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1. ENHANCED SURVEY PROGRAMME……………………………………………………………………….

2. CONDITION ASSESSMENT SCHEME………………………………………………………………………. 7
3. CONTINUOUS SURVEY OF HULL……………………………………………………………………………. 8
4. LIST OF CONVENTIONS ………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
5. SOLAS…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10
6. MARPOL……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
7. AMMENDMENTS: SOLAS and MARPOL………………………………………………………………… 20
9. BASEL CONVENTION ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
10. NAIROBI WRECK REMOVAL CONVENTION……………………………………………………………. 27
11. TONNAGE CONVENTION..................................27
13. LONDON CONVENTION………………………………………………………………………………………….29
14. AFS CONVENTION………………………………………………………………………………………………….
15. LOADLINE CONVENTION……………………………………………………………………….
16. FAL CONVENTION……………………………………………………………………….
17. SUA CONVENTION……………………………………………………………………….
18. STCW……………………………………………………………………….
19. BALLAST WATER MANAGEMENT……………………………………………………………………….
20. UNCLOS……………………………………………………………………….
21. IMSO and IMSAR……………………………………………………………………….
22. OPA 90and OPRC……………………………………………………………………….
23. CLEAN AIR ACT……………………………………………………………………….
24. GOAL BASED SHIPPING……………………………………………………………………….
25. POLAR CODE……………………………………………………………………….
26. III CODE……………………………………………………………………….
27. NOISE CODE………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
28. IMSBC and BLU CODE……………………………………………………………………….
29. MS ACT……………………………………………………………………….
30. SAFE MANNING……………………………………………………………………….
31. UNFCCC and COP21, KYOTO and DOHA Protocol
32. HUMAN ELEMENT…………………………………………………………………………………………………. 61
34. DEFINITIONS………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
36. HAGUE RULE, HAGUE-VISBY RULE, ……………………………………………………….……………… 76
37. REGISTRATION OF SHIP………………………………………………………………………………………… 78
38. PSC……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….
39. SAFCON SURVEY……………………………………………………………………………………………………
40. CONTINUOUS SYNOPSIS RECORD…………………………………………………………………………
41. ISPS CODE……………………………………………………………………………………………………………
42. DERATING…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 89
43. IACS AND CLASSIFICATION SOCIETY……………………………………………………………………
44. LLOYD’S OPEN FORM AND SCOPIC CLAUSE…………………………………………………………
45. MARPOL ANNEX VI CHAPTER 4……………………………………………………………………………
46. EEDI, EEOI, SEEMP………………………………………………………………………………………………. 99
47. STRATEGY AND TACTIS……………………………………………………………………………………….
48. RISK ASSESSMENT……………………………………………………………………………………………….
49. PSSA……………….……………………………………………………………………………………………………
50. ARBITRATIONand MEDIATION……………………………………………………………………………
51. ICS AND BIMCO SHIPPING…………………………………………………………………………………….
52. ENGINE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT………………………………………………………………………
Rupesh Pillai
53. LEADERSHIP AND MANAGER……………………………………………………………………………….
54. WELFARE SOCIETY……………………………………………………………………………………………….
55. GALILEO SATELLITE………………………………………………………………………………………………
56. FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS………………………………………………………………………………….112
57. CYBER SECURITY………………………………………………………………………………………………….
58. TAILSHAFT…………………………………………………………………………………………………………114..
59. CHARTERER ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
i. P and I INSURANCE……………………………………………………………………….
ii. H and M INSURANCE……………………………………………………………………….
iii. CARGO INSURANCE……………………………………………………………………….
61. COST of SHIPPING…………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 124
62. MLC……………………………………………………………………….131
64. FSI and PSC……………………………………………………………………………………………….
65. CO2 SYSTEM……………………………………………………………………………………………….141
66. SHIP CONSTRUCTION……………………………………………………………………………………………….
i. MULTIPLE LOADLINE……………………………………………………………………………………………….143
ii. RUDDER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. DRYDOCKING……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iv. BULK CARRIER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
v. TANKER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vi. CHEMICAL TANKER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vi. STABILITY BOOKLET……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vii. RESISTANCE and POWER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
i. CE and BUDGETING……………………………………………………………………………………………….
ii. TMSA……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. GMDSS SEA AREAS……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iv. LRIT……………………………………………………………………………………………….
v. SHIP AQUISITION……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vi. SOLAS REQUIREMENT FOR TANKER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vii. BUNKER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
viii. EQUIPMENT NUMBER……………………………………………………………………………………………….
ix. DUTIES OF MMD AND DG……………………………………………………………………………………………….
i. VIT and SUPER VIT……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iii. NDT TECHNOLOGY……………………………………………………………………………………………….
iv. CO2 CAPTURE……………………………………………………………………………………………….
v. GREEN ENGINES and MILLER CYCLE…………………………………………………………………169
vi. CORIOLIS EFFECT……………………………………………………………………………………………….
vii. PROPELLER CURVE……………………………………………………………………………………………….
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x. BWM……………………………………………………………………………………………….
xi. FRAMO PUMP……………………………………………………………………………………………….
xii. ALTERNATE FUEL……………………………………………………………………………………………….

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 Enhanced survey programme is a guideline for shipping companies and owners to prepare their ship for special
surveys to maintain the safety of the ship while at sea or at port.
 A new chapter XI is added for special measures to enhance maritime safety under this resolution. According to these
guidelines, it has 2 Annexes
o Annex A: Guidelines on enhance survey programme of inspection during survey of bulk carrier.
 Has 2 parts:
 Part A: Single Skin
 Part B: Double skin construction
o Annex B: Guidelines on enhance survey programme of inspection during survey of oil tankers.
 Has 2 parts:
 Part A: oil tankers with double Hull Tankers
 Part B: Oil tankers other than double hull
 Each Part A & B has 9 chapters which are almost similar. The only dissimilarities being operational and
constructional aspects of both type of vessels i.e. oil tankers and bulk carriers
 The chapters
o Chapter 1: General application, documentation onboard to be completed prior to the inspection which is to
be served as basis for surveys
o Chapter 2: Renewal Survey.
o Chapter 3: Annual Survey
o Chapter 4: Intermediate Survey
o Chapter 5: Preparation of Survey
o Chapter 6: Documentation on board.
o Chapter 7: Procedure for thickness
o Chapter 8: Reporting and evaluation.

 HAVING CONSIDERED the recommendations made by the Maritime Safety Committee at its sixty-second session and
the Marine Environment Protection Committee at its thirty-fourth session
o the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Bulk Carriers, set out in Annex
A to the present resolution, and
o the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections During Surveys of Oil Tankers, set out in Annex B
to the present resolution

o The Guidelines should apply to surveys of hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo holds,
cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo length area and all ballast tanks. The surveys should
be carried out during the surveys prescribed by the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended.
o The Guidelines should apply to surveys of hull structure and piping systems in way of cargo holds,
cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces within the cargo length area and all ballast tanks. The surveys should
be carried out during the surveys prescribed by the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended.

o Bulk carrier is a ship which is constructed generally with single deck, top-side tanks and hopper side tanks in
cargo spaces, and is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk and includes such types as ore carriers and
combination carriers
o Representative spaces are those which are expected to reflect the condition of other spaces of similar type
and service and with similar corrosion prevention systems. When selecting representative spaces account
should be taken of the service and repair history on board and identifiable critical and/or suspect areas.
o Close-up survey is a survey where the details of structural components are within the close visual inspection
range of the surveyor, i.e. normally within reach of hand

Rupesh Pillai
o Suspect areas are locations showing substantial corrosion and/or are considered by the surveyor to be
prone to rapid wastage.
o Substantial corrosion is an extent of corrosion such that assessment of corrosion pattern indicates a
wastage in excess of 75% of allowable margins, but within acceptable limits
o Coating conditionis defined as follows:
 GOOD - condition with only minor spot rusting;
 FAIR - condition with local breakdown of coating at edges of stiffeners and weld
connections and/or light rusting over 20% or more of areas under consideration, but less than as
defined for POOR condition
 POOR - condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas or hard
scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration.
o Critical structural areas are locations which have been identified from calculations to require monitoring or
from the service history of the subject ship or from similar or sister ships to be sensitive to cracking, buckling
or corrosion which would impair the structural integrity of the ship.

o For bulk carriers of 20,000 tons deadweight and above, two surveyors should jointly carry out the first
scheduled renewal survey after the bulk carrier passes 10 years of age (i.e. third renewal survey), and all
subsequent renewal surveys and intermediate surveys.


o The enhanced survey may be commenced at the fourth annual survey and be progressed during the
succeeding year with a view to completion by the fifth anniversary date
o The survey should include, in addition to the requirements of the annual survey, examination, tests and
checks of sufficient extent to ensure that the hull and related piping is in a satisfactory condition and is fit
for its intended purpose for the new period of validity of the Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate,
subject to proper maintenance and operation and to periodical surveys being carried out.
o All cargo holds, ballast tanks, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo holds, decks and
outer hull should be examined, and this examination should be supplemented by thickness measurement
and testing as deemed necessary, to ensure that the structural integrity remains effective. The examination
should be sufficient to discover substantial corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damages or other
structural deterioration


Age ≤ 5 years 5 < Age ≤ 10 years 10 < Age ≤ 15 years Age > 15 years
Complete transverse ONE WEB FRAME ALL WEB FRAME RINGS – in ALL WEB FRAME As for ships
web frame ring RING – in a ballast a ballast wing tank, if any, RINGS – in all ballast referred to in
including adjacent wing tank, if any, or or a cargo wing tank used tanks column 3
structural members a cargo wing tank primarily for water ballast Additional
used ALL WEB FRAME transverses
RINGS – in a cargo included as
wing tank deemed
necessary by
A minimum of 30% the
of all web frame Administration
rings in each
remaining cargo
wing tank
including adjacent TRANSVERSE – in a in each of the remaining
deck structural cargo tank ballast tanks, if any

Rupesh Pillai
in a cargo wing tank


in two cargo centre tanks
bulkheads complete BULKHEADS in a wing BULKHEADS – in all
– including girder ballast tank, if any, or a cargo and ballast
system and adjacent cargo wing tank used tanks
members primarily for water ballast
lower part– BULKHEAD – in a BULKHEAD – in each
including girder cargo wing tank remaining ballast tank
system and adjacent
BULKHEAD – in a BULKHEAD – in a cargo
cargo centre tank wing tank

BULKHEAD – in two cargo
centre tanks
Deck and bottom A minimum of 30%
transverse including of deck and bottom
adjacent structural transverses including
members adjacent structural
members in each
cargo centre tank
Additional complete As considered
transverse web ring necessary by the
frame Administration


Age ≤ 5 years 5 < Age ≤ 10 years 10 < Age ≤ 15 years Age > 15 years
One section of deck plating Within the cargo area: Within the cargo area: Within the cargo area:
for the full beam of the .1 each deck plate .1 each deck plate .1 each deck plate
ship within the cargo area .2 one transverse section .2 two transverse sections .2 three transverse sections
(in way of a ballast tank, if .3 all wind and water .3 each bottom plate
any, or a cargo tank used strakes
primarily for water ballast)
Measurements of Measurements of Measurements of Measurements of
structural members subject structural members subject structural members subject structural members subject
to close-up survey to close-up survey to close-up survey to close-up survey
Suspect areas Suspect areas Suspect areas Suspect areas
Selected wind and water Selected wind and water All wind and water strakes
strakes outside the cargo strakes outside the cargo in full length
area area

Rupesh Pillai
 The Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS) as a mandatory requirement under the revised regulation 13G of Annex
I to MARPOL 73/78 enter into force on 1st September 2002
 Category of Tanker
o Category 1 oil tanker:
 Oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or
lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30,000 tons deadweight and above carrying oil other than the above,
which does not comply with the requirements for new oil tankers as defined in Regulation 1(26) of
Annex1 of MARPOL 73/78.
o Category 2 of oil tanker:
 Oil tanker of 20,000 tons deadweight and above carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heave diesel oil or
lubricating oil as cargo, out of 30,000 tons deadweight and above carrying oil other than the above,
which complies with the requirements for new oil tankers
o Category 3 oil tanker
 Oil tanker of 5,000 tons deadweight and above but less than than specified as Category 1 and
Category 2 oil tanker.
 It has been developed on the basis of Annex B of the Guidelines on the Enhanced Programme of Inspections, which
are carried out in accordance with Chapter XI-1 of the SOLAS convention
 It applies to surveys of the hull structure in way of cargo tanks, pump rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels, void spaces
within the cargo tanks, and all ballast tanks.
 The first CAS survey shall be carried out alongwith the enhanced programme of inspections, concurrent with the
intermediate or renewal survey after 05-04-2005 or when the ship reaches 15 years of age, whichever occurs later.
Thereafter it shall be carried out at intervals of 5 ½ years
 It shall be carried out by the Flag State or by RO.
o Ship owner shall notify the Flag State and RO of its intention to proceed with the CAS
o RO shall issue a Survey Planning Questionnaire to the owner in the prescribed format
o The owner shall complete the questionnaire and send it to the RO and the Flag State.
o Owner shall prepare a Survey Plan for the CAS, in co-operation with the RO and the Flag State, and submit it
to both of them
o The plan shall be developed using the Model Survey Plan set out in the appendix to this Scheme
o Extent of the survey shall be in accordance with this Scheme and the enhanced programme of inspections,
including close-up surveys and thickness measurements
o The survey shall be conducted safely in accordance with the mandatory requirements stated in the
appendix to this Scheme.
o At least 2 qualified exclusive surveyors of the RO, who have been trained and are experienced in carrying
out intermediate or renewal surveys, shall carry out this survey. They shall also supervise the taking of the
thickness measurement
o To ensure safe and efficient execution of the survey, a meeting shall be held between the surveyors,
owner’s representative, thickness measurement firm operator and Master.
o All recommendations and conditions of class shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the RO.
o Surveyor/s shall prepare the CAS Survey Report, as stated in this Scheme, and forward it to RO headquarters
for review, alongwith photographs, sketches, scantlings, etc.
o After review, the RO shall prepare the CAS Final Report, as stated in this Scheme, and submit it to the Flag
o The RO shall issue an Interim Statement of Compliance to the tanker in the prescribed format, valid for 5
months or till the Statement of compliance is issued by the Flag State, whichever is earlier.
o The Flag State shall review the final report and prepare a Review Record.

Rupesh Pillai
o On satisfactory completion of the above actions, the Flag State shall issue a Statement of Compliance to the
tanker in the prescribed format, valid for £ 5 ½ years, alongwith the final report of the RO and the review
record of the State. On issue of this statement, the interim statement issued by the RO shall expire.


o This system covers internal examinations, close-up surveys and thickness measurements of tanks and
spaces and pressure tests of tanks.
o (2) This system is not applicable to oil tankers, bulk carriers, ships carrying dangerous chemicals in bulk and
general dry cargo ships of not less than 500 gross tonnage.
o (3) For ships more than 10 years of age, the ballast tanks are to be internally examined twice in each five-
year class period, ie. once within the scope of the intermediate survey and once within the scope of the
continuous system for the special survey
o CHS is not applicable to ESP ships
o Each cycle of Continuous Hull Surveys is to be planned to commence at the time of the next survey to
classification survey or any special survey and complete internal examinations (including thickness
measurements) of each tank and space and pressure tests by the completion of the subsequent special
o “Continuous Hull Survey Record” survey file is to be maintained on board..
o After confirming that the submitted CHS plan complies with the requirements for all tanks and spaces, the
application is to be approved and returned to the applicant for placing in the onboard survey file. (One copy
is to be forwarded to Classification Department.)

Rupesh Pillai
 Key IMO Conventions
o International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974, as amended
o International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of
1978 relating thereto and by the Protocol of 1997(MARPOL)
o International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keeping for Seafarers ( STCW ) as
amended, including the 1995 and 2010 Manila Amendments
 Other conventions relating to maritime safety and security and ship/port interface
o Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (COLREG), 1972
o Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic (FAL), 1965
o International Convention on Load Lines (LL), 1966
o International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue (SAR), 1979
o Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Maritime Navigation (SUA), 1988, and
Protocol for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against the Safety of Fixed Platforms located on the
Continental Shelf (and the 2005 Protocols)
o International Convention for Safe Containers (CSC), 1972
o Convention on the International Maritime Satellite Organization (IMSO C), 1976
o The Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels (SFV), 1977, superseded by the
The 1993 Torremolinos Protocol; Cape Town Agreement of 2012 on the Implementation of the Provisions of
the 1993 Protocol relating to the Torremolinos International Convention for the Safety of Fishing Vessels
o International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Fishing Vessel
Personnel (STCW-F), 1995
o Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement (STP), 1971 and Protocol on Space Requirements for Special Trade
Passenger Ships, 1973
 Other conventions relating to prevention of marine pollution
o International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil Pollution Casualties
o Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter (LC), 1972 (and
the 1996 London Protocol)
o International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC), 1990
o Protocol on Preparedness, Response and Co-operation to pollution Incidents by Hazardous and Noxious
Substances, 2000 (OPRC-HNS Protocol)
o International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-fouling Systems on Ships (AFS), 2001
o International Convention for the Control and Management of Ships' Ballast Water and Sediments, 2004
o The Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009
 Conventions covering liability and compensation
o International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage (CLC), 1969
o 1992 Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for
Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage (FUND 1992)
o Convention relating to Civil Liability in the Field of Maritime Carriage of Nuclear Material (NUCLEAR), 1971
o Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by Sea (PAL), 1974
o Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims (LLMC), 1976
o International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in Connection with the Carriage of
Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea (HNS), 1996 (and its 2010 Protocol)
o International Convention on Civil Liability for Bunker Oil Pollution Damage, 2001
o Nairobi International Convention on the Removal of Wrecks, 2007
 Other subjects
o International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships (TONNAGE), 1969
o International Convention on Salvage (SALVAGE), 1989

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 Adoption: 1 November 1974; Entry into force: 25 May 1980
 The SOLAS Convention in its successive forms is generally regarded as the most important of all international
treaties concerning the safety of merchant ships. The first version was adopted in 1914, in response to the Titanic
disaster, the second in 1929, the third in 1948, and the fourth in 1960. The 1974 version includes the tacit
acceptance procedure - which provides that an amendment shall enter into force on a specified date unless, before
that date, objections to the amendment are received from an agreed number of Parties.
 A SOLAS ship (as defined in Maritime Rule Part 21) is anyship to which the International Convention for the Safety
of Life at Sea 1974 applies; namely: a passenger ship engaged on an international voyage, or. a non-
passenger ship of 500 tons’ gross tonnage or more engaged on an international voyage.
 The regulations, unless expressly provided otherwise, do not apply to:
o Ships of war and troopships.
o Cargo ships of less than 500 gross tons.
o Ships not propelled by mechanical means.
o Wooden ships of primitive build.
o Pleasure yachts not engaged in trade.
o Fishing vessels.
 Chapter I - General Provisions
o Includes regulations concerning the survey of the various types of ships and the issuing of documents
signifying that the ship meets the requirements of the Convention. The Chapter also includes provisions for
the control of ships in ports of other Contracting Governments.
 Chapter II-1 - Construction - Subdivision and stability, machinery and electrical installations
o The subdivision of passenger ships into watertight compartments must be such that after assumed damage
to the ship's hull the vessel will remain afloat and stable. Requirements for watertight integrity and bilge
pumping arrangements for passenger ships are also laid down as well as stability requirements for both
passenger and cargo ships.
o The degree of subdivision -measured by the maximum permissible distance between two adjacent
bulkheads - varies with ship's length and the service in which it is engaged. The highest degree of
subdivision applies to passenger ships.
o Requirements covering machinery and electrical installations are designed to ensure that services which are
essential for the safety of the ship, passengers and crew are maintained under various emergency
o "Goal-based standards" for oil tankers and bulk carriers were adopted in 2010, requiring new ships to be
designed and constructed for a specified design life and to be safe and environmentally friendly, in intact
and specified damage conditions, throughout their life. Under the regulation, ships should have adequate
strength, integrity and stability to minimize the risk of loss of the ship or pollution to the marine
environment due to structural failure, including collapse, resulting in flooding or loss of watertight integrity.
 Chapter II-2 - Fire protection, fire detection and fire extinction
o Includes detailed fire safety provisions for all ships and specific measures for passenger ships, cargo ships
and tankers.
o They include the following principles: division of the ship into main and vertical zones by thermal and
structural boundaries; separation of accommodation spaces from the remainder of the ship by thermal and
structural boundaries; restricted use of combustible materials; detection of any fire in the zone of origin;
containment and extinction of any fire in the space of origin; protection of the means of escape or of access
for fire-fighting purposes; ready availability of fire-extinguishing appliances; minimization of the possibility
of ignition of flammable cargo vapour.
 Chapter III - Life-saving appliances and arrangements
o The Chapter includes requirements for life-saving appliances and arrangements, including requirements for
life boats, rescue boats and life jackets according to type of ship. The International Life-Saving Appliance
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(LSA) Code gives specific technical requirements for LSAs and is mandatory under Regulation 34, which
states that all life-saving appliances and arrangements shall comply with the applicable requirements of the
LSA Code.
 Chapter IV - Radio communications
o The Chapter incorporates the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS). All passenger ships and
all cargo ships of 300 gross tonnage and upwards on international voyages are required to carry equipment
designed to improve the chances of rescue following an accident, including satellite emergency position
indicating radio beacons (EPIRBs) and search and rescue transponders (SARTs) for the location of the ship or
survival craft.
o Regulations in Chapter IV cover undertakings by contracting governments to provide radiocommunication
services as well as ship requirements for carriage of radiocommunications equipment. The Chapter is closely
linked to the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication Union.
 Chapter V - Safety of navigation
o Chapter V identifies certain navigation safety services which should be provided by Contracting
Governments and sets forth provisions of an operational nature applicable in general to all ships on all
voyages. This is in contrast to the Convention as a whole, which only applies to certain classes of ship
engaged on international voyages.
o The subjects covered include the maintenance of meteorological services for ships; the ice patrol service;
routeing of ships; and the maintenance of search and rescue services.
o This Chapter also includes a general obligation for masters to proceed to the assistance of those in distress
and for Contracting Governments to ensure that all ships shall be sufficiently and efficiently manned from a
safety point of view.
o The chapter makes mandatory the carriage of voyage data recorders (VDRs) and automatic ship
identification systems (AIS).
 Chapter VI - Carriage of Cargoes
o The Chapter covers all types of cargo (except liquids and gases in bulk) "which, owing to their particular
hazards to ships or persons on board, may require special precautions". The regulations include
requirements for stowage and securing of cargo or cargo units (such as containers). The Chapter requires
cargo ships carrying grain to comply with the International Grain Code.
 Chapter VII - Carriage of dangerous goods
o The regulations are contained in three parts:
o Part A - Carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form - includes provisions for the classification, packing,
marking, labelling and placarding, documentation and stowage of dangerous goods. Contracting
Governments are required to issue instructions at the national level and the Chapter makes mandatory the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods (IMDG) Code, developed by IMO, which is constantly updated to
accommodate new dangerous goods and to supplement or revise existing provisions.
o Part A-1 - Carriage of dangerous goods in solid form in bulk - covers the documentation, stowage and
segregation requirements for these goods and requires reporting of incidents involving such goods.
o Part B covers Construction and equipment of ships carrying dangerous liquid chemicals in bulk and requires
chemical tankers to comply with the International Bulk Chemical Code (IBC Code).
o Part C covers Construction and equipment of ships carrying liquefied gases in bulk and gas carriers to
comply with the requirements of the International Gas Carrier Code (IGC Code).
o Part D includes special requirements for the carriage of packaged irradiated nuclear fuel, plutonium and
high-level radioactive wastes on board ships and requires ships carrying such products to comply with the
International Code for the Safe Carriage of Packaged Irradiated Nuclear Fuel, Plutonium and High-Level
Radioactive Wastes on Board Ships (INF Code).
o The chapter requires carriage of dangerous goods to be in compliance with the relevant provisions of the
International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code).
 Chapter VIII - Nuclear ships

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o Gives basic requirements for nuclear-powered ships and is particularly concerned with radiation hazards. It
refers to detailed and comprehensive Code of Safety for Nuclear Merchant Ships which was adopted by the
IMO Assembly in 1981.
 Chapter IX - Management for the Safe Operation of Ships
o The Chapter makes mandatory the International Safety Management (ISM) Code, which requires a safety
management system to be established by the shipowner or any person who has assumed responsibility for
the ship (the "Company").
 Chapter X - Safety measures for high-speed craft
o The Chapter makes mandatory the International Code of Safety for High-Speed Craft (HSC Code).
 Chapter XI-1 - Special measures to enhance maritime safety
o The Chapter clarifies requirements relating to authorization of recognized organizations (responsible for
carrying out surveys and inspections on Administrations' behalves); enhanced surveys; ship identification
number scheme; and port State control on operational requirements.
 Chapter XI-2 - Special measures to enhance maritime security
o Regulation XI-2/3 of the chapter enshrines the International Ship and Port Facilities Security Code (ISPS
Code). Part A of the Code is mandatory and part B contains guidance as to how best to comply with the
mandatory requirements. Regulation XI-2/8 confirms the role of the Master in exercising his professional
judgement over decisions necessary to maintain the security of the ship. It says he shall not be constrained
by the Company, the charterer or any other person in this respect.
o Regulation XI-2/5 requires all ships to be provided with a ship security alert system.
o Regulation XI-2/6 covers requirements for port facilities, providing among other things for Contracting
Governments to ensure that port facility security assessments are carried out and that port facility security
plans are developed, implemented and reviewed in accordance with the ISPS Code.
o Other regulations in this chapter cover the provision of information to IMO, the control of ships in port,
(including measures such as the delay, detention, restriction of operations including movement within the
port, or expulsion of a ship from port), and the specific responsibility of Companies.
 Chapter XII - Additional safety measures for bulk carriers
o The Chapter includes structural requirements for bulk carriers over 150 metres in length.
 Chapter XIII - Verification of compliance
o Makes mandatory from 1 January 2016 the IMO Member State Audit Scheme.
 Chapter XIV - Safety measures for ships operating in polar waters
o The chapter makes mandatory, from 1 January 2017, the Introduction and part I-A of the International Code
for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (the Polar Code).
 Amendments
o The 1974 Convention has been amended many times to keep it up to date.

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 International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL)
 Adoption: 1973 (Convention), 1978 (1978 Protocol), 1997 (Protocol -  Annex VI); Entry into force: 2 October 1983
(Annexes I and II)
 The Convention includes regulations aimed at preventing and minimizing pollution from ships - both accidental
pollution and that from routine operations - and currently includes six technical Annexes. Special Areas with strict
controls on operational discharges are included in most Annexes.

 Annex I Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by Oil (entered into force 2 October 1983)
o Covers prevention of pollution by oil from operational measures as well as from accidental discharges; the
1992 amendments to Annex I made it mandatory for new oil tankers to have double hulls and brought in a
phase-in schedule for existing tankers to fit double hulls, which was subsequently revised in 2001 and 2003.
o Special Areas
 the Mediterranean Sea area 
 the Baltic Sea area
 the Black Sea area
 the Red Sea area
 the Gulfs area
 the Gulf of Aden area
 the Antarctic area
 the North West European waters include the North Sea and its approaches, the Irish Sea and its
approaches, the Celtic Sea, the English Channel and its approaches and part of the North East
Atlantic immediately to the west of Ireland. 
 the Oman area of the Arabian Sea
o An International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued, to any oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage
and above and any other ships of 400 gross tonnage and above which are engaged in voyages to ports or
offshore terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties to the present Convention.
o Regulation 17 - Oil Record Book, Part I (Machinery space operations)
 Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnage and above and every ship of 400 gross tonnage and above
other than an oil tanker
  It shall be preserved for a period of three years after the last entry has been made.
o Regulation 19 - Double hull and double bottom requirements for oil tankers delivered on or after 6 July
 Wing tanks or spaces
 w= 0.5 + (DW/20000) m
o w = 2.0 m, whichever is the lesser
o The minimum value of w = 1.0 m.
 Double bottom tanks or spaces
 At any cross-section, the depth of each double bottom tank or space shall be such that the
distance h between the bottom of the cargo tanks and the moulded line of the bottom shell
plating measured at right angles to the bottom shell plating 
o h = B/15 (m) or
o h = 2.0 m, whichever is the lesser
o The minimum value of h = 1.0 m.
 Turn of the bilge area or at locations without a clearly defined turn of the bilge
 When the distances h and w are different, the distance w shall have preference at levels
exceeding 1.5h above the baseline 

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o Regulation 26 - Limitations of size and arrangement of cargo tanks
 Cargo tanks of oil tankers shall be of such size and arrangements that the hypothetical
outflow Oc or Os calculated in accordance with the provisions of regulation 25 of this Annex
anywhere in the length of the ship does not exceed 30,000 cubic metres or  ,
whichever is the greater, but subject to a maximum of 40,000 cubic metres.
 The volume of any one wing cargo oil tank of an oil tanker shall not exceed 75 per cent of the limits
of the hypothetical oil outflow 
 The volume of any one centre cargo oil tank shall not exceed 50,000 cubic metres.
o Regulation 29 - Slop tanks
 The arrangements of the slop tank or combination of slop tanks shall have a capacity necessary to
retain the slop generated by tank washings, oil residues and dirty ballast residues.
 The total capacity of the slop tank or tanks shall not be less than 3 per cent of the oil-carrying
capacity of the ship, except that the Administration may accept:
 2% for such oil tankers where the tank washing arrangements are such that once the slop
tank or tanks are charged with washing water, this water is sufficient for tank washing
 2% where segregated ballast tanks or dedicated clean ballast tanks are provided
o This capacity may be further reduced to 1.5% for such oil tankers where the tank
washing arrangements are such that once the slop tank or tanks are charged with
washing water, this water is sufficient for tank washing
 1% for combination carriers where oil cargo is only carried in tanks with smooth walls. This
capacity may be further reduced to 0.8% where the tank washing arrangements are such
that once the slop tank or tanks are charged with washing water, this water is sufficient for
tank washing and, where applicable, for providing the driving fluid for eductors, without the
introduction of additional water into the system
 Oil tankers of 70,000 tonnes deadweight and above delivered after 31 December 1979 shall be
provided with at least two slop tanks.
o Regulation 37 - Shipboard oil pollution emergency plan
 Every oil tanker of 150 gross tonnages and above and every ship other than an oil tanker of 400
gross tonnages and above shall carry on board a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan approved
by the Administration

 Annex II Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk (entered into force 2
October 1983)
o Details the discharge criteria and measures for the control of pollution by noxious liquid substances carried
in bulk; some 250 substances were evaluated and included in the list appended to the Convention; the
discharge of their residues is allowed only to reception facilities until certain concentrations and conditions
(which vary with the category of substances) are complied with.
o In any case, no discharge of residues containing noxious substances is permitted within 12 miles of the
nearest land.
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o Regulation 6: Categorization and listing of noxious liquid substances and other substances
 Category X: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or
deballasting operations, are deemed to present a major hazard to either marine resources or
human health and, therefore, justify the prohibition of the discharge into the marine environment;
 Acetone Cyanohydrin, Carbon Di Sulphide, Nonyl Phenol, Di Butyl Pthalate, Epichlorohydrin,
Ethyl Acrylate Monomer, Vinyl Toluene, Butyl Benzyl Pthalate, Alpha Methyl Styrene,
Calcium Naphthalate
 Category Y: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or
deballasting operations, are deemed to present a hazard to either marine resources or human
health or cause harm to amenities or other legitimate uses of the sea and therefore justify a
limitation on the quality and quantity of the discharge into the marine environment;
 Acrylonitrile, Biodiesels, Carbon Tetrachloride, Caustic coda, Ethylene di Chloride, MDI, Lub
Additives, Phenol, Sulphuric acid, Benzene, Toluene, Xylene, Ethylene Glycol, Methanol,
Lard, Palm Oils, All VEG OILS and FATS, Hexane, Vinyl acetate
 Category Z: Noxious liquid substances which, if discharged into the sea from tank cleaning or
deballasting operations, are deemed to present a minor hazard to either marine resources or
human health and therefore justify less stringent restrictions on the quality and quantity of the
discharge into the marine environment;
 Acetone, Acetic acid, Dodecyl Benzene, Methyl Ethyl Ketone, MTBE, Phosphoric acid, Urea
 Other substances: Substances indicated as OS (Other substances) in the pollution category column
of chapter 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code which have been evaluated and found to fall
outside category X, Y or Z
 apple juice, clay slurry, coal slurry, dextrose solution, glucose solution, kaoline slurry,
molasses, water
o An International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk shall
be issued to any ship intended to carry noxious liquid substances in bulk and which is engaged in voyages to
ports or terminals under the jurisdiction of other Parties to the Convention.
o Regulation 12: Pumping, piping, unloading arrangements and slop tanks
 Every ship constructed on or after 1 July 1986 but before 1 January 2007 shall be provided with a
pumping and piping arrangement to ensure that each tank certified for the carriage of substances in
category X or Y does not retain a quantity of residue in excess of 100 litres in the tank and its
associated piping and that each tank certified for the carriage of substances in category Z does not
retain a quantity of residue in excess of 300 litres in the tank and its associated piping
 Ships certified to carry substances of category X, Y or Z shall have an underwater discharge outlet
o Regulation 13: Control of discharges of residues of noxious liquid substances
 the ship is proceeding enroute at a speed of at least 7 knots in the case of self-propelled ships or at
least 4 knots in the case of ships which are not self-propelled
 the discharge is made below the waterline through the underwater discharge outlet(s) not
exceeding the maximum rate for which the underwater discharge outlet(s) is (are) designed;
 the discharge is made at a distance of not less than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land in a
depth of water of not less than 25 metres
 Discharge of residues of category X
 A tank from which a substance in category X has been unloaded shall be prewashed before
the ship leaves the port of unloading. The resulting residues shall be discharged to a
reception facility until the concentration of the substance in the effluent to such facility, as
indicated by analyses of samples of the effluent taken by the surveyor, is at or below 0.1%
by weight.
 Discharge of residues of category Y and Z
 If the unloading of a substance of category Y or Z is not carried out in accordance with the
Manual, a prewash shall be carried out before the ship leaves the port of unloading, unless
alternative measures are taken to the satisfaction of the surveyor.

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 The resulting tank washings of the prewash shall be discharged to a reception facility at the
port of unloading or another port with a suitable reception facility provided that it has been
confirmed in writing that a reception facility at that port is available and is adequate for
such a purpose
 In the Antarctic Area any discharge into the sea of noxious liquid substances or mixtures containing
such substances is prohibited.
o Regulation 14: Procedures and Arrangements Manual
 The main purpose of the Manual is to identify for the ship’s officers the physical arrangements and
all the operational procedures with respect to cargo handling, tank cleaning, slops handling and
cargo tank ballasting and deballasting which must be followed in order to comply with the
requirements of this Annex.
o Regulation 15: Cargo Record Book

 Annex III Prevention of Pollution by Harmful Substances Carried by Sea in Packaged Form (entered into force 1
July 1992)
o Contains general requirements for the issuing of detailed standards on packing, marking, labelling,
documentation, stowage, quantity limitations, exceptions and notifications.
o For the purpose of this Annex, “harmful substances” are those substances which are identified as marine
pollutants in the International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) or which meet the criteria in
the Appendix of Annex III.

 Annex IV Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from Ships (entered into force 27 September 2003)
o Contains requirements to control pollution of the sea by sewage; the discharge of sewage into the sea is
prohibited, except when the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant or when the ship is
discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using an approved system at a distance of more than three
nautical miles from the nearest land; sewage which is not comminuted or disinfected has to be discharged
at a distance of more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land.
o Sewage means
 drainage and other wastes from any form of toilets and urinals;
 drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick bay, etc.) via wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers
located in such premises
 drainage from spaces containing living animals; or
 other waste waters when mixed with the drainages defined above
o The provisions of this Annex shall apply to the following ships engaged in international voyages:
 new ships of 400 gross tonnage and above; and
 new ships of less than 400 gross tonnages which are certified to carry more than 15 persons
 existing ships of 400 gross tonnages and above, five years after the date of entry into force of this
 existing ships of less than 400 gross tonnages which are certified to carry more than 15 persons, five
years after the date of entry into force of this Annex.
o Regulation 4 – Surveys
 An initial survey before the ship is put in service or before the Certificate which shall include a
complete survey of its structure, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and material in so far
as the ship is covered by this Annex. This survey shall be such as to ensure that the structure,
equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements and materials fully comply with the applicable
requirements of this Annex.
 An additional survey, either general or partial, according to the circumstances, shall be made after a
repair resulting from investigations prescribed in paragraph 4 of this regulation, or whenever any
important repairs or renewals are made. The survey shall be such as to ensure that the necessary
repairs or renewals have been effectively made, that the material and workmanship of such repairs
or renewals are in all respects satisfactory and that the ship complies in all respects with the
requirements of this Annex.
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o An International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued, after an initial or renewal survey 
o Regulation 11 - Discharge of sewage
 the ship is discharging comminuted and disinfected sewage using a system at a distance of more
than 3 nautical miles from the nearest land, or sewage which is not comminuted or disinfected at a
distance of more than 12 nautical miles from the nearest land, provided that, in any case, the
sewage that has been stored in holding tanks shall not be discharged instantaneously but at a
moderate rate when the ship is enroute and proceeding at not less than 4 knots; the rate of
discharge shall be approved by the Administration based upon standards developed by the
Organization; or
 the ship has in operation an approved sewage treatment plant which has been certified by the
Administration to meet the operational requirements 
 the test results of the plant are laid down in the ship's International Sewage Pollution Prevention
 additionally, the effluent shall not produce visible floating solids nor cause discoloration of the
surrounding water

 Annex V Prevention of Pollution by Garbage from Ships (entered into force 31 December 1988)
o Deals with different types of garbage and specifies the distances from land and the manner in which they
may be disposed of; the most important feature of the Annex is the complete ban imposed on the disposal
into the sea of all forms of plastics.
o Garbage means all kinds of victual, domestic and operational waste excluding fresh fish and parts thereof,
generated during the normal operation of the ship and liable to be disposed of continuously or periodically
except those substances which are defined or listed in other Annexes to the present Convention.

 Annex VI Prevention of Air Pollution from Ships (entered into force 19 May 2005)
o Sets limits on sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide emissions from ship exhausts and prohibits deliberate
emissions of ozone depleting substances; designated emission control areas set more stringent standards
for SOx, NOx and particulate matter. A chapter adopted in 2011 covers mandatory technical and
operational energy efficiency measures aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from ships.
o Regulation 12 - Ozone-depleting substances
 Regulation 12 does not apply to permanently sealed equipment where there are no refrigerant
charging connections or potentially removable components containing ODS
 Each ship is to maintain a list of equipment containing ODS and also an ODS Record Book, recording
each occasion of actions affecting that equipment such as servicing, maintaining, repairing or
disposing of the system or the equipment containing ODS.
 Entries in the ODS Record Book are to be recorded in terms of mass (kg) of the substance and be
completed without delay on each occasion with respect to the following
 Recharge, full or partial, of equipment containing ODS
 Repair or maintenance of equipment containing ODS
 Discharge of ODS to atmosphere - deliberate and non-deliberate
 Discharge of ODS to land-based facilities
 Supply of ODS to ship
o Regulation 13 - Nitrogen oxides (NOx)
 This regulation shall apply to:
 each diesel engine with a power output of more than 130 kW which is installed on a ship
constructed or undergone major conversion on or after 1 January 2000; and
 The control of diesel engine NOx emissions is achieved through the survey and certification
requirements leading to the issue of an Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP)
 The Tier III controls apply only to the specified ships while operating in Emission Control Areas
(ECA)established to limit NOx emissions, outside such areas the Tier II controls apply. 

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 A marine diesel engine that is installed on a ship constructed on or after 1 January 2016 and
operating in the North American ECA and the United States Caribbean Sea ECA shall comply with
the Tier III NOx standards.

Ship Total weighted cycle emission limit (g/kWh)

construction n = engine’s rated speed (rpm)
date on or after n < 130 n = 130 - 1999 n ≥ 2000

I 1 January 2000 17.0 9.8
e.g., 720 rpm – 12.1

II 1 January 2011 14.4 7.7
e.g., 720 rpm – 9.7

III 1 January 2016* 3.4 2.0
e.g., 720 rpm – 2.4
 Consequently, a diesel engine having an EIAPP Certificate is approved, by, or on behalf of (since
almost all engine certification work is delegated to Recognized Organizations), the flag State of the
ship onto which it is to be installed, to a stated Tier for one or more duty test cycles, for a particular
rating or rating range, and with defined NOx critical components, settings and operating values
including options if applicable. Any amendments to these aspects are to be duly approved and
 For each NOx certified diesel engine there must be onboard an approved Technical
File, NOx Technical Code 2008, regulation 2.3.4, which both defines the engine as approved and
provides the applicable survey regime together with any relevant approved amendment
o Regulation 14 - Sulphur oxides (SOx)
 Ships trading in designated emission control areas will have to use on board fuel oil with a sulphur
content of no more than 0.10% from 1 January 2015,
 Outside the emission control areas, the current limit for sulphur content of fuel oil is 3.50%, falling
to 0.50% m/m on and after 1 January 2020. The 2020 date is subject to a review, to be completed by
2018, as to the availability of the required fuel oil. Depending on the outcome of the review, this
date could be deferred to 1 January 2025.
 an exhaust gas cleaning system, approved by the Administration taking into account guidelines to
be developed by the Organization, is applied to reduce the total emission of sulphur oxides from
ships, including both auxiliary and main propulsion engines, to 6.0 g SO x/kW·h or less calculated as
the total weight of sulphur dioxide emission. Waste streams from the use of such equipment shall
not be discharged into enclosed ports, harbours and estuaries unless it can be thoroughly
documented by the ship that such waste streams have no adverse impact on the ecosystems of
such enclosed ports, harbours and estuaries, based upon criteria communicated by the authorities
of the port State to the Organization.
o Regulation 15 - Volatile organic compounds
 This regulation only applies to tankers.  However, this regulation also applies to gas carriers only if
the types of loading and containment system allow safe retention of non-methane VOCs on board
or their safe return ashore
 There are two aspects of VOC control within this regulation.
 In the first, regulations 15.1 – 15.5 and 15.7, control on VOC emitted to the atmosphere in
respect of certain ports or terminals is achieved by a requirement to utilize a vapour
emission control system (VECS). 
 The second aspect of this regulation, regulation 15.6, requires that all tankers carrying crude
oil have an approved and effectively implemented ship specific VOC Management Plan
covering at least the points given in the regulation.

