h = D/4.

When there is a high steam pressure and

the valve lifts, the lift is based on the how much spring tension you
have set. In case of Improved high lift safety valve it is set D/12,
but same valve lifted by lifting gear will lift more D/4.
XQ:High pr boiler vv will have more lip clearance than low pr boiler

53. What is D?
Ans: D is the diameter of the pipe from which the steam is acting on
the valve. It is diameter of the safety valve inlet; it is not the
diameter of the pipe attached to the boiler.

54. Gauge glass blow procedure?

Ans: Cleaning the water side of gauge glass


• Close the valve S and W as shown in the figure.
• Now open the cock W and see if the water is coming out of the
drain valve D indicating the drain line is clear.
• Now close the drain valve D and keep the cock W open and see if
the water level rises in the gauge glass; this indicates the line to
gauge glass is also clear.
• Repeat the steps two to three times to remove nuds and deposits
Cleaning the steam side of gauge glass
• Close both the cocks S and W.
• Now open the cock S and open the drain valve D and see the steam
is coming out. The drain is opened only for 1-2 seconds only as steam
may damage the sealing and service life decreases.
Putting the gauge glass in normal operating position
• Close all the valves S, W and the drain valve D.
• Now open the cock W and let the water fill inside the gauge glass.
• Now open the cock S and then the level can be seen as the pressure

55. Ums ship requirements other than normal watch keeping ship
Ans: Essential requirements for any unattended machinery space (UMS)
Ship to able to sail at sea are enumerated in the SOLAS 1974 Chapter
II-1, regulations 46 to regulation 53.
Fire Precaution
A)Arrangement should be provided on UMS ship to detect and
give alarm in case of fire.
a)In the boiler air supply casing and uptake.
b)In scavenge space of propulsion machinery.
B)In engines of power 2250 Kw and above or cylinders having bore more
than 300mm should be provided with oil mist detector for crankcase or
bearing temperature monitor or either of two.

Protection against Flooding

Bilge well in UMS ship should be located and provided in such a manner
that the accumulation of liquid is detected at normal angle of heel
and trim and should also have enough space to accommodate the drainage
of liquid during unattended period.
In case of automatic starting of bilge pump, the alarm should be
provided to indicate that the flow of liquid pumped is more than the
capacity of the pump.

Control of Propulsion Machinery from Navigation Bridge

The ship should be able to be controlled from bridge under all sailing
conditions. The bridge should be able to control the speed, direction
of thrust, and should be able to change the pitch in case of
controllable pitch propeller.
Emergency stop should be provided on navigating bridge, independent
of bridge control system.
The remote operation of the propulsion should be possible from one
location at a time; at such connection interconnected control position
are permitted.


The number of consecutive automatic attempt which fails to start the
propulsion machinery shall be limited to safeguard sufficient starting
air pressure.

Centralized control & instruments are required in Machinery Space

Centralized control system should be there so that engineers may be
called to the machinery space during emergencies from wherever they

Automatic Fire Detection

Alarms and detection should operate very rapidly and effectively. It
should be placed at numerous well sited places for quick response of
the detectors.

Fire Extinguishing System

There should be arrangement for fire extinguishing system other than
the conventional hand extinguishers which can be operated remotely
from machinery space. The station must give control of emergency fire
pumps, generators, valves, extinguishing media etc.

Alarm System
A comprehensive alarm system must be provided for control &
accomodation areas.

Automatic Start of Emergency Generator

Arrangement for starting of emergency generator and automatic
connection to bus bar must be provided in case of blackout condition.
Apart from that following points are also to be noted.
1)Local hand control of essential machineries like steering, emergency
generator starting, emergency start for main engine etc.
2)Adequate settling tank storage capacity.
3)Regular testing & maintainence of machinery alarms & instruments.

56. Wat are the checks carried out after d vsl has left dry dock
Ans:He wants to basically listen steering trial 35 deg to 30 deg in 28
secs and stern tube all normal as follows.
Un-Docking precautions
a.Ensure all drain plugs are in place secured & cemented
b.Oil level in stern tube tanks
c.All shore connections are removed & meter reading if any
d.Tank soundings
1) When S.W level cover the sea chest, sea v/vs → open all sea v/vs →
check leak
2) Purge the air fm. all C.S.W P/P, run the P/Ps 'n' check the pr
3) Cut-out the shore power supply Start the ship gen.
4) Record the time 'n' KW-hr. meter unit
5) Check all leakage 'n' abnormalities, all repair jobs, etc. must be
corrected B4 leaving fm.dock.
6) Take M/E C/S deflection 'n' compare è previous record
7) Prepare M/E try out ahead and astern.


8) Take All Tank sounding 'n' record
9) Prepare for docking-report 121

Post Dock checks

a.Water leaks from Sea water Interface Items
b.Oil leak from Shaft.
c.Specific work related condition

57. Conditions in which a ship can ask for refuge?

Ans: A port of refuge is a port or place that a vessel diverts to when
her master considers it unsafe to continue the voyage due to a peril
that threatens the common safety.
Valid reasons for deviating a ship to a port of refuge usually
1) Weather, collision or grounding damage affecting seaworthiness of
2) Serious fire
3) Dangerous shift of cargo
4) Serious machinery breakdown
5) Any other accident causing some serious threat to the vessel and
6) Shortage of bunkers (if it can be proved that the vessel left port
with adequate bunker for the voyage and ran short as a consequence of
1) As soon as the decision is taken to discontinue the voyage and make
for a place for refuge, inform the owner and the charterer (if any)
stating the reasons for deviation. Give relevant details to attending
superintendent. He will inform the necessary insurance manager and
2) Record the ship’s position. Sound tanks for quantity for bunker on
board. From the point until departure from the port of refuge, keep
accurate records of events and expenditure.
3) Request the owner to arrange the appointment of an agent at the
port of refuge to handle the vessel’s visit.
4) Call the agent as soon as his identity is known. Pass ETA and
information necessary for making preparation for vessel’s arrival,
including tonnage, length, flag, P&I club, classification society etc.
Request the agent to notify:-
a) Port state administration if vessel is damaged or seaworthiness is
b) Harbor master or port authority.
c) Pilot station, linesman, boatman, customs, port health etc.
d) Local correspondent of the owner’s P&I club.

58. Cas
• It applies to tankers of categories 2 and 3 of 15 years and over
after the date of its delivery.
• It has been developed on the basis of Annex B of the Guidelines on
the Enhanced Programme of Inspections, which are carried out in
accordance with Chapter XI-1 of the SOLAS convention and IMO Res.


A.744(18) as amended by Res. 2 of the 1997 SOLAS conference, by
MSC.49(66) and by MSC.105(73).
• It shall be updated as and when enhanced programme of inspections
is amended.
• It is meant to verify that structural condition of a single-hull
tanker is acceptable and will continue to be acceptable during the
subsequent period of operation of the tanker.
• It applies to surveys of the hull structure in way of cargo tanks,
pump rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo
tanks, and all ballast tanks.
• The first CAS survey shall be carried out along with the enhanced
programme of inspections, concurrent with the intermediate or renewal
survey after 05-04-2005 or when the ship reaches 15 years of age,
whichever occurs later. Thereafter it shall be carried out at
intervals of £ 5 ½ years.
• It shall be carried out by the Flag State or by RO.

• Ship owner shall notify the Flag State and RO of its intention to
proceed with the CAS.
• RO shall issue a Survey Planning Questionnaire to the owner in the
prescribed format.
• The owner shall complete the questionnaire and send it to the RO
and the Flag State.
• Owner shall prepare a Survey Plan for the CAS, in co-operation
with the RO and the Flag State, and submit it to both of them.
• The plan shall be developed using the Model Survey Plan set out in
the appendix to this Scheme, after taking into account the overall
status of the tanker and various survey documents, as stated in this
• Extent of the survey shall be in accordance with this Scheme and
the enhanced programme of inspections, including close-up surveys and
thickness measurements.
• The survey shall be conducted safely in accordance with the
mandatory requirements stated in the appendix to this Scheme.
• At least 2 qualified exclusive surveyors of the RO, who have been
trained and are experienced in carrying out intermediate or renewal
surveys, shall carry out this survey. They shall also supervise the
taking of the thickness measurement.
• To ensure safe and efficient execution of the survey, a meeting
shall be held between the surveyors, owner’s representative, thickness
measurement firm operator and Master.
• All recommendations and conditions of class shall be rectified to
the satisfaction of the RO.
• Surveyor/s shall prepare the CAS Survey Report, as stated in this
Scheme, and forward it to RO headquarters for review, along with
photographs, sketches, scantlings, etc.
• After review, the RO shall prepare the CAS Final Report, as stated
in this Scheme, and submit it to the Flag State.
• The RO shall issue Interim Statement of Compliance to the tanker
in the prescribed format, valid for £ 5 months or till the Statement
of compliance is issued by the Flag State, whichever is earlier.


• The Flag State shall review the final report and prepare a Review
• Each of the above actions shall be completed within the prescribed
time frame, prior to the anniversary date of the delivery of the
tanker in the appropriate compliance year, as prescribed in the table
in this Annex.
• On satisfactory completion of the above actions, the Flag State
shall issue Statement of Compliance to the tanker in the prescribed
format, valid for £ 5 ½ years, along with the final report of the RO
and the review record of the State. On issue of this statement, the
interim statement issued by the RO shall expire.
• The Statement shall be in the official language of the Flag State,
with a translation in English, French or Spanish. It shall be a
supplement to the IOPP certificate.
• A copy of the Statement and the review record of the State shall
also be given to RO.
• Till the Statement is issued, the tanker shall remain out of
service after the appropriate compliance date prescribed in the table
in the Annex.
• The Flag State may declare the Statement as valid even if the
tanker is subsequently transferred to another RO or another owner,
provided that the period of validity and other conditions for issue of
the Statement remains the same.
• If the owner fails to obtain the Statement, and changes the flag
of his tanker, then the new Flag State shall obtain the complete CAS
documentation from the previous Flag State, and ensure that the
earlier grounds of rejection are adequately dealt with before issuing
the Statement to the tanker.
• If the owner changes the flag of his tanker after obtaining the
Statement, then the new Flag State shall obtain the complete CAS
documentation from the previous Flag State, and may issue a new
Statement to the tanker.
• The Flag State shall send to IMO the particulars of the Statement
issued and also the particulars of the tanker to which it has declined
to issue the Statement.

59. What is unsafe ship?

Ans: UNSAFE SHIP Under section 336, unsafe ship may be defined an
unsafe ship, that is to say, is by reason of the defective condition
of her hull, equipment or machinery, or by reason of overloading or
improper loading, unfit to proceed to sea without serious danger to
human life, having regard to the nature of service for which she is

60. What is unseaworty ship?

Ans: Under section 334 a ship is said to be unseaworthy "when the
materials of which she is made, her construction, the qualification of
master, the number, description and qualification of the crew
including officers, the weight, description and stowage of the cargo
and ballast, the condition of her hull and equipment, boilers and
machinery are not such as to render her in every respect fit for the
proposed voyage or service."


Difference of unseaworthy ship and unsafe ship in details In
broad perspective or loosely we can say that unseaworthiness depends
on design factors and physical factors. Also unseaworthy is a
condition. But ship becomes unsafe due to human factors. It is an act.

61. Co2 press at 31 deg celsius is 74 bar what is press at 40 c temp.

Ans: P1/T1=P2/T2 add T1 and T2 with 273 for Kelvin
Ans 95.4 bar
to find actual press for co2 for room temp same formula used. At room
temperature around 50 degree Celsius CO2 will be still in liquid

62. Critical temp?

The critical temperature of a
substance is the temperature at and
above which vapor of the substance
cannot be liquefied, no matter how
much pressure is applied. Every
substance has a critical
temperature. For CO2 it is 31.10
°C, at 73.9 bar pressure.

63. As a ce joining a type of vessel on which u have not worked on with

new set of crew how will start?
a) Check validity of statutory cert,
b) check if vessel has any CoC/recommendation or defienciecy....he
then asked me, where will u find that...said that there is PSC file
onboard, contains Form A & form B, which is to be completed by PSCO
after finishing PSC inspection, any deficiency is filled in form B.
And this form to be maintained onboard for a period of 2 years. For
CoC -- check class quarterly listings.
c) General control plan, fire control plan check
d) Test the IOPP Equipment.
e) Test alarms & trips of ME, AE, Boiler & other auxiliaries.
f) Check critical spare
g) Check LO/FO analysis report.
h) Check JCW & Boiler water report and carry out testing onboard.

64. Checks to be done as c/e on joining new vessel?


• Fuel oil, diesel oil, and lube oil soundings – by comparing actual
figures with the logged figures
• Voyage requirements
• Bunker inspected
• Consumption pattern with any specific instructions
• Oil record book
• Overdue certificates and surveys, if any
• Previous pending requisition
• Spare parts list for critical spares of Main Engine.
• Email and fax routines to office
• Different external and internal audit reports (ISM, ISPS etc)
• List of precision measuring instruments and location
• Competence and performance report of current engine staff
• Removal reports of last 1 year
• Spare for OWS
• Overboard key for OWS and Sewage plant.
• Passwords for computers
• Records of previous trainings and drills
• Schedule of forthcoming training and drills
• Pressure testing dates of various system and pipelines
• Last Dry dock Report
• Sea Trial report
• Dry dock files for pending job to be done in next dry-dock
• Crew overtime records
• Last checked dates of safety systems
• Last checked dates of main engine emergency appliances safety and
alarm systems and their conditions
• Last testing dates of shore analysis of lube oil from different
The chief engineer should also get information about company’s action
plans regarding
• Maintenance status of main auxiliary machinery
• Spares
• Stores
• Vessel sailing programme
• Random check of alarms and instrumentations
• Special tools required on board
• Sounding book
• Boiler water treatment files
• Readiness for port state inspections – LSA/ FFA
• All important checklists and forms
• Drawing lists
• Recent maintenance carried out by ship’s staff / workshop

65. Name all safety convention certificates as per ms act

Ans: Cargo ship safety construction Certificate. (issued after safety
construction, safety equipment & safety radio inspection), Cargo ship
safety equipment Certificate. Cargo ship safety Radio Certificate.
Cargo ship safety certificate.

66. Fire line isolation purpose?

Ans: to isolate Machinery space in case of fire in Machinery space.
67. Liner trade and tramp trade definition?
Ans: Liner trade was adopted in liner conference to remove uneconomic
shipping For those vessels on fixed ports and fixed schedule in short:
liner trade is one where ship operates between fixed ports, fixed
routes and for fixed frieghts and tramp is opposite of it.

Liner Service –is a service that operates within a schedule and has a
fixed port rotation with published dates of calls at the advertised
ports.. A liner service generally fulfills the schedule unless in
cases where a call at one of the ports has been unduly delayed due to
natural or man-mad causes..
Tramp Service or tramper on the other hand is a ship that has no fixed
routing or itinerary or schedule and is available at short notice (or
fixture) to load any cargo from any port to any port.

Difference: One of the main differences between Liner and Tramp would
be in the type of contract of carriage and Bill of Lading used..
In the case of a Liner, generally the shipping line operating the
liner service will have their own pre-printed bill of lading or use
a BIMCO CONLINEBILL 2000, whereas in the case of a Tramp service
(which may be covered by a Charter Party), a bill of lading like
theBIMCO CONGENBILL 2007 will be used depending on the cargo, charter
party etc..

68. Stcw 95 and mlc 2006 rest hours?

STCW 95 MLC 2006
Only about rest hours For both work and rest hours
Min rest required 10 hours / Minimum rest required. (10
day (can be divided into 2 or hours / day and 77 hrs / week)
less one of which should be
minimum 6 hrs.) and 77 hrs /
Maximum work allowed ( 14 hrs/
day and 72 hours /week)
Exceptions: Not > 2 weeks
a) 70 hrs in 7 days rest
b) 10 hrs rest can be divided in 3
c) 1 part minimum 6 hrs other 2 not
< 1hr
d) Gap between rest not to exceed
14 hrs.

Note: STCW 2010 amendments harmonized work rest hours with MLC,
earlier 70hrs rest now 77 hrs rest weekly. 10hrs rest in a day broken
down to 3 parts one min 6hrs other 2 not< 1hr is not allowed for > 2
consecutive weeks.

69. What is average value and floating value in insurance?

Ans: Average value = in case of emergency repairs/ partial loss
average value may be calculated.
Floating value = total insurable amount that can be reasonably
estimated but cannot be accurately determined before the Insurance
comes to an end.

70. Why class required?

Ans: In brief to protect ship owner, for insurance & ship is built to
A non-governmental organisation in the shipping industry,
a classification society establishes and maintains technical
standards for construction and operation of marine vessels and
offshore structures. The primary role of the society is to classify
ships and validate that their design and calculations are in
accordance with the published standards at all stages of their
development and operations to make sure that their design, components,
and machinery are developed and maintained in accordance with the
standards set for their class. It also carries out periodical
survey of ships to ensure that they continue to meet the parameters of
set standards. The society is also responsible for classification of
all offshore structures including platforms and submarines.
Flag states maintain a ship register in which all ships that sail
under their flag need to be registered. Classification societies are
licensed by flag states to survey and classify ships and issue
certificates on their behalf. They classify and certify marine vessels
and structures on the basis of their structure, design and safety

71. Tacit acceptance? How many should reject for the amendment not to come
into force?
v Procedure for amendments to a convention (Tacit not for
conventions to come into force).
v Before amendments would come into force after acceptance by 2/3rd
of parties to convention. Due to this because of delay many amendments
never came into force. To reduce this time assembly after adoption of
the amendment would specify the date of entry into force.
v Tacit is only for technical content of convention normally
contained in annexes.
v The body (Eg: MSC) which adopts the amendments fixes the time
period within which these contracting states have the opportunity to
say if they have accepted or rejected or prefer to remain silent
(silent means accepted)
v This is also known as tacit or Passive acceptance procedure.
v Normal procedure is known as classical / positive acceptance
Eg: Say a 90 member convention, how many would have to say yes for it
to be through: initially passive acceptance now if say 10 say yes and
rest say nothing, it will be taken as a yes. This is tacit acceptance.
If 1/3rd should reject then will not come into force.

72. Owner sold the ship without paying your salary what would you do?
Ans: Lien settled in admiralty court by sheriff sale.
Liens: - Right to keep possession of property until debt is paid.


Maritime lien is a claim on a ship, her cargo or both as well as on
the freight she will earn in respect of service done to or injury
caused by any of them.
Admiralty court: - admiralty law is a part of civil law mainly dealing
collision, damage to cargo, salvage, maritime liens and arrest of

73. When we have fcp then why fire test procedure and who do it and how?
Ans: Fcp is for fighting fire onboard ship. It is basically has
firefighting appliances arrangement which can be referred for fighting
Whereas the fire test procedure is for testing appliances to their
standard of specifications. Fire test procedure basically followed at
shop test for testing the firefighting appliances.
FTP is carried out by services approved by administrations. And
procedures are set out as per classification/admin requirements.

74. Engine balancing?

To make small adjustments to each unit make uniform power generation
in every unit.
Pmax by timing of fuel pump(vit or by shims to pump or cam floating
and readjusting)
Pcomp in ME engines by exh valve timing change.
Pmax- Pcomp not more than 35 bar to avoid piston ring failure.
Pi adjusted by fuel index.
(But limits are The peak pressure difference can't be more than 3 to 5
for AE And max 10 for ME.
Exhaust gas temp diff 40deg C.
Fuel rack should not be adjusted more than 10% Otherwise we have to
change the plunger and barrel)

75. Sua convention in detail

Ans: Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the
Safety of Maritime Navigation, Protocol for the Suppression of
Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms Located on the
Continental Shelf
Adopted 10 March 1988; Entry into force 1 March 1992; 2005 Protocols:
Adopted 14 October 2005; Entry into force 28 July 2010
Concern about unlawful acts which threaten the safety of ships and the
security of their passengers and crews grew during the 1980s, with
reports of crews being kidnapped, ships being hi-jacked, deliberately
run aground or blown up by explosives. Passengers were threatened and
sometimes killed.
In November 1985 the problem was considered by IMO's 14th Assembly
and a proposal by the United States that measures to prevent such
unlawful acts should be developed by IMO was supported.
The Convention obliges Contracting Governments either to extradite
or prosecute alleged offenders.
The Convention criminalizes the following behaviour:
1. Seizing control of a ship by force or threat of force;


2. Committing an act of violence against a person on ship if it is
likely to endanger the safety of the ship;
3. Destroying or damaging a ship or its cargo in such a way that
endangers the safe navigation of the ship;
4. Placing or causing to be placed on a ship a device or substance
which is likely to destroy or cause damage to the ship or its
5. Destroying or damaging a ship's navigation facilities or
interfering with their operation if it is likely to endanger the
safety of the ship;
6. Communicating information which is known to be false, thereby
endangering the safety of the navigation of a ship;
7. Injuring or killing anyone while committing 1–6;
8. Attempting any of 1–7;
9. Being an accomplice to any of 1–8; and
10. Compelling another through threats to commit any of 1–9.
The Convention sets out the principle of aut dedere aut judicare—
that a state party to the treaty must either (1) prosecute a person
who commits one of the offences or (2) send the individual to
another state that requests his or her extradition for prosecution
of the same crime.
The Convention does not apply to:
1. A warship; or
2. a ship owned or operated by a State when being used as a naval
auxiliary or for customs or police purposes; or
3. a ship which has been withdrawn from navigation or laid up.
Nothing in the convention affects the immunities of warships and
other government ships operated for non-commercial purposes.

76. Mlc applicability and certificates, in detail?

Ans: The MLC, 2006 applies to all ships engaged in commercial
activities (except fishing vessels, ships of traditional build and
warships or naval auxiliaries).
Ships of 500 GT or over and trading in international voyages are
required to be certified they must carry a Maritime Labour
Certificate as well as a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance
DMLC consists of two parts DMLC I issued by the flag states
DMLC II issued by the shipowner.

77. Fire control plan? Why A class B class given?

Ans: Mandatory as per Solas Ch II Reg 15.2.4 for information on fire
station on each deck s, on various bulkheads, and in spaces enclosed
by “A” class division, “B” class divisions. It also explains us the
type of fire detection system and fire fighting systems available on
Fire control plan tells us about various fire alarm systems,
sprinkler installation, extinguishing appliances, means of escape to
different compartments and decks, and ventilation system including
particulars of remote operation of dampers and fans. The position of
various dampers, their marking and which fan is for particular


compartment or deck is also explained so that required damper and
fans can be closed in case of fire.
Also with the permission of Administration
i.e classification society, the details can be set
out in the form of booklet & a copy of it shall be
supplied to each officer onboard. One copy of the
same should be available on board and be easily
accessible. These plans should be kept up to date
and if alterations are made shall be recorded as
soon as possible. The fire plan should be
available in the working language of the crew on
board & also in English.

Fire Control PLAN( Protection ,Detection & Fighting )

1.Location of Fire Control Stations
2.Class / Admin Approval.
3.Any Modification with Approval endorsement
4.Fire plan in containers both P & S.
5.Emergency Escape route with Lighting & rescue arrangement
6.Alternate Escape Route.
7.Location & Qty of EEBD
8.Location & Qty of SCBA with fire man Outfits
9.Fire Integrity of Ship Sections with Bulkhead Class
10.Fire Detection Details- accommodation, Machinery & cargo spaces.
11.Manual Call Points & Alarms
12.Fixed Flooding System- CO2 , Foam ,Dry powder
13.Fixed Auto / Manual Fire Detect & Extinguish for M/C Space (Hi
14.Fixed Sea Water Fire Fighting system with Emergency & Main Fire
pump, Fire line, Isolation & drain valves, hydrant, nozzles, hoses &
international Shore coupling.
15.Location & Types of Portable & semi Portable Fire Extinguishers
16.Location & type of Local Apply Systems – ME scav. Space, Purifier
Room,Boiler Space, Galley Space & Paint Locker.
17.Location & Method of stopping Ventilation Fans & Dampers
18.Location & Method of fuel tank isolation by Quick closing valves
19.Location & method of Stopping F.O. Pumps
20.IMO Symbols pasted as per IMO requirement.

It can be found in Nav Bridge, Engine room, Accomodation for

assistance of shore side firefighting copy of FCP to be permanently
placed or stored in marked weather tight container outside deckhouse.

Why A class B class mentioned: These division mentioned and developed

during the structural fire plan and later on included in FCP. FCP is
supplement to SEQ Certificate. IMO developed color code for these
bulkheads, which is easy reference for shore firefighters.

“A” class divisions (fire divisions)

‘A’ Class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads and decks
which comply with the following criteria:
(a) They are to be constructed of steel or other equivalent material.


(b) They are to be suitably stiffened.
(c) They are to be so constructed as to be capable of preventing the
passage of smoke and flame up to the end of the one-hour standard
fire test.
(d) They are to be insulated with approved non-combustible materials
such that the average temperature of the unexposed side will not rise
more than 140°C above the original temperature, nor will the
temperature, at any one point, including any joint, rise more than
180°C above the original temperature, within the time listed below:
Class ‘A-60’ – 60 minutes
Class ‘A-30’ – 30 minutes
Class ‘A-15’ – 15 minutes
Class ‘A-0’ – 0 minutes
(e) In accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code, a test of a
prototype bulkhead or deck may be required to ensure that it meets
the above requirements for integrity and temperature rise.

“B” Class Divisions (fire divisions)

‘B’ Class divisions are those divisions formed by bulkheads, decks,
ceilings or linings which comply with the following criteria:
(a) They are to be so constructed as to be capable of preventing the
passage of flame to the end of the first half hour of the standard
fire test.
(b) They are to have an insulation value such that the average
temperature of the unexposed side will not rise more than 140°C above
the original temperature, nor will the temperature at any one point,
including any joint, rise more than 225°C above the original
temperature, within the time listed below:
Class ‘B-15’- 15 minutes
Class ‘B-0’ – 0 minutes
(c) They are to be constructed of approved noncombustible materials
and all materials used in the construction and erection of ‘B’ Class
divisions are to be non-combustible, with the exception that
combustible veneers may be permitted, provided they meet other
appropriate requirements of this Chapter.
(d) In accordance with the Fire Test Procedures Code, a test of a
prototype division may be required to ensure that it meets the above
requirements for integrity and temperature rise.

“C” class divisions (fire divisions)

‘C’ Class divisions are divisions to be constructed of approved non-
combustible materials. They need meet neither requirements relative
to the passage of smoke and flame nor limitations relative to the
temperature rise. Combustible veneers are permitted provided they
meet the requirements of this Chapter.

Fire Test Procedure

1. at the end of the first 5 min 576°C;
2. at the end of the first 10 min 679°C;
3. at the end of the first 15 min 738°C;
4. at the end of the first 30 min 841°C; and
5. at the end of the first 60 min 945°C.


Specimen sizes
1.Bulk head – 2400 x 2500mm
2.Deck - 2440 x 3040mm
3.Steel -4.5±0.5mm 4. Aluminum -6±0.5mm
Structural Integrity - Strength
Thermal Integrity – Insulation Capacity
Fire Integrity – 1. Smoke 2. Flame (with Openings & Penetrations)
Separations :- 1. Bulkhead 2. Decks of adjacent spaces

78. What are the duties of chief engineer?

Ans: According to the Safety of life at sea (SOLAS) convention,
states that the operation of the ship and its equipment should be
properly taken care of by the chief engineer, satisfying all minimum
standards of safety. It is the responsibility of the chief engineer
to look after the safety of maritime professionals working in the
engine room.
As per ISM Element
7- Shipboard operation,
8-Emergency preparedness,
9- Reports and analysis of NC, accident & hazardous occurance
10- Maintenance of ship equipment
11- Documentation.

The duties of the chief engineer are clearly mentioned in STCW 95

section A- III /2. Duties of the chief engineer in both general and
emergency conditions on the ship are:
1.Chief engineer should ensure that all the ship’s machinery and
equipment are working in efficient manner in order to support safe
navigation of the ship.
2.He should carry out all his duties, while complying with the rules
and regulations laid down by the flag state administration, IMO, and
port state authorities.
3.Frequent inspections of equipment dealing with ship and personal
safety must be carried out by him at regular intervals of time
4.All items used for pollution prevention should be frequently checked
and tried out for proper operating condition
5.Chief engineer should lay down a set of standing orders for each
crew member under his command
6.The standing orders should be given in accordance with the routine
maintenance schedule as laid down by the Planned Maintenance System
(PMS), which is prescribed by the manufactures
7.He should see that details of every operation and activity should be
properly maintained in log and record books, which state the
compliance of the system.
8.Lifesaving and fire preventing equipment should be checked an
regular basis for their operating condition. (Operating mechanism and
linkages should be inspected and lubricated frequently)
9.In order to minimize sources of fire, chief engineer must ensure
that proper operation and maintenance of fuel and lubricating oil and
purifying equipment is carried out to minimize leakages. In case there
are leakages, they should be rectified at the earliest.


10.He should also make sure that the amount of waste oil that is
collected should be as less as possible. The collected oil should be
burnt in an incinerator or given to shore based collecting facilities.
11.Chief engineer should ensure that the maintenance of incinerator is
carried out as per the rules and regulations laid down by the
12.It is imperative of him to check that the oil is pumped out of the
ship only through oily water separator. (According to few company
rules, only the chief engineer should handle the Oily water separator)
13.In order to make sure the maintenance and repair procedures are
carried out properly, necessary machine spare should be made available
in the ships store by filing a proper requisition at the right time.
14.It is the duty of the chief engineer to motivate his crew to
develop a “safety first” attitude in his work.
15.Chief engineer also make sure that his crew attends all shipboard
emergency drills and safety meetings.
16.Each and every crew member should know how to tackle every kind of
situation on ship. The chief engineer must provide guidance to his
crew during drills so that they know how to get out of an emergency
situation safely in the minimum time possible.
17.While tackling an emergency situation, the Chief Engineer must
follow the company guidelines and procedures for dealing with
18.At the sight of an emergency, response time matters a lot.
Therefore, the chief engineer must be able to guide his crew in
minimum time to attend and rectify the task.
19.Chief engineer must have the knowledge of equipment such as fixed
firefighting installation, operation of quick closing valve etc. in
order to deal with extreme emergency situations.
20.He must also have the knowledge of ship board emergency equipment
response machinery panel, along with other important emergency
21.During an emergency situation, the chief engineer must maintain
proper communication with the master regarding the situation of
emergency, as the ship’s master is in touch with the local authorities
and the shipping office.
22.He must be co-operative with the master so that both deck and
engine departments function towards bringing the emergency situation
under control in the quickest possible time
23.Last but not the least, the chief engineer should maintain a proper
conduct with his crew members and address their queries and
requirements at the best of his abilities.

Duties of Chief Engineer

Chief engineer over sees daily routine operations of engine room and
communicate to the office between department on ship and within his
1. Planning of manpower, job delegation
2. Daily job discussion with second engineer and daily routine ship
3. Supervise engine room personnel and give advice as required.
4. Improve performance and efficiency of engine room work team.


5. To work according to the planned maintenance schedule.
6. Draw up training orientation program for engine room cadets.
7. To ensure smooth communication between inter- department.
8. Arranging preparing and recording of machinery survey.
9. Ensure proper operation of safety equipments and its certificate
still valid.
10.Testing of machinery space lifting gear.
11.Planning maintenance check list to ensure machinery are properly
maintained and reduced the risk of sudden break down of plant
12.Chick list should record machinery description, date of service,
part changed and remarks etc.
13.Ensure proper entry of engine room log book and oil record book.
14.Arrangement for plant survey inspection to check with item is due
for survey.
15.To ensure sufficient stock are reserved ( bunker ,fuel oil ,diesel
oil ,main engine lube oil ,cylinder oil , other lube oils and
chemicals ) in case of any unpredictable situations ( e.g. heavy sea
,storm ,engine breakdown at sea ,delay of voyage ,unavailable of port
bunker service etc. )
16.Writing of report to company e.g. voyage report, monthly main
engine performance report and ad hoe report.
17.Preparation of dry dock list.
18.Inventory management and requisition (chemicals, lube oil,
machinery spaces and stores).

• In Port
1. Liaise with shore technical representative.
2. Receive stores and spares from supplier.
3. Receive bunker, fuel oil, lube oil etc.
4. Ensure engine room is locked after work.
5. All firefighting equipment is in their position and tested.
6. Bilge overboard valve is locked shut.
7. Sewage plant should be in operation.
8. Should take permission from port authority for major work done on
main propulsion.

• Cargo Work
9. Ensure deck cranes and deck machinery is tested prior port arrival.
10. Ballast system properly functions and correct operation by
the deck officers on duty.
11. Make sure sufficient number of engineers in board during
cargo works in case any emergency repair is required.

• @ Sea
12.During heavy seas, to ensure all items in the engine room is
properly secured.
13.Daily routine ship inspection
14.Main engine and other auxiliary engines are in order.
15.Training of engine room staff, usage of firefighting equipment and
fire drill.


• In Dry Dock
16.To brief engine room staffs before docking and ensure they
understand their respective duties.
17.Preparation of machinery survey in dry dock
18.Preparation of dry dock list.
19.Study previous dry dock reports and note clearance to be measured.
20.Ensure all tools and spares are ready for use .
21.Liaise with the shipyard manager and contractor to ensure correct
works carried out .
22.Emergency lightening and generator set to be tested before docking
in case of shore power failure.
23.Firefighting equipments on board to be checked and tested and make
ready for use .
24.All tanks, wells and coffer dams to be sound and recorded.
25.Minimum bunker and ballast to be carried.
26.To ensure filter elements in oily water separator and renewed and
system is checked and system is checked for satisfactory function.

79. Fire line relief valve and drain valve ...why?

Ans: Drain valve to drain the main line in case of ship operating in
sub zero temperatures to prevent icing. Relief valve incase shore line
is connected and the pumps develop pressure higher than the design

80. How to convert purifier in clarifier.

1. Bottom most disc should not be holed if they’re to be blanked.
2.blank of sealing water
3.The top most disc should be replaced with non neck type.
4.Remove gravity disc
5.The heavy phase discharge to be blocked and secured by a tool


81. What are the different processes by which fuel oils can be purified?
Ans:- 1. Gravitational method i.e. put the oil in settling tank and
then draining it continuously.
2. By Centrifugal force in a purifier.
Centrifugal method is much more better than gravitational
method. Reason can be explained as follows:-
F= m*g for gravity force
F= (m*v^2)/r for centrifugal force
The value of "g" is constant i.e 9.8 m/s^ 2. While that of (v^2)/r can
be increased to thousands of times. Hence centrifugal method is better
and faster than gravitational method.

82. What are the difference bw purifier and clarifier?

Ans:- 1. Purifier can separate solid impurities and water both from
fuel oil while clarifier can separate only solid impurities from fuel
2. Purifier has a gravity disc while clarifier doesn’t.
3. Purifier has a top disc with a neck while clarifier top disc
doesn’t contain a top disc with neck.

83. What are the safeties incorporated in purifiers?

Ans:- 1.Low-pressure switch in the outlet of the clean oil, to protect
the oil going out with water.
2.Emergency brakes to help the purifier to pass the critical speed as
soon as possible.
3.High Pressure switch to avoid water to come with clean oil in the
clean oil outlet.
4.Water transducer to avoid water to come with clean oil in clean oil
5.Centrifugal Clutch arrangement for electric motor.
6.overflow, water pressure, LT & HT alarms.

84. What all factors affect the separation in purifier?

Ans:- 1. Temperature 2. Specific gravity of fuel oil
3. Viscosity of fuel oil 4. Feed rate of fuel oil.

85. What is the interference line/ e- line and where should it be formed
for best purification?
Ans:- It is a line formed at the interface of oil and water and should
be formed just inside the top disc outer circumference.

86. You went inside purifier room and found out that the purifier is
overflowing. What will be your reaction and what can be the probable
Ans:- 1. Changeover 3-way vv from purifier inlet to the recirculation.
2. Check for temperature and correct the same if not fight.
3. If temperature is fine then check rpm by the amperage of the motor.
4. The feed rate may be more.
5. May be an O-ring has been worn out.
6. After correcting the problem, desludge the purifier and start

87. How will you desludge a purifier?

Ans:- 1. Open the sealing water.
2. Wait till water comes out of the overflow line.
3. Close the sealing water.
4. Close the operating water.
5. Open and close the desludging water.

88. How wil you start the purifier?

Ans:- 1. Check the lube oil level in purifier.
2. Check the level of water in the water tank used to provide
operating, sealing and desludging water to purifier.
3. Open the steam of the fuel oil heater and wait till the temperature
reaches about 85-90 degree Celsius.
4. Now start the purifier and watch for the amperage. It should rise
upto 20 Amps and should come down to about 5 Amps.
5. Now open the operating water.
6. Open the sealing water& wait till water comes out of the outflow
7. Close the sealing water.
8. Open the purifier pump and adjust the feed rate and check the back
pressure. Back pressure must be about 0.8 bar.


89. After overhauling the purifier and changing all the o-rings you found
out that the purifier is overflowing, what can be the cause?
Ans:- the rpm of the purifier may not be attained. This will not let
the pilot valve to get closed as it get closed due to centifugal force
which inturn depends on the rpm. This will avoid the closing up of the
moving bowl as the sealing water gets drained and will lead to the
overflow of the purifier.

90. Whay is the disc stake is provided?

Ans:- To reduce the settling distance of the impurities and hence
increase the speed with which purification process can take place.

91. Floodable length and angle of loll?

Ans: Simply put, it's the amount the ship can be flooded without the
risk of the ship sinking.
The floodable length is the maximum length of the ship that can be
flooded without submerging the margin line, also known as the deck
The floodable length can be calculated, Permissible length = floodable
length x factor of subdivision for floodable length.
Permeability of compartment is taken in to account. There are 3
formulas for calculating and ship is divided into 3 parts.
The margin line is a line just 75mm below the top of the bulkhead
deck, or the highest deck, which has watertight bulkheads forming
watertight compartments. If the margin line is submerged, the ship is
serious danger of sinking from flooding.

Angle of Loll: - Initial unstable ship will not be upright. While

heeling one side, the angle at which the G & B coincides in neutral
equilibrium. If GZ=0 then angle of Equilibrium = angle of loll

Corrective Measures
1. Correct Negative GM first.
a. Eliminate Free Surface and Free Communication Effects.
b. Shift weight down, add weight low, or jettison weight high.

2. Correct for Gravity Off Centerline

a. Add weight to higher side
b. Remove weight from lower side
c. Shift weight to higher side
d. Jettison Top Side Weight
e. Ballast Low Tanks
f. Shift Solid Weights Down
g. Restore Flooding Boundaries

92. Welded crankshaft, what happens in slippage?

Ans: Welded crank shaft won't slip instead it will fail from the
weakest point which in any case won't be the crankshaft.

93. Ms act registration of ships? What certificates required?


Procedure for registration
The ports at which registration of ships shall be made shall be the
ports of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras MMD.
The port at which an Indian ship is registered for the time being
under this Act shall be deemed to be her port of registry and the port
to which she belongs.
At each of the ports of Bombay, Calcutta and Madras: The principal
officer of the Mercantile Marine Department, and at any other port
such authority as the Central Government may, by notification in the
Official Gazette, appoint, shall be the registrar of Indian ships at
that port.

Register book
Every registrar shall keep a book to be called the register book and
entries in that book shall be made in accordance with the following
(a)The property in a ship shall be divided into ten shares;
(b)Subject to the provisions of this Act with respect to joint owners
or owners by transmission, not more than ten individuals shall be
entitled to registered at the same time as owners of any one ship; but
this rule shall not affect the beneficial interest of any number of
persons represented by or claiming under or through any registered
owner or joint owner;
(c)A person shall not be entitled to be registered as owner of a
fractional part of a share in a ship; but any number of persons not
exceeding five may be registered as joint owners of a ship or of any
share or shares therein;
(d)Joint owners shall be considered as constituting one person and
shall not be entitled to dispose in severalty of any interest in a
ship or any share therein in respect of which they are registered;
(e)A company 2[or a co-operative society] may be registered as owner
by its name.

Application for register

An application for the registry of an Indian ship shall be made
(a) In the case of an individual, by the person requiring to be
registered as owner or by his agent;
(b) In the case of > one individual requiring to be registered, by
some one or more of the persons so requiring or by his or their agent;
(c) In the case of a company 1[or a co-operative society] requiring to
be so registered, by its agent;

Survey and measurement of ships prior registry:-

The owner of every Indian ship in respect of which an application
for registry is made shall cause such ship to be surveyed by a
surveyor and the tonnage of the ship ascertained in the prescribed
The surveyor shall grant a certificate specifying the ship’s
tonnage and build and such other particulars descriptive of the
identity of the ship as may be prescribed and the certificate of the
surveyor shall be delivered to the registrar before registry.

Marking of the ship:

The owner of an Indian ship who applies for registry under this Act
shall, before registry, cause her to be marked permanently and
conspicuously in the prescribed manner and to the satisfaction of the
registrar and any ship not so marked may be detained by the registrar.

Declaration of owner- ship on registry- A person shall not be

registered as the owner of an Indian ship or of a share therein until
he or, in the case of a company 1[or a co- operative society,] the
person authorised by this Act to make declarations on its behalf has
made and signed a declaration of ownership in the prescribed form
referring to the ship as described in the certificate of the surveyor
and containing the particulars.

Evidence on first registry: On the first registry of an Indian ship,

the evidence shall be produced in addition to the declaration of
ownership like a builder’s certificate.

Entry of particulars in register book

As soon as the requirements of this Act preliminary to registry have
been complied with, the registrar shall enter in the register book the
following particulars in respect of the ship
(a) the name of the ship and the name of the port to which she
2(aa) the ship identification number,
(b) the details contained in the surveyor’s certificate;
(c) the particulars respecting her origin stated in the declaration
of ownership; and
(d) the name and description of her registered owner or owner’s and,
if there are more owner than one, the number of shares owned by each
of them.

Documents to be retained by registrar

On the registry of a ship, the registrar shall retain in his custody
the following documents:
(a) The surveyor’s certificate;
(b) The builder’s certificate;
(c) Any instrument of sale by which the ship was previously sold;
(d) All declarations of ownership;

Certificate of registry
On completion of the registry of an Indian ship, the registrar shall
grant a certificate of registry containing the particulars respecting
her as entered in the register book with the name of her master.

Xq:Certificates required for registration of the ship:

Builders certificate
Ownership certificate
Certificate of survey for tonnage


Instrument of sale (If second hand ship)

Registry of ship– Part V , in short

1.Application for registry
2.Certificate of Survey (tonnage declaration & Markings)
3.Declaration of Owner ship
4.Builder certificate
5.Ships of more than 15NT sea going with mechanical propulsion
6.Instrument of Sale (Deed).
7.Nationality –Indian , Indian Company or Co-Operative society
8.Name of the Master.
9.Previous registration details
10.Provisional Certificate:-Indian Embassy letter if in foreign water.
To call India
within 3month.
11.Temporary Pass:- In India From Yard to Port of Registry
12.Technical Clearance Certificate :- For ships more than 25yrs old
13.No Unreasonable Price Certificate for importing from foreign
country 14.Mortgage if any

94. International shore conn?

For fire line For sewage line

For Fire line:OD-178mm,ID-64mm,PCD-132mm, 4 holes 19mm,4 bolts 50mm

length and 60 mm dia Flange thicknes- 14.5mm min flat face, designed
for 1N/mm2. Material – Steel or equivalent.

95. Compressor worn out brg diag & explain?


96. Latest Solas ammendments?
Ans:1 January 2016
1. Amendments to SOLAS Regulation II-1/29 concerning requirements for
steering gear trials
Background: Some ships, particularly container ships, are not able to
reach their operating draught using ballast water only. This causes
problems when the vessel is on sea trials as the SOLAS regulations
for testing steering gear require the vessel to be at the summer load
draught. An IACS Unified Interpretation was recently adopted as an
IMO Unified Interpretation (MSC.1/Circ.1425) as an interim measure.
These amendments to SOLAS are designed to resolve the problem.

Summary: Three different possible methods of demonstrating compliance

have been agreed:
– Ship at even keel and the rudder fully submerged with the speed of
the ship corresponding to the number of maximum continuous
revolutions of the main engine and maximum design pitch;
– If full rudder immersion is not possible an appropriate speed
should be used, calculated on the basis of the actual rudder
submersion. The chosen speed should result in a force and torque on
the steering gear which is at least as great as if the full service
draught was being used; and
– A prediction made of the actual service condition force and torque
on the steering gear, which is then extrapolated to the full load

Implication: Ship Designers and Builders should be aware of the

proposed changes and consider ways by which extrapolation can be done
if it is needed. Flag Administrations and their ROs should note the
conclusions. The method to extrapolate from the sea trial draught to
the deepest seagoing draught will need to be agreed.

Application: SOLAS ships where it is impracticable to demonstrate

compliance with the requirements for testing steering gear at the
deepest draught whilst on sea trials. The methods will be available
to any ships (new or existing) which test steering gear on sea-trials
from 1 January 2016.

2. Amendments to SOLAS Regulations II-2/3 and II-2/9.7 concerning

fire resistance of ventilation ducts for new ships
Background: MSC 93 adopted the amendments to SOLAS regulation II-2/3
to include definitions of various types of fire dampers and smoke
dampers based on methods used for their activation as well as a
comprehensive revision of the regulation II-2/9.7.

Implication : Shipowners / Shipbuilders: Both should consider the

costs involved in improving the design and construction of
ventilation ducts to comply with the new requirements.

Application: The new requirements will apply to new cargo ships and
passenger ships constructed (keel laid) on or after 1 January 2016

3. Amendments to SOLAS Regulations II-2/4.5.5 and II-2/16.3.3 , FSS

Code Chapter 15 as well as the IBC Code for requiring inerting for
tankers of less than 20,000 dwt but more than 8,000 dwt
Background: Tankers of less than 20,000 dwt are not required to be
fitted with a fixed Inert Gas System (IGS) but following several
casualty reports on the explosion of tankers, IMO has addressed this
issue and MSC 93 adopted amendments to SOLAS regulations II-2/4.5.5
and II-2/16 and FSS Code Chapter 15.

Summary: Fixed Inert Gas Systems are to be used on new oil and
chemical tankers (8,000 to 20,000 dwt), constructed (keel laid) on or
after 1 January 2016. The SOLAS regulation clarifies the operational
requirements of the inert gas systems and sequence of applying the
inerting medium in to the cargo tanks. The existing requirements in
Chapter 15 of FSS code and Resolution A.567(14) - Regulation for Inert
Gas Systems on chemical tankers - have been merged to form a new
Chapter 15 of FSS Code.
Existing oil and chemical tankers of 20,000 dwt and above
shall be fitted with fixed inert gas systems complying with the
requirements in the Resolution MSC.98(73);
Under operational requirements, a new regulation II-2/16.3.3
has been agreed which clarifies that for chemical tankers only


nitrogen is acceptable as the medium for inerting in loaded tanks,
however for cargo free tanks, any suitable inerting medium may be
used; and

Implication: Shipowners/Shipbuilders: The requirement will impact the

design and operation of small oil and chemical tankers.
Shipowners and Ship Managers: Significant impact due to the
costs involved for providing suitable type of inert gas systems (IGS)
on board, depending on the type of the vessel. In addition, the new
requirements could possibly result in extended port-stay periods.

Application: Applicable to new oil and chemical tankers, carrying low

flash point cargoes (not exceeding 60°C as determined in accordance
with SOLAS II-2/1.6), constructed (keel laid) on or after 1 January

4. Amendments to SOLAS Regulation II-2/10 concerning fire protection

requirements for on-deck cargo areas of new ships designed to carry
containers and associated MSC circular on Guidelines for the design,
performance, testing and approval of mobile water monitors
Background: The IMO responded to concerns raised by the industry
regarding fire protection provisions for the carriage of large
quantities of cargoes on deck inside containers and noted a need for
the increased fire-fighting capability for container ships and ships
carrying containers on or above the weather deck.

Summary: MSC 93 adopted the amendments to SOLAS II-2/10 along with the
associated MSC circular. The following points were agreed:
– All new ships (constructed on or after 1 January 2016) that are
designed to carry containers on or above the weather deck shall be
fitted with at least one water mist lance, in addition to all other
fire protection arrangements that should be provided on board as per
existing regulations;
– All new ships (constructed on or after 1 January 2016) that are
designed to carry five or more tiers of containers on or above the
weather deck shall also be provided with mobile water monitors, in
addition to the water mist lance mentioned above and all other fire
protection arrangements that should be provided on board as per
existing regulations. Ships with breadth up to 30 m should be provided
with at least two mobile water monitors and those ships with breadth
exceeding 30 m or more should be provided with at least four mobile
water monitors;

Implication: Shipbuilders/Shipowners/Manufacturers: The on-deck fire

protection arrangements for all new ships carrying containers on or
above the weather deck will need significant improvement.

5. Amendments to SOLAS Regulation II-2/13.4 concerning additional

means of escape from machinery spaces
Background: Following a serious engine room fire on a cargo ship the
IMO decided to improve the requirements for means of escape in
machinery spaces on cargo ships and bring them in line with the


regulation for passenger ships, which requires two means of escape
from a machinery control room.

Summary: The amendments require that two means of escape are provided
from the main workshop within a machinery space with at least one of
these escape routes providing a continuous fire shelter to a safe
position outside the machinery space. In addition, improved access to
the normal exit and emergency escape routes, with the provision that
all inclined ladders or stairways with open treads, not located within
a protected enclosure, are to be of steel and protected against heat
and flame by steel shields attached to their undersides.

Implication: Shipowners/Shipbuilders: There will be significant cost

implications since the new amendments would require design changes to
the escape routes of machinery spaces of cargo ships and smaller
passenger ships, to provide the same level of protection as the
passenger ships.

Application: The requirements will apply to new cargo and passenger

ships only.

6. Amendments to SOLAS Regulations II-2/1, II-2/3, and II-2/20-1

concerning protection of vehicle, special category and ro-ro spaces
(and application)
Background: As demand increases for hydrogen fuel cell vehicles and
compressed natural gas vehicles, IMO recognised the need to review the
requirements for ships carrying such vehicles. The current SOLAS
regulations have been developed based on the carriage of conventional
vehicles fuelled by gasoline.

Summary: In order to clarify the scope of application of the new

requirements, a new definition for ‘vehicle carrier’ was developed for
regulation II-2/3 as follows: “Vehicle carrier means a cargo ship with
multi deck ro-ro spaces designed for the carriage of empty cars and
New regulation II-2/20-1 contains requirements that are applicable to
new and existing ships.
All new requirements which could impact the ship structure, will only
apply to new ships. These include the requirement that all electrical
equipment and wiring used in spaces intended to carry such vehicles,
including fans and other electrical equipment used in the ventilation
ducts shall be of a certified safe type complying with IEC 60079
standard (Electrical Apparatus for Explosive Gas Atmospheres) and also
to prohibit the use of any equipment that may constitute a
fire/explosion risk in such spaces.
However, as explained in paragraphs 2.2 and 5 of the regulation II-
2/20-1, existing ships should comply with non-structure related
requirements, such as at least two certified safe type portable gas
detectors complying with IEC 60079 standard (Electrical Apparatus for
Explosive Gas Atmospheres) which shall be provided for the detection
of gas fuel emissions from the tanks of such vehicles.


Implication: Significant impact since the amendments will affect the
ship construction, including provision of installation of fire
detection systems, type of ventilation and its location and provision
of approved safe type electrical equipment.

Application: These requirements will generally apply to “Vehicle

Carriers”, which carry HFCVs (Hydrogen Fuel Cell Vehicles) and CNGVs
(Compressed natural Gas Vehicles). Please also see the ‘Summary’
section above for the different requirements that will be applicable
to new and existing ships.

7. Amendments to the LSA Code concerning reference test devices

(RTDs) for lifejackets
Background: The LSA Code requirements concerning the testing of
lifejackets using reference test devices (RTDs) have been used for
some time now. Experience with them has identified that some changes
to the requirements would be beneficial.

