Autonomic Runtime Manager For Adaptive D

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Autonomic Runtime Manager for Large Scale Adaptive Distributed Applications

Jingmei Yang, Huoping Chen, Salim Hariri Manish Parashar

University of Arizona Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
Emails: Email:

Abstract compared with a static partitioning algorithm. We also

evaluate the performance of ARM using two partitioning
Large-scale distributed applications are highly adaptive strategies. One approach is to partition the wildfire
and heterogeneous in terms of their computational simulation domain into Natural Regions (NR), where
requirements. The computational complexity associated each region has the same temporal and spatial
with each computational region or domain varies characteristics (e.g., burned (NR1), burning (NR2), and
continuously and dramatically both in space and time unburned regions (NR3)), and schedule each region into
throughout the whole life cycle of the application available processors. The second approach is to view the
execution. Consequently, static scheduling techniques are wildfire domain as a graph and use a graph partitioning
inefficient to optimize the execution of these applications tool (e.g., ParMetis tool) to partition the graph into
at runtime. In this paper, we present an Autonomic different domains.
Runtime Manager (ARM) that uses the application spatial
and temporal characteristics as the main criteria to self-
optimize the execution of distributed applications at 1. Introduction
runtime. The wildfire spread simulation is used as a
running example to demonstrate the ARM effectiveness to Large-scale distributed applications are highly
control and manage the application’s execution. The adaptive and heterogeneous in terms of their
behavior of the wildfire simulation depends on many computational requirements. The computational
complex factors that contribute to the adaptive and complexity associated with each computational region or
heterogeneous behaviors such as fuel characteristics and domain varies continuously and dramatically both in
configurations, chemical reactions, balances between space and time throughout the whole life cycle of the
different modes of heat transfer, topography, and application execution. An example of such an application
fire/atmosphere interactions. Consequently, the is a wildfire simulation of a national park, which
application execution cannot be predicted a priori and simulates the wildfire spread behavior by taking into
that makes static parallel or distributed algorithms very considerations many factors such as fuel characteristics
inefficient. The ARM is implemented using two modules: and configurations, chemical reactions, balances between
1) Online Monitoring and Analysis Module, and 2) different modes of heat transfer, topography, and
Autonomic Planning and Scheduling Module. The online fire/atmosphere interactions. The computational load
monitoring and analysis module interfaces with different associated with “burning” cells is much larger than that
kinds of application and system sensors that collect for “unburned” cells that will lead to load imbalance
information to accurately determine the current state of conditions if that difference in computational
the fire simulation in terms of the number and locations requirement is not taken into consideration when the
of burning and unburned cells as well as the states of the application computational load assigned to the processors
resources, and decides whether the autonomic planning at runtime. Consequently, static scheduling techniques
and scheduling module should be invoked. The are very inefficient to optimize the execution of
autonomic planning and scheduling module uses the applications that continuously change their temporal and
resource capability models as well as the current state of spatial characteristics. The wildfire spread behavior is an
the computations to repartition the whole computational example of this class of adaptive distributed applications.
workload into available processors. Our experimental Optimizing the performance of parallel applications
results show that by using ARM the performance of the through load balancing algorithms is well studied in the
wildfire simulation has been improved by 45% when literature and they can be classified as either static or
dynamic algorithms. The compile-time static approaches The reminder of this paper is organized as follows:
[8][9][10][11] assign work to processors before the Section 2 gives an overview of the ARM system and a
computation starts and can be efficient if we know how detailed analysis of the wildfire simulation. Results from
the computations will progress a priori. On the other the experimental evaluation of the ARM runtime