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o Regulation 16 - Shipboard incineration
 Shipboard incineration of the following substances shall be prohibited:
 Annex I, II and III cargo residues of the present Convention and related contaminated
packing materials;
 polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs);
 garbage, as defined in Annex V of the present Convention, containing more than traces of
heavy metals; and
 refined petroleum products containing halogen compounds.
 Shipboard incineration of sewage sludge and sludge oil generated during the normal operation of a
ship may also take place in the main or auxiliary power plant or boilers, but in those cases, shall not
take place inside ports, harbours and estuaries.
 Monitoring of combustion flue gas outlet temperature shall be required at all times and waste shall
not be fed into a continuous-feed shipboard incinerator when the temperature is below the
minimum allowed temperature of 850 degrees Centigrade. For batch-loaded shipboard incinerators,
the unit shall be designed so that the temperature in the combustion chamber shall reach 600
degrees Centigrade within five minutes after start-up.
o Regulation 18 - Fuel oil quality
  details of fuel oil for combustion purposes delivered to and used on board shall be recorded by
means of a bunker delivery note which shall contain at least the information specified
 Name and IMO number of receiving ship
 Port
 Date of commencement of delivery
 Name, address, and telephone number of marine fuel oil supplier
 Product name(s)
 Quantity (metric tons)
 Density at 15°C (kg/m3)
 Sulphur content (% m/m)
 A declaration signed and certified by the fuel oil supplier's representative that the fuel oil
supplied is in conformity with regulation
 The bunker delivery note shall be kept on board the ship in such a place as to be readily available for
inspection at all reasonable times. It shall be retained for a period of three years after the fuel oil
has been delivered on board.
 The sample is to be sealed and signed by the supplier's representative and the master or officer in
charge of the bunker operation on completion of bunkering operations and retained under the
ship's control until the fuel oil is substantially consumed, but in any case, for a period of not less
than 12 months from the time of delivery.

o Chapter 4 Annex 6
 The regulations apply to all ships of 400 gross tonnages and above. However, under regulation 19,
the Administration may waive the requirements for new ships up to a maximum of 4 years

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 SOLAS AMMENDMENTS (1st Jan 2016):
o SOLAS regulation II-1/29 on steering gear, to update the requirements relating to sea trials.
 For a number of ship types, such as container ships, it is impractical to demonstrate compliance
with the requirement during sea trials at its deepest seagoing draught and running ahead at the
speed corresponding to the number of maximum continuous revolutions of the main engine and
maximum design pitch.
 the IMO has adopted the alternative way to demonstrate the requirements of steering gear. Where
it is impracticable to demonstrate the requirement for steering gear with the ship at its deepest
seagoing draught, ships may demonstrate compliance with the requirement by one of the following
1. The ship is at even keel and the rudder fully submerged whilst running ahead at the speed
corresponding to the number of maximum continuous revolutions of the main engine and
maximum design pitch
2. Where full rudder immersion during sea trials cannot be achieved, an appropriate ahead
speed shall be calculated using the submerged rudder blade area in the proposed sea trial
loading condition. The calculated ahead speed shall result in a force and torque applied to
the main steering gear which is at least as great as if it was being tested with the ship at its
deepest seagoing draught and running ahead at the speed corresponding to the number of
maximum continuous revolutions of the main engine and maximum design pitch
3. The rudder force and torque at the sea trial loading condition have been reliably predicted
and extrapolated to the full load condition
o  to introduce mandatory requirements for inert gas systems on board new oil and chemical tankers of
8,000 dwt and above, and for ventilation systems on board new ships; related amendments to the
International Code for Fire Safety Systems (FSS Code) on inert gas systems.
o SOLAS regulation II-2/10, concerning fire protection requirements for new ships designed to carry
containers on or above the weather deck. 
 All new ships designed to carry containers on or above the weather deck shall be fitted with at least
one water mist lance, in addition to all other fire protection arrangements that should be provided
on board as per existing regulations
 All new ships designed to carry five or more tiers of containers on or above the weather deck shall
also be provided with mobile water monitors, in addition to the water mist lance mentioned above
and all other fire protection arrangements that should be provided on board as per existing
regulations. Ships with a breadth up to 30 m should be provided with at least two mobile water
monitors and ships with a breadth exceeding 30 m or more should be provided with at least four
mobile water monitors
o SOLAS implement new regulation II-2/20-1, which improves requirements for safety measures for vehicle
carriers with Ro-RO ships, used for carriage of motor vehicles with compressed hydrogen or compressed
natural gas in their tanks for their own propulsion
o amendments to the International Life-Saving Appliance (LSA) Code related to the testing of lifejackets.
o Amendments to number of treaties to make the use of the IMO Instruments Implementation Code (III
Code) mandatory.


o container weight verification
 require mandatory verification of the gross mass of containers, either by weighing the packed
container; or weighing all packages and cargo items, using a certified method approved by the
competent authority of the State in which packing of the container was completed.
o atmosphere testing
 Amendments to add a new SOLAS regulation XI-1/7 on Atmosphere testing instrument for enclosed
spaces, to require ships to carry an appropriate portable atmosphere testing instrument or
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instruments, capable of measuring concentrations of oxygen, flammable gases or vapours, hydrogen
sulphide and carbon monoxide, prior to entry into enclosed spaces.
o Regulation II-1/2 and II-1/3-10: Goal Based Ship construction standard for bulk carrier and oil tanker


o Polar Code
 The International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) and related amendments to
make it mandatory under both SOLAS and MARPOL enter into force.
 The Polar Code will apply to new ships constructed after 1 January 2017. Ships constructed before 1
January 2017 will be required to meet the relevant requirements of the Polar Code by the first
intermediate or renewal survey, whichever occurs first, after 1 January 2018
o IGF Code
 International Code of Safety for Ships using Gases or other Low-flashpoint Fuels (IGF Code), along
with amendments to make the Code mandatory under SOLAS enter into force
 The IGF Code contains mandatory provisions for the arrangement, installation, control and
monitoring of machinery, equipment and systems using low-flashpoint fuels, focusing initially on
o carriage of stability instruments 
 on mandatory carriage requirements for a stability instrument for oil tankers and chemical tankers.
o heavy fuel oil as ballast prohibited in Antarctic
 MARPOL Annex I regulation 43; special requirements for the use or carriage of oils in the Antarctic
area, to prohibit ships from carrying heavy grade oil on board as ballast;  
o MARPOL Annex III, concerning the appendix on criteria for the identification of harmful substances in
packaged form; 
o MARPOL Annex VI, concerning regulation 2 (Definitions), regulation 13 (Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) and the
Supplement to the International Air Pollution Prevention Certificate (IAPP Certificate), in order to include
reference to gas as fuel and to gas-fuelled engines.
o Amendments to regulation 12 of MARPOL Annex I, concerning tanks for oil residues (sludge). The
amendments update and revise the regulation, expanding on the requirements for discharge connections
and piping to ensure oil residues are properly disposed of

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 Compensation for pollution damage caused by spills from oil tankers is governed by an international regime
elaborated under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization
 Adoption: 29 November 1969;
 Entry into force: 19 June 1975;
 Being replaced by 1992 Protocol: Adoption: 27 November 1992;
 Entry into force: 30 May 1996
o The Civil Liability Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate compensation is available to persons
who suffer oil pollution damage resulting from maritime casualties involving oil-carrying ships.
o The Convention places the liability for such damage on the owner of the ship from which the polluting oil
escaped or was discharged.
o The Convention requires ships covered by it to maintain insurance or other financial security in sums
equivalent to the owner's total liability for one incident.
o The Convention applies to all seagoing vessels actually carrying oil in bulk as cargo, but only ships carrying
more than 2,000 tons of oil are required to maintain insurance in respect of oil pollution damage
o The 2000 Amendments
 Adoption: 18 October 2000
 Entry into force: 1 November 2003
o The amendments raised the compensation limits by 50 percent compared to the limits set in the 1992
Protocol, as follows: 
 For a ship not exceeding 5,000 gross tonnages, liability is limited to 4.51 million SDR
 For a ship 5,000 to 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited to 4.51 million SDR plus 631 SDR for
each additional gross tonne over 5,000
 For a ship 5,000 to 140,000 gross tonnage: liability is limited to 4.51 million SDR plus 631 SDR for
each additional gross tonne over 5,000

 Adoption: 18 December 1971;
 Entry into force: 16 October 1978;
o superseded by 1992 Protocol: Adoption: 27 November 1992; Entry into force: 30 May 1996
o The 1969 Brussels Conference considered a compromise proposal to establish an international fund, to be
subscribed to by the cargo interests, which would be available for the dual purpose of, on the one hand,
relieving the shipowner of the burden by the requirements of the new convention and, on the other hand,
providing additional compensation to the victims of pollution damage in cases where compensation under
the 1969 Civil Liability Convention was either inadequate or unobtainable
o Under the first of its purposes, the Fund is under an obligation to pay compensation to States and persons
who suffer pollution damage, if such persons are unable to obtain compensation from the owner of the ship
from which the oil escaped or if the compensation due from such owner is not sufficient to cover the
damage suffered.
o Under the Fund Convention, victims of oil pollution damage may be compensated beyond the level of the
shipowner's liability.  However, the Fund's obligations are limited.  Where, however, there is no shipowner
liable or the shipowner liable is unable to meet their liability, the Fund will be required to pay the whole
amount of compensation due.  Under certain circumstances, the Fund's maximum liability may increase
o The Fund can also provide assistance to Contracting States which are threatened or affected by pollution
and wish to take measures against it. This may take the form of personnel, material, credit facilities or other
o The Fund is not obliged to indemnify the owner if damage is caused by his wilful misconduct or if the
accident was caused, even partially, because the ship did not comply with certain international conventions

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o The 1992 Fund is financed by contributions levied on any person who has received in one calendar year
more than 150 000 tonnes of crude oil and/or heavy fuel oil (contributing oil) in a Member State of the 1992
o The maximum compensation payable by the 1992 Fund is 203 million SDR for incidents occurring on or after
1 November 2003, irrespective of the size of the ship. 

o The 2003 Protocol establishing an International Oil Pollution Compensation Supplementary Fund was
adopted by a diplomatic conference held at IMO Headquarters in London
o The 2003 Protocol establishing an International Oil Pollution Compensation Supplementary Fund was
adopted by a diplomatic conference held at IMO Headquarters in London
o The total amount of compensation payable for any one incident will be limited to a combined total of 750
million Special Drawing Rights (SDR) including the amount of compensation paid under the existing
CLC/Fund Convention.
o The supplementary fund will apply to damage in the territory, including the territorial sea, of a Contracting
State and in the exclusive economic zone of a Contracting State.
o For the purposes of the Protocol, there is a minimum aggregate receipt of 1,000,000 tons of contributing oil
in each Contracting State.

 Adoption: 23 March 2001;
 Entry into force: 21 November 2008
o The Convention was adopted to ensure that adequate, prompt, and effective compensation is available to
persons who suffer damage caused by spills of oil, when carried as fuel in ships' bunkers.
o a key requirement in the bunkers convention is the need for the registered owner of a vessel to maintain
compulsory insurance cover.
o The Convention requires ships over 1,000 gross tonnage to maintain insurance or other financial security,
such as the guarantee of a bank or similar financial institution, to cover the liability of the registered owner
for pollution damage in an amount equal to the limits of liability under the applicable national or
international limitation regime, but in all cases, not exceeding an amount calculated in accordance with the
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims
o "bunker oil" is defined as "any hydrocarbon mineral oil, including lubricating oil, used or intended to be used
for the operation or propulsion of the ship, and any residues such as oil."
o The shipowner (including the registered owner, bareboat charterer, manager and operator) is liable under
the Convention
o A P&I Club is a protection and indemnity association of shipowners or operators, offering mutual insurance,
generally for third-party liability risks and the defense of claims. There are 13 Clubs that are a member of
the International Group of P&IClubs, which insure the majority of the world's tonnage. A "Blue Card" is
issued by the P&I Club to provide evidence that there is in place insurance meeting the liability
requirements of the Bunkers Convention.
o The certificate will state the duration of its validity but, in any case, it will not be valid for more than twelve
calendar months


o This agreement largely mirrors the current STOPIA contract which has been in force since March 2005 and
under which the owners of relevant tankers of 29,548gt or less agree to indemnify the 1992 Fund for the
difference between the vessel's limit of liability under CLC 92 and SDR 20 million.
o This has the effect of increasing the minimum limit of liability for smaller tankers to SDR 20 million, as
opposed to the minimum limit of SDR 4.5 million applicable under CLC 92
o Another difference is that STOPIA 2006 will apply to all states parties to Fund 92 whereas the existing
STOPIA only applies to such states which are also parties to the Supplementary Fund
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o TOPIA 2006 is similar to STOPIA 2006 apart from two substantial differences. Firstly, under TOPIA 2006,
tanker owners undertake to indemnify the Supplementary Fund in respect of 50% of the amount of any
claim falling on the Supplementary Fund.
o Secondly, TOPIA 2006 applies to all relevant tankers regardless of size. TOPIA 2006 contains identical review
and adjustment provisions to those set out in STOPIA 2006 so that any imbalance in the proportion of claims
borne by shipowners or oil receivers may be adjusted prospectively by amending TOPIA 2006 or STOPIA
2006 or both.
 It applies to all small tankers entered in a P&I Club that is a member of the International Group, and
reinsured through the pooling arrangements of the Group.
 The first incident involving a vessel entered in STOPIA 2006 was the Solar 1 spill that occurred in the
Philippines in 2006.
 In that incident compensation payments made by the 1992 Fund, in excess of the Solar 1’s limitation
amount under the 1992 CLC, have been reimbursed to the 1992 Fund within two weeks of being
invoiced by the 1992 Fund. 
 The Tanker Oil Pollution Indemnification Agreement 2006 (TOPIA 2006) is another voluntary
agreement, which applies to all tankers entered in P&I Clubs that are members of the International
Group and reinsured through the pooling arrangements of the Group.
 Under TOPIA 2006, the Supplementary Fund is indemnified for 50% of any amounts paid in
compensation in respect of incidents involving tankers entered in the agreement

 Adoption: 19 November 1976; Entry into force: 1 December 1986;
 Protocol of 1996: Adoption: 2 May 1996; Entry into force: 13 May 2004
 Amendments to 1996 Protocol
 Adoption: 19 April 2012; Entry into force: 8 June 2015
o Shipowners and salvors may limit their liability, except if "it is proved that the loss resulted from his
personal act or omission, committed with the intent to cause such a loss, or recklessly and with knowledge
that such loss would probably result".
o The limit of liability for claims for loss of life or personal injury
 ships not exceeding 2,000 gross tonnage is 3.02 million SDR
 For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 1,208 SDR
 For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 906 SDR
 For each ton in excess of 70,000, 604 SDR
o The limit of liability for property claims for ships
 For each ton from 2,001 to 30,000 tons, 604 SDR
 For each ton from 30,001 to 70,000 tons, 453 SDR
 For each ton in excess of 70,000 tons, 302 SDR

 Adoption: 29 November 1969; Entry into force: 6 May 1975
o The Convention affirms the right of a coastal State to take such measures on the high seas as may be
necessary to prevent, mitigate or eliminate danger to its coastline or related interests from pollution by oil
or the threat thereof, following upon a maritime casualty.
o The coastal State is, however, empowered to take only such action as is necessary, and after due
consultations with appropriate interests including, in particular, the flag State or States of the ship or ships
involved, the owners of the ships or cargoes in question and, where circumstances permit, independent
experts appointed for this purpose.

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o The 1969 Intervention Convention applied to casualties involving pollution by oil. In view of the increasing
quantity of other substances, mainly chemical, carried by ships, some of which would, if released, cause
serious hazard to the marine environment, the 1969 Brussels Conference recognized the need to extend the
Convention to cover substances other than oil.

 The Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal
 was adopted on 22 March 1989 by the Conference of Plenipotentiaries in Basel, Switzerland,
 Awakening environmental awareness and corresponding tightening of environmental regulations in the
industrialized world in the 1970s and 1980s had led to increasing public resistance to the disposal of hazardous
wastes – in accordance with what became known as the NIMBY (Not in My Back Yard) syndrome – and to an
escalation of disposal costs. This in turn led some operators to seek cheap disposal options for hazardous wastes in
Eastern Europe and the developing world, where environmental awareness was much less developed and
regulations and enforcement mechanisms were lacking. It was against this background that the Basel Convention
was negotiated in the late 1980s, and its thrust at the time of its adoption was to combat the “toxic trade”, as it was
termed. The Convention entered into force in 1992.
 Objective
o The overarching objective of the Basel Convention is to protect human health and the environment against
the adverse effects of hazardous wastes.
o Its scope of application covers a wide range of wastes defined as “hazardous wastes” based on their origin
and/or composition and their characteristics, as well as two types of wastes defined as “other wastes” -
household waste and incinerator ash.
 Aims and provisions:
o the reduction of hazardous waste generation and the promotion of environmentally sound management of
hazardous wastes, wherever the place of disposal;
 addressed through a number of general provisions requiring States to observe the fundamental
principles of environmentally sound waste management
o the restriction of transboundary movements of hazardous wastes except where it is perceived to be in
accordance with the principles of environmentally sound management;
 hazardous wastes may not be exported to Antarctica, to a State not party to the Basel Convention,
or to a party having banned the import of hazardous wastes.
 Parties may, however, enter into bilateral or multilateral agreements on hazardous waste
management with other parties or with non-parties, provided that such agreements are “no less
environmentally sound” than the Basel Convention.
o a regulatory system applying to cases where transboundary movements are permissible
 In all cases where transboundary movement is not, in principle, prohibited, it may take place only if
it represents an environmentally sound solution, if the principles of environmentally sound
management and non-discrimination are observed and if it is carried out in accordance with the
Convention’s regulatory system
o The Convention also provides for the establishment of regional or sub-regional centres for training and
technology transfers regarding the management of hazardous wastes and other wastes and the
minimization of their generation to cater to the specific needs of different regions and sub regions
 Hazardous Items
o waste may fall under the scope of the Convention is if it is defined as or considered to be a hazardous waste
under the laws of either the exporting country, the importing country, or any of the countries of transit.
o Clinical wastes from medical care in hospitals, medical centers and clinics
o Wastes from the production and preparation of pharmaceutical products
o Waste pharmaceuticals, drugs and medicines
o Wastes from the manufacture, formulation and use of wood preserving chemicals
o Wastes from heat treatment and tempering operations containing cyanides

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o Waste substances and articles containing or contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and/or
polychlorinated terphenyls (PCTs) and/or polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs)
o Waste chemical substances arising from research and development or teaching activities which are not
identified and/or are new and whose effects on man and/or the environment are not known
o Wastes of an explosive nature not subject to other legislation

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 enter into force on 14 April 2015
 The Convention will provide a sound legal basis for States to remove, or have removed, shipwrecks that may
have the potential to affect adversely the safety of lives, goods and property at sea, as well as the marine and
coastal environment.
 It will make shipowners financially liable and require them to take out insurance or provide other financial
security to cover the costs of wreck removal.
 It will also provide States with a right of direct action against insurers.
 Articles in the Convention cover:
o reporting and locating ships and wrecks - covering the reporting of casualties to the nearest coastal
State; warnings to mariners and coastal States about the wreck; and action by the coastal State to
locate the ship or wreck;
o criteria for determining the hazard posed by wrecks, including depth of water above the wreck,
proximity of shipping routes, traffic density and frequency, type of traffic and vulnerability of port
facilities. Environmental criteria such as damage likely to result from the release into the marine
environment of cargo or oil are also included;
o measures to facilitate the removal of wrecks, including rights and obligations to remove hazardous ships
and wrecks - which sets out when the shipowner is responsible for removing the wreck and when a
State may intervene;
o liability of the owner for the costs of locating, marking and removing ships and wrecks - the registered
shipowner is required to maintain compulsory insurance or other financial security to cover liability
under the convention; and settlement of disputes.


 Adoption: 23 June 1969; Entry into force: 18 July 1982
 The present Convention shall apply to the following ships engaged on international voyages:
o ships registered in countries the Governments of which are Contracting Governments;
o ships registered in territories to which the present Convention is extended under Article 20; and
o unregistered ships flying the flag of a State, the Government of which is a Contracting Government.
 The Convention meant a transition from the traditionally used terms gross register tons (grt) and net register tons
(nrt) to gross tonnage(GT) and net tonnage (NT).
 Gross tonnage forms the basis for manning regulations, safety rules and registration fees.
 Both gross and net tonnages are used to calculate port dues.
 The gross tonnage is a function of the moulded volume of all enclosed spaces of the ship.
 The net tonnage is produced by a formula which is a function of the moulded volume of all cargo spaces of the ship.
 The net tonnage shall not be taken as less than 30 per cent of the gross tonnage.

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 Adoption: 15 May 2009; Entry into force: 24 months after ratification by 15 States, representing 40 per cent of
world merchant shipping by gross tonnage, combined maximum annual ship recycling volume not less than 3
per cent of their combined tonnage
 The Hong Kong Convention) is aimed at ensuring that ships, when being recycled after reaching the end of their
operational lives, do not pose any unnecessary risk to human health and safety or to the environment.
 Regulations in the new Convention cover: the design, construction, operation and preparation of ships so as to
facilitate safe and environmentally sound recycling, without compromising the safety and operational efficiency
of ships; the operation of ship recycling facilities in a safe and environmentally sound manner; and the
establishment of an appropriate enforcement mechanism for ship recycling, incorporating certification and
reporting requirements
 Ship recycling yards will be required to provide a Ship Recycling Plan, to specify the manner in which each
individual ship will be recycled, depending on its particulars and its inventory. Parties will be required to take
effective measures to ensure that ship recycling facilities under their jurisdiction comply with the Convention.
 Surveys and certification
o an initial survey before the ship is put in service, or before the International Certificate on Inventory of
Hazardous Materials is issued.
o a renewal survey at intervals specified by the Administration, but not exceeding five years
o an additional survey, either general or partial, according to the circumstances, may be made at the
request of the shipowner after a change, replacement, or significant repair of the structure, equipment,
systems, fittings, arrangements and material
 Certification
o An International Certificate on Inventory of Hazardous Materials shall be issued either by the
Administration or by any person or organization authorized by it after successful completion of an initial
or renewal survey
o An International Ready for Recycling Certificate shall be issued either by the Administration or by any
person or organization authorized by it, after successful completion of a final survey
o Ship Recycling Facilities authorized by a Party shall prepare a Ship Recycling Facility Plan. A ship-specific
Ship Recycling Plan shall be developed by the Ship Recycling Facility(ies) prior to any recycling of a ship,
taking into account the guidelines developed by the Organization.
 Hazardous Materials
o Asbestos, ODS, Polychlorinated Bi phenyl, Anti-fouling compounds, Cadmium compounds, Mercury
compounds, Radioactive substances

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 The "Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other Matter 1972", the
"London Convention" for short, is one of the first global conventions to protect the marine environment from
human activities
 Its objective is to promote the effective control of all sources of marine pollution and to take all practicable steps to
prevent pollution of the sea by dumping of wastes and other matter.
 The purpose of the London Convention is to control all sources of marine pollution and prevent pollution of the sea
through regulation of dumping into the sea of waste materials.
 A so-called "black- and grey-list" approach is applied for wastes, which can be considered for disposal at sea
according to the hazard they present to the environment.
 For the blacklist items dumping is prohibited.
 Dumping of the grey-listed materials requires a special permit from a designated national authority under strict
control and provided certain conditions are met.
 All other materials or substances can be dumped after a general permit has been issued.
 a "reverse list" approach is adopted, which implies that all dumping is prohibited unless explicitly permitted;
incineration of wastes at sea is prohibited; export of wastes for the purpose of dumping or incineration at sea is

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International Convention On the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems On Ships
 Adoption: 5 October 2001; Entry into force: 17 September 2008
 The Convention prohibits the use of harmful organotin in anti-fouling paints used on ships and establishes a
mechanism to prevent the potential future use of other harmful substances in anti-fouling systems
 Anti-fouling paints are used to coat the bottoms of ships to prevent sea life such as algae and molluscs attaching
themselves to the hull – thereby slowing down the ship and increasing fuel consumption.
 Under the terms of the AFS Convention, Parties to the Convention are required to prohibit and/or restrict the use of
harmful anti-fouling systems on ships flying their flag, as well as ships not entitled to fly their flag but which operate
under their authority and all ships that enter a port, shipyard or offshore terminal of a Party
 The Convention includes a clause which states that a ship shall be entitled to compensation if it is unduly detained
or delayed while undergoing inspection for possible violations of the Convention.
 Annex I states that all ships shall not apply or re-apply organotins compounds which act as biocides in anti-fouling
systems. This applies to all ships (including fixed and floating platforms, floating storage units (FSUs), and Floating
Production Storage and Offtake units (FPSOs).
 The Convention provides for the establishment of a “technical group”, to include people with relevant expertise, to
review proposals for other substances used in anti-fouling systems to be prohibited or restricted. Article 6 on
Process for Proposing Amendments to controls on Anti-fouling systems sets out how the evaluation of an anti-
fouling system should be carried out. 
 India has acceded to the International Convention on the Control of Harmful Anti-Fouling Systems on Ships, 2001
(AFS Convention) on24th April, 2015 and this will come into force with effect from 24tn July,2Q15 in accordance
with article 18(3) of the Convention
 Ships of 400 gross tonnage and above engaged in international voyages (excluding fixed or floating platforms, FSUs
and FPSOs) will be required to undergo an initial survey before the ship is put into service or before the
International Anti-fouling System Certificate (IAFS) is issued for the first time; and a survey should be carried out
when the anti-fouling systems are changed or replaced.
 Ships of 24 metres in length or more but less than 400 gross tonnage engaged in international voyages (excluding
fixed or floating platforms, FSUs and FPSOs) will have to carry a Declaration on Anti-fouling Systems signed by the
owner or authorized agent. Such declaration shall be accompanied by appropriate documentation (such as a paint
receipt or a contractor invoice) or contain appropriate endorsement.

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 Adoption: 5 April 1966; Entry into force: 21 July 1968
 It was adopted in 1966, Protocol of 1988 and amendments in 2003
 In the 1966 Load Lines convention, adopted by IMO, provisions are made determining the freeboard of ships by
subdivision and damage stability calculations.
 The regulations take into account the potential hazards present in different zones and different seasons.
 The technical annex contains several additional safety measures concerning doors, freeing ports, hatchways and
other items. The main purpose of these measures is to ensure the watertight integrity of ships' hulls below the
freeboard deck.
 The Convention includes three annexes.
o Annex I is divided into four Chapters:
 Chapter I - General;
 Chapter II - Conditions of assignment of freeboard;
 Chapter III - Freeboards;
 Chapter IV - Special requirements for ships assigned timber freeboards.
o Annex II covers Zones, areas and seasonal periods.
o Annex III contains certificates, including the International Load Line Certificate
 Determines
o Freeboard
o Minimum bow height
o Heights of the hatchway coamings, dimensioning of the hatch covers and their means of watertight closing
o Minimum heights for ventilators and air pipes
o Measures for protection of the crew – hand-rails and bulwarks
o Standard damage for checking the flooding conditions
o Minimum stability conditions acceptable after flooding
 Application
o Ships engaged on international voyages
o Exceptions
 New ships, with length < 24 m
 Existing ships, with GT < 150
 Pleasure craft not engaged in trade
 Fishing vessels
 War ships
o Ships that comply to the following requirements:
 Were designed to carry only liquid cargoes in bulk
 The cargo tanks have only small access openings which must be closed by watertight doors, of steel
or equivalent material, provided with gaskets.
 They have low permeability in the loaded cargo compartments
 When loaded to the Summer load line, must float in satisfactory conditions after the flooding due to
the standard damage
 If the ship has L > 150 m the flooded compartment(s) must have an assumed permeability of 0.95.
 If the ship has L > 225 m the engine room should be also considered as a floodable compartment,
with an assumed permeability of 0.85.
o All the ships which are not of type “A”.
 • Ships of type “B”, with L > 100 m, may be assigned lowerfreeboards values if they satisfy the
following conditions:
 A ship that when loaded to the Summer load line will float in asatisfactory condition, after
flooding any compartment otherthan the engine room.

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 If L > 200 m, the engine room must also be considered afloodable compartment.
 A ship that satisfy these conditions may have its tabularfreeboard reduced by 60% of the
difference between thevalues indicated for the type” A” and for the type “B”.
 The reduction can be increased up to 100% satisfying theadditional requirements:
 To support the simultaneous flooding of 2 adjacentcompartments, by damage of the
transverse bulkhead (notconsidering the engine room floodable)

o Enough structural strength
o Enough reserve buoyancy
o Safety and Protection of crew
o Enough intact stability
o Prevent water entry into hull
o Provision for drainage


o The tabular freeboard is the freeboard that would be assigned to a standard ship built to the highest
recognised standard and having five specific characteristics as follows:
 a block coefficient of 0.68;
 a length to depth ratio of 15 i.e. L/D = 15;
 no superstructure;
 a parabolic sheer of the freeboard deck attaining a particular height at the forward and after
perpendiculars as prescribed by formulae (depending on the length of the ship);
 a minimum bow height above the load waterline as prescribed by formulae
o the corrections to the tabular freeboard are added or subtracted
 Correction for block coefficient
 A larger Cb causes an increase in the underwater volume, so freeboard must be increased in
order that the reserve buoyancy amounts to the same percentage of the greater displaced
volume as it would have been had Cb been 0.68
 Correction for depth
 Correction for position of deck line
 Correction for superstructure and trunks
 Correction for sheer profile
 Benefits of sheer include:
o Greater reserve buoyancy at the ends of the ship, particularly forward, ensuring
good lift in a head/following sea;
o Reduces water shipped on deck;
o Reduces risk of foredeck being submerged after collision thus improving
survivability in the damaged condition and helps to maintain an acceptable angle of
heel at which progressive downflooding takes place.
 Correction for bow height

o A ship will be subject to the following surveys:
 Initial survey before the ship is put into service;
 Renewal survey at intervals not exceeding five years;
 Annual survey within 3 months either way of the anniversary date of the load line certificate.
o The preparation for a load line survey will involve ensuring that the hull is watertight below the freeboard
deck and weathertight above it
o The following checks should be conducted prior to survey:

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 Check that all access openings at the ends of enclosed superstructures are in good condition. All
dogs, clamps and hinges should be free and greased. Gaskets and other sealing arrangements
should not show signs of perishing (cracked rubbers).
 Check all cargo hatches and accesses to holds for weathertightness. Securing devices such as
clamps, cleats and wedges are to be all in place, well-greased and adjusted to provide optimum
sealing between the hatch cover and compression bar on the coaming. Replace perished rubber
seals as necessary. Hose test hatches to verify weathertightness.
 Check the efficiency and securing of portable beams.
 Inspect all machinery space openings on exposed decks
 Check that manhole covers on the freeboard deck are capable of being made watertight.
 Check that all ventilator openings are provided with efficient weathertight closing appliances.
 All air pipes must be provided with permanently attached means of closing.
 Inspect cargo ports below the freeboard deck and ensure that they are watertight.
 Ensure that all non-return valves on overboard discharges are effective.
 Side scuttles below the freeboard deck or to spaces within enclosed superstructures must have
efficient internal watertight deadlights. Inspect deadlight rubber seals and securing arrangements.
 Check all freeing ports, ensure shutters are not jammed, hinges are free and that pins are of non-
corroding type (gun metal).
 Check bulwarks and guardrails are in good condition.
 Rig life lines (if required) and ensure they are in good order.
 De-rust and repaint deck line, load line mark, load lines and draught marks

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 The Convention was adopted by the International Conference on Facilitation of Maritime Travel and
Transport on 9 April 1965. It entered into force on 5 March 1967.
 To facilitate maritime transport by reducing paper work, simplifying formalities, documentary requirements and
procedures associated with the arrival, stay and departure of ships engaged on international voyages
 General Contents:
1. Definitions and general provisions;
2. Arrival, stay and departure of the ship;
3. Arrival and departure of persons;
4. Stowaways;
5. Arrival, stay and departure of cargo and other articles;
6. Public health and quarantine, including sanitary measures for animals and plants;
7. Miscellaneous provisions.
 Annex to the Convention
 It reduces to nine the number of declarations, which can be required by public authorities. Seven of
them were approved by the IMO.
 The Annex contains "Standards" and "Recommended Practices"
 IMO has developed Standardized Forms for seven of these documents. They are the:
 · IMO General Declaration
 · Cargo Declaration
 · Ship's Stores Declaration
 · Crew's Effects Declaration
 · Crew List· Passenger List
 · Dangerous Goods
 Two other documents are required under the Universal Postal Convention and the International Health


 Adopted 10 March 1988; Entry into force 1 March 1992; 2005 Protocols: Adopted 14 October 2005; Entry into
force 28 July 2010
 Concern about unlawful acts which threaten the safety of ships and the security of their passengers and crews grew
during the 1980s, with reports of crews being kidnapped, ships being hi-jacked, deliberately run aground or blown
up by explosives. Passengers were threatened and sometimes killed.
 The main purpose of the Convention is to ensure that appropriate action is taken against persons committing
unlawful acts against ships. These include the seizure of ships by force; acts of violence against persons on board
ships; and the placing of devices on board a ship which are likely to destroy or damage it.
 The Convention obliges Contracting Governments either to extradite or prosecute alleged offenders.
 The 2005 Protocol to the SUA Convention adds a new Article which states that a person commits an offence within
the meaning of the Convention if that person unlawfully and intentionally:
o when the purpose of the act, by its nature or context, is to intimidate a population, or to compel a
Government or an international organization to do or to abstain from any act:
o uses against or on a ship or discharging from a ship any explosive, radioactive material or BCN (biological,
chemical, nuclear) weapon in a manner that causes or is likely to cause death or serious injury or damage;
o discharges, from a ship, oil, liquefied natural gas, or other hazardous or noxious substance, in such quantity
or concentration that causes or is likely to cause death or serious injury or damage;
o uses a ship in a manner that causes death or serious injury or damage;
 SUA Convention covers the responsibilities and roles of the master of the ship, flag State and receiving State in
delivering to the authorities of any State Party any person believed to have committed an offence under the
Convention, including the furnishing of evidence pertaining to the alleged offence.

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 The International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), 1978,
was adopted by the International Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers on 7 July 1978.
 The 1978 STCW Convention entered into force on 28 April 1984. Since then, amendments thereto have been
adopted, in 1991, 1994, 1995, 1997, 1998, 2004, 2006 and 2010.
 The 1991 amendments, relating to the global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) and conduct of trials,
were adopted by resolution MSC.21(59) and entered into force on 1 December 1992.
 The Convention shall enter into force 12 months after the date on which not less than 25 States, the combined
merchant fleets of which constitute not less than 50% of the gross tonnage of the world's merchant shipping of
ships of 100 gross register tons or more, have either signed it without reservation as to ratification, acceptance or
approval or deposited the requisite instruments of ratification, acceptance, approval or accession in accordance
with article XIII
 The 1994 amendments on special training requirements for personnel on tankers were adopted by resolution
MSC.33(63) and entered into force on 1 January 1996.
 The 1995 amendments were adopted by resolution 1 of a Conference of Parties to the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, which was convened by the International
Maritime Organization and met at the Headquarters of the Organization from 26 June to 7 July 1995 (1995 STCW
 The 1995 STCW Conference adopted the Seafarers' Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW) Code.
 The STCW Code contains, in:
o Part A, mandatory provisions to which specific reference is made in the annex to the STCW Convention and
which give, in detail, the minimum standards required to be maintained by Parties in order to give full and
complete effect to the provisions of the STCW Convention; and, in
o Part B, recommended guidance to assist Parties to the STCW Convention and those involved in
implementing, applying or enforcing its measures to give the STCW Convention full and complete effect in a
uniform manner.
 The 1997 amendments, to the Convention and to part A of the Code, relating to training of personnel on passenger
and ro-ro passenger ships, were adopted by resolutions MSC.66(68) and MSC.67(68). These amendments entered
into force on 1 January 1999.
 The 1998 amendments, to part A of the Code, relating to enhanced competence in cargo handling and stowage,
particularly in respect of bulk cargoes, were adopted by resolution MSC.78(70). They entered into force on 1 january
 The May 2004 amendments, to part A of the Code, adjusting certificates and endorsements, were adopted by
resolution MSC.156(78). The December 2004 amendments, to part A of the Code, taking into account on-load and
off-load devices in the competence relating to survival crafts and rescue boats other than fast rescue boats, were
adopted by resolution MSC.180(79). Both sets of amendments entered into force on 1 July 2006.
 The 2006 amendments, to part A of the Code, introducing, inter alia, new measures pertaining to ship security
officers, were adopted by resolution MSC.209(81) and entered into force on 1 January 2008.
o The Manila amendments to the STCW Convention and Code were adopted on 25 June 2010, marking a
major revision of the STCW Convention and Code.
o The 2010 amendments are set to enter into force on 1 January 2012 under the tacit acceptance procedure
and are aimed at bringing the Convention and Code up to date with developments since they were initially
adopted and to enable them to address issues that are anticipated to emerge in the foreseeable future
 Amongst the amendments adopted, there are a number of important changes to each chapter of
the Convention and Code, including
 Improved measures to prevent fraudulent practices associated with certificates of competency and
strengthen the evaluation process (monitoring of Parties' compliance with the Convention);
 Revised requirements on hours of work and rest and new requirements for the prevention of drug
and alcohol abuse, as well as updated standards relating to medical fitness standards for seafarers;
 New certification requirements for able seafarers
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 New requirements relating to training in modern technology such as electronic charts and
information systems (ECDIS);
 New requirements for marine environment awareness training and training in leadership and
 New training and certification requirements for electro-technical officers;
 Updating of competence requirements for personnel serving on board all types of tankers,
including new requirements for personnel serving on liquefied gas tankers
 New requirements for security training, as well as provisions to ensure that seafarers are properly
trained to cope if their ship comes under attack by pirates
 Introduction of modern training methodology including distance learning and web-based learning
 New training guidance for personnel serving on board ships operating in polar waters; and
 New training guidance for personnel operating Dynamic Positioning Systems
 Consists of 8 Chapters
o CHAPTER 1: General Provisions
 Regulation I/1: Definition
 Regulation I/2: Certificates and Endorsement
 Regulation I/9: Medical Standards
 Regulation I/14: Company Responsibilities
 Total 15 regulations
 5 regulations
 Regulation III/1: Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of officers in charge of an
engineering watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically
unmanned engine-room
 Regulation III/2: Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of chief engineer officers and
second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of 3,000 kW propulsion
power or more
 Regulation III/3: Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of chief engineer officers and
second engineer officers on ships powered by main propulsion machinery of between 750 kW and
3,000 kW propulsion power
 Regulation III/4: Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings forming part of a
watch in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned
 Regulation III/5 Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of ratings as able seafarer
engine in a manned engine-room or designated to perform duties in a periodically unmanned
 Regulation III/6: Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of electro-technical officers
 Regulation III/7: Mandatory minimum requirements for certification of electro-technical ratings
 2 Regulations
 Company Instructions to Masters
o Enforcement of the STCW requirements through the Flag State and Port State Control.
o The importance of ensuring that all seafarer’s certificates of competency, endorsements and seafarer’s
books issued by this Administration and required by the STCW Convention, are in accordance with the
requirements of this Administration and issued on the basis of a recognized valid foreign national equivalent
certificate. All of these certificates must be available in original on board the ship

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o The importance of ensuring that the number and certificate type held by the seafarer serving on board the
ship are in conformity with the applicable safe manning requirements of this Administration. All documents
and data relevant to all seafarers employed on board are maintained and accessible
o Requirements to ensure that seafarers are familiarised with their specific duties and obligations on board
before they are assigned to their duties.
o Arrangements to ensure that ships crews are able to coordinate their activities in an emergency situation on
board their ship.
o Arrangements to ensure compliance to the required rest periods to avoid fatigue.
o The provision on board of instructions/guidelines for on board training.
o Arrangements to ensure that all officers on board have appropriate knowledge of the Flag State’s maritime
o Arrangements to ensure that officers on board are in possession of the required competence and can
demonstrate it in accordance with the criteria laid down in the Code of the Convention.
o Arrangements to ensure that STCW 2010 related training carried out on board is conducted in accordance
with Reg. I/6 and Section A‐I/6 and is documented in a training record book or an appropriate record book.
o Arrangements to ensure that all seafarers on board, forming part of a watch, are in possession of
certificates in compliance with the requirements of Chapter II and Chapter III of the Convention and that
they are able to meet the minimum standards of competence.
o Arrangements to ensure that the provisions for the maintenance of proper radio watchkeeping and
corresponding personnel is complied with at all times. All officers concerned are to be aware about misuse
of radio equipment and unnecessary false alert of emergency signals.
o Arrangements to ensure that seafarers on board tankers can comply with the requirements as defined in
STCW Reg. V/1‐1 and V/1‐2 and Section A‐V/1 and A‐V/1‐2 when applicable.
o Arrangements to ensure that all seafarers concerned have completed the necessary training and possess
the required certificates under the provisions of STCW Chapter VI (standards regarding emergency,
occupational safety, security, medical care and survival functions). These certificates should be available in
original on board of the ship.
o Arrangements to ensure that watch keeping duties on board meet the provisions of STCW Chapter VIII.
Every effort is to be made to prevent fatigue on board the ship. In observing rest period requirements,
overriding operational conditions are to be construed only to mean essential shipboard work which cannot
be delayed for safety reasons or anticipated at the commencement of the voyage.
o Arrangements to ensure that seafarers are informed of the direct effect of drugs and alcohol on their ability
to perform watch keeping duties. Every effort is to be made to prevent drugs and alcohol from impairing the
ability of watch keeping personnel.
 The STCW Code
o The regulations contained in the Convention are supported by sections in the STCW Code.
o Generally speaking, the Convention contains basic requirements which are then enlarged upon and
explained in the Code.
 Part A of the Code is mandatory. The minimum standards of competence required for seagoing
personnel are given in detail in a series of tables.
 Part B of the Code contains recommended guidance which is intended to help Parties implement
the Convention.
o The measures suggested are not mandatory and the examples given are only intended to illustrate how
certain Convention requirements may be complied with.
o However, the recommendations in general represent an approach that has been harmonized by discussions
within IMO and consultation with other international organizations.
o Effective leadership
o Clear orders & communication
o Most effective decision on situations
o Provide necessary support to sub ordinates at all times
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o Allocate duties & Evaluate performance of crew
o Training objectives & attitude based on competence capabilities
o Operation of machineries with applicable rules
o Planning jobs based on priority & available resources
o Operations are demonstrated efficiently

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 Adoption: 13 February 2004; Entry into force: enter into force on 8 September 2017
 Accession by Finland has triggered the entry into force of a key international measure for environmental
protection that aims to stop the spread of potentially invasive aquatic species in ships’ ballast water.
 The Convention is divided into Articles and an Annex which includes technical standards and requirements in
the Regulations for the control and management of ships’ ballast water and sediments
 The Ballast Water Management Convention, adopted in 2004, aims to prevent the spread of harmful aquatic
organisms from one region to another, by establishing standards and procedures for the management and control
of ships' ballast water and sediments
 The Convention will require all ships to implement a Ballast Water and Sediments Management Plan. All ships will
have to carry a Ballast Water Record Book and will be required to carry out ballast water management procedures
to a given standard.
 The Convention is divided into Articles; and an Annex which includes technical standards and requirements in the
Regulations for the control and management of ships' ballast water and sediments.

 The Annex is divided into five Sections

 Section A General Provisions
o This includes definitions, application and exemptions. Under Regulation A-2 General Applicability: "Except
where expressly provided otherwise, the discharge of Ballast Water shall only be conducted through Ballast
Water Management, in accordance with the provisions of this Annex."
 Section B Management and Control Requirements for Ships
o Ships are required to have on board and implement a Ballast Water Management Plan approved by the
Administration (Regulation B-1).
o Ships must have a Ballast Water Record Book (Regulation B-2) to record when ballast water is taken on
o The specific requirements for ballast water management are contained in regulation B-3 Ballast Water
Management for Ships:
 Ships constructed before 2009 with a ballast water capacity of between 1500 and 5000 cubic
metres must conduct ballast water management that at least meets the ballast water exchange
standards or the ballast water performance standards until 2014, after which time it shall at least
meet the ballast water performance standard.
 Ships constructed before 2009 with a ballast water capacity of less than 1500 or greater than 5000
cubic metres must conduct ballast water management that at least meets the ballast water
exchange standards or the ballast water performance standards until 2016, after which time it shall
at least meet the ballast water performance standard.
 Ships constructed in or after 2009 with a ballast water capacity of less than 5000 cubic metres must
conduct ballast water management that at least meets the ballast water performance standard.
 Ships constructed in or after 2009 but before 2012, with a ballast water capacity of 5000 cubic
metres or more shall conduct ballast water management that at least meets the standard described
in regulation D-1 or D-2 until 2016 and at least the ballast water performance standard after 2016.
 Ships constructed in or after 2012, with a ballast water capacity of 5000 cubic metres or more shall
conduct ballast water management that at least meets the ballast water performance standard.
o Under Regulation B-4 Ballast Water Exchange, all ships using ballast water exchange should:
 whenever possible, conduct ballast water exchange at least 200 nautical miles from the nearest land
and in water at least 200 metres in depth, taking into account Guidelines developed by IMO;
 in cases where the ship is unable to conduct ballast water exchange as above, this should be as far
from the nearest land as possible, and in all cases at least 50 nautical miles from the nearest land
and in water at least 200 metres in depth.
 Section C Additional measures

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o A Party, individually or jointly with other Parties, may impose on ships additional measures to prevent,
reduce, or eliminate the transfer of Harmful Aquatic Organisms and Pathogens through ships’ Ballast Water
and Sediments.
 Section D Standards for Ballast Water Management 
o Regulation D-1 Ballast Water Exchange Standard - Ships performing Ballast Water exchange shall do so with
an efficiency of 95 per cent volumetric exchange of Ballast Water. For ships exchanging ballast water by the
pumping-through method, pumping through three times the volume of each ballast water tank shall be
considered to meet the standard described. Pumping through less than three times the volume may be
accepted provided the ship can demonstrate that at least 95 percent volumetric exchange is met.
o Regulation D-2 Ballast Water Performance Standard - Ships conducting ballast water management shall
discharge less than 10 viable organisms per cubic metre greater than or equal to 50 micrometres in
minimum dimension and less than 10 viable organisms per millilitre less than 50 micrometres in minimum
dimension and greater than or equal to 10 micrometres in minimum dimension; and discharge of the
indicator microbes shall not exceed the specified concentrations.
o Regulation D-3 Approval requirements for Ballast Water Management systems provides that Ballast Water
Management systems must be approved by the Administration in accordance with IMO Guidelines
(G8 Guidelines for the approval of Ballast Water Management Systems). These include systems which make
use of chemicals or biocides; make use of organisms or biological mechanisms; or which alter the chemical
or physical characteristics of the Ballast Water.
o Regulation D-4 covers Prototype Ballast Water Treatment Technologies. It allows for ships participating in a
programme approved by the Administration to test and evaluate promising Ballast Water treatment
technologies to have a leeway of five years before having to comply with the requirements of Regulation D-
o Under Regulation D-5 Review of Standards by the Organization, IMO is required to review the Ballast Water
Performance Standard, taking into account a number of criteria including safety considerations;
environmental acceptability, i.e., not causing more or greater environmental impacts than it solves;
practicability, i.e., compatibility with ship design and operations; cost effectiveness; and biological
effectiveness in terms of removing, or otherwise rendering inactive harmful aquatic organisms and
pathogens in ballast water.
 Section E Survey and Certification Requirements for Ballast Water Management
o Gives requirements for initial renewal, annual, intermediate and renewal surveys and certification


o Guidelines for sediments reception facilities (G1)
o Guidelines for Ballast Water Sampling (G2)
o Guidelines for ballast water management equivalent compliance(G3)
o Guidelines for Ballast Water Management and Development of Ballast Water Management Plans (G4)
o Guidelines for ballast water reception facilities (G5)
o Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange (G6)
o Guidelines for Risk Assessment under Regulation A-4 (G7)
o Guidelines for approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (G8)
o Procedure for Approval of BWM systems that make use of Active Substances (G9)
o Guidelines for approval and oversight of prototype ballast water treatment technology programmes (G10)
o Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange Design and Construction Standards (G11)
o Guidelines for sediment control on ships (G12)
o Guidelines for additional measures including emergency situations (G13)
o Guidelines on designation of areas for ballast water exchange (G14)
o Guidelines for Ballast Water Exchange in the Antarctic Treaty area

 Guidelines for approval of Ballast Water Management Systems (G8)

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o Goal and purpose
 define test and performance requirements for the approval of ballast water management systems;
 assist Administrations in determining appropriate design, construction and operational parameters
necessary for the approval of ballast water management systems;
 provide a uniform interpretation and application of the requirements of regulation D-3;
 provide guidance to Administrations, equipment manufacturers and shipowners in determining the
suitability of equipment to meet the requirements of the Convention and of the environmental
acceptability of treated water; and
 assure that ballast water management systems approved by Administrations are capable of
achieving the standard of regulation D-2 in land-based and shipboard evaluations and do not cause
unacceptable harm to the vessel, crew, the environment or public health

 Procedure for Approval of BWM systems that make use of Active Substances (G9)
o The G9 Guidelines describe the approval process for systems that make use of ‘active substances’.
o ‘Active substances’ are defined by the Convention as “substances or organisms, including a virus or a fungus,
that have a general or specific action on or against harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens”.
o Active substances and preparations may be added to the ballast water or be generated onboard ships
within the BWM system.
o These substances must comply with the BWM Convention. To comply with the Convention, BWM systems
that make use of active substances (or preparations containing one or more active substances) need to be
approved by IMO, based on a procedure developed by the Organization.
o The objective of this procedure is to determine the acceptability of the active substances in ballast water
management systems concerning ship safety, human health and the aquatic environment.
o The procedure is thus provided as a safeguard for the sustainable use of active substance, and is not
intended for the evaluation of the efficacy of the active substances (the efficacy of BWM systems, including
those that make use of active substances, should be evaluated in accordance with the G8 Guidelines).
o The proposal for approval of an active substance must include:
 data on effects on aquatic plants, invertebrates, fish and other biota, including sensitive and
representative organisms,
 data on Mammalian Toxicity,
 data on environmental fate and effect under aerobic and anaerobic conditions,
 physical and chemical properties of the active substance and preparations and the treated ballast
 analytical methods at environmentally relevant concentrations

 Different types of Ballast water exchange

o Sequential: In this method the ballast tanks are emptied until the ballast pumps lose suction and then the
tanks are further stripped by eductor systems. This is followed by taking fresh ballast into the tank.
o Flow through method: In this method water in pumped into the tank and to allow it to overflow through
the air vent or dedicated overflow vents. Three times the volume of the tank is to be pumped through to get
a 95 percent efficiency of exchange.
o Dilution Method: In this method the tank has two openings; water is pumped in from one opening and
flows out through the other.

 Ballast Water Treatment Technologies

o Mechanical treatment methods such as filtration and separation.
o Physical treatment methods such as sterilisation by ozone, ultra-violet light, electric currents and heat
o Chemical treatment methods such adding biocides to ballast water to kill organisms.
o Various combinations of the above.