Summary: The changes introduce some variation from the results using
the RTDs. Further clarification is provided on the testing required
for infants’ and children’s lifejackets and the need for infants and
children to participate in jump and drop tests.

Implication: Manufacturers will need to prepare for the changes. The

intention is to make the manufacture and use of RTDs more consistent.
Flag Administrations and their ROs will need to prepare for the
changes in testing methods.

Application: The new requirements will apply to the manufacture and

testing of new SOLAS lifejackets.

8. IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III Code)

Background: A new code is being developed, to make the current
voluntary code that applies to flag Administrations mandatory. The
objective of this code is to enhance global maritime safety and
protection of the marine environment and assist States in the
implementation of instruments of the IMO.

Summary: The code covers various elements, and stipulates obligations

of Flag, Coastal and Port States.

Implication: No direct impact to the industry.

Application: To flag Administrations.

Relevant instruments While the code was being prepared as a new
Assembly Resolution, relevant amendments to the international
conventions have also been prepared to make the code mandatory via
these conventions:
– New chapter XIII of the SOLAS (Resolution MSC.366(93)
– New Annex B to the Load Line Convention (Resolution MSC.375(93)
– Amendments to MARPOL Annexes I, II, III, IV and V (they will enter
into force on 1 January 2016) ---also adopted amendments to annex VI
– Amendments to the STCW Convention chapter 1 - General provisions -
new definitions and new regulation 16 (Resolution MSC.373(93)
– Amendments to the STCW Code - Chapter I - reflecting changes made
to the STCW convention (Resolution MSC.374(93)

1 July 2016:
1. Amendments to SOLAS Regulation VI/2 to require mandatory
verification of container weight
Background: Mis-declared container weight has been identified as the
cause, or a contributing cause, to operational and safety reported
accidents in the past few years. An incorrect weight declared by the
shipper is not uncommon and the incorrect weight is then used by the
ship and the port facility in the handling and stowage of the
container. An incorrect declaration of weight can cause instability in
a container stack leading to loss of the stack and damage to the ship
and cargo. It can also adversely affect the ship’s overall stability.

Summary: New regulation VI/2 introduces mandatory verification of the

gross mass of containers and the guidelines for its implementation.
Shippers will be responsible under SOLAS to obtain the gross mass of a
container and provide this information in advance to the ship’s Master
and terminals. The ship’s Master will be able to refuse a container
that has not been provided with a verified gross mass.

Implication: Shipowners and Ship Managers need to have the correct

weight of the container provided by the shipper and ports/terminals
worldwide will either need to provide calibrated measurement equipment
or confirm with the shipper that the weight has been calculated prior
to the container arriving in port to avoid ship delays or containers
being caught in a dispute.

Application: The Requirements will apply to all containers to which

the International Convention for Safe Container (CSC) applies and
which are to be stowed on a ship subject to SOLAS chapter VI.

2. Amendments to SOLAS and the relevant codes concerning mandatory

carriage of appropriate atmosphere testing instruments on board ships
Summary: MSC 93 approved the new SOLAS Chapter XI-1/7 which introduced
mandatory carriage requirements for portable atmosphere testing
instruments on board all ships to which the SOLAS Chapter I applies –
published as Resolution MSC.380(94). MSC.1/Circ.1477 on Guidelines to
facilitate the selection of the portable atmospheric testing
instruments has also been published. The new portable instrument is
not to be used as part of the personal protective safety equipment; it
is to be part of the ship’s equipment. The portable testing instrument
should be used to test the space from the outside to render the space
safe for entry. The multi-gas meter should cover as a minimum the
following gases: oxygen, flammable gases or vapours, carbon monoxide
and hydrogen sulphide.
Having recognised that MSC 92 adopted the new SOLAS regulation III/19
on emergency training and drills (which will require the checking and


use of instruments for measuring the atmosphere for enclosed space
entry and rescue drills) that has an entry into force date of 1
January 2015 and new regulation XI-1/7 has an entry into force date of
1 July 2016, the Committee have published the MSC.1/Circ.1485 to
encourage the early implementation of the carriage requirements in
order to expedite the carriage of portable atmosphere testing
instruments for enclosed spaces.

Application: All new and existing ships.

3. Amendment to SOLAS Regulation II-2/10.5.2 - Clarification on the

application of SOLAS regulation II-2/ relevant to the
provision of additional fire-extinguishing arrangements
Background: MSC.1/Circ.1120 was developed to facilitate the
understanding of SOLAS II-2 and specifically states "category A
machinery spaces" in the first column of the table of "Number of
systems, appliances, and extinguishers required in machinery spaces".
This indicates that SOLAS regulation II-2/10.5.2 is applicable to
category A machinery spaces that contain internal combustion
machinery, and not all machinery spaces that contain internal
combustion machinery.

Summary: The amendment clarifies the application of SOLAS regulation

II-2/ relevant to the provision of additional fire-
extinguishing arrangements by approving an amendment to the title of
regulation II-2/10.5.2. The words “of category A” were added to read:
“Machinery spaces of category A containing internal combustion

Implication: In general, this is normal practice, therefore impact is


Application: All ships constructed on or after 1 July 2012.

4. SOLAS 1974 Regulations II-1/2 and II-1/3-10 – Goal-based ship

construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers
Background: The notion of "goal-based ship construction standards"
(GBS) was introduced in IMO in 2002. There was a desire for the IMO to
play a larger role in determining the fundamental standards to which
new ships are built. It was suggested that the IMO should develop
initial standards that would permit innovation in design but ensure
that ships are constructed in such a manner that, if properly operated
and maintained under specified conditions, they could remain safe for
their entire economic life. The standards would also have to ensure
that all parts of a ship can be easily accessed to permit proper
inspection and ease of maintenance. GBS can therefore be thought of as
rules for classification rules, rather than direct rules for ship

– Regulation 2 – Definition (new paragraph 28 is added) to define
‘Goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil


– New regulation 3-10 - ‘Goal-based ship construction standards for
bulk carriers and oil tankers’ was adopted, which requires that
classification rules shall comply with GBS. The regulation also
requires ships to carry a Ship Construction File, provided upon
delivery and kept updated throughout the ship’s life.

Shipowner sand Shipbuilders: New bulk carriers and oil tankers will be
required to be designed and built in accordance with GBS, by using a
set of classification rules which have been verified by IMO as
conforming to the GBS functional requirements. The IACS harmonised
Common Structural Rules for oil tankers and bulk carriers have been
submitted to the IMO for audit. Owners and builders should make the
necessary arrangements for the Ship Construction File to be produced
and maintained. Owners should note that changes to GBS compliant ships
will need to be recorded on the plans and documents in the Ship
Construction File.

Flag Administrations and their ROs: Classification rules applicable to

these types of ships will be subject to the verification process given
in the MSC resolution. This means that a classification society
wishing to act as a recognised organisation for a flag Administration
as far as safety construction is concerned will have to undergo a
verification of its rules as well as a continuous verification of
subsequent amendments to these rules in order to establish conformity
with the GBS functional requirements.

Application: Oil tankers of 150 metres in length and above and bulk
carriers of 150 metres in length and above, constructed with single
deck, top- side tanks and hopper side tanks in cargo spaces, excluding
ore carriers and combination carriers:
– for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 July 2016;
– in the absence of a building contract, the keels of which are laid
or which are at a similar stage of construction on or after 1 July
2017; or
– the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2020.

5. SOLAS 1974 Regulation V/19 – Carriage requirements of ECDIS

See- Retrofitting requirements for ships other than passenger ships or
tankers (of 50,000 gt or above).

6. Amendments to the Appendix to the SOLAS - Record of equipment

Background: MSC 93 considered an apparently unintended oversight
concerning the lack of an entry for the total number of persons
accommodated by free-fall lifeboats in the Record of Equipment for the
Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate and the Cargo Ship Safety

Summary: Editorial amendments have been made to the Record of

Equipment for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate and the
Cargo Ship Safety Certificate.


Implication: Replacement of the Record of Equipment for the Cargo Ship
Safety Equipment Certificate and the Cargo Ship Safety Certificate
will be issued on expiry of current certificates after 1 July 2016.

Application: All SOLAS cargo ships (new and existing).

97.What are the MLC amendments coming?

Ans: 12 December 2016
2014 Amendments to the Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
Background: As of March 2014, the ILO's abandonment of
seafarers’ database listed 159 abandoned merchant ships, some
dating back to 2006 with cases still unresolved. Many abandoned
seafarers are working and living on board ships without pay,
often for several months, and lack food and water supplies,
medical care or means to return home. As such, amendments to the
MLC 2006 were proposed to provide abandoned seafarers with
further protection.

Summary: Amendments to the MLC 2006 were adopted by the Special

Tripartite Committee at the meeting in Geneva between 7 and 14
April 2014. The amendments were approved by the ILO in Geneva on
11 June 2014. Both of the amendments relate to provision of
financial security in respect of: Regulation 2.5 - repatriation
of seafarers following abandonment by the shipowner; and
Regulation 4.2 - shipowners’ liability and provision of a system
of financial security to assure compensation for contractual
claims following the death or disability of a seafarer.

Implication: Appropriate financial security must be provided

Application: All ships except warships and naval auxiliaries,

ships engaged in fishing or similar pursuits, ships of
traditional build such as dhows and junks and those that
navigate exclusively in inland waters or waters within, or
closely adjacent to, sheltered waters or areas where port
regulations apply.

98.What are latest amendments to ESP code?

Ans: Amendments to the 2011 ESP Code
Background: The 2011 ESP Code covers the survey requirements for oil
tankers and bulk carriers. To a certain extent it follows the IACS
requirements, however the IACS requirements are frequently updated and
it is necessary to track the amendments which IACS makes to ensure
consistency with the 2011 ESP Code.

Summary: These updates to the 2011 ESP Code bring it into line with
the following revisions of the IACS UR Z10 series of unified
requirements on surveys of oil tankers and bulk carriers: UR Z10.1
Rev.20, UR Z10.2 Rev.30, UR Z10.4 Rev.11 and UR Z10.5 Rev.13. Some
changes have been made to the wording as contained in the IACS
documents to ensure consistency with SOLAS I/10.

Implication: Shipowners and Ship Managers should find that the IACS
requirements and the IMO requirements are the same. This will make the
planning for surveys easier. Ship Designers and Builders should
consider the access to structure for survey and adjust designs where
possible to make this easier. Flag Administrations and their ROs will
need to ensure that any procedures relating to the survey of oil
tankers and bulk carriers reflect the latest requirements.

Application: The new survey requirements of the 2011 ESP Code are
applicable to oil tankers and bulk carriers (including ore carriers
and combination carriers) of 500 gt and above and will be enforced at
the first survey after the entry into force date.

99.What are latest amendments to STCW code?

Ans: Amendments to the STCW Code related to Minimum in-service
Eyesight Standards for Seafarers
Background: MSC 93 approved amendments to the STCW Code on colour
vision requirements along with the STCW.7/Circ.20 on Interim guidance
on colour vision testing, in order to address practical implementation
issues as required by the 2010 Manila Amendments.

Summary: It was agreed that until reasonable alternatives for colour

vision testing can be identified, the colour vision requirements
detailed in table A- I/9 of the STCW Code should be amended to allow
Administrations the ability to develop alternative standards that
ensure that seafarers have adequate colour vision for the certificate
being sought. The revised text will give flexibility allowing other
equivalent methods recognized by the flag Administration.

Implication: None as this simply endorses current practice.

Application: To seafarers certification; applicable to all the vessels

(existing and new, of all the ship types).

100. What are latest amendments to IGC code?

Ans: Comprehensive revision of the International Code for the
Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk
(IGC Code)
Background : The IMO identified the need to review all current areas
of the IGC Code to fully revise and update the Code and, where
necessary, to identify other instruments that may be affected and
require consequential amendments, taking into account the latest
technologies, operational practices and the increasing size of the
newest ships.
Lloyd’s Register has been intimately involved in the SIGTTO project to
develop a revised IGC Code. Significant technical input has been given
by Lloyd’s Register’s specialists as members of the working groups.

Summary: The revised IGC Code has been prepared as an amendment to the


existing IGC code, rather than a new code. The major changes to the
existing code include:
Ship Design and Arrangement The definition and delineation of gas
dangerous spaces has been changed to reflect IEC practice. The cross
reference to IEC requirements when determining hazardous areas will
increase the workload of the shipyard’s initial design section to
understand these requirements. Changes to the separation of the cargo
tank from the side shell Safety principles and functional requirements
introduced into Chapter 4- Cargo Containment Introduction of new
material grade FH Introduction of “limit state methodologies” for
novel configuration of cargo containment design that cannot meet
prescriptive requirements given in the revised IGC Code.
Electrical systems Substantial revision of Chapter 10 – Electrical
Systems, to reflect current IEC requirements Tank pressures and hull
temperatures to be controlled also in the event of single faults in
the electrical supply.
Cargo Handling Cargo tank pressure relief valve - in the event of a
failure or a cargo tank pressure relief valve a safe means of
emergency isolation shall be allowed Means to monitor the quality of
inert gas supplied to the insulation space Introduction of
requirements for vapour oxidation which include boilers and gas
combustion units
Operation Requirements for a Cargo Operation Manual Method to assess
the acceptability of increased filling limits Sequential lifting of
relief valves in order to minimise the release of vapour. The number
of Safety Equipment sets increased from two to three Cargo transfer –
requirements for a pre-cargo operation meeting

Implication: The new code will affect the design and construction of
all new gas carriers contracted after entry into force of the revised
code. In terms of impact for ship owners, the requirement for
increased separation between the cargo tank and side shell will have
an impact on new fully refrigerated LPG ships and very small LNG

Application: The Code will apply to new gas tankers constructed (keel
laid) from 1 July 2016, although the revised code will enter into
force on 1 January 2016.

101. What are the latest IMDG code amendments?

IMDG Code (37-14) Amendments
Background: The IMDG Code is reviewed in a 2 year cycle.

Summary: MSC 93 adopted the latest set of amendments which will be

effective on a voluntary basis from 1 January 2015 and mandatory from
1 January 2016. Some of the amended items are:
– Amendments to Column 16 – Stowage and segregation. The column has
been divided providing more detailed information on the requirements
under Chapter 7 of the IMDG Code;
– New stowage code list has been developed;
– Special provisions for the carriage of vehicles UN 3166 and UN3171
(SP 961 and SP 962);
– Water-reactive materials issues;
– Revision of DSC/Circ.12 (Guidance on the continued use of existing
IMO type portable tanks and road tank vehicles for the transport of
dangerous goods);
– Marine pollutants; and
– Counterfeit refrigerant.

Implication: Shipowners and Ship Operators of ships carrying dangerous

goods must be familiar with the developments on the IMDG Code
amendments 37-14 with emphasis on the new emergency schedule for water
reactive materials and the new amended provisions SP 961 and SP 962
for the carriage of vehicles. It is important to make a clear
distinction that these amendments will only be coming into force on 1
January 2016. The focus at present should be in amendments 36-12 which
are mandatory from 1 January 2014.

Applicability: Applicable to new ships and existing ships – all ships

intending to carry IMDG cargoes after the entry into force date.

102. What are the latest MARPOL amendments?

Ans: 1 January 2016
1. Demonstration of compliance with damage stability requirements for
-Amendments to MARPOL Annex I - Regulation 3 and 28 and Appendix II
-Amendments to the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code) - Part A, Section
2.2.1 & Certificate of fitness
-Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code) -
Section 2.2 & Certificate of fitness
-Amendments to the International Code for the Construction and
Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk (IGC Code) -
Section 2.2.6, 2.2.7 & Certificate of fitness

Summary: Tankers will have to be fitted with a stability instrument

capable of verifying compliance with the relevant intact and damage
stability requirements. It will need to be approved by the flag
Administration. The requirement may be waived where the trading
pattern of the ship means that only a limited number of loading
conditions are necessary. These will all have to be present in the
approved stability manual.
Provision is also made for accepting a remote system providing the
data (for example an approved shore based calculation), for ships
which are loaded within an approved range of loading conditions and
for existing ships which have an approved set of limiting KG curves.
Additionally, where an existing ship already has an approved stability
instrument on board which is capable of carrying out all the stability
calculations, and has been approved for these functions, this does not
have to be replaced.
Appropriate amendments are also being made to the Form of the IOPP
certificate and supplements, Form B.

Implication: Shipowners and Ship Managers should prepare ahead for


the implementation of these requirements. Approval of stability
instruments requires time and cannot be done at the last minute. All
proposals permit the continued use of previously installed stability
instruments which can do the calculations. Crew members will need to
be trained in the use of the programs and be confident that they can
demonstrate compliance to port state officers when requested.
Ship Designers and Builders will need to be aware of the requirements
and be prepared to supply an approved stability instrument to tankers
being built.
Manufacturers will need to ensure that their damage stability programs
are approved for use. This approval process can take some time and it
is strongly recommended that early application to the relevant
authorities is made.
Flag Administrations and their ROs will need to have sufficient staff
trained in the approval of stability instruments to enable them to
approve the stability computers. Flag Administrations will need to
train port state control inspectors in the different possibilities for

Application: These amendments are applicable to new and existing

tankers (oil, chemical and gas). Existing oil and chemical tankers
will have to fit a stability instrument by the first scheduled renewal
survey of the ship on or after 1 January 2016 but not later than 1
January 2021. Existing gas tankers, certified under the IGC Code, will
have to comply by the first renewal survey on or after 1 July 2016 but
no later than 1 July 2021 (refer to above item 189). Existing pre-IGC
Code gas tankers will have to comply by the first renewal survey on or
after 1 January 2016 but no later than 1 January 2021.

2. The Revised MARPOL Annex VI

SOx control – Global : 1 January 2020: 0.50% (or 1 January 2025: 0.50%
depending of the review of the fuel availability in 2018)

NOx Control- Tier III control (Emission Control Area in North and
Central Americas only)- 1 January 2016
(The requirement applies to a diesel engine installed on a ship with a
length of 24 metres or over; or to a diesel engine installed on a ship
with a combined nameplate diesel engine propulsion power of 750kW or
When operating within a designated Emissions Control Area:
3.4 g/kWhr where n is less than 130 rpm;
9.0 x n (-0.2) g/kWhr when n is 130 rpm or more but less than 2000
rpm; 1.96 g/kWhr when n is 2000 rpm or more

When operating outside a designated Emissions Control Area the Tier II

limits shall apply.
Note: Operation within a designated Emissions Control Area will
require the operation of exhaust gas treatment devices, such as a
Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) device.

Application: All ships to which MARPOL Annex VI applies – generally

speaking, ships of 400 gt and above (new and existing ships).


3. MARPOL Annex IV - Establishment of Special Area under MARPOL Annex IV
(Sewage) in the Baltic Sea
Background: Because of the area’s geography, the water volume exchange
rate in the Baltic Sea is very low – around 3% a year. As a result,
there are concerns about the rising concentration of nutrients caused
by discharges from large passenger ships in concentrated areas during
concentrated periods.

Summary: Amendments to Regulations, 1, 9, 11, 12bis, and form of

certificate – for the establishment of a Special Area - were
adopted. More stringent requirements within the Special Area for
discharging sewage from passenger ships that are contracted for
construction or in the absence of a building contract, the commencing
construction (keel laying) on or after 1 January 2016. In order to
meet the requirement, a passenger ship must have holding tanks or a
sewage treatment system meeting the new standard. The requirements
will be applicable to existing ships as well. However, such
enforcement is subject to the availability of sufficient reception
facilities in the area. Taking this opportunity, MEPC 62 also revised
the certification form that was given in the appendix to the MARPOL
convention to rectify existing inconsistencies.
Performance standards for new treatment systems to meet these new
requirements have been developed. MEPC 64 adopted Resolution
MEPC.227(64) - 2012 Guidelines on implementation of effluent standards
and performance tests for sewage treatment plants.

Implication: Shipbuilders and Manufacturers: There will be a major

impact for passenger shipbuilders as they will have to consider how to
optimise their black and grey water discharge arrangements inside and
outside the Special Areas. Manufacturers will need to review the
proposed performance standard and ensure that equipment is developed
which can meet it.
Shipowners and Ship Managers: Major impact for passenger shipowners as
they will have to consider how to optimise their black and grey water
discharge arrangements inside and outside the Special Areas, plus the
constraints of dry dockings and space available onboard for fitting
sewage treatment plants. The system needs to be adaptable as there
could be other regional standards which are different.
Flag Administrations and their ROs: As a consequence of the decision,
it may be required to further consider more sewage type approval work
for large capacity sewage treatment plants. In addition, approval of
structure as well as arrangements of holding tanks would require
careful attention.

Application: All passenger ships visiting the Special Area will be

required to comply with the above requirements. The application dates
were agreed at MEPC 68, as follows:
– For new passenger ships will be from 1 June 2019; and
– For existing passenger ships will be from 1 June 2021.

1 March 2016:
4. Amendment to MARPOL Annex I, Regulation 43 - Use and carriage of
Heavy Grade Oil (HGOs) in the Antarctic area
Background: While use (as fuel) and carriage (as cargo) of HGO was
prohibited in the Antarctic area by MARPOL Annex I regulation 43,
there was a case where a ship carried HGO as ballast.

Summary: An amendment to the regulation has been made to clarify that

carriage, even as ballast, is prohibited (MEPC 67).
Implication: This is a rational interpretation of the regulation, thus
no substantial impact is envisaged.

Application: Ships operating in the Antarctic area from the date of

entry into force.

5. Amendments to MARPOL Annex III - amendments to the appendix on

criteria for the identification of harmful substances in packaged form
Background: At the joint meeting of RID Committee on Transport of
Dangerous Goods in Geneva it was decided to exclude class 7
radioactive materials as defined by the IMDG Code from Environmental
Hazard Substance (EHS) provisions as it is difficult to differentiate
between the environmental effects resulting from the chemical hazards
posed by such substances and those related to radioactivity.

Summary: The first sentence of the appendix to Annex III of MARPOL was
revised. The replacement text excludes radioactive material from the
list of harmful substances identified in the appendix. At MEPC 67, the
meaning of radioactive material was clarified by inserting footnote
referring to the IMDG Code.

Implication: Shipowners/Ship Managers to be aware that the amendment

now includes an exemption for radioactive material as defined in Class
7 of the IMDG Code for MARPOL Annex III.

Application: All ships carrying harmful substances in packaged form

from 1 March 2016.

6. Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, Regulations 2 and 13 – amended to

include gas fuelled engines
Background: MEPC 65 agreed to the conclusion by the Tier III NOx
Review Correspondence Group that engines fuelled solely by gaseous
fuels, e.g. pure LNG, should be required to comply with the provisions
of regulation 13 of MARPOL Annex VI.

Summary: It was agreed that the scope of the regulations 2 and 13 is

to be extended to also include gas fuelled engines. MEPC 67 revised
the definition of “marine diesel engine” as given by regulation 2.14,
to read “Marine diesel engine means any reciprocating internal
combustion engine operating on liquid or dual fuel, to which
regulation 13 of this Annex applies, including booster/compound
systems if applied. In addition, a gas fuelled engine installed on a
ship constructed on or after 1 March 2016 or a gas fuelled additional


or non-identical replacement engine installed on or after that date is
also considered as a marine diesel engine”

Implication: While most of the LNG gas fuelled engines will not have a
problem in meeting the NOx control requirement, this will cause
administrative works for engine manufacturers, builders and ROs

Application: While legal entry into force date is 1 March 2016, a

careful reading is required.
– Regulation 2 - All candidate gas engines on ships constructed on or
after the relevant ECA-NOx date or additional / non-identical
replacement engines installed on or after those dates as applicable.
Gas engines in this context is to be understood to be gas only fuelled
engines – engines which use dual fuel (i.e. main fuel gas but with a
liquid pilot fuel) are already covered
– Regulation 13 - Candidate engines on ships constructed 1.1.1990 –
31.12.1999 which have been so altered from their original condition
that the AM in respect of engines in their original condition does not
now apply.

7. Amendments to MARPOL Annex VI, Supplement to the IAPP Certificate

Background: Some updates to MARPOL Annex VI resulted in the
consequential change to the certification form.

Summary: In order to fully and correctly record the NOx certification

status of the engines installed on ship and to clearly give why a
particular Tier of certification has been applied, 2.2.1 of the
supplement was revised. This takes into account the Approved Method
Process Guidelines adopted by MEPC 66. Minor consequential amendments
to regulation 13.7.3 have been proposed. The amendment to the
certificate also addresses shipboard incinerators.

Implication: This should avoid any problem with the port State control
by clearly stating the applicable regulation/requirement.

Application: All ships subject to MARPOL Annex VI certification (ships

engaged in the international voyage of 400 gt, including offshore
Certificates issued or replaced on or after 1 March 2016.

103. Sox limitations?

Ans: The revised Annex VI to MARPOL entered into force on 1 July 2010
The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships shall not
exceed the following limits:
a. 4.50% m/m prior to 1 January 2012;
b. 3.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2012; and
c. 0.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2020.

Requirements within Emission Control Areas

While ships are operating within an Emission Control Area, the
sulphur content of fuel oil used on board ships shall not exceed the
following limits:


a. 1.50% m/m prior to 1 July 2010;
b. 1.00% m/m on and after 1 July 2010; and
c. 0.10% m/m on and after 1 January 2015.

104. Energy efficiency & ship specific measure

Ans: Mandatory measures to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs)
from international shipping were adopted by Parties to MARPOL Annex VI
represented in the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) of
the International Maritime Organization (IMO), when it met for its
62nd session from 11 to 15 July 2011 at IMO Headquarters in London,
representing the first ever mandatory global greenhouse gas reduction
regime for an international industry sector.
The amendments to MARPOL Annex VI Regulations for the prevention of
air pollution from ships, add a new chapter 4 to Annex VI on
Regulations on energy efficiency for ships to make mandatory the
Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), for new ships, and the Ship
Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) for all ships. Other
amendments to Annex VI add new definitions and the requirements for
survey and certification, including the format for the International
Energy Efficiency Certificate.
EEDI and SEEMP are the two major instruments that form IMO’s package
of technical and operational measures for the reduction of the GHG
emissions for shipping.

The most important is Energy Efficiency design index (EEDI) for new
ships and it aims at promoting the use of more energy efficient (less
polluting) equipment and engine.
EEDI is a number accounting for the amount of CO2 generated per tonne-
mile of cargo carried. The EEDI requires a minimum energy efficiency
level per capacity mile (e.g. tonne mile) for different ship type and
size segments. It is expressed in grams of CO2 per ship's capacity
mile. A smaller EEDI means a more energy efficient ship design.

EEDI = CO2 emission / Transport work

The CO2 emission represents total CO2 emission from combustion of fuel
at design stage, including propulsion and auxiliary engine taking into
account the carbon content of the fuel in question. If some innovative
energy efficient technology or non-conventional source of energy is
used on board, the energy saved by these means will be deducted from
total CO2 emission, based on actual efficiency of system.
Transport work is calculated by multiplying the ship's capacity as
designed (dead wt. for cargo ship and gross tonnage for passenger
ship) with the ship's design speed measured at maximum design load

Ship energy efficiency management plan (SEEMP) is an operational
measure that establishes a mechanism to assist a shipping company
and/or a ship to improve the energy efficiency of its ship operation
in a cost effective manner. The success can be achieved by 4 steps:-


1) Step 1- Establish a baseline. It is important to examine data,
tools and Processes in order to determine a credible baseline from
which goals, plans and actions all grow.
2) Step 2-- Identify improvement potential. Identify how much you can
save. What initiatives you need to take to realize the improvements.
3) Step 3- Implement and monitor. Put the plan into action and track
performance using variety of established system.
4) Step 4- Evaluate and update. The progress of the different
improvement Initiatives should be regularly followed up by responsible
person with the assessment of performance used to modify future goals.
The IMO has set target for the reduction of GHG emission in different
phases. The CO2 reduction level for first phase is set to 10% and it
will be tightened every 5years.IMO has set reduction rates until the
period 2025 to 2030 when a 30% reduction is mandated for most ship
types calculated from a baseline representing the average

105. Ghg index ?

Ans: Is a measure of the capacity of earth’s atmosphere to trap heat
as a result of the presence of long-lived green house gases. It
provides standardized information how human activity has affected the
climate system through green house gas emission.
Green house gases are: water vapor, CO2, methane (CH4), Nitrous oxide
(N2O) and CFC’s (11 & 12).

106. How to do boiler hydraulic pressure test?

Ans: Procedure:
1. Hydraulic pressure test is 1.25 times working pressure 10 min to
be maintained.
2. Close all opening of boiler.
3. Open air vent cock.
4. Fill up water inside boiler fully.
5. Close the air vent cock.
6. Place hydraulic jack to feed water line.
7. Fit standard pressure gauge.
8. Apply hydraulic pressure 1.25 times the working pressure and
maintain for 10 min.

107. Boiler has undergone major repairs. What will you do next?
Ans: Boilers are inspected to maintain the regulatory requirement.
Regular internal and external examination during such survey
constitutes the preventive maintenance schedule the boiler goes
through to have a safe working condition.
Interval: Boilers require to be surveyed at 2-year intervals until
they are 8 years old, thereafter they become due for survey

1.Discuss with Master and Chief Engineer to confirm time available,
manpower and time required and steam requirement for next port.
a. Checks before shutting down boiler:
b. Sufficient spares (joints, packing, gauge glass, etc)
c. Past reports and manual for special attention need to be take
2. Special Tools required
3. Meeting and brief with all engineers involved
4. Mark all valves, safety valve setting and spigot clearance

Before shutting down boiler

1.Inform Chief engineer
2.Inform duty deck officer
3.Top up DO service tank
4.Change over M/E, A/E and boiler to Diesel oil
5.Stop all purifier
6.Shut all heating and tracing steam valve
7.Soot blow the boiler

Shutting down Boiler

1.Change over to manual firing
2.Stop firing
3.Purge boiler for 5 minutes
4.Shut main steam stop valve
5.Switch off power, off the circuit breaker and remove fuses for FD
fan, FO pumps, feed pumps and control panel.
6.Put a notice on the circuit breaker mentioned above
7.Shut all fuel valve and atomizing valve and lock them in shut
position, blank the line if necessary
8.Allow boiler to cool down slowly
9.Scum blowdown follow by bottom blowdown when the boiler cooled
10.Open air vent when boiler pressure drop until 2 bar to prevent
vacuum formation
11.Further cooling of boiler
12.Prepare to open top manhole door when boiler is cooled and at
atmospheric pressure
13.Slacken the dog nut and secure manhole with rope
14.Knock manhole door gently with long stick. Do not open fully
because hot steam or water might gush out.
15.Open full when is safe
16.Allow further cooling of boiler before open the bottom manhole
door. This is to prevent thermal shock
17.Confirm no large quantities of hot water lying in the bottom
18.Open the bottom manhole door with the same precaution as with the
top manhole door
19.Open the furnace door slowly
20.Ventilate the boiler both water and fire side for 12-24 hours
21.Enclose space entry permit obtained
22.Check Oxygen, flammable gas and toxic gas content
23.Prepare to entry

Preparation for entry

1.Prepare safety torch and safety hand lamp
2.Investigate from outside make sure it is clear from obstruction
before entering boiler
3.Oxygen analyzer is carry with the person entered boiler


4.Personnel entering must wear all safety gears
5.Clear pocket contents and tools to be carried in a bag and
6.A responsible engineer to be standby outside with clear emergency
7.Keep breathing apparatus ready
8.Remain communication
9.Ensure proper lighting at all time

Boiler Inspection
1.Thoroughly cleaned before boiler is surveyed
2.Wire brush and hose down may be sufficient to prepare for survey
in well maintained boiler
3.Chipping off scale is necessary
4.If traces of oil are found in boiler, chemical means may have to
be adopted to remove them

Route of inspection
1.Gas Side
a.Exterior of drums for signs of tube roll, leakage, corrosion, soot
erosion and overheating
b.Condition of outside drum insulation
c.Drum seals for sign of air leakage
d.Inspect drum support for crack and expansion clearance
e.All blowdown connections for expansion and flexibility of support
f.All piping and valve for leaks
g.Water wall tubes and fins for crack
h.Exterior of all tubes for corrosion, carbon build up, erosion,
blisters and sagging
i.Tubes near soot blowers for steam impingement
j.Condition of refractory
k.Around burner assembly, refractory and accumulation of soot or
l.Soot blower for distortion, worn bearings, rubbing of tubes,
condition of nozzles, cracks, freedom of movement and effective

2. Water side
a.Steam drum for corrosion scaling and pitting
b.Manhole seats and surface
c.Condition of all fee, chemical feed, blowdown lines and inside
pressure parts for choking, security and leaks
d.Tubes for corrosion, excessive deposits, flare cracking and
e.Hand hole plates and stud threads

3.Safety Valve
a.Condition of valve internal parts for signs of corrosion, galling
and wear
b.Check for pitting, crack, resiliency and condition of springs
c.Check spindle for straightness and adjusting ring thread for
freedom of movement


d.Check discharge and drain piping

4.Check dampers to ensure that linkage are secured and well greased
5.Condition of burners, swirler and air register
6.Wind-box dampers and vanes for sign of corrosion and erosion
7.Check condition and operation of all valve
8.Check feed water controller and control valve connection lines and
ensure proper functioning
9.Examine the foundation and bracing bolts of boiler for corrosion,
fretting and rusting

1.Inspect internal surface to ensure they are clean
2.Counter check all tools are out from boiler
3.All opening of the mounting are cleaned properly
4.Mountings to be fixed back with new set of gasket/joint
5.Replace the header handhole and the bottom manhole door
6.Operate all mounting valves to ensure they work freely and leave
all valves in close position
7.Replace top manhole door
8.Sootblower are correctly fitted
9.Air control dampers move freely for their full travel
10.Open gauge glass steam and water cocks and shut drain cock
11.Open vent, alarm and pressure gauge connection valve
12.Shut all drain valve
13.Switch on power for control panel, feed pump, FD fan and FO pump
14.Fill boiler with hot distilled treated water
15.Fill until water level below normal level
16.Check control air is available

Flashing Up
1.Start FD fan and purge boiler for 5 minutes
2.Start FO pump and check all parameters
3.Fire boiler with minimum firing ratio
4.Continue firing intermittently e.g. 1min. fire, stop 10min. for
1st hour, 2min fire, stop 10min. for 2nd hour and so on….
5.As boiler heats up, water level will rise to normal level, top up
if necessary
6.Continue fire until a continuous stream of steam comes out from
air vent
7.Shut air vent
8.Blow through gauge glass when boiler pressure raised
9.Open valve to remote level indicator
10.At 7 bar, all securing buts to be retighten
11.Open steam line drains to drain off condensate
12. Warm up the steam line
13. Gag 1 safety valve, raise the steam pressure slowly and check
valve lift pressure and adjust accordingly
14. Repeat the procedure for other safety valve
15. Ensure no condensate at the drain line
16. Crack open main steam stop valve, slowly open until its full


17. Keep firing as steady as possible
18. Check all safety cut outs and alarms before putting boiler on
19. Final round check on boiler
20. Start tanks and tracing steam heating
21. Open steam to all heaters
22. Start all purifier
23. Change over from DO to HO for boiler and Generator
24.M/E change over during departure

EGE Safety valve

1.C/E to set the safety valve when the ship is at sea
2.Report to surveyor in writing to confirm safety valve operation

108. Draw power diagram with broken piston rings.


For leaky or broken piston rings

badwal told a guy the expansion line of
the faulty piston ring will not join the
normal expansion line, it will run
parallel near the end. Side drawing as per
samanth sir LBS college.

109. Power/draw cards explain?



110. All formulas for power calculation?
Ans: Calculation of the indicated, effective and finally shaft power
of marine engines in practical case consists of the following steps:
• The mean indicated pressure, pi
• The mean effective pressure, pe
• The cylinder constant, k2
• The indicated engine power, Pi
• The effective engine power, Pe

The mean indicated pressure, pi

pi = A / (L × Cs) bar
A (mm2) = area of the indicator diagram, as found by planimeter.
Place the planimeter and indicator card on a piece of plane cardboard
(not too smooth), and trace the diagram. Only consider the result
satisfactory, when two readings are obtained which do not differ more
than ‘1’ on the planimeter vernier scale.
L (mm) = length of the indicator diagram.
Cs (mm/bar) = spring constant (= vertical movement of the
indicator stylus (mm) for a 1 bar pressure rise in the cylinder).
pi corresponds to the height of a rectangle with the same area and
length as the indicator diagram. i.e., if pi was acting on the piston
during the complete downwards stroke, the cylinder would produce the
same total work as actually produced in one complete revolution.

The mean effective pressure, pe

pe = pi – k1 (bar)
k1 = the mean friction loss (The mean friction loss has proved to be
practically independent of the engine load. By experience, k1 has been
found to be approx. 1 bar)
k2 = the cylinder constant (k2 is determined by the dimensions of the
engine, and the units in which the power is wanted.)

For power in kW : k2 = 1,30900 × D2 ×S

For power in BHP : k2 = 1,77968 × D2 × S
D (m) = cylinder diameter
S (m) = piston stroke
Value of k2 for different MAN B&W engines types is given manual.

The indicated engine power, Pi

Pi = k2 × n × pi (ikW or ihp)
where, n (rpm) = engine speed.

The effective engine power, Pe

Pe = k2 × n × pe (kW or bhp)
where, n (rpm) = engine speed.

Due to the friction in the thrust bearing, the shaft power is approx.
1% less than the effective engine power. From this calculation of
shaft power in marine engines can be carried out on ships.


111. Fuel valve operation

112. How to change timing of fuel pump?

Ans: Changing timing hydraulically in case of crankshaft slippage 2 to
5 degrees by taking the unit to TDC lift the roller by checking mark
on flywheel hydraulic connection given to Individual cam to float
using hydraulic pressure and turned to adjust the timing. Shims added
to late injection to fuel pump.

113. Treaty/Convention / code / protocol / amendments / regulation

-Written international agreement between two states called bilateral
or between no.of states called multilateral, binding by international
-Chief international treaty making bodies are UN or one of its
agencies like IMO, ILO, WHO and ITU.
- Will come into force with criteria incorporated within the treaty Eg
1 year after a stipulated no of states have acceded to it(by signature
of govt. representatives)
-Act of ratification also required or accession to integrate treaty
into national laws

-Coming together for a cause
-Agreement between states coming covering particular matters but less
formal than treaty.
-Set of agreed upon norms, social norms that take the form of a custom
-There are technical provisions called codes
-Usually open for participation for any international community.

Give technical details of the convention
- Normally recommendatory in nature, unless made mandatory by
provision in the convention.

- It is the necessary treaty instruments by which major amendments to
be made to a convention already adopted but not yet come into force.
-TO insert a clause in a treaty
-Used to amend a previous treaty or add provisions.

-The finished documents after agreement on a recommendation or
-Has to be accepted by IMO

-Changes brought to the convention, can be done by protocol or

Act by which form & content of treaty are established either by
Resolution or 2/3rd voting in conference.

-Agreement made by a member state making it legally bound by the
treaty. –After state integrates into its national laws
-Signing and instrument of ratification.

-Back door entry after a treaty comes into force state wants to be a

-By which state expresses intent to be party to the treaty but not
legally bound until ratification.

-Guidelines saying what can be and cant be done.

-Restriciton with legal force
-Form of monitoring and controlling procedure.

114. Something on iii code?

The IMO Assembly adopted the Triple I Code (IMO Implementation of IMO
Instruments Code or III Code) in December 2013. The requirements for
compliance with the Code were also adopted as amendments to the IMO
Conventions. The old voluntary IMO audit scheme, VIMSAS(voluntary IMO
member state audit scheme), is now superseded by a new mandatory audit
scheme using the III Code as a basis. Audits for all flag states will
take place every 7 years.

A flag State should, on a periodic basis, evaluate its performance
with respect to the implementation of administrative processes,
procedures and resources necessary to meet its obligations as required
by the international instruments to which it is a party.


Measures to evaluate the performance of flag States should include,
inter alia, port state control detention rates, flag State inspection
results, casualty statistics, communication and information processes,
annual loss statistics (excluding constructive total losses (CTLs)),
and other performance indicators as may be appropriate, to determine
whether staffing, resources and administrative procedures are adequate
to meet its flag State obligations.

Areas recommended to be regularly reviewed may include, inter alia:
1. Fleet loss and accident ratios to identify trends over selected
time periods;
2. The number of verified cases of detained ships in relation to the
size of the fleet;
3. The number of verified cases of incompetence or wrongdoing by
individuals holding certificates or endorsements issued under its
4. Responses to port State deficiency reports or interventions;
5. Investigations into very serious and serious casualties and
lessons learned from them;
6. Technical and other resources committed;
7. Results of inspections, surveys and controls of the ships in the
8. Investigation of occupational accidents;
9. The number of incidents and violations that occur under the
applicable international maritime pollution prevention regulations;
10.The number of suspensions or withdrawals of certificates,
endorsements, approvals, etc.

All the listed parameters in Section 44 are recommended, the ones in

Section 43 are should and flag states must be able to track these
indicators. It is clear that the IMO expects flag states to be able to
access this type of statistical data and to be using it as a tool to
inform decisions and performance evaluations. Vessel HQ is the
ultimate resource for easily collecting and storing this data as well
as for extracting meaningful statistics on it.

IMP: Audit will be conducted by no. of specialist auditors appointed

by IMO to assess the degree and effectiveness of a member state’s
implementation of various IMO instruments.

115. Which instruments are covered by III code?

Ans: Mandatory IMO instruments are 6 conventions and 10 instruments
Ø STCW 1978
116. IMO
Ans: IMO – the International Maritime Organization – is the United
Nations specialized agency with responsibility for the safety and
security of shipping and the prevention of marine pollution by ships.
The mission of the International Maritime Organization (IMO)
as a United Nations specialized agency is to promote safe, secure,
environmentally sound, efficient and sustainable shipping through
cooperation. This will be accomplished by adopting the highest
practicable standards of maritime safety and security, efficiency of
navigation and prevention and control of pollution from ships, as well
as through consideration of the related legal matters and effective
implementation of IMO’s instruments with a view to their universal and
uniform application.
In 1948 an international conference in Geneva adopted a
convention formally establishing IMO (the original name was the Inter-
Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization, or IMCO, but the name
was changed in 1982 to IMO).
The IMO Convention entered into force in 1958 and the new
Organization met for the first time the following year.

IMO currently has 171 Member States and three Associate Members.
Mr. Kitack Lim : Secretary-General
The Organization consists of an Assembly, a Council and five main
The Maritime Safety Committee;
The Marine Environment Protection Committee;
The Legal Committee;
The Technical Cooperation Committee;
The Facilitation Committee and
A number of Sub-Committees support the work of the main technical

This is the highest Governing Body of the Organization. It consists of
all Member States and it meets once every two years in regular
sessions, but may also meet in an extraordinary session if necessary.
The Assembly is responsible for approving the work programme, voting
the budget and determining the financial arrangements of the
Organization. The Assembly also elects the Council.

The Council is elected by the Assembly for two-year terms beginning
after each regular session of the Assembly.
The Council is the Executive Organ of IMO and is responsible, under
the Assembly, for supervising the work of the Organization. Between
sessions of the Assembly the Council performs all the functions of the
Assembly, except the function of making recommendations to Governments
on maritime safety and pollution prevention which is reserved for the
Assembly by Article 15(j) of the Convention.

Other functions of the Council are to:


-Coordinate the activities of the organs of the Organization
-Consider the draft work programme and budget estimates of the
Organization and submit them to the Assembly
-Receive reports and proposals of the Committees and other organs and
submit them to the Assembly and Member States, with comments and
recommendations as appropriate;
-Appoint the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the
-Enter into agreements or arrangements concerning the relationship of
the Organization with other organizations, subject to approval by the

Council members for the 2016-2017 biennium

Category (a): 10 States with the largest interest in providing
international shipping services: China, Greece, Italy, Japan, Norway,
Panama, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United

Category (b): 10 other States with the largest interest in

international seaborne trade: Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Canada,
France, Germany, India, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden.

Category (c): 20 States not elected under (a) or (b) above which have
special interests in maritime transport or navigation, and whose
election to the Council will ensure the representation of all major
geographic areas of the world Australia, Bahamas, Belgium, Chile,
Cyprus, Denmark, Egypt, Indonesia, Kenya, Liberia, Malaysia, Malta,
Mexico, Morocco, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, South Africa, Thailand,

Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)

The MSC is the highest technical body of the Organization. It consists
of all Member States. The functions of the Maritime Safety Committee
are to “consider any matter within the scope of the Organization
concerned with aids to navigation, construction and equipment of
vessels, manning from a safety standpoint, rules for the prevention of
collisions, handling of dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures
and requirements, hydrographic information, log-books and navigational
records, marine casualty investigations, salvage and rescue and any
other matters directly affecting maritime safety”
The Committee is also required to provide machinery for performing any
duties assigned to it by the IMO Convention or any duty within its
cope of work which may be assigned to it by or under any international
instrument and accepted by the Organization. It also has the
responsibility for considering and submitting recommendations and
guidelines on safety for possible adoption by the Assembly.

The Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC)

The MEPC, which consists of all Member States, is empowered to
consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned
with prevention and control of pollution from ships. In particular it
is concerned with the adoption and amendment of conventions and other


regulations and measures to ensure their enforcement.
The MEPC was first established as a subsidiary body of the Assembly
and raised to full constitutional status in 1985.

The MSC and MEPC are assisted in their work by a number of sub-
committees which are also open to all Member States:
• Sub-Committee on Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW);
• Sub-Committee on Implementation of IMO Instruments (III);
• Sub-Committee on Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue
• Sub-Committee on Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR);
• Sub-Committee on Ship Design and Construction (SDC);
• Sub-Committee on Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE); and
• Sub-Committee on Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC).

Legal Committee
The Legal Committee is empowered to deal with any legal matters within
the scope of the Organization. The Committee consists of all Member
States of IMO. It was established in 1967 as a subsidiary body to deal
with legal questions which arose in the aftermath of the Torrey Canyon
The Legal Committee is also empowered to perform any duties within its
scope which may be assigned by or under any other international
instrument and accepted by the Organization.

Technical Cooperation Committee

The Technical Cooperation Committee is required to consider any matter
within the scope of the Organization concerned with the implementation
of technical cooperation projects for which the Organization acts as
the executing or cooperating agency and any other matters related to
the Organization’s activities in the technical cooperation field.
The Technical Cooperation Committee consists of all Member States of
IMO, was established in 1969 as a subsidiary body of the Council, and
was institutionalized by means of an amendment to the IMO Convention
which entered into force in 1984

Facilitation Committee
The Facilitation Committee was established as a subsidiary body of the
Council in May 1972, and became fully institutionalized in December
2008 as a result of an amendment to the IMO Convention. It consists
of all the Member States of the Organization and deals with IMO’s work
in eliminating unnecessary formalities and “red tape” in international
shipping by implementing all aspects of the Convention on Facilitation
of International Maritime Traffic 1965 and any matter within the scope
of the Organization concerned with the facilitation of international
maritime traffic. In particular in recent years the Committee's work,
in accordance with the wishes of the Assembly, has been to ensure that
the right balance is struck between maritime security and the
facilitation of international maritime trade.



The Secretariat of IMO consists of the Secretary-General and some 300
international personnel based at the headquarters of the Organization
in London.
Mr. Kitack Lim (Republic of Korea) has been appointed Secretary-
General as from 1 Janaury 2016, for an initial four-year term


SOLAS 74 MARPOL 73/78/97 CLC 1969 TONNAGE 69
FAL 65 LC 1972 NUCLEAR 1971
LL 66 OPRC 1990 PAL 1974
SAR 79 OPRC-HNS 2000 LLMC 1976
STCW 95/2010 AFS 2001 HNS 1996
SUA 88 BWMS 2004 BUNKER 2001
STCW-F 1995
SFV 1977
World maritime day:last week of September date
Day of the seafarer: 25 th june
National maritime day : 05 april

117. Diff bet renewal additional survey?

Renewal:- same as Periodical leads to issue of certificate :
Periodical - related item Satisfactory & Fit for intended purpose.
Additional:- an inspection either general or Partial according to
Circumstances. To be made after a repair resulting from casualty
investigations or whenever any important repairs or renewals are made.
(Damage, PSC, FSI & ect)

118. Ism code doc smc renewal and additional audit ?

Ans: DOC
1.Interim (12 months valid)
2.Initial (3mn after SMS impl)
3.Annual(± 3Mon)

1. Interim (6 months valid)
2. Initial (valid DOC & 3mon SMS)
3. Intermediate (2 – 3 yr)
4. Renewal (±6Months)
5. Additional**

Follow up Audit -
*-Change of name, address, SMS revision & By audit team
** - change of ship name, Imposed by Auditor, after PSC detentions


119. LSA maintenance test?
Ans: LSA - Maintenance & Tests as per IMO MSC circ 1206
Various types of Life boats
1.Open type life boat – max 150 persons
2.Semi closed life boat– max 150 persons
3.Fully enclosed life boat– max 300 persons
4.Enclosed with sprinkler & Air Supply
5.Free fall life boat – Compulsory for Bulk carriers

Few LSA Requirements

1.Min 5Knots in calm water, 6hrs fuel capacity
2.Able to launch 20deg list & 10 deg trim
3.Lowering speed maximum 36m/min
4.@ Full Speed when brake applied 1mtr drop allowed.
5.Hand gear – should not rotate while lowering / heaving (with power).
6.Rescue boat hoisting speed 0.3m/sec minimum
7.FPD FOS – 2.2 , Falls FOS – 6.0, Structures FOS – 4.5
8.Person weight Passenger ship – 75kg, cargo ships – 82.5

a. Davit
1. Davit structure, in particular with regard to corrosion,
misalignments, deformations and excessive free play;
2. Wires and sheaves, possible damages such as kinks and corrosion;
3. Lubrication of wires, sheaves and moving parts;
4. Functioning of limit switches;
5. Stored power systems; and
6. Hydraulic systems.

b. Winch
1. Open and inspect brake mechanism;
2. Replace brake pads, if necessary;
3. Remote control system;
4. Power supply system; and
5. Winch foundation.

c. Lifeboats
1. Condition of lifeboat structure including fixed and loose
equipment; 2. Engine and propulsion system;
3. Sprinkler system, where fitted;
4. Air supply system, where fitted;
5. Maneuvering system;
6. Power supply system; and
7. Bailing system.

d. On Load Release and Retrieval gear

1. Operation of devices for activation of release gear;
2. Excessive free play (tolerances);
3. Hydrostatic interlock system, where fitted;
4. Cables for control and release; and
5. Hook fastening.
6. Safety Warning Plates


Various LSA tests
1.For BOAT only - Impact test ,Over load test, Capsize test, Free fall
2.Davit only- Proof load test – Install /Maj. repair -2.2times,10
Swung Fwd/Aft
0 0
3.Operational test - 1.1times ability to lower 10 trim / 20 list.
4.Empty boat winch test – Annually, class / Authorized w/shop
5.On load / Off load release test – Annually with empty boat
6.Dynamic winch test – 5 yrly, 1.1times lower 3mtrs not to creep
>1mtr. 7.Operational test of OLRRS – 5 yrly, 1.1times
8.Static load winch test - 5 yrly, 1.5times lower 1round from drum &
Hold 9.Falls are renewed - 5 yrly Non-rotating, Non kinkable, non
corrosive. 10.Rescue boat – recovery Speed test 0.3m/sec.

LSA –Certification
1.A Proof load-test certificate for the davits, with deck structural
drawing location and Equipment I/D. signed by the mechanical eng and
2.A sketch showing position of davits before, during and after load-
3.A NDT report showing the condition of the supporting welding before
and after the load-test.
4.A Operational-test certificate for the davits,
5.A Operational-test certificate for OLRRS
6.A Static load-test certificate for the davits,
7.A dynamic load-test certificate for the davits, signed by the
mechanical eng and surveyor.
8.Life Boat Manufacturers Test Certificate.
9.Falls Manufacturers Test Certificate.