hand, if the workload cannot be estimated beforehand, optimization are presented in Section 3. We compare the
dynamic load balancing strategies have to be used [12] performance of the wildfire simulation with and without
[13][14][15]. For example, the diffusion-based methods the ARM system by using different partitioning
[14][15] divide the processor pool into small and approaches. A conclusion and outline of future research
overlapping neighborhoods. The underloaded processor directions are presented in Section 4.
requests work levels from its neighbors and then
determine how much work to request from each neighbor. 2. Autonomic Runtime Manager (ARM): An
Because of the overlapping neighborhood, the work will Overview
eventually diffuse throughout the system to achieve
global load balancing. However, the local schemes are The Autonomic Runtime Manager (ARM) is
inadequate for heterogeneous and adaptive distributed responsible for controlling and managing the execution
applications because they lack a global view of the environment for large-scale distributed adaptive
current state of the application. Some global schemes applications at runtime. Once the application is running,
[16][17][18] predict future performance based on past ARM will optimize the application execution to improve
information or based on some prediction tools, such as performance dynamically. The ARM main modules
Network Weather Service (NWS)[19]. In [18], the include (see Figure 1): 1) Online Monitoring and
authors use the predicted CPU information provided by Analysis and 2) Autonomic Planning and Scheduling.
NWS to guide scheduling decisions. Dome [17] remaps Online monitoring and analysis module interfaces with
the computation based on the time each processor spends different kinds of sensors that collect information about
on computing during the last computational phase. Other the fire propagation and environmental data as well as the
optimization techniques are based on application-level information about the states of the underlying resources.
scheduling [20][21][22]. AppLeS in [20][21] assumes These current state conditions are then used by the ARM
the application performance model is static and provided to steer the simulation into the direction that maximizes
by users and GHS system [22] assumes the total the performance or any other desired property (e.g.,
computation load of applications is a constant. accuracy). Based on the objectives of the analysis (e.g.,
Some researchers [23][24][25][26][27][28] have accurate vs. approximate but fast simulations), the
explored the load balancing issues for adaptive planning engine will use the resource capability models
applications. The applications in [23][24][25] are as well as the performance models associated with the
adaptive mesh refinement either on unstructured or computations, and the knowledge repository to select the
structured grid and load balancing is achieved by appropriate models and partitions for each region
repartitioning the computations among processors after (empirical-based, physics-based) and then decompose the
each refinement phase. [26] assumes the adaptation are computational workloads into schedulable Computational
infrequent and the load remains relatively stable between Units (CUs). Based on the availability of computing
adaptations. [27][28] introduce a load balancing resources and their access policies, the scheduler will
framework for asynchronous adaptive applications. dynamically schedule the CUs on available Resource
However the wildfire simulation represents such Units (RUs) that can be clusters of high performance
applications which are loosely synchronous and workstations, massive parallel computers, and/or
constantly adapting, and requires more adaptive and distributed/shared memory multiprocessor systems.
efficient runtime optimization techniques. In this paper, It is to be noted here that the ARM hides the
we present an Autonomic Runtime Manager (ARM) that underlying heterogeneity of the execution environment
continuously monitors and analyzes the current state of from the application and can interface the application to
the application as well as the computing and networking different types of execution models and different types of
resources and then makes the appropriate planning and resources harnessing the maximum utilization of features
scheduling actions. The ARM control and management and capabilities of the underlying environment. In this
activities are overlapped with the application execution to paper, we will use the wildfire simulation as a running
minimize the overhead incurred using the ARM runtime example to explain the main operations of the ARM
optimization algorithm. modules and the performance gains that can be achieved.
Figure 1. Autonomic Runtime Manager (ARM) Architecture