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 Role of Chief Engineer Officer in implementation of the Ballast Water Management Plan
o The operational duties of the ballast water management plan lies with the Chief Officer and the other Deck
Officers as calculation and change in stability is an important issue.
o He can provide a valuable service in the implementation of the Ballast Water Management plan by the
 The Chief Engineer Officer must familiarize the Officers and the crew about ballast water
 As ballast water exchange timings depends of the calculated capacities of the ballast pumps, the
Chief Engineer Officer must ensure that the pumps are maintained properly and operated as per
correct procedures.
 The Chief Engineer Officer must make sure that the piping and overflow arrangements of the tanks
are in good order and working. An un-vented tank may be subjected to great pressure if the
overflow vent is blocked.
o The Chief Engineer Officer must render full co-operation as it is a critical operation for the pumps.
o In ballast pumps with gland packing stuffing boxes, the gland packing can overheat due to unavailability of
cooling and lubricating water.
o In ballast pumps with mechanical seals, the mechanical seals can be damaged due to overheating due to a
shortage of cooling and lubricating water.
o The Chief Engineer Officer must instruct all the junior engineers and subordinates regarding the same and
ensure compliance while protecting the pumps. Effective look out and watch should be posted near the

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 The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), also called the Law of the Sea Convention or
the Law of the Sea treaty, is the international agreement that resulted from the third United Nations Conference on
the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS III), which took place between 1973 and 1982.
 The Law of the Sea Convention defines the rights and responsibilities of nations with respect to their use of the
world's oceans, establishing guidelines for businesses, the environment, and the management of marine  natural
 This leads to the need for establishing an internal law to determine the status of sea areas and the governance or
the inter relationship of countries using the world’s ocean
 UNCLOS is a treaty document of 446 articles grouped under 17 headings and 9 Annexes

 Part XII of the UNCLOS deals with the issue of marine environment conservation.
o States shall take, individually or jointly as appropriate, all measures consistent with this Convention that are
necessary to prevent, reduce and control pollution of the marine environment from any source, using for
this purpose the best practicable means at their disposal and in accordance with their capabilities, and they
shall endeavor to harmonize their policies in this connection.
o States shall take all measures necessary to ensure that activities under their jurisdiction or control are so
conducted as not to cause damage by pollution to other States and their environment, and that pollution
arising from incidents or activities under their jurisdiction or control does not spread beyond the areas
where they exercise sovereign rights in accordance with this Convention.
o The measures taken pursuant to this Part shall deal with all sources of pollution of the marine environment.
These measures shall include, inter  alia, those designed to minimize to the fullest possible extent:
 the release of toxic, harmful or noxious substances, especially those which are persistent, from
land-based sources, from or through the atmosphere or by dumping;
 pollution from vessels, in particular measures for preventing accidents and dealing with
emergencies, ensuring the safety of operations at sea, preventing intentional and unintentional
discharges, and regulating the design, construction, equipment, operation and manning of vessels
 pollution from vessels, in particular measures for preventing accidents and dealing with
emergencies, ensuring the safety of operations at sea, preventing intentional and unintentional
discharges, and regulating the design, construction, equipment, operation and manning of vessels
 pollution from installations and devices used in exploration or exploitation of the natural resources
of the seabed and subsoil, in particular measures for preventing accidents and dealing with
emergencies, ensuring the safety of operations at sea, and regulating the design, construction,
equipment, operation and manning of such installations or devices;
 pollution from other installations and devices operating in the marine environment, in particular
measures for preventing accidents and dealing with emergencies, ensuring the safety of operations
at sea, and regulating the design, construction, equipment, operation and manning of such
installations or devices.
 In taking measures to prevent, reduce or control pollution of the marine environment, States shall refrain from
unjustifiable interference with activities carried out by other States in the exercise of their rights and in pursuance of
their duties in conformity with this Convention

 Every State has the right to establish the breadth of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12
nautical miles, measured from baselines determined in accordance with this Convention
 If this would overlap with another state's territorial sea, the border is taken as the median point
between the states' baselines, unless the states in question agree otherwise. A state can also
choose to claim a smaller territorial sea.
 Conflicts still occur whenever a coastal nation claims an entire gulf as its territorial waters while
other nations only recognize the more restrictive definitions of the UN convention.
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 According to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, a nation's internal waters
include waters on the landward side of the baseline of a nation's territorial waters, except in
archipelagic states.
 It includes waterways such as rivers and canals, and sometimes the water within small bays.
 In inland waters, sovereignty of the state is equal to that which it exercises on the mainland.
 The coastal state is free to make laws relating to its internal waters, regulate any use, and use any
 In the absence of agreements to the contrary, foreign vessels have no right of passage within
internal waters, and this lack of right to innocent passage is the key difference between internal
waters and territorial waters.
 When a foreign vessel is authorized to enter inland waters, it is subject to the laws of the coastal
State, with one exception: the crew of the ship is subject to the law of the flag State. This extends to
labor conditions as well as to crimes committed on board the ship, even if docked at a port
 The contiguous zone may not extend beyond 24 nautical miles from the baselines from which the
breadth of the territorial sea is measured.
 In a zone contiguous to its territorial sea, described as the contiguous zone, the coastal State may
exercise the control necessary to:
 prevent infringement of its customs, fiscal, immigration or sanitary laws and regulations
within its territory or territorial sea
 punish infringement of the above laws and regulations committed within its territory or
territorial sea.
 The exclusive economic zone shall not extend beyond 200 nautical miles from the baselines from
which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured.
 In the exclusive economic zone, the coastal State has
 sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring and exploiting, conserving and managing the natural
resources, whether living or non-living, of the waters superjacent to the seabed and of the seabed
and its subsoil, and with regard to other activities for the economic exploitation and exploration of
the zone, such as the production of energy from the water, currents and winds;
 The establishment and use of artificial islands, installations and structures
 marine scientific research
 the protection and preservation of the marine environment;
 The continental shelf of a coastal State comprises the seabed and subsoil of the submarine areas
that extend beyond its territorial sea throughout the natural prolongation of its land territory to the
outer edge of the continental margin, or to a distance of 200 nautical miles from the baselines from
which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured where the outer edge of the continental margin
does not extend up to that distance
 Line of the outer limits of the continental shelf on the seabed, either shall not exceed 350 nautical
miles from the baselines from which the breadth of the territorial sea is measured or shall not
exceed 100 nautical miles from the 2,500 metre isobath, which is a line connecting the depth of
2,500 metres.
 The coastal State exercises over the continental shelf sovereign rights for the purpose of exploring it
and exploiting its natural resources
 The rights of the coastal State over the continental shelf do not depend on occupation, effective or
notional, or on any express proclamation.
 all parts of the sea that are not included in the exclusive economic zone, in the territorial sea or in
the internal waters of a State, or in the archipelagic waters of an archipelagic State

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  Freedom of the high seas is exercised under the conditions laid down by this Convention and by
other rules of international law. It comprises, inter  alia, both for coastal and land-locked States:
 freedom of navigation;
 freedom of overflight;
 freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines, subject to Part VI;
 freedom to construct artificial islands and other installations permitted under international
 freedom of fishing;
 freedom of scientific research


o Every state shall effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administration, technical and social
matters over the ship whose flag it is flying
o Every state shall:
 Maintain registry of ships containing the names and particulars of ships flying its flag
 Assume jurisdiction under its internal law over each ship flying its flag and its master, officer and
crew in respect of administrative, technical and social matters concerning ship
o Every state shall take measure to ensure safety at sea with regards to:
 Construction, equipment and sea worthiness of ship
 Manning of ships, labor conditions and training of crew
 Use of signals, maintenance of communication and prevention of collisions
o Shall take measures to ensure:
 That each ship, before registration and thereafter at appropriate intervals surveyed by qualified
surveyor of ship and has onboard appropriate charts, nautical publication and navigational
equipment for safe navigation of ship
 Each ship is in charge of master and officers who possess appropriate qualifications
 Master, officer and crew to an extent is conversant fully with international regulations concerning
safety of life at sea, prevention of collisions, pollutions and maintenance of communication 
o State is required to accept international regulation, procedure and practices
o Every state shall cause an enquiry by a qualified person/s into every marine casualty or incident to
navigation on high sea and causing damage to marine environment
o The coastal State shall not hamper the innocent passage of foreignships through the territorial sea except in
accordance with this Convention.
o In particular, in the application of this Convention or of any laws orregulations adopted in conformity with
this Convention, the coastal Stateshall not:
 impose requirements on foreign ships which have the practicaleffect of denying or impairing the
right of innocent passage; or
 discriminate in form or in fact against the ships of any State oragainst ships carrying cargoes to,
from or on behalf of anyState.
o The coastal State shall give appropriate publicity to any danger tonavigation, of which it has knowledge,
within its territorial sea.
o When a vessel is voluntarily within a port or at an off-shore terminal of a State, that State may, subject to
section 7, institute proceedings in respect of any violation of its laws and regulations adopted in accordance
with this Convention or applicable international rules and standards for the prevention, reduction and
control of pollution from vessels when the violation has occurred within the territorial sea or the exclusive
economic zone of that State

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Convention on International Maritime Satellite Organisation
 Adoption: 3 September 1976; Entry into force: 16 July 1979
 Under the treaty, the International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) has been established as the inter-
governmental body that oversees the provision of certain satellite-based maritime distress communication services,
specifically those used in the Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS).
 IMO is currently reviewing the GMDSS, to modernize it and bring it up to date
 History
o Soon after the launch of the world's first telecommunications satellite, Telstar, in 1962, IMO recognised the
potential for satellite communications to assist in distress situations at sea and initiated a study of the
operational requirements for a satellite communications system devoted to maritime purposes.
 The Convention defined the purposes of the International Maritime Satellite Organization as being to improve
maritime communications, thereby assisting in improving distress and safety of life at sea communications, the
efficiency and management of ships, maritime public correspondence services, and radiodetermination capabilities
 In 1994, the name of the Organization was changed to the International Mobile Satellite Organization, then
abbreviated to Inmarsat. This reflected the extension of its services from the maritime sector to other modes of
 International Mobile Satellite Organization (IMSO) - an intergovernmental body established to ensure that Inmarsat
continues to meet its public service obligations, including obligations relating to the GMDSS. IMSO replaces Inmarsat
as observer at IMO meetings.
 The 1985 amendments
o The amendments enabled Inmarsat to provide services to aircraft as well as ships.
 The 1989 amendments
o The amendments enabled Inmarsat to provide services to land-based vehicles as well as ships and aircraft.
 The 1994 amendments
o One of the amendments changed the name of the Organization to the International Mobile Satellite
Organization, abbreviated to Inmarsat. The change reflected changes since the Organization was formed
and the extension of its services from the maritime sector to other modes of transport. There were also
changes to Article 13 on the composition of the Inmarsat Council.
 The April 1998 amendments
o Amendments to the Inmarsat Convention and Operating Agreement to permit the restructuring of Inmarsat.

International Convention on Maritime Search and Rescue, 1979

 The 1979 Convention, adopted at a Conference in Hamburg, was aimed at developing an international SAR plan, so
that, no matter where an accident occurs, the rescue of persons in distress at sea will be co-ordinated by a SAR
organization and, when necessary, by co-operation between neighbouring SAR organizations.
 Although the obligation of ships to go to the assistance of vessels in distress was enshrined both in tradition and in
international treaties (such as the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), 1974), there was,
until the adoption of the SAR Convention, no international system covering search and rescue operations
 The technical requirements of the SAR Convention are contained in an Annex, which was divided into five Chapters.
Parties to the Convention are required to ensure that arrangements are made for the provision of adequate SAR
services in their coastal waters
 Includes recommendations on establishing ship reporting systems for search and rescue purposes, noting that
existing ship reporting systems could provide adequate information for search and rescue purposes in a given area.

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OPA 90 and OPRC
 OPA 90
 AN ACT to establish limitations on liability for damages resulting from oil pollution, to establish a fund for the
payment of compensation for such damages, and for other purposes.
 Consists of 9 titles
 On March 24, 1989, the Exxon Valdez spilled over 11 million gallons of Alaskan crude into the water of Prince
William Sound. There were many lessons learned the aftermath of the Valdez oil spill. Two of the most obvious
 The United States lacked adequate resources, particularly Federal funds, to respond to spills, and
 The scope of damages compensable under federal law to those impacted by a spill was fairly narrow.
 Although the environmental damage and massive clean-up efforts were the most visible effects of this casualty, one
of the most important outcomes was the enactment of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (OPA), which addressed both
these deficiencies.
 The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 (33 U.S.C. 2701-2761) amended the Clean Water Act and addressed the wide range of
problems associated with preventing, responding to, and paying for oil pollution incidents in navigable waters of the
United States. It created a comprehensive prevention, response, liability, and compensation regime to deal with
vessel- and facility-caused oil pollution to U.S. navigable waters. OPA greatly increased federal oversight of maritime
oil transportation, while providing greater environmental safeguards by:
o Setting new requirements for vessel construction and crew licensing and manning,
o Mandating contingency planning,
o Enhancing federal response capability,
o Broadening enforcement authority,
o Increasing penalties,
o Creating new research and development programs,
o Increasing potential liabilities, and
o Significantly broadening financial responsibility requirements.
 Title I of OPA established new and higher liability limits for oil spills, with commensurate changes to financial
responsibility requirements. It substantially broadened the scope of damages, including natural resource damages
(NRDs), for which polluters are liable. 
 The total of the liability of a responsible party under section 1002 and any removal costs incurred by, or on behalf
of, the responsible party, with respect to each incident shall not exceed—
o for a tank vessel, the greater of—
 (A) $1,200 per gross ton; or
 (B)(i) in the case of a vessel greater than 3,000 gross tons, $10,000,000; or
 (ii) in the case of a vessel of 3,000 gross tons or less, $2,000,000;
o for any other vessel, $600 per gross ton or $500,000, whichever is greater;
o for an offshore facility except a deepwater port, the total of all removal costs plus $75,000,000; and
o for any onshore facility and a deepwater port, $350,000,000
 OPRC 95
 Adoption: 30 November 1990; Entry into force: 13 May 1995
 Parties to the International Convention on Oil Pollution Preparedness, Response and Co-operation (OPRC) are
required to establish measures for dealing with pollution incidents, either nationally or in co-operation with other
 Ships are required to carry a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan. Operators of offshore units under the
jurisdiction of Parties are also required to have oil pollution emergency plans or similar arrangements which must be
co-ordinated with national systems for responding promptly and effectively to oil pollution incidents.
 Ships are required to report incidents of pollution to coastal authorities and the convention details the actions that
are then to be taken.
 The Convention calls for the establishment of stockpiles of oil spill combating equipment, the holding of oil spill
combating exercises and the development of detailed plans for dealing with pollution incidents.
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 Parties to the convention are required to provide assistance to others in the event of a pollution emergency and
provision is made for the reimbursement of any assistance provided.


 The Clean Air Act (CAA) is the comprehensive federal law that regulates air emissions from stationary and mobile
 Among other things, this law authorizes EPA to establish National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) to protect
public health and public welfare and to regulate emissions of hazardous air pollutants.
 To protect public health and welfare nationwide, the Clean Air Act requires EPA to establish national ambient air
quality standards for certain common and widespread pollutants based on the latest science.
 EPA has set air quality standards for six common "criteria pollutants": particulate matter (also known as particle
pollution), ozone, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and lead
 The Clean Air Act, originally passed in 1973 and amended in 1990,
 The Clean Air Act has helped:
o cut ground-level ozone, a dangerous component of smog, by more than 25 percent since 1980;
o reduce mercury emissions by 45 percent since 1990;
o reduce the main pollutants that contribute to acid rain, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen dioxide, by 71 percent
and 46 percent, respectively since 1980;
o phase out the production and use of chemicals that contribute to the hole in the ozone layer; and
o reduce the lead content in gasoline, which has cut lead air pollution by 92 percent since 1980.
 Emissions of dark smoke from a chimney of a vessel for not longer than the period specified in column (2) of the
schedule to these regulations in respect of the class of case specified in column (1) shall be left out of account for
the purposes of section 1 of the Clean Air Act, 1956:
o Provided that—
 continuous emissions of dark smoke caused otherwise than by the soot blowing of a water tube
boiler shall not exceed
 in the case of classes 1 and 2, 4 minutes;
 in the case of natural draught oil-fired boiler furnaces in class 4, 10 minutes; and
 in no case shall black smoke be emitted for more than 3 minutes in the aggregate in any period of
30 minutes.
o In this paragraph “black smoke” means smoke which, if compared in the appropriate manner with a chart of
the type known at the date of the passing of the Clean Air Act, 1956, as the Ringelmann Chart, would appear
to be as dark as or darker than shade 4 on the chart.

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 Goal-based standards (GBS) are high-level standards and procedures that are to be met through regulations, rules
and standards for ships
 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its eighty-seventh session in May 2010, adopted a new SOLAS regulation II-1/3-
10 on Goal-based ship construction standards for bulk carriers and oil tankers (resolution MSC.290(87)). 
 This regulation, which entered into force on 1 January 2012, requires that all oil tankers and bulk carriers of 150 m
in length and above, for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 July 2016, satisfy applicable structural
requirements conforming to the functional requirements of the International Goal-based Ship Construction
Standards for Bulk Carriers and Oil Tankers.
 The basic principles of IMO goal-based standards/regulations are:
o Broad, over-arching safety, environmental and/or security standards that ships are required to meet during
their lifecycle.
o The required level to be achieved by the requirements applied by class societies and other recognized
organizations, Administrations and IMO.
o Clear, demonstrable, verifiable, long standing, implementable and achievable, irrespective of ship design
and technology.
o Specific enough in order not to be open to differing interpretations.
 Consists of 5 TIERS:
 Ships are to designed and constructed for a specified design life to be safe and environmentally
friendly when properly operated and maintained under the specified operating and environmental
condition, in intact and specified damage condition, throughout their life.
 Here safety also includes the ship structure being arranged to provide safe access, escape,
inspection and proper maintenance.
 DESIGN: --
 Design life: - 25 years’ design life
 Environmental condition: - North Atlantic environment
 Structural strength: - Suitable safety margin at net scantling
 Fatigue life: - 25 years’ fatigue life in north Atlantic
 Residual strength: - Sufficient
 Protection against corrosion: - Coating design life specified.
 Structural redundancy
 Water tight and weather tight integrity
 Human element consideration
 Design transparency
 Construction quality procedures
 Survey
 Survey and maintenance
 Structural accessibility
 Recycling
 It provides the instruments necessary for demonstrating that the detailed requirement in TIER 4 and
TIER 5 comply with TIER 1 goals and TIER 2 functional requirements.
 Verification process is:-
 RO or administration submits request for verification of its rule.
 IMO appointed audit teams review.

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 Report of audit team goes to MSC
 MSC takes decision on conformity with GBS
o TIER 4: - Technical procedures and guidelines
o  TIER 5: - Industry standard, codes of practices and safety and quality systems for ship building, operation,
maintenance, training etc
o it will contain the specific information on how the functional requirements of the GBS have been applied in
ship design and construction. It shall be provided upon delivery of a new ship, and kept on board a ship
and/or ashore.
o It should be updated as appropriate throughout ship’s life. Contents of SCF shall at least conform to the

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 MO has adopted the International Code for Ships Operating in Polar Waters (Polar Code) and related amendments
to make it mandatory under both the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) and the
International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).
 The Polar Code is expected to enter into force on 1 January 2017.
 The Polar Codeis intended to cover the full range of shipping-related matters relevant to navigation in waters
surrounding the two poles – ship design, construction and equipment; operational and training concerns; search
and rescue; and, equally important, the protection of the unique environment and eco-systems of the polar regions
 The Polar Code covers the full range of design, construction, equipment, operational, training, search and rescue
and environmental protection matters relevant to ships operating in the inhospitable waters surrounding the two
 The Polar Code includes mandatory measures covering
o safety part (part I-A) and
o pollution prevention (part II-A) and
o recommendatory provisions for both (parts I-B and II-B).
 The Code will require ships intending to operating in the defined waters of the Antarctic and Arctic to apply for a
Polar Ship Certificate, which would classify the vessel as
o Category A ship - ships designed for operation in polar waters at least in medium first-year ice, which may
include old ice inclusions;
o Category B ship - a ship not included in category A, designed for operation in polar waters in at least thin
first-year ice, which may include old ice inclusions; or
o Category C ship - a ship designed to operate in open water or in ice conditions less severe than those
included in Categories A and B.
 The issuance of a certificate would require an assessment, taking into account the anticipated range of operating
conditions and hazards the ship may encounter in the polar waters.
 The assessment would include information on identified operational limitations, and plans or procedures or
additional safety equipment necessary to mitigate incidents with potential safety or environmental consequences.
 Ships will need to carry a Polar Water Operational Manual, to provide the Owner, Operator, Master and crew with
sufficient information regarding the ship's operational capabilities and limitations in order to support their decision-
making process.
 Definitions
o First-year ice means sea ice of not more than one winter growth developing from young ice with thickness
from 0.3 m to 2.0 m
o Medium first-year ice means first-year ice of 70 cm to 120 cm thickness
o Old ice means sea ice which has survived at least one summer's melt; typical thickness up to 3 m or more. It
is subdivided into residual first-year ice, second-year ice and multi-year ice

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 IMO developed initially:
o A.973(24) - Code for implementation of mandatory IMO instruments in 2005, as revised by A.1054(27) in
2011, as Audit Standard for VIMSAS, and again by
o A.1070(28) in 2013 and made mandatory, as Audit Standard for IMSAS
 MEPC 66 adopted amendments to MARPOL to make III Code mandatory as from 1/1/2016
 MSC 93 adopted amendments to SOLAS, STCW, LL, and just mentioned relevant mandatory instruments to make III
Code applicable and mandatory as from 1/1/2016
 Consists of:
o Part 1 – Common Areas
o Part 2 – Flag State
o Part 2 – Coastal State
o Part 4 – Port State
 Common Areas:
o Objective:
 enhance global maritime safety and protection of the marine environment and assist States in the
implementation of instruments of the Organization
o Strategy
 a State shoulddevelop an overall strategy to ensure that its international obligations and
responsibilities as a flag, port and coastal State are met
 a State shouldestablish a methodology to monitor and assess that the strategy ensures effective
implementation and enforcement of relevant international mandatory instruments
 a State shouldcontinuously review the strategy to achieve, maintain and improve the overall
organizational performance and capability as a flag, port and coastal State.
o When a new or amended instrument of the Organization enters into force for a State, the Government of
that State shall be in a position to implement and enforce its provisions through appropriate national
legislation and to provide the necessary implementation and enforcement infrastructure. This means that
the Government of the State shall have:
 the ability to promulgate laws, which permit effective jurisdiction and control in administrative,
technical and social matters over ships flying its flag and, in particular, provide the legal basis for
general requirements for registries, the inspection of ships, safety and pollution-prevention laws
applying to such ships and the making of associated regulations;
 a legal basis for the enforcement of its national laws and regulations including the associated
investigative and penal processes; and
 the availability of sufficient personnel with maritime expertise to assist in the promulgation of the
necessary national laws and to discharge all the responsibilities of theState, including reporting as
required by the respective conventions.
o implement policies through the issuance of national legislation and guidance, which will assist in the
implementation and enforcement of the requirements of all safety and pollution prevention conventions
and protocols to which they are parties
o assign responsibilities within their Administrations to update and revise any relevant policies adopted
o implement applicable international rules and regulations as well as develop and disseminate any
interpretative national regulations
o compliance with the requirements related to international standards of training, certification and watch
keeping of seafarers.
o the conduct of investigations into casualties and adequate and timely handling of cases of ships with
identified deficiencies. Marine safety investigations should be conducted by qualified, impartial and
objective investigators, knowledgeable in matters relating to the casualty.
o A flag State shall ensure that ships entitled to fly its flag are sufficiently and efficiently manned

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othe periodic inspection of ships entitled to fly its flag to verify that the actual condition of the ship and its
crew is in conformity with the certificates it carries
o Personnel responsible for, or performing, surveys, inspections and audits on ships and companies covered
by the relevant international mandatory instruments shall be appropriately qualified
o A flag State shall, on a periodic basis, evaluate its performance with respect to the implementation of
administrative processes, procedures and resources necessary to meet its obligations as required by the
international instruments to which it is a party
o implement policies through the issuance of national legislation and guidance, which will assist in the
implementation and enforcement of the requirements of all safety and pollution prevention conventions
and protocols to which it is a party
o obligations and responsibilities may include
 radio communication services;
 meteorological services and warnings;
 search and rescue services;
 hydrographic services;
 ship routeing;
 ship reporting systems;
 vessel traffic services; and
 aids to navigation
o A coastal State shall periodically evaluate its performance in respect of exercising its rights and meeting its
obligations under the applicable international instruments
o ensure that its legislation, guidance and procedures are established for the consistent implementation and
verification of its rights, obligations and responsibilities contained in the relevant international instruments
to which it is a party
o rights, obligations and responsibilities include,
 provision of appropriate reception facilities or capability to accept all waste streams regulated
under the instruments of the Organization;
 port State control; and
 keeping a register of fuel oil suppliers

o Purpose:
 The IMO Member State Audit Scheme is intended to provide an audited Member State with a
comprehensive and objective assessment of how effectively it administers and implements those
mandatory IMO instruments which are covered by the Scheme.review the rights and obligations of
States emanating from the IMO treaty instruments;
 assess, monitor and review the current level of implementation of IMO instruments by States in
their capacity as flag, port and coastal States, with a view to identifying areas where States may
have difficulties in fully implementing them;
 identify the reasons for the difficulties in implementing provisions of relevant IMO instruments,
taking into account any relevant information collected through, inter alia, the assessment of
performance, the investigation of marine casualties and incidents and port State control (PSC) data,
while paying particular attention to difficulties faced by developing countries;
 consider proposals to assist States in implementing and complying with IMO instruments by the
development of appropriate instruments, guidelines and recommendations.
 analyse investigation reports into marine casualties and incidents and maintain an efficient and
comprehensive knowledge-based mechanism to support the identification of trends and feed into
the IMO rule-making process;

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 review IMO standards on maritime safety and security and the protection of the marine
environment, to maintain an updated and harmonized guidance on survey and certification related
requirements; and
 promote global harmonization of PSC activities
o Instruments
 SOLAS 74
 STCW 78
 Loadline 66/ Protocol 88
 Colreg 72
 Tonnage 69
 Marpol

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 1 Annex and 7 Chapter and 4 appendix
 The Code is intended to provide standards to prevent the occurrence of potentially hazardous noise levels on board
ships and to provide standards for an acceptable environment for seafarers.
 Requirements and recommendations are made for:
o measurement of noise levels and exposure
o protecting the seafarer from the risk of noise-induced hearing loss under conditions where at present it is
not feasible to limit the noise to a level which is not potentially harmful;
o limits on acceptable maximum noise levels for all spaces to which seafarers normally have access
o verification of acoustic insulation between accommodation spaces
 Purpose
o provide for safe working conditions by giving consideration to the need for speech communication and for
hearing audible alarms, and to an environment where clear-headed decisions can be made in control
stations, navigation and radio spaces and manned machinery spaces
o protect the seafarer from excessive noise levels which may give rise to a noise-induced hearing loss; and
o provide the seafarer with an acceptable degree of comfort in rest, recreation and other spaces and also
provide conditions for recuperation from the effects of exposure to high noise levels.
 Application
o The Code applies to new ships of a gross tonnage of 1,600 and above
o The Code does not apply to:
 dynamically supported craft;
 high-speed craft;
 fishing vessels;
 pipe-laying barges;
 pleasure yachts not engaged in trade;
 ships of war and troopships;
 Measuring Equipment
o Measurement of sound pressure levels shall be carried out using precision integrating sound level meters
o Octave filter set
o Microphone wind screen
 Measurement
o This person conducting measurements shall have
 knowledge in the field of noise, sound measurements and handling of used equipment;
 training concerning the procedures
o Operating conditions at sea trials
 Measurements should be taken with the ship in the loaded or ballast condition
 Noise measurements shall be taken at normal service speed and, unless otherwise addressed in the
provisions below, no less than 80% of the maximum continuous rating (MCR)
 All machinery, navigation instruments, radio and radar sets, etc., normally in use at normal seagoing
condition and levels, including squelch shall operate throughout the measurement period.
 Measurements in spaces containing emergency diesel engine driven generators, fire pumps or other
emergency equipment that would normally be run only in emergency, or for test purposes, shall be
taken with the equipment operating
 Mechanical ventilation, heating and air-conditioning equipment shall be in normal operation,
 Ships fitted with bow thrusters, stabilizers, etc., may be subject to high noise levels when this
machinery is in operation. For thrusters, measurements shall be made at 40% thruster power and
the ship's speed shall be appropriate for thruster operation
o Operating conditions in port
 When the noise from the ship's cargo handling equipment may lead to noise above maximum levels
in duty stations and accommodation spaces affected by its operation, measurements should be
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 Where the ship is a vehicle carrier and noise during loading and discharging originates from vehicles,
the noise level in the cargo spaces and the duration of the exposure should be considered
o Environmental conditions
 The readings obtained may be affected if the water depth is less than five times the draught or if
there are large reflecting surfaces in the ship's vicinity
 The meteorological conditions such as wind and rain, as well as sea state, should be such that they
do not influence the measurements. Wind force 4 and 1 m wave height should not be exceeded.
 Care shall be taken to see that noise from extraneous sound sources, such as people,
entertainment, construction and repair work, does not influence the noise level on board the ship at
the positions of measurement.
 Measurement procedures
o During noise level measurement, only seafarers necessary for the operation of the ship and persons taking
the measurements shall be present in the space concerned
o Sound pressure level readings shall be taken in decibels using an A-weighting (dB(A)) and C-weighting
(dB(C)) filter and if necessary also in octave bands between 31.5 and 8,000 Hz.
 Measurement positions
o If not otherwise stated, measurements shall be taken with the microphone at a height of between 1.2 m
(seated person) and 1.6 m (standing person) from the deck.
o The distance between two measurement points should be at least 2 m, and in large spaces not containing
machinery, measurements should be taken at intervals not greater than 10 m throughout the space
including positions of maximum noise level.
o In no case shall measurements be taken closer than 0.5 m from the boundaries of a space.
o Measurements shall be taken at positions where the personnel work, including at communication stations
o Measurements shall be taken at the principal working and control stations of the seafarers in the machinery
spaces and in the adjacent control rooms, if any, special attention being paid to telephone locations and to
positions where voice communication and audible signals are important
o Measurements from machinery which constitutes a sound source should be taken at 1 m from the
o Measurements shall be taken on both navigating bridge wings but should only be taken when the navigating
bridge wing to be measured is on the lee side of the ship.
o The number of measurement cabins shall be not less than 40 per cent of total number of cabins. Cabins
which are obviously affected by noise, i.e. cabins adjacent to machinery or casings, must be considered in
any case.
 Noise level limits
o Machinery spaces 110
o Machinery control rooms 75
o Workshops other than those forming part of machinery spaces 85
o Navigating bridge and chartrooms 65
o Cabin and hospitals 60
o Messrooms 65
 Noise Exposure Limits
o within each day or 24-hour period the equivalent continuous noise exposure would not exceed 80 dB(A)
o In spaces with sound pressure levels exceeding 85 dB(A), suitable hearing protection should be used, or to
apply time limits for exposure
o No seafarer, even when wearing hearing protectors, should be exposed to levels exceeding 120 dB(A)

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 international Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code)
 The International Maritime Solid Bulk Cargoes Code (IMSBC Code), and amendments to SOLAS chapter VI to make
the Code mandatory, were adopted by the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC), 85th session, in 2008. The
amendments are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2011.
 The IMSBC Code will replace the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code), which was first adopted as a
recommendatory code in 1965 and has been updated at regular intervals since then.
 The aim of the mandatory IMSBC Code is to facilitate the safe stowage and shipment of solid bulk cargoes by
providing information on the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of cargo and instructions on the
appropriate procedures to be adopted.
 The international Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code) includes recommendations to
Governments, ship operators and shipmasters. Its aim is to bring to the attention of those concerned an
internationally-accepted method of dealing with the hazards to safety which may be encountered when carrying
cargo in bulk.
 The Code highlights the dangers associated with the shipment of certain types of bulk cargoes; gives guidance on
various procedures which should be adopted; lists typical products which are shipped in bulk; gives advice on their
properties and how they should be handled; and describes various test procedures which should be employed to
determine the characteristic cargo properties.
 The Code contains a number of general precautions and says it is of fundamental importance that bulk cargoes be
properly distributed throughout the ship so that the structure is not overstressed and the ship has an adequate
standard of stability. A revised version of the Code was adopted in 2004 as Resolution MSC.193(79) Code of safe
practice for solid bulk cargoes, 2004

 Being concerned about the continued loss of ships carrying solid bulk cargoes, sometimes without a trace, and the
heavy loss of life incurred, and recognizing that a number of accidents have occurred as a result of improper loading
and unloading of bulk carriers, the Sub-Committee on Dangerous Goods, Solid Cargoes and Containers (DSC) at its
first session (February 1996) developed a draft code of practice for the safe loading and unloading of bulk carriers,
with the aim of preventing such accidents.
 The resulting Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk Carriers (BLU Code) was approved by the
MSC at its 68th session (June 1997) and adopted by the Assembly at its 20th session (November 1997) by resolution
 The BLU Code, which provides guidance to masters of bulk carriers, terminal operators and other parties concerned
with the safe handling, loading and unloading of solid bulk cargoes, is also linked to regulation VI/7 of the 1974
SOLAS Convention, as amended by resolution MSC.47(66).

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 Purpose:
o Is to ensure the efficient maintenance of an Indian Mercantile marine and for that for purpose a National
Shipping Board was created with an aim to provide registration, certification, safety and security of Indian
 PART I Preliminary
 PART II National Shipping Board
 PART III General Administration
 PART IV Shipping Development Fund
 PART V Registration Of Indian Ships
 PART VI Certificates Of Officers
 PART VIA Obligation of certain Certificate Holder To Serve Government Or In Indian Ships
 PART VII Seamen And Apprentices
 PART VIII Passenger Ships
 PART IX Safety
 PART IXA Nuclear Ships
 PART X Collisions, Accidents At Sea & Liability
 PART XA Limitation Of Liability
 PART XB Civil Liability For Oil Pollutin Damage
 PART XIA Prevention And Containment Of Pollution Of The Sea BY OIL
 PART XII Investigations And Inquiries
 PART XIII Wreck And Salvage
 PART XIV Control Or Indian Ships And Ships Engaged In Coasting Trade
 PART XV Sailing Vessels
 PART XVA Fishing Boats
 PART XVI Penalties And Procedure
 PART XVII Miscellaneous
 PART XVIII Repeals And Savings

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 the principles of minimum safe manning set out in section 3 to ensure the safe operation of ships to which
article III of the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended, applies, and the security of ships to which chapter XI-2 of
the 1974 SOLAS Convention, as amended,
 Principle:
 the capability to
 maintain safe navigational, port, engineering and radio watches in accordance with regulation
VIII/2 of the 1978 STCW Convention, as amended, and also maintain general surveillance of the
 moor and unmoor the ship safely;
 manage the safety functions of the ship when employed in a stationary or near-stationary mode
at sea;
 perform operations, as appropriate, for the prevention of damage to the marine environment;
 maintain the safety arrangements and the cleanliness of all accessible spaces to minimize the
risk of fire;
 provide for medical care on board ship;
 ensure safe carriage of cargo during transit;
 inspect and maintain, as appropriate, the structural integrity of the ship; and
 operate in accordance with the approved Ship's Security Plan; and
 The minimum safe manning of a ship should be established taking into account all relevant factors, including the
 size and type of ship;
 number, size and type of main propulsion units and auxiliaries;
 level of ship automation;
 construction and equipment of the ship;
 method of maintenance used;
 cargo to be carried;
 frequency of port calls, length and nature of voyages to be undertaken;
 trading area(s), waters and operations in which the ship is involved;
 extent to which training activities are conducted on board;
 degree of shoreside support provided to the ship by the company;
 applicable work hour limits and/or rest requirements; and
 the provisions of the approved Ship's Security Plan

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 The UNFCCC objective is to "stabilize greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would
prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system"
 The parties to the convention have met annually from 1995 in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in
dealing with climate change.
 Rio de Janeiro from 3 to 14 June 1992, then entered into force on 21 March 1994:
o The framework set no binding limits on greenhouse gas emissions for individual countries and contains no
enforcement mechanisms. Instead, the framework outlines how specific international treaties (called
"protocols" or "Agreements") may be negotiated to set binding limits on greenhouse gases.
 The parties to the convention have met annually from 1995 in Conferences of the Parties (COP) to assess progress in
dealing with climate change.
 In 1997, the Kyoto Protocol
o was concluded and established legally binding obligations for developed countries to reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions in the period 2008-2012
o The Protocol’s first commitment period started in 2008 and ended in 2012.
 The 2010 Cancun agreements
o state that future global warming should be limited to below 2.0 °C (3.6 °F) relative to the pre-industrial level.
 Doha Amendment
o The Protocol was amended in 2012 to encompass the period 2013-2020 in the Doha Amendment, which -as
of December 2015- not entered into force.
 In 2015 the Paris Agreement was adopted, governing emission reductions from 2020 on through commitments of
countries in ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions
 The 2015 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP 21 or CMP 11
o was held in Paris, France, from 30 November to 12 December 2015.
o The agreement will enter into force when joined by at least 55 countries which together represent at least
55 percent of global greenhouse emissions
o According to the organizing committee at the outset of the talksthe expected key result was an agreement
to set a goal of limiting global warming to less than 2 degrees Celsius (°C) compared to pre-industrial levels.
o The agreement calls for zero net anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions to be reached during the second
half of the 21st century.
o In the adopted version of the Paris Agreement, the parties will also "pursue efforts to" limit the temperature
increase to 1.5 °C.
o The 1.5 °C goal will require zero emissions sometime between 2030 and 2050, according to some scientists

 Market-Based Measures
o MBMs place a price on GHG emissions and serve two main purposes:
 providing an economic incentive for the maritime industry to reduce its fuel consumption by
investing in more fuel efficient ships and technologies and to operate ships in a more energy
efficient-manner (in-sector reductions)
 offsetting in other sectors of growing ship emissions
o Leveraged Incentive Scheme (LIS) (Japan (MEPC 60/4/37)):
 GHG Fund contributions are collected on marine bunker. Part thereof is refunded to ships meeting
or exceeding agreed efficiency benchmarks and labelled as “good performance ships”
o Port State Levy (Jamaica (MEPC 60/4/40)):
 Levies a uniform emissions charge on all vessels calling at their respective ports based on the
amount of fuel consumed by the respective vessel on its voyage to that port
o Ship Efficiency and Credit Trading (SECT) (United Sates
 Subjects all ships to mandatory energy efficiency standards. As one means of complying with the
standard, an efficiency-credit trading programme would be established.

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 The safety and security of life at sea, protection of the marine environment and over 90% of the world's trade
depends on the professionalism and competence of seafarers
 The IMO's International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW),
1978 was the first internationally-agreed Convention to address the issue of minimum standards of competence for
seafarers. In 1995 the STCW Convention was completely revised and updated to clarify the standards of
competence required and provide effective mechanisms for enforcement of its provisions.
 The amendments, now referred to as the Manila amendments, which provide enhanced standards of training for
seafarers, entered into force on 1 January 2012
 In 1997, IMO adopted a resolution setting out its vision, principles and goals for the human element.
 The human element is a complex multi-dimensional issue that affects maritime safety, security and marine
environmental protection involving the entire spectrum of human activities performed by ships' crews, shore based
management, regulatory bodies and others. All need to co-operate to address human element issues effectively.
 One key STCW Convention provision requires Parties to provide information to allow others to check the validity
and authenticity of seafarers' certificates of competency. This is important as unqualified seafarers holding
fraudulent certificates of competency are a clear danger to themselves, others on board and the marine
 Revised requirements on hours of work and rest and new requirements for the prevention of drug and alcohol
abuse, as well as updated standards relating to medical fitness standards for seafarers;
 New requirements for marine environment awareness training and training in leadership and teamwork
 Vision
o To significantly enhance maritime safety and the quality of the marine environment by addressing human
element issues to improve performance
 Principles
o the Organization, when developing regulations, should honour the seafarer by seeking and respecting the
opinions of those that do the work at sea
o effective remedial action following maritime casualties requires a sound understanding of human element
involvement in accident causation. This is gained by a thorough investigation and systematic analysis of
casualties for contributory factors and the causal chain of event
o rules and regulations addressing the seafarers directly should be simple, clear and comprehensive;
 Goals
o to have in place a structured approach for the proper consideration of human element issues for use in the
development of regulations and guidelines by all committees and sub-committees
o to promote and communicate, through human element principles, a maritime safety culture and
heightened marine environment awareness;
o to have in place a system to discover and to disseminate to maritime interest studies, research and other
relevant information on the human element, including findings from marine and non-marine incident
investigations; and
o to provide material to educate seafarers so as to increase their knowledge and awareness of the impact of
human element issues on safe ship operations, to help them do the right thing

 FATIGUE: The most common causes of fatigue known to seafarers are lack of sleep, poor quality of rest, stress and
excessive workload. There are many other contributors as well, and each will vary depending onthe circumstance
(i.e. operational, environmental).
o There are many ways to categorise the causes of fatigue. To ensure thoroughness and to provide good
coverage of most causes, they have been divided into 4 general categories.
 Crew-specific factors
 Management factors (ashore and aboard ship)
 Ship-specific factors
 Environmental factors
o Crew Specific Factors
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 The crew-specific factors are related to lifestyle behaviour, personal habits and individual attributes.
 However, fatigue varies from one person to another and its effects are often dependent on the
particular activity being performed.
 The crew-specific factors include the following:
 Sleep and rest
 quality, quantity and duration of Sleep
 sleep disorders/disturbances
 rest breaks
 Biological clock/circadian rhythms
 Psychological and emotional factors, including stress
 fear
 monotony and boredom
 Health
 diet
 illness
 Stress
 skill, knowledge and training as it relates to the job
 personal problems
 interpersonal relationships
 Ingested chemicals
 alcohol
 drugs (prescription and non-prescription)
 caffeine
 Age
 Shift work and work schedules
 Workload (mental/physical)
 Jet lag
o Management Specific Factors
 The management factors relate to how ships are managed and operated. These factors can
potentially cause stress and an increased workload, ultimately resulting in fatigue. These factors
 Organisational factors
 staffing policies and retention
 paperwork requirements
 economics
 schedules-shift, overtime, breaks
 company culture and management style
 rules and regulations
 resources
 upkeep of vessel
 Voyage and scheduling factors
 frequency of port calls
 time between ports
 routing
 weather and sea condition on route
 traffic density on route
 nature of duties/workload while in port
o Ship Specific Factors
 These factors include ship design features that can affect/cause fatigue. Some ship design features
affect workload (i.e. automation, equipment reliability), some affect the crew’s ability to sleep, and

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others affect the level of physical stress on the crew (i.e. noise, vibration, accommodation spaces,
 The following list details ship-specific factors:
 ship design
 level of automation
 level of redundancy
 equipment reliability
 inspection and maintenance
 age of vessel
 physical comfort in work spaces
 location of quarters
 ship motion
 physical comfort of accommodation spaces
o Environmental Specific Factors
 Exposure to excess levels of environmental factors, e.g. temperature, humidity, excessive noise
levels,can cause or affect fatigue.
 Long term exposure may even cause harm to a person’s health. Furthermore, considering that
environmental factors may produce physical discomfort, they can also cause or contribute to the
disruption of sleep.
 Ship motion is also considered an environmental factor. Motion affects a person’s ability to
maintain physical balance. This is due to the extra energy expended to maintain balance while
moving, especially during harsh sea conditions. There is a direct relation between a ship’s motion
and a person’s ability to work. Excessive ship movement can also cause nausea and motion
sickness Environmental factors can also be divided into factors external to the ship and those
internal to the ship.
o Within the ship, the crew is faced with elements such as noise, vibration and temperature (heat,cold, and
 Mitigate Fatigue
o Steps such as the following are important in the prevention of fatigue on board ship, and are within the Ship
Officer’s ability to influence and implement:
o Ensure compliance with maritime regulations (minimum hours of rest and/or maximum hours of work)
 Take strategic naps
 Develop and maintain good sleep habits, such as a pre-sleep routine (something that you always do
to get you ready to sleep)
 Eat regular, well-balanced meals (including fruits and vegetables, as well as meat and starches)
 Exercise regularly
 Drink sufficient amount of water
 Use rested personnel to cover for those travelling long hours to join the ship and who are expected
to go on watch as soon as they arrive on board (i.e. allowing proper time to overcome fatigue and
become familiarised with the ship
 Create an open communication environment (e.g. by making it clear to crew members that it is
important to inform supervisors when fatigue is impairing their performance and that there will be
no recriminations for such reports
 Schedule drills in a manner that minimises the disturbance of rest/sleep periods
 Establish on board management techniques when scheduling shipboard work and rest periods, and
using watch-keeping practices and assignment of duties in a more efficient manner (using, where
appropriate, IMO and ILO recommended formats – “Model format for table of shipboard working
arrangements” and “Model format for records of hours of work or hours of rest of seafarers”)
 Assign work by mixing up tasks to break up monotony and combining work that requires high
physical or mental demand with low-demand tasks (job rotation)
 Schedule potentially hazardous tasks for daytime hours

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 Emphasis the relationship between work and rest periods to ensure that adequate rest is received;
this can be accomplished by promoting individual record keeping of hours rested or worked. Using
(where appropriate) IMO and ILO recommended formats in “IMO/ILO Guidelines for the
Development of Tables of Seafarers’ Shipboard Working Arrangements and Formats of Records of
Seafarers’ Hours of Work or Hours of Rest”
 Re-appraise traditional work patterns and areas of responsibility on board to establish the most
efficient utilisation of resources (such as sharing the long cargo operations between all the deck
officers instead of the traditional pattern and utilizing rested personnel to cover for those who have
travelled long hours to join the ship and who may be expected to go on watch as soon as they
 Ensure that shipboard conditions, within the crew’s ability to influence, are well maintained i (e.g.
Maintaining heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) on schedule, replacing light bulbs,and
contending with sources of unusual noise at the first possible opportunity)
 Establish shipboard practices for dealing with fatigue incidents and learning from the past (as part of
safety meetings)
 Increase awareness of long term health benefits of appropriate lifestyle behaviour (e.g.
exercise,relaxation, nutrition, avoiding smoking and low alcohol consumption)

o Situation and risk assessment: to understand the influence of a situation and risk assessment in the
principles and practice of decision making at an operational level.
o Situational awareness: how to acquire and maintain situational awareness and accidents and increasing
safety margins.
o Communication: how to recognise and apply best practice in communication, and be aware of barriers to
communication and how these may adversely affect situational awareness.
o Shipboard training: to understand the aim of shipboard training, the principles of learning and methods of
developing human potential.
o Culture: how to recognise and respond to cultural issues including cultural awareness and bias including
national, organisational, departmental and personal cultural approaches.
o Team working: to recognise team working models and conflict management style.
o Leadership and management: to recognise and demonstrate effective leadership behaviours.
o Workload management: understand the concept of task and workload management and be able to apply it.
Recognising fatigue and stress in yourself and others, and developing strategies for dealing with them.
 As per STCW
o Table A-II/1, A-II/2, A-III/1 and A-III/2
 Competency : Application of leadership and team working skills
 Knowledge, understanding and proficiency :
 Ability to apply task and workload management, including:
o planning and co-ordination
o personnel assignment
o time and resource constraints
o prioritization
 Knowledge and ability to apply effective resource management:
o allocation, assignment and prioritization of resources
o effective communication onboard and ashore
o decisions reflect consideration of team experiences
o assertiveness and leadership, including motivation
o obtaining and maintaining situational awareness
 Knowledge and ability to apply decision-making techniques:
o situation and risk assessment
o identify and consider generated options
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o selecting course of action
o evaluation of outcome effectiveness