Dynamic Winch Brake Test

1. Annual testing should be done by lowering the empty boat at its max
lowering speed and before the boat enters the water, the brake should
be abruptly applied. OLRRS to be tried out in On load & Off Load

2. The five-year test by lowering the boat loaded to 1.1 times the
weight of the survival craft or rescue boat and its full complement of
persons and equipment. at max lowering speed and before the boat
enters the water, the brake should be abruptly applied and stoppage of
boat within 1 Mtr. Falls are renewed - Non-rotating, Non kinkable, non

3. Following these tests, the brake pads and stressed structural parts
should be re-inspected.

OLRRS test of on-load release (Annually –empty & 5yr – 1.1 times)
1. Position the lifeboat partially into the water such that the mass
of the boat is substantially supported by the falls and the
hydrostatic interlock system is not triggered. Breaking glass & Bye
passing interlock Indicator Green to Red


2. Operate the on-load release gear, after removing the Lock pin
3. Reset the on-load release gear.(Green= Locked ,Red=Open & ready to
4. Examine the release gear and hook fastening to ensure that the hook
is completely reset and no damage has occurred.

OLRRS test of off-load release (Annually –empty & 5yr – 1.1 times)
1. Position the lifeboat fully waterborne;
2. Operate the off-load release gear;
3. Reset the on-load release gear; and
4. Recover the lifeboat to the stowed position and prepare for
operational readiness.

Proof Load-test Procedure

A thorough examination of the sheaves, wire ropes, winch and
attachments should be carried out to ensure all these components are
in working order
and well lubricated and greased. Test weights and load cell are
1. The Safe Working Load (SWL test) weight is attached to the davit
and the winch operated to raise the weight to the normal height that
the lifeboat would be stowed.
2. The winch brake is released and the weight allowed to free-fall a
few meters before being applied again. The weight should stop and not
creep downwards. Any deviation from this will require the winch brake
to be adjusted.
3. The positions of the davits are again measured and any deflections
4. This procedure is repeated, this time using the proof load weight.
(The proof load is 2.2 times the weight of a fully laden boat
including equipment, plus the weight of the max number of persons it
can carry.)
5. The positions of the davits are recorded before & after applying
load using the theodolite and any deflection noted. They should return
to their original position once the loads have been removed
6. The supporting welding is then subjected to post test NDT, and the
data recorded.

If Lifeboat/Rescue boat wire falls are replaced while the vessel is in

India, the wire falls used for replacement should be approved by
Mercantile Marine Department (MMD). If wire falls are replaced while
the vessel is overseas, the falls should be approved by a member of
International Association of Classification Society (IACS), subject to
the condition that it complies with the applicable IMO standards.

120. Free fall life boat test?

Ans: Operational test of free-fall lifeboat release function:
1. Engage the simulated launching arrangements as specified in the
manufacturer’s operating instructions.
2. The operator should be properly seated and secured in the seat
location from which the release mechanism is to be operated.


3. Operate the release mechanism to release the lifeboat.
4. Reset the lifeboat in the stowed configuration.
5. Repeat procedures 2 to 4 above, using the back-up release
mechanism, when applicable.
6. Remove the simulated launching arrangements; and
7. Verify that the lifeboat is in the ready to launch stowed

121. What is parametric rolling?

Ans: The term parametric – very intensive, beyond control, roll is
used to describe the phenomenon of large roll motion suddenly
occurring in head or stern seas. Large roll angle quickly generated in
head/stern or near head/stern sea conditions. Period is about half the
natural roll period, occurs in phase with large pitch angle. There are
two pitch cycles for each roll cycle and maximum roll always occurs
when the ship is pitched down. Due to its violent nature, the large
accelerations associated with the onset of parametric roll cause
concern for the safety of container ships. Quite unexpectedly, the
roll angle can increase from a few degrees to over 30 degrees in only
a few cycles. On container ships, the violent motions could introduce
extreme loads on containers and their securing systems, resulting
failures and lost of containers overboard. Possible consequences
include loss of containers, machinery failure, structural damage, and
even capsize.

122. What is the difference between solas ch 7 and marpol annex III?
Ans: SOLAS chapter VII-Carriage of dangerous goods
Chemicals which are carried in packaged form, in solid form or in bulk
are regulated by Part A of SOLAS Chapter VII - Carriage of dangerous
goods, which includes provisions for the classification, packing,
marking, labelling and placarding, documentation and stowage of
dangerous goods.
SOLAS contains provisions on how ships shall be constructed to be as
safe as possible, covering everything from fire protection to
Chapter VII of SOLAS regulates the carriage of dangerous goods in
packaged form or in solid form in bulk as well as carriage of liquid
goods and condensed gases in bulk. The requirements include that the
goods shall be classified and that separate information about the
goods must be available onboard.
SOLAS also sets standards for how ships that carry dangerous goods
shall be constructed and equipped. Chapter II-2 (Rule 54 was replaced
by Rule 19 in the amendments 2000) states the rules that apply if the
goods are packaged or are solid bulk cargoes. The requirements vary
according to the type of goods to be carried.

MARPOL annex III:Regulaitons for prevention of pollution by harmful

substances carried by sea in packaged form
MARPOL Annex III also sets out regulations for the prevention of
pollution by harmful substances in packaged form and includes general
requirements for the issuing of detailed standards on packing,
marking, labelling, documentation, stowage, quantity limitations,
exceptions and notifications for preventing pollution by harmful
substances. For the purpose of Annex III, “harmful substances” are
those identified as “marine pollutants” in the IMDG Code.
MARPOL contains provisions aimed at preventing pollution from ships.
The convention regulates things including how ships must be
constructed and procedures for transport of petroleum products and
other dangerous chemicals in bulk.
Annex III of MARPOL includes rules on handling marine pollutants in
packaged form.
Compliance with regulations on dangerous goods found in SOLAS Chapter
VII and in MARPOL Annex III on dangerous goods in packaged form can be
achieved by following the provisions of the IMDG Code. The
requirements in the BC Code should be followed for solid bulk cargoes
and the IBC/BCH and IGC Codes cover liquid and gaseous bulk cargoes.
Both SOLAS and MARPOL refer to the International Maritime Dangerous
Goods (IMDG) Code, which was developed by IMO as a uniform
international code for the transport of dangerous goods by sea.

123. Bulk carrier insurances?

Ans: bunker(>1000GT all ships)if not party blue card, Nairobi Wreck
removal after 14 april 2015.

124. Mlc and dmlc difference?

Ans: DMLC is in two parts DMLC I issued by competent(admin or RO)
authority DMLC II measures adopted to ensure ongoing compliance
between inspections to be filled up by owner.

125. Draw thermostatic expansion valve?


126. What is the use of Bulbous bow?

Ans: A bulbous bow is a protruding bulb at the bow (or front) of a
ship just below the waterline. The bulb modifies the way the water
flows around the hull, reducing drag and thus increasing speed,
range, fuel efficiency, and stability.


127. Constructional diff b/w bulk carrier n tanker?
Structural differences of Bulk carrier and Oil Tanker as follows:
Structural Bulk Carrier Oil Tanker
Cargo Hold Large cargo hold openings Small opening to enter
openings cargo hold
Cargo Operation By Ship/Shore gear, By pipe line
Sling, suit or conveyor
Appearence Pipelines all around deck Comparatively less
Cargo gear when Cranes, Derricks Usually one or two mid
fitted ship cranes
Extra Machinery Doesn’t require extra Inert Gas, Separate pump
machinery room
Construction of Not Compulsory Double Hull Compulsory
Cat walks Fitted Athwart ship Fitted longitudinally
Cargo Tank Easy Comparatively different
Cleaning and COW washing
Company’s No need to obtain Permission from company
permission permission to enter in is mandatory, (Risk
cargo hold. (Risk Assessment Carried out)
Assessment Carried out)

128. Solas chapter 7 explain?

Ans: Part A - Carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form
1 Definitions
2 Application: applies to the carriage of dangerous goods in packaged
form in all ships to which the present regulations apply and in cargo
ships of less than 500 gross tonnage.
3 Requirements for the carriage of dangerous goods The carriage of
dangerous goods in packaged form shall be in compliance with the
relevant provisions of the IMDG Code.
4 Documents : In all documents relating to the carriage of dangerous
goods in packaged formby sea, the Proper Shipping Name of the goods
shall be used (trade names alone shall not be used) and the correct
description given in accordance with the classification set out in
the IMDG Code.
Documents prepared by the shipper shall include, or be accompanied
by, a signed certificate or a declaration that the consignment, as
offered for carriage, is properly packaged, marked, labelled or
placarded, as appropriate, and in proper condition for carriage.
5 Cargo Securing Manual: Cargo, cargo units and cargo transport units
shall be loaded, stowed and secured throughout the voyage in
accordance with the Cargo Securing Manual approved by the
Administration. The Cargo Securing Manual shall be drawn up to a
standard at least equivalent to the guidelines developed by the
6 Reporting of incidents involving dangerous goods
When an incident takes place involving the loss or likely loss
overboard of dangerous goods in packaged forminto the sea, the
master, or other person having charge of the ship, shall report the
particulars of such an incident without delay and to the fullest
extent possible to the nearest coastal State. The report shall be
drawn up based on general principles and guidelines developed by the

Part A-1 - Carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk

7 Definitions Dangerous goods in solid form in bulk means any
material, other than liquid or gas, consisting of a combination of
particles, granules or any larger pieces of material, generally
uniformin composition, which is covered by the IMDG Code and is
loaded directly into the cargo spaces of a ship without any
intermediate form of containment, and includes such materials loaded
in a barge on a barge-carrying ship.

7-1 Application Unless expressly provided otherwise, this part

applies to the carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk in
all ships to which the present regulations apply and in cargo ships
of less than 500 gross tonnage.

7-2 Documents In all documents relating to the carriage of dangerous

goods in solid formin bulk by sea, the bulk cargo shipping name of
the goods shall be used (trade names alone shall not be used).
2 Each ship carrying dangerous goods in solid form in bulk shall have
a special list or manifest setting forth the dangerous goods on board
and the location thereof. A detailed stowage plan, which identifies
by class and sets out the location of all dangerous goods on board,
may be used in place of such a special list or manifest. A copy of
one of these documents shall be made available before departure to
the person or organization designated by the port State authority.

7-3 Stowage and segregation requirements

Dangerous goods in solid form in bulk shall be loaded and stowed
safely and appropriately in accordance with the nature of the goods.
Incompatible goods shall be segregated from one another.
2 Dangerous goods in solid formin bulk, which are liable to
spontaneous heating or combustion, shall not be carried unless
adequate precautions have been taken to minimize the likelihood of
the outbreak of fire.
3 Dangerous goods in solid form in bulk, which give off dangerous
vapours, shall be stowed in a well ventilated cargo space.

7-4 Reporting of incidents involving dangerous goods When an

incident takes place involving the loss or likely loss overboard of
dangerous goods in solid formin bulk into the sea, the master, or
other person having charge of the ship, shall report the particulars
of such an incident without delay and to the fullest extent possible
to the nearest coastal State. The report shall be drawn up based on
general principles and guidelines developed by the Organization.

7-5 Requirements :The carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in


bulk shall be in compliance with the relevant provisions of the IMSBC
Code, as defined in regulation VI/1-1.1.

Part B - Construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous

liquid chemicals in bulk
8 Definitions International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code) means the
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk adopted by the Maritime Safety
Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.4(48), as may be
amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are
adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the
provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the
amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter I.
Chemical tanker means a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used
for the carriage in bulk of any liquid product listed in chapter 17
of the International Bulk Chemical Code.

9 Application to chemical tankers Unless expressly provided

otherwise, this part applies to chemical tankers constructed on or
after 1 July 1986 including those of less than 500 gross tonnage.
Such tankers shall comply with the requirements of this part in
addition to any other applicable requirements of the present
if constructed before 1 July 1986, shall, as a rule, comply with the
requirements for a ship constructed on or after that date to at least
the same extent as before undergoing such repairs, alterations,
modifications or outfitting.
Shall meet the requirements for a ship constructed on or after 1 July
1986 in so far as the Administration deems reasonable and

10 Requirements for chemical tankers A chemical tanker shall comply

with the requirements of the International Bulk Chemical Code and
shall, in addition to the requirements of regulation I/8, I/9, and
I/10, as applicable, be surveyed and certified as provided for in
that Code.

Part C - Construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases

in bulk
11 Definitions International Gas Carrier Code (IGC Code) means the
International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships
Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk as adopted by the Maritime Safety
Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.5(48), as may be
amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are
adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the
provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the
amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter I.
2 Gas carrier means a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for
the carriage in bulk of any liquefied gas or other product listed in
chapter 19 of the International Gas Carrier Code.

12 Application to gas carriers Unless expressly provided otherwise,


this part applies to gas carriers constructed on or after 1 July 1986
including those of less than 500 gross tonnage. Such gas carriers
shall comply with the requirements of this part in addition to any
other applicable requirements of the present regulations.
if constructed before 1 July 1986 shall, as a rule, comply with the
requirements for a ship constructed on or after that date to at least
the same extent as before undergoing such repairs, alterations,
modifications or outfitting. Repairs, alterations and modifications
of a major character, and outfitting related thereto, shall meet the
requirements for a ship constructed on or after 1 July 1986 in so far
as the Administration deems reasonable and practicable.

13 Requirements for gas carriers A gas carrier shall comply with the
requirements of the International Gas Carrier Code and shall, in
addition to the requirements of regulation I/8, I/9 and I/10, as
applicable, be surveyed and certified as provided for in that Code.
For the purpose of this regulation, the requirements of the Code
shall be treated as mandatory.

Part D - Special requirements for the carriage of packaged irradiated

nuclear fuel, plutonium and high-level radioactive wastes on board
14 Definitions INF Code means the International Code for the Safe
Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-
Level Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships, adopted by the Maritime
Safety Committee of the Organization by resolution MSC.88(71), as may
be amended by the Organization, provided that such amendments are
adopted, brought into force and take effect in accordance with the
provisions of article VIII of the present Convention concerning the
amendment procedures applicable to the annex other than chapter I.
2 INF cargo means packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and
high-level radioactive wastes carried as cargo in accordance with
class 7 of the IMDG Code.
3 Irradiated nuclear fuel means material containing uranium, thorium
and/or plutonium isotopes which has been used to maintain a self-
sustaining nuclear chain reaction.
4 Plutonium means the resultant mixture of isotopes of that material
extracted from irradiated nuclear fuel from reprocessing.
5 High-level radioactive wastes means liquid wastes resulting from
the operation of the first stage extraction system or the
concentrated wastes from subsequent extraction stages, in a facility
for reprocessing irradiated nuclear fuel, or solids into which such
liquid wastes have been converted.

15 Application to ships carrying INF cargo Except as provided for in

paragraph 2, this part shall apply to all ships regardless of the
date of construction and size, including cargo ships of less than 500
gross tonnage, engaged in the carriage of INF cargo.
This part and the INF Code do not apply to warships, naval auxiliary
or other vessels owned or operated by a Contracting Government and
used, for the time being, only on government non-commercial service;
however, each Administration shall ensure, by the adoption of


appropriate measures not impairing operations or operational
capabilities of such ships owned or operated by it, that such ships
carrying INF cargo act in a manner consistent, so far as reasonable
and practicable, with this part and the INF Code.

16 Requirements for ships carrying INF cargo A ship carrying INF

cargo shall comply with the requirements of the INF Code in addition
to any other applicable requirements of the present regulations and
shall be surveyed and certified as provided for in that Code.

129. New ship delivery what all checks?

Ø All manuals onboard
Ø All plans onboard
Ø All certificates onboard
Ø Blackout and dead ship recovery procedure
Ø All machinery procedure
Ø No leakage in ER and on S/T
Ø No outstanding observations and pending jobs.
Ø St gear and all machinery try out and safety checks
Ø Navigation Equipments familiarization
Ø Vibration analysis
Ø Foundation bolts tightness checks
Ø Checks for engine bearings and one unit for ME after seatrial
Ø Mooring and anchor handling Machinary familiarization.
Ø Required bunker and LO and spares and stores onboard.
Ø Sea trial report onboard.
Ø Company manuals, filing and required log books other stationary

130. Actions as chief engineer in bunkering spill?

Ans: Action in case of OIL SPILL during bunkering
1.Stop bunkering immediately
2.Contain oil within the ship (internal transfer / recovery )
3.Implement Emergency response as per SOPEP
4.Apply oil boom with necessary safety precautions
5.Co- ordinate time to time with Team Leader In SOPEP operation
6.Co-ordinate with master time to time in communicating
a.Port authorities
b.Oil pollution response & coordinating centre
c.DPA , Flag State, & RO(if)
d.Bunker Supplier
f.P & I club
g.Charterers if
7. Additional fire hazard precautions to be ensured
8.Instructing not to use any dispersants without permission
9.Personnel safety in recovery operation ensured
10.Except concern authorities no body allowed to enter ship
11.Nothing to be reported to Media
12.Ascertain the fault of ship / barge
13.Reports to be made
a.Incident report with timings & photograph evidences
b.Witness of bunker barge in case of fault from barge end
c.Near miss reports if any
d.Non- conformity & corrective action taken
e.Oil record book entry in G.
f.Log book entry- loss of fuel
g.Damage claims if any as per company instruction

131. Why 2 safety valves are provided?

Ans: To make sure that the positive discharging of higher steam
pressure from the boiler efficiently.

132. Preparation before taking bunker?

Ans:For DATAR important is boiler steam pressure to heat and use the
fuel to get required viscosity for combustion. For rest same ISO
standard and company bunker procedure.
Bunker Quantity Indenting
1.Voyage requirement
2.Bunker availability
3.Intake capacity
4.Min safe reserve
5.Charter instructions
6.Calculate Cost effective Bunker qty analysis.
7. Availability- Ask for req qty & grade

ISO 8217 – 2010 or CIMAC

RMG 380 2005 DMG 30
1 Density @ 15c 991kg/m3

2 Viscosity @ 50c 380

3 Flash point 60 min

4 Pour point 30 max
5 Carbon Residue MCR / CCR

6 CCAI (CII ) 860 870

7 Sulphur Statutory
8 Water
0.5% 0.3%

9 Sodium 100mg/kg 100mg/kg

10 Vanadium 350mg/kg 300mg/kg

11 Ash
0.10% 0.15%

12 Al & Si 60 mg/kg 80mg/kg

13 Acid no max in mg KOH gm 2.5% KOH 0.5

14 Total sediments 0.1%

* H2S by 1/7/2012 – 2.0mg/kg ** RMG should be free from ULO. Presence

of Zn, Ca,& P confirms ULO

Bunker procurement
1.Registered & Suppliers credential
2. Competitive cost
3.Delivery time
4.Payment terms
5.Bunker Purchase Efficiency – a)Density Differential b)Water Content
Differential c) Engine Friendliness Number

Pre – bunkering requirements

1. Complete internal transfers
2. Bunker plan
3. Bunker meeting
4. Bunker drills
5. SOPEP gear inspection
6. Communication equipments
7.Comply bunker check list
8.H2S testing
9. Proper mooring & securing
10.Valves tried out & lined up

Pre Bunkering documentation

1.By ship
a.Bunker plan b.Bunker check list c.Bunker meeting report d.Bunker
details by office e.DOS

2.By barge
a.Bunker supply form
b.Bunker supplier registration
d.Third party analysis report
e.Hose pressure test cert
f.Flow meter calibration cert
g.Approved tank calibration
h.Sounding of bunker tanks
i.Sounding of non bunker tanks
j.Barge bunker check list
k.Witness cleanliness of sample bottles
l.Fire control Department Clearance.

1. Start at less pressure check no leak /proper filling
2.Continuous drip sampling
3.Bunker at agreed pressure / rate of flow
4.Topping up at reduced pressure / rate of flow
5.Ensure correct qty received


Post bunkering documentation
1.Barge tanks sounded & recorded
2.Ship tanks sounded & recorded
3.With temp list & trim correction qty confirm
4.Complete bunker sample procedure
5.Complete bunker delivery note
6.Letter of protest if any dispute

Bunker sample
1.Min 400ml in HDPE containers
2.Sealed with seal no
3.Signed & Pasted with bunker particulars
4.Ship, supplier, lab & Marpol – 4nos
5.Samples retained onboard – till consumption / 12months
6.Samples retained outside accommodation with protection

Letter of protest (claim limit- qty :- 15days / quality :- 30days)

1.Addressed to
2.Made from
3.Date ,time & port
4.Details of dispute
5.Copy to charter
6.Copy to company
7.Copy to supplier flag state
8.Letter of protest by supplier

If bunker figure received are satisfactory the bunker delivery

note(BDN) should be checked to ensure that the information is included
as per MARPOL annex VI regulation 18
a) Name and IMO number of receiving ship
b) Port
c) Date and time of commencement of delivery
d) Name address and telephone number of marine fuel oil supplier
e) Product name
f) Sulphur content ISO 8217
g) Quantity in M.T ISO 3675
h) Density at 15 deg centigrade

Bunker quality disputes

1. C/E should take care to ensure that bunkers supplied matches with
specifications as per ISO 8217

2. To ascertain about the quality of bunker, it is necessary to take

the samples in prescribed manner. The sample should be divided into 4
or 5 subsamples. Out of these one should be sent to laboratory for
analysis by the ship. The supplier has the duty to provide ship with
MARPOL sample and the seal number of this must be recorded in the BDN,
along with seal numbers of other samples.

3. If the ship’s sample report comes and it shows bunker to be of

lower quality or not as per specification, ship staff should tender a
complaint regarding quality.


4. As per BIMCO standard bunker clause this complaint should be
tendered within 30 days of delivery. After receiving the complaint the
supplier will send their sample to laboratory and will match its
result with ship’s one. Otherwise both can choose an independent
laboratory for testing the sample.

5. BDN should be maintained for 3 years

6. C/E should record all relevant information that can lead to

machinery damage due to poor quality fuel

7. One set of ship’s sample should be retained on board for further

investigation and litigation.

8. If there is dispute with regard to quantity and quality following

should be done
a) Records of initial tank soundings, oil transfer details final tank
sounding should be maintained
b) Location of tanks where suspected bunkers have been used
c) Ullage sheets and bunker delivery receipts to be preserved.
d) Bunker samples to be preserved
e) ‘Note of protest’ deck and engine logs must be preserved,
f) A record of chief engineer and crew members involved in bunkering
operations to be maintained
g)Name of those present at the time when bunkers samples have been
h)The crew members involved in correcting any problems with
substandard bunkers
i) Owners must be notified promptly

133. How u ensure no oil overboard

134. IMDG code?
135. Launching of free fall lifeboat?


1. Have u heard about ro code? Is it applicable to all organization?

Ans:Code for Recognised Organizations (RO Code)(entering into force
SOLAS Chapter XI-1 has been updated to make the newly adopted Code for
Recognised Organisations mandatory.
All amendments adopted to the RO Code will also be deemed mandatory.
“The Code serves as the international standard and consolidated
instrument containing minimum criteria against which organisations are
assessed towards recognition and authorisation and the guidelines for
the oversight by flag States.”

It comprised three parts:

General – including communication of information, scope of the code
and delegation of authority.
Recognition and authorisation requirements for organisations –
including management, resources, performance measurement and quality
management systems.
3) Oversight of recognised organisations – including principles of
auditing and how to establish and manage an oversight programme.

Classification societies are organisations that establish and apply

technical standards in relation to the design, construction, and
survey of marine related facilities including ships and off shore
structures. The vast majority of ships are built and surveyed as per
standards laid down by classification societies. These standards are
issued by classification societies as a published rules A vessel that
has been designed and built to the appropriate rules of a society may
apply for a certificate of classification from that society such
certificate is an attestation that a vessel is in compliance with the
standards that have been developed and published by the society
issuing the classification certificate.

"Classification Societies are Recognized Institutions"

Recognized organization (RO) means an organization that has been
assessed by a flag State, and found to comply with this part of the RO

In UNCLOS convention of IMO responsibilities of flag state granting

registration of a ship are outlined. Under article 94, the f
lagstate must-effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in
administrative, technical and social matters over ships flying its
Many flag state countries in the world don‘t have sufficient
expertise, experience and technical manpower to carry out the
responsibilities of flag state nation regarding maintaining the
standards of ships flying their flag so SOLAS and other international
conventions permit the flag Administration to delegate the inspection
and survey of ships to Recognised Organisation.

Requirements for Recognized organization are as follows:

The Code contains all applicable requirements for ROs in one single
IMO mandatory instrument and is intended to assist in achieving
harmonized and consistent global assessment and authorization of
recognized organizations, including Classification Societies, and will
be the quality standard applied for audits of ROs.
The RO Code provides Administrations with a standard for a harmonized
and consistent assessment when delegating authorization to recognized
organizations (ROs) that assists in achieving a consistent oversight
of ROs, and clarifies the responsibilities of organizations authorized
as ROs, and the overall scope of that authorization.
The Code provides a consolidated instrument containing criteria
against which ROs are assessed and authorized/recognized, and gives
guidance for subsequent monitoring of ROs by Administrations.
The Code for recognized organizations (RO Code) was adopted by the
Marine Environment Protection Committee, at its 65th session, by means


of resolution MEPC.237(65) and by the Maritime Safety Committee, at
its 92nd session, by means of resolution MSC.349(92).
The Committees also adopted amendments to mandatory instruments which
are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2015 by means of
resolutions MEPC.238(65), MSC.350(92) and MSC.356(92) to make parts 1
and 2 of the Code mandatory under MARPOL annexes I and II, SOLAS and
the 1988 Load Line Protocol.

The RO Code establishes:

The Code defines the functional, organizational and control
requirements that apply to ROs conducting statutory
certification and services performed under mandatory IMO instruments,
such as, but not limited to, SOLAS, MARPOL and the Load Lines
All requirements of the Code are generic and applicable to all ROs,
regardless of their type and size and the statutory certification and
services provided.
ROs subject to this Code need not offer all types of statutory
certification and services and may have a limited scope of
recognition, provided that the requirements of this Code are applied
in a manner that is compatible with the limited scope of recognition.
Where any requirement of this Code cannot be applied due to the scope
of services delivered by an RO, this shall be clearly identified by
the flag State and recorded in the RO's quality management system.

Limitations to the role of classification societies as RO :

While the authority to carry out statutory surveys and inspection on
behalf of flag administration may be delegated to RO, the powers of
enforcement of RO are limited.
When required repairs or corrective actions are not carried out or a
survey is not passed satisfactorily, RO's do not have the power to
detain the ship.
At the most RO can withdraw the statutory certificate or declare them
invalid, and notify the ship's flag state or port state where vessel
happens to be located for further action.
Also, ROs are not guarantors of safety of life at sea or seaworthiness
of vessel because classification societies has no control over how a
vessel is operated and maintained in between the periodic surveys
which it conducts.
Acting as recognized organization, classification societies verify
compliance with national/ international regulations adopted by a flag
state. The RO cannot on its own interpret the regulation, nor
without permission use professional judgment to accept equivalent
The specific roles of a RO are defined in contract with the flag
state and flag state has the ultimate responsibility.

DELEGATION OF AUTHORITY: A flag State may delegate authority to an

organization recognized as complying with the provisions of this Code
to perform, on its behalf, statutory certification and services under
mandatory IMO instruments and its national legislation.


The flag State shall not authorize functions beyond RO's capabilities.
In this respect, the flag State shall take into consideration appendix
2 of this Code for authorization.
Flag States should cooperate with each other with the objective of
ensuring that ROs to whom they delegate authority adhere to the
provisions of this Code.

1. Through their extensive resources of manpower, worldwide expertise
and technology, the classification societies have the capability to
undertake surveys, maintain records and conduct the technical review
necessary to fulfill the requirement of various IMO convention and
codes based on national standards imposed by individual flag states.
2. Classification society undertakes statutory work on behalf of
individual IMO member state.
3. Under the statutory services and activities, ROs may inspect and
survey design, construction, equipment and technical part and
operation of ship. The elements to be inspected or surveyed will
depend on the specific requirement of the flag state.
4. On successful completion of the pertinent survey, the
classification society will issue statutory certificate and attest
that the ship complies with the legal requirement of the flag state.
5. If delegated by the administration, class may also carry out
certification of the SMS according to ISM code.

2. Difference between RO and class?

Ans: Classification societies are organisations that establish and
apply technical standards in relation to the design, construction, and
survey of marine related facilities including ships and off shore
structures. The vast majority of ships are built and surveyed as per
standards laid down by classification societies.
A flag State may delegate authority to a class organization recognized
as complying with the provisions of this Code to perform, on its
behalf, statutory certification and services under mandatory IMO
instruments and its national legislation.
Class is not mandatory and issues class certificate. RO works on
behalf of Admin and issues statutory certificate if given authority by
All RO’s are class societies but all class societies are not RO.

3. How many org are identified under iacs?

Ans:- The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)
is a technically based organization consisting of twelve marine
classification societies headquartered in London.
Marine classification is a system for promoting the safety of
life, property and the environment primarily through the establishment
and verification of compliance with technical and engineering
standards for the design, construction and life-cycle maintenance of
ships, offshore units and other marine-related facilities. These
standards are contained in rules established by each Society. IACS
provides a forum within which the member societies can discuss,
research and adopt technical criteria that enhance maritime safety.


12 members, IRS is part of it. 10 of them including IRS are RO, but
for india Polish register not RO.
IACS members:
American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
Bureau Veritas (BV)
China Classification Society (CCS)
Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS) [2]
Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL)
Indian Register of Shipping (IRS)
Korean Register of Shipping (KR)
Lloyd's Register (LR)
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (NK/ClassNK)
Polish Register of Shipping (PRS) [3]
Registro Italiano Navale (RINA)
Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS)

4. What checks PSC shall Carry out at Bunker manifold?

Ans: told him drip tray capacity marked, tray dry & plugged, flange
should identify clearly which flange, last bunker line pressure test
date & pressure. Thermometer and pressure gauge at manifold. During
bunkering person on watch, SOPEP and fire fighting systems ready to
use. Here he accepted this but told me also Bunker plan should be

5. Cross section of Oil tanker and cargo tank requirements?

6. what is high voltage installation? Precautions?

Ans: Voltages upto and including 1000V are Low voltage systems.
Voltages above 1000V are High voltage systems.


Higher insulation requirements for cables and equipments used in
Higher risk factor and the necessity for strict adherence to
stringent safety procedure
Creepage distances and clearances.IEC60112
Trainig required to work on HV systems.
Signs and warning signs to be posted and no un authorized operation
Insulation resistance test on HV systems to check proper insulation.
Electrical shock poster

7. What is state of CO2 in pipes? At what point it becomes gas?

Ans: In Pipes Liquid state and becomes gas at Outlet of nozzle.

8. Why 85% of MCR?

Ans: For sea margin 15% taken into account.

9. Engine power of last ship?What is the SFOC?

Ans: HYUNDAI MAN B& W 6550 ME - B9, MCR 7240 KW, at 99 RPM. SFOC=
186g/kw hr at NCR at ISO condition(correction for blower inlet temp,
scavenge air temp, amb air pr and LCV at shop trial) =175 g/kwhr; Cyl
oil 0.8g/kw hr around 65 ltrs per day.

10. What happens when engine running on low sulfur fuel with high tbn
Ans: Running on fuels with a varying sulphur content

Although fuel sulphur levels

above 4% are rather rare,
running on high-sulphur fuels
has accounted for a major part
of cylinder wear in the past.
Therefore, increasing the oil
dosage according to the ACC
algorithm is necessary, and
very beneficial economically,
to prevent the excessive wear
associated with such fuels.
However, on low-sulphur fuels,
below 2% sulphur content, the
engine will, according to the
above diagram, be overdosed
with alkaline additives. This may lead to cylinder condition problems
and, in severe cases, to scuffing.
Overdosing with alkaline additives has two negative effects, which may
both lead to the so-called “bore-polish” phenomenon:
• A surplus of alkaline additives has a strong tendency to
accumulate on the piston top land, and may grow in thickness to an
extent where it interferes with the cylinder liner running surface, in
spite of the PC ring (piston cleaning ring). This is most pronounced
in the middle and lower part of the liner (where the liner is exposed


the least to heat) and in the exhaust side (where the PC-ring is less
effective). The result of this negative effect is called mechanical
• The other negative effect of overdosing with alkaline additives
may be that corrosion (so-called cold-corrosion) is suppressed
completely, thereby, limiting the necessary “refreshment” (open
graphite structure) of the liner surface. The result of this is called
chemical bore-polish. In other words, corrosion should be controlled
rather than prevented. The occurrence of the above negative effects
is time-dependent. This means that a surplus of alkaline additives can
be accepted for a certain period, depending on the severity of the
If low-sulphur fuels are used predominantly, we advise using a low-BN
cylinder oil, either a BN 40 or BN 50 oil. The diagram overleaf shows
the algorithm using a BN 40 cylinder oil versus a “normal” BN 70
cylinder oil.

11. Ows a c/e ur actions to avoid pblms wid psc?

Ans: Keep copies of communication with office as evidence for any inspector.
follow the following
Ø Take all necessary arrangements to rectify fault, if not
Ø Inform company and ask for required spares.
Ø Make entry in ORB part 1 under F
Ø If UMS man the engine room
Ø If at port empty bilge tank to shore
Ø Arrest all the engine room leaks
Ø Be Extra vigilant in engine room
Ø After Flag approval we can transfer Bilge tank to other tanks and
entry in ORB under H.
Ø At last ask for dispensation from the flag to sail to next port.

12. Explain NC & MNC with example? What you do after that?
Ans: Non Conformity:- means an observed situation where objective
evidence indicates the non-fulfillment of a specified requirement. Not
Confirming the requirement of company approved Safety Management
System. No impact in the working of the system

Eg:1.ISM checklists incomplete, 2.Crew not aware of companies ISM

safety and environmental protection policy 3.Responsible officers not
knowing their duties as per SMS manual 4.Crew not knowing DPA 5.Oil
record book incomplete/ not signed

Major -Non Conformity:- means an identifiable deviation that poses a

serious threat to the safety of personnel or the ship or a serious
risk to the environment that requires immediate corrective action or
the lack of effective and systematic implementation of a requirement
of this Code. The absence of one or more required system elements or a
situation which raises significant doubt that will meet specified

Findings will be presented as part of the audit report, and normally

during the closing meeting. 1.Observatioin 2. NC 3. MNC
A group of non-conformities indicating inadequate implementation or
effectiveness of the system relevant to an element of the Code.
A non-conformity that is persistent (or not corrected as agreed by the
organisation) shall be up-graded to MNC.
• Structural damages,
• Invalid certificates or documents
• Emergency generator cannot start
• Oil record book not available
• Non conformities raised during last internal audits are still

Action In case of MAJOR Non conformity MSC .Circ 1059 / 401

1.NO endorsement or certificate renewal will be done with Major NC &
existing certificate turns invalid
2.Immediate corrective action at least to bring down Major NC to NC as
per auditors recommendations. CAP- Corrective Action Plan
3.Corrective action verified & certificate endorsement/ renewal
completed 4.CAP for NC & time frame agreed between auditor & firm
5.On completion of NC within time frame inform Flag state, R.O auditor
with supporting evidences.
6.No Audit required for corrective action for NC, whereas for major
Conformity corrective action is accompanied with Follow UP Audit.
7.For Major NC / NC Company should submit Root Cause analysis to DGS.

13. Ur vsl has 2 a/e,one is bumped (kapoot) ? Ur actions and will u sale
out from port?
Ans: As per Solas ch 2-1,reg 41,u can sail out but since overall
safety is compromised e/r to be manned, reduce unwanted load, take
regular rounds or a/e. Keep copies of communication with office as
evidence for any inspector. Emergency generator ready incase of
emergency with sufficient fuel and auto start facility.

14. Which is the latest convention date has entered into force? N explain
Ans: 14 April 2015 Nairobi wreck removal convention.
The Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007,
was adopted by an international conference held in Kenya in 2007. The
Convention will provide the legal basis for States to remove, or have
removed, shipwrecks that may have the potential to affect adversely
the safety of lives, goods and property at sea, as well as the marine
The Convention will fill a gap in the existing international legal
framework by providing the first set of uniform international rules
aimed at ensuring the prompt and effective removal of wrecks located
beyond the territorial sea.
The Convention also includes an optional clause enabling States
Parties to apply certain provisions to their territory, including
their territorial sea.
The number of abandoned wrecks, estimated at almost thirteen hundred
worldwide, has reportedly increased and, as a result, the problems
they cause to coastal States and shipping in general have, if
anything, become more acute.
These problems are three-fold: first, and depending on its location, a
wreck may constitute a hazard to navigation, potentially endangering
other vessels and their crews; second, and of equal concern, depending
on the nature of the cargo, is the potential for a wreck to cause
substantial damage to the marine and coastal environments; and third,
in an age where goods and services are becoming increasingly
expensive, is the issue of the costs involved in the marking and
removal of hazardous wrecks. The convention attempts to resolve all of
these and other, related, issues.
The Convention provides a sound legal basis for coastal States to
remove, or have removed, from their coastlines, wrecks which pose a
hazard to the safety of navigation or to the marine and coastal
environments, or both. It will make shipowners financially liable and
require them to take out insurance or provide other financial security
to cover the costs of wreck removal. It will also provide States with
a right of direct action against insurers.

Articles in the Convention cover:

• Reporting and locating ships and wrecks - covering the reporting
of casualties to the nearest coastal State; warnings to mariners
and coastal States about the wreck; and action by the coastal
State to locate the ship or wreck;
• Criteria for determining the hazard posed by wrecks, including
depth of water above the wreck, proximity of shipping routes,
traffic density and frequency, type of traffic and vulnerability
of port facilities. Environmental criteria such as damage likely
to result from the release into the marine environment of cargo or
oil are also included;
• Measures to facilitate the removal of wrecks, including rights and
obligations to remove hazardous ships and wrecks - which sets out
when the shipowner is responsible for removing the wreck and when
a State may intervene;
• Liability of the owner for the costs of locating, marking and
removing ships and wrecks - the registered shipowner is required
to maintain compulsory insurance or other financial security to
cover liability under the convention; and
• Settlement of disputes.
15. Hongkong convention? (not in force)
Ans: Ship Recycling:-
The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and
Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships
Adoption: 15 May 2009; Entry into force: 24 months after ratification
by 15 States, representing 40 per cent of world merchant shipping by
gross tonnage, combined maximum annual ship recycling volume not less
than 3 per cent of their combined tonnage

The Hong Kong Convention) is aimed at ensuring that ships, when being
recycled after reaching the end of their operational lives, do not
pose any unnecessary risk to human health and safety or to the


The Hong Kong Convention was adopted at a Diplomatic Conference held
in Hong Kong, China, in May 2009 and was developed with input from IMO
Member States and non governmental organizations, and in co-operation
with the International Labour Organization and the Parties to the
Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of
Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal. It intends to address all the
issues around ship recycling, including the fact that ships sold for
scrapping may contain environmentally hazardous substances such as
asbestos, heavy metals, hydrocarbons, ozone depleting substances and
others. It will address concerns about working and environmental
conditions in many of the world's ship recycling facilities.

Regulations in the new Convention cover: the design, construction,

operation and preparation of ships so as to facilitate safe and
environmentally sound recycling, without compromising the safety and
operational efficiency of ships; the operation of ship recycling
facilities in a safe and environmentally sound manner; and the
establishment of an appropriate enforcement mechanism for ship
recycling, incorporating certification and reporting requirements.

Ships to be sent for recycling will be required to carry an inventory

of hazardous materials, which will be specific to each ship. An
appendix to the Convention provides a list of hazardous materials, the
installation or use of which is prohibited or restricted in shipyards,
ship repair yards, and ships of Parties to the Convention. Ships will
be required to have an initial survey to verify the inventory of
hazardous materials, renewal surveys during the life of the ship, and
a final survey prior to recycling.

Ship recycling yards will be required to provide a Ship Recycling

Plan, to specify the manner in which each individual ship will be
recycled, depending on its particulars and its inventory. Parties will
be required to take effective measures to ensure that ship recycling
facilities under their jurisdiction comply with the Convention.

16. Certificates on chemical tanker?

Ans: Exclusive certificates
Int pollution prevention certificate for NLS
Int certificate of fitness – IBC C.T after 1986
Certificate of Fitness- BC C.T before 1986

17. Documents on chemical tanker?

Ans: Exclusive documents
Cargo record book

18. Name 5 conventions regarding safety & Pollution

Ans: please see above.
19. What is the difference between flag state and contracting govt.
Ans: Contracting govts are those who are party to the convention.

20. Cop 21
Ans: The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP
11 was held in Paris, France, from 30 November to 12 December 2015. It
was the 21st yearly session of the Conference of the Parties (COP) to
the 1992 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(UNFCCC) and the 11th session of the Meeting of the Parties to the
1997 Kyoto Protocol.
The conference negotiated the Paris Agreement, a global agreement on
the reduction of climate change, the text of which represented a
consensus of the representatives of the 196 parties attending it. The
agreement will become legally binding if joined by at least 55
countries which together represent at least 55 percent of global
greenhouse emissions. Such parties will need to sign the agreement in
New York between 22 April 2016 (Earth Day) and 21 April 2017, and also
adopt it within their own legal systems (through ratification,
acceptance, approval, or accession).
According to the organizing committee at the outset of the talks,[6]
the expected key result was an agreement to set a goal of limiting
global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius (°C) compared to pre-
industrial levels. The agreement calls for zero net
anthropogenic(pollution of environment by human activity) greenhouse
gas emissions to be reached during the second half of the 21st
century. In the adopted version of the Paris Agreement,[3] the parties
will also "pursue efforts to" limit the temperature increase to
1.5 °C.[2] The 1.5 °C goal will require zero emissions sometime between
2030 and 2050, according to some scientists.[2]
Prior to the conference, 146 national climate panels publicly
presented draft national climate contributions (called "Intended
Nationally Determined Contributions", INDCs). These suggested
commitments were estimated to limit global warming to 2.7 degrees
Celsius by 2100.[7] For example, the EU suggested INDC is a commitment
to a 40 percent reduction in emissions by 2030 compared to 1990.[8] The
agreement establishes a "global stocktake" which revisits the national
goals to "update and enhance" them every five years beginning 2023.[3]
However, no detailed timetable or country-specific goals for emissions
were incorporated into the Paris Agreement – as opposed to the
previous Kyoto Protocol.

At the conclusion of COP 21, on 12 December 2015, the final wording of

the Paris Agreement was adopted by consensus by all of the 195 UNFCCC
participating member states and the European Union[3] to reduce
emissions as part of the method for reducing greenhouse gas. In the 12
page Agreement,[21] the members promised to reduce their carbon output
"as soon as possible" and to do their best to keep global warming "to
well below 2 degrees C" [3.6 degrees F].[22]

21. UNFCC?
Ans:United nations frame work convention on climate change also known
as Earth summit in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Objective of this
international treaty was to stabilize the GHG concentrations in
atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous
anthropogenic(pollution by human activity) interference with climate


system. This treaty not have any binding limits only provides
framework for protocol to set binding limits on GHG.
UNFCC COP- SB STA (subsidiary body for scientific and technological
advise) & SB I(subsidiary body to implementation of convention).

22. Kyoto Protocol?

Ans:UNFCC did not have any binding only framework Kyoto japan protocol
did just that. It commits its parties to an international binding
emission reduction targets.
It was adopted in 11/12/1997 and EIF 16/02/2005. First commitment
period was 2008 to 2012. During this period target for reduction was
5% as compared to 1990 levels.

23. Doha Ammendment?

Ans: Kyoto was about to expire in 31/12/2012 so to prevent it from
expiring on 8/12/1012 the doha amendment to Kyoto protocol was
adopted. It revised the list of GHG. New commitments to parties for
reduction targets from 1 Jan 2013 to 31 dec 2020. Asked for a
reduction of 18% compared to 1990 levels. Will be applied only if
Europe but not yet ratified. India and china US said they will not
ratify any treaty that will legally commit them to reduce CO2. New
framework will be negotiated in December 2015 Paris conference.

24. Latest developments in world abt environment ?

The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the leading
global environmental authority that sets the global environmental
agenda, promotes the coherent implementation of the environmental
dimension of sustainable development within the United Nations
system and serves as an authoritative advocate for the global
Drawing upon the scientific evidence, priorities emerging from
global and regional fora, and an assessment of where UNEP can make
a transformative difference, UNEP’s work focuses on the following
7 cross-cutting thematic priorities:
• Climate change
• Disaster and conflicts
• Ecosystem management
• Environmental governance
• Chemicals and waste
• Resource Efficiency
• Environment under review.

Future Goals commonly expressed by environmental scientists include:

• Reduction and cleanup of pollution, with future goals of zero
• Cleanly converting non-recyclable materials into energy through
direct combustion or after conversion into secondary fuels;
• Reducing societal consumption of non-renewable fuels;
• Development of alternative, green, low-carbon or renewable
energy sources;


• Conservation and sustainable use of scarce resources such
as water, land, and air;
• Protection of representative or unique or pristine ecosystems;
• Preservation of threatened and endangered species extinction;
• The establishment of nature and biosphere reserves under various
types of protection; and, most generally, the protection
of biodiversity and ecosystems upon which all human and other life on
earth depends.

25. Drinking water standard? Who issues certificate?

Drinking water standard:
Appearance and colour: no detectable odour and Ideally, drinking-water
should have no visible colour.
pH pH should be less than 8.0 usually in the range 6.5–8.0
Temperature either below 25 °C or above 50 °C.
Conductivity:low A contamination of distillate or seawater can be
easily detected because seawater has a high conductivity (e.g. 50 000
Chlorine: 0.5 mg/l and 1.0 mg/l at the point of consumption
Lead:Lead concentration should not exceed 10 µg/l.
Cadmium:Cadmium concentration should not exceed 3 µg/l.
Iron:Iron levels should not exceed 200 µg/l.
Copper:Copper should not exceed a concentration of 2000 µg/l.
Nickel:Nickel concentrations should not exceed 20 µg/l.
Hardness:Hardness, measured in concentration of calcium carbonate
(CaCO3), should be between 100 mg/l (1 mmol/l) and 200 mg/l (2 mmol/l)
to avoid corrosion and scaling, respectively.

Total coliforms
Coliforms are a broad class of bacteria, and include those that can
survive and grow in water. Hence, they are not useful as an index of
specific faecal pathogens, but they can be used as an indicator of
treatment effectiveness, and to assess the cleanliness and integrity
of distribution systems, and the potential presence of biofilms. The
guideline value is zero (0) coliforms per 100 ml of water.
Escherichia coli
E. coli is a type of coliform, and is considered the most suitable
index of faecal contamina- tion monitoring, including surveillance of
drinking-water quality. The guideline value is zero (0) E. coli per
100 ml of water.
Intestinal enterococci
The intestinal enterococci group can be used as an index of faecal
pollution. Most species do not multiply in water environments.
Important advantages of this group are that they tend to survive
longer in water environments than E. coli or thermotolerant coliforms,
and are more resistant to drying and chlorination. Guideline value is
zero(0) per 100 ml of wa- ter.
Clostridium perfringens
Most of these bacteria are of faecal origin and produce spores that


are exceptionally re- sistant to unfavourable conditions in water
environments, including ultraviolet irradiation, temperature and pH
extremes, and disinfection processes, such as chlorination. Like E.
coli, C. perfringens does not multiply in most water environments and
is a highly specific indica- tor of faecal pollution. C.
perfringensshould not be present in drinking-water.

International health regulations (2005) will issue Ship sanitation

certificate on inspection of :
Galley, pantry and service areas
Child-care facilities
Medical facilities
Swimming pools and spas
Solid and medical waste
Potable water, Sewage & Ballast water

26. Ilo and mlc

ILO:- formed in 1919
1) The ILO is the international organization responsible for drawing
up and overseeing international labour issues, particularly
international labour standards and decent work for all.
2) It is the only 'tripartite' United Nations agency that brings
together representatives of governments, employers and workers to
jointly shape policies and programmes promoting Decent Work for all.
3) The ILO registers complaints against entities that are violating
international rules; however, it does not impose sanctions on
4) The main aims of the ILO are to promote rights at work, encourage
decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and
strengthen dialogue on work-related issues.
5) The ILO aims to ensure that it serves the needs of working women
and men by bringing together governments, employers and workers to set
labour standards, develop policies and devise programmes
6) ILO has director general (elected every 5 years) who checks
conduct of international labour office.
7) As of 2015, 187 countries in the UN are members of the ILO. The
constitution of the ILO offers that any nation which has a membership
in the UN can become a member of the ILO. To gain membership, a nation
must inform the Director General that it accepts all the obligations
of the ILO constitution.
8) The ILO’s Secretariat has its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland,
and a global network of technical experts and field offices in more
than 40 countries.
9) The International Labour Conference (ILC) meets once a year to
adopt new international labour standards and approve the ILO’s work
plan and budget.
10)The Governing Body is the executive council of the ILO and meets
three times a year in Geneva.

Maritime Labour convention 2006


1. MLC is an international labour convention adopted by ILO in its
94th session on 7th February 2006. It sets out seafarer rights to
decent condition of work. It is now globally recognized as the fourth
pillar of international regulatory regime along with SOLAS, MARPOL and
It consolidates 68 ILO legal instruments relating seafarer
accommodation, rest hours, medicals, repatriation, minimum age,
condition of employment etc.

2. The ILO's Maritime Labour Convention (MLC), 2006 provides

comprehensive rights and protection at work for the world's more than
1.2 million seafarers. The Convention aims to achieve both decent work
for seafarers and secure economic interests in fair competition for
quality shipowners.

3. The convention is organized into 3 main parts:-

1) Articles – which set out the broad principles and obligations
2) Regulations and Codes – with two parts
Part A :- Mandatory
Part B:- Non- mandatory

4. These are integrated and organized into five titles:-

i. TITLE 1:- Minimum requirement for seafarers to work on a ship
a) Age – Minimum age is 16 years
b) Medical certificate – Seafarer should be medically fit
c) Training and qualification – Seafarer should be duly trained and
certified to work on board ship.
d) Recruitment and placement – License to agencies

ii. TITLE 2:- Conditions of employment

a) Seafarer employment agreement
b) Wages
c) Hours of work and hours of rest
d) Entitlement to leave
e) Repatriation
f) Seafarer compensation for the ship’s loss or foundering
g) Manning levels
h) Career and skill development and opportunities for seafarer

iii. TITLE 3:- Accommodation, recreation facilities, food and catering

a) Accommodation and recreation facilities
b) Food and catering

iv. TITLE 4 :- Health protection, medical care, welfare and social

security protection
a) Medical care on board ship and ashore
b) Ship owner’s liability
c) Health and safety protection and accident protection
d) Access to shore based welfare facilities
e) Social security


v. TITLE 5 :- Compliance and enforcement
a) Flag state responsibilities – Flag state will issue two
certificates after survey
i) Maritime labour certificate
ii) Maritime labour compliance

Existing ILO convention will phase out as ILO members ratify the new
convention. There will be a transition period when some parallel
convention will be in place. Countries those do not ratify the MLC
2006 convention will be bound by the existing conventions.


1. It is a single instrument covering all aspects – 68 key ILO
conventions and recommendations consolidated.
2. A tripartite maritime committee in ILO
3. Accelerated amendment procedure enabling amendments to come into
force within 3- 4 years of their proposals.
4. On board and on shore complaint procedures for rapid resolution of
5. Modernized management based on an approach to occupational safety
and health
6. Any state ratifying this convention will be bound by it up to 10
years after coming into force. Within next year if member does not
denounce it, it will be again bounded to next 10 years.
7. No more favourable treatment to non ratifying countries.
8. Novel structure with code broken into two parts i.e.
A - mandatory and
B – non mandatory.

MLC 2006:- Ships below 500 GT that do not go on international

voyages or voyage between foreign ports need not have a maritime
labour certificate.
- An MLC is valid for 5 years.
- An interim MLC is valid for six months and cannot be extended.
- Interim MLC is issued to
• A new ship
• Changing flag
• A new company
- Intermediate inspection is carried out between 2nd year and 3r year
of the anniversary dates.
- MLC should always be accompanied by DMLC ( declaration of maritime
labour compliance)
- Interim MLC need not be accompanied by DMLC.
- DMLC has two parts.