2.1. An Illustrative Example - Wildfire model developed by Anderson [4]. When the simulation
Simulation time advances to the ignition times of neighbors, the
neighbor cells will ignite and their states will change
In the wildfire simulation model, the entire area is from “unburned” to “burning”. In a similar way, the fire
represented as a 2-D cell-space composed of cells of would propagate to the neighbors of these cells. With
dimensions l x b (l: length, b: breadth). For each cell, different terrain, vegetation and weather conditions, the
there are eight major wind directions N, NE, NW, S, SE, fire propagation could form very different spread patterns
SW, E, W as shown in Figure 2. The weather and within the entire region.
vegetation conditions are assumed to be uniform within a The wildfire simulation model used in this paper is
cell, but may vary in the entire cell space. A cell interacts based on fireLib[1], which is a C function library for
with its neighbors along all the eight directions. predicting the spread rate and intensity of free-burning
wildfires. It is derived directly from the BEHAVE [2] fire
behavior algorithms for predicting fire spread in two
NW N NE dimensions, but is optimized for highly iterative
applications such as cell- or wave-based fire growth
W E simulation. We parallelized the sequential version of the
fire simulation using MPI[5]. This parallelized fire
SW S SE simulation divides the entire cell space among multiple
Figure 2. Fire direction after ignition
processors such that each processor works on its own
portion and exchanges the necessary data with each
When a cell is ignited, its state will change from others after each simulation time step. The parallel
“unburned” to “burning”. During its “burning” phase, the wildfire simulation is a loosely synchronous iterative
fire will propagate to its eight neighbors along the eight application. Each processor performs the computation on
directions. The direction and the value of the maximum part of the whole space, maintains the ignition map which
fire spread rate within the burning cell can be computed is the ignition times of all cells, and proceeds to the next
using Rothermel’s fire spread model [3], which takes into ignition cell as the simulation advances.
account the wind speed and direction, the vegetation type, Because of the synchronization between iterations, the
the fuel moisture and terrain type, such as slope and execution time during one iteration is effectively
aspect, in calculating the fire spread rate. The fire determined by the execution time of the slowest, or most
behavior in eight directions including the spread rate, the heavily loaded processor. Consequently, the application
time for fire to spread to eight neighbors, and the flame performance will be severely degraded if the
length could be determined using the elliptical growth computational loads on all the processors are not well
balanced at runtime. In the following sections, we present
how the ARM system can effectively maximize the run the autonomic planning and scheduling engine and
performance of the wildfire simulation at runtime. overlap that with the worker processors executing the
workload of the distributed wildfire simulation. Once the
2.2. Online Monitoring and Analysis new partition assignments are finalized, a message is sent
to all the worker processors to read the new assignments
The online monitoring module monitors the current after they are done with the current computations.
state of the fire simulation in terms of the number and the Consequently, the ARM runtime optimization activities
locations of burning cells and unburned cells. By are completely overlapped with the application execution
profiling the application behavior at runtime, the and the overhead is less than 4% as will be discussed
computation time spent on each iteration can be obtained. later.
In addition, the online monitoring module monitors the
states of the resources involving in the execution of the 2.3.1 Partitioning Strategy
fire simulation, such as the CPU load, available memory,
network load etc. The runtime state information is stored We have developed and experimented with two
in a database. The online analysis module analyzes the partitioning strategies in our ARM prototype.
runtime information and the load imbalance of the Natural Region Partitioning Approach:
wildfire simulation and then determines whether or not This method uses the runtime information associated
the current allocation of workloads need to be changed. with the application current state to partition the fire
We use a metric that we refer to as the Imbalance simulation domain into several Natural Regions (NRs),
Ratio (IR) to quantify the load imbalance that can be where each region has the same temporal and spatial
computed as: characteristics (e.g., burning (NR1), and unburned regions
MaxiP=−01 (Tcomp ( pi , t )) − MiniP=−01 (Tcomp ( pi , t )) (NR2)) and assign each region to processors according to
IR(t ) = × 100% (1) their capabilities.
MiniP=−01 (Tcomp ( pi , t ))
Let ACW(t) be the predicted Application
Where Tcomp(pi, t) is the computation time at time step t on
Computational Workload at time t in terms of the number
processor pi, and, P denotes the number of processors.
of cells in the “burning” region NB(t) and “unburned”
So MaxiP=−11Tcomp ( pi , t ) represents the computation time spent
region NU(t). ACW(t) can be defined as follows:
on the most heavily-loaded processor and ACW (t ) = N B (t ) + NU (t ) (2)
MiniP=−11Tcomp ( pi , t ) is the computation time spent on the most We use Processor Load Ratio (PLR) metric to quantify
lightly-loaded processor. We use a predefined threshold the computing capacity for each processor such that
∑ PLR( pi , t ) = 1
P −1
IRthreshold to measure how severe the load imbalance value (3)
i =0
is. If IR exceeds the specified threshold, the imbalance
Let L(Pi,t) be the system load on processor Pi at time t
conditions are considered severe and repartitioning is
which can be measured by using the CPU queue length.
required. Then the autonomic planning and scheduling
If L(Pi,t) <= 1, then there is only one process running on
module will be invoked to carry the appropriate actions to
processor Pi and the estimated execution time of one
repartition the simulation workload.
burning cell on processor Pi at time t is given by:
The selection of the threshold IRthreshold can
TB ( pi , t ) = TB (4)
significantly impact the effectiveness of the repartitioning
algorithm. If the threshold chosen is too low, too many where TB is the estimated computation time of one
load repartitions will be triggered and the high overhead burning cell on a dedicated processor. If L(Pi,t) > 1, there
produced outweigh the expected performance gains. On are other applications running on processor Pi. The
the other hand, when the threshold is high, the load expected computation time of one burning cell will be
imbalance cannot be detected quickly and consequently longer due to multiprogramming and can be estimated as
the performance improvement will be reduced. In the follows:
experimental results subsection, we show how we can TB ( pi , t ) = L( pi , t ) * TB (5)
experimentally determine the appropriate threshold value. Consequently, the average execution time for a burning
cell at time t is computed as:

P −1
2.3. Autonomic Planning and Scheduling TB ( pi , t )
TB avg (t ) = i =0 (6)
The autonomic planning and scheduling module To balance the load on each processor, we define an
partitions the whole fire simulation domain into several adjustment factor, Processor Allocation Factor (PAF),
sub-domains based on the state of the application and the which is inversely proportional to the processor execution
current loads on the underlying processors. To reduce the
rescheduling overhead, we use a dedicated processor to
time with respect to the average execution time. The PAF
for processor pi can be computed as: 2.3.2 Predictive Model
TB avg (t ) (7)
PAF ( pi , t ) = As discussed in section 2.1, the wildfire simulation
TB ( pi , t )
By normalizing the PAF, we could obtain the PLR for maintains an ignition map to store the ignition time of
processor pi as follows: each cell. As the fire simulation proceed, it will calculate
PAF ( pi , t ) (8) the time that fire spreads from the current burning cell to
PLR( p , t ) = its eight neighbors and update the ignition times of those

i P −1
i =0
PAF ( pi , t )
neighbors accordingly. Therefore, at any given time step,
Therefore the Processor Computational Load (PCL) to be based on the ignition map of the domain, we can predict
assigned to processor pi is given as: what are the next N cells that will be ignited.
PCL( pi , t ) = PLR( pi , t ) × ACW (t ) (9) The ARM system implemented sensors to collect the
Then the corresponding workload of each natural region ignition time changes of cells at run time and stores them
will be assigned to processors according to their PCLs. into the ARM database. The autonomic planning and
scheduling module will compare the ignition times of
Graph Partitioning Approach cells with the current time and obtain the next N cells that
The wildfire simulation domain can be represented as will burn. Thus, the predicted application computational
an undirected weighted graph G(V, E) of V vertices and E workload ACWpred(t) can be computed as follows:
edges. The cells of the domain are the vertices of the ACWpred (t ) = N B (t ) + N B pred (t ) + ( NU (t ) − N B pred (t )) (10)
graph and an edge exists between two graph vertices if where NB(t) and NU(t) are the number of burning cells and
these cells are neighbors. Each graph vertex has a weight unburned cells at time step t as defined in Equation (2).
associated with it, which indicates the workload of the NBpred(t) denotes the predicted next N burning cells at time
corresponding cell. Burning cells have a larger weight step t. The automatic planning and scheduling module
than the unburned cells because of the difference in their will use the predicted application workload to partition
computational complexities. Each edge of the graph also the fire simulation domain and assign the corresponding
has a weight that models the interprocessor workload to available processors.
communication. Thus a graph partitioning for the fire In the next section, we evaluate the performance of
simulation domain yields the assignment of cells to these two partitioning techniques for different problem
processors. sizes and different number of processors.
There are several graph partitioning tools that can be
used [24][29]. The objective of the graph partitioning
3. Performance Evaluation
algorithm is to find a reasonable load balance that
minimizes the edgecut and the interprocessor
The experiments were performed on two problem
communication; where edgecut is defined as the total
sizes for the fire simulation. The first problem size is a
weight of edges that cross the partitions. In our ARM
256*256 cell space with 65536 cells. The second problem
prototype, we have implemented the ParMetis[29] graph
has a 512*512 cell domain with 262144 cells. To
partitioning tool. The ParMetis is a widely used graph
introduce a heterogeneous fire patterns, the fire is started
partitioning program that is developed at the University
in the southwest region of the domain and then
of Minnesota. We use ParMETIS_V3_PartKway()
propagates northeast along the wind direction until it
routine to initially partition the fire simulation domain
reaches the edge of the domain. In order to make the
into sub-domains and use
evaluation for different problem sizes accurate, we
ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart() routine to repartition
maintain the same ratio of burning cells to 17%; that is
the domain when the distribution results in load
the total number of burning cells when the simulation
imbalance ratio larger than the predetermine threshold.
terminates is about 17% of the total cells for both
ParMETIS_V3_AdaptiveRepart routine makes use of a
problem sizes.
Unified Repartitioning Algorithm [30] for adaptive
We begin with an examination of the effects of the
repartitioning that combines the best characteristics of
imbalance ratio threshold on application performance.
remapping and diffusion-based repartitioning schemes.
We ran the fire simulation with a problem size of 65536
Repartitioning is performed on the graph using the
on 16 processors and varied the IRthreshold values to
weights of the vertices and edges that are computed by
determine the best value that minimizes the execution
the online monitoring and analysis module to reflect the
current state of the fire simulation in terms of the
locations of burning cells and unburned cells.
400 Without Self-