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 A harmonized system of survey and certification covering international shipping regulations adopted by IMO
entered into force on 3 February 2000
 The system covers survey and certification requirements of SOLAS 1974, the International Convention on Load Lines,
1966, and MARPOL 73/78, as well as the IBC Code, BCH Code and IGC Code.
 All of these instruments require the issuing of certificates to show that requirements have been met, and this has to
be done by means of a survey, which can involve the ship being out of service for several days.
 The harmonized system will alleviate the problems caused by survey dates, and intervals between surveys, which do
not coincide, so that a ship should no longer have to go into a port or repair yard for a survey required by one
convention shortly after doing the same thing in connection with another instrument
 The harmonized system provides for:
o a one-year standard interval between surveys, based on initial, annual, intermediate, periodical and renewal
surveys as appropriate;
o a scheme for providing the necessary flexibility for the execution of each survey with the provision that the
renewal survey may be completed within three months before the expiry date of the existing certificate
with no loss of its period of validity;
o a maximum period of validity of five years for all certificates for cargo ships
o a maximum period of validity of 12 months for the Passenger Ship Safety Certificate
o a system for the extension of certificates limited to three months to enable a ship to complete its voyage (or
one month for ships engaged on short voyages);
 List of certificates required on board ship relating to harmonized system of survey and certification (some depend
on type of ship)
o Passenger Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of Equipment
o Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate
o Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, including Record of Equipment
o Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate, including Record of Equipment
o Cargo Ship Safety Certificate, including Record of Equipment
o International Load Lines Certificate
o International Load Lines Exemption Certificate
o International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate
o International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
o International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
o International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
o Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk

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o Audit always forecasts on past activities and then detect the fault and propose the corrective action.
o Audit always focuses on system operation, system procedure and documentation.
o Audit always looks only on the system.
o Audit is focused on software items.
o Audit of entire system is not possible as it is done on sampling basis like surveillance audit
o For example, an auditor will check satisfactory repair of pump and will enquire, find and analyze as to when
pump was last inspected, why deficiency not found before survey etc.
o Survey focuses on future activities so that equipment continues to function for next survey.
o Survey focuses on physical status of machinery or equipment.
o Survey looks on product.
o Survey is focused on hardware
o Survey of entire system is possible like safety equipment survey, main engine performance survey etc
o For example, in a survey of fire pump surveyor will check satisfactory repair of pump and noted deficiency
o an identifiable deviation which poses a serious threat to personnel or ship safety or a serious risk to the
environment and requires immediate corrective action; in addition, the lack of effective and systematic
implementation of a requirement of the ISM Code, is also considered as a major non conformity
o A non-conformity means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a
specified requirement of the ISM code.
o Tactics are the actual means used to gain an objective, while strategy is the overall campaign plan, which
may involve complex operational patterns, activity, and decision-making that lead totactical execution
o Strategy: To identify clear broader goals that advance the overall organization and organize resources.
o Tactics:To utilize specific resources to achieve sub-goals that support the defined mission
o Angle of Repose is the maximum slope angle of non-cohesive (i.e. free-flowing) granular material
o It is the angle between a horizontal plane and the cone slope of such material
o The angle of repose is a characteristic of non-cohesive bulk cargoes, which is indicative of cargo stability,
and the purpose of which is to minimize the risk of bulk material shifting; the cargo should be trimmed
reasonably level to the boundaries of the cargo space
o An average adjuster is a marine claims specialist responsible for adjusting and providing the general average
o Average Adjusters are expert in the law and practice of general average and marine insurance.
o They prepare claimsunder marine insurance policies which generally involve loss or damage to marine craft,
their cargoes or freight
o The damage or loss should be of a particular subject matter in which case the damage suffered cannot be
partially shifted to others and the loss would be borne by the persons directly affected by the damage to the
said cargo.
o refers to a loss that directly affects two or more interest in a common marine adventure unlike particular
average loss which affects a particular interest only.
o This loss involves an extraordinary sacrifice reasonably made during a peril for the sole purpose of
preserving other properties in a common marine adventure.
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o This sacrifice could include throwing of some cargo over board (jettison), using cargo as fuel, cutting away of
spare or sails etc.
o The act must however be extraordinary, beyond the normal routine work of the ship crew and master and
the peril or danger that warrants such a sacrifice must also be more than the ordinary perils of the sea.
o There is a general average act when and only when, any extraordinary sacrifice or expenditure is
intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for preserving from peril the property
involved in common maritime adventure
o refers to the amount paid by the charterer of a ship as a compensation to the ship owner for any damage
that may occur due to the charterer’s inability to complete operations on a vessel (loading and offloading)
within the allowable period (lay-days)
o the money that would be paid to the charterer when he is able to ensure that loading and off-loading of a
chartered vessel is completed before the elapse of the allowable time (lay days) this is however dependent
on the charter party agreement between both parties.
o  Period during which the shipowner must tender notice of readiness to the charterer that the ship has
arrived at the pod of loading and is ready to load.
o This period is expressed as two dates, for example laydays 25 March cancelling 2 April or, when abbreviated
as laycan, laycan 25 March/2 April. The charterer is not obliged to commence loading until the first of these
dates if the ship arrives earlier and may have the option of cancelling the charter if the ship arrives after the
second of the dates, known as cancelling date
o Time allowed by the shipowner to the voyage charterer or Bill of Lading holder in which to load and / or
discharge the cargo.
o Clause in a voyage Charter-Party which entitles the shipowner to exercise a lien on the cargo, that is, to
retain control of the cargo until any freight, dead freight or demurrage which is owing is paid. 
o Clause in a voyage Charter-Party which seeks to relieve the charterer of all responsibility under the contract
once the cargo has been shipped. 
o provides that the shipowner is entitled to recover in general average even when the loss is caused by
negligent navigation.
o The need for such a clause arises from the decision of an American court that, while American law
exempted a shipowner from liability for loss or damage to cargo resulting from negligent navigation, this did
not entitle the shipowner to recover in general average for such a loss.
o Standing charges are those which remain constant whether voyage is token or not but these expense have
to be paid. It is known as fixed charges. For example: salary, depreciation, interest, repairs, insurance, etc.
The proportionate expense regarding period of voyage are debited to voyage account.
o is a contract between a ship-owner and another person (called the charterer), in which the ship-owner
agrees to carry goods for the charterer in the ship, or to give the charterer the use of the whole or part of
the ship's cargo-carrying space for the carriage of goods on a specified voyage.
o Protective clause inserted into a Charter-Party or Bill of Lading which provides that the shipowner is entitled
to recover in general average even when the loss is caused by negligent navigation.

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o There shall be levied on every ship calling at any port in India being a ship which carries oil as cargo, a cess
to be called Oil Pollution Cess at such rate not exceeding fifty paise, --
 in respect of each tonne of oil imported by a ship into India in bulk as a cargo;
 in respect of each tonne of oil shipped from any place in India in bulk as a cargo of a ship

o the inlet cross-sectional area divided by the radius from the turbo centerline to the centroid of that area.

o The loss ratio is calculated by dividing the total incurred losses by the total collected insurance premiums.
o The losses are added to adjustment expenses and then divided by total earned premiums. 

o Delta tuning is for wartsila engines. Every unit has 3 fuel valves. So at lower loads only 1 fuel valve is
functional, as the load increases then two fuel valves and then 3 at max load. This combination of fuel valves
in use keeps changing

o An actual total loss occurs where the damages or cost of repair clearly equal or exceed the value of the
o A constructive total loss is a situation where the cost of repairs plus the cost of salvage equal or exceed the

 Liner Trade
o Liner Service – is a service that operates within a schedule and has a fixed port rotation with published
dates of calls at the advertised ports.

 Tramp Service 
o A Tramp Service or tramper on the other hand is a ship that has no fixed routing or itinerary or schedule
and is available at short notice (or fixture) to load any cargo from any port to any port


o is a title held by a United States Coast Guard officer, usually the commander of a United States Coast Guard
sector with the rank of captain (O-6).
o Captain of the port duties involve enforcing within their respective areas port safety and security and
marine environmental protection regulations, including regulations for the protection and security of
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vessels, harbours, and waterfront facilities; anchorages; security zones; safety zones; regulated navigation
areas; deep-water ports; water pollution; and ports and waterways safety

o Maritime tort is an injury to person or property of which admiralty will take jurisdiction because of its origin
on navigable waters in a maritime matter.
o It includes torts resulting from malfeasance or negligence, as well as those committed by direct force

o Right to keep the property belonging to another person till debt owed is paid


o A standard clause in a maritime insurance policy which allows the insured to recover from the insurer any
reasonable expenses incurred by the insured in order to minimize or avert a loss to the insured property, for
which loss the insurer would have been liable under the policy.


o "Deficiency" means a defect in, or a failure in the operation of, a part of the ship’s structure or its
machinery, equipment, fittings, or a failure in the documentation
o “Non-conformity” means an observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a
specified requirement
o A deficiency is awarded when there is non fulfilment of any STATUTORY SURVEY / REQUIREMENTS. initial
annual intermediate renewal even PSC eg items pertaining to any statutory certificates SEQ SAFCON SRT or
any codes
o Non conformity are terms used exclusively for AUDITS let it be ISM or ISPS ....
o During audits NON CONFORMITY are issued during SURVEY deficiencies


o The document that should be agreed in advance and signed by both parties at the closing table is called a
Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance. This document is a protection for both parties.
o Case in Point: The Buyer and the Seller’s representatives are sitting at the closing table exchanging
documents. Buyer’s representative confirms he is happy with his documents and instructs a wire to be sent
to the Seller. As the Buyer and Seller’s representatives are sitting at the closing table, the vessel (which is
docked at the Seller’s marina) is struck by another vessel. There is extensive damage to the vessel, causing
the vessel to sink. Buyer and Seller’s representatives are sitting at a closing table miles away from the
vessel. The sinking is not reported to the parties until hours after the closing has concluded.
o Exactly who owned the vessel when the accident occurred? Whose insurance company should the accident
be reported to? If you don’t have a signed, sealed and delivered Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance, it’s
anyone’s guess.
o Guessing is not part of a proper closing. ALWAYS ensure a Protocol of Delivery and Acceptance is executed
at closing with the exact date and time
o A bill of sale is a document that transfers ownership of goods from one person to another.
o The Bill of Sale must be produced for the registration anew of the vessel upon change in ownership.

o A ship whose hull, machinery, equipment, or operational safety is substantially below the standards
required by the relevant convention or whose crew is not in conformance with the safe manning document
o means under mentioned items of the ship are such as to make it unfit for the proposed voyage or service
 the materials of construction,

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 her construction,
 the qualification of master, the number, description and qualification of the crew including officers,
 the weight, description and stowage of the cargo and ballast,
 the condition of her hull and equipment, boilers and machinery
o means under mentioned items of the ship are such as to make the ship unfit to proceed to sea on the
intended service without endangering human life
 Defective condition of her hull, equipment or machinery,
 Over loading or improper loading,


o means an international voyage in the course of which a ship is not more than 200 miles from a port or place
in which the passengers and crew could be placed in safety and which does not exceed 600 miles in length
between the last port of call in the country in which the voyage begins and the final port of destinations

o Unified Requirements are minimum requirements. Each Member remains free to set more stringent
o Unified Requirements are adopted resolutions on matters directly connected to or covered by specific Rule
requirements and practices of classification societies and the general philosophy on which the rules and
practices of classification societies are established
o Procedural Requirements are adopted resolutions on matters of procedures to be followed by Members.
o Procedural Requirements adopted shall be incorporated in the practices and procedures of the members
within the periods agreed by the IACS General Policy Group.

o This is a term used to define changes in draught and trim which occurs when the depth of water beneath
the vessel is less than one and a half time the draught of the vessel when travelling at a significant speed
o When there is a limited clearance under the keel the restriction increases the velocity of water flow which
causes a drop in pressure thereby reducing the buoyancy force on the vessel. This effect is increased still
further when vessel is in the confined channel since the velocity of water flow must increase due to further
o Since the weight of the vessel remains unchanged the ship will have to sink further thereby increasing her
draught in order to restore equilibrium
o A letter of credit is a document, typically from a bank (Issuing Bank), assuring that a seller (Beneficiary) will
receive payment up to the amount of the letter of credit, as long as certain documentary delivery conditions
have been met. In the event that the buyer (Applicant) is unable to make payment on the purchase, the
Beneficiary may make a demand for payment on the bank.
o Ship carrying more than 12 passenger
o Any person onboard except
 A person employed or engaged in any capacity on boardthe ship on the business of the ship
 A person onboard the ship either in pursuance of the obligation laid upon the master to carry ship
wrecked distressed or other persons or by reason of any circumstances which neither the master
nor the charterer, if any, could have prevented or forestalled
 Child under the age of 1

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o “tanker” means a cargo ship constructed or adapted for the carriage in bulk of liquid cargoes of an
inflammable nature

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 Structure of IMO
o The Organization consists of
 an Assembly,
 a Council and
 five main Committees:
 a number of Sub-Committees support the work of the main technical committees.
o Assembly
 This is the highest Governing Body of the Organization.
 It consists of all Member States and it meets once every two years in regular sessions, but may also
meet in an extraordinary session if necessary.
 The Assembly is responsible for approving the work programme, voting the budget and determining
the financial arrangements of the Organization.
 The Assembly also elects the Council.
o Council
 The Council is elected by the Assembly for two-year terms beginning after each regular session of
the Assembly
 The Council is the Executive Organ of IMO and is responsible, under the Assembly, for supervising
the work of the Organization.
 Between sessions of the Assembly the Council performs all the functions of the Assembly, except
the function of making recommendations to Governments on maritime safety and pollution
 coordinate the activities of the organs of the Organization;
 consider the draft work programme and budget estimates of the Organization and submit them to
the Assembly;
 appoint the Secretary-General, subject to the approval of the Assembly;
o Committees:
 Maritime Safety Committee
 The MSC is the highest technical body of the Organization.
 It consists of all Member States. The functions of the Maritime Safety Committee are to
“consider any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with aids to
navigation, construction and equipment of vessels, manning from a safety standpoint, rules
for the prevention of collisions, handling of dangerous cargoes, maritime safety procedures
and requirements, hydrographic information, log-books and navigational records, marine
casualty investigations, salvage and rescue and any other matters directly affecting
maritime safety
 Maritime Environmental Protection Committee
 The MEPC, which consists of all Member States, is empowered to consider any matter
within the scope of the Organization concerned with prevention and control of pollution
from ships.
 In particular, it is concerned with the adoption and amendment of conventions and other
regulations and measures to ensure their enforcement.
 Technical Committee
 The Technical Cooperation Committee is required to consider any matter within the scope
of the Organization concerned with the implementation of technical cooperation projects
for which the Organization acts as the executing or cooperating agency and any other
matters related to the Organization’s activities in the technical cooperation field.
 Legal Committee
 The Legal Committee is empowered to deal with any legal matters within the scope of the
 Facilitation Committee
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  It consists of all the Member States of the Organization and deals with IMO’s work in
eliminating unnecessary formalities and “red tape” in international shipping by
implementing all aspects of the Convention on Facilitation of International Maritime Traffic
1965 and any matter within the scope of the Organization concerned with the facilitation of
international maritime traffic.
o Sub Committee
 Human Element Training and Watch keeping (HTW)
 Implementation of IMO Instruments (III);
 Navigation, Communications and Search and Rescue (NCSR);
 Pollution Prevention and Response (PPR);
 Ship Design and Construction (SDC);
 Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE); and
 Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC).
o Normally the suggestion is first made in one of the committees, since these meet more frequently than the
main organs.
o If agreement is reached in the committee, the proposal goes to the Council and, as necessary, to the
o If the Assembly or the Council, as the case may be, gives the authorization to proceed with the work, the
committee concerned considers the matter in greater detail and ultimately draws up a draft instrument. In
some cases, the subject may be referred to a specialized sub-committee for detailed consideration.
o Work in the committees and sub-committees is undertaken by the representatives of Member States of the
Organization. The views and advice of intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations
which have a working relationship with IMO are also welcomed in these bodies. Many of these
organizations have direct experience in the various matters under consideration, and are therefore able to
assist the work of IMO in practical ways.
o The draft convention which is agreed upon is reported to the Council and Assembly with a recommendation
that a conference be convened to consider the draft for formal adoption.
o Invitations to attend such a conference are sent to all Member States of IMO and also to all States which are
members of the United Nations or any of its specialized agencies. These conferences are therefore truly
global conferences open to all Governments who would normally participate in a United Nations conference
o Before the conference opens, the draft convention is circulated to the invited Governments and
organizations for their comments. The draft convention, together with the comments thereon from
Governments and interested organizations is then closely examined by the conference and necessary
changes are made in order to produce a draft acceptable to all or the majority of the Governments present.
The convention thus agreed upon is then adopted by the conference and deposited with the Secretary-
General who sends copies to Governments. The convention is opened for signature by States, usually for a
period of 12 months. Signatories may ratify or accept the convention while non-signatories may accede.
o The drafting and adoption of a convention in IMO can take several years to complete although in some
cases, where a quick response is required to deal with an emergency situation, Governments have been
willing to accelerate this process considerably
o Each convention includes appropriate provisions stipulating conditions which have to be met before it
enters into force. These conditions vary but, generally speaking, the more important and more complex the
document, the more stringent are the conditions for its entry into force. 
o When the appropriate conditions have been fulfilled, the convention enters into force for the States which
have accepted - generally after a period of grace intended to enable all the States to take the necessary
measures for implementation.
o Accepting a convention does not merely involve the deposit of a formal instrument. A Government’s
acceptance of a convention necessarily places on it the obligation to take the measures required by the
convention. Often national law has to be enacted or changed to enforce the provisions of the convention; in

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some case, special facilities may have to be provided; an inspectorate may have to be appointed or trained
to carry out the functions under the convention; and adequate notice must be given to ship owners,
shipbuilders and other interested parties so they make take account of the provisions of the convention in
their future acts and plans.
o At IMO, Maritime resolutions are issued by the Assembly, The council and by each of the committee.
o Each committee brings resolutions to amend part of International convention that they are associated with.
Like Maritime safety committee handles conventions related to safety.
o the resolution MSC.374(93) refers to the MSC resolution number 374 which was adopted in the 93rd session
of the MSC.
o For a resolution to come into effect, there are 4 main steps
 A contracting government need to propose a resolution.
 IMO or its respective committee need to review the resolution proposal
 Resolution need to be adopted in the IMO and finally
 Resolution need to be accepted by the contracting governments
 After a fixed time from acceptance, a resolution enters into force
o Adoption of a resolution
 Resolutions are adopted by voting in Maritime safety committee or Maritime Environment
Protection Committee. There are 2 conditions for a resolution to be adopted
 Atleast one-third of the contracting governments should be present for voting. On this date,
there are 174 countries that are members to the IMO. So for a resolution to be adopted, at
least 58 countries should be present.
 At least two-third of the contracting governments present, should vote in favour of
resolution. So if 60 countries were present, at least 40 countries should vote in favour of the
o Acceptance of the resolution
 A resolution once adopted, it is passed to all contracting governments for acceptance.
 The Secretary general communicates the adopted resolution to all contracting governments.
  the amendment will be accepted by tacit acceptance or explicit acceptance. The acceptance of a
resolution to amend SOLAS convention is only done by tacit acceptance.
o Tacit Acceptance of a resolution
 In simple terms “tacit acceptance” means “accepted unless objected”. It is opposite of earlier
process of “rejected unless accepted”.
 Under tacit acceptance, a resolution is accepted on an agreed time interval from adoption unless it
is objected by a number of contracting governments.
 The committee decides the agreed interval during adoption of resolution.
 However, there is minimum interval that is set in respective conventions.
 For example, as per Marpol convention, the minimum interval between adoption and acceptance
has to be 10 months. Same way, as per SOLAS the minimum interval should not be less than one
year. SOLAS convention has also specified maximum interval between adoption and acceptance as 2
 At the end of the deadline, if a contracting government has not taken any action (accepting or
rejecting the proposed resolution), it is implied (tacit) that government has accepted the resolution.
o I am a country representative and I am presented few resolutions. I sign a proposed resolution. By signing I
am only agreeing to discuss it with at my home country in the parliament. I am not legally bound by that
signature. I go to my home country and discuss this in parliament and parliament accepts this to be included
in the local laws. I have ratified the convention. Once the required number of states ratifies the convention,
it comes in force. Once the convention is in force, another state (country) decides to be part of the
convention and they discuss it in their parliament and agrees to make it a domestic law in their country.
Since this convention is already ratified, the process will not be called ratification but it is called accession.

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The only difference between ratification and accession is that ratification is the act involved in conventions
not yet ratified and accession is the act involved in the conventions already ratified.

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o "Carrier" includes the owner or the charterer who enters into a contract of carriage with a shipper
o "Contract of carriage" applies only to contracts of carriage covered by a bill of lading or any similar
document of title, in so far as such document relates to the carriage of goods by sea, including any bill of
lading or any similar document as aforesaid issued under or pursuant to a charter party from the moment at
which such bill of lading or similar document of title regulates the relations between a carrier and a holder
of the same
o International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading
o The Hague Rules represented the first attempt by the international community to find a workable and
uniform means of dealing with the problem of shipowners regularly excluding themselves from all liability
for loss or damage to cargo.
o The objective of The Hague Rules has to establish a minimum mandatory liability of carriers which could be
derogated from
o Under The Hague Rules the shipper bears the cost of lost/damaged goods if they cannot prove that the
vessel was unseaworthy, improperly manned or unable to safely transport and preserve the cargo, i.e. the
carrier can avoid liability for risks resulting from human errors provided they exercise due diligence and
their vessel is properly manned and seaworthy.
o The carrier shall be bound before and at the beginning of the voyage to exercise due diligence to
 Make the ship seaworthy
 Properly man, equip and supply the ship
 Make the holds, refrigerating and cool chambers, and all other parts of the ship in which goods are
carried, fit and safe for their reception, carriage and preservation.
o Neither the carrier nor the ship shall be responsible for loss or damage arising or resulting from:
 Act, neglect, or default of the master, mariner, pilot, or the servants of the carrier in the navigation
or in the management of the ship. Fire, unless caused by the actual fault or privity of the carrier.
Perils, dangers and accidents of the sea or other navigable waters. Act of God. Act of war. Act of
public enemies. Arrest or restraint or princes, rulers or people, or seizure under legal process.
o The Rules increase the maximum amount for limitation of liability of a carrier and introduce a new weight-
based criterion
o The unit of account is the
o Special Drawing Rights (SDRs) of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
o The Rules incorporate a container clause in recognition of the new cargo packaging techniques adopted
throughout the shipping industry. Container Bills of Lading are normally received for ‘shipment bills’ and not
‘ship on board bills’ and it could not be otherwise where the goods are received at a container freight
station inland
o The Hamburg Rules constitute a new Convention on maritime transport agreed under the auspices of the
United Nations at a conference at Hamburg on 31 st March 1978.
o Their official title is the United Nations Convention on the Carriage of Goods by Sea 1978.
o The Rules were devised with the intention that they should supersede the 1924 Hague Rules together with
the 1968 Visby amendment
o The rules apply to all outward shipments from the U.K. but to imports only if the carriage is from one of the
states has referred to above or the bill of lading was issued in one of those states or clause paramount in
the bill of lading expressly applies them.
o If no bill of lading is issued the carrier is not legally bound to apply them and can be subject to the
applicability of national law.
o These rules do not apply to charter parties (Article V)

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o Hamburg Rules applies to all contracts for the carriage of goods by sea between two states (Article II).
o It can be seen that the application of rules does not depend on issue of bill of lading and it is likely to apply
for imports as well as exports. The Hamburg rules too are not applicable to charter parties
o Notice of loss or damage must be given in writing by the consignee or carrier no later than 1 working day
after the goods were delivered to consignee, or where the loss or damage is latent, within 15 consecutive
days after delivery to the consignee (Article 19).
o A failure to give such notice is prima facie evidence of delivery in accordance with the document of
transport, of if no such document has been issued in good condition.
o Compensation for loss resulting from delay in delivery may not be provided unless notice has been given in
writing to the carrier within 60 consecutive days after delivery to the consignee

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 Article 5(1) of the Geneva Convention on the High Seas of 1958, which came into effect in 1962, requires that "the
state must effectively exercise its jurisdiction and control in administrative, technical and social matters over ships
flying its flag." There are 63 states party to that Convention.
 The principle was repeated in Article 91 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 (UNCLOS),
which came into effect in 1994.[2] That Convention has 167 parties.
 A ship entitled to fly the flag of a country needs to be registered in that country.
 The object of registration is to ensure that persons who are entitled to the privilege and protection of the Indian flag
get them.
 The registration affords evidence of title off the ship to those who deal with the property in question.
 It also gives protection to the members of the crew in case of casualties involving injuries and/or loss of life to claim
compensation under the provisions of the Indian Acts in Indian courts
 Part V of this MS Act deals with exclusively with the registration of Indian ships
 Ships which qualify to be registered are required to be registered only at ports designated as ports of registry. At
present Mumbai, Calcutta, Madras, Cochin and Mormugao have been notified as ports of registry and principal
officers of Mumbai, Calcutta & Madras and Surveyor in charge of Cochin and Mormugao have been notified as
Registrar of Indian ships.
 In their capacity as registrar of Indian ships, the principal officers are required to maintain a complete record of
Ships on register indicating status of the ship on a particular date
 The Director General of Shipping, at the request of owners of Indian ships, desiring to be known at sea, allots signal
letter & controls the series that may be so issued.
 The conferment of status of Indian ships is restricted to:
o Ships owned by a citizen of India
o Ships owned by a company or body established by or under. any central or state Act which has its principle
place of business in India
o Ships owned by a co-operative society which is registered or deemed to be registered under the Co-
operative Society Act, 1912, or any other law relating to Co-operative Societies for the time being in force in
any state.
o Sea going ships fitted with mechanical means of propulsion of 15 tons’ net and above howsoever employed
and those of less than 15 tons’ net employed otherwise than solely on the coasts of Indian qualify for
o Not more than 10 individuals are entitled to be registered as an owner of a fractional part of a share in a
ship, but a maximum of 5 persons could be registered as joint owners of a ship or of any share and shares
o The owner of a ship wishing to have it registered at a port in India has to submit to the concerned Register
o A declaration of ownershipwhether he is a sole proprietor, joint owner or a company made before a
o A certificate signed by the builder (builder’s certificate) of the ship containing a true account of the proper
denomination and of the tonnage of the ship as estimated by him and the time, when and the place where
the ship was built, (for new ship).
o The instrument of sale under which the property of the ship was transferred to the applicant who requires it
to be registered in his name, (for second-hand ships).
o On being satisfied that the ship, on the strength of the evidence placed before him, is entitled to be Indian
ship, the Registrar arranges for survey of the ship by a surveyor for the determination of her tonnage in
accordance with the Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Measurement) Rules, 1987 as amended from time to
time, for the purpose of issue of a Certificate of Survey

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oAfter the formalities enumerated above have been gone through, the Registrar issues a carving and marking
note. This note is to be returned to the Registrar after carving and marking have been duly carried out on
the ship in the prescribed manner and certified by a Surveyor.
o Traditional Registry:Some nations only allow vessels that are owned by companies or persons that are
residents of that country. These registries are known as “traditional” or “national” registries.
o Open Registry:Other nations, on the other hand, allow companies and persons from many other countries
to register their vessels under that nation's flag. These are known as “open” registries. Ships registered
under open registries are sometimes said to fly under “flags of convenience.”
o Bareboat Registry:Bareboat charter registration, in essence, temporarily permits a vessel to fly the flag of
another country while ownership continues to be registered in the underlying registry. 
o Offshore registries: Shipowners can register their ships under the national flag but are able to operate their
ships with a high degree of flexibility concerning production and employment conditions. The state retains
administrative control over the ship that operates under conditions similar to those preferred by the open
registries. It permitsan economic incentive, the hiring of foreign crews at wages lower than those payable to
domestic crews.
o Hybrid registries:To counter the trend of the reduction of the national fleet some European countries have
established international registries. International registries are second national registries allowing ships to
fly the flag of that state. They are easier to access and have fewer entry requirements than
most national registries. They tend to maintain a nationality link between beneficial owner or management
of the vessel and the flag State. In general, hybrid registries tend to offer financial incentives and advantages
similar to open registers.


o Every application for the registry of a ship under section 26 of the Act shall be accompanied by the following
documents, namely: -
 the declaration of ownership;
 the builder’s certificate, that is to say, a certificate signed by the builder of the ship and containing a
true account of the proper denomination and of the tonnage of the ship as estimated by him and of
the time when and the place where she was built; and
 if the ship has been purchased, the instrument of sale under which the property in the ship was
transferred to the applicant.

o Every declaration of ownership shall be made before a registrar, a Justice of the Peace, a Commissioner of
Oaths, or an Indian Consular Officer and where a declaration of ownership is made at a place other than the
port of registry, the place of attestation shall be stated in the declaration. 
o The registrar, on receipt of an application for registry shall apply to the Director-General for allotment of an
official number
o Where in respect of a ship an official number has been allotted and the name approved by the Director
General and the certificate of survey granted by the surveyor, the registrar shall issue to the owners a
Carving and Marking Note which shall be returned to the registrar after the carving and marking have been
duly carried out and certified by a surveyor
o Every ship shall, before registry, be marked permanently and conspicuously to the satisfaction of the
registrar as follows –
 her name shall be marked on each of her bows, and her name and the name of her intended port of
registry shall be marked on her stern, on a dark background in white or yellow letters or on a light

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background in black letter which shall be not less than one decimetre or four inches in height and
1.3 centimetres or half an inch in breadth.
 her official number and the number denoting her registered tonnage shall be cut in on her main
 Her scale of draught marks shall be cut or welded in feet and inches and in metres and decimetres
in two columns side by side both forward and aft on the port and star board side respectively. The
relative position of the two rows of markings should be separated by a reasonable distance in order
to avoid errors in reading them.
 In the case of modern type of ships having a raked soft stem and cruiser stern, the marks shall be
cut in or welded as close and aft of the stem as possible following the contour of the stem. The
marks aft or at the stern shall be cut a few feet forward of the after perpendicular in two columns
parallel to each other.

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Port State Control
 Port Stare Control is a system of harmonized inspection-procedures designed to target substandard vessels with the
main objective being their eventual elimination
 In March 1978 the grounding of the supertanker “Amoco Cadiz” off the coast of Brittany (France) resulted in a
massive oil spill, causing a strong political and public outcry in Europe, calling for more stringent regulations with
regard to the safety of shipping
 Basic principle of PSC
o The prime responsibility for the compliance with the requirements laid down in the international maritime
conventions lies with the ship-owner/operator; responsibility for ensuring such compliance remains with
the flag State;
o The member- countries agree to inspect a given percentage of their estimated number of individual foreign
merchant vessels entering their ports;
o As a general rule, ships will not be inspected within six months of a previous inspection in a MOU port,
unless there are “clear grounds” for inspection (see “Selection of ships for inspections”);
o All possible efforts are made to avoid unduly detaining or delaying a vessel;
o Inspections are generally unannounced.
o International Convention on Load Lines 1996, as amended, its 1998 protocol,(LOADLINES 66/88);
o International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) 1974, its Protocol of1978, as amended, and
the Protocol of 1998, (SOLAS 74/78/88);
o International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, asmodified by the Protocol of
1978, as amended (MARPOL 73/78);
o International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watch keepingfor Seafarers 1978, as
amended (STCW 78);
o Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea 1972,as amended (COLREG 72);
o International Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships 1969 (TONNAGE1969);
o Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards) Convention, 1976 (ILO Convention No.147).
 “Clear grounds” for a more detailed inspection are:
o Vessels whose statutory certificates on the vessel’s construction or equipment, issued in accordance with
the conventions, and the classification certificates have been issued by an organization which is not
recognized by the authority;
o Ships that have deficiencies to be rectified in the next port;
o Ships that have deficiencies to be rectified within 14 days;
o Ships flying the flag of a non-Party to a relevant instrument;
o Ships that are in a category for which “expanded inspection” has been decided, i.e.: oil tankers older than 20
years, bulk carriers older than 12 years, gas and chemical carriers older than 10 years, and passenger ships;
o During examination of the certificates and documents inaccuracies have been revealed or the documents
have not been properly kept updated;
o Indications that the crew members are unable to communicate with each other, or that the ship is unable to
communicate with shore- based authorities;
o Evidence of cargo and other operations not being conducted safely or in accordance with IMO guidelines;
o Failure of the master of an oil tanker to produce the record of the oil discharge monitoring and control
system for the last ballast voyage;
o Absence of an up to date muster list, or crew members not aware of their duties in the event of fire or an
order to abandon ship;
o The emissions of false alerts not followed by proper cancellation procedures;
o The absence of principal equipment or arrangements required by the conventions;

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o Evidence from the PSCO’s general impression and observations that there are serious hull and structural
deteriorations or deficiencies that may jeopardize the structural, watertight or weather tight integrity of the
o Excessively unsanitary conditions on board the vessel;
o Information or evidence that the master or crew is not familiar with essential shipboard operation relating
to the safety of the vessel or the prevention of pollution, or that such operations have not been carried out.
 Action codes
o Each deficiency is commonly given in a codified form in the inspection report, called “action code”.
o The action codes most frequently used are:
 10 deficiency rectified
 15 to be rectified at the next port of call;
 16 to be rectified within 14 days;
 17 master instructed to rectify deficiency before departure;
 30 grounds for detention;
 40 next port of call informed;
 50 flag State/ consul informed;
 70 classification society informed
o In several regions around the world, coastal countries have signed an agreement, “Memorandum of
Understanding on Port State Control, often abridged “MOU on PSC”.
o At present there are the following Regional Agreement on PSC
 Paris MOU for the European Region.
 The Acuerdo de Viña del Mar (Latin America Agreement),
 Tokyo MOU for the Asian Region signed in 1993,
 Caribbean MOU for the Caribbean Region signed in 1996 in Barbados;
 Mediterranean MOU for the Southern Mediterranean Region
 Indian Ocean MOU signed in 1998 in Pretoria and comprising:
 West and Central Africa MOU signed in Abuja (Nigeria).
 Persian Gulf Region;
 Black Sea Area,
 In the United States PSC is carried out by US Coast Guard.
o Information exchange
 Whether deficiencies are found or not, all details from each inspection report are entered in an
advanced central computer database
 This database can be accessed by PSC authorities, for consulting inspection files, inserting new
inspection reports or using the electronic mail facility
 A monthly list of detentions is published. This list contains, amongst others, the ship name, the
owner, the Classification society and the port and date of detention
o According to the Ship Risk Profile vessels will be classified as Low Risk Ships (LRS) and High Risk Ships (HRS).
If a vessel is neither Low Risk nor High Risk it will be classified as a Standard Risk Ship (SRS).
o The Ship Risk Profile will be based on the following criteria, using details of inspections in the PMoU area in
the last 3 years:
 type of ship
 age of ship
 performance of the flag of the ship (including undertaking Voluntary IMO Member State Audit
Scheme (VIMSAS)
 performance of the recognised organisation(s)
 performance of the company responsible for the ISM management
 number of deficiencies
 number of detentions

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o HRS: between 5-6 months after the last inspection in the PMoU region
o SRS: between 10-12 months after the last inspection in the PMoU region
o LRS: between 24-36 months after the last inspection in the PMoU region

o The banning criteria for the first and second ban will be amended as follows:
 If the ship flies a black listed flag it will be banned after more than 2 detentions in the last 36
 if the ship flies a grey listed flag it will be banned after 2 or more detentions in the last 24 months.
o Any subsequent detention after the second banning will lead to a ban, irrespective of the flag.
o Moreover, a time period until the banning can be lifted will be introduced as follows:
 3 months after the first ban
 12 months after the second ban
 24 months after the third ban
 permanent ban.


o The prospect of global port State control, with exchange of information and harmonization of procedures
and training, has even more exciting implications
o As more and more statistics and data are gathered and exchanged by the different PSC Secretariats, that will
result in a huge increase in knowledge about sub-standard shipping.
o The development of PSC gives us the possibility to change that culture and replace secrecy with
transparency and openness.
o Although the efforts to improve flag State performance remain a top priority, effective regional agreements,
including harmonized inspection and detention procedures, internationally approved qualifications of
inspectors and transparency through increased information within regions and inter-regionally, will play an
essential role for both flag and Port State responsibilities
o Concentrated inspection campaigns focus on specific areas where high levels of deficiencies have been
encountered by PSCOs, or where new convention requirements have recently entered into force.
o Paris MoU Jointly with the Tokyo MoU a CIC on Crew Familiarisation for Enclosed Space Entry is scheduled
from September to November, this year
o The Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding (IOMOU) will embark on a concentrated inspection
campaign (CIC) on Cargo Securing Arrangements. The three-month campaign will start on September 1,
2016 and end on November 30, 2016.

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1. All certificates and documentation except SAFCON Certificates valid.
2. Whether any new equipment has been fitted and, if so, confirm that it has been approved before installation and
that any changes are reflected in the appropriate certificate
3. Ship-specific emergency towing procedure
4. Stability information, including damage stability, where applicable, and the damage control plans are on board
5. Manoeuvring booklet is on board and that the manoeuvring information is displayed on the navigating bridge
6. Manoeuvring booklet is on board and that the manoeuvring information is displayed on the navigating bridge
7. Routine surveys of the boilers and other pressure vessels, have been carried out as required and that safety devices,
such as the boiler safety valves, have been tested;
8. A complete file of the enhanced survey reports and the Condition Evaluation Report are on board
9. Suitable Material Safety Data Sheets are available on board;
10. For bulk carriers, that the loading/unloading booklet required in SOLAS regulation VI/7.2 is on board
11. For oil tankers and bulk carriers when appropriate, that the Ship Structure Access Manual is on board
12. Structural alterations performed, if any, have been approved by the classification society and reported on the as-
built drawings kept on board
13. confirming when appropriate that the maintenance of the protective coating is included in the overall ship’s
maintenance system
14. The hull and its closing appliances are satisfactions maintained
15. examining the anchoring and mooring equipment as far as can be seen.
16. examining the collision and the other watertight bulkheads
17. examining and testing (locally and remotely) all the watertight doors in watertight bulkheads
18. examining each bilge pump and confirming that the bilge pumping system for each watertight compartment is
19. confirming that the machinery, boilers and other pressure vessels, associated piping systems and fittings are
installed and protected so as to reduce to a minimum any danger to persons on board, due regard being given to
moving parts, hot surfaces and other hazards
20. confirming that the normal operation of the propulsion machinery can be sustained or restored even though one of
the essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative
21. carrying out a general examination of the machinery, the boilers, all steam, hydraulic, pneumatic and other systems
and their associated fittings to see whether they are being properly maintained and with particular attention to the
fire and explosion hazards
22. examining and testing the operation of main and auxiliary steering arrangements, including their associated
equipment and control systems
23. confirming that the means of communication between the navigation bridge and steering gear compartment and
the means of indicating the angular position of the rudder are operating satisfactorily
24. confirming that the various alarms required for hydraulic power-operated, electric and electro-hydraulic steering
gears are operating satisfactorily and that the recharging arrangements for hydraulic power-operated steering gears
are being maintained
25. examining the means for the operation of the main and auxiliary machinery essential for the propulsion and the
safety of the ship, including, when applicable, the means of remotely controlling the propulsion machinery from the
navigating bridge (including the control, monitoring, reporting, alert and safety actions) and the arrangements to
operate the main and other machinery from a machinery control room
26. confirming the operation of the ventilation for the machinery spaces
27. confirming that the measures to prevent noise in machinery spaces are effective
28. confirming that the engineer's alarm is clearly audible in the engineers' accommodation
29. examining, in general, that the precautions provided against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin are
being maintained
30. confirming, as far as practicable, that no changes have been made in the structural fire protection, examining any
manual and automatic fire doors and proving their operation, testing the means of closing the main inlets and

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outlets of all ventilation systems and testing the means of stopping power ventilation systems from outside the
space served
31. confirming that the means of escape from accommodation, machinery and other spaces are satisfactory
32. examining visually the condition of any expansion joints in seawater systems
33. confirming that no new materials containing asbestos were installed on board
34. confirming that ship's identification number is permanently marked
35. confirming that the coating system in dedicated SWB tanks in ships and double side skin spaces arranged in bulk
carriers of 150 m in length and upward when appropriate is maintained and that maintenance, repair and partial
recoating are recorded in the coating technical file
36. for ships over 5 years of age, an internal examination of representative spaces used for water ballast
37. for ships over 10 years of age, other than ships engaged in the carriage of dry cargoes only, an internal examination
of selected cargo spaces
38. for ships over 15 years of age, engaged in the carriage of dry cargoes only, an internal examination of selected cargo
39. Examination of sea valves and their connections to the hull;
40. testing the insulation resistance of electrical circuits in dangerous zones such as cargo pump rooms and areas
adjacent to cargo tanks, but in cases where a proper record of testing is maintained, consideration should be given
to accepting recent readings
41. examining the cargo, crude oil washing, ballast and stripping systems both on deck and in the cargo pump rooms
and the bunker system on deck
42. confirming that the pump room ventilation system is operational, ducting intact, dampers are operational and
screens clean
43. examining the towing arrangement for tankers of not less than 20,000 tonnes deadweight
44. for bulk carriers, examining and testing the hold, ballast and dry space water level detectors and their audible and
visual alarms
45. confirming, for bulk carriers, that the loading instrument is on board and functioning

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 Continuous synopsis record is a special measure under SOLAS for enhancing the maritime security at the sea.
 According to SOLAS chapter I, all passenger andcargo ships of 500 gross-tonnage and above must have a continuous
synopsis record on board.
 The continuous synopsis record provides an onboard record of the history of the ship with respect to the
information recorded therein
 Continuous synopsis record (CSR) is issued by the administration of the ship, which would fly its flag.
 Following details should be present in the continuous synopsis record (CSR)
o Name of the ship
o The port at which the ship is registered
o Ship’s identification number
o Date on which ship was registered with the state
o Name of the state whose flag the ship is flying
o Name of registered owner and the registered address
o Name of registered bareboat charterers and their registered addresses
o Name of the classification society with which the ship is classed
o Name of the company, its registered address and the address from where safety management activities are
carried out
o Name of the administration or the contracting government or the recognized organization which has issued
the document of compliance, specified in the ISM code, to the company operating the ship.
o Name of the body which has carried out the audit to issue the document of compliance
o Name of the administration or the contracting government or the recognized organization which has issued
the safety management certificate (SMC) to the ship and the name of the body which has issued the
o Name of the administration or the contracting government or the recognized organization which has issued
the international ship security certificate, specified in the ISPS code, to the ship and the name of the body
which has carried out the verification on the basis of which the certificate was issued
o The date of expiry of the ship’s registration with the state
 The continuous synopsis record shall always be kept on board ship and shall be available for inspection all the time.