Part 1 : issued by competent authority stating that

- the provisions of maritime labour convention ( 14 items) are
embodied in national requirement
- These national requirements are contained in the national
- Details of “ substantial equivalent” if any
- Exemption if any
- Any ship type specific requirement

14 parts in DMLC are;

1) Minimum age ( reg 1.1)
2) Medical certification ( reg 1.2)
3) Qualification of seafarers ( reg 1.3)
4) Seafarers employment agreement ( reg 2.1)
5) Use of any licensed or certified or regulated private recruitment
and placement services ( reg .1.4)
6) Hours of work and rest ( reg 2.3)
7) Manning level for ships ( reg 2.7)
8) Accommodation ( reg 3.1)
9) Onboard recreational facilities ( reg 3.1)
10)Food and catering ( reg 3.2)
11)Health and safety and accident prevention ( reg 4.3)
12)Onboard medical care ( reg 4.1)
13)Onboard complaint procedure ( reg 5.1.5)
14)Payment of wages ( reg 2.2)

Part 2 of Declaration of maritime labour compliance: measures taken

by ship-owner to ensure ongoing compliance between inspections.
Also includes 14 points and what measures are taken by the ship-owner
wrt maintaining standards mentioned in MLC.
Work and rest hour has 2 models.
1) Maximum work allowed ( 14 hrs/ day and 72 hours /week)
2) Minimum rest required. ( 10 hours / day and 77 hrs / week)
Maximum interval between 2 rest periods should not exceed 14 hours.
One rest of 6 hours period.
MLC consists of 16 articles and 5 titles.

27. What is the min age for seafarers?

Conditions for Young Seafarers(16yrs to 18yrs under)
1. Medical certificate valid for one year only
2. Working hours 8hrs/day & 40hrs max/week with break for meals
3. No night duties at least 9hrs & not from midnight to 5am
4. Additional information & training about safety, D&A, HIV&AIDS
5. Should not give work that jeopardize health & safety
6. If served more than six months without touching home country &
expected 3 more months similar, he is eligible for earned leave &
repatriated at no extra cost
7. All these can be exempted by a competent authority considering the
safety of ship, efficient training (after consultation with owners,

28. STCW? Tell me the exam you are giving and what is duty of chief
1978 Convention EIF :- 28/4/84
1991 Amendment :- GMDSS introduced EIF :- 1/12/92
1994 Amendment :- Training in Tankers introduced EIF :- 1/1/96


1995 Amendment :- Major Changes & STCW Code introduced
1997 Amendment :- Training in Passenger /RORO introduced EIF :- 1/1/99
2004 Amendment :- OLRRS competence EIF :- 1/07/2006
2006 Amendment :- SSO competence EIF :- 1/01/2008
2010 Amendment :- EIF :- 1st JAN 2012

STCW 2010
I. 17 Articles & 3 Attachments

II. Attachment 1 – Resolution 1

i.Annex 1 (chapters contains regulations about minimum requirements
for certification)
1. Chapter 1 – General Provision
2. Chapter 2 – Master & Deck Dept
3. Chapter 3 – Engine Department
4. Chapter 4 – Radio Communication Operators
5.Chapter 5 – Special Training Requirements-
6.Chapter 6 – Emer, Occup.Safety,Security,Medical &Survival
7.Chapter 7 – Alternative Certification
8.Chapter 8 – Watchkeeping

III.Attachment 2- Resolution 2.- STCW Code

a.Annex 1 -Part A Mandatory – Minimum requirements for certificate
i.(Above 8 Chapters contains Sections) Sec III- eng dept
1.SECTION AIII/1- Oper. Officer - > 4F, OBT, SOC,NCV
2.SECTION AIII/2- Mang. Officer >3000kw- >4F,SOC, NCV
3.SECTION AIII/3- Mang. officer 750 to 3000kw -NCV
4.SECTION AIII/4- Supp.Eng Rating- > 1F, SOC
5.SECTION AIII/5- Sup Eng Rating- > 4F, SOC
6.SECTION AIII/6- ETO Oper. officer- > 3F, OBT, SOC
7.SECTION AIII/7- Supp.Electro -Rating- > 2F, SOC,


i.(above 8 Chapters)-

IV. Attachment 3 – Resolution 3 to 19

SOC – Standard of Competence, OBT – onboard Training, F- Function NCV
– Near Coastal Vessel

1.Marine engineering
2.Electrical, electronic and control engineering
3.Maintenance and repair at the management level
4.Controlling the operation of the ship and care for persons on board
Four column table
2.Knowledge ,understanding & proficiency
3.Methods of demonstrating competence


4.Criteria for Evaluation

Standard of Competence :- the minimum knowledge, understanding and

proficiency that seafarers must demonstrate to gain certification
Certificate of competency Issued and endorsed Only by Administration
for masters, officers and GMDSS radio operators in accordance with the
provisions of STCW and entitling the lawful holder to serve in the
capacity and perform the functions at the level of responsibility
specified therein.
Certificate of proficiency Other than a certificate of competency
issued to a seafarer, stating that the relevant requirements of
training, competencies or seagoing service in the Convention have been
Documentary evidence Other than a COC or COP used to establish that
the relevant requirements of the Convention have been
Familiarization training certificate by Company
CoP & DoC.E – admin recognized organisation can issue except tanker
provision(DC endorsement)

Features of STCW 2010

1. Avoiding Certificate fraudulence – Issuance of COC only by admin
2.Developing Database for certificate status, details, competence &
Medical with Controlled E-access.
3.Training & assessment – Onboard & Shore based
4.Qualification for Assessors
5.Certification for Able Seamen
6.Certification for ETO
7.High voltage training for mang. Level - guidance
8.Special Training on ECDIS
9.Additional training – Tankers , Polar water & DP Vessels
10.SSO Training For Officers & Crew
11.Environmental trainings
12. E Learning
13.Drug & Alcohol Revision – 0.05% Blood, 0.25mg/l breath
14.Accommodation for Trainees
15.Revised Rest Hours
16.Grace period up to 1st Jan 2017

Exam we are giving MEO class I management level. Under STCW A-III/2.
STCW 95 had 16 chapters and now 2010 has 22 chapters 6 new chapters
• Budgeting
• Latest technical development in electrical
• Latest development in machinaries
• WHO and ILO
• Security system
• Management skills
ISO 9000 changed into 9001:2008

CE duties as per STCW 2010:

1.Effective leadership
2.Clear orders & communication
3.Most effective decision on situations
4.Provide necessary support to sub ordinates at all times
5.Allocate duties & Evaluate performance of crew
6.Training objectives & attitude based on competence capabilities
7.Operation of machineries with applicable rules
8.Planning jobs based on priority & available resources
9.Operations are demonstrated efficiently

29. Inert gas gen in detail.


Three operations involve replacement of gas in cargo tanks, namely:

(a) inerting;
(b) purging;
(c) gas-freeing.
In each of these replacement operations, one of two processes can
predominate -
(a) dilution, which is a mixing process

(b)displacement, which is a layering process.


Deck seals: wet, semi dry and dry

30. Inert Gas blowers requirement?

Ans:- Min 2 nos blowers fitted
-Capacity 1.25 times cargo discharging rate this is to ensure positive
pressure of IG inside tank.
-Blower inlet and outlet valves provided
-Only one blower 1.25 times cargo capacity may be may be permitted by

31. Values of alarms and trips in ig generator?


Instrument pr low -4 bar
Inert gas high temperature -65 deg C
Fuel oil pressure low 10 bar
Scrubber water pressure low -0.7 bar
Jacket cooling sea water temp high-55 degC
Combustion air pr low -0.1 bar

Atmosphere Valve Open, Consumer Valve Closed

Deck main line pressure high -120mbar


Oxygen content high 5 %
Oxygen content low 1%

Audible And Visual Alarm

Deck main line pressure low -20mbar
Deck seal pressure low – 2 bar
Deck main line pressure low low -10mbar

32. Chapter 13 and 14 of solas i.e.III code and Polar code?

Ans: Polar Code MEPC 68: This code developed to supplement existing
IMO instruments in order to increase the safety of ships operation and
mitigate the impact on the people and environment in the remote
vulnerable and potentially harsh polar water.
The code impose additional requirement on ships their systems and
operations beyond existing requirements of SOLAS 73/78, and additional
navigational demands beyond normally encountered.
Key principle for developing the Polar code have been to use a risk
based approach in determining scope and to adopt a holistic approach
in reducing the identified risks.
Polar water means Arctic and Antarctic area waters.
Polar region - Arctic – 60 deg N with exception Antarctica – 60 deg N
all the way round
Category A ship - ships designed for operation in polar waters at
least in medium first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions;
Category B ship - a ship not included in category A, designed for
operation in polar waters in at least thin first-year ice, which may
include old ice inclusions;
Category C ship - a ship designed to operate in open water or in ice
conditions less severe than those included in Categories A and B.
First year ice means: Sea ice not > one winter growth ice thickness
0.3m to 2m.
Part 1-A – Safety measures
Chapter 1- General
Chapter 2- Polar water operational manual
Chapter 3- Ship structure
Chapter 4- Subdivision and stability
Chapter 5- Water tight and weather tight integrity
Chapter 6- Machinary Installations.
Chapter 7- Fire safety /protection
Chapter 8- LSA and arrangements
Chapter 9- Safety of Navigation
Chapter 10- Communication
Chapter 11- Voyage planning
Chapter 12- Manning and training
Part 1-B – Guidance to above

Part II-A- Pollution prevention measures.

Chapter 1- Prevention of pollution by oil
Chapter 2- Control of pollution by noxious liquid substances in bulk
Chapter 3- Prevention of pollution by harmful substances in packaged
Chapter 4- Prevention of pollution by sewage from ships


Chapter 5- Prevention of pollution by garbage from ships
Part II-B- Guidance for above Part II-A
Appendix 1- Form of Polar ship certificate
Appendix 2- Model table of contents for the polar water operational
For Passenger ships: Proper sized immersion suit of insulated type or
TPA for each person to be carried.& enhanced contingency plan
guidance. Sewage discharge prohibited unless approved STP.

33. Fixed foam extinguishing system requirements?

Ans: Fixed foam extinguishing requirement:-
1. Fill the greatest space to be protected at a rate of 1 mtr in
depth per minute.
2. Quanity of foam should be sufficient to produce volume of foam
equal to five times the volume of the largest space to be protected.
3. The expansion ratio shall not exceed 1000:1.
Low expansion foam for deck:-
1. The expansion ratio should not be 12:1.
The system shall be capable to discharging through fixed discharge
outlets in not more than 5 minutes. A quantity of foam sufficient to
cover to a depth of 150mm the largest single area over which the oil
fuel is liable to spread.

34. Mlc wages and repatriation in detail.

Ans: Purpose: To ensure that seafarers are paid for their services
1. All seafarers shall be paid for their work regularly and in full in
accordance with their employment agreements.
Standard A2.2 - Wages
1. Each Member shall require that payments due to seafarers working on
ships that fly its flag are made at no greater than monthly intervals
and in accordance with any applicable collective agreement.
2. Seafarers shall be given a monthly account of the payments due and
the amounts paid, including wages, additional payments and the rate of
exchange used where payment has been made in a currency or at a rate
different from the one agreed to.
3. Each Member shall require that shipowners take measures, such as
those set out in paragraph 4 of this Standard, to provide seafarers
with a means to transmit all or part of their earnings to their
families or dependants or legal beneficiaries.
4. Measures to ensure that seafarers are able to transmit their
earnings to their families include:
(a) a system for enabling seafarers, at the time of their entering
employment or during it, to allot, if they so desire, a proportion of
their wages for remittance at regular intervals to their families by
bank transfers or similar means; and
(b) a requirement that allotments should be remitted in due time and
directly to the person or persons nominated by the seafarers.
5. Any charge for the service under paragraphs 3 and 4 of this
Standard shall be reasonable in amount, and the rate of currency
exchange, unless otherwise provided, shall, in accordance with
national laws or regulations, be at the prevailing market rate or the


official published rate and not unfavourable to the seafarer.
6. Each Member that adopts national laws or regulations governing
seafarers' wages shall give due consideration to the guidance provided
in Part B of the Code.

Recent: GENEVA – A Subcommittee of the Joint Maritime Commission (JMC)

of the International Labour Organization (ILO) has agreed on a
Resolution raising the minimum monthly basic wage figure for able
seafarers from US$585 to US$592, as of 1 January 2015 and US$614, as
of 1 January 2016.

The mechanism for setting the minimum monthly wage for able seafarers
is the only one in the ILO for setting the basic wage for any

This mechanism has been included in the Maritime Labour Convention,

2006 , which provides that the basic pay or wages for a calendar month
of service for an able seafarer should be no less than the amount
periodically set by the JMC or another body authorized by the
Governing Body of the ILO. A Resolution concerning the ILO minimum
monthly basic pay or wage figure for able seafarers, as adopted by the
Commission and which sets out the new wage figures, will be submitted
to the Governing Body of the ILO later this year.
The Joint Maritime Commission is the only permanent bipartite standing
body of the ILO. It dates back to 1920, and is composed of ship-owner
and seafarer representatives from across the globe.

Standard A.2.5.1 of the Convention provides that seafarers are
entitled to repatriation in the following circumstances:
(a) if the seafarers’ employment agreement expires while they are
abroad; (b) when the seafarers’ employment agreement is terminated:
(i) by the shipowner; or
(ii) by the seafarer for justified reasons; and also
(c) when the seafarers are no longer able to carry out their duties
under their employment agreement or cannot be expected to carry them
out in the specific circumstances. Guideline B.2.5.1(b) of the
Convention gives further details of the circumstances where seafarers
are entitled to repatriation:
(i) in the event of illness or injury or other medical condition which
requires their repatriation when found medically fit to travel;
(ii) in the event of a shipwreck;
(iii) in the event of the shipowner not being able to continue to
fulfil their legal or contractual obligations as an employer of the
seafarers by reason of insolvency, sale of ship, change of ship’s
registration or any other similar reason;
(iv) in the event of a ship being bound for a war zone, as defined by
national laws or regulations or seafarers’ employment agreements, to
which the seafarer does not consent to go, and
(v) in the event of termination or interruption of employment in
accordance with an industrial award or collective agreement or
termination of employment for any other similar reason.


35. Ballast water convention... Adopted date.... And eif criteria..
And convention in detail? Ballast water management standards.d1, d2?
Ans: International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships'
Ballast Water and Sediments (BWM)
Adoption: 13 February 2004; Entry into force: 12 months after
ratification by 30 States, representing 35 per cent of world merchant
shipping tonnage. Presently 49 out of 202 countries approximately
34.79% of world GT.
Single Annex divided into 5 Sections
SecA – General provisions
Sec B – Management & Control
Sec C – Special Requirement In Special Areas
Sec D – Standards For BWM
Sec E – Survey & Certificate

1. Initial – Annual – Intermediate – Renewal – Additional

2. More than 400 GT
3.International certificate of Ballast water Management
4.Ballast water management plan( Exchange , Treatment , Reception)
5.Ballast water record book.

1) upto 1500m3 – BWE upto 2016, after 2016 BWT(2009+ constr BWT Only)
2)1500-5000M3 - BWE upto 2014, after 2014 BWT(2009+ constr BWT Only)
3)5000M3 & abv - BWE upto 2016, after 2016 BWT(2012+ constr BWT Only)

D1.Exchange Criteria(a. over flow b. flow through )

1. 200NM from nearest Land & 200m depth
2. At least 50NM from nearest Land & 200m depth
3.If not both , consult PSC
4.At least 95% of volume. No need to deviate voyage. For safety
master can override. But reasons to be recorded properly.

D2. Treatment Discharge Criteria (CFU - colony forming unit)

1.Plankton > 50µm - < 10cell / m
2.Plankton 10- 50µm - < 10cell / ml
3.Toxicogenic Vibro cholera - < 1CFU / 100ml
4. Escheria Coli - < 250 CFU / 100ml
5.Intestinal Interococi - < 100 CFU / 100ml

D3. Ballast water treatment – Approval Requirement

D4.Ballast water treatment – ( IMO type approved)

I. Solid Liquid Separation (with Coagulants for better separation)
1.Hydro Cyclone

II. Disinfection
A.Chemical methods
4.Acid treatment

B. Physical methods
1 UV Treatment
2. De- Oxygenation
3. Gas Injection
4. Cavitations
5. Thermal

III. Reception :- 1. Shore 2. To the Origin

D5.Ballast water treatment – Review by IMO type

Technical Guides – G1 to G14( G8 – for approval)

36. Ballast water management emerging technologies?

1.Zero ballast or zero discharge: Hull designs
-cathedral hull
- v shape hull
2.continuous flow method
-longitudinal tanks
-Buoyancy control tanks
-Auba flow

37. How will u check foundation bolt tightness? Draw and explain.
Ans: Engine stopped


Hydraulic pressure 1500 bar, all bolts checked for this pressure and
tightness of nut checked on each frame of engine on both port and
starboard side. Check for shear and fretting.
Checking of epoxy chocks carried immediately. Check the distance
between measuring pins and the bedplate measured with blade gauge.

38. Action as c/e if ship is grounded.

Ans: Stop m.e. , sound d.b tanks, m.e. and a.e c/c deflections , check
outside the ship for traces of pollution, inform flag class owner
coastal state arrange salvage .....

In steps:
• Follow the contingency plan , damaged stability plan- for
grounding and flooding
• Calculate all stress and stability before attempting any transfer
of oil and bunkers
• Consider transfer of oil in case it is in the way of bunker or
cargo tanks, to prevent pollution
• Inform the company, DPA, communicate with office alert team
• Analyze the possibility of assistance required from the shore-
nearest coastal state and classification societies
• Refer to the tidal charts of the concerned area
• Maintain stability of the vessel
• Sound the adjacent tanks
• Consider the possibility of the patching up of the hole or any
repairs if possible by the shore and ship staff
• Do not use engines to take the vessel out of the aground
• Warn vessel in vicinity
• Close all tank valves and pipe lines master valves where

39. What is the principle on which insurance is based on?

Ans: see insurance additional

40. What is mortgage?

Ans: Any loan against a property owned is called mortgage.
He said "u mean to say u should have a property to get mortgage?"
He said how can people who don't have any house take a loan then
I said the loan will be issued against the property which was
bought,and the property will be under mortogage, till the loan is

41. Why did tonnage convention come?

Ans: Desiring to establish uniform principles and rules with respect
to determination of tonnage of ships engaged on international voyage.

42. What is dead weight?

Ans: It is the sum of the weights of cargo, fuel, fresh water, ballast
water, provisions, passengers, and crew.
Displacement in tonnes – Lightweight = Deadweight

43. Garbage categories ?

Ans: According to revised MARPOL Annex V shipboard generated garbage
is to be grouped into the following categories:
1. Plastics – Garbage that consists of or includes plastic in any
form, including synthetic ropes, synthetic fishing nets, plastic
garbage bags and incinerator ashes from plastic products. Garbage
under this category is prohibited to be discharged at sea.
2. Food wastes – Spoiled or unspoiled food substances. Food wastes
may be discharged at sea under specific circumstances/requirements
(refer to the simplified overview of the discharge provisions of the
revised MARPOL Annex V developed by IMO).
3. Domestic Wastes – Garbage generated mainly in the accommodation
spaces on board the ship (e.g. drinking bottles,
papers, cardboard etc). Garbage under this category is prohibited to
be discharged at sea.
4. Cooking Oil – Edible oil or animal fat used for the preparation or
cooking of food. Garbage under this category is prohibited to be
discharged at sea.
5. Incinerator ashes – Ash and clinkers resulting from shipboard
incinerators used for the incineration of garbage. Garbage under this
category is prohibited to be discharged at sea.
6. Operational wastes – Solid wastes (including slurries) that are
collected on board during normal maintenance or operations of a ship,
or used for cargo stowage and handling. Operational wastes also
includes cleaning agents and additives contained in cargo hold and
external wash water that may be harmful to the aquatic
environment. Operational wastes does not include grey water, bilge
water, or other similar discharges essential to the operation of a
ship (boiler/economizer blowdown, gas turbine washwater, machinery
wastewater etc). Garbage under this category is prohibited to be
discharged at sea.
7. Cargo residues – Remnants of any cargo which remain on the deck or
in holds following loading or unloading. This category does not
include cargo dust remaining on the deck after sweeping or dust on the
external surfaces of the ship. Such garbage may be discharged at sea
under specific circumstances/requirements (refer to the simplified
overview of the discharge provisions of the revised MARPOL Annex V
developed by IMO). It is essential to remember that besides other
requirements (e.g. distance from shore) cargo residues in order to be
discharged at sea they should not be harmful to the
marine environment. Cargo residues which are considered harmful to the
marine environment are classified according to the criteria of the
United Nations Globally Harmonized System for Classification and
Labelling of Chemicals (UN GHS) meeting parameters such as: acute
aquatic toxicity category 1, chronic aquatic toxicity
category, carcinogenicity, mutagenicity, reproductive toxicity etc
8. Animal Carcasses – Bodies of any animals that are carried on board
as cargo and that die or are euthanized during the voyage. Discharge
of such wastes permitted at sea under specific


circumstances/requirements (refer to the simplified overview of the
discharge provisions of the revised MARPOL Annex V developed by IMO).
9. Fishing Gear – Physical device that may be placed on or in the
water or on the sea-bed with the intended purpose of capturing marine
or fresh water organisms. Garbage under this category is prohibited to
be discharged at sea.

44. Noise code?

Ans:Noise code Solas CH II-1 reg 3.12 protection against noise.
Regulation applies to ships > 1600GT and to conventional passenger
ships. Code does not applies to fishing vessels, Mobile offshore
drilling units, pleasure yachts, warships, not mechanically propelled
ships, pipe laying and crane barges.

Noise code has 7 chapters and 4 appendixes.

Chapter 1: General
Chapter 2: Measurement
Chapter 3: Measuring instrument
Chapter 4: Max acceptable sound pressure levels
Chapter 5: Noise exposure limits
Chapter 6:Insulation between accommodation spaces
Chapter 7:Ear protection & warning information

In appendix 1: Noise survey report format


appendix 2:How to include noise issue in SMS
appendix 3: How to attenuate noise
appendix 4: simple ways to find out noise exposure

Purpose of code:
-Provide safe working condition
-Protect seafarer from excessive noise levels which may give rise to
noise induced hearing loss.
-Provide the seafarer with an acceptable degree of comfort at rest,
recreation and other places.

Noise means for the purpose of code all sounds result in hearing
impairment or which can be harmful to health or be otherwise

Noise Level Requirements

-Measured when all M/c are under operation, sea trial allowed. Not
applicable where main propulsion is non mechanical means
-Less than 80db is safe for 24hrs exposure. 85db to 120db permitted
with ear protection for continuous 4hr or max of 8hrs/day.
-E/Room in UMS- 110db, E/R without UMS- 90db, ECR – 75db, Bridge,
galley, Recreation room – 65db, Cabin Radio room – 60db. Sufficient
acoustic insulations for Hospital, recreation & accommodation spaces.
-DB A measured by means of weighted average method using 1.
Microphones 2. Sound level meters 3.Octawave filter.

Noise survey report should be made for each ship. Always carried
onboard it has information of noise levels at various spaces.

No seafarer even with wearing hearing aid should be exposed to noise

levels exceeding 1. 120dB, 2. Equivalent noise exposure level for 24
hours exceeds 105 dB.

For zones B,C,D attenuation(bring down) required to 25 dB.

Selection of ear protection for engine room:

dB(A): Noise level measured by sound level meter in which frequency
response is compared to A weighing curve.
dB(C): Noise level measured by sound level meter in which frequency


response is compared to C weighing curve.

Sound level in hearing protector should be selected to eliminate the

risk to hearing. And hearing protector should attenuate noise to <85
Machinary space more than 85 dB noise level entrances to such spaces
shall carry a warning notice.

45. Afs Convention and applicable to which ship?

Ans: Anti-fouling system" means a coating, paint, surface treatment,
surface, or device that is used on a ship to control or prevent
attachment of unwanted organisms. The convention Adoption: 5 October
2001; Entry into force: 17 September 2008;

The Convention prohibits the use of harmful organotins in anti-fouling

paints used on ships and establishes a mechanism to prevent the
potential future use of other harmful substances in anti-fouling
Anti-fouling paints are used to coat the bottoms of ships to prevent
sealife such as algae and molluscs attaching themselves to the hull –
thereby slowing down the ship and increasing fuel consumption.
In the early days of sailing ships, lime and later arsenic were used
to coat ships' hulls, until the modern chemicals industry developed
effective anti-fouling paints using metallic compounds. These
compounds slowly "leach" into the sea water, killing barnacles and
other marine life that have attached to the ship. But studies have
shown that these compounds persist in the water, killing sea-life,
harming the environment and possibly entering the food chain. One of
the most effective anti-fouling paints, developed in the 1960s,
contains the organotin tributyltin (TBT), which has been proven to
cause deformations in oysters and sex changes in whelks.
Under the terms of the AFS Convention, Parties to the Convention are
required to prohibit and/or restrict the use of harmful anti-fouling
systems on ships flying their flag, as well as ships not entitled to
fly their flag but which operate under their authority and all ships
that enter a port, shipyard or offshore terminal of a Party.
Anti-fouling systems to be prohibited or controlled are listed in an
annex to the Convention, which will be updated as and when necessary.

AFS conventon applies to (a)all ships fly flag of a party, (b)if not
flying flag operate under authority of a party and if not (a)&(b)
ships enter to port, shipyard or offshore terminal of party. But
convention does not apply to war and naval ships and ships owned &
operated by party but need to have some arrangements in place.
Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above referred to in article 3(1)(a)
engaged in international voyages, excluding fixed or floating
platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs, shall be subject to surveys.
Contains 21 articles & 4 Annexes
Annex1 - controls on AFS
Annex 2- Required elements for initial proposal
Annex 3 - Required elements for comprehensive proposal
Annex 4- Survey & Certifications


1.Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above engaged in international
voyages, excluding fixed or floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs, shall
be subject to initial , renewal – International A F Certificate

2. ship of 24 meters or more in length, but less than 400 gross

tonnage engaged in international voyages and (excluding fixed or
floating platforms, FSUs, and FPSOs) to carry a Declaration signed by
the owner or owner’s authorized agent.
Control measures Application date

1 January
which act as Ships shall not apply or re-
All ships 2003
biocides in apply such compounds

Ships either:
All ships (except
(1) shall not bear such fixed and floating
Organotin compounds on their hulls or platforms, FSUs,
compounds external parts or and FPSOs that have
1 January
which act as surfaces;or been constructed
biocides in prior to 1 January
anti-fouling (2) shall bear a coating 2003 and that have
systems that forms a barrier to such not been in dry-
compounds leaching from the dock on or after 1
underlying noncompliant January 2003)
antifouling systems

Certificate Contents –(Certificate + Record of Anti Foulings)

1.Name of the flag & RO
2.Particulars of the ship
3.Confirmation of controlled AFS – not applied, applied but removed,
applied then covered, applied but must be removed/covered within
Along with AFS facility particulars & date
4.Date , place, signatory details & sign
5.Record of Anti Fouling System
i.Ship particulars
ii.Types of AFS used
iii.Name of the Manufacturers
iv.Name & Color of the AFS
v.Type, Name & color of the Sealant used
vi.Active ingredients of the AFS
vii. AFS applied by viii. AFS applied date & place

1.Particulars of Ship 2.Declaration by owner or agent 3.Particulars of
AFS used + proof of Purchase &other relevant documents


46. What is hns protocol?
Ans: Adopted :- 15/03/ 2000 Entry in to Force :- 14/6/2007 Same
provisions as oil OPRC, for HNS substances.

Like the OPRC Convention, the HNS Protocol aims to provide a global
framework for international co-operation in combating major incidents
or threats of marine pollution. Parties to the HNS Protocol will be
required to establish measures for dealing with pollution incidents,
either nationally or in co-operation with other countries. Ships will
be required to carry a shipboard pollution emergency plan to deal
specifically with incidents involving HNS.

47. colregs convention in force date?

Ans: Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea, 1972 (COLREGs)
Adoption: 20 October 1972; Entry into force: 15 July 1977
Technical provisions
The COLREGs include 38 rules divided into five sections
Part A - General (Rules 1-3)
Part B- Steering and Sailing (Rules 4-19)
Part C Lights and Shapes (Rules 20-31)
Part D - Sound and Light Signals (Rules 32-37)
Part E - Exemptions (Rule 38)
The COLREGs include four annexes:
Annex I - Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes
Annex II - Additional signals for fishing vessels fishing in close
Annex III - Technical details of sounds signal appliances
Annex IV - Distress signals, which lists the signals indicating
distress and need of assistance.

48. Esp code details?

Ans: IMO adopted a resolution A 744 (18) in 1994 SOLAS conference with
guidelines on the Enhanced survey programme for inspection and surveys
of bulk carriers and tankers.

What is Enhanced Survey Programme?

Enhanced survey programme is a guideline for shipping companies and
owners to prepare their ship for special surveys to maintain the
safety of the ship while at sea or at port. A survey programme is to
be prepared by the owner and is to be submitted to the recognized
authorities like classification societies, 6 months prior to the
A new chapter XI is added for special measures to enhance maritime
safety under this resolution. According to these guidelines, it has 2
• Annex A: Guidelines on enhance survey programme of inspection
during survey of bulk carrier.
• Annex B: Guidelines on enhance survey programme of inspection
during survey of oil tankers.


Each annex A & B has 9 chapters which are almost similar. The only
dissimilarities being operational and constructional aspects of both
type of vessels i.e. oil tankers and bulk carriers.

49. Draw 4 S and 2S valve timing diagram? Overlap, it's purpose. Values
for naturally aspirated and turbocharged engine.
Ans: Overlap for proper scavenging and in turbocharged engine exhaust
valve closing little early to retain fresh air pressure.

50. Dydocking explain?

Ans: DRY DOCKING - a. Scheduled b. Unscheduled
Stages In Dry-docking
1.Pre- docking preparations
a.Job list with priority
b.Scope of jobs
c. Job schedule
d.Survey & certifications –statutory, COC,CSM ,CSH & ESP
e.New regulation requirement & modifications
h.Special tools
i.Precision instruments
j.Dry dock meeting with officers & crew

2.While Docking Precautions.

a.Change over to DO
b.Keep ready tanks to be cleaned
c. Sufficient care w.r.t Critical Period

3.At Dry Dock Execution

a.Proceed as per plan
b.Time Schedule , Budget – not crossed
c.Priority job & Max no. of jobs in qualitative manner

4.Un-Docking precautions
a.Ensure all drain plugs are in place secured & cemented
b.Oil level in stern tube tanks
c.All shore connections are removed & meter reading if any
d.Tank soundings
(1) When S.W level cover the sea chest, sea v/vs → open all sea v/vs →
check leak
(2) Purge the air fm. all C.S.W P/P, run the P/Ps 'n' check the pr
(3) Cut-out the shore power supply Start the ship gen.
(4) Record the time 'n' KW-hr. meter unit
(5) Check all leakage 'n' abnormalities, all repair jobs, etc. must be
corrected B4 leaving fm.dock.
(6) Take M/E C/S deflection 'n' compare è previous record
(7) Prepare M/E
(8) Take All Tank sounding 'n' record
(9) Prepare for docking-report

5.Post Dock checks

a.Water leaks from Sea water Interface Items
b.Oil leak from Shaft.
c.Specific work related condition

a.DD specification File (all dry dock details)
b.No additional cost
c.Yard Rules, Terms & conditions
d.Job warranty

a.Job list with priority
b.Scope of jobs
c. Job schedule
d.Survey & certifications
f.Previous Measurements
g.Hull coating reports

3.Plans, Drawings & procedures

a.Docking plan
b.Shell expansion plan
c.Propeller extraction file
d.Tail shaft extraction file
e.Anode locations
f.Overboard valve details

4.Safety measures
a.Risk assessment & permits - must


b.Emergency responses - Mustering
c.Communication details- yard emerg alarm point
d.Fire detection, fighting& Fixed FF locking arrangement
e.Internal transfer of liquid
f. Add lighting , ventilation ,gas detection – tk entries
g.Lifting gears – only tested & in proper method
h.Turning gear – Cautious in using
i.Steering gear & rudder actuation
j.Boiler blow down – Ensure
k. Avoid black outs – load wrt shore supply.
l. Voltage and frequency precautions

5.Information exchange
a.With master about tank levels to maintain
b.Plan of plant shutdown
c.With repair manager
d.With superintendent
e.With job specialists
f.With engine department

6.Delegation of job

7.Shore connections a.Power supply

b.Pneumatic supply c.Sewage d.Cooling water e.Fire line
f.Bilge line g.Emergency alarm point – ensure proper function

51. As a c/e wt inspection wil u carry out on hull of a vessel in dd?

Ans: Usual chks... hull conditions, condition of bulbous bow,chaffing
on fwd part die to anchor chain,bilge keel condition,anodes,sea chest
n gratings,comp.air n steam pipelines in sea chest, condition of stern
gland,rope guard,rudder n plug,stern frame,hull openings,propeller, db
tank plugs.
Dry Dock Inspections
a.Propeller - crack & Smoothness.
b.Stern Tube – Brg wear, Seal renewal, Oil renewal as Reqd
c.Tail shaft – oil leaks, clearances ,wear, cracks
d.Rudder & plugs- water tightness, wear, damages clearances
e.Anodes - consumption
f.Sea chest grids – strength, Cleanliness & Securing
g.DB tank plugs - Mud Removal
h.Bilge keel plate - damage
i.Under water area – damages, thickness
j.Painting - condition
k.Overboard valves - overhaul, renew joints pr.test
l.Echo sounder - Cleaning & adjustment
m.Speed log Cleaning & adjustment
n.MGPS – any
o.Bow thruster items - Inspection
p.Anchor chain - Inspection & gauging
q.All marking in condition – draft, LL, etc

Dry dock Measurements


a.Hull Plate gauging
b.Paint thickness measurement
c.Deflection before & after dry dock
d.Tank soundings before & after DD
e.Propeller drop
i. remove rope guard
ii.Take-out check-plug (oiling hole) 'n' drain plug.
iii. turn the Tail shaft until the '0' mark on simplex seal 'n'
T/S coincide Or #1 unit @TDC
iv.Measure @ plug (Top & bottom) thro' 180°C by wear down gauge. the last record measurement (every D/D)
vi.Records are kept in wear down gauge box.
f.Rudder jumping & pintle bearing

52. Draw rudder diagram with clearance?

Rudder Wear down
Jumping d = bet. stern frame
'n' upper edge of rudder (due
to heavy weather)
1. Ram type can be measured
the cl. in the S/G Rm. (bet.
swivel block bottom 'n'
2. Rotary vane bet. anchor
bracket 'n' stator inside of
the Hinge Total = 38 mm
(upper = 19 mm, lower = 19
mm) bet. sole piece 'n' lower
edge of rudder (SP LER)
Pintle bearing
clearance Rudder water
tightness the rudder is tested when complete under a head of water
2.45 m above the top of the rudder.

53. Rudder wight taken by which part??

Ans: Rudder carrier bearing.

54. Significance of rudder jumping clearance??

Ans:Jumping clearance always smaller than steering gear crosshead top
clearances. so that in case of grounding steering gear (rams) will not
get damaged due to bending moment. The crosshead bottom clearance
sufficient to cater for wear in rudder carrier bearing. The bottom and
top cross head clearance 20 to 25mm for small to medium sized vessels.
Insufficient riding washer clearance will lead to wear of rudder
carrier bearing.

55. How rudder is painted from inside?


Ans: Fish oil filled inside rudder and then using funnel the paint
filled on top, using control method by valve slowly drain fish oil so
that the paint adheres to the inside portion of rudder.

56. Drydock interval? Seachest inspection in drydock. What paint

applied and method of applications.
Ans: A Drydocking Survey is required in conjunction with the Special
Survey to examine the external underwater part of the ship and related
items. Two Bottom surveys are required to be carried out during the
five year period of validity of SOLAS Cargo Ship Safety Construction
(SC) Certificate, and the maximum interval between any two successive
Bottom Survey is not to exceed three years.
From 1 July 2002, for bulk carriers of 15 years of age and over,
inspection of the outside of the ship’s bottom is to be carried out
with the ship in dry dock. For bulk carriers less than 15 years of
age, alternative inspections of the ship’s bottom not conducted in
conjunction with the Special Survey may be carried out with the ship
afloat. Inspection of the ship afloat is only to be carried out when
the conditions are satisfactorily and the proper equipment and
suitably qualified staff are available.

Seachest paint : appexier it is tar based paint.

57. In water survey?

Ans: In water survey
i said extension of dd. Next ques where are the guidelines for same i
said as per dg order green channel is provided for ship less than 15
yrs to approach ro and ask for extension i.e in water survey again
same thing he asked as per which intl guideline? Solas is in front of
you can you show. Z3 of IACS & SOLAS Regulation I/10(v) only requires
a minimum of two inspections of the outside of the ship’s bottom and
does not specify a ship must be dry docked out of the water.
A.1053(27) as amended, “Survey guidelines for the harmonized system of
survey and certification”, requires that inspections of the outside of
the ship’s bottom should normally be carried out with the ship in a
dry-dock. However, it also provides that Administrations may give
consideration to alternate inspections being carried out with the ship
afloat. All ships in an EDD(Extended Dry Docking scheme) shall be dis-
enrolled once the ship reaches 15 years of age.
An In-water Survey may be accepted in lieu of the intermediate docking
between Special Surveys, an *IWS notation is assigned. This requires
suitable underwater protection for the hull in part taking the form of
high resistance paint. This survey is to provide information normally
obtained from a docking survey. The In-water Survey is to be carried
out at agreed geographical locations under the surveillance of a
Surveyor to LR, with the ship at a suitable draught in sheltered
waters; the in-water visibility is to be good and the hull below the
waterline is to be clean. The Surveyor is to be satisfied that the
method of pictorial presentation is satisfactory. There is to be good
two-way communication between the Surveyor and the appropriately
qualified diver.


58. What is fresh water allowance and how much is it?
Ans:It is the difference in drafts between loaded vessels in seawater
to fresh water. Also defined as the no.of mm that increases or
decreases in ships mean draft when the ship sails from the seawater to
fresh water and vise versa.
FWA= Displacement/ (4*TPC)
TPC=the no of tons loaded or discharged in order to change the ships
draft 1 cm in salt water
TPC= (Aw*ρ)/100

59. Latest developments in engine. Went in deep comparisons with older

engines? Check in datar section.

60. Why aux engine exhaust can't be used in traditional inert gas
Ans: Because of high air pressure ratio excess air is given to
combustion. So the products of combustion will have higher oxygen
which will not be useful to be used as IG.

61. Pump room requirements???

Ans:Pump room requirements as per SOLAS is only for the pump room
double bottom height. Which old ships used to follow.
For new ships ISGOTT requirements which have to be met. Which
basically concerns with having a p/p room bilge alarm + Fixed fire
fighting system + fixed gas detection system + interlock between
ventilation and lighting (ventilation has to start before lighting
comes on) and in case of lighting failure ventilation should not stop
+ number of air changes for the supply and exhaust fan) (exhaust fan
air changes should be more than supply fan)

IMP: Now as per the latest SOLAS requirements u need to have a

portable gas detection meter which measures o2 and other gases for
entry into enclosed spaces and P/p room is a enclosed space.

• During the discharge of pressurised liquid carbon dioxide, the

rapid cooling which takes place can result in the formation of
particles of solid carbon dioxide which become charged on impact and
contact with the nozzle. The charge can be significant with the
potential for incendive sparks. Liquefied carbon dioxide should not be
used for inerting or injected for any other reason into cargo tanks or
pump rooms that may contain flammable gas mixtures.
• In the case of cargo compartments, pumprooms, and at times the
tank deck, flammable gases are to be expected and the strict
elimination of all possible sources of ignition in these locations is
essential. Hot work prohibited.

Because of the potential for the presence of hydrocarbon gas in the
pumproom, SOLAS requires the use of mechanical ventilation to maintain
the atmosphere in a safe condition.
SOLAS requires that ships built on or after 1 July 2002 be provided
with continuous monitoring of the pump room’s atmosphere and an
audible and visual alarm system which will activate when the
hydrocarbon gas concentration in the pumproom exceeds a pre-set level,
which should not be more than 10% LFL.
Throughout cargo handling operations, the pumproom ventilation system
must be in continuous operation and the gas detection system, if
fitted, should be functioning correctly.
Ventilation should be continuous until access is no longer required,
or cargo operations have been completed.


Before anyone enters a pumproom, it should be thoroughly ventilated,
the oxygen content of the atmosphere should be verified and the
atmosphere checked for the presence of hydrocarbons and any toxic gas
associated with the cargo being handled.
Formal procedures should be in place to control pumproom entry. The
procedure used should be based on a risk assessment, should ensure
that risk mitigation measures are followed, and that entries into the
space are recorded.
Where a fixed gas detection system is fitted which is correctly
calibrated and provides actual gas readings as a percentage LFL (%LFL)
at representative locations within the pumproom, it can be used to
provide information for safe entry into the space.
A communications system should provide links between the pumproom,
navigation bridge, engine room and cargo control room. In addition,
audible and visual repeaters for essential alarm systems, such as the
general alarm and the fixed extinguishing system alarm, should be
provided within the pumproom.
Arrangements should be established to enable effective communication
to be maintained at all times between personnel within the pumproom
and those outside. Regular communication checks should be made at pre-
agreed intervals and failure to respond should be cause to raise the
Cargo Pumprooms are to be considered as enclosed spaces and the
requirements of this Chapter should be followed to the extent
possible. However, because of their location, design and the
operational need for the space to be routinely entered by personnel,
pumprooms present a particular hazard and therefore necessitate
special precautions, which are described in the following Sections.
VHF/UHF communication should not be used as a primary
communication method where it is known that reception may not be
reliable or practicable due to noise. Where communication by VHF/UHF
is difficult, it is recommended that a stand-by person is positioned
on the pump room top and that a visual and remote communication
procedure is put in place
The frequency of pumproom entry for routine inspection purposes during
cargo operations should be reviewed with a view to minimising
personnel exposure.
Notices should be displayed at the pumproom entrance prohibiting entry
without formal permission.


62. Downcomer significance in boiler??
Ans: Downcomers are pipes leading from the top to the bottom of the
boiler. Downcomers carry the water from steam drum to the bottom part
of the boilers where it enters the distribution headers to be heated
in the combustion zone.
Flow is from top to bottom, Riser tube flow from bottom to top. These
tubes facilitates the convection.

63. Why engines exhaust not used as ig?

Ans: Engines are designed to work with higher percentage of oxygen for
better combustion and efficiency. These exhaust gases are rich in
oxygen and much above 11 %. Hence engine exhaust not suitable to use
as Inert Gas. Actually the scrubber onboard is not designed to handle
engine exhaust. If scrubber can be modified then it is possible..

64. Wat is sewage discharge criteria for ships less than 400 grt and
carrying less than 15 persons ??
• Portable toilets with holding tanks
• Holding tank and discharge to reception
• If not holding tank then discharge > 12Nm ship should be enroute
>4Knots speed
• If ship not going beyond 12 NM then atleast >3 Nm
• Annex IV reg 11 can discharge in case of emergency for safety of

65. What is latest in sewage treatment plant?

Ans:) An approved sewage treatment plant should meet the technical
specifications in section 4 and the tests outlined in these
As per MEPC 227(64) with revised guidelines for the effluent standards
and performance test procedure for STP.
This new regulation is applicable to all STP installed on or after 1
Jan 2016. Vessel of 400GT and above ships less than 400 GT which are
certified to carry morethan 15 persons are required to comply.

A sewage treatment plant should meet the following effluent standards

when tested for its Certificate of Type Approval by the
Thermotolerant Coliform Standard – 100 / 100ml.

Total Suspended Solids (TSS) Standard: should not exceed 35 Qi/Qe


Biochemical oxygen demand without nitrification and chemical oxygen

Demand: the geometric mean of 5-day biochemical oxygen demand without
nitrification (BOD5 without nitrification) of the samples of effluent
taken during the test period does not exceed 25 Qi/Qe mg/l and the
chemical oxygen demand (COD) does not exceed 125 Qi/Qe mg/l.

The pH of the samples of effluent taken during the test period should
be between 6 and 8.5.
Total nitrogen 20 Qi/Qe mg/l or at least 70 per cent reduction
Total phosphorus: 1.0 Qi/Qe mg/l or at least 80 per cent reduction.

-The above treated can discharge anywhere.

-For communited and disinfected sewage > 3NM, moderate rate and ship
enroute speed > 4Knots
-Untreated sewage > 12NM, enroute speed > 4Knots, moderate rate.
- Discharge rate-0.00926VDB (m3/hr)(V-avg speed,D-draught, B-Breadth)
Special area Baltic sea added for ships built after 1Jan 2016.
MEPC 227(64) only for Passenger ships.

66. Tankers slop tank capacity?

Ans: Slop tank means a tank specifically designated for the collection
of tank drainings, tank washings and other oily mixtures.
The arrangements of the slop tank or combination of slop tanks shall
have a capacity necessary to retain the slop generated by tank
washings, oil residues and dirty ballast residues. The total capacity
of the slop tank or tanks shall not be less than 3% of the oil-
carrying capacity of the ship, except that the Administration may
ü 2% for such oil tankers where the tank washing arrangements are
such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged with washing water,
this water is sufficient for tank washing and, where applicable, for
providing the driving fluid for eductors, without the introduction of
additional water into the system;
ü 2% where segregated ballast tanks or dedicated clean ballast tanks
are provided in accordance with regulation 18 of this Annex, or where
a cargo tank cleaning system using crude oil washing is fitted in
accordance with regulation 33 of this Annex. This capacity may be
further reduced to 1.5% for such oil tankers where the tank washing
arrangements are such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged
with washing water, this water is sufficient for tank washing and,
where applicable, for providing the driving fluid for eductors,
without the introduction of additional water into the system; and
ü 1% for combination carriers where oil cargo is only carried in
tanks with smooth walls. This capacity may be further reduced to 0.8%
where the tank washing arrangements are such that once the slop tank
or tanks are charged with washing water, this water is sufficient for
tank washing and, where applicable, for providing the driving fluid
for eductors, without the introduction of additional water into the


67. Ship sanitation certificates Who issues?
Ans: As of 15 June 2007 the International Health Regulations (2005)
("IHR (2005)") have introduced new certification procedures for
ships. The new certificates are entitled Ship Sanitation Control
Exemption Certificate/Ship Sanitation Control Certificate ("Ship
Sanitation Certificates" or "SSC"). These SSC replace the previous
Deratting/Deratting Exemption Certificates ("DC/DEC") provided for
under the IHR (1969). The advice that follows is designed to guide
and facilitate the implementation of this new health document by
States Parties to the IHR (2005).
issued by WHO
SSC's are issued by competent health authorities in authorized ports,
after inspection. Certificates are valid for six months, revocable if
evidence of health risks are found, and the ship remains liable to
further inspection at all times.
A Ship Sanitation Certificate is a document that corroborates a ship's
compliance with maritime sanitation and quarantine rules specified in
article 39 of the International Health Regulations (2005) issued by
the World Health Organization.[1] The certificate serves as proof that
the ship is free of clear sources of contagion and may be a
requirement for permission of entry into port in some jurisdictions.

68. What is filling ratio in co2?

Ans: The term filling RATIO' denotes the ratio between the weight of
the quantity of carbon dioxide in the cylinder and the capacity of the
cylinder in cubic decimeters.
A maximum filling ratio of 2/3 must be observed for each cylinder.

69. How will you ensure 85% is discharged in 2 minutes?

Ans: As a design factor, Siphon tube has been given in co2 cylinder so
co2 discharged in liquid state till diffuser which ensures max mass
flow in min time. How to ensure, after the hydrostatic test the riser
tube is checked, hydrostatic test stamp is on each bottle. Along with
the syphon tube expansion ratio of co2 which also contributes to
achieve 85% discharge in 2 mins....which is 450 times when it is in
gaseous state
70. First question was to draw air starting system?


71. As per annex 2 tank retention qty after discharging cargo in x,y,z
category. Tank cleaning and o/b criteria for x category cargo.
Ans: MARPOL Annex II Regulations for the control of pollution by
noxious liquid substances in bulk sets out a pollution categorization
system for noxious and liquid substances. The four categories are:

• Category X: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into

the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed
to present a major hazard to either marine resources or human
health and, therefore, justify the prohibition of the discharge
into the marine environment;
• Category Y: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into
the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed
to present a hazard to either marine resources or human health or
cause harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and
therefore justify a limitation on the quality and quantity of the
discharge into the marine environment;
• Category Z: Noxious Liquid Substances which, if discharged into
the sea from tank cleaning or deballasting operations, are deemed
to present a minor hazard to either marine resources or human
health and therefore justify less stringent restrictions on the
quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine environment;
• Other Substances: substances which have been evaluated and found
to fall outside Category X, Y or Z because they are considered to
present no harm to marine resources, human health, amenities or
other legitimate uses of the sea when discharged into the sea from
tank cleaning of deballasting operations. The discharge of bilge
or ballast water or other residues or mixtures containing these
substances are not subject to any requirements of MARPOL Annex II.

Ships Other
Existing IBC
BCH Ships New Buildings than Chemical
Constructed from
Category Constructed Constructed Tankers
31/7/1986 but
before 31/7/1986 from 1/1/2007 constructed
before 1/1/2007
before 1/1/2007
Pre Wash Strip to Pre Wash Strip Pre Wash Strip
350 Litres 12 to 150 Litres 12 to 75 Litres 12
X mile 25m water mile 25m water mile 25m water
depth 7 knots, depth 7 knots, depth 7 knots,
en-route en-route en-route

Pre Wash for Pre Wash for Pre Wash for

Y solidifying for solidifying for solidifying for
high viscosity high viscosity high viscosity


substances Strip substances Strip substances
to 350 Litres 12 to 150 Litres 12 Strip to 75
mile 25m water mile 25m water Litres 12 mile
depth 7 knots, depth 7 knots, 25m water depth
en-route en-route 7 knots, en-
Strip to 75
Strip to 350
Litres 12 mile
Litres 12 mile
25m water depth
25m water depth Strip to
Strip to 950 7 knots, en-
7 knots, en- Maximum Extent
Litres 12 mile route
Z route 12 mile 25m
25m water depth 7 Prewash if
Prewash if water depth 7
knots, en-route stripping not
stripping not in knots, en-route
in accordance
accordance with
with P&A
P&A manual.
No carriage No Carriage No Carriage
Requirements Requirements Requirements
Only X and Y Only X and Y X,Y and Z Only X and Y
cargoes cargoes cargoes cargoes

72. Anodes recommended by vgp?

With regard to cathodic protection, the EPA VGP directives that cover
non-military commercial vessels longer than 79 feet call for owners to
select anodes “with metals that are less toxic to the extent
technologically feasible and economically practicable and achievable.”
The traditional zinc anodes contain percentages of highly toxic
cadmium, a heavy metal whose use and disposal are becoming
increasingly restricted and regulated.
According to the VGP, vessels have to change from zinc to aluminum or
magnesium anodes where this is possible. The material to be used
depends on where the vessel is used; for salt water the recommendation
is aluminum and for fresh water, magnesium. If zinc is used after the
first dry docking after 19 December 2013, then the reasons why
aluminum was not selected need to be properly documented. If there are
technical reasons why aluminum anodes could not be used, a statement
to this effect can be obtained from the supplier.

73. In lpg tanker for deck which type of fire fighting system?
Ans: DCP


74. Progressive flooding in bulk carrier?
Ans: Progressive flooding is the additional flooding of spaces which
were not previously assumed to be damaged. Such additional flooding
may occur through openings or pipes.