Imbalance Ratio (%)

350 Optimization
With Self-
250 Optimization
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Time Step

Figure 3. The sensitivity of the fire simulation to the Figure 4. Imbalance ratios for 2000 time steps of the fire
IRthreshold value simulation for a problem size = 65536, number of
processors = 16, IRthreshold = 50%

Table 1.
Workload Distribution Quality for Problem Size with 65536 cells
Runtime Optimization Approach 8 Processors 16 Processors
Max/Min Std Max/Min Std
Computation Dev Computation Dev
Static Scheduling 1841/259 sec 626 921/129 316
Natural Region Approach 940/ 693 sec 86 464/299 53
Graph Partitioning Approach 923/633 sec 104 463/285 59
Table 2.
Workload Distribution Quality for Problem Size with 262144 cells
Runtime Optimization Approach 16 Processors 32 Processors
Max/Min Std Max/Min Std
Computation Dev Computation Dev
Static Scheduling 16339/2042 sec 5289 8950/1031 sec 2097
Natural Region Approach 8375/6603 sec 382 3662/2340 sec 467
Graph Partitioning Approach 8441/5163 sec 807 3744/2038 sec 570

The results of this experiment are shown in Figure 3. The optimization algorithm. For example, at 2000 time steps
execution times are taken as the average for three runs. of the simulation, the imbalance ratio for static
We observed that the best execution time, 713 seconds, scheduling is about 450% while it is around 25% in our
was achieved when the IRthreshold is equal to 30%. We approach. In fact, using our approach, the imbalance ratio
need to do more research to determine the relationship is kept bound within a small range.
between the number of processors and problem size to the We now evaluate the ARM’s performance in
threshold value. In the experimental results, we assume optimizing the execution time of the wildfire simulation
that once the load imbalance ratio becomes above 30%, using the following three metrics: 1) the quality of the
the repartitioning is triggered. workload distribution for all processors; 2) the overall
It is important to notice that the online monitoring and execution time of the wildfire simulation; and 3) the
analysis and autonomic planning and scheduling overhead incurred by the ARM system.
activities are all carried out on a separate processor and First we evaluate the quality of the workload
completely overlapped with the worker processor distribution. In Figure 5a, we see a processor-by-
computations. processor breakdown of the wildfire simulation’s
Figure 4 shows how the imbalance ratios increase performance on 32 processors with a problem size of
linearly as the simulation progresses using static 262144 cells. Most of the computation is clustered within
partitioning algorithm and compare that with our runtime the range from processor 5 through 15. Figure 5b and 5c
16000 16000 16000