Rupesh Pillai
 The ISPS Code is implemented through chapter XI-2 Special measures to enhance maritime security in the
International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
 The Code has two parts,
o one mandatory and
o one recommendatory.
o Following the tragic events of 11th September 2001, the twenty-second session of the Assembly of the
International Maritime Organization (IMO), in November 2001, unanimously agreed to the development of
new measures relating to the security of ships and of port facilities for adoption by a Conference of
Contracting Governments to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974 (known as the
Diplomatic Conference on Maritime Security) in December 2002. Subsequently the International Ship and
Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code is developed for the compliance of the contracting governments. The code
is to be globally implemented on 1 July 2004
o Development and implementation were sped up drastically in reaction to the September 11, 2001
attacks and the bombing of the French oil tanker Limburg.
o To establish an international framework involving co-operation between Contracting Governments, local
administrations and the shipping and port industries to detect security threats and take preventive
measures against security incidents affecting ships or port facilities used in international trade;
o To establish the respective roles and responsibilities of the Contracting Governments, Government
agencies, local administrations and the shipping and port industries, at the national and international levels
for ensuring maritime security;
o To ensure the early and efficient collection and exchange of security-related information
o To ensure the early and efficient collection and exchange of security-related information
o To ensure confidence that adequate and proportionate maritime security measures are in place.
o The following types of ships engaged on international voyages:
 Passenger ships, including high-speed passenger craft
 Cargo ships, including high-speed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards
 Mobile offshore drilling units
o Port facilities serving such ships engaged on international voyages
o The Master/ Company Security Officer shall inform the 24 X 7 DG Commcentre that the ship security alert
system is non-operational.
o If the vessel is in port, every effort shall be made to have the equipment repaired prior to sailing.
o In case it is not possible to have the equipment repaired, the Master/ Company Security Officer shall inform
the DG Commcentre to that effect stating the reasons for the same
o In case the equipment fails at sea, the Master/ Company Security Officer shall immediately inform the DG
Commcentre and thereafter e-mail a position report to the DG Commcentre every 6 hrs. stating the vessel's
position, Course, Speed, name of next port of call with ETA. The security status of the vessel shall be
reported in these messages. These position reports shall be sent till the vessel arrives at the destined port.
o The Company Security Officer shall report to the DG Commcentre immediately if the vessel's position report
is overdue by more than 2 hours
o The ship security alert system shall be repaired at the next port of call and DG Commcentre shall be notified
o Upon completion of repairs, the same shall be tested with the DG Commcentre and compliance obtained
 Requirement of SSA
o identification of existing security measures, procedures and operations;
o identification and evaluation of key ship board operations that it is important toprotect;

Rupesh Pillai
o identification of possible threats to the key ship board operations and thelikelihood of their occurrence, in
order to establish and prioritise securitymeasures; and
o identification of weaknesses, including human factors in the infrastructure,policies and procedures


o The main purpose of the convention is to ensure that appropriate action is taken against persons
committing unlawful acts against ships.
o The International Ship and Port Facility Security Code (ISPS Code) is a comprehensive set of measures to
enhance the security of ships and port facilities, developed in response to the perceived threats to ships and
port facilities
o SUA Convention is, however, expected to provide the legal basis for the arrest, detention and extradition of
terrorists in the event of a terrorist attack against shipping
o The 1985 hijacking of the passenger vessel AchilleLauro off the coast of Egypt led to the 1992 adoption of
international law in the form of the Convention for the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of
Maritime Navigation (SUA Convention).
o Recent terrorist attacks on maritime vessels, including the previously mentioned attacks on the USS Cole
and the tanker Limberg, demonstrated the SUA Convention’s inadequacy to proactively address the
maritime security threat posed by terrorism.
o To this end, in December 2002, the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) convened a Diplomatic
Conference addressing measures to strengthen maritime security and prevent and suppress acts of
terrorism against shipping.
o This conference resulted in the adoption of a number of amendments to the SOLAS Convention, including,
the addition of a new chapter detailing the new ISPS Code.
o Other SOLAS amendments included the requirement for ships to fit Automatic Identification Systems (AIS),
to carry a Continuous Synopsis Record (CSR), and to standardise ship identification markings

 ISPS code weaknesses

o One major weakness of the Code is the inability of the IMO to enforce its Regulations—it can only monitor
o Enforcement is the domain of Contracting Governments, most often as a part of Port State Control regimes.
o some Contracting Governments, particularly Flag of Convenience registries, have been identified as either
corrupt (and therefore vulnerable to exploitation by terrorist groups), or as lacking the resources or
expertise to enforce acceptable standards.
o The ISPS Code does not apply to many vessels that are either vulnerable to, or capable of, terrorist attack or
exploitation. These include fishing vessels, high speed container vessels built prior to July 2001, vessels not
engaged in international voyages (including inter-island ferries similar to the ones attacked in recent years in
Southeast Asian waters), and cargo ships less than 500 ton. Part B of the ISPS Code advises Contracting
Governments to establish security measures for vessels not covered by Part A of the Code, however, this is
not mandatory, and is therefore unlikely to be heeded by some nations (particularly Flag of Convenience

Rupesh Pillai
 A vessel’s engine and propeller are optimized and designed for a given operational and max. speed.
 If the operational speed of the vessel is generally lower than the one originally optimized for, it may be beneficial to
consider derating of the main engine and propeller.
 Derating as a retrofit product offers reduction of the total fuel consumption by improving the match between the
operational speed and optimization speed.
 Derating is usually an attractive option for fuel oil savings if a reduction of 10-15% of the max. speed at SMCR can be
 It is a techno-commercial concept done at the time where shipping industry is in bad shape
 Methods:
o Readjusting fuel timing
o Decreasing compression ratio
o Fuel nozzle size
o Turbocharger matching
o t/c, propeller and shaft matching
 Fuel saving originates from
o Optimisation of the engine and propeller layout to the actual operational speed
o Utilisation of the latest engine tuning methods
o Utilisation of state-of-the-art high efficiency propeller design.
 Derating projects includes
o Specification of new operating/optimisation speed and max. speed of the vessel
o Engineering
o Design of new propeller
o Derating of the engine
o Rematching of turbocharger(s)
o On board NOx measurements (parent engine)
o New technical file
o Torsional vibration calculation report
o Shaft alignment calculation report.
o A fuel injection rate shaping control system is provided which effectively controls the flow rate of fuel
injected into the combustion chamber of an engine to improve combustion and reduce emissions by
controlling the rate of pressure increase during injection.
o The injection rate shaping control system includes a rate shaping control device including a rate shaping
transfer passage having a predetermined length and diameter specifically designed to create a desired
injection pressure rate shape.

Rupesh Pillai
 A classification society is an independent, non-government and non-profitable international organization which
establish and maintains minimum standards for construction and operation of ship and offshore structures that do
business in the international waters.
 IACS or International Association of Classification Societies is technically a maritime organization which was founded
on September 11, 1968 and which comprises of all the classification societies. There are total 12 members in IACS
and they are the largest maritime classification societies in the world.
o American Bureau of Shipping (ABS)
o Bureau Veritas (BV)
o China Classification Society (CCS)
o Croatian Register of Shipping (CRS)
o Det Norske Veritas Germanischer Lloyd (DNV GL)
o Indian Register of Shipping (IRS)
o Korean Register of Shipping (KR)
o Lloyd's Register (LR)
o Nippon KaijiKyokai (NK/ClassNK)
o Polish Register of Shipping (PRS)
o RegistroItalianoNavale (RINA)
o Russian Maritime Register of Shipping (RS)
 How to Become Member of IACS?
o minimum requirements to become a full member of IACS are:
 Minimum 30 years of experience.
 More then 1500 sea going vessels registered.
 All vessels must be over 100 GT with total 8 million GT.
 Should have 150 exclusive surveyors and 100 technical staff.
o To become an associate member of IACS it requires the following:
 Minimum 15 years of experience.
 More then 750 sea going vessel.
 Total Gross Tonnage must be minimum 2 million.
 Should have 75 surveyors and 50 technical staff.
 Scope of classification
o A technical review of the design plans and related documents for a new vessel to verify compliance with the
applicable rules;
o Attendance at the construction of the vessel in the shipyard by a classification society surveyor(s), and at the
relevant production facilities that provide key components such as the steel, engine, generators and
castings, to verify that the vessel is constructed in accordance with the classification rules;
o Upon satisfactory completion of the above, the shipowner’s request for the issuance of a class certificate
will be considered by the relevant classification society and, if deemed satisfactory, the assignment of class
will be approved and a certificate of classification issued;
o Once in service, the owner must submit the vessel to a clearly specified program of periodical class surveys,
carried out onboard the vessel, to verify that the ship continues to meet the relevant rule conditions for
continuation of class
 Classification notations
o Classification notations are indicative of the specific rule requirements which have been met.
o main class symbol
 The main class symbol expresses the degree of compliance of the ship with specific rule
requirements regarding its construction.
o Construction mark
 The construction mark, when assigned, identifies the procedure under which the ship and its main
equipment or arrangements have been surveyed for initial assignment of the class

Rupesh Pillai
o Service notations
 The service notations, when assigned, define the type and/or service of the ship which has been
considered for its classification.
o Navigation and operating area notations
 limiting areas for navigation (e.g. high seas, coastal waters, and sheltered waters), and/or limiting
environmental conditions for certain types of ships and marine structures.
 the service area where the ship (e.g. dredgers, crane pontoons, port tugs) can operate as regards its
assigned class
o Additional class notations
 When assigned, an additional class notation gives details of additional equipment or specific
arrangements, which have been specially requested by the owner
 Periodical surveys, periodicity and scope
o Class renewal survey / special survey
 Class renewal surveys/special surveys are carried out at five-year intervals +3months
 The special survey may be commenced at the 4th annual survey and be progressed with a view to
completion by the 5th anniversary date
 include extensive examinations to check that the structures, main and essential auxiliary machinery,
systems and equipment of the ship remain in a condition which satisfies the rules.
 The examinations of the hull are generally supplemented by thickness measurements and
witnessing of tests as specified in the rules and as deemed necessary by the attending surveyor to
assess that the structural integrity remains effective and to help discovering substantial corrosion,
significant deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration
o Annual survey
 Annual surveys are to be carried out within a window from three months before to three months
after each anniversary date.
 includes an inspection of the hull, equipment and machinery of the ship and some witnessing of
tests thereof, so far as is necessary and practical in order to check that the ship remains in a general
condition which satisfies the rule requirements
o Intermediate survey
 An intermediate survey is to be carried out within the window from three months before the
second to three months after the third anniversary date.
 The intermediate survey includes examinations and checks as specified in the rules on the structure
to show that the ship is in a satisfactory condition.
 According to the type and age of the ship the examinations of the hull are supplemented by
thickness measurements as specified in the rules and where deemed necessary by the attending
o Bottom / Docking survey
 A bottom/docking survey is the examination of the outside of the ship's hull and related items
 The outside of the ship's hull and related items are to be examined on two occasions in the five-year
period of the certificate of class with a maximum of 36 months between surveys.
 The outside of the ship's hull and related items are to be examined on two occasions in the five-year
period of the certificate of class with a maximum of 36 months between surveys.
 For ships subject to the Enhanced Survey Programme (ESP) and 15 years of age and above, the
intermediate bottom/docking survey is to be carried out in a dry-dock.
o Tailshaft survey
 Tailshaft complete survey
 “Complete” means that the shaft is drawn up for examination or that other equivalent
means of examination are provided.
 Tailshaft modified survey

Rupesh Pillai
 A modified survey of the tailshaft is an examination which may be accepted at alternate five
yearly surveys for tailshafts provided that the shaft arrangement is in accordance with
specific requirements.
 Partial survey
 A partial survey allows a postponement of the complete survey, having a periodicity of 5
years, for 2.5 years
o Boiler surveys
 Boilers and thermal oil heaters are to be surveyed twice in every five-year period. The periodicity of
the boiler survey is normally 2.5 years. Steam boilers, superheaters and economisers are examined
internally and externally.Upon completion of the internal survey, the boiler is examined under
steam and fuel oil burners and safety devices checked under working conditions. The setting
pressures of safety valves are to be checked. For auxiliary exhaust gas boilers, if steam cannot be
raised in port, the Chief Engineer is to set the safety valves at sea and record the setting pressures in
the log-book.
o Non-periodical surveys
 to update classification documents (e.g. change of owner, name of the ship, change of flag);
 to deal with damage or suspected damage, repair or renewal work, alterations or conversion,
postponement of surveys or recommendations/conditions of class;
 At the time of port State control inspections
 Suspension of class
o when a ship is not operated in compliance with the rule requirements
o when a ship proceeds to sea with less freeboard than that assigned
o when the owner fails to request a survey after having detected defects or damages affecting the class,
o when repairs, alterations or conversions affecting the class are carried out without requesting the
attendance of a surveyor.
 Class Is Automatically Suspended
o when the class renewal/special survey has not been completed by its due date or within the time granted in
special circumstances for the completion of the survey, unless the ship is under attendance by the society’s
surveyor(s) with a view to completion prior to resuming trading;
o when the annual or intermediate surveys have not been completed by the end of the corresponding survey
time windows.
 Withdrawal of class
o requested by the owner,
o the class has been suspended for more than six months,
o the ship is reported as a constructive total loss and the owner does not give his intentions to repair the ship
for re-instatement of class,
o the ship is reported lost
o the ship will not trade further as declared by its owner
 Definition:
o Period of certificate of class
 The period of the certificate of class starts either from the date of initial classification, or from the
credited date of the last class renewal/special survey, and expires at the due date assigned for the
next class renewal/special survey
o Anniversary date
 The anniversary date is the day and the month given in the certificate of class which corresponds to
the expiry date of the certificate
o Survey time window
 The survey time window is the fixed period during which the annual and intermediate surveys are to
be carried out.
o Recommendations/Conditions of Class

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 are those requirements imposed by the society which will affect the class if not complied with by
the assigned due date
o Memoranda
 Other information of assistance to the surveyor and owners may be recorded as ‘memoranda’ or a
similar term. They may, for example, include notes concerning materials, barred engine speed
ranges and other constructional information
o Dual Class
 A dual class vessel is one which is classed by two Societiesbetween which there is a written
agreement regarding sharing of work,reciprocal recognition of surveys carried out by each of the
Societies onbehalf of the other Society and full exchange of information on the classstatus and
survey reports
o Double Class
 A double classed vessel is one which is classed by two Societies and where each Society works as if it
is the only Society classing the ship, and does all surveys in accordance with its own requirements
and schedule


o R. O. must have established rules for design, construction and maintenance of a ship.
o Classification society organization structure must include a representative from flag state nation placed at
higher level in organizational hierarchy.
o R. O. should have adequate resources financial / personal.
o Society must have internal audit equivalent to ISO 9001-2000
o Society must present itself to external audits by auditing body approved by flag state govt.
o The classification societies fulfilling above criteria’s will be given status of recognized organization by flag
state to do duties on their behalf.
o Limited power in enforcing corrective action & detain ship if not comply
o At the most can withdraw Statutory certificates & declare them invalid
o Before issuing Statutory related COC, flag state to be consulted.
o None / Restricted- R.Os are permitted to involve in ISPS related Certification


o inform class about defect (@Sea)
o provide details of temporary measures taken with proof
o get COC to reach port
o arrange for surveyor inspection @ Port
o Get COC as per class suggestion
o Approved Items with necessary certificates
o Approved method & workshop with necessary certificates
o Rectify defect within specified time
o Get necessary endorsements from Class
o Removed COC

Rupesh Pillai
  LOF provides a regime for determining the amount of remuneration to be awarded to salvors for their services in
saving property at sea and minimising or preventing damage to the environment. 
  first official convention to talk about salvage at sea and was based upon the “NO CURE, NO PAY” principle.
 The major problem with the Brussels convention was that salvors would not touch a high risk property as because of
being high risk, their chances of getting monetary benefits as well as to recover their expenses were minimal.
 it became a necessity to encourage salvor to take up the high risk salvage contract where potential oil pollution and
marine environment was involved and for this reason a special compensation under article 14 was introduced in
salvage convention
o As per Article 14 “if the salvor by his salvage operations has prevented or minimised damage to the
environment, salvor is entitled for a special compensation equivalent to his expenses which can be increased
up to 30%  to 100% of the expenses under certain circumstances. These expenses were to be born by ship
owners and this was the first time when P&I clubs were also involved in salvage operation as they had to pay
these expenses on owners behalf.”
 Both Salvor and the ship owners had few concerns with Article 14. 
o Shipowners and P&I clubs were concerned that Salvor could unnecessarily prolong the salvage operation to
claim more expenses under special compensation.
o Also the the Hull underwriters might delay the decision to declare the vessel as “Total Constructive loss” as
they would have nothing to lose by delaying their decision.
o Salvor’s concerns mainly were to the applicability of article 14 as this was only applicable in coastal and
inland waters and it only applied if there was a threat to the environment which they had to prove
 was finally decided to incorporate SCOPIC clause in the Lloyds open form (LOF) with no changes in the salvage
convention. LOF is the contract form between the salvor and owner of the ship.

 Salvage mean “rescue a wrecked or disabled ship or its cargo from loss at sea”. The party rescuing is called “Salvor”
and the wrecked or disabled ship is called “Property being salvaged”. Simply put, as per salvage convention Salvor
does a work to salvage the property and he gets a reward / Compensation for his efforts to save the property.

 The introduction and historical developments in salvage convention apart from listing the duties of various parties,
has been based upon the question of when and how much monetary benefits the salvor should get for his efforts.

 was based upon the “NO CURE, NO PAY” principle.

 The major problem with the Brussels convention was that salvors would not touch a high risk property as because of
being high risk, their chances of getting monetary benefits as well as to recover their expenses were minimal.

 In the late 80s, with few of the infamous oil pollution incidents, it became a necessity to encourage salvor to take up
the high risk salvage contract where potential oil pollution and marine environment was involved and for this reason
a special compensation under article 14 was introduced in salvage convention which was also the main
distinguishing thing from Brussel’s convention.

 As per Article 14 “if the salvor by his salvage operations has prevented or minimised damage to the environment,
salvor is entitled for a special compensation equivalent to his expenses which can be increased up to 30% to 100%
of the expenses under certain circumstances. These expenses were to be born by ship owners and this was the first
time when P&I clubs were also involved in salvage operation as they had to pay these expenses on owners behalf.”

 Both Salvor and the ship owners had few concerns with Article 14. Shipowners and P&I clubs were concerned that
Salvor could unnecessarily prolong the salvage operation to claim more expenses under special compensation. Also
the the Hull underwriters might delay the decision to declare the vessel as “Total Constructive loss” as they would
have nothing to loose by delaying their decision.

Rupesh Pillai
 Salvor’s concerns mainly were to the applicability of article 14 as this was only applicable in coastal and inland
waters and it only applied if there was a threat to the environment which they had to prove.

 That is when SCOPIC clause came into play.
 There were number of discussions to solve the limitations of article 14 and various solutions were discussed
including a revision of existing salvage convention but it was finally decided to incorporate SCOPIC clause in the
Lloyds open form (LOF) with no changes in the salvage convention. LOF is the contract form between the salvor and
owner of the ship.
 SCOPIC clause once invoked substitutes article 14. SCOPIC clause solved two concerns for salvors.
o One, SCOPIC once invoked was applicable in all geographical locations and was not limited to coastal and
inland sea.
o Also SCOPIC was applicable even if there was no threat to the environment and
o second, SCOPIC clause required security of USD 2 millions which made the salvor sure of the payments
o if SCOPIC clause is invoked and the salvor was able to save property and hence was eligible for award as per
article 13, his reward would be reduced by 25%. So if the salvor is very much certain for success of salvage,
he would not invoke SCOPIC clause.
 Article 13 - Criteria for fixing the reward
o The reward shall be fixed with a view to encouraging salvage operations, taking into account the following
 the salved value of the vessel and other property;
 the skill and efforts of the salvors in preventing or minimising damage to the environment;
 the measure of success obtained by the salvor;
 the nature and degree of the danger;
 the skill and efforts of the salvors in salving the vessel, other property and life;
 the time used and expenses and losses incurred by the salvors;
 the risk of liability and other risks run by the salvors or their equipment;
 the promptness of the services rendered;
 the availability and use of vessels or other equipment intended for salvage operations;
 the state of readiness and efficiency of the salvor's equipment and the value thereof.
o Payment of a reward fixed according to above criteria shall be made by all of the vessel and other property
interests in proportion to their respective salved values. However, a State Party may in its national law
provide that the payment of a reward has to be made by one of these interests, subject to a right of
recourse of this interest against the other interests for their respective shares
o The rewards, exclusive of any interest and recoverable legal costs that may be payable thereon, shall not
exceed the salved value of the vessel and other property."
 "Article 14 - Special compensation (safety net)
o If the salvor has carried out salvage operations in respect of a vessel which by itself or its cargo threatened
damage to the environment and has failed to earn a reward under article 13, he shall be entitled to special
compensation from the owner of that vessel equivalent to his expenses as herein defined.
o If the salvor by his salvage operations has prevented or minimised damage to the environment, the special
compensation payable by the owner to the salvor under paragraph I may be increased up to a maximum of
30% of the expenses incurred by the salvor. However, in special cases it may increase such special
compensation further, but in no event shall the total increase be more than 100% of the expenses incurred
by the salvor.
o salvors ('Contractors') could receive Special Compensation (ie their expenses and a fair rate for tugs and
equipment used in salvage operations) in certain circumstances where the salved fund was insufficient to
allow them to recover adequate remuneration under Article 13
o If the salvor has been negligent and has thereby failed to prevent or minimise damage to the environment,
he may be deprived of the whole or part of any special compensation due under this article.
o Salvage claims which have arisen in circumstances where there is no threat to the environment are settled
in accordance with the criteria set out under Art.13.

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 Only the owner of the ship is liable to pay special compensation. Cargo interests are not liable for special
compensation but will contribute to the overall payment to the salvors in the event of an award under Art.13.
 P&I Clubs extended their cover to provide for reimbursement of a shipowners' liabilities under Art.14.


o A number of problems became apparent with the operation of Articles 13 and 14, some of which concerned
shipowners and the clubs, and others concerned salvors.
o The clubs were worried that the safety net gave the salvors an incentive to prolong the operation as long as
possible and allowed the property underwriters to delay the decision as to whether the ship would be
accepted as a CTL, with little that the club or shipowner could do to influence the situation.
o Salvors in turn were concerned that Article 14 only applied if there was a threat to the environment, which
had to be proved, and that Article 14 was not relevant outside "coastal or inland waters or areas adjacent
thereto", a geographical restriction.
o All these issues lead to arbitration under Article 14 being long and expensive, costs generally being for the
account of the shipowners and the clubs.
o SCOPIC Clause was developed as an alternative to Article 14 for dealing with special compensation.
 The salient features are:
o Salvor has option to invoke SCOPIC at time of his choosing. Assessment of SCOPIC compensation starts from
this time. (Under Art 14, Special Compensation starts from the commencement of salvage operations).
o No need to prove environmental threat and no geographical restriction;
o Owner must provide security of $ 3 million within two working days failing which salvor may withdraw from
the provisions of the SCOPIC clause and revert to his rights under article 14.
o Rates are based on time and materials plus an uplift of 25% in all cases (uplift was fixed at 25 %).
o Salvage services will continue to be assessed in accordance with Article 13, even if the contractor invokes
the SCOPIC Clause.
o SCOPIC remuneration will be payable only to the extent that it exceeds the total Article 13 award.
o If the contractor invokes the SCOPIC Clause and the Article 13 award is greater than the SCOPIC
remuneration, then the Article 13 award will be discounted by 25% of the difference between it and the
amount of the SCOPIC remuneration that would have been assessed had the SCOPIC provisions been
invoked on the first day of the services .
o If there is no potential Article 13 award then the undisputed amount of SCOPIC remuneration is to be paid
by the shipowner within one month of the presentation of the claim.
o If there is a claim for an Article 13 award then 75% of the amount by which the assessed SCOPIC
remuneration exceeds the total Article 13 security should be paid by the shipowner within one month .
o Owner and Salvor both have option to terminate SCOPIC under certain agreed circumstances;
o Owner has right to send on-board Casualty Representative (SCR);
o Underwriters have right to send Special Hull and Special Cargo Representatives;
o Salvage Master to send daily reports to Lloyds and the owner until SCR arrives and thereafter to SCR;
o A non-binding Code of Practice has been agreed between the ISU and the International Group of Clubs.
o For the owner / clubs:
 No need for arbitration on Special Compensation;
 Control over and knowledge over what happens during salvage;
 Clearer right to terminate;
 Uplift capped at 25%.
o For the Salvors:
 Not necessary to prove threat to environment;
 Assured profit bearing rates for tugs etc.
 Cash flow problems resolved;
 Assurance of Security.

Rupesh Pillai
o Salvor may get more for tugs and equipments than under Nagasaki Spirit but this may depend upon
utilization factors;
o Loss of defence of non-existence of threat to environment and geographical restrictions;
o Unable to recover in excess of 25%;
o Risk of owner terminating.

 LOF 2000
o Lloyd’s Form of Salvage Agreement or “LOF” was first introduced in 1892.
o LOF 2000 comprises a single sheet of paper incorporating essential information as given below
 Name of the salvage Contractors: (referred to in this agreement as “the Contractors”) 2. Property
to be salved.
 The vessel:her cargo freight bunkers stores and any other propertythereon but excluding the
personal effectsor baggage of passengers master or crew(referred to in this agreement as “the
 Agreed place of safety:
 Agreed currency of any arbitral award and security(if other than United States dollars)
 Date of this agreement:
 Place of agreement:
 Is the Scopic Clause incorporated into this agreement? State alternative : Yes/No
 Person signing for and on behalf of the Contractors Signature:
 Captainor other person signing for and on behalf of thepropertySignature:
o Contractors’ basic obligation: The Contractors agree to use their best endeavours to salve the property and
to take the property to a place of safety.
o Environmental protection: While performing the salvage services the Contractors shall also use their best
endeavours to prevent or minimise damage to the environment.
 Duties of property owners: Each of the owners of the property shall cooperate fully with the Contractors. In
o the Contractors may make reasonable use of the vessel's machinery gear and equipment free of expense
provided that the Contractors shall not unnecessarily damage abandon or sacrifice any property on board;
o the Contractors shall be entitled to all such information as they may reasonably require relating to the
vessel or the remainder of the property provided such information is relevant to the performance of the
services and is capable of being provided without undue difficulty or delay;
o the owners of the property shall co-operate fully with the Contractors in obtaining entry to the place of
o Rights of termination: When there is no longer any reasonable prospect of a useful result leading to a
salvage reward either the owners of the vessel or the Contractors shall be entitled to terminate the services
hereunder by giving reasonable prior written notice to the other.
 Deemed performance: The Contractors' services shall be deemed to have been performed when the property is in a
safe condition in the place of safety
 For the purpose of this provision the property shall be regarded as being in safe condition notwithstanding that the
property (or part thereof) is damaged or in need of maintenance if (i) the Contractors are not obliged to remain in
attendance to satisfy the requirements of any port or habour authority, governmental agency or similar authority
and (ii) the continuation of skilled salvage services from the Contractors or other salvors is no longer necessary to
avoid the property becoming lost or significantly further damaged or delayed.
 Arbitration and the LSSA Clauses: The Contractors' remuneration and/or special compensation shall be determined
by arbitration in London in the manner prescribed by Lloyd's Standard Salvage and Arbitration Clauses (“the LSSA
Clauses”) and Lloyd’s Procedural Rules.
 Salvage security: As soon as possible the owners of the vessel should notify the owners of other property on board
that this agreement has been made. If the Contractors are successful, the owners of such property should note that
it will become necessary to provide the Contractors with salvage security promptly.

Rupesh Pillai
 New ship" means a ship:
o for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2013;
o Or
o in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of construction
on or after 1 July 2013; or
o the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2015.
 The International Energy Efficiency Certificate shall be valid throughout the life of the ship
 Regulation 19
o Application
 shall apply to all ships of 400 gross tonnage and above
 ships solely engaged in voyages within waters subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the State
the flag of which the ship is entitled to fly
 Regulation 20 and regulation 21 shall not apply to ships which have diesel-electric propulsion,
turbine propulsion or hybrid propulsion systems
 the Administration may waive the requirement for a ship of 400 gross tonnages and above from
complying with regulation 20 and regulation 21; but waiver clause is only upto
 for which the building contract is placed on or after 1 January 2017; or
 in the absence of a building contract, the keel of which is laid or which is at a similar stage of
construction on or after 1 July 2017; or
 the delivery of which is on or after 1 July 2019
 Regulation 20: Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (Attained EEDI)
o Attained EEDI shall be calculated for new ships and ship has undergone a major conversion
o EEDI = (CO2 from propulsion system+CO2 from auxiliary -CO2 emission reduction)/ (DWT x Speed)
o EEDI = (PME x (CF x SFCME)) + (PAE x (CF x SFCAE)) - CO2 emission reduction

o Any innovative power (electric) generation devices on board such as electricity from waste heat recovery or
solar power. These are represented by the third term in the nominator
o Innovative technologies that provide mechanical power for ship propulsion such as wind power (sails, kites,
etc.). This is the last term in the nominator

 Regulation 21: Required EEDI

o Required EEDI = (1-X/100) × Reference line value
 X is the reduction factor
 Phase 0 1-Jan-2013 to 31-Dec-2014 0%
 Phase 1 1-Jan-2015 to 31-Dec-2019 10%
 Phase 2 1-Jan-2019 to 31-Dec-2024 20%
 Phase 3 1-Jan-2025 onwards 30%
 Reference Line = a ×b -c

 a and c constants depending on ship types

 b dwt of ship
 Regulation 22: SEEMP
o Each ship shall keep on board a ship specific Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).

Rupesh Pillai
o Management tool to monitor the CO2 emission performance of ships, or fleets, with regards to CO2
o Directly relates the ratio of mass of CO2 emitted per unit transport work
 EEOI = Mass of CO2 / (transport work)
o Objective – to provide an indicator for the energy efficiency of a ship in operation
o In order to establish the EEOI, the following main steps are described as being needed.
 define the period for which the EEOI is calculated*;
 define data sources for data collection;
 collect data;
 convert data to appropriate format;
 calculate EEOI
o The purpose of the EEDI is to establish the minimum efficiency of new ships depending on ship type and
size, provide a fair basis for comparison and to stipulate the development of more efficient ships in general.
o ”Attained Index” for specific ships to be calculated per ship on design data, and to be less than ”Required
o Attained and Required EEDI shall be recorded on the International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEE
Certificate) of the ship
o Ship Design
 Hull Form Optimization
 Longer ship reduces wave-making resistance
 Reduction of wetted surface area reduces frictional resistance for slow ship vessels
 Bow and aft optimization for the operational speed
 Minimizing resistance of hull openings
 Use of lightweight material can reduce the ship weight
 Propeller Design
 Application of appendages to the propulsion system at the stern of a vessel improves the
water flow and reduces the total resistance of ship
o Kort nozzle
o Mewis Duct
o Wake equalizing duct
o Pre-swirl stator
o Propeller boss cap fins
 Selection of propeller depends on hull resistance and design speed
 Modification of number of blades and diameter of propeller affects the final selection of the
main propulsion system.
 various optimization techniques and new technologies can improve the efficiency of the
o Counter floating propellers (CRPs)
o Propeller-hull interaction
o Propeller-rudder combination
o Advanced propeller blade sections
o Propeller tip winglets
 Innovative Technology
 Air cavity system provides a thin layer of air over the flat bottom of hull, decreasing hull
 Use of micro-bubbles air lubrication (disadvantages on stability and bubble formation)
Rupesh Pillai
 Hull surface texturing pattern
 Different type of wind propulsion technologies may be used to reduce GHG emissions
o Towing kites
o Flettner rotor sails, windmills
 Use of photovoltaic power generation system (Solar)
 Heat recovery system
 Propulsion Machinery
 Electronic Engines
 MEG Engines
 ME-GI Engines
 Improved Turbochargers
o Hybrid
o EEDI verification is carried out by flag Administration (and most likely on their behalf by the by the ROs),
using corresponding data and documents and observing the ship’s model tank tests and ship’s
commissioning sea trials.
o Accordingly, the EEDI verification takes place in two stages
 Pre-verification
 Pre-verification is done at the ship’s design stage whereas final verification is carried out
after construction and as part of the ship’s commissioning sea trials; at the end of ship
construction. Relevant ship design data, tank test data and speed trial data will be subject to
scrutiny and verification by ROs.
 Final Verification
 Sea trails and verification of ship’s speed-power curve is an essential element of the final
verification. As part of the final verification, all relevant aspects of EEDI calculation will be
re-visited and verified. Aspects that need to be considered for sea trail are elaborated
further here using the relevant IMO guidelines

o Purpose is to establish a mechanism for a company and/or a ship to improve the energy efficiency of a
ship’s operation that is preferably linked to a broader corporate energy management policy
o Four step process suggested:
 Planning
 a set of Energy Efficiency Measures (EEMs) are identified and documented as part of the
planning phase.
 The SEEMP planning activities do not stop at identification of EEMs but includes dealing
with all aspects of planning for implementation, monitoring and self-assessment of the
identified EEMs
 Implementation
 A system for implementation of the selected EEMs needs to be defined via developing the
procedures, tasks and assigning roles and responsibilities. The SEEMP should describe how
each measure should be implemented and who the responsible person(s) is.
 According to IMO guidelines, the planned EEMs should be carried out in accordance with
the predetermined implementation system. Record-keeping for the implementation of each
EEM is beneficial for self-evaluation and should be encouraged.
 Monitoring
 To allow for meaningful and consistent monitoring, the monitoring system, including the
procedures for collecting data and the assignment of responsible personnel, should be
developed. The development of such a system can be considered as a part of planning, and
therefore should be completed at the planning stage

Rupesh Pillai
 Evaluation
 To allow for meaningful and consistent monitoring, the monitoring system, including the
procedures for collecting data and the assignment of responsible personnel, should be
developed. The development of such a system can be considered as a part of planning, and
therefore should be completed at the planning stage
o Ship operational aspects
 Route planning
 Passage speed management
 Weather routing
 Cargo operations
 Ship trim
 Electric power management
 Use of autopilot
 Thruster operation
o EEOI is one element of the IMO regulatory framework that is intended to act as an “energy efficiency
performance indicator” during the operational phase of the ship and be used to monitor overall ship energy
efficiency performance.
o The EEOI is expected to assist ship-owners and ship operators in the evaluation of the operational
performance of their fleet
o To help with consistent estimation of EEOI, the following definitions are provided in the EEOI guidelines:
 Fuel consumption: Fuel consumption is defined as all fuels consumed at sea and in port or for a
voyage or period in question (e.g., a day), by main, auxiliary engines, boilers and incinerators
 Distance sailed: Distance sailed means the actual distance sailed in nautical miles (deck log-book
data) for the voyage or period in question.
o The EEOI should be a representative value of the energy efficiency of the ship operation over a consistent
period which represents the overall trading pattern of the vessel. In order to establish the EEOI, the
following main steps will generally be needed:
 Define the period for which the EEOI is calculated
 Define data sources for data collection
 Collect data
 Convert data to appropriate format; and finally
 Calculate EEOI.

Rupesh Pillai
 Strategic Management is all about identification and description of the strategies that managers can carry so as to
achieve better performance and a competitive advantage for their organization
 Strategic management can also be defined as a bundle of decisions and acts which a manager undertakes and which
decides the result of the firm’s performance
 They should conduct a SWOT Analysis  (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats), i.e., they should make
best possible utilization of strengths, minimize the organizational weaknesses, make use of arising opportunities
from the business environment and shouldn’t ignore the threats.
 Strategy :
o A method or plan chosen to bring about a desired future, such as achievement of a goal or solution to a
o To identify clear broader goals that advance the overall organization and organize resources
 Tactics:
o an action or method that is planned and used to achieve a particular goal
o To utilize specific resources to achieve sub-goals that support the defined mission.
 Example
o Strategy: Be the market share leader in terms of sales in the mid-market in our industry. Tactics: Offer lower
cost solutions than enterprise competitors without sacrificing white-glove service for first 3 years of
customer contracts.
o Strategy: Improve retention of top 10% of company performers. Tactics: Offer best in market compensation
plan with benefits as well as sabbaticals to tenured top performers, source ideas from top talent

Rupesh Pillai

o is a step-by-step approach for identifying all possible failures in a design, a manufacturing or assembly
process, or a product or service.
o “Failure modes” means the ways, or modes, in which something might fail. Failures are any errors or
defects, especially ones that affect the customer, and can be potential or actual.
o “Effects analysis” refers to studying the consequences of those failures.
o When to Use FMEA
 When a process, product or service is being designed or redesigned, after quality function
 When an existing process, product or service is being applied in a new way.
 Before developing control plans for a new or modified process.
 When improvement goals are planned for an existing process, product or service.
 When analysing failures of an existing process, product or service.
 Periodically throughout the life of the process, product or service


o Systematically identifying and documenting hazards and operability issues
o Safetec is a leading provider of HAZID and HAZOP, conducting over 70 analyses every year for numerous
clients. A HAZOP study is used to verify the integrity of design or procedures with respect to safety and
operability. We have extensive experience and provide highly skilled multi-disciplined teams.
 HAZard and OPerability (HAZOP) is a well-known and well documented study.
 HAZOP is used as part of a Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) or as a standalone analysis.
 HAZOP is a more detailed review technique than HAZID.
 The purpose of the HAZOP is to investigate how the system or plant deviate from the design intent
and create risk for personnel and equipment and operability problems.
 HAZOP studies have been used with great success within chemical and the petroleum industry to
obtain safer, more efficient and more reliable plants.
 HAZOP has become a standard method in the design of process system in the North Sea.

Rupesh Pillai
 A Particularly Sensitive Sea Area (PSSA) is an area that needs special protection through action by IMO because of
its significance for recognized ecological or socio-economic or scientific reasons and which may be vulnerable to
damage by international maritime activities.
 The criteria for the identification of particularly sensitive sea areas and the criteria for the designation of special
areas are not mutually exclusive. 


o An application to IMO for designation of a PSSA and the adoption of associated protective measures, or an
amendment thereto, may be submitted only by a Member Government. Where two or more Governments
have a common interest in a particular area, they should formulate a co-ordinated proposal
o Member Governments wishing to have IMO designate a PSSA should submit an application to MEPC based
on the criteria, provide information pertaining to the vulnerability of this area to damage from international
shipping activities, and include the proposed associated protective measures to prevent, reduce or
eliminate the identified vulnerability. Applications should be submitted in accordance with the procedures
and the rules adopted by IMO for submission of documents
o If, in preparing its submission for a PSSA proposal, a Member Government requires technical assistance,
that Government is encouraged to request such assistance from IMO
o the MEPC should bear primary responsibility within IMO for considering PSSA applications and all
applications should first be submitted to the MEPC
 the Committee should assess the elements of the proposal against the Guidelines and, as
appropriate, should establish a technical group, comprising representatives with appropriate
environmental, scientific, maritime, and legal expertise;
 after approval by the appropriate Sub-Committee, Committee, or, where necessary, the Assembly of
the associated protective measures, the MEPC may designate the area as a PSSA
o IMO should provide a forum for the review and re-evaluation of any associated protective measure
adopted, as necessary, taking into account pertinent comments, reports, and observations of the associated
protective measures. Member Governments which have ships operating in the area of the designated PSSA
are encouraged to bring any concerns with the associated protective measures to IMO so that any
necessary adjustments may be made.
o After the designation of a PSSA and its associated protective measures, IMO should ensure that the effective
date of implementation is as soon as possible based on the rules of IMO and consistent with international


o Uniqueness or rarity – An area or ecosystem is unique if it is “the only one of its kind”. Habitats of rare,
threatened, or endangered species that occur only in one area are an example
o Critical habitat – A sea area that may be essential for the survival, function, or recovery of fish stocks or rare
or endangered marine species, or for the support of large marine ecosystems
o Dependency – An area where ecological processes are highly dependent on biotically structured systems
(e.g. coral reefs, kelp forests, mangrove forests, seagrass beds)
o Representativeness – An area that is an outstanding and illustrative example of specific biodiversity,
ecosystems, ecological or physiographic processes, or community or habitat types or other natural
o Diversity – An area that may have an exceptional variety of species or genetic diversity or includes highly
varied ecosystems, habitats, and communities.
o Naturalness – An area that has experienced a relative lack of human-induced disturbance or degradation.
o Fragility – An area that is highly susceptible to degradation by natural events or by the activities of people

Rupesh Pillai
o Social or economic dependency – An area where the environmental quality and the use of living marine
resources are of particular social or economic importance, including fishing, recreation, tourism, and the
livelihoods of people who depend on access to the area.
o Human dependency – An area that is of particular importance for the support of traditional subsistence or
food production activities or for the protection of the cultural resources of the local human populations.
o Cultural heritage – An area that is of particular importance because of the presence of significant historical
and archaeological sites
o Research – An area that has high scientific interest.
o Baseline for monitoring studies – An area that provides suitable baseline conditions with regard to biota or
environmental characteristics, because it has not had substantial perturbations or has been in such a state
for a long period of time such that it is considered to be in a natural or near-natural condition.
o Education – An area that offers an exceptional opportunity to demonstrate particular natural phenomena.


 designation of an area as a Special Area under MARPOL Annexes I, II or V, or a SOx emission control area
under MARPOL Annex VI, or application of special discharge restrictions to vessels operating in a PSSA.
 adoption of ships’ routeing and reporting systems near or in the area,
 development and adoption of other measures aimed at protecting specific sea areas against environmental
damage from ships, provided that they have an identified legal basis.

 List of adopted PSSAs

1. The Great Barrier Reef, Australia (designated a PSSA in 1990)
2. The Sabana-Camagüey Archipelago in Cuba (1997)
3. Malpelo Island, Colombia (2002)
4. The sea around the Florida Keys, United States (2002)
5. The Wadden Sea, Denmark, Germany, Netherlands (2002)
6. Paracas National Reserve, Peru (2003)
7. Western European Waters (2004)
8. Extension of the existing Great Barrier Reef PSSA to include the Torres Strait (proposed by Australia and
Papua New Guinea) (2005)
9. Canary Islands, Spain (2005)
10. The Galapagos Archipelago, Ecuador (2005)
11. The Baltic Sea area, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland and Sweden (2005)
12. The Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument, United States (2007)
13. The Strait of Bonifacio, France and Italy (2011)
14. The Saba Bank, in the North-eastern Caribbean area of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (2012)
15. Extension of Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait to encompass the south-west part of the Coral Sea (2015)

Rupesh Pillai
 Arbitration is an alternative to resolving disputes in court.
 The arbitration process allows the parties to select an individual or several individuals with a specialized expertise in
the subject matter of the dispute to listen to the evidence and render a binding decision.
 In marine insurance disputes, there will be only one arbitrator and in more complex cases, three arbitrators.
 Usually, an arbitration panel consists of three members, called a tripartite panel, one of which is designated as the
chairperson of the panel or chief arbitrator.
 The most basic difference between arbitration and mediation is that
o arbitration involves a decision by the intervening third party (neutral) after an evidentiary hearing
where the arbitrator is typically a passive participant whose role is to determine right or wrong
o the mediator by contrast, is generally an active participant who attempts to move the parties to
reconciliation and agreement, regardless of who is right or wrong.
o At the end of a mediation, the parties write up their own settlement agreement with the assistance of
the mediator and
o at the end of a binding arbitration, the arbitrator, usually within 30 days, makes an award to the
prevailing party.
o Both the mediation settlement agreement and the arbitration award are legal documents and are
enforceable in a court of law.
 Qualification of Arbitrator
o Every person who is of age and of sound mind can be appointed as an arbitrator.
o Arbitral institutions include in their panel a wide range of experts drawn from various professions, trade
and business.
o Their impartiality is ensured by the Arbitration Committee of the institution which takes care that
persons are chosen for their knowledge, experience, impartiality and integrity.
o Some arbitral institutions conducting international arbitration in India have included in their panel of
arbitrators’ foreigners also, in order to enable foreign parties to choose arbitrators of other nationalities
whom they consider more suitable
o An arbitrator should be fair and absolutely impartial. He should have no bias and should decide the
dispute referred to him in a judicious manner and not capriciously or whimsically.
o He should not disregard the principles of natural justice. He must have scrupulous regard to the ends of
o He should not misconduct himself or the proceedings. Failure to perform essential duties of an
arbitrator is deemed to be a misconduct
o An arbitrator should not engage in private discussion or conference with one of the parties on any
matter connected with the case, in the absence of the opposite party. 
  Factors taken into consideration by arbitrator or Admiralty Court in awarding salvage: 
o Peril to which salved property exposed.
o Nature of services.
o Degree of danger, merit of services.
o State of weather.
o Value of ship, cargo, etc. exposed to peril.
o Value of property saved.
o Measure of success of salvage operations.
 The Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, also known as the "New York
Arbitration Convention" or the "New York Convention", is one of the key instruments in international arbitration.
The New York Convention applies to the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards and the referral by
a court to arbitration.

Rupesh Pillai
 The Baltic and International Maritime Council (BIMCO) is the largest of the international shipping associations
representing ship-owners; its membership controls around 65 percent of the world’s tonnage and it has members in
more than 120 countries, including managers, brokers and agents
o The International Chamber of Shipping is the world's principal shipping organisation, representing around
80% of the world’s merchant tonnage, through membership by national shipowners' associations

 The association’s main objective is to protect its global membership through the provision of quality information
and advice, and while promoting fair business practices, facilitate harmonisation and standardization of commercial
shipping practices and contracts.
o It is concerned with all regulatory, operational and legal issues.

 ICS is unique in that unlike other international shipping trade associations it represents the global interests of all the
different trades in the industry: bulk carrier operators, tanker operators, passenger ship operators and container
liner trades, including shipowners and third party ship managers
 BIMCO - Baltic and International Maritime Council
o BIMCO’s core objective is to facilitate the commercial operations of our members by developing standard
contracts and clauses, and providing quality information, advice and education.
o BIMCO promotes fair business practices, free trade and open access to markets and we are a strong
advocate for the harmonisation and standardisation of all shipping related activity.
o BIMCO actively promotes the application of globally agreed regulatory instruments – we are accredited as a
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) with all relevant United Nations agencies and other regulatory
 ICS – International Chamber of Shipping.
o The aim of ICS is to promote the interests of shipowners and operators in all matters of shipping policy and
ship operations.
o To that end ICS will:
 Encourage high standards of operation and the provision of high quality and efficient shipping
 Strive for a regulatory environment which supports safe shipping operations, protection of the
environment and adherence to internationally adopted standards and procedures.
 Promote properly considered international regulation of shipping and oppose unilateral and
regional action by governments.
 Press for recognition of the commercial realities of shipping and the need for quality to be rewarded
by a proper commercial return.
 Remain committed to the promotion of industry guidance on best operating practices.
 Co-operate with other organisations, both intergovernmental and nongovernmental, in the pursuit
of these objectives.
 Anticipate whenever possible and respond whenever appropriate to policies and actions which
conflict with the above.
 ICS is unique in that unlike other international shipping trade associations it represents the global interests of all the
different trades in the industry: bulk carrier operators, tanker operators, passenger ship operators and container
liner trades, including shipowners and third party ship managers
 Major difference
o ICS intergovermental organisation
o BIMCO pvt organisation
 ICS is consulative member of IMO
 Bimco has shipowner and various other people as members.
 Ics has shipowner association as member.

Rupesh Pillai
 Is an approach to achieve a safe navigation by appropriately managing the resources of personnel, equipment and
information in the machinery space and by effectively utilising them
 To integrate non-technical skills with technical skills so as to maximise the technical skills
 Principles based on STCW Chapter A-III/1
 Human elements such as communication, leadership, situational awareness, and others are indispensible in
practicing effective ERM
o Personnel Resources:
 Personnel in resources are a human resource to be allocated for safe navigation and are required to
have competency to manage and utilize other personnel as well as appropriate qualification for
performing tasks
 the personnel are required to be well versed in the functions of equipment upon his/her position, to
have the capability to utilize information from the equipment and to confirm the functions are
being demonstrated
o Equipment:
 Equipment should be set up and run as required to meet all of the requirements for the safe
operation of the ship and all of the equipment required should be fully functional
o Information
 Information comes from many sources: external to the ship, personnel, running and maintenance
records, drawings, instruction manuals and equipment.
 There are two types of information from the equipment:
 the information such as alarms and operation data that automatically comes from
equipment, like a monitoring system, and
 the information such as leaking, running sounds and vibrations detected by personnel using
their five senses.
 All information must be appropriately understood, shared and utilized for the safe navigation of the
 Requirements of ERM
o Allocation and assignment
 It indicates that personnel being assigned tasks upon his/her position should appropriately be
allocated in order to maintain safe navigation
o Prioritization
 personnel need to make a prioritization, taking into account its safeness, urgency and adequacy
o Communication
 information exchange, there are forms of order, response, provision of information and report
according to the scenes of ship’ s operation, and effective communication means that this
information exchange is being fully carried out
o Assertiveness
 Assertiveness generally means a human element that enables personnel to sincerely and equally
communicate with others without violating the right of others
 having made a judgment necessary for maintaining safe navigation, personnel have to assert their
judgment without any hesitation, notwithstanding their position and hierarchical relationship within
the workplace.
o Leadership
 Leadership is an essential human element necessary for practicing ERM.
 Leadership is a skill necessary to achieve joint tasks and requires situational awareness and the
competence to lead, understanding how to influence and motivate other personnel.