75. How much percentage of excess air supplied on main engine and
Ans: ME 1.5 times & for boiler 40%

76. jettison, what all laws would apply on jettison n why

Ans: The intentional throwing overboard of part of the cargo or some
piece of the ship in order to save the ship or its cargo. Virtually
all ocean marine policies cover the peril of jettison.
Rules explain General average

77. Anchor drag wot all checks?

ü Check the ship’s position at frequent intervals, to confirm if the
vessel is outside the swinging circle. Use all available means,
both visual and electronic equipment such as GPS, RADAR and ECDIS,
to make the appraisal of the situation. If the vessel deviates
from the circle, it is likely to be dragging its anchor
ü The bow cannot stand against the wind
ü Check anchor chains for slipping, a small pole with a cloth as
flag like arrangement can be tied to the links to understand the
slipping of anchor chains
ü Extra vibration and weight on anchor cable
ü Check the speed over ground (SOG) when the vessel is swinging, the
SOG can increase variably and this should not be misinterpreted
ü Check the course recorder for figure of eight motion locus
ü Also monitor the position and distance of vessels nearby. In case
if they are dragging counter measures to be taken to safe guard
own vessel
What actions to be taken if the vessel has started dragging anchor?
ü Master to be informed, do not hesitate to call him at any time of
the day, his experience and decision making authority is vital in
any give situation
ü Inform engine room and start the main engine with the permission
from the master and give power to windlass if it is not already
given. Make the vessel ready for manoeuvring
ü Stop all cargo operations and prepare vessel for manoeuvring. Let
go cargo barges and crane barges if they are alongside
ü Inform and alert Vessel traffic system (VTS) and other vessels
nearby about the condition and inform about the actions taken.
Seek permission for re-anchoring
ü Start heaving up the anchor and once the vessel’s manoeuvrability
is restored, shift the anchorage position where drifting can be
safer or take to the open sea
ü Deploy more cable or drop a second anchor (not recommended for big
vessels) before the speed of dragging of the vessel increases.
This can stop the small vessel from dragging anchor at very early


stage before the ship is pressed to leeward side with increasing
ü Use bow thrusters, main engine and steering to manoeuvre. It
becomes more difficult to weigh anchor when the vessel is pressed
more to the leeward side and takes considerable amount of time.
Use bow thrusters for stemming the wind. Do not override the
anchor especially in shallow waters as the vessel may impact on
the anchor during pitching.
ü If the scenario permits, let the vessel drag in a controlled
manner. But this is not recommended in areas where offshore work
such as oil and gas operations are being carried out, which can
result in damaging the submerged pipe lines, cables etc.
ü Release the bitter end and let go the anchor completely, when
weighing of anchor is not possible. A ship without minimum of 2
anchors is not considered to be sea worthy, a careful assessment
is to be made prior making this decision
ü Call (tugs) for assistance. This is possible only if the weather
Most accidents collision or grounding happens while the vessel is at
anchor mainly because of no early prediction of dragging anchor. Time
plays a vital role in area of high vessel density and this time lapse
results in difficulty in restoring the manoeuvrability of the vessel.
Ensure that proper contingency plan is set in place to control such
incidents and avoid arising of any emergency due to dragging anchor.

78.Goal based system

E.I.F :- 1 JAN 2013
Effective from: July 2016 contract, Keel Laid july2017, Delivery 2020
Only for bulk carriers & Oil tankers of 150m & above require
-Ship construction File
-Goal Based Standards
-Safety Level Approach
-Harmonized CSR

Five Tiers System

1.Goals - IMO
2.Functional requirements - IMO
3.Verification & Acceptance procedure - by IMO
4.CSR(Common Structural Rules) - by IACS
5.Procedures & Quality System -by Yard

1.designed to construct for a specific lifetime – 25years be Safe & Environmental Friendly
3.25 years of Fatigue Life
4.North Atlantic operating standards
5.Sufficient strength
6.Protection against corrosion
7.Coating design life


Functional Requirement
1.Design transparency
2.Adequate corrosion margin
3.Structural Accessibility
4.Construction survey
5.Survey & Maintenance

Harmonized CSR
Procedure 3.4.5 specified way to carry out an activity or a process
(Note: Procedures can be documented or not)
Quality Manual 3.7.4 document specifying the quality management system
of an organization
Quality Plan 3.7.5 document specifying which procedures and associated
resources shall be applied by whom and when to a specific project,
product, process or contract
Record 3.7.6 document stating results achieved or providing evidence
of activities performed
Specification 3.7.3 document stating requirements

79.How 3 different speed can be given to induction motor?

Ans: A three phase induction motor is basically a constant speed
motor so it’s somewhat difficult to control its speed. The speed
control of induction motor is done at the cost of decrease in
efficiency and low electrical power factor.
Rotor speed=Nr=120f* (1-S)/P

Different speed control methods-

Stator Voltage control
Frequency control
Stator voltage and frequency control
Rotor voltage control

80.What is the additional means of escape in Machinary space?

Ans: Additional means of escape..solas reg 2-2, aneja wants that the
amendment require two means of access are provided from main workshop
within machinery space... with at least one of this provided with
continuous fire shelter to a safe position outside mach
addition improved access to normal exit n emergency escape route... .
this inapplicable to new cargo n passenger ships... Aneja sometimes
ask like tell me smendment which talks about continuous fire
shelter... ans is this amendment....

81.From RoRo amendments for IEC 60079 he started on what is IEC and
procedure etc ?, NEMA? What is IP?
Ans : Founded in 1906, the IEC (International Electrotechnical
Commission) is the world’s leading organization for the preparation
and publication of International Standards for all electrical,
electronic and related technologies. These are known collectively as
The IEC is one of three global sister organizations (IEC, ISO,
ITU) that develop International Standards for the world.
IEC 60092 forms a series of International Standards concerning
electrical installations in seagoing ships and fixed or mobile
offshore units, incorporating good practice and co-ordinating as far
as possible existing rules.

NEMA, National Electrical Manufacturers Association is the association

of electrical equipment manufacturers, founded in 1926 and
headquartered in Arlington, Virginia. Its member companies manufacture
a diverse set of products including power transmission and
distribution equipment, lighting systems, factory automation and
control systems, and medical diagnostic imaging systems.
It provides a forum for the standardization of electrical
equipment, enabling consumers to select from a range of safe,
effective, and compatible electrical products. The organization has
also made numerous contributions to the electrical industry by shaping
public policy development and operating as a central confidential
agency for gathering, compiling, and analyzing market statistics and
economics data.
IP means Ingress protection: Enclosure protection for electrical
equipment is defined by IP code, two figure number indicate degree of
protection against ingress of solids and liquids. First numeral (0-6)
for degree of protection of persons against live or moving parts
inside the enclosure and protection of equipment against ingress of
solids. Second numeral(0-8) same like one but against ingress of
liquids. IP 56 for deck motors can take water jets, heavy sea water
will not enter the enclosure even can immerse in water for short time.
Insulation class A-105 deg c max temperature, E-120,B-130,F-
155,H-180 deg C max temperature( mica products, glass fibre like
material used).

82.SFOC vs speed graph

Ans :
Fuel consumption/unit time α
shaft power;

Shaft power α Δ2/3*V3

Fuel consumption /day =

(Δ2/3*V3)/Fuel coefficient

Fuel coefficient varies from 40000 to 120000, higher the values

efficient the ship.

83.Checks by PSC on Steering gear system

Ans: told him usual alarms , change over by low low limit ,
Emergency steering last done records and procedure by crew responsible
, communication between Steering Gear room & Bridge
Stopped me and moved on
Regulation 26
Steering gear: Testing and drills
1 Within 12 hours before departure, the ship's steering gear shall be
checked and tested by the ship's crew. The test procedure shall
include, where applicable, the operation of the following:
.1 the main steering gear;
.2 the auxiliary steering gear;
.3 the remote steering gear control systems;
.4 the steering positions located on the navigation bridge;
.5 the emergency power supply;
.6 the rudder angle indicators in relation to the actual position of
the rudder;
.7 the remote steering gear control system power failure alarms;
.8 the steering gear power unit failure alarms; and
.9 automatic isolating arrangements and other automatic equipment.

2 The checks and tests shall include:

.1 the full movement of the rudder according to the required
capabilities of the steering gear;
.2 a visual inspection for the steering gear and its connecting
linkage; and
.3 the operation of the means of communication between the navigation
bridge and steering gear compartment.

Simple operating instructions with a block diagram showing the

change-over procedures for remote steering gear control systems and
steering gear power units shall be permanently displayed on the
navigation bridge and in the steering compartment.
All ships' officers concerned with the operation and/or
maintenance of steering gear shall be familiar with the operation of
the steering systems fitted on the ship and with the procedures for
changing from one system to another.
In addition to the routine checks and tests prescribed in
paragraphs 1 and 2, emergency steering drills shall take place at
least once every three months in order to practise emergency steering
procedures. These drills shall include direct control within the
steering gear compartment, the communications procedure with the
navigation bridge and, where applicable the operation of alternative
power supplies.

84.WHO & IHR?

Ans:WHO-World health organization Headquarters in Geneva Switzerland.
International Health Regulations
The International Sanitary Regulations were developed in 1951 to
prevent the spread of six infectious diseases – cholera, plague,
yellow fever, smallpox, typhus and relapsing fever. These regulations
were revised and renamed the International Health Regulations (IHR) in
The purpose of the International Health Regulations is, and remains,
as being: “to provide security against the international spread of
disease while avoiding unnecessary interference with international
The IHR were amended in 1973 and 1981. The diseases subject to these
regulations were reduced to three: plague, yellow fever and cholera.
In 1995 the World Health Assembly called for the regulations to be
revised. The IHR were revised and presented to the Fifty-eighth World
Health Assembly on 23 May 2005 (WHO 2005).
The IHR applies to world traffic: ships, aircraft, other conveyances,
the travellers and cargos, and their primary considerations are for
arrivals. Ship and Aircraft are discussed specifically in their own
Guide to Ship Sanitation and Guide to Hygiene and Sanitation in
Aircraft respectively.
International Health Regulations Guide to Ship Sanitation
2.Water Safety.
Chapter 3. Food Safety.
Chapter 4. Recreational water environments.
Chapter 5. Ballast Water and Waste Management and Disposal.
Chapter 6. Legionnaires’ Disease.
Chapter 7. Persistent Infectious Agents.
Chapter 8. Disease Vectors.
Chapter 9. Roles and Responsibilities.
Chapter 10. Designer/Constructor.
Chapter 11. Owner/Operator.
Chapter 12. Master/Crew.
Chapter 13. Port Authority.
Chapter 14. Port Health Authority.

As of 15 June 2007 the International Health Regulations (2005) ("IHR

(2005)") have introduced new certification procedures for ships. The
new certificates are entitled Ship Sanitation Control Exemption
Certificate/Ship Sanitation Control Certificate ("Ship Sanitation
Certificates" or "SSC"). These SSC replace the previous
Deratting/Deratting Exemption Certificates ("DC/DEC") provided for
under the IHR (1969). The advice that follows is designed to guide and
facilitate the implementation of this new health document by States
Parties to the IHR (2005).

85.Doc required for Issc?

Ans: SEQ certificate, Safety radio certificate, safety construction

86.CO2 Leakage alarm received and how will you find bottel?b. What
will you do afterwards? c. After restoration and commencement of
sailing what is your action?d. Which areas you will concentrate more
Ans: When the co2 alarm to find the bottle, the bottle will be cold.
Inform port and increase watch in the largest space covered i.e engine
room. Inform company arrange for new spare bottle

87.Latest development in marine engine. Me and rt flex both in detail

88.Foam and co2 system requirement?
89.Sfoc significance, what is sfoc of g type engine?
90.What is different in latest pump room compared to an older ship
(5yrs old)
91.Eedi details and values? Repeat
92.What is interface detector
93.What is contractual liability. Give examples? What is contractual
liability of ship owner wrt stevedores and port agent
Ans: see insurance additional notes
94.What is ultra low sulphur fuel oil? What is percentage of sulphur
95.What is tbn value of low sulphur lub oil
96.Which areas it is used
97.He also asked me gmdss compulsory on what ships?
98.Hw will u calculate how much dcp is required?
99. Blu code
100. Difference between cast iron and cast steel. Advantages and
material composition.
101. which all conventions are covered in MLC n DMlC
102. Voyage optimisation, seemp, slow steaming
103. Actions as chief engnr if master is told there is a 3 days
anchorage expected at voyage end.

1. When taking over a ship as ce, wat all checks you will carry out
w.r.t. Load line, stability, fire protection?
Ans: Load line:
- Emergency bilge suction in E/R
- Bilge pumping arrangement in fwd(chain locker) and steering gear.
- E/R sounding pipes caps and self closing arrangement
- Non return valve should be working
- Vent pipes condition should be checked
- On deck general condition check for corrosion for water tight
- Storm valves and freeing ports on deck.

2. How reducing load of a/e helps in co2 emission??

Ans: at reduced load sfoc increases and so for same power we burn more
fuel and so more co2 Plus fixed losses in generators, which is
independent of load will remain same. So reducing total load will help
reducing co2 emission..not that running generator on part load.

3. Difference between t/c compressor side n turbine side radial brg??

Ans: compressor side axial thrust taken by roller bearing in turbine
side ball bearing used. Ball bearing cannot take axial thrust.

4. RTA engine Cross head bearing clearance increased can you run the
Ans: In RTA engine the clearance is taken at top bearing and lube oil
supply from the bottom and crosshead pin always pushing down so not
much difference you can run the engine. In some engines white metal
bearing is not used in upper half.

5. Turbocharger matching governing Factor?

Ans: Rate of airflow supply at rated power.

6. Differences in me and rtflex engines. How rate shaping achieved in

A: - The two major manufactures of two strokes cross head
engines have both introduced a camshaft less engine. Sulzer calls as
RT flex engine and MAN B&W cal as intelligent engine.

Both engine use electrical and engine driven axial piston pumps to
pressurize servo oil rails to 200bar which are then used for fuel
injection and exhaust valve operation. In addition MAN use the servo
oil to drive the cylinder lubricator units(alpha system).

Although both work without a camshaft and use computers to control

fuel injection, exhaust valve operation and air starting, the method
of fuel injection is different.

Unlike the sulzer RT flex engine the MAN ME engine does not operate
the fuel injection on a common rail system. Instead a solenoid
operated proportioning valve (the FIVA valve - fuel injection valve
activation ) allows the pressurised servo oil under a hydraulic
piston. This then moves the fuel piston upwards, raising the fuel
pressure and opening the injection valves.

Technology/ System Wartsila SULZER MAN Diesel Turbo

Intelligent Engine RT Flex- A complete ME Engine- Complete
electronically electronically
controlled engine with controlled engine
common rail system integrated with
hydraulic control.
Fuel Injection System On /off control Proportional control
Exhaust Valve Control On /off control On /off control
Fuel Injectors Conventional fuel Zero Sac Volume type
injectors fuel injectors with
slide valve
Cylinder Lubrication Electronically Alpha Adaptive
controlled Pulse Cylinder Lubrication
Lubrication System control system
with metered quantity allowing blending of
injection cylinder oil for
different grade of
sulphur in fuel


3) Difference between RTA & RT FLEX?

Function RTA RT-flex

Developing fuel One fuel pump per Fuel pumps on
injection pressure cylinder supply unit
„Storing“ of fuel oil
- Fuel rail
Timing of injection Fuel cam on camshaft WECS-9520 / ICU
Developing pressure
One activating pump Servo pumps on
for exhaust valve
per cylinder supply unit
„Storing“ of servo oil
- Servo rail
Timing of exhaust
Valve cam on camshaft WECS-9520 / VCU
valve activation
Keeping fuel rail
Fuel pump actuator Regulating power/speed
Reversing Reversing of cam WECS-9520
Starting air
Timing of starting air WECS-9520
Alarm and monitoring External (internal:
system OSC-3)
Wiring from engine to
Individual cables Bus-system
Releasing as per
Releasing fuel pump
Electronic governor position
from WECS -9520
to the actuator


Turbocharger Pulse (No Constant Constant Constant

auxiliary Pressure Pressure Pressure

Scavenging Loop Loop and Uni flow Uni flow


Exhaust Rotary flap Exhaust Hydraulic Hydraulic

valve valve ports operated operated

Stroke Bore 1.7 1.7 3 to 4.2


Piston Convex Convex Concave Concave

shape shape shape shape

Piston Water Water Oil Oil


Fuel pump Suction Suction Suction Common rail

valve valve and valve, system


control, no spill valve spill valve (jerk type)
spill valve and VIT

Drive Chain Gear Gear Gear

Cylinder Mechanical Mechanical Load Pulse type

Lubrication drive drive dependent,

Cylinder Quills at Quills only Quills at

quills upper part at upper two level

Cross head Two piece Two piece Continues Continues

bearing type type bottom half bottom half
type type

Piston skirt short Long Short Short

SFOC 208 203 – 208 115 118


MEP 8.6 10.6 – 12.3 17 19.5

Peak 76 bar 84 – 94 bar 140 bar 150 bar


Power/ cycle 1700 KW 2100 – 2500 3700 KW 2100 – 5720


Piston Speed 6.1 m/s 6.3 8 8 – 8.5

7. Bio fuels? Bio diesel?

Ans: Biofuels can contain organic acids that may cause corrosion in
the fuel system. It is therefore important to measure the acid number
(AN, ASTM D664). Distillate fuels usually have acid numbers below 0.5
mg KOH/g, and heavy fuel oil (HFO) usually has less than 2.5 mg KOH/g.
For special applications, and if the intention is to utilise fuels
with a very high AN, the materials in the fuel injection system must
be changed to anti-corrosive materials. In such a case, the AN has to
be below 25 mg KOH/g. Ash content and potential abrasive components
such as silicates are factors to take into account before using
biofuel. A high ash content could present severe operational issues in
systems after the engine. Abrasive materials entering the engine will
increase the wear of liners and pistons.

Biodiesel: There are various biofuels on the market today. One of the
more common is biodiesel. Biodiesel is for example used either as pure
biodiesel or is mixed with diesel intended as fuel for the automotive
market. Biodiesel is defined as fatty acid methyl esters (FAME)
produced from renewable sources of vegetable oils such as rapeseed
oil, soybean oil, used frying oil and animal fats that meets
international specifications for a B100 such as ASTM D6751and EN14214.


The flash point limit for B100 is 130ºC, and thereby acceptable for
marine use.

8. What is ignition lag, how will u come to know about it from

simulator screen?
Ans: Ignition lag /Delay defined as the time interval between the
start of injection to start of combustion.
Parameters change: Low SFOC, High exhaust temp, less PMax, less power,
soot etc

9. What tech for co2 redn?

Ans:EEDI: Hull and Propeller optimization, Engine thermal efficiency,
Waste heat recovery & ORC, Fuels LNG,LPG,Biofuels; Ship speed
Others: Low and part load engine optimization, Reduced aux power
consumption. In service tuning of engine.
In ME-B engines Variable exhaust valve timing at part load earlier
closing of exhaust valve and compression pressure increases so Pmax
there by SFOC decreases.
In ME-G engines longer stroke, lower rpm, large propeller, higher
efficiency, Fuel and CO2 savings.
In ME-GI reduction in fuel price, NOx lower by 25 % than SMC, CO2
reduction and PM. Less Methane slip and hence 20% lower GHG emission.

10. Wat developments in 4 stroke engines allow you to burn residual

fuels with high ignition lag?
Ans: The following improvements done on 4 stroke engines:

Latest technologies
- The compression ratio increased
(temperature increases)
- Fuel injection pressure
increased(good automisation)
- Excess air Ratio ( O2 more)
- Turbocharger efficiency
increased so high scavenge air
- Improved charge air cooling
- Enhanced turbocharging
- Miller valve timing
- Revised injection timing
- Variable valve timing (VVT)
- Low swirl at inlet port.
- Advanced electronic fuel
injection system
- Electronic engine control,
monitoring and diagnostics.


11. Four stroke engine NOx reduction measures?
Ans: RI – Retarded Injection Retarded injection timing delays
combustion heat release and thus lowers combustion chamber temperature
New Piston for Increased Compression Ratio The use of a new piston
provides a higher compression ratio and gives a faster reduction in
temperature after the ignition of the fuel, thus reducing NOx
formation. The increase in compression ratio also compensates the
reduction in firing temperature due to retarded injection and hence
the associated increase in SFOC.
VVT Variable Valve Timing
Variable valve timing enables variations in the opening and closing of
the inlet and exhaust valves. It can be used to compensate the
increase in SFOC associated with lower NOx emissions. VVT is an
enabling technology of variable Miller valve timing. A strong Miller
effect under high load operation results in an improvement in the NOx-
SFOC trade-off. At low load the Miller valve timings are reduced to
attain higher combustion temperatures and thus lower soot emissions.
Miller Valve Timing
To reduce the temperature peaks, which promote the formation of NOx,
early closure of the inlet valve causes the charge air to expand and
cool before start of compression. The resulting reduction in
combustion temperature reduces NOx emissions.
High Pressure Ratio Turbocharger
The use of MAN Diesel turbochargers equipped with the latest high
efficiency compressor wheels can alleviate the NOx-SFOC trade off. The
higher-pressure ratio increases the efficiency of the engine and thus
compensates the increase in SFOC normally associated with lower NOx
The higher-pressure ratio also increases the scope for Miller valve
Common Rail Injection
The 48/60 common rail injection system uses the latest MAN Diesel
common rail technology which allows flexible setting of injection
timing, duration and pressure for each cy- linder. This flexibility
allows the fuel consumption and emissions of the 48/60CR to be
optimised at any point on its operating profile

12. Derating of engine?

Ans: The concept is Techno commercial. A vessel’s engine and propeller
are optimized and designed for a given operational and max. speed. If
the operational speed of the vessel is generally lower than the one
originally optimised for, it may be beneficial to consider derating of
the main engine and propeller.
Derating as a retrofit product offers reduction of the total fuel
consumption by improving the match between the operational speed and
optimisation speed.
Derating is usually an attractive option for fuel oil savings if a
reduction of 10-15% of the max. speed at SMCR can be accepted. A
standard derating calculation made by MAN Diesel & Turbo takes into
account the benefit gained from exchanging the original propeller with
a new propeller hav- ing an optimised diameter designed for the
required optimising speed and reduced max. speed.
10-12% fuel saving potential based on new optimisation speed

Fuel saving originates from

Optimisation of the engine and propeller layout to the actual
operational speed
Utilisation of the latest engine tuning
Utilisation of state-of-the-art high efficiency propeller design.

De-rating benefits
• Reduced SFOC at optimisation load
• New refurbished turbocharger(s)
• Increased overall propulsion efficiency with new propeller
• Less power demand for same vessel speed.

Derating includes
In order to change the engine SMCR, a number of engine and
turbocharger components must be exchanged along with retrofit of a new
optimised propeller match- ing the chosen SMCR.

A derating project includes:

• Specification of new operating/optimisation speed and max. speed
of the vessel
• Engineering
• Design of new propeller
• Derating of the engine
• Rematching of turbocharger(s)
• On board NOx measurements (parent engine)
• New technical file
• Torsional vibration calculation report
• Shaft alignment calculation report.

13. What is miller cycle?..just basic details..

Ans: Ralph Miller developed The Miller cycle in the 1940s. Miller
challenged the thinking of the day by closing the inlet valve before
the piston reached bottom dead centre. This had the effect of lowering
the cylinder pressure as the piston continued downwards, as well as
dropping the temperature of the air (Boyles and Charles' Law).
Although the engine is still doing work as the piston is descending on
the inlet stroke, there is a saving in work during the compression
stroke, and the maximum air temperature and pressure is reduced on
compression. The timing of the inlet valve of Miller's engine was
governed by a mechanical link arrangement, and varied automatically
with engine load. Miller's engine doubled the MEP of the engine when
compared with a naturally aspirated engine.
Advances in design and materials led to more efficient turbochargers,
higher compression ratios and more efficient cooling of marine diesel
engines. However, with the introduction of MARPOL VI, manufacturers
had to look more closely at lowering NOx and smoke emissions.
One of the methods used is to reintroduce the Miller cycle using
variable inlet closing, so that at full load, the maximum cylinder
temperature is reduced. (NOx formation occurs at temperatures in
excess of 1200°C). This is combined with higher compression ratios and
slightly later fuel injection timing.
Miller relied on mechanical methods to vary the timing. Modern methods
linked to a computer controlled engine management system use a
hydraulic push rod.
With the introduction of turbocharging to the 4 stroke diesel engines,
the Mean Effective Pressure and thus the power output of 4 stroke
engines rose by 50 - 60%. However this was about the limit; If the
inlet air pressure was increased further, then the charge air reached
excessive pressures and temperatures on compression causing burning of
the LO film and thermal stressing.

Low load operation: The throttle valve opens against a spring as the
follower moves up the cam and oil is displaced under the push rod
piston, opening the valve. When the follower comes off the cam, the
throttle valve is closed and oil can only flow through the throttle
orifice, delaying the closing of the inlet valves.
At full load operation, an air signal opens the throttle valve. This
means that as soon as the follower descends from the cam peak, the
pushrod piston moves downwards, allowing the inlet valves to close.


By increasing the compression ratio, giving a higher air temperature
the ignition delay is reduced. Later injection over a shorter period
combined with improved fuel atomisation and combustion space design
result in lower NOx formation.

Note: TWO STROKE ENGINES: The two stroke engine cannot utilise the
Miller cycle. However they can use variable exhaust valve closing;
easily achieved with an electronically controlled camshaftless engine
or by involving hydraulic valves as in the case of the modified Sulzer

14. Definition of persistent oil?

Ans: non-persistent oil is oil which, at the time of shipment,
consists of hydrocarbon fractions,
(a) at least 50% of which, by volume, distils at a temperature of
340°C (645°F). and
(b) at least 95% of which, by volume, distils at a temperature of
370°C (700°F);

15. How mean piston speed affects compression pressure?

Ans: Basics of IC engines, for combustion to happen there has to be
certain compression pressure which generate required temperature to
ignite the fuel. That compression pressure can attained with certain
MPS. So we need to select appropriate MPS to attain required Scavenge
pressure. If MPS is low combustion wont take place and if high, total
time for combustion is less.

16. Then difference between man and sulzer dual fuel tech?
Ans: MAN
ME-GI engines:
Ø 2 stroke,High pressure system diesel engine.


Ø In a high-pressure ME-GI DF engine, gas is injected only after the
combustion air is compressed, after which it is ignited by the
pilot oil injection (3% can be HFO, MGO or MDO). The gas burns
immediately after injection, causing a total and complete burning
(because gas injected to pilot fuel combustion). Hence there is no
need for derating to avoid knocking, and the large methane slip as
is normal with the Otto cycle is virtually non-existent. In a low-
pressure DF engine, gas and air are mixed before compression in
the cylinder. Unintended ignition can take place (knocking), which
is one of the primary reasons these engines are significantly
derated in power.

Ø Now less than half of world has a methane number higher than 80.
In an Otto-cycle, low-pressure engine, power will be reduced
quickly with a lower methane number. By working in the Diesel
cycle, where knocking is not an issue, high gas quality is not

Ø The methane slip on the ME-GI is virtually undetectable due to its

operation in the Diesel cycle. When measurable, it is some 0.2 g
gas per kWh. The methane slip from an Otto- cycle engine during
routine operation can be up to 5% of the gas and, during
manoeuvring, can be 10%. This represents a direct efficiency loss
since methane is, in fact, the fuel and this is an unburned or
wasted portion that needs to be added to the gas consumption
number. Note that methane is over 36 times worse than CO2 as a
greenhouse gas. Additionally, since it reflects unburned gas that
performed no useful purpose in the engine, it is an important
factor in the specific gas consumption.

Ø The system is extremely safe, and has multiple interlocks to

ensure safe operation. The gas is in the inner pipe of the double-
walled piping, and the external pipe is ventilated a minimum of 30
times per hour. The inner pipe is tested to 1.5 times the
operation pressure of 300 bar, and the thick- ness of the outer
pipe is sized to take 1.5 times max. rupture pressure coming from
the inner pipe. In the event of leakage, hydrocarbon detectors
will change the engine over to fuel operation while purging the
system of gas. Such a changeover will take place with- out the
engine stopping and is hardly noticeable. In a high-pressure
system there is no need for explosive devices on the engine or
bursting discs in the exhaust stack as would be required in a low-
pressure system.

Ø At 10% load, the engine will switch from gas burning to purely
fuel oil operation. It will then switch back to gas operation
automatically when the load goes above 10%. The process is
completely transparent and the operator does not have to do
anything, as it is all controlled by the ME-GI control system.

Ø The ME-GI can burn whatever portion of gas or fuel desired,

subject to the 10% low-load switchover to gas.

Ø When Tier III comes into effect, the ME-GI will utilise either EGR
or SCR to achieve appropriate NOX levels. This is a consequence of
the high efficiency of the Diesel cycle because NOX is formed when
burning gas at high temperatures With a lower combustion
temperature, less NOX is formed. However, that also means a much
lower efficiency. Otto-cycle engines that run only on gas will not
require EGR or SCR due to the lower temperature/efficiency but, if
they are to run on fuel oil, will require SCR. In effect, they
would not be dual-fuel engines; they would be gas engines as they
cannot burn fuel without after-treatment. Note that there is no
need for scrubbers with an ME-GI system.

Ø The entire MAN B&W product line of two- stroke engines from the 5-
cylinder S30 at 3,200 kW, to the 14-cylinder K98 at 87,220 kW are
availa- ble as ME-GI.

Ø Lean burn, low pressure, DF engine (Otto/Diesel) 4Stroke: MAN

51/60DF, 35/44DF

Ø ME-GI injection system consists of:

• two fuel oil valves
• two fuel gas valves
• an ELGI (electronic gas injection valve) for opening and closing
of the fuel gas valves
• a FIVA (fuel injection valve actuator) valve to control the
injected fuel oil profile via the fuel oil valve
• an ELWI (electrical window and gas shutdown) valve to control
the posi- tion of the window valve as an extra safety feature to
prevent gas leakag- es and, thereby, ensuring a double- valve
block towards the combustion chamber. Furthermore, it consists of
the conventional fuel oil pressure booster, which supplies pilot
oil in the dual fuel operation mode.
• Common rail ( constant pressure) gas supply system.
• For purging the system after gas use inert gas system with
pressure 9 bar connected.
Wartsila system: Low pressure Otto cycle 4 stroke and 2 stroke system:
Dual-fuel (DF) engines:

Ø Runs on gas with 1% diesel (gas mode) or alternatively on diesel

(diesel mode)
Ø Combustion of gas and air mixture in Otto cycle, triggered by
pilot diesel injection (gas mode), or alternatively combustion of
diesel and air mixture in Diesel cycle (diesel mode).
Ø Low-pressure gas admission
Ø à low NOx and particulate emissions à minimum of additional
ancillary equipment à competitive overall efficiency, low
parasitic load à long experience on LNG handling equipment
applied à change to liquid fuel mode at any time.
Ø The Principle: Engine operating according to Otto process, Pre-
mixed ‘Lean burn’ technology, Low pressure gas admission at ’mid
stroke’, Ignition by pilot fuel in pre-chamber.
Ø The main merits: Low gas pressure < 16bar
• Simple and reliable gas supply system
• Simple gas sealing
• Wide selection of proven compressors/ pumps (piston or
Ø Lean Burn ‘Otto’ combustion means IMO Tier III compliance:
• Without additional equipment (EGR/SCR)
• Without additional fuel consumption
• Without compromised component reliability


Ø Air and gas premixed before combustion:
• lean‘ mixture: more air available than needed for stoichiometric
• Cold flame temperature à Low NOx à Lower wall heat losses
• No local ‚rich‘ combustion à low particulate matter (PM)
Ø External ignition by pre-chamber
• Provides energy needed to ignite gas
• Good ignition stability with very low pilot fuel amount (<1%
of full load energy input)

Ø Low pressure dual fuel engine output

• Methane number: Maximum output may be limited by methane number
(MN), MN of LNG is typically 70 - 90
• Gases with lower MN can be burned by reducing engine power
• Operating area for low speed engines is typically < 85% CMCR
Ø Knocking: In Normal combustion à Ignition àFlame front propagation
in case of Knocking combustion Spontaneous ignition of end gas
towards end of combustion.

Ø Knock detected by
• Cylinder pressure trace - One pressure sensor per cylinder Knock
detector signal (structure borne noise)
• One knock sensor per cylinder For each individual cylinder and
Ø Knocking: Safe detection and prevention:
o BMEP / engine load / torque - Reduction in power output
allows a wider operating window.
o Increased air/fuel ratio:
- reduces knock tendency
- Increases thermal efficiency
- lowers NOx emissions
Ø Engine control system:
o Adjusts air / fuel ratio and balances cylinders to avoid
knocking or misfiring
o releases safety measures in case knocking or misfiring is
Ø Low pressure system fuel requirements:
• Pilot fuel types: DMA, DMZ and DMB distillate fuels (as 4-s DF
Ø The pilot fuel is elevated to the required pressure by a pump
unit. This includes duplex filters, pressure regulator and an
engine-driven radial piston-type pump. The high-pressure pilot
fuel is then distributed through a common-rail pipe to the
injection valves at each cylinder. Pilot fuel is injected at
approximately 900 bar pressure and the timing and duration are
electronically controlled. The pilot fuel system is separated from
the liquid fuel system with separate connections on the engine.
The liquid fuel is separated from the pilot fuel system and is fed
to a normal camshaft-driven injection pump. From the injection
pump, the high-pressure fuel goes to a spring-loaded injection
valve of standard design for a diesel engine.

Ø INJECTION VALVE: The Wärtsilä 50DF has a twin-needle injection

valve. The larger needle is used in diesel mode for LFO or HFO
operation and the smaller for pilot fuel oil when the engine is
running in gas mode and also in liquid fuel operation to ensure
nozzle cooling. Pilot injection is electronically controlled and
the main diesel injection is hydromechanically controlled. The
individually controlled solenoid valve allows optimum timing and
duration of pilot fuel injection into every cylinder when the
engine is running in gas mode. Since NOX formation depends greatly
on the pilot fuel amount, this design ensures very low NOX
formation while still employing a stable and reliable ignition
source for the lean air-gas mixture in the combustion chamber.

Ø GAS ADMISSION VALVE(50 DF): Gas is admitted to the cylinders just

before the air inlet valve. The gas admission valves are
electronically actuated and controlled by the engine control
system to give exactly the correct amount of gas to each cylinder.
This way the combustion in each cylinder can be fully and
individually controlled. Since the valve can be timed
independently of the inlet valves, the cylinder can be scavenged
without risk of gas being fed directly to the exhaust system.
Independent gas admission ensures the correct air-fuel ratio and
optimal operating point with respect to efficiency and emissions.
It also enables reliable performance without shutdowns, knocking
or misfiring. The gas admission valves have a short stroke and
specially selected materials, thus providing low wear and long
maintenance intervals.

Ø Lean burn, low pressure, DF engine (Otto/Diesel): W20DF, W34DF,

W50DF Wärtislä 2-S RT-flex50
Ø High pressure gas injection (Diesel) W32GD (and W46GD) 4-stroke
engine, not for marine applications.
17. Latest development in turbocharger?
• Hybrid turbocharger by MET Mitsubishi
• VTA by MAN
• VTG variable turbo geometry by borgwarner(variable nozzle turbine)
• High pressure turbocharging
• VCM value control management by ABB

Future turbocharger technology:

• Optimising the material
• Assisted turbocharging
• Reducing friction through bearing design
• Improving the compressor
• Multi stage turbocharging

Working of Hybrid Turbocharger

The turbine and compressor does the heat energy recovery work and the
alternator is used to generate electrical power without consuming any
extra fuel as it is driven by the shaft power of the turbocharger.
The working is similar to any other generator, the only difference
here is the prime mover which is turbocharger it self.
The speed of prime mover governs the voltage and frequency of the
generator. An initial D.C power is provided so that the required
output voltage and frequency can be achieved.
At 9500 KW, the hybrid system can generate about 756 KW which is
enough to take up full sea load of a normal size merchant vessel. The
alternator and compressor are connected by special designed flexible
• With only little increase in the dimensions, enough power can be
generated from main engine operation.
• Fuel saving as the heat recovery system is used for driving the
• The generator can function as motor at low load operation to drive
blower for maintaining scavenge air pressure of the main engine.
• Eliminate the installation of auxiliary blower for main engine.
• As no extra fuel is used, it helps in emission cut down from ship.

18. Me-G type engine explain?

The G-type engine has a design that follows the principles of the
large bore (“S-type”) Mk 9 engine series introduced in 2006. The G-
type is designed with an even longer stroke to reduce engine speed,
and thereby paving the way for ship designs with unprecedented high
efficiency. MAN Diesel & Turbo follows the development in the shipping
market closely and has kept an eye on the trend towards fuel
optimization in recent years. The company has experienced great
interest in the G-type engine from our customers, which has resulted
in the development of a complete engine programme in the G-series from
50 to 80 bore.


The G-type is an ultra long stroke engine and re-presents the biggest
development within the MAN B&W engine portfolio since the successful
introduction of the ME electronic engine.
Rationale for G-type introduction
Tanker and bulkers have traditionally used MAN B&W S-type engines with
their long stroke and low engine speed as prime movers, while larger
container vessels have tended to use the K-type engines with their
higher engine speed.
In recent years, larger container vessels have also been specified
with S-type engines because of the oppertunity they offer to employ
larger propeller diameters.Using the latest aft-hull designs that
allow the use of larger and more efficient propellers, the new MAN B&W
G-type engines will enable tankers and bulk carriers to operate at
even lower speeds and fully exploit the savings potential.
The G-type engines have a triangular plate frame box with twin
The G-type also utilises two standards for hydraulic servo oil supply:
1) engine-driven oil supply
2) electrically driven oil supply
Stroke/ Bore ratio:
K – Short stroke (approximately ratio = 2.8)L – Long stroke
(approximately ratio = 3.2)S – Super long stroke (approximately ratio
= 3.8)G – Ultra long stroke (approximately ratio = 4.7)
Savings in operating costs %
Propeller - 3.6
Engine - 1.0
Total - 4.6
Controlled benefits
The G-type engine is characterised by:
low SFOC = 167 g/kw hr and superior performance parameters thanks to
variable, electronically controlled timing of fuel injection and
exhaust valves at any engine speed and load appropriate fuel injection
pressure and rate shaping at any engine speed load flexible emission
characteristics with low NOx and smokeless operation perfect engine
balance with equalised thermal load in and between cylinders better
acceleration in ahead and astern operation and crash stop situations
wider operating margins in terms of speed and power combustions longer
time between overhauls very low speed possible even for extended
duration and Super Dead Slow operation manoeuvring individually
tailored operating modes during operation fully integrated Alpha
Cylinder Lubricators, with lower cylinder oil consumption an engine
design lighter than its mechanical counterpart.

19. Ignition lag measures in 2 and 4 stroke?

Ans: Four stroke:Fuel injection pressure increased(atomization
Excess air ratio (O2 increases)
Compression ratio increased( high temp)
Variable injection timing

2 stroke:Variable injection timing FQS in Sulzer, Super VIT in MAN


20. Which engines produce more Nox 2 stroke or 4 stroke?
Ans: Nox formed by N2+O2+High temperature+ Prolonged contact
In 2 stroke prolonged contact is more so comparatively more NOx formed. In
four stroke high temperature only for very short time because of high speed.
In boiler less temperature less fuel injection pressure.

21. Aux Engine performance reduced gradually over two weeks how will you
Ans: Ignition lag in residual fuel, improper combustion deposits in
exhaust side and with water moisture high temperature corrosion and
material damage to exhaust valve. Turbocharger efficiency reduces.
Mirror polishing due to very small wear rate 0.01 mm/1000hr
Scavenge air water carriage water content corrosion wear and thermal
Rotocap not working and wear in exhaust valve and high exhaust

22. Which is having high SFOC 2S or 4S?

Ans: 4 stroke engines for the same power has more SFOC compared to 2
Stroke so prime mover selected is 2 Stroke. Now the difference is very
less may be by 1 gram.

23. 4S design mostly improving MEP and pmax but in 2 Stroke Stroke to
bore ratio increased why?
Ans: Because in 4 stroke only one expansion stroke and other 3 will
take more energy so loss is more if u increase the stroke.

24. Difference between MC and MCC engines?

Piston top land Low High
Bearing type Thick Thin
Stroke to bore ratio 3.8 4.2
Weight of engine More Less
Tie rod 1 2 no.s and 30%small
in dia and sixe
Distance between two 890 mm 850 mm
Air distributor Axial Radial
Power cycle Low High
Mean Piston speed 8.02 8.46
P Max 140 150
MEP 18 19
SFOC 167 170

25. What is Cessar Clause?

Ans : It is customary to insert a special clause in voyage
charterparties, where the charterers' liability ceases as soon as the
cargo is shipped and the advance of freight, deadfreight and demurrage
in loading (if any) are paid, the owners have a lien on the cargo for
freight, deadfreight, demurrage and general average contributions.


Cesser means coming to an end of a term interest or annuity. It is
derived from a French term meaning to cease or stop. For example, in
shipping, when the charterers are not the owners of the goods but are
acting only as an agents for the loading of another party’s goods, a
cesser clause may be used to ensure that liability for the cargo
ceases once it is loaded. This is usually expressed in a cesser clause
stating that “...charterers’ liability will cease on shipment of cargo
and payment of freight, deadfreight and demurrage”, i.e. sums incurred
at the loading port.

26. In a rta engine, can u run the engine normally in case u find high
xhd brg clearance?
Ans:Yes, because in Crosshead bearing of RTA engine oil supply is from
bottom and load always act on bottom half and clearance taken from top
so increase in clearance will not make much difference.

27. Demmurege, dispatch?

Ans: DEMURAGE:- “an agreed amount payable to the ship owners in
respect of delay to the vessel beyond the laytime, for which the
owners are not responsible. Demurrage shall not be subject to laytime
exceptions. “Once on demurrage, always on demurrage”.

DESPATCH:- as an agreed amount payable by the ship owners if the

vessel completes loading or discharging before the laytime has expired

28. What is lay time lay can?

Ans: 1.Lay Days :-usually 10/20 Jan from 10 to 20 are lay days.
“Layday” is the abbreviation for "laytime not commenced before". This
means that if the ship is ready to load earlier than this date, the
charterer is not obliged to start loading and start running the
2.Laycan: - in the above 20 is Laycan, means if the vessel is not
produce herself with NOR beyond that date, charter can cancel the C/P.
yet reasonable Exclusions are available as per C/P.
3.NOR: - as soon as the arrival on agreed place, vessel sends the
Notice of her Readiness in all aspect to load / unload cargo.
4.LAY TIME: - time allowed to the charterers for cargo operations
without additional payment. The charter party will normally state that
laytime will commence a certain number of hours after Notice of
Readiness is given or accepted; the waiting period is usually termed
“notice time” or “turn time”. If such a period is not specified,
laytime will commence as soon as Notice of Readiness is given.

29.Lloyds open form? What is scopic clause?

ANs: This is Lloyds Standard Form of Salvage agreement. It is a
simple, single page document, which contains the following:
Vessel’s name
Agreed place of safety
Date of agreement
If scopic clause is incorporated.
Name of Salvors.
Currency of Award
Place of agreement
Signature of both parties.

LOF 2000 also contains 12 important clauses.

Class A – Basic obligation of charter.
Class B – Environmental Protection.
Class C – Scopic Clause.
Class F - Property owners must co-operate fully with contractor with
regard to usage of vessel’s machinery and gear. All informations must
be provided.
Class G – Both parties have a right to termination.
Class I - Dispute arbitration. Class J - English law applies.

SCOPIC (special compensation of P&I club),shipowner has to pay tariff

but choosing. SCOPIC is owner option. Surveyor was actually asking the
tariff rates " like for engaging a tug how much?" In simple terms, it
is 100% expense + 25% bonus is the tariff for Scopic. Tariff is not
100%expense +30% bonus ,it is like this given in scopic clause
"Special compensation under Article 14 was only payable where the
special compensation itself exceeded the usual “no cure, no pay”
salvage award. In addition to the salvors’ expenses (excluding any
element of profit), there was an uplift available of up to 30% or 100%
for exceptional circumstances."

Saving Life is duty of every seamen & it is not considered as salvage.
Salvage has therefore for important elements:
1.Voluntary – not by Master, crew, pilot or repairers (all already in
2.recognized maritime property – Ship, Cargo ,Bunkers, Special
Equipment 3.Danger – Real threat at commencement of Salvage. Need not
imminent 4.successful - payable out of value of the property saved /
No Cure No Pay
LOF – Lloyds open Form Salvage Contract Safety Net – Earlier only for
Salvage Convention 1989 Art 12. – NO CURE NO Pay
Art 13. – Criteria for Fixing award
Art 14. – Special Compensation (for saving environment) Salvage award
paid for by shipowner, cargo, freight and other interests to the
voyage. Special Compensation paid by shipowner only. (ship owner
covered by P&I club)
Conditions for Art.14 special compensation:
a.The salvage services should be rendered -threat damage to the
b.The salvor has failed to earn an reward under article 13(expens.
c.The salvor shall be paid special compensation by shipowner to cover
his expenses (out of pocket expenses plus fair rate of equipment and
personnel) for salvage work
d.If salvage services have actually prevented or minimized damage to


the environment then special compensation may be enhanced to 30% or if
Tribunal decides up to 100% of expenses.

30. Low sulphur diesel or Heavy fuel less SFOC?

Ans: There should be a fuel consumption benefit of about 5% in
specific fuel consumption (measured in g/kWh) over the whole load
range when operating on low sulphur distillate relative to residual
fuel. The fuel consumption benefit is due to the higher net specific
energy value on a mass basis of distillate relative to residual fuel.
The physical reason for the benefit is that distillate has higher
hydrogen to carbon ratio than residual fuel, and as hydrogen has a
much higher net specific energy value than carbon on a mass basis, the
resulting overall net specific energy value is higher.

31. What is VIT? What is the meaning of super VIT?

Ans:VIT means variable injection timing. It was obtained by means of a
special profile on the fuel pump plunger. Hence, there was fixed
relationship between the injection timing and the fuel index. Thus it
was not possible to adjust the fuel index of the individual pumps,
without also altering injection timing. For this reason, super VIT was
introduced, where it is possible to adjust the fuel index and the
injection timing independently.
VIT is available in both a mechanical and electronic version. In the
electronic version, an I/P converter supplies the pilot air pressure
to the individual servo cylinders, instead of the pilot valve
activated by the fuel rack used in the mechanical version. The I/P
converter receives its pilot signals from the governor system.

32. Demise charter?

Ans: another name for bareboat charter.

33. Emergency steering reqmts?

Ans: Once 3 monthly tried out possibly with emergency power with
communication with bridge.

34. Torts?
Ans:just basic negligence, misconduct, ce example..

35. Annex 6 chapter 4..what are the technical measures

36. Diff between wartsila and man df engines? Repeat
37. What is me ultralong stroke engine?Repeat G-type.
38. P and i insurance? Repeat
39. How gas is injected in man and rt flex engines?Repeat
40. What will you do if you have f.o with high ccai?
41. Normal catfines for fuel is 60 ppm, you received fuel with 25 ppm,
as a chief engineer what will you do.
42. You joined as a chief engineer, on what basis you will order bunker
in emergency 500mt
43. Parametric rolling? Repeat
44. Types of charter and bareboat charter?
45. Load line survey?
46. What is squat? How does convention come into force? Repeat
47. Tacit acceptance? Repeat
48. If there is imo then why classification society?
49. Eedi(xq how will you reduce eedi) and seemp (xq -seemp..what u do.
How to do trim optimization)
50. If you board a ship as a new chief engineer and you have to order
bunkers then how will you go about it...
51. What is bearing wear monitoring?
52. Difference in damage stability requirements between bulk carrier and
passenger ships.
53. What is lien? Wat is maritime lien? repeat
54. Wat is admiralty court? with reference to india? High court
55. Wat can u tell me about marine insurance in india?
56. Wat is re-insurance? See addition
57. Iso 8217 2012..details..writtens answer
58. What u will check as ce in illc
59. If crankshaft slips what u will do?
60. Bill of lading...nd who will issue b/l in multimodal
61. Stcw ammndmnts 2010...just few..
62. Admiralty court...jus defn from lbs handout..which courts in india?
63. How to adjust timing of a single unit? Repeat
64. Critical equipments?
65. Tbo =5 yrs how?
66. Hazardous environment on deck on tanker?

1. Mlc rest hrs? repeat
2. Cop21? repeat
3. Vessel hull ruptured due to collision ,who pays?
4. What's mate's chit. Diff b/w bol and mates chit.
Ans: MATE”S RECIEPT Chief officer (C/O) compares ship’s tally or
intaken cargo tonnage with details on Shipping Note and issues a
Mate’s Receipt (M/R) from ship’s triplicate book. M/R contains
accurate and truthful details of quantity and condition of goods,
including references to any shortage, damage, etc.
ü C/O gives at least one copy mate receipt to shipper’s
representative but retains one copy in book.
ü Shipper obtains a full set of blank B/Ls from carrier, types in
details of received cargo exactly as stated on M/R given by ship.
ü Shipper sends full set of original B/Ls to port agent for signing
by master or agent (with written authority of master).
ü Person signing B/Ls carefully checks that typed details
correspond to those in ship’s copy of M/R, and signs all original
B/Ls in set.
ü Full set of signed original B/Ls is handed to shipper.
ü Other signed copies (marked COPY - NON- NEGOTIABLE) are also
issued for office/filing purposes.
ü Ship sails from loading port.
ü During voyage shipper may sell goods to another party by
endorsement and transfer of the full set of B/Ls. This may happen


several times.
ü Ship arrives at discharge port.
ü Last buyer of goods in chain (who is now consignee) or his
receiver proves his identity to port agent and presents one
original B/L, endorsed to him.
ü Pays freight and any demurrage owing.
ü Agent stamps B/L ‘accomplished’ and issues Delivery Order to
consignee to enable him to collect his goods.
ü Consignee or receiver presents Delivery Order to ship,

Bills of lading are made up of four specimens; one for the

shipper, one for the consignee of the goods, one for the master, one
for the owner of the vessel. Only these three or two specimens are
marked with the statement "original", and all the other specimens -
the ones for the master, the owner of the vessel, the consignee, and
other specimens for other purposes - are marked with the statement
"copy not negotiable". Sometimes a hundred "copies not negotiable"
exist, and none of them gives the right to receive the goods. The
three or two originals, handed over to the shipper, is called "a full
set of bills of lading". When a person has a full set of bills of
lading, it is impossible that another person would receive the goods.
The bill of lading always mentions the number of originals. The B/L
must indicate that the goods have been loaded on board or shipped on a
named vessel, and it must be signed or authenticated by the carrier or
the master, or the agent on behalf of the carrier or the master. The
signature or authentication must be identified as carrier or master,
and in the case of agent signing or authenticating, the name and
capacity of the carrier or the master on whose behalf such agent signs
or authenticates must be indicated.
A set contains at least two originals. In practice, a set of three
originals is the most common. The number of original bills of lading
(Bs/L) may be expressed as 3/3 (read as 'three of three') or 2/2 (read
as 'two of two'). In the sample L/C, it the L/C stipulates "Full set
3/3... The purpose of issuing more than one original is to ensure that
the port of destination will receive the original when dispatched
separately. The original Bs/L are proof of ownership of goods, one of
which must be surrendered to the carrier at destination, duly endorsed
by the title holder in the goods in exchange for the goods or the
delivery order. When one of the originals is being surrendered to the
carrier, the others become invalid. The non-negotiable copy of B/L
simply means the unsigned copy of the B/L, which is for information
A clean bill of lading is a bill of lading bearing no superimposed
clauses stating a defective condition or shortage of the goods. It
states that the goods have been received “in apparent good order and
condition...”, without further remarks as to their condition.
A dirty bill of lading, also known as a “claused” or “foul” bill,
is one claused with remarks such as “torn bags”, “rusty drums”, “three
(3) more c/s in dispute - if on board to be delivered”, etc.