Communiation Ov erhead 14000 Ov erhead
Sy nchronization Communication Communication
12000 Computation 12000 Sy nchronization 12000 Sy nchronization

Time (Seconds)
Time (Seconds)

Time (Seconds)
Computation Computation
10000 10000 10000

8000 8000 8000

6000 6000 6000

4000 4000 4000

2000 2000 2000

0 0 0
1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31
Processor ID Processor ID Processor ID

(a) (b) (c)

Figure 5. Breakdown of the Execution time for different optimization techniques applied to an application with
22144 cells running on 32 processors. (a) Static scheduling. (b) Runtime optimization with natural region
partitioning approach. (c) Runtime optimization with graph partitioning approach.

2500 20000
Static Scheduling Static Scheduling
Overall Execution Time(seconds)

Overall Execution Time(seconds)


2000 Runtime Optimization with 16000 Runtime Optimization with

NR approach 14000 NR approach
Runtime Optimization with Runtime Optimization with
1500 12000 Graph Partitioning
Graph Partitioning

1000 8000

500 4000

0 0
P= 8 P = 16 P = 16 P = 32
Number of Processors Number of Processors

(a) (b)
Figure 6. Overall performance of different optimization approaches on different processor configurations. (a)
Problem size 65536 cells. (b) Problem size 262144 cells.

provide the results for runtime optimization using the partitioning approach. On 16 processors, these numbers
natural region partitioning approach and the graph are 45 percent and 6 percent. For problem size 262144
partitioning approach, respectively. As we can see, for cells on 16 processors, the numbers are 44 percent and 3
both approaches, the computational load is distributed percent, while, on 32 processors, they are 41 percent and
evenly across the processors. The computation time has a 5 percent.
standard deviation of roughly 467 for natural region As we can see in Tables 1 and 2, the natural region
partitioning approach, and 570 for the graph partitioning partitioning approach is more successful than the graph
approach, compared with 2097 for the static scheduling partitioning approach in terms of data distribution quality
approach. Table 1, 2 summarizes the standard deviations with a smaller standard deviation for the processor
of the computation time for two problem sizes on computation times. However, as shown in Figure 6, the
different processor configurations. overall execution time with the natural region partitioning
Our second metric is the overall execution time of the approach is slightly larger than that of the graph
wildfire simulation. Figure 6 demonstrates the overall partitioning approach. The reason is that graph
execution time with different runtime optimization partitioning approach partitions the graph in a way that
approaches as well as the static scheduling algorithm on both balances the workload and minimizes the
two problem sizes and different processor configurations. communication time between sub-domains, which
For problem size 65536 cells on 8 processors, the ARM eventually reduces the overall execution time.
system with graph partitioning approach provides an
improvement of 45 percent over static scheduling, 3
percent over runtime optimization with the natural region
Table 3.
Overhead imposed by ARM system for problem size 65536 cells
Number of ARM overhead
Processors Data Collecting Time Reading New Partition Time Prcnt.
8 1.8 sec 8.9 sec 0.8%
16 1.9 sec 15.5 sec 2.4%
Table 4.
Overhead imposed by ARM system for problem size 262144 cells
Number of ARM overhead
Processors Data Collecting Time Reading New Partition Time Prcnt.
16 21.6 sec 70 sec 0.9%
32 23.1 sec 165.9 sec 3.4%

Finally we show that the overhead incurred by the system is less than 4%. We have also evaluated the ARM
ARM system is small and does not have a negative performance on a large wildfire simulation for different
impact on the application performance. In our problem sizes. The experimental results show that using
implementation, one processor is dedicated to run the two the ARM runtime optimization, the performance of the
ARM modules: the online monitoring and analysis and wildfire simulation can be improved by up to 45% when
the autonomic planning and scheduling modules. That compared to the static parallel partitioning algorithm. We
means the ARM computations are completely overlapped also evaluated different partitioning methods such as the
with the computations of the distributed fire simulation. natural region partitioning approach and the graph
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