Rupesh Pillai
o Situational awareness
 Situational awareness is a competence available to act proactively in various situations and to
precisely determine the existence of risks, the possibility of environmental pollution, illegal
situations and the likelihood of incidents.
 It is essential to have a complete awareness of the situation so that necessary measures and actions
can be taken proactively, in order to prevent the occurrence of incidents and environmental
o Consideration of team experience
 Consideration of team experience means taking into account the experience of all members of the
team in order to achieve safe navigation and watchkeeping.
 It may be the case that even a new joiner may have certain experience and skills that could be
useful to the team leader in a certain situation.
 It is therefore necessary that the team leaders understand the background and experience of all
members of their team

Rupesh Pillai
 The main difference between leaders and managers is that leaders have people follow them while managers have
people who work for them
 Leadership is about getting people to understand and believe in your vision and to work with you to achieve your
goals while managing is more about administering and making sure the day-to-day things are happening as they
 The manager focuses on systems and structure; the leader focuses on people
 The manager asks how and when; the leader asks what and why.
 Qualities of Leader
o Honesty & Integrity: are crucial to get your people to believe you and buy in to the journey you are taking
them on
o Vision: know where you are, where you want to go and enroll your team in charting a path for the future
o Inspiration: inspire your team to be all they can by making sure they understand their role in the bigger
o Ability to Challenge: do not be afraid to challenge the status quo, do things differently and have the
courage to think outside the box
o Communication Skills: keep your team informed of the journey, where you are, where you are heading and
share any roadblocks you may encounter along the way
 Qualities of Manager
o Being Able to Execute a Vision: take a strategic vision and break it down into a roadmap to be followed by
the team
o Ability to Direct: day-to-day work efforts, review resources needed and anticipate needs along the way
o Process Management: establish work rules, processes, standards and operating procedures
o People Focused: look after your people, their needs, listen to them and involve them
 The Core of the Leadership
o Ability to instil respect and command authority
o Ability to lead the team by example
o Ability to draw on knowledge and experience
o Ability to remain calm in a crisis
o Ability to practice tough empathy
o Ability to be sensitive to different cultures
o Ability to recognize the crew’s limitations
o Ability to create motivation and a sense of community
o Ability to place the safety of crew and passenger above everything
o Ability to communicate and listen clearly

Rupesh Pillai
 The Seafarer's Welfare Fund Society is a Central Organisation for Welfare of Indian seafarers and their families.
 It is registered under the societies Registration Act 1960 and as a Trust under the Bombay Public Trust Act 1950.
 The main objects of the Society are as under
o To provide and maintain a fund by the name of the Seafarers' Welfare Fund
o To provide welfare facilities in general to seamen at ports in India
 The Society represents various interests connected with Indian shipping, which includes representative of Indian
and foreign shipowners, representatives of Seafarers' Unions separately for officers and Seamen and the
Government nominees. 

 Galileo is Europe’s Global Satellite Navigation System (GNSS), providing improved positioning and timing
information with significant positive implications for many European services and users
 Galileo allows users to know their exact position with greater precision than what is offered by other available
 Critical, emergency response-services benefit from Galileo
 Until now, GNSS users have had to depend on non-civilian American GPS or Russian GLONASS signals. With Galileo,
users now have a new, reliable alternative that, unlike these other programmes, remains under civilian control.
 Galileo is positioned to enhance the coverage currently available – providing a more seamless and accurate
experience for multi-constellation users around the world.

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 the high degree of conventionality of vessels allowed a complete and effective structural scantling based on
experienced and consolidated rules
 Particular emphasis is devoted to the fluid-structure interaction, which represents one of the most recent numerical
application in the field of ship design
 Global strength evaluation: evaluation of the stress levels related to the hull girder idealisation
 Considers the main global load effects due to both wave and still water conditions acting on the hull as
o longitudinal bending moment, both hogging and sagging;
o shear force;
o torque moment.
 the actual geometry of the examined structure should be completely defined in the initial mesh. In fact, it is not
effective to deal with very fine meshes if the geometric shapes and details do not correspond to the actual
 FEA is an open-ended, general-purpose tool that is used to varying degrees and levels of details ranging from the
general global structural responses to very fine detail stress concentrations.
 The analysis scope and level of details must be matched to the acceptance criteria.
 The Rules include acceptance criteria associated with certain levels of the analysis performed on different FE models
 The global 3D FEA model is a representative of the hull structures of three cargo holds (or tanks, in the case of an oil
carrier) with the middle cargo hold within 0.4L amidships. It is used to determine both the global response of the
hull girder and local behavior of the main supporting structures. The stress results from such models must be
suitable for strength evaluation of the watertight boundaries of cargo holds (or tanks) and non-tight main
supporting structures. The global 3D FE analyses establish the scantling requirements of plates and stiffeners, and
they are sufficient for establishing the steel weight estimate. Structural details are evaluated by the subsequent
local 3D FE analyses

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 The Maritime Safety Committee, at its ninety-sixth session (11 to 20 May 2016), having considered the urgent need
to raise awareness on cyber risk threats and vulnerabilities, approved the Interim guidelines on maritime cyber risk
 maritime cyber risk refers to a measure of the extent to which a technology asset is threatened by a potential
circumstance or event, which may result in shipping-related operational, safety or security failures as a consequence
of information or systems being corrupted, lost or compromised.
 Cyber technologies have become essential to the operation and management of numerous systems critical to the
safety and security of shipping and protection of the marine environment
 Vulnerable systems could include, but are not limited to
o Bridge systems;
o Cargo handling and management systems;
o Propulsion and machinery management and power control systems;
o Access control systems;
o Passenger servicing and management systems;
o Passenger facing public networks;
o Administrative and crew welfare systems; and
o Communication systems
 Vulnerabilities can result from inadequacies in design, integration and/or maintenance of systems, as well as lapses
in cyber discipline. In general, where vulnerabilities in operational and/or information technology are exposed or
exploited, either directly (e.g. weak passwords leading to unauthorized access) or indirectly (e.g. the absence of
network segregation), there can be implications for security and the confidentiality, integrity and availability of
information. Additionally, when operational and/or information technology vulnerabilities are exposed or exploited,
there can be implications for safety, particularly where critical systems (e.g. bridge navigation or main propulsion
systems) are compromised
o Senior management should embed a culture of cyber risk awareness into all levels of an organization and
ensure a holistic and flexible cyber risk management regime that is in continuous operation and constantly
evaluated through effective feedback mechanisms.
o Define personnel roles and responsibilities for cyber risk management and identify the systems, assets, data
and capabilities that, when disrupted, pose risks to ship operations.
o Implement risk control processes and measures, and contingency planning to protect against a cyber event
and ensure continuity of shipping operations.
o Develop and implement activities necessary to detect a cyber event in a timely manner.
o Develop and implement activities and plans to provide resilience and to restore systems necessary for
shipping operations or services impaired due to a cyber event.
o Identify measures to back-up and restore cyber systems necessary for shipping operations impacted by a
cyber event.
o The MSC approved interim guidelines on maritime cyber risk management, aimed at enabling stakeholders
to take the necessary steps to safeguard shipping from current and emerging threats and vulnerabilities
related to digitization, integration and automation of processes and systems in shipping.
o The interim guidelines are intended to provide high-level recommendations for maritime cyber risk
management, which refers to a measure of the extent to which a technology asset is threatened by a
potential circumstance or event, which may result in shipping-related operational, safety or security failures
as a consequence of information or systems being corrupted, lost or compromised.
o The guidelines include background information, functional elements and best practices for effective cyber
risk management.

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 Tailshaft Condition Monitoring System:
o Complete tailshaft survey will be required if the last complete tailshaft survey was carried out more than
five (5) years prior to the initial survey
o For vessels with TCM notation, tailshaft survey interval required by 7-2-1/13.1.3 will be extended up to 15
years provided:
 Annual surveys are carried out to the satisfaction of the attending Surveyor, and
 The following are carried out at each tailshaft survey due date required
 Bearing weardown measurement
 Verification that the propeller is free of damage which may cause the propeller to be out of
 Verification of effective inboard seal
 Renewal of outboard seal in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation
o Complete tailshaft survey may be waived subject to satisfactory review of the following records for
appropriate period as considered necessary
 Stern bearing oil analysis records
 Stern bearing oil consumption records
 Stern bearing temperature monitoring records
 Tailshaft, stern bearing assembly and propeller operation and repair records
 Stern bearing clearance and wear down measurement records
 Tailshaft Survey
 The survey is to consist of:
 Drawing the shaft and examining the entire shaft, seals system and bearings
 For keyed and keyless connections
o Removing the propeller to expose the forward end of the taper,
o Performing a non-destructive examination (NDE) by an approved surface crack
detection method all around the shaft in way of the forward portion of the taper
section, including the keyway (if fitted). For shaft provided with liners the NDE shall
extended to the after edge of the liner.
 For flanged connection:
o Whenever the coupling bolts of any type of flange-connected shaft are removed or
the flange radius is made accessible in connection with overhaul, repairs or when
deemed necessary by the surveyor, the coupling bolts and flange radius are to be
examined by means of an approved surface crack detection method
 Checking and recording the bearing clearances.
 Verification that the propeller is free of damages which may cause the propeller to be out of
 Verification of the satisfactory conditions of inboard and outboard seals during the
reinstallation of the shaft and propeller.
 Verification of the satisfactory conditions of inboard and outboard seals during the
reinstallation of the shaft and propeller.
 The survey is to consist of:
 For keyed and keyless connections:
o Removing the propeller to expose the forward end of the taper,
o Performing a non-destructive examination (NDE) by an approved surface
crackdetection Method all around the shaft in way of the forward portion of the
taper section, including the keyway (if fitted).
 For flanged connection:

Rupesh Pillai
o Whenever the coupling bolts of any type of flange-connected shaft are removed or
the flange radius is made accessible in connection with overhaul, repairs or when
deemed necessary by the surveyor, the coupling bolts and flange radius are to be
examined by means of an approved surface crack detection Method
 Checking and recording the bearing wear down measurements.
 Visual Inspection of all accessible parts of the shafting system.
 Verification that the propeller is free of damages which may cause the propeller to be out of
 Seal liner found to be or placed in a satisfactory condition.
 Verification of the satisfactory re-installation of the propeller including verification of
satisfactory conditions of inboard and outboard seals
 Pre-requisites
 Review of service records.
 Review of test records of:
o Lubricating Oil analysis (for oil lubricated shafts), or
o Fresh Water Sample test (for closed system fresh water lubricated shafts).
 Oil sample Examination (for oil lubricated shafts), or Fresh Water Sample test (for closed
system fresh water lubricated).
 Verification of no reported repairs by grinding or welding of shaft and/or propeller.
 The survey is to consist of:
 Checking and recording the bearing wear down measurements.
 Visual Inspection of all accessible parts of the shafting system.
 Verification that the propeller is free of damages which may cause the propeller to be out of
 Seal liner found to be or placed in a satisfactory condition.
 Verification of the satisfactory conditions of inboard and outboard seals.
 Pre-requisite
 Review of service records.
 Review of test records of:
o Lubricating Oil analysis (for oil lubricated shafts), or
o Fresh Water Sample test (for closed system fresh water lubricated shafts).
 Oil sample Examination (for oil lubricated shafts), or Fresh Water Sample test (for closed
system fresh water lubricated).
 Verification of no reported repairs by grinding or welding of shaft and/or propeller
 Green Channel
o All certificates valid
o No NC, No FSI deficiencies in last 2 years
o No PSC deficiencies within 2 years
o No suspension of DOC in last 2 years
o No Major NC in last 3 audits
o Not more than 3 COC without extension
o No NC in the area of extension requested
o Max permissible Dry Dock interval 36 months
o Extension
 Under genuine situations & meeting conditions of Green Channel only for vessels less than 15 years
of age (1to 5 – 1 year & no.6- 6months)
 Class should make this as memoranda & admin informed if extension by R.O

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 Chartering
o an agreed deal, whereby the shipowner puts his ship or a part of it at the disposal of the charterer, for the
carriage of goods between named ports.
o Chartering = an agreed deal, whereby the shipowner puts his ship or a part of it at the disposal of the
charterer, for the carriage of goods between named ports.
o The charterer can in turn, sublet the ship or a part of it to a third party, who now becomes the “Disponent
o The chartering agreement is contained in a document, called “Charter Party”.
 Voyage Charter, (in the tramp trade) =
o in which a cargo ship is chartered for a one-way sailing trip/voyage between specified seaports, with a
specified cargo at a neg2otiated and agreed rate of freight (the price per weight ton or volume cbm).
 Time Charter=
o the charterer undertakes to hire the ship for a stated agreed period of time or for a specified round-trip
sailing or, occasionally but rare, for a stated one-way voyage, the rate of hire being expressed in terms of so
much per ton deadweight per month,or otherwise agreed.
o Whereas on a voyage charter the ship-owner bears all the expenses of the cargo ship voyage, on time
charter the charterer will be responsible for these bills,(subject to contract terms-conditions).
 Contract of Affreightment-COA, =
o is a contract between the shipowner and the charterer in which the shipowner agrees to carry the goods
(the loaded quantities are not taken into account,but the cargo ship space availability) in a certain lump-
sum/fixed price amount from loading location/s to discharging location/s as agreed and accepted by the
parties in the contract.
o General Charter Conditions (agreement), or Gencon Charter Party, is the most commonly form of voyage
charter party used worldwide, and particularly known also as “Gencon 1994”.
o Gencon, first issued in 1922 and revised in 1976 and 1994.
o “Gencon 1994” includes two parts.
 Part 1;
 Is the “box form” which all the necessary information to be completed by the parties.
 Part 2;
 Contains all the standard terms and conditions which are usually non-negotiable.
o Is a written contract between the Shipowner and the charterer.
o GENCON, GUARDCON, SUPPLYTIME, SHIPMAN, BARECON and SALEFORM. Each contract is accompanied by
explanatory notes to provide the user with a clear understanding of the contractual provisions. 
o GUARDCON is designed to be a contract between the owners of the vessel and the security contractors and
that the liability, insurance and other important provisions are constructed on this basis.
o SUPPLYTIME: The charterer remains fully responsible for all losses suffered by all sides as a result of the
carriage of any hazardous or noxious substances as ordered by the charterer 
o The SHIPMAN 98 Agreement follows the traditional layout used by BIMCO in the preparation of modern
charter parties and other contract forms for various trades.

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 Marine Insuranceis the method whereby one party, called the assurer or underwriter, agrees, for a stated
consideration known as a premium, to indemnify another party, called the insured or assured against a loss,
damage or expense in connection with the commodities at risk if caused by peril enumerated in the contractknown
as policy of insurance.
 "maritime perils" means the perils consequent on or incidental to navigation, including perils of the seas, fire, war
perils, acts of pirates or thieves, captures, seizures, restraints, detainments of princes and peoples, jettisons,
barratry and all other perils of a like kind and, in respect of a marine policy, any peril designated by the policy
 A specified perils policy is one in which the insurer agrees to indemnify the assured for losses caused by specific
perils that are identified in the policy.
 Underwriters are the entities that agree to indemnify the assured upon the happening of an insured loss. They are
also called insurers. Underwriters can be individuals or corporations
 Underwriting agents are entities that have the authority to enter into or sign insurance policies on behalf of the
 Brokers play an important role in marine insurance. They are the agents of the assured. The broker will meet with
the assured to determine its insurance requirements. The broker will thencanvass the market to find underwriters
willing to insure the assured and will negotiate terms withthose underwriters. The broker may also become involved
in the event of a loss by presenting theloss to underwriters and negotiating on behalf of the assured.
 The Marine Insurance Act,1963of India is substantially a reproduction of its English counterpart, The Marine
Insurance Act, 1906
 Basic Principles of Marine Insurance:
o Insurable Interest:
 The Insured must have financial interest in the object of insurance. 
  A person has insurable interest in property when he will be financially prejudiced by its loss or
damage and when he will financially benefit from its continued existence. 
 Every person has an insurable interest who is interested in a marine adventure. 
o  Indemnity:
 If a loss occurs, the Insured will be put back into the same financial position as just prior to the loss. 
 The Insured must not profit from the loss.
o Utmost Good Faith
 Insurer must deal with all claims fairly and expeditiously and be able to pay for potential claims. 
 Only Insured knows all the facts; he is required to give full information of every material fact in
respect to the risk;
o Subrogation:
 The right of an Insurer, after paying a loss, to assume the rights of the Insured to recover this loss
from the responsible party
o Warranty:
 Promise by Insured as part of contract that a specified state of affairs will continue to exist for
duration of policy; breach of warranty makes policy voidable from time of breach.
 Warranty may be express or implied;
 Implied warranties:
 Seaworthiness: Vessel must be seaworthy at commencement of voyage and at start of each
stage of the voyage if conducted in stages. Vessel must be reasonably fit in all respects to
encounter ordinary perils of the insured voyage. After a loss, the onus is on the Insurer to
prove vessel was unseaworthy.
 Legality: Voyage must be lawful and, so far as the Insured can control, carried out in lawful
 Express Warranty:
 Trading Limits
 Ice Zones
 War Zones
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 Types of Policies: 
o Time Policy: Insures property for a period of time.
o Voyage Policy: Insures property from 1 place to another, may include a date limit.
o Mixed Policy: Covers both a voyage and period of time of voyage and in port after arrival.
o Construction Policy (Building Risk): Insures vessel while in course of construction, not for period of time.
o Floating Policy: Cargo policy that insures a number of shipments to be declared.
 Cause of Loss
o Proximate Cause:
 Immediate and effective cause of loss. Not necessarily the last event before the loss.
 Coverage exists only if the proximate cause is an insured peril.
o Remote Cause: A cause other than the proximate cause.
o Immediate Cause: Last event before the loss.
 Excluded Losses
o Wilful Misconduct: Loss/damage by wilful misconduct of Insured never recoverable, although cause may be
an insured peril (e.g., Insured deliberately set fire to own vessel).  However, other parties will not be
prejudiced by this exclusion
o  Negligence: “the omission to do something which a reasonable man would do guided by those
considerations which ordinarily regulate the conduct of human affairs, would do, or the doing something
which a prudent and reasonable man would not do”.  Loss/damage due to negligence is covered as long as
not wilful act of Insured. 
o Delay: Loss/damage caused by delay not covered unless specifically included by policy. 
o Wear & Tear: Loss/damage from wear & tear, ordinary leakage & breakage, inherent vice, and vermin not
covered unless specifically included by policy
o Injury to Machinery: Loss/damage to machinery caused by insured peril covered; caused by defect in
machinery itself not covered
o Sympathetic Damage: Damaged cargo taints other cargo; covered only if original damage from insured peril
and no intervening cause.
o Sentimental Damage: Fear of damage--not covered; cargo that has suffered a casualty will sell at a lower
price even though not damaged as buyers fear it may have been damaged.
 Re-insurance
o The International Group arranges a market reinsurance contract to help the Pool deal with claims which
exceed $80 million. This is the largest single contract in the world's marine insurance market
o Practice where an insurance company (the insurer) transfers a portion of its risks to another (the reinsurer).
Legal rights of the policyholders (insureds) are in no way affected by reinsurance, and the insurer remains
liable to the insureds for insurance policy benefits and claims
 Types of Loss:
o Total Loss:
 Actual Total Loss:
 Loss/damage to entire property (physical total loss)
 Loss/damage to entire property (physical total loss); Can occur 3 ways:
o All property is destroyed.
o Loss of Specie: All property so damaged as to cease to be a thing of the kind insured
(cement damaged by water, becoming concrete).
o Insured irretrievable deprived of all property, even though not destroyed.
 Constructive Total Loss:
 Cost to repair/replace exceeds policy limit (commercial total loss). 
 Insured may claim for a partial loss or abandon the property and claim a total loss. 
 Property must be reasonably abandoned because actual total loss appears inevitable or to
prevent total loss requires an expenditure exceeding the saved value. 
 It is a condition precedent to a claim that the Insured unconditionally abandons his interest
to the Insurer. 
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 Insurer is entitled to take over the property if desired.
o Partial Loss: Loss is less than total amount of insurance; loss/damage to some of property
 Particular Average:
 This is a partial loss or damage caused to any particular cargo or property where the
damage is suffered by a particular interest. The damage or loss should be of a particular
subject matter in which case the damage suffered cannot be partially shifted to others and
the loss would be borne by the persons directly affected by the damage to the said cargo.
 Remember that it is a partial loss hence not the entire cargo or property would be damaged
but a part of it. The damage could either be to the cargo or the ship.
 With regards the ship (hull or machinery), the damage must be caused to just a part of the
ship and not a loss of the entire ship. For instance, damage to the propellers of a ship would
be considered a particular average loss and the insured would be indemnified to tune of the
damage caused.
 Sue and Labour Clause
 A standard clause in a maritime insurance policy which allows the insured to recover from
the insurer any reasonable expenses incurred by the insured in order to minimize or avert a
loss to the insured property, for which loss the insurer would have been liable under the
 General Average
 There is a general average act when, and only when, any extraordinary sacrifice or
expenditure is intentionally and reasonably made or incurred for the common safety for the
purpose of preserving from peril the property involved in a common maritime adventure
 Double Insurance:
o 2+ policies issued on behalf of 1 insurable interest, and total sums insured exceeds indemnity (over-
o Usually, both Insurers pay for 50% of claim.
o Can occur in 2 ways:
 Purposely: Rare; sometimes a bank refuses to accept policy unless provided by particular Insurers--
another policy is required. No return of unearned premium.
 Inadvertently: Sometimes an agent will purchase coverage and principle already has coverage. Both
Insurers return 50% of unearned premium in event of loss.
 Subrogation:
o After a claim has been settled and paid, the Insurer is entitled to place himself in the position of the Insured,
to the extent of acquiring the Insured’s rights & remedies in respect of the loss. 
o This prevents Insured from collecting for his loss twice, and reduces the total cost of the claim. 
o The Insurer will sue a responsible party in the Insured’s name for the loss/damage up to the amount of the
o The Insured must not relinquish any rights that he may have against other parties.
 Running Down Clause
o Provides limited coverage for liability for damage and legal costs from collision (actual contact only) with
another ship, with a maximum indemnity of 3/4 of the insured value.
o Right of recovery restricted to liability for:
 Loss/damage to any other vessel or property on other vessel.
 Delay/loss of use of other vessel or property on other vessel.
 General Average/Salvage of other vessel or property on other vessel.
o Separate contract from marine policy; claims under clause paid in addition to those recoverable under
policy. Deductible still applies; other restrictions do not.
o No coverage under clause for loss of life/BI, loss/damage to insured vessel, removal of wreck, pollution
 Inchmaree Clause
o Protects shipowner against loss/damage directly caused by negligence of master or crew

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o Cost to replace component with latent damage not covered--resultant damaged covered.
o Extended to cover other forms of damage by listing additional perils:
o Part (a):
 Accidents in loading, discharging or shifting cargo or fuel
 Explosions on shipboard or elsewhere
 Bursting of Boilers, other pressure vessels, by insured peril
 Breakdown of or accident to nuclear installations or reactors on shipboard or elsewhere
 Latent Defect
 Negligence of master, officers, crew or pilots, repairers
o Part (b):
 Contact with aircraft
 Contact with land conveyance, dock, harbour equipment or installation
 Earthquake, volcanic eruption, lightning
 Reinsurance:
o Insurer cedes part or whole of risk insured to reinsurer.
o Purposes:
 Relieve Insurer of excessive liability in any 1 risk or location (spreads the risk, although in most cases
marine policies are on a subscription basis and each underwriter only accepts percentage of risk
 To secure foreign business through reciprocal reinsurance (rare in marine insurance).
 Insurer may reinsure for Total Loss only or Free of Particular Average only, so that he is able to
accept more business.
 Change in risk due to seasonal or political conditions.
 Limitation of Liability
o The following are some typical contracts that a ship owner undertakes and Ship owner may limit his liability
covering: -
 Contract with employees:
  undertakes that he will provide the safe plant, equipments and safe environment and
their due care, hence he would like to limit the liabilities with regards to
o Their medical expenses
o Compensations to be paid in case of injury or death
o Breaches to anything intentionally or unintentionally caused by his employees
which could land him in trouble
 Contract with flag State administration
 He registers his vessel under flag state administration, hence he undertakes the
responsibility for safe operation and compliances with relevant conventions rules and
 Hence he will like to limit his liabilities with regards to
o Any breaches caused by the ship
o Any fines imposed for non-compliance with regards to documents or violation of
rules & regulations
o Oil pollution caused in their territory
o Other expenses involved in landing people and stoways
o Expenses occurred for rendering those states service to ship and its complements
 Contract with local agents and agency
 He himself land up in this contract in order to meet local requirement at port of call. He
takes their service, which a ship requires at port of call.
 He would like to limit his liabilities with regards to
o Agency fees
o Claims by agents
o Claim arises when agent breaches the contract
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o Any dame injury caused to their personnel
Contract with salver or tug hire:
 These services are required by a ship owner during a port of call to assist their ship and
during distress when the ship loses its main propulsion plants.
 Hence he would like to limit his liabilities with regard to
o The hire rate
o Damage cause3d to the tug and their personnel
o Salver ‘s award
o Any other claims made by salver in rendering his service
 Contract with stevedores and work shops
 In case the ship requires shore personnel services then ship owner land up in these service
contract and would like to limit his liabilities with regards to
o Their hire rate
o Injury medical expenses etc.
o Damage or loss to their equipments
o Any other claims placed by them
 Contract with the cargo owner (shipper)
 He undertakes this ―contract of carriage that will carry the goods in a manner received to
the agreed destination within the agreed time frame
 During such contracts he would like to limit his liabilities with regards to
o Loss/ leakage/ damaged caused due the negligence of his employees
o Losses caused to the cargo owner due to delay
o Losses caused to the cargo owner due to delivering the cargo other than agreed
o Any other claim made by cargo owner in this regard. i.e, damage/ loss/ delay to
cargo during the duration when it was under the custody of ship owner.
 The ship owner makes contract with others such as class, charterer, pilotage, repair contract etc.
 In all the cases he will limit his liabilities. Apart from these he has to take care of himself.
o Damaged caused to his own ship
o Total or constructive total loss of his vessel
o Freight not paid
 The Average Adjuster
o When a casualty occurs, the adjuster should immediately be contacted for advice on what steps should be
taken in connection with the hull and machinery claim and also as to what needs to be done with regard to
other aspects of the casualty, e.g. salvage, collision and third party liabilities.
o It is essential that the adjuster be kept advised of developments as they occur, so that he may provide
guidance from the earliest stages of the casualty. This can greatly reduce the number of problems which
arise subsequently
o Advise owners to inform their underwriters of the casualty direct, or through their brokers, in order that
underwriters may appoint a surveyor to act on their behalf.
o Recommend the appointment of lawyers to advise interested parties on their position vis-a-vis the salvage
under Lloyd's Open Form and the salvage of containers/cargo by local dhow owners. Recommend
appointment of lawyers also regarding collision aspects
o Obtain details of quantity and type of cargo and number of bills of lading evidenced by manifest in order
that the collection of general average security can be put in hand
o Instruct agents or own offices at ports of discharge regarding collection of general average security and
arrange for formal declaration of general average if necessary
o To ensure Protection & Indemnity Association is aware of casualty and advised of its possible involvement.
o To recommend/arrange insurance on cargo whilst stored ashore.

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o Correspondence with underwriters' surveyor to confirm agreement to cause of damage and approval of
o Drawing up of adjustment detailing general average/particular average claim on hull insurers.
 FD &D
o FD&D facility was formed in response to the growing demand by shipping companies for a 'stand alone'
insurance coverage for legal services, loss prevention, claims assistance and cost containment in the area of
shipping disputes. Under the trade name 'British European & Overseas FD&D' the facility offers a classic
freight, demurrage and defence cover for a very reasonable fixed annual premium.
o Whereas P&I cover insures actual liabilities as well as the legal costs of defending such liabilities, the FD&D
cover insures ship-owners and charterers for legal and other costs incurred in establishing and defending
claims arising out of their business operations, as well as providing claims handling and general advisory
o An Owner faces a large, complex claim in London arbitration proceedings brought by a Charterer, for
example, concerning the deviation of a vessel under a time charter-party. The FD&D Cover will reimburse
the Assured for:
 Legal costs necessarily incurred
 These may include:
 The costs incurred in retaining an English law firm to represent the Assured in the
arbitration proceedings;
 The Charterer’s recoverable costs should the Assured be unsuccessful in defending the
 The costs of the arbitration proceedings.
 Other costs incurred
 These may include:
 The costs of any experts retained to provide evidence and
 The costs involved in investigating and obtaining evidence (e.g. the costs of instructing the
FD&D Facilities correspondents world-wide).

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 Protection and Indemnity insurance, or “P&I” as it isusually called, is a shipowner’s insurance cover for legal
liabilitiesto third parties.
 “Third parties” are any person, apart from the shipowner himself, who may have a legal or contractual claim against
the ship.
 P&I insurance is usually arranged by entering the ship in a mutual insurance association, usually referred to as a
 Shipowners are members of such clubs.
 Legal liability is decided in accordance with the laws of the country where an accident takes place.
 P&I insurance is an indemnity type of insurance, which means the shipowner (or member of the club) must
demonstrate his loss before the club will pay out (or indemnify him) under the terms of the insurance policy.
 It is important to bear in mind that the club never assumes the owner’s liability, therefore technically the owner (or
member) is always responsible for payments (the “pay to be paid” principle).
 In practice, the club takes over the business of handling claims and ensuring that payments are correctly made.
o Personal injury to or illness or loss of life of crew members
o Personal injury to or loss of life of stevedores
o Personal injury to or illness or loss of life of passengers and others
o Loss of personal effects
o Diversion expenses
o Life salvage
o Collision Liabilities
 One-fourth collision liability
 The English form of hull policy requires the ship's hull underwriter to pay three-fourths only
of the liability of the insured ship in respect of loss or damage to another ship or her cargo
as a result of the collision
 The remaining one-fourth of such liability is insured by the shipowners Club. This one-fourth
usually makes the Club the largest single insurance interest, and in practice the managers of
the Club will usually be asked by the hull underwriters to handle the issue of collision
liability with the other ship and her cargo on behalf of all the underwriting interests
 Other risks excluded from the Running Down Clause
 There are a number of important exclusions from the liability of the hull underwriters in the
Running Down Clause.
 For instance, wreck removal liabilities are excluded, as is consequent damage to shore side
structures or to the cargo in the insured ship herself, and pollution from and loss of life or
personal injury on board any ship is involved.
o Loss or damage to property other than cargo
o Pollution
 It is well known that there has in recent years been a huge increase in the exposure of shipowners
to liability claims in respect of pollution caused by cargoes from their vessels, in particular cargoes
of oil.
 Most such liabilities are imposed by international convention such as CLC, domestic statute such as
OPA 90 or common law, but some have been voluntarily assumed by shipowners in accordance with
schemes such as STOPIA.
 All these liabilities are insured by the Clubs, although with a limit in respect of oil pollution claims
which presently stand at US$1bn each entered ship each accident or occurrence.
 This oil pollution limit does not apply only to claims that are made directly against the entered ship
by those who suffer the oil pollution, but also embraces those which come indirectly, as, for
example, those which form part of the collision claim of another vessel.
o Towage contract liabilities

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o Liabilities under contracts and indemnities
o Wreck liabilities
o Cargo liabilities
o Cargo's proportion of general average or salvage
o Certain expenses of salvors
o Fines
o "Omnibus" cover
o The P&I cover may include liability for collisions (“RDC”), for example when the member’s ship is in collision
with another ship, or when the entered ship strikes a fixed object, i.e. a quay, dock or buoy (“FFO”).
o However, collision and striking liabilities are often included in the ship’s hull and machinery cover.
o Therefore, it is important for a Master to ascertain whether his vessel’s collision insurance (collision
between ships) and striking insurance (i.e. when a ship strikes a fixed or floating object which is not another
ship) is covered under his P&I policy or under his hull and machinery policy.
o To be safe, it is always wise for a Master to inform the P&I club, or the club correspondent, if his vessel is in
collision with another vessel or a fixed object.
 Exclusion of war risks
o The Clubs' cover does not include liabilities arising from the war risks listed in the Lloyd's Free of Capture
and Seizure Clause.
o Consequently, it is usual for shipowners to attach to their war risks hull insurance policies a special clause
giving cover for P&I risks to the extent that these may arise from such a risk and thus be excluded from the
Club insurance.
o Mutual insurance means that the members of the club are its owners and share in its results.
o Therefore, premiums are also mutual and estimated for a given policy year and finally decided when the
year is closed which is minimum (but also normally) three years later.
o Premiums are therefore referred to as “calls”.
o An Estimated Total Call is calculated for any given ship. Calls may be charged all in advance, the full
Estimated Total Call or divided into Advance and Supplementary Calls.
o The benefit of charging Estimated Total Call the first policy year is that the member may be able to fully
budget his costs.
o Before the policy year is finally closed, the club can decide to cover the claims and to charge an Additional
Supplementary Call.
o The reason why accounts are kept open is that cases continue to develop and could over time become
more, or less, expensive than initially anticipated.
o Accordingly, Estimated Total Calls could also be reduced.
o A mutualclub may wish to increase its reserves, but does not make “profits “since there are no owners other
than the members themselves.
o The club has a Board of Directors who, naturally, expect themanagers to do a best possible job. In practice,
this means providinginsurance cover and first-class service, at the lowest possible cost.
o When a shipowner requires P&I insurance for a ship, the club underwriterwill ask for information so that he
can make a risk profile of the vessel
o The underwriter is trying to understand what sort of risk or risks the vessel will represent in its current
trading pattern
o Some of the information he will require is:
 The tonnage of the ship in GT (premiums are expressed in USD per GT)
 Year of build
 Number of crew members
 Type of vessel (tanker, dry bulk, reefer, heavy-lift, container, passenger, ro-ro etc)
 Type of cargoes to be carried (if a tanker is clean or dirty)
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 Areas of trading
 Liner trade or tramp
 Classification society
 Management expertise
 Compliance with national and international legal requirements
 How many ships in the company?
 Previous P&I history
o information necessary for the underwriter to assess the risk and calculate a fair rate or premium
o The premium should represent a fair charge to cover the risk involved and to make sure that the other
members of the club do not have to subsidise or lose benefits as a result of the new entry.
o The club will often make a company audit with the management company of the ship. This is a very good
opportunity to find out how the management of the ships is carried out and will add valuable information
for the club underwriter.
o It also creates very good contact between the club and the new member which will facilitate future services
when there is a claim or when the club is assisting in loss prevention measures.
o In addition, the club will often require a survey of one or more ships in the new fleet to ensure the quality
and technical standard of the ships.
o Entry into the club is often dependent upon the ship being found satisfactory on inspection. For the club this
is positive information since it will be easier to assist if it should later be involved in a casualty.
o A P&I club will keep records for each individual ship entered with the club. These records are normally
based on the last fi ve insurance years and provide an accurate record of all payments made by the member
in the form of premiums, all monies collected by the member in the form of compensation paid to him by
the club and all other costs.
o The loss record, and more specifically the loss ratio, is often considered as a performance indicator of a
member’s account with the club
o The loss ratio will therefore only be one of the elements that form the basis of the annual renewal process,
where the P&I premiums for the coming year are fixed.
o A high level of claims, and hence a high lossratio, will indicate that premiums may need to be increased and
viceversa, but other risk measures are also used to establish the revisedpremium level.

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 OBTAINING H and M Insurance
o This insurance covers the ship and her machinery against damage and/or loss up to an agreed value of the
ship and is usually valid for one year between renewals. This policy is contracted through a broker between
the Owner and various underwriters, each one being listed at the end of the policy on a “slip” along with a
share of risk he has undertaken shown as a percentage. The underwriter who has accepted the highest
percentage of risk is known as the lead underwriter.
o Hull and machinery cover is often arranged and placed in the insurance market by a professional insurance
broker. It is quite common that the insurance cover is spread to many insurers in various countries.
o The insurers in the hull and machinery market are either companies or syndicates. The company or the
syndicate will have an underwriter who signs the policy or the slip produced by the broker for his share of
the cover. The biggest single market for marine insurance is Lloyd’s in London. Lloyd’s consists of a number
of syndicates writing shares on insurance covers.
o The company market is dominated by Norway and Scandinavia, but also insurers in USA, France, Italy, Japan
and Korea are very active in the marine market.

 Running Down Clause:

o An ocean marine hull policy clause adding legal liability coverage for damage done to another ship or its
cargo resulting from a collision with, and caused by, the insured vessel.
o Under the Institute Time Clauses (Hulls) 1983 it is agreed that if the insured vessel is to blame for a collision
with another vessel, underwriters undertake to pay three-fourths of the damage sustained by the other
vessel up to a maximum of three fourths of the value of the insured vessel mentioned in the policy.
o The clause under which underwriters agreed to pay 3/4ths of the damage, subject to the abovementioned
maximum, is called the “Running Down Clause” or “Collision Clause”. As a rule, the remaining one-fourth is
covered by the Protecting and Indemnity Association. If the “Running Down Clause” does make
underwriters liable for the full amount of damage, which may sometimes be arranged, it is known as
“4/4ths R.D.C
o The Underwriters agree to indemnify the Assured for three-fourths of any sum or sums paid by the Assured
to any other person or persons by reason of the Assured becoming legally liable by way of damages for
 loss or damage to any other vessel or property on any vessel
 delay or loss of use of any such other vessel or property thereon
 general average of, salvage of, or salvage under contract of, any such other vessel or property
thereon where such payment by the Assured is in consequence of the Vessel hereby insured coming
into collision with any other vessel
 Institute Time Clauses
o These clauses are named standard clauses which are attached to the H&M policy to form the terms and
conditions of the contract. Whilst these clauses are made by the Institute of London Underwriters, they are
generally used in a similar form throughout other insurance markets. Not all of these clauses will necessarily
apply to the vessel insured and indeed additional clauses may be drawn up. However, in general, H&M
insurance will cover damage or loss to the ship caused by;
 Perils of the sea, rivers, lakes or other navigable waters
 Fire and/or explosion
 Piracy/violent theft from persons outside vessel
 General Average (e.g. jettison of cargo)
 Contact with jetty, pier or other shore installation
 Earthquakes, volcanic eruption or lightning
 Defects of machinery
 Negligence of Master and/or Crew
 Barratry by Master and/or Crew
 Collision (usually 3/4ths liability)
 Heavy Weather
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 Stranding

 Insurer is not liable for loss in following

o Breach of contract ,Warranties& Fundamentals of insurance
o Any loss due to willful misconduct / want of due diligence by assured.
o Ordinary wear and tear, ordinary leakage and breakage, inherent vice or nature of the subject matter
o Damage to subject matter not proximately caused by maritime perils.
o Any loss proximately caused by rats or vermin.
o The insurer on ship or goods is not liable for any loss proximately caused by delay, although the delay is
caused by a peril insured against.
o Insolvency or Financial default of the owner.
o Claims not made in stipulated time window say within 180 days.
 Exclusion in insurance – Common but covered by additional cover
o War & Strike, capture, seizure, detention, arrest, riots, & etc.- ALL
o Terrorist ,Political& Malicious acts - All
o Radioactive, Chemical, Biological, Biochemical, Electromagnetic weapon damages. - All
o Third party liabilities including oil pollution, which arise in connection with the operation of a vessel- By P&I
o Bursting of boiler, breakage of shafts, latent defects, Incompetency- Hulls

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 Risk clause C
o Fire or explosion
o grounding/stranding
o over turning/derailment
o Collision with vessel/craft or any object
o Discharge at port of distress
o Earth quake/volcanic eruption
o GA sacrifice
o Washing overboard/jettison
 Risk clause- B
o (+C)
o Entry of sea water
o Total loss of any cargo during loading/discharging
 Risk clause- A
o (+B+C)
o loss/damage due to GA as well as Salvage charges covered
o Both to blame collision” clauses: - any liability that may arise fromthe carrier, in respect of this clause in the
contract of affreightment willbe indemnified. Insurer also agrees to defend the cargo owner againstany
claim from the carrier.

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• It depends on mainly two things.
• First is How the ship is financed. If financed by loan, then it will depend on
 Size of loan
 Source of loan
 Interest rate
 Terms of loan
 Final price of the ship will be; Final Price= Cash price + Interests= Cash price+ n*Installments
• Second capital cost is
 Depreciation- Deprecation refers to two very different but related concepts. First is decline in value
of assets and Second is allocation of the cost of tangible assets to periods in which the assets are
 Depreciation cost depends on
o Cost of asset
o Expected salvage value of asset
o Estimated useful life of asset
o A method of apportioning the cost over such life

• It consists of the following
 Crew Cost: - Crew cost includes direct and indirect costs.
o Direct cost includes
• Wage cost
• Travel cost
• On Board victualing
• Training
• Union fee
o Indirect cost includes
 Recruitment/ Selection of process
 Medical test
 Social dues
 Communication/ Bank charges
 Crew accident insurance payment
 Sick pay
 Port expenses
 Agency fee
o Total crew cost depends on
 Size of crew
 Employment policy of owner/ Operator
 Ships flag
 Repair andMaintenance: - It consists of
o Routine maintenance- Maintenance of engine and equipment, Painting etc
o Break downs-- Mechanical failures resolved in repair yards (Loss of trading time)
o Spares, replacement parts cost
o Periodic Maintenance- In repair yards/ Dry dock to maintain seaworthiness(Class) and
obtain certification (for insurance)

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o Regular maintenance leads to less breakdowns. This cost increases with ships age and in
average accumulates for 14% of operating cost.
 Insurance: - It varies from ship to ship. This we know in details
o 2/3 H&M (obtained from Marine insurance company)
o 1/3 Third party liability (Obtained from P&I club)
 Administration-
o Shore based administration and management charges
o Communication cost
o Agents in ports
o Flag state fee

o It basically comprises of following
 Fuel Cost- It depends on
o Fuel Price
o Engine Power and efficiency-- Only 23% of energy consumed is applied to propelling the
vessel. Rest is lost for cooling the engine, lost as exhaust emission, lost at the propeller &
Hull friction.
o Design and state of Hull
o Ships speed
 Port charges: - Fees for the use of facilities and services provided by the port.
o Port dues - General use of port facilities. It depends on
 Volume of cargo
 weight of cargo
 Gross Tonnage
 Net Tonnage
o Service charges include
 Pilotage
 Towage
 Cargo handling
o Canal Charges
 Suez Canal: - Charges are calculated in terms of the Suez Canal net ton.
 Panama Canal- Flat rate per Panama Canal net ton is used.
• Chief engineer role of optimizing the costs incurred in a ship operation basically plays a important role in
reducing the Operating cost by maintaining the engine efficiency and maintenance of all equipment so that
there is no trading time loss.
• He can also optimize the voyage cost by running the engines on economical speed.

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o The convention entered into force on 20 August 2013, one year after registering 30 ratifications of countries
representing over 33 per cent of the world gross tonnage of ships
o India acceded 9 Oct 2015, will enter into force on 9 Oct 2016.
o It contains seafarers' rights to decent conditions of work and creates conditions of fair competition for
shipowners. It will be globally applicable, easily understandable, and up to date and uniformly enforced and
become the global 4th pillar of the international regulatory regime for quality shipping, alongside SOLAS,
o Consists of 16 articles and 5 titles
o The MLC comprises three sections:
 Articles: setting out broad principles and obligations followed by
 Regulations and a Code: relating to areas of seafarers working and living conditions, inspection and
 The Regulations, are complemented by a more detailed Code: Part A Standards and Part B
 The provisions are all arranged by subject thus a title comprises Regulations, then the Standard and
finally the Guidelines.
o The Articles contain:
 general statements of principles, obligations and rights with specific details within the Regulations
and Code;
 provisions relating to legal aspects of operation and application such as definitions, amendments
and entry into force and establishment of the Special Tripartite Committee.
 Why was a new Convention needed?
o Seafarers have not always worked under acceptable conditions, affecting their health and safety, well-being,
and safety of board ships.
o  Since their working lives are spent outside the home country and their employers are also often abroad,
effective international standards are necessary. 
o Standards must be implemented nationally, particularly by governments with a ship registry authorizing
ships to fly their flag (flag States). This is used to ensure safety and security of ships and protecting the
marine environment.
o Many flag States and shipowners actively provide their seafarers with decent conditions of work but face
unfair competition by being undercut by shipowners operating substandard ships. 
o ILO was asked to develop an instrument consolidating most of its existing instruments to make them more
relevant to all stakeholders needs.
o The plethora of existing maritime Conventions were very detailed, difficult for governments to ratify and
enforce, out dated and did not reflect contemporary working and living conditions on board ships. 
o Many were poorly ratified and there was a need for more effective enforcement and compliance to
eliminate substandard ships to work within the established IMO enforcement system of international
standards. The MLC specifically addresses these concerns and protects seafarers through national level
o To ensure comprehensive worldwide protection of the rights of seafarer’s rights;
o To establish a level playing field for countries and shipowners committed to providing decent working and
living conditions for seafarers, protecting them from unfair competition from substandard ships.
o This tries to ensure a level playing field for ships of ratifying countries not to be competitively disadvantaged
by ships from non- ratifying countries. Although it could apply in various situations, it primarily relates to
port State control, for ships flying a foreign flag and calling at a port of a ratifying country.