5. Why propeller fitted aft not front?
Ans: All that is required is to propel the boat forward, and that is
best achieved by accelerating a mass of water in a direction opposite
to the direction of boat travel. That is best achieved by expelling
the accelerated water into as unrestricted a space as possible; which
clearly is behind the boat. With the propeller in front, the
accelerated water has to move around the bow of the boat, so part of
the energy is wasted moving the water sideways, away from the hull,
and generating no net thrust since the two sides cancel out, so only
the component of the velocity along the path of travel is useful in
driving the boat.
Boats logically don't want the prop in the front because you're more
likely to hit something (like a sandbar) with the front of the boat,
and you don't want to shred things.
Pressure is higher at the front because of the kinetic pressure of the
fluid, and lower at the back for the reverse reason. By putting the
prop of a boat in the back you reduce the pressure difference that the
seals have to deal with.
about cavitation concerns, it seems clear that the back of the boat
isn't the ideal place. Directly under the hull would be superior. But
this a) doesn't give a direct shaft line to the engine and b) it could
make the prop hit the ground or a whale.

6. What is the limit for propeller drop?

ANs:Lub oil cooled nil, water cooled 8mm.

7. What is do you do with the value you get for propeller drop,how do
u measure propeller drop,
8. IMO number?
ANs: Regulation 3 – Ship identification number IMO adopted A.600(15).
1. Passenger ships of 100 GT &ABV ,all cargo ships of 300 GT and
2. The IMO number shall be inserted on the certificates and certified
3. The ship's identification number shall be permanently marked:
4.1. in a visible place either on the stern of the ship or on either
side of the hull, amidships port and starboard, above load line or
either side of the superstructure, port and starboard or on the front
of the superstructure or, in the case of passenger ships, on a
horizontal surface visible from the air
4.2. One of the end transverse bulkheads of the machinery spaces/ RORO
spaces, or on one of the hatchways or, in the pump-room of tankers.
5.1. The permanent marking shall be plainly visible, shall be painted
in a contrasting color.
5.2. The permanent marking external shall be not less than 200 mm in
height. & internal not be less than 100 mm in height.
5.3. The permanent marking may be made by raised lettering or by
cutting it in or by centre punching it or other equivalent method of
IMO no. Issuance Procedure
1. Apply to LR IHS fair play with relevant documents by owner while
construction 2. Apply through SEADATA – online database system. 3.


Apply directly to IMO, Issued at free of cost

9. Cas in detail? repeat

10. As a ce how will you do the survey of anchor chain cable if
superintendent not present.during x-ques he asked tell me the
procedure for thickness measurement of chain
11. As a chief engineer how will you carry out survey of propeller and
tail end shaft during dry dock.

12. What are the latest technical measures on propellers to improve


1. Co2 system pressure test regulation, vessel in port 50 % bottles under
maintenance, fire in er how to go about it.
Ans: CO2 is effective only in case of positive closing of the area to
be protected. In dry dock basically all the measures taken by the
safety department of the drydock by barricading and permit to work and
other heightened measures. Even if fire happens if shore fire fighting
unsuccessful in extinguishing last comes the CO2 fixed fire fighting
system release. So even if you have 50 % of the CO2 release it taking
proper procedure something is better than nothing. And CO2 basically
displaces the Oxygen will help in fighting fire.

2. Why aux. Boiler is not considered for nox emission control, as we r

burning same fuel over there but me and ae are comming in that
Because combustion inside boiler don't support formation of Nox.....
Combustion temperature is not so high.... As in case of ME and AE
inside combustion space.... High temperature is must for nox
Boiler combustion is low pressure, low temperature combustion (less
then 800 c), there is a less chance of nox. production, and also nox.
formation requires air for peoduction which is not available in
Boilers,asBoiler combustion is continous combustion. nox. formation
will be at 1300 deg. aprox. which is not reached in Boiler Combustion.
High temp reqd for nox
3 requirements for nox formation.... amt of air / residence time /
temp... All 3 are less in boiler as compared to me / ae
resident time for formation of nox is less in boiler Time available
for burning

3. Emergency fire pump not working (impeller gone) what will u do?
Ans: Inform company and port where you are proceeding. Inform port
about the precaution taken, but no port will allow coming inside
because it may lead to disaster situation. So ask for single voyage
dispensation from flag state and then proceed to port with approval
for reaching port. Maintain all the documents onboard and precautions
taken onboard as proof to rectify the fault.

Have to put watch keeping if ums, check your main fire p/p & fire &
G.s. pump working fine, check spares of other similar pump normally
third sea water pump and replace to the emergency fire pump.

Steps to be followed in case of emergency fire pump failure major NC

ü RA to carry out
ü It has to be degraded to NC from MNC.
ü Engine will be manned.
ü Check spares of other similar pump normally third sea water pump and
replace to the emergency fire pump.
ü All officer and crew be more vigilant.
ü Avoid running main fie pump with out any need.
ü Flag (via ro) will give you dispensation and single voyage certificate
till next port of call where u will fix the problem.
ü Important is especially we don’t want any damage in fire
keep a look out in case of any minor leak etc needs to be rectified .
After maintenance RO and port state to be called for approval of

4. Sewage plant survey?

1.checking the validity, of all statutory certificates
2. class certificate without any COC
3.the approved documentation for the alternative design and if any new
equipment has been fitted it has been approved before installation and
that any changes are reflected in the appropriate certificate 4.PMS
records with proof of photographs 5.Approved holding tank discharge
rate vs. ship speed chart 6.Chlorine dosing & checking record
7.Plans and designs of sewage treatment plant, or of a sewage
comminuting and disinfecting system, or of a sewage holding tank.
8.type approved by the administration in accordance with the
appropriate resolution for Treatment Plant or comminuting and
9.sewage holding tank is capacity regard to the no. of persons on
10.arrangements of a pipeline for the standard discharge connection
11.holding tank has a means to indicate visually the amount of
12.checking externally, the sewage treatment plant or the sewage
comminuting and disinfecting system, and confirming their operation
13.holding tank hydrostatic test report if
14. tank internal coating conditions
15.Transparent pipe flow clearly visible
16.High level alarms functioning
17.Blower pressure &pressure gauge
18.Pump Cut in & Cut off.


5. What is territorial sea?
Ans: A state's territorial sea extends up to 12 nautical miles
(22.2 km; 13.8 mi) from its baseline. If this would overlap with
another state's territorial sea, the border is taken as the median
point between the states' baselines, unless the states in question
agree otherwise. A state can also choose to claim a smaller
territorial sea.

6. What is baseline ? Nearest land?

Ans: A baseline is the line from which the seaward limits of a
state's territorial sea and certain other maritime zones
of jurisdiction are measured. Normally, a sea baseline follows the
low-water line of a coastal state. When the coastline is deeply
indented, has fringing islands or is highly
unstable, straight baselines may be used.

Nearest land means the baseline from which the territorial sea in
question is established in accordance with the international law.

7. Who decides coast line in india?

Ans: Department of ocean development.

8. Main generator not coming on load manually also what reasons other
than voltage freq and phase?
Ans: The SCR(silicon controlled rectifier) is reversed biased and
sometime it gets discharged ... So it takes time for it to build up
residual voltage hence the problem...
XQ- voltage, current phase all ok what is the problem
Probable answers: Automatic synchronizing failure occurs when
generator synchronizing but not complete within the time like 60 sec.
ACB spring not charged
Mechanical problem with ACB
Emergency generator ACB closed.

9. Emerg generator not working your action as ce?

Ans:Get the dispensation from the flag state,Inform class and next
port. Try out all safeties of AE, Man the engine room. Inform the
agent to arrange extra tugs. Next port the class to survey and report
to flag state to remove dispensation. If fault not rectified the
company to arrange power packs or portable gensets. With MNC you cant
sail, need to bring it down to NC. barik wants to hear that vsl can
sail out, Provided alternative portable arrangements from market is
made which can give similar services to vsl. Also needs to take
dispensation frm class /flag.
Aftr that corrective action plan plus immediate spare requisition etc.

10. Cert of registry details?

11. What is similar bet smc n doc??

Ans: Both certificates related to ism, both are valid for five years,
both are vaving periodic verification.SMC will void if DOC is not
Type of ship has to be the same in both the certificates. In doc all
types of ships are printed and then the irrelevant ones are striked
out. In smc only the ship type is printed.

12. Unfcc full form and detail? India stand?

With 196 Parties, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) has near universal membership and is the parent treaty
of the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol has been ratified by
192 of the UNFCCC Parties.
The ultimate objective of both treaties is to stabilize greenhouse gas
concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that will prevent
dangerous human interference with the climate system.

India’s contribution to UNFCC – Climate change

India hereby communicates its Intended Nationally Determined
Contribution (INDC) in response to COP decisions 1/CP.19 and 1/CP.20
for the period 2021 to 2030:
1. To put forward and further propagate a healthy and sustainable way
of living based on traditions and values of conservation and
2. To adopt a climate friendly and a cleaner path than the one
followed hitherto by others at corresponding level of economic
3. To reduce the emissions intensity of its GDP by 33 to 35 percent
by 2030 from 2005 level.
4. To achieve about 40 percent cumulative electric power installed
capacity from nonfossil fuel based energy resources by 2030 with the
help of transfer of technology and low cost international finance
including from Green Climate Fund (GCF).
5. To create an additional carbon sink of 2.5 to 3 billion tonnes of
CO2 equivalent through additional forest and tree cover by 2030.
6. To better adapt to climate change by enhancing investments in
development programmes in sectors vulnerable to climate change,
particularly agriculture, water resources, Himalayan region, coastal
regions, health and disaster management.
7. To mobilize domestic and new & additional funds from developed
countries to implement the above mitigation and adaptation actions in
view of the resource required and the resource gap.
8. To build capacities, create domestic framework and international
architecture for quick diffusion of cutting edge climate technology in
India and for joint collaborative R&D for such future technologies.

13. Co2 checks and inspections in detail? 5 yearly checks? Co2 weigh
measurements timing
11 June 2009




1 The Committee, at its eighty-sixth session (27 May to 5 June 2009),
having considered the proposal by the Sub-Committee on Fire Protection,
at its fifty-third session, approved
Guidelines for the maintenance and inspections of fixed carbon dioxide
fire-extinguishing systems, as set out in the annex.

SOLAS regulation II-2/

2 Safety
Whenever carbon dioxide fire-extinguishing systems are subjected to
inspection or maintenance, strict safety precautions should be followed
to prevent the possibility that individuals performing or witnessing
the activities are placed at risk. Prior to performing any work, a
safety plan should be developed to account for all personnel and
establish an effective communications system between the inspection
personnel and the on-duty crew. Measures to avoid accidental discharges
such as locking or removing the operating arms from directional valves,
or shutting and locking the system block valve should be taken as the
initial procedure for the protection of personnel performing any
maintenance or inspections. All personnel should be notified of the
impending activities before work is begun.


1. General visual inspection of the overall system for signs of damage

2. All stop valves are in the closed position.
3. All releasing controls are in proper position & ready for immediate
4. All discharge piping and pneumatic tubing is intact and not damaged
5. All high pressure cylinders are in place and properly secured and
6. The alarm devices are in place and do not appear damaged.


1.All entrance doors to the protected space should close properly and
should have warning signs & clear operating instructions.
2.Test fuel shut off s connected to the system functional check
3.No modifications to boundaries of the protected space that affect
4.Visual inspection of all cylinders , piping’s and Nozzles for any
signs of damage, rust or loose mounting. Cylinders that are leaking,
corroded, dented or bulging should be hydrostatically retested or
5.The hydrostatic test date of all storage containers should be checked
6.The manifold should be inspected to verify that all flexible
discharge hoses and fittings are properly tightened; and

BI ANNUAL (for passenger & cargo ship )

1. All high pressure cylinders and pilot cylinders should be weighed.
Less than 90% should be refilled. Total qty should be not less than min
2. The discharge piping and nozzles should be tested to verify that
they are not blocked. Isolating the discharge piping from the system
and blowing dry air or nitrogen from test cylinders

5 yearly routines for cargo & bi annual for passenger ships

1.The entire installation checked to make sure that it is operational.
a.Internal inspection of all control valves.
b.The spring-loaded safety valves checked and reset to 180 kg/cm.
c. If possible activating heads should be removed from the cylinder
valves and tested for correct functioning by applying full working
pressure through the pilot lines.
d.If not possible, pilot lines should be disconnected from the cylinder
valves and blanked off or connected together and tested with full
working pressure from the release station and checked for leakage.
e.Remote station pressure tubing should be checked for leakage. The
pressure of pilot gas cylinders should be verified.
f.If the remote release controls are operated by manual pulley rope all
the linkage operation & tightness in good condition.
2.After completion all releasing controls should be verified in the
proper position and ready to function

10 yearly routines:
1.Pipe line Pressure Testing (as prescribed by manufacturer)
a.The high pressure section hydraulic test at least 190 kgf/
b.The medium pressure section hydraulic test at least 80 kgf/cm2
c.Low pressure section With air at a pressure of at least 6 kgf /cm2
2. Flexible hoses should be replaced at the intervals recommended by
the manufacturer and not exceeding every 10 years.


3. At intervals of not more than 10 years, the section of a carbon
dioxide fire extinguishing system, which can be shut off, must be
tested with carbon dioxide or air at a minimum pressure of 25kg/cm2.
6. At least 10% of the total number provided should be subjected to an
internal inspection and hydrostatic test . If one or more cylinders
fail, a total of 50% of the onboard cylinders should be tested. If
further cylinders fail, all cylinders should be tested. Test date and
pressure must be stamped on each bottle. Internal inspection for
corrosion checked
(b) Carbon dioxide cylinders, which exhibit a permanent increase in
volume, must be condemned.
(c) Before refilling the riser tube must be inspected visually.
(d) The valve must also be tested for gas-tightness free operation
(e) For subsequent 10-year services, alternation of the inspected
cylinders must be carried out, i.e. different cylinders must be
inspected from those done in the previous service, if 100% of them were
not inspected during the previous instance.
(f) Hydrostatic testing facilities approved by the Chief Controller of
Explosives in accordance with the Gas Cylinder Rules2004

Periodical Inspection of Carbon Dioxide Cylinders

After 20 years the cylinders should be examined and tested at intervals
of 5 years. The date of testing and stamp must be placed on the
cylinder. Explosives in accordance with the Gas Cylinder Rules2004

Hydrostatic pressure test Frequency

1 All self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA).Five yearly.
3 All gas and water pressure cylinders of water mist, water spray and
Systems Ten yearly.
4 All powder containment vessels of Fixed dry chemical powder systems
Ten yearly.
5 Fixed CO2 System storage cylinders Ten yearly.
6 All type of Portable/Semi-Portable/Mobile extinguisher containers
except CO2 Three yearly.
7 All Portable/Semi-Portable/Mobile CO2 fire extinguisher containers
Five yearly

1.Bursting disc should Operate at least 90% of Test Pressure(@630c

177to 193 Bar). CO2 is 45kg @52bar temp should be less than 550c.

2.The CO2 cylinder must be permanently connected into the system

piping. Never attach the discharge head to the cylinder valves until
the cylinders are secured in brackets or racking. Under no
circumstances is the discharge heads to remain attached to the cylinder
valve after removal from service, during shipment, handling, storage,
or during filling. Failure to follow these instructions could result in
serious bodily injury, death, or property damage

3.Critical Point = + 31deg C @ 71bar

4.Triple Point = -56deg C @ 4.1bar


14. In port some of the co2 bottles removed and clamps loose will you
release co2?
Ans: No

15. How will you carry out hydraulic pressure testing of CO2 and how will
you know that this test is carried out?
Ans: Every 20 years after bottles put in to service and 5 years
thereafter testing done as per ISO 6406 standard. For knowing when
test carried out ISO 6406 for each year they have different colors
marking and for 6 consecutive years they have same shape.

The color of the bottle and shape will tell you in which year
hydraulically tested.
Note: After 18 years Eg for 2001 that would be 2019 the test date will
be 2019 red hexagon shape repeated.

Hydraulic pressure test: Normally with water i.e volumetric expansion

test. Pressure tested as per marking on the bottle 250 bar. Bottle
raised to test pressure and held for 30 seconds.

16. CO2 system installation DGS circular?

Ans: CYLINDERS: A)The material and design of cylinders intended for carbon
dioxide fire extinguishing installations on board ships must be of a
type approved by the Govt, of India and the cylinders must be
designed, for a test pressure of not less than 250 Kgl7cm2. The
cylinder drawing with data for calculation and information on the
method of manufacture must be forwarded to the Director General. If
the cylinders are not tested under the supervision of a surveyor,
material certificates, complete data and test certificates must be
forwarded to the Director General.

B)The following particulars must be stamped on each carbon dioxide

- name of manufacturer or abbreviation thereof.
- manufacturer's number or serial number
- name of gas
-capacity of cylinder in liters
-weight of maximum permitted quantity of gas i n kg
-test pressure in kgf/cm2
-weight empty- in kg,
-weight empty including valve, in kg.
-date of test (month and year)
-stamp of inspecting body.
c. The fimg station must issue a statement to the effect that each
cylinder is filled with the prescribed quantity of carbon dioxide

Arrangements shall be made to ensure that the temperature in the room
does not rise above 60 °C nor fall below O°C.

The term Filling RATIO' denotes the ratio between the weight of the
quantity of carbon dioxide in the cylinder and the capacity of the
cylinder in cubic decimeters.
A maximum filling ratio of 2/3 must be observed for each cylinder

Each carbon dioxide must be fitted with a safety disc with a bursting
pressure of 0.9 times the test pressure of the cylinder.
Certificates must be given by the manufacturer to show that the safety
discs are of the approved type.

The riser tube fitted in a carbon dioxide cylinder must be made of
copper, stainless steel or other appropriate material.


Design. a(i) The system shall be designed to distribute the gas in a
satisfactory manner. A separate supply must be ensured to the lower
hold and between decks of each cargo hold. In a space with a length of
more than 20 meters, the supply line must be divided in s u c h a way
that gas can be admitted to both the forward and the aft sections of
the space.
(ii) Provisions shall be made for the effective distribution of carbon
dioxide in engine rooms and boiler rooms.

ENGINE ROOMS : nozzles must always be provided below the floor plating
aad above the floor plating level with the top of the cylinders of the
main engine or engines.

BOILER ROOMS: nozzle must be fitted below or round the boilers :

additional nozzles must be provided if the burners are on the top of
the boilers.

b. Carbon dioxide pipes must not run through tanks or cold and
refrigerating rooms.

c. Pipes designed to carry carbon dioxide into a hold which may be

used alternately to carry passengers or cargo must be blanked of! with
a spectacle flange whenever the hold is being used for passenger
If the cool giving access to these positions can be locked, the key
must be hung visibly i n the immediate vicinity of the door i n a red
box with a pane which can be easily broken. The valves and cocks must


be marked i n such a way that it is clear to which sections of the
ship the pipes lead.
The effective apertures of the valves and cocks must be at least
equivalent to those of the pipes to which they are fitted.

A stop cock must be fitted in each main pipe running from the carbon
dioxide battery to the engine room, boiler room or pump room. A stop
cock must also be fitted in the supply line from the carbon dioxide
battery to any smoke detection or distributor box; it must be located
in the room in which the battery is stored.

e. The stopcocks in carbondioxide pipes leading to deep tanks must be

located as near as possible to each other. The hand wheels and/or
control handles of these valves must be painted a bright colour and
must be removable.

If the deep tanks are filled with a liquid the stopcocks must bear a
plate with the words ''deep tank full". The open ends of the carbon
dioxide pipes in the deep tanks must be closed by means of a non-
return valve of an approved type or a safety^ disc with a low bursting
pressure in order to prevent the liquid from getting into the pipes.
If the safety discs are used, the material must be resistant to by
the Liquids being transported and the amticipated temperature.

17. System requirements for CO2 extinguishing medium?

Ans: Quantity of fire extinguishing medium
1.1 For cargo spaces the quantity of carbon dioxide available shall,
unless otherwise provided, be sufficient to give a minimum volume of
free gas equal to 30% of the gross volume of the largest cargo space
to be protected in the ship.

1.2 For machinery spaces the quantity of carbon dioxide carried shall
be sufficient to give a minimum volume of free gas equal to the larger
of the following volumes, either:
.1 40% of the gross volume of the largest machinery space so
protected, the volume to exclude that part of the casing above the
level at which the horizontal area of the casing is 40% or less of the
horizontal area of the space concerned taken midway between the tank
top and the lowest part of the casing; or
.2 35% of the gross volume of the largest machinery space protected,
including the casing.

1.3 The percentages specified in paragraph above may be

reduced to 35% and 30%, respectively, for cargo ships of less than
2,000 gross tonnage where two or more machinery spaces, which are not
entirely separate, are considered as forming one space.

1.4 For the purpose of this paragraph the volume of free carbon
dioxide shall be calculated at 0.56 m3 /kg.

1.5 For machinery spaces the fixed piping system shall be such that
85% of the gas can be discharged into the space within 2 min.


Quantity of CO2 calculation:
Quantity of free CO2 calculated at 0.56 m2 /kg.

Quantity of CO2= (Gross volume x Mixing ratio)/(100 x 0.56) =5931.2

≅ 5932 kg.
One CO2 bottle = 45 kg
No. of CO2 bottles required = 5932/45=131.8 ≅ 132 bottles


Kg IN Kg
excluding 40 8304 5932 132 45
E/R 35 9354 5847 130 45
Cargo 45 2430 1953 44 45

18. What are the requirements of CO2 Room?

Ans: In CO2 flooding system, carbon dioxide bottles are placed in a
separate room called CO2 room. The requirements for location,
accessibility, use and ventilation of CO2 storage spaces as per IMO
• Spaces for storage of cylinders or tanks for extinguishing gas
should not be used for other purposes.
• These spaces should not be located in front of the forward
collision bulkhead.
• Access to these spaces should be possible from the open deck.
• Spaces situated below the deck should be directly accessible by a
stairway or ladder from the open deck.
• The space should be located no more than one deck below the open
• Spaces where entrance from the open deck is not provided or which
are located below deck are to be fitted with mechanical
• The exhaust duct (suction) should be lead to the bottom of the
• Such spaces should be ventilated with at least 6 air changes per

19. CO2 Level measurement?

The gas content of each carbon dioxide cylinder must be checked at
intervals of not more than 2 years by weighing or in some other
manner, a maximum weight reduction of 5 percent may be allowed,
provided the total quantity of carbon dioxide is never less than the
prescribed minimum.


Equipment for weighing each cylinder must be available on
board. If a level detector employing radioactive radiation is used to
check the cylinders, this equipment must be removed from the ship
before sailing.
For using the Ultrasound measuring device like portable liquid
level indicator hand held uses ultra sound and can be done in place
accuracy ±1.5 mm. Detector head moved along body till it gives you
indications 100. Mark this and measure from the bottom and compare
with old value.
For using Radio level isotopes there are two pars in measuring
device i.e radio isotope on one side and detector on another side.
Principle is radiation is emitted from radioisotope will be reduced in
intensity by matter between the radioactive isotope and detector. The
amount of reduction can be used to measure the level.
Last type of CO2 measurement by weight using the weighing scale.

20. For ultrasonic gauge how you get the required weight of CO2?
Ans: temperature correction, and by simply calculating first volume on
the basis of level u measured and convert in to weight by using
density formula, and apply temperature correction.

XQ: At what pressure pilot line pressure tested (Ans: same as co2
cylinder pressure)

21. CO2 Fire Fighting System For Cargo Hold How Do You Test And How It
The installation to feed carbon dioxide into the cargo holds of
roll-off ships must be designed in such a manner that an alarm sounds
the spaces concerned before carbon dioxide can be admitted. There must
be a conspicuous notice in the cargo-hold sailing that when the alarm
sounds, all personnel must leave the area as quickly as possible.

22. Duty of c/e in case dangerous cargo is being loaded on ur ship after 6
Ans: Main duty of Chief engineer when cargo is loaded is to engine
room and accommodation should not get HC vapors. For this
accommodation AC on recirculation and engine room fans forward both
blowers on exhaust and aft both blowers on suction. Cargo discharging
machinery check for readiness.

23. Nox tier 3 applicability for new ships...

24. Ism amendment?
25. Marpol annex 6 chap 4 applicability, how nox compliance will u check
wen ur onboard basically he asked everything on chap 4, odp status.
26. Bwm d2 criteria
27. Machineries coming under nox, nox engine requirements
28. Sea trial criterial for different bore/powered engines.
29. Type of vessel


30. Difference between earth summit & Indian marine summit?
31. What is checked in interim and initial audit & certification as per
32. Damage stability for sps vessel New in stp
33. Stp discharge criteria
34. Types of ship ( tanker)
35. Why longitudinal bulkheads?
Ans: To minimize free surface effect
36. Mepc april2015 amendments
37. Smc and doc procedures for new ship
38. Bwm current ratification status/figures
39. Ghg gases. Don't want name of gases ask me tell me the no. Of ghg as
per unfccc
40. Ms act preamble
41. Passenger ship definition? Repeat
42. Reverse osmosis latest plant new regulation?
43. Ship recycling procedure and certificates?

1. Difference between amendments and protocol.
Amendments- changes to existing convention, brought into action using
protocol.amendments are the reforms that are needed in a convention
and are backed by protocol
eg-marpol 1973 due to several accidents amendents
were brought in action by combined protocol-instrument called marpol

Protocol – legal instruments to bring major changes in the convention

which is adopted or in force.
Eg- 2005 sua protocol

Xqn- explain protocol?

Ans- sua of 1992 just says about action to be taken against person
involved in unlawful activity against ship or person.
- sua protocol 2005 criminalises ships carrying dangerous weapons and
prevents ships from discharging cargoes in concentration harmful to
-now state which is party to sua 1992 has to ratify 2005 protocol to
be party to it. It will have to undergo imo’s
ratification/accession/acceptance process.

Also a convention can be formed, but may not enter in force. But a
protocol to the same convention can be accepted.
Eg- hns convention 1996 is not intended to enter in force…but hns
protocol of 2010 can be accepted in future.

2. Hv u studied ms act where you find ISM?

ISM code in MS Act can be found in
MS ( management for safe operation of ships ) rules 2000 as amended


What to follow in ISM - MS notice 09 of 2014

3. How many parts in ms act

Ans: 23 parts

National Shipping
Preliminary General Administration

Registration Of
Shipping Development Fund Certificates Of Officers
Indian Ships
Obligation of certain
Certificate Holder To Serve Seamen And
Passenger Ships
Government Or In Indian Apprentices

Collisions, Accidents At
Safety Nuclear Ships
Sea & Liability
Civil Liability Prevention And
Limitation Of Liability For Oil Pollutin Containment Of Pollution
Damage Of The Sea BY OIL
Control Or Indian Ships
Investigations And Inquiries Wreck And Salvage And Ships Engaged In
Coasting Trade

Sailing Vessels Fishing Boats Penalties And Procedure


Miscellaneous Repeals And Savings

Merchant Shipping
Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Act, 2003
(Amendment) Act, 2002
Merchant Shipping Merchant Shipping (Second Amendment) Act, 2014
(Amendment) Act, 2014

4. Ms act is being revised . Do u know why

Ans: MS Act Amendment (Drafted) :-
Noted last day of suggestion is 31.10.2015. Noted that this is ACT
which needs to be passed by Indian Parliament in Budget Session 2016.


Thereafter rules will be framed. Thus effectively it will come into
force all going well by Oct 2016.

Main takeaway:
1.Reduced from 23 parts , 461 sections to 16 parts and 267 sections.
2. Various powers of Central Govt delegated to DG Shipping
3. Incorporation of Bunker Convention, Nairobi Convention, COFR, CLC,
BW convention, MLC 2006.
4. Three tier form of legislation has been adopted. First one is Act
and then Rules and thereafter tertiary legislations.
5. Indian flag vessels will benefit the most with e-governance, no
customs formalities etc,
6. Recruitment of Seafarers by unauthorised persons made stringent.
7. Measures of promotion of Coastal shipping.
Appreciate the big exercise for "Ease of Doing Business".

5. Tell me something about casualty

Ans: Marine casualty means an event, or a sequence of events, that has
resulted in any of the following which has occurred directly in
connection with the operations of a ship:
- the death of, or serious injury to, a person
- the loss of a person from a ship
- the loss, presumed loss or abandonment of a ship
- material damage to a ship
- the stranding or disabling of a ship, or the involvement of a ship
in a collision;
- material damage to marine infrastructure external to a ship, that
could seriously endanger the safety of the ship, another ship or an
- severe damage to the environment, or the potential for severe damage
to the environment, brought about by the damage of a ship or ships.
Very serious casualties means a marine casualty involving:
- the total loss of the ship or
- a death or
- severe damage to the environment.

6. Casualty investigation code comes under which convention n entry into

Ans: Every flag state has to carry out investigation in any
casualty occurring on board the ship flying its flag. This
responsibility is laid down in various conventions of IMO. Following
are the conventions and articles under which above responsibility is
laid down:-

1) UNCLOS:- Article 94(7) states that " each state shall cause an
inquiry to be held by a suitably qualified person/persons into every
marine casualty or incident of navigation on the high seas involving a
ship flying its flag and causing loss of life or any other incident
involving another state or marine environment."

2) SOLAS 74:- Reg 1/ 21 states that " Each Administration undertakes

to conduct an investigation of any casualty occurring to any of its
ships subject to the provisions of the present convention when it
judges that such an investigation may assist in determining what
changes in the present regulations might be desirable."

3) Article 12 of MARPOL73/78 and article 23 of ILLC also states more

or less same as stated in above conventions.

To harmonize the casualty investigation a code was adopted on

27th November 1997 in IMO resolution A849(20) called casualty
investigation code.

Lets us see the salient features of the code.

1) Necessity of code:- It was acknowledged that the investigation and
proper analysis of marine casualties and incidents can lead to greater
awareness of casualty causation and result in remedial measures
including better training to enhance safety of life at sea and
protection of environment.
It was also recognized that a standard approach and cooperation
between governments, to marine casualty and incident investigation is
necessary to correctly identify the cause.

2) Objective:- Objective to any marine casualty investigation is to

prevent similar casualties in future. Investigations identify the
circumstances of the casualty under investigation and establish the

3) Who will do the investigation:-

a) Flag state has to carry investigation in all casualties occurring
to its ship.
b) If casualty occurs in territorial sea of a state, then flag state
and coastal state should cooperate to maximum extent and mutually
decide who will be the lead investigating state.
c) If casualty occurs at high seas then flag state has to carry out
investigation. But if the casualty involves other other parties or
affects environment of other state, then all substantially interested
state should work together and decide who will be the lead
investigating state.

4) consultation and cooperation between states:- If casualty has taken

place in territorial water of any state then the coastal state should
without delay report the matter to flag state. Also if the casualty
involves other parties all substantially interested parties to be
informed by investigating state.
When two or more states have agreed to the procedure for a
marine casualty investigation, the state conducting the investigation
should allow representative of the other state to:-
a) Question witness
b) view and examine documents and evidence
c) Produce witness and other evidence
d) Comment on and have their views properly reflected in final report.
e) Be provided with transcripts statement and final report relating to

5) Recommended practice for safety investigation:-

a) Investigation should be thorough and unbiased.
b) Cooperation between substantially interested states.
c) It should be given same priority as criminal or other
d) Investigator should have ready access to relevant safety
information including survey records held by
flag state , owner, class etc.
e) Effective use should be made of all recorded data including VDR in
the investigation of casualty.
f) Investigator should have access to government surveyors, coastguard
officers, pilot or other marine personnel of respective states.
g) Investigator should take account of any recommendation published by
IMO or ILO regarding human factor.
h) Reports of investigation are most effective when circulated to
shipping industry and public.

6) Reporting to IMO:- After investigation the lead investigating state

should circulate draft report to coastal state and substantially
interested state for comments. If no comment is received within 30
days lead state should send the final report to IMO.
Very serious marine casualty means a ship casualty which involves
total loss of ship, loss of life or severe pollution.
7. Procedure for ratification in India?
Ans: How Govt of India works:-
Draft bill is framed and proposed by concerned ministry.(ministry of
Law ministry approves it
Union cabinet approves it
Bill Placed in Loksabha and Rajyashabha
Both the houses of parliament pass the bill.
It is sent to president of India for approval
After president signature, it becomes an “act of parliament” and it is
the “law of the country”.

Whenever GOI ratifies any convention, MS act is amended accordingly to

include all the provision.
DG shipping would make the rules and regulation of a proposed
It is send to the ministry of shipping for approval.
Send to ministry of law for approval.
Send to parliamentary board of 8 member ( 4 RS & 4 LS)


After approval of parliamentary board ,it is published in a official

8. What is 1052(27) .hv u read it .

Ans: PROCEDURES FOR PORT STATE CONTROL, 2011 ,this is intended to
provide basic guidance on the conduct of port State control
inspections and afford consistency in the conduct of these
inspections, the recognition of deficiencies of a ship, its equipment,
or its crew, and the application of control procedures.

9. If onboard ur ocm becomes faulty what will you do?

Ans: Inform company n will inform port state when arriving in a port..

10. Fixed co2 requirements and maintenance? Leak off alarm activated one
cylinder busted your action as ce?
Ans: Check atmosphere inside CO2 room, after proper ventilation of CO2 room
and enter Check the bottle which is cold is leaking, inform company ask for
new bottle. ER manned to protect being largest space to be protected by CO2.
Inform port authorities, Flag and class.

11. Brushless generator?


Construction A brushless alternator is composed of two alternators

built end-to-end on one shaft. Smaller brushless alternators may look
like one unit but the two parts are readily identifiable on the large
versions. The larger of the two sections is the main alternator and
the smaller one is the exciter. The exciter has stationary field coils
and a rotating armature (power coils). The main alternator uses the
opposite configuration with a rotating field and stationary armature.


Exciter The exciter field coils are on the stator and its armature is
on the rotor. The AC output from the exciter armature is fed through a
set of diodes that are also mounted on the rotor to produce a DC
voltage. This is fed directly to the field coils of the main
alternator, which are also located on the rotor. With this
arrangement, brushes and slip rings are not required to feed current
to the rotating field coils. This can be contrasted with a simple
automotive alternator where brushes and slip rings are used to supply
current to the rotating field.

Main Alternator The main alternator has a rotating field as described

above and a stationary armature (power generation windings). This is
the part that can be confusing so take note that in this case, the
armature is the stator, not the rotor.
With the armature in the stationary portion of the alternator, the
high current output does not have to go through brushes and slip
rings. Although the electrical design is more complex, it results in a
very reliable alternator because the only parts subject to wear are
the bearings.

Control System Varying the amount of current through the stationary

exciter field coils controls the strength of the magnetic field in the
exciter. This in turn controls the output from the exciter. The
exciter output is fed into the rotating field of the main alternator
to supply the magnetic field for it. The strength of the magnetic
field in the main alternator then controls its output. The result of
all this is that a small current, in the field of the exciter
indirectly controls the output of the main alternator and none of it
has to go through brushes and slip-rings.

AVR In many diagrams and explanations, you will encounter the term
“AVR”, with no explanation of what it is. AVR is an abbreviation for
Automatic Voltage Regulator. An AVR serves the same function as the
“voltage regulator” in an automobile or the “regulator” or
“controller” in a home power system.

Three-Phase Basics A three phase alternator has a minimum of 3 sets of

windings spaced 120° apart around the stationary armature (stator). As
a result, there are 3 outputs from the alternator and they are
electrically spaced 120° out of phase with each other. A multi-pole
design will have multiple sets of 3 windings. These sets of windings
(poles) are spaced evenly around the circumference of the machine. The
more poles there are, the slower the alternator turns for a given
voltage and frequency. More poles increase the complexity of the
alternator and that in part accounts for the higher price of slow
speed versions.

A 3-phase brushless alternator may have 4 or 6 diodes on the rotor for

the exciter output in addition to the diodes that may be on the
stator. There are two ways that 3-phase machines can be wired. One is
the delta (triangle) configuration with one wire coming off each
“point of the triangle”. The other is the wye (Y) or star


configuration. They have one wire from each branch of the “Y” and in
some cases a 4th common wire is added from the center/centre point of
the “Y” (the common connection point between the windings). Multiple
voltage machines will have additional wires to allow them to be
configured for the desired system voltage.

12. Soft starters?

Ans: Is a device used with AC electrical motors to temporarily reduce
the load and torque in the power train and electrical current surge of
the motor during the start up. This reduces the mechanical stresses on
the motor and shaft as well as the electrodynamic stresses on the
attached power cables and electrical distribution network extending
the life span of the system.
It continuously controls the 3 phase motors voltage supply during the
start up phase.

13. Non destructive tests?

Ans: NDT is to evaluate the property of a material of a component or a
system without causing damage. Methods include Ultrasonic, magnetic
particle, liquid penetrant ( cleaner, penetrant then developer)(where
low surface tension fluid penetrates into clean and dry surface
breaking discontinuities), radiographic, remote visual inspection,
eddy current testing and low coherence interferometry.

14. Tail shaft removed how will you confirm a crack?

Ans: Ultrasonic test, if not available die penetrant test.

15. How will you detect a crack in rudder?

Ans:1.During operation steering gear motor takes more amperage if rest
everything ok with the system.


2.As soon you dock the vessel immediately rudder checked if crack
water will come out from the crack.
3.Air is applied from vent plug use soap water to detect crack or hole.
4. In case of hole repair and hydraulically test for integrity.

16. Why 2 stroke more co2 production than 4 stroke?

Ans: In 2 stroke every alternate stroke one power cycle and fuel burnt
also the size of the engine more so more CO2.

1. Survey routines on boiler?

Interval: Boilers require to be surveyed at 2-year intervals until
they are 8 years old, thereafter they become due for survey annually.

2. Significance of block coefficient, All in detail?

Ans: Block coefficient Cb

Various form coefficients are used

to express the shape of the hull.
The most important of these
coefficients is the block
coefficient Cb, which is defined as
the ratio between the displacement
volume ∇ and the volume of a box
with dimensions LWL x BWL x D i.e.:

In the case cited above, the block

coefficient refers to the length on
waterline LWL. However,
shipbuilders often use block
coefficient CB,PP based on the
length between perpendiculars, LPP,
in which case the block coefficient
will, as a rule, be slightly larger because, as previously mentioned,
LPP is normally slightly less than LWL.

A small block coefficient means less resistance and, consequently, the

possibility of attaining higher ship speeds.
It shows that large block coefficients correspond to low ship speeds
and vice versa. When referring to the scantling draught, the block
coefficient will be slightly increased, as described below.
For a given ship, the block coefficient will change with changed

Cb for Calculation and assignment of freeboard:


The standard ship has
a block coefficient of
0.68. If Cb is greater
than this the
freeboard must be
increased. This is
achieved by:

Reasoning for this is

as follows: A larger
Cb causes an increase
in the underwater volume, so freeboard must be increased in order that
the reserve buoyancy amounts to the same percentage of the greater
displaced volume as it would have been had Cb been 0.68.
Block coefficient is deciding factor for eedi also, This also
represents shape and speed designed for.
3. Bunkering docs required
1. Bunker specification declaration. quality and qty to be bunkered.
2. Tank measurement and calc form
3. Non cargo tank content declaration form
4. Hose test cert
5. STS c/l or ship shore safety c/l
6. Supplier's valid license issued by DGS.
7. If requested DOS.
8.MSDS sheets

4. MMSI?
Ans: Maritime Mobile Service Identities (MMSIs) are nine digit numbers
used by maritime digital selective calling (DSC), automatic
identification systems (AIS) and certain other equipment to uniquely
identify a ship or a coast radio station. MMSIs are regulated and
managed internationally by the International Telecommunications
Union in Geneva, Switzerland, just as radio call signs are regulated.
The MMSI format and use is documented in Article 19 of the ITU Radio
Regulations and ITU-R Recommendation M.585-6, available from the ITU.

5. Loadline and condition of assignments?

Ans: All ships (with certain exceptions) are required to be surveyed and
marked with permanent load line markings in accordance with the
International Convention on Load Lines, 1966 as modified 1988. The
principle purpose of load line assignment is to ensure that the ship
always has sufficient reserve buoyancy and intact stability when
proceeding to sea.

Application: - 24m or more for International, otherwise national

Strength - by class
Stability – Booklet
Reserved buoyancy-Height of opening on deck, means of closing
Drainage – freeing ports, scuppers, storm valves.
Safety of crew

The following ships are not required to have load lines assigned:
* warships;
* new ships of less than 24 metres in length;
* existing ships of less than 150 tons gross;
* pleasure yachts not engaged in trade, and;
* fishing vessels.

1. 1830- 1880 - Lloyds Rule (3inch per foot depth)

2. 1876 - - Plimsol load line in UK M.S. act
3. 1906 - - LL compulsory for foreign vessels in uk
4. 1930 - LL convention.
5. 1966- - International LL convention, amnd 1971, 75, 79, 83, 95,

Convention -structure
a.CHAP.1- General, Strength of hull, type of ship, definitions,
b.Chapter 2- Condition of Assignment of freeboard.
c.Chapter 3- Freeboard evaluation in terms of physical & geometrical
d.Chapter 4 – Sp. Requirements for ship assigned Timber LL
3. ANNEXE – II – Zones, areas, seasonal for LL marking
4. ANNEXE – III- Forms & Scope of certificate.

The principal conditions that must be satisfied before freeboard may be

assigned to any ship take account of the following:
* structural strength of the ship;
* preservation of reserve buoyancy;
* physical means of preventing entry of water into the hull;
* safety of the crew on the weather deck;
* potential wetness of the weather deck;
* stability in the normal loaded condition (intact stability);
* degree of subdivision and stability after suffering prescribed

Multiple Load Line:

1.Ship can be assigned max five load lines

2.Only one at a time should be used & others under master safe custody
3.When there is a port restrictions based on DWT of the ship, a ship of
higher capacity can choose the reduced capacity load line assigned
4.Then new Load lines to be painted to the corresponding load line cert
5.The load line details are changed in Ship particulars


Sub division loadline:
1.It is applicable to ships can carry both Passenger & Cargo
2.Addition to Standard Load line markings C1,C2,C3 (before 1/1/2009) or
P1,P2,P3 assigned. P1 is primarily for passenger.
3.If two are more sub division load line then it is indicated with
4.If the sub division load line is below all other normal load line
then, owner can use only sub division load line.
5.In no case ship in salt water should submerge the sub division load
line indicating the corresponding loading condition.
6.In no case sub division Load line should be above the Summer LL
7.C1 or P1 – when ship carry only passenger
8.C2 or P2 – When ship carry Passenger in Cargo Space
9.C3 or P3 – When ship carry cargo in Passenger Space.
All these particulars mentioned in Passenger Ship safety certificate

Structural strength
It is recognised that ships ‘built and maintained in conformity with
the requirements of a classification society recognised by the
Administration’ may be considered to possess the necessary structural
strength for freeboards to be assigned (Regulation 1).

Condition Of Assignment
1.Information to be supplied to Master
2.Superstructure End Bulkheads
4.Position of Hatchways & ventilators
5.Cargo & other hatchways with Coamings
6.Hatchway Closing by portable / Weather tight Covers
7.Machinery Space Openings
8.Other openings in Freeboard & Superstructure decks
10.Air pipes
11.Scuppers ,Inlets & discharges
12.Garbage Chutes
13.Spurling Pipes & Chain lockers
14.Side Scuttles ,Windows & Skylights
15.Freeing Ports
16.Protection of Crew & Means of safe passage
17.Cargo Port & Similar Openings
18.Special Conditions for Type A ships

Freeboard Calculation:
1.Ships devided into Type A , Type B Ships

Type ‘A’ ship – definition (Regulation 27)(Tanker)

For the purpose of assigning freeboards a type ‘A’ ship is one which:
(a) is designed to carry only liquid cargoes in bulk;
(b) has a high integrity of the exposed deck with only small access
openings to cargo compartments, closed by watertight gasketed covers of
steel or equivalent material, and;
(c) has a low permeability of loaded cargo compartments. A type ‘A’
ship if over 150 m in length to which a freeboard less than type ‘B’
has been assigned, when loaded in accordance with the assumed initial
condition of loading, shall be able to withstand the flooding of any
compartment or compartments, with an assumed permeability of 0.95,
consequent upon the damage assumptions specified, and shall remain
afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium. In such a ship the
machinery space shall be treated as a floodable compartment, but with a
permeability of 0.85.

A type ‘B’ ship is any ship other than a type ‘A’ ship. When assigning
freeboards to ships the first part of the calculation procedure is to
firstly ascertain the tabular freeboard from the appropriate table in
regulation 28.
Type ‘A’ tabular freeboards are smaller than type ‘B’ tabular
freeboards for ships of equivalent length because of the structural
layout and types of cargo carried.

Consider two ship hulls, one designed to carry oil cargoes (type ‘A’)
and another designed to carry a bulk cargo of iron ore say (type ‘B’).
Consider what will happen if a loaded amidships compartment becomes
bilged in each ship. In the case of the type ‘A’ ship the cargo oil
will run out of the damaged compartment, resulting in a reduction in
displacement and an increase in the freeboard. In the case of the type
‘B’ ship the seawater will run into the damaged compartment, resulting
in an increase in displacement and a reduction in the freeboard.

The general advantages of a Type ‘A’ ship can be summarised as follows:

* High watertight integrity of the exposed freeboard deck as cargo
tanks have small access openings closed by watertight and gasketed
covers of steel.
* Loaded cargo tanks have a low permeability.
* Because of the large free surface effects possible with liquid
cargoes, type ‘A’ ships must have a high degree of subdivision, both
longitudinally and transversely. This subdivision limits the volume of
lost buoyancy when a compartment becomes bilged, unlike the relatively
large hold of a cargo vessel (type ‘B’ ship).
* The greater degree of subdivision improves the stability
characteristics in the damaged condition when damage is in way of a
transverse bulkhead causing the flooding of two adjacent loaded
* Greater subdivision also reduces the effect of trim when near end
compartments become bilged.
* Cargo pumps provide efficient means of maintaining a level of flood
water in a damaged cargo compartment, especially if the damaged
compartment was empty.


In contrast type ‘B’ ships have comparatively large hatchways which can
only be made weathertight. Depending on the nature of the cargo,
permeability of loaded holds can be high (as with dense cargoes). If a
type ‘B’ ship exceeds 100 metres in length, is fitted with steel hatch
covers and has sufficient subdivision to meet certain damage stability
criteria they may be allowed a reduction in freeboard (B-60 and B-100


26.6.1 B-60 and B-100 tabular freeboards explained
If a type ‘B’ ship can satisfy certain additional conditions of
assignment with respect to structure and damaged stability it will
qualify for a reduction in its tabular freeboard. This reduction may be
60% the difference between the tabular A and tabular B freeboard, and
in some cases be 100% the difference; hence the terms ‘B-60’ and ‘B-

For a given length of ship the

tabular freeboard is less for a
Type ‘A’ ship than a Type ‘B’
If the ship to which freeboard is
to be assigned were 140 m in
length the tabular freeboards would be:

Type ‘B’ 2109 mm

Type ‘A’ 1803 mm
Difference 306 mm
= X in figure 26.13.
If a type ‘B’ ship has a certain improved standard of subdivision and
steel hatch covers it may qualify for a reduction in the tabular
freeboard of 60% the difference between the type ‘A’ and type ‘B’
freeboards, hence, the term ‘B-60’.
Tabular Freeboard assigned = 2109 - (0.6 x 306) = 1925 mm.
Further improvement in design might qualify the type ‘B’ ship a
reduction of the full amount of the difference - ‘B-100’.
Tabular Freeboard assigned = 2109 - (1 x 306) = 1803 mm.
(It can be seen that type ‘A’ and type ‘B-100’ tabular freeboards are
the same!)


Obtain the tabular freeboard (Regulation 28)
From Table A ascertain the ship’s tabular freeboard for the ship’s
length (L).
The tabular freeboard is the freeboard that would be assigned to a
standard ship built to the highest recognised standard and having five
specific characteristics as follows:
* a block coefficient of 0.68;
* a length to depth ratio of 15 i.e. L/D = 15;
* no superstructure;
* a parabolic sheer of the freeboard deck attaining a particular height
at the forward and after perpendiculars as prescribed by formulae
(depending on the length of the ship);
* a minimum bow height above the load waterline as prescribed by
formulae (depending on Cb and length of ship).
It is how each of the above characteristics for the ship in question
differs from the standard ship that will determine whether the
corrections to the tabular freeboard are added or subtracted.

Correction for block coefficient (Regulation 30)

The standard ship has

a block coefficient of
0.68. If Cb is greater
than this the
freeboard must be
increased. This is
achieved by:

Reasoning for this is

as follows: A larger
Cb causes an increase
in the underwater volume, so freeboard must be increased in order that
the reserve buoyancy amounts to the same percentage of the greater
displaced volume as it would have been had Cb been 0.68.

Correction for depth (Regulation 31)

The standard ship has a L/D ratio of 15. If the L/D ratio is less than
15, which is usually the case, the freeboard is increased.
If the L/D ratio is greater than 15 then the freeboard may be decreased
provided that the ship has an enclosed superstructure covering at least
0.6L amidships, a complete trunk or a
combination of detached enclosed
superstructures and trunks which extend
all fore and aft.
Reasoning for this is as follows.
Consider the two vessels shown.
If the ships in figure 26.15 are
considered where an amidships
compartment extending the full depth of


the hull were flooded due to damage, Ship 1 would experience greater
sinkage and loss of freeboard than Ship 2, since in each case, the
volume of buoyancy that has been lost must be regained by the remaining
intact parts of the hull.

26.7.4 Correction for position of deck line (Regulation 32)

If the actual depth to the upper edge of

the deck line is greater or less than
depth for freeboard (D), the difference
greater, shall be added to, or if less
shall be deducted from, the freeboard.
Figure 26.16 illustrates the example of
rounded sheer strake.

Correction for superstructure and trunks (Regulations 33 to 37)

The standard ship has no superstructure. Enclosed superstructures of a
significant height are important in providing reserve buoyancy above
the freeboard deck. Freeboard deductions are allowed for effective
enclosed superstructure length as a proportion of the ship’s freeboard
The deduction in freeboard allowed is determined by a number of
formulae and tables.

Regulation 33 defines the standard height

superstructure as given in the following
Standard heights for intermediate lengths
obtained by interpolation.
Regulation 36 allows the reserve buoyancy of trunks to be taken into
consideration also. Although not precisely defined in the regulations a
trunk may be regarded as a structure having equivalent bulkhead
strength as that of a superstructure that opens directly into the space
below the freeboard deck and having an average width of at least 60% of
the ship at the position in which they are situated. Hatch coamings
that have heights equivalent to that of the standard height of the
superstructure as determined by the above table may be considered as
trunks that provide additional reserve buoyancy for the ship.
Regulation 37 details the deduction of freeboard that will be permitted
for effective length of superstructures and trunks. It is always a
deduction in freeboard since the standard ship has no superstructure.


Correction for sheer profile (Regulation 38)
Sheer is defined as being the curvature of the freeboard deck in a fore
and aft direction.
Benefits of sheer include:
* Greater reserve buoyancy at the ends of the ship, particularly
forward, ensuring good lift in a head/following sea;
* Reduces water shipped on deck;
* Reduces risk of foredeck being submerged after collision thus
improving survivability in the damaged condition and helps to maintain
an acceptable angle of heel at which progressive downflooding takes

The tabular freeboards are based upon

a standard sheer profile (standard
ship), measured at seven equally
spaced stations along the hull. A
process based on Simpson’s 1331 Rule
of area estimation is
applied separately to the sheer
measurements from the aft Fig. 26.17 perpendicular to amidships and the
forward perpendicular to amidships to produce measures of effective
sheer aft and forward respectively. Any deficiency in sheer will result
in an increase in freeboard. Excess sheer will result in a deduction in
freeboard. The amount of the deduction or increase in freeboard is
determined by formulae in regulation 38.

