20201208-Dec Multi Items
20201208-Dec Multi Items
20201208-Dec Multi Items
secretary@stmichaelsns.com 047-85282
8 December 2020
Dear Parents,
Welcome: Over the past few weeks we have been joined by Charlie, Eva and Eoin. We
welcome them to our school. We also welcome Charlie’s dad and Eoin and Eva’s mum back
to our St. Michael’s community and we welcome Charlie’s mum and Eoin and Eva’s dad to
Ardaghey. Thank you to all the other pupils who have gone to so much trouble to help them
settle into our school.
Covid News: As a school we are still maintaining all the restrictions and following all the
advice we have received.
Once again, we congratulate the parents and pupils on their commitment to following all the
procedures we have put in place. We are conscious, as a school, that we do not want to ‘let
down our guard’ or become complacent and so we’ll continue to remind the children about
the importance of social distancing and hand sanitising.
We are asking parents to continue following all the guidelines we have issued since the start
of the year. If a pupil is unwell they should not come to school. Since September we have
encouraged parents to ‘err on the side of caution’ and not take any chances.
We will continue to give the children a break outdoors if at all possible, so please make sure
your child comes to school with a coat, hat and gloves each day.
Late Comers: A small problem has arisen in relation to pupils arriving late for school. The
older children have no difficulty ringing the doorbell and I let them in. Some of the younger
children can’t reach the doorbell. Recently one of the younger pupils was dropped to the
school but couldn’t ring the bell. Luckily one of the pupils who put up our flag each morning
saw her, and I was able to bring her into the school.
If you are dropping your child to school and don’t see one of the teachers in the yard please
ring our school, 85282, and let us know your child is coming in and we’ll make sure to open
the door to them. And please stay at the gate until you see your child come in to the school.
Parent Teacher Meetings: Many thanks for your cooperation in arranging the Telephone PT
Meetings. Although they weren’t our usual format or arrangement it was great to catch up
with you all and also great to have a chance to chat to you about your child’s progress in
As teachers we miss the ‘chat at the gate’ and the informal chat in the morning and hopefully
those days will return soon.
As always, if you have any concerns about your child feel free to give us a ring and we’ll
make an arrangement to ring you.
Roll number: 16954C Charity Number: 20132170 twitter: @rackwallacens website: www.rackwallacens.com
PTA News: As you know, the PTA weren’t in a position to hold our annual sponsored walk
last June. We asked parents to contribute to the PTA instead. Many thanks to all those who
have so generously donated already. So far, the we have raised an incredible €960.
If you would like to contribute just put your donation into an envelope marked ‘PTA’ and I
will pass it on to the PTA’s treasurer, Stella Murphy. Or, if you’re not sure if you’ve paid just
give us a ring and we’ll check the system. It is also important to stress that, especially in the
current climate, no family should feel under pressure to contribute.
Santa Claus’ Visit: Normally at this time of the year we would be expecting Santa Claus to
call in and visit the children in our school. Unfortunately, this year Santa won’t be able to
visit us in school as he wants to be sure to keep his distance and stay safe.
Kris Kindle: We would also usually be getting ready to do Kris Kindle in our classes and the
children would be getting cards for each other.
This year we have reluctantly decided not to have Kris Kindle in the classes and to ask
children not to bring in cards for each other. When we thought about cards and Kris Kindle
we realised that the protocols and procedures we’d have to put into place to keep everyone
safe would place an extra burden on parents and teachers and the simplest solution is to leave
it for this year. Hopefully, these traditions can begin again next year.
Story Teller: On Wednesday 9th December both classes will have a Zoom storytelling session
in their classes. This has been organised by Pauline in Monaghan County Museum and we
thank her for including our school in this event.
Christmas Jumpers: For our last day of term, 22nd December, we are going to have a ‘no
jumper day’. Pupils may wear a Christmas jumper or any colourful jumper on that day. We
will also be inviting families to make a contribution to Crumlin Hospital, but as always, there
is no obligation to contribute. We are conscious that we have already collected for Temple
Street hospital and don’t want to burden parents needlessly.
The children will finish school at 12:30pm on that day.
Yours sincerely,
Séamus Grundy
Roll number: 16954C Charity Number: 20132170 twitter: @rackwallacens website: www.rackwallacens.com