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o Regulation 1.1 – Minimum age
 The employment, engagement or work on board a ship of any person under the age of 16 shall be
 Night work of seafarers under the age of 18 shall be prohibited. For the purposes of this Standard,
“night” shall be defined in accordance with national law and practice. It shall cover a period of at
least nine hours starting no later than midnight and ending no earlier than 5 a.m.
 An exception to strict compliance with the night work restriction may be made by the competent
authority when
 the effective training of the seafarers concerned, in accordance with established
programmes and schedules, would be impaired; or
 the specific nature of the duty or a recognized training programme requires that the
seafarers covered by the exception perform duties at night and the authority determines,
after consultation with the shipowner’s and seafarers’ organizations concerned, that the
work will not be detrimental to their health or well-being
o Regulation 1.2 – Medical certificate
 Seafarers shall not work on a ship unless they are certified as medically fit to perform their duties
 The competent authority shall require that, prior to beginning work on a ship, seafarers hold a valid
medical certificate attesting that they are medically fit to perform the duties they are to carry out at
 The medical certificate shall be issued by a duly qualified medical practitioner or, in the case of a
certificate solely concerning eyesight, by a person recognized by the competent authority as
qualified to issue such a certificate
o Regulation 1.3 – Training and qualifications
 Seafarers shall not be permitted to work on a ship unless they have successfully completed training
for personal safety on board ship
o Regulation 1.4 – Recruitment and placement
 Each Member that operates a public seafarer recruitment and placement service shall ensure that
the service is operated in an orderly manner that protects and promotes seafarers’ employment
rights as provided in this Convention
o Regulation 2.1 – Seafarers’ employment agreements
 The terms and conditions for employment of a seafarer shall be set out or referred to in a clear
written legally enforceable agreement and shall be consistent with the standards set out in the
 Seafarers’ employment agreements shall in all cases contain
 the seafarer’s full name, date of birth or age, and birthplace;
 the shipowner’s name and address;
 the place where and date when the seafarers’ employment agreement is entered into;
 the capacity in which the seafarer is to be employed;
 the amount of the seafarer’s wages or, where applicable, the formula used for calculating
 the amount of paid annual leave or, where applicable, the formula used for calculating it;
 the termination of the agreement and the conditions thereof, including:
o if the agreement has been made for an indefinite period, the conditions entitling
either party to terminate it, as well as the required notice period, which shall not be
less for the shipowner than for the seafarer;
o if the agreement has been made for a definite period, the date fixed for its expiry;
o if the agreement has been made for a voyage, the port of destination and the time
which has to expire after arrival before the seafarer should be discharged;

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 the health and social security protection benefits to be provided to the seafarer by the
 the seafarer’s entitlement to repatriation;
 reference to the collective bargaining agreement, if applicable; and
 any other particulars which national law may require
o Regulation 2.2 – Wages
 Seafarers shall be given a monthly account of the payments due and the amounts paid, including
wages, additional payments and the rate of exchange used where payment has been made in a
currency or at a rate different from the one agreed to.
o Regulation 2.3 – Hours of work and hours of rest
 The limits on hours of work or rest shall be as follows
 maximum hours of work shall not exceed:
o 14 hours in any 24-hour period; and
o 72 hours in any seven-day period
 minimum hours of rest shall not be less than
o 10 hours in any 24-hour period; and
o 77 hours in any seven-day period
 Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods, one of which shall be at least six hours
in length, and the interval between consecutive periods of rest shall not exceed 14 hours
o Regulation 2.4 – Entitlement to leave
 Seafarers shall be granted shore leave to benefit their health and well-being and consistent with the
operational requirements of their positions
o Regulation 2.5 – Repatriation
o Regulation 2.6 – Seafarer compensation for the ship’s loss or foundering
o Regulation 2.7 – Manning levels
 Each Member shall require that all ships that fly its flag have a sufficientnumber of seafarers on
board to ensure that ships are operated safely, efficiently andwith due regard to security. Every ship
shall be manned by a crew that is adequate, interms of size and qualifications, to ensure the safety
and security of the ship and its personnel, under all operating conditions, in accordance with the
minimum safe manningdocument or an equivalent issued by the competent authority, and to
comply with thestandards of this Convention.
 When determining, approving or revising manning levels, the competent authority shall take into
account the need to avoid or minimize excessive hours of work to ensure sufficient rest and to limit
o Regulation 2.8 – Career and skill development and opportunities for seafarers’ employment
o Regulation 3.1 – Accommodation and recreational facilities
o Regulation 3.2 – Food and catering
o Regulation 4.1 – Medical care on board ship and ashore
o Regulation 4.2 – Shipowners’ liability
 To ensure that seafarers are protected from the financial consequences of sickness, injury or death
occurring in connection with their employment
o Regulation 4.3 – Health and safety protection and accident prevention
o Regulation 4.4 – Access to shore-based welfare facilities
o Regulation 4.5 – Social security
 To ensure that measures are taken with a view to providing seafarers withaccess to social security
 The following list shows the different areas that you need to consider whenchecking what you’re
covered for:
 Medical care
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 Sickness benefit
 Unemployment benefit
 Old-age benefit
 Employment injury benefit
 Family benefit
 Maternity benefit
 Invalidity benefit
 Survivors’ benefit
 The MLC aims to encourage wider social security protection for seafarers. States signing up to the
Convention have to provide at least three from the above list, the three recommended areas are:
medical care, sickness benefit and employment injury benefit.
 In the event of any dispute over social security provisions, there has to be a fair and effective
settlement procedure


o Regulation 5.1 – Flag State responsibilities
o Regulation 5.2 – Port State responsibilities
o Regulation 5.3 – Labour-supplying responsibilities


o Ships of 500 gross tonnages and above are required to carry and maintain a Maritime Labour Certificate and
a Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance (DMLC)
o The ‘Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance’ (DMLC-Part I) form is to be filled in by the attending
 identifies the topics for inspection
 lists the relevant pieces of legislation putting the Maritime Labour Convention 2006 (MLC) in place
 lists any ‘Substantial Equivalents’ and exemptions that have been granted
o The second part of the ‘Maritime Labour Certificate’, this form (also known as DMLC-Part II) is to be filled in
by by the ship owner.
o The surveyor must confirm that it’s genuine when the first inspection is finished.
o DMLC-Part II:
 outlines what the shipowner needs to do to meet the national requirements
 shows the measures suggested to make sure that improvement continues
 must be written in clear terms
 is designed to help everyone involved to easily check that the requirements are being put in place
o A comprehensive set of basic maritime labour principles and rights
o Simplification of international requirements
o A strong enforcement regime, backed by a certification system
o Verifiable compliance with basic minimum employment and social requirements
o Application to all ships including those of non-ratifying Members
o Improved working and living conditions for seafarers
o A more secure and responsible maritime workforce
o A more socially responsible shipping industry
o Improved social dialogue at all levels
o Seafarers better informed of their rights and remedies
o Improved supervision at all levels: the ship, the company, the flag state, the port state, and the ILO
o Global and uniform compliance and verification
o Improved possibilities of keeping labour conditions up to date
o Permanent review of maritime labour situation
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o Positive impact on safety at sea
o Positive impact on the protection of the environment
o A comprehensive set of
o basic maritime labour principles and rights
o Simplification of international requirements
o A strong enforcement regime, backed by a certification system
o Verifiable compliance with basic minimum employment and social requirements
o Application to all ships including those of non-ratifying Members
o Improved working and living conditions for seafarers
o A more secure and responsible maritime workforce
o A more socially responsible shipping industry
o Improved social dialogue at all levels
o Seafarers better informed of their rights and remedies
o Improved supervision at all levels: the ship, the company, the flag state, the port state, and the ILO
o Global and uniform compliance and verification
o Improved possibilities of keeping labour conditions up to date
o Permanent review of maritime labour situation
o Positive impact on safety at sea
o Positive impact on the protection of the environment
o A more level playing field to help ensure fair competition and to marginalize substandard operations
o Will benefit from a system of certification, including a certification system possible for ships less than 500
GT, if the Shipowner so requests
o A more socially responsible shipping industry
o A better protected and more efficient workforce
o Help ensure that ships are operated safely and securely with few problems and few delays in ports
o New Convention contains minimum standards that are well within the current industry practice and should
easily be met by most shipowners
o A comprehensive set of basic maritime labour principles and rights as well as ILO fundamental rights
o Convention spells out in one place and clear language seafarers’ basic employment rights
o Seafarers better informed of their rights and of remedies available
o Improved enforcement of minimum working and living conditions
o Right to make complaints both on board and ashore
o Clear identification of who is the shipowner with overall responsibility, for the purposes of this Convention
o Occupational safety and health is generally defined as the science of the anticipation, recognition,
evaluation and control of hazards arising in, or from, the workplace that could impair the safety, health and
well-being of workers.
o This includes the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-
being of workers in all occupations.
o It also takes into account the possible impact on the surrounding communities and the general
o The central focus of OSH is to assess and manage occupational risks through the application of preventive
and protective measures.
o The maritime working environment comprises the physical, ergonomic, chemical, biological, psychological
and social elements which could lead to occupational accidents, injuries and diseases.
o Seafarers face demanding working conditions, isolation, long hours of work, rigid organizational structures
and high levels of stress and fatigue.

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o They must also learn to communicate with others in multinational crews.
o Alcohol and drug abuse, violence and harassment, and infectious diseases are further potential problems.
o International labour standards, national laws, codes of practice and other specialized guidance documents
provide information on the types of hazards that may be encountered on ships and the relevant preventive
and protective measures to help ensure that the working and living environment for seafarers is as safe and
healthy as possible.
o Certain occupational exposures are diffuse and of low intensity, and may be the origin of certain diseases
that may appear years after the end of exposure.
o Seafarers must be physically and mentally healthy to be able to work safely and productively.
o The essential purpose of OSH is to prevent occupational accidents, injuries and diseases by managing
occupational hazards and risks.
o Procedures for hazard identification and risk assessment have to be conducted to identify what could cause
harm to seafarers and property and the environment, especially the working environment, so that
appropriate preventive and protective measures can be developed and implemented.
o OSH management systems may provide a means for assessing and improving seafarers’ safety and health
through the management of occupational hazards and risks.
o They can bebased on the principle of the “plan-do-check-act” (PDCA) approach, designed to continuously
monitor performance.
 Plan involves the setting of an OSH policy, including the allocation of resources, acquisition of skills
and organization of the system, and hazard identification and risk assessment
 Do refers to the actual implementation and operation of the OSH programme.
 Check means measuring both the active and reactive performance of the programme
 Act closes the cycle with a review of the system for the purposes of continual improvement and
priming of the system for the next cycle.
o Occupational risk-assessment processes are essential to OSH laws, regulations and other guidance whose
ultimate objective is to protect the safety and health of workers.
o To ensure continuous improvement in safety, the competent authority should ensure that shipowners
develop OSH management systems and risk-assessment procedures to provide a safe occupational
environment for seafarers on ships that fly their flag
o Research should be undertaken to identify trends and hazards in order to create a basis for measures to
promote OSH protection and prevention of accidents, injuries and diseases.
o Shipowners should ensure that masters have adequate support to carry out their responsibility for OSH
management while on board effectively
o Establishing a safety culture with high standards for OSH on board ship requires planning and organization
and the cooperation and support of management and seafarers
o The competent authority should ensure that shipowners:
 consult with seafarers and, where appropriate, the representative seafarers’ organizations, on the
drafting and implementation of OSH policies;
 establish safety committees as required by the competent authority
 establish systems to conduct on-board investigations into occupational accidents, injuries and,
where applicable, diseases, and provide reports to the competent authority;
o Guidance to shipowners on the implementation of OSH policies and programmes may include the following:
 that they ensure the design of the workplace on board takes into account prevention principles and
technical progress in the industry, and conforms to relevant international and national laws,
regulations, standards or codes of practice
 that they ensure the members of the safety committee:
 have access to the lists and descriptions of occurrences that are required to be reported and
the information required to be included in reports of occupational accidents, incidents and
diseases on board ship and all relevant ship reports

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 have access to the information on hazards or potential hazards which are known to the
shipowner and master, and to all relevant publications by the IMO, the ILO and other
international organizations;
 are given opportunities during their working hours to acquire the necessary knowledge or
training on safety and health issues;
o The ship’s master should ensure that
 the shipowner’s OSH policy and programme is implemented on board ship and clearly
communicated to all crew;
 a positive safety culture exists on the ship, including reasonable precautions and continuous safety
improvement to prevent occupational accidents, injuries and diseases on board ship;
 seafarers are encouraged to participate actively and express their views on safe and healthy
working conditions and risk assessments, without fear of dismissal or other prejudicial measures;
 work is planned, carried out and supervised so as to minimize the possibility of accidents, injuries or
 seafarers are assigned only to work to which they are suited by age, state of health and skills, and
no seafarer under the age of 18 is assigned inappropriate duties;
 appropriate notices and instructions are issued in a clear and easily understood manner, in a
language or languages verified to be understood by the entire crew;
 safety equipment, including all emergency and protective equipment, is maintained in good order
and stowed properly
 all statutory drills and musters are conducted realistically, effectively and conscientiously at the
required intervals and comply with any applicable rules and regulations;
 practice and training is given in emergency procedures and special emergency equipment usage is
demonstrated to the crew at regular intervals;
 operating manuals, vessel plans, national laws and regulations, safety procedures and so on are
available to seafarers requiring such information to conduct their work safely
 one or more safety representatives are appointed or elected, and regular meetings of the safety
committee are held on board a ship on which there are five or more seafarers.
o Seafarers should:
 actively participate in promoting a safety culture and express their views on safe and healthy
working conditions and risk assessments;
 participate in OSH meetings and do everything possible to maintain both their own safety and
health and those of other persons on board
 properly use the preventive principles and utilize available PPE and clothing as instructed and
otherwise when appropriate
 use only machinery that is properly guarded and not render the guards inoperative;
 have the right to remove themselves from dangerous situations or operations when they have good
reason to believe that there is an imminent and serious danger to their safety and health.
 Cultural Differences:

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 every running machine has a tendency to vibrate because of several moving parts incorporated within it.
 When in motion, the machine will have an oscillatory motion around an equilibrium point.
 The natural frequency of vibration is always present in marine engines, but the effect can be dangerous when the
vibration frequency reaches high levels. This happenswhen the natural frequency of vibration from an external
source integrates with the engine vibration or when there are out-of-balance forces generated inside the engine
which create 1st and 2nd order movements.
 Such effects can result in severe damage to the marine engine’s internal moving parts, cracks in the structure,
loosening of bolts and securing and damage to bearings. 

 Dampers:
o dampers are used to damp or reduce the frequency of oscillation of the vibrating components of the
machine by absorbing a part of energy evolved during vibration
o Axial vibrations: When the crankthrow is loaded by the gas force through the connecting rod mechanism,
the arms of the crank throw deflect in the axial direction of the crankshaft, exciting axial vibrations which,
through the thrust bearing, may be transferred to the ship’s hull
o Torsional vibration: The varying gas pressure in the cylinders during the working cycle and the
crankshaft/connecting rod mechanism create a varying torque in the crankshaft
o Axial Damper: 
 The Axial damper is fitted on the crankshaft of the engine to dampen the shaft generated axial
vibration i.e. oscillation of the shaft in forward and aft directions, parallel to the shaft horizontal

 It consists of a damping flange integrated to the crankshaft and placed near the last main bearing
girder, inside a cylindrical casing. The casing is filled with system oil on both side of flanges supplied
via small orifice. This oil provides the damping effect.
 When the crankshaft vibrates axially, the oil in the sides of damping flange circulates inside the
casing through a throttling valve provided from one side of the flange to the other, which gives a
damping effect.

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o Torsional Damper: 
 It is a twisting phenomenon in the crankshaft which spreads from one end to other due to uneven
torque pulses coming from different units ‘pistons.
 consist of an inertia ring added to the crankshaft enclosed in a thin layer of highly viscous fluid like
 The inertia ring is free to rotate and applies a lagging torque on the crankshaft due to its lagging
torsional motion.
 When the crankshaft rotates, the inertia ring tends to move in radial direction but the counter effect
is provided by the silicon fluid damping the vibration
 De-tuners
o De-tuners are used to alter the frequency of the vibrating machinery reducing the vibration of the engine
o Guide force moments: When the piston is not exactly in its top or bottom position, the gas force,
transferred through the connecting rod, will have a component acting on the crankshaft perpendicular to
the axis of the cylinder. Its resultant is acting on the guide shoe and, together, they form a guide force
o Side Bracing:
 Normally fitted on the top of the engine which increases the stiffness and raises the natural
frequency beyond the working range
o Flexible Coupling: 
 If the engine has a Power turbine connected to its crankshaft via a reduction gear, then flexible
coupling is used to compensate for the vibration occurring during motion transfer. The Flexible
elements are mainly spring or special material rubber for de tuning the vibration.
 Compensators:
o compensator comprises two counter-rotating masses running at the same speed as the main engine
o The external moments are known as the 1st, order moments (acting in both the vertical and horizontal
directions) and 2nd order moments (acting in the vertical direction only, because they originate solely in the
inertia forces on the reciprocating masses.
o The counterweights on the chain wheel produce a centrifugal force which creates a moment, the size of
which is found by multiplying the force by the distance to the node.

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 PSC:
o Port State control is a system of harmonized inspection procedures designed to target sub-standards ships
with the main objective being their eventual elimination.
o A port State control authority undertakes inspections to satisfy itself that the foreign ships visiting its ports
meet the required international standards laid down in the conventions, and to check on the actual
condition of specific ships whose ability to meet those standards is in doubt.
o Ships trade internationally and have to call at various ports all over the world. many ships may not call at
any of their home ports for a considerable period and it is possible that during a certain period of time
Ship's Certificates may not have been renewed or maintenance in general has suffered due to various
reasons. Therefore, it is imperative that ships must be inspected at various ports to ensure compliance with
rule requirements as regards safety, maintenance, manning, etc. This control is termed as Port State Control
o Flag State Inspection
o The flag State of a commercial vessel is the State, under whose laws, the vessel is registered
o The flag State has the authority and responsibility to enforce regulations over vessels registered under its
flag, including those relating to inspection, certification, and of issuance of safety and pollution prevention
o The Country of registration is termed as the 'Flag State'.
o It is the duty of the Flag State to ensure that a vessel entitled to fly its flag is safely constructed, equipped
and subsequently properly maintained & manned as per relevant regulations based on International
Conventions developed by International Maritime Organization.
o For this purpose, the Flag state carries out surveys & Inspections on the vessels under its Registry for issue
of various statutory Certificates.
o These Certificates are mandatory for the vessels, intended trading

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 Requirements of CO2 Flooding System
o Discharge requirement is, at least 50% of CO2 discharge to be carried out in 1 minute and at least 85%
discharge in 2 minutes.
o Capacity of CO2 in the system to be,
 30% of the gross volume of the largest protected cargo space,
 40% of the gross volume of machinery space excluding engine casings,
 35% of the gross volume of machinery space including engine casings for vessels GT < 20000.
 Total amount of CO2 cylinders depends on the highest gross volume out of above 1,2,3 in a
particular ship.
o Safety procedures must be there against unauthorized use of the system.
o Machinery space to be fitted with audio-visual alarm and ventilation blower trip.
o Alarm must trigger well before operation of CO2 flooding system.
o Permanent piping arrangements should be made.
o Manifold, distribution piping to be pressure tested. See Pressure Testing of CO2 Flooding System below.
o Diameter of associated pipe lines in the system should not be less than 20 mm.
o Copper and flexible pipes are allowed between CO2 cylinder and common manifold.
o Distribution pipes to cargo spaces should not pass through engine room.
o All stop valves to be checked every month to ensure their working and position.
o The CO2 flooding system installation to be checked monthly for any leakages.
o All control valves to be tested annually
 Maintenance of CO2 Flooding System
o Fixed carbon dioxide fire extinguishing systems should be kept in good working order and readily available
for immediate use. Maintenance and inspections should be carried out in accordance with the ship’s
maintenance plan having due regard to ensuring the reliability of the system. The on board maintenance
plan should be included in the ship’s safety management system and should be based on the system
manufacturer’s recommendations.
o Monthly

 General visual inspection of the overall system for signs of damage

 Alarms, Machinery trips, Door alarm, Quick closing valves, Flaps, Skylights, Ventilation fan trips to be

o Yearly

 General inspection of the installation, pipe lines to be checked.

o 2 Yearly

 1+

 Verify CO2 contents by mechanical advantage lever, ultrasonic liquid level measurement or
radioactive liquid level measurement. Equipment for measuring CO2 content must be available on
board ships. A maximum reduction of 5% in CO2 content may be allowed provided total CO2
quantity on board is not less than the required amount.

 Blow through the system with 6-7 bar air with plastic air bags at the nozzle ends.

o 5 Yearly

 1+2+

 The servo cylinders and any remote controlled stop valves to be tested by opening one pilot
cylinder. The main CO2 bottles must be uncoupled for this purpose.

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 Spring loaded relief valves to be checked and pressure tested at 180 bar.

 Checking of HP alarms which operate with gas pressure.

 Section of CO2 which can be shut off must be tested with air at 25 bar.

o 10 Yearly

 1+2+5+

 CO2 bottles to be inspected internally. Siphon tube or dip tube to be checked. Cylinders to be
pressure tested at 250 bar. If permanent change in volume is observed, those cylinders to be
discarded. After 20 years of installation of CO2 flooding system, these tests to be carried out every 5
years thereafter

 Pipe line Pressure Testing (as prescribed by manufacturer)

o 15 yearly and 5 year thereafter

 1+5+

 Pressure test HP pipes, stop valves to engine room, pump room, purifier room,etc. at 190 bar
(hydraulic), medium pressure pipes at 80 bar (hydraulic) and low pressure pipes at 7 bar air.

 After hydraulic pressure testing, lines to be blown through by dry air.

 Pressure Testing of CO2 Flooding System

Pipe Section Area Material Test

Low Pressure Section Branch Pipe to Nozzles Galvanized Seamless 7 Bar Air Blowing Test
Manganese Steel
Medium Pressure Section Master Valve to Main Pipe Galvanized Seamless 80 Bar Pressure Test
Branches Manganese Steel
High Pressure Section CO2 Cylinder to Master Galvanized Seamless 190 Bar Pressure Test
Valve Manganese Steel
Pilot Control Line Control Lines Copper Tube 58 Bar Pressure Test

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 Why Multiple Loadline?
o Many ports and terminals impose a deadweight restriction on visiting ships, and they ensure that this is not
breached by requiring the marking of a set of load lines with the Summer mark indicating the draught for a
deadweight below the restriction limit.
o Where the restriction is 25, 000 dwt, for example, the Summer load line will usually be marked at the
draught for 24, 999 dwt; for a restriction of 50, 000 dwt, the Summer load line will be at 49, 999 dwt. Some
ships have several sets of marks, with a Load Line Certificate issued by the classification society for each set.
None of these additional sets of load line marks may be higher, however, than the set required for the
minimum freeboard assigned under the International Load Line Rules. The Rules only allow one set to be in
use at any one time, so that a ship may arrive at a port using one set, but sail using another. Any marks not
actually in use should be painted out to hide them.
o Whenever the owner desires to change from one assigned freeboard to another, the master shall verify the
 Only one loadline certificate is in use at any given time. Other Loadline certificate(s) is/are kept in a
sealed envelope and kept under the safe custody of the master.
 Only one set of marks associated with the Loadline certificate in use, (i.e., is actually “painted in”
and visible at any given time). Other Loadline marks are obliterated or painted out with the same
colour as its background.
 The new summer freeboard on each side shall be physically measured each time, and recorded in
the “Multiple Load Line Assignment Booklet” along with other relevant details, duly endorsed by the

 The company is informed to update the office copy of “Multiple Load Line Assignment Booklet”, in
accordance with the procedure contained in the safety management system (SMS).
 An official entry is made in the ship’s log book about the change in loadline marking

 Balanced Rudder
 In balanced rudders, (which spade rudders generally are) the rudder stock is at such a
position such that 40 percent of the rudder area is forward of the stock and the remaining is
aft of it.
 Unbalanced Rudders
 rudders have their stocks attached at the forward most point of their span.
 Semi- Balanced Rudder:
 A rudder with a small part of its area, less than 20%, forward of the turning axis.
 Aspect Ratio = (Depth of Rudder / Width of Rudder)
 its value is generally 2.
 High aspect ratio is used in large vessels, where depth is not a constraint.
 Higher aspect ratio reduces the astern torque considerably.
o Detecting ingress of water into rudder
 If we find some wet area in the rudder platet, it is likely that cracks have occurred in the rudder
plate and sea water has ingressed.
 If we strike the rudder plate with a test hammer, we can detect the ingress of water from the
sound. In large ships, the rudder is high above the dock floor; if we cannot strike it with a test
hammer, pick up a stone or something in the dry dock and throw it agsinst the rudder. We can find
the ingress of water from the sound made by the stone hitting the rudder.

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o Pintle clearance

 For a ship in service, Maximum allowable clearances between pintle and bush is 6 mm.
 IF the actual clearance exceeeds 6mm, the bush should be renewed
o Stages In Dry-docking
 Pre- docking preparations
 Job list with priority
 Scope of jobs
 Job schedule
 Survey & certifications –statutory, COC,CSM ,CSH & ESP
 New regulation requirement & modifications
 Inventory
 Requisition
 Special tools
 Precision instruments
 Dry dock meeting with officers & crew
 While Docking Precautions.
 Change over to DO
 Keep ready tanks to be cleaned
 Sufficient care w.r.t Critical Period
 At Dry Dock Execution
 Proceed as per plan
 Time Schedule, Budget – not crossed
 Priority job & Max no. of jobs in qualitative manner
 Un-Docking precautions
 Ensure all drain plugs are in place secured & cemented
 Oil level in stern tube tanks
 All shore connections are removed & meter reading if any
 Tank soundings
 When S.W level cover the sea chest, sea v/vs → open all sea v/vs → check leak
 Purge the air fm. all C.S.W P/P, run the P/Ps 'n' check the pressure
 Cut-out the shore power supply Start the ship gen.
 Record the time 'n' KW-hr. meter unit
 Check all leakage 'n' abnormalities, all repair jobs, etc. must be corrected B4 leaving from
 Take M/E C/S deflection 'n' compare è previous record
 Prepare M/E
 Take All Tank sounding 'n' record
 Prepare for docking-report
 5.Post Dock checks
 Water leaks from Sea water Interface Items
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 Oil leak from Shaft.
 Specific work related condition
o Plans, Drawings & procedures
 Docking plan
 Shell expansion plan
 Propeller extraction file
 Tail shaft extraction file
 Anode locations
 Overboard valve details
o Documents
 Job list with priority
 Scope of jobs
 Job schedule
 Survey & certifications
 Previous Measurements
 Hull coating reports
o Dry dock Measurements
 Hull Plate gauging
 Paint thickness measurement
 Deflection before & after dry dock
 Tank soundings before & after DD
 Propeller drop
 remove rope guard
 Take-out check-plug (oiling hole) 'n' drain plug.
 turn the Tail shaft until the '0' mark on simplex seal 'n' T/S coincide Or #1 unit @TDC
 Measure @ plug (Top & bottom) thro' 180°C by wear down gauge.
 compare the last record measurement (every D/D)
 Records are kept in wear down gauge box.
 Rudder jumping & pintle bearing
o Dry dock Inspection
 Condition of underwater hull up to load water line i.e., bottomand side shell for damages, shell-
opening edges for wasted andcorners for possible cracks
 Rudder for damage and leakage, drain plugs to be opened to find evidence of leakage, locate the
leak by air/hydro-test, repair and retest, rudder bearing condition including pintles, lock nut
tightness and pintle clearance and smoothness of rudder movements to ascertain if rudder is
required to be removed for necessary repairs. Rudder trunk and stern frame for general condition
and possible damages/cracks.
 Condition of oil seals for stern glands, rope guards, extent of shaft drop and condition of propeller
blades, condition of storm valves, sea tubes, sea inlet and outlet tubes and valves
 Condition of sea chest gratings, compressed air/steam pipecondition should be checked and
condition of sacrificial anodes insea chests should be checked.
 Condition of forward part of the vessel for chaffing with chains/damages with anchors including
those on bulbous should be verified.
 Condition of bilge keel for damages, possible cracks in way of bilge keel butts and anodes should be
 Chain cables if ranged and anchors if lowered should be examined.
 If docking coincides with the special survey (i.e. within 15 months of due date of Special Survey) the
following SS items normally examined in dry dock should be surveyed and credited towards special
 Shell plating and TM (thickness measurement) of bottom shell if required.

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 Anchors & chains including calibration of cables.
 Chain lockers.
 Scuppers, sanitary discharges and valves
 Check the; last anchor chain report and accordingly prepare for anchor and anchor chain inspection


o Definition as per SOLAS Chapter IX:

 Bulk carrier means a ship which is constructed generally with single deck, top-side tanks and
hopperside tanks in cargo spaces, and is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, and includes
such types asore carriers and combination carriers
o Definition as per SOLAS Chapter XII
 Bulk carrier means a ship which is intended primarily to carry dry cargo in bulk, including such types
as ore carriers and combination carriers
o Damage stability requirements
 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, designed to carry solid
bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after 1 July 1999 shall,
when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all
loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium
 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of double-side skin construction in which any part of
longitudinal bulkhead is located within B/5 or 11.5 m, whichever is less, inboard from the ship.s side
at right angle to the centreline at the assigned summer load line, designed to carry solid bulk
cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after 1 July 2006 shall, when
loaded to the summer loadline, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all loading
conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium
 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single-side skin construction, carrying solid bulk
cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, constructed before 1 July 1999 shall, when
loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all
loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium
 The permeability of a loaded hold shall be assumed as 0.9 and the permeability of an empty hold
shall be assumed as 0.95,
 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards shall be fitted with a loading instrument capable of
providing information on hull girder shear forces and bending moments
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o Bulk carriers shall be fitted with water level detectors
 in each cargo hold, giving audible and visual alarms, one when the water level above the
innerbottom in any hold reaches a height of 0.5 m and another at a height not less than 15% of the
depth ofthe cargo hold but not more than 2 m.
 For cargo holds which are used for water ballast, an alarm overriding device may be installed.
 The visual alarms shall clearly discriminate between the two different water levels detected in each
 in any ballast tank forward of the collision bulkhead required by regulation II-1/12, giving an audible
and visual alarm when the liquid in the tank reaches a level not exceeding 10% of the tank capacity.
An alarm overriding device may be installed to be activated when the tank is in use;
 any dry or void space other than a chain cable locker, any part of which extends forward of the
foremost cargo hold, giving an audible and visual alarm at a water level of 0.1 m above the deck.
Such alarms need not be provided in enclosed spaces the volume of which does not exceed 0.1% of
the ship’s maximum displacement volume.

o Crude oil means any liquid hydrocarbon mixture occurring naturally in the earth whether or not treated to
render it suitable for transportation and includes:
 crude oil from which certain distillate fractions may have been removed; and
 crude oil to which certain distillate fractions may have been added.
o Oil tanker means a ship constructed or adapted primarily to carry oil in bulk in its cargo spaces andincludes
combination carriers,
o Types of Oil Tanker Based on Size
 VLCC: Known as Very Large Crude Carriers, these tankers have a cargo carrying capacitance of
2,50,000 tons
 ULCC: They are known as Ultra Large Crude Carriers and have a cargo hauling capacitance range up
to 5, 00,000 tons.
 Panamax: The classification of tankers that can pass through the Panama Canal is known as the

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Aframax: The Aframax cargo tankers are that type of tanker ships which are mainly used in the
Mediterranean, China Sea and the Black Sea. These tankers have a dead weight tonnage (DWT)
between 80,000 and 1, 20,000 tonnes
 the Suezmax vessels are so called because of their ease in passing through the Suez Canal.
o Chemical tanker is a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for the carriage in bulk of any
liquidproduct listed in either:
 chapter 17 of the International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
 chapter VI of the Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals
in Bulk
o Types:
 A type 1
 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 products with very severe
environmental and safety hazards which require maximum preventive measures to
preclude an escape of such cargo
 The quantity of cargo required to be carried in a Type 1 ship should not exceed 1,250 m3 in
any one tank
 Double side width B/5 or 11.5 mtrs whichever is less.
 DB depth B/15 or 6 mtrs at centre line, but not < 760mm
 A type 2
 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 products with appreciably severe
environmental and safety hazards which require significant preventive measures to
preclude an escape of such cargo
 The quantity of cargo required to be carried in a Type 2 ship should not exceed 3000 m3 in
any one tank
 Tanks for Type II cargoes should be located at least 760mm from the ship's shell and outside
the extent of assumed grounding damage
 A type 3
 ship is a chemical tanker intended to transport Chapter 17 products with sufficiently severe
environmental and safety hazards which require a moderate degree of containment to
increase survival capability in a damaged condition
 There is no filling restriction for chemicals assigned to Ship Type 3
 There is no special requirement for cargo tank location. No limit for size of tank.
o Damage Stability:
 In any stage of flooding
 the waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim, shall be below the lower edge of
any opening through which progressive flooding or downflooding may take place.
 the maximum angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding shall not exceed 25°, except that
this angle may be increased to 30° if no deck immersion occurs
 the residual stability during intermediate stages of flooding shall be to the satisfaction of
the Administration
 At final equilibrium after flooding
 the righting-lever curve shall have a minimum range of 20° beyond the position of
equilibrium in association with a maximum residual righting lever of at least 0.1 m within
the 20° range; the area under the curve within this range shall not be less than 0.0175 m
 the emergency source of power shall be capable of operating.

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o “margin line” means a line drawn at least 76 mm. below the upper surface of the bulk head at the side of a
ship and assumed for the purpose of determining the floodable length of the ship;
o Permeability” in relation to a space means the percentage of that space below the ships margin line which
can be occupied by water;
o “sub-division load line’ means the load line indicating the depth to which a ship can be loaded having regard
to the extent to which she is sub-divided and to the space for the time being allotted to passengers
o Stability:Stability is the tendency of a vessel to rotate one way or the other when forcibly inclined
o INITIAL STABILITY - The stability of a ship in the range from 0� to 7�/10� of inclination.
o OVERALL STABILITY - A general measure of a ship's ability to resist capsizing in a given condition of loading.
o DYNAMIC STABILITY - The work done in heeling a ship to a given angle of heel.
o Metacenter: As the ship is inclined through small angles of heel, the lines of buoyant force intersect at a
point called the metacenter.
o Block Coefficient:
 The block coefficient is the ratio of underwater area divided by the multiplication of the
maximum waterline length, breadth and draught. It is an indication of hull fullness. 
Cb= ∇/LBd
 Higher block coefficients suggest indicate a hull with more interior volume, but very full ends and a
flat bottom—great for a cargo vessel.
 Smaller block coefficients suggest a hull with more rounded bilges and/or finer bow and stern
 Hulls with large block coefficients also tend to have poorer directional stability. In other words, they
are harder to keep going on a straight course
 The purpose is to determine a vessels most economic hull design for its intended use, and to
determine a hull's flair and amount of freeboard.
 Block coefficient affects resistance and ships that favour block coefficient hull designs have vertical
sidewalls below the waterline. Block works best with tankers, as tankers are required to have
double walls and the block method keeps the ballast lower.
o Prismatic Coefficient (Cp)
 The prismatic coefficient is the underwater area, divided by the area of a midship section, times the
length of the ship.
 It is an indication of hull fineness, and may be broken down into fore & aft components.
 This formula can be written as Cp= ∇/AmL
 Prismatic coefficient creates a hull with a flared sidewall below the waterline (more trapezoidal
shaped) and a bit smaller wetted surface area
o Midship Sectional Coefficient (Cm)
 The midship sectional coefficient is the multiplication of waterline breadth and draught divided by
the area below the waterline of the midship section. This formula may be written as C m= Am/Bd

o initial unstable ship will not be upright. While heeling one side, the angle at which the G & B coincides in
neutral equilibrium.
o If GZ=0 then angle of Equilibrium = angle of loll
o How to Recognize
 Vessel will not remain upright and will assume a list to either port or starboard.
 Vessel "flops" to port or starboard.
 Vessel will have a very long, slow roll period about the angle of list.

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 A small GM is known to exist, plus any of the above.
 +ve GM
 Stable Equilibrium.
 G off the Centreline.
 Corrected by moving G back to the Centreline by moving/loading weights towards the “high side”.
o Angle of Loll
 -ve GM
 Unstable Equilibrium.
 G on the Centreline.
 Corrected by lowering G below M
 Moving cargo to a lower position;
 Jettisoning top-weight (in an emergency);
 Reducing FSE by pressing up/emptying tanks;
 Filling low ballast spaces such as DB tanks
 top up tanks that are already slack.
 Start with the smallest tank on the LOW side first. (If a tank on the high side is filled first, the ship
will start to right herself but will then tend to roll over suddenly in an uncontrolled fashion as she
passes through the upright. She will then „whip‟ through to a larger angle of loll on the other side.
She may even capsize if the momentum gathered is sufficient.) When the low side is filled first, the
angle of list will increase initially, but in a slow and controlled fashion. After some time, the weight
of the ballast water added will be sufficient to lower the ship’s COG (despite the extra FSE), to cause
the angle of list to decrease. By this method the inclining motions of the v/l take place in a gradual
and controlled manner
 now fill the opposite tank on the high side.
 fill tanks alternately, low side first, until the v/l returns to positive GM.
 ensure that all tanks are completely filled.


o Graph where GZ is plotted against the angle of heel.

o Drawn for each voyage condition by the ship’s officer.
o This curve is for a particular displacement and KG.
o From this curve it is possible to ascertain the following:
 Initial metacentric height – point of intersection of the tangent drawn to the curve at the initial
point and a vertical through the angle of heel of 57.3° (1 radian)

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 Angle of contra flexure – the angle of heel up to which the rate of increase of GZ with heel is
increasing. Though the GZ may increase further, the rate of increase of GZ begins to decrease at this
 The range of stability – where all GZ values are positive.
 The maximum GZ lever & the angle at which it occurs.
 The angle of vanishing stability – beyond which the vessel will capsize.
 The area of negative stability.
 The moment of statical stability at any given angle of heel (GZ x Displacement of the ship).
 The moment of dynamical stability – work done in heeling the ship to a particular angle.
 Dynamical stability at è = W x A (in t-m-rad)
o W = Displacement (in tonnes)
o A = area between the curve and the baseline up to the given angle of heel (in
o Assumption:
 The ship's center of gravity does NOT change position as the angle of heel is changed.
 The ship's center of buoyancy is always at thegeometric center of the ship's underwater hull
 The shape of the ship's underwater hull changesas the angle of heel changes.


o The Cross Curves Of Stability are used to determine the length of the righting arm at any angle of inclination
for a given displacement. 
o To draw the curve of statical stability, we need GZ values for various angles of heel.
o For this we use the GZ cross curves of stability.
o These curves are provided for an assumed KG, tabulating GZ values for various displacements and angles of
o Called cross curves because the various curves actually ‘cross’ each other.
o Since the curves are plotted for an assumed KG, if the actual KG differs from this a correction (GG1Sineθ)
needs to be applied.
o This correction is positive if the actual KG is less than the assumed KG and vice-versa.

o After obtaining the GZ values at various angles, the curve of statical stability is prepared


o Same as the GZ cross curves and also used to get the GZ values for making the curve of statical stability.
o The only difference being that here the KG is assumed to be ZERO.
o This solves the problem of a sometimes positive and sometimes negative correction, as now the correction
is always subtracted.
o GZ = KN – KG Sine θ
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o Curve plotted on lines plan of ship is calls bonjean curve, here the longitudinal section of the vessel is
divided in 10 stations.
o At each station transverse section and each draft, we calculate e area and moment of area., these moments
then plotted on the lines plan....
o Use: fo calculation of hydrostatics like displacement block coefficient centre of floatation TPC etc.
o Enable the users to calculate the displacement and the centre of buoyancy for a given waterline, in an
upright condition
o curves of areas of transverse sections and their moments about the baseline of a ship used in making
calculations (as to determine the force of buoyancy during launching)
o The Bonjean curve had as its ordinate the cross sectional area at that section, up to the waterline
concerned. Each curve was usually plotted with its axis The vertical axis was traditionally at ship scale.
o Their main uses were for launching (end launching) and longitudinal strength.
o For launching, prior to stern lift, the progressive waterlines would be set up on the ship profile with the
Bonjean curves.
o Where this waterline cut the vertical axis was the local draft at that section. Bonjean area was read at each
such intersection, and then integrated longitudinally for both volume and moment.
o These gave the volume of buoyancy and its longitudinal moment about the fore poppet for each successive
waterline, to match against moment of weight force about the fore poppet, defining the point of stern lift.


 A series of graphs drawn to a vertical scale of draught and a base of length, which gives values such as the centre of
buoyancy, displacement, moment causing unit trim, and centre of flotation.

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 In practice tables with hydrostatic parameters calculated for different draughts are used. However, only having
traditional graphs it is possible to observe character of hydrostatic curves and understand ship behaviour


In port, the initial metacentric height GM o, corrected for the free surface measured at 0° heel, shall be not
less than 0.15 m;
o At sea, the following criteria shall be applicable:
 A-area under curve up to 30 degrees to be not less than 0.055 metre-radian.
 B-area under curve up to x degrees to be not less than 0.09 metre-radian
 C-area between 30 degrees and x degrees to be not less than 0.03 metre-radian.
 x-40 degrees or any lesser angle at which the lower edges of any openings in the hull,
superstructure or deckhouses which lead below deck and cannot be closed weathertight, would be
 E-maximum GZ to occur at angle not less than 30 degrees and to be at least 0.20 metre in height
 the maximum righting arm shall occur at an angle of heel preferably exceeding 30° but not less than
 the initial metacentric height GM o, corrected for free surface measured at 0° heel, shall be not less
than 0.15 m
o Oil tankers shall be regarded as complying with the damage stability criteria if the following requirements
are met:
 The final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim, shall be below the lower edge of any
opening through which progressive flooding may take place. 
 In the final stage of flooding, the angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding shall not exceed 25°,
provided that this angle may be increased up to 30° if no deck edge immersion occurs.
 The stability in the final stage of flooding shall be investigated and may be regarded as sufficient if
the righting lever curve has at least a range of 20° beyond the position of equilibrium in association
with a maximum residual righting lever of at least 0.1 m within the 20° range; the area under the
curve within this range shall not be less than 0.0175 m·rad.
 The Administration shall be satisfied that the stability is sufficient during intermediate stages of
 Equalization arrangements requiring mechanical aids such as valves or cross-levelling pipes, if fitted,
shall not be considered for the purpose of reducing an angle of heel or attaining the minimum range
of residual stability to meet the requirements
o For Bulk Carrier: SOLAS CHAPTER XII
 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single side skin construction, designed to carry solid
bulk cargoes having a density of 1,000 kg/m3 and above, constructed on or after 1 July 1999 shall,
when loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of any one cargo hold in all
loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium

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 Bulk carriers of 150 m in length and upwards of single side skin construction, carrying solid bulk
cargoes having a density of 1,780 kg/m3 and above, constructed before 1 July 1999 shall, when
loaded to the summer load line, be able to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all
loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium
 The assumed flooding need only take into account flooding of the cargo hold space. The
permeability of a loaded hold shall be assumed as 0.9 and the permeability of an empty hold shall
be assumed as 0.95, unless a permeability relevant to a particular cargo is assumed for the volume
of a flooded hold occupied by cargo and a permeability of 0.95 is assumed for the remaining empty
volume of the hold


o Damage Stability calculations are required in order to achieve a minimum degree of safety after flooding.
o In order to assess the behavior of the vessel after damage two approaches have been developed: -
 Deterministic
 Probabilistic
o These are to be applied depending on the type of ship.
o Deterministic Approach:
 Subdivision is calculated based on theoretical principle
 It is based on standard dimension of damage extending anywhere along the ship’s length or
between transverse bulkheads depending on the relevant requirements
 The consequence of such standard of damage is the creation of a group of damage cases,
the no. of which and as well as no. of compartments involved in each case, depends on
ship’s dimensions and internal sub-divisions.
 For each loading condition, each damage case is to be considered and all applicable criteria
are to be complied with.
 Different deterministic methods in damage stability have been developed depending on
ship’s type, on freeboard reduction and the kind of cargo carried.
 The deterministic method to be applied for passenger ships, oil tankers, chemical tankers,
gas carriers and special purpose ships.
 The deterministic method to be applied in cases of free board reduction
o Probabilistic Approach:
 The probabilistic method applies to cargo ships of length more than 80 m and for which no
deterministic method applies.
 The probabilistic method was devised in the year 1973.
 This showed a pattern in accidents which could be used in improving the design of the ships.
For eg: Most damage was sustained in the forward part of the ship hence it seemed logical,
to improve the standards of subdivisions forward rather than towards the stern.
 The probabilistic method is based on statistical evidence concerning what actually happens
when ships collide, in terms of sea state and weather conditions, extent and location of
damage, speed and course of the ship and whether the ship survived or sank.
 Therefore probabilistic concept is believed to be more realistic than the earlier deterministic
method, in which ship’s subdivision is based on theoretical principles.
 It is based on three probabilities related to sub-division and damage stability requirements:
o Probability that the ship may be damaged (Probability of occurance)
o Probability as to the location of damage and extent of flooding. Depends on
arrangement of W/T sub-divisions which have a direct influence on the location and
extent of hull damage.
o Probability to assess the ability of the ship to survive in flooded Situation
(Probability of Survival)Depends on the buoyancy and stability in flooded condition
which will further depend on the following:-
 Location and extent of damage

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 Permeability of flooded space
 Draft and stability before flooding
 Applied forces and moments
 The probabilistic method takes the probability of survival after collision as a measure of ship safety
in damaged condition, referred to as ATTAINED SUB-DIVISION INDEX – A and a REQUIRED SUB-
DIVISION INDEX – R which is defined by IMO in terms of persons and size of vessel Criteria


The damage stability calculations are performed for a limited no. of drafts and relevant GM values in
order to draw a minimum GM curve, where the attained subdivision index – A achieves the
minimum required level of safety R.
 For cargo ships, each case of damage is not required to comply with the applicable criteria, but the
attained index – A, which is the sum of contribution of all damage cases, is to be equal or greater
than R.
 The subdivision of a ship is considered sufficient if the attained subdivision index A is greater than
the required sub division index R.
 The partial indices As,Ap, Al should not be less than 0.9R for passenger ships and 0.5R for cargo
 Requirement for sub-division and damage stabilityAttained sub-division index – A > Required
sub-division index – RAttained sub division index A
 The attained sub division index A is obtained by the summation of the partial indices calculated for
the drafts ds, dp& dl as per below formula.
A = 0.4As + 0.4Ap + 0.2A1
Where ds = deepest sub division draft
dp = partial sub division draft
dl = light service draft
 Each partial index is a summation of contribution of all damage cases taken into consideration using
the below formula
Where A = ∑ Pi x Si
o i = represents each compartment or group of compartment under consideration
o Pi = accounts for probability that only the compartment or group of compartments
under consideration may be flooded disregarding horizontal sub-divisions.
o Si = accounts for the probability of survival after flooding of compartments or group
of compartments under consideration including effects of horizontal sub-divisions.
 Required sub division index R
 The degree of subdivision to be provided shall be determined by the required sub division
index R which is as follows:
For cargo ships greater than 100m in length (Ls)
R = 1 - (128 / Ls + 152)
Which is fixed for the ship as per the size and no of persons.
o a general description of the ship, including:
o the ship's name and the Society classification number
o the ship type and service notation
o the class notations
o the yard, the hull number and the year of delivery
o the Flag, the port of registry, the international call sign and the IMO number
o the moulded dimensions
o the draught corresponding to the assigned summer load line, the draught corresponding to the assigned
summer timber load line and the draught corresponding to the tropical load line,

Rupesh Pillai
o instructions on the use of the booklet
o general arrangement and capacity plans indicating the assigned use of compartments and spaces
o a sketch indicating the position of the draught marks referred to the ship's perpendiculars
o hydrostatic curves or tables corresponding to the design trim,
o cross curves (or tables) of stability
o tank sounding tables or curves showing capacities, centres of gravity, and free surface data for each tank
o intact stability results (total displacement and its centre of gravity co-ordinates, draughts at perpendiculars,
GM, GM corrected for free surfaces effect, GZ values and curve
o information on loading restrictions
o information concerning the use of any special cross-flooding fittings with descriptions of damage conditions
which may require cross-flooding, when applicable
o information about openings (location, tightness, means of closure), pipes or other progressive flooding

o Total Resistance = Frictional Resistance + Residuary Resistance
o Frictional Resistance
 The frictional resistance RF of the hull depends on the size of the hull’s wetted area AS, and on the
specific frictional resistance coefficient CF. The friction increases with fouling of the hull, i.e. by the
growth of, i.a. algae, sea grass and barnacles.
 Rf = f S Vn
 f = coefficient of friction = 0.417 + .773/(L+2.862)
 L= length
 S= wetted surface
 V= ship speed in knots
 n= index=1.825
o Residuary Resistance
 Residual resistance RR comprises wave resistance and eddy resistance. Wave resistance refers to
the energy loss caused by waves created by the vessel during its propulsion through the water,
while eddy resistance refers to the loss caused by flow separation which creates eddies, particularly
at the aft end of the ship.
 Wave resistance at low speeds is proportional to the square of the speed, but increases much faster
at higher speeds.
o The Admiralty coefficient A is constant for a given hull and gives the approximate relationships between the
needed propulsion power P, ship speed V and displacement ∇.
o Thus, the constant A is defined as follows:
 A = (∇2/3х V3)/P =(∇2/3х V3)/P
o Indicated Power, ip: power produced in engine
o Shaft Power, sp : power transmitted to shaft
 sp = ip x mech efficiency
o Delivered Power, dp: power developed to propeller
 dp = sp x transmission efficiency
o thrust power, tp: thrust exerted by propeller to exceed the total resistance
 tp = dp x propeller efficiency
o effective power, ep
 Hull Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the effective power for a hull with appendages to the thrust
power developed by propellers
 ep = tp x hull efficiency

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o Quasi Propulsion Factor: “Quasi-propulsion” coefficient is defined as the ratio of the effective horsepower to
the delivery horsepower.
 ep = dp x QPC

Rupesh Pillai
o Fuel oil price- proper bunker planning and optimum ordering of bunker
o L.O. Price- optimum Quantity to order
o Spare cost- order spare as such to maintain minimum stock of expensive parts
o Maintenance cost- reduce breakdown with proper maintenance and reduce use of shore technician
o Insurance- proper maintenance of machinery and equipment and avoid breakdown
o Dry docking- proper planning
o New regulation- find need for any new installation and changes to comply
o Piracy- maintain security level and security items
o Surveys/ audits/ inspection- ensure all systems in order to avoid any deficiency and delays

o OCIMF’s Tanker Management and Self-Assessment programme was introduced in 2004 as a tool to help
vessel operators assess, measure and improve their safety management systems.
o It complements industry quality codes and is intended to encourage self-regulation and promote continuous
improvement among tanker operators.
o The TMSA programme offers a standard framework for assessment of a vessel operator’s safety
management systems.
o The framework is based on 12 elements of management practice, each one associated with a clear objective
and a set of supporting KPIs to help operators assess the level of attainment in their company.
o The benefits of the TMSA to vessel operators are clear:
 Helps to drive up the standards of safety management systems, leading to fewer incidents.
 Encourages a continuous improvement approach to safety management.
 Embeds a preventative approach to maintenance, reducing unplanned stoppages and delays for
 The reduced the risk of incidents and delays/breakdowns feeds back over time into higher
performance in terms of safety and environmental protection and enhances the reputation of the
 Companies that incorporate the TMSA guidelines into their management systems are considered to
have an active assessment process, even if not being inspected under SIRE or having adopted ISM.
 Reduced risk of incidents feeds back over time into lower insurance costs and higher earnings.
 The process is not imposed upon vessel operators from outside. It is owned and managed by the
operators themselves and the resulting data remains fully under their control


o Sea Area A1
 An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous
digital selective calling (Ch.70/156.525 MHz) alerting and radiotelephony services are available.
 Such an area could extend typically 30 to 40 nautical miles (56 to 74 km) from the Coast Station.
o Sea Area A2
 An area, excluding Sea Area A1, within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one MF coast station
in which continuous DSC (2187.5 kHz) alerting and radiotelephony services are available.
 For planning purposes, this area typically extends to up to 180 nautical miles (330 km) offshore
during daylight hours, but would exclude any A1 designated areas. In practice, satisfactory coverage
may often be achieved out to around 150 nautical miles (280 km) offshore during night time.
o Sea Area A3
 An area, excluding sea areas A1 and A2, within the coverage of an Inmarsat geostationary satellite.
 This area lies between about latitude 76 Degrees North and South, but excludes A1 and/or A2
designated areas.