Correction for bow height (Regulation 39)

A minimum
allowable bow
height must be
maintained when
the vessel is
floating to the
summer load line
at its design
trim. The
assigned Summer
Freeboard for a
vessel must be
increased, if necessary, to ensure that the minimum bow height
requirements are met.
The minimum bow height (HB) in millimetres measured at the forward
perpendicular at the summer waterline is given by the following
HB = 56L (1 - L ) ´ 1.36 if freeboard length (L) < 250 m or 500 CB +
HB = 7000 ´ 1.36 if freeboard length (L) ³ 250 m
CB + 0.68
(Cb shall not be less than 0.68)


If the freeboard as calculated from considering the previous
corrections is less than the bow height minimum, then the bow height
formula minimum will be assigned as the Summer Freeboard.

The required bow height may be achieved by:

* including sheer provided sheer extends over at least 0.15L from the
forward perpendicular; or
* fitting a raised forecastle provided that such a forecastle extends
over at least 0.07L from the forward perpendicular.
The freeboard as calculated applies to the ship when in salt water and
is assigned to the ship as its Summer freeboard. The summer freeboard
shall not be less than 50 mm; if the ship has hatches in position 1
that are not made of steel then the summer freeboard shall not be less
than 150 mm (ignoring the correction for the position of the deck

In short
1. Type A, Type B Ships with Freeboard Tables
2.<100m length correction
3.Block Co-efficient Correction
4.Depth Correction
5.Deck Line Position Correction
6.Correction for Recess in Freeboard deck
7.Superstructure length & Height
8.Deductions of Superstructure & trunks
10.Minimum Bow Height & Reserve buoyancy

6. Load line survey?

A ship will be subject to the following surveys:
* Initial survey before the ship is put into service;
* Renewal survey at intervals not exceeding five years;
* Annual survey within 3 months either way of the anniversary
date of the load line certificate.
The surveyor will endorse the load line certificate on satisfactory
completion of the annual survey. The period of validity of the load
line certific ate may be extended for a period not exceeding 3 months
for the purpose of allowing the ship to complete its voyage to the port
in which it is to be surveyed.


1. INTERNATIONAL load line certificate.
2. International Load line exemption certificate.
3. Multiple Load Lines

Load line survey preparation

The preparation for a load line survey will involve ensuring that the
hull is watertight below the freeboard deck and weather tight above it
(cargo tank lids on tankers must be watertight).
The following checks should be conducted prior to survey:
(1) Check that all access openings at the ends of enclosed


superstructures are in good condition. All dogs, clamps and
hinges should be free and greased. Gaskets and other sealing
arrangements should not show signs of perishing (cracked rubbers).
Ensure that doors can be opened from both sides. Ensure that door
labels such as ‘To be kept closed at sea’ are in place.
(2) Check all cargo hatches and accesses to holds for weather
tightness. Securing devices such as clamps, cleats and wedges are
to be all in place, well greased and adjusted to provide optimum
sealing between the hatch cover and compression bar on the
coaming. Replace perished rubber seals as necessary. Hose test
hatches to verify weather tightness.
(3) Check the efficiency and securing of portable beams.
(4) For wooden hatches, ensure that the hatch boards are in good
condition and that the steel binding bands are well secured. A
minimum of at least two tarpaulins should be provided at each
hatch, which must be in good condition, waterproof and of a strong
approved material. Locking bars and side wedges must be in place
and be in good order.
(5) Inspect all machinery space openings on exposed decks.
(6) Check that manhole covers on the freeboard deck are capable of
being made watertight.
(7) Check that all ventilator openings are provided with efficient
weather tight closing appliances.
(8) All air pipes must be provided with permanently attached means
of closing.
(9) Inspect cargo ports below the freeboard deck and ensure that
they are watertight.
(10) Ensure that all non-return valves on overboard discharges are
(11) Side scuttles below the freeboard deck or to spaces within
enclosed superstructures must have efficient internal watertight
deadlights. Inspect deadlight rubber seals and securing
(12) Check all freeing ports, ensure shutters are not jammed,
hinges are free and that pins are of non-corroding type (gun
(13) Check bulwarks and guardrails are in good condition.
(14) Rig life lines (if required) and ensure they are in good
(15) De-rust and repaint deck line, load line mark, load lines and
draught marks.
On the day of the survey ensure that the International Load Line
certificate and associated documentation are available for inspection.
Sufficient manpower should be made available for the operation of hatch
covers and the rigging of staging and ladders to allow the surveyor to
view the load line and draught marks. The ship’s stability data book
should also be on hand for inspection.

7. What all plans n drawings required for dry docking?

Ans: Prepare the repair list at least 3 months prior to the docking
1. Send basically the following to the dry dock office (they may also
be by the company’s office)


v Repair list
v Docking plan
v Shell expansion plan

2. Following documents keep ready

v GA plan
v Bottom plug plan
v Tank arrangement plan
v Rigging plan
v Stability information
v Fire fighting plan
v Ships particulars
v Gas free certificates (only for tankers)
Cargo plan if docking is done with cargo

8. Propeller curves significance with drawing.


M Specified MCR point

Line 1 Propeller curve through

SMCR point(M)

Line 2 Propeller curve, fouled

hull and heavy weather – heavy
running (i = 3)

Line 3 Speed limit (represents

the maximum acceptable speed
for continuous operation, i.e.
105% of M. During sea trial
conditions the maximum speed
may be extended to 107% of M;
The over speed set-point is
109% of the speed in M. Running
at low load above 100% of the
nominal L1 speed of the engine
is, however, to be avoided for
extended periods.)

Line 4 Torque/speed limit (i =

2)(Represents the limit at
which an ample air supply is
available for combustion and
imposes a limitation on the
maximum combination of torque and speed)

Line 5 Mean effective pressure limit (i = 1)(Represents the maximum

mean effective pressure level (mep) which can be accepted for
continuous operation.) Line 5 is equal to the 100% mep-line. The mep-
lines are also an expression of the corresponding fuel index of the
Line 6 Propeller curve, clean hull and calm weather – light running (i
= 3), for propeller layout. This is 100

Line 7 Power limit for continuous running (i = 0)

Line 8 Overload limit

Line 9 Speed limit at sea trial

Line 10 Constant MEP lines, The mep-lines are also an expression of the
corresponding fuel index of the engine.

Point M to be located on line 7 (normally in point A)

Regarding “i” in the power functions Pb = c x ni,

Propeller curve
The relation between power and propeller speed for a fixed pitch
propeller is as mentioned above de- scribed by means of the propeller
law, i.e. the third power curve:
Pb = c x n , in which:
Pb = engine power for propulsion n = propeller speed c = constant
The power functions Pb=cxn will be linear functions when using
logarithmic scales.
Therefore, in the Layout Diagrams and Load Dia- grams for diesel
engines, logarithmic scales are used, making simple diagrams with
straight lines.

Propeller design point :

Normally, estimations of the
necessary propeller power and speed
are based on theoretical
calculations for loaded ship, and
often experimental tank tests, both
assuming optimum operating
conditions, i.e. a clean hull and
good weather.
The combination of speed and power
obtained may be called the ship’s
propeller design point (PD), placed
on the light running propeller curve
6. On the other hand, some
shipyards, and/or propeller
manufacturers sometimes use a
propeller design point (PD’) that
incorporates all or part of the so-
called sea margin described below.


Fouled hull
When the ship has sailed for some time, the hull and propeller become
fouled and the hull’s resistance will increase. Consequently, the ship
speed will be reduced unless the engine delivers more power to the
propeller, i.e. the propeller will be further loaded and will be heavy
running (HR).
As modern vessels with a relatively high service speed are prepared
with very smooth propeller and hull surfaces, the fouling after sea
trial, therefore, will involve a relatively higher resistance and
thereby a heavier running propeller.

Engine layout (heavy propeller)

When determining the necessary engine layout speed that considers the
influence of a heavy running propeller for operating at high extra ship
resistance, it is (compared to line 6) recommended to choose a heavier
propeller line 2. The propeller curve for clean hull and calm weather
line 6 may then be said to represent a ‘light running’ (LR) propeller.
Compared to the heavy engine layout line 2, we recommend using a light
running of 3.0-7.0% for design of the propeller.

Sea margin at heavy weather

If, at the same time the weather is

bad, with head winds, the ship’s
resistance may increase com- pared
to operating at calm weather
When determining the necessary
engine power, it is therefore normal
practice to add an extra power
margin, the so-called sea margin,
see Fig. 2.02 which is traditionally
about 15% of the propeller de- sign
(PD) power.

Engine margin
Besides the sea margin, a socalled ‘engine margin’ of some 10% or 15%
is frequently added. The corresponding point is called the ‘specified
MCR for propulsion’ (MP), and refers to the fact that the power for
point SP is 10% or 15% lower than for point MP.
Point MP is identical to the engine’s specified MCR point (M) unless a
main engine driven shaft generator is installed. In such a case, the
extra power demand of the shaft generator must also be considered.

Constant ship speed lines

The constant ship speed lines ∝, are shown at the very top of the
figure. They indicate the power required at various propeller speeds in
order to keep the same ship speed. It is assumed that, for each ship
speed, the optimum propeller diameter is used, taking into
consideration the total propulsion efficiency. See definition of ∝ in
Section 2.02.

Light/heavy running, fouling and sea margin are overlapping terms.
Light/heavy running of the propeller refers to hull and propeller
deterioration and heavy weather, whereas sea margin i.e. extra power to
the propeller, refers to the influence of the wind and the sea.
However, the degree of light running must be decided upon experience
from the actual trade and hull design of the vessel.

9. When P&I is there why bunker insurance?

Ans: P&I is not mandatory, Eg: P&I club north of England 2007 fig
pollution liability is 1000 million USD, this is applicable to all
types of pollution not only oil but bunker convention is only for
bunker spills. So P&I adds bunker convention premium to the mutual
(main) premium yearly but the pollution liability remains the same as
$1000 million.

10. Why insurance cover for bunker pollution in oil tanker although it is
having CLC?
Ans: There should be cargo residue on board to enable Clc to comply
else bunker convention applies irrespective of persistent oil spill
from bunker tanks to this he says if my vessel spills hfo oil after
discharging will Bunker convention cover I said no sir ballast voyage
but since after discharging must be having cargo oil residue only if
after dry dock lay up or delivery it spills then bunker convention
Resolution A1055(27) bunker certificate required to be issued which
are also required to hold CLC certificate (To avoid unnecessary
beurocracy). Also P&I club says that when tanker is unladen there is
no residue of persistant oil so bunker convention certificate

11. Ur at security lvl 2 and port at 1 ur action ?xq - if port asks you to
come down thenxq - how come cso decides abt ur security lvl xq - bt
when port is at lvl q then why flag decides lvl 2
Ans: Said as per SOLAS chapter 11 reg 5 DOS; in case of different
security levels DOS to be signed. Thats it? What if port asks u to
come down . I'll inform flag state and CSO regarding this issue and
then liaise with PFSO regarding measures to be taken. How does flag
and CSO decide sitting so far away. CSO implements SSP and they must
have some perceived threats for which they have asked us to keep a
higher level. But port state says there's no threat. Dont they know
better. I still said the same and said i will come down to one but
keep flag and CSO in the loop. But onboard will still maintain a
higher level of security.
Surveyor accepted this answer.

12. Annex 6 applies to which ships ?

Ans: All ships. 400 GT above need to carry certificate.

13. Bulk carrier insurances?


Ans: H&M, P&I, Wreck removal/blue card, bunker/bluecard if state not
Does H&M and P&I come under any convention. No.

MARPOL 73/78?
MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI Regulations for the prevention of Air Pollution
from ships applies to all ships greater than or equal to 400 gross
tonnage and to have an IAPP ( For renewal survey of IAPP certificate
the following things as per Annex VI should be considered. Prior to
issuance of certificate the flag state or
RO will need to confirm compliance with the applicable regulations
contained within the annex. The certificate continuity validity will
require annual, intermediate and renewal surveys to be satisfactorily
carried out.
For renewal of IAPP certificate preparation will lie in the fact that
vessel is complying with the regulations of annex VI. So, preparation
regarding to different regulations under annex VI will be:-

1. Regulation 12:- Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS)

This regulation does not apply to permanently sealed equipment where
there is no refrigerant charging connection. Subject to this
regulation any deliberate emission of ODS shall be prohibited.
Also, after 19 may 2005 any installation which contains ODS other that
HCFC is prohibited. Installation containing HCFC is permitted till 1st
January 2020.
Records and documents to be maintained:-
a) A list of equipment containing ODS should be maintained.
b) If the ship has any rechargeable system containing ODS, then an ODS
record book should be maintained. This record book shall be approved
by administration.
c) Entries in ODS record book shall be recorded in terms of mass (kg)
of substance in respect of
i) Recharge of equipment
ii) Repair or maintenance
iii) Discharge of ODS to atmosphere either deliberate or non-
iv) Discharge of ODS to land based facilities
v) Supply of ODS to ship

2. Regulation 13: – Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)

a. Check all engines are certified and have the necessary documents.
b. Sight the EIAPP certificate and Check that an approved Technical
file is maintained and include on board verification procedure for all
applicable diesel engine on board.
c. Verify Record book of engine parameters for all diesel engines is
updated. Check that the following is updated in the file:-
- changes to NOx emission related adjustable engine settings


- changes to NOx emission related engine components.
d. Confirm that NOX influencing components for diesel engines are
provided with manufacturer's identification code.
e. Confirm NOx emission related engine settings for diesel engines in

3. Regulation 14:- Sulphur Oxides SOx

a. Verify that the sulphur content of fuels is not above 3.5%, m/m and
for fuels to be used inside SECAs is not above 1%.m/m
b. Confirm satisfactory installation and documentation for fuel
switching arrangements between low and normal sulphur content fuel.
c. Verify the log-book for operation of fuel oil systems with low-
sulphur fuel oils (SECA), is updated and in compliance.
d. Verify operation of Exhaust gas cleaning system, if fitted.

4. Regulation 15:- VOC

a. Applicable for tankers only when entering ports where this is
required. Verify VOC return system certification and Vapour emission
control system manual on board.
b. Confirm condition of vapour collection system. Check Vapour
collecting piping including drains and valves, marking and flanges at
Test level gauging system, overflow control systems including visual
and audible alarms, and high and low pressure alarms.

5. Regulation 16:- Shipboard Incineration

a. Get an overview of Incinerators requiring type approval Incinerator
installed after 2000-01-01to be approved according to resolution MEPC
b. Check the Certificate and operation manual on board.
c. Verify satisfactory operation Check proper functioning of Alarm and
d. Verify instruction for operation posted, warning and instruction
plates, and that manufacturers name, incinerator model number/type and
capacity in heat units per hour is permanently marked on the
e. Check drip trays under burners, pumps and strainers should be free
of oil deposits.
f. Check list of materials not to be incinerated is posted near the

6. Regulation 18: – Fuel Oil Quality

a. Verify bunker delivery notes on board and with correct content.
b. Verify that each bunker delivery note is accompanied by a
representative sample.
c. Samples to be kept onboard until the fuel oil is substantially
consumed, and for minimum 12 months. Every BDN is to be accompanied by
a representative MARPOL sample of min.400 ml. The label of the sample
should be traceable to the BDN.
d. Sampling shall be drawn continuously throughout the bunker period
as per MEPC.96(47).


e. Confirm satisfactory storage of fuel oil samples in a safe storage
location, outside the ship’s accommodation, where personnel would not
be exposed to vapours which may be released from the sample.
f. The BDN must be stored onboard for three years after the delivery.
It is advised that an inventory is made to help finding sample bottles
and BDNs.
g. Verify that BDN's are provided for all bunker operations, recorded
in E/R log book and or Oil Record book, and that content of sulphur is
below the required limits of 3.5% (worldwide) and 1% (SECA).

General Requirements for Enumerate general requirements for shipboard

incinerators, as mentioned in Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78.
1. Onboard incineration outside an incinerator is prohibited except
that sewage sludge and sludge oil from oil separators may be
incinerated in auxiliary power plants and boilers when the ship is not
in ports, harbours and estuaries.
2. Incineration of Annex I, II and III cargo residues, of PCB's
(Polychlorinated biphenyls), of garbage containing more than traces of
heavy metals and of refined petroleum products containing halogen
compounds is always prohibited.
3. Incineration of PVC’s (polyvinyl chlorides) is prohibited except in
shipboard incinerators type approved according to resolutions MEPC
59(33) or MEPC 76(40).
4. Monitoring of combustion flue gas outlet temperature shall be
required at all times and waste shall not be fed into a continuous-
feed shipboard incinerator when the temperature is below the minimum
allowed temperature of 850°C.
5. For batch-loaded shipboard incinerators, the unit shall be designed
so that the temperature in the combustion chamber shall reach 600°C
within 5 minutes after start-up. It must be ensured that the
incinerators' flue gas outlet temperature monitoring system is
All incinerators installed on or after 1 January 2000 shall be type
approved in accordance with Resolution MEPC 76(40) giving the IMO
standard specification for shipboard incinerators. For such
incinerators a manufacturer's operating manual is required.

17. Ship at level 2 port at level 1 . Hw n when. If port request to

come to 1 will u? Who will decide this level n hw?
18. Fcp. A class b class y given.
19. Safcon survey in engine room only what specifically check?
20. Cert n insurances specific to gas carrier.
21. Lub oil spill during bunkering who will pay?
22. Clc
23. Fund convention?
24. Isps
25. What is p& i club? Who are under writers? See insurance notes
26. Your actions ce to reduce co2 onbaord?
15. Mlc 2006 when ratified by india?
16. What are the special certificates carried on bulk carrier?
17. One exclusive cert for bulk carrier??
19. Why pilot fuel u said..why gas is not igniting on it own in me-gi
20. What all insurance will a ship carry
21. In fcp why it is given port n stbd side , why not at the aft of the
accommodation, what all information fcp will you apart from normal
what we say.
22. Sfoc values for me engines and cylinder oil values?
23. Nox tier iii and areas?
24. Latest sulphur values of fuel in seca area?
25. Problems with low sulfur fuel?
26. Significance of shell expansion plan with drawing.
27. Types of steel used on ship n disadvantages of high tensile steel.
28. Damage stability criteria
29. What is subdivision load line,why assigned,criteria. Explanation with
30. Lifeboat on load,of load release system.what it is,how it
works.explanation with drawing.
31. Wat test u carry out on lifeboat ?
32. Asked me safcon survey ?
33. Wat insurance cert for bulk carrier ?xq - blue card 4r wreck ?
34. What is covered under bunker convention cert ?
35. Define persistent oil ?
36. Wat is fire control plan ?xq - why a and b class division mentioned
37. Fcp is supplement to seq cert. Imo developed color code for these
bulkheads which is easy reference for shore fire fighters.
38. Water ingress alarm system 4r bulk carrier ?xq - why bilge alarm if
ther is wids xq - according to me bilge alarm is helpful
39. What is imo no ?xq - where all u see imo no xq - who issues
40. Then why called imo no ?
41. Significance of cb ? Xq - how loadline assigned xq - what is full and
fine form
42. Bulk carrier ch 12
43. Safcon and seq survey
44. Latest developments in purifier
45. Lsa contents
46. Ftp contents
47. On what basis is loadline assigned to a ship
48. Ism implementation as c/e.
49. Bdn contents
50. Why 2 fuel samples kept onboard.
51. Certificates carried by bulk carrier exclusively.
52. Bulk carrier insurance cert.
53. Fire control plan and details you would obtain from it?
54. Solar chapter ii-2 related questions, bulkheads class etc.
55. Introduction,what types of ships done.
56. Ibc code n types of ships under the code.
57. Marpol categories(x,y,z,os) definitions n discharge criteria?repeat
58. Lifeboat davit checks (frequency n what checks)



1) Types of ship done after class2?
2) Crossection of lpg and lng tanker n difference regarding
construction in this question sub ques- types of lpg ship. And x
question on types of cargo carried
3) Damage stability criteria for lpg tanker- this i ans. As per igc
4) What do u understand by subdivision index.
5) Explain subdivision load line
6) As a ce hw will u comply with marpol annex 6 - in detail
7) What is constructive total loss and total loss.
8) What type fixed fire fighting system for er n deck on lpg tanker.
Explain complete maintenance of co2 fixed fire fighting n x ross ques.
9) What are the duties and responsibility of ce as per stcw 2010
10)As a ce what a problem that occur in ships refer system and

11)Steering gear requirements for tanker of 1000GT and above. Safe

matic steering gears.
Ans: Regulation 29 Steering gear †
1 Unless expressly provided otherwise, every ship shall be provided
with a main steering gear and an auxiliary steering gear to the
satisfaction of the Administration. The main steering gear and the
auxiliary steering gear shall be so arranged that the failure of one
of them will not render the other one inoperative.

2.1 All the steering gear components and the rudder stock shall be of
sound and reliable construction to the satisfaction of the
Administration. Special consideration shall be given to the
suitability of any essential component which is not duplicated. Any
such essential component shall, where appropriate, utilize
antifriction bearings such as ball-bearings, roller bearings or
sleeve-bearings which shall be permanently lubricated or provided with
lubrication fittings.

2.2 The design pressure for calculations to determine the scantlings

of piping and other steering gear components subjected to internal
hydraulic pressure shall be at least 1.25 times the maximum
workingpressure to be expected under the operational conditions
specified in paragraph 3.2, taking into account any pressure which may
exist in the low-pressure side of the system. At the discretion of the
Administration, fatigue criteria shall be applied for the design of
piping and components, taking into account pulsating pressures due to
dynamic loads

2.3 Relief valves shall be fitted to any part of the hydraulic system
which can be isolated and in which pressure can be generated from the
power source or from external forces. The setting of the relief valves
shall not exceed the design pressure. The valves shall be of adequate
size and so arranged as to avoid an undue rise in pressure above the
design pressure.

3 The main steering gear and rudder stock shall be:


.1 of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at maximum
ahead service speed which
shall be demonstrated;

.2 capable of putting the rudder over from 35° on one side to 35° on
the other side with the ship at its deepest seagoing draught and
running ahead at maximum ahead service speed and, under the same
conditions, from 35° on either side to 30° on the other side in not
more than 28 s;

.3 operated by power where necessary to meet the requirements of


.3.2 and in any case when the Administration requires a rudder stock
of over 120 mm diameter in way of the tiller,excluding strengthening
for navigation in ice; and

.4 so designed that they will not be damaged at maximum astern speed;

however, this design
requirement need not be proved by trials at maximum astern speed and
maximum rudder angle.

4 The auxiliary steering gear shall be:

.1 of adequate strength and capable of steering the ship at navigable

speed and of being brought
speedily into action in an emergency;

.2 capable of putting the rudder over from 15° on one side to 15° on
the other side in not more than 60 s with the ship at its deepest
seagoing draught and running ahead at one half of the maximum ahead
service speed or 7 knots, whichever is the greater; and

.3 operated by power where necessary to meet the requirements of

4.2 and in any case when the Administration requires a rudder stock of
over 230 mm diameter in way of the tiller,excluding strengthening for
navigation in ice.

5 Main and auxiliary steering gear power units shall be:

.1 arranged to restart automatically when power is restored after a
power failure; and

.2 capable of being brought into operation from a position on the

navigation bridge. In the event of a power failure to any one of the
steering gear power units, an audible and visual alarm shall be given
on the navigation bridge.

6.1 Where the main steering gear comprises two or more identical power
units, an auxiliary steering gear need not be fitted, provided that:


.1 In a passenger ship, the main steering gear is capable of operating
the rudder as required by
paragraph 3.2 while any one of the power units is out of operation;
.2 in a cargo ship, the main steering gear is capable of operating the
rudder as required by paragraph 3.2 while operating with all power
.3 the main steering gear is so arranged that after a single failure
in its piping system or in one of the power units the defect can be
isolated so that steering capability can be maintained or speedily

6.2 The Administration may, until 1 September 1986, accept the fitting
of a steering gear which has a proven record of reliability but does
not comply with the requirements of paragraph 6.1.3 for a hydraulic

6.3 Steering gears, other than of the hydraulic type, shall achieve
standards equivalent to the
requirements of this paragraph to the satisfaction of the

7 Steering gear control shall be provided:

.1 for the main steering gear, both on the navigation bridge and in
the steering gear compartment;

.2 where the main steering gear is arranged in accordance with

paragraph 6, by two independent control systems, both operable from
the navigation bridge. This does not require duplication of the
steering wheel or steering lever. Where the control system consists of
a hydraulic telemotor, a second independent system need not be fitted,
except in a tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 gross
tonnage and upwards;

.3 for the auxiliary steering gear, in the steering gear compartment

and, if power-operated, it shall also be operable from the navigation
bridge and shall be independent of the control system for the main
steering gear.

8 Any main and auxiliary steering gear control system operable from
the navigation bridge shall comply with the following:

.1 if electric, it shall be served by its own separate circuit

supplied from a steering gear power circuit from a point within the
steering gear compartment, or directly from switchboard busbars
supplying that steering gear power circuit at a point on the
switchboard adjacent to the supply to the steering gear power circuit;

.2 means shall be provided in the steering gear compartment for

disconnecting any control system operable from the navigation bridge
from the steering gear it serves;


.3 the system shall be capable of being brought into operation from a
position on the navigation bridge;

.4 in the event of a failure of electrical power supply to the control

system, an audible and visual alarm shall be given on the navigation
bridge; and

.5 short circuit protection only shall be provided for steering gear

control supply circuits.

9 The electrical power circuits and the steering gear control systems
with their associated components,cables and pipes required by this
regulation and by regulation 30 shall be separated as far as is
practicable throughout their length.
Chapter II-1, Part C SOLAS 74/78 page 55/86

10 A means of communication shall be provided between the navigation

bridge and the steering gear compartment.

11 The angular position of the rudder shall:

.1 if the main steering gear is power-operated, be indicated on the
navigation bridge. The rudder angle indication shall be independent of
the steering gear control system;

.2 be recognizable in the steering gear compartment.

12 Hydraulic power-operated steering gear shall be provided with the

.1 arrangements to maintain the cleanliness of the hydraulic fluid
taking into consideration the type and design of the hydraulic system;

.2 a low-level alarm for each hydraulic fluid reservoir to give the

earliest practicable indication of hydraulic fluid leakage. Audible
and visual alarms shall be given on the navigation bridge and in the
machinery space where they can be readily observed; and

.3 a fixed storage tank having sufficient capacity to recharge at

least one power actuating system including the reservoir, where the
main steering gear is required to be power-operated. The storage tank
shall be permanently connected by piping in such a manner that the
hydraulic systems can be readily recharged from a position within the
steering gear compartment and shall be provided with a contents gauge.

13 The steering gear compartments shall be:

.1 readily accessible and, as far as practicable, separated from
machinery spaces; and

.2 provided with suitable arrangements to ensure working access to

steering gear machinery and controls. These arrangements shall include
handrails and gratings or other nonslip surfaces to ensure suitable
working conditions in the event of hydraulic fluid leakage.


14 Where the rudder stock is required to be over 230 mm diameter in
way of the tiller, excluding strengthening for navigation in ice, an
alternative power supply, sufficient at least to supply the steering
gear power unit which complies with the requirements of paragraph 4.2
and also its associated control system and the rudder angle indicator,
shall be provided automatically, within 45 s, either from the
emergency source of electrical power or from an independent source of
power located in the steering gear compartment. This independent
source of power shall be used only for this purpose. In every ship of
10,000 gross tonnage and upwards, the alternative power supply shall
have a capacity for at least 30 min of continuous operation and in any
other ship for at least 10 min.

15 In every tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 gross

tonnage and upwards and in every other ship of 70,000 gross tonnage
and upwards, the main steering gear shall comprise two or more
identical power units complying with the provisions of paragraph 6.

16 Every tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 gross

tonnage and upwards shall, subject to paragraph 17, comply with the
.1the main steering gear shall be so arranged that in the event of
loss of steering capability due to a single failure in any part of one
of the power actuating systems of the main steering gear, excluding
the tiller, quadrant or components serving the same purpose, or
seizure of the rudder actuators, steering capability shall be regained
in not more than 45 s after the loss of one power actuating system;
.2 the main steering gear shall comprise either:

.2.1 two independent and separate power actuating systems, each

capable of meeting the requirements of paragraph 3.2; or

.2.2 at least two identical power actuating systems which, acting

simultaneously in normal operation, shall be capable of meeting the
requirements of paragraph 3.2. Where necessary to comply with this
requirement, interconnection of hydraulic power actuating systems
shall be provided. Loss of hydraulic fluid from one system shall be
capable of being detected and the defective system automatically
isolated so that the other actuating system or systems shall remain
fully operational;

.3 steering gears other than of the hydraulic type shall achieve

equivalent standards.

17 For tankers, chemical tankers or gas carriers of 10,000 gross

tonnage and upwards, but of less than 100,000 tonnes deadweight,
solutions other than those set out in paragraph 16, which need not
apply the single failure criterion to the rudder actuator or
actuators, may be permitted provided that an equivalent safety
standard is achieved and that:


.1following loss of steering capability due to a single failure of any
part of the piping system or in one of the power units, steering
capability shall be regained within 45 s; and

.2 where the steering gear includes only a single rudder actuator,

special consideration is given to stress analysis for the design
including fatigue analysis and fracture mechanics analysis, as
appropriate, to the material used, to the installation of sealing
arrangements and to testing and inspection and to the provision of
effective maintenance. In consideration of the foregoing, the
Administration shall adopt regulations which include the provisions of
the Guidelines for acceptance of non-duplicated rudder actuators for
tankers, chemical tankers and gas carriers of 10,000 gross tonnage and
above but less than 100,000 tonnes deadweight, adopted by the

18 For a tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 gross

tonnage and upwards, but less than 70,000 tonnes deadweight, the
Administration may, until 1 September 1986, accept a steering gear
system with a proven record of reliability which does not comply with
the single failure criterion required for a hydraulic system in
paragraph 16.

19 Every tanker, chemical tanker or gas carrier of 10,000 gross

tonnage and upwards, constructed before
1 September 1984, shall comply, not later than 1 September 1986, with
the following:
.1 the requirements of paragraphs 7.1, 8.2, 8.4, 10, 11, 12.2, 12.3
and 13.2;

.2two independent steering gear control systems shall be provided each

of which can be
operated from the navigation bridge. This does not require duplication
of the steering wheel or steering lever;

.3 if the steering gear control system in operation fails, the second

system shall be capable of
being brought into immediate operation from the navigation bridge; and
* Adopted by the Organization by resolution A.467(XII).
Chapter II-1, Part C SOLAS 74/78 page 57/86

.4 each steering gear control system, if electric, shall be served by

its own separate circuit supplied from the steering gear power circuit
or directly from switchboard busbars supplying that steering gear
power circuit at a point on the switchboard adjacent to the supply to
the steering gear power circuit.

20 In addition to the requirements of paragraph 19, in every tanker,

chemical tanker or gas carrier of 40,000 gross tonnage and upwards,
constructed before 1 September 1984, the steering gear shall, not
later than 1 September 1988, be so arranged that, in the event of a
single failure of the piping or of one of the power units, steering


capability can be maintained or the rudder movement can be limited so
that steering capability can be speedily regained. This shall be
achieved by:

.1 an independent means of restraining the rudder; or

.2 fast-acting valves which may be manually operated to isolate the

actuator or actuators from the external hydraulic piping together with
a means of directly refilling the actuators by a fixed independent
power-operated pump and piping system; or

.3 an arrangement such that, where hydraulic power systems are

interconnected, loss of hydraulic fluid from one system shall be
detected and the defective system isolated either automatically or
from the navigation bridge so that the other system remains fully

Regulation 30
Additional requirements for electric and electrohydraulic steering
1 Means for indicating that the motors of electric and
electrohydraulic steering gear are running shall be installed on the
navigation bridge and at a suitable main machinery control position.

2 Each electric or electrohydraulic steering gear comprising one or

more power units shall be served by at least two exclusive circuits
fed directly from the main switchboard; however, one of The circuits
may be supplied through the emergency switchboard. An auxiliary
electric or electrohydraulic steering gear associated with a main
electric or electrohydraulic steering gear may be connected to one of
the circuits supplying this main steering gear. The circuits supplying
an electric or electrohydraulic steering gear shall have adequate
rating for supplying all motors which can be simultaneously connected
to them and may be required to operate simultaneously.

3 Short circuit protection and an overload alarm shall be provided for

such circuits and motors.
Protection against excess current, including starting current, if
provided, shall be for not less than twice the full load current of
the motor or circuit so protected, and shall be arranged to permit the
passage of the appropriate starting currents. Where a three-phase
supply is used an alarm shall be provided that will indicate failure
of any one of the supply phases. The alarms required in this paragraph
shall be both audible and visual and shall be situated in a
conspicuous position in the main machinery space or control room from
which the main machinery is normally controlled and as may be required
by regulation 51.

4 When in a ship of less than 1,600 gross tonnage an auxiliary

steering gear which is required by
regulation 29.4.3 to be operated by power is not electrically powered
or is powered by an electric motor primarily intended for other


services, the main steering gear may be fed by one circuit from the
main switchboard. Where such an electric motor primarily intended for
other services is arranged to power such an auxiliary steering gear,
the requirement of paragraph 3 may be waived by the Administration if
satisfied with the protection arrangement together with the
requirements of regulation 29.5.1 and .2 and 29.7.3 applicable to
auxiliary steering gear.

12))Duties as per ISM , and element specific only.

13)how u get it , how to plot , draw and explain, why at specified
rpm ,
14)how to calculate power complete explanation , k1 & k2 what are
this values.
15)Annex 6 as CE what u will prepare for survey.
16)How IMO works , complete detail, its purpose, bit explain about
all mail committee . what assembly does, Subcommittees.
17)Insurance , H&M exclusions


For windlass brake ..I told him dat there is a method of tightening
the brake frame ...if dat has reached the limit then I wl hold the
anchor n chain in place using chain block n wire slings ..till I
get suitable time to work on the renewal of brake lining ...and
then proceed to change the lining subject to availability of spares
..dat is lining and counter sunk screws...else d usual
..requitioning for d spares...then told him the method of changing
the brake lining by erecting frame,removing the pins and removal of
brake frames

Gadkar sir , 06 Apr 16

Orals on 04/04/2016 @ DGS
Internal: Mr Shekhar
External: Mr Vardhan or Bagtrasi (Not sure)
1) Latest engine developments

2) Double evaporation boilers

Ans:Double evaporation boiler uses two independent systems for steam
generation thus avoids any contamination of primary and secondary
feed water. Primary circuit is conventional water tube boiler which
provides steam to the steam heating coils of steam generator which is
secondary system.
Used for domestic and other low pressure boiler.

3) COP and COPT rpm

4) Nox formation more in 2 Stroke than in 4 Stroke.. Why
5) Details of Shaft gen and how it copes up in rough weather with
load fluctuations
6) EEDI and applicable ships
7) Ballast convention in force or not, ratification status? Ballast
standards D1 & D2? Active substance and eg?
Bwm status is now 34.82%. 7th March belgium ratified .bringing the
no. Of states ratified to 48.
8) Scope of P&I cover
9) GA act
10) DD requirements and certificates including HSSC, Max interval
allowed between DD's?
Told to wait out, called back in less than a min..Mr Shekhar was
listening to entire orals.. Last questions by Mr Shekhar:
Damage stability critiria of a bulk carrier
What are cross curves of stability
What all things are not covered in a h&m insurance policy
What all problems u face while using low sulphur fuel oil

External : Badwal
3)Safcon and safety con certificates.
4) Action wrt PSC if the emgy fire pump fails in Port and no spares?
5) oil cess? Where the fund is used?

10) IBC code and IGC code.

Some more but all std repeated questions from previous posts in this

2nd round with barik.

Asked CO2 two yearly checks and maintenance.

Today, crankshafts for large 2 stroke crosshead engines are of the

semi built type. In this method of construction the crankshaft
"throws" consisting of two webs and the crankpin are made from a
single forging of a 0.4% carbon steel. The webs are bored to take the
separately forged and machined main journals which are fitted into
the webs using the shrink fitting method described above. The shrink
fit allowance is between 1/570 and 1/660 of the diameter.
The advantages of this method of construction is that by making the
two webs and crankpin from a single forging the grain flow in the
steel follows the web round into the crankpin and back down the other
VIT: The pump is basically a jerk type with a plunger moving in a
matched barrel, using two helical grooves machined in the plunger to
control the end of injection by uncovering spill ports and causing
the discharge pressure to drop rapidly, thus causing the needle valve
in the injector to close.
Oil is supplied to the barrel via the spill ports and a suction
valve. The suction valve, situated at the top of the barrel opens
when the pressure in the barrel falls below the supply pump pressure;
i.e. during downward stroke of plunger, while spill ports are covered
by plunger.
Replaceable erosion plugs are fitted in the pump housing opposite the
spill ports. The high pressure oil, spilling back, as the edge of the
helix uncovers the spill ports at the end of injection, hit the
plugs, which prevent damage to the pump casing.
A puncture valve is fitted in the top cover of the pump. It is opened
when compressed air from the control air system acts on top of a
piston fitted in the top cover. Fuel oil from the discharge side is
then returned to the suction side of the pump and no injection takes
place. The puncture valve is operated in the event of actuation of
the shut down system (all units), during the air start sequence or
when excessive leakage is detected from the double skinned fuel
Fuel oil leakage past the plunger to the cam case is prevented by the
use of an "umbrella" seal.
The pump is capable of Variable Injection Timing (VIT). This
overcomes the disadvantage of the basic jerk pump, where although the
end of injection is infinitely variable, the start of injection is
fixed by the position of the spill ports, injection commencing
shortly after the ports are covered by the top edge of the plunger.
As well as having the normal fuel quantity control (i.e a rack which
rotates the plunger in the barrel), the fuel pump is fitted with an
adjustable barrel which has a large pitch thread machined on the
bottom. The threaded barrel is located in a threaded sleeve which is
rotated by a second rack. As the sleeve cannot move axially, and the
barrel is prevented from rotating, then as the sleeve rotates, the
barrel moves up and down, thus altering the position of the spill
ports relative to the plunger, and varying the start of injection.
Reason for using variable injection timing
The reason for using VIT is to achieve greater fuel economy. This is
achieved by advancing the injection timing so that maximum combustion
pressure (pmax) is achieved at about 85% MCR (maximum continuous

The system is set up so that there is no change in injection timing

at low loads (40%MCR). This is to avoid frequent changes of pump lead
during manoeuvring.
As the engine load is increased above 40%, the start of injection
advances. When the engine has reached approximately 85% MCR at which
the engine is designed to have reached pmax, the servos retard the
injection timing so that the maximum combustion pressure is kept
constant between 85% and 100%MCR.
At 90% MCR a fuel saving of 4-5g/h.p.hour is claimed to be
Variable Injection timing also allows for small adjustments to the
fuel pump timing to be made to allow for fuels of varying ignition
qualities. Wear on the fuel pumps can also be compensated for as can
changes in the camshaft timing due to chain elongation (up to 2
Hydrodynamic lubrication:

Before the rotation commences the shaft rests on the bearing surface.
When the rotation commences the shaft moves up the bore until an
equilibrium condition is reached when the shaft is supported on a
wedge of lubricant. The moving surfaces are then held apart by the
pressure generated within the fluid film. Journal bearings are
designed such that at normal operating conditions the continuously
generated fluid pressure supports the load with no contact between
the bearing surfaces. This operating condition is known as thick film
lubrication and results in a very low operating friction and
extremely low bearing load.
The rotating shaft drags a wedge of oil beneath it that develops a
pressure great enough to support the shaft and eliminate contact
friction between the shaft and bearing.
Viscosity of the lubricant is an important feature. The higher the
viscosity, the higher the friction between oil and shaft, but the
thicker the hydrodynamic film. However friction generates heat, which
will reduce the viscosity, the thickness of the film and may result
in metal to metal contact. Using an oil with a low initial viscosity
will also result in a reduced oil film thickness. We have to be very
careful that the distance between the two surfaces is greater than
the largest surface defect. The distance between the two surfaces
decreases with higher loads on the bearing, less viscous fluids, and
lower speeds. Hydrodynamic lubrication is an excellent method of
lubrication since it is possible to achieve coefficients of friction
as low as 0.001 (m=0.001), and there is no wear between the moving
parts. However because the lubricant is heated by the frictional
force and since viscosity is temperature dependent, additives to
decrease the viscosity's temperature dependence are used. The oil of
course is cooled before it is pumped back through the engine.

Bearing materials:
Bearing Materials
Babbitt Metal
Babbitt metal, is an antifriction metal alloy first produced by Isaac
Babbitt in 1839. In present-day usage the term is applied to a whole
class of silver-white bearing metals, or “white metals.” These alloys
usually consist of relatively hard crystals embedded in a softer
matrix, a structure important for machine bearings. They are composed
primarily of tin, copper, and antimony, with traces of other metals
added in some cases and lead substituted for tin in others.
Bearings used in large marine diesel engines are tin based babbitt
metals. Lead content is a minimum. Tin based white metals have 4
times the load bearing characteristics and two and a half times the
maximum surface speed of lead based white metals.
Tin-based white metal is an alloy with minimum 88% tin (Sn), the rest
of the alloy composition is antimony (Sb), copper (Cu), cadmium (Cd)
and small amounts of other elements that are added to improve the
fineness of the grain structure and homogeneity during the
solidification process. This is important for the load carrying and
sliding properties of the alloy. Lead (Pb) content in this alloy
composition is an impurity, as the fatigue strength deteriorates with
increasing lead content, which should not exceed 0.2 % of the cast
alloy composition. Tin based white metal is used in the main
bearings, crankpin bearings, crosshead bearings, guide shoes,
camshaft bearings and thrust bearings because of its excellent load
carrying and sliding properties.
Babbitt metal is soft and easily damaged, and seems at first sight an
unlikely candidate for a bearing surface, but this appearance is
deceptive. The structure of the alloy is made up of small hard
crystals dispersed in a matrix of softer alloy. As the bearing wears
the harder crystal is exposed, with the matrix eroding somewhat to
provide a path for the lubricant between the high spots that provide
the actual bearing surface.
Tin Aluminium
Tin aluminium bearings were developed to provide bearings that carry
high loads. As a bearing material, unalloyed aluminium has a tendency
to seize to a steel mating surface. It was found that 20% of tin
added to the aluminium improved seizure resistance and that cold
working and annealing helped to prevent brittleness. Special features
are their good resistance to corrosion, high thermal conductivity and
high fatigue strength, but they have the disadvantages of only
moderate embedding properties, poor compatibility and high
coefficients of thermal expansion. If used as solid unbacked bearings
this type of alloy is usually too weak to maintain an interference
fit and too hard to run satisfactorily against an unhardened shaft.
Considerable improvement in antiscoring characteristics and
embedability is obtained by using a thin-lead babbitt or
electrodeposited lead-tin overlay.
Alloys containing 20 to 40% tin, remainder aluminium, show excellent
resistance to corrosion by products of oil breakdown and good
embeddability. The sliding properties of this composition are very
similar to those of tin based white metal but the loading capacity of
this material is higher than tin based white metals for the same
working temperature; this is due to the ideal combination of tin and
aluminium, where tin gives the good embedability and sliding
properties, while the aluminium mesh functions as an effective load
absorber. The higher-tin alloys (40%) have adequate strength and
better surface properties, which make them useful for main and
crosshead bearings in high-power marine diesel engines.
Lead Bronzes
Lead bronzes basically are copper-tin-lead-alloys. They are used in
very highly loaded bearings because of their high fatigue strength;
their drawback is poor tribological behaviour. That is why they
require an electroplated overlay in most applications. Standard
composition for conrod and main bearings is 78 % Cu, 20 % Pb, 2 % Sn.
The alloy is used with electroplated overlay or cast babbit running
layer. These bearings can be found in marine diesel medium speed
An overlay is a thin galvanic coating of mainly lead (Pb) and tin
(Sn), which is applied directly on to the white metal or, via an
intermediate layer, on to the tin aluminium sliding surface of the
bearing. The overlayer is a soft and ductile coating, its main
objective is to ensure good embedability and conformity between the
bearing sliding surface and the pin surface geometry.
Flash layer
A flash layer is a 100% tin (Sn) layer which is applied galvanically;
the thickness of this layer is from 2 µm to 5 µm. The coating of tin
flash is applied all over and functions primarily to prevent
corrosion (oxidation) of the bearing. The tin flash also functions as
an effective dry lubricant when new bearings are installed and the
engine is barred over.
Tri-Metal Bearings
Multi layer thinwall bearings are used in modern diesel engines.
Babbitt metal lacks fatigue strength. It breaks down under load. The
durability of babbit greatly increases as the material decreases in
thickness. The common solution is to apply a thin layer of babbitt
over a supporting layer of copper/lead which acts as a cushioning
layer and allows for slight misalignment.
A modern trimetal bearing infact has five layers: The nickel barrier
plating prevents or limits diffusion of metallic components from the
babbitt anti-friction layer into the copper/lead. supporting layer
and vice versa.
The tin flash coating is, as previously mentioned to protect and
provide a dry lubricant.

Scavenge Fire:
Scavenge Fires
For a scavenge fire to begin there must be present a combustible
material, oxygen or air to support combustion, and a source of heat
at a temperature high enough to start combustion. In the case of
scavenge fires the combustible material is oil. The oil can be
cylinder oil which has drained down from the cylinder spaces, or
crankcase oil carried upwards on the piston rod because of a faulty
stuffing box. In some cases the cylinder oil residues may also
contain fuel oil. The fuel may come from defective injectors,
injectors with incorrect pressure setting, fuel particles striking
the cylinders and other similar causes. The oxygen necessary for
combustion comes from the scavenge air which is in plentiful supply
for the operation of the engines. The source of heat for ignition
comes from piston blowby, slow ignition and afterburning, or
excessive exhaust back pressure, which causes a blowback through the
scavenge ports.
Indications of a scavenge fire are loss in power and irregular
running of the engine, high exhaust temperatures of corresponding
units, high local temperature in scavenge trunk, surging of
turbocharger, and sparks and smoke emitted from scavenge drains.
External indications will be given by a smoky exhaust and the
discharge of sooty smuts or carbon particles. If the scavenge trunk
is oily the fire may spread back-from the space around or adjacent to
the cylinders where the fire started and will show itself as very hot
spots or areas of the scavenge trunk surfaces. In ships where the
engine room is designed as UMS, temperature sensors are fitted at
critical points within the scavenge spaces. activation would cause
automatic slow down of the engine.
If a scavenge fire starts two immediate objectives arise- they are to
contain the fire within the scavenge space of the engine and to
prevent or minimize damage to the engine. The engine must be put to
dead slow ahead and the fuel must be taken off the cylinders affected
by the fire. The lubrication to these cylinders must be increased to
prevent seizure and all scavenge drains must be shut to prevent the
discharge of sparks and burning oil from the drains into the engine
room. A minor fire may shortly burn out without damage, and
conditions will gradually return to normal. The affected units should
be run on reduced power until inspection of the scavenge trunking and
overhaul of the cylinder and piston can be carried out at the
earliest safe opportunity. Once navigational circumstances allow it,
the engine should be stopped and the whole of the scavenge trunk
examined and any oil residues found round other cylinders removed.
The actual cause of the initiation of the fire should be
If the scavenge fire is of a more major nature, if there is a risk of
the fire extending or if the scavenge trunk is adjacent to the
crankcase with risk of a hot spot developing it sometimes becomes
necessary to stop the engine. Normal cooling is maintained, and the
turning gear engaged and operated. Fire extinguishing medium should
be applied through fittings in the scavenge trunk: these may inject
carbon dioxide, dry powder or smothering steam. The fire is then
extinguished before it can spread to surfaces of the scavenge trunk
where it may cause the paint to start burning if special non
inflammable paint has not been used. Boundary cooling of the scavenge
trunk may be necessary. Keep clear of scavenge relief valves, and do
not open up for inspection until the engine has cooled down.
After extinguishing the fire and cooling down, the scavenge trunking
and scavenge ports should be cleaned and the trunking together with
cylinder liner and water seals, piston, piston rings, piston skirt,
piston rod and gland must be inspected. Heat causes distortion and
therefore checks for binding of piston rod in stuffing box and piston
in liner must be carried out. Tightness of tie bolts should be
checked before restarting the engine. Inspect reed valves if fitted,
and scavenge relief valve springs. Fire extinguishers should be
recharged at the first opportunity and faults diagnosed as having
caused the fire must be rectified.
To prevent scavenge fires good maintenance and correct adjustment
must be carried out. Scavenge trunking must be periodically inspected
and cleaned and any buildup of contamination noted and remedied. The
drain pockets should also be cleaned regularly to remove the thicker
carbonized oil sludges which do not drain down so easily and which
are a common cause of choked drain pipes. Scavenge drains should be
blown regularly and any passage of oil from them noted. The piston
rings must be properly maintained and lubricated adequately so that
ring blow-by is prevented. At the same time one must guard against
excess cylinder oil usage. With timed cylinder oil injection the
timing should be periodically checked. Scavenge ports must be kept
The piston-rod packing rings and scraper rings should also be
regularly adjusted so that oil is prevented from entering the
scavenge space because of butted ring segments. This may and does
occur irrespective of the positive pressure difference between the
scavenge trunk and the crankcase space.
Fuel injection equipment must be kept in good condition, timed
correctly, and the mean indicated pressure in each cylinder must also
be carefully balanced so that individual cylinders are not
If cylinder liner wear is up to maximum limits the possibility of
scavenge fires will not be materially reduced until the liners are

Crank case explosion:

Sequence of events leading up to a crankcase explosion
For an explosion to occur there must be a source of air (oxygen),
fuel and ignition. Oxygen is present in the crankcase, but the
lubricating oil splashing around in the crankcase is in too large
droplets to start burning at the speed needed to cause an explosion,
and the oil/air concentration is too weak.
If, however a mechanical fault develops with the consequent rubbing
of moving parts, then a hot spot will occur. This could happen in the
crankcase, chaincase, or camcase. When the temperature of the hot
spot reaches 200°C the lubricating oil splashing on to this hot spot
vapourises. The vapour then circulates to a cooler part of the
crankcase where it condenses into a white oil mist. The oil droplets
in this oil mist are very small - 5 to 10 microns in diameter. When
the concentration of oil mist reaches 50mg/l (about 13% oil mist -
air ratio), it is at its lower explosive limit. If this oil mist is
now ignited by the hot spot - and tests have shown that it is
necessary for a temperature of about 850°C to ignite oil mist in a
crankcase under operating conditions - then an explosion will occur.
Although the most common cause of of a localised hotspot is due to
friction, it is not the only cause of a crankcase explosion. A
cracked piston crown, blowby or an external fire have caused
crankcase explosions in the past.
Primary and secondary crankcase explosions
Severity of explosions vary between a puff which may lift a relief
valve to a violent explosions which causes major damage and may
injure personnel and cause a fire. Evidence indicates that the longer
the combustion path, the more violent the explosion. This has become
an area of concern with the large two strokes of today which may have
a crankcase volume of 500m3 +.
When an explosion occurs a flame front travels down the crankcase
with a pressure wave in front of it. The turbulence caused by moving
engine components causing churning and mixing of vapours increase the
speed of the flame front and its area, which contribute to the
increase in pressure. Turbulence caused by venting of the pressure
through relief valves can also influence the explosion.
Following the venting of the explosion through the relief valves,
there is a drop in crankcase pressure to below atmospheric pressure.
This can cause air to enter the crankcase resulting in another
flammable mixture to be developed resulting in a secondary explosion
to occur. The secondary explosion is more violent and can result in
crankcase doors being blown off the engine, and fires starting in the
engine room. If the relief valves do not reseal after lifting, or if
they do not lift at all in the primary explosion ( due to lack of
maintenance etc), then door(s) may be blown off in the primary
explosion, giving a ready path for the ingress of air, which will
make a secondary explosion more likely. Air can also be sucked in via
the crankcase vent, although rules state that this must be as small
as practicable and new installations must have a non return valve
If a primary explosion occurs, the pressure wave may send a large
amount of oil mist out into the engine room. Although the flame
arrestors on the relief valves should prevent ignition of this oil
mist by the flame front, the mist will be sucked up towards the
turbocharger where it may be ignited by an unlagged hot exhaust
manifold. This ignition of oil mist can cause severe damage to plant
and personnel.

