St. Michael's N.S. - Rackwallace Monaghan
St. Michael's N.S. - Rackwallace Monaghan
St. Michael's N.S. - Rackwallace Monaghan
– Rackwallace
Monaghan. H18 XY66
Roll No: 16954C
Telephone: 047 85282 email:
Twitter : @rackwallacens
4 November 2019
Dear Parents,
Junior Room: I met with Mrs. Treanor before the Hallowe’en break and unfortunately she won’t
be back in school until after the end of November.
In order to have continuity in the class I have arranged for Mr. James Turley to substitute for the
whole month.
Mrs. Treanor has very kindly offered to continue to prepare lessons for Mr. Turley so he will be
following her scheme of work.
On behalf of us all I welcome Mr. Turley to St. Michael’s and know he will be very happy here.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Mrs. Mone who very generously interrupted her
career break to help us out over the last few weeks.
When I was chatting with Mrs. Treanor I passed on the good wishes of the whole school
community to her and her family.
Parent Teacher Meetings: As Mrs. Treanor won’t be back with us in November I have decided
to delay the Parent Teacher meetings until after Christmas, probably until February.
It isn’t unusual for other schools to have their Parent Teacher meetings in February and this year
it makes more sense for us to delay them.
Of course if you have a concern about your child please feel free to ring me or write me a note
and I’ll arrange to meet you before or after school some day.
PTA AGM: Our annual AGM of the Parent Teacher Association will take place on Monday
November 11th @8p.m.
The good news is that, so far, two parents have indicated that they are willing to be nominated for
the position of Parents’ Nominee; one on the mothers’ panel and one on the fathers’ panel.
Of course, if you are willing to be nominated please email the PTA at in
advance of the meeting.
The PTA is essential to the smooth running of our school. So many of the activities our pupils
enjoy are made possible by the support and financial backing of our PTA. The PTA is also
important when it comes to drawing up policies and plans for our school.
I am asking each family to send one parent to our AGM. And this year there are no positions on
the committee to be filled so you needed worry that you’ll be forced to take on a job or role.
Trick or Treat for Temple Street: Well done to all the pupils and staff who dressed up for our
annual Hallowe’en party. The children had a great time and there really was a lovely atmosphere
around the school.
At the moment we’ve raised €83 which will go straight to Temple Street by the end of this week.
(a few pupils forgot before the break and have asked me not to send off the money yet)
Stationery Contribution: Many thanks to families who have paid their stationery contribution
over the past few weeks. To date 15 families have made a payment. Please remember to check
your child’s bag/homework journal for a receipt.
Cost for this year: One child: €75 - Two or more children: €150. If smaller, more regular
contributions are more suitable for you that’s perfectly okay.
Operation Christmas Child: If any family is thinking of filling shoe boxes for Operation
Christmas Child please remember that the shoe boxes are scheduled to be collected from the
school next week. Therefore we recommend that all shoe boxes be sent in by Tuesday 12th
Dates for your Diary: I’m aware that the next few weeks are very busy times for families and
for our school. As I become aware of dates and times of events I will try to give you as much
notice as possible in case parents need to book time off or arrange babysitting etc.
Christmas Concert: We have been invited to take part in the Ardaghey show on the
evening of December 12th. We are delighted to take part in this wonderful community
event as it gives our pupils a chance to perform in front of their parents, grandparents,
families and the wider Ardaghey community. Many thanks to the hall committee for their
kind invitation.
Carol Singing: We will be carol singing in the shopping centre in December (provisional
date the morning of Monday 16th December). This has become an annual tradition. The
pupils and staff thoroughly enjoy the experience and we raise some money for the St
Vincent de Paul.
Swimming Next Year: As you are aware pupils from junior infants to 1st class must have
an adult with them to help them change for swimming. I know that some parents may
need to make arrangements so I’m giving you the dates now. Lessons will commence on
Tuesday 7th January @12:40p.m. and finish on Tuesday 25th February. I’ll give you more
details about the lessons etc. closer to the date.
Yours sincerely,
Séamus Grundy