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 Inmarsat guarantees their system will work between 70 South and 70 North though it will often
work to 76 degrees South or North.
o Sea Area A4
 An area outside Sea Areas A1, A2 and A3 is called Sea Area A4.
 This is essentially the polar regions, north and south of about 76 degrees of latitude, excluding any
A1, A2 and A3 areas.
o The long range identification and tracking (LRIT) system for ships aims to enhance security for government
o LRIT provides ship identity and current location information in sufficient time for a government to evaluate
the security risk posed by a ship off its coast and to respond to reduce the risk if necessary.
o An active and accurate long range identification and tracking system also has potential benefits in terms of
maritime safety, marine environment protection, and maritime search and rescue.
o Accurate information on the location of the ship in distress, as well as ships in the vicinity that could lend
assistance, reduces response time, supporting timely rescues and minimising pollution.
o The LRIT system was set up under the auspices of the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
o It aims to provide a global system for the identification and tracking of ships.
o The LRIT system is mandatory for all passenger ships, high speed craft, mobile offshore drilling units and
cargo ships of over 300 gross tonnes, and has been in force since July 2009.
 LRIT shipborne equipment transmits position information to the Communication Service Provider.
 Communication Service Providers (CSP) provide the communication infrastructure and services to
ensure the end-to-end secure transfer of the LRIT message between the ship and ASP.
 Application Service Providers (ASP) provide a communication protocol interface and add
information to the LRIT message between the CSP and the LRIT Data Centre.
 LRIT Data Centre collects and provides LRIT information to its users according to the Data
Distribution Plan.
 LRIT Data Distribution Plan (DDP) defines rules and access rights (i.e. which users can receive what
LRIT information). The DDP server is managed by IMO and is populated by SOLAS Contracting
Governments, following IMO technical specifications.
 International LRIT Data Exchange (IDE) routes LRIT information between LRIT Data Centres
according to the DDP.
o The Beaufort scale is an empirical measure for the intensity of the wind based mainly on sea-state or wave
o The Douglas Sea Scale is a scale which measures the height of the waves and also measures the swell of
the sea. The scale is very simple to follow and is expressed in one of 10 degrees

o As ship owner forecast the growth of their business to accomplish this they order ship or ships. The building
of ships involves the expenditures of enormous amounts of money. Ships are usually built in lot sizes of
several or more.
o The individual cost of ships drops dramatically with the first seven to ten identical ships. Ship owners often
order ships 4, 8, 10, 12 or even 20 at a time. Hence if each ship costs tens or hundreds of millions of dollars,
an order for a fleet of ships can be monumental.
o It is therefore necessary that the acquisition be carried out in a very disciplined, business like and well
planned manner, using all the best practices of project and program management


o Planning
 Planning is the most important thing to do for any project.

Rupesh Pillai
 It is thinking, about the future and the action laid down in advance.
 Planning is the design of a desired future and of effective ways of bringing it about
 Planning includes:
 Set a mission and goal
 assess the environment
 Appraise company's capability
 Craft the strategies
 Implement the strategies
 Evaluate and control the strategies
 Applying it business of shipping, the team dedicated to planning should conduct rates, global
economic issues.
 At the end of planning phase, the owner should have a clear knowledge of fleet size required, ship
type and size required and time frame to acquire the same.
 The demand forecasting must be accomplished
o Design
 The second major phase in ship acquisition is design.
 means to prepare engineering drawings, specifications and to support these with calculations and
experimental testing as required.
 The design phase forms a transition from the requirements of the planning phase.
 It lends form and substance to the mission statement by establishing a configuration, form,
dimensions, layout and other characteristics, which can be represented visually.
 It is the point at which the centre of effort shifts from management science to engineering,
particularly, naval architecture and marine engineering.
 Design includes
 concept
 preliminary
 contract
 detailed
 Design types include: - drawings, sketches, diagrams/schematic computer imaging, models etc.
 Design engineering needs information on -- Output, capacity, capability, cost and delivery lead time,
weight and center of activity, dimensions, clearance required for maintenance, spare part
requirement, required maintenance, required services
o Commercial
 The third phase in ship acquisition process mainly involves commercial activities.
 It includes bidding, negotiating, contracting and financing.
 It requires expertise of professionals in following areas --
 Selection of yard for invitation
 Request for expression of interest
 Invitation to bid
 Bid analysis, invitation to bid
 Negotiations
 Financing
 Contracting
o Production and Post Production
 The fourth phase in the ship acquisition process involves the owner's activities during production.
 Immediately following the signing of the contract, the initiative in the process shifts from the buyer
(ship owner) to the seller (shipyard).
 Project management --
 Fulfill original objectives
 Keep project within budget

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 Keep project on schedule
 Co-ordinate project team
 Detect need for and take corrective action
 Communicate progress to management


 New ship construction
 Second hand purchase
 Lease or chartering
 Ship conversion
 Contract of affreightment
  contract of affreightment is a contract between a ship-owner and another person (called
the charterer), in which the ship-owner agrees to carry goods for the charterer in the ship, or to give
the charterer the use of the whole or part of the ship's cargo-carrying space for the carriage of
goods on a specified voyage or voyages or for a specified time.
 Ship sharing/ vessel pooling


o the main steering gear shall be so arranged that in the event of loss of steering capability due to a single
failure in any part of one of the power actuating systems of the main steering gear, excluding the tiller,
quadrant or components serving the same purpose, or seizure of the rudder actuators, steering capability
shall be regained in not more than 45 s after the loss of one poweractuating system
o the main steering gear shall comprise either
 two independent and separate power actuating systems, each capable of meeting the requirements
 at least two identical power actuating systems which, acting simultaneously in normal operation,
shall be capable of meeting the requirements
o Short circuit protection and an overload alarm shall be provided for such circuits and motors. Protection
against excess current, including starting current, if provided, shall be for not less than twice the full load
current of the motor or circuit so protected, and shall be arranged to permit the passage of the appropriate
starting currents.
o Means for indicating that the motors of electric and electrohydraulic steering gear are running shall be
installed on the navigation bridge and at a suitable main machinery control position

o BDN Contents
 Bunker Supplier name
 Bunker Supplier address, tel, fax, email
 DG Shipping Registration No.
 Port: Delivery loactaion
 Bunker Barge No
 Date of Bunkering
 Time Alongside
 Vessel IMO No., Name, GT
 Date and Time
 Started
 Completed
 Owner/Operator
 Next Port
 Fuel Characteristic

Rupesh Pillai
 Product Name
 Sulphur Content
 Flash Point
 Water Content
 Density @15 deg C
 Viscosity @ 40/50 deg C
 Quantity in MT
 Volume Correction Factor
 Weight Correction Factor
o Gross Observed Volume (GOV): The total volume of all petroleum liquids excluding sediment and water and
free water, at observed temperature
o Gross Standard Volume (GSV): The total volume of all petroleum liquids and sediment and water, excluding
free water, corrected to a standard temperature by the appropriate volume correction factor for the
observed temperature and density
 Dispute in quantity must be submitted by letter of protest at the time of delivery
 For claiming the short delivery, the claim has to be presented by the buyer in writing within 15 days
from date of delivery
 For dispute with quality, claim has to be made to seller, within 30 days of delivery
 The parties shall have the quality of the mutually agreed sample analysed by a mutually agreed,
independent and certified testing laboratory under the national accredited body in accordance with
ISO Standard – ISO 8217. For any grade of bunkers other than the categories specified by ISO 8217,
the quality shall comply with the bunker specifications as agreed by the bunker supplier and the
buyer prior to the bunkering operation
o The Equipment Numeral (EN) formula for anchoring equipment required here under is based on an assumed
current speed of 2.5 m/sec, wind speed of 25 m/sec and a scope of chain cable between 6 and 10, the scope
being the ratio between length of chain paid out and water dept

 ∆ = moulded displacements, in tonnes, to the Summer Load Waterline

 B = moulded breadth, in metres
 h = effective height, in metres, from the Summer Load Waterline to the top of the uppermost
house; for the lowest tier “h” is to be measured at centerline from the upper deck or from a
notional deck line where there is local discontinuity in the upper deck.
 A = area, in square metres, in profile view, of the hull, superstructures and houses above the
Summer Load Waterline which are within the Equipment length of the vessel and also have a
breadth greater than B/4

 a = distance, in metres, from the Summer Load Waterline amidships to the upper deck
 hi = height, in metres, on the centerline of each tier of houses having a breadth greater than B/4
o Once we find the equipment number, we can decide the size of anchors, chains, winches etc.
o As per equipment number, the total length of anchor chain is given. Say for particular EN, the min length of
cable required is 21 shackles. One side of anchor is given 10 shackles and another is 11 shackles.

Rupesh Pillai
o Implementation of the MS ACT1958 as amended
o Registration of sea-going vessels as per the provisions laid down in Part V of the MS Act
o Conduct examinations as required under Part VI of the MS Act
o Ensuring safety of the ships as per the procedures laid down in Part IX of the MS Act
o Conduct investigations and inquiries into shipping casualties on Indian ships in any part of the world and
foreign vessels in India, as a substantially interested state, as required under Part XII
o Implementation of IMO and ILO conventions, recommendation, obligations as adopted by the Government
of India from time to time.
o Conduct audits under the ISM Code and ISPS Code

o Formulation of shipping policy and legislation for development of shipping and augmentation of shipping
o Formulation of policy on promotion of maritime education and training.
o Supervision and control of the examination and certification of the merchant navy officers in various grades.
o Regulation of employment of seamen and their welfare.
o Formulation of policy on development of coastal shipping and sailing vessel industry.
o Supervision and control of implementation of various International Conventions relating to safety of ships,
prevention of pollution and other mandatory regulations of the International Maritime Organization.
o Representing India in international forums relating to shipping, maritime training and allied matters.
o Supervision and control of quality assurance in all areas of shipping, merchant navy training, etc.

o At present the UN has in total 15 specialized agencies that carry out various functions on behalf of the UN.
1. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO)
 The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations leads international efforts to defeat
hunger. Serving both developed and developing countries
2. International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
 It codifies the principles and techniques of international air navigation and fosters the planning and
development of international air transport to ensure safe and orderly growth.
3. International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
 IFAD is dedicated to eradicating rural poverty in developing countries
4. International Labour Organization (ILO)
 The International Labour Organization (ILO) deals with labour issues.
5. International Maritime Organization (IMO)
 to coordinate international maritime safety and related practices.
6. International Monetary Fund (IMF)
 provides monetary cooperation and financial stability and acts as a forum for advice, negotiation
and assistance on financial issues.
7. International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
 established to standardize and regulate international radio and telecommunications.
8. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
 Its stated purpose is to contribute to peace and security by promoting international collaboration
through education, science, and culture in order to further universal respect for justice, the rule of
law, and the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the UN Charter.
9. United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
 is the promotion and acceleration of industrial development in developing countries and countries
with economics in transition and the promotion of international industrial cooperation

Rupesh Pillai
10. Universal Postal Union (UPU)
 coordinates postal policies between member nations
11. World Bank Group (WBG)
 is to fight poverty with passion and professionalism for lasting results and to help people help
themselves and their environment by providing resources, sharing knowledge
12. World Health Organization (WHO)
 acts as a coordinating authority on international public health and deals with health and sanitation
and diseases and sends medical teams to help combat epidemics
13. World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
 encourage creative activity and to promote the protection of intellectual property throughout the
14. World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
 for modern meteorology (weather and climate), operational hydrology and related geophysical
15. World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
 serves as a forum for tourism policies and acts as a practical source for tourism know-how.

 What are the 4 steps of ship construction in yard?

1. The block stage
2. Pre-erection stage
3. Erection stage
4. Quayside and commissioning

 Latest about lifeboat hooks? -

 The amendments, adopted in May 2011, add a new paragraph 5 to SOLAS regulation III/1, to require
lifeboat on-load release mechanisms not complying with new International Life-Saving Appliances (LSA)
Code requirements to be replaced, no later than the first scheduled dry-docking of the ship after 1 July 2014
but, in any case, not later than 1 July 2019.
 The SOLAS amendment is intended to establish new, stricter, safety standards for lifeboat release and
retrieval systems, and will require the assessment and possible replacement of a large number of lifeboat
release hooks.
 the hook assembly shall be designed so that the moveable hook component is kept fully closed by the hook
locking parts capable of holding its safe working load under any operational conditions until the hook
locking part is deliberately caused to open by means of the operating mechanism
 the hook assembly shall continue to be closed and hold its safe working load through rotation of the cam of
up to 45 degrees in either direction
 to provide hook stability, the release mechanism shall be designed so that, when it is fully reset in the
closed position, the weight of the lifeboat does not cause any force to be transmitted to the operating
 if a hydrostatic interlock is provided, it shall automatically reset upon lifting the boat from the water."

 Why these requirements are coming? –
 Many accidents happened in past specially during boat retrival. MSC did case study of accidents and
proposed amendments.
 K value in Turbocharger
 K value, it is a distance between the rotor shaft end and the flange of bearing cover measure at blower side
(axial clearance)
 measure by Depth Gauge (0.2 – 0.3 mm)
 To ensure that rotating impeller does not to touch the stationary blower casing cover in case of thrust
bearing worn out.

 P and I insurance
Rupesh Pillai
 Loss of life, injury and illness of crew, passengers and other persons
 Cargo loss, shortage or damage
 Collision
 Damage to docks, buoys and other fixed and floating objects
 Wreck removal
 Pollution
 Fines and penalties
 Mutiny and misconduct by crew
 Crew repatriation and substitution
 Damage to property on board the insured vessel
 Quarantine
 Vessel Diversion Expenses
 Unrecoverable General Average contributions
 Vessel's proportion of General Average

Rupesh Pillai
 The breakpoint is the point where the maximum cylinder pressure has been reached and the injection
timing is advanced the most. Above the breakpoint the injection timing is gradually retarded back until it
reaches its original setting at 100% MCR load.
 The position of the breakpoint is determined by the layout of the engine. Formerly it was generally
considered to be at approximately 85% MCR load, but it also has to be ensured that the maximum pressure
rise from compression to maximum cylinder pressure is 35 bar or less (recommended by MAN B&W Diesel
 Variable injection timing or VIT is the term used to define a fuel injection pump which alters the timing of
the start of fuel injection.
 With jerk type injection pump this can be done by following methods:
 By altering the position of the barrel with respect to the plunger.
 Using a fuel pump with two plungers.
 Altering the fuel cam or cam follower position.
 By using specially designed fuel pumps such as sulzer fuel pumps.
 VIT is employed to advance fuel injection timing so that maximum combustion pressure or Pmax is reached
at about 85% load. This gives a more efficient engine by lowering the fuel consumption. See the diagram

 Action of VIT starts at about 40% of engine load. From this load, start of fuel injection is advanced to
increase the Pmax gradually. As the engine load reaches 85%, value of Pmax will be corresponding to the
100% load of the engine, as shown in the figure. From 85% load, start of fuel injection retards to keep the
Pmax constant.
 Hence the purpose of VIT on ships are:
 Improve the specific fuel consumption of the engine.
 Optimizing the combustion process for different quality fuels
 The super VIT system, fulfil the requirement of maintaining the MCR Pmax under part load, in order to save
 This is achieved by a mechanism which automatically adjust the commencement of fuel injection, such that
MCR Pmax, is kept constant as engine load is reduced from 100%, down from pre-specified part load, known
as breakpoint
 The pump barrel is moved up and down (relative to plunger) by means of rack and pinion, in combination
with a double thread


Rupesh Pillai
 Low Viscosity
 As result internal leakage in FO Pump, increase in flowability of fuel from the fuel injection nozzle
 Low Lubricity
 As low sulphur emissions became mandatory, fuel refiners have had to develop new technologies to
reduce the sulphur content in order to meet the emission standards.   
 The issue is in the refining process used to remove the sulphur.  The most cost effective way is to
use a chemical process called hydro-processing.   
 During hydro-processing the sulphur in the fuel is removed and replaced by hydrogen resulting in a
cleaner burning fuel with improved performance.  
 Unfortunately, as hydrogen is a highly reactive element it also reacts with other components in the
fuel removing the polar and aromatic compounds that provide conventional diesel fuel with
adequate lubricating capability.
 Often relying on hydrodynamic lubrication, the pumps are lubricated by the fuel. Other components
such as injectors, unit injectors, unit pumps and in-line pumps typically consists of a plunger or
needle operating in a sleeve or bore and are boundary lubricated.
 In fuel of questionable lubricity, the amount of wear or scarring that will occur between the two
metals can be much greater, leading to higher wear thereby reducing emissions and shortening the
component life.
 So ironically, as the sulphur levels have decreased in an ECA so too has the lubricity and a lack of
lubricity can result in increased emissions through wear. A conundrum in itself.
 Taking this together with increased fuel consumption from excessive pump wear and even potential
catastrophic failure means that vessel managers are duty bound to do something to aid lubricity as
a fundamental of responsible vessel management, this is no longer a ‘nice to have’ it’s a must have.
 Inspectors regularly test the sulphur content in fuels ensuring suppliers are meeting the low sulphur
legislation; however, they are not duty bound to check the level of lubricity, leaving the supplier to
honour the specifications. Responsible suppliers will add lubricity to the minimum specification but
as in many cases for every one responsible supplier there are many irresponsible suppliers focusing
more on the bottom line than on the specification especially with today’s oil prices with low
 Lubricity can be checked using equipment called an HFRR. Producing a “Wear Scar” result. In Europe
this is 460 microns, but most manufacturers would want to see 400 microns as the repeatability of
the test is +/- 60 microns. So although a responsible supplier has added the minimum additive to
meet the ISO specification of 460 microns the fuel could still fall short of having adequate lubricity.
(The lower the number the better the lubricity).
 Ensuring your Fuel Maintains Lubricity
 DieselAid-L : is a lubricant additive to combat the known problems with Low Sulphur Diesel
as discussed above, specifically for ships that bunker frequently and do not hold fuel in
storage for long. For approx. 0.3% increase in the cost of fuel it can save many thousands of
dollars in worn components.
 DieselAid LD: as above but also a deposit control to keep the fuel system clean and efficient
to maintain fuel consumption and an essential component to help meet ECA legislation
after a passage on heavy fuel.
 Ships equipped with large diesel tanks only need lubricity although with today’s modern
common rail engines and extremely fine tolerances whilst DieselAid L will keep them
lubricated DieselAid LD deposit control stops gumming, trumpets and the new IDID from
forming on nozzles, but that’s a whole new story
 Acidity
 With reduction in sulphur content, the amount of sulphuric acid generated also reduces
 When cylinder oil with high alkali base number for heavy oil is continuously, deposits may be
formed and abnormal wear of sulphur will occur

Rupesh Pillai
 Traditional Methods
 Radiology
 Ultrasonic
 Visual Inspections
 Magnetic Particle
 Penetrant Testing
 Eddy Current Testing
 Painting and coating Inspection
 Advanced Technology
 Phased Array Ultrasonics Time of Flight Diffraction
 OFD is usually performed using longitudinal waves as the primary detection method.
Ultrasonic sensors are placed on each side of the weld.
 One sensor sends the ultrasonic beam into the material and the other sensor receives
reflected and diffracted ultrasound from anomalies and geometric reflectors.
 TOFD provides a wide area of coverage with a single beam by exploiting ultrasonic beam
spread theory inside the wedge and the inspected material.
 When the beam comes in contact with the tip of a flaw, or crack, diffracted energy is cast in
all directions.
 Measuring the time of flight of the diffracted beams enables accurate and reliable flaw
detection and sizing, even if the crack is off-oriented to the initial beam direction.
 During typical TOFD inspections, A-scans are collected and used to create B-scan (side view)
images of the weld.
 Analysis is done on the acquisition unit or in post-analysis software, positioning cursors to
measure the length and through-wall height of flaws.
 Automated and Remote Ultrasonic Testing
 AUT works by using a scanner which is held on to the equipment with magnetic wheels,
emitting ultrasonic waves that propagate through the vessel.
 These waves then travel through the material until they encounter a surface; this causes
some of the energy to be reflected.
 Once acquired, the amount of reflected energy can then be measured and, from this, the
thickness of the component and the size of any flaws can be detected.
 Compared to other inspection techniques, AUT has a high degree of repeatability and
multiple scans can be taken over time to track the progress of corrosion.
 Magnetic Flux Leakage
 Internal Rotation Inspection Testing
 Computerized Radiology
 Alternative Current Field Measurement
 Guided wave Ultrasonics
 Acoustic Pulse Reflectometer
 Rapid Gear Scan

Rupesh Pillai
 Carbon capture and storage is a complex, emerging process currently being put through its paces at various
pilot power plants around the world. In its originally intended form, the basic CCS process involves the
separation of CO2 from a fossil fuel power station's post-combustion flue gas, removing its emission from
the power generation cycle and transmitting it for storage or industrial use.
 "The big challenges are that you have a limited amount of space, a limited availability of resources, and of
course the constant movement of the vessel,"
 Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) is a technology that can capture up to 90% of the carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions produced from the use of fossil fuels in electricity generation and industrial processes, preventing
the carbon dioxide from entering the atmosphere
 CCS includes a portfolio of technologies, involving different processes for CO 2 capture, separation, transport,
storage and monitoring
 There are three main CO2 capture systems associated with different combustion processes, namely, post-
combustion, pre-combustion and oxyfuel combustion.
 Post-combustion
 This process removes CO2 from the flue gas after combustion has taken place.
 Post-combustion technologies are the preferred option for retrofitting existing power
 Pre-combustion
 In this process, the fuel (normally coal or natural gas) is pre-treated before combustion
 CO2 separation technologies
 the main CO2 separation technologies that can be applied to isolate the CO 2 from the flue/fuel gas
stream prior to transportation.
 Advanced technologies, such as wet scrubber, dry regenerable sorbents, membranes, cryogenics,
pressure and temperature swing adsorption, and other advanced concepts have been developed. 
 Absorption
 A liquid sorbent is used to separate the CO 2 from the flue gas. The sorbent can be
regenerated through a stripping or regenerative process by heating and/or depressurization
 One important challenge for the large deployment of this technology for CCS is its potential
amine degradation, resulting in solvent loss, equipment corrosion and generation of volatile
degradation compounds, while that atmospheric degradation has not been included.
 Moreover, amine emissions can degrade into nitrosamines and nitramines, which are
potentially harmful to the human health and the environment.
 Chilled ammonia process uses aqueous ammonium salts (such as ammonium carbonate) to
capture CO2 that can make use of waste heat to regenerate the CO 2 at elevated
temperature and pressures to reduce downstream compression [42].
 This process will generate less problem as compared to those that amine is facing with
 Adsorption
 In contrast to absorption processes which use a liquid absorbent, a solid sorbent is used to bind the
CO2 on its surfaces.
 Large specific surface area, high selectivity and high regeneration ability are the main criteria for
sorbent selection.
 Membrane separation
 Membranes can be used to allow only CO2 to pass through, while excluding other components of
the flue gas.
 The most important part of this process is the membrane which is made of a composite polymer of
which a thin selective layer is bonded to a thicker, non-selective and low-cost layer that provides
mechanical support to the membrane
Rupesh Pillai
 Membrane/solvent systems employ membranes to providea very high surface area to volume ratio
for mass exchangebetween a gas stream and a solvent resulting in a very compactsystem.
 This results in a membrane contactor system in whichthe membrane forms a gas permeable barrier
between a liquidand a gaseous phase.
 In general, the membrane is not involvedin the separation process.
 In the case of porous membranes,gaseous components diffuse through the pores and are
absorbedby the liquid; in cases of non-porous membranes they dissolve inthe membrane and
diffuse through the membrane.
 The contactsurface area between gas and liquid phase is maintainedby themembrane and is
independent of the gas and liquid flow rate.
 The selectivity of the partition is primarily determined by theabsorbent (solvent). Absorption in the
liquid phase is determinedeither by physical partition or by a chemical reaction.
 Operational problems avoided include foaming, flooding entrainment and channelling, and result in
the free choice of the gas and liquid flow rates and a fixed interface for mass transfer in the
membrane/solvent system. Furthermore, the use of compact membranes results in smaller
equipment sizes with capital cost reductions

 The ‘G’ prefix before an engine means it has a design that follows the principles of the large-bore, Mark 9
engine series that MAN Diesel & Turbo introduced in 2006 with an ultra-long stroke that reduces engine
speed, thereby paving the way for ship designs with unprecedented high-efficiency.
 Specification of G-80ME-C9
 Power kW/cyl : 4,450
 Engine speed rpm : 68
 Stroke mm : 3.720
 MEP bar : 21
 Mean piston speed m/s : 8.43
 Length mm (7 cylinder) : 12.500
 Dry mass ton (7 cylinder) : 960
 SFOC, L1 (g/kWh) : 167
 The G-type achieves SFOC reductions through a combination of several factors, such as:
 increased scavenge-air pressure
 reduced compression ratio (twostroke Miller timing)
 increased maximum combustion pressure
 adjustments of compression volume and design changes.
 The G-type engine is characterised by:
 low SFOC and superior performanceparameters thanks to variable,electronically controlled timing
of fuelinjection and exhaust valves at anyengine speed and loadappropriate fuel injection
pressureand rate shaping at any engine speedload
 flexible emission characteristics withlow NOx and smokeless operation
 perfect engine balance with equalisedthermal load in and betweencylinders
 better acceleration in ahead andastern operation and crash stop situations
 wider operating margins in terms ofspeed and power combustions
 longer time between overhauls
 very low speed possible even forextended duration and Super DeadSlow operation manoeuvring
 individually tailored operating modesduring operation
 fully integrated Alpha Cylinder Lubricators,with lower cylinder oil consumption
 an engine design lighter than its mechanicalcounterpart.

 In the Miller cycle, the intake valve is left open longer than it would be in an Otto cycle engine. In effect, the
compression stroke is two discrete cycles: the initial portion when the intake valve is open and final portion
Rupesh Pillai
when the intake valve is closed. This two-stage intake stroke creates the so-called "fifth" stroke that the
Miller cycle introduces.
 As the piston initially moves upwards in what is traditionally the compression stroke, the charge is partially
expelled back out through the still-open intake valve. Typically this loss of charge air would result in a loss of
 However, in the Miller cycle, this is compensated for by the use of a supercharger. The supercharger
typically will need to be of the positive displacement (Roots or Screw) type due to its ability to produce
boost at relatively low engine speeds. Otherwise, low-rpm power will suffer.
 In the Miller cycle engine, the piston begins to compress the fuel-air mixture only after the intake valve
closes; and the intake valve closes after the piston has traveled a certain distance above its bottom-most
position: at around 20% to 30% of the total piston travel of this upward stroke.
 So in the Miller cycle engine, the piston actually compresses the fuel-air mixture only during the latter 70%
to 80% of the compression stroke.
 During the initial part of the compression stroke, the piston pushes part of the fuel-air mixture through the
still-open intake valve, and back into the intake manifold.

 When the fluid is flowing, it is led through two parallel tubes. An actuator (not shown) induces a vibration of
the tubes. The two parallel tubes are counter-vibrating, to make the measuring device less sensitive to
outside vibrations. The actual frequency of the vibration depends on the size of the mass flow meter, and
ranges from 80 to 1000 vibrations per second. The amplitude of the vibration is too small to be seen, but it
can be felt by touch.
 When no fluid is flowing, the vibration of the two tubes is symmetrical, as shown in the animations.
 When there is mass flow, there is some twisting of the tubes. The arm through which fluid flows away from
the axis of rotation must exert a force on the fluid to increase its angular momentum, so it is lagging behind
the overall vibration. The arm through which fluid is pushed back towards the axis of rotation must exert a
force on the fluid to decrease the fluid's angular momentum again, hence that arm leads the overall
 The inlet arm and the outlet arm vibrate with the same frequency as the overall vibration, but when there is
mass flow the two vibrations are out of sync: the inlet arm is behind, the outlet arm is ahead. The two
vibrations are shifted in phase with respect to each other, and the degree of phase-shift is a measure for the
amount of mass that is flowing through the tubes.

 The relation between power and propeller speed for a fixed pitch propeller is as mentioned above described
by means of the propeller law, i.e. the third power curve:
Pb = c x n3 , in which:
 Pb = engine power for propulsion
 n = propeller speed
 c = constant
 The power functions Pb = c x ni will be linear functions when using logarithmic scales.
 Therefore, in the Layout Diagrams and Load Diagrams for diesel engines, logarithmic scales are used, making
simple diagrams with straight lines.

Rupesh Pillai
 Propeller design point
 estimations of the necessary propeller power and speed are based on theoretical calculations for
loaded ship, and often experimental tank tests, both assuming optimum operating conditions, i.e. a
clean hull and good weather. The combination of speed and power obtained may be called the
ship’s propeller design point (PD), placed on the light running propeller curve 6.
 Fouled hull
 When the ship has sailed for some time, the hull and propeller become fouled and the hull’s
resistance will increase. Consequently, the ship speed will be reduced unless the engine delivers
more power to the propeller, i.e. the propeller will be further loaded and will be heavy running
 Sea margin at heavy weather
 If, at the same time the weather is bad, with head winds, the ship’s resistance may increase
compared to operating at calm weather conditions. When determining the necessary engine power,
it is therefore normal practice to add an extra power margin, the so-called sea margin, which is
traditionally about 15% of the propeller design (PD) power.
 Compared to the heavy engine layout curve 2 we recommend to use a light running of 3.0-7.0% for
design of the propeller, with5%as a good average.
 Engine margin
 Besides the sea margin, a so-called “engine margin” of some 10% is frequently added. The
corresponding point is called the “specified MCR for propulsion” (MP), and refers to the fact that
the power for point SP is 10% lower than for point MP. Point MP is identical to the engine’s
specified MCR point (M) unless a main engine driven shaft generator is installed. In such a case, the
extra power demand of the shaft generator must also be considered.
 Light running margin (LR)
 The recommended light running margin originates from past experience. It varies with specific ship
designs, speeds, dry docking intervals, and trade routes. Therefore, the ‘light running margin’
required will be 5 to 6 %. This is the sum of the following factors:
 1.5–2 % influence of wind and weather with an adverse effect on the intake water flow of
the propeller.
 1.5–2% increase of ship’s resistance and mean effective wake brought about by:
o Rippling of hull (frame to frame).
o Fouling of local, damaged areas, i.e. boot top and bottom of the hull.
o Formation of roughness under paint.
o Influence on wake formation due to small changes in trim and immersion of
bulbous bow, particularly in the ballast condition.
 1% frictional losses due to increase of propeller blade roughness
 1% deterioration in engine efficiency such as:
o Fouling of scavenge air coolers.
o Fouling of turbochargers.
Rupesh Pillai
o Condition of piston rings.
o Fuel injection system (condition and/or timing).
o Increase of back pressure due to fouling of the exhaust gas boiler, etc.

 In general, the larger the propeller diameter, the lower is the optimum propeller speed and the kW
required for a certain design draught and ship speed, see curve D
 The maximum possible propeller diameter depends on the given design draught of the ship, and the
clearance needed between the propeller and the aft-body hull and the keel
 Once an optimum propeller diameter has been chosen, the pitch in this point is given for the design

 Line 3 represents the maximum acceptable speedfor continuous operation, i.e. 105% of A.
 During trial conditions the maximum speed may be extended to 107% of A, see line 9.
 The above limits may in general be extended to 105%, and during trial conditions to 107%, of the
nominal L1 speed of the engine, provided the torsional vibration conditions permit
 Line 4: Represents the limit at which an ample air supply is available for combustion and imposes a
limitation on the maximum combination of torque and speed.

Rupesh Pillai
 Line 5: Represents the maximum mean effective pressure level (mep), which can be accepted for
continuous operation
 Line 7: Represents the maximum power for continuous operation.
 Line 8: Represents the overload operation limitations

 Before the propeller
 Pre-swirl Stator (PSS)
 It consists of a set of blades right infront of the propeller. The aim is to reduce the rotational
losses in the propeller slipstream by introducing a rotation in the inflow to the propeller.
PSS increases the hull efficiency and hence the total propulsive efficiency. DNV classification
society has reported a 6% power saving
 Becker Mewis Duct
 It is a Pre-swirl Stator with Accelerating Duct. The role of the duct is to homogenize the axial
wake component. It increases the efficiency of the pre-swirl fins by providing a more
important water inflow to the stator. Also the duct contributes to the total thrust by virtue
of the lift created by the accelerating flow over its walls.
 Schneekluth Wake Equalising Duct (WED)
 It aims to improve the overall propulsive efficiency by reducing the amount of separation
over the afterbody of the vessel by helping to establish more uniform inflow into the
propeller by accelerating the flow in the upper part of the propellerdisc and minimizing the
tangentialvelocity components in the wakefield.It also helps in the selection of
largestpossible propeller diameter
 At the propeller
 Propeller Boss Cone Fins (PBCF)
 The idea of fitting fins to the cone of the propeller, is to enhance the efficiency of the screw
propeller by reducing the energy loss associated with the propeller hub vertex
 Unconventional Propellers (Kappel propeller)
 The pressure on the suction and discharge side of the propeller at the tip equalises due to
the tip vortex and hence the efficiency of the tip region is low. Kappel propeller minimises
the flow over the tip and the outer region of the propeller therefore retains high efficiency.
The efficiency of Kappel propeller is appreciably more than the efficiency of the
conventional propellers.
 Behind the propeller
 Rudder Bulb
 It comprises of a large bulb having a diameter of about 30-40% of the propeller diameter
which is placed on the rudder close behind the propeller boss. It is aimed to prevent flow
separation and excessive vorticity behind the hub by effectively extending the propeller
 Measures for improving the Propulsion Engine Efficiency
 Optimisation of Performance at Low load operation
 Slow steaming of the vessels is the most efficient measure to save fuel. Traditionally engines have
been optimised at 85% MCR.
 Main engine Derating
 The concept here is to fit the engine on its lower MCR than its design MCR.
 Exhaust Gas Bypass (EGB)
 The concept here is to optimise the turbocharger for gas flow at low load operation
 Variable Turbine Area (VTA) technology
 The concept here is to optimise the turbocharger efficiency by increasing the charge air
pressure on low loads by adjustable vane nozzle rings.
 Electronically Controlled Engine
Rupesh Pillai
 These are common rail direct injection system that features high pressure fuel rails feeding
individual valves. Electronic control unit governs the injection. This unit allows load
independent control of injection timing and exhaust valve timing
 Waste Heat Recovery
 A waste heat recovery system in the form of economiser is very popular on vessels and it provides
all the heating steam in sea passages. Waste heat recovery system is also designed to produce
electrical power by using the exhaust gas from the engine to generate steam for a turbine-driven
 Measures to improve the operational efficiency
 Voyage speed optimisation
 Weather Routing
 Engine tuning
 Performance Monitoring

 “VTA” (Variable Turbine Area) technology 
 The VTA system consists of a nozzle ring, equipped with adjustable vanes which replaces the fixed-
vane rings used in MAN Diesel’s standard TCA and TCR turbochargers.
 Adjusting vane pitch regulates the pressure of the exhaust gases impinging on the turbine to vary
compressor output.
 The quantity of charge air can be more precisely matched to the quantity of injected fuel, resulting
in reduced specific fuel consumption and emissions, in combination with improved dynamic
behaviour of the engine-turbocharger system
 In order to minimize thermal hysteresis and improve adjustment accuracy, each vane has a lever,
which is directly connected to a control ring.
 The control ring is actuated by an electric positional motor with integrated reduction gear whose
development was an integral part of MAN Diesel’s VTA solution
 Hybrid turbochargers utilize a portion of the rotational output of the turbocharger turbine (derived
from exhaust gas energy) to drive a generator, thus providing a type of waste heat recovery system.
 The generator is positioned within the turbocharger silencer, but since the silencer itself lacks
sufficient rigidity to support the generator, a two-part (upper and lower) cast steel shell is attached
to the compressor scroll to compensate for this
 The increasing efficiency of modern turbochargers means that there is a portion of unused exhaust
energy available. The Turbo Compound System Power Turbine and Generator (TCS-PTG) makes use
of that excess exhaust energy.
 The system diverts excess exhaust, up to 13 per cent of exhaust gas flow, from the exhaust gas
receiver to a power turbine that is inserted parallel to the turbochargers. The turbo performance
and main engine output is not affected by the use of the PTG which can extract up to five per cent
of additional power with a maximum of 4,700 kW, depending on the size of the main engine.
 The auxiliary blower performance, reliability and economic efficiency had not been very important
because the engine operation at such a low load had been limited to the time of departing and
arriving in port. Slow steaming has become the main stream of shipping for the reduction of fuel oil
cost, and the continuous operation of the auxiliary blower is sometimes required.
 The EAT unit consists of a specially designed high speed permanent magnet motor directly mounted
to the turbocharger rotating assembly. The high speed motor applies torque to the turbocharger
rotor enabling it maintain or vary rotor speed at low engine exhaust flow rates in order to supply
sufficient charge air to maximize engine performance.


Rupesh Pillai
 The KONGSBERG Bearing Wear Monitoring System - BWCM, measures and displays the combined physical
wear of crosshead-, crank- and main bearings, providing early bearing seizure warnings if problems occur
during engine operation.
 The sensors are specifically designed to provide reliable and accurate measurements over years of
operation inside the engine.
 The bearing wear monitoring system uses two sensors mounted in each cylinder compartment, measuring
every time the crosshead passes bottom dead centre.
 These sensors perform individual compensation for engine speed, engine crank case temperature and
engine deflections due to vessel manoeuvring or cargo loading.
 The BWCM system is one of the required systems in order to avoid open up inspections. The following
systems are part of a class survey arrangement:
 BWCM system
 Water in Oil sensor
 Shaft Earthing Device (owner or yard supply)
 Computerised Planned Maintenance System
 Significantly reduced risk of unforeseeable repair costs
 Unique long-term measuring accuracy
 Compact and simple installation and cabling on the engine
 Stand-alone or fully integrated with the alarm monitoring system

 Framo is a double lip seal teflon ring.
 Purging to be carried out at regular intervals for the purpose of:
 Leakage rate detection
 Condition monitoring of the shaft seal system
 Avoid that leakages are blocking the cofferdam
 Place a suitable container underneath the exhaust trap to collect the leakage.
 Check that drain valve at bottom of exhaust trap is not blocked.
 Drain the purging medium supply line for condensed water.
 Connect purging hose (max. supply pressure 7 bar)
 Start the purging by opening the valve at purging medium supply line.
 Purge cofferdam in several sequences if required. Drain exhaust trap between each
 Disconnect purging hose.
 Close exhaust trap drain valve.
 Log the amount of leakage, -evaluate the result
 Purge cofferdam, before during and after use.
 Check back pressure in return filters and in oil cooler.
 Refill the oil tank through the filter box.
 Drain off any water or sediment in the oil tank.
 Slow down pump when tank cleaning.
 Air in the system is indicated by –
 Back flow into the system when at standstill
 Great difference in tank level at low and high system pressure
 Foaming
 Discoloured oil

Rupesh Pillai
 Currently, there are liquid fossil fuels, liquid biofuels, and gaseous fuels that are in use or can be used by
ships for compliance with the existing and forthcoming environmental air pollution requirements
  There are liquid biofuels and fossil fuels that are low in sulphur and can satisfy the fuel sulphur
requirements of the ECAs and MARPOL Annex VI. In lieu of using low‐sulphur fuels, another option is to use
scrubbers fitted in the engine exhaust to remove the SOx.
 The Effship Project investigates methanol and dimethyl ether (DME) as alternative fuels. The fuel options
mentioned are LNG, methanol, DME, and gas‐to‐liquids (GTL) formulations.
 Liquid biofuels available for marine use are biodiesel, FAME, algae fuels, methanol, hydrogenation‐derived
renewable diesel (HDRD), which is also known as second‐ generation biodiesel, and pyrolysis oil.
 Soy bean oil has been used by the MolsLinien (Ferry line) in Denmark. Fish and chicken oils have also been
 Drawbacks of these fuels are limited miscibility with IFO fuel, sensitivity to frost, and the problem of
 Biodiesel (FAME), algae fuel, methanol, HDRD, and pyrolysis oil are virtually sulfur free. The algae and HDRD
fuels are compatible with diesel engines and their associated shipboard fuel systems. Biodiesel (FAME) is
not compatible with certain nonmetallic and 25 metallic materials and usually requires modification of
current engines and shipboard fuel systems.
 FAME is a well‐known and proven blending component for road‐based diesel machines but has not
found its way into use as a marine fuel.   
 Within the ISO 8217 framework, FAME is currently being adapted as a blending component for
heavy marine fuel.
 Fatty acid methyl esters are a refined version of vegetable oils or animal fats
 The main problem with FAME is sustainability because FAME production relies heavily on palm oil
production, which is often in conflict with the preservation of natural rain forests. Therefore, FAME
is generally not seen as a viable long‐term option.
 Biocrude (Pyrolysis Oil)
 The feedstock can be either solid biomass or sludge. Like fossil crude, biocrude can also be refined
into gasoline or diesel‐like products
 The main challenges are its:
 Low cetane number
 High water content
 Poor lubricity
 Gaseous Fuels
 Gaseous fuels available for marine use are natural gas and propane (i.e., LPG).
 These fuels are not only very low in sulfur content but they also combust such that NOx, PM, and
CO2 are reduced.
 Natural gas can be carried in a compressed state called compressed natural gas (CNG) or in a liquid
state called liquefied natural gas (LNG).
 propane is heavier than air and thus presents an explosive safety hazard if it were to accumulate in
the bilges or low sections of a ship’s engine room in the event of a leak in the fuel system; thus, it is
not considered safe for shipboard use
 LNG is one of the most promising alternative marine fuels. It takes up about 1/600th of the volume
of natural gas in the gaseous state. Hazards include its flammability and low freezing temperature
(−163°C (−260°F), such that marine regulations require extra safety precautions like double wall
piping, gas detections systems, etc., in engine rooms
 For economic reasons, LNG conversions generally require that 30–40% of the operation is located
within ECA areas. Otherwise, the capital investment will be too heavy
 Exhaust Gas Treatment Systems (EGTSs)
 An alternative to using low‐sulfur fuels for reducing the SOx emitted in the exhaust is to clean the
exhaust gas using scrubber technology.
Rupesh Pillai
 This technology is proven for use at shore-side power stations worldwide.
 These systems can clean the exhaust to the SOx level that is equivalent to the required fuel sulfur
 Using a SOx scrubber offers shippers the flexibility of using either a low‐sulfur fuel or higher‐sulfur
 Algae Fuels Advantages
 When hydrotreated, it is a drop‐in fuel in terms of compatibility with the fuel system and engine
 Algae fuels have slightly lower heating values than those of petroleum diesel and lower aromatics.
Blending with petroleum diesel negates these drawbacks so the blended fuel’s performance
compares favorably with petroleum diesel
 Commercial availability is limited.
 The current cost is prohibitive for general commercial use
 Hydrogenation‐Derived Renewable Diesel (HDRD)
 HDRD is produced by refining fats or vegetable oils in a process known as fatty acids‐to‐hydrocarbon
 Diesel produced using this process is called renewable diesel to differentiate it from biodiesel, which
is a product of the transesterfication of animal fats and vegetable oils
 HDRD has an identical chemical structure with petroleum‐based diesel as it is free of ester
compounds and, when produced from animal fat wastes, has low carbon intensity and is referred to
as “advanced” renewable diesel.
 Current availability is limited.

Rupesh Pillai

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