1. differentiate between product and chemical tankers

Ans; product tanker oil tanker engaged in carrying oil other than
crude oil is termed product tanker
chemical tanker a ship constructed for the carriage in bulk of any
liquid product listed in chapter 17 of IBC code ( international bulk
chemical code)

2. under revised annex can vegetable oil be carried on product

Ans; No it has to be carried on chemical tankers as per GSEAMP( group
of experts on the scientific aspects of marine environmental
protection) studies which revised the annex II categorization
depending on bio – accumulation bio degradation
4. general average , can master discharge the oil to save the
Ans; A general average act is defined in Rule A of the York Antwerp
Rules 1994 and Marine Insurance Act as follows:
“There is a general average act when, and only when, any
extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is intentionally and
reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for the purpose of
preserving from peril the property involved in a common maritime
The five component parts of a general average loss are therefore:
a) an extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure,
b) which is intentionally
c) and reasonably made
d) against a peril,
e) in order to benefit the common venture
yes master can discharge oil into sea As per MARPOL regulation 4
annex I, to save life at sea, securing the safety of ship, to
minimize the effect of damage
Example of GA- damage caused to machinery while re-floating the
vessel after grounding, or jettison of cargo.

5. why beam is large on tankers

6. discuss any contingency and action taken

Ans; FLOODING, ACTION TAKEN- sound emergency alarm, reduce speed or
stop if at sea, access nature of failure and risk to environment,
start all available bilge pumps,,, close water tight doors, locate
and isolate damage if the flooding due to engine room pipe lines,
consider internal transfer to minimize the damage, analyze fire and
explosion risks, ensure stability of vessel, refer to damaged control
plan, consider jettison of cargo to keep vessel under stable
conditions, incase of major flooding close dead lights and ports on
all lower decks (if applicable), close the vent heads in the cargo
tanks ,consider the vessels manoeuvre ability and if any towing or
external help is required, prepare for LSA equipments or lifeboat if
necessary, ACTION PLAN- inform ships in vicinity, inform nearest
coastal authorities, inform company.
FIRE;, ACTION TAKEN- raise emergency alarm, inform bridge, muster and
take head count, carry out duties as per muster list such as stopping
of ventilation, shutting down vent flaps, evacuation and first aid to
casualty if any, operation of emergency and remote stops & shut
downs, boundary cooling, closure of fire and watertight doors, fight
the fire if possible, if major fire refer to contingency plan , for
engine room and cargo hold release CO2 where applicable, access the
damage to hull , machinery if any and analyze the assistance required
from shore- with regards to fire fighting or other technical
guidance, also access the possibility of pollution prevention.
Maintain vessel under stable conditions at all times. If the
situation becomes worse prepare for the abandoning
ACTION PLAN; inform ships in vicinity inform nearest coastal
authority, inform office.

7. discuss any major survey on board

preparations-ample mount of time and assistance is available for
survey, ensure the availability of spare tubes and changing material
on board, manhole gaskets, gland packing and mountings isolate the
boiler, follow the shutting down procedure and put placards, when
boiler pressure becomes one bar open the vent valve, and blow down he
boiler, let the boiler shell be cooled down , give sufficient time-
one day, fill up the required documentations under ISM such as steam
and pressurized vessel checklists,
drain the boiler and ensure that blow down valves on ship side are
closed. Open the bottom manhole door and mud hole doors, slacken the
nuts and break the gasket seal prior removing, open the top manhole
door, slacken the door, tie it up and keep clear , hammer the door
from top so that it hangs inside, tag and dismantle all the
mountings, measure the safety valve clearances and document the same,
overhaul the dismantled mountings and keep them nicely on floor for
inspection by the surveyor, carry out the recommendation as suggested
by the surveyor, fill up the enclosed space checklist before
entering the enclosed spaces such as smoke box and furnace, clean the
boiler furnace and smoke side for the inspections, after survey box
up all the mountings with new packing, prepare the boiler for cold
firing, raise the steam pressure below the rated boiler working
pressure and test all the boiler safeties, such as HWL, LWL,LLWL,
oil temp high, low oil pressure, flame failure, ID fan failure, cut
outs and alarms upon satisfactory operation of all above ,test for
any leaks from any of the mountings and call the surveyor for
completion of the survey for checking the safety valve setting, gag
one safety valve and fire the boiler in front of the surveyor, raise
the pressure in steps till the safety valve lifts at the desired
pressure, repeat the gag test with the other safety valve, once the
surveyor is satisfied, the survey is finished and boiler can be put
into use.

10. differentiate between York Antwerp rules and Hague Visby

these are set of internationally recognized rules for a uniform
method of calculating the contribution of parties when there is an
general average act. The York/Antwerp Rules, are not the subject of
national statutes or international conventions, but are imposed by
special clauses in standard form contracts - principally bills of
York Antwerp rules consists of 7 lettered rules and 22 numbered
rules, lettered rules deals with principles of general average, where
as numbered rules deals with the practices of general average,
numbered rues have precedence over the lettered rules when there is a
These rules are international convention for the unification of
certain rules relating to the bills of lading, drafted at Hague in
Due to certain court decisions, and due to advent of
containerization and multi modal transportation of goods and due to
pound sterling loosing its convertibility to gold The Hague rules in
1968 were amended and called Hague Visby rules. India has adopted a
number of provisions of the Hague Visby rules by amending “ the
carriage of goods by sea Act 1925
Under The Hague rules shipper bears the cost of loss/damage of the
goods if they cannot prove that the vessel was unseaworthy,
improperly manned, or unable to safely transport and preserve the
This means that the carrier can avoid the liability for a risk
resulting from human errors provided they exercise due diligence and
their vessel is properly manned and seaworthy.
Hague rules do not apply to charter parties unless incorporated
therein by agreement,
Whenever Hague rules are adopted by into the national statutes they
apply only to the outwards cargos and for inward cargo’s they must be
incorporated in the bills of lading.
Hague Visby rules falls mainly in two categories. Rules in the first
category establish the obligations of the carrier. Rules in the
second category define the maximum immunity to which he is entitled
and the extent to which he may limit his liability.

IMP:An indian flag vessel if becomes wreck in uk water limit will

be as per the version /protocol of llmc ratified by uk ,not india.
India is party to older llmc and so limit is lesser. But that
smaller limit will be applcable in indian water only

• Basel - avoiding trasboundary movement from one nation to

other ,
London - control of dumping of waste in sea "from "vessel,
platform, aircraft except few waste
Ship- annex 5 and mentioned garbage generated onboard the ship
- op or domestic

Annex VI applicable to all ships.. 400 gt above for certification...

Eedi chapter 4 of annex 6 applicable to ships 400gt and above
constructed after 1st Jan 2013

Ships 400gt and above having diesel electric propulsion or hybrid

propulsion need not comply with reg 20 and 21

Point 5 from what I understand is that waiver Clause will not apply
to ships 400gt and above constructed after 1st Jan 2017..

Orals at MMD

Ajay Kulkarni


1. Dry dock major jobs

2. Dry dock major surveys

3. Procedure for all clearances

4. In mid sea rough weather one unit fail of main engine

5. What is your action

6. How you will carry out decarb

7. What all safety precautions

8. Co2 maintenance all

9. How hydrostatic test of cylinders carried out?

10. Safety equipment survey

11. What all are class surveys and statutory surveys

12. Complete procedure for bunkering including safeties

Orals old mmd

Mr ghadkar

1.Types of ship done

2 dry dock documents

3 what all test done for rudder ( rudder wear down check, jumping
clearance...told him abt itnernal inspection...asked how u doin
it....said not sure but can use optical fibre camera)

3. Insurances carried onboard.

4. What covered under h&m

6. If crew damages machinery purposefully is it covered?

7. Steering gear requirements.

8. Safcon survey preparations

9. Push pull graph in detail ( what kind of propeller can u do it

for...said keyless)

10. Davit checks ( how will u attach the proof load on davit).

11. Who does davit tests( authorised work shop...who authorises?)

Hey Felix told him can place it anywhere as long as it satisfies the
criteria of the MSC circular ! Only thing being if u place it aft
then from the point of entry on the ship we have to have markers
showing the direction of the place where the plan is stored ! Also
one of the reasons

stored near accomadation is whenever anyone boards the vessel he

first comes near the accomadation entrance and not the aft area !
Hence its closer !!

But this could differ from ship to bulk carriers or so

accommodation is aft...gangway little ahead so has to move aft...I
have done only car carriers..for us accommodation is top deck
forward..and gangway aft and down in cargo our fire plan is
just next to gangway..aft and point of entry to ship

Gents, had Viva with Mr Gadkar at old MMD :

Following questions asked:

1. CO2 fixed type - all relevant survey and checks - annual,

biannual, 5 yearly , 10 yearly

2. Dry dock checks

Rudder pressure test

4. Load line Survey

5. Heavy weather change out of piston in mid sea - ISM items

6. How will u locate and change a damaged plate

7. How will you confirm if the plate brought by shipyard is same to

what is required

8. Load line markings and what is fresh water allowance

9. H& M and P&I what all covered and exclusions

10. Cargo insurance

11. Life boat and davit all checks and survey - yearly, bi-yearly
and 5 yearly

12. How can you calculate the weight of the cre and passengers

13. Why passenger weight is less than crew as per SOLAS

for the steel plate - you have a heat number and you have to cross
check the test certificate with the heat number to make sure its for
the same steel plate

Aneja and Shekhar

2nd Attempt (Writtens cleared)

He was checking my EXN as i entered. Saw my previous attempt answer

sheet. Asked who took your orals ? Then saw shekhar's questions and
started with that,

What is FCP and where is it located?

Gave him the standard answer. no Xqs

What about this level 1 level 2 security?

Told him about the question on this last time..Then he asked what if
port is at 2 and your ship at 1. I said that can never happen, we can
be higher or same but never lower than the port security level.

Then the actual orals

1. What type of ships have you done?

After class 2 bulk carriers and previously crude oil tankers.

What chapters of SOLAS are applicable to bulk carriers?

Chapter 6, 7 and 12.

What are the codes associated with chapter 6 and 7?

Chapter 6: IMSBC code and International grain code. Chapter 7: IMSBC

code IGC code IBC code and INF code.

IMSBC for chapter 6 and 7?

Yes sir it is part of both. Asked me for a brief explanation of IMSBC


2. Explain chapter 12 of SOLAS?

Started with regulation 4 on damage stability. Then asked me what is
intact stability?

Started telling him the 6 criteria for intact stability. Before i

could complete, What other requirements apart from damage stability

Told him that during special surveys the holds (1 and 2) at the
forward end and the db at this location should be checked for
strength. OK. Why chapter 12 came into force? Explained to him
regarding loss of bulk carriers due to progressive flooding.

3. Draw double hull tanker x section?

He stopped me midway and asked me what is the distance from the side
and bottom? answered as pe SOLAS requirements.

4. Explain soft starting?

A method to reduce high starting torque on a motor by using solid

state devices like thyristors. Works on the principle that torque is
directly proportional to current which is in turn proportional to
volatge. Thus by reducing the supply voltage we can control the

5. What is the latest convention in force?

Nairobi wreck removal convention. Just gave a brief explanation.

6. Latest SOLAS and MARPOL ammendments?

I started with the ammendment for fire safety on ships carrying

containers on the weather deck. Asked me what is water mist lance?
The water mist lance has a specially shaped nozzle which can pierce
through the container wall and create a mist inside. Then asked what
is mobile water monitor? It creates a water barrier/shield around the
affected bay as well as adjacent bay. Why is it called mobile water
monitor. I said it can be carried around (not sure). I think he
wanted something else.

Next told him about the ammendment for RORO ships carrying cars
having CNG as fuel. Asked what is IEC standard? How does it help?
Just gave a basic explanation from written notes. Then said dont u
think we need to have gas detection in these spaces too? I just
Then told him about the ammendment on testing of lifejackets. Asked
how to test lifejackets? Said i dont know about this.

No xqs on other ammendments.

7. Explain ESP?

Told him answer as written in shermon. Asked where all to carry out
thickness measurements? Explained.

8. III code? How to conduct audit?

Explained and no xqs.

9. What is Integrated bilge water management/System?

No idea at all.

10. What is the convention on recycling of ships? Asked me what is

green passport? Explained as given in shermon

11. Explain general average?

Standard definition. Give examples? 1) jettison and 2)if the ship has
to call a port of refuge then all expenses will come under general
average. Who declares it? Master, owner or agent on behalf of the

Told me to wait outside. Next round with shekhar @ 1800 hrs.

1) Who took your orals last time? Badwal sir and yourself.

Acha so what did i ask you..Told him all. OK

2) What is MARPOL annex 4? Then what is annex 5? In annex 5 what

documents u have onboard? Garbage record book and approved garbage
management plan. No certificates?? All other annexes have
certificates. Said no just an approved plan. Ok how to dispose off
old computers and electronics? paani me phek deta hai? No sir give it
to reception facilities. Ok how do you enter it in the GRB. In volume
m3. in volume???? said yes and kept quiet.

3) Last time did i ask you on loadline? no sir :grin:. OK where have
u seen it? midship port and starboard. What does that circle
indicate? said the line on that circle is the summer load line. No
but why the circle? told him its just provided in the honour of
samuel plimsoll. (Think i read it in shermon) .How do you calculate
the freeboard? Told about the tabular freeboards. What is given in
the table. different freeboards as per the length of the ship. are u
sure??? yes sir.Then we apply correction factors to get the actual
freeboard. OK then what about tropic W WNA how to get that? Those are
standard dimensions provided.

4) Lifeboat static and dynamic tests? Told him the standard 1.5 and
1.1 funda. Ok after doing staic at 1.5 what do you check? check for
deformations and the adequacy of support of the structure to the
ships side. How do you check for deformation? If there is 1mm, 2mm
deformation can u see visually?? I just kept quiet.

5) Types of lifeboats? What are the differences in lifeboats of

tankers and other ships?

Said about the sprinkler system and air bottles provided. Why
sprinkler? For fire protection in case of flaming oil spill etc.. But
fire can happen on other ships also?? :confused:

OK why air bottles? Said to maintain positive pressure inside and

allow for breathing of the whole complement for a certain period of
time. So then where does your engine get its air supply? :flushed: I
said from this supply only. (logical question and honestly had never
thought about this!!)

Basically green passport is part of IHM.. IHM has a more

comprehensive inventory of hazardous materials..

Green passport has been replaced by IHM. IHM gas 3 parts and green
passport covers only part 1. IHM requires detailed and more accurate
inventory of hazardous materials
1. Why Marine Insurance?
Marine Insurance is a method where by one party called assuror or
underwriter, agrees for a stated consideration known as a premium, to
indemnify another party, called the insured or assured, against loss,
damage or expense in connection with the commodities at risk if caused
by perils enumerated in the contract known as a policy of insurance.
Ø Insurance provides individuals and organisations with financial
protection against the outcome of events which involve monetary
loss or liabilities which could not be predicted or anticipated and
over which they have no effective control.
Ø Ship owners are not legally bound to insure except for liability of
oil pollution claim. However the modern methods of financing trade
and shipping makes it essential that they do so.
Ø The capital exposed to loss in modern ship is so huge that no
company can afford to bear the liability incurred.
Ø Besides most of the tonnage is mortgaged to banks and other
financial institutions and they require insurance as collateral
There are various types of marine insurance policies available and they
could broadly be classified into 5 types.
1. Time policy - Insures property for a period of time.
2. Voyage policy - It insures property from one place to another it may
include a date limit.
3. Mixed policy - It covers both a voyage and a period of time of voyage
and in port after arrival.
4. Construction policy - It insures vessel while in course of
construction not for a period of time.
5. Floating policy - cargo policy that insures a number of shipments. In
Canada & US this policy is continuous and covers all shipments to a
limit of liability for any 1 loss.

The marine insurance policies that a ship owner can take are
1) Hull & machinery policy
2) Protection & indemnity cover.

The insurance policies for a cargo owner include

1) Marine cargo insurance
2) Goods in transit insurance.

Insurer is not liable for loss in following

1.Breach of contract ,Warranties & Fundamentals of insurance
2.Any loss due to willful misconduct / want of due diligence by assured.
3.Ordinary wear and tear, ordinary leakage and breakage, inherent vice
or nature of the subject matter insured.
4. Damage to subject matter not proximately caused by maritime perils.
5. Any loss proximately caused by rats or vermin.
6.The insurer on ship or goods is not liable for any loss proximately
caused by delay, although the delay is caused by a peril insured
7.Insolvency or Financial default of the owner.
8.Claims not made in stipulated time window say within 180 days.

Exclusion in insurance – Common but covered by additional cover

1.War & Strike, capture, seizure, detention, arrest, riots, & etc.- ALL
2.Terrorist ,Political & Malicious acts - All
3.Radioactive, Chemical, Biological, Biochemical, Electromagnetic weapon
damages. - All
4.Third party liabilities including oil pollution, which arise in
connection with the operation of a vessel- By P&I
5.Bursting of boiler, breakage of shafts, latent defects, Incompetency-

Suppose shipowner takes the policy from the P&I now the vessel is sold
to another person will policy get transferred?
Ans: NO the policy will not gets transferred, because new owner may not
be a member of the same club, While other insurance premiums are fixed
on the basis of probabilities - or actuary calculations, P&I insurance
premiums are reviewed annually on a per ship and/or fleet basis. Several
factors are taken into account in the process, most importantly the
claims record of the vessel, specifically the average loss-ratio (claims
as percentage of premium) over the previous 5 years.

2. Third party liability and contractual liability?

Third party liability Contractual liability

An insurance policy is a During any agreement both parties agree
contract. The insured is for certain terms and conditions for
referred as first party to the achieving particular goals and
contract. The insurer i.e. interests. So some liabilities are set
insurance company second party. towards achieving goals. As agreement
A stranger to the contract who is signed by them, the liabilities are
makes a claim against insured called contractual liability
is known as third party.
When the insured – first party Contractual liabilities for a ship
causes a loss then the second owner are those by which he winds
party assumes the insured himself under some contract with second
liability up to the policy party
Third party liabilities are Here the liability is documented for
those liabilities which are specific occasion and specific time.
caused to any other persons or Contractual liability claim settlement
his property not included in takes place in a judiciary,
any contract arbitration, tribunal as in agreement
Examples of third party This form of agreement where one party
liabilities are collision, takes on the liability of another by
third party injury or death contract is commonly termed as “Holder
claim, oil pollution liability, harmless” or indemnity agreement.
cargo claim, crew claim, Contractual liability is the express
unrecoverable general average liability namely charter party, bill of
contribution etc lading, cargo insurance, contractual
salvage, charterer agreement, towage
For each defined peril there is Ship owner takes following types of
fixed premium. More cover means contract:
more premium required by the a. With employee
parties. b. With flag state administration for
There is no mandatory safe operation, to compliance with
requirement for the party to national/international
take any type of policy except regulations/conventions.
Liabilities for pollution c. Contract with cargo owner
damage. Rest is left to the d. Contract with salver or tug owner
ship owner and cargo owner or e. Contract with class and his fees and
any other party involved in the survey
maritime adventure to take f. Repair contract etc.
cover for various liabilities
and bear themselves.

3. Marine insurance in India?

The Marine Insurance Act, 1963 (MIA1963) of India is substantially a
reproduction of its English counterpart, the Marine Insurance Act, 1906.
The act codifies the law relating to marine insurance i. e. it defines
various terms of the contract and their implied content and terms.

4. Principles of marine insurance?

1. Indemnity: It defines marine insurance as a contract whereby the
insurer undertakes to indemnify the assured, in manner and to the extent
thereby agreed, against marine losses, that is to say, the losses
incident to marine adventure. It permits mixed sea and land risks.
Indemnity means that the insured person is placed, financially, in the
same position, as he was before the loss. To indemnify is to make good a
loss suffered, not by replacement of the subject matter lost, but by a
financial payment; i.e. to compensate. Ships and cargoes therefore
normally have a value put on them at the commencement of the risk (i.e.
at the time of effecting the policy), and insurers use these values to
determine the measure of indemnity they will give the assured. Thus, in
marine insurance, the value of the subject-matter insured may be
different from its actual value at the time of loss, depending on how
the market has gone since the policy was effected. But whether or not
the assured has gained or lost by a fluctuation in value will not affect
what the insurer pays on the claim.

2. Double Insurance: Contribution is a principle of indemnity whereby

the assured cannot claim more than once on the same risk. Thus if he has
policies covering the same risk with two insurers (double insurance),
each makes a pro-rata contribution to any settlement. Double insurance
is not the same as spreading the risk between several insurers, which is
normally done.

3. Insurable interest: The Act does not give an exhaustive definition of

insurable interest. But it gives a general rule that to constitute
interest insurable against a peril, there must be an interest such that
the peril would, by its proximate effect, cause damage to the assured.
Without the rule of Insurable Interest, a person could insure a vessel
with the hope it would sink and collect the insurance. It declares every
contract of marine insurance by way of wagering as void. Interest in the
property insured does not have to be 100%--a person may insure up to the
value of his share of the property. Interest is acquired in the property
insured by the insurance company and they may reinsure to protect their

4. Utmost good faith: A contract of marine insurance is a contract based

upon the utmost good faith and if the utmost good faith be not observed
by either party, the contract may be avoided by the other party. The
contract is voidable at the option of the party prejudiced. An
underwriter pleading concealment must come out and say what he was told
and was not told.
5.Conclusion of contract: The contract is concluded when the assured’s
proposal is accepted by the underwriters, whether or not the contract
document (the policy) is issued at that time.

6.Policy:Sections 24-33 of MIA 1963 deals with the embodiment of

contract, specifications in the policy, signature of the insurer,
designation of the subject matter in the policy, valued and unvalued
policy, floating policy, construction of the terms in the policy and
arrangement of premium. It recognizes two types of policy – Time policy
and Voyage policy.

7. Subrogation: Subrogation is another principle whereby the assured

cannot recoup his loss from another party, after the insurer has settled
his claim. E.g. where the insurer has paid a goods owner’s claim, the
goods owner cannot afterwards claim from the carrier. Instead the
insurer who paid the claim, subrogates or takes over the assured’s
rights in respect of any claim against a 3rd party. An insurer paying a
claim for goods lost or damaged on board may then claim against the
carrier in his own name and can retain any sum recovered up to the
amount claimed, any excess being repaid to the assured.

8. Warranty by Insured: Promise by Insured as part of contract that a

specified state of affairs will continue to exist for duration of
policy. It is a condition which must be exactly complied with, whether
it is material to the risk or not Breach of warranty makes policy
voidable from time of breach. Warranty may be expressed or implied;
Express warranty
An express warranty must be written into the policy or contained in some
document (e.g. Institute Warranties) incorporated by reference into the
policy. An express warranty does not override an implied warranty unless
the two conflict. Eg: Some of the common express warranties are
Navigation / trading warranty, private pleasure, towing warranties, ice
zones, war zones.

Implied warranties:
Implied warranties are not written in the policy but are implied by law
to exist in the contract. They must be strictly complied with in the
same way as express warranties. There are two major implied warranties
in marine insurance policies, covering seaworthiness and legality.
Under the MIA 1963, the ship must, at the commencement of the voyage, be
seaworthy for the purpose of the particular
Voyage insured. Thus a ship is deemed to be seaworthy when ‘reasonably
fit in all respects to encounter the ordinary perils of the seas of the
adventure insured’. Where, with the assured’s knowledge and consent, a
ship is sent to sea unseaworthy, the insurer is not liable for any loss
attributable to the unseaworthiness. This means that cover may be lost
if the ship is sent to sea in an unseaworthy condition with the
knowledge of the owners’ senior management. ‘Knowledge’ would include
both express, clear knowledge (e.g.after defects have been reported in
writing by a master or a surveyor) and the deliberate ‘turning of a
blind eye’. Cover would only be lost, however, where the known
unseaworthiness had caused the loss.
With reference to H&M policy, if the policy is voyage policy, there is
an implied warranty that at the commencement of the voyage, the ship
shall be seaworthy for the purpose of particular adventure. A ship is
deemed to be seaworthy when reasonably fit in all respects to encounter
the ordinary perils of the sea of the adventure insured.
But if it is a time policy, there is no implied warranty that the ship
shall be seaworthy at any stage of adventure but where, with the privity
of the assured , the ship is sent to the sea in an unseaworthy state,
the insurer is not liable for any loss attributable to unseaworthiness.
Legality:There is an implied warranty that the adventure insured is
lawful and that, so far as the assured can control it, the adventure
will be carried out in a lawful manner. If the adventure is illegal at
the time the insurance is effected, the policy will be void. Thus, drug-
running or gun-running trips, or voyages to countries or .ports subject
to a Government embargo, would be deemed unlawful.
There is an implied warranty that the adventure insured (voyage time are
mixed policy) is lawful and that so far as the assured can control it.
The adventure will be carried out in a lawful manner. If the adventure
is illegal at the time of the insurance is affected, the policy will be

9.Breach of warranty: If a warranty is breached, then subject to any

express provision in the policy, the insurer is discharged from
liability from the date of the breach, but without affecting any
liability incurred by him before that date. If a loss occurs after a
warranty has been breached, the assured cannot use the defence that the
breach was remedied and the warranty complied with once again before the
loss occurred.

10.Doctrine of proximate cause: An insurer is liable for any-loss

proximately caused by a peril insured against, but, subject to the same
conditions, he is not liable for any loss not proximately caused by a
peril insured against. Where there is a chain of events leading to a
loss, the proximate cause is the most dominant and effective cause, not
the nearest cause in time. For example, if a ship is scuttled, the
proximate cause is the act of scuttling, although the nearest cause in
time is seawater entering the ship. An assured who scuttled his ship
might claim that a ‘peril of the seas’ was the cause of his loss, but
the insurer would not be liable as scuttling is willful misconduct of
the assured.

11.Insurer’s liabilities and exclusions: The insurer is liable for any

loss proximately caused by a peril insured against, but, subject to the
same conditions, he is not liable for any loss not proximately caused by
a peril insured against. The insurer is not liable for any loss
attributable to the willful misconduct of an assured, but unless the
policy otherwise provides, he is liable for any loss proximately caused
by a peril insured against, even though the loss would not have occurred
without the misconduct or negligence of master or crew. Thus, if a ship
runs aground through its master’s or crew’s negligence, the underwriter
will be liable.


A marine loss may be either:
1. A total loss :-
a. An Actual Total Loss (ATL) :- There is an Actual Total Loss where the
subject matter of Insurance is completely destroyed Eg: where a ship has
not reported for several weeks.
b. A Constructive Total Loss (CTL).: In marine Insurance a Constructive
Total Loss occurs where an assured is deprived of possession of his ship
or goods by a peril insured against and where the subject matter of
Insurance is reasonably abandoned by the Insured on account of its
Actual Total Loss appearing unavoidable because it could not be
preserved from Actual Total Loss without expenditure that would exceed
its value after the expense had been incurred.

2. A partial loss (termed average)

a. Particular Average (PA), i.e. an accidental partial loss; or:
Particular Average (PA) loss is a partial loss, proximately caused by a
peril insured against and which is not a general average loss. Thus,
structural damage proximately caused by collision, grounding, heavy
weather, etc. (‘perils of the seas’) would normally be classed as a PA
b. General Average (GA), i.e. an intentional partial loss.: General
average is an ancient form of spreading the risk of sea transport and
existed long before marine insurance. General average means “general
loss”, as opposed to a particular loss under marine insurance. A general
average act is defined in Rule A of the York Antwerp Rules 1994 and
Marine Insurance Act as follows:
“There is a general average act when, and only when, any extraordinary
sacrifice or expenditure is intentionally and reasonably made or
incurred for the common safety for the purpose of preserving from peril
the property involved in a common maritime adventure.”
The five component parts of a general average loss are therefore:
a) an extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure,
b) which is intentionally
c) and reasonably made
d) against a peril,
e) in order to benefit the common venture.

6. Reinsurance?
Reinsurance is the insurance of insurance. It is the insurance arranged
by an insurer to cover all or part of the cost of claims that it may
incur under contracts of insurance it may have written. Insurers reduce
their exposure to risk by insuring themselves against claims. The
practice is known as reinsurance. General Insurance Corporation (GIC)
was designated as the “Indian Reinsurer” in November 2000 by Act of
parliament to function exclusively as Life and Non-life Reinsurer. The
reinsurance regulation of the country aims at maximum retention of
insurance premium within the country. As per existing statute, GIC is
entitled for 20% obligatory cessions on risks underwritten by the non-
life insurers in India. The legislation also provides for utilizing
GIC’s capacity before any risk is offered to the international market.
Being the “Indian Reinsurer”, GCI plays the role of reinsurance
facilitator for the Indian insurance companies.

7. P&I, H&M and cargo insurance?

A Protection and Indemnity or P&I club is a nongovernmental, non
profitable mutual or co operative association of marine insurance
providers to its members which consists of ship owners, operators,
charterers and seafarers under the member companies for the purpose of
mutual insurance against third party liabilities arising in connection
with ship operation.
1. P&I means protection refers to the ship owners protection from
risks which involve personnel injury, collision liability which is
not covered by H&M policy and indemnity refers to the clubs
indemnity or compensation for liability to cargo under a contract
of carriage. wish to pool their risks together in order to obtain “
at cost” insurance cover.
2. It is governed by a board of directors (a committee elected). It
has managers for underwriting and claim sections and has
correspondents, lawyers and surveyors at various ports of the
world. There are 13 major P&I clubs world wide which covers almost
90% of the world fleet. Some of them are SKULD, GARD, BRITANIA,
3. Each P&I club sets a premium rating for an individual owner
reflecting the risk against which he requires cover on the basis of
his fleet‘s gross tonnage, his fleet‘s exposure to risk, type of
ships, etc.
4. The member is advised of his total estimated call (premium) for
next 12 months. This comprises of an advanced call and a
supplementary call. Advance call is levied from all the members at
the start of the P&I year. Later in the year if the claims have
been heavier than expected, the managers will ask the members for a
supplementary call.
5. The clubs aim to be as much accurate in their prediction for future
claims, so that they do not burden ship owners with supplementary
calls. Surplus refunds are made if income (call + investments)
exceeds outgoings (claims + expenditure).

The principal risks covered are liabilities, costs and expenses for:
Ø Crew related
ü Injury/ hospitalization
ü Deviation
ü Death, repatriation of body
ü Repatriation of injured crew and for his reliever
ü Personal effects, in case of fire
ü Crew wages, if the vessel lost and passenger saved.
ü Passenger claims

Ø Third party people

ü Injury to Supplier, Agents, stevedores etc.

Ø Cargo related
ü Damage to cargo( Wet)
ü Collapsing of twin deck
ü Cargo shifting and damaging the hull- In this case the H&M
insurance will pay first but later they will charge from the ship
owner as it may be due to lack of lashing arrangement or improper
lashings. That will be paid by the ship owner.

Ø Damage to fixed and floating objects/ installations

ü S.P.M, Buoys, shore crane etc.

Ø Wreck removal
ü Sometimes ship wrecks has to be removed, marked or destroyed if it
is in a channel.
Ø Pollution of any nature
ü Sometimes the claims will be so high and the individual clubs have
limitations. Those cases it will be paid by clubs, pools and
reinsurance. Reinsurance is available up to 2030B$

Ø Fine
ü Customs, immigration cordaband etc.

Ø Piracy
ü For Crew and cargo.

Ø Stoways
ü Fines and cost for repatriation.

Ø Deserter
ü Fines and cost for repatriation.

Ø Salvage
ü Which is not a part of GA(Salvage for oil pollution)
Ø GA unrecoverable for cargo.
Ø GA unrecoverable for H&M.

Restrictions on P & I cover include :

1) Deviation
2) delivery of cargo at port other then port specified in the contract
of carriage.
3) failure to arrive or late arrival at port of loading
4) delivery of cargo without bill of lading
5) Out dated bill of lading
6) clean bill of lading in respect to damaged cargo
7) arrest or detention.

When a ship owner requires P&I insurance for a ship, the club
underwriter will ask for information which the ship owner has to
furnish. Information he will require is:
ü The tonnage of the ship in GT,
ü Year of build, Number of crew members,
ü Type of vessel (tanker, dry bulk, reefer, heavy-lift, container,
passenger, ro-ro etc),
ü Type of cargoes to be carried (if a tanker is clean or dirty),
Areas of trading,
ü Liner trade or tramp,
ü Classification society,
ü Management expertise,
ü Compliance with national and international legal requirements,
ü How many ships in the company,
ü Previous P&I history.

The club will often make a company audit with the management company of
the ship. In addition, the club will often require a survey of one or
more ships in the new fleet to ensure the quality and technical standard
of the ships. Entry into the club is often dependent upon the ship being
found satisfactory on inspection.
Omni bus clause: Rules of the club gives their directors discretion to
pass a claim that are not covered under any head provided they are not
excluded expressly elsewhere. This is most unusual provision makes P&I
not profitable and cooperative and benefit for the ship owner who are

After the H&M claim is quantified and documented, the underwriter

settles the claim. The underwriter then decides (under the doctrine of
subrogation) whether or not the claim is worth pursuing against the
carrier. If he decides to pursue the claim, he immediately makes a
written claim on carrier. The claim is settled by the carrier in the
currency stated in the policy. The carrier then claims on his P&I club
for reimbursement. But P&I club requires following documents from ship
to settle the claim by the claimants:-
1. Bilge, ballast and bunker sounding and pumping record
2. Cargo ventilation, humidity and temperature record
3. Records of any unusual weather condition
4. Records of hatch, access, hold and watertight doors check
5. Records of fire and safety equipment check
6. Records of cargo securing and lashing
7. Records of cargo temperature(heating or cooling) where applicable.
8. Records of inert gas and venting operation as applicable
P&I clubs stress the importance of keeping record in order to help
defeat cargo claims by cargo insurer.

Method of Handling Claims

1.Up to 9m USD – by individual Club
2.71m to 80m USD – by International group Pool
3. 80m to 2000m USD – by Excess loss Re-insurance
4. 2000 USD & above – by overspill calls
5.Limitation to Oil Pollution single Claim – 1billion USD
6.Limitation to any Passengers Claim – 2 billion USD.
7.Limitation to passenger & Crew – 3 billion USD.
8.Limitation to any single largest Claim – 4.35 billion USD.
9.Standard maximum limit of USD 10 m per event crew Cover
10.Standard maximum limit of USD 500 m per ship war risk Cover

These are usually time policies with a maximum period of 12 months.
Normally the items covered will be clearly stated in the clauses of each
policy. Any extra port to be covered will raise the insurance premium.
The different types of H&M policies a vessel owner can purchase to
insure a vessels are:-
a) Navigation policy: it provides coverage when vessels are used in
maritime operations
b) Port risk policy: Used when a vessel is expected to be laid up or non
operational for an extended period of time
c) Builder’s Risk policy: Used to cover a ship being built from the time
its keel is laid until the ship is completed and accepted by the owner
including sea trials
d) Work Risk Policy: Covers damage to the vessel for war and other risks
excluded from the H&M policy by the war, strikes and related exclusions
clause. This policy also covers damages caused by strikes, lockouts,
labour disturbance riots and civil commotions, which may be important in
a port environment.
1.Paramount Clause :- 1.War & Strike exclusion 2. Terrorist, Political &
Malicious act exclusions 3.Nuclear & specified weapon exclusions, shall
override contained in this insurance inconsistence herewith.
2.Institute Warranty – Navigational Limit & Restricted cargo with
3.Sister ship – adjusted with applicable arbitration
4.New for Old – No deduction as depreciation
5.Fixed & Floating objects - 3/4th & 4/4th
6.Running down - 3/4th & 4/4th
a.Single liability – First setting off liability, and then apply
b.Cross liability – First apply limitation and balance liability applied
7.Sue & Labor – incurred to avert / minimize loss
8.General Average – contribution in common adventure loss
9.General Average Absorption- total contribution in GA subject to
10.Deductibles: - it is an agreed amount to deduct in each claim to
ensure the owners participation. Based on deductibles premium varies. It
may be zero to million depends contract. It is not applicable in case of
total loss claim.
11.Inchmaree, Latent defect, Liner negligence - Clause

Perils include
1) Peril of seas
2) Fire / explosion
3) Theft from outside
4) Jettison
5) Piracy
6) Earthquake volcanic eruption, lightening
7) Accidents during loading or discharging
8) Machinery damage
9) Latent defects in machinery or hull
10) Negligence of master, officer or crew
11) 3/4 collusion liability

items not covered under insurance include

1) Loss / damage eg insurer deliberately set fire to ship caused by
willful misconduct willful negligence by owner.
2) Loss of charter hire due to delays
3) Loss due to wear and team
4) War risk cover.
5) Cost for scraping & painting vessel underwater part due to fouling
6) Valuation clause i.e. in case the vessel is a constructive total
loss, salvage values are not considered.
7) Loss / damage from nuclear weapon or by radioactive material.

H&M insurance is issued under principal insuring conditions:

-Assured has to take measurers to minimise the loss
-Navigation provisions
-Vessel to maintain class throughout the insurance period.
-Owners hold valid DOC, -Vessel has valid SMC
-Vessel meets statutory and class requirements with no suspension or

Hull Insurance claims :

Following any cases of Hull damage e.g. collision, grounding etc. ship
owner/managers insurance dept. will normally immediately inform H & M
lead underwriter via broker. As per clause 49 of IHC 1.11.02, lead
underwriter will instruct a surveyor to ascertain the nature, cost and
extent of the damage, necessary repairs and fair and reasonable cost
thereof and any other matter which leading underwriter or surveyor
considers relevant. The lead underwriter will make decision in respect
of any claim within 28 days of receipt of the appointed average
adjusters final adjustment or, if no adjuster is appointed, a full
document claim presentation sufficient to enable the underwriter to
determine their liability in relation coverage and quantum. The
underwriter is discharged from the liabilities of the claim if it is not
notified within 180 days of the assured becoming aware of accident or

Documents generally required for processing of claims are:-

1. Policy/ underwriter documents
2. Survey reports with photographs
3. Claims intimation letter by the insured with respect to the claim
4. Log book
5. All applicable valid certificates

Apart from above standard documents some other documents based on the
nature of claim are as follows:-
1. Deck and engine room log books covering the casualty, and, if
possible the repair periods. Master/ Chief engineer detailed report
and/or note of protest, as relevant.
2. Underwriters’ surveyor report and account.
3. Class surveyor report and account
4. Superintendent’s report and account
5. Receipted accounts for repairs and/or any spare parts supplied by
owner, in connection with repairs, endorsed by underwriter surveyor as
being fair and reasonable.
6. Accounts covering any drydocking and general expenses.
7. Accounts for all incidental disbursements at the port of repair.
8. Details of fuel and engine room stores consumed during repair period
together with the cost of replacement.
9. Accounts of owner’s repairs effected concurrently with damage
10. Copies of faxes/ e-mails sent and details of long distance calls
made in connection with the casualty.
11. Details of dates of payments of all account.

Cargo Insurance
The policies will incorporate institute of cargo clause A B or Institute
of cargo clause C : This covers only against major casualties eg fire,
explosion, grounding or vessel stranded, sinking or capsizing, collusion
or contact disc at port of distress general average sacrifice and
Institute of cargo clause B : In addition to the above will also cover
casualties like earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightening strike washing
obd entry of sea.

Institute of cargo clause A - Offers cover against all possible risks.

Items excluded from maritime cargo insurance policy are

1) Claims resulting from insufficient or in suitable packing or
protection of matter insured.
2) Claims for loss or damage arising from financial default of Owners
Company cannot be responsible for performance of the carrier and this
exclusion is aimed at encouraging the use of reputable company.
3) Claims arising from use of nuclear weapons.
4) Claims arising from damage by terrorists or politically motivated
5) Claims arising from unfitness of vessel ware risk and strike risk
cover is available for cargo insurance for an additional premium for
long term insurance, open cover policy and floating policies are

Cargo Claims:
1) When cargo loss or damage is discovered a delivery note or
consignment note will be claused with a note of the loss or damage.
2) The cargo owners will immediately inform his insured if it is outside
UK, this is done thro’the local Lloyds’ agent in case of Lloyds’ policy.
3) If loss or damage is extensive underwriters will normally ask for a
survey report. This is arranged by Lloyd’s agent, who can appoint
surveyor and pay small claims locally.
4) After the claim is quantified and documented the underwriter settles
the claim thro Lloyd’ agents,
5) Underwriter then decides (under the doctrine of subrogation) whether
or not claim is worth pursuing against carrier.
6) If he decides to pursue the claim be immediately makes a written
claim on the carrier, failure to claim may prejudice his right of
7) The claim (including surveyor’s fee) is settled by the carrier in the
currency stated in the policy or on the certificate of insurance.
8) The carrier if a PI member then claims on his club policy.

Documents generally required to furnish the claims are:-

1. A proper duly filled claim form along with policy certificate.
2. Photographs &/or video film of insured damaged property showing the
extent of damage
3. Sale contract or commercial invoice for the entire shipment
4. Original bill of lading
5. Surveyor report together with a duly paid surveyor fee bill
6. Packing list for the entire shipment
7. An authentic certificate of origin
8. Custom transit declaration
9. Claim notification letter to company together with Xerox copy of the
policy and premium receipt
10. Letter of subrogation cum undertaking
11. Claim bill

8. Sue and labour clause: An ocean and inland marine insurance provision
that requires the insured to protect damaged property from further loss
once a loss has occurred. It also establishes that the expenses of doing
so will be borne by the insurer and the insured "in proportion to their
respective interests" in the property. Thus, the insurer will pay the
full "sue and labor" costs if the amount of insurance is equal to or
greater than the value of the property. Current property and marine
forms usually contain a similar provision, but it is seldom labeled a
sue and labor clause. Instead, it is typically included as one of the
insured's "Duties in the Event of Loss."

9. Average value = in case of emergency repairs/ partial loss average

value may be calculated.
Floating value = total insurable amount that can be reasonably estimated
but cannot be accurately determined before the Insurance comes to an

10. Indian Marine Underwriters

Under the present Indian law, ships cannot be insured outside the
country. As a consequence, Indian ship owners have to seek permission
from the Government every two years to place their protection and
indemnity cover (P&I cover) abroad.
In the case of hull, machinery and war risk, Indian owners have to take
insurance cover only from State-owned insurance companies as per law. To
understand the issues involved in its proper perspective, the Shipping
Ministry has set up a small committee comprising Government officials
and industry representatives to study and make recommendations. The
recommendations of the committee will be taken up with the Finance
Ministry for further action.
The state-owned insurance companies are:
1. The Oriental Insurance Company Limited, New Delhi
6. The New India Assurance Company Limited, Mumbai
7. National Insurance Company Limited, Kolkotta
8. United India Insurance Company Limited, Chennai

International Insurance market –The major international markets are

London, USA, Scandinavia, Japan and France. The London market is
discussed below:
Lloyds of London: Lloyd's began in Edward Lloyd's Thames-side coffee
house in London around 1688. The wealthy individuals in the coffee house
would each take a share of a risk, signing their names one beneath the
other on the policy together, with the amount they agreed to cover. For
this reason they were known as 'underwriters'. The Society of Lloyd's
was incorporated by Lloyd's Act 1871 which provided the business with a
sound legal basis and laid the foundations for today's market. Lloyd's
is a self-regulated market comprised of individual and corporate
underwriting members who accept insurance risks through their
participation in competing syndicates. Lloyd's has agents in every
important world port. It also serves as a shipping information agency,
publishing Lloyd's List, the oldest daily newspaper in London, and
maintaining a Register of Shipping.

Lloyd’s members: Members of Lloyd’s of London provide the supporting

capital on which the market is built. Corporate members include
investment institutions and international insurance companies.
Individual members are known as “Names”. These “names” have unlimited

Underwriting syndicates
An insurance syndicate is a group of Lloyd’s members, corporate or
individual, who provide capital to back the liabilities they insure.
Syndicates operate as independent business units within the Lloyd’s
market and are run by managing agents, who appoint the underwriting team
which writes risk on behalf of the syndicate membership. There were 71
insurance underwriting syndicates operating within the market.
Syndicates cover either all or a portion of the risk and are staffed by
underwriters, the insurance professionals on whose expertise and
judgement the market depends.
Lloyd’s brokers
Accredited Lloyd’s brokers place risk in the Lloyd’s market on behalf of
clients. These brokers use their specialist knowledge to negotiate
competitive terms and conditions for clients. There are over 150 firms
of brokers working at Lloyd’s, all of whom have a good understanding of
the Lloyd’s market and many of whom specialise in particular risk

International Underwriters Association (IUA)

The IUA came into existence in 1998, following the merger of the
Institute of London Underwriters (ILU) and the London International
Insurance and Reinsurance Market Association (LIRMA). The IUA is the
trade and market association representing the company sector of the
London market. The ILU's history in the marine insurance markets dates
back to 1884. LIRMA was formed in 1991 from the merger of previous
insurance associations formed in the 1960's and 1970's to support non-
marine insurance business and reinsurance. The IUA has 57 Ordinary
members and 9 Affiliate members. They are mainly based in London or in
the rest of Europe. There are also 35 associate members from over 20

11. In case of Engine room crank case explosion main engine badly
damaged and engine room personnel suffered serious injuries your
After every incidence, investigations take place and insurance claims
are raised. The insurance underwriters appoint damage surveyors who come
on board and do their investigation. In the process of doing it, they
ask for all the relevant documents.
Now, you will have to present your vessel for subsequent inspections by
P&I and H&M insurance companies. We will see step by step what all
should be done after the incidence:- a. Take care of persons injured:-
Since persons are seriously injured, give them first aid and ask for
medical advice from a rescue centre. Give the information to owner and
charterer and seek their advice. If the vessel needs to divert and make
a emergency port of call take permission from owner and charterer. But
since main engine is also badly damaged the vessel will need emergency
towing. Give notice to agent and P&I correspondent at the nearest port.
They will arrange for the salvage assistance. Enter in the port. Injured
personnel to be transported to hospital and later on they can be
repatriated. All the medical treatment given to the personnel should be
chronologically documented in the medical book.

b. Reporting of incidence to:- The incident should be reported to

following without delay Administration, Owner, Class, P&I correspondent,
H&M broker & MAS centre

c. Record keeping:- Time, date, place and cause of injury should be

recorded. The evidence should be preserved and a witness statement
should be taken. Write down all important medical condition and drugs
that were given to the person. The persons injured were wearing PPEs or
not. Take the statement of injured personnel as soon as possible if they
are in position of giving one. The most important report in case of
personnel injuries is Master’s report. It is an important evidence to
judge whether the injury is work related or not. Photos of sites and
other evidence should be preserved.

d. Necessary documents and records required to honor only genuine claims

In case of P&I surveyor following documents should be kept ready:-
i. Master statement of fact
ii. Witness report
iii. Injured person statement
iv. Communication with the owners, managers, medical advisors and
v. Deviation report
vi. Photos of place of evidence
vii. Medical report book relating to important medical condition and all
the drugs that were given to personnel
viii. Evidence showing personnel wearing PPEs
ix. Injured personnel familiarization with machinery form duly signed by
x. Safety instructions explained.

In case of H&M surveyor following documents should be kept ready:-

i. Chief engineer log book and official log book entry.
ii. Master’s and chief engineer’s statement
iii. Witness statement
iv. Engine room crew statements
v. Main engine PMS records
vi. ME bearings last renewal & evidence showing that only genuine
bearings were used.
vii. Main engine crankcase lubricating oil report
viii. Engine parameters at the time of incidence ( from log book or data
ix. Records showing last alarms and trips tried out ( from alarm logger)
x. Compliance with manufacturer or service letter received recently

All the above documents will be required by the surveyor appointed by

H&M underwriter. After the survey a damage survey report will be made.
Now the main engine will be repaired. And after that claims will be
settled. Depending upon the nature of insurance and the clauses inducted
repairs can either be carried out by owner and later the claims can be
settled or repair tender can be floated by H&M underwriter only and they
can carry out the repairs.

12. Deviation as per Marine insurance and charter party?

Deviation as per Marine insurance Deviation as per charter party
When a ship without lawful excuse Deviation means contract is
deviates from the voyage as performed in a manner that is not
contemplated by the policy. The originally contemplated. Eg: cargo
insurer is discharged from the carried on deck when it is not
liabilities from the time of the authorized.
deviation, it is immaterial that
the ship has regained her route
before any loss occurs.
13.IMPORTANT: Compulsory insurance cover for CLC (>2000GT Oil Tankers &
other ships carrying same oil), bunker(>1000GT all ships), Nairobi Wreck
removal after 14 april 2015.

Insurance :- Minimize the risk of loss by spreading to others

Double Insurance :- two covers taken for single property

Co / Mutual insurance – two or more insurer cover the property

Re insurance – Insurer invest the part of premium in insurance industry

to protect self.

What Is Pooling (sharing risks between Clubs under International Group )

If ship owner failure to pay salary, seaman may file a lawsuit against
the ship owner in admirality court & if ship owner goes bankrupt then
seaman wages are protected by maritime lien, sell the ship by sheriff’s

14. What is the difference between P&I and H&M?

P&I insurance is primarily intended to cover a shipowner’s or operator’s
liability towards third parties and it generally excludes damage to the
insured’s own property or direct loss of the Company.
Hull and Machinery insurance is basically insurance of the client’s
vessel as its primary asset. The two types of insurance interact in the
area of collision liability and liability for contact damage to third
party property.
Hull and Machinery insurance and P&I insurance are often complementary
when it comes to collision liability and liability for damage to piers,
loading cranes and other third party property, generally known as damage
to fixed and floating objects (FFO).
Hull and Machinery (H&M) insurance may include cover for liabilities
towards third parties depending upon the type of policy and scope of
cover of that specific policy. Under the standard English Hull and
Machinery insurance terms (ITC Hulls – Institute Time Clauses Hulls),
collision liability cover has, historically, been limited to 3/4ths of
the own ship’s liability towards the other vessel in a collision.
However, under Norwegian and German Hull and Machinery insurance terms,
the liability cover provided is for 4/4ths, i.e 100%, of the own ship’s
liabilities towards the other vessel. Similarly, under the United
Kingdom Hull and Machinery insurance terms, damage to so-called Fixed
and Floating Objects (FFO), i.e. objects others than a vessel, is not
covered at all whereas under Norwegian and German insurance terms these
risks are covered 100%.
Some shipowners have placed full (4/4ths) collision liability under
their P&I insurance. This collision liability cover would be the most
comprehensive liability cover available, as all third party liability
arising out of the collision would be covered in principle. However, the
shipowner would still need his Hull and Machinery cover to deal with the
loss of or damage to his own vessel.
Under Norwegian and German Hull and Machinery insurance conditions,
cover is also provided in respect of liability arising out of the
insured vessel striking third party property other than a vessel. The
Hull and Machinery insurance covers loss or damage caused by the
physical contact between the hull of the insured vessel, or equipment
permanently affixed to the vessel, and third party property, for example
a pier or buoy. Americans sometimes refer to such incidents as
“allision” but this is not a term used universally. FFO (damage to fixed
and floating objects) is the shorthand for striking damage under the
English terms.
The situation is more complicated when oil escapes from the other vessel
as a result of the collision. Under the Norwegian Hull and Machinery
insurance conditions these liabilities are not covered, whilst they are
covered under German Hull and Machinery insurance conditions.
The situation for damages and resulting liabilities becomes even more
complicated if the vessel drags an anchor.
Remember, the cornerstone of the P&I cover is that it responds to
liabilities that are not covered under the Hull and Machinery cover.
It is important that the Master and the ship’s officers have a full
understanding of what is covered under the Hull and Machinery insurance
policy as this determines what is covered by the P&I insurance. The
Master will thus be in a position to understand whose insurer’s
representative or correspondent should be contacted in any given
It Can Deny or reject claims on the basis that
(ii) deviation from the agreed vessel trading area or route,
(iii) violation of safety rules or
(iv)negligence, gross negligence or wilful misconduct of the insured.

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